Tag Archives: Ukraine invasion

Diary Blog, 31 January 2023

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

If I say so myself, my January 2022 analysis re. Ukraine has held up quite well, overall.

Tweets seen

God help anyone on the receiving end of that.

And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God.”

[Revelation 19:17]

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The human cost of war is terrible— on both sides.

Reminiscent of the exploits of Michael Wittman after the Normandy Landings in 1944:

Michael Wittmann (22 April 1914 – 8 August 1944) was a German Waffen-SS tank commander during the Second World War. He is known for his ambush of elements of the British 7th Armored Division during the Battle of Villers-Bocage on 13 June 1944. While in command of a Tiger I tank, Wittmann destroyed up to 14 tanks, 15 personnel carriers and two anti-tank guns within 15 minutes for the loss of his own tank…Wittmann became a cult figure after the war thanks to his accomplishments as a “panzer ace” (a highly decorated tank commander), part of the portrayal of the Waffen-SS in popular culture.”


[Waffen SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer Michael Wittman in May 1944]

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From the newspapers



Did you get that, Sunak, “Boris”-idiot, Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwarteng), Ben Wallace, Tobias Ellwood, Jeremy Hunt etc? Britain is doing worse than Russia

Meanwhile, the UK’s popular Press and TV outlets are replete with rich Jew know-alls such as Martin Lewis telling British people how to keep warm— by covering their windows with clingfilm and/or wearing heavy clothing indoors. Pathetic. Pathetic society, pathetic “Government”, pathetic “Opposition”.


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[German 16th Century, Three Couples in a Circle Dance, c. 1515, pen and brown ink with watercolor on laid paper, Rosenwald Collection 1964.8.1767]

Late tweets seen

The System parties are already trying to introduce it into UK cities such as Oxford.

Mugs” is the mildest description for “Jack Monroe” fans.

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 January 2023

Morning music

[Rome: the ruins of the Forum]

On this day a year ago

On the blog five years ago

Though my prediction for the next general election (2019) was wrong (I thought hung Parliament or small-majority Labour win), in my defence I can say that that election did not, in the event, happen until almost 2 years after the blog was posted (blog— January 2018, but General Election— December 2019). I think that the rest of the assessment has held up quite well.

Peter Hitchens


This was the moment at which we began the unstoppable descent into terrible danger which so many of us will bitterly regret in times to come.

I won’t waste time here going over the question of who started the Ukraine war, or even why. Most people don’t want to know and refuse to think about it, or to look up the facts. They defame and abuse anyone who tries to tell them. So to hell with that.

When the Defence Secretary announced that British tanks were going to Ukraine, not one MP raised any doubts or opposed the move. Not one. To read the record of the non-debate is like reading the proceedings of some Communist fake parliament, supine and brain-dead.

The country where political freedom was born has decided not to bother being free any more.

So it is left to me to tell you that it is an act of grave stupidity for the West to supply Ukraine with modern tanks. Unlike everyone else in the media and politics, I am not a military expert. But I know what tanks are for, and it is not defence.

What we have just decided to do is to prolong and deepen the war. Maybe Ukraine’s new tanks will sweep all before them. Maybe they will bog down. Maybe they will try to take Crimea. Maybe they will soon be taking part in a Victory Parade in Red Square. I don’t know. But if they cross into what Russia regards as its own territory, then do not be surprised by anything which happens.

...there is the real possibility that a large chunk of Europe might be turned into a radioactive graveyard and that American conventional retaliation for this (which will be furious and powerful) will take us a stage further into the world of horror, loss, flight, pestilence and poverty which always follows war.”

[Peter Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday].


The Cold War was frozen, formalized, mutual aggression. The world came close to disaster more than once, but the situation was at least stable. That was hard on the peoples of occupied Central and Eastern Europe, caged by the “Big Three” agreements of the WW2 period (Casablanca, Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam), but actually life there was not always and everywhere terrible— just worse (usually, mostly) and —overall— less free than in the (better parts of) Western Europe and North America.

That was better than nuclear war across Europe, the Soviet Union, and the USA.

The gradual collapse of socialism in the 1956-1989 period of 33 years meant that one of the two main pillars of that stasis collapsed, meaning that outside socio-economic and other forces could start to flow into what had been Soviet territory..

Without Soviet power in place, the whole Soviet system fell apart quite quickly. By 1991, the Soviet Union was history. Western goods and ideas flooded Russia and the newly-liberated or created states. Ukraine was, for the first time in history, an independent state (a simplification, but basically correct).

