Tag Archives: Churchill

Diary Blog, 23 April 2024

St. George’s Day

Morning music

[Blues and Royals, London]

Tweets seen

Why would any organization want to subject its staff to a programme of socio-political brainwashing by Jew-Zionists, especially a dishonest and malicious pack such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”]?

The next time that the “CAA” “executives” Falter and Silverman give sworn testimony in a criminal or civil legal case, they should be robustly cross-examined about finances, including how much they themselves are being paid for their disgusting activities.

The “CAA” is effectively a volunteer arm of the Israeli Embassy in London.

There must be an investigation into, not only that recent piece of street theatre by Falter, but also into, and more importantly, the hooks that the “CAA” cabal have got into the police, CPS, TV people, radio people, and newspaper scribblers, not to mention both “Labour” and “Conservative” political facades, right up to the little Indian money-juggler presently posing as Prime Minister.

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That chart shows very clearly just how disastrous, economically, the war with the German Reich was for Britain. If only Britain had had real statesmen able to see ahead, unlike stumbling, bumbling Churchill, whose military and naval ideas were rock-bottom (Gallipoli in WW1, and in WW2 Norway, Greece, Crete, Singapore etc), and whose social ideas were antiquated and unreal.

As the under-rated historian Correlli Barnett said in several of his books, after 1945 the UK had the choice of trying to maintain its worldwide Empire and being a major power, and/or of regenerating its economy and particularly its industrial manufacturing sector, and/or of creating a Welfare State. Only two (any two) of the three were possible of full achievement, but Britain tried to undertake all three simultaneously; that strategy failed, or partially failed. It had not the means (because of the War) to succeed in all three. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlli_Barnett.

Entirely typical of “them”. In the UK, such harassment and covert hostility is undertaken in a similar manner, mainly via Jew-Zionist groups such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”.

Apart from all the other lies of Gideon Falter, if he claims that he was taking a stroll after having attended a synagogue, that must also be untrue. Other Jews have said that Falter was out and about long before what the Jews call “schul” would have ended.

Also, as a former long-term near-Central London resident, I am unaware of any synagogue in the area around where Falter was performing his political street-theatre nuisance (in Aldwych); and even if I am wrong on that, as far as I know Falter lives mainly in the St. John’s Wood neighbourhood of NW London (quite close to my one-time home in Little Venice, London W9). There is a large synagogue in St. John’s Wood Road, and another one in Lauderdale Road, Maida Vale. Both far from the Aldwych/Kingsway area of London; miles away. How would any stroll take him that way, even forgetting about the ex-MOSSAD security staff and the film crew?

Falter, like all his “CAA” co-conspirators, is a liar, and an abuser of the legal system (and mainstream media) of this country.

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Insp Parker-Phipps, whose laptop battery was “dying”, put the order in place at 10:00 GMT on November 26, but accidentally dated the form for November 24.

Mr Robinson’s defence lawyer, Alisdair Williamson KC, told the court there had been a “litany of catastrophic errors” in the Met’s handling of the incident.

Questioning the inspector, Mr Williamson said: “This document is not correct is it?

Can we have any confidence that there was a lawful order in place?”

To which the inspector replied: “No.”

Giving his ruling, District Judge Daniel Sternberg said: “I am not satisfied there was a legal authorisation.

“There is no case for you to answer.”

The hearing was attended by numerous supporters of Mr Robinson who filled the public gallery.


So the policeman directly in question, of the rank of inspector, wrongly-dated the crucial document? He also admitted —without equivocation— in court not only that he had wrongly-dated the document but, further, that that probably meant that the Order purportedly authorized had thereby been rendered unlawful.

What an unusually-helpful police witness. “Tommy Robinson” must have been born under a lucky star. Or something.

Much truth in that, but the elephant in the room that “Robinson” never mentions is the pervasive Israeli and Jewish influence in the UK.

Like Katie Hopkins, and a whole host of other “alt-Right” and similar activists, Robinson always seems to take the Israeli/Jewish/Zionist side of a false dichotomy.

There is a Jewish police organization which seems to have plenty of influence: see below— “CAA” liar Gideon Falter influencing (?) former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, at Scotland Yard:

Finchley Road, so again in that Swiss Cottage/St. John’s Wood part of London.

No different from what Jewish terror squads did in Palestine/Israel in the 1940s. They blew up buildings, kidnapped and murdered British soldiers, and “ethnically-cleansed” whole villages, towns, and cities.

In Europe, Jewish terrorists even tried to poison the water supplies of London and some German cities, as well as attempting to bomb London indiscriminately, trying to kill as many British people as possible.

Incidentally, such Jewish terrorism, and other “activism”, did not come about by reason of the events of the Second World War. In 1933, as soon as the NSDAP under Adolf Hitler came to power, the web of “World Jewry” declared war on the new Germany. They, if you like, drew first blood.

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Australia now is very different to the affluent and generally relaxed country I saw in the late 1960s. Controlled and tied down in so many ways, and far more stressed. Sydney itself has twice or more the population it had back then (then about 2M, now 5M+).

Another aspect that strikes (and puzzles) me is the almost caricature “Aussie” accent many now sport, including most of their politicians. That never used to be the case, not to that extent, as far as I can recall. There was a “strine”, yes, but it has become more accentuated, in fact almost become a joke, as one can hear from the woman in that clip.

From the newspapers


A furious mum glassed a man in the face at a pub after he guessed she was four years older than she was.

Joanne Dodd launched her attack on Carl Cooper after he suggested she might be 43, when she was actually 39. The pair were having a light-hearted exchange in a Manchester pub beer garden before Carl went to the toilet to try and get away from an offended Joanne. But when he returned, she ran towards him twice and pushed her wine glass into his face, leaving him with a 10cm cut that narrowly missed his eye and needed stitches, as well as an injury to his thumb.

Manchester Crown Court heard Dodd was suffering from ‘low self esteem’ and was drinking heavily at the time of the attack. The mum-of-one pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm, facing up to three years in jail under sentencing guidelines. But Judge Elizabeth Nicholls instead gave her a suspended sentence, explaining that despite there being no excuse for the crime, she could see that Dodd, who has no previous convictions, was a ‘hard working woman’, ‘loving mother’ and posed ‘no risk to the public’.

Dodd was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and pay £800 in compensation to her victim.

[Daily Mirror]

So a woman who twice pushed a glass into the face of (what seems to have been) a complete stranger poses “no risk to the public“?

I suppose that it could be argued that the sentence is not unjust: the victim will (presumably) get that £800, and 180 hours of serf labour is pretty stiff, but the idea that such a defendant poses “no risk” is surely demonstrably untrue.

I suppose, also, that the only way to test the verdict of that judge is the method suggested by the judge to the jury in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial by Jury:

she says that when in drink, he hits her and kicks her; well, gentlemen of the jury, let’s make him tipsy…and see!

I think that the courts must start getting tough on violent crime, including violence committed in social settings such as pubs, and not infrequently by drunken women these days.


homeless woman says living in a bus shelter with her boyfriend and mum is safer than being put in temporary housing with drug addicts.

 ‘I’ve got a chest of drawers, a carpet.’ The family will now have to move out after Transport for West Midlands announced it was demolishing the bus shelter within weeks.

Destiny added: “They’ve said we’ve got a month left and they’re going to destroy it. I’ve been in here a long time, I don’t want them to destroy my home, we haven’t got anywhere else to live. If the council doesn’t help us we’re going to try and move into another bus stop.

[Daily Mirror]

Britain in 2024…

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Ha ha. If that little twerp thinks that the millions of Ukrainians now living in Poland, Germany, and many other countries are going to return to the brutal, corrupt, and shambolic dictatorship of Zelensky and the regime in Kiev, let along join its ebbing armed forces, he is living in a land of fantasy.

Either this summer or later, there will be a general advance by Russian forces, moving north and west across Eastern Ukraine; perhaps even an approach or “podstup” near to Kiev itself, which region is now heavily defended.

The Kiev-regime forces are now entirely on the defensive, without the ability, troops or other means to attempt an advance, still less any offensive, after the failure of the last and half-hearted one in 2023. All they can do is launch occasional missile attacks on Russian territory, with the aim of causing a certain amount of damage to refineries, train lines, bridges etc.

