Tag Archives: General Election 2024

Diary Blog, 11 December 2023, including thoughts and reminiscences around G.K. Chesterton and others

Morning music

[Blues and Royals in a snowy London]

Tweets seen

See also:

Sage. That quotation could be a commentary on my own recent prosecution and conviction (I may appeal) for (allegedly) posting on the blog, and telling society a few socio-political and historical truths, mainly truths about “them” (((them))).

Imagine if the same were done in the halls of music, literature, philosophy, martial endeavour, science etc. There would be almost nothing left.

The news report about that scandal: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12845439/Now-police-CANCEL-Chief-Constables.html.

Read that. Turns out that, as so often, the Chief Constable in question is a woman, and moreover one who, after a business studies degree at what was then Sheffield Polytechnic, joined the police in Cambridgeshire. Her Wikipedia entry contains no detail of any interesting cases or arrests, just a careerist plod (no pun intended) upwards on the bureaucratic ladder: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Farrell.

A few more of those G.K. Chesterton quotations:

Were Chesterton to live in our own times, he would have been “cancelled” by intellectual pygmies, would probably never have been published, and would quite likely find himself having to defend nonsensical and/or malicious allegations in the criminal courts.

[G.K. Chesterton]


Incidentally, Wikipedia’s piece on G.K. Chesterton contains the caveat “not to be confused with A.K. Chesterton“.

A.K. Chesterton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A._K._Chesterton] was a remote relative of G.K. and perhaps, possibly, probably (I do not know) named “A.K.” deliberately because of the connection, G.K. Chesterton then being a very famous figure indeed (who was even cited and quoted in novels such as Brideshead Revisited, published much later— 1945, in that case; Brideshead contains a scene involving a reading aloud of Chesterton’s Father Brown story, The Queer Feet [https://www3.nd.edu/~afreddos/courses/43811/queerfeet.htm]).

When, from about 1975, and at age 17 or 18, I became actively interested in contemporary British politics (in addition to my earlier and continuing interest in the Germany and Russia of the 1910s, 1920s, and 1930s), I heard tell about A.K. Chesterton at or around the League of St. George, in a couple of cases from people who had known him personally (he died in 1973).

I read a couple of copies of “A.K.’s” magazine, Candour, and carried on a brief political correspondence in 1976-1977 with some (?) Irish and certainly Roman Catholic lady who had continued the publication after the death of “A.K.”. Frankly, I did not think much of either. The young can be censorious, often too censorious.

Ah. I had forgotten that lady’s name, but am now reminded by Wikipedia, about 46 or more years on, that it was Rosine de Bounevialle. I do remember that she was based in Liss Forest, Hampshire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Candour_(magazine); https://www.candour.org.uk/.

See also: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2001/may/21/charities.voluntarysector.

[A.K. Chesterton]

I see now that there was a third notable and related Chesterton— Cecil Chesterton: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Chesterton.

Below, another gem very fitting for 2023 rather than 1923:

Ain’t that the truth?!

Also true.

More tweets

True, but the diagnosis is very clear to many. I have been blogging and, before that, tweeting etc about it for many many years. What also matters is the prognosis, and then the treatment necessary.

I await the tweeter Embery’s defence of my rights to freedom of expression, recently violated by a Kafkaesque prosecution and conviction procured from behind the scenes by the malicious Jew-Zionist org “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, who admit in tweets and on their website that they not only had “lord” Ian Austin write to the DPP about me, but also admit that they have been targeting me for 7 years (I myself think — or know— rather longer).

Tell that to the Jewish/Israel lobby or, rather, to the police and CPS.

Quite a contrast to the present-day migration-invasion of parasites, scavengers, and predators from all over Asia, Africa etc.

Stop treating the NHS as a quasi-religion, start focussing on outcomes.

From the newspapers


Ukrainian intelligence today revealed chilling images from the scene of the assassination of Ilya Kyva, a ‘traitor’ and former Kyiv MP turned Putin puppet. 