Instead of a genuine attempt to help Russia and other former components of Sovietism transition to a better society, there was a scramble to rule over Russia, and to exploit its people, taken part in not only by Jewish (yes, and other) interests in the West but also by Jews inside Russia, the so-called “oligarchs”. Some, such as Boris Berezovsky, have died (probably murdered, despite living in the UK), others have increased their security and moved permanently to the UK, USA, Israel etc.

I myself saw elements of that scramble, not only when I first visited Moscow in 1993, and not only in my year in Kazakhstan (1996-97) but also in other ways, e.g. by my sitting (1995-1996) on the Committee of the Central Asia and Transcaucasia Law Association [CATLA], a body set up by large law firms with interests in the post-Soviet states, with UK Government assistance.

Also later, when back in London, in the Caribbean, and elsewhere.

On the foreign policy side, the “New World Order” [“NWO”] tried to take over Russia, and nearly did so when Yeltsin was President. What prevented it was a combination of circumstances: Russian pushback fuelled by wounded pride, Putin taking over as President, the collapse of the dotcom bubble in the West, and the focus of the NWO shifting to its other major interest, i.e. destroying the states hostile to Israel; that was after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

The military aid being given has gone from small items of defensive “kit” (in the British military term) to large items of offensive armament, as Hitchens writes. There are few weapons more aggressive in offence than a tank.

I recall being at a CATLA meeting in London in late 1995 or early 1996 when an account was given of a report that day by telephone from Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan, then the epicentre of a civil war. The report had had to be curtailed because the person on the end of the line had suddenly said “I’m going— a tank has just come round the corner.” End of conversation.

As I recently blogged, 14 British tanks may not be much, but the Zelensky regime is all but demanding that other European states provide 300. Still a small number compared with those in action in 1943 at Kursk (over 8,000 tanks in total); however, in Egypt, Rommel’s initial advance on Alexandria involved about 300 German tanks.

The point is that the war is now getting to the point where, in the absence of a ceasefire or negotiated settlement, the Russians either have to recruit, train and deploy an army vast enough and powerful enough to overwhelm the forces of the Kiev regime in 2023, or go nuclear (whether tactical or even strategic).

The USA and UK (etc) are getting to the point where they might be seen as actual participants in the war.

Leaving the huge forces (mainly American) of NATO aside, there is no way for the Kiev regime to win this. Ukraine is becoming a country without electricity, it has little functioning industry now, 20% of its population has fled to other states, and its population is anyway a fraction of the size of that of Russia.

If the West (NWO/ZOG) does not stop supporting the Kiev regime, we are on and sliding down a slope which might well devastate all of Europe.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kursk.

Jack Monroe scandal

I shall believe that when she stops taking people’s money, particularly from those who have little to start with, and/or those who are vulnerable (even if they are utter mugs to send “Jack Monroe” anything at all).

Seems that the tweets referred to have been deleted (another habit of the “Bootstrap Cook”).

Another poor and/or financially-struggling “Jack Monroe” fan? Oh, no, wait…a dim-seeming librarian from the University of Bedfordshire (is there such a university? Maybe there is). She has obviously not seen any of the voluminous evidence against her idol.

A good description. Worthy of a social anthropologist, perhaps a bit —in manner— like David Attenborough, but specializing in Essex “grifters”.

Quite funny seeing all these terribly “concerned” and virtue-signalling women (mostly women), who are, unwittingly, simply advertizing their lack of nous.

…so tweets a total loony (another “not quite all there” “Jack Monroe” fanatic).

Yes. I recall “Jack Monroe” doing the same or similar about 4 months ago, around the time when I published my (entirely fair, but far too kind, as it turned out) assessment of her: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

There is no incentive for “Jack Monroe” to pause or stop her Patreon “grift”. After months of criticism and evidence presented, there are, as of today, still 635 utter mugs sending her money, between about £2,500 a month and about £30,000 a month (probably about £6,000 pcm). Why would she stop taking it? Certainly not because a few have threatened a small claim in the County Court. Those few can be paid off easily enough.

If other mugs donate via other channels, then “Jack Monroe” can simply say (or not even bother to say) “thank you very much” and keep the cash, using it for her own purposes, as she has done.

