Tag Archives: safe zones

Diary Blog, 15 March 2024

Afternoon music

[Pushkin State Museum, Moscow]


Most readers of the blog will be aware that I was sentenced yesterday for breach of the notorious Communications Act 2003, s.127, a law so defective that the Law Commission has recommended its repeal.

I shall blog about my trial and sentencing hearing etc either later today or tomorrow.

Today, the most important thing is to think about forward strategy.

We see, in the Britain of today, a level of repression on free speech and/or freedom of expression never seen previously, not even during times of war, at least since the 17th Century.

Countries which are not cohesive, and which are sometimes called “diverse”, always have to have tyrannical police and secret police, and repressive laws. The modern paradigm, I suppose, was the Soviet Union.

My trial last November, and yesterday’s sentencing hearing was only one small example of the repression which is still increasing. Israel-lobby puppet Michael Gove introduced his “extremism” proposals and was supported by such as “Lord Walney” (the former MP, John Woodcock, who had to step down as MP after sex-pest allegations etc), who has always been a vocal advocate for Israel and its lobby in the UK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Woodcock,_Baron_Walney#Adviser_on_Political_Violence_and_Disruption.

In fact, Gove, a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, seems to be mainly targeting entirely non-violent British groups such as Patriotic Alternative, already attacked both by State agencies and private interests (as when Sam Melia and his wife, Laura Towler were “de-banked” for political reasons a few years ago). See also https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Incidentally, “Labour” supports the latest anti-free speech repression. At least, those with power in the Labour Party: Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc; all Labour Friends of Israel members.

I analyzed the question of “extremism” etc in the UK six years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

What I want to do here is look at “what now?“, in the context of a British society where free speech (especially speech critical of “certain groups”) is finished, at an end, extinct.

Nick Griffin was (also) on the right track when he tweeted (and I think that his views remain the same) that there was “no Parliamentary road” to power for us as social-nationalists, but that we should avoid getting involved in “terrorism” (hard to define, of course, but let that lie for now).

The Parliamentary road is no good mainly because the game is so rigged that the Chicago mobs of the 1920s would feel ashamed. Look at the latest Israel-lobby-procured “extremism” nonsense coming out of Gove and the rest. That means that entirely lawful bodies such as Patriotic Alternative (mentioned by name by Gove) would never be able to take part in elections (certainly not if they looked like having success), might well find it hard to hold bank accounts, or operate any “regulated” mass media etc.

Of course the “antifa” clowns (unwitting pawns of “others”) will think this all wonderful, at first. Later, of course, they will find themselves fed into the meat-grinder.

As for anything approaching the usual view of “terrorism”, that would have no chance even were it morally acceptable. The State holds all the cards— police, military power, secret and security services, arms and ammunition, the mass media (more or less), and pretty tight control over international travel; and so on.

Griffin is right when he suggests that the answer is to withdraw, as far as possible, from mainstream society. I have blogged a bit about that in the past: see, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/02/03/diary-blog-3-february-2021-including-more-thoughts-about-prepping/. The search box on the blog has many other relevant posts.

I think that that has to be the way forward. It is in concord with Clausewitz and his views (in another context) re. concentration of forces, sometimes referred to as a kind of Schwerpunkt, or focussed point or area.

Late music

[Hitler on the terrace at the Berghof]

Diary Blog, 21 January 2024

Morning music

[Florida Keys after storm, 1940s]

Tweets seen

As said several times before on the blog:

It is not, for me, a question of “hating” non-whites, but of providing a platform for the evolution of consciousness, for the eventual development of what might be called a “super-race”, in the sense of a people whose capacities would be seen by us, today, as “superhuman”.

Only the European people, speaking ethnically, can provide that platform and foundation for the later development. That is why we must oppose importation of non-whites into Europe, not because we “hate” them as such but because, primarily, their presence in Europe makes more likely a mixed-race population, which would make further evolution impossible.”

I have blogged many times about these questions (to read my posts, search, via the search box on the blog, for “social-national communities” and/or “safe zones” and/or “prepping”).

In 1932, Australia Started an ‘Emu War’—And Lost It sounds like a joke, but the Great #EmuWar of Western Australia was real. Soldiers with #machineguns were deployed to fight off the flightless birds. What did the emus do to deserve armed combat?

Western Australian farmers had been facing hard times with their crops following the Great #Depression, and their difficulties increased tenfold with the arrival of some 20,000 emus migrating inland during their breeding season. The birds had been protected as a native species until 1922, but now that they were classified as “vermin,” all bets were off.

The farmers relayed their concerns to the government, which called upon a deputation of ex-soldiers—many now farmers—from the first #WorldWar, who requested the use of machine guns to fight off the emus.

The battle began in early November 1932, when the soldiers encountered a lock of about 50 emus and succeeded in killing several before the birds scattered. A few days later, however, a second encounter with about 1,000 birds turned into clear victory for the emus when a machine gun jammed.

The Australian media quickly came to see the enormous birds as foes too crafty for mere human #Soldiers . Even a newsreel from the era prematurely announcing a human victory describes the tall, long-necked birds as “an advancing army with keen eyesight…the enemy watching event through their periscopes raised up over heads of corn.”

The Emu War was summarized thusly by Australian ornithologist D.L. Serventy: “The machine-gunners’ dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of Emus were soon dissipated. The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month.”

The human soldiers fired their Lewis guns with vigor, but it was the emus that came out victorious in the Great Emu War of 1932. The birds remain plentiful in the areas outside of Perth to this day, and their triumph may be destined for the big screen. As of 2021, an action-comedy film inspired by this unexpected chapter in Australian #HistoryOfViolence was in the works.

Very interesting and bizarre. Despite having spent a few years at school in Australia in the late 1960s, I had never heard of the Great Emu War.

Amazing what people will do if panicked, even if panicked by something that is not much of a threat (cf. the great “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic).

A frankly frightening face. Worse than a gargoyle’s. Totally crazed. I hope that she does not become U.S. President. If she does, the world war that already looks far too close may finally arrive.

A complete puppet for Israel and the American Jewish lobby, of course.

Only those who have no real desire for money can be — and then only prima facie— trusted. I do not say those without need for money; that is a given on this Earth— even Jesus Christ said that man cannot live by bread alone, thus implying that one does need bread in order to live at all.

I wonder from (((where))) that unit will get its ideas and strategy?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

A great technical achievement, of course, but even as a teenager and young adult in the 1970s (Concorde was big news from the 1960s onwards, but only entered commercial scheduled service in 1977) I could not see the fairness of the British taxpayer paying out large amounts so that an aircraft could be developed and built, and then put into service, where the only passengers would be wealthy or very wealthy persons who in practice were being subsidized by those same poorer taxpayers who themselves would never be able to fly on Concorde.

First they had Concorde, then HS2…

The initial idea was that 350 examples would be built. In the end, only 20 were (plus 6 non-commercial planes).


An old schoolfriend of mine who lived in the Thames Valley had an inherited house over which, in 1977/1978, the Concorde would roar daily en route to New York; in the late afternoon or early evening. I saw it from his garden once or twice. I suppose that, therefore, I got more from its existence than most of those whose taxes paid for the plane.



Ukraine will never join the EU. Ukraine will never join NATO.


Of course, Rule Britannia is rather a parody, the way things are going in the UK, but it is for us, the echt-British, to decide whether or not it will be played…

Pity that tweeter David Atherton throws in “defeating Hitler“, as if that was something positive, rather than absolutely disastrous not only for Europe but for much of the world.

The devastating defeat of the German Reich triggered premature decolonization, with all the negative consequences in Africa and Asia that flowed from that— wars, civil wars, banditry, environmental degradation, extinction of species etc.

In addition, the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948 created the continuing problem which now threatens to develop into another world war. Also, the embedding of Jewish/Zionist power and influence in the Anglophone countries, France etc.

The defeat of the German Reich in 1945 also meant that Stalinist and post-Stalinist rule was imposed upon much of Central and Eastern Europe for over 40 years.

Had there been peace in Western Europe in 1939-40, or an armistice in 1940 between the German Reich and the British Empire, the Soviet Union would have fallen in 1941 or 1942, thus eliminating Soviet socialism at a stroke. So no devastation of Central Europe in 1944-45, no Soviet expansionism, no Cold War, no Korean War, no Vietnam War etc. Also, possibly, no Communist rule over China (and South-East Asia, and Korea).

This latest controversy does not stand alone; neither has it come out of nowhere. “The Great Replacement”. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

More tweets

“They” are engaged in such activities worldwide. You only have to look at my situation, now facing magistrates’ court sentencing for having published the truth on this blog, and facing that challenge after a totally-contrived and totally political plot/conspiracy— lasting over 7 years— by the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, during which seven years the police, Crown Prosecution and even Director of Public Prosecutions have been bombarded by whining and/or demanding communications from the small cabal of Jews who comprise the tiny (but well-funded) “CAA”.

The same “CAA” Jews have, in the UK and elsewhere, and over the past decade, tried to “cancel” Al Jazeera TV, David Icke, singer Roger Waters, and a plethora of other TV, radio and Press personalities, as well as a large number of less well-known persons. Their methods include malicious and false complaints to police, professional regulators, and others.

Ha ha! (((Blinken))) sounds like a total idiot.

