Tag Archives: far right

Diary Blog, 13 June 2024

Morning music

[Hitler enters Vienna in 1938, after the Anschluss, and to general acclamation]

Tweets seen

By my use of Electoral Calculus, that might translate to Lab 476 Commons seats (overall majority 302), Con 68 (official Opposition), LibDems 62, SNP 13, Reform UK 4, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (Northern Ireland 18, Others 3).

What kind of “democracy” is it, though, when a party (Labour) might get 39% of the popular vote, yet get about 72% of the seats in the House of Commons (476 seats)? A strict 39% of seats would be 253 seats.

Another party (Conservatives) might get 19% of the popular vote, meaning, on strict mathematical equivalence, about 124 seats, not the mere 68 conferred by FPTP voting.

As for Reform UK, its present or forecast 17% should confer (under proportional voting) about 111 seats. The forecast under FPTP voting— a mere 4.

There again, the LibDems, with only 10% of the popular vote, are forecast to have 62 seats, almost the same as under a strict proportional allocation (65).

Can such an electoral system even be called “democratic”? Open question.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

More music— “Ostalgie”

[East Berlin car park, 1987— mostly Trabants]

The DDR was a strange little country, in which I spent a couple of days in 1988; actually, not quite as small a country as commonly imagined: about 42,000 sq. miles, as against England’s 51,000, but with an overall density of population about a third of England’s (the UK as a whole has about 94,000 sq. miles).

More tweets seen

[“No, wait! I voted Labour“…]

Interesting both in itself and re. the tactical voting point.

Incidentally, my 2019 (but several-times updated) piece about Therese Coffey (from my Deadhead MPs series) has proven popular; thousands of hits to date. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

Britain 2024


Two men have been jailed for a total of 67 years for shooting and stabbing to death an 18-year-old in east London.

Awadh Saleh and Rio Burton-Devine, both aged 25 from east London, were found guilty of the murder of Abubakar ‘Junior’ Jah, 18, at the Old Bailey today.

Judge Mark Dennis KC sentenced the pair to 36 years and 31 years respectively for the ‘brutal and cowardly’ attack in 2021.”


What will London be like in 2034 or 2044?

The System parties have no real answers.

Late tweets

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that actually puts the Cons in a marginally better position than other recent polls, by reason of the slip in Labour’s position, but it still means Lab 466 (overall majority 282), Con 70, LibDem 70, Reform UK 4, Greens 2.

Were Labour to recover to 40%, the number of Con MPs would reduce to 51; were Labour to rise to 41%, the number of Con MPs would be a mere 42.

Penny Mordaunt is campaigning not so much for the Conservative Party as for her own political career (in fact, her career full stop, for she has no other). It seems 50-50, at best, that she will be re-elected anyway.

Labour is as dull as ditchwater, as witness its pathetic Manifesto for the General Election, but I do not think that it much matters now. The main aim of 80%+, maybe even 90%, of the electorate is to get rid of the Conservative Party not just for the next 5 years but permanently. Starmer and fake Labour will only fail to sweep all before them —by default— if something so devastating happens to their campaign that it is hard to imagine what.

Late music

[a rainy night in Tunis; I last trod that pavement in 1986]

Diary Blog, 2 March 2024

Morning music

[Vicente Romero, Sea Breeze]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings a convincing victory over political journalist John Rentoul; he only managed 1/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 3, 4, 7, and 9.

Laura Towler and Sam Melia

I included material on the blog yesterday about Laura Towler and her husband Sam Melia. I am not personally acquainted with them, and am not, as such, a supporter of their organization, Patriotic Alternative, but obviously am, as they are, supportive of European race and culture, and want Europe to have a future worth living. I also support free speech and freedom of expression.

Yesterday, Sam Melia was sentenced to 2 years in prison, a result of his having been convicted of what amounts to political offences. He will therefore probably be in prison for a year (possibly/hopefully a few months less).

I also happened to see this crowdfunder for the couple, who have a young child, with another expected soon.


Tweets seen


…”and then there were none“…

One more reason no longer to respect the police in the UK.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Sam Melia. Wrong race, wrong nationality, wrong “crime”…

No doubt Sam Melia’s solicitors and Counsel will be considering whether to appeal, at least on sentence. A tough choice, though, when there is the danger of an increase in sentence in the appellate forum.

Appalling, but I should have more (or some) respect for Toby Young and the “Free Speech Union” had he and they said a word in defence of those dissident voices criminalized because of their (perceived) political views. Alison Chabloz, Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch), Sam Melia, me…and many many others,

The little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, is going down politically. This time next year, he will probably have relocated to California or Bombay, and/or be another fake “lord” in the now-ludicrous House of “Lords”.

