Tag Archives: Red Sea

Diary Blog, 1 February 2024

Morning music

[El Greco, Christ Driving the Moneychangers from the Temple]


Regular readers of this blog, who will be aware that I was before a magistrates’ court yesterday (31 January 2024), and facing sentence in respect of the alleged publication of 5 blog posts during 2020-2022 (and facing the possible enforced closure of this blog for a lengthy period) will be interested in what transpired.

It is inexpedient for me to blog in detail about the state of play in the case, the matter still being before the Court, but I can tell readers that the sentence will not now be determined for another 6 weeks. It stands deferred until a date in March 2024.

Having said that, it now seems that the Crown Prosecution Service is not applying for a full closure of the blog, but for a lesser level of censorship, which attempt at censorship will, however, still be resisted by me.

The blog will therefore continue to be published until mid-March, and may well continue to be published after that.

Tweets seen

Attacks of this sort were almost unknown in the UK until the migration-invasion happened. What can one say? Import Asia, import Africa (etc) and you import also their behaviours.

From the newspapers


Not Jewish, but a total doormat for the Israel lobby. Went to university in Scotland but did not graduate. As local government politician, speculated with council funds (unsuccessfully), and cut back local services.

In January 2016, the Labour Party unsuccessfully proposed an amendment in Parliament that would have required private landlords to make their homes “fit for human habitation”. According to Parliament’s register of interests, Freer was one of 72 Conservative MPs who voted against the amendment who personally derived an income from renting out property.” [Wikipedia].


Looks like his constituents will be well rid of him.


Police today released the mugshots of two teenagers who accidentally stabbed one of their own gang members to death as they murdered another boy during a ‘ride out’.

[Daily Mail]


Britain 2024. What will it be like in 2034? Or 2044? Thank God I shall probably not be around to see 2044 (I would be 87-88 by then), and certainly not 2054.

The question is not “will the UK become a multikulti dystopian hell of some sort?” but when


“Scotland Yard have since apologised for the mishap, explaining that the supposed breach was due to unlicensed busking rather than the content of the songs she was singing, adding that Hadzhipetkova is being investigated.

But now a new clip of the incident shows there were five other constables at the scene, with one of the cops being heckled by a passer-by who asked why officers were not spending their time ‘catching murderers, rapists, killers’ instead.

[Daily Mail]

The public are getting fed-up and actually angry at the morphing of the police from normal police to a kind of poundshop Stasi.

I myself had a wheel (not just the tyre— the whole wheel) stolen from my parked car a year ago. Despite passing on to the police (via Internet) information provided to me by locals as to the general area where the suspect was said to live, despite also there having been at least one eye-witness (details of whom were known), the police were useless.

Scroll on a few months, and it transpired that the policeman apparently in charge of policing the neighbourhood in question was also the very same one who had been… to put it that way… snooping on my blog posts and gathering “evidence” about it and me! ‘Nuff said?

In the reported case of the Oxford Street busker, I am not sure whether it is a good idea to let people do that (it being arguably rather a nuisance) but, in the big scheme of things, she was doing no harm; maybe even the opposite.

More music

[El Greco, The Dream of Philip II]

More tweets

He forgot to add “so please send more billions of pounds and US dollars from the taxpayers of Western Europe and North America to Kiev“…

It is wrong, of course, to call the Israeli Jews “nazis” (because the German National Socialists, even in WW2, never did anything like that, and as even those who often attack them admit).

The Israeli Jews have therefore killed, in Gaza, in just under 4 months, somewhere in the region of 24,000 women, young persons under 18 years of age, and children, including babies. The number of those wounded, often very badly, is many times that number.

At the same time, in countries such as the UK, where many non-Israeli Jews (or Jews with dual nationality) live, we are told that British etc people such as me, who blog or tweet the truth, are the ones who are “abhorrent” or “evil”.

The world turned upside down.

…and anyone trying to comment or analyze objectively, via blogs or tweets etc, will be adjudged “abhorrent”, or at least “worrying”, by those who prefer their illusions (of a happy —and non-existent— multikulti society) to reality.

I can see only one advantage to that happening (but I am effectively barred from saying what that advantage would be…).

