Tag Archives: Justin Webb

Diary Blog, 5 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Lincoln’s Inn Library, London]

Tweets seen

Interesting, if true. I have been unable to completely verify that last, but if (as seems possible) Ursula von der Leyen is part-Jew, then that would fit right in with the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. A part-Jew “ruler” in Europe encouraging and facilitating the entry into Europe of huge hordes of non-Europeans, with the aim of creating a mixed-race population in Europe. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan. Bear in mind that “the usual suspects” persistently”edit” (vandalize) Wikipedia in respect of articles dealing with WW2, Jews and related topics.

I switched off that mixture of propaganda and pure ignorance (personified by Justin Webb, but not solely) about 10 years ago, and now only hear brief snatches in the car, usually if the music on Radio 3 is not to my liking.

Talking of BBC Radio 3, I notice that there has been a gradual slide in its level. Now, it quite often plays music more suited to Radio 2.

What is most alarming about Eddie Izzard is the fact that the System msm seems to be in conspiracy to pander to his preferences.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.


I no longer have a Twitter/X account, having been expelled at the behest of a pack of Jews in 2018. There are other Ian Millards still on Twitter/X, though, and I have to admit that it is now slightly irritating that one such (@IanMillard100) posts on political topics. I even agree with a few of his tweets! However, I should not like my readers, or others, to think that “IanMillard100” is me, not least because he seems to be fervently pro-Israel, and even has an Israeli flag on his masthead.

More tweets

Israel’s brutality loses the Jewish state public support in the West. When the Hamas attack on southern Israel happened in early October, even some people not inclined to support Israel (or Jews generally) may have been slightly sympathetic to the civilian victims (in fact, many were not really civilian, but we can leave that aside).

Israel’s response, to launch a sustained bombing campaign on the civilians (half of them children or teenagers) in Gaza, killing many thousands, grievously injuring and mutilating thousands more, destroying hospitals etc, has wiped out any slight inclination on the part of the majority of non-Jews to feel any sympathy at all for Israelis and the Jewish “diaspora” across the West.

Israel was born out of Jewish terrorism. That has affected its development right up to the present day.


At least one major Jewish terrorist of the 1940s (Menachem Begin) actually became Prime Minister of the Israeli state in the 1980s.


Only the Aryan can give life.

More music

The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others.”

Interesting Twitter/X thread

Is that correct? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Dowden. If so, he must be a “crypto”.

I would have thought not (though of course he may be part, and not full).

In any case, if —as I tend to think— he is not a Jew, he is at best a doormat for Israel, and at worst a traitor to the British people.,

Dowden seems to be in the news at present:

I recognize that lunatic in the 18thC hat. He was one of the several reasons my taxi was held up on my last visit (for a long time, I hope) to London, about 18 months ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/06/30/diary-blog-30-june-2022-including-impressions-of-a-trip-to-dystopian-london/.

As to Dowden: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/dec/05/britons-should-stock-up-on-torches-and-candles-in-case-of-power-cuts-says-oliver-dowden.

Another useless careerist.

Late tweets

When I was on trial in our “free” country for a political “offence”, just over 2 weeks ago, Crown Counsel claimed that the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan was a mere “conspiracy theory“. I had to put him and the Court straight on that point.

Of course, I want all mass immigration stopped, and a start made on re-Europeanizing the UK, but of course that tweeter is right insofar as it is clear that 99.99% of those coming on small boats (and also, probably, 90%+ of the “legal” immigrants) will bring little or no benefit to the people of the UK. Many will be seriously detrimental to us; the least that can be hoped for is that many will just be useless parasites. Many will be and are criminal, or even terroristic.

As for the bunches of clowns that pretend to be Government and Opposition in this country, there is nothing (lawful) that I can say…

More from the newspapers


Late music

Diary Blog, 2 June 2022

Morning music

[Old Orangerie, Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

On this day a year ago

In the Germany of the mid/late 1930s, such weather was called “Fuhrerwetter“…

[1930s, Nuremberg: the Bund Deutscher Madel make display]

Twitter trivia news

Quite a few tweets seen this morning talking about the “suspension” (expulsion?) of the “Andrea Urban Fox” Twitter account. I have seen, in the past, a few tweets from that person (who seems to be tied up with the Jew-Zionists in some way). Not one tweet was of any interest whatever. Just rubbish. Why do so many people post meaningless rubbish on Twitter, and in some cases for hours daily? I can only suppose that it gives them something to do.

I cannot remember now whether Andrea Urban Fox ever tweeted about me. I think that she may have done, critically, and several years ago. No matter, anyway.

Maybe now, if the “suspension” actually turns out to be a permanent expulsion, “Andrea Urban Fox” will find something useful to do with her day(s).

