Tag Archives: Beaulieu

Diary Blog, 7 February 2024

Morning music

[Beaulieu, New Forest, Hampshire]

Tweets seen

Labour Party rule will be as bad as the present misgovernment, or even worse. The same forces control both.

There are huge numbers of people in the UK who simply refuse to see what is in front of them. For those people, immigration into the UK —and into Europe as a whole— is somehow good (and even if not, “inevitable”), as is the resultant mixed-race society.

Deluded people, in the socio-political sense. As Hitler said of the 1919-1933 Weimar Republic mainstream, “they want not only their daily bread but also their daily illusion“.

Everyone in the UK should be aware of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, even in the dilute Wikipedia version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Fictional literature is, famously, often the predictor of later fact; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints.

The Camp of the Saints (French: Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail.[1][2][3] A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the Western world. Almost forty years after its initial publication, the novel returned to the bestseller list in 2011.


Matt Goodwin’s blog

We will restore democratic control of immigration policy after we leave the EU”, Johnson confidently proclaimed. “We must be much more open to high-skilled immigration, such as scientists, but we must also assure the public we have control over the number of unskilled immigrants coming into the country”.

This promise — that Brexit Britain would be completely reshaped around highly-skilled, highly-selective, and highly-controlled immigration— has been repeated by countless Tories ever since and still guides Spectator-style Toryism today.

The only problem, as new data makes clear, is that it was a lie. A big, fat, barefaced Tory lie. The country, the British people, got no such thing.

Contrary to what Boris Johnson and then Liz Truss and then Rishi Sunak promised, Britain has not been transformed into an oasis of highly-skilled scientists and big tech entrepreneurs who are contributing more than they are taking.

Far from it.

Under the Tories, Britain has become even more a country of mass, uncontrolled, and unassimilated immigration —much of which is not high-skill or selective at all.

Consider just one of many mind-boggling statistics.

Over the last five years, about two million people from outside Europe arrived in Britain through net migration. But how many do you think came for work?

Just 15 per cent. That’s right. 15 per cent.

The rest entered Britain as the relatives of workers, international students, the relatives of these students, or as asylum-seekers and refugees.

[from Matt Goodwin’s blog].

Few of the migrants are “high-skilled”, few work in “high-skilled” (or any) occupations.

Our society is gradually unravelling.

More tweets seen

I had not heard of that person, so I turned to Google.





Incidentally, Victoria Derbyshire misspelled the name.

An example of what is so wrong in that interface where public administration meets political propaganda, public relations, and low-level journalistic scribbling.

Look at his background. Five years of higher education at Oxford and Cambridge, studying natural sciences, after which he seems to have spent not far off three years working for Brexit-related pressure group organizations (Vote Leave, and then Brexit Central), followed by a year at the Guido Fawkes news outlet. Then? Straight to government as a Special Adviser (average pay is around £100,000 p.a.) in several posts over three years, culminating at 10, Downing Street.

After the fall of Liz Truss, Bennett left Downing Street (I presume involuntarily) and is now (after what seems to have been a year unemployed, or at any rate not detailed on Linked-In) in the world of politics-related public relations, like so many of such people.

People have to come from somewhere; no-one these days jumps fully-formed from university to government at a high level, but one wonders whose hands the government of this country is in when it is advised by people with so slight-seeming a background.

Odd-looking fellow. Must be about 32-33. Origins not known.

“SpAds” are a creation of the past few decades. Unnecessary,.

In the mid-Victorian era, public administration and much else was reformed: Army and Navy officer recruitment, the Civil Service, the Courts and legal profession etc. May be time to look again at how many parts of the public realm are organized.

Looking at the Liz Truss news, it is absolutely incredible that that silly woman now seems to imagine that she can return to some kind of political prominence. Her pseudo-“libertarian” ideology just does not resonate with the voters, and will not, even if conflated with some kind of anti-“woke”, anti-immigration ballast.

Matt Goodwin (continued)

Incidentally, that Matt Goodwin article reposted here above ends (at least the free-to-read version) with:

While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin’s blog].

Many many British people now, either consciously or unconsciously, support the kind of social nationalism that I do, but they will not admit to it, by reason of the muffled repression now part of UK society. Look at my blog.

I am going to be sentenced in the magistrates’ court next month for allegedly having published five (5) of the 1,700+ blog posts put on my WordPress blog since the end of 2016. If “the pen is mightier than the sword“, then the Jewish/Zionist lobby, using the police and CPS as proxies, are trying to take away that pen…

There is also the point that no proper social-national party or movement exists in the UK. The one that is most closely akin to such a movement, Patriotic Alternative, is itself now subject to repression. Sam Melia, one of the leading figures, has just been convicted, in the Crown Court, of “incitement”, on evidence that would have shamed the Star Chamber; his personal bank account had already been shut down a couple of years ago, along with that of his wife, Laura Towler.