Late music


If you are able to donate to my crowdfunder (to defray the Court-imposed costs of my recent free speech trial), thank you; if not, please share the link:


Diary Blog, 14 November 2022

Morning music

[VDNKh after overnight rain, Moscow]

On this day a year ago

“Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”

Saw many tweets lambasting Waterstones for promoting the latest Jack Monroe book, Thrifty Kitchen, to be published in January 2023 at a cover price of nearly £20, but already discounted to £9.99. I wonder whether the “Bootstrap Cook” brand is now damaged beyond repair. Still, 665 mugs are still paying Jack Monroe between £3.50 and £10 a month each as an absurd act of virtue-signalling, so I imagine that she is pretty sanguine (so long as the thousands of pounds continue to roll in monthly).

I also saw this:

“Mark Lewis Lawyer” is not much of a threat to people who, even if they have libelled someone (not always as clear-cut as many imagine) have defences such as “truth”, “honest opinion”, “publication on a matter of public interest”, and/or either absolute or qualified “privilege”.

I have assessed and written about Mark Lewis several times over the years, though not recently (in fact not since 2018 or 2019). I would dispute that any of what I have written about him is actionable, but in fact he has never even threatened me with a defamation action, no doubt because he knows that he would lose, but also because he knows that my financial circumstances (both capital and income) are now such that even any victory in court would be of little use when any damages and costs awarded could never be collected. See below for more about Lewis.

As for the “Bootstrap Cook”, her libel victory over Katie Hopkins was inevitable. It took no legal skill at all, or very little, in my view, bearing in mind that, as far as the libel itself was concerned, it had occurred because Katie Hopkins had demonstrably said something untrue about Jack Monroe (apparently mistaking her for the obscure socio-political scribbler Laurie Penny) that had caused Jack Monroe serious harm. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_v_Hopkins.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Penny.

It occurs to me that the “Bootstrap Cook” may have become a little gung-ho about libel actions after her easy victory over Katie Hopkins, who not only had to pay Jack Monroe £24,000 but also to sell her house to pay the £300,000 legal costs of Jack Monroe, a goodly chunk of which went, no doubt, to “Mark Lewis Lawyer”. Probably a third or so.

Not all defamation actions are so simple, or the awards and costs so easily collected.

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I continue to watch the situation. See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

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Well, there it is: Indian “clever boy” and money-juggler, Sunak, has no arrows in his quiver, except to make everyone in Britain poorer. The real economy will dive next year.

After that, read the books of David Irving and Correlli Barnett.

(talking about the pathetic yet sub-terroristic “Just Stop Oil” idiots).

When will the Matt Hancocks of the Westminster monkeyhouse be punished according to the full measure of their deeds?

Why would anyone take Arnold Schwarzenegger seriously? Just an Austrian bodybuilder who struck lucky in the USA and married into its political Establishment. A puppet on a stick.

Ignore” them, or get them?

Finance-capitalist dystopia

God…how sad. “MAID” refers to this: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html.

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The (whites-only) referendum of 1992 which ended apartheid resulted with nearly 70% in favour of ending that applied concept and, in effect, in favour of handing over power to the ANC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_South_African_apartheid_referendum.

Tragic. Those idiots thought that their way of life would be mainly upheld if they appeased the ANC. How wrong they were. Gave up their historically-conferred right, and what for? A comfortable life, a swimming pool, rugby, an SUV in the drive, a beer in a sports bar, golf, and no outright war.

Had they only held on for a short while, South Africa as a white European-origin country would have survived. The collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellites meant that funds and arms to the black rebels would have been cut off. Cuba, so prominent in so-called “liberation” struggles in Africa (Angola, Mozambique, South-West Africa/Namibia etc) was also cut off from Soviet funding after 1991, and had to withdraw from Africa.

The white population could have accelerated real apartheid, laagering the white populations mainly in specific parts of the country, as already planned for, and creating autonomous black zones and regions.

South Africa could have defended itself easily, with its powerful armed forces (including a navy, an airforce, as well as army); it even had atom bombs (six, which were dismantled in the mid-1990s). Other very advanced weapons too.

Water under the bridge now? Yes, but the white and the black populations continue to suffer the effects, not of white rule but of black rule.

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British society has not been so rigged, fixed (in both senses) and socially-immobile for a century or more.

Behind such decisions, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. The UK (and all of Europe) to be favourable to non-white invaders.

A black woman accused of doing a very similar thing is due in criminal court in Bristol in January 2023.

Afternoon music

I was partly brought up on, and still love, the lush music of John Barry, the popular easy-listening music of a post-1945 Western civilization now in crisis.

I like this, too:

[painting by Joyce Norwood]

Income inequality can be social inequity

Ten years ago, in the epilogue of my book Bread: The Story of Greggs, I stressed the need for the astonishing increase in top earnings in Britain to be curbed. At that time this was considered a serious problem. Yet despite the best efforts of many influential public voices, this position never translated into policy.

Sadly, since then, the growing divide has become even more extreme.. The richest 10% of households now hold 43% of all the country’s wealth, according to the Office for National Statistics. The bottom 50% hold only 9%. We now have 177 billionaires in this country, up from just 29 in 2010, with a combined wealth of £653bn. The difference between very wealthy and less well-off people has become obscene.”

[Ian Gregg, in the Guardian]

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…and that thick creature is now a Bencher of my old Inn of Court, Lincoln’s Inn. He is welcome at the Inn, whereas (by reason of Jewish plotting) I was wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016 and so automatically expelled from Lincoln’s.

In what kind of England is a thick non-white such as Lammy more welcome than me? It’s just mad. A system like that does not deserve to survive.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Late music

[painting by Volegov]

Diary Blog, 10 September 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

That tweet is from a year ago, but it bears repetition, especially as Blair now goes around the world touting himself as the great retired statesman, pronouncing on grand strategy and high policy…

What a contrast. In fact I wondered, a day or so ago, what the late Queen had thought of the Prime Ministers she had known— Churchill, that flawed titan; then the others, varying in ability and sincerity but mostly, though not all, at least able to play the part and not look totally out of place: Eden, Macmillan, Douglas-Home, Wilson, Heath, Wilson again, Callaghan, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron (-Levita), May, Johnson, and now Truss.

One sees the general decline in stature, though, over those decades.

Hard to bracket Liz Truss in the same sentence, let alone the same office, as Churchill, much as I think that his policy toward the German Reich was completely wrongheaded.

Churchill got Britain and the Empire involved in that disastrous war which killed off not only the German Reich but also the British Empire and indeed, not far down the line, all the European imperia (French, Spanish, Italian, Belgian, Dutch), and much else besides.

Liz Truss seems intent on creating conflict, or making worse the relations between Russia and the West, or even fomenting a state of war between Russia and the UK. If that were to happen, we should all be joining the late Queen and Churchill sooner than most of us anticipated. Britain could scarcely survive if there were war on the strategic scale.



Biden’s mother sounds as if she was both quite mad and extremely unpleasant. You get that kind of silliness with some Irish-Americans though. I recall being introduced about 31 years ago to some fat woman in New Jersey, an acquaintance of an American friend. Her first words to me were “well, I’m Irish, so I shouldn’t like you!“. A kind of joke, but with a definite edge.

Of course, Irish-Americans are a lot more American than they are Irish. Many of the more ignorant ones seemed (when I was living in the USA in the early 1990s) to think that “England” (always England, not UK or Britain) was in a kind of war with Ireland.

They had no idea that the “war” between not Ireland but the IRA, and the UK authorities, was confined mainly not only to the six counties of Northern Ireland (Ulster, to use the name of the ancient province) but to a few small areas, mostly urban, within that province, and also confined to quite small numbers of the population.

There were exceptions to the prevailing ignorance. The owner of McSorley’s Old Ale House in Manhattan, which I occasionally visited if nearby, was an intelligent man who visited Ireland (the Republic) a couple of times a year (for river fishing). He understood the real situation, but few other Irish-Americans (most of whom had never left American shores, and got their ideas of the world from appallingly-poor American TV news reports) knew any more about it than they did about, say, Iraq.

[John French Sloan, McSorley’s Bar, 1912]

The above painting, though from 1912, shows an almost identical scene to the one I knew in the early 1990s.

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In origo, so are “council” and “counsel“. The Monarch’s “counsel” was provided by his or her “council”. In Russian, there is still only one word for both “council” (as in a group of advisers and/or a local or other governmental or political body) and “counsel” (as in “advice“)— “soviet” [совет].

If these reports (from sources supportive of the Kiev regime) are accurate, the Russian leadership will have to escalate the armament used, and soon, or accept bitter, if relatively localized —and possibly temporary— defeat in large parts of the region.

Worth reading…


Late tweets seen

“...for the welfare of the people is the highest law” [Cicero].

So is Starmer a (?) secret atheist, or possibly even a crypto-Jew? He is, after all, married to a Jewess, and their children are being brought up as if full-Jew. I never was able to discover as to whether, when they hold those ritual Jewish dinners chez Starmer, he wears one of those little round skullcaps (yarmulki).