Small advances in the big scheme of things, but it is clear that the Ukrainian front lines are crumbling. When the ground is harder, Russian armour will advance.

Late music

Diary Blog, 19 January 2021, including thoughts about prepping on the individual level

Morning music

Tweets seen

TV weather girl, in the open air, at some place in the Yorkshire countryside, with a gale blowing, with heavy rain falling, and she is wearing a facemask muzzle! This is pure propaganda.

We have to put an end to all this nonsense.


In wars of existential survival, the enemy have only won when the last round has been fired and, in our present world, when no European person is left standing.

Naturally, the designation, “Middle Britain”, or as more often seen, “Middle England”, is indefinite. It is harder to say what it includes than to say what it excludes: the very wealthy, what passes for “the aristocracy”, the vast mass of poorly-paid people, the unemployed etc. I suppose, the ethnic minorities too.

A more fruitful enquiry is to ask what kind of movement might capture at least a plurality of hearts and minds.

The present System has political parties which represent anything but “Middle England” (or most British people generally).

The Labour Party is now, in broad-brush terms, really just the party of the blacks and browns, and of the public service sector, particularly the NHS.

The Conservative Party is really the party of the uber-wealthy, both British and exotic, though for tactical reasons having to chuck crumbs to “Middle England” and the rest.

As for the LibDems, they are really a washed-up remnant now, representing nothing much beyond a protest having to do with anything from anti-Brexit to rubbish collection. I imagine that, were he still around, Jo Grimond would have his head in his hands! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Grimond (incidentally, his memoirs are well worth reading).

All System parties are pervaded by the Jewish-Zionist element; that is particularly true of the now-ruling Conservative Party. The present Cabinet is entirely composed of members of Conservative Friends of Israel. Several are actually Jewish or part-Jewish, and several of the rest are also non-European, mainly Indian.

Britain needs a new movement, partly though not only to be expressed through a political party.

More music


In the USA, with its vast areas of wilderness and other open land, “prepping” has become a popular topic over past decades: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism.

The term “prepping” is wide in its ambit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivalism#Outline_of_scenarios_and_outlooks.

In previous years, I blogged a number of times about “prepping” as applied to our more constricted European or UK environment:


Thoughts about wider issues but connected to the above are found here: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

On the individual level, and in the UK, what can the individual do, as he or she contemplates the encroaching police state, the massive output of System propaganda (particularly around race-mixing and, now, the “panicdemic”) and other signs that an alien society is being prepared? We have no vast wilderness areas into which to go, unlike preppers in the USA, Canada and elsewhere.

The first thing is to cut as many ties to the System as possible. To cut all is impossible for most UK people, but one can reduce connection to a minimum.

To be an employee on a salary is not good. It puts you in the power of a employer and, in general, System power-hubs: tax authorities etc.

To be a member of a regulated profession, even if self-employed, is also not so good. You are tied-in to a Zionist-control scenario these days.

The best scenario, short of being fortunate enough to already have a sizeable capital (whether through one’s own activity, through inheritance, or via something such as a large Lottery win), is to be self-employed in such a manner as to be free of most System regulation (especially re. one’s views).

What if dependent on small State-provided or other income, such as a pension, or DWP benefits? No difference. Leave the major cities and towns. Relocate, and try to link with persons of similar mind and ideology.

The practical trades are, as Nick Griffin has opined, optimal for cutting System ties: car repair, self-employed building or repair, self-employed garden work, operation of a cafe or restaurant (“virus” restrictions permitting), hair-cutting, smallholding and farming. There are numerous other possibilities. You get the idea, anyway. Most such trades are also portable, able to move location easily enough.

If possible, move away from the large cities, which are doomed. UK people cannot, most of them, relocate to anything akin to “wilderness” or remote countryside, but can get away from places such as London.

Relocate to small towns and villages or, if you can afford it, to country houses, country estates, farms, or smallholdings, even if only a house with a few acres on which you can grow fruits, vegetables, and nut trees. Bealtaine Cottage (Ireland) and other similar experiments are very interesting: https://twitter.com/PermaGoddess; https://bealtainecottage.com/

It is possible to feed one person, on a vegetarian basis, on a fraction of an acre, though a more realistic acreage is about 1 acre or so. The less veggie-oriented, the more land is required, though chickens can produce about 1 egg every 2 days, and under existing DEFRA rules, persons in the country can keep 20 chickens without having to register with DEFRA.

Try to be off-grid re. electricity and other energy required: heat exchange technology, solar panels (one kind produces warm/hot water, the other produces electricity); if environmental factors etc are in favour, small wind turbines, and hydropower (micro or even pico); also, obviously, wood-burning stoves.

The Internet is key, while it exists. Another good idea, for communication linkage in any future disaster scenario, would be ham radio.

The American Mormons, I believe, try to stockpile up to 2 years’ supplies of basic items. A good idea. Some dried foods (eg white rice), if kept really dry, can be OK for 20 years. Canned goods are safe for years, even decades, though the quality in terms of taste etc may deteriorate after the Best Before date shown on the tin. At any rate, good for years.

Other items can also be stockpiled. We have just seen, in 2020, how quickly loo-paper, soap etc can disappear from sale.

The above need not mean bulk-buying. Just buy a few extra items every time you shop.

Other useful items? For me, the list would include such as candles, tea-lights; handcranked lights, torches [Am. flashlights], and radios; also, solar-powered outside lights. Garden/horticultural tools. Home-bottling and canning supplies. Seeds. Firelighters. Matches. Cigarette lighters (for lighting fires).Just a few of the possibilities.

In his interesting memoirs, Drink and Ink, the writer Dennis Wheatley [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wheatley] says that, in his late-1930s newspaper column, he recommended to readers that they stock up on tinned food. He did the same. When rationing was introduced in 1940 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationing_in_the_United_Kingdom#Second_World_War_1939%E2%80%931945], he was thus able to soldier on easier than those not so prepared. Canning technology has improved immeasurably since those days.

For those with children, I would urge homeschooling. Contrary to what many believe, this is fully-lawful: https://www.gov.uk/home-education; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeschooling

For me, the aim of the above would not be, merely, for isolated individuals and families to survive, but for them to form a web of survival, the kernel of which might become a new society.

Afternoon music

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TRUMP! Do not forget the hundreds, perhaps thousands, of social-national and allied prisoners in Federal prison! Also, do not forget Snowden and Assange! PARDON THEM ALL, including the Capitol Stormers!

More music

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 October 2020, including links re. the creation of a germinal ethnostate

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My policy? Break up estates larger than a certain acreage (depending on region: Scottish Highlands maybe 10,000 acres; South of England perhaps 1,000); ban kosher and halal slaughter; ban any form of cage or battery production of meat or fowl; no GM; promote organic and biodynamic; stop farm subsidies; reafforest the barren hills; stop building vast numbers of ugly houses in the countryside, and stop importing hundreds of thousands of immigrants every year; create trawl-free sea zones; create a “wildlife grid”. https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/08/28/the-british-countryside-under-the-future-ethnostate/; https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/10/07/rewilding-and-reafforestation-of-parts-of-the-uk/

Leon Black. A (((Zionist Jew))). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leon_Black Every. Single. Time…

Griffin is right, in essence. I have blogged prolifically about this in the past:














As for Golden Dawn and Greece, the bamboozled Greeks voted for the fake “radical” self-described “Left” party, Syriza, which betrayed the Greek people, and left them helpless under ZOG/NWO rule (and international bank extortion). Syriza delivered the Greeks back into the hands of the System parties. The Greeks should have elected Golden Dawn…

More tweets

Even Peter Hitchens is getting it now. As Lenin said, “a revolution without firing squads is not worth much“…

What powers needed a “warm-up act” so that they could impose a kind of psycho-tyranny on the UK? NWO/ZOG. What was the chosen trigger? “Coronavirus”. Who was the (((chosen))) puppet? Boris-idiot.

As one sees in his tweets and writings, Hitchens is here again let down by his ingrained belief in the sanctity of “elections”, despite the fact that they are really just a rigged show for the masses.

Some highlights from the above article by Professor Dingwall:

“...advocacy of this so-called ‘circuit-breaker’ shows how some members of the scientific community have lost their sense of proportion. In essence, they want the entire wellbeing of the nation to be sacrificed on the altar of the fight against Covid.”

…it ignores the devastating social and economic impact of Covid restrictions, and exaggerates the threat the disease poses.

Of course we must seek to save the lives of those seriously affected by the coronavirus, but we must not be so narrow-minded as to forget people suffering from other conditions and the catastrophic effect of our approach on the economy.”

Despite all the hysteria, this is not a modern plague. In the week ending October 2, Covid accounted for just 3.2 per cent of all fatalities in British hospitals. Even with the recent rise in infections, Covid mortality levels are drastically lower now than at the peak of the pandemic in the spring.”

For those admitted to intensive care with Covid, the chances of survival have gone up to 80 per cent. Even for the very elderly, contracting it need not be a death sentence.

Contrary to the depressing propaganda, six in every seven people who are infected over the age of 90 actually survive.”

Official figures for the fall in GDP during the three months to June have been revised down from 20.4 per cent to 19.8 per cent. However, the scale of the drop still makes it the biggest in modern history

Note the direction of travel. Straight down.

