Tag Archives: Robert Maxwell

Diary Blog, 25 November 2023

Morning music

[painting by Carl Holsoe]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scored 6/10. the same as political journalist John Rentoul (he claims six and a half). I did not know the answers to questions 4, 7, 8, and 9.

Tweets seen

From nearly two months ago.

I missed that poll. Interesting to see where the people are on the migration invasion.

As to Suella Braverman herself, though, she is, just like a more determined Priti Patel, all talk. Also, and also like Priti Patel, she is another Israel-lobby puppet. She is a flash in the pan. When the Conservative Party goes down at the 2024 General Election, she will either become a backbencher again or, possibly, Conservative Party leader but of a Conservative Party with 50-100 seats, and in possibly permanent opposition.

The fakery of Starmer-Labour, but as it stands Labour is pushing at an open door; it would take a miracle to save the Government of Indian money-juggler Sunak.

Gavin Barwell is an idiot. “Net migration” is certainly notessential for our economy“. In any case, any benefits of economic growth are, at present, going to, at most, 5% of the population; arguably to <1%.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

I am more interested in the “occupation” of the West…

Sometimes, I wonder when the oppression imposed on so many people will result in some kind of explosion, or retaliation.

…except that “Far Right” is a meaningless label, along with “left wing”, “right wing”, “centrist” etc.

NEW. “Some people suggest there should be a temporary 5 year pause on all further immigration into the UK so the country can better absorb the migration of the last few decades. Would you support or oppose such a pause on all further immigration? All British voters

Support 53% Oppose 22% Don’t know 25%

People Polling/Migration Watch November 23 2023.

I, obviously, support that, but such a pause would not deal with the existing mixing of populations within the UK.

For me, the aim is to create a foundation for a higher-level race-form in the far future. The only basis that can exist for that is an entirely or almost entirely European population, as existed in the UK until quite recently (say 1970s).

Turning off the tap is a start (if it ever happens), but is not enough.

Late music

Exclusive: Wokeness at the heart of “anti-woke” Kemi Badenoch’s dept:

Civil servants held a diversity meeting discussing the book Why I don’t talk to white people about race, and were encouraged to keep the discussions private. The Department for Business and Trade’s Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network, a group representing minority staff, held the discussion on 16 November which was advertised as revolving around “topics relating to race, what it means to be anti-racist, and how to be an impactful ally”. An email from REACH to DBT staff said the “discussion groups are a safe space to discuss what allyship of ethnic minorities really means” and “will be based around Reni Eddo-Lodge’s book Why I No longer Talk to White People about Race”.

@GoodwinMJ, told The Telegraph: “For all of Kemi Badenoch’s rhetoric attacking Critical Race Theory, it is now clear that this divisive ideology has captured her own department.

Whilst civil servants should not waste their work time discussing these radical narratives around race, it is up to ministers to put an end to this. The Conservative Party has had thirteen years to clamp down on officials who promote concepts like CRT, yet nothing ever seems to change. Instead of talking the talk, as Kemi and other Conservative MPs sometimes like to do on these issues, it is time for ministers to walk the walk.”

In October 2020 Ms Badenoch gave a speech in the House of Commons in which she described Critical Race Theory as a “dangerous trend in race relations… an ideology that sees my blackness as victimhood and their whiteness as oppression.”

The REACH meeting on 16 November took place between noon and 1pm, and was the first of six sessions set to be held by the group over the next six months. During the online meeting one official claimed that “four or five people in the last year” left DBT “out of pure frustration with the fact that they weren’t advancing and they weren’t growing to the same extent as their white counterparts”.

Another civil servant responded to the comment, saying: “I think it’s met with that defensiveness as well. It’s like the first reaction is to defend the position and state why but there isn’t a defence.”

During the discussion, which focused on racism and diversity, one official said: “I’m a trade advisor… and so often what I have done is connect what I believe in terms of the network with what my day job is… I work a lot to support ethnic minority businesses because I’m a trade advisor and so indirectly, so what I’m urging most people to think about is how can you connect your day job to being an ally and what does that look like?”