Kyva, 46, was gunned down last week as he went for a walk in a supposedly safe location at a country club near Moscow – the latest of several collaborators to have been assassinated in recent months. 

Images from the scene show his body lying in the snow – and the weapons supposedly used to ‘liquidate’ him were discovered hanging on a tree nearby. Video was also released apparently showing the assassin lying in wait in the snow and watching passers-by.

The SBU secret service made clear the images and footage were deliberately released as a warning to other Ukrainians collaborating with Vladimir Putin’s invading forces.

‘This is a signal to all traitors and war criminals who have gone over to the enemy’s side,’ a Ukrainian source told media.

[Daily Mail]

Ukraine— a failed state, non-state, ruled by gangsters and Jewish “business” exploiters.

Late tweets

Yes. If Farage and Tice actually fight the 2024 GE, unlike their behaviour in 2019, when they stabbed their own followers in the back and enabled “Boris”-idiot to lead the Con Party to an unmerited victory, Reform UK might manage between 15%-20%. Even 15% would sink the Con Party, leaving Con Party with about 53 seats, depending on the Lab and LibDem showing. If Reform UK can get to 20%, and if most of the extra votes come from Con Party, the latter might be left with as few as 14 MPs.

My own guess, on present showing, is that the nationwide vote for Reform UK might exceed 15%; not sure.

My other guess is that the Con Party will be left with between 50 and 100 MPs.

That, of course, will mean a Labour Party elected dictatorship.

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 December 2023

Afternoon music

Saturday quiz

Well, a very poor week for me: 2 out of 10, but still good enough to beat political journalist John Rentoul, who scored only 1/10. I knew the answers to questions 3 and 4, no others.

From the newspapers


Integrating migrants into society is ‘impossible’ at current levels Robert Jenrick has warned just days after he suddenly quit as immigration minister.

[A statement of the obvious, of course].

Last night he claimed the Tories would face the ‘red-hot fury of voters at the ballot box’ unless further action it taken to bring down the high levels of immigration to the UK.

The former minister went to argue that the Government’s plan to reduce net migration from 745,000 to the 2019 level of 226,000 is a ‘considerable way off.

[Daily Mail].

[in what world is even 200,000 —net— acceptable?].


Zelensky’s inner circle are wary of a threat from the influential Zaluzhny, who has claimed the war has reached a stalemate. Sources tell me that they have tried to have the military chief fired, but he was just too popular.”

[Daily Mail]

It is claimed that the Jew Zelensky not only has 2 luxury villas outside Ukraine, one (in Florida) worth USD $40M, but also has bought two superyachts or megayachts in the UAE.

As to “stalemate“, we shall see during the drier weather of summer 2024 whether Russia has the means and the men to make a general advance on Kiev.

Whether that happens or not, Russia cannot lose the war in Ukraine, and will not lose it.


A jamboree of nonsense.


The Covid Inquiry, another jamboree of nonsense. Completely pointless.

London. Zoo.


A ‘depraved’ man who raped a woman as she slept on the Piccadilly Line in front of a horrified passenger and her 11-year-old son has been jailed for nine years.


I am, in general, opposed to the death penalty, but the eradication of creatures of this sort (who are not uncommon in London) I should regard not as punishment, but as a public health or social health measure.

Tweets seen

Labour Friends of Israel member. Jewish lawyer wife. Half-Jew children being brought up as if full-Jew, with all the religio-cultural festivities (cf. Robert Jenrick etc).

Only very silly people would believe a word Starmer may say.

The bien-pensants of Twitter/X may say that housing, pay, benefits, pensions etc are more important than immigration as a mainstream political issue, but the fact is that mass immigration and migration invasion make those issues —and others— far more pressing. It affects everything.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Note that Ian Birrell wrote speeches for David Cameron-Levita, whereas Portes is a Jew closely connected, at least in the past, with the Labour Party, but both attack Goodwin’s thesis because both are pro-immigration and therefore, perforce, in favour of the flooding of the UK with immigrants. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

I agree with the last tweet.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/11/17/social-nationalism-and-green-politics/.

