Tag Archives: Justin Welby

Diary Blog, 21 October 2022, including thoughts about Conservative Party electoral support

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

Rewilding news


Video link justice

When I was a practising barrister (1993-2008, though with extended breaks when I was overseas or engaged elsewhere), conducting hearings by video link had either not yet started, or was in its infancy; certainly I never encountered it, though I did some telephone hearings in latter years, usually from home. They involved civil/commercial interlocutory and/or procedural matters. Awkward when the cats miaowed loudly.

I should add that, after the early/mid 1990s, I did almost no criminal cases, except the odd corporate matter, representing large companies accused of breaching the law in various —mostly rather minor— ways.

Now, however, video link hearings in criminal cases are commonplace, especially in respect of sentencing hearings. It saves money, and inconvenience. But…

I think that sentencings especially (but also any examination or cross-examination of witnesses, including the accused) should always be carried out face-to-face in open court. The judge can see, a relatively few feet away, the demeanour of the person talking, in a way that is just not the same via video link, however good the technology.

Can it really be right that a defendant be sentenced, often to a term of years, while in a prison and at the end of a video link? I think not.

I am probably rowing against the tide here, but I thought that someone should make these points, even someone who is no longer (thanks to the Jew element) at the Bar: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Tweets seen

I think that the secret ruling circles want Sunak, in part because he is a non-white. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. The message being “Britain is now a multikulti country; even the Prime Minister is non-white“…

Ireland has gone the same way. Until recently, the PM there was a half-Indian called Varadkar (he is now Deputy PM). I noticed that, in the recent explosion in Donegal, in a tiny village far from anywhere, two of the deceased were Africans. Shows how much migration-invasion there has been in Ireland in recent years (and pitiful “nationalist” Sinn Fein bends the knee to it all).

The same is happening all over Europe.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

https://vk.com/@judi1964-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-stealth-genocide-against-the-peoples; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_von_Coudenhove-Kalergi.

Conservative Party electoral support

To state the fairly obvious, Labour is not popular; the Conservative Party is unpopular. Labour’s seeming popularity is purely by default.

The Conservative Party has been dumped by the voters because it has just got to a point at which its incompetence and absurdity just outweighs the doubts many have about Starmer, his Friends of Israel Shadow Cabinet, and Labour as a whole.

“Boris”-idiot came close to this point but did not quite reach it. Whether it was his contrived Eton-Oxford gloss, the slightly-easier economic circumstances, or whatever, he was just about holding the electoral line. Once he was chucked out, and especially once it became clear that Britain was heading for a train crash, the electorate woke up to the cold air, looked at Liz Truss and woolly-head Kwarteng, Therese Coffey etc, and was appalled.

A vote for Labour is a vote for more mass immigration, for Jew-Zionist control, for blatant pro-Israelism at the top of government, and for cuts imposed on pensions, State benefits etc. Despite that, Labour is riding high because the people are becoming desperate for anything that looks, however implausibly, like a government, rather than a bunch of headless chickens.

In any case, mass immigration and migration-invasion has continued under the “Conservative” governments since 2010. All that has happened has been a torrent of empty words by such as the Indians (could you make this up?) Priti Patel and Suella Braverman.

The Conservative Party has been held up until very recently by two factors: Brexit (despite that having been totally mishandled), and the fact that pensioners and near-pensioners (broadly, the 60+ age group) voted Conservative, overwhelmingly.

Rishi Sunak suspended the Triple Lock, “for a year” supposedly. That alone diminished the support for the Conservative Party. Labour climbed above Conservative in the opinion polls for the first time in years. Sunak failed to become Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister because the “grey vote” within the Conservative Party defected to Liz Truss, who promised almost everyone almost everything.

Now we see that even the “grey vote” is abandoning the Conservative Party, as I have been recently predicting. If your only real reasons to vote “Conservative”, as a 60+-aged voter, are a. the value of State pensions and benefits (including Pension Guarantee Credit); b. to stop or restrict mass immigration; and c. law and order, then the Conservative Party has let you down royally on all three.

This would be the moment for a social-national party to strike, if there were one. The absence of one is both infuriating (for me) and tragic (for the British people and their future).

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Wallace can now ride his horse, sabre aloft, towards Moscow. Pathetic.

Starmer-Labour is just a possibly-more-competent version of what used to be the Conservative Party, in some ways, before the latter became the home of Oxford and Durham university dropouts, and ceased to be able even to pretend to be a serious party of government.

Naturally, the old-style Labourites are jumping ship; the rank and file at least have been doing so for about three years, since the Labour Friends of Israel regained control.

The problem I have with Corbyn, Pidcock etc (well, one problem) is their mealy-mouthed attitude to the Jew-Zionist lobby that has stamped on them. As people say now, “call it out” for what it is; but they will not. They still pay lip-service to the “holocaust” farrago, and support the basically Jewish organizations that have beaten them, such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, “Hope not Hate”, “United Against Fascism”, “Community Security Trust” etc.

How about “honestly questioning” Ben Wallace’s ability to be Defence Secretary on a different basis, i.e. that making the UK the bullseye of a Russian nuclear attack on NATO is a Very Bad Idea? Wallace, a former junior officer in the Guards, is just the sort of nincompoop who might, perhaps when in drink, precipitate a war with a power which has about 100 times our nuclear offensive capability.

