Tag Archives: Jordan

Diary Blog, 26 March 2024

Afternoon music

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From the newspapers


Unwanted here. Troublemakers.

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All high-ranking members of the Kiev regime are legitimate targets, most of all Zelensky himself, and Danilov.

Israeli embassies worldwide are not normal diplomatic buildings but centres for every kind of subversion and snooping, even compared to some others which mix diplomacy with an illegitimate amount of espionage and other activity.

London court postpones Assange’s extradition to the US Julian Assange has been granted a reprieve in his fight against extradition to America.

London’s Supreme Court has ruled that the WikiLeaks founder can take his case to an appeal hearing if the UK and US fail to meet certain conditions, The Guardian writes.

The court demands that the United States allow Assange to invoke the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech. They must also ensure that his Australian citizenship will not affect the proceedings, and that the death penalty will not be taken against the whistleblower, the publication explains.

If the court does not receive such guarantees by April 16, the defense will be able to appeal. However, even if assurances are provided, the parties will be able to file a motion before a final decision is made to file an appeal, the article emphasizes. If Assange is denied permission to appeal, he could be sent to the United States within days to face espionage charges.

His lawyers insist that the charges related to WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of secret and diplomatic documents related to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are politically motivated and the extradition request is illegal.

A purely political and malicious attempt to silence a truthteller. On a smaller stage, the same happened to me, most recently in 2023-2014.

At what point does that sort of thing stop being foolishness (or idiocy) and start to become a form of deliberate treason?

…and who, or what, really, is Macron? Read my assessment from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

That seems to be a reference to American ex-officer Macgregor: see

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Rendezvous]


My crowdfunder, set up to pay the court-imposed costs of my recent free speech trial, remains open. All donations gratefully received. If you cannot donate, please share the link as widely as possible. Thank you.


Diary Blog, 17 October 2023

Battles past

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Ludicrous, tokenist, monkey-on-a-stick and puppet for the Israel lobby.

See Lammy trying to answer a few not very difficult quiz questions:

If or when Labour forms the next UK government in 2024, that will be “our” Foreign Secretary…At least James Cleverly, useless and stupid as he is, is nonetheless somehow wise enough not to pretend that he knows anything or is anything much beyond useless. A lesson Lammy has never learned.

BBC Gaza report from 2 days ago


By comparison, the UK overall has an average population density of about 280 persons per square kilometre, the highest density being in London (about 5,500 per square kilometre).

Imagine about a quarter of the population of London (c.2M) being ordered, effectively on pain of death, and by an alien force, to move from one end of London to the opposite end. Hospitals full of immobile patients; infirm or sick people without road or other transport; babies and small children; companion animals too.

That is what the Jews of Israel, and egged on by most Jews outside Israel as well, are visiting upon the mostly helpless population of Gaza.

Not just Jewish bullies. Inhuman. Their behaviour is inhuman.

In the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, the Provisional IRA conducted a terror campaign in the UK from bases in Ireland, some of which were in the Republic. Some “mainstream” Irish TDs (MPs) of the post-1949 era, and even one or two Irish taoiseachs (Prime Ministers), such as Charles Haughey and Sean Lemass, were pro-IRA to a greater or lesser extent. The UK did not bomb Dublin or Dundalk, still less invade the Republic.

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“Baroness” Warsi is and always was a waste of space, but at least she is not a complete puppet of the Israel/Jewish lobby in the UK. Sunak is. Starmer is.

That ridiculous creature Suella Braverman also is completely in the Zionist pocket. Married to a Jew, she now seems to be moving from a position (some time ago) of support for “free speech” to, now, one of saying that anyone criticizing Israel or Jewish behaviour, or supporting the people suffering in Gaza, will face prosecution.

I know that she was never much respected when she worked as an ordinary barrister, but this is moving to a police-state position on freedom of expression.

In fact, how long will it be before anyone in politics, law, the mass media, will have to pledge allegiance or fealty to the Jews and Israel, or face complete “cancellation” professionally? It has already gone some way towards that in the UK, USA, Australia, even France and Germany.

A —superficially— “velvet glove” type of finance-capitalist “Stalinism”, if you like.

When Suella Braverman made her speech about migration-invasion recently, I found some aspects of it with which I could agree, despite (of course) believing that persons only notionally British should not be Cabinet ministers, or indeed prime ministers.

However, any UK politician who curries favour with the Jewish lobby/Israel lobby is not one who deserves any respect at all.

Incidentally, she has now thrown the “Community Security Trust” or “CST” (the Jew-Zionist strongarm and snoop organization) another £3M of taxpayers’ money (they were given £14M just recently).

I read about that the same day as I found out that a hospice known to me, a wonderful peaceful place which I visited several times about 6 years ago, may have to close because it faces a financial shortfall of “only” £100,000. About 11% of its income comes from government funds.