Diary Blog, 13 October 2023

Morning music

[Tiger tanks, Ukraine, 1943]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The Scottish police, prosecutors and courts seem to be every bit as (((infested))) as one would have expected. The malign influence of (((the usual suspects))), of course.

Tweets seen


Stray thought about Gaza, Israeli “military action”, and social media

What strikes me most about the UK Jew-Zionist outpourings on Twitter/”X” is the sheer sadism and hatred many of the Jew-Zionists are putting out. Many of them are gloating about how the civilians of Gaza are about to be crushed, subjected to pain and devastation etc.

Many Jew-Zionists are effectively or actually saying that the Gazan population (half of whom are under 18, and at least a quarter of whom are young or very young children) deserve to be wiped out or, more euphemistically, “taught a lesson they will never forget“.

What makes their comments even more contemptible is that the said Jew-Zionists are sitting in comfort in places such as North-West London, or in other suburban enclaves. They cannot wait for the poor, repressed, and helpless population of Gaza to be killed or injured; they themselves are in no danger, yet they are now already pretending to be “victims” and/or “fearful” that they will somehow be subjected to a pogrom in the UK!

It seems to be an ingrained psychological disorder.

Needless to say, the “holocaust” narrative is wheeled out in support….

More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]
[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children!”]

More tweets seen

Ha ha! Goodwin thinks that the statement “Jews have too much power” [in the UK] is “an antisemitic trope“… Wake up…

You only have to look at entitled Blairite hogs such as Emily Thornberry…

Under other circumstances, at other times, I should discount Labour’s 2024 General Election chances as overblown, but in 2023 it is just palpable how utterly incompetent is the present Conservative Party government. “Clueless” scarcely covers it. In those circumstances, can Labour “lose”? I cannot see how right now.



More tweets

Last year, that would have been 24/7 news, but this year Israel is the priority; everything else, everywhere else, is secondary. That shows the core of the post-1945 (arguably, post-1956) “Western” world order.

The ideal postgrad education with which to crown 6 years at Hogwarts and a first degree in (?) Hermeticism.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict distracts the West from Ukraine – expert It was no coincidence that the Hamas attack on Israel occurred on Vladimir Putin’s birthday, German expert Thomas Jaeger said in an interview with N-TV.

According to him, Russia is benefiting greatly from the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Moscow hopes that Western attention and, accordingly, military forces will now be redirected from Ukraine to the Middle East. As a result, support for Kyiv will weaken, and this, in turn, will open the way to victory for the Kremlin.

At the same time, the main events are now unfolding in the United States, where Congress cannot agree on a budget containing financial assistance for Ukraine. The results of this political chaos will predetermine the further development of events.”

Fed into Electoral Calculus, the result of such a general election would be: Labour on 504 seats, Conservatives on 64 seats, LibDems on 27, SNP 32, Green 1 (plus a few Welsh and Northern Irish). Overall Labour majority of 358.

That would be a complete elected dictatorship, and one brought about not because voters really like Labour, but because the new multicoloured fake “Conservative” Party is not so much hated as despised (as useless). A Labour Party elected dictatorship by default.

The Conservative Party reduced to 64 seats. Existential peril?

Hard to know what to believe…

You can never believe what any Jew-Zionist says.

The Jew-Zionists making up atrocity stories, while themselves carrying out real atrocities. Makes one muse anew about all those fake “holocaust” stories and hoaxes. There are thousands of them.

Silverman must have been busy.

Imagine the level of entitlement it takes for Jew-Zionists to sit in the UK, cheerleading the Gaza devastation and slaughter, and at the same time imagining themselves to be somehow “victims”, and demanding the sympathy of the population, police, and courts.