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[“Revenge— get down there where you wanted to send me, you unclean spirit!“]

Ha ha! The presumption of the girl there is incredible. Trying to grift a living as an “online influencer” or something, like thousands of others, from “Jack Monroe” and Owen Jones, through Julia Grace Patterson and others of that type, and right down to “who she?” types like the one in that tweet. She should get a job in a bottling plant or something (at least until robots take over completely).

Britain used to be a country that did things, real things, and had people at all levels who, many of them, were solid, even in the House of Commons etc. Now look…

Men (and women) of straw are now around in huge numbers and, if they were just to “disappear”, not only would I not care but in fact would actually applaud their removal.

Ha. Well put.

More tweets

It is truly incredible to see just how gullible so many of these “concerned” women are, the “Jack Monroe” partisans. She has been repeating those behaviours for years— angrily snarling and threatening, then pretending to stomp off from Twitter and/or pretending to have one of a whole host of physical and/or mental conditions, then claiming to have been “bullied” or “forced off Twitter”, after which she returns within a day or two (and counts up her new donations).

Yes, many rather unstable people who somehow imagine that by at least tweeting in support of “Bootstrap Cook”, they are striking a blow against the hated “Tories”. No so. The “Jack Monroe” assertion “I can feed someone on about 61p a day” (literally what she claims, feeding a family of four for £20 a week), plays into the idea that “welfare” (social security) benefits are perfectly adequate, or even too generous.

“Jack Monroe” now knows that, however outlandish her tall tales are, hundreds if not thousands of utter mugs will believe them all, and will think her a kind of saintly warrior against poverty and injustice, no matter what obvious lies she posts.

She has claimed, ludicrously, to have been involved with fighting the fire at Grenfell Tower, to have been in high-level discussions about Government inflation statistics, to have been so poor that she had to unscrew lightbulbs to save on electricity, and that she boiled down soap to make shower gel (!). All surely, plainly, lies, obviously so to any but the totally deluded, yet her often-mentally afflicted fans lap it up, either believing the lies, or believing that they somehow do not matter.

I agree with tweeter “Littlegiteshob”. It is absolutely incredible how stupid and guillible many are.

Look at that “@tomcheater”. Does not know what day it is.

More tweets

The French love massive demonstrations, but such events rarely change anything, not on their own.

When did huge marches in the UK change anything? A million marched against war in Iraq. Result— nothing. A couple of hundred thousand marched against “austerity”. Result— nothing.

So long as “Jack Monroe” has 635 utter mugs sending her a total of anywhere between £2,500 and £30,000 a month, I doubt whether she will feel any pressure to get a job. In any case, it is hard to imagine the kind of job for which she might be qualified, even leaving aside her alleged drug and drink problems, and her peculiar mentality.

Some tweeters are enraged that “Jack Monroe” has (for the umpteenth time) used faked (probably faked, allegedly faked) physical illness or feared illness, and also mental illness including suicide hints, to garner sympathy, deflect from her fraudulent or near-fraudulent “grifting”, and also to collect even more money from naive people on Twitter etc: see below

Why tweeter “@Calderpeople” thinks that “Jack Monroe” has no money any more, I have no idea. After all, the 635 Patreon mugs are still presumably paying up, and the Thrifty Kitchen book is out, though I suspect not selling well; I believe around 400 copies, including Kindle, per week. I may be slightly out, but think that each sale gets the authoress about £1, though possibly less, possibly more. See https://www.societyofauthors.org/Where-We-Stand/buying-choices/How-do-authors-get-paid.

That is on a price of £9.99 for the hardback, the original cover price of £19.99 having been abandoned, in effect.

I do think that the msm has almost dropped “Jack Monroe” now. I notice that, apart from the Independent, the newspapers have not much covered the release of the book; a few fairly low-circulation magazines have.

This, from 2020, made me laugh: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7925127/This-Morning-viewers-slam-food-writer-Jack-Monroes-three-meals-5.html.

I was surprised to see how small she is, even up against the TV people, who are not giants:

Was someone that tiny really trained (for a while), and as she claims, as a firefighter? To me, that seems very doubtful.

“Anthea Rogers” (possibly “Jack Monroe” in disguise) weighs in:

“Jack Monroe” and cocaine

A word about the alleged cocaine abuse by the “Bootstrap Cook”: I find it interesting that (until recently) she was being supported publicly by the Jewish TV cook, Nigella Lawson, and by the (also Jewish) food critic Jay Rayner, as well as by Tom Parker Bowles (food writer, and son of Queen Camilla).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigella_Lawson; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Rayner; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Parker_Bowles.