£3M given to an organization controlled by ultra-wealthy Jews at a time when hospices (etc) are closing because Suella Braverman’s government will not supply more money (a small fraction of the monies given to the “CST”).

The priorities of UK politicians are rotten to the core.

The Bealtaine Cottage lady’s website is very interesting, and I say that despite the fact that she blocked me on Twitter, when I still had a Twitter account (a Jew cabal pressured Twitter to expel me by 2018), simply because (once again— it’s ALWAYS “them”) a Jew kept contacting and harassing her, misrepresenting my socio-political views.

I like to think that I am a fair person…#MoralHighGround.

Here is the Bealtaine Cottage website: https://bealtainecottage.com/.

Owen Jones

I see that Owen Jones has contrived to get more public attention:

What Jones fails to point out is that that British-imposed law probably had a penalty for breach of a small fine or a short prison sentence. I admit that I do not know exactly how much or how long. The Arab/Islamist penalty (I presume, and have seen news to that effect previously) is something like getting thrown off a building, or getting a bullet in the head.

When I was practising at the Bar in London during 1993-1996, I used to do quite a bit of Judicial Review work at the High Court. Most, though not all, was either immigration or housing-related. One such case was a Pakistani fighting deportation to Pakistan on the ground that he was a member of an Islamic sect considered heretical by the other Muslims.

I think, subject to correction, that there are about 70 different sects in Islam.

The said “heresy” was punishable (probably still is) by a maximum penalty of death. The original law prohibiting such belief and/or membership had been passed by the British rulers under the Raj, in the 19th Century.

The devil is in the detail. The original British law provided for a small fine by way of punishment. After Independence and Partition (1947), the law itself was kept exactly as it had been when first passed, but the penalties increased gradually from that original small fine to larger fines, terms of imprisonment, and finally (I think in about 1980 or so) to the death penalty.

The outcome of that case at the High Court in ~1994 is not relevant to my point but, as far as I can recall, the case was listed before a judge who said that he had made a study of the particular sect in question (God knows why). I suppose that he was well-placed to judge the matter fairly. I think that he remitted the case to be reviewed further by the Home Office in the end.

Owen Jones occasionally tweeted against me in the past, I blogged about him nearly 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

Talking point

Well, I thought that interesting enough to put on the blog, though I do not necessarily endorse it all.

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The Israelis go ever-lower. Bombing a hospital. Plainly a war crime.

Are such missiles being too widely-dispersed? Surely Clausewitzian doctrine, as developed over the past 200+ years, demands a concentration of forces to create a Schwerpunkt in or on the enemy territory?

Perhaps the Israelis are planning to simply reduce the main populated parts of Gaza to rubble, like the Romans did to Carthage, so that no-one can live there for many years, perhaps hundreds of years. They might decide to poison the area with radioactive elements, for example. Very evil.

If what the Israelis are doing right now to the Gazan population is, as they and their Western mouthpieces claim, not a war crime, then there is something wrong with the definition of a war crime.

A brazen attempt to intimidate the civilian populations of Lebanon.

“From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tel Aviv”…

Tripoli“, in the song refers to North Africa, not Lebanon…

Are we moving towards WW3 here? First Jews v. Arabs in Israel/Palestine, then maybe Lebanon (Hezbollah) joining in, and yet another Israeli attack on Lebanon and Syria, then maybe Iran responding. Finally, big-power involvement. USA/NATO, Russia, even China.

Inhuman breaches of not only international law but basic decency.

Late music

Diary Blog, 11 October 2023

Morning music

[Rembrandt, Man in Armour, said to be a representation of Christian Rosenkreutz, founder of the Rosicrucians]

Battles past

Tweets seen

…and imagine if some non-Jew said it, mutatis mutandis, about Jews! The “poundland KGB” British police of 2023 would go mad trying to please the Jewish-Zionist lobby by arresting the speaker.

That is what I say— No!

From the newspapers


The war has threatened to draw in surrounding territories after shells were fired from Syria and Lebanon into Israel and Israel shelled the only land exit from Gaza into Egypt – shortly after an Israeli military spokesperson told civilians to flee through it.

Rescue officials in Gaza said ‘large numbers’ of people were still trapped under the remnants of leveled buildings, with rescue equipment and ambulances unable to reach the area.

In a new tactic, Israel is warning civilians to evacuate neighborhood after neighborhood, and then inflicting devastation, in what could be a prelude to a ground offensive. 

Israeli Prime Minister Mr Netanyahu has warned Israel’s military campaign following Saturday’s onslaught is only the start of a sustained war to destroy Hamas and ‘change the Middle East’. 

Entire districts in Gaza were ‘razed‘ in airstrikes today as Israel continues its response to an ongoing incursion launched by Hamas on Saturday.