If only the Reich had not lost the 1939-1945 war…

Whatever happens in the succeeding weeks and months, Israel is doomed. Sooner or later its time will come.

If there were incursions from all sides, Israel would be finished.

Late tweets seen

The Jews want to carry out their murderous slaughter in the dark.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive is over; the Russian Armed Forces have already switched to active combat operations on almost the entire front several days ago.

This was stated by Russia’s permanent representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya. “For several days now, Russian troops have switched to active combat operations along almost the entire front line. Thus, the so-called Ukrainian counter-offensive can already be formally considered completed,” the permanent representative said at the Security Council meeting.

According to Nebenzi, this cost Kyiv tens of thousands of mobilized recruits, most of whom did not want to take part in the fighting.

Late music

[painting by T.W. Schaller]

Diary Blog, 31 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

What idiot thinks that the UK is “at war” (presumably with Russia)? Whoever that was must never be appointed to any position of importance.

Shapps is also a hardcore Zionist Jew, who was at one time head of the youth section of the fanatical Jew-Zionist organization “B’nai Brith”.

Over 4,000 votes. Obviously unscientific, yet still interesting. Even people who (like me) despise the present “Conservative” madadministration often still dislike and distrust fake “Labour”.

In my opinion, despite the present Government being doomed, electorally, it remains an open question as to whether Labour can really secure a huge victory or a smaller victory in 2024, or whether, in the end, a hung Parliament is more likely.

It has become a joke. The former Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, was thought to be a military expert because he had been an officer in the Scots Guards (highest rank held— Captain). Johnny Mercer MP is likewise thought, for some reason, to be expert, despite also having only reached a Captain’s rank. Then we have neo-Cold War desk-warrior Tobias Ellwood, who also reached Captain, and served 5 years in the Royal Greenjackets, though as a Reserves officer he now holds the rank of Lt.Col in the internet propaganda outfit known as the 77th Brigade.

I have even seen people saying that Penny Mordaunt should have been made Defence Secretary because she was once a Reserves naval sub-lieutenant! (she now holds the purely honorary rank of naval Captain, i.e, equivalent to honorary Army Colonel).

Our system of government is just nonsensical. So are many of those holding office.

More tweets seen

If “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime under the Jew Zelensky) had hundreds of jet fighter aircraft, it would only be a matter of time before Kiev were reduced to rubble. Fighters cannot destroy most missiles, least of all the most powerful strategic ones.

What a society, and the UK is little better.

If the US had planned a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then the Ukrainian troops would have achieved much greater success, former senior CIA intelligence agent Tony Shafer told “Judging Freedom”. “We (USA) have effective armored formations designed to penetrate deep into the enemy’s defenses. They have proven themselves well in Iraq. If we were to do this (planning an offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine) then we would never advise them to do what they are doing now,” emphasizes Shafer. Shafer believes that if American advisers consult with Kiev during this conflict, but probably the command of Ukrainian troops does not always listen to their advice and orders. “Either we have the most incompetent commanders and generals on the battlefield, which is possible, or the Ukrainians simply don’t listen to orders,” he emphasizes.

Late tweets

The various transnational conspiracies are all inter-connected: NWO, Zionism/ZOG, WEF, Gates’ activities, the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, “Black Lives Matter”, the climate agenda and “net zero”, even “Ukraine” [etc].

Zelensky— not only a corrupt and brutal Jew dictator, but apparently rather stupid. None of his preconditions exist or will exist. On the contrary.

Late music

Labour’s Prospects 2020-2024

Latest opinion polling re. Labour Party

The “has support of the unions” aspect shows how very out of touch is even the rank and file Labour membership. In 2019, membership of trade unions was only 3.69M out of a UK population somewhere between 65M and 70M and an official UK workforce population of over 32.5M. Trade unions now are almost powerless, a result of both “Thatcherite” policy since the 1980s and the relentless migration-invasion.

