Tag Archives: Awfully Molly

Diary Blog, 22 December 2022

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

On the blog 5 years ago

That was then…

From the newspapers


Why am I not surprised?


How sad. How typical. Just a stump left, which itself will probably be uprooted. Unnecessary. 700 years of life just expunged.


Does anything work properly these days in the UK?

Tweets seen

Take away Zelensky’s ricebowl.

One can only hope that Biden has a nurse with a syringe nearby, in case he goes completely mad.

…and, of course, a complete cheating of those who have donated money to Louise Raw, even if they are stupid mugs. ..

There really are people with whom it is impossible to reason. “Against stupidity, even the Gods struggle in vain” [Schiller, Die Jungfrau von Orleans]. “Anna Mills”/”@AnnaM46” is clearly one of them.

Don’t forget the “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” stuff, or indeed the fake “Sue Tommy Robinson” crowdfunder set up by “antifa” activist Roanna Carleton-Taylor along with half-crazed would-be “journalist” and “historian” (sacked supply teacher and general “grifter”), Mike Stuchbery. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/11/27/mike-stuchbery-and-tommy-robinson-legal-dispute/

Stuchbery and Roanna Carleton-Taylor, with a “one man” “law firm” (a Pakistani solicitor in some closed-down Northern mill town), managed to raise about £12,000 from about 700 mugs.

Tommy Robinson never was sued by them (as I repeatedly predicted from the start), and the £12,000 “seems” to have vanished without trace, as far as I can see. Certainly, it was never used for the purpose the 700 “mugs” thought intended.

Incidentally, Louise Raw tweeted in support of that Stuchbery crowdfunder, and against me. What can one say? “Grifters United”?

Also incidentally, Stuchbery threatened to sue me too, a number of times. I was unworried, and blogged about how the crazy bastard was a “man of straw“, as indeed he is. He also threatened to sue (or, in his language, “clean out“) a number of others who noted in tweets Stuchbery’s constant “grifting” etc; even a number of stray Danes!

So was it a two-way split? Did the Pakistani solicitor lose out? I doubt it.

More tweets seen

Don’t forget how “Jack Monroe” claimed that she turned up at the Grenfell Tower fire scene and was “waved through” the police cordon because, er, she once answered the telephone at an Essex fire station or call centre…

As if…

You only have to see what some of the Twitter mugs supporting such as “Jack Monroe” tweet (though some are pretty clearly fake or “sock” accounts actually run by the “Bootstrap Cook” herself), or Louise Raw, or Mike Stuchbery (etc), to understand that they do not know their **** from their elbow. Their understanding of politics, law etc is very obviously on a rudimentary level.

Late tweets

Hard to know who to despise more…”Conservative” MPs who think that peanuts State benefits are more than enough to live on (so long as you iron last year’s Christmas wrapping paper) or the “Jack Monroe” type, making a living out of tweeting or writing rubbish “moneysaving” tips etc while (in her case) “grifting” a pretty good living by reason of 643 mugs each sending her £3.50-£44.00 per month via Patreon.

Incidentally, that deadhead MP, Rebecca Pow, suggests how to save a few pennies by re-using wrapping paper, but fails to say where the presents themselves come from! How do you magically create the presents, or the money with which to buy them? Or should they be small wooden animals carved out by the poverty-stricken over long evenings lit by the light of a single candle, as in the less strict Soviet labour camps?

Rebecca Pow:

Pow received criticism for stating during the 2017 Budget debate that people in Taunton have “thousands of extra pounds in their pockets”. This was disputed by many of her constituents.[13][14]


In May 2019, it was alleged that Pow had falsely claimed parliamentary expenses through means of an ‘accommodation uplift’ for her children that she was not entitled to.[19]


Another safe-seat MP petty fraudster and freeloader, in short.


The book by Sergei O. Prokofieff, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_O._Prokofieff],  The Spiritual Origins of Eastern Europe and the Future Mysteries of the Holy Grail, goes deeply into questions around the relationship of Russia with Eastern, Central, and Western Europe, and the Western powers generally.

I never met the (now-deceased) author, but was very slightly acquainted with his (also now-deceased) father in the 1980s. The author’s grandfather was the famous composer, Sergei Prokofiev [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Prokofiev].

