Tag Archives: Vanessa Feltz

Diary Blog, 2 May 2024

Morning music

[black and white still from 1959-1963 American TV series The Untouchables, one of my childhood favourites (seen by me in Australia in the years 1967/1968). Robert Stack seen in the photo in the role of Elliot Ness, toting a Thompson submachinegun with unusually-small drum magazine, probably the 20-round version]

Tweets seen

For my views about LBC, a radio station (ultimately) owned by a very pro-Israel Jew, see previous days’ blog posts, or use the search box on the blog.

…and look at the “Israeli” police: at least one shown is African, presumably a descendant of the “Jews” flown from Ethiopia by MOSSAD and the CIA in the 1980s and 1990s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel#Immigration_to_Israel.

Apparently, there are about 155,000 Ethiopian “Jews” in Israel today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel. Half of them were born and brought up there. Their historical origins are rather obscure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel#Origins. Some people believe that the African “Jews” were slaves or servants of Jews resident in ancient Egypt, and took up their customs, but that theory has as little evidence, or less, than numerous other theories.

Those Israeli police are even more free with their swinging batons than are the traffic cops in Moscow, the GAI (as was). The Israeli police truncheons seem to be longer than the Russian ones (or the old British type, now replaced by extendable metal ones). The Russian traffic cops usually swing their batons menacingly as they stand in the street, as if just waiting for a chance to use them; the Israeli batons seem more like the NYPD “nightsticks”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_for_Traffic_Safety.

From the people that brought humanity the atom bomb“…

Try referencing “their” behaviour, and see how quickly the censorship kicks in, whether on LBC, Sky News, BBC, in Parliament, or in an ordinary court of law.

Here’s a bet. Radio loudmouth James O’Brien will never once say that LBC, his employer, is owned by companies owned by a Jewish heir to a fortune. He will never say that simple truth. What odds will you take?

Never be fooled by msm talking heads such as James O’Brien; they are bought and paid for. House-serfs. When the “You Know Who” cracks the whip, they jump…

Jews often say or talk, or write, or tweet about how Palestinian Arabs should draw a line under the fact that the Jews stole most of “Israel”, particularly during the 1948 “Nakba”, in the following years, and engaged in ethnic cleansing; whole villages killed by Jewish execution squads; men, women, and children shot after having been restrained by having their hands and/or feet tied.

The Palestinian Arabs, say the Jews, should “move on”, forget about the Jews’ ethnic cleansing, the massacres of civilians, the theft of land, houses, apartments etc, and make another life for themselves in Jordan, or Lebanon, and not keep talking about the catastrophe visited upon them.

Strangely enough, the very same Jews who say that never shut up about the events of the 1930s and especially early 1940s, when they say Jews were massacred etc by Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Baltic people etc. In fact, a whole industry of books, films, often “faction” (fiction disguised as “fact”, or “near-fact”) has grown up with those events (true or not) as its subject-matter.

When he was first elected, I thought that Johnny Mercer would be a breath of fresh air in the Westminster monkeyhouse— ex-officer, served in a war zone (Afghanistan) and, I think, saw combat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician).

I thought that Mercer would bring both integrity and commonsense thinking to the Westminster Bubble. Sadly, not so. His expenses have been questioned at times, and he seems to engage in private business activities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician)#Expenses. There is at least an impression of venality.

Having said that, Mercer’s vote-share has increased from 37.6% in 2015, through 51.9% in 2017, to 60.7% in 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Moor_View_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Half of them cannot find their own country on a map of the world. I lived there. I know them as well as most Brits do. You are talking about a country (USA) where a tiny minority are incredibly well-informed (maybe 1%, being diplomatic about it), where about 5% are reasonably well-informed, and where maybe 94% know very little about anything beyond their everyday lives and situations. The 94% are easily manipulated by the American msm which is mostly owned, staffed, and influenced by “the usual suspects”.

In other words, opinion polling of the American people reveals, to an even greater extent than polling of British people, what the people have been spoonfed by the (((msm))).

National Socialism in Germany promoted health: physical health, moral and ethical health, spiritual health, cultural health, and the healthy evolution of the whole people or Volk in a Volksgemeinschaft or folk-community. They cut away unhealthy cancerous growths in the body politic, and in society as a whole.

[BDM girls ride through a sun-dappled forest, National Socialist Germany, 1930s]

Con and Lab are both nests of traitors, both parties being (in reality) signed up to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Anyone’s guess, as far as the 2024 Westminster election is concerned (GE 2024), but my take is that tens of millions of British people are just sick of experiencing how nothing works any more in this country, from local right up to national level. They just want all this utter shite to stop. Labour will probably be unable to do much better, but what people want now, first of all, is to put the Conservative Party on a pyre, and then set light to it.

