Tag Archives: Mid-Bedfordshire

Diary Blog, 16 June 2024

Morning music

Talking point

That National Front leaflet from the mid-1970s looks pretty good even today. The only superseded point is that relating to IRA activity, which is not an issue these days. Even the “Common Market” (now “EU”) point has some residual relevance, despite nominal Brexit.

I suppose one could also add that the “disrupters in industry” in 2024 are not the politically-motivated trade unionists of the 1970s and early 1980s such as Arthur Scargill, but the transnational finance-capitalists of the post-1989 world, destroying nations, communities and rights in search of ever-greater offshore profits.

Tweets seen

Evidently unbalanced; a power-mad sociopath type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen.

Never trust medics who become politicians: Hastings Banda and Papa Doc Duvalier (both black tyrants), or David Owen (suspected CIA agent), to name but three.

Ursula von der Leyen goes out of her way to display pro-Israelism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Israel%E2%80%93Palestine.

Looking at that clip is alarming. What a bunch of idiots. Are any of them compos mentis? Like something out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Who is the old Biden lookalike staggering around behind Biden? Has the clip been edited?

Is the West in safe hands? I think not!

God mote it be!

Don’t forget the —hugely-greater— numbers who came to the UK “legally”…

I often see, on the TV or Twitter/X, vox pop interviews with Average Joe (often Average Joanna) people in the street, some of whom say “there are far more important problems than immigration“, completely naively and ignorantly oblivious of the fact that taking in about a million immigrants per year affects everything, from housing to policing, from pay to State benefits to pensions, from public services such as the NHS and schools through to the court system, prison overcrowding etc, from mass media culture to life on the streets of our cities and towns. It even affects the water supply in England, which is not limitless.


Ha ha! Amusing. All that Labour Party tweet will do is encourage more people who formerly voted Con to vote Reform UK, in order to be sure that a useless parasite does not become Labour MP for Clacton.

Farage seems to be running well ahead at Clacton, if all those favouring him actually vote, but given that the Cons are now without much hope of victory, their previous supporters may as well vote for Reform UK and at least stop that useless Labour chancer from getting in.

It also occurs to me that, if the expected Labour Party government imposes anti-British and tyrannical laws and measures from 2024 through 2029, there will be no ordinary “democratic” way of salvaging any civil rights or future for the British people.

So to want the mayors of English cities to be, er, English is “unsavoury“, opines CNN scribbler Rob Picheta. Says it all, nicht wahr?

cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan


“Picheta” is a name of Polish origin.

He seems to take quite a lot of his material from basically pro-mass migration people (and/or tendentious hypocrites) such as “@ZoeJardiniere” [Zoe Gardner, who favours effectively open borders; https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoe-gardner-8545b479/; https://www.prweek.com/article/1396899/prweek-uk-30-30-2016-zoe-gardner-asylum-aid; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoe_Gardner_(migration_expert)].


He can talk about migration in a way that makes it sound like he’s really telling the truth – telling it like it is, and playing into people’s deepest fears and prejudices,” Zoe Gardner, a migration policy specialist, tells CNN.”

[CNN, per Rob Picheta].

More accurately, “an unemployed migration specialist“, as far as I can see from a brief look at the Internet.

More tweets seen

When it comes to the treatment of prisoners, there is, I think, little to choose between the Jews and the Arabs.

Jewish or half-Jewish stooge of the System. Who can forget his conspiring aboard the Rothschild villa in Corfu, or the nearby-moored superyacht?

As to Starmer-Labour as a government, there will be a brief honeymoon period, probably, but after 6-12 months huge discontent and then anger. Anything is possible.

“They” are very “brave” when in a group, against one or two people, especially women and children.

I have even less time for Galloway than I do for Farage, but it would be very satisfying to see them both elected; it would really help to break up System politics in the UK.

Also, interesting to see that, on that projection, were the Cons not to be there, Reform UK might actually win at Rochdale.

An agent of influence (at the very least) for Israel and its (((lobby))) in the UK.

The bigger picture is that, under the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, non-Europeans, non-whites, are to be funnelled into Europe, including the UK. That means permanently lower standards in all areas, including the NHS and other health services.

The job of the System agents known as “main party” politicians, MPs, government ministers, and civil servants (and msm talking heads and scribblers) is to manage that decline without the white (British) population waking up enough to physically rebel. The British and other European peoples are, under that evil plan, to be, in more than one way but even literally, put to sleep…

We are talking about something that goes beyond mere “treason” as usually understood.

So how, in our supposedly wonderful “free” and “democratic” society, can such criminals be punished and/or dealt with?

(“Answers on a postcard”…).

Nadine Dorries is very very stupid, entirely uncultured and uneducated, and a general waste of space in most respects, though cunning enough to have freeloaded, embezzled or otherwise stolen rather a lot over her years as MP. I wrote about her a couple of times, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/06/15/diary-blog-15-june-2023-including-thoughts-about-nadine-dorries-and-mid-bedfordshire/.

