Tag Archives: Ludmilla Matthews

Diary Blog, 25 February 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

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Sir Maurice Oldfield [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Oldfield] knew better. He actively encouraged young foreigners to study in the UK, on the basis that, at the very least, they would be influenced by British attitudes and culture. Whether that would now be a good thing, the UK having been trashed by lower cultures etc, is an open question. Still, the point yet stands.

Also, without even getting into matters of direct “espionage”, young persons who study at British schools and colleges are quite likely to harbour friendly feelings towards British people —and so the UK— years later, when they might have developed into high-ranking members of their native societies (though I suppose that, in some cases, the reverse might be so!).

Here are more of that individual’s words of “wisdom”:

The above could be said, with far more justice, of both the Arab and the Jewish/Israeli infiltration, particularly the latter. “…It has had a corrupting influence on politics, finance, law, property…and education, and it needs to be removed. That needs to start now.”

…and the Russian influence is far less influential and, indeed, corrupting, because there are few Russians long-embedded in British society (usually poor emigres from the time of the 1917 Revolution, or from the 1940s), whereas there are maybe as many as 300,000 Jews in the UK, mostly in London.

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UK minister calls for overthrow of Putin


It seems that the UK minister calling for Putin’s overthrow is James Cleverly, the “mixed race” “Conservative” who has climbed higher than expected for someone whose only paper qualification is a “degree” in “Hospitality Management” from a “McUniversity”.

I notice that the rather polemical Daily Mail report is written by Owen Matthews [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Owen_Matthews].

Incidentally, I was slightly acquainted with that journalist’s mother, Ludmilla Matthews, nearly 40 years ago, around 1983. In fact, she was one of those who taught me on a part-time Russian course (about 3 or 4 classes per week, of which she taught one class), at a language school in Central London. A nice though quite reserved lady, who walked with a limp.

I was unaware of her background in detail until I happened to read, around 2012, Owen Matthews’ interesting book, Stalin’s Children, which was partly about Ludmilla Matthews and her harsh life as a child in the Soviet Union under Stalin and in time of war (early 1940s).

How time flies! Owen Matthews must have been about 12 when I was taught by his mother. Now he is over 50.

I recall Ludmilla Matthews once saying that a Russian phrase I used (I think that the class she taught was Russian Conversation) was “stylish“. Praise is always remembered…

I also remember Ludmilla Matthews because I was in her little class (about 10 people) one afternoon when I was “abducted” by a striking girl with very long hair, who strode into her class before it had finished, looked at me and said “ah, you’re the one. Come with me“!

I may blog about that incident later in detail, but suffice it to say for now that the girl later claimed that I looked exactly like St. Herman of Alaska, of whom I had never heard (apparently, there was such a body: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_of_Alaska). Not quite sure how to take that, though I did have a beard at the time!

That girl also said that she had an icon of St. Herman above her bed (in Kensington), and would I like to see it? Well, ever one to jump in where the angels fear to tread, I did go with her. I thought at the time that she must have some position in the language school (near Warren Street/Euston Square) because, inter alia, she (with me hesitating at the door) walked straight into another room where a Russian called Vitya was holding a class consisting of only three young members of the West German Foreign Ministry, with whom I was in fact slightly acquainted. She spoke quite peremptorily to the said Vitya before sweeping out again.

Suffice to say that I never did see the girl’s bedroom, or her icon…This needs a longer telling of the story, though. Anyway, a week or two later, Ludmilla Matthews told me that that girl had mental health problems, was actually dangerous, and had once turned up at the Matthews’ home with a young Australian naval officer whom she had encountered on the London Underground and had “abducted”, like me, but by use of a different story.

Still, that is, in detail, a tale for another blog post, and some other time.

Wider questions re Ukraine and Russia

Russia/Ukraine on a map of Eurasia:

[Wikipedia: The Kurgan hypothesis places the Volga-Dnieper region of southern Russia and Ukraine as the urheimat of the Proto-Indo-Europeans.[29]]

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russia; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late morning music

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It may be that the Jew clown currently posing as President of the Ukraine has fled. Situation as I write— still unclear.

If Zelensky has fled, he will probably have gone either to Lvov (300+ miles west of Kiev) or overseas, perhaps to Poland. Lvov seems most likely.

At present, reports indicate that both main airports near Kiev are being contested by Russian and Kiev regime troops. If at least one airport is secured by Russian forces, then reinforcements will pour in from deeper in Russian territory. Fresh troops. That alone would probably tip the balance of the battle for Kiev.

As I write, there are reports that there are Russian tanks already in the streets of Kiev. Again, situation not quite clear.

So far, there seems little appetite among the civilian population for a battle with Russian forces. That may be because, after all, the two countries and peoples are closely-linked ethnically, linguistically and historically. It is not the same as Middle Eastern cities resisting the ISIS barbarians, or 1945 Berlin resisting the Red Army. The Russians are not going to deliberately brutalize the civilian population, and the Ukrainian civilians are aware of that.