If Russia becomes again as weak as it was in the 1990s, the Chinese will be able to heavily infiltrate, and perhaps in effect take over, the whole of the one-time Soviet Far East, and possibly all of Eastern Siberia. Maybe in time even all of Siberia.

Late music

[panorama of Budapest and river Danube]

Diary Blog, 9 September 2022, with thoughts about the death of Queen Elizabeth, about the new King Charles, and about UK society

Morning music

[Windsor Castle]

On this day a year ago

Thoughts for today


The queen, my lord, is dead.


She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word.
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

[Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5]

I have seen a few comments on Twitter, mostly from the sort of people who are now quite often in evidence in England, for example from one well-known pro-Labour (Corbyn-Labour, lesbian, and half-caste) activist, to the effect that the death of Queen Elizabeth is of no importance, and that people should focus on energy prices, low pay, inadequate State benefits etc. I disagree.

The death of even one person has meaning, and when the death is that of a truly global figure such as Queen Elizabeth, the State and the society of —in this case— England and Britain is shaken to the core, no matter what else, even of great importance, is happening at or around the same time.

It is not a matter of whether one is a monarchist or not. I myself am not —as such— a monarchist or royalist, and believe that different socio-political arrangements fit national requirements at different times. Neither of my parents was royalist and, in the early 1960s, the royals (mainly the Queen herself, and the Queen Mother), were only glimpsed (by my own family) from afar, both on the TV and at the racecourse (Ascot, Newbury and, occasionally but later, in the early 1970s, Windsor).

All the same, for an Englishman such as myself, born in 1956, only a few years after the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth, her presence, even though experienced mainly on television or in the Press, has been part of the backdrop for my own life, and the lives of others of my generation, whether we like it or not.

As a person usually described as “social nationalist”, though others say some variety of “national socialist”, and even (per the Dowager Lady Birdwood, circa 1975), “national bolshevik“, I cannot but wonder whether all the inhabitants of these islands are affected similarly by this momentous and very recent event.

While I have met blacks (West Indians and a few others) who were both royalist and also had quasi-patriotic feelings about the UK, my impression is that the bulk of the “blacks and browns” (and other such as Chinese) now in the UK have no such feeling or sentiment.

The young Jamaicans, or other West Indies-origined, of the inner cities, the hordes of more recent Chinese immigrants who have flooded the UK (especially though not exclusively in London and the south of England), the Pakistanis and other Muslims, the fake or other “refugees” of various kinds (eg the recent though smallish Ukrainian or supposedly Ukrainian influx) have no sentiment toward either this country or the Monarchy. To them, even those born here, Britain is a place to live in, benefit from, in some cases work in or make money in. A mere geographic space. Most of them have no patriotic feeling, no knowledge of our history, no real connection at all. They are just…here.

I am talking not about politics, or policy, or power, but of

This royal throne of kings, this scepter’d isle,

This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars,

This other Eden, demi-paradise,

This fortress built by Nature for herself

Against infection and the hand of war,

This happy breed of men, this little world,

This precious stone set in the silver sea,

Which serves it in the office of a wall

Or as a moat defensive to a house,

Against the envy of less happier lands,–

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England

[Shakespeare, Richard II] [https://interestingliterature.com/2019/12/analysis-john-of-gaunt-this-sceptred-isle-speech/].

There is also an age-demographical point here. The younger English too (and Welsh and Scottish) people around, particularly those aged maybe up to 35, are often emotionally distant not only from the Monarchy, but also from the race and nation.

You see msm vox pop, or Twitter, comments, or appearances on TV quiz shows, from those broadly “young”, let us say 18-30, which are so lacking in basic knowledge of England’s (and the world’s) history etc that those talking might as well have just arrived from Mars.

For many of the “young”, the members of the Royal Family are, as I have blogged in the past, basically denizens of the empty and stupid milieu of supposed “celebrity”, not essentially different from the casts of The Only Way is Essex, Made in Chelsea, or whatever else of a similar nature.

Indeed, with the marriage of “The Harry formerly known as Prince” and “the Royal Mulatta” (Harry and Meghan of that ilk), the two previously acquainted but once very different worlds of British Monarchy and “celebrity culture” have collided, with disastrous results, even so far.

As I have blogged on one or two previous occasions, it is not only the British population that has changed; so have “the royals”.

Whatever one may have thought of the late Queen and Prince Philip, they were traditionally and unmistakeably royal. They could never have been mistaken for “the common people”, not even the most ultra-wealthy “commoners”. They would certainly never have been mistaken for members of the suburban middle classes, or the working class or classes.

It can be seen that that unmistakeable “royality” slid somewhat in the generation of Charles, Anne, Andrew, and Edward. The younger two, Andrew and Edward (born 1960 and 1964), in particular, might be considered similar, at least in some respects, to their neighbours in suburban or semi-rural Surrey or Berkshire. Think of Andrew and “Fergie”, living in their sprawling villa, the so-called “South York”; Edward wanting to run a theatre company; Edward’s wife carrying on (until it became an embarrassment) with her public relations enterprise.

That’s before we even get into the various sex scandals and rumours. I blogged three years ago (with updates) about Andrew’s egregious behaviour: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Of course, there have been many other scandals and, most recently, the scurrilous rumours about the next generation, mostly about Prince William.

While the Andrew/Edward generation could be said to be not far, in terms of lifestyle, from the very wealthy of the Home Counties, the William and Harry generation are not so far in attitude and lifestyle from quite ordinary, albeit very wealthy, commoners of their own age. If “Fergie’s” parents were an Army major and a mother, as “Fergie” has said, “from country gentry with a bit of old money“, Kate Middleton’s parents’ origins are that the father, though from a wealthy background (and later wealthy in his own right, via business), worked as a flight dispatcher, while Kate’s mother had been an air hostess.

Subtle differences but, over three generations making, overall, a big difference.

So now we have King Charles III, whom I regard as a basically well-meaning but also incredibly self-absorbed person who is more “at sea” ideologically and/or intellectually than most people think; perhaps more than he himself thinks.

Regular readers of the blog may recall that I blogged once or twice about how I met with and very briefly (a few minutes) talked with the then Prince Charles in late 1996, when I was invited to a royal reception (about 25-30 people) held at the official Residence (not the Embassy) of the British Ambassador in Almaty, then the capital of Kazakhstan.

The new King is 73, and will be 74 in November.

As for the next generation, I once described Princes William and Harry as “tame thick princelings“, signed up to what people now call a “woke” agenda, and I see no reason, several years on, to change that view.

The late Queen was an anchoring presence, not only in what she did but in what she was.

Without necessarily endorsing the following view, it can be said that Queen Elizabeth personified the idea that a monarch, at best, holds a nation together. Britain’s problem now is that it is rapidly ceasing to actually be a nation. It is more like a geographical space within which reside a number of interpenetrating racial, national, social and economic, and ideological, tribes, many of which dislike, or even despise and hate, each other.

“Sweet Thames”

I saw this very worthy historical blog and travelogue about the Thames, “that silver thread that runs through England’s history” as someone may have called it (Churchill called it “the golden thread through our nation’s tapestry“): https://thames.me.uk/Thames1891.htm.

Interesting, I think, not only for those who, like me, spent some of their young teenage years rowing on it.

Tweets seen

“Professor” Uju Anya? What is wrong in American academia that a ridiculous monkey like that gets and/or keeps such a position?

In fact, she is an associate professor: https://www.cmu.edu/dietrich/modlang/about-us/filter/faculty/uju-anya.html

Another useless and malicious idiot, hostile to European culture and civilization (without which he would be living in a mud hut).

I believe in free speech, but I do not believe that such a person as this Uju Anya idiot should anyway be taken seriously enough to hold an academic post at a well-known American university.


American academia is very sick, largely because of this sort of nonsense. The usual suspects (((them))) are behind much of it, pulling the strings. The black “academics” (usually retailing pseudo-academic nonsense) are, to a great extent, just the puppets.

Unless America can recover its ethnic white European identity, it is doomed. There needs to be a reset of the white/non-white population-proportion in the USA, getting back to the ~90% white America of the 1920s.

Apart from which, there are times when a decent reserve is the right persona, and when nasty and tasteless jeering is not the right persona.

For me, the main point is that the tasteless minority pretending to celebrate the death of the late Queen (and a few even hoping, on Twitter etc, that that death was painful) are not only celebrating the death of Elizabeth II, but are also —and in fact primarily— making a truly evil attack on the British people, on our history, on our now-disappeared Empire, on our culture, on our (and all European) culture, and on the overall European way of life. That is why they should all be deported, exiled, or eliminated.