At the end of the discussion several civil servants made comments about preventing leaks from the meeting. One mandarin said: “Can I also just stress the importance of keeping the conversations that we’ve had here today to respect the anonymity… because the only way that we can foster these conversations in a safe space [sic] if we protect that.”

They continued: “And the reason why that I’m saying this is to be honest, that there has been articles that’s been posted online and in UK newspapers about what we do in a network, not just our network, but also other networks have been targeted. So it is really important to think about that. I’m not saying you cannot share what we’ve discussed in theory, but just don’t attribute it to a particular person so that we can continue to have these conversations.”

The comment was followed up by another official who said: “Just to add to what [civil servant] said, it’s the reason why we don’t record calls”.”

The “culture war” will probably, eventually, become a real civil war. Not today, and not tomorrow, but somewhere down the line. One triggering factor will be the ever-encroaching tide against free speech and freedom of expression. After all, when ideas are prevented from being expressed, the river takes another course.

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 August 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

An extract from the blog of exactly a year ago:

The System needs at least two “major parties” (even if their combined membership is only about 600,000, i.e. 1% of the UK population) because it preserves the facade of a binary choice, the facade of supposed “democracy” etc. So fake Labour has to exist, just as fake Conservative Party has to exist, in order to fool the mass of the people into thinking that they have a real choice. They do not have any such choice.


Labour, like the “Conservatives”, has to exist and pretend to put forward a bunch of policies, when really both parties have been stripped of real policy, real difference, and even real politicians (look at the pathetic deadheads now crowding the Commons and Lords alike). You want to see what “ZOG” looks like? Just look at “British” political parties and MPs today.

Nothing has changed.

“Covid” “vaccine” uselessness


Cashing-in pensions


Leaving aside the immediate issue reported on (fuel inflation), it should not be possible to “cash in” a private pension below X-age. If I am not mistaken, the right to cash-in was brought in, or made much easier, when the part-Jew, George Osborne, was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

A private pension is to help someone of pensionable age, clearly. It is not just a long-term investment of some kind. It is against public policy in the broad sense to allow pensions to be simply cashed-in.

In fact, it is contra public policy in practical terms as well, quite apart from the ethical aspect, or impact on the individual, because someone who cashes-in a private pension but then later, at or above pensionable age, becomes poor enough to require State “Pension Credit Guarantee”, will have his or her State Pension augmented by Pension Credit so that he or she receives a minimum of £185 per week (as well as other benefits, such as Housing Benefit etc if applicable).

In other words, not only the individual but also the State itself will, in that instance, lose out financially.

“The world is not without kind people”


The world is not without kind people“, says a Russian proverb. One sees that constantly, despite also seeing contrary news.

Look at the story about “Mrs. Hinch”. She has given away a £600,000 house simply because she wants to help a family, and “does not need” the capital proceeds of any sale.

Remarkable. I have no idea whether her husband is wealthy; she herself is said to be “worth” about £1.5M (presumably discounting the donated house).

It was not clear to me, on skimming the report, whether the house donated has actually been transferred, or just given to live in rent-free for as long as permitted. Either way, very generous.

If only the very wealthy of our society, those possessing tens, hundreds, or thousands of millions, were as kind-hearted.

More tweets seen

[in an ideal world…]

London. Zoo. Monkeyworld.

Full-term abortion“. Murder of babies born, or being born, or about to be born, and perfectly capable of living a full human life in most cases. Straight murder. Legalized.

Will any of those Australian MPs be held to account in an appropriate way?

“Racism” against white Europeans is now considered OK; but any perceived mere criticism of Jews, or non-whites, is not only not approved of by the System, but may even be criminalized by biased law and enforcement.

“They” worm their way in everywhere, if not stopped.