More music

Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin:

A decade or so ago I was basically where the average voter was. I leaned a little a bit to the left on the economy and a little bit to the right on culture.

I thought the economy, which had been battered by the global financial crisis, was in desperate need of reform.

The crisis had exposed how dependent we were on London’s financial services and how corrupt the system was. I was furious that so few people were sent to prison for causing the global meltdown.

And while I thought Britain needed some high-skill immigration to help things like the National Health Service (which employed most of my family) I was sceptical of the rising levels of legal and illegal migration under New Labour and which would later reach even higher levels under the Tories.

Like much of the country, and as research shows, I thought mass immigration erodes social trust, social cohesion, public support for welfare, and fuels populism.

what has changed, what has left me and millions others like me feeling politically homeless, is what’s happened to the people running Britain—the new elite class. In short, they’ve radicalised —they’ve driven the car off the cliff and abandoned the rest of us.

Put simply, we are living through the greatest radicalisation of the elite class since the 1960s.

Increasingly, especially since Brexit, Trump, and the summer of 2020, the white, urban, liberal graduates from elite universities and comfortable backgrounds who have joined, and are now replacing, the old ruling class have been moving sharply leftwards on cultural issues.

On all the issues which have been surging up the agenda —immigration, multiculturalism, borders, race, sex, gender, diversity, anti-racism, and more— they’ve simply turned inwards and away from much of the rest of Britain.

And as they’ve moved leftwards, they’ve taken the institutions they dominate with them —the BBC, the civil service, the universities, the advertisement agencies, the museums, the galleries, the public bodies— using their social and cultural power to impose a narrow set of strongly socially liberal beliefs on the rest of society which, as the latest British Social Attitudes survey shows, are supported by no more than 20% of Britain.

As the research shows —the new elite are the most likely to unfriend people they disagree with on Facebook, block them on Twitter, feel unhappy if their children have a relationship with a Conservative or Brexiteer, and —as I discovered after the debate— refuse to even share dinner with somebody they disagree with.

This intolerance became most visible in the aftermath of the vote for Brexit when I watched many people on the ‘liberal’ left berate much of the rest of the country as an assortment of racists, bigots, gammons, and morons, all the while making it abundantly clear they had never actually met any of them.

And it’s also reflected in how, over the last decade, the new elite have steadily expanded concepts such as ‘racism’, ‘transphobia’, ‘hate’ and ‘misinformation’ to silence or stigmatise otherwise acceptable views, such as wanting to lower immigration, strengthen out national borders or protect sex-based rights, as being socially unacceptable.

And when it comes to their political views they are, like the new elite class more generally, completely detached from the rest of the country.

They’re far more likely than everybody else to believe Britain is a “very racist” society, to think minority rights ‘have not gone far enough’ and should ultimately be prioritised above the majority, to think mass immigration has been positive, to say we should curtail free speech in order to promote ‘social justice’, to say British identity is a source of shame and embarrassment, to support radical gender identity theory, like thinking men can become women and women can become men or, as we saw in Scotland, children should be able to simply switch their sex, and to believe we cannot move on as a society unless we stop to address historic ‘injustices’ which happened centuries ago while simultaneously ignoring many similar injustices that are taking place in the world today but which, to be blunt, don’t happen to involve white people.

You see it in the institutions where I work, the universities, where my former friends have spent much of the last decade denying we have any problem with free speech and expression whilst simultaneously ignoring the growing pile of evidence, remaining completely silent as universities become increasingly politicised, prioritising ‘social justice’ above free speech and the search for truth, and then saying nothing as the likes of Kathleen Stock, Jo Phoenix, Helen Joyce, Eric Kaufmann, and many other nonconformists who merely happen to hold different views were harassed, bullied, or chased off campus altogether. What happened to me? What happened to you?

You see it also in the general, routine reaction to anybody who dares question or challenge the liberal consensus on mass immigration, hyper-globalization, and the hollowing out of our national democracy —the online mobbings, the shrieking, the cancellations, the lobbying of employers, the online archaeology, the coordinated way in which ‘liberal’ progressives work together to essentially try and destroy the reputations and livelihoods of anybody who disagrees with them, and the downplaying or complete avoidance of national scandals which do not support their worldview, such as the widespread sexual exploitation of young, white, working-class girls. What happened to me? You must be joking. What happened to you.

