Tag Archives: Simon Harris

Diary Blog, 4 June 2024

Morning music

[Watercress Line, Hampshire; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watercress_Line]

“Jack Monroe” and other frauds

I have covered on the blog, in past years, various aspects of the fraudulent “grifting” of “Jack Monroe”, but even today there are, it seems, utter mugs around who not only believe her nonsense but also send money to her.

I have also covered, to a lesser extent, other similar frauds: Simon Harris, aka “Man Behaving Dadly” (Essex Jew who blagged £600,000 from Essex County Council, as well as large amounts from individual mugs online); “Supertanskiii” (whose modus operandi is to post tweets etc shouting angrily and often vulgarly at “the Tories”, while asking mugs to send her money; what will she do when her beloved fake “Labour” turns out to be as bad, or worse?); Julia Grace Patterson (her u.s.p. is that she was briefly a medical doctor in the NHS —for about 2 years—); Mike Stuchbery (see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/) etc.

Then of course, there is the “Captain Tom” fraud/embezzlement/”grift”, carried out by the daughter and son-in-law of the ancient ex-officer who raised millions (supposedly for the NHS) by that now-famous yet brainless stunt of traversing his garden lawn on a Zimmer frame thousands of times a few years ago. “Captain Tom” himself was no doubt sincere; his daughter is just a freeloading fraud.

As the BBC might say “other fraudulent grifters are available“…

Even I myself was briefly taken in by the Depher fraud (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo), and gave a few pounds a couple of times.

…and still sob-storying about “her boy“, who must be 20 years old now, and who (it is said) was mostly taken care of by others, not by drink/drug wreck “Jack Monroe”.

A black woman in Bristol was imprisoned for doing but a fraction of what “Jack Monroe” has done. I am hardly likely to intone “is it ‘cos she is black?“, but it hardly seems fair or just when “Jack Monroe’s” behaviour has been 100x worse… see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13283627/black-lives-matter-blm-fraud-bristol-colston-statue-protest.html.

I still fail to see how “Jack Monroe” asking for money to sue Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney (and then spending the money on her own pleasures and whims) is any different to what Xahra Saleem did.

Other tweets seen

The BBC must be defunded.

Not that I have much time for Farage, for several reasons. For one thing, “net zero” migration would still, if implemented, mean about 200,000 non-whites entering the UK and staying indefinitely, because about that many persons (mostly whites people, i.e. real British people) leave every year to try to find a decent life is Australasia or North America etc.

Well, of course, Sunak has all the charisma or “in-touch-ness” of a limp lettuce, something that Sunak has in common with ludicrously over-promoted and now washed-up 49-day-PM Liz Truss.

That reminds me: I have heard and seen nothing, for weeks if not months, about or from Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), who lasted only 38 days as Chancellor, yet received a payoff for those 38 days of nearly £17,000 (in addition to salary etc): see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwasi_Kwarteng#Dismissal.

Woollyhead will get another quite decent payoff, because he is not contesting his safe seat at Spelthorne (Surrey), which has only once elected a non-Conservative— in 1945. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelthorne_(UK_Parliament_constituency)

I can only imagine that Woollyhead has a very good job offer somewhere. Who on Earth would employ him? Puzzling. still, there it is.

Controlled opposition. The Conservative Party is generally pro the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, and Israel itself. So is Farage. So is Goodwin. Get the picture?

Only a social-national party or movement can save the future of this country, but such a party or movement does not exist. The nearest is Patriotic Alternative, I suppose.

Hard to believe.

I too, like tweeter “@JoeeggJoe”, think that the Cons have the potential to fall further. Now that Farage is Reform UK leader, Reform may increase its support, not so much because Farage is wildly popular but simply because Reform now as a very identifiable leader, which was not the case with Tice.

I also tend to think that there is a bloc of “secret Reform UK” voters, unwilling to admit to it publicly or to poll canvassers, but who, on 4 July (or before that, in postal voting), will put their X by Reform UK candidates, either because they support Reform UK anyway, or because they see it as the best way, where they live, of kicking the Conservative Party).

The clowns at Westminster are far more amusing (usually, though, unintentionally) than the huge number of officially-approved and unfunny “comedians” we see in the msm.

Good grief! Ecce the new Mayor of “Derry” (“Londonderry”, as was). So much for Irish nationalism! The SDLP, and Sinn Fein, are as fake as the SNP and Plaid Cymru. Is this what the IRA and others struggled for, all those years, all those decades, indeed all those centuries?!

More music

I like The Shadows for several reasons. Firstly, their music reminds me of my fairly early years of childhood, I having been born in 1956 (and so was about 6-7 in 1963). Secondly, their originality and quality. Thirdly, their music evokes a sense of the optimism of England in the years of the early/mid 1960s. Fourthly, they are or were unmistakably English, for all their enthusiasm for Americana (eg their piece, F.B.I.) in those Atlanticist years.

I remember seeing their name on the outside of the Kursaal in Ostend (Belgium) in the summer of maybe 1963, maybe 1965, along with that of Cliff Richard, when they were his backing group.


Nigel Farage attacked in Clacton

The smug look on the little bitch’s face says it all. Entitled. Probably pig-ignorant. Probably either a student or a trustafarian, or maybe unemployed. My money would be on her being a student of some kind, probably from an affluent family.

Almost certainly pro-mass migration and the invasion of the UK.

Regular readers will be aware that I am no fan of Farage’s “controlled opposition” “conservative nationalism” but this must be punished. I doubt that that will happen.

I wrote a piece about this type of sub-terrorism some years ago, when Farage was again the victim of an idiot milkshake-thrower, and the terminally unfunny supposed “comedienne”, Jo Brand, “joked” that it should have been battery acid.

Will the police track down and arrest the woman who today attacked Farage? I wonder…

Obviously, today’s attack was very predictable, and Farage does not seem to have effective personal protection.

I wonder whether Farage will get more votes because of what happened today. Maybe. Certainly, I have scoured the Press looking for any mention of his Conservative Party opponent, one Giles Watling, but without result. Watling is invisible in Clacton. Farage is the only game in town, both for those who like his candidature and those who hate it (and him).

Farage is probably a good deal more sanguine about the attack today than I should be in his position. I am restricted in what I can express, by reason of my free speech trial last year, which has had at least a marginally chilling effect on my freedom of expression, but I think that my regular readers will be able to read between the lines.

The perpetrator should be identified and arrested, though. At least that.

I see that a 25-y-o woman from Clacton has now been arrested: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/04/milkshake-thrown-nigel-farage-campaign-clacton/.