[Space monument, Moscow]

Diary Blog, 22 November 2022, with more on the ongoing “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” Twitterstorm

Morning music

[Blues and Royals, London]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

That is, as tweeted above, a worthwhile-seeming crowdfunder: see https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/heather-booth-3?utm_term=Gde7678Nq.

More tweets

Re. “Jack Monroe”:

The “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” storm shows no sign of abating, with more and more stories coming out about vulnerable and actually poor people (i.e. unlike “Jack Monroe”) being, in effect, fleeced.

What was her fee? Or did she do it for the publicity and msm “validation”?

Same thing happened with the threat(s) by “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” to sue (in defamation) MP Lee Anderson and political commentator Martin Daubney. It appears that (so far— she has about 5 months or so left in which to launch an action, in principle), not only has no legal process been launched, but there has been no pre-action correspondence as mandated by the Pre-Action Protocols of the Civil Procedure Rules. Chances are that “Bootstrap Cook” never will sue those two, or anyone else.

The Katie Hopkins case was different. Ms. Hopkins had no arguable defence and was a sitting duck. “Jack Monroe” got £24,000 damages, while the claimant’s lawyers got, in effect, Ms. Hopkin’s house, that had to be sold in order to satisfy the costs order made. About £300,000.

Ha ha. Of all the products from the “Jack Monroe” fantasy factory, the “I was so poor that I had to boil down soap to make shower gel” (and/or “shampoo“) claim must be among the top few in the utterly-ludicrous stakes. It actually makes me wonder whether she makes up ever-more-fantastical stories just to see where the gullibility of her supporters stops; meaning at what point do they wake up to such lies, and/or stop donating to her (lifestyle)?

I suppose that it is just possible that she actually did boil down soap to make shower gel, mad and implausible though that would be; in my opinion, she never did.

I myself like Waitrose Sea Moss shower gel. It costs 90p for a bottle that lasts maybe 3 weeks (with me, at least; used once daily). No-one is going to tell me that buying soap, boiling it somehow, despite energy cost, and then somehow making shower gel out of it (is that even possible?) is cheaper than spending about 30p a week on proper shower gel. Also, Sea Moss from Waitrose is not even the cheapest; no doubt Aldi, Lidl, Tesco have even cheaper alternatives.

Or one could just shower with soap, as did previous generations.

Same goes, mutatis mutandis, for shampoo, except that soap would not be so good in that role.

What I find incredible is how long she has been able to keep this going. It says a lot about how poor the UK msm is that no journalist has thought to investigate her claims or to find out which (if any) are actually true. And where are the “consumer watchdog” journalists and TV talking heads? Hundreds if not thousands of people appear to have been duped or bamboozled into sending money— tens, and maybe hundreds, of thousands of pounds.

Meanwhile, millions of people are in real poverty and get nothing, or very little.

Advice from what seems to me to be a rotten cook (not that I can cook much either, admittedly) about how to make curry by opening a tin of sardines and a can of peaches, mixing the two together with curry powder and heating the mixture in a microwave, is not very helpful, in my opinion. Frankly, it sounds terrible. I would rather open the sardines, put them on a piece of toast, then eat the peaches separately later. In fact, I should prefer a plain baked potato to that mixture.

Ha. In fact the “award” mentioned was an “Observer Food” award a few months ago, voted for by Observer readers, few of whom are “poor” or “struggling”. In fact, the voters are exactly the same sort of people (and quite likely the very same people) who support “Jack Monroe” vocally on Twitter. The Guardian is of course the sister paper to the Observer.

Activism“, meaning “promoting oneself as a campaigner, and making a lucrative career out of it“…

More tweets

The present government has no idea how to stop the flow, and no real wish to stop it. Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”.

Britain must become a white northern European ethnostate (again).

It is not, fundamentally, a question of “hate” but based on the concept that only the European peoples can provide the basis for the next advance in human evolution.

667 “mugs” and/or dupes, as of today; thousands of pounds month after month, in cash (minus Patreon fees).

“Jack Monroe” is not a lawyer, and not a consumer law expert or anything similar. Her only known job (as far as I know anyway) was answering the telephone at a fire station or call centre, and that ended about 11 years ago. Her “Bootstrap Cook” thing is far more lucrative, it seems.

People in financial trouble need accurate advice, from trusted sources.