As to “how low” will the Con vote go at GE 2024, my view, formed over the past year or two, stands at present somewhere below 20%. The latest YouGov poll puts the Cons at about 18%.

My use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] on those figures puts the Con MP cadre after GE 2024 at 31 MPs (Labour 519, LibDem 58). On that basis, the Conservative Party will not even be the official Opposition.

Even if those figures are wildly out, it looks as if 2024 may be the swansong for the Con Party as both “the natural party of government” and even as the natural main opposition party.

So the younger generation(s) prefer white bread? Very unhealthy.

Britain can no longer protect itself from missiles and drones.

The UK is “increasingly vulnerable” to the threat of missile and drone attacks. Decades of savings have undermined its air defenses, experts warn. London has highly effective means, but they are no longer enough to protect the vast amount of critical infrastructure across the country, as well as troops abroad, Sky News reports.

The situation is exacerbated by the increasing quality and quantity of missiles and drones developed by hostile states such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

The Royal Air Force currently has just nine squadrons of fast jets, down from 30 at the end of the Cold War. The Royal Navy’s six Type 45 destroyers are equipped with the country’s only missile defense systems. But only three of those ships are “available for operations,” including one in the Middle East, according to a Navy spokesman.

On land, the military has about six Sky Saber ground-based air defense systems, each capable of shooting down multiple missiles. But at least two of them – and perhaps more – are deployed overseas, and those in the UK have a very limited range.

Britain benefits from its geographical location, with many European NATO countries located between its shores and Russia. However, the air defense of many European countries was also reduced in order to save money after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sky News notes.

Late music

[Unity Mitford, at home in England after having shot herself in grief after Britain declared war on the German Reich in 1939]

Diary Blog, 1 May 2024

Morning music

London started to go that way long ago, in the 1980s. Worse now, of course.

Hard to think of any type of person seriously deciding to vote Con at GE 2024, any type of person except some totally unaware and comfortably-off “senior citizen”, probably at least 80 years old, whose ideas about politics and the world come from such a source as the Daily Express.

I despise and distrust present-day Labour, especially under Starmer and his fellow Israel-puppets, but I feel that the necessity now is to stamp on the Conservative Party so hard that it pretty much ceases to exist.

Labour, as likely “elected” (by default) dictatorship, is a looming danger, but will have to be faced. There might even be some kind of race/culture/socio-economic civil war down the line. Not now, though; later.

Kill off one major System party and it will weaken the System as a whole, because that structure relies on a ping-pong between two large parties effectively under similar control but presenting dissimilar facades to the public.

At least the Conservative Party candidate, Susan Hall, seems to live in some version of the real world, whereas Sadiq Khan is evidently living in some anachronistic “New Labour” bubble of total unreality.

I have not lived or worked in the London area for over 20 years, and have not lived in near-Central London for about 26 years, but just take a look at the Evening Standard, or My London. Almost every day there is a machete attack, or a sword rampage (as yesterday), either by (and usually) black/brown drug gangs or similar hooligans, or (as seems to have been the case yesterday) by some home-grown lunatic. As for less sensational everyday stabbings (often homicides), there are several every single day.

The fact is that London is no longer even a zoo, but more like a wild and uncontrolled jungle.

Sadiq Khan seems to be the only possible victor. The latest YouGov poll has Khan on 47%, with Susan Hall on 25%. I suppose that that accounts for his arrogant refusal to engage on that TV show. He probably only attended as a pseudo-democratic fig-leaf.

Admittedly, Susan Hall seems to be a fairly poor candidate, but Khan has proven that he cannot do the job. Despite that, he will undoubtedly get “elected” again. “Democracy”…

Yes, but all that, including the housing crisis, is downstream of the mass immigration or migration invasion crisis, without which there would be no “housing crisis” (etc).

The “refugees welcome” dimwits, the pro-immigration idiots etc, always say that the “solution” is to “build more houses” on whatever is left of our green and pleasant land. Really? When about a million immigrants of every type are entering the UK every year? When, on the basis of present law, literally hundreds of millions might have a “legal right” to claim asylum here?

Most of Britain’s socio-economic problems either stem from mass immigration, or have a very strong element relating to the enormous influx of mostly non-Europeans to our shores.

More tweets

…and who is “the media“, nine times out of ten? “Them”.

