Tag Archives: Dr. Julia Grace Patterson

Diary Blog, 9 January 2023

Morning music

[Akademgorodok in winter]

On this day a year ago

The Harry Formerly Known as Prince

Caught a few minutes of the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme. Some talk about “Harry” and Meghan Mulatta etc. The programme played a short part of an interview with the self-exiled former “royal”. His self-delusion is patent, saying that “the whole world” is waiting to hear from “the Palace” in reply to his accusations.

The idiot obviously thinks that the tawdry soap opera involving him and Meghan Mulatta is centre-stage in the world, whereas in reality it is just a side issue, a kind of entertainment for the masses in the UK and USA etc.

I really think that he has burned his boats now. He has become more or less a ventriliquist’s dummy; when he speaks, 90% of what is said is what the Mulatta wants to have said. Pathetic over-privileged idiot.

Tweets seen

Hardly anything is working properly in the UK. That has in fact been the case for years, but now more people are noticing. The System is determined to destroy everything worthwhile, so that a kind of semi-dictatorship (ruling over a mixed-race population) can be instituted. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

“They” must be worming their way back in. (((they))).

“Jack Monroe”

She worked in the NHS for about a year or so as a junior doctor, but now just makes money online by selling stuff and getting donations, tapping into the public concern about the NHS really not working properly. A crazed facemask fanatic too (she made money selling facemasks, and forced her young son to wear one even when walking in the park). Rather unpleasant.

As I have often said previously, never trust a medical doctor who is primarily a socio-political activist.

Keywords? “Swill“, “dog’s dinner“, “inedible”, “horrible-looking“; “unhealthy” etc. My keywords, more direct than those actually used in the above-mentioned review.

More tweets seen

I rarely mention my family or living relatives on the blog, but I shall make an exception, pro bono publico.

Both my younger brothers, one in the London area, one in Sydney, Australia, had themselves “vaccinated”, and I think one at least may have been “boosted” at least once if not twice. Neither had previously had heart problems. Both have now had to have heart bypass operations, one being a triple bypass. Both were suddenly afflicted, both had to be taken into hospital urgently (last year).

Both are now OK, but, in my opinion, the events cannot be mere co-incidence, i.e. that they both developed serious heart probems after having been “vaccinated”.

Incidentally, their ways of life and diet are very divergent, one (in the UK) eating a healthy diet, the other an unregenerate old-time Australian one consisting largely of steak and booze, with scarcely a vegetable in sight.

As for me, I refused the “vaccine” several times in 2020-2021, thank God, and have no heart problems; neither (as far as I know) have I had “Covid”, though there was a period of a few weeks last year when I had a terrible flu-type ailment, and difficulty breathing at times. Maybe that was it. I rarely get anything like that, and when I do, it usually goes within a day or two. My only medication, BTW, was the odd Lemsip, with top-grade Manuka honey.

More music

More tweets

I was just looking at the latest “Jack Monroe” supporters on Twitter:

Much the same as previously: retired or near-retired minor academics, a soft-headed C. of E. vicar, marketing bods, IT bods (mostly retired), “retired HR marketing lady“, “artist“, “retired maths teacher“, “interdisciplinary researcher…lecturer, University of Kent“, “Email Marketing and Social Media Marketing Strategist“, “retired lab technician“, “widower and drum nut“, “Anti-racism. Anti-fascism. Pro LBGTQi. Pro-Choice. He/His. #BLM Fuck TERFs.“, “Francophile“, “Founder + CEO :@CareersWeek |@NCWUganda |@NCWGhana |@NCW_Foundation |@Green__Careers“, “makes films/writes things/proudly dyspraxic“, “Full prof./cis white woman“, “craft, nature, 90s music, musicals, books, chocolate, coffee, mushrooms, proud child/dog mum, mediocre business analyst“, “writer who loves to cook and travel“, “CEO Western Biological Labs in Monterey, but a citizen of the world with a base in UK [probable parody account]”, “Arts reviews, views, and opinions“, “golfer and retired maths teacher“, “Retired Chartered Engineer. ‘Citizen of nowhere’. Probably woke“, “retired company director” [etc].