As of today, 667 “patrons” (mugs and/or those who are unaware of the storm now enveloping the “Bootstrap Cook”); I believe that there were over 800 earlier in the year.

As blogged earlier, only in a country where real journalism is all but dead would someone be able to do all that without facing serious questions after a while.

Still, look at “Boris”-idiot, who was able to fool much of the UK that he was a highly-intelligent, cultured, and serious, statesman, when none of those three are true (four things, if you include “statesman“). All it took was the fact that he had attended Eton and Oxford, and the expression of a few rote-learned Greek and Latin phrases. He also was “enabled” by a corrupt and stupid msm.

Late tweets

I have to say that —as readers have noticed— I am now far less favourable to “Jack Monroe” than I once was, or even since I published my assessment of her on 30 September 2022: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

Incidentally, I thought that the monthly maximum that “Jack Monroe” was extracting from each of her “patrons” (mugs) on Patreon had been reduced to £10, but it turns out that £44 is still the max. Her monthly take-home pay from that source alone, for doing absolutely nothing, is therefore between £2,334.50 and £29,348, minus the Patreon fees, if any. In cash. Every month.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, Western Siberia, in Autumn]

Diary Blog, 17 November 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago



Corrupt Jewish-lobby puppet and little pissant, Robert Jenrick, threatens to cover the country with so-called “asylum seekers” (migrant invaders). This is the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan in action: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan; and https://vk.com/@judi1964-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-stealth-genocide-against-the-peoples.

The Daily Mail readers’ comments are instructive. Not even 1% support the housing and feeding of the invaders.

It looks as if the present government is going to keep the State Pension “triple lock” in order to buy (as it hopes) the votes of middle-aged and “senior citizen” “Middle England”, but if the migration-invasion continues, and those here already are not removed or detained in camps, this government is toast electorally, even though Labour would be as bad.

Whichever System party is in power, within it and permeating it will be the members of the transnational cabals, implementing, increasingly openly, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, or the “Great Replacement” of white people by blacks, browns, and Chinese etc. The destruction of Europe, and the destruction of Europe’s future.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11434319/Rishi-Sunak-opens-door-3-000-Indian-graduates-work-UK.html.

Tweets seen

Ten individuals. Less than one full magazine…

Again the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

People think that they are voting “Labour” or “Conservative”, but in reality they are voting for the “Great Replacement”, for the Jewish lobby, and for the New World Order [NWO; ZOG], no matter what System party they vote for.

Just imagine: even as of today, after about three to four months of detail emerging about alleged fraud and near-fraud, “grifting” etc, no fewer than 666 mugs are still sending “Jack Monroe” up to £10 each, every month. (Up to) £6,660 per month in cash.

One has to wonder why.

My opinion is that not all know about what has come out over the past months, but also that many do know yet simply cannot accept that they have been played, or duped, and/or wish to “virtue-signal” (though how supporting the lifestyle of “Bootstrap Cook” actually helps the very many poor and struggling people in our society is hard to understand).

After all, there are many many “activists” and charity workers agitating against poor pay and benefits, and against “food poverty”, “fuel poverty” and, well, poverty.

Likewise, there are quite a few (real) chefs and cooks who have applied their (real) skills to making low-budget food recently, among them the most famous, such as Jamie Oliver.

None of those people ask the public to support them or their lifestyle via Patreon payments, as far as I know.

One could argue that Patreon donors are volunteers, but that assumes that they know the full facts and are not being, in a word, defrauded, or tricked.

Actually, when you look at the Bootstrap Cook situation, you realize how easy it is for the politicians etc to bamboozle the British public over matters such as the “Covid” “panicdemic”, the facemask nonsense, the “Rule of Six” etc, the “austerity” stuff, the “Ukraine” mass media war etc. Add to that “Black Lives Matter”, “trans” nonsense, “anti-racism” etc.

At last, after three months of turning a blind eye and “I see no ships“, the msm is awakening.

…and see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

More tweets

So that’s the Conservative vote weakened again, as the 55-65 age group decamp.

The half-Jew bully, Raab. We know what we hope will happen to such evil parasites, but are not allowed to publish the same in case the little geek presently heading MI5 calls us “far right” “extremists“. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Ha ha. I sincerely hope so. That Israel-based bastard blogged, unprovoked, about me, several years ago.