I presume that we shall know more about her when she appears in the magistrates’ court.

[the guilty party: note the “entitled” smug smirk]

I have now seen a small piece about Giles Watling, on the BBC website:

“Mr Watling told BBC Essex that Mr Farage “doesn’t give two hoots” about the constituency.

This is all about Nigel, as ever,” said the former actor, who appeared in 1980s BBC sitcom Bread.

“I don’t want to see the residents of Clacton-on-Sea taken for granted and sacrificed on the altar of his vanity.”

Mr Watling said he felt it was his job to “transform Clacton’s future” by using government funding he had secured.”


Watling himself seems rather remote from the majority of Clacton residents and voters. I notice that, in the photo on the BBC website, he is wearing a Garrick Club tie:

[Giles Watling, Conservative Party candidate for the Clacton constituency, 2024, wearing his Garrick Club tie; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrick_Club]
[Garrick Club tie]
[Garrick Club— dining room]
[Garrick Club— entrance]

Does Watling have much in common with most of his constituents?

Basic Income


As part of a privately funded experiment in Universal Basic Income in 2019, the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (S.E.E.D.) conducted a pilot project that gave a $500 stipend to 125 randomly selected residents for an 24-month period with “no strings attached.[51] “


SEED was a Randomized Control Trial that distributed $500 a month for 24 months to 125 recipients. The cash was unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements, and recipients were selected randomly from neighborhoods at or below Stockton’s median household income.

Results gathered from the first year, which spanned February of 2019 to February of 2020, found recipients obtained full-time employment at more than twice the rate of non-recipients. Recipients were less anxious and depressed, both over time and compared to the control  group. They also saw statistically significant improvements in emotional health, fatigue levels and overall well being. Recipients had a greater ability to pay for unexpected expenses.

People spent the SEED money on basic needs, including food (nearly 37%), sales/merchandise (22%, on home goods, clothes/shoes and discount/dollar stores), utilities (11%) and auto costs (10%). Less than 1% was spent on alcohol and/or tobacco.”


In my view, Basic Income must be the way to go, with AI and robotics impacting employment and set to do so more. The alternative to Basic Income is to have a tiny sliver of the population ultra-wealthy, a wider layer wealthy, and about 80% of the population near-destitute.

More tweets seen

When is the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office going to remove Myerson from sitting as a Recorder (p/t judge)? He is plainly unfit.

The same goes for his role as King’s Counsel and barrister: https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/for-the-public/reporting-concerns.html#How%20to%20report%20a%20concern.

I have noted before on the blog how Myerson sometimes tweets dozens of times in a day; the other day nearly a hundred. An obsessive.

So far today, by my count, Myerson has tweeted and retweeted about 28 times. On a Tuesday, and mostly this afternoon. Relatively modest by his standards.

Well worth reading the whole thread. It happened not in 1980s (or 1950s) South Africa, not in Russia, not in Kazakhstan, nor in China, but in one of the wealthiest states of the USA, California. So much for “the land of freedom”. Really bad.


Managed” decline? Hardly! “Mismanaged” maybe. “Uncontrolled“, really.

Nasty little Con scribbler-careerist James Forsyth [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forsyth_(political_aide)] seems to be to be a very unpleasant little shit (I concede, though, that I have never met him).

Forsyth and his wife, Allegra Stratton, have been albatrosses round the neck of the Conservative Party for over a decade. Sunak was best man at their wedding in 2011.

Allegra Stratton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegra_Stratton] was one reason why “Boris”-idiot sank as PM. As for Forsyth, he was appointed Political Secretary to Sunak in December 2022. Since then, well…

‘Nuff said?

(actually, it comes as a shock to discover that the Forsyths are in their mid-40s now. Tempus fugit…).

Late tweets

Amir Bohbout, military analyst of the Israeli website: The Israeli Air Force is not ready for Hezbollah drones and this is a fact. Hezbollah has thousands of drones at its disposal, and this means that if we increase the depth of our attacks to 40 or 100 kilometers and Hezbollah feels that it is in a war situation, then it will send a large number of drones here.

As predicted on this blog quite a while ago, eventually Israel and particularly the Tel Aviv region will face fleets of thousands of drones. Also, powerful missiles in very large numbers.

Oil reserves of different regions of the earth Middle East by far in the top. Recently, a report in the British Parliament revealed that Russia has discovered unimaginable oil in areas of the Arctic that Britain also claims. The report says that the volume of oil in this discovery is more than 510 billion barrels.

Late music

[painting by Arnold Bocklin]

Diary Blog, 16 May 2024, including thoughts about the UK housing crisis, about Islington North, about Simon Myerson, and about “grifters” such as the now-exposed Depher UK

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the River Cam, Cambridge]

From the newspapers


More than 2,000 households a month are facing homelessness in England because private landlords say they are selling up, with some blaming uncertainty caused by government delays to renting reforms.

Official figures show that more than four in 10 families who have asked councils for temporary housing after a private landlord ended their tenancy are in the predicament because the owner told them they were putting the property on the market.

Despite increasing demand, the supply of private housing available to rent is still 50,000 homes below pre-pandemic levels, figures from Rightmove show. The total number of privately renting households, including those in stable accommodation, has hovered around the 4.5m mark for the last decade, according to the English Housing Survey. In that time, England’s population grew by 3.2 million, equivalent to 1.4m households.

[The Guardian]

Look at the effect of mass migration aka migration invasion: In the last decade alone, the UK population grew by 3.2 MILLION…

Islington North

The Labour Party is to select its candidate to fight Islington North in the expected 2024 General Election. Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, sacked from Labour by Israel and Jewish lobby puppet Keir Starmer, has not been invited to apply.

Corbyn presently sits as Independent, but was elected at Islington North for Labour in every general election since 1983. At that first election, Corbyn and Labour scored a vote-share of 40.4% (Con 25.3%, SDP 22.4%), but since then Corbyn has never received less than 50% of the total vote, and usually above 60%, peaking in 2017 (when he was Labour leader) at 73% (Con 12.5%, LibDems 9%). At the most recent general election, in 2019, Corbyn scored 64.3% (LibDems 15.6%, Con 10.2%).


The huge unknown is what percentage of the voters voted for Corbyn, and what percentage voted for the Labour label.

Usually, voters vote by label. Few indeed are the instances where a candidate who has been cast out by his or her party, and who has then stood as Independent (or for a small party) then been re-elected. Most face ignominious defeat. However, Islington North may be different.