“You Know Who”…

LBC, as blogged previously, is owned (via a network of UK and offshore companies) by a Jew; indeed, by a very pro-Israel Jew. I note that most of the significant personnel, including presenters, are now Jewish; the few who are not (Iain Dale, Nick Ferrari) are mostly and generally pro-Israel.

Ecce the “free mass media” we hear so much about…

What lies behind these numbers?” Er… just maybe…”reality”?

That, as well as the fact that a very large proportion of teenagers in the UK in 2024 are not really British anyway.

Yes…in the USA you may have, in theory, Constitutionally-“guaranteed” “free speech”, but the theory fails when the facts intrude, i.e. Jewish-Zionist employers sacking people for their social or political views, or Israel-connected organizations making malicious complaints to employers, professional regulators etc.

Late music

[stormy skies over the seafront promenade at Odessa]



Diary Blog, 18 May 2022

Morning music

[House of German Art, Munich, completed 1938; architect: Professor Troost]

On this day a year ago

Fascinating social history


Strange to see the smartly-uniformed railway staff of 1963, as compared to not only many rail employees today, but even persons working at 10 Downing Street or in other high-profile situations.

Also, interesting to note that Evercreech Junction (Somerset), featured in that film, was closed down and became derelict a mere 3 years later, and that several towns of significance on that now-disappeared line no longer have railway stations at all (Glastonbury, for one).

[the Somerset and Dorset railway system as it was in 1890; the line covered by the John Betjeman film is shown in green]

These rail links were not hobbyists’ railways even in the 1960s; they were working, and carrying passengers, until (in this case) 1966:

[Northbound Somerset & Dorset train climbing up from Shepton Mallet at Windsor Hill in 1959]
[Evercreech Junction station, Somerset, in 1972, 6 years after closure; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evercreech_Junction_railway_station]

The Betjeman film is also a useful antidote to the notion that Britain in 1963 was all London, Carnaby Street, the Beatles, social upheaval etc. A very different way of life then existed still in the provinces.

Tweets seen

Firing squad.

Firing squad.

What we in the UK (and West generally) are shown is happening in Ukraine is quite different from the reality on the ground. The basically Jewish/Zionist propaganda of the Zelensky regime has been very skilful; many do not see behind it.

Sadly, though, that GB News assertion may be accurate, so pervasive has the msm multikulti propaganda been over past decades.

Good grief!

Another huge non-surprise, given Macron’s political and other background: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

How can this be acceptable? It is largely because of the past mad 2 years of useless (in fact, counter-productive) “lockdowns”, shutdowns, “furlough” payments, grants and “loans” to (often fraudulent) supposed businesses and self-employed etc. Meanwhile, the plebs all gathered obediently outside their houses and clapped the increasingly non-existent NHS and other public services.

Beyond the above, however, this is at least partly the result of an entirely cynical and planned reduction in living standards in the UK (and the EU states are going the same way).

What plan? Suppress the white British birth rate, import blacks and browns, then reduce living standards to a level previously (certainly for the past 70 years) unacceptable to English people, but acceptable to the bottom-of-barrel imports from Africa, the Caribbean, the Middle East etc.

This is all part of the New World Order/Zionist Occupation Government [NWO/ZOG] Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: http://adam.curry.com/art/1543753587_mkXBrvrY.html.

Readers will have seen how every UK TV ad, pretty much, now has blacks in it, and quite often a mixed couple, usually the black man with the white woman, and the mixed-race children. There it is, Coudenhove-Kalergi propaganda, the Plan in plain sight. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

It is also the case that, as the British masses focus on their increasingly precarious micro-economic problems, their wider identity interests fade into the background. All part of the agenda…

Late tweets

For once, I disagree with tweeter “@EternalEnglish”. Basic Income is a concept whose time has surely come.

Jew-Zionism is only partly a question of traditional religion; more a matter of race and consequent ideology.

Look who is powerful in the World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, TV companies, publishing, social media companies etc.

You get my point.

Two out of three— Jewish. You don’t have to be Jewish, of course, but…

You get my point.

This evening’s final word

Just saw a clip on Twitter (see above) from some TV show, on a channel I had never heard of called Talk TV. A panel discussion. Presenter was James Max (I think Jewish, or part-Jewish), and the four panellists were Vanessa Feltz (Jewish), Sharon Osbourne (half-Jewish), some black man, and Isabel Oakeshott. No white British/Northern European man at all, despite white people still making up about 80% of the UK population.

You get my point.

[late update: I have just now discovered that Talk TV is owned by Newscorp, i.e. Rupert Murdoch].

Late music

No apologies for posting, yet again, one of my favourite American 20thC classics.