[Update, same day: that Twitter account was reinstated, for whatever reason. Twitter, apart from now being far more dull than it once was (the result of the censorship, and expulsion of interesting tweeters such as David Icke, Alison Chabloz, me —if I may be a little immodest— and many others), is a mess in terms of how it works. Will Elon Musk really proceed with its acquisition? He seems too intelligent.]

Tweets seen

The “problem” (((problem))) is by no means confined to the USA. “They” try to get the non-whites to believe that the you-know-whos are on the side of the blacks and browns. No, they are playing the non-whites off against white Europeans, in a strategy of Zionist supremacism.

Oh, and that (((one))) is as much a genuine “Stewart” as I am a genuine “Liebowitz”! See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart#Early_life_and_education.


I agree with both of the above tweets. In what world are those people worth that pay? When Justin Webb returned to the UK after having spent several years in Washington for the BBC, he was asked the main difference between the UK and USA, and trotted out the old story about the younger man looking at another man”s very expensive car and exclaiming either (UK) “he should not have such a car” or (USA) “one day I shall have such a car“. Trite, tired, mediocre, and actually quite inaccurate (the story, Justin Webb, and indeed the BBC). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Webb.

The BBC is out of its time, really. Its output is now certainly not of higher quality than that of its competitors, and as for it being “ad-free”, not so; it advertises itself and its output constantly, and shows government propaganda quite often (as well as in its shows).

The BBC receives excessive funding via the “licence fee” system, a tax by any other word, enforced by bailiff-like enforcement staff. Even today, there are people (often poor single mothers etc) in prison for (following court order) not paying, or being able to pay, that bloody “licence fee”.

Now I read that the best of the BBC TV channels, BBC Four, is going to be axed to save money! The only decent part of the BBC left. It really is time to get rid of the BBC’s “licence fee” funding and make it compete on a level with the other channels (now numbered in the dozens).

I might take a different view, were the BBC on a higher general cultural level, but that is not the case (even on BBC2) now, and has not been so for decades. As said, the best bit of the output, on BBC Four, is going to be axed.

As for BBC Radio— appalling. Radio 4 is almost entirely unlistenable now, while Radio 3 has been greatly dumbed down.

Get rid. Take away Justin Webb’s (and others’) rice bowls.

Talking of the BBC, I was interested to see that a son of the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, one Sasha Yevtushenko, is now a BBC radio producer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasha_Yevtushenko. Aged 43, apparently.

I recall meeting the then very young (maybe about 4-y-o, cannot quite recall) Sasha Yevtushenko, sometime in the early 1980s, when at Bournemouth with my then girlfriend, who was a friend of his mother, the third wife of the poet.

The maternal grandmother of Sasha Yevtushenko lived in some expensive part of Bournemouth, very close to the sea, and had one of those Victorian wooden beach huts in which people change for swimming, which huts now sell, sometimes, for tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. That one was on a quasi-private beach.

Despite the hot weather, we were the only people there. It was like a small cove, as I remember. I also remember the almost (?) hyperactive little boy holding the door handle from the outside, shouting out “Nilzya!” (“Not allowed!” in Russian) repeatedly and (for no reason) refusing to allow me to exit the wooden hut. There were small windows in the door. I could see him holding the handle.

What can a polite guest do? One can hardly force open the door and possibly hurt the small child, no matter how peculiar his behaviour. In the end his mother called him.

I blogged about the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Yevtushenko] some years ago. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/04/04/yevgeny-yevtushenko-darcus-howe-and-the-msm-cultural-musings/.

How time flies in a life: it seems not hugely long ago that an odd little boy was shouting out in Russian while imprisoning me in a beach hut. Now, the small boy is suddenly 43, and a BBC radio producer. Well, there it is; and I myself am no longer in my twenties!

[Update, 23 June 2022: https://www.forumdaily.com/en/syn-evgeniya-evtushenko-rasskazal-o-zhizni-i-poslednix-dnyax-poeta/. I was unaware that Yevgeny Yevtushenko had had two more children as late as 1990].

A talk worth hearing

“Millennial Woes” (Colin Robertson), talking in 2021 about the evil and misnamed “Hope not Hate” (((cabal))).

Seems to have been subject to censorship (or a technical defect). Try to find it online, on Odysee.

More tweets seen

Much of France is still good, still beautiful, but Paris and some other large cities and towns are now largely not French, not European, and do not deserve to exist.

The Great Replacement. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. White Genocide.

More tweets

…and the semi-uniformed person, presumably some kind of attendant, seems to be not much interested, certainly does not do anything (or call for help on his radio), but (on his own against about 20 untermenschen) just bleats slightly at the mainly non-white mob. Perhaps afraid of being attacked.

This is an example of why, in the future, some form of social nationalism will have to take the reins. To exterminate evil.