Actually, I think that all my “Deadhead MPs” blog posts have held up pretty well over the past 1-8 years: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/?s=deadhead+mps.

As to Nadine Dorries’ assertion that the public is angry about “Boris”-idiot and even Liz Truss having been ditched, hard to know whether to call that “mad”, “deluded”, or simply asinine.

The public is angry, yes, but about nothing working any more in the UK, about greedy —often Conservative Party— politicians, such as Nadine Dorries herself, about the continuing flood, indeed tsunami, of non-European migration-invasion, and the ever-falling living standards.

Talking point

[“Remigration Airlines— we can do it!“]

Talking point

Israel is not surviving this, will never have a peaceful day, and will probably not survive Netanyahu, who is probably, in my estimation, its last PM.

It is hard to see this from the outside, but Israel is not strong. It is a bluff maintained by Hollywood and air power. Both will not help this time around. In boxing terms, October 7 was 1, but 2, a much mightier right hand, is coming, and it’s going to be KD and KO.

Remember: unlike Palestinian and Lebanese, Israelis are not fighting for survival and dignity. They are fighting for privilege and superiority. And, unlike ME natives, they have to be supported 24/7/365 by the international community of white genocidal Jude-Christian psychopaths. Israelis do not speak Arabic, have no genuine connection in the Middle East, are hated anywhere, do not know how to live off the land and cannot survive without strong central management, which is already only held in place thanks no nonstop Western support.

A huge economic crash is headed the US way, or a major confrontation with Russia, China or all the above. In that scenario it will not be even able to assist Israel in a meaningful way, and neither will Europa be able to do so.

The writing’s on the wall for this project. Israel’s strategic choice of supremacy and savagery is leading to its assured demise. – Nukes will be of no help, by the way: they can destroy entire regions, but they can’t maintain an unsustainable colonial enterprise whose population is broken, fatigued and bitterly conflicted internally, and are being hated more fiercely by their neighbors and the global community every day.

The West’s control over money and media is winding down as well. In another decade, most of us will be consuming and creating content on non-Western platforms.

Israel may have been saved 30 or maybe even 20 years ago. It cannot be saved anymore. If I were leader of the Jews what I would mostly be doing right now is seeking a safe way out for Jewish Israelis without any further bloodshed. But no one is taking a constructive and peaceful path, and so a major catastrophe, a collapse, will have to materialize, after which Israelis will not be welcome anywhere, and could be beyond saving.

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At some point, the idea that “voting” = “democracy” will just ebb away. Then a new game starts…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

Personally, I am just not interested in “debating” with idiots and deluded “bien-pensants” as to whether migration-invasion on such a scale damages and eventually ruins every aspect of our society; I am beyond that, and I think that the general public is slowly coming to the same conclusion.

Our society will effectively collapse under the weight of the migration-invasion. When exactly that will happen, I cannot say, but we are talking years, not decades.

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 December 2023

Morning music

Tweets seen

I have to admit that I have always found the idea of secret tunnels quite compelling. The KGB had a specific directorate specializing in tunnelling, though one finds little printed about it.

In the case of the Gaza tunnels, we are told that they extend for more miles overall than the London Underground, which has 250 miles of track, much of which, however, is overground. About 110 miles of the London Underground is actually below ground-level.

On that basis, only a small part, maybe 5-10 miles, or <10%, of the Gaza tunnels have been explored or destroyed by the invading Israeli forces so far. Information is obviously being restricted at present.

It makes me wonder whether similar tunnels do not also penetrate Israeli state territory from Lebanon or elsewhere, tunnels perhaps so far underground that they are undetectable.

Most of them are pretty useless.

Something that I, a one-time resident of the tri-state area (and qualified New York attorney and counsellor-at-law) never imagined I should see.

…and about 20,000 Gazan civilians, about half of whom were under 18, and a quarter of whom were babies, or small or young children.

12 metres, so nearly 40 feet wide. These are, in the context, war crimes.

Let them laugh. “They” will not be laughing in a few years’ time, and not only in Israel/Palestine…

Events are constantly putting Russia in a better position strategically.

When I was several months in Egypt in 1998, I used to really enjoy the flat bread fresh from local bakeries, usually bought from a hole in the wall about a foot or so wide. Still very warm, and with a unique taste not experienced anywhere else in the world. The (Egyptian) Arabic word for it is aysh, implying its importance to life.

From the newspapers


Labour MP Dawn Butler has vowed to report online message board Mumsnet to the Metropolitan Police after users on the site and other social media slammed her reaction to the Brianna Ghey murder trial verdict.

[Daily Mail]

This is where we are now in the UK. Anything online that some idiot like Dawn Butler dislikes is now “reported”, either to the police or other bodies. If a prosecution under Communications Act 2003, s.127, occurs —and despite the Law Commission having recommended repeal of that as “bad law”— anything highly critical or satirical is now deemed “offensive”, and in practice as “grossly offensive” (and so unlawful).

