Tag Archives: The Hague

Diary Blog, 30 April 2024

Afternoon music

[David D, Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo. Pearce is a former U.S. Foreign Service officer who was stationed, inter alia, in Cairo: https://www.daviddpearce.com/about; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_D._Pearce]

Tweets seen

True in part, but incomplete. Slavery existed well before the 7thC in the Middle East: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery#Middle_East.

Incidentally, slave caravans would pass through the oasis of Siwa in Western Egypt, having travelled from Central Africa en route to the Mediterranean coast or the Nile Delta, as recently as the 1940s.

I myself spent a month in Siwa in 1998 (out of 3 months in Egypt that year). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwa_Oasis.

[I may have bought fruit there from time to time; a bit different to Waitrose…]

Yes. One frequently sees Jews on Twitter etc [pretending to be] upset that “their family” died, or were displaced, or inconvenienced, during the early 1940s; people that those descended from them and alive today never knew, of course.

British or German people just do not weaponize (or, indeed, monetize via books, films, “reparations”, and “restitution”) their family histories in that way.

My own maternal grandfather [b.1901] was at Dunkirk in 1940, and later in Burma. My maternal grandmother [b.1900] lost two brothers in the First World War (both, I believe, captains of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry).

British (and German) people accept such events as historical, and do not constantly try to use them as tags on which to hang contemporary socio-political issues.

The question is, “replaced by what“?

I wonder whether he was the one who (ultimately) ran agents Epstein and [Ghislaine] “Maxwell” when they were still in play? See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

More music

These people should be on our side!

More tweets

Britain 2024

Strange minor incident. Taking a nap this afternoon, after having had a very early start today, I was awoken by a knock at the door of our tiny flat (the days of country houses and Caribbean villas being now long gone). I heard my wife agreeing to donate to the county’s air ambulance charity.

I was rather suspicious about the man at the door wanting bank details “to set up a direct debit“, so intervened and told the fellow that we would give another way. He left with superficial politeness; I could see that he was unhappy at being challenged (though I am not particularly aggressive).

I was concerned, so thought to call the police on their 101 non-emergency service. It then took something like 20 minutes to get beyond the recorded messages and just to get to talk to a human being (a pleasant-sounding lady) from the police and give her the details.

I also tried, twice, to telephone the air ambulance charity people themselves but, after an initial recorded message, was informed “your call cannot be transferred” and an unobtainable signal.

I looked up what the CEO of that charity gets paid: about £119,000 a year.

That small incident was typical of the way in which everything in this country is so screwed and just does not work. For a start, the air ambulance should be an official service, not a ragbag of private charities across the UK.

Secondly, it should be illegal for fundraisers to go around knocking on doors like itinerant gypsies. The public need to be protected.

Thirdly, how is it that the CEO of such a small charity (30 employees) gets a fairly generous salary? Yet their only public telephone number is non-operational. It’s poor.

There are too many boondoggles around, to use the American phrase. The “Major Tom” nonsense, with the quasi-fraudulent daughter and son-in-law, has surely brought that to public attention.

Fourthly, the police are almost absent when you need them. At the same time, the county police have apparently spent many many hours snooping upon and “monitoring” this blog, as they do the social media posts of others. The police need to get back to doing actual, real police work.

As a matter of fact, the Police and Crime Commissioner for the county will be elected this week. At present, it is some useless and enormous woman, a Conservative Party member.

Britain 2024— terminally sick.

Late tweets

Shut up and get on the train…

Bravo! End the war.

If the Kiev regime imagines that a new army of forced and unwilling recruits will save the day, it is very much mistaken.

When the weather is warmer, and the Stavka gives the order, it is likely that the Russian armies in the east will start to roll, covered by massive artillery barrages and air cover. Any new forces recruited by the Kiev regime will simply be rolled over.

Late music

[Katyusha rockets, aka “Stalin’s organ pipes” on the Eastern Front, WW2]


My crowdfunder remains open: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Final word

[Adolf Hitler, 20 April 1889-30 April 1945]

Diary Blog, 12 January 2024

Morning music


Tweets seen

I am hardly “pro-Trump”, as such, but if he can struggle through to a second term, that will make the world a rather safer place. He would take away the ricebowl of the Jew-Zionist dictatorship in Ukraine, and try to make some kind of peace with both Iran and the Arab world.

The UK Government these days is completely in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby, which has infiltrated, over about 75 years, not only into the UK political milieu but also into the key parts of the Civil Service (as well as academia, publishing, the msm and, of course, business).

Look at the state of this country! Potholed roads, railways that do not run half the time, corrupt MPs, useless police, environmental degradation, endless scandals, and the continuing (and enormous) migration-invasion.

So on what does little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, waste money? Attacking Yemeni rebels, supporting Israel, and funnelling arms, ammunition and actual money to Zelensky’s brutal and doomed Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

The sooner the General Election comes, the better, even if, in the short term, the result is a Labour Party elected dictatorship. The “Conservative” Party must be destroyed.