I have never seen any suggestion that Jay Rayner is a cocaine abuser, despite his playing jazz piano with his own Rayner Quartet.

Having said that, I now see:

Also, he was expelled from school over cannabis use: see https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/news/jay-rayner-pilloried-in-public-over-school-suspension-for-drug-use-39222774.html.

As for Nigella Lawson, she has admitted that she has (“in the past”) abused cocaine and other drugs on a number of occasions (read “regularly“?).

Then we have Tom Parker Bowles. God knows what Brigadier Parker-Bowles, his father (who was Commanding Officer of the Household Cavalry and Silver-Stick-in-Waiting to the late Queen Elizabeth), thinks of his son’s choice of career. Not that it is inherently bad, and it must be lucrative, but I wonder all the same whether there is parental disappointment.

Tom Parker Bowles has admitted being a cocaine abuser: see https://www.theguardian.com/drugs/Story/0,2763,207412,00.html; and also (“in the past”), a drug supplier or dealer: see https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/6635934.camillas-son-drugs-supplier/.

With these blots on humanity, it is always “occasionally” or “in the past“, nicht wahr?

So all three? Or just two? Still, “two out of three ain’t bad” [Meatloaf].

Interesting co-incidence, though, even in this decadent and degenerate society.

Late music

Diary Blog, 19 December 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Not necessarily “forever“…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dewsbury#Recent_history.

Don’t confuse real Romanian people with Roma Gypsies, though.

…and in England, most of the well-meaning (?) virtue-signallers who gave up parts of their homes to Ukrainians (often total ingrates) have found that they now cannot easily get rid of those nuisances (few of which are either genuine “refugees” or indeed poor).

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[Red Square, Moscow, 1946]

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Is that (the £8.4M) true? If so, how?

Liz Truss graduated from university in 1996. After that, she worked for Shell for not more than 4 years, until 2000. Her position was just a low-grade graduate-entry one, during which employment she also qualified as a management accountant; she left in 2000 to join Cable and Wireless, and was there for 4-5 years, but although she did eventually get appointed Economic Director, she was only at that level for a year or two at most.

Liz Truss was also Deputy Director of the Reform think-tank for a year or so (2008/2009).

After having won a House of Commons seat in 2010, Liz Truss was a backbench MP for 2 years, and gained minor preferment 2012-2014, joining Cabinet in 2016. She was, therefore, a Cabinet minister for 6 years until she became Prime Minister in 2022 for the notoriously and historically-short period of 44 disastrous days.

So from where does the £8.4M come? Surely not from her family, who though not poor were employed persons (father an academic, mother a schoolteacher); I have not heard tell of any considerable family money.

As for Truss’s long-suffering husband, he is a chartered accountant, so again, while not poor, scarcely living in great opulence amid heavy wealth.

Liz Truss cannot have begun to make more than a modest salary until about 2004, had 2-3 years out of employment (she has two children, and also took time out for reasons of political careerism etc) until 2008, and she ceased to be employed (prior to becoming an MP) in 2009 or early 2010. In other words, she probably only had ~4 years of relatively high earning.

A Cabinet minister and MP is paid a total of around £160,000 (plus expenses), but the £160K is taxed, and she was only earning that for 6 years.

The mystery or puzzle remains: if Liz Truss really does have assets of £8.4M (even if you include those of her husband) from where did the money come?

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss#Professional_career.

Ha ha! Look at the “selection process” for MPs. They are often selected either because they know the right people and/or went to school with them, or worked with them previously in some way; or they are selected because they have paper “qualifications” which look good but in reality are not worth a hill of beans.

For example, “Oxford degree” (which these days is scarcely worth squat, and 94% of them are now either “Firsts” or “upper seconds”).

Many MPs (refer to, e.g., my “Deadhead MPs” series on the blog) also more or less invent a fake CV— fake or embellished academics, non-existent private business “successes” (e.g. companies that were set up, but which actually made no money), worthless business or other qualifications and/or “letters after the name”, such as meaningless “doctorates”, or a couple of years at the bottom level of the Bar, or even membership of bodies such as the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA), etc.

All of the above, plus an air of confidence, easily impresses provincial selection committees.

