Tag Archives: homelessness

Diary Blog, 11 May 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Difficult questions this week. I scored 4/10, but even that very modest score was enough to trump that of political journalist John Rentoul, who managed only 2/10. I knew the answers to questions 1, 5, 6, and 7. I came close (in my opinion, anyway) to getting no. 2 as well.

Talking point

Interesting. Well worth an hour of anyone’s time.

I liked the comment from a 90-something ex-soldier who said that, looking at Britain in the 21stC, he wishes that Hitler had successfully invaded in 1940 (in fact, there never was a serious plan to invade the UK: Hitler wanted alliance with the British Empire, not to conquer it. “Operation Sealion” [Fall Seelowe] was never more than a contingency plan and/or a smokescreen with which to lull Stalin into a false sense of security prior to Barbarossa).

I also liked the several comments by old soldiers now wishing that they had fought for Hitler.

Tweets seen

Starmer’s priorities are: 1. Whatever Israel and the Jewish lobby want; 2. To eliminate any remaining free speech (and refer to previous priority); 3. To destroy what is left of Britain as a real nation, rather than a geographic space filled with globalized economic entities, including humanoid entities (and refer to no.1 above); 4. The self-interest of “Labour” politicians and hangers-on [e.g., most recently, Ayesha Hazarika].

They should have been kicked into the gutter and stamped on. They are nothing but sub-terrorists, using their age and sex as a shield.

Just Stop Oil is a pathetic excuse for a cause or ideology; worthless.

Those ridiculous old “entitleds”, crowing about their “Christian” faith, will try to destroy a (genuine) “national treasure”, but probably welcome the migration-invasion which will destroy this country and its society long before any “climate change” (however caused).

Typical msm scribbler thinks that “govt” can “solve poverty”. That depends on various other factors. In the case of the UK, you have importation of around a million unwanted immigrants every single year now, a fact which scribbler Paul Lewis ignores. Simply ignores. As if to say “million immigrants a year? Irrelevant. Just build more houses for them” (for these mostly useless parasites). Oh, and give them cash, and medical services, and schools for their offspring (etc).

4 million? Try 12…(and, by 2034, 25M, or more).

I doubt whether scribbler (posing as an economist) Paul Lewis has much real expertise in the economics of a state or a society (about your electricity or gas bill, maybe; I do not know).

Both lots of demonstrators are deluded in their own ways.

I used to go to Brighton Beach (New York) occasionally. Early 1990s. It was a largely Russian-speaking neighbourhood then. There was a large shop selling good bread, and pickled herrings and cucumbers etc.

I usually arrived on the”El” from Manhattan.

[the “El” at Brighton Beach]



Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Macron is an idiot. France would not survive war (totally pointless and unnecessary war) with Russia. One Sarmat-2 missile might take out, i.e. destroy, about 90% of the whole of France. I value France, where I lived for 3-4 years; I do not want to see that beautiful country destroyed.

Macron is yet another puppet of the Israel/Jewish lobby: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/, my assessment of Macron from 5+ years ago.

Worth reading the explanation.

That case is a good example of how some Jewish lawyers abuse the English legal system. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

Mr Justice Nicklin said this in another case: “It is likely that this error occurred because he [Mr Lewis] had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients.

[per James Wilson]

Dishonest and incompetent…

Both Mark Lewis and Daniel Berke are fanatical Jew-Zionists. Lewis even lives, some or most of the time, in Eilat, Israel.

As said, both dishonest and incompetent, in the case of Lewis. As to Daniel Berke, I have no idea of how competent or incompetent he is in the civil law field (I read that he is a criminal solicitor), but on the face of the above, he seems as incompetent as Lewis.

As I opined some time ago, there seems to have been professional negligence on the part of Lewis, and that may now apply to Berke as well.

Incidentally, Berke also opines about “antisemitism” being connected to “mental illness”:

Seems that Berke’s knowledge of both “antisemitism” and mental illness is as sketchy as his knowledge of civil procedure seems to be. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/ [updated consistently], in which I examined the incontrovertible links between Jew-Zionism, Jewish “antifascism”, and mental illness.

Yet anywhere hosting anti-Zionists, whether political (London Forum, Patriotic Alternative, Keep Talking etc), entertainers (Alison Chabloz, Gilad Atzmon), metaphysical speakers (eg David Icke) or whatever, will be “hounded” by packs of Jews such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], “Hope not Hate” (“HnH”] and others.

