Tag Archives: Steve Baker

Diary Blog, 27 May 2024, with more thoughts about Sunak’s “National Service” idea

Morning music

[The Motherland Calls, Volgograd]

Rafah atrocity

[cartoon by Arab cartoonist from Gaza about the latest Israeli atrocity, at Rafah; https://www.cartooningforpeace.org/en/dessinateurs/mahmoud-abbas/]

“National Service”


Under the [“National Service”] plan, 18-year-olds will be given a choice between a full-time placement in the Armed Forces for 12 months or spending one weekend a month for a year [doing community work].

The Tories would also encourage employers to consider those who complete the Armed Forces placement during job applications.

However, the Armed Forces option would be selective – with only around 30,000 placements for ‘the brightest and best’.”

[Daily Mail]

So Sunak’s cockeyed “plan” for conscription turns out to be mainly a plan to have untrained 18-y-o young men and, I presume, women doing a kind of forced labour on one weekend per month for a year. Even by Sunak’s standards, this is pretty silly.

For one thing, the time is unbalanced. Leaving aside any Army/Navy leave or liberty days, it means that those choosing and being selected for the military or naval option will spend 365 days serving. The “civilian” option, though, will only take up 24 days.

Guess which option most young people are going to choose?

Even if you take off maybe 125 liberty days or leave days from the 365, that still only reduces to about 240 days on duty, as against 24. Ten times the commitment.

The idea that employers will give the “military/naval option” cadets an easier ride in later civilian job recruitment could not be enforced and relies entirely on goodwill.

In fact, the year of service (in either case) will set back the cadets or National Service litter-pickers for a year, especially the military/naval cadets, except those planning a Service career anyway.

As for the rest, spending one weekend a month picking up litter, helping clean hospitals, or planting trees, might not be a huge commitment of time, but will be seen by most as a kind of slave or serf labour, even if remunerated or compensated at say £150 per weekend (I have seen nothing so far, though, about any remuneration).

I suppose that, if the 30,000 military/naval cadets were offered pay (£15,000 p.a.?) and a gratuity, on completion, of some not-trifling amount (say £12,000 in cash, taxfree), that might spark some interest.

Over 700,000 or so people turn 18 every year in the UK. That means that 670,000+ will be on the monthly “community service” option.

What happens if the litter-pickers (etc) decide not to comply? Do they get taken to court? Fined? Ordered to comply on pain of imprisonment? What if there is mass non-compliance, or organized civil disobedience?

In fact, in view of the fact that the State has not the resources with which to imprison up to 700,000 young people, the most they could be given might be…unpaid work for a few days a month. Oh…

This has not been thought through by Sunak and/or those around him.

Likewise with the military/naval option. To train recruits to a basic level takes maybe 2-4 months (the British Army takes 14 weeks to basic-train standard recruits, the Royal Navy 10 weeks for ratings; officers are basic-trained for longer, 15-30 weeks), and overall training of those National Service cadets is likely to take a total of as long as 6 months (the British Army takes 44 weeks to fully train an officer).

In other words, after training, the cadets will only be available for deployment for 6 months before their time is up and they either leave or join the regular Army or Navy. Any trained to an officer level will only be available for deployment for a few months, or even weeks.

The latest statistics for UK armed forces state that 10,680 recruits joined in a year (all arms), plus 3,890 in the Reserves (former TA). So nearly 15,000 (of all ages). https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/quarterly-service-personnel-statistics-2024/quarterly-service-personnel-statistics-1-january-2024.

In other words, the increase in manpower might only be 15,000 or so, or is the idea to have both ordinary recruitment and National Service recruitment? Looks as though the end result would be much the same.

Also, who would choose to join as National Service recruit when he/she could join up with (?) better pay and conditions as a regular recruit and/or as an officer-cadet?

Will the National Service cadets or recruits be put into dedicated units, or mixed-in with regular units?

Again, this really has not been thought through.

The people this crazy scheme is apparently supposed to “help”, or change, or just control and monitor the most, those disaffected 18-y-o individuals who are not at or planning to go to university, nor into a structured career or job of some kind, will be the least likely to opt for the military/naval option, so will “choose” the “one weekend per month” option, and probably either fail to attend, or may do it very unwillingly, like a “community payback” penalty imposed by the courts.