Even those MPs exposed (later, after having been selected and then “elected”) usually manage to shrug off their dishonesty. Look at Iain Dunce Duncan Smith, an egregious example. Invented or hugely embellished his education (rock-bottom poor at secondary level, and then made up a fake degree from an Italian university he never actually attended; also turned a corporate in-house course lasting 2 weeks into a “management diploma”). Then his embellishment of a very underwhelming military career. And so on.

The fact is that Liz Truss is only one of very many MPs who are, in reality, mediocre or worse, and have been right from the start.

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The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

I certainly agree with that. This ghastly mess should never have happened as it has developed. The Russian High Command and GRU should have eliminated the Jew Zelensky —and his corrupt and dictatorial coterie— before (just before) launching an all-out and swift advance, including mass paratroop landings, on Kiev. One single and massive knockout blow for the sake of mercy, to save the civilian population from attack and misery, and to achieve the main objective before the NWO/ZOG support from USA etc could be mobilized.

The human cost (in Russia as well as in Ukraine) has been terrible: see tweet below

Saint-Just said that “no-one can rule guiltlessly“, but a leader must always be aware of the hurt even the most necessary actions entail. The human cost of war is terrible.

May be true. The Western msm is concealing other Kiev-regime war crimes (eg field-execution of Russians captured in battle or otherwise).

More tweets

Radio loudmouth James O’Brien, one of the least pleasant msm drones. A rather ignorant person, posing as erudite and principled.

As blogged previously, my opinion of “Jack Monroe” has gone from mildly supportive (several years ago) to slightly critical (see my blog post of three months ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/) to very critical (now).

As for “her lawyer“, well that is or was the egregious Mark Lewis, now resident in Israel: see, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

The case in which Mark Lewis acted for “Jack Monroe”, as her solicitor (I believe that he instructed both leading and junior Counsel who appeared in court as her advocates) was a not-very-difficult defamation action against social commentator Katie Hopkins: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monroe_v_Hopkins.

Ms. Hopkins had to sell her house to cover not the award made (only £24,000) but the c.£300,000 legal costs, being mainly those of the claimant (“plaintiff“, as was): see https://www.devonlive.com/news/property/katie-hopkins-luxury-devon-home-1526502.

I am not sure that I believe that “Bootstrap Cook” now has a lawyer, as such, but we shall see. She threatened to sue MP Lee Anderson [Con, Ashfield], and Martin Daubney, “alt-right” (?) political commentator, but that was in mid-May this year, seven months ago. In theory, “Jack Monroe” has time, until early to mid-May 2023, in which to issue proceedings, but the courts may not take kindly to issuance which is only just in time, and so far no preliminary correspondence has been received (I read), so it is unlikely that any action will now take place.

Video commentary

Frequent readers of my blog will know that I am interested in the ~33-year cycle: 1923, 1956, 1989, 2022…

The vlogger above mentions other things that have resonated with me for some time, such as how few people really understand our technology; I do not mean how to use it, but how to recreate, or even to repair it if necessary. Very very few.

Late tweets

The “Jack Monroe”/”Bootstrap Cook” fall from grace continues to stir the Twitter teacup:

Fake indeed. I heard some inside track in 2010 (well before the election which brought into being the “Con Coalition”) about planned slashing of spending by the Labour Government.

For people such as tweeter “David Townsend” (“@DavidTo60389264”), creatures such as the Swedish Autistic, Meghan Mulatta, and “Jack Monroe” are somehow fighters for the Good. What can one say?

Other late tweets seen

Christmas University Challenge

Once again, watched a heat of the pre-Christmas alumni contest, this time the School of Oriental and African Studies [SOAS], London University, against Balliol College, Oxford.

I think that I recognized only one player, the Daily Telegraph journalist/commentator, Sherelle Jacobs [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherelle_Jacobs].

As I expected, Balliol won easily but, to be frank, were no better than mediocre. As for SOAS, the oft-seen term “OMG!” is what comes to mind. One half-caste-looking youngish woman whose name I cannot now recall (she apparently specializes in “racism”…wouldn’t you know?…) actually thought that Mozart was still alive in 1976! There were several other absurdities almost as incredible from her and the other SOAS alumni. Almost unbelievable, even for a cynic (reluctant cynic) such as me.

How did I do? Better than both teams put together, to be immodestly frank.

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 March 2022, including Ukrainian bio-labs and my own experience of visiting Porton Down

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Homeschooling is better, and (contrary to what many believe) not illegal in the UK.