In other words, mostly people over 50, with many over 60; quite a few rather loony-sounding types as well, but what leaps out is, as far as one can see, a complete absence of anyone young (under 30), an almost-complete absence of anyone under 40, a complete absence of anyone likely to be “poor” or “working class”, and a complete absence, it seems, of anyone from any recognizable ethnic minority.

The conclusion —as when blogged before re. this— is that the “Jack Monroe” supporters are basically “middle-class” virtue-signallers, most of whom probably read the Guardian and/or Observer, most of whom at least think of themselves as well-meaning, and socially conscious, most of whom seriously think that “Labour”-label would be very different from “Conservative”-label.

If I had to guess, I should imagine that most if not all the pro “Jack Monroe” crowd support the UK rejoining the EU, support the Kiev regime of the Jew Zelensky, support the facemask-wearing nonsense, support the toxic “vaccines”, support the “refugees welcome” migration-invasion (and of course they cannot see —or will not see— how mass immigration impacts pay, benefits, NHS, social services, transport, schools, and housing); they no doubt support the “LGBTQXYZ” and “trans” stuff too.

More tweets

I think that those claiming that they were cheated by “Jack Monroe” should take legal action in the Small Claims Track of the County Court. Limited (or no) liability for costs if not successful, but every chance of success (on the facts as put out on Twitter anyway). Perhaps with damages expressly limited to £1,000. No need to pay out for solicitors and/or Counsel.

It would also ensure much Press coverage, quite likely not very favourable to the so-called “Bootstrap Cook”…

[me, 30+ years ago, in 1992]

Caveat: now that I am no longer a barrister (see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/), and it having been some 15 years since I was last in court, any “advice” I give (meaning mere opinions and/or observations) must come with a “non-governmental health warning”. Naturally I do not keep up with law and procedure as would a barrister still practising.

More tweets

In fact, if anyone wants to give a little cheer to someone genuinely poor/struggling, that lady “@frugally_minded” has a crowdfunder: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/heather-booth-3?utm_term=Gde7678Nq

Only when the MPs who are enabling the migration-invasion face consequences themselves will anything even start to be done to stop and reverse the invasion.

They are not “Romanians“, though, but backward “Roma” Gypsies; something completely different. Non-Europeans, albeit with Romanian or other passports.

Late music

Diary blog, 1 August 2022

Morning music

[Spetsnaz officer exits aircraft over St. Petersburg]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

More music

More tweets

Keep the Elgin Marbles where they are.

UK Police again behaving like a Thought Police

It seems that some employees of Hampshire Police and other police orgs think that Nineteen Eighty-Four is a training manual: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11067677/Recording-non-crime-hate-incidents-makes-people-question-police-police-chief-says.html

A senior police chief has said that recording non-crime ‘hate incidents’ makes people lose faith in cops.

Stephen Watson [Chief Constable] of Greater Manchester Police said that officers needed to have confidence in telling the public when matters were not for the police.

He said that he was happy that the national standards body for policy had issued guidance emphasising that offence being taken should not lead to views being stigmatised.

He said that officers recording non-crime hate incidents ’caused people to question whether we know what we’re doing‘.

It comes after an army veteran was arrested by police for ‘causing anxiety’ after retweeting a picture of a swastika made out of Pride flags on social media. 

Darren Brady, 51, slammed Hampshire Police for ‘impeding his right to free speech’ after he was placed into handcuffs on Friday at his home in Aldershot for sharing a meme.

Footage of the arrest was widely shared on social media and showed an officer who told Mr Brady he was being apprehended because his post had ’caused anxiety’ and been reported to authorities.

Harry Miller, a former police officer, was also arrested after claiming he had tried to prevent the former serviceman from being detained.

He told MailOnline: ‘Hampshire Police showed a blatant disregard of the law. They approached Mr Brady and acted as summary judge, jury and executioner – but didn’t know what offence he’d actually committed. They said he was being arrested for causing anxiety, which is utterly ridiculous!

Mr Brady is a British Army Veteran and they were trying to extort him for money by making him pay around £80 for educational course so he could downgrade from a crime to a non-crime, which would still show up in a basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check.

Writing on Twitter on Sunday, Mr Brady told his followers: ‘It’s nice to be able to enjoy a Sunday morning in peace without being harassed by Hampshire Police trying to extort money from me, or have me ‘re-educated’ for sharing a meme on the Internet.

