Tag Archives: COP28

Diary Blog, 13 December 2023

Morning music

[under Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, London]

From the newspapers


A farmer who was filmed dragging his white husky along the road while it was tied to the back of his car before she died has avoided jail.

Kim Norman Rendall, 65, was filmed callously dragging his pet pooch Daisy by a rope for around 200 metres, along Timsbury Road in High Littleton, near Bath.

Bristol Crown Court heard numerous motorists witnessed the horror and tried to stop Rendall by beeping and flashing their lights at his red Nissan Micra. But he refused to get help for Daisy and later left her to die in a cow barn. 

Daisy was eventually found by police but was left severely injured in the incident on the afternoon of April 17 this year and had to be put to sleep nine days later.

Rendall was sentenced today to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, 300 hours of unpaid work alongside a 20 year disqualification from having or keeping animals with the exception of cattle, and fish.

[Daily Mail]

Inadequate. The retired policemen recently convicted for a few trivial jokes and remarks on WhatsApp got about the same.

Animals are still not adequately protected, including protection by deterrence.

If ever an animal cruelty case demanded at least a token few —or several, or more— weeks in the clink, this was it.

The matter is now in the hands of higher powers, and also, perhaps, those of local residents.


Sir Keir Starmer‘s immigration policy is based on a lie. A well-intentioned lie, a lie designed to make us feel better about ourselves; but a lie nonetheless, a lie that will eventually bring down any Government he gets to lead.

He trotted out his falsehood again and again in interviews yesterday. Labour‘s solution to illegal immigration was to ‘break the gangs’.

Ah, what a delightful idea. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could blame the Channel crossings on a few evil people traffickers? 

We could then regard every illegal entrant as a victim — the highest accolade our debased age bestows. We could imagine them all as desperate families who have been exploited by callous mafiosi. We could divert resentment of illegal immigration away from the illegals themselves.

The trouble is, it’s piffle. The idea that demand would dry up if there were no middlemen is a fantasy. Blaming people-traffickers is sheer deflection.

We are, in other words, just starting a new age of mass migration, a völkerwanderung. How we deal with it will define the politics of every wealthy country. I have no doubt that much of the legal infrastructure we put in place after World War II, including the UN Refugee Convention (1951) and the European Convention on Human Rights (1953) will end up being dismantled.

[Daily Mail]


As Hannan says, the post-1945 legal architecture was never designed to allow potentially —and quite literally— hundreds of millions of migrant-invaders the “right” to invade Europe. That is the scale of the danger facing us.


A third of both Gen Z and Millennials admit they get so nervous when they eat out they are afraid to order their own food – and have to ask someone to do it for them.

A new study found ‘menu anxiety’ is most felt by those aged between 18 and 24 as 34 per cent confess they ask others to choose and speak to the waiter for them.

And when they do finally order, a third (33 per cent) of 25-34 year old’s will choose what to eat based on what will look best on social media.

[Daily Mail]

Is this a sign that evolution is telling us that the present society does not deserve to survive in its present form?


Britain’s Net Zero minister flies 7,000 miles from the Cop28 climate summit and back again just to vote on Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda Bill.”

[Daily Mail]

I saw about 10 mins of Sky News coverage of that ludicrous COP28 jamboree. Some woman, a total clown, was talking about how vital it all was (just like it was last time, and in Copenhagen in 2009, when it turned out that the idiots could not even organize their own conference without creating chaos).

This is akin to the Covid “panicdemic”— those preaching from on high, from their massively-polluting private jets, do not really believe the bs they want the masses to believe (and so be compliant with all manner of “official” demands and restrictions).


One in five young Americans believe the Holocaust did not happen, a shock poll has found.

The survey, by The Economist and YouGov., included 1,500 people ranging in age from 18 to over 65 years old who were asked a series of questions about the massacre of six million Jews. 

Approximately 20 percent of people aged 18 to 29 agreed with the statement ‘the Holocaust is a myth’ and even more believed the death toll has been exaggerated.

Another survey asked 1,500 Americans if they agreed or disagreed with the statement, ‘The Holocaust has been exaggerated.’

For the 18 to 29 group, 23 percent agreed, and 26 percent neither agreed or disagreed.

So at least 49%…

People are waking up to the fraud and fakery.

The msm bias and absurdity is plain: the Daily Mail scribbler thinks that “the holocaust” is an “event“…


Worth reading. In our “free” country, I am effectively barred from commenting (thanks to “you know who”), so I shall not, not at present anyway.