Educated guess: of those 19,000 or more migrant-invaders, not one will actually be —in any way— someone who benefits the British people, but let us be kind, and assume that 1% benefit the UK (somehow). What about the other 99%? Guessing (but I think reasonably) further: of every 100 migrant-invaders, at least 10, maybe 20, will turn out to be criminal and/or terroristic; the remaining 79 or more will just be completely useless millstones round our collective neck.

I was not too pleased about Neil Oliver when he did Coast, especially his —not always well-informed– occasional anti-“Nazi” historical (or ahistorical) comments, but he has certainly redeemed himself in the past couple of years.

Not that I agree with everything he now says, but no matter. He is in general on the right track. I may be an “idealist”, as some have called me, but I do have pragmatic aspects as well.

Ask “Robert Maxwell” or Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, no— you can’t, because they snuffed it under mysterious circumstances. Ask Ghislaine “Maxwell”, then. Oh, no— you can’t, because she is in prison for much of the rest of her horrible life, and afraid of being murdered (as was, she thinks, her father) by Israeli Intelligence killers.

Liz Truss and Priti Patel, and Keir Starmer (etc) should be wary of being puppets of Israel and the Jew lobby. It’s one rouble to get in, but two roubles to get out…

Temperature variations

Incredible how varied the UK can be in terms of temperature. Where I live (Hampshire coast) the temperature at 0900 hrs this morning was 22C, in London at same time it was 33C, but in Edinburgh only 16C.

More tweets seen

Eddie Izzard is as much a woman as a pantomime horse is Red Rum.

Late tweets seen

I do not usually approve of rowdy behaviour, but if a few frustrated Brits in Greece were to give the idiot a kicking, I have to admit that I would not be upset about it.

Incapable of creating a civilization, incapable of maintaining one even when provided to them, and most of them incapable even of simply living decently as unwanted “guests” in the civilization created by white Europeans.

Late music

[New Zealand, South Island]

Diary Blog, 14 September 2020


Twitter is the home of the ignorant, very often. People are able to post nonsense, which is rarely challenged and often applauded. Look, for example, at the tweet below:

The first sentence is correct. Suella Braverman and Robert Buckland are indeed both barristers, and moreover, and despite their political elevation, remarkably thick ones. Now look at the second sentence.

The cited words are from published “Guidance” as to how the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority will exercize its regulatory functions. See https://www.sra.org.uk/solicitors/guidance/general-dishonesty/

The “Guidance” gives 8 examples, of which the words cited are part and only part of one: “helping other people to act improperly, such as by giving credibility to a dubious or suspicious investment scheme run by others.”

While the example might, arguing as advocatus diabolus, cover political matters such as in the instant case, it probably would not, particularly as International Law (Public International Law) is not always as fixed as many imagine it to be (I myself studied it as part of my law degree, in the mid-1980s).

Apart from that, and as noted, Suella Braverman and Robert Buckland are barristers, not solicitors. The Law Society (which the tweeter tags) regulates only solicitors, not barristers. Barristers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board. Also, barristers are not “struck off” but “disbarred”, as I myself was (for political reasons; see https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/).

The Bar Code of Conduct does regulate barristers’ behaviour. Core Duties 3 and 4 provide that ”  You must act with honesty and integrity” [Core Duty 3] and “You must maintain your independence” [Core Duty 4]: https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/for-barristers/compliance-with-your-obligations/the-core-duties.html.

I suppose that those provisions might (but would probably not) apply to the behaviour of Suella Braverman and Robert Buckland.

Reverting to the tweet, you can see that the tweeter, one “@RussInCheshire” (why does it always seem to be people from Cheshire or nearby places such as Manchester?!) has that dangerous thing, “a little knowledge” (but not enough). He has tweeted something, with an air of authority, which is wrong in various ways. He has displayed ignorance but, importantly, few of his readers will know that he has tweeted bullshit!

“Russ in Cheshire” (whose Twitter profile is “Designer, coder, analyst, painter, wazzock. Centre-left, Remainer, work in progress and maker of mistakes. Working class Manc in Cheshire“) does at least admit that he is a “maker of mistakes“. My target is not “Russ in Cheshire” but Twitter itself. Not that the tweeter’s 103,000 (!) followers will be much misled. Most probably missed the tweet anyway.