There has never been a case where a party leader has been expelled, in effect, from his own party, and has then stood as Independent in the constituency that he has represented for 41 years and is still, at time of writing, representing.

Corbyn is very high profile, and of course has been the MP since 1983, over 40 years.

It seems that local Labour has been frozen out of the selection process, and that Starmer or his minions on the Labour NEC will select the candidate. Apparently, there are several not-unlikely possibilities, and a few political chancers, such as faux-revolutionary (and System msm drone) Paul Mason, will probably also apply.

Assuming that Corbyn does stand (as Independent), I think that he might be able to win the election, and I should put his likely vote-share at somewhere around 30%-40%. The official Labour candidate will probably also get about 30%-40%.

There is likely to be a Reform UK candidate, who will probably get below 5%, and possibly (as with UKIP and Brexit Party in previous elections) only around 1% or 2%. The Conservative candidate will almost certainly struggle to get over 10% and, in the present circumstances, may be in lost-deposit territory, below 5%.

It is possible that the LibDem candidate will score over 10%; hard to say.

My view is that, if Corbyn does stand, it will be a straight fight between him and whosoever is selected as the official Labour candidate. Corbyn surely has every chance, if he stands (I think that he will).

Tweets seen

As previously blogged, not even 1997 was 1997 (as popularly now understood); Labour received only 43.2% of the popular vote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_United_Kingdom_general_election.

The 1997 General Election passed me by; I was in the middle of living for a year in Kazakhstan, was busy with everyday and not-so-everyday things, and did not have a satellite (or any other) TV; also, BBC World Service radio reception from the UK was very poor by reason of the nearby mountains (Almaty is on the lower slopes of the Tien Shan) and the remoteness from Europe etc.

I was and am willing to believe that “Captain Tom” meant well (though the whole stunt was basically brainless), but his daughter and her husband were very obviously riding it for all it was worth from the start. Disgraceful people.

The msm went along with it all because it tended to reinforce the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic” narrative of the times, the “Covid” craziness, “clapping for the NHS”, and other related nonsense.

See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo, which is well worth reading. An important investigation. These “grifters” should be hounded and prosecuted, not least because they destroy trust in the whole concept of charity and giving.

I myself gave a couple of small donations to that supposed quasi-charitable org. That’s a tenner I shall never get back. Not a fortune, true, but that “grifter” has thereby deprived me not only of a good feeling but also £10 with which I could have bought a couple of Lottery scratchcards. Never mind. If I ever meet him, I shall recover my money from the bastard in person.

I have blogged previously, several times, about this contemporary disease of online “grifters”— “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas, the Anglo-Cypriot fraudster known as the “Bootstrap Cook”), “Supertanskiii” (grifts money via her pathetic Twitter/X account which pretends to be doing pro-Labour political campaigning via swearing at “the Tories”), “Man Behaving Dadly” (a Jew called Simon Harris, who “grifted” hundreds of thousands of pounds, like “Jack Monroe”, from gullible members of the public, and also cheated Essex County Council out of about £600,000).

Many others exist, including Julia Grace Patterson, a woman who worked as a very junior NHS doctor for about 2 years before deciding that it was easier to live from online “grifting” in various ways, while also posing online as some kind of champion of the crumbling NHS.

The Essex Police seem to be red-hot when it comes to supposedly “racist” teddy-bears, or jumping on legitimate free speech at the behest of the Jewish lobby, but not much use when it comes to frauds like the above (all based in Essex, apart from Depher UK).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Well, when they are gone, that’s Ukraine’s future as a nation and people pretty much gone too. The birthrate is already far lower than replacement level, and about a third of the pre-2022 population is now outside Ukraine.

What might be called “the Reduction of the Gaza Ghetto”.

Don’t forget the main one—Israel, aided by the Jewish lobby within the USA, embedded in politics, finance, TV, radio, newspapers, publishing, and business.


Simon Myerson

Many readers will be aware of the social media presence of a Jew-Zionist called Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (part-time criminal and civil judge), whose toxic social media presence has led to his being given formal “words of advice” (equivalent to a caution) by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

I have blogged a little about Myerson in the past; he used to tweet obsessively about me and others, and is tied up with the two organizations who have tried to persecute me over the past 10-12 years, the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”].

Recently, Myerson’s sworn testimony in the civil case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor was discounted by the judge, along with that of other unreliable Jewish witnesses (Nathan Comiskey, Joanne Bell, Adam Cailler).

The Jewish defendants lost out, and at least one may have to sell his family home to pay the costs of the Claimant, he (the defendant in question) plainly having been misadvised by self-seeking Israel-based Mark Lewis and others.

One defendant, Newbon, another obsessed Zionist, committed suicide during the trial. The attempt to ruin a university lecturer, James Wilson, and make money out of it for Lewis and the defendants, backfired spectacularly.

Despite the above, Myerson is still practising at the Bar, and (as far as I know) still sitting as a Recorder.

He is an obsessive, like so many of “them”. Here we are at 1300 hrs on a Thursday afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted 39 times today by my count, starting at about 0800 hrs this morning. So about 8 times per hour, for 5 hours (so far).

I have no idea whether his practice is busy or not.

Should Myerson be sitting in judgment over the fate of British people?

For more on that specific legal case and the fallout therefrom, see previous posts on this blog and/or the tweets of the successful and brave Claimant in the case, James Wilson: https://twitter.com/per_incuriam2.

More tweets seen

Here’s an angry email from Patron’s partner Alexander Zivancevic. My view is that there is no blackmail, there is no harassment, there are no threats, and there are no mindless emails. My position is: Patron Law led its clients – Mr Mendelsohn, Dr Newbon and Mr Cantor – into disaster. And Patron Law ought to pay to get them out. Mr Zivancevic is annoyed and threatening because all this is going to cost him some cash. But it’s fair enough that he coughs up some cash to protect Mr Mendelsohn and Mr Cantor? What do you think?”

I myself have no idea whether the defeated and possibly insolvent Jewish defendants will now seek to sue Mark Lewis and others, including Patron Law, on the basis of professional negligence, but it seems that that is a distinct possibility, if not probability.

Lewis himself has no property in this country, having “relocated” (fled?) to Israel several years ago. Indeed, just before he left, and at the time of his “conviction” in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018 (for violently insulting people on Twitter etc), and just before he moved “permanently” to Israel, his own Counsel pleaded that he should not be fined too heavily because his “only assets” were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter. Even his car had been provided for him for free, paid for by the “antisemitic” British taxpayers, via the DWP-connected Motability scheme. The so-called “top libel lawyer” (according to the tabloid Press in years past)…

Egregious on its own, but also interesting in that Lewis is apparently a partner in that Jewish or mainly Jewish law firm, Patron Law, based in West London. If Lewis is sued (successfully), it may be the case that the other partners of that firm will be jointly and severally liable, if joined to the putative or potential action.