A British advertising firm has allegedly pulled a billboard campaign that pictured  Israelis kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 following ‘an unusual volume of complaints from the public’.

The campaign was organised by the Israeli Embassy…

London Lites terminated what was meant to be a two-week ad campaign on boards throughout the capital after just six days, Jewish News reports.

The company reportedly said that it had received thousands of complaints in response to the posters, which picture Israeli hostages and feature the now-famous hashtag ‘Bring Them Home Now’.

The Israeli Embassy in London said in response to the adverts being taken down: ‘We regret that the “London Lites” company caved to the threats of an extreme minority in the UK, which forcefully tries to limit freedom of expression. 

‘The Embassy is considering further steps against the company.

[Daily Mail]

So the Israeli Embassy deprecates “the threats of an extreme minority in the UK, which forcefully tries to limit freedom of expression.

Ha. They should talk to their collaborators in the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] in that case. That malicious cabal is engaged in a persistent campaign to do just that— to limit and kill off the freedom of expression of British people, as witness my own persecution over the past decade, culminating recently in actual prosecution, a prosecution procured by political pressure exerted by the “CAA”, and the Jew-Zionist lobby generally, on the CPS, right up to the level of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Indeed, it is the “CAA” that has recently had vans driving around London carrying large illuminated posters of the Gaza hostages. The “CAA” is a major collaborator of the Israeli Embassy in this and other activities.

Tweets seen

Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia

[Adolf Hitler, surrounded by well-wishers, at the 1936 Olympiad]

More tweets seen

There are environmentalists who are genuine, and others who are not: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/11/17/social-nationalism-and-green-politics/.

See also (from 2018): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/06/09/society-politics-and-the-mental-landscape/.

If I say so myself, who shouldn’t, that blog post has held up rather well over the intervening 5-6 years. I hope that more people see it (there were a couple of hits today) before the (((usual suspects))) manage to use the suborned legal system to censor or even temporarily remove the blog.

“Why” is easy to understand. Pseudo-liberal “democracy” has not been providing the people with what they need. However, “populism” without social nationalism becomes merely a fake, a front for those who are under the thumb of Israel and the Jewish lobby. Think Farage, Tice, “Reform UK”. What think you, Monsieur Goodwin? Oh…

It is even possible that the Conservative Party will get a nationwide vote-share of well below 25%, or even below 20%, as even formerly die-hard Con voters are turned off by the sheer ineptitude of the bunch of clowns pretending to be a Cabinet and Government.

Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] puts the Con Party result for 2024, on the above premises (based on a 16% Con vote), as a total of 39 MPs (even a 20% vote might give the Con Party only 59 MPs).

Much, of course, depends on whether the Labour vote holds up or not. If it falls below 40% nationwide, the result might be very different.

Still, Goodwin must be right as far as “historic defeat” is concerned. In 1945, the Con Party was left with 197 MPs; in 1997 only 165. At present, it seems as if the 2024 result might be even more striking: somewhere between 25 and 125 MPs.

Ha ha! Slava!

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 December 2023, with thoughts about General Election 2024, Reform UK etc

Afternoon music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scraped another narrow victory over political journalist John Rentoul, with 5/10 as compared to his 4/10.

I knew the answers to questions 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10.

Tweets seen

I feel that, with the passing into history of the late Queen, the Monarchy in Britain has ceased to be of any real relevance.

Charles has become a total —and very obvious— mouthpiece for the international conspiracy.

Please refer to previous comment…

That would result, using Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] in a massive Labour majority of (about) 352: Labour 501 MPs, Conservatives 74, LibDems 35. The only thing keeping the Con Party going would be its history (now trashed anyway), its assets (if any) and its name-recognition among the public.

I notice that it might also mean an undeserved boost to the LibDems, tripling their number of MPs.

Despite that polling, indicating that Reform UK might still win no seats (despite polling nationwide a point higher than the LibDems; more proof that FPTP voting is not working now in the UK), this may not be the end of the show. I think that political academic Matt Goodwin might be right in predicting a surge in support for the rather pathetic latest Farage vehicle (now notionally led by Richard Tice).

If, as Goodwin predicts might happen, Reform UK does surge to, say, 15%, and if the extra 5 points come from Con Party former voters, then the number of Con Party seats reduces to about 30, but Labour would gain, and not Reform UK, which would still be left without any MPs despite, in that scenario, scoring one and a half times the votes of the LibDems, who would end up with about 43 MPs. The voting system is broken.