[a long extract from Matt Goodwin’s Substack blog]

(and, in the UK, the Communications Act 2003, s.127)… (and the increasingly aggressive Jewish/Zionist anti-free speech campaign)…

Late tweets seen

Merciless. Subhuman. Britain must be cleansed of evil.

Only pan-European social nationalism can save Europe and our culture based on thousands of years of historical development. Only social nationalism can guarantee a decent future for the peoples of Europe.

Late music

[painting by Albert Gleizes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Gleizes]

Diary Blog, 7 January 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

From the newspapers


Two supercar bandits who kidnapped a rich Lamborghini driver at gunpoint in Cheltenham and handcuffed a Ferrari owner’s lover in front of his terrified little son have been jailed for 27 years.

Esther Harrison, for Juwara, said her client had come to the UK via Africa and Europe. She added that he was living with his older brothers in Leeds and that his father lives in Spain.”


[Daily Mail]

Yet another example of the new “diversity” in our poor broken land…

We can expect even more of this sort of thing as the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan takes greater hold: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.


A bank manager who was unfairly sacked for seeking advice on what to do if he heard a black person using the N-word at work has won a £490,000 payout.

Father-of-two Carl Borg-Neal, 59, from Andover, Hampshire, raised the question during a Lloyds Bank race education training session on July 16, 2021, but in doing so inadvertently used the word in full himself. He apologised immediately.

It left the woman leading the exercise apparently so ‘badly distressed’ that she had to take a week off – a ‘key reason’ for the decision to dismiss Mr Borg-Neal for gross misconduct.

This week, he was awarded almost £500,000 in damages. Added to Lloyds’s legal costs and tax, the bank has a bill of nearly £1million.

The payout is the culmination of a two-year battle to clear his name after working for the bank and its affiliates for 30 years.

He told The Telegraph:  ‘I often wonder if I wasn’t a white middle-aged male would I have had to go through everything I went through. There is no way of telling. You are bottom of everything.’

[Daily Mail]

Another example of the brainwashing that has accompanied the immigration-invasion of the past half-century or so.

Reading between the lines, it is pretty clear that the so called “diversity trainer” in the case was a black, probably West Indian.


The Belchertown State School in Western Massachusetts, once described as ‘barbaric’ and ‘a hell hole,’ was a place of horror for its patients.

The school, which opened in 1922, housed around 700 students with mental health disorders and developmental disabilities…

children naked, covered in urine, faeces, and food, with “maggots wriggling inside or crawling out of the infected ears of several helpless, profoundly r******d persons while they lay in their crib-beds.

Reports suggest that many patients had their teeth removed by staff to make feeding easier.

In 1972, Judge Joseph Tauro of the Massachusetts District Court, unannounced, visited the school to verify Ricci’s accusations. He confirmed the awful conditions, even witnessing “a little girl drinking from a faeces-filled commode.” Tauro dubbed the facility “a hell hole”.”

[Daily Mirror]

Had that place been situated somewhere in Germany in the 1930s, we should still be hearing about it (and, of course, about the supposedly terrible “Nazis”) endlessly. In fact, situations such as Belcherwood were not uncommon in the West in the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s etc; Belcherwood was as described at least until 1972, and closed only in 1992, albeit apparently after improvements had been made.

That place was not even in some poor state such as Mississippi, but in Massachusetts, the state so very proud of its liberal progressivist agendas.

History is rarely black-and-white, but many find that an uncomfortable idea.

Tweets seen

The Israeli state has a large and well-equipped army and air force, but for how long could it fight on two or three, or four, fronts, as well as combat armed insurrection within its own borders?

The Jew Shapps is of course a bad joke politically, though I concede that he has some way to go before he reaches the levels of lunacy displayed by former Defence Secretaries Ben Wallace and Gavin Williamson: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

To what extent is the deliberate erasure of a people’s history “cultural genocide” or similar? Admittedly, an awkward phrase.

The New York Times writes: “The Ukrainian Patriot air defense systems are working: there are chilling explosions and rays of light. America’s air defense systems have allowed Ukraine to defend itself against Russian attacks, but Washington has warned that it will not be able to support Ukraine in this way for long.”