When I was still a practising barrister in London, I was trying, around 1995, to get funding and support for an EU-award-winning project to make fuel out of biomass (I called it “gold out of straw”). I approached, to that end, two embassies, the Ukrainian and the Cuban.

Both Ukraine and Cuba had large amounts of biomass normally burned or left to rot, the unwanted surplus from agriculture (in the case of Cuba, mostly sugar-cane, in the case of Ukraine from grain crops, mostly wheat). Both countries needed fuel. Also, both countries were replete with scientifically and technically-trained people.

The Cuban Embassy ignored my letter, i.e. were useless bastards who deserved to wither on the vine (as they have done since); the Ukrainian Embassy was more interested. I was invited to meet, at first briefly, the then Ambassador, at the Embassy, which was then in Notting Hill (somewhere in the Holland Park area now).

The Ambassador, a Mr. Komissarenko, who now has his own Wikipedia page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serhiy_Komisarenko] turned out, by lucky chance, to be a biochemist by training. He was a rather charismatic character (a former Deputy Prime Minister, who even had Presidential aspirations), and was very interested in visiting the British biological research (and “germ warfare”) laboratories at Porton Down, Wiltshire, which (partly-privatized) was the location of the lab and offices of the “gold out of straw” project.

A week or so later, I travelled with the Ambassador, his Scientific Attache, and a driver, to Porton Down. His driver, in a Lexus limousine, made the most of diplomatic immunity, running red lights from Notting Hill to outer London, then cruising at top speed down the A303. I thought that we must be going below the speed limit, so smooth and quiet was the ride, until I looked at the speedo— over 130 mph. We made Porton Down, on Salisbury Plain, a distance of about 90 miles, in about 40 minutes. Lexus make good cars.

After an initial hiccup at the sentry post, when the Ambassador, of all people, was not on the guards’ list, we entered the huge area, and the Ambassador was introduced to the main scientist on the Project, an elderly, gruff —and in fact hard to talk to— North Country boffin, Professor Someone-or-other, and the rest.

Anyway, an interesting day all in all, with a late pub lunch after we were checked out, and animated discussion between the Ukrainian and British or British-Iranian sides (one scientist, whom, with his brother and mother, I in fact knew personally, was one of a family that had fled Iran in the 1970s, the Ayatollahs’ regime having hanged the head of the family).

Porton Down is in a heavily military area. We were just starting to head back to London, down some country lane, when a British Army patrol, in full combat gear and camouflage cream, encountered us. The soldiers immediately went down on one knee. The officer then waved us on.

In the end, the project was at too early a stage for the Ukrainians. They wanted something more or less ready to begin producing on an industrial scale, so nothing came of it (and I missed out on what might have been a big fee). Still, interesting.

I saw some time ago from Wikipedia that Komissarenko was, perhaps still is, head of a biochemical institute in Ukraine. Ukraine seems to have a number of such institutes and laboratories. I wonder what they all do.

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…and Hong Kong Chinese.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Migration-invasion. White Genocide.

This is not confined to the US or UK, though they are they are most heavily affected (with, possibly, Australasia). It is a general trend in the dying West. Conformism, and pseudo-“liberal” illiberalism.

You cannot “debate” such creatures (even if you were so inclined). The only thing to do is eliminate them.

Get Macron out, or otherwise dispose of him. My assessment from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Mia Farrow?! Is she still around? I wonder whether she will be as gung-ho about war with Russia when a missile with a nuclear warhead lands in her Californian suburb?

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We rarely get visitors at this time of year...”

So much for lovely liberal Ukraine…

Can Ukraine now be called a functioning state at all? Seems to be behaving just like some kind of bandit regime…

That nincompoop should be asking himself why Britain should risk nuclear war with Russia for the sake of a Jew-ruled bandit state.

The real answer, though, lies in the fact that the “British” government is just “ZOG” and part of the New World Order plan, or “NWO”.

Late tweets

The Second World War was triggered when Germany invaded the territory of Poland (as did the Soviet Union), Britain and France having given Poland worthless guarantees that would be activated upon such invasion.

Britain and France could not save Poland from invasion, or be in any way involved in the matter, but those “guarantees” still meant that a world war was triggered.

In fact, without going into tiresome detail, the German invasion was partly the result of 20 years of Polish provocations.

Now we see, once again, Poland provoking matters, this time by having decided to supply Ukraine with fighter aircraft.