On Trident etc:

Not that I would disagree with that middle position, but what is important is not what I think but what the voters think. Most or at least half want to retain Trident. Yes, perhaps influenced by the popular Press, so be it…

Voting intention (all voters):

As the recent poll by another polling organization showed, Labour has continued to slide since the recent General Election. Why?

Corbyn has said that he will be resigning once the process of electing a new leader and also Deputy (Tom Watson having imploded and gone down in a ball of fire) is finished. So Corbyn can scarcely be blamed for the continuing slide in voter confidence.

My view is that, though Corbyn was scarcely popular with most voters, the present five candidates wanting to replace him are even less popular. There is, in my view, a perception (which I share) that Labour is a mess, seems not to stand for much except a return to the 1970s (which most voters, however wrongly, look upon with disfavour) and has five people, none of whom is in any way “electable” as potential Prime Minister, vying for the leadership.

There was a huge Jewish (mainly Jewish, or if you like, Zionist; certainly Jewish-led and influenced) campaign against Corbyn and Labour, which started as soon as Corbyn became leader. That certainly had an effect, particularly as it intensified during the election campaign itself. It was not, however, the only factor. It tended to reinforce a view of Corbyn —and so, Labour— that many had anyway. Cartoons such as that below were damaging, but simply played on existing foundations.


Diane Abbott as Home Secretary. That. Alone. I blogged about it before the election. Long before. About how Diane Abbott was worth a million votes to the Conservatives. Not purely because she is a West Indian or, generically, a black. The “Conservative” Party has plenty of black, brown and even Chinese MPs now. It was that and her obvious disdain for real British or English people, and her plain unfitness to be a Cabinet minister. I mean, Diane Abbott was let go from the Home Office when she was a graduate trainee, so how would she be any good at running the whole show?

Not that Diane Abbott is the only deadhead near the top in Labour. Here’s another one, Dawn Butler:

When you look at the above, you see (if not blinded by political correctness) how it is that African and West Indian societies are so chaotic and poorly-run. British voters did not want that; nor the corruption and freeloading (and hypocrisy) that go along with that:



A couple of my blog posts about other Labour MPs:



The bigger picture

As previously blogged about, Labour emerged from the struggles of the (mainly) Northern English, Scottish and Welsh industrial proletariat. That colouration, socially, economically, even geographically carried on even unto the years of Blair and Brown. After those years, certainly after 2010, Labour’s nature changed. From being a mainly Northern/Scottish/Welsh trade-union orientated, community-orientated semi-socialist or Social Democratic party, it became a party strongest in a few urban centres such as London and Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool. It became increasingly a party of public sector employees and/or managers, and/or of Pakistani, black and other non-white persons and “communities”.

We have seen that Labour simply abandoned its original British (real British) voters. The scandal of non-whites (mainly Pakistanis) abusing young wayward or “mal gardees” white girls, with Labour and its closely-connected Common Purpose quasi-freemasonry covering it all up. The way in which, even before the 2010 General Election, “Labour” MPs were trailing the same kind of cruel or callous policies as were Iain Dunce Duncan Smith and Esther McVey.

I saw, among others, John Woodcock, Caroline Flint, Gloria de Piero, Tristram Hunt and others talking on TV as if “welfare” (social security) cuts were both necessary and unavoidable. More than that; talking about cutting off money to those who mostly desperately need it. The element of cruel humour was noticeable, even in, say, Gloria de Piero, whose own family, when she was at school, was entirely dependent on State benefits! All of those MPs were Labour Friends of Israel members, too. What a co-incidence…

Well, guess what? None of those named in the above paragraph is still in Parliament. Guess what? If you abandon the voters, they will abandon you. It might not happen overnight, but it will happen. Mass immigration has been encouraged, colluded at, ignored otherwise by all three System parties, for 70 years, but Labour most obviously. That was not the doing of Corbyn; most of it, that happened under Labour, happened under Blair and Brown. The Jewess Barbara Roche (she lost her own seat because of it and has been unable to find another one) was behind much of it, quite deliberately importing as many and as “diverse” a mob of migrant-invaders as possible, with the express aim of destroying Britain’s racial, national and cultural foundations.