Afternoon music

Britain needs a proper border guard force like that, not the Border Force taxi service for migrant invaders, often jeered at by people who call it —unsurprisingly— the “Border Farce“.

More tweets seen

They blame everything from the mini-budget of Woollyhead Trussbanger to “Covid”, and even Putin for the slide in living standards which, for most people, has been taking place over the past 30 years, in big picture terms.

1989, the last big year of the 33-year socio-political cycle. 2022, the next one. The influx of blacks and browns etc since the 1980s. The breeding of the same, in vast numbers. Sliding standards in education (despite record numbers of worthless “degrees” etc), and all services, from State benefits to old-age sheltered housing.

This is not some kind of accident. The UK’s life is being deliberately run down, and some of the most guilty of the criminals responsible are the MPs sitting in the Westminster monkeyhouse.

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 November 2022

Morning music

[VDNKh after overnight rain, Moscow]

On this day a year ago

“Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”

Saw many tweets lambasting Waterstones for promoting the latest Jack Monroe book, Thrifty Kitchen, to be published in January 2023 at a cover price of nearly £20, but already discounted to £9.99. I wonder whether the “Bootstrap Cook” brand is now damaged beyond repair. Still, 665 mugs are still paying Jack Monroe between £3.50 and £10 a month each as an absurd act of virtue-signalling, so I imagine that she is pretty sanguine (so long as the thousands of pounds continue to roll in monthly).

I also saw this:

“Mark Lewis Lawyer” is not much of a threat to people who, even if they have libelled someone (not always as clear-cut as many imagine) have defences such as “truth”, “honest opinion”, “publication on a matter of public interest”, and/or either absolute or qualified “privilege”.

I have assessed and written about Mark Lewis several times over the years, though not recently (in fact not since 2018 or 2019). I would dispute that any of what I have written about him is actionable, but in fact he has never even threatened me with a defamation action, no doubt because he knows that he would lose, but also because he knows that my financial circumstances (both capital and income) are now such that even any victory in court would be of little use when any damages and costs awarded could never be collected. See below for more about Lewis.

As for the “Bootstrap Cook”, her libel victory over Katie Hopkins was inevitable. It took no legal skill at all, or very little, in my view, bearing in mind that, as far as the libel itself was concerned, it had occurred because Katie Hopkins had demonstrably said something untrue about Jack Monroe (apparently mistaking her for the obscure socio-political scribbler Laurie Penny) that had caused Jack Monroe serious harm. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_v_Hopkins.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laurie_Penny.

It occurs to me that the “Bootstrap Cook” may have become a little gung-ho about libel actions after her easy victory over Katie Hopkins, who not only had to pay Jack Monroe £24,000 but also to sell her house to pay the £300,000 legal costs of Jack Monroe, a goodly chunk of which went, no doubt, to “Mark Lewis Lawyer”. Probably a third or so.

Not all defamation actions are so simple, or the awards and costs so easily collected.

More seen:

I continue to watch the situation. See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

Tweets seen

Well, there it is: Indian “clever boy” and money-juggler, Sunak, has no arrows in his quiver, except to make everyone in Britain poorer. The real economy will dive next year.

After that, read the books of David Irving and Correlli Barnett.

(talking about the pathetic yet sub-terroristic “Just Stop Oil” idiots).

When will the Matt Hancocks of the Westminster monkeyhouse be punished according to the full measure of their deeds?

Why would anyone take Arnold Schwarzenegger seriously? Just an Austrian bodybuilder who struck lucky in the USA and married into its political Establishment. A puppet on a stick.

Ignore” them, or get them?

Finance-capitalist dystopia

God…how sad. “MAID” refers to this: https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/medical-assistance-dying.html.

More tweets seen

The (whites-only) referendum of 1992 which ended apartheid resulted with nearly 70% in favour of ending that applied concept and, in effect, in favour of handing over power to the ANC: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1992_South_African_apartheid_referendum.

Tragic. Those idiots thought that their way of life would be mainly upheld if they appeased the ANC. How wrong they were. Gave up their historically-conferred right, and what for? A comfortable life, a swimming pool, rugby, an SUV in the drive, a beer in a sports bar, golf, and no outright war.

Had they only held on for a short while, South Africa as a white European-origin country would have survived. The collapse of the Soviet Union and its satellites meant that funds and arms to the black rebels would have been cut off. Cuba, so prominent in so-called “liberation” struggles in Africa (Angola, Mozambique, South-West Africa/Namibia etc) was also cut off from Soviet funding after 1991, and had to withdraw from Africa.