A social national movement must arise. By 2022, its time will have come.

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In other words, “never mind the quality, feel the width“…

” Although her mother and grandmother identified as Christians, her great-grandfather was Jewish...” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wera_Hobhouse

I had a feeling…

So it will be OK to have all-black or all-Pakistani shortlists, but not OK to have all white Northern European ones? White genocide (or halfway there…).

More tweets seen

I reported yesterday that Jew-Zionist play-Mossadist, “@badscooter”, had gone up the (Twitter) chimney; others preceded it. Meanwhile “@rattus2384” (aka “@grubstreetsteve”, aka “film critic” and house-husband Stephen Applebaum, of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” fake charity) is hiding behind a protected Twitter account. He obviously fears that Twitter will send at least the Rattus account up that same chimney.

Get rid of catch-all “race-hate” laws!


A reasonably interesting article, though I was not persuaded by the author’s importation of American law (Constitutional law) into his argument. US law is of only persuasive (non-binding) effect in the UK.

Other tweets

God, how stupid Starmer looks in his muzzle, just like Boris-idiot! Go on, Starmer, bend your knee in fealty to the blacks and to Israel (again), so that you can really reach “peak cuck”!




More tweets

The toytown police state in operation again. In Liverpool, where there is a huge amount of organized and violent crime…


Excellent humour and comment. Keir Starmer, who has inherited the leadership of a once semi-socialist (then social-democratic) party which is now just a bad joke. Keir Starmer, freemason and Labour Friends of Israel member, who seems (slightly to my surprise) to be utterly clueless…

Well…someone (not me and not Hitchens) needs a quick read of “Teach Yourself World Economics”!

[Update, 8 December 2023: The tweet of Peter Hitchens, and also my comment, both referred to an amusingly wrongheaded tweet by someone who thought that, if other countries (other than the UK) also suffered an economic downturn, it would mitigate the similar downturn in the UK! That tweet by a stray commentator has apparently now been deleted.]

“Boris” was adopted by all the pseudo-liberal semi-traitors as a “Conservative”/non-Conservative mascot. They are still supporting him. You only have to look at Twitter. All the “socialists” and “liberals” gagging for lockdowns, fines, police “firmness” against “Covidiots” etc. With “socialists” like that, no wonder Labour, even under a kind-of “socialist” leader, could not get close to winning a general election.

I think that many MPs fear something else much much more…

Late music

Rewilding and Reafforestation of Parts of the UK

An extract from an article of 2013 by George Monbiot:

“You could argue that an intensification of farming is a response to rising population pressure: the need to produce more food has caused greater damage to wildlife. But this is where the madness kicks in: much of the habitat destruction for which farm policies are responsible has little or nothing to do with producing food.

The uplands of Britain are astonishingly unproductive. For example, 76% of the land in Wales is devoted to livestock farming, mostly to produce meat. But, astonishingly, by value Wales imports seven times as much meat as it exports. Six thousand years of nutrient stripping and erosion have left our hills so infertile that their productivity is miniscule. Even relatively small numbers of livestock can now keep the hills denuded.

Without subsidies, almost all hill-farming would cease. That’s not something I’m calling for, but I do believe it’s time we began to challenge the system and its outcomes. Among them is a policy that’s almost comically irrational and destructive.

The major funding that farmers receive is called the single farm payment, which is money given by European taxpayers to people who own land. These people receive a certain amount (usually around £200 or £300), for every hectare they own. To receive it, they must keep the land in what is called “Good Agricultural and Environmental Condition” (GAEC). It’s a term straight out of 1984.

Among the compulsory standards in the GAEC rules is “avoiding the encroachment of unwanted vegetation on agricultural land”. What this means is that if farmers want their money they must stop wild plants from returning. They don’t have to produce anything: to keep animals or to grow crops there. They merely have to prevent more than a handful of trees or shrubs from surviving, which they can do by towing cutting gear over the land.

If they want to expand the area eligible for this subsidy, and therefore make more money, they must get their tractors out and start clearing vegetation. From my kayak in Cardigan Bay I have often watched a sight that Neolithic fishermen would have witnessed: towers of smoke rising from the hills as the farmers burn tracts of gorse and trees in order to claim more public money. The single farm payment is a perfectly designed scheme for maximum ecological destruction.

[Why Britain’s Barren Uplands Have Farming Subsidies To Blame, George Monbiot, The Guardian]


George Monbiot is quite right about subsidized farming. In relation to the upland and hill areas [relatively similar areas, but often taken to be different in terms of specific UK farming conditions: https://www.nationalsheep.org.uk/know-your-sheep/uk-sheep-farming/], the farming lobby will say that the land there is only suitable for sheep, so if the UK wants to produce food at a maximized level, then sheep farming is essential and can only exist if subsidized.

There are various aspects to all this, most of which are addressed in the George Monbiot article (above). The upland/hill areas are not very productive (generally, the higher they are above sea level, the less productive); they can support food animals other than sheep, in principle (deer, highland cattle, game birds etc) if not denuded of vegetation; the upland and hill farmers are only surviving by reason of a fairly generous (they might disagree) but environmentally-mad subsidy system.

In broad terms, the single farm payment gives the farmer on average about £150 an acre (2019 value), so a small farmer (and most UK upland and hill farms are small), who has about 200 acres, will get about £30,000 in subsidy (leaving aside the various official or other definitions of what constitutes a “subsidy”— see Notes, below). The actual net profit from farming itself on such a farm comes to something like £3,000, maybe even less. It’s minimal. Some farmers have only 100 acres, thus reducing their subsidy-income to maybe £15,000 and their real farming income to as little as £1,500.

The conclusion, surely, is that subsidies should be eliminated. They are disastrous for wildlife, give the country little in terms of food production and in fact give the already-wealthy farmers on the more favoured lowlands the bulk of the money (a large estate of say 10,000 acres might receive as much as £1,500,000 a year in EU subsidy). However, this article is about rewilding and reafforestation, not an overview of the whole agricultural sector.

There are UK and EU “subsidies” or grants for such activities as tree planting, but these are far less generous than the ones given for (nominal or actual) farming.

It seems harsh, on the face of it, that small farmers should face having to give up their way of life (in some cases, a way of life that has generations of history and custom behind it), but they will have been preceded after all by those working in other sectors, including coal mining, steel production etc, and now retail work. Why should huge amounts of public money be provided to farmers just because they bleat that without the money they cannot survive and would have to get other work?

The irony is that most farmers vote “Conservative” and are among those most ready to talk about “welfare” “scroungers” etc! It often seems to me that farmers generally want it both ways, to receive money from public funds merely as an entitlement for being holders of land (either freeholders or tenants), but on the other hand want no official interference with how they farm, because they run private businesses!

It has long been accepted that the farming lobby, and especially the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) is one of the most effective lobby groups in UK politics at national level.

Alternative uses for marginal land

After WW1, the UK was almost denuded of forest, having only 5% cover. The government set up the Forestry Commission in 1919 to address the domestic timber shortage, rather than for aesthetic or environmental reasons. Thus were born the typical blocks of forest seen in Northern England, Scotland, Wales: mostly Norway Spruce and Sitka Spruce. Though better than nothing, such coniferous reafforestation does not do much for wildlife, though the trees themselves can be, if not cut, longlasting (a Norway Spruce in Sweden may be the oldest —though regenerated— tree on Earth, dating back nearly 10,000 years).

The forest cover in the UK has increased markedly since 1919, to about 13% of land. The Forestry Commission itself and its now-devolved Scottish equivalent manage nearly 2 million acres of forest and, in some areas, have replanted with broadleaf trees which will encourage a greater biodiversity.

In addition, there have been a few large-scale initiatives formulated and put into action. There are a number of “community forests” (some created from bits and pieces of land) not all in public ownership but all of which have some public access: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_forests_in_England

The Heart of England Forest (mostly in Warwickshire) is one superb initiative, the vision of one man, the late Felix Dennis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Dennis].



Another new wooded belt is the National Forest, planted in a number of linked areas North East of Birmingham:



In addition, some very large and altruistic landowners, such as a Dane who owns over 220,000 acres in Scotland alone (over a dozen Highland estates), have exciting plans both for reafforestation and for wildlife recovery, even to the extent of importing wolves, lynx, bears, beavers etc.





There are many smaller projects around, such as the wood created by Brian May, the Queen guitarist, in Dorset, being planted and growing on land May bought as a gift in trust, and which was originally going to be a housing estate (nb. were Britain not flooded with unwanted immigrants and their offspring, it would not be thought “necessary” to build on beautiful areas of countryside).


Brian May Woodland – Image(1)

Brian May Woodland – Plan

Forests are not a waste of land…

George Monbiot has written about how upland forests and woods (or even areas of smaller vegetation such as bushes) delay the passage of rainwater to lower levels, protecting those lower levels from destructive floodwater.

Wild areas can provide food for people. Not just game animals, birds and fish (if permitted and/or in time of dire necessity), but mushrooms, fruits, wild vegetables etc.

Forests not only have amenity and aesthetic value, but are havens for wildlife of all types. In particular, the parts of the country that are relatively marginal for farming should be far more heavily wooded than they are. Animals, birds, fish, insects all thrive, given half a chance.