The reason of course, is that (as with UKIP in 2015) Reform UK has a fairly even level of support nationwide, without the concentrations of votes in some constituencies that the LibDems have.

In fact, to start getting MPs, Reform UK will have to achieve about 18% across the board. If those votes all came from former Con voters, the Con Party vote would have to decline to 14%. In that unlikely (?) scenario, the Conservatives would be left with about 10 MPs and might fairly be said to have been wiped out.

Incidentally, on 18%, Reform UK would still only get about 1 MP.

If Reform UK can take Labour votes as well, a very different picture. Still a huge Labour majority, but the Conservatives left with a rather more respectable 80-90 seats (and LibDems with about 50). Reform UK would still only get one or two MPs, however. Very unjust (not that I have much time for Reform UK, especially after Farage and Tice recently doormatting for Israel and the Jewish lobby).

I take Goodwin’s point though (I should do— after all, I have been making it for years myself): in a situation where both main System parties are determined to do pretty much the opposite of what most voters want, even sheep-like voters start to think how to protest, in the absence of a credible social-national party. Former Con voters may abstain, or may vote (mainly) for Reform UK, maybe LibDem, or other parties; Labour dissenters who dislike Starmer and his Labour Party may protest by (mainly) voting LibDem or Green.

Both main System parties are signed up to the transnational conspiratorial agenda— funnelling blacks and browns into Europe and other formerly almost-entirely white European societies (Australia, New Zealand etc). Also, signed up to the whole globalization project, to the biosecurity pseudo-health state idea, and to the cashless society idea (thus allowing the “central power” to de-bank people, cut off funds etc at will, eventually, e.g. to punish those who say or write the “wrong” things).

At present, GE 2024 is still a year ahead, probably. The only fairly certain fact is that this Government has run out of road, and is hanging on because it cannot think of anything else to do. Indian money-juggler Sunak is as misplaced in his office as were “Boris”-idiot, Theresa May, and David Cameron-Levita; ah, I actually forgot that ridiculous “ho”, Liz Truss. She too.

Sunak will probably decamp to California by 2025 at latest. Remember that nasty little bastard Nick Clegg? He is now living in an affluent suburb near San Francisco.

We are “ruled” by cosmopolitan poseurs of that sort, totally corrupt, and their venality equalled by their incompetence.

More tweets

Yes, but at present there are nearly a million unwanted migrant-invaders coming to live in the UK every year, even after emigrants are taken into account. That makes a continuing and worsening housing situation inevitable.

In a word, yes…

“Ukraine” (Kiev regime)— a failed state, a non-state.

A considerable part of the Ukrainian population might be fairly described as “blockheads” (even before they get drunk).

Please refer to previous comment.

I do not know the politics of Highgate, particularly, so cannot really comment.

Incidentally, that tweeter, John Edwards, a retired fire chief, at one time quite a few years ago would chat to me on Twitter (a pack of Jews had me expelled in 2018), but later had his ear bent to the extent that he tweeted to people that I was “a dreadful fascist“; yet here I am supporting his right to freedom of expression. #MoralHighGround…

Anyone who votes Labour in 2024 expecting any kind of positive change in the UK from that would have to be a total idiot. However, the present Sunak Government is just so hated and despised by almost everyone (my guess, around 85%+) that, in a basically binary electoral/political system, Labour, despite the fact that it offers —realistically— nothing, is almost certain to win big next year.

Britain is now so screwed, and in almost every way, that only a total change to a social-national rulership, combined with a massive cultural and other purge, will save it, if it can be saved.

Hancock should have been tarred and feathered, along with all those in and around government promulgating the absurd “lockdowns” and other “Covid”-related nonsense.

Instead, he is given hundreds of thousands of pounds to eat snails and witchetty grubs in that ridiculous “Jungle” TV show.

My assessment of Hancock from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/09/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-matt-hancock-story/.

Well, dear readers, was I right or wrong?

See also: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/scientists-reveal-jewish-history-s-forgotten-turkish-roots-a6992076.html.

“Israeli-born geneticist believes the Turkish villages of Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz were part of the original homeland for Ashkenazic Jews.

New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.

The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.

According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.

[The Independent]

In other words, they have no right (based on claims of ancient settlement) to the lands now known as Israel and Palestine.

There should be an institute somewhat similar to SS-Ahnenerbe which could take DNA and other evidence, in order to investigate such theories and claims.

Should not be too difficult. After all, Zelensky has ripped off tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, of US dollars, has a $50M villa in Florida, another luxury villa in Italy, probably others as well.

Late music

[painting by M. Lounis]