The white population could have accelerated real apartheid, laagering the white populations mainly in specific parts of the country, as already planned for, and creating autonomous black zones and regions.

South Africa could have defended itself easily, with its powerful armed forces (including a navy, an airforce, as well as army); it even had atom bombs (six, which were dismantled in the mid-1990s). Other very advanced weapons too.

Water under the bridge now? Yes, but the white and the black populations continue to suffer the effects, not of white rule but of black rule.

More tweets seen

British society has not been so rigged, fixed (in both senses) and socially-immobile for a century or more.

Behind such decisions, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. The UK (and all of Europe) to be favourable to non-white invaders.

A black woman accused of doing a very similar thing is due in criminal court in Bristol in January 2023.

Afternoon music

I was partly brought up on, and still love, the lush music of John Barry, the popular easy-listening music of a post-1945 Western civilization now in crisis.

I like this, too:

[painting by Joyce Norwood]

Income inequality can be social inequity

Ten years ago, in the epilogue of my book Bread: The Story of Greggs, I stressed the need for the astonishing increase in top earnings in Britain to be curbed. At that time this was considered a serious problem. Yet despite the best efforts of many influential public voices, this position never translated into policy.

Sadly, since then, the growing divide has become even more extreme.. The richest 10% of households now hold 43% of all the country’s wealth, according to the Office for National Statistics. The bottom 50% hold only 9%. We now have 177 billionaires in this country, up from just 29 in 2010, with a combined wealth of £653bn. The difference between very wealthy and less well-off people has become obscene.”

[Ian Gregg, in the Guardian]

More tweets

…and that thick creature is now a Bencher of my old Inn of Court, Lincoln’s Inn. He is welcome at the Inn, whereas (by reason of Jewish plotting) I was wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016 and so automatically expelled from Lincoln’s.

In what kind of England is a thick non-white such as Lammy more welcome than me? It’s just mad. A system like that does not deserve to survive.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Late music

[painting by Volegov]

Diary Blog, 30 September 2022, including an assessment of “Jack Monroe”, aka the “Bootstrap Cook”

Morning music

[Volegov, Morning at St. Remy de Provence]

On this day a year ago

“Jack Monroe”, the “Bootstrap Cook”: an assessment

I have blogged (briefly) previously a few times about the person known as “Jack Monroe” (originally Melissa Hadjicostas, half-Greek Cypriot), whose rather clever nom de plume is “Bootstrap Cook”.

The name Jack Monroe is now her official name, it having been adopted by deed poll.

In the past, I was content to be at least neutral towards “Bootstrap Cook”, in that I felt that anyone putting almost anything into the public domain that might help the millions of financially-struggling people in the UK deserved at least a chance.

This is what Wikipedia has to say: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Monroe; her own website is here: https://cookingonabootstrap.com/.

Incidentally, this blog is written in the English language, and therefore does not refer to a woman (whatever her views or proclivities) as “they” or “them”.

“Ideological” criticism of “Bootstrap Cook” has come mainly from two directions. The first group would be those connected to or supportive of the “Conservative” regimes of 2010-present. They tend to say that there is no justification for the campaigning of “Bootstrap Cook” to raise State benefits etc, and that any food poverty that exists exists because the individuals subject to it cannot “budget” properly, or do not know how to cook cheap wholesome food.

An ignorant point of view (though not without a small kernel of truth, as with many basically lying narratives), which infuriates many, especially when expressed by the likes of Iain Dunce Duncan Smith, the MP who has also been a huge expenses blodger and fraudster, and who claimed vast amounts on his Parliamentary expenses (even a £39 hotel breakfast) while —as Secretary of State for the DWP— taking money away from people living in real poverty.

The second group who tend to criticize “Bootstrap Cook” are those who agree with much of her campaigning on benefits etc, but who say that she actually “enables” attacks on benefit recipients by reason of her claims that a family of 4 can be fed well on £20 a week or less.

Now, however, a third group has joined the fray, being those who claim that they and/or others have been taken for a ride by “Bootstrap Cook”, and that she is a “grifter”, or even an outright fraud, who has sold goods and services which were never delivered. These critics also claim that much of the “Bootstrap Cook” back-story is untrue, or embellished.