What a waste of time Twitter is! I use tweets to illustrate my blog but most tweets are of little use and almost all are forgotten in minutes. Ephemeral. Political influence very limited.

Other tweets seen

This is the philosopher that the University of Edinburgh has “deplatformed” (in effect): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Hume

As the long-deceased husband (ex-Guards and Royal Flying Corps) of an old friend of mine was wont to say, “one Jew can lead a thousand Englishmen by the nose“. He should have added “and two thousand Americans“.

Oh, yes…take away anything from public view that shows the inferior peoples as sometimes being or having been savage, and not as always having been innocent victims of white colonialism…

This government and its servants are an elected tyranny, elected only by manipulation, lies and sheer chance. Illegitimate government. When will determined people take it on?

Hitchens is not so clever here. Yes, UK banking and other jobs could be done and are being done from China and India, because “our” illegitimate tyrannical government is globalist, Zionist-infested, and finance-capitalist. Were the UK government (as it should be) social-nationalist, the above cartoon would not be true. British jobs for British people!


Roll on gale force winds, and then winter storms.

I have known numerous mixed-race persons. They all, to some extent, had psychological problems and, in most cases, problems around identity.

Below: typical Jew-Zionist attitude…

(((They))) care about their ethnostate, but not for our future. Actually, why should they? They are alien. It is up to us, up to the white Northern Europeans, to struggle for our future and for the future generations.

More tweets and news

Britain has given up any pretence of being a “free country”:


This is how a relatively free country becomes a police state. First, laws restricting so-called “hate speech”, which is quickly interpreted by the police (egged on by the Jewish element) to mean any political dissent of a nationalist character. Secondly, a contrived “emergency”. Third, laws passed on the nod, by a rubberstamp Parliament, and by manipulation of existing ambiguous statutes. Fourthly, repressive measures such as restrictions on assembly, travel, and mandates to enforce use of facemask muzzles. Fifthly, curfews (why?) etc, announced by thick drones such as Kit Malthouse.

The government and its servants have declared war on the British people.

Don’t have more than a few guests in your house, or the Jew will call in the toytown police and the poundland KGB…

No longer even a pretence that the UK is anything other than a “velvet glove” (so far) police state.

Looking beyond the encroaching police-state-ism, what will happen between now and the end of 2022, that most significant year? As far as the UK is concerned, it seems that unemployment will soon be in the several millions, that there will either be tax rises or heavy spending cuts, and that the people will be left desperate for a party to defend them in a situation where both “main parties” are basically Jew-Zionist and finance-capitalist fronts for globalism and the New World Order [NWO]. “ZOG”.

Sooner or later, the UK currency will collapse or depreciate significantly. Already we see the wealthy putting money into hedging assets: country estates, gold etc.

This is the calm before the storm. At the right time, a social-national movement can arise. I am not talking of, or not only of, System elections. It is possible that, despite the toytown police state, a movement might arise to sweep away what presently contaminates the UK.

Brief reverie

I am just amusing myself by looking at a few extant Twitter accounts which in fact are dormant because the individuals who used them, and who used to attack me and laugh at me being disbarred etc, are now dead (though not via my agency!). We may all go the same way in the end, but that does not entirely take away the pleasure…

Musical interlude

More tweets seen

They can destroy, but cannot create. Europe has imported millions of useless and/or hostile “elements”. No decent future can be built while they exist in Europe…

Anyone interesting has already been expelled from Twitter now, pretty much. The Jewish lobby conspired to have me removed in 2018. I know who was responsible. To each his own.