[Daily Mail]

Wouldn’t you know it? The so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [CAA], a tiny but well-funded group of fanatically pro-Israel Jew-Zionists, was, with others, involved in stoking it all.

I have blogged in the past about the “CAA” fake charity and its (in fact, few) “activists”. They have targeted me for years. Two examples below, from 2017 and from 2021-22:

It will be seen that the latter complaint against me of those two (among many other false and malicious complaints made against me by the same Jewish cabal over the past 12 years) also involved Hampshire Police (though at the request of another police force).

The “CAA” has (((typically))) managed to worm its way into influence within some police forces.

Backstairs influence, resulting in socio-politically-motivated injustice.

The “CAA” fake charity pretends (via supporters, often Jewish, in the msm) to be some massive Jewish organization, whereas in reality we are talking about a few dozen fanatically pro-Israel Jews, not hundreds, not thousands, and certainly not the 250,000+ Jews living in the UK.

The “CAA” is a tiny, nasty, fanatical cabal, nothing more.

Apart from trying to get the police to do their dirty work by prosecuting me (I have in fact not, at least as yet, been prosecuted, nor even arrested), the CAA has also tried to attack, in various ways, many others, including the writer and theorist David Icke, the satirist Alison Chabloz, the nationalist activist Jez Turner, Al Jazeera TV, and even Jewish —but anti-Zionist— persons such as the jazz musician Gilad Atzmon and the journalist Mira bar-Hillel.

Some of the leading activists of the “CAA” have actually been caught out using pseudonyms to sadistically troll people (mainly women) online, a fact inadvertently admitted by an incompetent CAA lawyer some years ago in open court.

As to the police themselves, I have to say that those members of both Essex Police (in 2017) and Hampshire Police (in 2021-22) whom I encountered conducted themselves in a reasonably-fair manner while taking part in a wholly unreasonable exercise, i.e. questioning me at the instigation of the perennially-whining and/or demanding “CAA” nuisances, who waste huge amounts of police time on those false and malicious accusations.

The ordinary police are, usually, “just following orders“…

In the incidents I blogged about, I was never actually arrested, by either police force, just invited to supposedly “voluntary” interviews under caution, both times leading eventually to the matters being dropped. The police, though, really should have told those malicious “CAA” bastards to go whistle right from the start…

The Daily Mail report shows clearly what happens when confused bad law (eg Communications Act 2003 s.127; eg Protection from Harassment Act 1997) is abused by such as the “CAA” bastards, bamboozling the poor old “plods”, who themselves however often seem to be unaware of the limitations to their lawful powers. They are often also ignorant of the law generally.

The police really should wake up to the fact that the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism” snoopers and serial whining complainers are abusing law and procedure for their own ends, and manipulating the police at the same time. Many well-known Jews agree with me, incidentally: see

It may be that the “Common Purpose” poison, encouraging mediocre office-holders to “lead beyond authority” has in fact led to this mess, and others, in the police, in local government etc.

Even the Daily Mail report cited and quoted above wrongly presents the “CAA” as if it were a respectable organization worth listening to, rather than what it is.

Incidentally, the Daily Mail itself seems afraid of what the British people reading its columns might write in the “readers’ comments” section of that report, so has simply prohibited them from leaving any.

[Update, 7 August 2022: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11089847/Hate-crime-awareness-courses-SCRAPPED-Hampshire-police-following-controversy.html].

More tweets

…symbolized by Boris-idiot being replaced by an Indian, except that that plan seems to have gone wrong, so another, this time English, puppet has been put in place— Liz Truss.

I have blogged about that doctor before. She really is (unlike so many “doctors” on Twitter) a medic, though she gave it up not long after having qualified, and now tries to make money as an “activist”, supposedly propagandizing (uninvited) for the NHS. Mentally disturbed, in my admittedly lay opinion (why else would she make her young son wear a facemask while walking with her in the local park?).

To answer her question though, “because masks have no effect whatever“, as well as being a mass psychological-control conditioning experiment.

Late tweets

What gets me, apart from all the social and demographic problems the migrant-invaders cause the British people, is the sheer bloody cheek of the bastards.

When you talk about Liz Truss, you are talking about someone so devoid of intelligence, knowledge, and ideas that she makes even Boris-idiot look sage and informed.