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…and despite that, Jew-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and his deputy, thick-as-two-short-planks Angela Rayner went down on their knees in fealty to the “BLM” “Black Lives Matter” idiocy, as did many others, including members of this country’s police, while on duty at that.

That, of course, was before the transnational conspiracy put up other idols for the unthinking to worship: first the “Covid” “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, and now the present nonsense about Britain’s (non-existent) “need” to “support” the Jew dictator Zelensky and his corrupt and antidemocratic cabal in Ukraine.

The tweets and retweets of the tweeter @DwayneDavidPaul (click below) are instructive. Monkeys like that can only just about live, parasitically, in a civilized society or culture; they could never create one, not in a million years:

Look at said monkey’s Twitter profile: “educator • policy advocate • writer • zealot | director, @CCFJHartford, contributor, @NCRonline; @YaleDivSchool alumnus.”

That last is “Yale Divinity School”!

‘Nuff said?


The limited Kiev-regime counter-offensive in the south of Ukraine (Kherson area) was joined by another limited counter-offensive in the north-east, in the Kharkov area. Now, however, Russian missile strikes have hit a number of cities.

If accurate (the tweeters plainly both being pro the Kiev regime), the tweet immediately below shows a situation not good for the Russian side:

As for the tweet immediately below here, its judgment would be more convincing had the Kiev regime not been shelling and rocketing the population of parts of the Donbass for about 8 years…

If Russian forces are seriously pushed back on a consistent basis, and if the outcome of this war is in the balance, we can expect to see a massive escalation of force from the Russian side.

Late tweets seen

I was unaware of that (that it was in Hitchens’ book).

I blogged about that situation nearly 4 years ago, but it has now progressed (degenerated) to a point of utter ludicrousness: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

As blogged many times, Ukraine is a new-ish state (1990s), a failed state, and a shambolic kleptocracy run by a pack of Jew billionaires (like Zelensky, who owns several luxury homes including one in Florida worth USD $40 million).

The Zelensky regime shoots its opponents both in secret and in the street, has banned opposition parties, banned trade unions, and arrested prominent opposition politicians.

Liz Truss wants to waste many billions more of UK taxpayers’ money on the criminal Kiev regime, as did “Boris”-idiot.

Yes. One feels the “calm before the storm”…

Late music

[1905 uprising, St. Petersburg]

Diary Blog, 19 November 2021

Morning music

Last broadcast in 2006, by which time, I suppose, it was becoming clear that the UK the music represented had almost ceased to exist…

Incidentally, the individual responsible for getting rid of the Radio 4 UK theme was a Jew, this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Damazer. Ironically, the arranger of the theme was also Jewish: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_4_UK_Theme.

Imperial War Museum


I have not been to the Imperial War Museum since the mid-1980s when I was frequently in the vicinity. Since then, the IWM has, I believe, given over a large area to a permanent “holocaust” propaganda display. Once you start purveying that kind of ahistorical fakery, there is no going back, and you end up inviting a taxpayer-funded (why?) bunch of cretins to shout out “anti-racist” (in reality, anti-White and anti-British) black “rap”-crap on Remembrance Day.

The Daily Mail, of course, completely tied in with the Jewish lobby, would never make the connection…

In fact, the nonsense reported on is but part of the frenzied racemixing and anti-European agenda now being promoted everywhere— in TV drama, TV ads, across all msm platforms. The very significant year 2022 is fast approaching, the next key year in the 33-year cycle, and with it the agenda of the transnational conspiracy usually abbreviated to NWO/ZOG.

Not that I favour Churchill’s misconceived and evil war against the German Reich, of course, but I doubt that the rap-crap mentioned that.

Incidentally, imagine the (much greater) furore if a “rap” or other group had launched, at that museum, a satirical or other attack on the baleful influence of Jews or, indeed, blacks, at some point in history. That’s right, neither of those would happen. Then ask yourself why…


[“Feierlichkeiten zum 9. November in München. Ehrentempel auf dem Königsplatz”]

Ehrentempel means “Temple of Honour”:

“erected… in 1935, housing the sarcophagi of the sixteen members of the Party who had been killed in the failed Beer Hall Putsch (the Blutzeugen, “blood witnesses”). On 9 January 1947 the main architectural features of the temples were destroyed by the U.S. Army as part of denazification.” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehrentempel].

I cannot read the names on the U.S. military document below, but some persons without military rank are suggesting destruction of the structure. Probably Jews; who else, arguably, would make such a vandalistic suggestion? “…most offensive” and “dangerous“? Typical language, also arguably. We see the same terms used by the Zionists in 2021 Britain.

Free speech

“In democratic societies, freedom of speech is sacred. Citizens have a right to speak and therefore to be heard.” [Michal Herzog, wife of the Israeli President, quoted in Jewish News/Times of Israel: https://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/michal-herzog-how-britains-jews-prepared-me-to-be-first-lady/].

“Their” hypocrisy, as always, is stunning.

In the UK, Jews are at the forefront of the free speech battle, constantly trying to use “lawfare” and undue influence to shut down free speech, in particular any mention of Jews that is not laudatory, as well as any critical examination of their history and behaviour.

I myself have been attacked by them, and continue to be attacked by Jew-Zionists: see, eg, https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Tweets seen

Does Priti Patel get monies directly from Israel, or only (that much is already proven) from “British” Jews?

I have already blogged to the effect that only a massive window-breaking event (“Kristalltag“?) in Vienna, and soon, might wake up the Austrian people before the biosecurity police state’s grip tightens yet again.

The System will say anything, and apparently do anything, to get enmeshed in Eastern Europe. Remember 1939 (or at least remember reading about it)? The governments of Britain and France gave the government of Poland a worthless guarantee, that is that Britain and France would come to the aid of Poland were it to be attacked.

Well, we know what happened. Germany did attack, and that triggered declarations of war against Germany by Britain and France, but —crucially— no troops or ships were sent to aid Poland. None.

The British and French governments used Germany’s invasion as an excuse to declare war, but Poland was left to sink or swim. It sank, partly because the Soviet Union also invaded, scarcely opposed, from the East. Britain and France did not declare war against the Soviet Union. Poland had no chance. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_invasion_of_Poland; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Poland.

The upshot of the above is that Britain did not help Poland and —again crucially— never could have done. Neither Britain nor France could have opposed the massive forces of the German Reich and the Soviet Union, yet it was the worthless joint guarantee which (together with the refusal by Churchill to conclude armistice in 1940, after the Fall of France) condemned much of Europe to years of war.

Surely the “British” government is not about to repeat in some farcical form its mistakes of 1938 and 1939? NATO is becoming aggressive in the East.

War with Russia could trigger a massive conflagration in which, inter alia, the UK might be almost entirely destroyed.

Afternoon music

More tweets seen

This happens to all dissidents now. Peter Hitchens has had a similar problem, as did I (before a Jew pack had Twitter expel me in 2018).

Good grief! What on Earth is that cretin Drakeford doing?!

Hitler and Martin Luther King on the same page!

More tweets

The biosecurity police state, this time in Germany. https://www.thelocal.de/20211119/germany-passes-law-reform-for-sweeping-covid-measures/.

Eventually, the problem (and similar problems) will only be solved one way, but that is something that cannot (in the new unfree UK) be expressed publicly.

“There are men to whom a tree is sacred” [Chekhov, possibly —I write from memory— quoted in Gorky’s Literary Portraits]. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Literary-Portraits-Maxim-Gorky/dp/0898755808.

Evening tweets

“I’m lovin’ it!

Late tweets

I like it.

The mask of “woke” fakery is slipping. They lost, so out come the snarls…

I have only one problem with the young man who was on trial, which is that he should have shown more of a stiff upper lip at that trial.

As for Paul Mason, and as I have blogged previously, some of his writings on economics have been interesting, but from the political point of view he is a complete idiot.

Incidentally, I often wondered, when Mason was on TV regularly, and when he posted on Twitter, why he is so venomously against social-nationalism. I discovered that he is part-Jew. That may account for it.

Late music

Diary Blog, 8-9 November 2021

8 November 2021

I thought to start today’s blog with a feel-good video first seen a while ago…

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

If I am not mistaken, a misquotation (from Marx), but no matter, if the cap fits…

[first time, tragedy…]
[second time, farce…]

Whatever one may say of Churchill, whatever one may say of his being hugely over-rated, especially as a strategist (hopeless), there is no doubt that he was a world-historic personality. “Boris”? A mere footnote to contemporary history, at best.