Maybe. On the other hand, would the British electorate, at a general election, vote in large numbers for the Indian one-time-thought “clever boy” Rishi Sunak (and the rest of the Conservative Party MPs)? I doubt it.

Most people apparently still do not realize that the number one reason why the British economy has crumbled and is crumbling is because the stupid “panicdemic” measures of 2021-2022 included almost shutting down that economy for nearly 2 years, accompanied by a massive propaganda campaign.

Sunak was part of all that.

In any case, people vote primarily for a party, only secondarily for a party’s leader or a potential prime minister. The Conservative MPs are now seen, I think rightly, as a total rabble.

I do not think that it matters much, electorally, whether Johnson or Sunak prevails.

Strange. I still think that Labour has become a party without a purpose (as blogged in the past) but the Conservative Party, which was apparently solidly seated in the (mainly) south of England, propped up by (mainly) the middle-aged and elderly, and by the ranks of house-owners seeing their paper capital increase year on year, has now thrown all that away and become the System party most likely to disappear.

Actually it makes again the well-known point that (as Lenin is supposed to have opined) “to destroy a country, first destroy its currency“. I am not so sure that Lenin ever said or wrote that, but no matter. We can also see what happened in the German hyperinflation of the 1920s.

Many people tweet, or scribble in the msm, as if the German hyper-inflation went from 1918 to 1933 and a National Socialist government under the NSDAP and Adolf Hitler. Not so. It lasted for only 2 years, the worst of it being in 1923. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic.

There were both positive and negative economic effects. The hyperinflation, however, also had political effects, which continued to resonate throughout the 1920s and beyond. The Beer Hall Putsch of 1923 was the first major attempt by Adolf Hitler to seize power. The KPD (German Communist Party) also became powerful at that time.

The faith of the German middle classes, especially, in the currency, was shattered, and not entirely put back together after the actual hyperinflation had ended.

Their faith in the political system of the Weimar Republic was correspondingly weakened.

In the UK, the country was staring down the barrel of hyperinflation under the idiotic misgovernment of Truss and woolly-head. That seems to have been stabilized now, but at what cost? Terrible spending cuts “across the board”, we read (though, strangely, or perhaps not so strangely, “Defence”, meaning money sent to support the Jew Zelensky in Kiev, is probably going to be increased).

Can you believe that idiot Welby?! He should probably not be allowed out without supervision. It really is time for the thoroughly infiltrated Church of England to be disestablished.

Having said that, tweeter “@LesleyPollard1” seems to be another “migrants welcome” idiot. Those people will only learn, and maybe not even then, when Britain is a complete non-white multikulti dustbin, a mixture of black Africa, North Africa, Kabul, Pakistan, Calcutta and a rundown version of New York City. Oh, and China.

More tweets

As I blogged earlier today, if voters prefer Labour to Con even on immigration and Brexit, and maybe on pensions and (almost certainly) on benefits, then that might leave the Conservative Party with literally 10% of the general election vote, and that might mean only 50 Con Party MPs left. Looks as though idiotic Archbishop Welby should direct his prayers, for what they are worth, to almost all Con Party MPs except Liz Truss (who, in her very safe seat, would probably survive even a 90% cull of those MPs).

More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

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The unexpected —by some— degree of support for Johnson is a political grasping at straws. Look at the Conservative Party standing in the opinion polls. 14%! Even if that level of voter intent were to double by the time of a general election, it would still result in a massive Labour victory; and there is no guarantee that voter intentions will improve for the Conservative Party.

The MPs backing Johnson are doing so because they do not believe that any but a smallish minority of the British electorate will vote for a party led by a globalist Indian billionaire. “Boris” (though in fact not entirely English) looks and sounds at least sort-of English, is a known quantity even if useless, and so is “the Devil you know”, and has to be more popular with some of the public (if only as a clown or jester) than Sunak.

Of course, it is desperate.

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Onto the bonfire with him!

The stake needs to be in the globalist, not in the ground.

Import millions from other races, import their politics, their ways of life, their corruption etc. Fact.

That last clip shows the reaction of Liz Truss when someone became unwell at the Con Party hustings a couple of months ago. Thank God that the stupid “ho” will not now be in charge of the UK nuclear deterrent. Look at her! Panicking…

All the same, I doubt that it is very strictly supervised.

GB News

I have never actually bothered to watch GB News, but was just reading and watching, or listening to, some clips it posted on Twitter. Mostly about how “Boris”-idiot should again take on the unearned and unmerited mantle of Prime Minister.

Quite a few of the GB News presenters seem to be black, including some Ghanaian woman who had a job a year or two ago persuading ethnic minorities to submit to the “Covid” “vaccine”.

Nein danke.

Controlled opposition? Scarcely “opposition” at all, in my view, and from what I have seen.

Late tweets seen

Then, in the end, you will still have to “take up arms against a sea of troubles“, in the Shakespearean phrase, because the bastards have their orders, and the ones giving those orders are not going to just give up.

FAO Ben Wallace, MOD.

FAO Ben Wallace, MOD.

Late music

[Adolf Hitler pondering while walking on the Obersalzberg]

Diary Blog, 17 April 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

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For several years, I have been blogging and (before the Jew lobby had me expelled from Twitter in 2018) tweeting that the UK needs to join more closely with Russia, partly because, on certain premises, Russia would supply the UK with natural gas at or near cost-price.

