Tag Archives: Laura Trott

Diary Blog, 18 June 2024

Afternoon music

[Adzharia, Black Sea coast]

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Made me laugh (all three of those tweets)…


Just one symptom of a sick society. The sort of people who take Eddie Izzard seriously (politically or otherwise…and probably call him “her”) are the same sort that would love that fake “Labour” unemployed African freeloader to win the election at Clacton.

I am not usually a Champagne drinker but…maybe a half-bottle of vintage on 5 July.

I would not be drinking to Labour’s victory but to the Con Party’s downfall, and especially to the downfall of any of their MPs who will hopefully suffer personally at least slightly as much as those victimized by them over the past 14 years.

Late tweets

Laura Trott. Complete idiot. Idiots like that pretend to know how to rule over us, they pretend to know…things; they also have a completely misconceived sense of entitlement. Kick them into the political gutter.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevenoaks_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Trott_(politician).

Ha ha! “…I won’t be intimidated…!“, tweets Israel-lobby puppet Largan, as he runs away…

He must be looking for a new job, or getting back his old one at Marks & Spencer. His chance of re-election is very small. Nasty little man.

Another one to be binned politically in 2 weeks’ time.

Laura Farris. Another “Conservative” Party idiot. Sadly, in a (formerly, at least) very safe seat. The only way to get rid of her politically on 4 July will be tactical voting. The only obviously likely party would be the LibDems, though Reform UK is standing in Newbury, and is an unknown quantity.

In 2019, Laura Farris scored 57.4% (LibDems 30.6%).

In 2015, UKIP scored over 10% here.

In my opinion, it is not impossible to see Reform UK getting 15% or even more, and the Con vote reducing to about 40%, maybe even 35%. In those circumstances, it is at least possible to see the LibDems getting 35% (or even more, if aided by tactical voting; they scored 35.5% in 2010) and so pulling off rather a coup.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbury_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Farris.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that would give Labour 512 MPs (overall majority 374), LibDems 58, Cons 31, SNP 20, Reform UK 4, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (etc).


So, on that basis, a Labour “elected” dictatorship, LibDems as official Opposition, Cons facing the end of the road, and the SNP pretty washed-up. Also, Farage with a very small but significant bloc of MPs, likely to punch above their weight in public relations terms.

Incidentally, were the Cons to fall to 17% from 18%, their MP numbers would fall from 31 to only 21. FPTP is a harsh system.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 12 June 2024

Morning music

[Wanda Landowska with Tolstoy in 1908 or 1909, possibly at Yasnaya Polyana but more likely at Tolstoy’s house at Kropotkinskaya in central Moscow, which I myself have visited; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanda_Landowska]

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CASE UPDATE: Patron Law insist I get a costs order against Mr Cantor before I apply for costs against them. My application for costs against Mr Cantor is delayed because he is seriously unwell. For the record, can I state what absolutely first rate chaps Patron Law’s partners are (Mark Lewis, Benjamin May and Alexander Zivancevic) for putting their former client Mr Cantor through this in his current state of health. This is them.


More about egregious Israel-based Lewis:

Most voters, most TV talking heads and newspaper scribblers etc have not yet caught up with me and a few of the more perceptive msm commentators (such as Tim Stanley) in understanding that, in Stanley’s words, “the [Conservative Party] brand is…just gone“, and that means that only a few habit-voters, mostly the very elderly, will be voting Con at GE 2024 or thereafter.

I notice that, in latest polling, the Conservative Party is down to 18% with one pollster.

That has happened before to the Cons, in 2019, and in relation to the brief rise and fall of Brexit Party, but not 3 weeks before a general election. In that year, I think that the Cons were down to 19% at one point.

On a secondary point, who could have imagined, in the 1980s, that Russian roads, in the provinces at that, would be better in 2024 than any roads in the UK? Shameful.

The people still voting en masse for the Conservative Party will be, as previously noted, lifelong Con habit-voters now aged 75+, who are concentrated mainly in the safest seats of southern England. In those constituencies, the not-poor and the elderly are the majority.

Having said that, my prediction, right or wrong, remains closer to 50 than 100 Con seats after 4 July 2024.

Talking point

More tweets

One has to ask whether the loss of a Commons seat would be sufficient punishment for a political criminal of that sort. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Trott_(politician). Indeed Sevenoaks has been regarded as a safe Con Party seat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevenoaks_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Wipe them out. Stamp on them. Since 1989, at latest, this party has been completely useless and poisonous.