There are huge areas of the UK suitable for rewilding and/or re-afforestation. Not only in Scotland. Wales is especially blessed with upland and hill areas suitable for such projects. There are parts of England also suitable, such as the South West peninsula, within which there are areas where the population is surprisingly sparse, such as the Hartland Peninsula in West Devon, on the Atlantic coast. It is true also of the moors of Devon and Cornwall, but they tend at present to be under National Park or other restrictive control.

Rewilding and reafforestation are not inimical to the livelihoods of existing local people, who can derive benefit via catering to tourists, managed and sustainable forestry, wildlife protection jobs etc; whereas the present land use often benefits only small groups of farmers and landowners (via subsidies, and/or via the use of land for commercial driven shoots).

Rewilding is not just a matter of afforestation. Other types of landscape can also be rewilded: marshes, river estuaries etc. However, the forest is the key, whether it be managed forest or forest left to grow completely wild.

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Update, 7 November 2019


Update, 25 December 2019


White Flight in a Small Country

I was reminded yet again (not that I require the reminder) of the migration-invasion of the UK, having seen a Daily Telegraph article written some 6 years ago (2012), just recently tweeted or retweeted by (ironically) a Jew-Zionist extremist. To read the full article, see Notes, below.

What the article says

In that Daily Telegraph article, the authoress writes that

  • “I feel like a stranger where I live.”
  • I am living in a place where I am a stranger.”
  • “Muslims…it feels as if they have taken over.”
  • “There are, of course, other Europeans in my area who may share my feelings but I’m not able to talk to them easily about this situation as they are mostly immigrants, too.”
  • “I suspect that many white people in London and the Home Counties now move house on the basis of ethnicity, especially if they have children. Estate agents don’t advertise this self-segregation, of course. Instead there are polite codes for that kind of thing, such as the mention of “a good school”, which I believe is code for “mainly white English”. Not surprising when you learn that nearly one million pupils do not have English as a first language.”
  • “I, too, have decided to leave my area, following in the footsteps of so many of my neighbours. I don’t really want to go. I worked long and hard to get to London, to find a good job and buy a home and I’d like to stay here. But I’m a stranger on these streets and all the “good” areas, with safe streets, nice housing and pleasant cafés, are beyond my reach. I see London turning into a place almost exclusively for poor immigrants and the very rich.”
  • “…now, despite the wishful thinking of multiculturalists, wilful segregation by immigrants is increasingly echoed by the white population – the rate of white flight from our cities is soaring. According to the Office for National Statistics, 600,000 white Britons have left London in the past 10 years. The latest census data shows the breakdown in telling detail: some London boroughs have lost a quarter of their population of white, British people. The number in Redbridge, north London, for example, has fallen by 40,844 (to 96,253) in this period, while the total population has risen by more than 40,335 to 278,970. It isn’t only London boroughs. The market town of Wokingham in Berkshire has lost nearly 5 per cent of its white British population.”
  • “It’s sad that I am moving not for a positive reason, but to escape something. I wonder whether I’ll tell the truth, if I’m asked. I can’t pretend that I’m worried about local schools, so perhaps I’ll say it’s for the chance of a conversation over the garden fence. But really I no longer need an excuse: mass immigration is making reluctant racists of us all.”

So finally the authoress, obviously by nature something akin to what the Americans might term, mutatis mutandis, a “Country Club Republican” (meaning “liberal conservative”) has to concede that “I no longer need an excuse: mass immigration is making reluctant racists of us all.”

The only thing to be added to her article itself is that it is 6 years since she wrote it. The statistic given of 600,000 white British or mostly British who left (fled?) London in the decade before the article was written could probably be updated to 1M or more now.

Personal Experiences and Thoughts

The Daily Telegraph article focusses on the Muslim influx into London. Firstly, that influx has been far greater in percentage terms in some of the post-industrial Northern towns and cities; secondly, the writer says that “Of the 8.17 million people in London, one million are Muslim, with the majority of them young families. That is not, in reality, a great number.”

In what world is a million (now? God knows…) not a great number? In what world is nearly 13% (now, what?) of the population (and growing fast as those “young families” breed) not huge? The lady writer so obviously wants to be “nice”, and not to “offend” etc, but I fear that desperate times betoken desperate measures. Nice polite sentiments are, well, nice and polite, but we have to face facts with both clear thought and clear expression of thought if Western civilization is to survive.

The Daily Telegraph guest writer prefers to focus on the Muslims as a population bloc (and, though unsaid, population bomb), but effectively ignores the multitude of other races, ethnicities and nationalities that now comprise part of the London population. Africans, West Indians, Chinese etc, a giant multikulti Pandora’s Box. We hear much now about the explosion in youth “gangs” and “knife crime” etc (almost all of which is carried out by blacks and other non-whites), and the System msm and political milieu becomes ever more hysterical with calls to restrict and get rid of…knives! In the old phrase, “’nuff said”!

I once lived in London, starting in Little Venice in 1976 (at age 19; I returned intermittently and that was the main area in which I lived over the years), eventually living in a number of different areas, some good, some not so good: Blackheath, Lee, Lewisham, East Dulwich, Tulse Hill, New Cross, Holland Park. The house in which I first lived, in Little Venice, was valued at £100,000 when sold to the lessee c.1980. It was sold in 2005 (by my friend who bought the freehold c.1980) for £1.4M…That same house, or at least identical Victorian semi-detached villas with good gardens in the same road, were valued in 2018 at up to £4M! A 40x increase in “value” in less than 40 years! A low to average pay in 1976 would have been about £100 per week; similar work would today pay perhaps £400 or £500 a week. In other words, pay has increased, for most people, at a face value of perhaps 4x or 5x over those 40 years, but the cost of a house by 40x! Rent has increased similarly.

Mass immigration is only one of the factors that have driven up the cost of London housing, but it is a major one and probably the most important. The wealthier parts of London now house largely a cosmopolitan crowd of Chinese, “Russians” (many of which are in fact Jews from Russia), Israelis, Arabs, you name it. In fact, large swathes of expensive housing are owned but kept empty by absentee foreigners. The poorer parts (such as in the Daily Telegraph article) are now flooded and indeed swamped by a motley mob of blacks, browns and others (and also whites from the poorer parts of Europe).

Little Venice has changed from, in 1976, being a fairly affluent, in places wealthy, and also rather intellectual (because of the BBC studios in the outer part of Maida Vale, perhaps), inner suburb, to a now very wealthy enclave (one cannot list the famous pop stars, theatrical people, film stars, “entrepreneurs” etc who now live there, so numerous are they). However, this “island” is surrounded by a black/brown sea in all directions North and West. Even in the 1990s, if a school trip party from the nearby areas were to be encountered at Warwick Avenue Underground Station, there were few if any white children.

I myself saw what was coming, decades ago. I stayed in London (for much of the time, though I was sometimes overseas, at times resident in the country or in the USA) until I left to live in Kazakhstan on kommandirovka (work contract) for a year (1996-1997). Others I knew in London had started to leave by then.

One couple, the sister and brother in law of a lady I knew, lived in Catford, South London, in what was probably the only decent road there: a leafy enclave of large detached Victorian or perhaps Edwardian houses. They, professed Labour supporters and, I think, members, no doubt “anti-racist” etc (I was warned not to talk politics with them, and I think that they had been given a similar warning!) were able, for a while, to live there an comfortably affluent life (he a partner in a City of London law firm, she a housewife –though I daresay never accepting such a label– and Open University student) and able also to put out of mind the enveloping near-jungle that started at the end of their own road. They relocated to rural Kent in the 1990s, pleased to discover that their Catford residence could be sold to their advantage, allowing them to buy a country house complete with acres of manicured grounds, a swimming pool, tennis court, stables (and horses) etc, somewhere near Tonbridge.

I doubt that the above couple would ever have said (even between themselves, probably) that there was a racial element to their relocation (escape?); more likely to have cited fresh air, space, less noise, better schools for their two children etc (and would never have linked those factors, at least consciously, to the racial-ethnic one…).

The lady whose sister and brother in law are mentioned above also relocated out of London, in the late 1990s, having contracted a marriage or quasi-marriage. She and her “partner”, to use the contemporary word, sold their London homes (in his case in the “bandit country” of the Seven Sisters neighbourhood of North London) and bought a house in Brighton. Neither of them, I am sure, would ever mention ethnic-related crime as one reason to move (they were both strong “anti-racists” and she is the only woman ever to have walked out on me at a restaurant, the result of an ideological disagreement at the –now and sadly closed-down– Luba’s Bistro in Knightsbridge). More likely to be mentioned: sea air, a less frenetic life etc…

Thirdly, a barrister I knew, who also relocated, also to the South Coast, in the early 2000s, together with his very charming wife and then-young children: another Labour Party member (and one-time Islington councillor, who was offered but declined the chance of a safe seat in the Commons under Blair), I am sure that the reasons which he or his wife might give for having moved out of London would be fresh sea air, space, good schooling for their two children etc; certainly nothing to do with the ethnic swamping of London. They may even believe that themselves. Call me a cynic…

It may or may not be significant that in all three of the above cases, one person from each couple had to commute a considerable distance daily to London. Obviously, those people thought that the trouble and extra travel expense was worth it.