The present “British” government of Jews, part-Jews, Indians etc has no interest in the welfare of the British people, preferring to do the job of the New World Order [NWO] in attacking Russia, Ukraine being the latest excuse.

Who will suffer because of the sanctions regime on Russia? Putin? The neo-nomenklatura of Russia? No. Us, mainly. The British people.

England has had some ridiculous Archbishops of Canterbury over the past half-century, but Welby takes the biscuit.

So is the direction of travel… fake meat–“fake” animals–fake people?

A pile of rubble, and semi-humans crawling over the ruins, that may be the future, not so far down the line, of our present civilization and culture.

Alison Chabloz

Happened to see a report about the Alison Chabloz sentencing hearing. It appeared on the online news site MyLondon: https://www.mylondon.news/news/north-london-news/racist-who-compared-auschwitz-theme-23695991.

Pretty typical of many news reports seen now, eg in the Daily Mail and other online newspapers: containing spelling mistakes as well as misunderstood bits and pieces. For example, “shackle” for “shekel“. The (mostly quite poorly-paid) 20-somethings now writing for newspapers do not, most of them, have the real-life journalistic background of the old-style reporters.

Having said that, the MyLondon report, by one Holly Evans, does cover the main facts adequately, if briefly and selectively.

Blackheath funfair

While looking at that report about Alison Chabloz, I saw also the following one: https://www.mylondon.news/news/south-london-news/no-acid-attacks-no-stabbing-23695186. That brought back memories.

In the early 1980s, I think 1981 or 1982, I was at that funfair, or a similar one, on the grassed open area or Common at Blackheath. My then girlfriend’s small children, aged about 5 and 7, wanted to go. I rather dislike funfairs but had to agree to take them and their mother. It was just about walking distance from their house.

We tried various stalls and rides. I think (though cannot truly remember after 40 years) that I won a prize at the rifle-shooting stall, and I remember being asked (told by the attendant, and rudely) to stop driving my dodgem car broadside into other peoples’ cars; not aggression, but I honestly thought that that was what you were allowed and expected to do; in fact that had happened several times before in my life…I must be a recidivist!

Anyway, the children’s mother noticed a placard inviting anyone wanting to earn £5 to return at midnight to help dismantle all the rides etc. This was 1982, but £5 was no great sum even then; maybe £20 in the money of today.

If truth be known, I was not very enthusiastic, but I had no real or weekly/monthly source of income, and was not even on the dole, so I felt obliged to do it. I had not even started the law degree I later did (from 1984-1987), and had been overseas not long before.

A rather unwanted guest, a recent ex-Soviet citizen, middle-aged, and with glasses and a pipe, called Volodya (the children, unable to say his name, called him Volyoda), was accompanying us, but was saved from having to do any hard work by his (suddenly-mentioned) bad knee…

I turned up at midnight, and so began a very tiring and unpleasant overnight slog lasting hours, during which I, and about 8 other foolish volunteers, had to do things such as dismantle the dodgem car ride (carrying steel girders as well as cars), and (in my case) also climbing and wriggling to the top of the largest marquee and dismantling that.

Needless to say, I was in far better physical condition then than I now am. I could not even think of doing such labour now. All the same, this was hard hard work.

The funfair manageress woman, some kind of tinker-“traveller” type, wanted us, at 0400 hrs, to return to do more work and collect our £5 notes in the later morning! I led a “peasants’ revolt” against this transparent attempt to cheat us, and we then slaved for another hour or so before being (grudgingly) paid off.

I returned home dirty, whacked out, covered in scratches and oil etc, but triumphantly clutching my £5 note. Never again.

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I am beginning to think that the System actually wants a nuclear war with Russia. Maybe Europe, including the UK, is to be largely wiped out, leaving only (partly-intact) North America, China, and the less-populated parts of Russia…

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan…


One of the characteristics of our time is rich people paying huge amounts of money for trash, such as Internet “art”, non-fungible tokens etc, not to mention actual “art” trash, such as that produced by the likes of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst.

Roll up! Get your nuclear fallout shelters here! Oh, no, wait…

The UK’s pathetic government needs to stay well out of the Ukraine situation.

David Lammy

Bad-joke MP and one-time, rather briefly, practising and/or employed barrister, David Lammy, like quite a few of the blacks, thinks that Jesus Christ was “a refugee“. George Galloway, ex-MP, puts him, somewhat, in his place…

A few other of Lammy’s ignorant pronouncements: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Lammy#Comments_attracting_criticism. He is no better than semi-educated, in reality.

Lammy is no doubt welcome at Lincoln’s Inn, the Inn of Court to which he belongs. He may be a Bencher there —a member of the governing body— I do not know. I myself was a member of Lincoln’s Inn from 1986 until the Jew lobby procured my (wrongful/unlawful) disbarment in 2016 (so triggering expulsion from the Inn as well). So Lammy is welcome but I am not welcome. Sour grapes aside…is that not absolutely stupid and ridiculous?

Late tweets

Many areas of England, especially but not exclusively in the South, are becoming overcrowded in the extreme, with green bits gradually being filled in by private developments of little houses, developments without decent gardens or public parks, all because local authorities allow developers almost free rein, and because, on the big picture level, immigration and births to immigrants are swamping us.

