Tag Archives: hate speech

Diary Blog, 27 May 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago



I would prefer to see an entirely different kind of cull.

Tweets seen

A social problem that could be solved overnight, were there the political will to do it.

Just imagine— FIVE MILLION Twitter-twits think that the mentally-afflicted Swedish autistic, aged 19, is worth “following”…


With a couple of exceptions, the New Zealand women I have encountered have all been aggressively politically-correct (and frighteningly-ignorant) wastes of space. I wonder why.

Helen Clark thinks that cannabis use should be de-criminalized but that “the wrong sort” of opinions on social media should be criminalized. That tells you all you need to know about her.

More tweets seen

It is ironic that those of us often accused of wanting to institute dictatorship are in the forefront of the battle for free speech, freedom of expression, reasonable civil rights.

It is the pseudo-liberal supporters of the System, such as the Jew-Zionist element, the supposed supporters of (System) “democracy”, mainstream politicians etc (including most TV “celebrities” and talking heads, most “journalists” and other scribblers, most “human rights”-squawking barristers) who are on the other side, wanting strict “lockdowns”, shutdowns, forced vaccination, control of social media, and prosecution for anything “anti-Semitic” and/or “racist” etc.

Rory Stewart

Meanwhile, winning this week’s prize for stating the very obvious— Rory Stewart:

Rory Stewart says, though slightly more diplomatically, that Boris-idiot is a narcissistic waste of space, unfit for office. True, and many of us were tweeting and blogging the same, years ago. Still, “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones“…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.


“Ukraine’s armed forces and regional officials say Russia is launching attacks on all fronts in eastern Ukraine in what seems to be new offensive.” [The Guardian].

I think that the Russian forces are now doing what I thought they were trying to do about a month ago, i.e. drawing a line from the coastal regions of the Sea of Azov and Black Sea up the eastern bank of the river Dnieper through Zaporozhye and Dnipro [former Dnepropetrovsk], then towards Kharkov, with the aim of eliminating all Ukrainian forces to the east of that line, then occupying all territory to the east of that line.

Once the above has been accomplished, the strategy may well be to strike north from Dnipro and west from the Kharkov area (once Kharkov is either taken or isolated), thus controlling and/or occupying almost all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper and south of Kiev itself.

More tweets

Ha ha! I could not ignore that prize example of socio-political idiocy. Seems that there are still “useful idiots” around who idolize the Jew Marx. Not that everything he wrote was wrong; even Hitler said that (see Hitler’s Table Talk). However, what was, in its heyday, a serious political movement, meaning Marxism, or Marxism-Leninism, has become (gradually, since the 1950s) a farrago of nonsense play-politics, on the periphery of both events and political thought.

Incidentally, the two specimens above are students at Exeter University: see https://twitter.com/Franhendersonx.

In the famous words of Marx himself: “…first time as tragedy, second time as farce“…

Thus actor-turned-activist Laurence Fox displays ignorance of history, ethnology, and politics, all in two short tweets. As I have written previously, you can dump Fox in the same bin as Toby Young, James Delingpole, Breitbart, GB News, the fake “Free Speech Union”, UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform Party, Nigel Farage, “Tommy Robinson”, and Katie Hopkins (etc):

Grifting wastes of space, as well as controlled opposition.

Not that all that they say is wrong…see below:

A couple of my own experiences: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

The truth of that becomes more apparent daily.

Late tweets seen

Jewish. Every. Single. Time.

You only have to look at the “British” Cabinet and also the non-Cabinet ministers. Jews, part-Jews, Indians, Pakistanis. Where are the English?

Late music

[Bishop’s Rock lighthouse, Isles of Scilly. Hard to believe that I visited it, long long ago, in an open boat (in high summer, and with the sea almost flat calm, though). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_Rock]

Diary Blog, 23-24 August 2021

23 August 2021

Tweets seen

As I predicted long ago. Now that Twitter has expelled most of the really interesting tweeters (among them, if I may be so immodest, me), and now that anyone not pro-System and pro-Israel is expelled if discovered, it has become very much an “echo chamber” for those of System-conformist views. Rather boring, and very predictable.

That point about “mental illness” is a good one: so many of the pro-Israel, Jew-Zionist and/or “antifascist” tweeters have mental problems (often severe). I lightheartedly pointed that out years ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

Quite right…

Clown cops. Do they have a Twitter account yet?

Were Moses alive today, he would be regarded as a dangerous “far right” extremist, as well as “intolerant” of the newly-normalized sexual and socio-economic liberties. The followers of the Golden Calf would have him arrested, convicted and punished for “hate speech” and incitement to violence (etc). Makes you think…

Late music

24 August 2021

More tweets

It would be interesting to know what proportion of the Australian public actually believes the bs being pumped out by the new Australian “woke” police state and its compliant msm propagandists.

…and none dare call it treason…

To What Extent Can The UK Still Be Called “A Free Country”?