Another case: someone I had known from school, who bought a house (later two others) in South London, rented rooms, converted two houses into flats, starting around 1980. He eventually married and then, around 2000, moved out of London to what the Daily Mail might call “leafy Buckinghamshire”. I do not know whether he would say that racial or ethnic swamping was a cause of his relocation or not; he would probably cite cultural factors. Like the others above, he and his wife are bringing up their children (indeed, by now have brought them up) in a basically white English racial and cultural milieu.

There are similar relocations constantly, from London and other UK urban centres to the country, to Australasia etc. Few of those fleeing or, put less dramatically, relocating, are very “political”; if they were, there might be no need for “white flight”!

Safe Zones

I have previously blogged about the need for English (to a lesser extent, Welsh and Scottish) people to relocate to “safe zones” and in particular to the one major zone which I propose in the South West of England. This is not exclusively a racial imperative. It is also a social and cultural one.

I have been criticized by old-thinking persons who say that English people should “stay and fight” (at least politically). Such people still think in terms of starting a political party, printing leaflets (in the digital age!), holding meetings, and canvassing voters “on the doorstep” just like System party MPs and candidates pretend to do at election time as part of the meaningless flim-flam of System party politics. Well, how has that worked out? The NF tried it in the 1970s (before the Internet). Result? Nothing. The BNP tried it in the 1990s and 2000s. Result? Almost nothing (and eventually nothing). UKIP tried it and is still trying it with its few members. Result? Nothing, really.

How is it possible to fight or struggle politically for social nationalism in a city such as London which is majority non-white/non-European? A doomed struggle. That is what faces us in most UK urban concentrations.

There must be a concentration of forces, to enable a new future to be developed. Not just “white flight” away from certain ways of life, but advance to a new society.







Further to the above, I saw the youtube video below, which is self-explanatory and also hilarious, as virtue-signalling Swedes tie themselves in knots trying to backtrack after lying that they would, if asked, accept a “refugee” into their homes as a staying guest. It reminded me of all those enemies of the people in the UK, who are constantly telling (other) British people to give up their living standards or even their own homes to (mostly fake) “refugees”. You know some of the worst of them: Yvette Cooper, Lily Allen, Billy Bragg, the jew “lord” Dubs etc.

Now look at these virtue-signalling Swedish morons!

and here (below) is the Peter Hitchens view. Sadly, not a social nationalist, but he does castigate mass immigration

Update, 3 June 2019

I am probably wasting my time talking about a random tweet seen, especially when it is typical of thousands, but anyway…

So here we see one Sue Woolf, who is living in France at a place called Confolens




which is in a very pleasant and quiet (and European-race) corner of France (the village or town has fewer than 3,000 inhabitants). Hardly any non-Europeans live anywhere in the whole region.

This woman is tweeting in support of a Romanian girl who wants to stay in the UK, where the Romanian has been living for 7 years (probably at State expense in part, possibly as cheap labour in part) and who is doing a PhD (on “migrants in the UK”! You could not make it up!). Judging from the photos tweeted, the Romanian girl is at least real Romanian, not one of the horde of Roma Gypsies with Romanian or other passports.

My attitude? I have no objection to the odd (real) Romanian coming to or staying in the UK; n.b. not Roma Gypsies, not in the millions (of any kind of person). As for the tweeters supporting mass immigration, “idiots”, “bien-pensants”…..”well-meaning fools” pretty much covers it. Look at the Woolf woman, wishing yet more swamping of the UK… from her rural idyll in one of the most scenic and prosperous (and unswamped) parts of Western France!

I suppose that I should add that I myself was resident in France (Finistere-Nord, Brittany) for several years, but there again (unlike many of those who are swamping the UK) I am of European race and culture, did not use the French social security or free health system, brought money into France rather than exporting funds from France and was never in trouble with the police (save for one minor nonsense “crime”, an on-the-spot speeding ticket, when I was caught doing nearly 100 mph on a dual-carriageway with a speed-limit of about 65 mph).

These idiots tweeting their virtue-signalling tend to equate British pensioners, business owners, or expat residents (working part-time in the UK or elsewhere if working at all), with (often non-European) cheap labour, fake “refugees”, criminals, scavengers etc! Such hypocritical and (at least in their own minds) “well-meaning” idiots are some of the gravediggers of Europe’s future.

Update, 27 June 2019

A Daily Telegraph property report published this week.

“Christopher Snowdon, head of lifestyle economics at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) said that “property prices are a big deal” and the main cause of internal migration from London. “Obviously people also want a better quality of life, but they also want access to good schools, to live in rural areas and to get away from the stabbings.”“[Daily Telegraph]

Neil Park, head of the ONS’s population estimates unit, said: “In the last two years, population growth in the UK has been at its lowest rate since 2004.”

“For the fifth year in a row, net international migration was a bigger driver of population change than births and deaths


The racial-ethnic aspects of migration by English people out of London are not mentioned directly once in the (immediately above) Daily Telegraph report. It’s all “better schools”, “fresh air”, “leisure opportunities”, “knife crime” etc. Same old…meaning same hypocrisy and same unwillingness to face the truth.

Update, 29 September 2019


The Tide is Coming In: Reflections on the Possible End of Our Present Civilization and What Might Follow

Preliminary Word

This may be the most important article that I have written, or will write, for my blog. It goes beyond the usual matters of personal experiences, party politics, ordinary events in society, analysis of historical events etc.

I have been thinking of writing this article for some time. I always get distracted. It will examine, as well as can be done in brief format, whether our present society, culture, civilization, even species, can survive even in the short-term (here meaning the next few decades). It will also suggest some possibilities covering the next few years, next few decades and also a longer-term human future.

General Background

Living in the world, we accept, as the default position, that which we have known all our lives. We consider that to be natural or normal. However, a moment’s thought tells us that that is not so.

As is known (though by no means universally accepted, and still a subject for debate), the Atlantean period ended about 10,000 years ago. The most advanced people of that period were not the latest in time (the Seventh Race) but the Fifth Race, the Aryans. The remnants of that race emigrated from what is now the North Atlantic area to parts of the Earth where they founded new colonies. The main one was that of ancient (pre-Vedic) India.

The foundations of modern Europe lie with the Aryans and their post-Atlantean, post-Aryan descendants:


“The place where Europe began: Spiral cities built on remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans”

Ancient Turkic tomb stones on steppes of Hakasia, Central Siberia, Russian Federation.. Image shot 2006. Exact date unknown.

“Desolate: The Bronze Age cities were built some 4,000 years ago by the Aryans in a 400 miles long region of the Russian Steppe.”

The Aryans’ language has been identified as the precursor to a number of modern European tongues. English uses many similar words such as brother, oxen and guest which have all been tracked to the Aryans.” [Daily Mail report]

These ancient Indian texts and hymns describe sacrifices of horses and burials and the way the meat is cut off and the way the horse is buried with its master. If you match this with the way the skeletons and the graves are being dug up in Russia [on the border of Siberia and Kazakhstan], they are a millimetre-perfect match.’ [Bettany Hughes, TV historian, in UK Daily Mail].

During our own Post-Atlantean Age, the line of cultures (in the sense of different “civilizations”) has travelled through a succession of Aryan-founded cultures: ancient Indian, ancient Persian, then the Egypto-Babylonian-Chaldean (etc), Graeco-Roman, and now our own, which might be called “Germanic-Anglo-Saxon-American”.

The clue lies in language. The Indo-European language family stretches from present-day India to the British Isles and Iceland and back across Russia and Siberia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_languages

Our own present culture started around 1400 AD (or, in the alternative, “CE”). Its first fruits were a relatively brief recapitulation of the preceding culture, the Graeco-Roman. This recapitulation was what we term the Renaissance, and started in the homeland of the Romans, Italy.

In the future (postulated as expected to start around 3500 AD), another great culture will arise, based on the Slavonic or Slavic peoples; however, that takes us beyond the scope of this present study.


Present orthodox scientific consensus re. human or near-human presence in Europe

Some Changes During the Past 10,000 Years

This is not meant to be a comprehensive study (which would have to be at least of book length). I should like to highlight a few things as a foundation for what I shall write hereinbelow.

  • “From 20,000 years ago until 6,000 years ago, sea level rose steadily around the world.” [Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Barrier_Reef];
  • in Europe, the human population seems to have been small, perhaps very small, until quite recent times (meaning times more recent than 10,000 years ago). The famous Lascaux cave paintings (present-day SW France) are believed to date from perhaps 15,000 years ago.



Leaving aside detailed consideration of yet more ancient times, the details of which are even more speculative, let us concentrate on the time between that period usually known as the Bronze Age (that is, the period which started no more than 5,000 years ago and in Northern Europe more recently, less than 4,000 years ago, and continued to as recently as 500 BC), and the present day.

Half of the Present-Day Inhabitants of Europe Descend from One Bronze Age Man

Recent advances in archaeological technology, DNA etc have established that over half of the present European population is descended from only one Bronze Age individual, who lived about 4,000 years ago.


In fact, studies seem to show that most present-day Europeans are descended from only three such Bronze Age “kings”, “nobles” etc (in fact, such titles are nothing more than journalistic guesses). Indeed, if present-day non-Europeans and part-Europeans (resident in the Europe of today) are taken out of the equation, the proportion descended from those few might well be far higher.