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 March 2022, including Ukrainian bio-labs and my own experience of visiting Porton Down

Morning music

On this day a year ago

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Homeschooling is better, and (contrary to what many believe) not illegal in the UK.



When I was still a practising barrister in London, I was trying, around 1995, to get funding and support for an EU-award-winning project to make fuel out of biomass (I called it “gold out of straw”). I approached, to that end, two embassies, the Ukrainian and the Cuban.

Both Ukraine and Cuba had large amounts of biomass normally burned or left to rot, the unwanted surplus from agriculture (in the case of Cuba, mostly sugar-cane, in the case of Ukraine from grain crops, mostly wheat). Both countries needed fuel. Also, both countries were replete with scientifically and technically-trained people.

The Cuban Embassy ignored my letter, i.e. were useless bastards who deserved to wither on the vine (as they have done since); the Ukrainian Embassy was more interested. I was invited to meet, at first briefly, the then Ambassador, at the Embassy, which was then in Notting Hill (somewhere in the Holland Park area now).

The Ambassador, a Mr. Komissarenko, who now has his own Wikipedia page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serhiy_Komisarenko] turned out, by lucky chance, to be a biochemist by training. He was a rather charismatic character (a former Deputy Prime Minister, who even had Presidential aspirations), and was very interested in visiting the British biological research (and “germ warfare”) laboratories at Porton Down, Wiltshire, which (partly-privatized) was the location of the lab and offices of the “gold out of straw” project.

A week or so later, I travelled with the Ambassador, his Scientific Attache, and a driver, to Porton Down. His driver, in a Lexus limousine, made the most of diplomatic immunity, running red lights from Notting Hill to outer London, then cruising at top speed down the A303. I thought that we must be going below the speed limit, so smooth and quiet was the ride, until I looked at the speedo— over 130 mph. We made Porton Down, on Salisbury Plain, a distance of about 90 miles, in about 40 minutes. Lexus make good cars.

After an initial hiccup at the sentry post, when the Ambassador, of all people, was not on the guards’ list, we entered the huge area, and the Ambassador was introduced to the main scientist on the Project, an elderly, gruff —and in fact hard to talk to— North Country boffin, Professor Someone-or-other, and the rest.

Anyway, an interesting day all in all, with a late pub lunch after we were checked out, and animated discussion between the Ukrainian and British or British-Iranian sides (one scientist, whom, with his brother and mother, I in fact knew personally, was one of a family that had fled Iran in the 1970s, the Ayatollahs’ regime having hanged the head of the family).

Porton Down is in a heavily military area. We were just starting to head back to London, down some country lane, when a British Army patrol, in full combat gear and camouflage cream, encountered us. The soldiers immediately went down on one knee. The officer then waved us on.

In the end, the project was at too early a stage for the Ukrainians. They wanted something more or less ready to begin producing on an industrial scale, so nothing came of it (and I missed out on what might have been a big fee). Still, interesting.

I saw some time ago from Wikipedia that Komissarenko was, perhaps still is, head of a biochemical institute in Ukraine. Ukraine seems to have a number of such institutes and laboratories. I wonder what they all do.

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…and Hong Kong Chinese.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Migration-invasion. White Genocide.

This is not confined to the US or UK, though they are they are most heavily affected (with, possibly, Australasia). It is a general trend in the dying West. Conformism, and pseudo-“liberal” illiberalism.

You cannot “debate” such creatures (even if you were so inclined). The only thing to do is eliminate them.

Get Macron out, or otherwise dispose of him. My assessment from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Mia Farrow?! Is she still around? I wonder whether she will be as gung-ho about war with Russia when a missile with a nuclear warhead lands in her Californian suburb?

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We rarely get visitors at this time of year...”

So much for lovely liberal Ukraine…

Can Ukraine now be called a functioning state at all? Seems to be behaving just like some kind of bandit regime…

That nincompoop should be asking himself why Britain should risk nuclear war with Russia for the sake of a Jew-ruled bandit state.

The real answer, though, lies in the fact that the “British” government is just “ZOG” and part of the New World Order plan, or “NWO”.

Late tweets

The Second World War was triggered when Germany invaded the territory of Poland (as did the Soviet Union), Britain and France having given Poland worthless guarantees that would be activated upon such invasion.

Britain and France could not save Poland from invasion, or be in any way involved in the matter, but those “guarantees” still meant that a world war was triggered.

In fact, without going into tiresome detail, the German invasion was partly the result of 20 years of Polish provocations.

Now we see, once again, Poland provoking matters, this time by having decided to supply Ukraine with fighter aircraft.

Many of Ukraine’s airfields are out of commission by reason of Russian attack. Will such aircraft now take off from and later land in Poland, having attacked Russian forces? What happens if Russian forces attack those bases in Poland? Poland is a NATO member now. Will NATO then take up arms against Russia?

This whole situation is in danger of sliding toward world war. Look at the deadheads in control in the UK, USA etc. I do not necessarily exclude Russia, not after this botched invasion that has trashed Russia’s reputation worldwide. The GRU and Russian Army need a profound reorganization.

Anything could now happen.


Hard to know what to make of the rumours that US Navy Seals and/or Delta Force are about to take the Jew Zelensky to safety in Poland, Lithuania, or elsewhere. Maybe. Certainly Zelensky is key. Were he to be captured or killed, the Russians would probably be able to take and hold Kiev more easily.