The policewoman in the middle looks particularly spiteful; would have been good to see her get what should have been coming to her.

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 July 2022

Afternoon music

[Aldo Balding, Couche de Soleil, Gruissan]

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I did no better than political journalist John Rentoul; we both scored 7/10. I did not know the answers to questions 6, 7, and 8.

Tweets seen

In reality, she never had much of a “medical career” anyway: academically qualified in 2010, but worked as a hospital doctor for only a couple of years before starting to train as a psychiatrist, then abandoning that to set up a campaign group which, inter alia, sells things such as useless cloth facemasks.

She has admitted that she makes her small son wear a facemask even in empty parks. Overall, a kind of crank.

Not that she is completely wrong about the NHS, but has no solutions other than more money given to it. Trouble is, the NHS is to a high degree mismanaged. Many of the problems of the NHS are nothing to do with its funding but more to do with its maladministration. Anyone who has experienced, even as member-of-the-public observer, what hospitals are like now, knows that. It is a pity, because so many (albeit not all) NHS doctors, nurses and paramedics are so competent, and indeed so caring.

That “lions led by donkeys” aspect is also true of many other parts of British life, in fact: armed forces, police, local government etc.

Reverting to the facemask nonsense, there are (as noted in other recent blog posts), even now, some cranks and neurotics who are continuing to wear them. I saw a crazy-looking middle-aged woman only a few days ago in the local Waitrose, wearing her muzzle while buying cigarettes at the kiosk.

Where does one start? First of all, if she were really concerned about being infected by the dreaded “Covid”, or for that matter about infecting the unmasked shoppers (99% of those shopping), she would not even be there, but would be at home, and ordering her necessities online.

Secondly, if she were that concerned about her health and welfare, she would not be smoking (yes, she may have been buying for someone else, but probably not).

You can probably say that 99% of facemask-wearers now are cranks, neurotics, or other persons with some psychological problem, or people so stupidly unthinking that they have internalized the System propaganda of the past couple of years.

Personally, I favour an NHS-style “free at point of use” health service, however provided, but one that works properly.

More news about the “Royal Mulatta”


More tweets

What goes around comes around.

The NWO basis for the present msm/political support for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) is patent.

Conservative Party leadership contest

Since when was Boris-idiot a “prized election-winner“? He (or rather his party when under his leadership) won one general election— 2019. Since then, the record on by-elections and local elections has been no more than mediocre, if that.

Penny Mordaunt was not particularly interesting as potential Prime Minister, but she evidently appealed more to the voters than do Liz Truss and/or Rishi Sunak.

Penny Mordaunt will now sink without trace. She only fell into the position of being a serious contender by accident, chance, or Fate, that is out of a concatenation of special circumstances. I doubt that she will be more than a junior minister at any future time.

It is clear that neither Rishi Sunak nor Liz Truss appeal to many voters. Fortunately for them, the same can be said of the Labour Party.

Of course, it is true that both main System parties are just “ZOG” [“Zionist Occupation Government”] and signed up to the “NWO” [“New World Order”] agenda, but that does not mean that lesser political differences do not matter.

Edward Heath was a very different prime minister than his successor, Margaret Thatcher, despite them both belonging to the same party. The same would obviously have been the case between the prime ministership of David Cameron-Levita and (had he ever become PM) David Davis. Compare also Corbyn, with Starmer, let alone Theresa May or “Boris” Johnson.

On the international level, politics matters and differences in basic ideology lead to very different results: you only have to look at South Korea and North Korea, or the 1948-1989 Germany: DDR (East) v. Bundesrepublik (West). I myself have never seen (either) Korea, but certainly saw both East and West Germany in the 1980s. Big difference.

My present feeling is that a hung Parliament is the likely result of any general election, even were it to be held right now, but one may not be held until late 2024.

Late tweets

Exactly. Both main System parties (and the smaller hanger-on System parties, such as LibDems, SNP, Plaid Cymru etc) are guilty. They all caused, or helped to cause, Britain’s slow-motion train crash.

Ha. Reminds me of when my first wife, an American, told me of what a fellow-member of her gym in New Jersey told her of a similar encounter.