I hesitate to be unequivocal on this, because I have not practised at the Bar since 2008, and was (albeit wrongfully and unlawfully) disbarred for political reasons in 2016: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

It is not unlikely that the laws of both libel and business or professional partnership have changed over the past few years. I no longer bother to keep up with most legal changes.

Well, there it is, my opinion (which must now come with a non-governmental health warning…).

I have to say that Mr. Wilson is a far more forgiving man than I am. Those Jewish defendants were trying to ruin Wilson and, even if they have been used and bamboozled and manipulated by their fellow Jews, deserve to suffer the consequences of their own badness, in my opinion.

Blackmail?! Well there’s a coincidence. It is so weird. Before the “meanings” judgment was signed off and approved in my case, reading the draft I could see that it was not going well for the other side, that there would likely be further publicity which might be damaging to them and I did not want to cause them any harm. Like the old Buddhist hippy I am, via my sols, I made an offer that was pretty much in the same terms as the settlement we eventually ended up with, suggesting settlement before the judgment was handed down, and then we could ask the judge if he’d be willing not to hand down judgment in those circumstances. My offer was refused as “blackmail”. The judgment was delivered, and published on the BAILII website. The other side then settled. I don’t get it.” [tweeter Cremant Communarde “@0Calamity”]

…or maybe it’s just a (((you know who))) thing…

Needless to add, a “moral case” would not cut it; only a clear legal case would do that.

I wish Mr. Wilson good luck, and victory.

More music

More tweets


Regular readers will have seen that I recently had a slight disagreement with my wife over whether we should give to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance via some fellow who knocked uninvited at the door. I was unsure whether he was bona fide or not.

I later tried to contact the air ambulance people, only to discover that their telephone (the real one— I looked it up online) is an automated message which then switches to a line that then goes dead almost immediately. I emailed them via their own website but (about a week on), I have had no reply, nor even an acknowledgment.

I believe their CEO gets about £150,000 a year, maybe more, and that their total administrative staff salary spend (ie not pilots, not doctors etc) is about £700,000 a year. P*** poor.

I myself would never now give to Hampshire Air Ambulance, whether or not the bozo at the door was bona fide.

People should be banned from fundraising at the door anyway; it’s an open invitation to rip off householders.

The same goes for most of the larger charities as well. The higher-up staff are often getting £100,000, £200,000, even £400,000 a year. Forget it.

He has completely missed the point that he owns the house! Is this not fraud? After Captain Tom foundation debacle – nothing is sacred anymore. Money corrupts people. I for one will not give to charities like this again.” [tweeter Martina J, “@MartinaJ70”].

I can only agree.

Ha ha! Tweeter “@ACSpinner” has obviously slept through the past 2-3 years or more, during which time “Jack Monroe” has been comprehensively exposed as not only a “grifter” but a literal fraudster (though for some reason unknown, she has not as yet been prosecuted).


Late tweets seen

Quite so. The Kiev regime, as I have blogged for over a year now, is running out of soldiers, even the untrained cannon-fodder which has been pointlessly dying in waves over the past two years. As for those “unprepared defensive lines“, they merely emphasize the shambolic and corrupt nature of the Kiev regime.

The Kiev regime has run out of “useful idiots” willing to volunteer to be killed or crippled on the chaotic and crumbling front lines. The foreign idiot virtue-signallers (unemployed Brit ex-private soldiers and adventure junkies, American Soldier of Fortune readers etc) have long since gone home, or been killed. Kiev now press-gangs people off the streets to be sent —on pain of the firing squad— to the front. Few will return. No wonder they put up a serious fight before they are “recruited” and have to face the guns.

The Russian army is reportedly advancing on the Kharkov front, with reports indicating a storming of Liptsy. Ukrainian sources confirm the developments, stating that Russian infantry is launching attacks from the forest west of Lukyantsy, situated on the eastern outskirts of Liptsy. Heavy fighting is also reported west of Volchansk in the areas of Burgovatka and Starytsya, according to other Ukrainian sources.

Late talking point

A country that has forgotten its culture, history, traditions and national heroes is doomed to extinction” [Tolstoy]

I look at Britain and muse as to whether that can be said (can yet be said) about this country. I am unwilling to say so —yet— but that is probably the heart ruling the head, to be frank.



Late music

[Shishkin, Gathering Storm]

Diary Blog, 15 January 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by V. R. Redondo]

From the newspapers


“Three in ten troops from across the Armed Forces are not fully fit for combat, official figures have revealed.

[Daily Mail]

The MOD still claims that up to 50,000 Army people are fit for actual combat. Others say that 30,000 is a more realistic figure; some say as few as 20,000. Are they seriously suggesting taking on Russia, China and others simultaneously with that puny and probably ineffective force?


A former leader of the Shin Bet domestic security force has said Israel will not have security until Palestinians have their own state, and Israeli authorities should release Marwan Barghouti, jailed leader of the second intifada, to direct negotiations to create one.

Ami Ayalon, a retired admiral who also commanded Israel’s navy and was wounded in battle and decorated for his service, also said destroying Hamas was not a realistic military goal, and the current operation in Gaza risked entrenching support for the group.

He came relatively late to his current views, after leaving the military where the enemy is just a target to be killed, he said. His position at Shin Bet required him to regularly meet Palestinians, including visiting PLO leader Yasser Arafat.

He made Palestinian friends, among them PA security chief Jibril Rajoub and Sari Nusseibeh, a philosophy professor from Jerusalem who can trace his family’s presence there back to the 7th century. “So can I tell him, OK, this land is mine and you are a visitor here? It is nonsense.


Interesting but, as the report says, he is in a minority. As for the historical, and nuanced social, views, he may think like that, but he would be wasting his time trying to make some ignorant American-Jew settler from the slums of Brooklyn, who got off the boat yesterday, understand.


World’s five richest men double their money as poorest get poorer.

Oxfam predicts first trillionaire within a decade, with gap between rich and poor likely to increase.

The world’s five richest men have more than doubled their fortunes to $869bn (£681.5bn) since 2020, while the world’s poorest 60% – almost 5 billion people – have lost money.”