There is beginning to be a grim inevitability about events, which brings to mind 1939 and 1914.

I saw some idiot on a bicycle yesterday, fully masked in the cold wind. These “mask remainers” are mentally-ill, basically.

Quite. Most “British” athletes are now blacks. In fact, the “holy football” in the UK is now, mostly, “my blacks can beat your blacks”.

.”..and so administration slowly collapsed in Britain” [possible extract from a history book, hundreds of years from today].

At best, a useless millstone round the neck; at worst, hostile and even dangerous. We don’t need them, and don’t want them.

Daniel Hannan is the sort of person whose superficial intelligence and education conceals a deeply-rooted and eccentric stupidity.

The very idea that Boris-idiot is more than a loudly trumpeting bystander in world events is not even worth discussing.

Late music

Diary Blog, Christmas Day 2021

My Christmas and Yuletide greetings to all well-intentioned readers of the blog, to all Europe, and to the wider world.

Christmas morning music

On this day a year ago

Some thoughts from 5 years ago, revisited

I take the opportunity to resurrect from my blog archives the following post from late 2016: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/12/03/the-society-of-measure/.

I have made just criticism in the past few years of, inter alia, Aaron Bastani and Ash Sarkar, and their idea called “Fully Automated Luxury Communism” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_Automated_Luxury_Communism], but (despite not having read the book), I apprehend that one of its basic premises is that the benefits of modern technology and productive techniques have been arrogated by a tiny minority of finance-capitalists. If my understanding of the book is correct in that regard, then I certainly agree with that view; indeed, it can hardly be denied.

Books such as The Spirit Level [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_Level_(book)] have shown how inequality in the “Western” world has grown since the 1950s and particularly in recent decades. Numerous studies have shown how the remuneration and wealth (capital) of corporate owners and the highest strata of executives has become grotesque.

In the 1950s, in the USA the typical disparity between the pay of highest-paid and lowest-paid in a company was about 15:1. Now it is hundreds to one and, in not a few cases, thousands to one. That is without even getting into share options, capital gains etc

The same is true of the UK. There are many large companies where the top executives are getting a million or more a year (many millions in some cases) in salary alone, while the bottom-level employees are on something like £15,000. A ratio of at least 70:1, and in many cases hundreds to one.

It is not a question, for me, of inequality alone (some inequality is inevitable and indeed good) but of inequality so great and so unfair that it amounts to inequity.

We see how some of the wealthiest capitalists on Earth (Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk etc) vie with each other to build their own space rockets, not to do anything truly worthwhile with them but to take what amount to joy-rides into space, accompanied by other hugely-wealthy individuals. Meanwhile, their own employees live on pennies, in many cases unable to pay their rent, feed their families properly, or achieve even a modestly-comfortable standard of living.

The fruits of scientific and technological innovation must be shared more equitably.

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Hopper“, not “Hooper” (and “they’re“, not “their“) (etc)…but never mind. It’s Christmas.

Welby has either never heard of the line:

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them
under their feet, and turn again and rend you
.” [Matthew 7:6]

…or, more likely, has decided to turn a Nelsonian eye…

It is entirely misplaced and wrongheaded “compassion” to invite into the UK (or to tolerate an unwanted invasion by) those who, most of them, despise British people and/or hate us, and who will be, at best, a heavy millstone round the British neck, forever.

Justin Welby will have to suffer no detriment by tolerating the migration invasion. No, that burden will be borne by the British poor, mostly.


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I was going to keep the blog short today, and concentrated on purely Christmas topics (and one does after all have other things to do on Christmas Day), but the world has impinged on my retreat…

A few thoughts around Christmas

Naturally, Christmas, as we know it in the UK and/or “Anglosphere”, is largely what people today often call “a construct” or “social construct”. You see in magazines or online quite a lot of historical detail about that.

A few examples: St. Nicholas was someone from what is now part of Turkey, not the North Pole: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinterklaas.

In the UK, perhaps especially England, we have a fairly closely-defined idea of what Christmas should be: the Christmas tree, the angel or star atop the tree, carols, Santa Claus in his red suit, sitting in a sleigh in the sky, itself pulled by flying reindeer.

As many will know, the Christmas tree tradition, in England, dates back only to 1834, when one was installed at Windsor Castle; the tradition dates back longer in Germany, to the late Middle Ages.

As for the fairy atop the tree, that may be connected with the late Roman cult of Mithras, though that seems to me to be contrived, in view of the fact that the Christmas tree tradition itself is of recent historical origin. I would not say, though, that I am really qualified to pronounce on that aspect.

As to red-suited Santa with his sled or sleigh, reindeer etc, that is a conflation of ancient traditions, 19thC traditions, and “traditions” which come from as recent a source as 1930s American ads for Coca-Cola: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus.

In Russia, the 19thC saw “Grandfather Frost” emerge, a tradition at least half-heartedly kept up in 20thC Soviet times as an alternative to the usually disapproved-of and sometimes suppressed Russian Orthodox Christmas religious holiday (which takes place a couple of weeks after the Western one by reason of the fact that the Russian Orthodox church still uses the Julian Calendar).