For example, it is said that “Bootstrap Cook” was either never in poverty herself, or was so for no more than 18 months. It is said that at least part of her financial difficulties were caused by her own (apparently past) alcohol and/or drug abuse. It is said that she makes up implausible stories about her past financial predicament, such as “having to” sell her little son’s beloved dinosaur toy to raise money (really? How much money would that raise? £1? £2? And how cruel is that, assuming the story to be true?).

It is also said that her parents are not badly-off financially, that they own buy-to-let property, and that her paternal grandfather was a millionaire. In other words, that “Bootstrap Cook” always had a financial lifeline. I have no idea whether, or to what extent, that may be, or may have been, the case.

Recently, following a storm of criticism on Twitter, “Bootstrap Cook” deleted her Twitter account, though others claim that she is merely taking a 40-hour “rest” from Twitter, and will return. Why 40 hours and not (as with Jesus Christ) 40 days, or whatever, I have no idea.

One of my few blog posts which mentioned “Bootstrap Cook”: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/08/25/diary-blog-25-august-2022-with-a-few-thoughts-about-poverty-and-living-through-hard-times/.

One aspect that interested me, as a former barrister, was the tendency of “Bootstrap Cook” to threaten some of her critics with legal action. A few years ago, “Bootstrap Cook” sued Katie Hopkins in libel.

Ms. Hopkins had libelled “Bootstrap Cook” entirely mistakenly as to the facts, had no defence whatever, and should have backed down and got out with minimal damage when she could have but, like many maximalisti, found sorry the hardest word, and so was hammered: £24,000 in damages, and very large legal costs. Ms. Hopkins had to sell her house in St. Leonard’s (the best residential district in Exeter) in order to pay those legal costs.

“Bootstrap Cook” retained as her solicitor Mark Lewis, the Zionist Jew who now lives in Israel, though he has also a professional foothold in London. His no-win no-fee cases have often been controversial.

I have blogged about Lewis in previous years, most recently in 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

I have to wonder how nice a person “Bootstrap Cook” is, if she is on friendly terms with someone such as Lewis.

As soon as people started suggesting, a month or two ago, that “Bootstrap Cook” was somewhere between “grifter” and fraudster, out came the Twitter threat that Mark Lewis and libel would be wheeled out (frankly, not so much of a threat— by no means have all of Lewis’s cases been brought to a successful conclusion, and when he was censured and fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority about 4 years ago, his Counsel said that his fine should be reduced because his only possessions were his clothes, a mobility scooter. and a private pension worth £70 a week).

In fact, when “Bootstrap Cook” threatened libel action against Conservative Party MP Lee Anderson [Con, Ashfield] (in May of this year), nothing ever came of it, as far as I know:

Food journalist and activist Jack Monroe hinted at legal action against Anderson after he commented in an interview that “She’s taking money off some of the most vulnerable people in society and making an absolute fortune on [sic] the back of people”.[36] [Wikipedia].

It may be that Anderson will face legal action, but I have certainly not seen any news about an action having been launched. See https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/may/15/food-writer-jack-monroe-sues-tory-mp-claims-she-makes-fortune-poor-lee-anderson; and https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/20141345.southends-jack-monroe-sue-lee-anderson/.

The Guardian says “sues“, but the Independent said “hints at suing“, and I have seen nothing on the Mark Lewis Twitter output to the effect that he ever was “instructed” (the Guardian, again) on the matter. He may have been, he may not have been. I might add that all the news reports are from 15-16 May 2022; nothing since then.

Was Anderson right, though? As I have said, I was willing to cut “Bootstrap Cook” some slack, because in recent years, the past ~15 years, the social security system has become inadequate, pay for work has also become generally inadequate, and millions are struggling both to eat and keep sheltered and warm. My view was that any useable advice was, well, useful.

I still think that (despite the fact that, to me, many of the recipes of “Bootstrap Cook” do look like a dog’s dinner, and despite the fact that many disagree with her costings etc).

More serious criticism is that she has actually been making a pretty good living out of Patreon donations, while never or rarely providing the extras offered in exchange.