More tweets

This is why both conservation and rewilding are essential. Sad that so many who have hundreds of millions, or even billions, would rather make even more money (which at that level means nothing but entries on electronic or other ledgers) than create habitat for wild creatures.

Look, for example, at Zac Goldsmith, the much-puffed eco-champion. Worth maybe nearly (?) a billion, it seems, but not doing anything like as much as he might. He does donate to environmental causes, but he could do a great deal more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zac_Goldsmith#Fundraising.

An acre of “useless” land, or woodland, or farmland in the UK (depending on area) costs £2,000 to £10,000 an acre. Even at the higher figure, £100 millions therefore buys 10,000 acres or more. That’s a tenth (or more) of the size of the Isle of Wight (which totals 148 sq. miles), or nearly a fifteenth of the total area of the National Forest (200 sq. miles, but much of it is not actual forest): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_National_Forest_(England).

[the National Forest]

Wagner: analysis of how he is presented

Late tweets

Any “intimidation” or deterrence should happen before they ever reach Europe.

The doctor speaking (from 1:31) is especially interesting.

Late music

9 November 2021

“Is it ‘coz I is white?”


Action directe?


Sweden, lockdown-shutdown, and reality


Little twerp plays at being a Stalinist censor


Keir Bradwell, the student president of the 200-year-old Cambridge Union debating society
[would-be “Stalinist” censor, student Keir Bradwell, aka a little twerp]

…and most of the threat to freedom of expression in the UK comes from the Jew-Zionist element. I note that the Keir Bradwell individual cites the so-called “international definition” of “antisemitism”, which in fact has been adopted by only a couple of dozen states out of about 200 in the world.

Most people have not yet noticed, but this (meaning the whole thing, the wider question, not just the Cambridge storm in a teacup) is not a “debate”, nor even a “dispute”, but a war, or the beginnings of a war, or the approach to a war, a socio-political war.

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 13 May 2021

Morning music

Tweets seen

Churchill’s actions triggered a war which destroyed not only the German Reich but also the British Empire, and the similar empires or overseas colonial arrangements of other European powers (French, Italian, Dutch, Belgian, Spanish), in the end. The net result has been war, civil war, terrorism, environmental degradation.

Hitchens is right. I have blogged, en passant, about this. In the UK, “Doctor” is reserved for a few (though Hitchens is too restrictive): medical practitioners (even if, in fact, not actually Doctors of Medicine), persons in holy orders who have a doctorate in theology or the like, and bona fide academics.

It weakens the rank or status to have stray persons calling themselves “doctor” just because they have a “doctorate” in some McSubject from a McUniversity. Examples that come to my mind are the tweeter and “antifa” cheerleader (she does little else, I think) “Dr.” Louise Raw, whose doctorate is in one 19thC industrial dispute, and “Dr.” Julian Lewis, an MP whose doctorate is in Strategic Studies; among others (eg “Dr.” Therese Coffey, the present DWP Secretary in the Cabinet).

Part of the problem in the UK is that huge numbers of people now go to institutions called universities, where all get “degrees”‘; not a few go on to get higher degrees, including doctorates.

On the mainland of Europe, especially Germany, the conventions are different. Use of “doctor” is ubiquitous and accepted. For example, Dr. Goebbels, whose doctorate was in History and Literature [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Goebbels#Early_life].

[Dr. Goebbels]

More tweets seen

If rewilding ever takes place on a planetary scale, I can think of some good sources of fertilizer, but I think that I shall not cite them here, not just yet…

Late tweets

Here (below) we see another holder of a Ph.D, but in his case an academic at a recognized university, tweeting incorrect rubbish about the law in England and Wales (and Scotland):

In fact, the Crown Court judge (H.H. Judge Hehir) in the Alison Chabloz appeal last year, and the district judge (magistrate) in her most recent case (heard in late March 2021) both made the point(s) that

  • “antisemitism” is not a crime in this country; and that
  • “holocaust” “denial” is not a crime in this country.

No doubt, were the matter to be considered and pronounced upon by the higher courts, the same conclusions would be reached.

Alison Chabloz was convicted because the tenor of what was posted was “grossly offensive” (and she is presently appealing that), not because posting historical revisionist or “antisemitic” views (including so-called “holocaust” “denial”) is grossly offensive per se.

What is “staggering” (see the “@DrDMiles” tweet above) is that someone who claims to be knowledgeable about the law can publish such a misunderstanding, and so vehemently.

The Miles character has made rather a fool of himself, in short.

In fact, the said Miles, apparently the author of a book on “constitutionalism”, is, so his Twitter profile says, a “University teacher” (at St. Andrews: https://st-andrews.academia.edu/DavidMiles). Law as such, however, is not his subject. He evidently misunderstands it as applied (misapplied in his case) to so-called “holocaust” “denial”.

Ah, I see now what the said Miles believes in: censorship…

Surprising that someone with such a limited and narrow mentality should be teaching at a university such as St. Andrew’s but that is Britain in 2021, I suppose.

I believe, subject to correction, that that person used to work at Lloyds TSB, selling financial products of some sort [https://uk.linkedin.com/in/mrdavidjmiles].

Here’s a crank singing the same song:

Another one who has simply misunderstood the law. Claims that she is an “ex-journalist/commentator“. Yeah, right…

Another couple of cranks:

17 million now?! Ha ha! But “who’s counting?”…

[Update, 14 May 2021: Another tweet by the same idiotic lecturer, “@DrDMiles”:

Simplistic and kneejerk; no real thought, no nuance, no real understanding of the issues or the real world in general. How does someone like that hold down even a minor academic teaching post?]

More tweets seen

Late music

Diary Blog, 20 March 2021

The “Great Reset”

“The Great Reset” is not some kind of weird “conspiracy theory”. It is a real conspiracy or, if you like, “consensus”. See the Financial Times, for example: https://www.ft.com/content/39c53b9f-f443-4dde-9cdb-07e8999ec783.

“Free society”…

More tweets seen

More tweets

Scribblers such as Hitchens would be far more credible were they able to write about how disastrous the Second World War was; and, above all, that it need not have happened….(Hitchens is part-Jew, though, so that may play a part in his reticence). See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/19/peter-hitchens-and-his-views/.

Afternoon music

Diary Blog, 22-23 September 2020

22 September 2020

Coronavirus and the latest “Boris” posturing

I start with the fact that, yes, a million people have died “of” (with) “Coronavirus” worldwide, but that is out of eight thousand million living on the Earth. In other words, one person out of every eight thousand.

The above fact indicates that what is required first of all is perspective and proportion. Those qualities are precisely those not found in the present “British” government.

The Government shut down most of our society for 5-6 months; but a society is not like something such as a washing machine or a TV set, which can be switched off at the flip of a switch, then switched on again 6 months later none the worse. It is more like a car, which if left unused for months, will probably not start up again without an external stimulus.

Now “Boris” the clown is threatening another national “lockdown”. Contrast with Sweden, which (despite a huge area with small population) is largely urban and suburban (i.e. that is where most people live), like the UK.

Sweden never had a “lockdown”, never insisted on masks, never did any of that rubbish. It did have many elderly people die in care homes. That was its mistake. However, the UK did the same, with similar results.

Now Sweden is close (I read) to “herd immunity”, whereas the countries in Europe that were harsh in having facemasks, “lockdowns” etc (e.g. Spain and the UK, among others) are still in trouble in terms of public health and have ruined their fragile economies.

I should be happy that Boris-idiot and his “Cabinet” (pack of Jews and Indians) are messing things up so royally, because that can pave the way for social nationalism when the economy crashes, unemployment soars and Britain loses whatever is left of its credibility as Brexit crashes and burns.

Two things depress that happiness: first, I hate to see what is being done to the UK, its people, its society and economy. Second, there is at present no credible social-national movement to raise the banners of social-national resurgence.

Scotland is even worse than England, under that ridiculous little tyrant, Nicola Sturgeon.

Actually, I think that many people are uneasy, to say the least, about the latest “Boris” nonsense: the “Rule of Six”, the “rule” that pubs must shut at 10 pm, and especially the idea that neighbours should spy on each other and report, like Stasi inoffizielle Mitarbeiter in the old DDR, or Russian and other Soviet секретные сотрудники of the old KGB.

The very legal validity of the “rules” is in question and may be pronounced upon by the courts soon.

Now “Boris” wants to use what little is left of the British Army to coerce the British people.

The real opposition to all this nonsense will not be brought into being by the nonsense itself though, but by the consequences of that nonsense— the tsunami of socio-economic pain gathering its power on the horizon.

