Tag Archives: Jewish rituals

Diary Blog, 18 January 2024

Morning music


From the newspapers


…the transformation of the popular but difficult University Challenge into a festival of political correctness, some of whose questions are more or less impossible to answer, and many more (I suspect) are only answered because so many teams now train for them.”

Yes. I have noticed the change over the past months. Absurdly specialized questions in mathematics and physics etc. Also, the fact that the students often seem stumped by fairly basic questions of history and geography.


Typically-useless British business drone parasite.

Tweets seen

Britain needs a social-national rulership, and what Nietzsche termed “a revaluation of all values“.

What a horrible tribe.

Ferried to the UK by the Border Force (or “Farce”) ship amusingly (?) misnamed the BF Defender. “BS Defender” would be more accurate.

More from the newspapers


A passenger was pushed onto the tracks of a West London Underground station by a man who then walked off. The incident happened at around 9.30am on Wednesday, January 17.

The victim was stood on the eastbound platform of Westbourne Park underground station when they were approached by a man and pushed onto the tracks. After shoving them onto the tracks, the man casually walked away and left the scene.

Detectives are investigating the serious assault and have released a CCTV image as part of the investigation. British Transport Police believe the man in the image could help.”

[sought by police]

[My London]

London 2024. What will it be like by 2034?

Incidentally, I note that, once again, one of the “pay peanuts get monkeys” wannabee “journalists” of the Press has written “was stood” rather than the correct “was standing“. Standards of literacy in journalism, as with everything else in contemporary Britain, have fallen through the floor.


A fraudster tried to impersonate would-be drivers in theory exams even though he looked nothing like them. Christian Kabungulu used the driving licenses of paying customers to fool Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officials at London, Essex, and Berkshire test centres eight times between June 2021 and December 2022, the Old Bailey heard on Thursday, January 17.

But the brainless scheme, which involved posing as people, his own defence counsel conceded, ‘he did not look like’, fell apart when officials twigged he was a fraud.”

[“brainless” fraudster]

[My London]

More wonderful “diversity”. Why is the “brainless” invader even here? Why is he allowed to stay? How can the present society even be maintained, let alone advanced, when much of the urban population of the UK is similar to that?

More tweets seen

That tweeter suggests that Con Party might have 41 seats after the GE. My own attempt to predict it via Electoral Calculus (on the same figures but including EC’s Scottish seats prediction and my own “tactical voting” estimates) leaves the Cons with only 36 seats. Almost existential for them, especially as hardly any people under 50 (about 10%, according to YouGov) will be voting for the Conservative Party. https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

The British electoral system moves slowly over the years, but it really looks as though the Conservative Party is on the way out. It happened to the once-mighty Liberal Party after the First World War; and look at the SNP, in the other direction: the SNP took about 40 years after its foundation (early 1930s) to get a single MP (1970) and then another 45 years (2015) to get more than a handful of Scottish seats.

Incidentally, the YouGov figures also suggest a possible/likely LibDem bloc of 30 seats, double what they now command. That despite an opinion poll level of only 8%, re-emphasizing the importance of concentrations of votes. Seems that Clausewitz was right even off the literal field of battle.

As to Reform UK, the prediction indicates either no seats or 1 seat, despite the 12% polling. However, the night is young. Matt Goodwin does not rule out 15%, most of which would come out of the 2019 Con Party vote. Above that level, seat gains become possible, certainly if Reform UK managed to get 20% at the GE. If the Conservative vote continues to slide, 15% is quite likely, 20% not impossible, even if only as a despairing protest vote from “Middle England”.

Reform UK is not social-national, merely conservative pseudo-nationalist, of course. Also pro-Israel, and pro the Jewish lobby. Still, I am hoping that Reform UK does well, because that will help to destroy the Conservative Party (one of the two main System parties) and so destabilize the System as a whole. Again, a good showing at the GE by Reform UK will help to shift the “Overton Window” a little towards my way of thinking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

and at sea…

and inland…

France used the guillotine until 1977: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine#Retirement.

Incidentally, the criminal, though obviously non-white, may or may not be “Muslim” as claimed in the first tweet.

I myself have met a number of Ukrainians in the past and almost-present, from (in the 1990s) people at ministerial-ambassadorial level, right through to riff-raff parasites (in more recent years). Only one out of the whole lot was a decent person. I concede that that is purely anecdotal but, for what it may be worth, there it is…

Paris, like London, has effectively fallen. Macron is in (((the usual))) pocket, and merely presides over burgeoning chaos. Only Marine le Pen has a chance of getting on top of this (not that I agree with all of her policies and views— her father was better).

Incidentally, my view of Macron, written and published on the blog nearly 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Events since 2019 have only reinforced my view.

Happened to see that tweet by accident, if you like. Nothing on mainstream news (that I have heard).