This is not the place in which to speculate about what events caused only 3 individuals to be the progenitors of most of the European population living today. That speculation is better left to others with wide knowledge of palaeontology, archaeology etc. In any case, that is not the point of this article. The fact remains that almost everything we know as our present culture originated, genetically, from those few men and their families. As a 1930s poster had it, “National Socialism, The Expression of our Biological Knowledge”.

Just think about that: everything, pretty much, that we accept as the human-created world around us, from planes to cars to our housing, to our philosophies, sciences etc, comes from those few people, whose descendants are now the European peoples, and also many of the Americans, Australians etc in the world. Yet those ancient people themselves of course knew nothing of what has become our world.

Ways of Life

Many tourists visit ancient ruined temples, fortresses, whole cities, whose inhabitants fled or were killed, hundreds or even thousands of years ago. In some cases, natural phenomena such as interruption of water supply caused places to be abandoned. More commonly, the cause is found in the military or social collapse of a society. One does not have to visit such places as El Djem, Dougga, Karnak, Babylon, Susa, the great temples of South-East Asia, the ruined cities and pyramids of the Aztecs and Mayans, to realize that even the most developed civilizations sometimes just stop.

In England (and Britain as a whole), for example, we have the remains of several previous cultures:

“[Britain] was first inhabited by people who crossed over the land bridge from the European mainlandHuman footprints have been found from over 800,000 years ago in Norfolk[36] and traces of early humans have been found (at Boxgrove Quarry, Sussex) from some 500,000 years ago[37] and modern humans from about 30,000 years ago.

Until about 14,000 years ago, Great Britain was connected to Ireland, and as recently as 8,000 years ago it retained a land connection to the continent, with an area of mostly low marshland joining it to what are now Denmark and the Netherlands.[38] In Cheddar Gorge, near Bristol, the remains of animal species native to mainland Europe such as antelopesbrown bears, and wild horses have been found alongside a human skeleton, ‘Cheddar Man‘, dated to about 7150 BC. Thus, animals and humans must have moved between mainland Europe and Great Britain via a crossing.[39] Great Britain became an island at the end of the last glacial period when sea levels rose due to the combination of melting glaciers and the subsequent isostatic rebound of the crust.” [from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Britain#History]

When the Romans left Britain (410 AD is the usual date, but the decline of Roman Britain was a gradual process over very many decades on either side of the date of departure of the last legion), the existing inhabitants and later the incoming Saxons etc had to start anew. They were not equipped to continue Roman civilization and its way of life. Britain only started to climb to anything like the Roman level a thousand years later. Indeed, in some ways, Britain only reached a Roman level of lifestyle some 1,500 years after the Romans left, in the 19th and 20th centuries: central heating, good roads, a good level of general education, running water for the urban populations etc.

The biggest mistake that can be made in this area is to imagine that fallen societies are always replaced by more sophisticated, more advanced, more civilized societies. In fact, the usual situation is expressed by the staggered spiral. A period of advance is not infrequently followed by a retrograde motion, before another and greater advance can be made. So the Graeco-Roman period reached its greatest outward extent, only to decline internally, lapsing into weakness and decadence, before collapsing entirely; invaded and largely destroyed by peoples less civilized, who however had within them the seed of later greatness. “Dark Ages” followed, followed by several centuries of the upbuilding of culture by the “new” peoples before those peoples rediscovered antiquity in the Renaissance, which then led on to the Enlightenment and to a civilization of a new and different kind: scientific, interested in practical matters, which however incorporated into itself the earlier culture.

In terms of exploration of the world from Europe, we know that Columbus reached the islands of the Americas in 1492, and that Africa, Australia etc were only really explored by Europeans in the 19thC, so only about 150 years earlier than today, whereas Antarctica was actually unknown until sighted by a Russian ship in 1820.

Where We Are Now

It may be that our present (Fifth Post-Atlantean Age) culture has reached, or shortly will reach, its highest point, despite having run less than a third of its course. A vast array of scientific discoveries have been made since this age started in the early 15thC. Those discoveries have been exploited for both martial and ordinary economic uses. In the field of transport alone, there have been developed cars, motorcycles, trucks, tanks, trains, planes, rockets, powered sea-going craft, submarines, helicopters, hovercraft etc. In medicine, we have had the discovery of bacteria, of pasteurization, immunization, disinfection, advanced surgery (one only need think how primitive even basic anatomy was until the late 19thC), body scanning, antibiotics, organ transplants, powerful analgesics, homeopathy (controversial though that may be), DNA etc. All within the past 200 years or so, and much of it within the past 100.

The population of the Earth is now at what appears to be its greatest-ever extent, certainly in recorded history:

World population has experienced continuous growth since the end of the Great Famine of 1315–17 and the Black Death in 1350, when it was near 370 million.” [Wikipedia]

The highest population growth rates – global population increases above 1.8% per year – occurred between 1955 and 1975, peaking to 2.06% between 1965 and 1970.[5] The growth rate has declined to 1.18% between 2010 and 2015 and is projected to decline further in the course of the 21st century.” [Wikipedia]

The 10 most populous countries contain about 60% of the population of the world, India and China having about 36% (with Bangladesh and Pakistan, over 40%) of the total.

As we see, the population of the world, though still growing, is growing at a fairly slow rate now, though still huge in terms of numbers. It may be that almost all those who were sent to (re)incarnation in order to experience the high point of our age (now nearly a third of the way through its course) are on Earth or recently have been.

What Might Cause the Immediate or Very Swift Collapse of the Present World Order and/or European Society, As Well As Population Reduction?

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse usually ride together: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Horsemen_of_the_Apocalypse

Many will speak of climate change, but that, in itself (leaving aside to what extent it exists— and what is the cause of it if it exists), will not change anything significant in terms of social order in Europe in the next 10-30 years.

Then there is the possibility of a strike by a large object from space, such as a meteor. Impossible to quantify. Some scientists say that the odds are shortening.

Another possibility is a massive tsunami, which might be provoked by a seismic collapse in the area West of the Canary Islands. If that happened, it would dwarf the recent Asian tsunamis and wipe out much of the population in Western Europe.

Pandemic: with the gradual lessening of effectiveness of antibiotics, this must be a possibility.

The most likely large-scale event to affect Europe in the next few years would be war between Russia and NATO, provoked by NATO as the armed wing of the New World Order. NATO troops, especially American, with a small number from Britain’s depleted spearhead, now often go on “exercise” on the very borders of Russia (Latvia, Ukraine etc) and have even been deployed there on a longer-term basis. Were a NATO-Russia war to occur and to go nuclear, parts of Europe would be devastated. The UK, still after 75 years “America’s unsinkable aircraft carrier” (in the words of Roosevelt), would be all but annihilated as the major strategic targets were destroyed: submarine bases in Scotland, the various early-warning stations, US airfields and other facilities in the UK, large ports etc.

However, even nuclear devastation (so long as it did not cause a nuclear winter) would not necessarily be the end of the story. The Japanese cities hit by atomic bombs in 1945 and almost entirely devastated were rebuilt and are now thriving: photos below show Nagasaki by night and by day, c.2018



photo below shows Nagasaki industrial district after the American atom bombing in 1945


photos below: Hiroshima after atom bomb attack in 1945, and then today



In fact, such destruction was not confined to areas hit by atom bombs. In Japan, Germany and elsewhere, the devastation from conventional bombs and deliberately-created firestorms was quite as bad. Below, Tokyo and Dresden, 1945:



Both Tokyo and Dresden are now once again thriving and heavily-populated cities, of course.

It is common knowledge that the nuclear weapons of today are far more powerful than those used against Japan in 1945. However, the principle is the same. In fact multiple warheads would destroy the same areas, those of the highest strategic importance; other areas would be affected only indirectly, especially those likely to be upwind (in the UK, Wales, Cornwall, Devon, the Western areas of Britain generally).


The medical and other effects of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster have been terrible for very many people, especially in the Ukraine, especially those who lived near Chernobyl or under the path of its pollution. However, people generally do live unaffected by it, not only in Kiev (which was upwind of the “plume” of radioactive dust) but even (illegally or unofficially) within the “exclusion zone” (mostly now-elderly people who returned against orders to their former homes in the less built-up areas).

Below, before and after photos of the same street corner in Pripyat, the nearest town (until the disaster, 49,000 inhabitants) to the Chernobyl nuclear plant.


Below, Pripyat today, in summer— a ghost town…


In fact, despite radiation and some undesirable genetic mutations and cancers, the animal population in the contaminated Exclusion Zone (i.e. nearly 20 miles in all directions from the Chernobyl reactors), an area the size of Hampshire, or 10 times the size of the Isle of Wight, has flourished since humans fled. Species rarely seen before 1986 are now almost commonplace: Przewalski’s horse, bears, wolves, elk, wild boar, lynx, among others.

Thinking The Unthinkable

Since 1945, the peoples of the world have, with reason, thought of nuclear war as the worst possible eventuality. The powers-that-be (on all sides) have encouraged that view. It has been part of the nuclear stalemate, the nuclear peace during the Cold War. Mutually Assured Destruction.