What is the point?

Also, if the government has a force of about 670,000 “litter-pickers” (etc) to deploy, how many older (older than 18) people will thereby be deprived of the chance of doing paid or better-paid jobs doing the same or similar work?

Once again, the consequential effects have not been properly thought through.

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The most important problem facing both Britain and mainland Europe.

L’homme qui rit (en Chinois)

As if the pathetic French government is going to be able to do something/anything about this. The biggest weakness of all French governments is that they mistake making a gesture for actually accomplishing something. Macron is a prime example.

In fact, thinking of the French love for demonstrations and marches, most entirely ineffective, the tendency goes wider than just the political leadership.

[“Our voice for Putin!”; reportage— Novosti]

Pity that the British Empire no longer exists. Churchill killed several empires, in effect— the German Reich, the British Empire (which died after using its sting to kill the German Reich), and the other European empires, which all eventually succumbed in direct or indirect consequence of what happened after 1939.

More music

[Central Coast highway, California]
[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

More tweets seen

This is what the near future has in store for the UK— a literal Israeli agent as Secretary of State for Defence. Look at ex-MP John Woodcock (now “Lord Walney”), a sex pest and depressive case who is one of the worst Israel/Jewish lobby puppets at Westminster. He is apparently over-excited by the possibility that Israel will have yet another of its main “candidates” at Cabinet level, right in there with the others (Starmer, Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, Liz Kendall, Lisa Nandy etc).

All true (about Starmer), but all I myself am interested in, re. the upcoming General Election, directly, is to collapse one of the two main System parties, even at the high cost of allowing the other to become an “elected” dictatorship. Only by unbalancing the “two main parties” system can a social-national alternative arise.

Ecce the ****-poor quality of political reportage in the UK. Beth Rigby (the woman with the ludicrous accent or diction on Sky News) thinks that Lancing (West Sussex) is “near” Oxted (Surrey). Near? Well, 65.4 miles by road; as the crow flies, maybe 50 miles.





Says it all. A Con Party MP, with a majority in 2019 of 4,214, prefers to vacation rather than try to save himself from being ejected. He knows that he and his party are toast (in fact, his own majority has been sliding since 2015: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wycombe_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s).

Those are the sort of cretins advising ministers and prime ministers in this country…

I think that that was in Downing Street, though, not at CCHQ (Con Party HQ). Maybe I am mistaken, but that was my recollection.

So the Jewish chief of the Con Party election campaign is being accused of falling down on the job, thus making it even easier for pro-Israel Starmer and his cabal to win said election with a huge majority? I feel a conspiracy theory coming on…

[Addendum, same day: a regular reader of the blog suggests that Isaac Levido is not Jewish. I do not know for sure, despite the name(s) and the look of the said publicist, so am adding this cautionary addendum in the interests of accuracy and fairness].

Having said that, why the voters are turning away from the Con Party is not mainly by reason of poor presentation but by reason of very poor actual government of the country over the past 14 years, and especially the past 5 years.

Late tweets

As Schiller put it, “Against stupidity, the Gods themselves struggle in vain“…[Schiller, Die Jungfrau von Orleans].

It is probably pointless to speculate on why those poor people, living on pennies, support the ultra-wealthy little Indian money-juggler. Mental degeneration? Insanity? Congenital mental problems?

Having said that, they are not entirely wrong, inasmuch as the Labour Party under Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall etc will probably be as bad as, and maybe worse than, Sunak and crew as far as social security “welfare” in concerned.

What can it be? The Israeli flag is to replace the Union Jack? Unlikely (too obvious). Sunak has resigned and there will be an immediate leadership election? Just about possible. British troops are being sent to fight on the Ukrainian frontlines? In that case, Goodnight Vienna London; it has been a pleasure…

At time of writing, it is —right now— 2229, so back in a minute or so…

2235. Still waiting. The clowns cannot even get their big announcement out on time.

So that’s at. A desperate attempt to hold on to at least the former Con Party core vote of pensioners. The full registered electorate of the UK is about 45.5M; persons 65+ total about 11M, so about 27% of the electorate. Also, far more likely, traditionally to vote, either by post or in person.