When I last looked, “Bootstrap Cook” had at least 800 Patreon donors giving a minimum of £1 a month. £800 a month. In itself not bad. When you consider that the suggested minimum is £3 a head, the total increases to £2,400 a month (perhaps). I have seen a tweet where the tweeter claims, truthfully or otherwise, to have been donating £44 a month. Well, you see the point. “Bootstrap Cook” must have an income from Patreon alone of between £800 and (?) perhaps as much as £8,000 a month. Or more. That’s before one takes into account book sales, other donations, paid (?) TV appearances, other appearances etc. We do not know.

Not that “Bootstrap Cook” claims poverty, these days. No, she claims, as I understand it (and perhaps truthfully) a degree of “precariousness” in her life and finances, and she is certainly not alone in that. It is almost the norm in the Britain of 2022.

“Bootstrap Cook” has a number of defence mechanisms. One is to threaten defamation actions, but the more usual tactic is to claim the shield of disability, and she has about two dozen options there.

A further defence tactic is, I read, to set her fanatical fans (she apparently calls them “flying monkeys“) onto any critics, and I have certainly seen tweets where mentally-disturbed fans have come close to suggesting violence against anyone daring to utter critical words.

The problem here is that “Bootstrap Cook” has become a totem for a certain tribe of virtue-signallers. Not really “the poor” but more the sort of people who like to think that they are socially-progressive etc. Facts do not matter to those people, belonging to the “right” tribe does. cf. “Covid”, Ukraine, “Black Lives Matter” and, of course, “FBPE/Remain/Rejoin” etc.

When you consider that someone who claims to be able to feed a family of 4 for £20 a week might be said to be, arguably or in effect, saying that UK benefits are perfectly OK and need not be increased, is that really something positive or not?

Some tweets seen about the issues raised:

It is better to be a little naive than very cynical, but the world makes it hard…

As many have noted, this whole Bootstrap Cook thing is more like a creepy cult than anything. It’s as if a lot of fairly affluent or at least not poor people have decided that supporting “Bootstrap Cook” —right or wrong— validates their evenings of going out, their Netflix subscription, their holidays in Cuba or Costa Rica, their new cars, and in fact their whole comfortable existence.

In fact, it reminds me of the “indulgences” sold by the Roman Catholic Church before the Reformation.

Not that that is necessarily the fault of the “Bootstrap Cook” herself.

Look at the loonies below, believing what they want to believe:

Well, if you can believe that the “royal” Mulatta is a sadly-abused “princess”, then believing that a poverty campaigner, who seems to be making “a nice little earner” out of it and naive followers, is a modern Joan of Arc, must be easy enough.

Well, that’s enough. There are hundreds of other tweets in similar vein.

As blogged previously, my view is that Bootstrap Cook’s stuff may well be of interest to many, though —as already said— much of it looks to me like carbohydrate-heavy food often presented like a dog’s dinner.

I do not think that “Bootstrap Cook” set out to defraud anyone, and it may be that she has no such intention now, but it does seem that legitimate questions about her fundraising have been asked by a number of donors, but not answered by her.

If people think that they are somehow accomplishing something by subsidizing the not-uncomfortable lifestyle of that person, then that is their business, in a sense, but it is legitimate for others, arguably more clear-minded, to ask “where is the money going?“, “is any of this true?“, and “are people being tapped for money under false pretences?“.

I can also see that her fans seem to be, almost entirely, not the truly poor but more those who are not “poor” but who support her “non-binary” profile, the “gender bender” aspects, and the general “government must do more for the poor” activism aspect.

I think that it is legitimate to question, not only “where the money went” (or goes), but also, whether in reality Bootstrap Cook has actually influenced government, or large enterprises such as ASDA (it seems that one or two supermarket chains were actually paying her for advice or consultancy or something).

Poverty is a huge problem in the UK now. Anyone claiming to be expert in it must expect searching inquiry.

Is this all really just a morning TV virtue-signal writ large? After all, at the end of the day, the decisive question is what government does or fails to do.

I personally have no animus against “Bootstrap Cook”, but my view of her has certainly become far less positive over the years since I first heard of her.

I do think, also, that if you claim that a person can feed healthily on £5 a week, you are really playing into the hands of swine such as Dunce Duncan Smith, Esther McVey, Therese Coffey etc.

I think that anyone wanting to help “the poor” could probably do so more effectively via GoFundMe or local foodbanks than by subsidizing the lifestyle of “Bootstrap Cook”. Perhaps I am mistaken, but that is my firm view and opinion.