It is a Kafka-esque farce which I saw at first-hand as defendant in such a case only last month.

The law in this area gives carte blanche to, especially, the usual malicious and politically-motivated Jew-Zionist whiners, such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, with the police and CPS as dupes.

Still, we must always remember that “the stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].

Dawn Butler’s actions give indication of what the likely “elected dictatorship” under Starmer may look like. Repressive.

Still, the only way at present to destabilize the mainly binary Lab/Con system is to knock out one or other main party. That will be the misnamed Conservative Party, which may be largely wiped out next year at the 2024 General Election, but the price for getting rid of the Conservative MPs will be a near-dictatorship under Starmer-Labour.


The developing “social dictatorship” trialled (in various respects) during the contrived panicdemic/scamdemic of 2020-2022.

If the authorities really wanted to address persistent (real) crime, they might start by banning anyone not on bona fide holiday, or bona fide recreational travel, from using a caravan or motorhome on the roads etc. You know what I mean…


Britain’s rapidly shrinking military has prompted defence chiefs to shift hundreds of troops from the front line and into recruitment offices.

More than 400 soldiers from across the British Army have been ordered by top brass to join the effort to try and get more people to enlist.

It comes as figures from the Labour party revealed the Army has shrunk by more than 3,000 troops in the past 12 months, with 9,438 personnel leaving while only 6,308 joined.

Britain’s part-time reservist force is also shrinking despite recent efforts to grow it. Between October last year and September 2023, 5,580 reservists left and only 3,780 joined. 

The latest recruitment statistics from the Ministry of Defence reveal the total Army strength plummeted from 79,139 to 75,983 during the same period, as recruiters failed to hire fresh new personnel to plug the gaps, leaving key roles unfilled.

[Daily Mail]

So the first move in getting more troops on the front-line is to…take 400 soldiers out of the spearhead forces and sit them in offices?

Lions led by donkeys“, as someone once said.

Why do we actually bother with an Army and Navy now? They seem incapable of stopping the only invasion happening, or likely to happen these days— the migration-invasion.

Occasionally, some political cretin such as Gavin Williamson [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/], or Ben Wallace, will “threaten” China or Russia but, as someone else once said, “a general without troops is naked indeed“.

Empty bluster from political nonentities just makes Britain look even weaker than it is, and that is pretty weak.

More tweets

Ha ha! I liked that. It made me laugh. It may even be true.

I think —not quite sure— that that was somewhere in Mid-Bedfordshire constituency during the 2023 by-election.

[Note: the post mentioned, about a young man talking to a by-election crowd about the migration-invasion, has been deleted for some reason].

I looked at lost Doggerland in a blog post of 2020: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/05/19/lost-doggerland-some-historical-changes-and-some-large-scale-projects/.

It may be my least-read blog post, out of over 1,600, but I think that it is certainly worth reading.

Ukrainian “refugees”, among others, are doing that. Most of Ukraine is not really a war zone, only about 10% of it; the far south-east parts, mostly.

See also:

Late music

[Estonian side of the Estonia-Russia border, winter 2023]

Diary Blog, 20 October 2023

Afternoon music

[East Berlin, 1977]
[Germany 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Battles past

Tweets seen

All part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: select non-whites to become MPs, TV presenters, actors in TV shows etc. Many of the political ones are actually outright frauds, like that Festus character. Shaun Bailey is another one, and he now sits in the House of Lords as a fake “lord”, “lording it” over British people.


See my previous comment.

More music

More tweets

“Festus” (in Mid-Bedfordsire) too; he kept his job (and pay) as Police and Crime Commissioner, just in case he failed to get elected. Those “PCCs” are the biggest wastes of space around (arguably). Most of them seem to be both stupid and corrupt.

As for Andrew Cooper (in Tamworth), marginally better, but struck me, reading about him, as pretty stupid.

Thoughts about the by-elections in Tamworth and Mid-Bedfordshire

The results:



Obviously, “seismic” for the Conservative Party. I have blogged previously about the by-elections, but will say a little more know that the results are in.

This is surely the end of the road for the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, and his Government. So far, he has said nothing, and is still in the Middle East, having been doormatting for Israel and the Jews for the past few days.

Will Sunak now resign? If not, his party will undoubtedly be wiped out next year. If he does step down now, it may give the Con Party a slight chance of at least limiting the damage. That would depend, though, on finding a replacement at least superficially credible.

In my view, neither of the Labour victories yesterday were really votes for Labour as such; they were votes for Labour as the best way of defeating the candidate of the “Conservative” Party.

In Tamworth, the rather poor Con Party candidate still received 40.7% of the vote (Lab 45.8%). In Mid-Bedfordshire, “Festus”, the Con Party candidate, received 31.8% (Lab 34.1%).

Both were fairly close contests, but their importance lies in the fact that both had been considered pretty solid Con Party seats, despite the poor quality of both MPs elected in 2019 and previously.

At present it looks as though the Con Party may be left with about 50 seats after 2024, unless something huge happens in the meantime.