Apparently, that woman, a uniformed female police officer, had arrested a prostitute on various charges. The arrested woman was compliant and was just making a statement at the police station when she, without warning, bit the policewoman hard on the wrist, drawing blood. The policewoman was so shocked and in pain that she struck the arrested woman with the back of her other hand. Only once, but really hard.

That was the totality of the incident, but the policewoman had a nervous wait until the result of an HIV test came in. There was also the possibility that the woman struck might make a complaint (I do not know whether she ever did).

I remember meeting that officer once or twice about that time. A beautiful blonde, like those sometimes seen in American TV cop dramas.

Very true, but it is pointless telling that to most of the “save our NHS” types, because most of them are also signed up to the “refugees welcome” and pro-mass immigration viewpoints; not to mention the “Covid” hysteria, “lockdowns”, facemask nonsense etc (that caused much of the —planned and deliberately caused— present or upcoming privations). Dim people.

I am a socialist, but a white man first” [Jack London]

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 June 2022

Morning music

[Old Orangerie, Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

On this day a year ago

In the Germany of the mid/late 1930s, such weather was called “Fuhrerwetter“…

[1930s, Nuremberg: the Bund Deutscher Madel make display]

Twitter trivia news

Quite a few tweets seen this morning talking about the “suspension” (expulsion?) of the “Andrea Urban Fox” Twitter account. I have seen, in the past, a few tweets from that person (who seems to be tied up with the Jew-Zionists in some way). Not one tweet was of any interest whatever. Just rubbish. Why do so many people post meaningless rubbish on Twitter, and in some cases for hours daily? I can only suppose that it gives them something to do.

I cannot remember now whether Andrea Urban Fox ever tweeted about me. I think that she may have done, critically, and several years ago. No matter, anyway.

Maybe now, if the “suspension” actually turns out to be a permanent expulsion, “Andrea Urban Fox” will find something useful to do with her day(s).

[Update, same day: that Twitter account was reinstated, for whatever reason. Twitter, apart from now being far more dull than it once was (the result of the censorship, and expulsion of interesting tweeters such as David Icke, Alison Chabloz, me —if I may be a little immodest— and many others), is a mess in terms of how it works. Will Elon Musk really proceed with its acquisition? He seems too intelligent.]

Tweets seen

The “problem” (((problem))) is by no means confined to the USA. “They” try to get the non-whites to believe that the you-know-whos are on the side of the blacks and browns. No, they are playing the non-whites off against white Europeans, in a strategy of Zionist supremacism.

Oh, and that (((one))) is as much a genuine “Stewart” as I am a genuine “Liebowitz”! See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart#Early_life_and_education.


I agree with both of the above tweets. In what world are those people worth that pay? When Justin Webb returned to the UK after having spent several years in Washington for the BBC, he was asked the main difference between the UK and USA, and trotted out the old story about the younger man looking at another man”s very expensive car and exclaiming either (UK) “he should not have such a car” or (USA) “one day I shall have such a car“. Trite, tired, mediocre, and actually quite inaccurate (the story, Justin Webb, and indeed the BBC). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Webb.

The BBC is out of its time, really. Its output is now certainly not of higher quality than that of its competitors, and as for it being “ad-free”, not so; it advertises itself and its output constantly, and shows government propaganda quite often (as well as in its shows).

The BBC receives excessive funding via the “licence fee” system, a tax by any other word, enforced by bailiff-like enforcement staff. Even today, there are people (often poor single mothers etc) in prison for (following court order) not paying, or being able to pay, that bloody “licence fee”.

Now I read that the best of the BBC TV channels, BBC Four, is going to be axed to save money! The only decent part of the BBC left. It really is time to get rid of the BBC’s “licence fee” funding and make it compete on a level with the other channels (now numbered in the dozens).

I might take a different view, were the BBC on a higher general cultural level, but that is not the case (even on BBC2) now, and has not been so for decades. As said, the best bit of the output, on BBC Four, is going to be axed.

As for BBC Radio— appalling. Radio 4 is almost entirely unlistenable now, while Radio 3 has been greatly dumbed down.

Get rid. Take away Justin Webb’s (and others’) rice bowls.

Talking of the BBC, I was interested to see that a son of the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, one Sasha Yevtushenko, is now a BBC radio producer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasha_Yevtushenko. Aged 43, apparently.