Israel announced yesterday it would put the region under ‘complete siege’, making the Rafah crossing into Egypt the sole route out of the Gaza Strip by land.

[Daily Mail]

[Israeli attack on Gaza]

If there were an invasion from the North (Lebanese/Syrian territory), that would place the Israeli army under great strain; even more so were Jordan to attack Jerusalem from the East. Neither is likely, though. So far, not even the West Bank Arabs have joined in, not in any substantial way.

For me, as observer, it seems that the importance of these events has been psychological and not military, as such.

The repressed Palestinian Arabs must now realize what may be possible, and the Israeli Jews must also realize what may one day happen (maybe not so far down the line). The Arabs must be feeling emboldened (despite the effectively genocidal Israeli siege and pounding of Gaza), but the Israeli Jews must be feeling fear that all their military might may, one day soon, not be enough to save them. Many must be keeping their second or third passports to hand, in case they decide to flee.

Obviously, from a strict military point of view, the Israeli Army, with its 2,000 or more tanks, and the Israeli Air Force, with hundreds of strike planes, fighters, attack helicopters, and now also drones, cannot be defeated by the poorly-equipped militia of the Palestinian factions. The Israeli Goliath looms over the Palestinian David.

That may, though, in the end, not be the whole picture.

Sven Longshanks

Many British readers of the blog, perhaps some overseas ones too, will be aware that Sven Longshanks, aka James Allchurch, was sentenced to a very harsh 2.5 years in prison (so, in practical terms, 1 year and 13 weeks) earlier this year. The sentence was handed down on 15 May 2023, so he should be released in (or before) mid-August 2024.

In the meantime, “Sven” needs money while in prison, to make the time less unpleasant. Equally importantly, to help him get back on his feet after release: see https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportSven.

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Forget con-man Farage, Talk TV, GB News etc. “Paper tigers”. However, that man may be right re. a future (real) social-national government. God mote it be!

If a parliamentary system stops working for the people, and stops providing for the people, the people will eventually abandon such a system. Truths that the Westminster monkeyhouse may have to learn sooner than its denizens imagine.

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[The Second Goetheanum, Dornach, near Basel, Switzerland]

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Of course, I was one of the first to realize what a useless lump of nothing “Boris” Johnson was/is. About 20 years ago. Everyone else, pretty much, was willing to swallow the line that “Boris” was brilliant, principled, strong, interesting, a Poundland Churchill for our times. The Jews liked him because he is part-Jew, the Muslims liked that he is part-Levantine, the petit bourgeois Daily Mail readers liked the fact that he had been to Eton and Oxford.

In fact, Johnson was only ever a “cosplay”, as people now say; an am-dram “Churchill”, or a matrioshka with nothing inside. A mainly faked “British upper class” persona, a persona with which the part-Jew, part-Levantine chancer was able to fool the plebs.

Of course, put to the test in political office, it all fell to pieces. He proved himself again and again a liar, unprincipled (and not even in an intelligent way), not any kind of “intellectual”, useless, incapable of either ideology or religion, disloyal, and without a real idea in his muddled head.

Johnson was also as weak as a kitten, incapable of being a Prime Minister.

Brexit could still work, but only by the UK allying itself to Russia, or at least standing neutral but trading with Russia.

The sick thing is that Labour, especially under Starmer, has so very little to offer the British people.

Labour only looks —sort-of— good, or —almost— acceptable to many because, in a more or less rigged binary system, it stands alongside the Conservative Party, which is now exposed as totally useless and pointless.

I do think that, after the last few years especially, the Conservative Party has probably reached the end of the road. That may result, once Starmer has really angered people, in the first real and sustained upsurge for social nationalism in my lifetime.

Yet “Sven Longshanks” is in prison until next August simply for broadcasting allegedly or actually —I never tuned in— anti-Jew stuff on “Radio Aryan”…

If prisoners are to be released ahead of time, Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) should be the first out of the gates.

I recently blogged about the upcoming by-elections: Tamworth, Mid-Bedfordshire. They will be a test of the depth of disillusion with the Conservative Party.

I can see the 2024 General Election being a strange triumph for Labour, largely by default, and because former Conservative Party voters will just refuse to vote for the present confused, useless rabble. Some will vote Labour, but more will protest-vote or simply abstain.

The truth should be investigated but the propaganda (true or false) has of course already done its job across the West.

I notice that the usual well-paid “human rights” lawyers in the UK (mostly Jews) are very quiet about Israel subjecting 2 million people in Gaza to life without water, food, electricity or communications. This, unless stopped right now, is actual genocide, imposed by Jews on non-Jews.

Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer. You can almost see the strings being pulled. What a disgusting little man he is,.

Were Israel to be wiped out, the Jew-Zionist lobby in the West would suffer a mortal injury.

Late music