What else? Well, the LibDems performed very badly, especially at Tamworth, where the LD candidate, an Indian barrister, received a vote of only 1.6%.

As far as broadly “nationalist” candidates and parties are concerned, poor in both contests. The barely-nationalist Reform UK, the latest Farage-ist vehicle, scored 5.4% at Tamworth, and 3.7% in Mid-Beds. Underwhelming, looking at the surrounding circumstances.

Reform UK will not get anywhere because it is not social-national. A less globalist Con Party, really. It may even have been set up as a “safety valve” to prevent a social-national party from emerging.

Rump UKIP, and Britain First, both stood at Tamworth. Both lost their deposits.

Conclusion: people generally, even former Con Party voters, want rid of the present Government. The next General Election, sometime in the next 14 months, may be almost existential for the Con Party. 50 MPs, perhaps. That is now a distinct possibility. Unlikely that Con Party will retain more than 100 MPs, even bearing in mind that by-elections are more likely to produce upsets. The turnout in both seats was about half of what it was in 2019.

I detect no real enthusiasm for Labour, though. These two results were both caused by people voting tactically to remove candidates of a party now almost universally despised (and which has been unwilling to face the electorate, despite having selected 2 new PMs, for 4 years).

The “Conservative” Party MPs are saying that it will all be different at the 2024 General Election. Really? Why? Why should it be? I think, on present evidence, that the result will be much the same as yesterday, though with a slight adjustment in the Con Party favour, by reason of higher turnout and because some may have reservations about creating a Labour “elected dictatorship”.

More music

[SS-men are sworn-in in Munich]

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As every day passes, the weight of karmic sin of the Israelis —and those supporting them— increases.

Need one ask why they fight?

He will probably get his comeuppance in the end.

Starmer is just a puppet, a mouthpiece for Israel and the UK/American Jewish lobby.

Late tweets

Incidentally, I happened to notice that some idiot (presumably, some Jew or other, going by the pseudonym @joel_a_t) is claiming that I am back on Twitter/”X” as the account above, @RealBlackIrish. Not so, though RealBlackIrish is certainly usually worth reading.

I myself have not posted on Twitter/”X” since a pack of Jews finally managed (via concerted complaint etc) to get my account removed, in 2018.


Remarkable overall, especially bearing in mind the Jew-Zionist stranglehold over the American mass media.

(That should read “October 17“, I think).

Late music

Diary Blog, 18 October 2023

Morning music

[unknown artist, c.1800, Death leading Hell’s Army]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Israel has denied it was responsible for the blast at a hospital in Gaza that the Hamas claims killed at least 500 people and has more trapped under rubble

Video from the hospital showed fire engulfing the building and the hospital’s grounds strewn with bodies, many of them young children. Hundreds of people were reportedly seeking shelter at the hospital at the time of the blast, which Hamas has called a ‘horrific massacre’ and a ‘crime of genocide‘.”

More Israeli/Jewish lies.


More about the Israeli attack on a hospital. Worth reading not least because Jew-Zionists in the UK, USA etc are still claiming that the Palestinian side was responsible via a “failed rocket” of some sort.


Name. Shame. Punish.

Tweets seen

…because the “American mainstream media” is almost all owned and/or controlled and/or heavily influenced by Jews and/or Jewish interests.

Typical Jewish/Israeli hypocrisy. “It’s heartbreaking that we are forced to destroy hospitals full of suffering people“…

No accident. Deliberate targeting of a hospital. A war crime by any standard.

The simulacrum of the human“…

Israel itself was built on lies:


  1. Most Israelis are not descended from ancient “Israelites” but from Khazars:
  2. Much of the WW2 “holocaust” narrative, used to give legitimacy to the migration-invasion of Palestine by Jews in the mid/late 1940s, is not true, notably the “gas chambers” fable;
  3. The migration-invasion of Palestine by Jews in the mid/late 1940s was neither necessary nor justified. Jews massacred large numbers of Palestinian Arabs, and buried the bodies in mass graves, afterwards stealing the land, houses, apartments etc of the murdered victims.

The “holocaust” narrative is still, 80 years on, being used as cover for the continuing Israeli/Jewish military and other crimes.

Regev— an Israeli/Jew liar. Never believe anything “they” say.

Speaking of which:

Jew-Zionist loony and troublemaker pretends to fear “a worldwide pogrom“. I suppose that I should not comment.

Same loony seems to think that the inhuman destruction of the hospital in Gaza should not be noted or criticized because it is a so-called “blood libel” (the mediaeval belief that some Jews killed and/or ate European children).

In any case, even if we leave aside the hospital attack and the 500+ killed there, look at what the Israeli Jews are doing generally in Gaza. Massive destruction. Massive attacks on areas full of civilians, about half of which are children, and a quarter of which are young children under 11 or 12 years of age. Also, the cutting off of water supplies, food supplies, gas, electricity, medical supplies etc.