For a long time, inertia held Labour together, both as a party and as a party for which people would vote. Finally, again not overnight, but very clearly, the voters just gave up on Labour. Not all (yet), but enough to gift the unmeritorious Conservatives the biggest (and least deserved) electoral victory in a generation. The Labour voters did not move, the majority of them, to the Conservatives, or anywhere else. Many, very many, voted with their feet and stayed at home. Look:


I have already blogged about these details: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2020/01/16/diary-blog-16-january-2020/

Basically, about 600,000 former Labour voters defected to the Conservative Party, a similar number to the LibDems, about 300,000 to Brexit Party, but about 1,200,000 former Labour voters did not vote at all.

The Conservative vote only increased by about 1 point over that of 2017, but the Labour vote sank by 8 points.

Labour’s problem is not really one of policy, not even one of leadership, certainly not one of “institutional “antisemitism” (and after all, I should know!), but one of overall relevance. The people, though unconsciously, want some kind of social nationalism, but Labour is offering —near enough— open borders, more migration-invasion, no clarity in industrial strategy, no clarity on matters such as Basic Income, State benefits, pay, overall socio-economic goals etc.

What about “free speech”? So far, all five new Labour leadership candidates have signed up to the Jews’ demands to curb it even further. We have seen how Labour has failed to speak up for those suffering repression, or who are prisoners of conscience, e.g. persecuted satirical singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz. Her own MP until the recent General Election, Ruth George, ignored Alison’s plight, while also backing down after at first speaking up about Israeli/Jew interference in the Labour party:


The wages of political sin is political death! Ruth George lost her seat in 2019, and by only 590 seats:



Labour’s near future

Labour is trying to reconcile two or even three blocs of voters at once:

  • traditional English and Welsh “working class” voters (the Scottish ones have mostly gone forever);
  • the “blacks and browns” etc;
  • the public service workers and bureaucrats.

I do not think that Labour can reconcile, let alone unite, those groups. The rhetoric about “our communities” and “uniting the people” rings hollow. The “communities” are often mutually-antagonistic, for example. As for “uniting” “the people”, one has to ask “what people?” Britain is split into many groupings now. There is no one people or nation. Prince Harry and the Royal Mulatta have surely highlighted that. He’s off to North America with the mulatta, her dogs, and as much loot as they can carry and hang on to, at least until she kicks him out or he “offs” himself. Symptomatic…

A great charismatic leader in the Adolf Hitler mould might be able to reconcile all the elements of modern Britain, at least sufficiently to get the power to expel or restrain those inimical to the evolving real British, but Labour certainly has no-one who can even pretend to go beyond mediocrity.

Labour’s one hope is that, as older (almost-all Conservative-voting) voters die off, and as young voters come on-stream, the demographics will favour Labour. Had only 18-24 y o voters voted at the recent General Election, there would be no Conservative MPs at all, and about 500 or more Labour ones.

However, no-one knows what events may change politics between now and 2024 or even (a significant year) 2022. In 1928, the NSDAP and Hitler got only 2.6% in Germany, nationally. By 1932, that had grown to 33% and by the following year to 44%.

At present, the voters only have a System “three main parties” choice. Tony Blair had advisers who told him that he could go semi-Conservative, import millions of immigrants, because “where will they [Labour voters] go?” Well, now we know: away from Labour, even if that means sitting at home and watching trash TV instead of voting. The “leader” (snake oil promoter) of the “Brexit Party” betrayed his own party, its candidates, members and voters. What if another leader, of another party just formed, did not sell out, but crusaded for and perhaps to victory? It might be that discontented former Labour and other voters, non-voters too (a third of those eligible did not vote either in 2017 or 2019), might sweep such a leader to supreme power. Never say never.