When will the Daily Mail (etc) cover that story? Never…

Fair enough, but Neil is completely at one with Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby, and the Jewish element has been the driving force behind the attack on freedom of expression throughout the Western world: so-called “race relations” and “anti-hate” laws (designed to shut down socio-political debate), “holocaust” “denial” laws (designed to make aspects of modern history off-limits to both non-Jewish historians and members of the public) etc.

Incidentally, should anyone wish to help defray the costs of my own recent free speech trial, the crowdfunder is still open: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Could Andrew Neil be more craven? All his money, yet no real independence, in my opinion.

Like Andrew Neil (pre-2024), I have never watched Eurovision and (unlike Neil) do not intend to change my habit today. I have no interest at all in the Israeli contestant, positive or negative, or in any of the other howling freaks and noisemakers taking part.

I did notice that Denmark’s entry is an African! Not even a beautiful one. “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“…

The number of foreign mercenaries participating in the conflict on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has decreased by two thirds compared to March 2022 , writes “Business Insider”.

“Half of the mercenaries come from Latin American countries hoping to make money. They are there for money,” said Carl Larson, a former American soldier who fought in Ukraine.

He also admitted that, while he was in Ukraine, he realized that foreign mercenaries would not be able to stop the Russian forces and that they could only delay their advance “perhaps for an hour“.

Late music

[V.B. Tautiev, Launch of Kalibr Missile, Caspian Sea]
[painting by Volegov]
[painting by Levitan]

Diary Blog, 26 February 2024

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

That, and the migration invasion etc.


…and there it is. Paul Mason, still doing his thing for NWO/ZOG…

…but answer came there none…”Boris”-Idiot, then Liz Truss (“ably” supported by Woollyhead Trussbanger, aka Kwasi Kwarteng), then the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, who neither looks, nor behaves, nor thinks like a prime minister.

Talking point

That may or may not be historically-accurate, but look what has happened in the ~76 years since then:

Now, the Gaza Strip enclave looks as if it too may soon revert to Jewish/Israeli occupation and, perhaps, settlement or resettlement by Israeli Jews, once the present Gazan population is killed or driven out.

Another talking point


In a 1931 interview with a Leipzig newspaper editor, Adolf Hitler made a passionate declaration of the true significance of his National Socialist movement:

The Frenchman Gobineau and the Englishman Chamberlain were inspired by our concept of a new order-a new order, I tell you, or if you prefer, an ideological glimpse into history in accordance with the basic principle of the blood.

We do not judge by merely artistic or military standards or even by purely scientific ones. We judge by the spiritual energy which a people is capable of putting forth, which will enable it in ten years to recapture what it has lost in a thousand years of warfare.

I intend to set up a thousand year Reich and anyone who supports me in battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique spiritual-I would almost say divine-creation.

At the decisive moment the decisive factor is not the ratio of strength but the spiritual force employed. Betrayal of the nation is possible even when no crime has been committed, in other words when a historical mission has not been fulfilled.”

[Adolf Hitler]

More tweets seen

A pack of thieves.

Looks like white phosphorus.

Israeli war crimes continue.

NWO/ZOG cretin.

Another idiot. He has no idea of what he is saying. Meaningless verbiage.

I can agree with some, perhaps much, of what is written by Matt Goodwin, but he sees the threat to Western civilization as coming only from radical Islamism. He misses out several other basically “ethnic” threats— the Jew-Zionist influence and control, embedded within “Western” power structures; the non-Muslim black/brown influxes (and consequent emergence of mixed-race populations within Europe); also, the outwardly peaceful Chinese population influx.

In relation to the last-mentioned, I cannot do better than to quote the famous maxim of Sun Tzu: “to win without war, this is the supreme excellence” [Sun Tzu, The Art of War]. Peking (Beijing) is playing a long game, as always.

The multi-headed threat is a major reason why the West is losing.

Matt Goodwin’s material is a classic example: he concentrates on only one of several threats (extreme Islamism, given strength by the Muslim part of the migration-invasion of Europe).

Goodwin scarcely recognises the other ethnic-centred threats to our culture and civilization and, when it comes to the Jewish/Zionist element, vociferously supports it!

More tweets

Looks as if Biden, if he stands again, will be, so to speak, trumped.