Meanwhile, in the UK, several people individually (including me) are being prosecuted under a law (Communications Act 2003, s.127) which is so open to abuse (mainly from Jewish/Zionist cabals) that the Law Commission has officially recommended its repeal.

I should add, belatedly, that my alleged sins are said to date from 2020 and 2021— nothing to do with the present Israel/Palestine situation.

Of course, both China and Russia are hardly known for human rights, but then look at the USA: Abu Ghraib, Bagram, Guantanamo Bay, the bombing of civilians (admittedly nowhere near the Israeli level. Israel is beyond the pale).

More from the newspapers


A Tory candidate standing in the forthcoming by-election once suggested that families using food banks should ‘f*** off’ if they could afford TVs and phones.

Andrew Cooper is standing for the Conservatives in Tamworth, Staffordshire, as voters go to the polls tomorrow after previous MP Chris Pincher was forced to quit after a sleaze scandal.

In an insensitive Facebook post in October 2020, Mr Cooper appeared to question whether people needed to use food banks.

“...Mr Cooper told the BBC that there needed to be better incentives to get people into work.”

[Incentives? Higher pay?]

[Daily Mail]

The candidate also cannot spell, it seems (“YOR” for “YOUR“).

Sounds like a fairly moronic individual. Director of an engineering company called GEFCO, formerly owned by Russian interests.

I saw a photo of Andrew Cooper in a local newspaper: https://www.banburyguardian.co.uk/read-this/tamworth-by-election-2023-tory-candidate-andrew-cooper-parents-4375867.

In that report, the photo shows him wearing a blue suit with two military medals (in the Russian fashion, too, i.e. the actual medals, not just the ribbons).

The medals appear to be (the photo is not very clear) the equivalent of “campaign” medals, one for Iraq and one for service of at least 30 days with the NATO force in Kosovo. I am not very well-informed about medals, so I may not be quite right about that.

I blogged briefly recently about tomorrow’s two by-elections: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/10/08/diary-blog-8-october-2023-including-a-look-at-the-upcoming-tamworth-and-mid-bedfordshire-by-elections/.

I find the Tamworth by-election hard to call. I think that it must be between Con and Lab. I think that it may be close, but Labour has a pretty good chance here.

What interests me is the question “if both by-elections are lost, will Sunak resign, or at least face calls to resign?”

More tweets

Well, who knows? With a day to go, there seems all to play for, not only for Lab and Con, but for the LibDems too.

At a guess, I too would have looked (pre-2020) at the Cons as the most likely choice by far (Nadine Dorries scored almost 60% in 2019), but people even in very “Conservative” areas are now mightily angry (mixed with apathy in view of the convergence of most Con/Lab policy). Not sure whether those former Con voters will vote Lab, though. I am inclined to think abstention or voting LibDem might be more popular.

The betting markets are often wrong on by-elections. Still, at present the betting exchanges have the Cons odds-on, Labour around 3/1 and LibDems around 5/1.

Sounds plausible, but that LibDem bet at 5/1 could be value.

It would be superb, though unexpected at present, to see that horrible bitch accredited to the UK also expelled (or whatever).

I suppose that Murray is referring to having been arrested on the basis of yet another malicious and lying complaint by the evil bastards of the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, the same ones who are behind my politically-motivated trial late next month.

Looks like the pathetic Indian money-juggler and doormat for Israel is on the way out.

More about Tamworth

Further research into the Conservative Party candidate seems to confirm my earlier comments about his medals (Iraq and Kosovo): he enlisted in the Staffordshire Regiment, and served for 6 years. His final rank was Lance Corporal: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrew-cooper-38367816a/?originalSubdomain=uk, and it seems that his specialism was as a sniper.

Cooper himself self-describes as “Progressing from Sniper to Lance Corporal in the Staffordshire Regiment of the British Army. Completing tours such as Iraq, Kenya, Kosovo and Bosnia performing duties including surveillance, target acquisition and official duties in France for Queen Elizabeth II“; and

Experienced, effective and diligent Railway Engineer with a strong track record in the sector following on from a distinguished military career. I specialise in railway maintenance and asset management but also have significant experience of railway engineering projects.”

Cooper having been a railway engineer for 17 years, I should think that he does a lot more good in that field than he might as an MP.

Well, there it is. We shall know the result late tomorrow, or early on Friday.

I think that Labour will win at Tamworth; not so sure about who will win in Mid-Beds. The bookmakers prefer Labour at Tamworth, and the Cons in Mid-Bedfordshire.

More tweets

“FAZ: Russia is using the situation in Israel to discredit the United States and distract attention from Ukraine.

After the Hamas attack, the Russian President, on the one hand, spoke out for Israel’s right to defend itself, on the other hand, he condemned the blockade of Gaza, comparing it to Leningrad, and confirmed his commitment to the two-state principle.