Update, 19 December 2023

Four years on, we see that, superficially, the Labour Party has climbed out of the pit. It now stands between 40% and 50% in the opinion polls, with the Conservative Party polling between 19% and 25%. A stunning turnaround. Why?

Why? Four years of incredible ineptitude, corruption, and general uselessness on the party of a Conservative Party and Government led by “Boris”-idiot, absurd “ho” Liz Truss, and Indian money-juggler Rishi Sunak.

Mass immigration has reached about a million a year, unprecedented. There has been the Covid “panicdemic” and the response to all that. The cost of living has rocketed, but pay has not. Among other events and developments.

Also, snake-oil salesman Farage has another vehicle, Reform UK, which is cutting into Con Party polling, and is now 11% and climbing in those polls.

Labour? Underwhelming but, in a basically binary system, for many voters it is the only game in town.

I sense (in the voters) anger, but also desperation, mixed with apathy.

Diary Blog, 18 December 2019

Welcome to my diary blog, which will probably be published on a near-daily basis from today. It will contain political and social comment, mainly, but may also include music, art etc.

Anything requiring more length or structure will be put into a separate blog article.

I saw a tweet (see below), which shows how many of those on Twitter are in a relatively small echo-chamber. The tweet contains an “exit poll” taken on the recent Polling Day, and asks for which party the voter voted. The result (of over 68,000 responses): 64% Labour, 20% Conservative, LibDem 7%, 10% Other. So Labour was overvalued at about twice its real national vote-share, Conservative Party undervalued at less than half what it actually received on that day, the LibDems also undervalued at 7% instead of the real figure of 11.6%. As to “Other, 10%”, well Brexit Party got 2% in the actual election, Greens got about 3%, then there were SNP, Plaid, the various Irish parties; so “Other” may have been accurate overall, something which evidently cannot be said of the main Twitter poll.

The lady further below the tweet understands what an “echo-chamber” Twitter is:

This made me smile:

“@mojoss55/Maureen Fitzsimmons” used to follow my Twitter account. “Three degrees of separation”?

“and now for something completely different…”

Labour Party leadership

Rebecca Long-Bailey [Lab, Salford and Eccles] has been put forward as a candidate for Labour leader. She is in the Corbyn camp.

I do not know much about her at present, but what I do like is that the Jews on Twitter etc all seem to hate her. A good sign! Also, I like the fact that she is not one of the many “silver spoon” MPs (both Labour and Conservative): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Long-Bailey#Early_life_and_career

I shall do a separate blog on the Labour leadership contest once all candidates are known.

Musical interlude

Metamorphosen, by Richard Strauss, one of the great composers of the 20th Century and for two years in the 1930s the head of the Reichsmusikkammer. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metamorphosen


Labour leadership (again)

Just took a look at Oddschecker and it appears that Rebecca Long-Bailey is favourite in the betting market. All the Jew-Zionist claque on Twitter is attacking her. Looking good…(from my perspective). I of course am not a Labour supporter, but their rank and file are at least generally better than the selfish, moneygrubbing “Conservative” ones, with their parasitic buy-to-let investments, inbuilt family life-advantages etc.

So the Jews are attacking Rebecca Long-Bailey, the usual msm drones are attacking her, the System talking-heads too. She must be one of the best candidates…

Of course, these msm talking heads (let alone the Jew element) are scarcely objective. “They” want to retake control of Labour, so that it can be “controlled opposition” again, and if it comes to it, a (((controlled))) government as well.