What about the influence, control, and/or ownership of the UK mass media by Jewish and Zionist interests? Wilful naivety by Andrew Neil.

I wonder whether social-nationalism might attract people there once the present lunatic, Milei, ruins the country even more.

“EU Fear of Russia Degenerates into War Weariness – Bloomberg…

The protests of farmers in Europe, which erupted in the third year of the Ukrainian conflict, serve as a clear illustration of the fact that Kyiv’s Western allies are exhausted by military actions and their consequences, writes a Bloomberg columnist.

As the journalist reminds, the French government eventually managed to reassure its farmers by promising to protect them from Ukrainian imports. Chicken producers were especially afraid of eastern competitors, claiming that Ukrainian chicken was imported in huge volumes, it was extremely difficult to track, and the income from its sales enriched large corporations.

French President Emmanuel Macron this month even “pointed his finger” at the Ukrainian “chicken tycoon” Yuriy Kosyuk, owner of the MHP holding – the French leader warned that Paris “is not interested in enriching this man.”

The dissatisfaction of farmers may seem like a side problem to some – especially against the backdrop of difficulties with the bill on the allocation of additional aid to Kiev, which is stuck in the US Congress – but in fact it demonstrates well “how the Europeans, who, against the backdrop of stagnation in the economy and the prospects for the return of Donald Trump, are not very inclined to be heroic, fear of Russia degenerates into war fatigue.”

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 December 2023

Morning music

[“green and pleasant land”— Hampshire]

From the newspapers


The Conservative MP David Davis has spoken of how he fought off an attack near parliament as he intervened to help a rough sleeper who was being beaten up.

Davis, a former cabinet minister and leadership contender, said he aggressively stood between the attackers and the homeless man, and dodged two punches.

After “manhandling” the main attacker away, he took the beaten-up man, whose name was Gareth, back to his Westminster flat and let him stay the night on the sofa.

He took Gareth to St Thomas’ hospital the next day, because he was still bleeding.

The incident on Tuesday was first reported by the Evening Standard.

Davis, who trained with the SAS before entering parliament, said it appeared the attackers were “very vicious” and addicted to the drug spice.”

[Daily Mail]

David Davis is one of the very few MPs for whom I have any time (albeit with reservations). Britain might have been in a better place had he, and not David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger, become leader of the Conservative Party. He has always struck me as basically honest and decent.

Come to think of it, were Davis —even now, aged 74— to stand for the Con Party leadership against Rishi Sunak, he might have a serious chance.

Moreover, Davis is the kind of straight bat that might appeal to many voters, and so at least take the gloss off Labour’s expected triumphal procession to elected dictatorship in 2024. Who knows? He could possibly even do better than that.

Davis’ background from when he was at university (late Sixties and early Seventies) to when he became an MP (1987) is hard to make out from the Wikipedia entry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Davis_(British_politician)], not least because he seems to have not only worked for Tate & Lyle for 17 years but also to have spent a further 4-5 years in business-related student activity during the same years. Still, his background is basically solid, not a confection of lies and talked-up nothing, unlike the CVs of so many Conservative Party MPs.


A top Tory reported to police in a trans row has vowed to continue speaking up for women’s rights and said she refuses to ‘deny reality’.

Rachel Maclean, the Conservative Party‘s deputy chairman for women, found herself embroiled in a storm after sharing an online post about an aspiring Green MP who is transgender.

The post labelled the Green candidate as a ‘man who wears a wig and calls himself a ‘proud lesbian’.

In a social media backlash, Mrs Maclean was accused of transphobia, which she denies, and reported to the police, who saw no reason to get involved.

[Daily Mail]

What does it say about the Green Party, which allows a loonie of that sort to be a Green Party candidate?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Britain is, to a large extent, now just mad. “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“… familiar quotation?


Homelessness has many causes, but it would be naive to presume that the migration invasion is not one of them, particularly when, over the past 30 years, non-whites and even new immigrants “straight off the (small?) boat” have been prioritized over the needs of the host white British population.

About a million invaders (“legal” and “illegal”) over the past year alone (700,000+ “net”). It is unsustainable, and is breaking apart what is left of our society.

Tweets seen

Eastern Ukraine. Fighting at present is concentrated in a small part of the front. Both sides have had limited tactical successes, but Russian forces are sure to achieve victory in Ukraine, strategically.