I noticed this tweet:


which relates to this [below]


Here we see the News Editor for The Guardian, no less, favouring censorship of views and even thoughts (so long as those censored are white…)


The Indian woman noted above, Priyamvada Gopal, is apparently an academic at Cambridge University. An out and out enemy of freedom (for white Northern Europeans). She does not want compromise, dialogue, let alone academic or civil freedom of thought and speech. She is an enemy.

In fact her Twitter timeline is a useful resource, where enemies of the British people expose themselves, in effect confessionally. As I have written in other contexts, Twitter is a good reservoir of open source intelligence about many of the enemies of Europe’s future.

Since I wrote the above (some weeks ago), Douglas Murray has written this:


An interesting and valuable piece, though I have to say that I never saw Douglas Murray (very pro-Jew, pro-Zionist) standing up for my rights of belief or expression when a pack of Zionist Jews pressured the Bar Standards Board to have me disbarred a few years ago. See:


or when the same pack of Jews, more or less, also tried to have me charged by the police in 2017:


In fact, I have been writing on the same theme as Douglas Murray’s article for some time:




There is more than one group trying to repress opinion (or even personal belief) in the UK at the moment. I have already mentioned the Jew-Zionists, and they are probably the most dangerous, because they have infiltrated over decades into the msm, as well as law, politics and, of course, business, as well as its offshoot, advertising. There are others travelling the same way, but the Zionists are driving most of this. The “antifa” idiots, the “multikulti” partisans, the Tooting Popular Front-style self-described “leftists”, post-Marxists etc are also involved, but on the lower levels, usually; they are far less effective because far less “connected”. “Useful idiots” for the Zionists.

I described in one of the links above how I was disbarred because the Jews wanted to punish me for my expressed views, views mainly expressed then on Twitter. In fact, I had ceased practice some 7-8 years previously, so “they” did not damage my professional and other life as they intended (which is no doubt why they then tried to manipulate tame Essex Police into doing their dirty work), but that is scarcely the point. The point is that (((they))) used (misused) the Bar’s Code of Conduct (now very much more restrictive than it was in the past, when professional standards were in fact far higher….) as a political bullying tactic.

The same thing has happened to a UK-based Palestinian activist, Nazim Ali:




In short, the police and Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] declined to charge or prosecute Nazim Ali. The malicious Jew-Zionist “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [CAA] then launched a private prosecution, only for the CPS to take over that private prosecution and (as is their prerogative in law) discontinue it:


When I was disbarred, Gideon Falter, the obsessed head of the CAA, crowed that people like Ian Millard, who had the temerity to criticize Jews, would “face devastating professional consequences”, which rather proved my point that that Bar Disciplinary Tribunal case was not really about me at all, but about trying to create a precedent which could be weaponized against others, not only at the Bar but elsewhere.

The CAA tried to do somewhat the same against Alison Chabloz, the satirical singer-songwriter, inasmuch as the CAA Jews, in her case, were trying to create a precedent in respect of “holocaust” “denial” (historical revision and revisionism). The CAA director, Falter, once studied law at Warwick University, but I have no idea whether he got a degree or not (and I have not seen it said anywhere that he has any professional legal qualifications).

Now we see that Nazim Ali is going to be “tried” by the professional regulators of the pharmacists’ profession. I wonder whether Zionists drafted the no doubt quite-recently-changed equivalent of their “code of conduct”? I wonder whether Zionists are employed in key posts?


The CAA pressured the relevant professional body. That is not some “conspiracy theory”; the CAA Zionists admit it [see link above] and in fact are proud of having done so!

The Zionists are far more dangerous enemies of freedom of expression than are odd UK-based Indian “academics”, however venomous they may be.

My view can be put simply, and is that there should be complete freedom to express, to adult citizens, one’s views on politics, society and history, as a minimum. However, such civilized freedoms have their enemies, and we must deal with them, before it is too late.



A few relevant cartoons…








Update, 11 September 2019

Here is a case which illustrates how far the UK has gone down the path of repression: someone imprisoned for 2.5 years for putting a few stickers on lamp-posts! That, in a country where violent thugs, abusers of the elderly, and other social evildoers are routinely given non-custodial sentences!

26 September 2019

Further thoughts

Germany is already treading such a path, and has been for many years. Laws against freedom of expression politically, socially, even historically (“holocaust” “denial” laws, laws against mentioning the many positive aspects of the [Third] Reich etc). Now such repression is intensifying.



Update, 28 September 2019


Here we see the approaching reality of “White Genocide”. It does not happen overnight. First, a few non-European immigrants, then more and more, all breeding fast. At the same time, freedom for British (or other European) people is eroded by “race relations”, “community relations”, “hate speech”, or “malicious communications” laws aimed in reality only at white people. The Jews are behind much of it, and they of course have their own agenda: to close down criticism or even plain disbelief in the “holocaust” fable and its fakery; also, to prevent opposition to Israel.

We see now (I saw 40+ years ago) where this leads: to a Britain where white people have no real political expression (just a shadow political life, ruled by Jewish influence); no freedom of expression even on legitimate political, social or historical questions; eventually, no right to exist at all.