Tweets seen

The “controlled opposition” writes…

Wall. Squad. End.

Most British people now know nothing or next to nothing of their own national history, even the cartoon version.

This is where I part company with Peter Hitchens. Yes, many governments are incompetent (though in Europe, the “government” of Boris-idiot stands out as egregiously incompetent), but what has been happening in 2020 goes beyond mere chance and lack of proper administration.

Covid-19 Coronavirus, the facemask muzzling of the population, the “Black Lives Matter” nonsense, the constant racemixing propaganda on TV (eg. in TV ads, which have become relentless in that respect…), the hullabaloo around Greta Nut and Extinction Rebellion etc; all of that feeds into what the World Economic Forum openly calls the “Great Reset” of the world. Inter alia, “the Great Replacement”, or “White Genocide”, as provided for in the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/

It is a puzzle to me, and always has been, why so many intelligent and well-informed journalists etc thought Boris Johnson so well-equipped to bid for his present position. The few who did not think so tended to say, “Boris has the ability, but does he have the ethical standards?“, whereas I was tweeting and then blogging for years, increasingly angrily, as the idiot flew higher and higher: “WHERE, WHEN, has Boris-idiot ever shown any real ability?”

Answer came there none. Years of incompetence, inability to plan, to execute plans, to explain clearly his ideas (few and all puerile) made no difference. Of course the Jew lobby, aka Israel lobby, liked him not only because he was totally pro-Israel but because he is part-Jew himself. They pushed him in the mass media which they largely control.

“Boris” was always buoyed up by his incredible arrogant confidence. That has now been tested against reality and found wanting. Look at him now. Most of the time now, he looks either like a deflated balloon or (and my apologies for necessary profanity) like a sack of shit.

Good point. I saw Starmer today on TV, saying what a good little prosecutor he used to be (and so, apparently, what a good Prime Minister he would make). Well, Starmer’s “USP” is basically that he is a better administrator than Boris-idiot. I suppose that he takes me with him on that. Almost anyone would be a better PM than “Boris”. Beyond that, Starmer has nothing to say.

Starmer is a puppet of the Jewish lobby. His wife, a lawyer, is Jewish; their children are being brought up as Jewish. I noticed, if I am not mistaken (I saw only a second or two before Starmer came on), that he was introduced on TV today by the notorious and half-Jewish Ruth Smeeth [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth] the former MP (2015-2019) for Stoke-on-Trent North, and an alleged “source” for intelligence officers based at the US Embassy in London (see Wikileaks).

I imagine that Ruth Smeeth is hoping that Keir Starmer will find a safe Labour seat (full of unthinking “me always vote Labour” plebs) for her.

Incidentally, Ruth Smeeth, who since 2015 has been on the Board of the (((well-funded))) “Hope not Hate” Jewish “antifascist” group, is now the Chief Executive (paid about £80,000 a year) of “Index on Censorship”. Irony is not dead…

Speaking of Wikileaks:

I never thought “Boris” likeable (or particularly intelligent) anyway. I have never seen much evidence of either, especially the latter.

Late music

23 September, 2020

Tweets seen



but answer came there none…

Wonders will never cease. I find that I am actually in agreement with “Dunce” Duncan Smith!

Even before the “panicdemic”, pubs were closing, we heard, at a rate of 10 per day in the UK. In the —extended— area where I live, say a 5-mile radius, I myself have noticed a number of pubs now closed, probably permanently, while others have, I understand, effectively become daytime cafes concentrating on Kaffee und Kuchen, in a bid to avoid the “rules” imposed on pubs. Apparently, those ones are busy with the elderly who make up much of the population here.

Oh, and on a different topic, look (below) who has crawled out of her sewer again! Priyamvada Gopal, who wants to kill off European people, and who was promoted to full professor status by the traitors at Cambridge University after remarks to that effect. Here you see her intellectual level— pathetically poor:

In Russian, there is a more “gender-neutral” word-stem, i.e. “rod”, as in “rodnoy” (m) or “rodnaya” (f), “rod” indicating “native land or place” or “land/place.city etc of birth”.

My version: “Remember remember the 5th of November, Gunpowder Treason and Plot, Life is short and memory long, and traitors deserve to be shot!

Hitchens’ idea, i.e. that people should write to MPs re. the present nonsense, may have some limited effect, but will not change the overall direction of this crazed government of clowns. I know what I want to have happen to most MPs, but am not able to publish it…

Actually, quite apart from the above, there would be no point in writing to “my” local MP, because he is one of the few MPs awake to the sheer nonsense of the Coronavirus “lockdowns”, facemask imposition etc, though he is otherwise a complete deadhead, as well as being a lazy useless slug…

Since when did belief in reasonable social and economic freedom become “libertarian”? It is simply ordinary common sense.

Boris-idiot’s am-dram reprise of Winston Churchill was never at all plausible, certainly not to me. Now, it becomes so absurd as to leave a sour taste. I do not think that Churchill made the right decisions in 1940-1945 (in continuing the disastrous and tragic European war) but he was a great figure in both contemporary events and in history. “Boris” is all but irrelevant as a political “leader”, and in terms of history will be a footnote, if that. As Marx said, “First time tragedy, second time farce.”

A “conspiracy nut” may be the early stage of a tree of wisdom.

Actually, look at the facts, the way in which powerful transnational institutions have lined up in support of the climate change narrative, the “Black Lives Matter” narrative, the Coronavirus narrative…all at the same time…

Co-incidence? What about the fact that the World Economic Forum now supports the so-called “Great Reset”? This is not “conspiracy theory”; it’s happening in plain sight!


And look below at the way in which the termites are eating away at the freedom and lives of white British people. One word of criticism about the anti-white propaganda campaign being waged, and your bank wants to get rid of you:

“Diversity” = “no white people”, in the end. Racemixing and the genocide of the European peoples.

The person who tweeted from the Nationwide should be punished.

I also suggest that all white people in the UK avoid Nationwide (which does not value them and chooses to insult its customers) and, if already with Nationwide, switch to another bank.

There is only one way this can end.


Lammy, thick as two short planks and also extremely nasty (as well as very interested in money…).


“Socialism” in one Twitterverse

One of the most interesting aspects of the “Coronavirus” situation in the UK has been to observe the pathetic and feeble squirming of those who self-describe as “Left”, “socialist” etc., whether adherent to the shell that is the Labour Party, or otherwise.

What is the reaction of the Jewish and “antifascist” Twitterati to the closing down of civil rights in the UK? Craven obedience to Government diktat. What is the reaction of the “Labour” official Opposition? To support every measure this incompetent yet tyrannical Government of clowns has taken, except to say that themeasures should be harsher and better administered. This is not opposition, but fealty…

Actually, that weakness is good for social-nationalism. When the time comes, we can close down our enemies easily, and permanently.

More tweets seen

Naturally, Piers Morgan does not worry about the economic damage. He gets paid millions for being a TV face. I dare say (speculating, admittedly) that some if not all is paid offshore via tax avoidance measures. He can scarcely recall what life was like before he hit lucky. If the poor and middle earners lose their jobs, well…Piers will still be on TV, raking in his life’s winnings…The same is true of all msm drones, MPs and other parasites.

More about Keir Starmer

Saw part of Starmer’s party political broadcast on TV this evening. Underwhelming…

Late music

Les Eminences Grises…of Dystopia

It seems that the intellectual power behind the Boris Johnson throne is one Dominic Cummings, someone who only came to my attention recently. His new eminence put me in mind of a few similar people in the recent and not so recent past.

Brendan Bracken


Churchill had the egregious Brendan Bracken as his adviser and amanuensis. Bracken was, as such people often are, very strange indeed. He was born into modest but not poor circumstances in Ireland, drifted around Australia, attended Sedbergh School at age 19 (though claiming to be just 15), paying the fees himself, then left after one term, having acquired what the later KGB would have called a “legend” as an Anglo-Irishman who had attended a well-known English school (he let people believe that he had been there for years).

Armed with the Sedbergh “old school tie”, Bracken became a schoolmaster at Bishop’s Stortford College in 1921, but by 1922 was a magazine publisher and editor in London. He became wealthy quite rapidly. Puzzling. Here was a young man who had presumably saved some money while in Australia, and may have had a part-share in whatever his father left, but all the same Bracken’s swift rise to wealth is a puzzle. Still, there it is.