I recall meeting the then very young (maybe about 4-y-o, cannot quite recall) Sasha Yevtushenko, sometime in the early 1980s, when at Bournemouth with my then girlfriend, who was a friend of his mother, the third wife of the poet.

The maternal grandmother of Sasha Yevtushenko lived in some expensive part of Bournemouth, very close to the sea, and had one of those Victorian wooden beach huts in which people change for swimming, which huts now sell, sometimes, for tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. That one was on a quasi-private beach.

Despite the hot weather, we were the only people there. It was like a small cove, as I remember. I also remember the almost (?) hyperactive little boy holding the door handle from the outside, shouting out “Nilzya!” (“Not allowed!” in Russian) repeatedly and (for no reason) refusing to allow me to exit the wooden hut. There were small windows in the door. I could see him holding the handle.

What can a polite guest do? One can hardly force open the door and possibly hurt the small child, no matter how peculiar his behaviour. In the end his mother called him.

I blogged about the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Yevtushenko] some years ago. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/04/04/yevgeny-yevtushenko-darcus-howe-and-the-msm-cultural-musings/.

How time flies in a life: it seems not hugely long ago that an odd little boy was shouting out in Russian while imprisoning me in a beach hut. Now, the small boy is suddenly 43, and a BBC radio producer. Well, there it is; and I myself am no longer in my twenties!

[Update, 23 June 2022: https://www.forumdaily.com/en/syn-evgeniya-evtushenko-rasskazal-o-zhizni-i-poslednix-dnyax-poeta/. I was unaware that Yevgeny Yevtushenko had had two more children as late as 1990].

A talk worth hearing

“Millennial Woes” (Colin Robertson), talking in 2021 about the evil and misnamed “Hope not Hate” (((cabal))).

Seems to have been subject to censorship (or a technical defect). Try to find it online, on Odysee.

More tweets seen

Much of France is still good, still beautiful, but Paris and some other large cities and towns are now largely not French, not European, and do not deserve to exist.

The Great Replacement. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. White Genocide.

More tweets

…and the semi-uniformed person, presumably some kind of attendant, seems to be not much interested, certainly does not do anything (or call for help on his radio), but (on his own against about 20 untermenschen) just bleats slightly at the mainly non-white mob. Perhaps afraid of being attacked.

This is an example of why, in the future, some form of social nationalism will have to take the reins. To exterminate evil.

He’s behind you!“…

Tweeter above failing to see that the whole “trans” nonsense of recent years is but a small part of a far-wider attempt by secret circles and cabals to destroy what is left of traditional society, particularly in Europe and other white-European-settled parts of the world, and to replace it with a “society” of dystopia— raceless, unisex, cultureless, hopeless, atomized (so easy to rule), and drugged in every way. As said many times, social nationalism must rise up to exterminate evil.

Ha ha! A one-time trainee psychiatrist (who seems to need a psychiatrist herself, in my opinion). As far as I have read here and there, she did not work for long as a doctor of any kind. No longer able to sustain the fakery of the facemask nonsense, now that most people have woken up.

Her Twitter feed is amusing, full of replies to her from cranks who are still wearing facemasks. Some really give themselves away, saying how much they love wearing their masks. Mentally-disturbed, quite obviously.

I did not see her tweeting that when this shambolic mess of a government made wearing facemask muzzles a legal requirement, and failure to comply with the facemask nonsense punishable by law.

I have remarked in the past on the blog about how doctors who become politicians or “activists” are usually a waste of space. Other examples? Dr. David Owen; Dr. Hastings Banda; Dr. Liam Fox. Dr. Evan Harris. Etc.

The incredible shrinking NHS


Shambolic. To me, after various experiences over the past decade, unsurprising, however.

In fact, it is not just the NHS hospitals and GP practices, but also dental services, central and local government generally, roads, rail, the courts, the police (a fortiori)…you name it. In down to earth language, this country’s gone to ratshit over several decades (and especially since 2010).

It is not the “fault” solely of immigrants (or immigration), or Jews, or British people becoming “wiggers” etc. It is a compendium of many causes, working together to trash the country. A Gordian Knot which, however, can be cut.

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This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Hickel. Frightening to think that a person of that sort may actually influence the policies adopted by governments.

Late tweets

Homeschool your children. Contrary to what many in the UK believe, it is not illegal! See https://www.gov.uk/home-education.

Late music