Kiev-regime funding is being cut back in the EU and USA; Kiev-regime front-line soldiers are not being replaced; there is a recruitment crisis in Ukraine; the Kiev-regime army is running short on arms and ammunition compared to the Russian forces; also, the Kiev regime itself is now politically unstable.

Then, in 2024, the Russian Army will advance west and north to and along the Dnieper.

Hey diddle diddle, MPs on the fiddle” (again)…

Benton would have been unseated anyway, at the expected 2024 General Election. Prior to his victory in 2019, Blackpool South had been a Labour-held seat since 1997: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpool_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Benton was formerly a primary school teacher. I suppose that he will have to return to that, and will have to regard his unmerited 4 years as an MP as just having been a good opportunity to rip off as much money as possible.

This is yet another blow to the Conservative Party, re-emphasizing the lack of probity in many of its MPs. Quite a few will, like Benton, be looking for new jobs by 2025.

In my view, Lewis Goodall has missed the point. Recent polling has made plain that the majority, indeed nearly 70%, of those planning on voting for Reform UK have no expectation of Reform UK winning in their own constituencies, or maybe in any constituency. They are going to vote for Reform UK as a “**** you!” snarl to the System, to the way things are going generally in the UK (especially England), and against mass immigration and migration invasion.

I see parallels to the 2016 Brexit Referendum. One man, walking his dog (in Blackpool or nearby, I think), was interviewed in the street at the time. He was asked about the possible negative economic consequences of Brexit, but answered (brilliantly, in a way) “I don’t care about all that. It’s only me and the dog, anyway…“.

The msm journalists did not understand that man’s attitude, thought it a result of stupidity, or “poor education” (because he, presumably, had not acquired some useless Mickey Mouse “degree” from a “university” of which no-one had ever heard).

In fact, that man was saying that he was not “aspirational”, did not care about the inflated supposed value of some other people’s houses, did not have sons and daughters called “Josh” or “Olivia” wanting to take (and being able, financially, to take) unpaid “internships” at the EU Commission or Milan fashion houses etc, that he never travelled by helicopter or private plane, and had no share portfolio.

That man was also saying that he had seen Britain decline in almost every way in the past 40+ years, and had seen it invaded by untold millions of unwanted immigrants.

As I tweeted at the time, “Brexit means more than Brexit“.

People voting Reform UK (and I myself do not “support” Reform UK, partly because it is yet more pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby “controlled opposition”, partly because it is not a social-national party, partly because it supports finance-capitalism) do not expect Reform UK to win many, or even any, Commons seats. They want to say “NO!” to the general state of this country.

[cartoon from the time just after the 2016 Brexit Referendum]

As for the pleas of the Conservative Party that voting Reform UK will not get Reform UK MPs elected but simply allow Labour to win more seats, my judgment is that intending Reform UK voters want the Conservative Party MPs to be voted out, and they want the Con Party to be stamped on hard. Why? Because they feel that they have been both betrayed and let down generally…and they have been.

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I myself have not read that book, but it certainly looks interesting.

Goodwin has some useful things to say about immigration and migration invasion but, on the negative side, seems to be obsessively pro-Israel, pro the Jewish lobby etc. Have I missed something about him?

Diary Blog, 10 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Carl Holsoe, Reflections]

From the newspapers


Boris Johnson could return as Prime Minister under astonishing plans being hatched by Tory MPs – with a ‘dream ticket’ leadership tie-up with Nigel Farage even being considered.

The Mail on Sunday has spoken to multiple Conservative MPs who believe that bringing back the former Premier is the only way to save the party from an Election wipeout.

[Mail On Sunday]

Regular readers of the blog know that I have little time (if any) for either Johnson or Farage. However, looking objectively at the claims made in that Mail report, I can see why many Conservative Party MPs might favour the idea of “Boris”-idiot and Farage joining up to save the Con Party.

At present, the Con Party is between 19% and 24% in the polls. Even the higher figure would reduce the number of Con Party MPs from 350 to about 101, depending on the exact detail of where the votes were to fall; the lower figure might reduce the number of Con Party MPs to around 40 or so.

Were there to be an alliance between Johnson and Farage, and if both stood for election as Con candidates in 2024, the Con Party would still suffer a big hit, but might poll at around 30%. In addition, Reform UK would presumably stand down in terms of the General Election, thus gifting a great many marginal seats to the Con Party.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that might leave the Conservative Party with about 187 seats, about half what they now command, but not a wipeout: better than their performance in both 1997 (165) and 2001 (166), and not far off that of 2005 (198).