Conservative voters are becoming more, not less, concerned about immigration. Between 2011 & 2020, they were 20-30 pts more likely to cite immigration as a top issue than Labour voters. Since 2020, that gap has grown to 50 pts. And those who have left the Tories for apathy are especially worried about it”. https://mattgoodwin.org/p/this-one-map-tells-you-a-lot-about

Many Labour voters are also “concerned” (horrified) by the migration-invasion of Britain, but are also “concerned”, perhaps more, about cost-of-living, housing, the slide in the standards of the NHS, education etc (though immigration impacts on all of those issues). Much depends on how questions are put, and whether people understand how different issues are in fact connected.

Quite…and “I wonder” which group is behind most of that repression? …

I notice, by the way, that Sam Melia of Patriotic Alternative is the latest social-national political figure to be facing trial on a basically political charge: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/16/uk-man-with-hitler-picture-used-sticker-campaign-to-stir-racial-hatred-court-told.

Look at that last tweeter. She is so typical of the pseudo-liberal shallow thinkers who so often think of themselves as educated and intelligent (and “up with the times”, of course). Lives in Newbury, Berkshire, a place scarcely impacted by the migration-invasion. Probably comfortably-off financially, as well. Typical msm type, on the face of it.

That tweeter claims that only a “relatively small number of people are very anti-immigration“. Well, recent polls indicate that about 35%-40% of the British or UK-resident population think immigration the most important politico-social issue facing this country, so on that basis alone immigration is a very great concern for well over a third of voters.

If you take out non-white UK residents, that would be well over 40%.

That, however, is not the end of the matter. The other 50%-65% are, most of them, still “concerned” about immigration (taking out non-white votes, maybe 75%?) but, when asked to prioritize, have put cost-of-living, NHS, and housing or other topics above immigration. Many would still say that mass immigration is in their top five issues.

I believe that I saw an opinion poll recently to the effect that about 80% (without the non-white votes maybe 90%), have at least fairly considerable concerns about the invasion and occupation.

In other words, tweeter Penny French/Penny Horwood is the one in the “small minority”…

Rees-Mogg does not seem to know the history either of England or of his own party. The Conservative Party does not go “back to the early 18th Century“, as Rees-Mogg says in that clip, but only to the 1830s, over a hundred years later.

It is true that a faction of the Whigs in the 1780s, friends of Pitt, are sometimes regarded as the ancestors of the Conservatives, but they were not so called at the time, which anyway was at least 50-60 years after the “early 18th Century” suggested by Rees-Mogg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Party_(UK)#Origins.

[abusive “carers”]

…and the four monkeys concerned got between 4-6 months imprisonment each, so will be out in between 2 and 3 months. Pity they cannot be taken out over the Irish Sea in a helicopter and pushed out, 50 miles from shore.

Jez Turner of the London Forum got a year in prison for merely making the semi-humorous suggestion that Jews in the UK should be expelled, as happened in the reign of Edward I (13th/14thC). Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) got longer merely for running a free speech Internet “radio” podcast show.

Where are the priorities of the CPS and judiciary?

There are wider questions of course, such as whether care homes of all sorts should be (as they now are) cash cows for exploitative profiteers such as, in the past, Duncan Bannatyne (the Dragon’s Den know-all/know-nothing), or run and organized quite differently.

Wider still is the question of the general —and quite apparent— slide in standards since Britain became “multicultural”. We just do not need such backward populations in our European lands.

Horrible evil old cow.

Despite that, Russia is winning, slowly, in Ukraine. It has the positional and strategic edge now. The Kiev regime can only decrease, as the Russian forces increase in both size and tactical skill.

So long as Russia has its nuclear arsenal, the West will always pull back from direct attack by NATO (NWO/ZOG) forces. Before the USA changes that caution to recklessness, it should consider what the USA would look like without its top 50 cities…

Ukrainians have joined the losing side several times in key moments of their history, and now they are again working against their interests, said the former adviser of the President of Ukraine Zelenskiy Alexey Arestovich.

“Our problem is that in the turning points of our history, we bet on the side that loses. The point is not to bet on the winners, the point is that, again and again, we don’t bet on our interests.”

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Spy Games]

Diary Blog, 9 October 2022, with thoughts around Liz Truss possibly freezing the UK State Pension

Morning music

[The Palace of Westminster]

On this day a year ago

5 years ago on the blog

The “grey vote”: Liz Truss adviser advised “freeze State Pension


Well, there it is. Anyone not wealthy, and over the age of 65, as well as quite a few people of lesser age, who votes for the Conservative Party, is now a turkey voting for Christmas.

During the currency of the 2010-2017 governments, David Cameron-Levita realized that the only reliable demographic voting Conservative was that of “older people” generally— the older the voter, the more likely was he (or she) to vote Con, and also the more likely that that voter was to actually vote at all.

UKIP and, also, Farage’s other and later vehicle, Brexit Party, were mainly made up of fairly grey-haired and mostly ex-Conservative members and voters, people who at least vaguely realized that the Conservative Party was actually helping to destroy Britain, as the young Disraeli once wrote [“the great Conservative Party, that destroys everything“] and wanted a party that reflected their views better.

The trend is more or less the same now, except that UKIP and Brexit Party do not exist in any real sense, though Reform Party has taken up some of that slack.