Despite the fact that Russia has good contacts in the region and called for de-escalation of the conflict, Western countries in the UN Security Council rejected Moscow’s proposal. Frankfurter Allgemeine explains this by saying that Russia has intentions to use the new conflict to its advantage. The newspaper points out that the Russian president calls the situation in Israel “a striking example of the failure of US policy in the Middle East” and accuses Washington of not taking the “fundamental interests of the Palestinian people” into account.

In addition, according to the German newspaper, the Kremlin is using the conflict to divert attention from Ukraine. “The prospect that Israel will now receive Western weapons and ammunition that Kyiv might otherwise receive is emboldening the power apparatus and the media” in Russia.

Moscow also benefits from rising oil prices, which fill government finances.

America has been condoning Israeli war crimes for years, recalls Scott Ritter It is not unusual that the Israeli military bombed a hospital in Gaza, killing 500 people.

Such tactics are consistent with the IDF’s “Mowing the Grass” doctrine, which involves disproportionate violence against not only militants, but also civilians, including children, US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter said in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel.

At the same time, he said, Washington is in no hurry to introduce an embargo, stop or at least criticize Tel Aviv, whose army is actually committing war crimes with the help of American weapons. Moreover, the United States has been turning a blind eye to this fact for many years. “We know what Israel is doing. We support what Israel is doing, so any talk in the US about compassion for the Palestinian population is one hundred percent false. We have never sympathized with the Palestinians. We have always supported Israel’s perspective and strategic goals, even if they include the “Cut the Grass” policy,” Ritter emphasized.”

Late music

[Tampa Bay; electrical storm]

Diary Blog, 8 October 2023, including a look at the upcoming Tamworth and Mid-Bedfordshire by-elections

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tamworth and Mid-Bedfordshire by-elections 2023

Tamworth constituency has a fairly ancient history (on various different boundaries and names), going back to the 13th Century. Its most famous MP was Sir Robert Peel, who represented the town from 1830-1850 (he was MP for three other places from 1809-1830), and who was Prime Minister 1834-1835 and 1841-1846: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Peel.

The most recent MP, the appropriately-named Chris Pincher, was rather less distinguished, having been finally forced to resign in 2023 after several years of having been accused, then eventually adjudged guilty, of having sexually molested men, including MPs, in bars.

Looking at his Wikipedia entry, it seems that Pincher only became an MP in 2010, at age 41, and had done nothing very interesting prior to that (though Wikipedia is not infallible). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Pincher.

Tamworth, on its present boundaries, was held by Labour from 1997 (when the present seat was brought into being) until 2010; Pincher failed to secure the seat in 2005, but took it in 2010 with a vote-share of 45.8%. Thereafter, his percentage vote increased at every election, peaking in 2019 at 66.3%.

At that 2019 election, Labour Co-op came in second, but poorly, on 23.7%. The other 4 candidates were very much also-rans, only the LibDems retaining their deposit (with 5.3%).

The by-election will be held on 19 October 2023, and has attracted 9 candidates: Conservative, Labour, LibDem, Green, UKIP, Reform (the latest Farage vehicle), Britain First, Monster Raving Loony, and an independent. See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-stoke-staffordshire-66864806 for candidates’ details.

This is probably a Con-Lab 2-horse race, with the LibDems possibly having a slim outsider chance. The Guardian has talked to a few voters: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2023/sep/30/tamworth-voters-byelection-tories-chris-pincher

The Government is obviously deeply unpopular, and also seen as useless. However, Labour is not much liked either. There may be protest vote possibilities, but the main object may be to send a message to the Government, and I suppose that a vote for Labour is most likely to cause the Government pain, if it results in the by-election ending with a Labour win.

Hard for me to call. I have only once even driven through the town, and that was long ago. Not an area I know. Overall, it seems to me that the LibDems are too marginal here to have much chance, so it is between Con and Lab. To elect the Labour candidate would require a huge swing, but I think that it must be possible, as public feeling now stands.

If Labour can pull it off at Tamworth, the 2024 General Election will look sealed. The over-used word “seismic” comes to mind.

So we turn to Mid-Bedfordshire.

Nadine Dorries had to be almost forced out of the seat she had held since 2005, and which had provided her with a good income; both salary and very inflated expenses. She was lucky to have avoided prosecution. A very stupid, entirely uneducated, but withal cunning woman. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadine_Dorries.

The by-election, to be held on 19 October 2023, the same day as that at Tamworth, has attracted no less than 13 candidates, mostly minor or crank.

Nadine Dorries scored 59.8% at the 2019 General Election (Labour 21.7%, LibDems 12.6%).

Mid-Bedfordshire has been a Conservative Party seat since the 1920s.

This would normally be a shoo-in for the Conservative Party candidate, but several factors make that less than likely. Anger at the freeloading and fraudulent behaviour of Nadine Dorries. The general anger at the present Government. Perhaps also the fact that the Con candidate is a careerist black: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Festus_Akinbusoye.

The Conservative Party candidate is presently Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire, only came to the UK at 13 from his native Nigeria, and is a Mormon.