UK msm

Interesting to see that the obsessions of the UK msm over the past few years are now chased off the news agenda: “Covid”, facemask nonsense, “vaccines”, “boosters” etc, “Black Lives Matter”, climate change, Greta Nut (the unpleasant Swedish autistic) etc.

It would be good were the UK msm at least to attempt unbiased analysis, rather than behaving in as “controlled” a fashion as, well, Russian TV…

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Very irresponsible for the Jew-Zionist Kiev regime to incite the population to resist the Russian Army with Molotov cocktails etc. That could only end one way. I doubt that many will heed the call.

That may be so, but this is only a matter of time. The Ukrainian forces cannot prevail. The country is now under blockade by sea and air and only has open borders to the west. That means that food will start to run short, as will fuel for cars and other motorized transport.

I still think that the Kiev regime will fall within a day or so. It will probably try to set up an alternative “capital city” at Lvov. Were I myself in Putin’s boots, I should probably allow that to happen, then concentrate on, firstly, installing a puppet regime/government in Kiev, and then, secondly, securing Ukraine east of the Dnieper, as well as the Black Sea coast. Such a strategy would leave Russia in rulership over all of the 7 major Ukrainian cities except Lvov, and also in control of almost all significant power plants, as well as all sea and river ports, including Odessa, the only really large port.

[BBC map showing current military situation around Kiev]

Alison Chabloz

The latest blog post by persecuted satirist and singer, Alison Chabloz: https://alisonchabloz.com/.

[Alison Chabloz]

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True up to a point, but Russia’s forces have been greatly upgraded in the past 10-20 years, whereas Ukraine’s have been trashed by 30 years of shambolic, corrupt, and near-meaningless “independence”. Also, it can only be a matter of time before fuel for the remaining Ukrainian tanks runs out. Tanks use a lot of fuel. Russia has command of the skies, too, and it seems that the Kiev regime has lost 10%, maybe 20% or more of its small air force.

What Russia (and Putin) lacks is ideology. There is no ideology, which underpins strategy. There is only a very vague Russian nationalism and (even more vague) pan-Slavism. That should mean that Russia poses little aggressive threat to Central and Western Europe, but the ruling circles and secret cabals of the West will make sure that their populations fail to understand that.

Hard to see why Putin would bother with the Jewish/Zionist Kiev regime now, with his forces encircling all or most main cities, including Kiev itself. Maybe as a tactic.

While any such talks are in progress, the roads will be increasingly full of Russian tanks, and the skies full of the canopies of Russian parachute forces.

Strategically, the Kiev regime has already lost. Its forces cannot be resupplied, not even by land from Poland (because the Russians have near-supremacy of the air), and with food starting to run out in Kiev, the ability or even wish of the civilian population, and military forces, to resist, will be sapped.

What matters now, or will matter soon, is what is going to happen, both politically and militarily, after the inevitable Russian victory; focussing on the three areas of significance (Kiev, the territory east of the Dnieper, and the Black Sea littoral).

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This is a provocation that is entirely unnecessary from the British point of view. Estonians have a right to their own society and government, but are being used as a platform for NATO (i.e. NWO, the New World Order plan).

Anyway, one has to ask why no-one in the msm (except Peter Hitchens) is questioning what British interest there is in supporting the shambolic and corrupt Jewish regime in Kiev, a regime which will probably not last beyond the weekend.

Talk about “poking the Bear”…but soon the Kiev regime will have no armed forces anyway.

Late tweets

Kolomoisky. Jew, of course: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ihor_Kolomoyskyi.

If British troops were to fire on Russian troops, whether from Poland, Romania, or the North Pole, the response would be immediate and massive. That Alicia Kearns woman must be as thick as two short planks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alicia_Kearns. As for Tom Harwood, he has proven time and again that he is an idiot. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Harwood.

Henry Bolton is that ridiculous waste of space who tried to be UKIP leader briefly, together with his vacuous and much younger girlfriend. This Ukraine situation really is bringing out every woodentopped deadhead in England. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Bolton_(British_politician).

Sturgeon now attempting to be taken seriously on the international stage. Ha ha! Ukraine is meant to be a tragedy, not a comedy…

You would think so, if you were to assess that based on the biased UK msm, or the stupid comments of Tom Tugendhat.

Out with her!

Late thoughts about the Ukraine situation

If there is an urban guerrilla “war” (brief war) in Kiev, it will be unpleasant but will not last long at all.

Russian forces are in or by Kiev already. They are probably waiting for reinforcements. If reports are correct, the Russians have still not brought up more than 25-30% of their immediately-available strength. Behind that, they have hundreds of thousands more, should that be necessary.

Time is actually on the Russian side now overall. They can be resupplied, the Kiev regime forces cannot. Fuel, food, ammunition.

To attack Russia directly from the UK, as some foolish people advocate, or even to send troops to assist the Kiev regime, would be a death sentence for a very high proportion of the British people. Russia has 6,200 nuclear warheads and bombs (the UK has about 120).

This is not Britain’s fight. The Kiev regime is a disguised dictatorship anyway. Also, Russia has overall about 20x the conventional military power available to the UK, if not more.

Russia now has no choice but to wade through blood to a victory of sorts. Magna mater…

Late music