Powerful “protection” of the Patriot air defense system and “blazing explosions” can be achieved by destroying its launchers. The United States can produce several hundred missiles a year, and the number used and destroyed in Ukraine is many times greater.

The United States is overwhelmed by the destruction of valuable missiles and systems in Ukraine and is trying as much as possible to keep new Patriots from being delivered to Ukraine, but sooner or later they will have to make a choice.

[New York Times]

As noted previously on this blog, the demographic aspect is the most important. Ukraine’s population is not reproducing itself. Millions of women and children have fled across the borders, hundreds of thousands of men have been killed, badly wounded, or captured on the front-lines. Many men have also fled from Ukraine in order to avoid military service. Relatively few Ukrainian babies are being born. All of that leaves Ukraine a (failed) state without much of a future.

While I can understand that many do not wish to vote for no-ideas, Israel-lobby, “Labour” under Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, it does surprise me that even 23% of the voters are apparently planning on voting for the surely totally discredited Conservative Party.

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Rumours]

Tweets seen

Strategically, Russia cannot lose and will not lose.

I remember visiting the UN Centre in Vienna sometime in the mid-1980s; cannot recall exact year now. I knew someone who was doing some temporary work there. I spent a couple of hours in the Centre. Various impressions, but my overall impression (of what — admittedly little— I saw) was that the place was a huge waste of space (and money). What is it for?

There is a daily tour for visitors but I did not experience it (because I was not a “tourist” visitor officially, though really I was).

[UN Centre, Vienna]

“They” have control of the strategic or key areas of public life in the USA— the politicians, the mass media (especially TV), the film industry, the legal milieu (in the states that matter most: California, New York etc), publishing.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Ha ha. Rather vulgar, but it made me laugh!

I believe I read somewhere, years ago, that Israelis are often cruel to donkeys, which are such gentle animals, so ready to be friendly with humans. It is true that donkeys are over-worked and abused in other countries too, including Arab countries, Pakistan etc.

The Jew settlers in Israel/Palestine (often from the USA) are horrible, though, fully displaying the malice for which “they” have always been well-known.

I would have said “unbelievable”, but in the pathetic, washed-up UK of 2023 and 2024, all too believable, unfortunately.

Hard to believe, but there it is: “normal” life, or a semblance of it, despite the fact that that area, 2-3 miles north of Gaza City, has been attacked heavily from the air for two months, and despite the fact that heavy ground fighting has occurred recently at Beit Hanoun, only a mile or so away.

Late music

Diary Blog, Boxing Day, 2023, including thoughts on the Ukraine conflict after nearly two years

Morning music

[El Greco, The Disrobing of Christ]


The forces of the Kiev regime may be able to launch missile attacks such as that on a Crimean port overnight, but the bigger picture is that the Kiev regime’s summer counter-offensive got nowhere and achieved nothing, that the Kiev-regime forces are rapidly running out of ammunition despite huge shipments from USA, UK etc, and that the Kiev regime is now very short of recruits, having to employ ever-more persistent press-gangs; Kiev is now asking EU states to repatriate Ukrainians living in the EU, so that the repatriated people can be put straight into uniform.

Russia is upgrading its heavy weaponry, building ever-more tanks, planes, and missiles. The summer of 2024 may see a general Russian advance which will overwhelm the ragged and exhausted Kiev-regime defences in Ukraine east of the Dnieper.

Even if that does not happen, the Kiev-regime forces cannot themselves advance. They have not the arms, ammunition, or men with which to do that. Their best possibility is to hold the line where it is.

The transnational conspiracy has had its support for the Zelensky regime sidetracked by the Gaza conflict; that is especially true of the USA. Zelensky and his cabal may be able to ban opposition parties, to arrest those opposed to war with Russia, to ban trade unions, and to refuse to hold elections, but what the Zelensky group cannot to is magic into existence more soldiers, more arms, and more ammunition.

The foreign mercenaries and other volunteers have mostly gone home now, those not captured or killed. The Kiev regime now seems to be paying mercenaries from countries with low living standards, such as Peru. Their pay is low. Still, you get what you pay for, quite often.