It may be that, in a century or so, historians will look back on the early 21st Century and say “that was the time just before the last great wave of revolution and war, when everything changed forever“…

Tweets seen

As previously noted on the blog from time to time, the LibDems are a total waste of space.

So much for the non-existent economic boost supposedly provided via the migration-invasion…

AfD is of course not social-national, but its existence and growing strength moves the “Overton Window”, just as (to some extent) does Reform UK in Britain, despite RF being also “controlled opposition”. These matters are not straightforward.

Eventually, Russia will rule all Ukraine to the east of the Dnieper, and that is how it should be.

Trump should “double and triple the guard”…the Deep State may try to kill him.

The “Free World”?

More music

More tweets

The above idiot-tweeter either has not considered the fact that literally hundreds of millions might have (under the present outdated rules) a “well-founded” or “valid” claim to remain in the UK once here… or does not care.

Not hyperbole. Fact. Hundreds of millions. All they have to do is set foot on UK shores.

Surely even tweeters such as the above (who probably thinks himself very clever) might think twice once a hundred million, or more, invade the UK? Or maybe such bien-pensants prefer not to think what kind of UK is already being created by migration-invasion? Or are such people out-and-out traitors, doing —or wanting to have done— more damage than old-style terrorists or spies could ever do?

Incidentally, and ironically, the above-noted tweeter reposted the tweet below, but seems unable to connect the housing crisis with the mass immigration of the past 20+ years. Not the only factor, I concede, but probably the main one.

[washed-up political loony Sajid Javid was another one unable to join the dots…]

Satirical singer-songwriter Alison Chabloz tried to make some of those points in a humorous manner (mostly via songs and cartoons) on Twitter several years ago, but “the usual suspects” managed to have her prosecuted and actually convicted for doing so. Just as “Brexit” is more than Brexit, so “Israel” is more than Israel…

The latest “grifter” to have been exposed more widely (he has been mentioned occasionally over the last few years on this blog— “read it here first”…). He thus joins other frauds and thieves such as “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas), “Supertanskiii” (surely the least interesting of the lot, socio-politically— entirely derivative and unoriginal), and others who have found a happy hunting ground or grift-mine on Twitter/X and other online sites.

Ha. Quite.

I had forgotten about “Russ in Cheshire” (who seems in fact to be yet another one actually in or from Essex, unless I am mistaken). Russ-in-Cheshire is on a similar page to the others, but poses mainly as social or political commentator on the fringe of humour, and has written a book about politics or society. He even appeared on at least one TV quiz show (The Chase? Not sure; maybe it was Eggheads, now that I think about it). I think that his team even won some money.

The key to successful UK online “grifting” seems to be to avoid simply begging for money. The more cunning “grifter” pretends to be a kind of charity worker or philanthropic type, raising money for others and giving —what at least is presented as— good advice.

Thus “Bootstrap Cook” and her dog’s dinner “recipes”, “Man Behaving Dadly” and his charity stuff (with rather a lot of the proceeds shaven off for his own shekel-store) and so on. Not forgetting Julia Grace Patterson, with her “NHS champion” grifting, while taking in donations and selling facemasks etc. In her case, the USP is that she is actually a medical doctor (though she only worked as such for a couple of years).

I presume that that other prominent “grifter”, “Supertanskiii”, lacks the ability to produce any tangible output or activity, so restricts herself to swearing at “the Tories”. Amazingly, some people are satisfied with that alone, and are willing to send her money just for that! Utter mugs.

I predict that tactical voting will play a big part in the 2024 General Election. What will weaken it, though, is that it is clear to more and more people that none of those Lib-Lab-Con System parties is worth a plugged nickel.

Also, there are those who will always vote for one System party rather than another, even when, in that particular constituency, the loyal voter’s own party has never come first, or even second.

Still, I think that, now that even former Conservative Party voters want rid of the Con Party in government, tactical voting for the least-objectionable alternative will be widespread.

That may mean, as the tweet implies, that the utterly unmeritorious LibDems may be able to gather in a pretty considerable number of MPs. I was thinking 30, maybe at peak 45, but the tweet above says 70 (they have 15 at present). If so, remarkable, looking at the untrustworthy rabble that the LibDems are.

Again, quite so. The faces will change but not (much) the policies. Like Soviet chocolate boxes (the chocolates in the box usually having had a range of shapes, but the filling identical in all of them).

Her name for this country is right…and becomes more accurate with every passing day.

Late tweets seen

A “democracy” in which the population is so badly-informed becomes merely a volatile mess and, in the end, a dictatorship. Oh, wait…

In fact, the level of immigration is even higher than Goodwin says, because those leaving the UK are mainly white (i.e. real) British people desperately seeking a haven in, usually, what used to be the White Dominions: Australia, New Zealand, Canada.

What many many people want, often unconsciously, is social-nationalism, but even if aware of their true wish, they are usually too embarrassed to say so.

One wonders how long it will be until the human soldier becomes redundant on the battlefield.

A Jew who stalked me online for years lives in that place. One can but hope…

Late music

[painting by Rob Hefferan]

Diary Blog, 10 January 2024, with a few personal memories of the League of St. George and a pub off the City Road

Morning music

From the newspapers


A former firearms officer who was stripped down to her underwear during a police training course was today awarded more than £820,000 after winning a sex discrimination case against her force.

The 40-year-old, who retired after 15 years in West Midlands Police on medical grounds, was awarded £30,000 by the tribunal for sex harassment and discrimination in November. 

At the time, Employment Judge Christopher Camp ruled that the former Detective Inspector should also be compensated for lost earnings and pension on the basis she would have retired as a Superintendent at 60.

At a hearing today in Birmingham to determine those figures, a judge ordered West Midlands Police to pay her a total of £820,720.

[Daily Mail]

Absurd. Speculative, in that who is to say that she would have been further promoted anyway? Also, she left in her late thirties, so could have and can work elsewhere for about 20 years, I dare say, despite having been officially “medically retired“. Also, £800,000+, invested, can buy one or two houses, or be invested somewhere else, maybe bringing in around £80,000 p.a.

Several hundred thousand pounds should, in fairness, have been deducted from that total.

The name “Kalam” is of Indian/Pakistani Muslim origin.

I have to wonder about who exactly is being given, in effect, the power of life and death in the police these days.


A father has been found guilty of murdering his two-year-old adopted daughter who died after he “bashed her head against a wall”.

Jan Gholami and his wife Roqia Ghulami have been on trial for the murder of Zahra Ghulami at their Gravesend home in May 2020.

In January 2019, Gholami applied for asylum for Ghulami from the UK, and she arrived with the children to join him.