I believe that some Christian occultists aver that the “Santa in a sleigh” picture has an underlying reality in that the Cosmic Christ travels spiritually around the world for the “12 days of Christmas”, assessing the overall spiritual condition of the world. Perhaps.

My own view is that it does not really matter that our 20thC/21stC idea of Christmas would seem slightly odd to Victorian England, and downright alien to the English of Tudor times. It is our mental picture, our idea of what is sacred, our idea of what is worthwhile. It encapsulates what has gone before, and is of social and personal value.

Whatever the origins of Christmas as we know it, and however “inauthentic” some may claim it to be, the fact remains that we regard it as sort-of-sacred, even if in a sense it is not, and that includes the “Father Christmas” or “Santa Claus” figure in his red robes, even if he does only date back, in that form, to 1930s Disney and Coca-Cola. We do not like it being changed for obviously socio-political reasons.


Saw a few minutes on TV of some ghastly Christmas thing in Westminster Abbey yesterday. Some weird fellow looking like a Scottish down and out strumming on a guitar and, er, singing, while queen-to-be Kate accompanied on a piano. Not quite sure what the whole thing was, because I only saw a minute or two of it.

The Mezzotint

Saw a BBC adaptation of the M.R. James story, The Mezzotint. My expectations were not, if truth be told, high, but in fact this was an excellent short film. The original story was written in 1904, but the adaptation was, seemingly, set in the 1920s (judging by the props, clothes, and some music heard).

Even the fact that, typically for today, they shoehorned a non-European into the story (an anglicized Indian, or Anglo-Indian), did not jar, the way it was done. Pretty good.

I can recommend highly the 1995 documentary below, finely narrated by the late Bill Wallis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Wallis]:

Late music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

Diary Blog, 9 July 2021, including a few thoughts about the Church of England

Tweets seen

I am unsure as to whether Biden is a total clown in the Boris Johnson or Donald Trump mould, or actually demented in some way. A puppet of the Israel lobby, either way.

[from the 2016 US Presidential election]

I have never seen this level of fury from within the church during my 25 years as a priest.” [Giles Fraser in Unherd magazine].

“Fury in the Church of England” comes across as rather Fawlty Towers (“...bloodshed at the Nell Gwyn Tearooms“), but if there is anger, one can see why.

Sometimes, organizations with large amounts of capital assets continue under that momentum despite having relatively few adherents.

In the late 1970s, when I was a member of the Theosophical Library in London (but not a member of the Society of which it was part: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosophical_Society), I was told by the librarian of another library to which I belonged, the Rudolf Steiner Library, that the main reason why the Theosophical Society still existed was because it had vast monies, mainly coming from legacies bequeathed by elderly persons —mainly ladies— who died leaving much or all of their worldly wealth to the Society.

The Theosophical Society (though split into parts) owned (perhaps still owns) a large estate at Adyar, India, where Krishnamurti lived (when not in the USA), and other property such as the London house (in Gloucester Place) where the library and secretariat of the English society was and maybe still is based. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jiddu_Krishnamurti; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theosophical_Society_Adyar; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Besant_Nagar,_Chennai; https://theosophicalsociety.org.uk/about-us; https://www.rsh.anth.org.uk/library/.

I always feel that the Church of England is like that, a facade of ancient or beloved buildings, and a capital bank of billions of pounds of investment, behind which shelter a clergy many of whom seem to believe that, in the Nietzschean phrase, “God is dead”; and with really rather small congregations.

I cannot say that my own occasional encounters with C. of E. clergy have been very inspiring. Most recently, some months ago, some arse-faced “priestess” from a church in Didcot, Oxfordshire, joined in with some other idiot (I cannot recall whether it was “antifa” cheerleader Mike Stuchbery or another of the same type) to say something stupid about me. A third party tweeted to the said priestess of Dibley, I mean Didcot, and noted the said individual’s lack of Christian charity (or even fairness), after which the hypocrite deleted her tweet about me.

Incidentally, said “priestess” knew nothing of me beyond what she may have read in newspapers or tweets…[https://twitter.com/StPetersDidcot].

I wonder how long the Church of England would last if it did not have its portfolio of investments. Putting it flippantly, 5 minutes would be my guess.

Other churches, of the more “evangelical” sort, can also seem to have little real faith at all. When I lived (1980s) on and off, and for a few years, in the Blackheath/Lee area of South East London, I lived around the block from a church building which presumably had originally been some kind of mainstream place, but had been taken over by an American (I think) “church” patronized entirely (as seen from outside when passing on Sundays) by carefully dressed-up black people.

I was about to try to build a wall in the garden of my then girlfriend’s house, and was learning (from a book) how to do that. To that end, I noted other walls seen by me in my travels. One was around said church. I wanted to examine it in detail, so thought that I had better ask permission. I rang the bell, and an American-sounding man (white, though, unlike his congregation) came to the door. The “pastor”, apparently. I explained. He obviously did not believe me, and said that the church was very well protected against theft! He was accompanied by a snarling Alsatian. He did say that I could look at the wall from the grounds of the church, but added a few more words of the “you’re being watched!” type!

My then girlfriend always referred to that church (the real name of which I cannot recall) as “The Worldwide Church of God Inc.”! Quite. The sort of Americanized idea that if you are “godly”, you will probably also be wealthy. Corollary? If you are poor, you are probably ungodly. Theologically in error, surely?