The Reform UK officials say this, though:

But Reform Party officials said their aim was to kill off the Conservatives. One told The Mail on Sunday: ‘When Nigel gets back [from the ITV reality show] he’s going to start dominating the agenda. Within about six to eight weeks we’ll be polling in the high teens, and the Tories will start to slip below 20 per cent.

‘At that point between five and ten MPs will realise the game’s up, and defect to us. Then it’s game over. We’re looking at the last majority Tory administration of our lifetime. We’re going to destroy them.”

[Mail On Sunday]

Sounds good (that last bit). “Those who live will see“, though…

Would Farage even go for such a deal? I think that he might. He betrayed his Brexit Party candidates in 2019, after all.

I would not rule out the possibility that he might like a deal of the sort suggested, both for political and personal reasons. He might be able to sell it to his present supporters.

After all, if the Con Party were still to lose the 2024 (maybe January 2025) General Election fairly badly, Farage —if an MP by then— could put himself forward as candidate for Leader at the subsequent Con Party leadership election. The cat really would be among the pigeons then…

More from the newspapers


Some good points made.


Analysis from well-known psephologist, Professor Sir John Curtice.

Tweets seen

Truth-tellers are usually persecuted, but truth usually finds a way out.

Ironically, were London ever to be targeted by an Israeli nuclear weapon, the second or third-largest Jewish community in Europe would thereby be annihilated. I suppose that that means that it would not happen.

The Arab/Muslim states surrounding Israel may not be so lucky.

I was wondering the same; I think that Ukrainian (Kiev-regime) security goons must have detained him when he tried to exit that sad failed state.

A photograph from yesterday, 10 December 2023.

The Twitter/X account @Lucas_Gage is one of the very best on the platform.

Born and brought up in various countries, but their only loyalty is to Israel…

Late thought (a blog post from several years ago)

Late music

Diary Blog, 19 November 2023, with brief reminiscence of Charleston, South Carolina, and mint juleps

Morning music

[“At the end stands Victory”]

Peter Hitchens


Liberty fought tyranny in the High Court in London last week, in what I believe is one of the most important court cases of our time. The issues were simple. Is it permissible to disagree publicly with the British Government‘s foreign policy?

If not, how much do you have to disagree with it to be in trouble? And can you then be severely punished without a proper trial?

I have a strong personal interest in this, since I often (in fact, almost always) disagree with British foreign policy. This frequently seems to have been made by bomb-happy teenagers who have never looked at a map, opened a history book or done any proper travel.

These are surely huge issues for any country. Apart from anything else, if foreign policy cannot be criticised, how long before domestic policy is protected in the same way?

[Mail on Sunday/Daily Mail]

Well worth reading.

[cf. my own trial, just now finished (at least at first instance)].

Tweets seen

From over a year ago but nothing has changed since then.

Anyone who thinks that misnamed “Labour” will be somehow better than the equally-misnamed “Conservatives” is self-deluding. Having said that, the “Con Party” does deserve to be stamped on and reduced to a tiny caucus at the 2024 General Election.

Stop the migration-invasion. Remove those not wanted in this country. Eliminate rogue landlords and buy-to-let parasites. Build decent homes for British people.

Bob Stewart was at least well-known. Any replacement will probably attract fewer votes even before the slide in Con Party fortunes is taken into account.

Beckenham has been a fairly safe Conservative seat since its creation in 1950. The Conservatives won easily even at the General Election of 1997, and the scandals around Piers Merchant [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Merchant] did not prevent his successor from winning the seat at the by-election (also in 1997): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beckenham_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_1990s.

That it looks as if Beckenham will go Labour in 2024 is of wider significance, and underlines the almost existential crisis of the Conservative Party.

Another fact of straw-in-the-wind significance is that the likely new MP for Beckenham is one Marina Ahmad, a Bangladeshi who moved to the UK when 6 months old. The Great Replacement?…

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marina_Ahmad; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Stewart_(politician).

Mint julep

A word about a favourite drink, though one not had by me for some 20 years.

I must descant a little upon the mint julep, as it is… one of the most delightful and insinuating potations that was ever invented, and may be drunk with satisfaction when the thermometer is as low as 70 degrees.