[Evening Standard].

Import the people, import also their behavioural patterns…

Why are they even here? (meaning, why do “we” allow it?).

Tweets seen

The police should start to take a far greater interest in the fraudulent activities of various online “grifters”, among which is numbered the said Simon Harris, an Essex Jew who has apparently been living off various scams for years; also, the now-notorious “Bootstrap Cook” known as “Jack Monroe” (aka Melissa Hadjicostas), another denizen of South Essex; “Supertanskiii”, unthinking Labour Party partisan whose modus operandi (similar to that of “Jack Monroe”) is to scream abuse at the present hapless and hopeless government (to dupe the donor-mugs) while taking in money under various guises; Julia Grace Patterson: similar, but uses her couple of years (and many years ago) working as a junior doctor to pose as “champion of the NHS” (while taking in monies).

Something must have gone very badly wrong for @simonharris_mbd to receive £484k of taxpayers money from Essex County Council for performing broadly the same service as @jonmorter, the man who came up with the idea of Facebook-based Essex community groups in the first place, who received far, far less and was promptly shafted as a result.

It seems @kirstyocal and Essex County Council have many awkward and serious questions to answer about who knew what, when, and why so much taxpayer money was paid to one person in a deal that simply does not represent value for money for taxpayers.

Why did the council spend so much on a linked network of low-engagement Facebook pages and groups? What was Kirsty’s role in all this? Who approved the sign-off on expenditure? How was Simon selected as the service provider? Was this just pandemic-induced panic or something more serious? Why did it take regime change at the council for this to stop?

£484,000 at a time when councils are going bankrupt, cutting back services, increasing council tax, and struggling to cope. Absolutely astonishing.

If any journalists in my followers that I’ve not already spoken to would like to cover this story, I’m happy to provide them with everything I have so far.

Hard to believe. Looks like the grifter has snaffled nearly half a million pounds of Essex taxpayers’ monies. Did he attend the same course (at Grifters’ College) as “Jack Monroe”?

Good grief. That area has changed out of all recognition since I last saw it decades ago.

Looking at the Moorfields Eye Hospital (on the left of that photo), I then took a look up City Road from there to the Angel, Islington, using my favourite Google Earth and Streetview.

The pub (was it The Sportsman, or maybe The Greyhound?), where half a dozen or so League of St. George members used to meet every (?Tuesday ?Wednesday) lunchtime back in 1977/1978, has gone.

I was unsure, looking at Google Streetview, exactly where it used to be but if memory serves it seems to have been replaced by a contemporary 2/3-storey apartment development of some kind). 45 years of urban landscape change.

Thinking back, that pub was an unaesthetic box shape, standing alone, and had probably itself been built over bomb-damaged houses (houses damaged in the early 1940s), sometime in the 1950s.

Not sure whether those gatherings could be called “happy days”, but certainly there was less in-your-face State repression of social-national people; the Jew-Zionist lobby’s infiltration into the “British” Establishment was less obvious, less blatant, in those days.

Recollections? I do not think anyone now, after 45 years, can be harmed if I use the names of those old LSG colleagues (some are no longer with us anyway).

I recall our Secretary, Mary Dowton, who was always there. I believe that she became, though many years later, a published writer on astrology.

Then there was the dark-bearded and amiable Steve Brady, who wrote the Heimdall column in League Review. Heimdall, of course, was the watchful Norse god who blew a horn and wielded a sword: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heimdall]. Steve had served a prison sentence in the mid-1970s for writing the truth, though I do not know the details. His sentence, I think about a year in the end, had been served in Reading Prison (now derelict or redeveloped); previously and famously the temporary home of Oscar Wilde.

Another occasional attendee was Keith Thompson, who now has a Wikipedia page devoted to him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keith_Thompson_(politician). Keith was a not-unpleasant character, whose wife disapproved of his political activities, I think. One day, I was talking to him on the telephone (he was at his home, I think in NW London somewhere), when I heard a loud slapping sound, and he went silent. The conversation then went something like this—

Me: “Hello? Hello?

Keith: “Uh..uh…sorry, Ian. My wife has just slapped my face with a wet fish...”

A unique conversation, for sure…almost surrealistic.

Keith Thompson was or had been a fairly adventurous fellow who, after National Service sometime in the late 1950s or around 1960 (if so, he may have been one of the last few ever drafted) had travelled the world a bit, and had worked for a while in the uranium mines of Rum Jungle, in Australia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rum_Jungle,_Northern_Territory].

In more recent years, Keith Thompson was accused, I read somewhere, of having spied for Jew-Zionists. I have no idea whether that was the case. Pity if it was. He was always short of money, but then so have I been at various times, and no-one (whether official or Jew-Zionist) has ever asked me to spy (for money or any other reason). It would not suit me anyway. I am a believer…

There were others sometimes present at those pub “seminars” (or should we say, following Plato, “symposia”?) whose names I do not recall. A typical talking-shop, of course, rather than anything serious.

I had and still have my suspicions about who might have been reporting to MI5 or Special Branch 45 years ago, but no proof, just speculative analysis, and my lips remain sealed.

The League had its office near that pub, in a council flat the tenant of which was a League member who lived most of the time elsewhere but kept up the flat for the convenience of the League, though I think most LSG people never went there (The League used a P.O. box and/or a letter-forwarding service). I did visit once or twice, though fairly briefly. My memory, though still good, far better than almost anyone’s in fact, is not infallible, and I do not recall the exact address of that flat (not that it matters now either way); somewhere near that pub; just off the City Road, anyway. The flat probably got sold off privately in the 1980s or 1990s, and is now quite likely worth a million pounds, in the crazed London of 2024.

More tweets seen


Do not vote Con or Lab. Either vote anywhere else, or abstain.

US money goes to the yachts of Ukrainian ministers, but Washington does not want to admit it – Tucker Carlson.

Ukraine will not win, no matter how much money the United States pours into it, but Washington stubbornly refuses to acknowledge this fact, argues host and political commentator Tucker Carlson.

Moreover, if any politician dares to publicly talk about defeat or corruption in Ukraine, he is immediately subjected to a barrage of criticism: “And if they are angry, it means that you are telling the truth,” Tucker is sure. According to him, only the United States still ignores the fact that Ukraine is the most corrupt country in Europe, and Zelensky is “not the person who should be trusted with hundreds of billions of dollars.”