The opinion polls have Con and Lab neck and neck, with the LibDems not far behind. Tactical voting may play the decisive role, but does that mean anti-Con voters voting Labour, or voting LibDem?

Reform, the Farage vehicle, is polling around 7%, as is county council chairman Gareth Mackey, standing as Independent.

Very hard to call, but Labour may just have the edge.

I suppose that the other point is that Sunak may be pressured to stand down as Con Party leader if one contest is lost (or only if both are lost?).

[Update, 22 January 2024: in the end, Labour won both by-elections.

At Tamworth, the Labour candidate won with 45.8% of the vote, Con Party in second with 40.7%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Tamworth_by-election.

In Mid-Bedfordshire, the result was even closer, Labour winning with 34.1% of the vote, Con 31.1%, and the LibDems doing well in third on 23.1%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Mid_Bedfordshire_by-election.

In both by-elections, Reform UK proved underwhelming (4th and 5th placed, respectively).

Sunak did not resign, despite the double loss.].

From the news

Tweets seen

Whatever may be said of Labour or Angela Rayner, that tweet is surely correct. The 2024 General Election is Labour’s to lose. The Conservative Party is just dissolving. I notice that evil sociopath Chris Grayling is now not going to stand for re-election.

Having said that, I see many white-haired and grey-haired people at that Labour show. All System parties are dying, and have few young people supporting them.

Exactly. A million a year coming in, and only a few hundred thousand people (mostly real Brits) leaving (for Australia, New Zealand etc) each year. Result— misery.

Actually, many of the replies to the above tweet show how unthinking the self-describing “Left” pseudo-socialists are. They really think that importing millions of backward persons has no effect on housing provision etc; either that, or they do not care. They really should be regarded and treated as outright traitors.


Read that report. Towards the end:

He must be desperate or in an awful state to go to such pains to try to come into the country that way.

Or not able to enter legitimately, having no right to enter.


Late tweets

Well, looking at Downing Street this evening, does anyone now doubt what embedded group is pulling the strings of both the “Conservative” and “Labour” parties?

According to the Turkish sources, due to dwindling stocks of Iron Dome missiles, the Israeli army is not supplying ammunition to some units armed with the complex, with the exception of three batteries in Tel Aviv, one battery in Jerusalem and one battery in Netivot in southern Israel.

The seven batteries do not supply any ammunition or fire, and they only have a limited number of anti-aircraft guided missiles in case Palestinian missiles fly towards critical targets. This explains the fact that launches on Ashkelon, Ashdod and Sderot cause virtually no opposition.”

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 June 2023, including thoughts about Nadine Dorries and Mid-Bedfordshire

Morning music

Battles past


As regular readers will know, I am now, once again, the target of a malicious and politically-motivated attack, this time a prosecution, instigated by the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, a very small but well-funded group of fanatical Zionist Jews.

I made a statement about this previously; see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/05/29/diary-blog-29-may-2023/.

I now see that there have been a couple of tweets inaccurately stating that I am to be tried this month. Not so. Any trial (if one is actually held at all) will be held in November or December 2023, or possibly even in 2024. In the interim period, there will be at least one brief and purely procedural hearing.

A nuisance, of course, but since the latest malicious attempt was publicized (by the “CAA” goblins themselves, on Twitter and on their website), there has been an increase in the readership of this blog. Silver lining?

Nadine Dorries and the Mid-Bedfordshire constituency

I was considering the Nadine Dorries situation.

At present, Nadine Dorries remains MP for the constituency of Mid-Bedfordshire. She most recently, in 2019, was re-elected with nearly 60% of the vote, and had previously usually achieved over 50%: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid_Bedfordshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

A safe Conservative Party seat, which she has represented since 2005, and which has been good to her— good salary, hugely-inflated expenses, time out to appear on I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here for a very large fee, and to write about a dozen cheap novels.

She was able to employ at least two of her three daughters on very inflated salaries (via MP expenses) and has been investigated several times by the police. On at least one occasion, the file was passed to the Crown Prosecution Service for consideration for prosecution. However, she has wriggled out of trouble every time.

Now, having announced her immediate resignation [see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65910896], Nadine Dorries has not in fact done what is necessary, i.e. to apply, notionally, for “an office of profit under the Crown“, usually either “Steward of the Chiltern Hundreds” or “Bailiff of the Manor of Northstead”.

The delay is plainly because Nadine Dorries was, or so she claims, offered a peerage by the former Prime Minister, Johnson, which offer is now worthless. That she was offered a peerage was apparently the case; her nomination for a peerage was one of those deleted from the list, supposedly by decision of Rishi Sunak.

It seems clear to me that Nadine Dorries announced her “resignation” because she was sure of getting a well-paid sinecure as a “baroness” in the Lords— ~£350 a day without any need even to pretend to do anything for it, plus well-subsidized and palatial surroundings in which to meet people, network etc.

In theory, Nadine Dorries could hang on as MP until the next General Election, getting the salary, the expenses etc, while doing nothing. Perhaps she will.