Cameron-Levita and his cronies knew that fewer and fewer “younger” people, especially voters under the age of 30, were voting Con. That underlined the need to consolidate the Con vote in older age-groups, and especially the group that not only mostly voted Con, but could be relied upon to cast a vote, those in receipt of a State Pension, meaning those over 65 and some over about 62 (the eligibility age being slowly raised over time).

There were other factors: the older sections of the population were also those more likely to own a house or other dwelling outright, having either never had a mortgage or having paid it off while in their fifties, typically. The rise in nominal money-value of residential property therefore benefited that same group of older people.

The older sections of the population, especially the pensioners, were also those who favoured Brexit the most.

It is widely accepted that the general elections of 2015 and 2017 were won by the Conservative Party entirely by reason of the pensioner vote.

In the 2017 general election age became a clear dividing line in British politics: older voters overwhelmingly voted Conservative and younger voters backed Labour.

The data shows that there are still some clear patterns along these lines, although the waters are somewhat muddied by a move away from two-party politics.”

[YouGov: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2019/10/31/2019-general-election-demographics-dividing-britai].

The average age of the Conservative voter is such that the steepness of its “age curve” (the increasing probability of a person at 2017 voting Conservative given their age) is now almost certainly steeper than the natural degree to which people “get” more Conservative as they age. This is important as it suggests that new cohorts of voters cannot replace and replenish the ranks of the Conservatives, even if they do naturally get more Conservative over time.”


See also: https://www.varsity.co.uk/opinion/22276.

The Conservative Party induced that reliable pro-Con voting bloc to carry on voting Con by introducing the “Triple Lock”, by which State Pensions would rise by the rate of inflation, or average pay, or 2.5% a year, whichever of the three was the greatest.

That obviously suited most pensioners very well, and secured those two election victories.

Poorer pensioners who received both State Pension and Pension Guarantee Credit were also served not badly, because the State Pension was covered by the Triple Lock, while Pension Guarantee Credit would still increase in amount, though only in line with inflation.

Rishi Sunak suspended the inflation part of the Triple Lock in 2021 (for financial year 2022-2023) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53082530], thus —if you like— cheating pensioners; he also thereby broke the election pledge the Conservative Party made during the 2019 General Election.

Sunak, best known for his “panicdemic” “free money” giveaways, probably has that Triple Lock default, or sleight-of-hand, to thank for his not being ushered in as Conservative Party leader in 2022.

The vast majority of actual Conservative Party members are either pensioners or not far from becoming so. The, so-to-speak, “Indian giver” was basically given a slap by the Conservative Party pensioner membership. Had he not cheated the pensioners, Sunak would almost certainly be Prime Minister by now.

I’m laughing…

Now, it seems that the Liz Truss government may or may not continue with —that is, reinstate— the Triple Lock after 2023 (she still says yes…), but State benefits including Pension Guarantee Credit may or may not be uprated in accord with inflation— they may even be frozen.

Under the triple lock, pensions increase by the highest of earnings growth, price inflation or 2.5 per cent a year.

The government temporarily suspended the wages element of the pensions triple lock for 2022-23 to avoid a disproportionate rise of the state pension following the pandemic.

…former chancellor Rishi Sunak confirmed the return of the triple lock in May, and prime minister Liz Truss has since said she is “fully committed” to the lock.

…“With inflation into double-digits, average earnings (total pay) of 5.5 per cent isn’t expected to be the deciding factor in next April’s state pension increase. The state pension is likely to increase by around double this at over 10 per cent, confirmed in September’s inflation figure published next month.”

…“While prime minister Truss committed to reinstating the triple lock in the immediate term during her leadership campaign, questions will remain over its affordability and whether the triple lock will survive in its existing form in the manifestos of all parties ahead of the next general election.

[FT Adviser]

Can Liz Truss be trusted or relied upon? I think not (and her husband knows not!).

One thing is for sure— if Liz Truss or woolly-head Kwarteng short-change the “grey vote” any time between now and the next general election, that “grey vote” will either vote elsewhere or even just abstain, though it is ingrained in most of those of pensionable age that they should at least vote, as a civic duty.

There is also the point that house prices are forecast to fall, perhaps significantly, in 2023.

The Conservative Party is now around 20% in the opinion polls. Most of that hard-core 20% is composed of the “grey vote”. “Mess them about” by interfering with the State Pension and/or Pension Guarantee Credit, and the Con vote nationally, at a general election, might fall to as low as 10%. Then it would be “Goodnight Vienna” for the Conservative Party.

Tweets seen

Quite. Meaningless “exam passes”, “degrees” etc. Is James Cleverly any better or worse a Foreign Secretary for having a “degree” in Hospitality Management? It might even be “worse”…


More music

More tweets

Britain needs social nationalism. It alone can give the people what they need now and what they need for the future of their children.

Late tweets seen

I agree with both.

Social nationalism’s chance to rise up, and destroy the enemies of Europe’s future, will soon arrive.

Late music