On a wider point, we have in the UK this msm thing whereby TV channels or shows like to have a “go-to” list. Brexit discussion? Call Farage. Free speech discussion? Call Toby Young. Poverty discussion? Call Jack Monroe. And so on.

Thus you get “activists” who are really just “famous for being famous activists”. The Caroline Criado-Perez phenomenon. A hundred thousand or a million Twitter followers but, outside Twitter etc, really unknown and without real influence.

Of course, the msm now like to feature (supposed) “experts” who are, if possible, young, female, and black. “Bootstrap Cook” is not black, but as “Meatloaf” once opined, “two out of three ain’t bad“…

Well, there it is. I prefer to concentrate on other and larger issues really, but felt that I should examine the above first, after the recent Twitter storm in a teacup.

[Update, same day: I happened to see an assessment by someone else. An investigative and/or opinion piece. https://katieroche.net/jack_monroe_investigation_main.html]

[nb: any further updates will be below or at the foot of this blog article]

[Update, 31 December 2022: https://twitter.com/AwfullyMolly/status/1609126960294236160?s=20&t=cet59hBPAokH_0Z40RURYg].

More tweets seen

All that the doomed “Conservative” Party had to do, to consign Labour to the bin, was select a leader to succeed “Boris”-idiot who was even slightly competent. It failed to do so. Endex.

The implications are clear: either the Con MPs get rid of Liz Truss as soon as they can, and put in someone who at least looks semi-competent, or the Con Party will be near-finished by next year. Same goes, of course, for Kwarteng, Cleverly, and Coffey.

More tweets

Ha ha. Yes, that ghastly little bastard Schofield is one of the worst people on TV in the UK; and, yes, it is peak contemporary Britain, just like…well, there are just too many examples around…

More tweets

TV detective drama

I, among others, including recently Peter Hitchens, have written about how NWO/ZOG propaganda is now embedded in TV dramas, “soaps”, ads etc. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

A good example was seen the other night. A new detective drama called Karen Pirie.

Set partly a few decades ago, partly in the contemporary era, even the older setting, in St. Andrews, Scotland, decades ago, had a black character appear. In a small town in what seems to be a bleak part of Scotland (I have never been there). Then we are introduced to the two detectives now investigating the cold case. One a small Scottish woman, the other a black or half-caste…

I do not have a great deal of patience with films or TV shows. If they do not catch the interest after 15 mins, switch— OFF. I gave this one 20 mins. A bloody bore, poorly conceived and worse-acted.

This evening, I saw an old episode of Wycliffe [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wycliffe_(TV_series)]. All characters more or less credible, and what I like best about Wycliffe is that it manages to catch the atmosphere of Cornwall well, from what I recall from when I lived there. It does not rely on cliche (most of the time, at least).

Late tweets

One or two white children, out of over 30. Scotland’s future? In the centre of the photo, Scotland’s supposedly “nationalist” leader…

Late music


Update, 3 November 2022

In the month since I wrote about “Jack Monroe”, the “Bootstrap Cook”, the storm around her murky financial arrangements has become fiercer yet. A few tweets:

Her “free lawyer” is or was the egregious Mark Lewis, a Jew who lives in Israel, though he is connected to a small law firm in the UK.

I have blogged extensively about Lewis in the past:

He is sometimes described, inaccurately, as having become a “pro bono” lawyer who works for free, out of quasi-charitable motives, whereas he in fact seems to work on a “no win no fee” basis, which is not at all the same thing.

“Jack Monroe” has tweeted that she still has several/many months in which to sue the MP Lee Anderson and the politico Martin Daubney. In theory, up to a year after the alleged libel, but the relevant Practice Directions do say that the courts will still expect any claim to be made expeditiously, so not, e.g., 10 or 11 months after the alleged libel.

The courts may (probably will) penalize even a successful defamation claimant (“plaintiff”, as was) in both award and costs if the action is not brought expeditiously.

How do I know this? Because, though not now a barrister, I was one until a pack of Jews cobbled together a false complaint against me in 2014 (I was disbarred, wrongfully and illegally, in 2016): see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/. I am rusty on the law here and there, but keep up to some extent (enough).

As my blog assessment said. Virtue-signalling Guardian/Observer readers for the most part.