I doubt that many “contract soldiers”, even from regions such as South America, will now be applying to become casualty statistics in the Kiev regime’s failing war.

My assessment is that Russia is biding its time. That may mean no 2024 offensive (though, to the contrary, one may be launched in order to demoralize the all-important backers and “generous” suppliers of the Kiev regime in the EU and North America).

In the USA, the Presidential election may bring to power a President hostile to more support for the Zelensky regime. Trump is only the main possibility; there are others. Likewise in the EU. “Populist” parties are in the ascendant. Most do not want to funnel endless taxpayer funding to the ungrateful and failing Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

The conflict in the Palestine/Israel region, which has now spread southward to the Red Sea, is already impacting EU trade lines.

Economically, Russia is thriving, overall. While the West generally, and especially the EU, is faltering economically, Russia is doing fairly well. As I predicted 18+ months ago, the sanctions imposed have forced Russia to both diversify and to find other suppliers of food and raw materials. Sanctions rarely have huge, certainly not decisive effect anyway. I myself saw that when, aged 20, I was in Rhodesia (in 1977).

Ukraine (Kiev regime) is, by contrast, not thriving; it only keeps going by reason of the money and other support and aid supplied from outside. Its agriculture is finding export difficult, and some markets closed or restricted. The industrial sector is running at a low level. Electricity supplies are interrupted, and gas supplies more so.

In the long run, what will sink Ukraine as a state (failed state) is the very low birth-rate, combined with the huge numbers of Ukrainians now living in a number of EU states and elsewhere. In the short-term, the ranks of the army are not being replaced.

Russia will win (in Eastern Ukraine), and the NWO will retreat.

More music

[Tintoretto, The Last Supper]

Tweets seen

Very late. I have been commenting on that for at least a year.

WEF. NWO. ZOG. Whatever. All masks for the creatures of Evil.

Looking at the bigger picture, this is but one of the terrible consequences of decolonization in Africa (etc) from the 1950s through to the 1970s. That process was itself a consequence of the disaster of WW2 and the even more disastrous defeat of the German Reich.

Who now —save for the ignorant and/or brainwashed— can doubt that the post-WW2 ending of European rule over Africa has resulted in war, civil wars, degradation of the environment, and misery for the Africans themselves, as well as irreparable loss of wildlife and tree cover?

Stray thought

Not a particularly original or surprising thought (or two), but never mind…

I happened to see, a day or two ago, a Celebrity Chase quiz show, I think first shown several years ago. Nadine Dorries.

Hard to understand why Nadine Dorries was on a quiz show, except for the fact that, though any money won goes to a chosen charity, the contestants are paid (how much, I do not know; I presume somewhere around £1,000).

I cannot now recall the exact questions asked of Nadine Dorries, but she knew very few of the answers, and was quickly knocked out. Her ignorance was, even for a cynic such as myself, almost beyond belief.

The above experience once more led to thoughts of how MPs now really are the bottom of the barrel. Compare them to the better type of MP from the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s. Jo Grimond, the one-time Liberal leader, for example. A very erudite man who had also served in WW2 as an officer, and been a barrister. His memoirs are well worth reading, incidentally. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Grimond.

Not that I agree with all of his views, and the same would be even more true of Denis Healey [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denis_Healey], but these people had character, depth, real erudition, and were not simply self-serving careerists.

Compare them to (ex-MP) Nadine Dorries, to “Boris” Johnson, to Corbyn, to Keir Starmer, to Jo Swinson (a later LibDem leader of sorts), to Liz Truss, to Sunak, Matt Hancock etc… Among many many others.

Hard to know now where the bottom of the barrel actually is. Liz Truss? Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng)? Stella Creasy? Jess Phillips? That is even before you travel to darkest MP-dom, to the realms of (another ex-MP) Fiona Onasanya, Dawn Butler etc. See, for example, https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/21/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-fiona-onasanya-story/ and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/07/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-jess-phillips-story/.

Whatever method is chosen for selecting or electing MPs, Cabinet and other ministers etc, is of secondary importance. Prime importance must be given to the quality of those selected. In darker moments, I tend to think that the fall in overall quality of MPs just reflects the decline and/or degeneration of the society from which they have emerged.