From the Kremlin to the White House, from Pugwash to Helsinki, from the Rand Corporation through Iron Mountain to Chatham House, and from Herman Kahn to Bertrand Russell, the post-1945 peace and standoff has been secured, in part, by the consciousness that nuclear war might well mean destruction of not only all human civilization but of all life on Earth. What if, though, that “Ur-fact” or Grundnorm is in fact only a partial truth?

Only a maniac could speak of nuclear war lightly. However, might our basic culture, if not the hugely-complex civilization based on it, be able to survive a major nuclear war? Not to think lightly of that possibility, and certainly not to promote it as a way forward, but might we (as a race or people), like the animals of Chernobyl, survive and eventually thrive if it happened?


The “Gaia Hypothesis” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaia#Modern_ecological_theory., that is, that the Earth is to some extent self-regulating (or even “alive” as an organism) was popularized from 1979 by the British scientist, environmentalist and futurist James Lovelock, but the essence of it, in more spiritual form, had been noted long before, notably by Rudolf Steiner, in some of his lectures. The latter also said that from time to time the Earth shrugs off unwanted irritants as a large animal does parasites from its body.

When we look at the Earth over the course of the present Fifth Post-Atlantean age, i.e. from about 1400 AD to the present day, we see how a relatively unspoiled natural world has been gradually polluted and abused. In 1400, even Western Europe had vast forests, few of which still exist to their original extent. That was even more true of Eastern Europe and Russia. Australia, New Zealand had not been discovered by Europeans; neither had the Americas, in effect, though in fact the Vikings knew of North America, had even visited it, but (for good reason) the Vatican suppressed that knowledge as long as it could, thus delaying for several centuries further European connection to the Americas.

The oceans were still pristine in 1400, and have become progressively more polluted and overfished in the past 600 years. Plastic waste has become almost ubiquitous on both land and sea.

As for the animal kingdom, many scientists think that we are living in a period of extinctions, a “Great Mass Extinction” of life on Earth. Unlike previous mass extinctions, this one is being caused mainly by human activity. We have all seen the struggle to protect the great (and small) animals of Africa, Asia etc, and those of the oceans.

Europeans have awoken to the world environment and its crisis, but that has mainly not been the case among the backward peoples: Chinese, Indians, Africans etc (speaking in group terms). Europe is at least now struggling to help the environment, but is outnumbered many many times over by the Chinese, Indians etc, most of whom have little understanding of the need for stewardship of the Earth, and who accuse the “West” of hypocrisy for its high per-capita consumption.

The human population of the Earth 10,000-12,000 years ago has been estimated as having been anything from 1 million to 15 million. In other words, speculation. The Roman Empire c.500 AD may have contained 50 or 60 million inhabitants, and China contained (another estimate) perhaps 100 million. The estimate for the whole world at the beginning of our age (c.1400 AD) is around 350 million. Now (2019) the world contains nearly 8 billion (8,000,000,000) people. Twenty times the population of 600 years ago, and those people are almost all each consuming hugely more than did people of former times. Something surely has to give.

The Path Ahead

I have blogged previously about the need for “safe zones” as a germinal ethnostate in the UK. I note that, in Germany, USA and elsewhere, others seem to have come to the same conclusion. People of social-national views are at least thinking about withdrawing from the present society and creating their own autonomous or semi-autonomous societies in rural areas. In its basic form, this idea is “white flight” and has been happening for half a century in North America; it happens now in the UK, Germany, France too. In more sophisticated form, the idea takes shape more consciously, not simply “white flight” away from the present society but also to the beginnings of a new society.

My past blog posts on the subject of “safe zones” etc:















[Update, 10 July 2020; blog post: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2020/05/19/lost-doggerland-some-historical-changes-and-some-large-scale-projects/]

The Role of Family

Nick Griffin, one-time head of the BNP, has written about how conventional politics is finished in Western Europe. He places his trust in the durability of the white Northern European family: the production of children to maintain the bloodlines or, as some term them,  “les rivieres pourpres”. While I cannot agree with him if he thinks that organization is unnecessary (I suspect that he does not go that far), it is certainly true that setting up little political parties, or having pleasant social evenings with like-minded political people etc is a dead duck at present, though we must never forget that Adolf Hitler was member number 7 of the DAP which became the NSDAP. Cometh the hour, cometh the man.

In the end, the future may be ours if we as a group have children who can bear our bloodlines into the future. In this study, I noted that one man long ago, about 4,000 years ago, is now known to have been the progenitor of over half of all European people alive today. I also noted that two other men were the progenitors of most of the rest of the people of European ethnicity who now live. Those three men created our present Europe and therefore most of the advanced world civilization of today. Three men!

It may be that a mere few people or even one couple will, through their children, be the transmitters of les rivieres pourpres into the future, that our present civilization will soon descend into bloodshed and chaos, but that the few who matter will survive and then create the future through their own bloodlines and via the culture and knowledge which they possess.






















































You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your
fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who
have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the
past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon
the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in
which their bodies have long decayed.

Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature. To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can
change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has
inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will
and courage.

You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass
your blood on to your children, for you are a member of
the chain of generations that reaches from the past into
eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent
must do its part so that the chain is never broken.

But if your blood has traits that will make your children
unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the
heroic duty to be the last. The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will

[SS Verlag: material for instruction of the Hitlerjugend]


Globalist Finance-Capital and the Connected MSM “Celebrates” (and Profits from) the Destruction of Our European Society


What is written here should be taken in the context of my own belief about historical cycles and in particular that of 33 years. For me, the 33-year cycle is now of great importance. 1923, 1956, 1989, 2022. The last great change in the world took place not so much in as pivoting around the year 1989, and was, in its major effect, the fall of socialism (of all kinds) and its replacement by what might be characterized as globalized finance capitalism. By “socialism”, I mean every kind of socialized socio-political ideology and its practical application.

Soviet socialism and its historical offshoots (whether in China, Albania, Cuba, South-East Asia etc) fell to pieces, replaced by a basically capitalist ethos (sometimes ruled by the same or similar people and even keeping some of the same symbols and slogans, as in China and Cuba).

Soviet-style (Marxist-Leninist) socialism fell, in and after 1989, but it did not fall alone. Social-democratic “socialism” also fell, or just fell apart. Across Western Europe (the same is generally true in Central and Eastern Europe), social-democratic parties have been in decline since 1989.

Socialism, Social-Democracy and Globalist Finance-Capitalism in the UK from 1989

In the UK, the Labour Party erased Clause IV of its Constitution (the clause providing for a socialized society) in 1995. For the next 20 years, the UK Labour Party was not only “socialist” only in implied name, but increasingly also only “social-democratic” in implied name. By 2010, there was virtually no clear water between the Labour and Conservative parties. Both espoused similar globalist finance-capitalist principles, even openly. Indeed, though this blog post is not the place in which to detail it, both Labour and Conservative competed to shout the loudest about how much they loved transnational business and wanted to attract the wealthy and uber-wealthy to the UK, while making a sport of demonizing the poor, the unemployed and disabled, many of whom are reliant on State benefits and services etc.

It may be that the Corbyn phenomenon, resisting going further down the globalist finance-capitalist path, is a sign that that the 1989-2022 era has now run out of steam in the UK, as elsewhere. Much of Corbynism is a nostalgic attempt to go back to the 1970s, but its importance lies not in what it is but in what it is not.

Transnational Enterprises Profiting from Europe

Europe (EU and otherwise) has failed to properly address the profiteering of huge transnational enterprises, whether traditional or Internet-age. They have not been taxed properly or effectively, have played the various European legal and taxing jurisdictions off against each other, and have often treated their employees shabbily.

It should not be forgotten that large-scale capitalist enterprises profit from mass immigration, which provides millions of new consumers, i.e. potential customers, lowers rates of pay, and helps to create, in the American phrase, a “hardscrabble” society which favours finance-capitalism.

It will be recalled that Adolf Hitler referred to “the Aryan ideal of creative work”. As against that, there stand the two pillars of non-Aryan time-employment— on the one hand, various forms of coerced work, ranging from outright slavery to “wage slavery” doing mechanistic labour or running after numbers and/or money; on the other hand, idleness (either unemployment with no cultural or other opportunities and little money, or the luxurious idleness of the decadent wealthy).

Transnational and Other Large Enterprises Promoting the Multiracial Society

There has been a long-term conspiracy to destroy the racial basis of Europe. This goes back at least as far as Coudenhove-Kalergi and his notorious Plan. The international conspiracy is heavily embedded in the so-called “European Union”. One only has to look at the last few years’ “migration-invasion” of Europe. It has been encouraged by all the usual System suspects, from Yvette Cooper and other MPs of the UK, to Angela Merkel, to Jewish groups who have actually organized “aid” to bring “refugees” to the EU and UK! One active example has been the Labour Party “peer” and Jew “lord” Alfred Dubs (an expenses cheat, apart from anything else), who himself came to the UK in 1938 as a child of 6 (his father having bravely fled from Prague and abandoned his family).

There again, when the flow of migrant-invaders was not fast enough for the purposes of the conspiracy, Angela Merkel made her (in fact illegal under EU law) invitation to “refugees” to invade Europe, triggering an even greater and sudden influx from Africa and Asia.