While it is true that a huge “Labour” majority would merely increase the repression on social-nationalism, at least there would be no nonsense about social national people having to play the “electoral” (rigged) game.

The faked pseudo-democratic “two main parties” game has to be brought down. If the Conservative Party can be almost wiped out at GE 2024, that party, half of the “two party” scam, may never recover. That in turn will lead to a vacuum which may then be filled by something new.

As for Sajid Javid, his brief political career is now at an end, unless he becomes yet another “plastic peer”. A near-loonie, who once praised the “antifa” thugs; also an acolyte of the Jewish “philosopher of selfishness”, “Ayn Rand” (Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum), and so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish lobby that he even spent his honeymoon in Israel. An ex-Muslim apostate, who thinks that the UK’s multikulti society is a “success” only because he happens to have made plenty of money here.

If Israel can be weakened, its support and aid given to the worldwide Jewish lobby web may falter, enabling that worldwide web to be taken down.

I was unaware.


While Rishi Sunak is whining about the peasants voting wrongly, WW3 just came a step closer!

Military experts told RIA Novosti how they assess proposals by top German officers to strike the Crimean Bridge: In response to the supply of Taurus missiles to Kiev, Moscow may consider the possibility of “Dagger” attacks on the manufacturing plant of these missiles in Germany, says Igor Korotchenko. ##NoConscription ##notourwar.”

Germany is presently ruled by traitors to the future of the German people. Those traitors are also pretty stupid. Do they think that Russia will sit still while its vital strategic infrastructure is targeted?

A year in prison for stickers that told simple truths is as disgusting as it was expected.

Sam Melia was foolish to run with an obvious honeytrap group, and to be caught flirting with deeply demonised ideas, but that doesn’t alter the gross injustice of locking up a young father for purely peaceful dissidence, in order to intimidate other indigenous Brits into silence about our ongoing marginalisation and dispossession.

By refusing to allow peaceful and constructive expression of these issues, the UK state is pushing angry individuals towards a much less benign way of expressing their fears and frustration.

They were meant to learn from the Troubles in Northern Ireland, not repeat on the mainland the sort of injustice and repression that helped create them. #freespeech.”

[Nick Griffin].

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable

[President John F. Kennedy; speech at the White House, Washington D.C. 13 March 1962; see https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780191843730.001.0001/q-oro-ed5-00006245].

George Galloway received 39.7% of the vote at Rochdale. The combined vote of the next three candidates (Independent David Tully, Labour Party, and Conservative Party) totalled only 41%: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Rochdale_by-election#Results.

The combined vote of the Labour and Conservative candidates was a mere 19.7%.

When Dan Hodges talks about Sunak “going early“, he is not referring to resignation but to Sunak calling an early General Election 2024. I had thought September or October, but it now looks as if June or July are possible months.

I just looked on the Electoral Calculus website [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html]. On present opinion polling, the Conservative Party might end up with as few as 43 MPs. Happy day, though equally I hate the idea of the Labour Party “elected dictatorship” that would inevitably result, and which might make Blair’s regime seem mild.

If those idiots attack Russia, there will be a direct response. That would presumably trigger Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, and from there it would be a very short step to a regional war, then a continental war, then an intercontinental war involving Russia and the USA. In other words, a Third World War. Terrible. Disastrous. Unnecessary.

That is enough for almost an entire year at present rates of use.

Seems speculative. If Iran does become a nuclear power, Israel will go ballistic, possibly literally.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 9 November 2023, including thoughts about Douglas Murray’s apparent incitement of civil war in the UK

Morning music

[November 9th commemoration, Munich, 1930s]

Beer Hall Putsch

Today is exactly 100 years since the decisive day of the “Beer Hall Putsch”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch.

[Odeonsplatz, Munich, 9 November 1923]

Despite its partly comic-opera characteristics, the Putsch might have succeeded. That it did not was just Fate (Schicksal).

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9_November_in_German_history [Schicksalstag].

Battles past

Is Douglas Murray inciting civil war in the UK? What is he doing?

“Tommy Robinson” makes common cause with Douglas Murray:

A half-truth is still a half-lie. Jewish-lobby mouthpiece Douglas Murray is not completely wrong about the non-British influxes, including the migration-invasion, but —of course— says nothing about the Jew-Zionist influence which has undermined Britain’s way of life for many decades in a number of ways; culturally, politically etc.

It is quite possible to oppose the Gaza slaughter, oppose the evil Israeli invasion of Gaza, and the slaughter of children etc, and yet be firmly on the side of (real) British values, including “race and nation” and/or “race and culture”, and against Jew-Zionist supremacism both in the Middle East and Europe.