The American government must admit the truth and stop supporting Ukraine “as long as it takes,” the presenter is sure. This leads not only to the destruction of Ukraine, but also to the deterioration of the lives of Americans: instead of taking care of their people, the US authorities send billions of dollars to Kyiv so that “the next Zelensky minister can buy himself a bigger yacht.”


As blogged many times previously, the people generally (the “moronic masses”, if you like) are being played by the “refugees welcome” dimwits and the overlapping social media (etc) virtue-signallers, and also by the political chancers, such as Rory Stewart (lives in a listed Scottish Borders house he inherited —on about a hundred acres— and in a London apartment or house), who favour mass immigration but will never have to deal personally with any of its negative consequences.

[washed-up political chancer Sajid Javid]

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan

The return of the facemask nonsense: Peter Hitchens


“You mask if you want to. This free Englishman is not for masking. The evidence-light campaign to get us all to go about with soggy pieces of cloth on our faces is back.

[Daily Mail].

More tweets


Late music

Diary Blog, 2 July 2023

Morning music

[“At the end stands Victory“]

Battles past

Peter Hitchens


His column this week is worth reprinting in detail:

What is conservative about privatisation? What has it conserved? How has it helped the nation be stronger and safer?

Though there are many more, I will take just three examples.

Once, Britain had a first-rate nuclear power industry and could build its own atomic power stations. Then we privatised that and decades of experience and wisdom were scattered to the winds.

And now we have to get the Chinese, a despotic menace, to provide the nuclear energy we will so badly need, very soon, thanks to our mad dogma-driven destruction of coal-fired power stations.

Then come the railways, ripped to pieces so that pretend capitalists – sustained by far bigger subsidies than British Rail ever got – could trouser taxpayers’ money for providing a worse service than the one they replaced. In a bitter paradox much of the system is now run by foreign (nationalised) railway concerns. And this is a great British invention we gave to the world.

And now there is water. Thames Water, the vital strategic supply for the national capital and the economically crucial region around it, is now virtually bankrupt. Its boss quit suddenly last week. The official version is that the company may simply collapse under the weight of its debts, now £14 billion.

Under one of its recent owners, a foreign bank, £2.7 billion was taken out of the company in dividends, while debts rose from £3.4 billion to £10.8 billion. They have not since stopped rising, while Thames Water has become notorious for unfixed leaks and disgusting discharges of sewage into rivers.

You might think renationalisation is the obvious solution. But it will be hugely expensive, as the pension funds and other shareholders cannot simply be dispossessed without compensation. And here is the fascinating thing. You will not hear any significant voices in Sir Keir Starmer’s very Left-wing Labour Party calling for a full renationalisation.

The modern Left is keen to nationalise childhood and what used to be the family. It defies any attempts to reform the NHS or the schools for the benefit of the public. But it long ago abandoned its 1945 enthusiasm for state ownership of the commanding heights of the economy.

But that was in the lost days when Labour was led by patriots who wanted to make the country stronger. They have all gone.

And you might say that if Labour will not renationalise these failed private enterprises, what use is it? And I would agree with you.

If we want to undo this undoubted catastrophe, then rescue will not come from Sir Keir. Patriotic conservatives will have to nerve themselves to admit that the whole thing was a disastrous mistake and pledge themselves to put it right. If they do, they’ll be surprised at just how much support they will get.

[Daily Mail]

Incidentally, while I concede that expropriation without compensation is contra international law, my inclination at this point is to say “and your point is?“…

From the newspapers


Senior ministers are expecting a “total clearout” of Tory MPs ahead of the next election, as party sources cited the experience of Boris Johnson’s premiership, the increasing stresses of the job and a continuing slump in the polls as reasons for a forthcoming bumper crop of departures.

More than 40 Conservative MPs have already announced they will step down at the next election – the most for a ruling party since the exodus of 100 Labour MPs ahead of the 2010 election in the wake of the expenses scandal and 13 years in government.

A senior party source said they were expecting “lots more” of the 352 Tory MPs to announce they were leaving as the election approaches. Insiders said the political chaos of recent years meant many had stayed in parliament much longer than they had intended. “There are loads more to come, there will be a total clearout,” said a senior party figure.”

[The Guardian].

To mix metaphors, the rats leaving the sinking ship have read the writing on the wall…


The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming

Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe Biden‘s administration have admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before.

[Daily Mail]

Crazy. Anything could happen.


Half of the social housing in London is occupied by immigrant-led households. In my heavily council-owned neighbourhood, the students who flood the pavements on weekday afternoons are nearly all ethnically Asian or African.

Last week, a government impact statement estimated that within three years the bill for housing asylum seekers is on track to multiply by five times: to £30 million a day or £11 billion a year.

Indeed, one of the biggest pull factors drawing migrants from Calais is that France doesn’t provide uninvited visitors housing in the way that Britain does.

...asylum is a sideshow. It serves the function of the magician’s sleight of hand. The audience is distracted by one motion while the trick is slyly performed with another. Britain’s population is soaring from legal immigration.

Last year a Conservative government let 1.2 million people move to the UK, resulting in net immigration of 606,000. In a statistically meticulous report, Migration Watch calculates that if this same level of ingress is sustained, the UK’s population will rise to between 83 million and 87 million by 2046.

This will require between six and eight million more homes – the equivalent of 15 to 18 Birminghams. Apologies for the catastrophism, but that’s assuming the 606,000 annual influx remains constant, whereas the trend since Tony Blair came to power has been for net inward migration to keep rising.

Most new adult immigrants are of childbearing age, and Britain’s overwhelmingly non-European arrivals abundantly hail from cultures that favour larger families.

At current rates of immigration, between 263,000 and 313,000 homes would have to be built each year to accommodate rising population (in addition to the new homes a steady-state population requires, because buildings don’t last for ever).At current rates of immigration, between 263,000 and 313,000 homes would have to be built each year to accommodate rising population.

High immigration puts enormous pressure on the NHS – but we needn’t even go there.

Neither need we address the cultural implications of a foreign-born population already at 17 per cent of England and Wales – up from just over 13 per cent in only 2011.

Whatever your politics, this isn’t a matter of generosity and niceness. Even if you’re sympathetic with the plight of foreigners who merely want a better life, Britain doesn’t have the housing, much less the social housing, to accommodate the soaring population that results from current levels of immigration.

[Daily Mail]

Down the line, a UK civil war, not a race war as such but a mixed social-racial-cultural-ideological war, is coming, inevitably now. Continuing mass immigration, and the consequences flowing from mass immigration, are a large part of the reason.