He’s behind you!“…

Tweeter above failing to see that the whole “trans” nonsense of recent years is but a small part of a far-wider attempt by secret circles and cabals to destroy what is left of traditional society, particularly in Europe and other white-European-settled parts of the world, and to replace it with a “society” of dystopia— raceless, unisex, cultureless, hopeless, atomized (so easy to rule), and drugged in every way. As said many times, social nationalism must rise up to exterminate evil.

Ha ha! A one-time trainee psychiatrist (who seems to need a psychiatrist herself, in my opinion). As far as I have read here and there, she did not work for long as a doctor of any kind. No longer able to sustain the fakery of the facemask nonsense, now that most people have woken up.

Her Twitter feed is amusing, full of replies to her from cranks who are still wearing facemasks. Some really give themselves away, saying how much they love wearing their masks. Mentally-disturbed, quite obviously.

I did not see her tweeting that when this shambolic mess of a government made wearing facemask muzzles a legal requirement, and failure to comply with the facemask nonsense punishable by law.

I have remarked in the past on the blog about how doctors who become politicians or “activists” are usually a waste of space. Other examples? Dr. David Owen; Dr. Hastings Banda; Dr. Liam Fox. Dr. Evan Harris. Etc.

The incredible shrinking NHS


Shambolic. To me, after various experiences over the past decade, unsurprising, however.

In fact, it is not just the NHS hospitals and GP practices, but also dental services, central and local government generally, roads, rail, the courts, the police (a fortiori)…you name it. In down to earth language, this country’s gone to ratshit over several decades (and especially since 2010).

It is not the “fault” solely of immigrants (or immigration), or Jews, or British people becoming “wiggers” etc. It is a compendium of many causes, working together to trash the country. A Gordian Knot which, however, can be cut.

More tweets

This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Hickel. Frightening to think that a person of that sort may actually influence the policies adopted by governments.

Late tweets

Homeschool your children. Contrary to what many in the UK believe, it is not illegal! See https://www.gov.uk/home-education.

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 March 2022, with more on the Ukraine situation

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Former BBC journalist John Sweeney [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sweeney_(journalist)] thinks that TV presenter Neil Oliver “should be in the Tower” [of London] as (implied) a traitor, merely for questioning the Western narrative and whipped-up NWO/ZOG msm hysteria about Ukraine.

Oliver, tweets Sweeney, supports “Russian fascism” (as against, presumably, the “fascism” of those such as Sweeney, who would label anyone with a differing view “traitors”, and lock them up as such).

We have seen recently a whole tide of such hysterical nonsense, most egregiously from part-Jew MP Tom Tugendhat, who actually said, in the House of Commons at that, that those MPs not wanting to get the UK involved in the Ukraine conflict were guilty of “treason“.

Tugendhat is not only completely wrong in the legal sense, but in the more general sense as well. The UK is not at war with Russia, and indeed is not at all allied to the corrupt and shambolic Ukraine regime based in Kiev.

In fact, as shown below, that Sweeney character does seem rather keen on censorship, certainly for a journalist:

Sweeney’s view from Kiev (from yesterday):

Sweeney has a point about the morale of the two sides. It is clear that the Russian troops are reluctant invaders. That reluctance may go right to the top of the Russian Army. None dare call it sabotage?

As for the quiet streets of Kiev just reported upon, it is said that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have fled overseas, which may mean that literally millions have fled from Kiev and other near-frontline areas of the country to Western Ukraine, and some then to neighbouring states. Kiev’s 3 million population may now already be closer to 2 million, or even 1 million. Hard to say.

I have seen the main points made yesterday by the Ukrainian envoy to the UN in New York. I may be wrong, but the supposed texts or conversation he read out, messages between a young Russian soldier (later killed, said the diplomat) and his mother, seemed to me to be contrived, at least in part.

I may be wrong, but there was something in those supposed messages that reminded me of the lying testimony of the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat in 1990. She claimed that Iraqi soldiers had killed small children in a hospital. I was in New York at the time, and recall the effect that that pack of lies had on many people (the falsity of the testimony was not exposed immediately, by which time the lies had done their job, of course).


The 13 Ukrainian border guards who were feared dead after they told the Russian military to ‘go f*** yourself’ over the radio as they defended a small island in the Black Sea are actually alive and being held as prisoners of war, the Ukrainian Navy has since confirmed.” [Daily Mail]

More lies exposed.

In war, truth is the first casualty“…

Interesting graphic

The effect of the Ukraine situation has been to push up oil and gas prices. Already, in the UK, the retail price of petrol (gasoline) is about 50% higher than it was a year ago. I have seen figures suggesting that domestic gas prices in 2023 may be double from where they are now.