Incidentally, on that Celebrity Chase show, Nadine Dorries claimed that she was the only MP not claiming expenses (in fact, she just meant certain “personal” expenses). Also, that she was campaigning to end MP expoenses! The presenter was too polite (or short of time) to retort that she had already been caught actually cheating on her expenses several times, and had only just escaped prosecution: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadine_Dorries#Expenses_claims.

Zionism and Jews in the UK

Look at the tweet below, from the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”]:

Yet we constantly see or hear, from Jew-Zionist “activists” (troublemakers), that Jews in the UK have nothing to do with Israel or what Israel is now doing to the people of Gaza…

We also see or hear that “criticism of Israel is legitimate, but any criticism of Jews is ‘antisemitic’ and (they claim) not legitimate“.

The “CAA’s” own survey indicates that at least 80% of Jews in the UK are content to accept the label “Zionist”, and that no less than 88% of them feel “personally connected” to whatever is happening in Israel.

Also, note the derogatory term “gentilesplaining“: in other words, non-Jews cannot say anything about Jews (but Jews can —and do— say the most insulting things about British and other European cultures and peoples).

Late tweets

So…Tel Aviv, Dimona and (?)…

China has become the leading economy, Russia has become the largest economy in Europe, already breathing behind Japan in the race for fourth place. And Asian economies have seriously moved up the ladder.

India has taken third place, Indonesia has climbed to seventh place and soon will start attacking Germany’s position, which is currently sixth,” said Maxim Oreshkin, assistant to the Russian president, in an interview with “Expert” magazine.

In his words, the United States of America is killing the European economy, adding that “as soon as they finish cannibalizing their European partners, they will focus on the Asian market.”

Retired US Army officer: We cannot say no to Israel because Israel is our master. At the peak of helplessness, the United States is looking for a solution to the Yemen problem.

Yemen has been bombed by military aircraft since 2014. Did you think that the Yemenis would be afraid of so many American warplanes?

If Iran starts this war, the world economy, especially the economy of Western countries, will suffer. Biden needs to wake up from his sleep, this problem is bigger than the US.

Iran has many missiles and could bring death and destruction to Americans like they haven’t seen since World War II.”

Late thought about Ukraine

UK television news full of the Kiev-regime attack on the Russian ship, and saying that Russia is losing the battle in the Black Sea. Well, the Kiev regime no longer has a navy at all.

Naturally, the loss of a large ship, even a supply ship, is very bad but, the very same day, Russian forces took what is left of the city of Mariinka in the Donbass. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67820916.

That is where the war is happening, on the ground in Eastern Ukraine. Russia is slowly winning there.

As for the attack on the ship, already the biased commentators on Sky News etc are heralding the dawn of a Kiev-regime strategic advantage in the Black Sea which does not exist.

In the final analysis, and if push came to shove, Russia could totally flatten Kiev and all other cities of Ukraine, if the leadership were so to decide. What is stopping that is firstly, that Moscow and Kiev were the centrepieces of Russian life for many centuries and, secondly, the fact that Russia is slowly winning this war.

Russia, though, is still one of the two main nuclear powers, and also has awesome conventional destructive capability. In extremis, that power could be unleashed. Kiev should be talking to Moscow about redrawing borders.

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 December 2023

Morning music

Tweets seen

I have to admit that I have always found the idea of secret tunnels quite compelling. The KGB had a specific directorate specializing in tunnelling, though one finds little printed about it.

In the case of the Gaza tunnels, we are told that they extend for more miles overall than the London Underground, which has 250 miles of track, much of which, however, is overground. About 110 miles of the London Underground is actually below ground-level.

On that basis, only a small part, maybe 5-10 miles, or <10%, of the Gaza tunnels have been explored or destroyed by the invading Israeli forces so far. Information is obviously being restricted at present.

It makes me wonder whether similar tunnels do not also penetrate Israeli state territory from Lebanon or elsewhere, tunnels perhaps so far underground that they are undetectable.

Most of them are pretty useless.

Something that I, a one-time resident of the tri-state area (and qualified New York attorney and counsellor-at-law) never imagined I should see.

…and about 20,000 Gazan civilians, about half of whom were under 18, and a quarter of whom were babies, or small or young children.