Tweets seen

Twitter is becoming unusable. I was expelled from Twitter at the behest of a malicious pack of Jew-Zionists in 2018, and have not bothered to get my account back under the new and somewhat (ideologically) better Elon Musk ownership. However, if these restrictions of service continue, Twitter will just implode. Few will bother.

Open fire.

Looks like few Russians are afraid of the long-trumpeted Kiev-regime “counteroffensive”…

Open fire. Repeat, open fire. Repeat, open fire.

My assessment of useless Jewish-lobby puppet Macron, blogged several years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Any untermensch caught burning a library should be shot at once.

Another online grifter in the “Jack Monroe”/”Supertanskiii” mould. Why do so many utter mugs not only support such frauds on Twitter (often having done no research on them at all), but even send money to them? Pathetic.

As for the said Simon Harris, that Tattle thread is hilarious, even for those who, like me, discovered the idiot’s existence only recently.

Still, which is the bigger idiot, the “grifter”, or those who send money to him?

Is Fox about to have his banking services curtailed (like Nigel Farage, Laura Towler, Sam Melia, Mark Collett etc)? This is a conspiracy to censor and control the expression of ideas and opinions. Very sinister. Talking about it will not much help. Action directe…

The banks and their directors, just like MPs and msm talking heads, need to be held accountable in a concrete way.

Back in the late 1980s, and up to about 1992, Barclays claimed that I owed them quite a lot of money. I disagreed, and a lady I knew drew a very good cartoon skeleton, with the caption “I paid my debts to Barclays Bank“! I then spent a pleasant hour or two late one night feeding that cartoon without pause into my little fax machine. I hope that Barclays staff at least had a few laughs out of the many hundreds of pages that must have arrived at their HQ, all bearing the cartoon.

Happy days (?)… About 30 years ago.

Incidentally, for younger readers of the blog, this was a fax machine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fax.

More tweets

Open fire on the untermenschen.

The rioters must be shot where they stand.

Little Jewish-lobby puppet Macron has lost control.

That still happens to me too, though increasingly I find that people I hardly even know say to me that the UK and most of Europe is collapsing, without my having said anything about it to them. The people are, slowly, waking up.

Traitors and “useful idiots” have been, for half a century or more, encouraging the lower races to invade white Europe. Now look…

Ha ha. A couple at least get hit.

My assessment of Macron from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Incidentally, compare the generally peaceful protests of the (white, European) Yellow Vests in 2019 with the subhuman violence of the (mostly non-white, non-European) rioters of 2023…

More music

More tweets seen

You can see clearly now how economic enterprises (banks, building societies, insurance companies etc) are being infiltrated and abused in order to punish dissidents: members of Patriotic Alternative, Nigel Farage, Scott Ritter, many others. People left without banking services, car insurance (a legal requirement in most countries) etc.

This is the 21st Century equivalent of the 20thC police state; in fact, it works in tandem with the police state mechanisms (prosecutions, trials etc)..

It is akin to the way in which TV ads, dramas etc are used to convey the propaganda of the transnational conspiracy to the mass of the public: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

The Kiev regime is running out of soldiers. Look at the straws in the wind: press-gangs in the streets of Ukrainian cities to force unwilling men into the army, mandatory enlistment even of some people who are carers for old and/or disabled spouses, and the Kramatorsk missile hit, whereupon it was revealed that American and other contract-soldiers were present.

Eventually, Russia will win this, though the victory may well be bitter.

Children have to be taught courtesy, manners etc, but we cannot just forget the influence of TV, the often malign influence.

More from the newspapers


This is the moment an academic who wrote ‘independent’ reviews praising low-traffic neighbourhoods is caught on CCTV tearing down an anti-LTN poster.

Dr Anna Goodman was seen in a West Dulwich shop near her south London home apparently sneakily looking around to check it is safe before peeling the poster off the door and making a getaway.

Locals are now claiming that academics, who are paid by the government to conduct peer reviews assessing the necessity for LTNs, may be in fact campaigners for the scheme.

[Daily Mail]

Goodman“? Wouldn’t you know? (((you know who))).

Look at how sneaky she looks in that video; like a little rat.


It reminds me of the “independent” “experts” who have given so-called “expert opinion evidence” re. “antisemitism” in numerous political trials over the past 10-20 years, trials such as those of Alison Chabloz. The “experts” are always of certain “tendencies” and/or origins.


Rishi Sunak is set to face more by-election misery after the summer break – as his party faces what could be the largest vote defeat in UK political history.”

[Daily Mail]

Those by-elections will be interesting, though of course just part of the System faked show overall. I shall probably blog about them once I know the runners and riders.

Reading that Daily Mail report, I notice that its Deputy Political Editor, one David Wilcock, does not seem to know the difference between “latter” and “last“. Typical of the times in which we live.

Naturally, I myself oppose both System parties, parts of the same corrupt and ideologically-wrong set-up.

It is a moot point as to whether it is better for social-nationalism that there be a weak System government (whether Lab or Con), or that one party (at present, Con) be all but wiped out. The former is probably the case, so that System politics is seen as unable to do anything to progress Britain, thus leading to support for social nationalism. At present though, it seems ever more likely that the Con party will be nearly annihilated at any general election, held in the neat year or so.

More tweets

Bravo! Simplistic, of course, but basically correct.

Look at BBC TV news, or Sky News (not only that bitch Kay Burley) and all you see is a propaganda show akin to what the Soviet news media used to put out.

A couple of worthwhile appeals



“Sven Longshanks” (James Allchurch) was quite recently given a harsh sentence for speaking out on his Internet “radio” podcasts. He is likely to be released some time in early/mid 2024. The fund raised for him will help him to survive both in prison and after upon his release back into “normal life”.

Late tweets seen

You should be so lucky…

Another bloody “Conservative” fake. Apply an Army boot to his rear. Raus!

…and look at the proportions. Pakistani-origin persons in the UK are only about 2% of the whole UK population, white British people about 80%. That is the point— 2% of the population (actually 1%, i.e. male persons of Pakistani origin) are committing ~84% of that specific type of sex crime. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Pakistanis.


Eliminate them.

Eliminate all of them.

Russia can win and must win.

Brilliant. More like that. Still, why not just [REDACTED]…

Well-meaning mugs in England, Germany, France etc are giving “humanitarian aid” to (as they imagine) Ukrainian civilians, but much of it is just ripped off and sold, with the collusion of the Jew-Zionist cabal in Kiev.

Look at that loony. Narcissist? Exhibitionist? Simple loony? Who knows? Who cares? There are idiots of that type in the UK too, “refugees welcome” dimwits etc.

Late music