These are pretty much the only people, or at least by far the biggest bloc, still likely to vote Con at GE 2024.

Whether it will make much difference, hard to say. Many pensioners will wonder a. as to whether Sunak will even be there after 4 July, and b. whether he can be trusted. There again, not all vote on the basis of perceived self-interest.

As a “big announcement”, slightly underwhelming, but I expect it will buy at least some votes. Absolutely desperate though, as a tactic.

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 July 2023

Morning music

[“At the end stands Victory“]

Battles past

Peter Hitchens


His column this week is worth reprinting in detail:

What is conservative about privatisation? What has it conserved? How has it helped the nation be stronger and safer?

Though there are many more, I will take just three examples.

Once, Britain had a first-rate nuclear power industry and could build its own atomic power stations. Then we privatised that and decades of experience and wisdom were scattered to the winds.

And now we have to get the Chinese, a despotic menace, to provide the nuclear energy we will so badly need, very soon, thanks to our mad dogma-driven destruction of coal-fired power stations.

Then come the railways, ripped to pieces so that pretend capitalists – sustained by far bigger subsidies than British Rail ever got – could trouser taxpayers’ money for providing a worse service than the one they replaced. In a bitter paradox much of the system is now run by foreign (nationalised) railway concerns. And this is a great British invention we gave to the world.

And now there is water. Thames Water, the vital strategic supply for the national capital and the economically crucial region around it, is now virtually bankrupt. Its boss quit suddenly last week. The official version is that the company may simply collapse under the weight of its debts, now £14 billion.

Under one of its recent owners, a foreign bank, £2.7 billion was taken out of the company in dividends, while debts rose from £3.4 billion to £10.8 billion. They have not since stopped rising, while Thames Water has become notorious for unfixed leaks and disgusting discharges of sewage into rivers.

You might think renationalisation is the obvious solution. But it will be hugely expensive, as the pension funds and other shareholders cannot simply be dispossessed without compensation. And here is the fascinating thing. You will not hear any significant voices in Sir Keir Starmer’s very Left-wing Labour Party calling for a full renationalisation.

The modern Left is keen to nationalise childhood and what used to be the family. It defies any attempts to reform the NHS or the schools for the benefit of the public. But it long ago abandoned its 1945 enthusiasm for state ownership of the commanding heights of the economy.

But that was in the lost days when Labour was led by patriots who wanted to make the country stronger. They have all gone.

And you might say that if Labour will not renationalise these failed private enterprises, what use is it? And I would agree with you.

If we want to undo this undoubted catastrophe, then rescue will not come from Sir Keir. Patriotic conservatives will have to nerve themselves to admit that the whole thing was a disastrous mistake and pledge themselves to put it right. If they do, they’ll be surprised at just how much support they will get.

[Daily Mail]

Incidentally, while I concede that expropriation without compensation is contra international law, my inclination at this point is to say “and your point is?“…

From the newspapers


Senior ministers are expecting a “total clearout” of Tory MPs ahead of the next election, as party sources cited the experience of Boris Johnson’s premiership, the increasing stresses of the job and a continuing slump in the polls as reasons for a forthcoming bumper crop of departures.

More than 40 Conservative MPs have already announced they will step down at the next election – the most for a ruling party since the exodus of 100 Labour MPs ahead of the 2010 election in the wake of the expenses scandal and 13 years in government.

A senior party source said they were expecting “lots more” of the 352 Tory MPs to announce they were leaving as the election approaches. Insiders said the political chaos of recent years meant many had stayed in parliament much longer than they had intended. “There are loads more to come, there will be a total clearout,” said a senior party figure.”

[The Guardian].

To mix metaphors, the rats leaving the sinking ship have read the writing on the wall…


The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming

Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe Biden‘s administration have admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before.

[Daily Mail]

Crazy. Anything could happen.


Half of the social housing in London is occupied by immigrant-led households. In my heavily council-owned neighbourhood, the students who flood the pavements on weekday afternoons are nearly all ethnically Asian or African.

Last week, a government impact statement estimated that within three years the bill for housing asylum seekers is on track to multiply by five times: to £30 million a day or £11 billion a year.

Indeed, one of the biggest pull factors drawing migrants from Calais is that France doesn’t provide uninvited visitors housing in the way that Britain does.