Having attached himself to Churchill, Bracken was instrumental at the vital moment when Chamberlain resigned in 1940:

When Bracken became aware of Churchill’s agreement to nominate Lord Halifax, he convinced Churchill that the Labour Party would indeed support him as Chamberlain’s successor, and that Lord Halifax’s appointment would hand certain victory to Hitler. Bracken advised Churchill tactically to say nothing when the three met to arrange the succession. After a deafening silence during which Churchill was expected to nominate Halifax, the latter obligingly ruled himself out and Churchill was put forward as Britain’s wartime Prime Minister, having avoided any appearance of disloyalty to Chamberlain.” [Wikipedia, and see Notes, below].

Thus this odd man “from nowhere” was not only present at the pivotal moment, but can be said to have altered the course of the Second World War on the strategic level. Had Churchill not become Prime Minister, Britain would have agreed peace with the German Reich in 1940. The whole history of Europe and indeed the world was thus altered in its course by this now-forgotten man (forgotten by the public, at least).

Bracken was MP for Paddington North (1929-1945) and for Bournemouth (1945-1951). He was Churchill’s PPS from 1940, later promoted to Minister of Information (1941-1945) and was briefly First Lord of the Admiralty in 1945. He was one of the chiefs of the Political Warfare Executive. He was elevated as a viscount in 1952. He was the publisher of, inter alia, the Financial Times, The Economist and History Today.

Bracken was rumoured to have been Churchill’s illegitimate progeny, though this seems to have been a myth not discouraged by Bracken himself. The viscounty granted was hereditary, but Bracken was unmarried and without issue. He died in 1958.

Was this the story only of a remarkably talented self-made businessman and politician or was there more to it? There are hints of the then-concealed New World Order about it all. We shall probably never know.

Steve Hilton


[As with Cummings –see below— Hilton felt the need to display his “I’m an off the wall maverick genius” persona by wearing beachwear or surf dude getup to Downing Street…]

Wikipedia says of Steve Hilton the following:

Hilton is the son of Hungarian immigrants whose original surname was Hircsák[7] (which some sources spell “Hircksac”),[8] who fled their home during the Hungarian Revolution of 1956. They came to Britain, initially claiming asylum, and anglicised their name to Hilton. Steve Hilton’s father, István, had been goaltender for the Hungarian national ice hockey team and was considered one of the top ice hockey players in Europe in the 1930s.[7][9] After arriving in Britain, his parents initially worked in catering at Heathrow Airport. They divorced when Steve was five years old[7] leading to what he has described as a struggle and great financial hardship; his mother worked in a shoe store to earn the little money they had, and the two lived in a cold, damp basement apartment. He won a scholarship to Christ’s Hospital School in Horsham before studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at New College, Oxford.”

After graduating, Hilton worked at Conservative Central Office, where he came to know David Cameron and Rachel Whetstone, his future wife and Senior Vice-President of Policy and Communications for Uber.[11] He liaised with the party’s advertising firm, Saatchi and Saatchi, and was praised by Maurice Saatchi, who remarked, “No one reminds me as much of me when young as Steve.”[8] During this time Hilton bought the “New Labour, New Danger” demon eyes poster campaign[12] for the Conservative’s pre-general election campaign in 1996, which won an award from the advertising industry’s Campaign magazine at the beginning of 1997.[13] The Conservatives went on to experience their worst election defeat for more than half a century, with some journalists speculating that the poster contrasted unfavourably with Labour’s more positive campaign.[14] In 2005, Hilton lost out to future Secretary of State for Education Michael Gove in the selection process for the Surrey Heath constituency.”

Hilton talked of the need to “replace” the traditionally minded grassroots membership of the Conservative Party, which he saw as preventing the party from embracing a more metropolitan attitude on social issues.”

So he was at first, in the 1990s, little better than a gopher, but then he met his wife, Rachel Whetstone. Who is she? She is described in Wikipedia as having been head of communications for Uber taxis. For a number of years until 2015, she was in a similar position at Google. She has more recently joined Netflix.

In February 2013, Whetstone was assessed as one of the 100 most powerful women in the United Kingdom by Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4.[4] Whetstone has been featured on PRWeek’s Power List several times, most recently in 2016 at number 14.” [Wikipedia]

Whetstone is married to Steve Hilton, whom she met after an affair with Lord Astor (stepfather to Samantha Cameron, wife of former Prime Minister David Cameron) in the lead-up to the 2005 election. Cameron is no longer on speaking terms with Whetstone or Hilton.” [Wikipedia]

More interestingly, Rachel Whetstone’s grandfather was one Antony Fisher, not much known to the public, though extremely influential behind the scenes:

Sir Antony George Anson Fisher AFC (28 June 1915 – 8 July 1988), nicknamed AGAF, was a British businessman and think tank founder. He participated in the formation of various libertarian organisations during the second half of the twentieth century, including the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Atlas Network. Through Atlas, he helped establish up to 150 other institutions worldwide.”

Antony Fisher may have been at least part-Jew, and was certainly a Zionist, pro-Israel to the hilt.

Hilton was thought by many to be half-mad. He was lucky to escape with a caution and a small fine after having assaulted someone on a railway platform in England. He had been arrested after the assault and after shouting “wanker!” at staff and police. At the time, this useless creature was being paid £200,000 a year from public funds. There were other incidents of aggressive behaviour during his time at No.10.

Andy Coulson, the former communications chief who was later jailed over phone hacking, recalled recently in the Telegraph: “I would ask, ‘So how does that work then?’ If I got an answer at all, it was along the lines of, ‘It’ll be fine – just you see.’ That was mildly irritating, as it was my team who would have to get out and sell the latest product from Steve’s dream factory.”” [The Guardian]

Hilton’s rightwing, free-market ideas certainly infuriated Lib Dems who worked with him, as chronicled in David Laws’s book about the coalition. One Lib Dem former adviser said: “I was unfortunate enough to spend some time in Steve’s thought wigwam and it was not a pretty place. I remember him suggesting we should scrap maternity laws and invest in cloud-busting technology to improve the British weather. I certainly do not remember at any time him raising any points about the immigration policy he is now criticising.”” [The Guardian]

Hilton accomplished nothing, certainly nothing concrete, at Downing Street, and eventually decamped to the USA, where he was, laughably, taken on as some kind of visiting “professor” at Stanford:

“In March 2012, Downing Street announced that Hilton would be a “visiting scholar” at Stanford University‘s Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies for a year.[21] His last memo concerned the advocacy of severe cuts in the number of civil servants in the United Kingdom[22] and further welfare cuts.” [Wikipedia]

At time of writing, Steve Hilton is on the American TV network, Fox News, as a talking head, and is apparently a Trump partisan.

Had Bernie Sanders been the Democratic nominee, Hilton “probably would have supported him”. Hilton says he is not really a conservative or a liberal: “It’s hard to pin me down because I’m a bit of Bernie Sanders, a bit of Rand Paul, bit of John Kasich.” He’s pro-Trump simply because he was the candidate most likely to “shake things up”” [The Guardian]

Someone who actively likes and promotes chaos, in fact, just like Dominic Cummings [see below]

Steve Hilton, in other words, like the others examined here, is connected with cosmopolitan finance-capital and its intellectual superstructure of “think tanks” (which have proliferated over the years) and with supposed “institutes”, mostly carrying the same sort of message: internationalism, multikulti “get rich quick”-ism, destruction of tradition, race and culture, combined with State repression of those without money.

Dominic Cummings


[above, Dominic Cummings: note the “I’m Too Important To Wear A Tie Or A Jacket” affectation, as with Steve “Hilton”]

While “researching” (too grand, call it “looking up a few things”) for this blog post, I saw that at least one other has trodden much of the same path as me re. “the latest self-appointed genius” at Downing Street: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/dominic-cummings-brexit-boris-johnson-vote-leave-nigel-farage-a9045766.html

As stated at the start of this blog post, I know of Cummings only what I have read. The links are either posted here below or are available easily via Google.

One thing that did interest me was the Wikipedia statement, taken from a biography of Michael Gove, that “Cummings speaks Russian and ‘is a Russophile'”. It seems that he tried to start an airline with the single route line of Samara (a large city on the Volga) to Vienna, an interesting choice of route. We are told on Wikipedia that: “After university, Cummings moved to Russia from 1994 to 1997, working on various projects. In one Russian venture, he worked for a group attempting to set up an airline connecting Samara in southern Russia to Vienna; however, the venture fell foul of the KGB, and was abandoned after only one flight.

Well, the “KGB” bit is wrong in exact terms, because the KGB was disbanded (reorganized) in 1991. The bulk of the “internal” work of the old KGB was given to the “FSK” which later became the FSB. As to why the revamped FSK/FSB would want to interfere in the activities of a foreign or foreign-connected airline, I wonder. There are, and have been for 2-3 decades now, numerous foreign airlines operating in the former Soviet Union, flying between Russia and other states.