Equally egregiously, we have seen so-called “humanitarian” organizations and actual navies (such as the British) ferrying migrant-invaders to Europe across the Mediterranean. This was presented to the UK/EU public as “rescue at sea” when the reality is that many of the migrant-invaders were picked up by EU naval vessels or those of NGOs only a few miles from the coast of Libya and ferried to Italy, France etc.

There has been a massive campaign in mainland Europe to make the migrant-invaders (mostly young or young-ish men) acceptable, particularly to girls in Germany, Scandinavia etc. Government agencies in Germany, Sweden etc have even put out sex instruction booklets showing cartoon Africans having sex with blonde European girls in various positions! We must be clear about this: this is treason to Europe’s future. The harshest penalties are appropriate. Those who put out such propaganda are evil and must face justice.

Turning to the UK (I do not know whether it applies elsewhere; it probably does), we see that every or every second or third TV ad now shows a mixed-race couple (usually black man with white woman) and/or family, as if that is the norm in the real world. Of course it is not, but it is that kind of demography that is the aim of the thought-manipulators in the msm, ad agencies etc. How many of those are, shall we say, “members of a certain tribe”? Many, to say the least. Such television advertisements do not reflect society as it now is, but attempt to create such a mixed-race society by normalizing the production of mixed-race children, and normalizing the mixed-race family in the collective mindset.

This admixture to the European DNA is justified to fools by the idea that Europeans are not having enough children, so that the “Great Replacement” of Europeans by non-Europeans (via migration-invasion and high birth rate) in Europe is somehow justified. That kind of dummy reasoning leaves out the fact that Europeans are specifically discouraged from having children (especially with each other): promotion of birth-control, abortion, the LGBT-whatever narrative, all of which making it impossible economically — and even socially— for women to be stay-at-home mothers, and making it impossible economically for most European-race men to afford to support a family through paid work.


The present situation has to be reversed. Safe zones throughout Europe, leading to the creation of germinal ethnostates, must be part of the solution. After 2022, a New Order will start to arise in Europe. We shall be the masters then.








The Pressing Need for Safe Zones in the UK and Across Europe


I have previously blogged about the need to establish at least one “safe zone” in the UK, to act as a germinal ethnostate. My writings on this topic can be read on this site (under headings such as “safe zones”, “white flight”, “prepping” etc) and on my own website (http://ianrmillard.com).

[Update, 28 January 2024: please be aware that my former website address is not now operative. The present blog is on ianrobertmillard.com].

Why do I favour one safe zone in the UK rather than many? The Russian proverb is “if you chase two hares, you won’t catch one”. It is better to have 48 people living in one English county than to have 1 person living in each of the English counties. This accords with the dictum of Clausewitz: to wit, that a secure base must be established before power can be extended beyond. It also accords with the military doctrine of the Schwerpunkt or concentration of forces [lit. heavy point or main point or emphasis].

Realistically, one cannot expect every social nationalist in the UK or even in England alone to relocate to one area (I favour South West England, for reasons about which I have already blogged). People have ties which cannot always be severed easily. However, I feel that focusing on one main safe zone will allow that zone to exercize magnetic attraction and will achieve a momentum, eventually.

Present Situation

Writing in mid-2018, it seems to me that the need for the safe zone(s) becomes ever more pressing. For several reasons. I focus on the UK, but my comments refer also to the rest of the world.

  • UK cities are going black/brown. That is a very general statement and of course there are other groups also very numerous now, such as Chinese. In broad brush terms, the phrase is all right. At any rate, white Northern Europeans are already a minority in several English towns and cities. Continuing mass immigration and the higher birth-rate of non-Europeans will ensure that few large towns and cities will be majority white European (let alone predominantly so) by 2050. What does this mean? Politically, electorally, it means that social nationalism cannot succeed even if all white Europeans were to, say, vote for a social-national party standing in any election. The numbers would not and could not be there.
  • Protection and security. At present, even the most innocuous meetings by social nationalists face annoying disruption and even prevention by reason of the activities of the mindless “antifa” groups, which groups can be described as the “useful idiots” of the Jewish-Zionist lobby. (They often in fact say that they are “anti-Zionist” as well as “anti-fascist”, but strangely seem rarely or never to attack Zionist gatherings). A safe zone will ensure that the personnel are there to protect the white European social-national community, come what may. The safe zone will also provide protection and support to those affected by the over-zealous policing now current.
  • The presence of large numbers of social nationalists in one area will enable election of local and national representatives. This is not the main driver, but will be useful.
  • Protection of children from unsuitable social pressures and brainwashing.
  • A further reason to create a safe zone is the uncertainty in the international situation. War may yet ravage Europe. Safe zones enable survival of people and ideas.

Post-Collapse Survival; Preservation of Civilization and Culture

Recent months have seen devastation from hurricanes. The Caribbean area has been the worst-hit. Most of those islands are now, with help from major states as well as from charities and individuals, bouncing back. Puerto Rico is still suffering from the effects, partly because it is the largest of the worst-affected islands, partly because the US Federal Government response has been sluggish.

In Europe, it is unlikely that we shall suffer in any major way from hurricanes, but there is a quite-high chance that our societies will suffer from the dislocations caused by war and/or socio-economic collapse. Many will say that this cannot happen or would not affect at least the more civilized parts of Europe. Are they sure? It is still just within living memory that parts of Europe were devastated twice by the very major conflicts of 1914-18 and 1939-1945. Apart from those wars, there have been others: the war between the Bolsheviks and others from 1918-1922 (Russia, Ukraine, Poland, East Prussia); the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939); the Balkan War(s) of the 1990s. That is not even taking into account smaller armed conflicts such as the Hungarian Uprising and subsequent Soviet invasion (1956) or disruptions of an economic or other nature. The recent and continuing “migration-invasion” of Europe by non-Europeans comes to mind.

An individual or small group within a society, not holding political power, cannot do much to steer such events; neither can an individual or small group easily defend itself either directly or in terms of subsistence. However, there are possibilities, if prepared for in advance. In Puerto Rico, while most of the population suffered (at time of writing many continue to suffer) from shortages of water, food, from lack of electricity, vehicle fuel and medical help, others have been able to weather the storm, both literally and metaphorically, far better.

In Puerto Rico and elsewhere, those who survived without suffering more than they had to were those whose homes were solid, who had stocks of food, fuel and medical supplies and who were as far as possible “off-grid”. Twitter carried innumerable stories of despair and triumph, such as the farmer who powers his farm using solar power from his own solar array. For him, the fact that the electricity distribution network was not working (for weeks) was not directly relevant.

In the UK and across Northern Europe, the same applies. I have blogged previously about how people on farms, country estates and elsewhere might be able, not only to survive social collapse, but also to help to preserve culture and civilization during what could be an extended period without central control, help, law, order. As during WW2 rationing, those best off might be people living in rural areas, especially those already “prepped”:

  • electrical power and hot water from solar panels, heat exchanges, small wind turbines, small hydropower plants; there are also ways of producing limited amounts of electricity via pedal-powered and hand-operated wind-up systems; temporary back-up might involve small petrol or diesel generators.
  • water purification systems; solar stills; temporary back-up via stocks of bottled water: bottled water lasts, at a minimum, 2 years and in many cases is still drinkable without treatment after 4 –or more– years and even after that can still be used after simple treatment such as addition of drops of potassium permanganate or by running it through a filter and purification system, or by boiling it as required. In fact, most rural farms and estates have access to springwater supplies etc.
  • food home-grown or produced. This of course depends on having land on which to grow it and will be much easier if the preppers already do it on their own estates and farms (or the land around ordinary houses). How much land is required is not fixed and depends on the required diet, the land type and quality etc, but can be as little as half an acre per person and quite likely even a smaller area– https://www.smallfootprintfamily.com/how-much-land-is-needed-to-be-self-sufficient . In addition, there will be food backup via stocks of tinned food, dried foods and, for those whose diet encompasses them, foods from fishing and shooting: fish, shellfish, venison etc. A further source would be from permaculture sources: nut-bearing trees, wild berries and so on.
  • Internet. This may be interrupted or even cease to exist for a time, though it is likely that service will continue in some form or be rebuilt eventually; a major resource in terms of useful techniques, as well as in holding together spread-out communities and the rebuilding –if necessary– of the wider society. Also, a way of offering or asking for help.
  • medical help: as on expeditions etc, you can never have too many doctors or nurses. A further advantage to having doctors on board before disaster strikes the general society is that doctors can order supplies of drugs unavailable without prescription and, should they so decide, stockpile them. While few individuals will be able to afford their own operating theatre, a social-national community might be able to fund doctors to set up one before it is required.
  • transport: vehicle fuel can be stored, but may not last very long. Electric cars and other vehicles are still novel; when they are available, anyone with an electrical supply and a charger will be able to charge them and so continue to have the use of cars, trucks, tractors etc.

I have left out the question of arms. As the law now is in the UK, most people are not permitted arms beyond shotguns and in some cases rifles. Obviously, farmers and landowners will usually have such weapons. In a situation of collapse, arms will probably become available. In any event, any larger or more complex weapons (eg mortars, tanks) require persons with the requisite military training. In short, it is unnecessary for the germinal ethnostate to have arms beyond those customarily available to all rural communities in the UK (other European countries are far less strict).

We in the germinal ethnostate will be in a good position not only to survive but to found a new society if we prepare in the right way and in good time.