Late afternoon music

More tweets seen


The exchange refers to Pollard (Editor of the Jewish Chronicle) writing to the employer of a tweeter who had pointed out that Labour is now led by a Jewish-lobby puppet (Starmer). The tweeter lost his job. His family (if any) will also suffer. All because a Jew Zionist supremacist was unable to accept that a non-Jew should be able to express himself on socio-political matters. Other similar Jews have been gloating (as seen on Twitter), smugly pleased that the non-Jew is (probably) suffering by reason of the malicious complaint.

I covered the matter in my blog yesterday (8 July 2021).

I myself have had to stand up under similar Jew-Zionist attack: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/, and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Others who have suffered from that kind of harassment have included Jez Turner of the now-defunct London Forum (at which I once spoke), Alison Chabloz, the satirical singer, and Jo Stowell, the photographer. Among many others.

[Jo Stowell, photographer]
[Alison Chabloz]

Late tweets


Interesting, if true.

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 November 2020

The invasion continues

The invasion across the Channel in small boats continues. Having said that, the real invasion, or 99% of it, is not like that. It is going on every day legally or semi-legally, via scheduled airport arrivals, student arrivals (many of whom never go home), “tourist” arrivals, work and business arrivals etc. A further “invasion”, even less obvious, is via births to non-European, non-white mothers in the UK.

The latest analysis shows that the real British people will be a minority in the UK by 2066. A very conservative date; I would suggest 2050 at latest. Possibly even 2040.

The NWO/ZOG “British” Government has no intention of stopping or even slowing the flow. Their only concern is to pull the wool over the eyes of the British people until it is too late.

I have blogged in the past about the necessary response, as things stand: social-national people must withdraw from the mainstream and form, not “communes” or collectives as such, but communities within suitable and already-existing towns and villages in one or two parts of the UK, in order to create a Schwerpunkt or concentration of force.

Such a concentration would develop real power, which would later retake the rest of the country.

More than 2,000 adult asylum seekers arriving in the UK have lied about their age to be processed less harshly in the system as children.  

Of the 3,755 ‘children’ investigated over their age by UK immigration since 2015 more than half were found to have been lying.” [Daily Mail]



The tragi-farce continues, despite all the evidence piling up of terrible public health outcomes generally, terrible financial and real-world economic pain looming ahead, and near-destruction of the civil liberties it took centuries to root in the British soil.


Well, it’s “lauding”, not “lording”! Still, if the cap fits…

As Nick Griffin has speculated, the System in the UK is itself split as respects “the Great Reset” and “the Great Replacement”.

The endless pathetic “advice”, “rules” etc emanating from ludicrously-misnamed “SAGE” (aka DUMB, the “Department Under Matt and Boris”) put me in mind of Khrushchev’s words against Malenkov (see Khrushchev’s memoirs); he said that colourless bureaucrats are the most dangerous people to be given power. You can see that in many of these Government “virus” pronouncements. It is as if they are telling themselves…

“…now, let’s see….task for today is to lay down some totally unnecessary rules for pubs…hm…ah, yes, booze with a full order of food = good, booze with a bar snack = not good, and so banned. Great; that will do…”

“Golf courses? Oh, no, golfing in groups has to be banned, even if the group is just a few people; but shooting birds? Fine…up to 30 people…the Conservative Party faithful and donors will love that.”

Tweets seen

The Church of England has been a joke for most of my lifetime, but now I feel that it has moved on even from that, and has slid to being a nullity, a complete and utter irrelevance. Sad, really, almost elegiac.

Of course it is a disgrace that MPs are to get a large pay increase at a time when so many are suffering, and when there will be a pay freeze for millions in the private sector as well as the public. Still, it may stoke justified resentment, and the next time an MP gets into trouble, scandal, or meets an unfortunate fate, there will be little sympathy.

We must now look at everything from a strict social-national and utilitarian point of view.

The UK msm is full of people such as Sonia Sodha [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonia_Sodha], working away to certain agendas. I wonder, in fact, how long it will be until newspapers like The Observer, unprofitable and ever-less influential, start to receive outright State subsidy on some such ground as “how necessary it is to retain a spectrum of opinion” (approved opinion, that is…).

We see msm drones and talking heads on, say, the Marr Show, or Sky News and BBC News newspaper reviews, but were any of them to seriously disrupt the narrative being put forward by the System, they would never appear again.

What worries me about the debate re. the facemask nonsense, the curfew, the “lockdowns” etc, is that we are in danger of losing sight of the big picture. “Coronavirus” has been weaponized for a purpose, the”Great Reset” and “Great Replacement” agenda. We must think how to achieve victory —against the odds— against that.

They seem to be a stout band of young people. Good to see their growing activities.


One of the 5 tweets that got me disbarred (at the instigation of a pack of Jews) in late 2016 was one —accurately— describing Sarkozy as a gesticulating little Jew. Well, seems that he had one or both of his gesticulating hands held out for bribes…

Late music

Diary Blog, 17 September 2020

That last one’s a killer! “...and how black people have to work harder than white people“! Since when? Maybe on a Boer farm in 1930, thanks to a few blows with a sjambok! Otherwise not.

