Tag Archives: Ontario

Diary Blog, 14 November 2022

Morning music

[VDNKh after overnight rain, Moscow]

On this day a year ago

“Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”

Saw many tweets lambasting Waterstones for promoting the latest Jack Monroe book, Thrifty Kitchen, to be published in January 2023 at a cover price of nearly £20, but already discounted to £9.99. I wonder whether the “Bootstrap Cook” brand is now damaged beyond repair. Still, 665 mugs are still paying Jack Monroe between £3.50 and £10 a month each as an absurd act of virtue-signalling, so I imagine that she is pretty sanguine (so long as the thousands of pounds continue to roll in monthly).

I also saw this:

“Mark Lewis Lawyer” is not much of a threat to people who, even if they have libelled someone (not always as clear-cut as many imagine) have defences such as “truth”, “honest opinion”, “publication on a matter of public interest”, and/or either absolute or qualified “privilege”.

I have assessed and written about Mark Lewis several times over the years, though not recently (in fact not since 2018 or 2019). I would dispute that any of what I have written about him is actionable, but in fact he has never even threatened me with a defamation action, no doubt because he knows that he would lose, but also because he knows that my financial circumstances (both capital and income) are now such that even any victory in court would be of little use when any damages and costs awarded could never be collected. See below for more about Lewis.

As for the “Bootstrap Cook”, her libel victory over Katie Hopkins was inevitable. It took no legal skill at all, or very little, in my view, bearing in mind that, as far as the libel itself was concerned, it had occurred because Katie Hopkins had demonstrably said something untrue about Jack Monroe (apparently mistaking her for the obscure socio-political scribbler Laurie Penny) that had caused Jack Monroe serious harm. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_v_Hopkins.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Penny.

It occurs to me that the “Bootstrap Cook” may have become a little gung-ho about libel actions after her easy victory over Katie Hopkins, who not only had to pay Jack Monroe £24,000 but also to sell her house to pay the £300,000 legal costs of Jack Monroe, a goodly chunk of which went, no doubt, to “Mark Lewis Lawyer”. Probably a third or so.

Not all defamation actions are so simple, or the awards and costs so easily collected.

More seen:

I continue to watch the situation. See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

Tweets seen

Well, there it is: Indian “clever boy” and money-juggler, Sunak, has no arrows in his quiver, except to make everyone in Britain poorer. The real economy will dive next year.

After that, read the books of David Irving and Correlli Barnett.

(talking about the pathetic yet sub-terroristic “Just Stop Oil” idiots).

When will the Matt Hancocks of the Westminster monkeyhouse be punished according to the full measure of their deeds?

Why would anyone take Arnold Schwarzenegger seriously? Just an Austrian bodybuilder who struck lucky in the USA and married into its political Establishment. A puppet on a stick.

Ignore” them, or get them?

Finance-capitalist dystopia

God…how sad. “MAID” refers to this: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html.

More tweets seen

The (whites-only) referendum of 1992 which ended apartheid resulted with nearly 70% in favour of ending that applied concept and, in effect, in favour of handing over power to the ANC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_South_African_apartheid_referendum.

Tragic. Those idiots thought that their way of life would be mainly upheld if they appeased the ANC. How wrong they were. Gave up their historically-conferred right, and what for? A comfortable life, a swimming pool, rugby, an SUV in the drive, a beer in a sports bar, golf, and no outright war.

Had they only held on for a short while, South Africa as a white European-origin country would have survived. The collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellites meant that funds and arms to the black rebels would have been cut off. Cuba, so prominent in so-called “liberation” struggles in Africa (Angola, Mozambique, South-West Africa/Namibia etc) was also cut off from Soviet funding after 1991, and had to withdraw from Africa.

The white population could have accelerated real apartheid, laagering the white populations mainly in specific parts of the country, as already planned for, and creating autonomous black zones and regions.

South Africa could have defended itself easily, with its powerful armed forces (including a navy, an airforce, as well as army); it even had atom bombs (six, which were dismantled in the mid-1990s). Other very advanced weapons too.

Water under the bridge now? Yes, but the white and the black populations continue to suffer the effects, not of white rule but of black rule.

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British society has not been so rigged, fixed (in both senses) and socially-immobile for a century or more.

Behind such decisions, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. The UK (and all of Europe) to be favourable to non-white invaders.

A black woman accused of doing a very similar thing is due in criminal court in Bristol in January 2023.

Afternoon music

I was partly brought up on, and still love, the lush music of John Barry, the popular easy-listening music of a post-1945 Western civilization now in crisis.

I like this, too:

[painting by Joyce Norwood]

Income inequality can be social inequity

Ten years ago, in the epilogue of my book Bread: The Story of Greggs, I stressed the need for the astonishing increase in top earnings in Britain to be curbed. At that time this was considered a serious problem. Yet despite the best efforts of many influential public voices, this position never translated into policy.

Sadly, since then, the growing divide has become even more extreme.. The richest 10% of households now hold 43% of all the country’s wealth, according to the Office for National Statistics. The bottom 50% hold only 9%. We now have 177 billionaires in this country, up from just 29 in 2010, with a combined wealth of £653bn. The difference between very wealthy and less well-off people has become obscene.”

[Ian Gregg, in the Guardian]

More tweets

…and that thick creature is now a Bencher of my old Inn of Court, Lincoln’s Inn. He is welcome at the Inn, whereas (by reason of Jewish plotting) I was wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016 and so automatically expelled from Lincoln’s.

In what kind of England is a thick non-white such as Lammy more welcome than me? It’s just mad. A system like that does not deserve to survive.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Late music

[painting by Volegov]