Nick Griffin is onto it:

Douglas Murray – upper class, homosexual, no children, highly paid by neocon and Zionist foundations – is cold-bloodedly winding up a “very brutal” civil war in the UK.

He won’t be there. He has no sons to be there. He has total contempt for working class Brits. You’ll not find him holding a gun, planting a bomb or cleaning up brains and guts. That’s your role – peasants!

When the BNP raised the very real problems of Pakistani grooming gangs and anti-white racist violence, he did nothing except sneer & condemn us. But now he is talking up a non-existent ‘threat’ – to a stone monument that was built as a sop because the elite wouldn’t pay to bring our dead home from their obscene Western Front – to wind us up to bring Israel’s war to our streets.

Why? Because his paymasters want us to support genocide in Gaza and go to war against Iran – one of the nations that stood up to and defeated ISIS and Al Qaeda.

There ARE real problems in the Britain that he and the rest of ‘our’ ruling class have created, and the British have plenty to be angry about – as have UK Muslims. But a new flood of refugees and a 30-year war won’t solve anything. So stop trying to start one, Murray, you disgusting, warmongering excuse for a human being!

[Nick Griffin].

Well said, Griffin, though “upper class” is stretching it a bit! Murray’s parents were neither titled nor wealthy (father a civil servant, mother a schoolteacher), and Murray attended local primary, comprehensive and Roman Catholic schools in the Hammersmith and Ealing areas of London before spending a year at Eton, in the 6th form, on a scholarship.


I think that what we are seeing here is one of the latest forms of “controlled opposition”: pro-Israel, pro-Jewish-lobby, anti-immigration (superficially), and anti any real social nationalism.

Murray is there, as we just saw, in the leather club chairs, hamming up the pseudo-Establishment “cosplay”, while “Tommy Robinson”, co-incidentally (?) just released from Twitter/X jail (along with Katie Hopkins), stirs up the untutored masses against the Palestine protest marches etc.

The aim seems to be to sunder the two parts of what might have become a pro-social-nationalist but anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish-lobby, movement.

Thus the potentially “British nationalist” masses end up controlled —in ideology, or literally— by the Douglas Murrays, the Tommy Robinsons, the Katie Hopkins’s, and the huge numbers of white British people who hate what Israel is doing in Gaza are outflanked, and forced into the false choice of being either pro-Israel and pro-Jewish (and superficially pro-Brit, and pro-Union Jack flagwaving), or anti-Palestine marches and also pro-immigration.

Murray retails the old “paradox of liberalism”, i.e. that a liberal society has to be illiberal towards illiberal persons or tendencies in order to preserve its liberal character.

That is frequently seen pushed out by the Jew-Zionist lobby. Indeed, it forms a secondary element in my own rapidly-upcoming trial, in which I shall stand up for free speech and freedom of expression against a Zionist-corrupted police and prosecution set-up.

The result of that paradox, as applied in practice, is that those with whom the System has no problem have almost unlimited free speech (e.g. cheap msm comedians and entertainers, corrupt pro-Israel politicos such as Nigel Farage etc), but those who pose a real, even if only germinal, threat to the System (any real social-national thinkers or activists) are jumped upon and as good as banned.

Tweets seen

Just roll over it.

When Britain has (i.e. if Britain can achieve) a real social-national government, this nonsense has to go, as a major priority: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Just one example of NHS hospital maladministration.

Israel again. Centre of a worldwide web.

Evil woman.


Interesting, and far from what the Jew-Zionist-dominated mass media would have people believe.


More tweets

Ha ha. Better slowly wise than never wise.

The replies made me laugh even more.

Late tweets seen

The only such targets that matter are the reactors, storage facilities, and experimental areas at Dimona.


Late thought re. Suella Braverman

Obviously a Jewish-lobby puppet, like her predecessor, Priti Patel. What, though, is her gameplay?

To my way of thinking, she knows that this pseudo-“Conservative Party” government has no chance whatever it does. I think that it had, until quite recently, but not now. The obvious fact that Sunak has decided to hang on until the last possible moment (late 2024) speaks volumes to the voters. It says “I am afraid to submit myself to a general election”.

In strict Constitutional terms, Sunak and, before Sunak, Liz Truss, had no need to hold a general election, but as far as most voters are concerned, that smacks of fear and desperation.

On the above premises, what is Suella Braverman thinking? My view is that she is setting out her stall to be elected as Sunak’s successor. If she says inflammatory things and is sacked, then it says “I was too honest to stay in Sunak’s weak government”, but if she is not sacked, another message says “Sunak is a lame duck, and dare not sack me”.

Either way, Suella Braverman only has 12 months left in government, so she has little to lose.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, Western Siberia].