Interesting. Just as Brexit (the 2016 Referendum) was about more than Brexit alone, so the protest votes (especially for Reform UK) will be about the whole state of this country, and especially the migration-invasion (not just the cross-Channel aspect but the whole “million-blacks-and-browns-a-year” aspect). The existential threat to whatever up to now could be called “Britain”.

Make no mistake: even if the “net” increase per year is “only” half a million, or 600,000, that is still enough to collapse this whole country into rubble and social disorder within 5-10 years. Bear in mind that the invaders will be breeding as well.

Both numbers and ethnicities. Many white (i.e. British) people are leaving for countries such as Australia, New Zealand etc. They may be wrong about those countries being safe havens, but leave that question aside. It means that even the “net” immigration of non-whites into the UK is somewhere around 800,000 per year.

Ha. Quite.

“Refugees”, according to the “refugees welcome” dimwits.

Migrant-invaders. Britain is undefended.

If only…

The country falling to pieces in every way, huge numbers of British people without a home, and the little Indian money-juggler is sending another £2.5 BILLION to the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev. Unbelievable.

However you vote this year, if you vote, do not vote for the “Conservative” Party. It hates you.

As speculated about previously, it may be that deep tunnels will be the method of choice for Palestinian Arabs to attack Israel in areas far from Gaza.

Though tunnels have been used in places in other conflicts (eg in the Vietnam War), tunnels of the length and sophistication of those under Gaza have not played a big part in warfare anywhere, except in fixed defensive lines, such as the Maginot Line constructed on the French-German border between the world wars. Of course, fixed defences in a few fortresses have also employed underground tunnels and emplacements— Gibraltar, under Moscow and other cities, NORAD in the Rocky Mountains etc.

The advantage in the Israel/Palestine conflict is that the Palestinian Arabs do not have air fleets, tanks etc. Tunnels give them the chance to strike unexpectedly in the heart of enemy territory.

Look at the Old Testament. Look at the Jewish religious festivals. Ethnic supremacism.

Slightly simplistic as applied to individuals, but absolutely correct on the group basis. Only the Aryan can give life.

More music

More tweets

If I were a rich man, doo di doo di doo…[etc]”

A pretty obvious case of fraud and local government corruption, prima facie, and in my opinion. Either that, or local government maladministration on an almost unbelievable scale.

The “scamdemic”/”panicdemic” did seem to make so-called decision-makers lose their heads, including those in central government. “Eat Out to Help Out”…what an incredibly stupid and wasteful policy. “PPE” contracts…another example. “Test and Trace”…yet another.

Tens of billions of pounds just wasted totally.

Paul Mason

I have blogged about Paul Mason previously a few times. My view originally was that he was interesting on economics, but politically completely stupid, seeming to endorse a kind of anarcho-syndicalism (superficially) while (rather a red flag) wanting to forcibly repress those with whose views he disagreed. The latter would be social-national people like me.

I then discovered that Mason was both a one-time Trotskyist, and part-Jew.

I have seen allegations online that Mason is tied up with British security and/or intelligence. Maybe. I find him hard to pin down either politically or even in terms of economics. Another red flag, at least for me. Someone who seems to run with the quarry and chase with the hunters.

When Mason was reporting on the Greek financial crisis, he was plainly (even expressly, I think) pro-Syriza, the supposed socialist “party of the people”, which took power for a while, but then repressed the real voice of the Greeks (Golden Dawn), and then sold out the Greek people to transnational forces of capital and the EU. NWO/ZOG, in short.

Now we see that Mason supports the attack on the Yemeni rebels, supports the Israeli attack on Gaza, supports (loudly) the dictatorship of the Jew Zelensky in Kiev etc. No wonder some call him a System “stooge”.

Some tweets:

Invoke Article V“? To invoke Article V would be to push the button to start the third world war. Madness. I hope that this crazed scribbler, Mason, does not have any real influence in the corridors of British power.

The best way to ensure peace is to dump support for Israel, dump support for the Kiev regime, and try for a realistic realignment in Ukraine, with Russia ruling the part of Ukraine east of the Dnieper and along the Black Sea coast.

Again the interventionist mindset.

Incidentally, even something as mild as UKIP enrages him: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist)#Politics.

Ultimately, Mason is someone whom —despite never having met him, only having seen him on TV— I instinctively dislike, and someone who, in my opinion, is not to be trusted.

Seems that my view of Mason is shared by others…

Quite a few tweeters explicitly naming Mason as an SIS agent, but of course without any direct proof. Still, “by their fruits shall ye know them“, arguende.,..

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations:

Israel intensifies aerial bombardment in the areas it asked civilians to move to in Gaza

I am disturbed by the statement of Israeli ministers regarding encouraging the movement of Gazans to other countries

These statements raise serious concerns about the possibility of mass forced transfer from the Gaza Strip

Any attempt to change the demographic composition of Gaza must be firmly rejected.”

Late music

]painting by Jack Vettriano]