12 metres, so nearly 40 feet wide. These are, in the context, war crimes.

Let them laugh. “They” will not be laughing in a few years’ time, and not only in Israel/Palestine…

Events are constantly putting Russia in a better position strategically.

When I was several months in Egypt in 1998, I used to really enjoy the flat bread fresh from local bakeries, usually bought from a hole in the wall about a foot or so wide. Still very warm, and with a unique taste not experienced anywhere else in the world. The (Egyptian) Arabic word for it is aysh, implying its importance to life.

From the newspapers


Labour MP Dawn Butler has vowed to report online message board Mumsnet to the Metropolitan Police after users on the site and other social media slammed her reaction to the Brianna Ghey murder trial verdict.

[Daily Mail]

This is where we are now in the UK. Anything online that some idiot like Dawn Butler dislikes is now “reported”, either to the police or other bodies. If a prosecution under Communications Act 2003, s.127, occurs —and despite the Law Commission having recommended repeal of that as “bad law”— anything highly critical or satirical is now deemed “offensive”, and in practice as “grossly offensive” (and so unlawful).

It is a Kafka-esque farce which I saw at first-hand as defendant in such a case only last month.

The law in this area gives carte blanche to, especially, the usual malicious and politically-motivated Jew-Zionist whiners, such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, with the police and CPS as dupes.

Still, we must always remember that “the stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].

Dawn Butler’s actions give indication of what the likely “elected dictatorship” under Starmer may look like. Repressive.

Still, the only way at present to destabilize the mainly binary Lab/Con system is to knock out one or other main party. That will be the misnamed Conservative Party, which may be largely wiped out next year at the 2024 General Election, but the price for getting rid of the Conservative MPs will be a near-dictatorship under Starmer-Labour.


The developing “social dictatorship” trialled (in various respects) during the contrived panicdemic/scamdemic of 2020-2022.

If the authorities really wanted to address persistent (real) crime, they might start by banning anyone not on bona fide holiday, or bona fide recreational travel, from using a caravan or motorhome on the roads etc. You know what I mean…


Britain’s rapidly shrinking military has prompted defence chiefs to shift hundreds of troops from the front line and into recruitment offices.

More than 400 soldiers from across the British Army have been ordered by top brass to join the effort to try and get more people to enlist.

It comes as figures from the Labour party revealed the Army has shrunk by more than 3,000 troops in the past 12 months, with 9,438 personnel leaving while only 6,308 joined.

Britain’s part-time reservist force is also shrinking despite recent efforts to grow it. Between October last year and September 2023, 5,580 reservists left and only 3,780 joined. 

The latest recruitment statistics from the Ministry of Defence reveal the total Army strength plummeted from 79,139 to 75,983 during the same period, as recruiters failed to hire fresh new personnel to plug the gaps, leaving key roles unfilled.

[Daily Mail]

So the first move in getting more troops on the front-line is to…take 400 soldiers out of the spearhead forces and sit them in offices?

Lions led by donkeys“, as someone once said.

Why do we actually bother with an Army and Navy now? They seem incapable of stopping the only invasion happening, or likely to happen these days— the migration-invasion.

Occasionally, some political cretin such as Gavin Williamson [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/], or Ben Wallace, will “threaten” China or Russia but, as someone else once said, “a general without troops is naked indeed“.

Empty bluster from political nonentities just makes Britain look even weaker than it is, and that is pretty weak.

More tweets

Ha ha! I liked that. It made me laugh. It may even be true.

I think —not quite sure— that that was somewhere in Mid-Bedfordshire constituency during the 2023 by-election.

[Note: the post mentioned, about a young man talking to a by-election crowd about the migration-invasion, has been deleted for some reason].

I looked at lost Doggerland in a blog post of 2020: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/05/19/lost-doggerland-some-historical-changes-and-some-large-scale-projects/.

It may be my least-read blog post, out of over 1,600, but I think that it is certainly worth reading.

Ukrainian “refugees”, among others, are doing that. Most of Ukraine is not really a war zone, only about 10% of it; the far south-east parts, mostly.

See also:

Late music

[Estonian side of the Estonia-Russia border, winter 2023]