In fact, all this talk about “would Labour be electable under a socialist Labour leader?” (as distinct from a more “social-democratic”, or even “Con-lite”, one) tends to neglect the fact that:

  • The Labour vote collapsed from 40% to just over 32% at the General Election, true, but that was only a partial collapse. Three-quarters and more of the Labour vote held, despite the years of System and especially Jew-Zionist vilification of Labour and especially Corbyn, which campaign became almost hysterical near Polling Day. Jews, we were told, were sitting on their suitcases, waiting either to make a last despairing bid to get to Tel Aviv or awaiting the knock at the door and the train to the East. Yeah, right… Contrast that with the mostly very soft msm treatment given to Boris-idiot over 20 years. (and I should have thought that, were any of the “Jews are scared of Corbyn” stuff true, it would have encouraged more people to vote Labour!).
  • Statistical work done since the General Election shows that, had only 18-24 year old voters voted, the Conservative Party would not have a single MP anywhere in the UK. That does not necessarily mean that they will vote Labour next time, or that the next wave of 18-24s will, but it does make me think that the coming mainstream of voters will want a more radical agenda than the System preferees such as Keir Starmer or Lisa Nandy are willing to offer.
  • The next general election will not only have all those present 18-24s or most of them voting Labour (probably) but also the next wave of 18-24s (and they might be more inclined to use their vote if Labour has a radical leader).
  • The next general election will have far fewer Conservative voters, as older voters (and most Conservative voters are old) fall victim to “old age, sickness and death” (Buddha’s description of the Primal Karma of humanity).

The recent General Election win for the Conservatives is unlikely to be repeated for the above reasons. This may be partly why they are tightening up on voter registration etc. The boundaries of constituencies are being changed too.


Looking at the above, the smart move for Labour, counter-intuitively, might indeed be to have a (younger and) very radical leader. Corbynism without Corbyn. After all, someone such as Rebecca Long-Bailey has no baggage from the 1970s, 1980s and generally; and the Jews can hardly play the “we are all so scared” card again and with a woman aged only 40-something (she is 40 at present).

By the way, Salford and Eccles was previously represented by disgraced expenses cheat fraudster, Blair-Brown acolyte and Labour Friends of Israel drone, Hazel Blears:


I do not know whether Yvette Cooper will try to become Labour leader. She would be disastrous: pro-Jew, pro-Israel, with a history of formulating and getting passed poorly-drafted legislation, often very repressive legislation too.

Yvette Cooper is a virtue-signalling “refugees welcome” hypocrite and idiot who, with her equally bad-news husband, Ed Balls, pretended that they would be offering their home(s) to migrant invaders, while urging others to do the same (which they never did, of course; cf. Lily Allen). Perhaps she did not understand that most British people do not have several houses. She and Ed Balls made mucho money out of the British taxpayers when they were both MPs. They now have several properties, none occupied by “refugees”.

The family, which includes their three kids, live in a £650,000 terrace house in Hackney, East London. They also own a £900,000 North London house and a property worth £230,000 in Castleford, West Yorkshire. (The Sun & Daily Mail)https://www.spearswms.com/ed-balls-net-worth/

To cap it all, Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper may have been lucky to avoid prosecution for fraud:



Interesting parallel

EU “freedom”

Wars and rumours of wars

Large-scale wars do not start without warning. There are always rumblings from the telluric depths first, sometimes for years.

It would be madness for the UK to fight Russia. Russia may not be the old Soviet Union, but it can still put up to 4 million men (and women) in the field, if need be. That’s including reserve forces. 900,000+ are active; many of those are front-line forces.

Britain’s forces total just over 200,000, of which only a small fraction (perhaps 40,000) are both active (non-reserve) and front-line.



Similar proportions in respect of naval, air, strategic rocket forces etc.

The fact is that, if the UK gets involved in a war with Russia, the UK will be devastated. Glasgow (which is near the Faslane base), London, the major ports etc. There would not be much left. That may be true of some Russian target areas too, but the old Soviet Union was 92x the (geographic) size of the UK, and even the present Russian Federation is about 70x the size.

Before you cut, measure seven times…


Jesu Christi!

Just when you thought that Diane Abbott could not do more to destroy Labour with most present UK voters, the stupid monkey comes up with this!

I am convinced that the mere existence of Diane Abbott, at least as Shadow Home Secretary, lost the Labour Party a million votes at the recent General Election.