Anyone who uses “Mark Lewis Lawyer” is a complete idiot (or maybe just badly misinformed…).

As already blogged, I do not “blame” Sunak for not remaining at the 1944 commemoration. After all, he is not, in any real way, “British” in the first place, despite having been born here and having attended Winchester and Oxford.

As for Sunak’s poll ratings, hard to see how they could go much lower. He’s on the way out. Everyone knows it; he knows it. Within 3 weeks, give or take a day or two, he will no longer be PM. Within a few months, he will have been all but forgotten, like Liz Truss.

You might not want to hear this. Many people don’t.

I just spent the last week travelling between London, Helsinki and Tallinn.

I lived in London for many years but it has changed out of all recognition. Tallinn and Helsinki have a safe feel. Homogeneous. No “diversity barriers”. After London, it was quite a shock. You can argue about whether the changes in London are for the better or not but the kids in both Helsinki and Tallinn are skateboarding and drinking milkshakes. They are not carrying around knives and terrorising or stabbing other kids. There is space and clean streets. People are friendly – even to strangers.

London felt like it was crumbling. Closed roads everywhere. A murder minutes from where I was within 6 hours of my arrival. People seemed miserable. I want the UK to do better. To be better. But they need to change things significantly and stop the transformation of the capital city into a third world city. Anyone else agree?

Almost all people of sense agree. 90% of white (i.e. real British) people agree, and even very many of the non-whites agree. Just a tendentious 10% of the people disagree, but that includes most of the MPs, most of the fake “Lords”, and most of the treacherous msm talking heads and scribblers. Poisonous. Get rid of them, and the UK will start to improve.

Yes. Starmer is a disaster waiting to happen; not waiting as an actor or a barrister does, prior to striding onto the stage or rising up in court, but waiting like a man in a charity-shop raincoat, waiting for a bus in the drizzle of a London winter.

Talking point

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Laurence Fox is, politically, a sad waste of space. Pro-Israel, basically pro-Conservative but with a few quibbles around flags and monuments and the like.

Reform UK has one main use as far as I am concerned— to help kill off the Conservative Party. A secondary use is to move the “Overton Window” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window].

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse.” [Wikipedia]

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 March 2024, including some thoughts about inventions and the human mind

Morning music

[El Greco, The Assumption of the Virgin]

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Not much later— next week!

Even some Jews, the ones less contaminated by ancient tribalism, oppose the mass “slaughter of the innocent(s)” in Gaza.

Givati Brigade: Israeli Jews known for brutality and ethnic cleansing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Givati_Brigade.

A horrible tribe.

Apocalyptic. Contrast the complacent American reaction to this with the scalded American reaction to the destruction, by Islamist militants, of two large buildings in New York City in 2001.

According to the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] pressure group in the UK, something like 96% of Jews in the UK identify with Israel and Zionism. That may or may not be exactly accurate, but gives a general picture, anyway.

Even New York is slowly turning anti-Zionist.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Katie Hopkins about OFCOM censorship, Talk TV and GB News


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” [John F. Kennedy].

From the newspapers


Donald Trump surged closer to a rematch with Joe Biden in November as he trounced Nikki Haley, his final rival for the Republican nomination, on Super Tuesday.

The former president, 77, dominated the biggest day of the primaries, winning eleven states by 9.30pm, and leaving the ex-South Carolina governor’s White House dreams hanging by a thread.”

[Daily Mail]

Trump is very flawed, but at least he is not suffering from increasingly-obvious dementia. He will take away Zelensky’s ricebowl, and that will end the war in Ukraine within weeks, as the already-crumbling frontlines of the Kiev regime break, allowing Russian to fulfil its “manifest destiny” and take over all Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and also the Black Sea littoral as far west as Transdniestria.


Birmingham City Council has signed off on a wave of ‘devastating’ cuts to services and a 21% rise in council tax. 

The Labour-run local authority has declared itself effectively bankrupt and says it needs to make £300million in savings, after after identifying equal pay liabilities estimated at £760million. 

Councillors were seen leaving Tuesday’s crunch vote in tears after more than 50 of them voted in favour of the financial measures needed to secure a £1.255billion bail-out loan from the Government.

[Daily Mail]

That is what happens when the Common Purpose cancer takes hold— administrative chaos.

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Yes…but a good part of the overall problem is caused, or made far worse, by the migration invasion, meaning the importation into the UK, every single year now, of a million backward persons, almost all non-European, i.e. non-white, and most of whom are little more than parasites, a substantial minority actively criminal and/or terroristic.