There are many varieties, such as those composed of claret, Madeira, &c., but the ingredients of the real Mint Julep are as follows. I learned how to make them and succeeded pretty well. Put into a tumbler about a dozen sprigs of the tender shoots of mint, upon them put a spoonful of white sugar, and equal proportions of peach and common brandy, so as to fill it up one-third, or perhaps a little less.

Then take rasped or pounded ice, and fill up the tumbler. Epicures rub the lip of the tumbler with a piece of fresh pineapple, and the tumbler itself is very often incrusted outside with stalactites of ice.

As the ice melts, you drink.

I once overheard two ladies talking in the room next to me, and one of them said, “Well, if I have a weakness for any one thing, it is for a mint julep!”–a very amiable weakness, and proving her good sense and good taste. They are, in fact, like the American ladies–irresistible!

[Captain Marryatt— https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Marryat].

The typical mint julep of today, however, uses quality Bourbon more often than peach brandy and cognac.

Dickens also enjoyed the odd mint julep: https://www.foodhistory.com/foodnotes/leftovers/bev/julep/01/.

[Charles Dickens, Washington Irving, and a giant mint julep]

Reminds me of happy times in Charleston, South Carolina, which I visited a few times in 2001 and 2002.

[Charleston S.C.]
[conservation district, Charleston S.C.]
[The Battery, Charleston S.C.; I stayed nearby]

Late music

Sentencing As Virtue-Signalling

I do not often blog about criminal court cases, but this one caught my eye.


On the face of it, a clear case, with no doubt about the immediately-relevant facts. The defendant admitted to the crime and was sentenced to a year in prison. There are some nuances, however.

Obviously, criminal damage cannot be tolerated, and it is certainly not very nice and certainly not very polite to daub words on the door of a neighbouring dwelling; but to my mind the sentence was harsh.

The defendant was sentenced to a year in prison and will therefore be released in 6 months’ time, possibly earlier. The chances are that he will lose his local authority home. I have no idea what possessions or companion animals he may have, but unless he has friends or family somewhere to look after them, they too will be lost. He will come out of prison with nowhere to go, and may not be rehoused if some local penpusher decrees that he made himself homeless by his own actions.

That is part of the background. Then we have the point that the defendant had no previous convictions save for a silly one, 27 years previously, involving a “sick-note”.

In view of the fact that the local authority would probably take the crime to be a breach of lease terms or conditions, and so would take away the defendant’s home anyway, would it not have been more just simply to have given this defendant a suspended sentence?

This looks like kicking a man when he is down. At the same time, we see the courts daily giving thugs, thieves etc non-sentences. Of course, this was a “racial” crime…the courts have obviously been told to treat any offence having a “racial” element more seriously (harshly), in an attempt to keep the doomed multikulti society from falling to pieces.

I noticed, also, that the victims were from the Congo. Again, I do not know the full facts, but it is odds-on that what we have here are either “refugees” or economic migrants who have left Africa in order to settle in the UK. Odds-on, again, that the British people (including the defendant) are paying for the victims to live here and breed.

The case above reminds me of one about 25 years ago in Hammersmith, in which a man was driven half-mad by the incessant noise of blacks and their “music”, parties etc in the flat above his dwelling; so much so that he burned them out, killing several. He got a sentence, I think, of about 10 years for manslaughter and arson. Again, the act can scarcely be “justified”, perhaps, but it can be understood. Legally, provocation does not exist and provides no defence in such a case. In real-life terms, though, I think that many will feel a little sorry for such a defendant.

There is a further point: the defendant in the immediate case in question felt the need to say that he is not “racist” (perhaps after consultation with solicitors or Counsel). So even he himself felt the need to “virtue-signal”! If he or his advisers thought that a display of “contrition” and “I’m not racist” protesting would mitigate the sentence, they seem to have been mistaken.

There is also the point that, as hundreds of thousands of blacks and browns etc flood into the UK every year, and as politicians bleat about the “need” to destroy what is left of the countryside in order to build little boxes for migrants on agricultural land and forested land, very many fully-entitled British people are homeless (after today’s sentence, add another one, 6 months down the line).

I am at present also preparing a blog post about Peter Hitchens, who thinks that the UK is doomed in terms of its present society. I suppose that most of us hope that he is wrong. I also suppose that he is probably right.