This is not mainly the “fault” of Putin, and in fact may be in part the result of misapplied “green” policies in the UK and elsewhere.

On the wider front, it is clear that NWO/ZOG is getting the population(s) of Europe gradually accustomed to lower living standards. Causation can be blamed on Russia, “Covid”, “climate change” etc, as required.

More tweets seen

Ha ha! Bravo!

Absolutely emblematic of our times…

The American public, in particular, will always be gung-ho at the prospect of war until they themselves suffer its full consequences. That has never happened to them, certainly not in the past 150 years. Look, though, at how scalded they were when the 2001 New York attack occurred.

Russian economy

The Russian consumer economy has been hit hard by the economic warfare now waged by the West. Having said that, at one time Russia, or at least the Soviet Union, had no consumer economy to speak of, yet not only trampled half of Europe underfoot but built atomic weapons and a space programme. I speak of the times of Stalin and Khrushchev.

Russia is still, I read, receiving USD $1 billion a day from hydrocarbon sales. In hard currency, not roubles. It is said that the war in Ukraine is costing USD $15 billion a day, but I wonder how true that is, bearing in mind that the armed forces would still be costing money even in their home bases; and the weapons used are in existence already.

Russia’s geographic size, and its large population, make it as close to a potentially-successful autarky as can exist in this world. Putin’s supposed philosopher/adviser, Alexander Dugin, favours Slavonic autarky: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin#Eurasianism,_fascism,_and_views_on_geopolitics; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autarky.

Russia is 72x the size of the UK, has many different climates, has a large but not densely-packed population of ~145 millions, and the ability to live indefinitely, if necessary, entirely closed-off from the outside world.

Joke of the day

Part-Jew would-be hard man, Dominic Raab, “warning” Russian commanders that they may face war crimes trials. You mean after the UK’s tiny LGBTXYZ army captures Moscow? Get back in your box, idiot.

More tweets

The second tweeter is correct in saying that the Old Square and Cathedral area of Warsaw was reconstructed meticulously after the Second World War (I was there on a number of occasions in 1988 and 1989), but of course quite wrong in mentioning Gdansk (former Danzig), which was never a Polish city before 1945. It was a German city from at least the Middle Ages through to 1945.

The Teutonic Knights founded the city around 1300, though there was a small settlement or town there previously, occupied at times by Germans, Danes, and Polish tribespeople.

Subsequently, it was a Germanic city, though at times under the rule or patronage (before the 18thC) of the then Kingdom of Poland.

After 1945, almost all Germans were expelled, and the name changed to Gdansk. The postwar “reconstruction” deliberately diluted the Germanic history of the city (even Wikipedia admits that much).

Incidentally, I now see that the Jewish element is not alone in having “edited” Wikipedia in a slanted way. Danzig/Gdansk is one example of how Poles have done the same: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gda%C5%84sk; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_City_of_Danzig.

Well, if the British Government was willing to declare world war in 1939 over a worthless “guarantee” to Poland, why not declare another in 2022 because Russia has “invaded” Ukraine (which two countries were under joint rule from earliest times until 1991, except for very brief periods such as 1942-44)?

Of course, some Soviet leaders actually came from the Ukraine, or from the border areas. Khrushchev, and indeed Brezhnev: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Brezhnev#Early_life_and_career; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Khrushchev#Early_years.

The only personal benefit I would get were the UK to be burnt to a crisp by nuclear war would be that most of (((those))) who hate me would be annihilated. Only thing is, I would probably follow them a few minutes later.

On balance…I should prefer if the misgovernment of these islands managed to avoid a nuclear war with Russia, especially one in support of the Ukraine’s useless, corrupt, shambolic and Jewish-led regime.

Hard to accept, even in our decadent and increasingly-stupid country, that the agenda is being driven by idiots such as Piers Morgan, and that such ridiculous pseudo-macho posturing and opining might influence the UK government onto a path which could destroy the British people, what’s left of them.

I believe that a woman once asked that great genius, Rudolf Steiner [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Steiner] whether she might reincarnate with him at the end of the 20th century (Steiner died in 1925). Steiner is said to have replied that that might be possible, if the woman would be willing to walk across Europe with him over broken glass…

Presumably that (?) prediction meant 2000 or so plus (?) 20+ years. So…about 2022? Worrying…

I never believed that the Cold War would become a hot one, meaning a nuclear one. It would be more than ironic if NATO (NWO/ZOG), having gone through the Cold War and out the other side, sparked a nuclear war with a post-Soviet Russia that poses no threat at all to Western Europe or North America.

My thoughts on reconstruction etc, from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Unsurprising, though. I mean, look at those idiots, Justin Webb etc…

More tweets

If only…

Late tweets

Late music

[Dresden 1945, after Allied bombing]