Unfortunately, the trade unions are no longer very useful to the workers of the UK. They have been captured by “woke” fanatics, pro-immigration lunatics, and/or the Zionist lobby. The Labour Party is similar.

[“...and then there were none...”]

Sam Melia and Laura Towler

As most readers will probably know, Sam Melia was sentenced last Friday to 2 years imprisonment (which may in practice mean 6-12 months —more likely 12 than 6) for distributing stickers which themselves contained nothing illegal, as the trial and sentencing judge recognized.

The judge is said also to have recognized, in his summation, that Sam Melia is a good fellow (or some such), a good family man, a good citizen and community member etc. Despite that, Melia has been imprisoned, for what amount to purely political reasons.

Melia’s wife, the brave Laura Towler, has been left to struggle with her home and small business, with one small child, as well as being about to give birth to a second child.

The crowdfunder set up to help Melia and Laura Towler has now reached, as at time of writing, £55,641.

This is the link to that crowdfunder: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia. Donate as little as £4, and so not only help that family but also stick it to the System, to “the lobby”, and to all enemies of this country’s future.

[A hero with a Valkyrie— Sam Melia and Laura Towler]

I am personally unacquainted with that couple; neither do I belong to Patriotic Alternative.

The couple and their children are exactly the kind of people who could, if existing in sufficiently-great numbers, form the basis for a new civilization once the present one collapses, which will probably happen within the next decade.

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Habib is half-English, half-Pakistani.

He talks about only the past 5 years. Look at, also, the past 50 years.

Undeniable, but it would be a mistake to imagine that Labour, under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc will be much different, or any better. Still, stamp on the Conservative Party anyway— extinguish it.

Ha ha.

I must have missed all that.

I have my own (non-“conspiracy”) theory, which is that anything the human mind can imagine, even if only as a vague concept, can and will eventually become reality.

The idea of human flight by artificial means was first thought of in ancient times: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icarus. In mediaeval and then Renaissance times, a few of the more-educated people conceived the idea of flight using either harnessed birds (Bishop Godwin) or mechanical contrivances (Leonardo da Vinci): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Man_in_the_Moone

[Frontispiece of Der Fliegende Wandersmann nach dem Mond, 1659]



[Leonardo— “aerial screw”]

Neither Godwin’s nor Leonardo’s ideas were immediately practicable, but the important thing was that those people, and Leonardo in particular, had the idea that flight was possible, in Leonardo’s case by mechanical means. That was key.

Later, of course, in the 18th and 19th centuries, there were hot-air and lighter-than-air balloons, then Zeppelins (late-19th/early 20th centuries), and then the several people in the early 20thC who developed heavier-than-air machines; the Wright brothers are of course most famous.

[World War One: German Zeppelin over the palace of Westminster, probably 1916]

The fast jets, passenger airliners, spacecraft etc which we now know came, originally, from that one spark in a human mind.

The same is true in all spheres of activity. The human mind need only be able to think that something can exist for it to exist, though the working out may take, sometimes, hundreds or even thousands of years.

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Typical of the “Conservative” drone-MPs of the past 15-20 years.

Jesus, she is so thick“, the lady says…well, the only thing that can now save the Conservative Party is that many of the voters are also very stupid…

Harsh? Look at how many voters at the recent by-elections still voted Con. Yes, a minority, but thousands each time…a third of the voters who voted at Kingswood, and a quarter at Wellingborough. At Rochdale only 12%, but of course English voters who voted were a small minority there.

I have no problem with the examples shown; some may, but not me.

Ireland is pretty sad these days. Sinn Fein/IRA too. They seem to have surrendered completely to NWO/ZOG. Their “Irish Republican resistance” stance has become a kind of joke “cosplay” that evokes little but derision, and rightly so.

[Irish Republican Army volunteers, 1920]
[Black and Tans search a suspect, Ireland, 1920. Note the officer using his left hand to search the suspect’s pockets, while probably covering him with a pistol or revolver held in his right hand (unseen). Note also the body of a woman lying in the roadway behind]

In that event, Britain will be something akin to a dictatorship. In that event, anything will be justifiable by way of resistance to what may amount to a disguised tyranny.

In that event, will Zelensky and his wife go to his USD $40M villa in Florida, to another of his luxury houses (in Italy and elsewhere), or will he drop all pretence and go “home” to Israel?

Ha ha…

There are many basically negative influences in our world, but there is one particular “influence” that is just poisoning the Western world.

Late music