...asylum is a sideshow. It serves the function of the magician’s sleight of hand. The audience is distracted by one motion while the trick is slyly performed with another. Britain’s population is soaring from legal immigration.

Last year a Conservative government let 1.2 million people move to the UK, resulting in net immigration of 606,000. In a statistically meticulous report, Migration Watch calculates that if this same level of ingress is sustained, the UK’s population will rise to between 83 million and 87 million by 2046.

This will require between six and eight million more homes – the equivalent of 15 to 18 Birminghams. Apologies for the catastrophism, but that’s assuming the 606,000 annual influx remains constant, whereas the trend since Tony Blair came to power has been for net inward migration to keep rising.

Most new adult immigrants are of childbearing age, and Britain’s overwhelmingly non-European arrivals abundantly hail from cultures that favour larger families.

At current rates of immigration, between 263,000 and 313,000 homes would have to be built each year to accommodate rising population (in addition to the new homes a steady-state population requires, because buildings don’t last for ever).At current rates of immigration, between 263,000 and 313,000 homes would have to be built each year to accommodate rising population.

High immigration puts enormous pressure on the NHS – but we needn’t even go there.

Neither need we address the cultural implications of a foreign-born population already at 17 per cent of England and Wales – up from just over 13 per cent in only 2011.

Whatever your politics, this isn’t a matter of generosity and niceness. Even if you’re sympathetic with the plight of foreigners who merely want a better life, Britain doesn’t have the housing, much less the social housing, to accommodate the soaring population that results from current levels of immigration.

[Daily Mail]

Down the line, a UK civil war, not a race war as such but a mixed social-racial-cultural-ideological war, is coming, inevitably now. Continuing mass immigration, and the consequences flowing from mass immigration, are a large part of the reason.

Tweets seen

Twitter is becoming unusable. I was expelled from Twitter at the behest of a malicious pack of Jew-Zionists in 2018, and have not bothered to get my account back under the new and somewhat (ideologically) better Elon Musk ownership. However, if these restrictions of service continue, Twitter will just implode. Few will bother.

Open fire.

Looks like few Russians are afraid of the long-trumpeted Kiev-regime “counteroffensive”…

Open fire. Repeat, open fire. Repeat, open fire.

My assessment of useless Jewish-lobby puppet Macron, blogged several years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Any untermensch caught burning a library should be shot at once.

Another online grifter in the “Jack Monroe”/”Supertanskiii” mould. Why do so many utter mugs not only support such frauds on Twitter (often having done no research on them at all), but even send money to them? Pathetic.

As for the said Simon Harris, that Tattle thread is hilarious, even for those who, like me, discovered the idiot’s existence only recently.

Still, which is the bigger idiot, the “grifter”, or those who send money to him?

Is Fox about to have his banking services curtailed (like Nigel Farage, Laura Towler, Sam Melia, Mark Collett etc)? This is a conspiracy to censor and control the expression of ideas and opinions. Very sinister. Talking about it will not much help. Action directe…

The banks and their directors, just like MPs and msm talking heads, need to be held accountable in a concrete way.

Back in the late 1980s, and up to about 1992, Barclays claimed that I owed them quite a lot of money. I disagreed, and a lady I knew drew a very good cartoon skeleton, with the caption “I paid my debts to Barclays Bank“! I then spent a pleasant hour or two late one night feeding that cartoon without pause into my little fax machine. I hope that Barclays staff at least had a few laughs out of the many hundreds of pages that must have arrived at their HQ, all bearing the cartoon.

Happy days (?)… About 30 years ago.

Incidentally, for younger readers of the blog, this was a fax machine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fax.

More tweets

Open fire on the untermenschen.

The rioters must be shot where they stand.

Little Jewish-lobby puppet Macron has lost control.

That still happens to me too, though increasingly I find that people I hardly even know say to me that the UK and most of Europe is collapsing, without my having said anything about it to them. The people are, slowly, waking up.

Traitors and “useful idiots” have been, for half a century or more, encouraging the lower races to invade white Europe. Now look…

Ha ha. A couple at least get hit.