Some of the replies to the original tweet are so “English” that they should be put in a glass case and exhibited alongside a copy of a Miss Marple book and photographs of England when it was a civilized white country. “You should write to the school“, opines one naive lady; “complain, with other parents“, writes another no doubt well-meaning lady…

When are these people going to realize that we, the white Northern peoples of the world, are in an existential war with the racially and culturally inferior?! The (((ones))) behind it all are sitting in North London gated communities, in Manhattan townhouses, on megayachts etc, manipulating the stupid (“Black Lives Matter” activists, “antifa” dupes etc) to do their bidding.

Members of the teaching “profession” are often prime examples of the rank and file of the brainwashed foot-soldiers of this war against us.

Writing polite letters, complaining to school staff, or to (often packed with enemies of British and European culture) boards of school governors etc will not “do de bizniz”.

Look below! This is what you are up against!

Because freedom of expression is now so repressed in the UK, I am effectively barred from writing what I want to write about what should be done. My readers will just have to read between the lines, as has always been the case in unfree countries.

More naivety

George Monbiot, Guardian columnist, on the possibility of a “new democracy”: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/16/extinction-rebellion-britain-democracy-protest-westminster

I like some of what Monbiot has to say about environmental matters, and even some of the cited article is not entirely misguided, but the taking of the cretinous “Extinction Rebellion” vandals as a positive example shows a very poor grasp on reality.

I have blogged about the Extinction Rebellion zealots already: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2020/09/08/diary-blog-8-september-2020-including-further-assessment-of-extinction-rebellion-as-well-as-of-tim-crosland-and-plan-b-etc/ ; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/.

If the present form of representative Parliamentary democracy is very unrepresentative, which it is, than how much less representative is the idea of “citizen’s assemblies” etc?

Extinction Rebellion has tried to get people elected once or twice (as Independents, because “XR” is not registered as a political party). Its “co-founder”, Roger Hallam, presently sitting in prison awaiting trial (unless out on bail) stood for election in the 2019 European Elections (for the London constituency). He achieved a vote of 0.04%, 924 votes out of nearly a quarter of a million votes cast.

History shows that “citizen’s assemblies” are always just brief episodes between one state imperium and another: Paris 1789, St. Petersburg and Moscow 1917, Berlin and Munich 1918 etc.

“Citizen’s assemblies” are either chaotic or have to be regularized, which makes them into rough and ready parliaments. As Stalin realized (maybe Trotsky too, thinking of Kronstadt), what then matters is who controls the secretariat behind the assembly…

Monbiot is right, though, in thinking that the present political and electoral system is broken. The UK needs not only a proportional form of voting, but (as mentioned in Monbiot’s article) something that ties taxation and spending closer to the people as a whole. Perhaps a proportion of government spending, whether 10% or 5% (or whatever) left to popular decision and meshed into the taxation system.

The Threefold Social Order concept has never been consciously tried, albeit that it is developing slowly anyway and has been since the Renaissance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding.

Some tweets seen today

Quite right. The proportion of white Northern Europeans in the world is declining fast. It is already a tiny fraction of what it was a century ago; yet white Northern Europeans are the only hope for positive future evolution of humanity.

I myself do not really know Coventry. I have only been there twice.

I first went to Coventry (to the famous rebuilt modern Cathedral) in 1964, perhaps, at the age of 7 or so. I recall the (literally?) “iconic” metal sculpture of Archangel Michael spearing the Devil (a false memory, I now see, because the Devil, though bound, is not actually speared).

Coventry Cathedral 2018.jpg

I also recall going into a snack bar (something my family hardly ever did) somewhere near that cathedral, and also visiting a large park which contained quite a few (I think) Indians talking in groups (there were then no Indians, Pakistanis —or blacks, for that matter— in Berkshire or Oxfordshire, at least I had never seen any, with the exception of an NHS consultant ENT doctor from the Caribbean who saw me a few times when aged about 6 or 7 at the Royal Berkshire Hospital).

I made a second visit to Coventry about 15 years ago. I stayed overnight in some Holiday Inn Express (I think). I did not see the better parts of Coventry (if any).

Musical interlude

How long before people really start to chafe?

Increasingly, nothing works in the UK, whether at central government level, local government level, or simply in the retail sphere, e.g. large companies such as Boots. The simplest things are either not done properly or not done at all.

I was just listening to the stupid woman Boris-idiot appointed to run the “Coronavirus” track-and-trace service (which is a total waste of time and money anyway, but let’s leave that aside). One Lady Dido Harding, who has apparently made a career of messing up one high-level job after another, but always getting another one by reason of connections.

Then we have Chris “Failing” Grayling, just appointed to a £100,000 a year job, which may not seem hugely overpaid (though it is several times what most people receive) until you realize that the salary will remunerate Grayling for “about 7 hours per week”. A day a week, and £100K a year… Nearly £300 per hour, or over £2,000 for a 7-hour week. On top of his MP salary (and expenses) and whatever else he is dragging down.

What does one expect of a country that has a useless c**t like Boris-idiot at its helm? I notice that even a deadhead like Toby Young has now woken up:

Yesterday, I blogged that Boris-idiot seemed crushed, in fact flattened, at PMQs. I do not entirely attribute that to Angela Rayner’s fairly brutal putdown. As I blogged, it seems to me that, for the first time, “Boris” has now himself woken up to the fact that his heart is not in the job of being a Prime Minister; perhaps also to the fact that he is useless at it.

Midnight music