Nadine Dorries was only too happy to jettison the loyal —and possibly stupid— voters of Mid-Bedfordshire. Unsurprising. As soon as her then-husband and father of her children developed multiple sclerosis, she (in effect) abandoned him, after 23 years of marriage: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadine_Dorries#Personal_life.

I was just comparing Nadine Dorries [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nadine_Dorries] with the MP, Stephen Hastings, who held the seat from 1960 to 1983: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Hastings.

Hastings’ biography includes Sandhurst, and WW2 action with the Scots Guards, the early SAS, and the shambolic but certainly sometimes courageous SOE, later followed by 12 years with SIS/MI6.

Naturally, Hastings was born with a silver spoon compared to Nadine Dorries. No argument. Eton, Sandhurst, the expectation and inheritance of several large, or arguably even great estates. Financially, and in terms of useful connections, he had it far easier than Nadine Dorries, born into relative poverty in Liverpool.

All the same, which of the two really would be better as MP?

In fact, that sort of decline in standards has happened across the board since about 1989. Compare Jo Grimond, for example, with Jo Swinson. Both Liberal/LibDem leaders, but what a contrast! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Grimond; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Swinson.

Again, one was born into affluence, indeed into riches, and never had to struggle financially, but the point is which of the two was the more fitted to be an MP and political leader.

Incidentally, I noticed that Stephen Hastings wrote an autobiography, Drums of Memory. I have just ordered a used copy, and for the knockdown price of £1.75 plus a couple of pounds postage. Pretty good value for a hardback book in apparently almost new condition. Will look forward to reading that, assuming it actually arrives (my last purchase, Anna Karenina in Russian, has been refunded by Amazon because of some problem with distribution).

Tweets seen

Nadine Dorries is just one symptom of a completely decadent and corrupt political system in the UK.

More tweets

Money thrown at the feet of the Kiev regime. Meanwhile, in Britain, people cannot get medical treatment or decent housing, and the roads are falling to pieces.

From the newspapers


The head of the Army is considering scrapping centuries-old ranks such as Rifleman and Guardsman because they are masculine.

In an attempt to make regiments more inclusive, General Sir Patrick Sanders is poised to break hundreds of years of battlefield tradition.

Historic titles used by world-renowned Guards regiments and even his own regiment, the Rifles, could be ditched in favour of gender-neutral ranks.

[Daily Mail].

Are we actually supposed to pretend that the British Army still has some kind of useful role?

More tweets seen

If “Jack Monroe” did that, she might trigger an avalanche of similar claims, together with even more negative publicity.

Her pseudo-celebrity supporters are ebbing away. Weak waste of space Alice Beer is the latest. Jay Rayner cut “Jack Monroe” loose nearly a year ago now, and Nigella Lawson later followed suit.

None will denounce her, but will just show her the cold shoulder.

I suppose that “Jack Monroe” will try to leverage whatever she can to stay in the public eye to some extent, as with her unexplained appearance on BBC Question Time recently, and she needs that public exposure, if only to keep onside the hard core of donor-mugs who are each sending her between £3.50 and £44 a month via Patreon— 411 utter mugs as of today.

God. What a loonie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pauline_O%27Reilly.

Britain 2023, where Max Hastings looks like the most principled journalist imaginable…a measure of either how Hastings has grown since he covered the Vietnam War in the late 1960s, or of how far British public life has slid into the mire in more recent decades.

If mortgage rates continue to rise, there will be a rather British non-violent political upheaval. There must be millions of people who do not really “own their own home” as they think they do, because they have a mortgage on the property.

I have just seen a statistic which claims that nearly 28% of the UK population are homeowners without a mortgage or loan against the property, while nearly 38% are “homeowners” but with a mortgage or other loan against the property (I presume that the remaining ~34% are either renters or are too young to take title to real property).

38%. That means, in theory, 38% of the voters, too.

People may not like or trust the Labour Party or the LibDems (or others), but the Conservative Party has been in power since 2010. If mortgage rates continue to rise, there will be a backlash against the Conservative Party not seen even in 1997.

Another, and this time not very inventive “Jack Monroe” lie, that reporters and stray peasants are besieging her home. She must have lifted that from the life of van Gogh.

“Jack Monroe” is so patently fake that it defies belief, and a huge number of stupid mugs still fall for her nonsense.

Venn diagram of “Jack Monroe” mug-supporters: 1. comfortably-off Guardian-reading virtue-signalling naifs (mostly aged 55+); 2. the mentally-unwell; 3. the LGBTQXYZ crowd on Twitter.

“Jack Monroe” works on the —often-true— assumption that the public cannot check up on the veracity of her stories (mostly a pack of lies) and that most “journalists” (scribblers) are too lazy to check.

At least it is not radioactive, yet.

The Americans know that even a limited Russian nuclear strike on the US mainland would send their whole society into freefall. Many of their cities are already powder kegs ready to blow. Racial and social war is just below the surface.

Russia is winning the strategic war.

Late music