Many of Ukraine’s airfields are out of commission by reason of Russian attack. Will such aircraft now take off from and later land in Poland, having attacked Russian forces? What happens if Russian forces attack those bases in Poland? Poland is a NATO member now. Will NATO then take up arms against Russia?

This whole situation is in danger of sliding toward world war. Look at the deadheads in control in the UK, USA etc. I do not necessarily exclude Russia, not after this botched invasion that has trashed Russia’s reputation worldwide. The GRU and Russian Army need a profound reorganization.

Anything could now happen.

Hard to know what to make of the rumours that US Navy Seals and/or Delta Force are about to take the Jew Zelensky to safety in Poland, Lithuania, or elsewhere. Maybe. Certainly Zelensky is key. Were he to be captured or killed, the Russians would probably be able to take and hold Kiev more easily.

There is beginning to be a grim inevitability about events, which brings to mind 1939 and 1914.

I saw some idiot on a bicycle yesterday, fully masked in the cold wind. These “mask remainers” are mentally-ill, basically.

Quite. Most “British” athletes are now blacks. In fact, the “holy football” in the UK is now, mostly, “my blacks can beat your blacks”.

.”..and so administration slowly collapsed in Britain” [possible extract from a history book, hundreds of years from today].

At best, a useless millstone round the neck; at worst, hostile and even dangerous. We don’t need them, and don’t want them.

Daniel Hannan is the sort of person whose superficial intelligence and education conceals a deeply-rooted and eccentric stupidity.

The very idea that Boris-idiot is more than a loudly trumpeting bystander in world events is not even worth discussing.

Late music

Diary Blog, 18 February 2022

Afternoon music

[painting by Rob Hefferan]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Any schoolteachers of that sort should be removed.

The Reich dealt with similar problems in Germany in the 1930s:

[“Out with it!“]

Below, more evil nonsense, this time from Brighton: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10527267/Parent-fury-Brighton-primary-schools-tell-students-NOT-say-mum-dad.html

…which is why the Gilets Jaunes in France failed— no leadership and no ideology.

I noticed that when I returned to live full-time in England in 2009: the main System party conferences were convocations of the elderly, to a large extent. The Conservative Party Conferences poorly attended, and almost entirely by persons over the age of 70, with a sprinkling of appalling young would-be careerists aged about “seventeen and three-quarters”.

The Scottish Young Conservatives “held a conference and no-one came”, and which was cancelled after only six applications for tickets were received.

The same was true of the other System parties: the LibDem conferences became so small that it became hard for the public relations people to photograph the almost non-existent audiences in a way that suggested large attendance.

However, the victor has been, not radical political ideology of any type, but apathy. Overall, the young (meaning under-21s, or even under 28s) are sunk in the meaningless miasma of “reality” (unreality) TV, of social media and trash TV “influencers” and “celebrities” of whom I at least have never heard, and suchlike. There are no political ideologies or leaders who interest them at all. Even Corbyn’s supposed popularity among the young was very overplayed, and has now evaporated.

More tweets

…and, equally sad, it will not be replaced. Local councils tend to be anti-tree, especially anti large trees. They point to such events (which happen in any particular place once in a century, really), and say that “health and safety” is better served by no trees, or by small trees and bushes.

The majesty and depth of trees, especially large and tall trees, is lost on the average local council drone. It goes hand in hand with the overdone fear of many householders about “what if the nearby tree crashes onto my house?” (which is a very rare sort of event), and the petty “my pink half of the drainpipe” attitude of those who hate trees on neighbouring properties.


It seems that the police-state measures brought in by Trudeau will exempt ethnic minorities, “refugees” etc!

You really could not make it up.

When is some Canadian or other going to deal with this dictator?

Historical note


More tweets

The tyranny would be forced to rethink if Trudeau and the Canadian MPs supporting him came under direct attack.

Trudeau must be removed, by any means necessary.

Late tweets

If so, strike swiftly and overwhelmingly for the sake of minimizing civilian and other casualties; a Blitzkrieg for mercy’s sake.

The reports of sabotage, unexpected explosions, cyber-attacks etc would seem to indicate that the countdown has begun. The main approach of heavy armour, tracked artillery, and infantry will be preceded by intensive strategic attacks by GRU and Spetsnaz units, designed to create confusion and uncertainty.

This has to be. The map of Europe can be reset, and the NWO/ZOG plans disrupted and parried.

The “fog of war” now starts before the war.

Late music

[panorama of Kiev and the river Dnieper]