My assessment of Macron from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Incidentally, compare the generally peaceful protests of the (white, European) Yellow Vests in 2019 with the subhuman violence of the (mostly non-white, non-European) rioters of 2023…

More music

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You can see clearly now how economic enterprises (banks, building societies, insurance companies etc) are being infiltrated and abused in order to punish dissidents: members of Patriotic Alternative, Nigel Farage, Scott Ritter, many others. People left without banking services, car insurance (a legal requirement in most countries) etc.

This is the 21st Century equivalent of the 20thC police state; in fact, it works in tandem with the police state mechanisms (prosecutions, trials etc)..

It is akin to the way in which TV ads, dramas etc are used to convey the propaganda of the transnational conspiracy to the mass of the public: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

The Kiev regime is running out of soldiers. Look at the straws in the wind: press-gangs in the streets of Ukrainian cities to force unwilling men into the army, mandatory enlistment even of some people who are carers for old and/or disabled spouses, and the Kramatorsk missile hit, whereupon it was revealed that American and other contract-soldiers were present.

Eventually, Russia will win this, though the victory may well be bitter.

Children have to be taught courtesy, manners etc, but we cannot just forget the influence of TV, the often malign influence.

More from the newspapers


This is the moment an academic who wrote ‘independent’ reviews praising low-traffic neighbourhoods is caught on CCTV tearing down an anti-LTN poster.

Dr Anna Goodman was seen in a West Dulwich shop near her south London home apparently sneakily looking around to check it is safe before peeling the poster off the door and making a getaway.

Locals are now claiming that academics, who are paid by the government to conduct peer reviews assessing the necessity for LTNs, may be in fact campaigners for the scheme.

[Daily Mail]

Goodman“? Wouldn’t you know? (((you know who))).

Look at how sneaky she looks in that video; like a little rat.


It reminds me of the “independent” “experts” who have given so-called “expert opinion evidence” re. “antisemitism” in numerous political trials over the past 10-20 years, trials such as those of Alison Chabloz. The “experts” are always of certain “tendencies” and/or origins.


Rishi Sunak is set to face more by-election misery after the summer break – as his party faces what could be the largest vote defeat in UK political history.”

[Daily Mail]

Those by-elections will be interesting, though of course just part of the System faked show overall. I shall probably blog about them once I know the runners and riders.

Reading that Daily Mail report, I notice that its Deputy Political Editor, one David Wilcock, does not seem to know the difference between “latter” and “last“. Typical of the times in which we live.

Naturally, I myself oppose both System parties, parts of the same corrupt and ideologically-wrong set-up.

It is a moot point as to whether it is better for social-nationalism that there be a weak System government (whether Lab or Con), or that one party (at present, Con) be all but wiped out. The former is probably the case, so that System politics is seen as unable to do anything to progress Britain, thus leading to support for social nationalism. At present though, it seems ever more likely that the Con party will be nearly annihilated at any general election, held in the neat year or so.

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Bravo! Simplistic, of course, but basically correct.

Look at BBC TV news, or Sky News (not only that bitch Kay Burley) and all you see is a propaganda show akin to what the Soviet news media used to put out.

A couple of worthwhile appeals



“Sven Longshanks” (James Allchurch) was quite recently given a harsh sentence for speaking out on his Internet “radio” podcasts. He is likely to be released some time in early/mid 2024. The fund raised for him will help him to survive both in prison and after upon his release back into “normal life”.

Late tweets seen

You should be so lucky…

Another bloody “Conservative” fake. Apply an Army boot to his rear. Raus!

…and look at the proportions. Pakistani-origin persons in the UK are only about 2% of the whole UK population, white British people about 80%. That is the point— 2% of the population (actually 1%, i.e. male persons of Pakistani origin) are committing ~84% of that specific type of sex crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Pakistanis.


Eliminate them.

Eliminate all of them.

Russia can win and must win.

Brilliant. More like that. Still, why not just [REDACTED]…

Well-meaning mugs in England, Germany, France etc are giving “humanitarian aid” to (as they imagine) Ukrainian civilians, but much of it is just ripped off and sold, with the collusion of the Jew-Zionist cabal in Kiev.

Look at that loony. Narcissist? Exhibitionist? Simple loony? Who knows? Who cares? There are idiots of that type in the UK too, “refugees welcome” dimwits etc.

Late music