In the 1990s, new “babyflots” (bits of the old Aeroflot) were emerging all the time, as were ad hoc operations such as the German airline “Luftbrucke” (Air Bridge), which transported tens of thousands of “Volksdeutsche” from Kazakhstan and Siberia to new lives in the reunified Germany (those people were mostly the descendants of Germans invited to Russia by Russian tsars, notably Catherine the Great, then deported East by Stalin). Luftbrucke, if I recall aright, also flew from Samara, as also from a host of cities in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan, such as Semipalatinsk.

I find the history of Cummings interesting. He graduated from Oxford in 1994 aged 22-23, his degree being in Ancient and Modern History. The very same year he moved to Russia “where he worked on various projects” including the idea “to set up a new airline”.

I admit that I myself have never set up an airline, but I know that you cannot do it without rather a lot of money, even in the conditions of post-collapse Sovietism (I myself was briefly in Moscow in 1993 and also dealt with legal and business matters in Russia and Kazakhstan for several years).

Cummings is said to be the son of an oil rig project manager and a special needs teacher. There is no suggestion of any heavy family wealth. Cummings only left university in 1994, yet by —at latest— 1997, so 0-3 years later, was setting up an airline? In fact, how did he get into Russian-oriented business anyway, with no obvious connections or personal monies. He is able to speak Russian, though. That too raises questions.

I lived in Almaty, Kazakhstan for a year (1996-1997), meeting dozens if not hundreds (and over the years, certainly hundreds) of businessmen, lawyers etc doing work in the various ex-Soviet republics. While most of the diplomats I met spoke at least some Russian, the vast majority of businessmen and lawyers encountered knew no Russian at all really (that was true of both British and Americans). Certainly unable to undertake even simple discussions. I even met some unable to order simple food and drink.

So Cummings leaves university in the UK, where he studied ancient and modern history, somehow speaks Russian (or learns it on the ground), and is at once involved with business activities which seem to go beyond being a mere gopher for others. I have to say that I wonder whether Cummings was up to something other than just being a British graduate drifting about and getting into Russian business speculations almost by chance. Maybe the Russian security people were right to be suspicious of him, as is suggested in his Wikipedia entry.

Anyway, he is now considered to be Boris Idiot’s eminence grise, and looks it (meaning “grey”, if not particularly eminent). In fact, despite being only 47, he looks 10+ years older than me, and I am now 62. His political career is summarized here:


I have to say that I agree with his view of many of the leading political and official figures (he described Iain Dunce Duncan Smith as “incompetent”, for example).

It seems that Cummings married a lady of the North Country gentry who is or was Deputy Editor of the Spectator. They live in Islington, in what the Daily Mail is pleased to call a “£1.6 million house” (though in London, what does that mean? I lived for years in a house in Little Venice now (over)valued at £4 million! Madness). Other details about Cummings are few.

What is clear is that this character is right now in the maelstrom of chaos and action that he loves so much. A defender quipped that he’ll be thrilled with upheaval – it’s the only way he sees people being forced into action. His friend once heard him quote Lenin: “The worse the better.” [Reaction magazine]

The Prophets of Dystopia

These “advisers” (of whom I have selected a mere few from a larger pool) and their connected “think tanks” etc are, even when some of their critique of society is justified, basically destructive. The same applies to the people themselves. Admittedly, Brendan Bracken left a less obviously destructive legacy, but then, after the huge and unnecessary war which he, from the shadows, did so much to bring about, what more need he do to be adjudged a negative force?

Look at Steve Hilton, Dominic Cummings etc. Where are their real achievements? Leaves blown away by the wind. These people may themselves have acquired riches, but only or mainly because they married wealthy wives, then used their own political attachment and profile to become highly-prized TV, radio, press and online “gurus” . They themselves have not established anything solid, whether in commerce, industry, academia, the arts, the sciences, charitable work or anywhere else. They are creatures created from the chaos and decadence in society. They prosper from the decadence and weakness of the political system in the UK and attach themselves to stupid, weak, posturing politicians vainly trying to reach to statesmanship, people such as David Cameron-Levita and Boris-Idiot. They are a symptom of dark days ahead. Social nationalism must rise up to exterminate evil and to found a better and better-organized society.

Annual midnight swearing-in of SS troops at Feldherrnhalle, Munich, 1938.

























Afterthought, 10 August 2019

Is it fanciful to compare the sliding society we now have (look at the past few days…) and the prominence of these odd characters such as Hilton and Cummings, whose academic and patchy work histories are at best underwhelming, with the sliding Russia of the last few years before the Revolution(s) of 1917? Perhaps, but in late-Tsarist Russia too the government, civil service, certainly the politicians, were paralyzed, helpless to do anything positive, and so the influence grew of odd characters: tarot practitioners, mystics and occultists, fortune-tellers of all kinds, persons believed to have arcane knowledge and unorthodox ways to make politics work via persuasion and peculiar ideas and methods. The starets (he was never a monk or priest) Rasputin was only the most important of a whole host.

The rest is history.


Update, 12 August 2019



Update, 14 August 2019

A partisan journalist writes…


In fact, I agree with some of what Cummings has said:

We should stop selecting leaders from a subset of Oxbridge egomaniacs with a humanities degree...” That is true, though I have nothing against degrees in the humanities, but the whole idea of the “generalist” (almost always armed with a degree from Oxford or Cambridge) has blighted UK political, cultural and even industrial life for 70 years, perhaps 100 years. The Soviet Union tended toward the same behaviour (the politically-OK “Man From Moscow” who could “direct” anything from a tyre factory to a Young Pioneer camp or the building of the Moscow Metro), and look what happened there (the Metro in Moscow admittedly being a —rare— success of the Soviet system).

Of course, the worst single example of the generalist might be Cummings’ present employer, Boris-idiot, who has proven that he is incapable of doing anything properly, but who can do it while quoting a bit of rote-learned Ancient Greek, or using an English word no-one else has ever heard of (he must trawl the OED for those silly words, I expect…what a complete waste of space he is!). As the journalist writes,

All evidence goes out the window. The grandest ever Oxbridge egomaniac of them all (with not even a very good humanities degree, as it happens) is seeing only the flickering shadows on the news on the wall. It is not even day 14 and already we have beaten a hyper-accelerated march to the world of crap policy for political gain.

The journalist continues, citing a recent Times article by Cummings:

Elsewhere, in that same Times article, we read: “We must train aspirant leaders very differently so they have the skills and experience of managing complex projects.””

And here he is, bringing in policies that would make Norman Tebbit look enlightened, working for a leader whose skill at “managing complex projects” so far extends to some rolling windowless sauna buses, a cable car to nowhere, and a ghost garden bridge that may or may not take you to a demented airport that has never and will never be built.

Update, 22 August 2019


I think that I recognize the symptoms of someone who has spent too much time in Russia.

Update, 5 September 2019




Update, 8 September 2019

Seems that my blog was (again) prescient, if I say so myself: not a day or even part of a day goes by now without someone publishing something in the newspapers about Dominic Cummings (though Steve “Hilton” is old news and Brendan Bracken ancient history).



Update, 14 September 2019

It seems that David Cameron-Levita was suspicious of Cummings as long ago as 2013:


Update, 29 September 2019

Through his system, as yet unexplained – “I will go into what I think this vision could be and how to do it another day” – he will turn a nation of average people into one of the most successful countries in the world. He will sweep away the suffocating postwar mainframes of politics, and build something capable of withstanding the unknown crises ahead. Or so he would wish. In truth, he may be little more than a survivalist in the woods, soldering wires together in the belief he is saving us all.

Is Dominic Cummings a visionary or a fool? The remarkable fact is that the Conservative Party has risked its future, and the country’s, on which one Cummings turns out to be.” [Harry Lambert, writing in The New Statesman]


Update, 8 October 2019

Update, 19 October 2019

Dominic Cummings dresses down (even more) in Downing Street on the day of the Saturday sitting of the Commons (today). Not sure whether the bimbo is Boris Johnson’s girlfriend or a lookalike.


All he lacks is a few copies of The Big Issue and a plastic cup for tips. Oh, no, wait, he’s holding the cup…

Update, 3 November 2019

I very much doubt that Dominic Cummings works or worked for Russian Intelligence…au contraire.


Update, 3 January 2020

Update, 23 March 2020

A floundering idiot working for a floundering idiot, and both pretending to be great brains…you couldn’t make it up.


Update, 24 April 2021



Update, 30 April 2023


Update, 5 November 2023