Britain is not really anything like a “free country” now; it certainly has very little “free speech”.

Looking at the electoral situation politically, it seems that non-voting apathy might now amount to half of the eligible electorate. That might be seen as a positive fact, though. The right movement might energize that half of the population.

More tweets

Ha ha! I had better not comment in such terms as I should prefer, in view of my upcoming sentencing hearing but if, as Pollard and Collier claim, “antisemitism” is so embedded in, eg, the courts, how come I have been bothered by the police, then charged and convicted under a “bad” law (Communications Act 2003, s.127, which the Law Commission has recommended for repeal), and now face actual judicial sanction for having allegedly published a few “antisemitic” comments and cartoons during 2020-2022?

I wonder why (not really…).

The @DefundIsraelNow account on Twitter/X is one of the very best on the platform.

Africa? Australia? From the accent, I think the latter.


No wonder that hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged Ukrainian men are hiding out in other countries to avoid the draft.

I blogged during 2023 that September/October 2024 was the most likely time for GE 2024.

The times they are a’changin’…

Diary Blog, 13 July 2023

Morning music

[Beaulieu, Hampshire]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Nadine Dorries?! Unexpected.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Goodnight VIenna Kiev?

Alarming indeed. If there is a nuclear attack, though, there may be no warning at all.

The world has managed to avoid nuclear war so far, at least after 1945, and more by luck than judgment, arguably. Will that luck continue?

Looks as though “the musicians” are about to start playing again…

More music

From the newspapers


Pushback may be, at long last, starting.


Eliminate drug abusers. They drive the whole illegal-drug economy.

More tweets

Just visualize that— a million new, and also unwanted, inhabitants in the UK in the space of a couple of years. The equivalent of a city such as Birmingham.

Anyone who supports or promotes mass immigration or migration invasion into the UK is, in real —not legalistic— terms, just a traitor.

I recall that Michael Palin, about 18 years ago, in Michael Palin’s New Europe, sympathetically interviewed both Yulia Tymoshenko (at the time, Prime Minister of Ukraine) and her then very attractive daughter, who was about 25 and was a former student at the LSE and, according to Wikipedia, Rugby School (I had thought Cheltenham Ladies’ College; maybe I mixed her up with someone else).

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yulia_Tymoshenko; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenia_Tymoshenko.

At that time, Eugenia Tymoshenko was married to an Englishman called Sean Carr, a rock music singer, who was then in his late thirties. He was also featured on Palin’s show. A bearded motorcyclist. The couple divorced about five years later.

Since Palin did his TV show, Yulia Tymoshenko has been convicted of corruption etc, been imprisoned, appealed, been released, and is now an MP again, and the leader of a political party. Her daughter has remarried and has a high profile but is not a politician, and the English (I think Yorkshire) rock music person, Sean Carr, died in 2018 at the relatively early age of 49 or 50.

Ha ha…


One of the five (5) tweets that resulted in my unjust and in fact unlawful disbarment in late 2016 (8+ years after I gave up Bar practice) was that describing Gove, entirely accurately, as something like a freeloading, fraudulent puppet of Israel and the UK Jewish lobby. At that time I had no idea that he was also both a drunk and a cocaine abuser. A country less decadent than the UK would have dealt with Gove long ago, and certainly would never allow the bastard into government.

Silver Skates

Saw a Russian film this evening: Silver Skates, set in 1900. Rather un-Russian in that it was quite watchable, had a plot that was not obscure, and a relatively happy ending. Not bad. Well put-together.

There were a couple of small historical errors, but overall it was a fairly impressive effort. Slight, though. Not in any way deep or thought-provoking. As I say, rather “un-Russian”.

Late tweets seen

Second tweet not entirely accurate. While it is true that GCHQ was established under that name only in 1946, it seamlessly took over the similar though (in the pre-1939 era) much smaller org known as the Government Code & Cypher School, which operated from a number of places between the two world wars, one being a station or outstation located in the Dog Kennel Hill (East Dulwich borders) and Denmark Hill border of South London. That base, not mentioned in the Wikipedia entry below, was active certainly until the late 1980s, though I think not used by GCHQ (possibly by MI5 or other org ) at that time. For all I know, it may still be in use, if not turned into a housing development as has been almost everything else in Southern England.


[GCHQ, Cheltenham]

Well, after all, that was the status (in the UK) of SIS until about 30 years ago. A real organization that operated under the legal fiction that it did not exist.

I have repeatedly blogged to the same or similar effect.

The “Parliament” of Kosovo. What a joke.

Late music