As noted previously, the absurd thing is that the once-“rebellious” parts of the population, meaning the “civil rights” “activists”, the “socialists”, etc, are now begging the State to take away their remaining freedoms, begging the State for stricter “lockdowns”, “social distancing”, wearing of facemask muzzles, curfews, fines, being ordered about by stupid little nobodies with clipboards etc, not to mention the Stasi-style informer culture being established by the most Jew-Zionist “government” Britain has ever had. “Socialism” died not with a bang but a whimper, and it whimpered “control us”…

Late tweets

Diary Blog, 2 January 2020

Some interesting and potentially important research into pain control:


More news about the half-Jewish “ho” madam, Ghislaine Maxwell:

Well, give that man a cee-gar! Turns out that I guessed right (I usually do, if I myself say so):

Jeffrey Epstein’s socialite ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell ‘is being hidden from the FBI in a series of safe houses because of the information she has on powerful people’

  • Maxwell has remained incognito since Epstein’s arrest and death behind bars
  • New report claims both she and Epstein were ‘assets’ for a foreign government
  • Source says they funneled dirt on the rich and powerful to foreign spies
  • Now Maxwell may be hiding in a safehouse in Israel, the new report claims
  • She is a British and US citizen, and daughter of an alleged Mossad operative.

An explosive new report has asserted that deceased sex criminal Jeffery Epstein and his alleged ‘madame’ Ghislaine Maxwell were foreign intelligence ‘assets’, and that she is currently hiding in a safehouse in Israel.

She is not in the US, she moves around. She is sometimes in the UK, but most often in other countries, such as Israel, where her powerful contacts have provided her with safe houses and protection,’ the source said.

Born in France, Maxwell is both a U.S. citizen and British subject. Her family’s alleged ties to Israel’s national intelligence service, Mossad, have been well documented.

Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, was a Czech-born ‘British’ [Jewish] media mogul whose financial fraud in raiding the Mirror Group pension fund was discovered after his death in 1991.

Also a ‘British’ member of parliament, Robert Maxwell reportedly had ties to British intelligence, the Soviet KGB, and Mossad — and was suspected of being a double or even triple agent by British Foreign Office officials.

[Daily Mail]


Western world, wake up to the Jew/Zionist/Israel conspiracy. It’s everywhere, penetrating all “Western” societies (Russia too)…

The latest about Boris-idiot and his dystopia-salesman

I have blogged previously about Dominic Cummings, eg here:


Well, now it appears that he wants to shake up the UK and its civil service in a way not seen since the 1980s, or arguably since the 1860s…



The shake-up of the Civil Service seems to be in the hands of Dominic Cummings but is being written about by a “Conservative” insider with a new name —new to me at least— called Rachel Wolf. Presumably Jewish.

[addendum and further to the above: http://www.publicfirst.co.uk/our-people/rachel-wolf]

[Further addendum: The author noted above is a partner at a firm of lobbyists called Public First. Another partner there is one Gabriel Milland, who was previously “Head of Media” at the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre [BICOM], effectively an arm of Israel though funded, at least notionally, privately. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain_Israel_Communications_and_Research_Centre



It will be recalled that, prior to her becoming a Labour Party MP, Ruth Smeeth, who lost her seat at the 2019 General Election, was exposed as having been a “confidential contact” of officials at the US Embassy in London, as well as having been deeply enmeshed in the activities of the Israeli Embassy. Ruth Smeeth was also, before that (2005-?2009), Director of Public Affairs and Campaigns at BICOM: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth#Early_life

It appears that, of the four partners at Public First, one, Natascha Engel, is a former Labour MP, acquainted with Maurice Glasman, now Lord Glasman (whose brother is a very active member of the malicious Jewish-Zionist “charity” known as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”. If the connection is not fraternal, perhaps a reader can tell me).


The UK has been shaken to the core already, though it may look much the same on the surface. The Thatcher years, then later the Blair-Brown regime, followed by the evil policies of 2010-2019. Now this.

We could be looking at the collapse of society before very long. What will then be society’s judgment upon those who precipitated such collapse?


Always amusing, though predictable, to read the tweets of those determined to believe that the influx of the backward peoples into Europe, including the UK, is somehow “beneficial”, something to be (in the usual bastard language) “celebrated”. