Tag Archives: election betting

Diary Blog, 30 June 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Talking point

Talking point

Tweets seen

BBC Question Time is a show so biased, and serving a System agenda, that it would not have been out of place in the Soviet Union. Look at what happened to Nick Griffin about 14 years ago. A complete and rigged lynching.

There should be a massive purge of the cultural sector generally.

Tom Harwood is a horrible little bastard. A typical “knows the price of everything and the value of nothing” careerist.

Yes, they will take “just” 1% of the Green Belt…at first. That covers a year or two of the “need” for new “homes”. A couple of years later, with another 1M+ immigrants to house, guess what? Another 1% (or more) of the Green Belt will be “needed”. And so on…

All that will feed money to housebuilding giants and banks and, down the line, to organizations such as GB News, and to talking heads such as Tom Harwood.

As tweeted there, “Labour” has no, or no effective, plan, because (just like the “Conservatives”) they want more immigration. Evil. Treacherous. Coudenhove-Kalergi puppets.

Ha ha! The face of that silly woman (as seen in the clip) was a picture! Veritas omnia vincit

The consumption of material resources using the photovoltaic technology is at least 64 times that of nuclear energy. For the production of the solar-grade silicon for one square meter of panel area it requires 3.5 kg of concentrated hydrochloric acid. The weight of concrete, steel and chemicals used, such as acids/ bases, etchants, elemental gases, dopants, photolithographic chemicals etc. are never included. PV technology is more than 7 times more labor intensive than other energy sources. They never include disposing of the worn out panels, recycling copper wiring etc. after solar farms have reached end of life. So when they tell you solar makes back the energy used to build and maintain them in X amount of time, they are actually lying to you.”

Interesting, nicht wahr, that all these supposed imperative “needs”, such as concreting over the English countryside to provide “homes” (mostly for migrant-invaders), or creating massive solar farms in the countryside or, indeed, creating fake “vaccines” and the “need” for this, that, or the other anti-“pandemic” equipment and services, always seem to mean massive profit for greedy landowners, farmers, giant companies, the mass media organizations etc?

GE 2024 may be nailed on for Labour, but there is everything still to play for in respect of Reform UK; also, in terms of really wiping out (or not) the totally useless “Conservative” Party. Still 4 days or so to go before the campaign is at an end. About a fifth of eligible voters are still unsure whether to bother voting, and/or where to place their cross.

If Reform UK only gets about 15% or 16% across the board, then that will be underwhelming, though it should sink the Conservative Party. In that event, Reform would probably get only one or two MPs. If, on the other hand, Reform can get about 23%, then it might end up with 50+ MPs, and the map of British politics will have been irrevocably changed.

James Whale [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Whale_(radio_presenter)] and his co-host (who he?) are just two Israel-lobby monkeys-on-sticks at the bad-joke Talk Radio/Talk TV, which hardly anyone sees or hears.

Talk TV, one of the Murdoch assets, was one of the few msm outlets to report on my free speech trial sentencing hearing. It managed to get the sentence completely wrong, stating that I had been “jailed“!

That interviewee was right. Talk TV/Talk Radio are indeed “clowns“.

The mass media are under (((control))), just as the entire political system is monitored and controlled. Once even a mild-ish small-c conservative party such as Reform UK starts to become popular with the masses, the control starts to become more heavy-handed. It is pretty blatant.

What other party could do this in the Britain of 2024? Brexit Party did it, on a smaller scale, but Farage stabbed it in the back. This time, he obviously plans to take it to the end (Election Day).

Like the end of the 1934 Nuremberg rally, but without a proper social-national party, movement, ideology, or leader.

Still, if it destroys at least half of the “two main parties” scam, and moves the “Overton Window” a bit (or a lot), I am relatively happy…

Incidentally, if you do not see the (superficial) parallel to 1934 Nuremberg, see the video below [at/from 1hr 30 mins]

Well, it is a start…

With the IFS questioning how Labour and the Tories are going to fund their manifesto pledges, the public are similarly sceptical: % who think each party’s promises are…

Affordable / Unaffordable Con promises: 14% / 57% Lab promises: 22% / 47%

Realistic / Unrealistic Con promises: 14% / 62% Lab promises: 25% / 47%

Good for Britain / Bad for Britain Con promises: 22%/ 52% Lab promises: 37% / 35%.”

Incredibly, the Cons are seen as worse on all those questions.

This Government is toast. Toast.

Most people realize that “democracy” is largely a sham.

In 2015 I met this Palestinian farmer, Abdel-Majeed, on the West Bank. Israeli settlers were attacking him and stealing his land, and I thought the situation was about as bad as it could get. No, it has gotten much worse.

I revisited him last week, during a week-long trip through Israel and the West Bank, and I found that settlers have burned his cars and destroyed his tractor. They have cut down his olive trees and set his sheep shed on fire. They tried to break into his house when his granddaughter was home. Now his wife is arguing that they should give up their home, for fear of being burned alive by settlers.

This is life on the West Bank today. It doesn’t get as much attention as Gaza, but the situation is desperate. And the US is largely AWOL. I know it feels a long way away, but this is central to the Middle East crisis and is one reason I fear the crisis will get worse.

Here’s my report: https://nyti.ms/3ROOfNs

Even some Jews think the actions of the Jewish settlers are abominable.

America— a colossus on legs of straw. A demented President, and a total idiot-woman as vice-President…

More music

[Riviera Police, a favourite TV series when I was about 8-9 years old in 1965: https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riviera_Police]
[Russian VDV Air Descent Contingent officer or soldier exits aircraft over St. Petersburg]

Late tweets


Late music

Diary Blog, 27 June 2024

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the river Cam, Cambridge]

Tweets seen

Good grief. The “Conservative” MPs really are “filling their boots” on the way out…

Incredible. In the Christian Weltanschauung we are all “sinners”, it is said, but the Conservative Party is rapidly being exposed as a cabal of corrupt and ethics-free outright criminals and spivs.

Can you imagine a low trick of that sort being pulled in 1956 (the year of my birth), 1974 (when, aged 18, I voted for the first and only time—my candidate came last out of four…), or even 20 years ago? No. It would not, could not, have happened.

It is as if there has been a complete and shameless moral collapse on the part of the Conservative Party’s MPs and staff. Betting on the election date while having inside knowledge, masquerading as a fictional “Tax Check” organization (as above), masquerading as a candidate for any party other than Conservative (the unpleasant little Israel puppet, Robert Largan, at High Peak) etc.

Just unbelievable.

As for Philip Davies, he has, in a sense, every right to bet against himself, especially as he would certainly prefer to be, and make more profit were he to be, re-elected as MP for Shipley. Yes. No argument as far as that is concerned, but it just looks wrong, and so, bearing in mind the status and public position of an MP —as Davies was until the prorogation of Parliament— it is wrong.

Davies was perhaps misled by his own betting history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Davies#Gambling_industry.

From the newspapers


Migrant shipwreck survivor is arrested in Italy amid claims he strangled Iraqi girl, 16, to death in front of her mother on sinking yacht in the Med after watching his wife and daughter drown

[Daily Mail]

Look at the type of untermenschen coming to mainland Europe, many then travelling on to the UK.

More tweets seen

A good cause. https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/inmemoryofrobbie?utm_medium=campaign&utm_content=campaign%2Finmemoryofrobbie&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share

Another very good cause. https://www.vauxhallcityfarm.org/

Apropos of nothing, I wonder how many of my regular blog readers know that the Russian word for a railway station of medium to large size is a “voksaal” [воксал], which comes from, yes, “Vauxhall”.

The reason is that Vauxhall was apparently one of the first places to have a functioning steam train, or at least a well-known one, at a time (early 19thC) when Vauxhall was a “pleasure garden”. Possibly. A similar but distinct explanation is that other pleasure gardens, in Poland and Russia, were later referred to as “vauxhalls” and were in the vicinity of railway stations: anyway, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vauxhall_Gardens#Cultural_significance.

I think that a few of my regular readers already knew that, though I admit that I am guessing…

Paul Mason, would-be Labour MP, becomes ever more pathetic politically. One feels that, given another 10 years, he will be found wandering the streets and swearing randomly.

Good sense and Realpolitik breaking out in Berlin?

Matthew Parris would see nothing wrong in that, and that is why I see something wrong in Matthew Parris.

I myself would never trust a Dutch doctor.

It is coming now to the point at which we might ask, “which event will destroy our present civilization? A collapse in insect life, plant life and then animal and human life? A nuclear war? A “pandemic” (a real one, not one like the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic)?

See my thoughts from quite a few years ago:

Well, then…

The tide is turning. Reform UK is the first really significant movement of the “Overton Window” in mainstream UK politics. Later, social-nationalism can take hold, once there is a suitable movement as a vehicle for it. Then, a few accounts may be settled.

Social conditions in what might be called the Gaza ghetto…

All but two striking targets in Western Ukraine, i.e. west of the Dnieper; indeed well to the west of the river.

They are laughing…now…

Their evil is palpable when they feel thwarted. A similar incident happened in London a couple of months ago, with the Metropolitan Police as the immediate targets of the filmed propaganda.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that might result in a House of Commons with 441 Labour MPs (overall majority 232), LibDems 82, Cons 55, Reform UK 22, Greens 4, SNP 23 (etc).