Whites are not breeding; non-whites are. White Genocide. It’s real, it’s happening (gradually, but becoming ever-more apparent), and anyone sticking up for freedom (even in art or music) is repressed, even imprisoned. Look at the famous “banksters” mural,


now painted over because said to be “anti-Semitic”. Look at Alison Chabloz, prosecuted and persecuted for singing satirical songs. Look at me (and others), disbarred for a few tweets critical of Zionist Jewry and the way the UK is fast-declining.

Action has to be taken if any decent future in Europe is to be saved.

Update, 29 September 2019


Good…but he should never have been harassed by the police in the first place.

Update, 14 October 2019

Below, radio loudmouth and ignoramus Julia Hartley-Brewer defends free speech. Strangely enough, she spoke not a word when I was disbarred at the instigation of a malicious pack of Jews, when Alison Chabloz was persecuted, prosecuted and convicted by connected pack of Jews, when Jez Turner was actually imprisoned by the same pack of Jews. I must be missing something. Or maybe not…

Julia Hartley-Brewer



When does it all stop? People trying to get other people sacked by pretending to take offence at them expressing their perfectly reasonable and honestly held opinions. We all know where this ends… https://twitter.com/pinknews/status/1183300102062067712 




Thousands call for Piers Morgan to be fired by Good Morning Britain for ‘dehumanising’ trans people https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2019/10/13/sack-piers-morgan-petition-itv-good-morning-britain-transgender/ 


Update, 15 October 2019

Below, what this politically-correct “offence” culture leads to: police (on the ground, the usual po-faced, politically-correct WPC…) threatening to investigate and arrest those who copy a definition out of the Oxford English Dictionary!



Update, 19 October 2019


A comment about me, only seen by me on 24 October 2019

Strangely enough, “free speech” devotee James Delingpole seems unwilling to respond to someone’s tweet mentioning me. The Spectator and other places where he scribbles are all under Jew-Zionist influence or control, though, so it really is not so strange that his support for “free speech” has its limits…


(btw, Twitter account @ChequeShanghai seems well worth reading)

While browsing around the above, I happened to see the tweet below, in which the Jew scribbler Finkelstein (now, absurdly, elevated to the House of Lords!) makes a nuisance of himself to a young woman who retweeted me when I was still on Twitter (the Jews had me expelled in 2018). Another example of how (((they))) try to control free speech. The sad thing is that so many people fail to stand up to (((them))). I think that that will change, though…

Just seen…

Looks like the Shomrim (Jew private police operating out of a couple of real police stations in North London and even operating cars got up to look like real police cars and with their personnel dressed exactly like police —which is an offence, but a blind eye is turned—) may have had to find alternative accommodation…


Update, 21 November 2019


Update, 23 November 2019


The police, CPS etc, but especially police, seem incapable of distinguishing, or unwilling to distinguish, between “grossly offensive” (unlawful) and merely “offensive” (lawful) and tend to treat all “offensive” communications as “grossly offensive”, which runs counter to Court of Appeal and Supreme Court case authority.

This is what happens when plainly bad law, such as Communications Act 2003, s.127, is drafted and passed into statute.

Update, 5 January 2021:

Re. the Nazim Ali case, the CAA conspirators had Nazim Ali brought before the disciplinary tribunal of the professional regulator of pharmacists. The result was that his comments were adjudged as “offensive” but not “antisemitic” (why not “antisemitic” but not offensive?!). He was then issued with a warning: https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/content/nazim-hussain; https://www.chemistanddruggist.co.uk/news/gphc-pharmacists-grossly-offensive-remarks-result-ftp-warning.

The full determination can be found here: https://www.pharmacyregulation.org/sites/default/files/determinations/ali_nazim_2041615_principal_hearing_05-11-2020.pdf

That was, of course, insufficient for the Jew-Zionists, who raged about being denied their pound of flesh. They wanted to have Nazim Ali deprived of his profession, trade, business, and home. https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/swc-and-caa-disappointed-zionism-slur-ruled-not-antisemitism-648435; https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/ethics-panel-clears-uk-pharmacist-blamed-zionists-for-london-fire-648292

I expect that their preference would be for Ali’s business and home to be demolished, as often happens in their beloved Israel (to which, however, few of “them” seem to want to relocate!).

The Jews’ next move was to get their (many) lawyers working on persuading the Professional Standards Authority to take the disciplinary part of the General Pharmaceutical Council itself to the High Court! See this jubilatory blog post by David Collier, a prominent Jew-Zionist activist for Israel who was one of only two “witnesses” against Nazim Ali: https://david-collier.com/jewish-community/

The aim is for the Nazim Ali case to be reheard and/or the “sentence” replaced by a far more severe one.

From the Jews’ point of view, the ideal outcome would be for Nazim Ali to be struck off the roll of pharmacists and also fined heavily. He would thus be deprived of profession, business and home. Almost as good as what would happen in “Israel” itself…

Update, 4 February 2024

Ha ha!

All “their” effort for nothing…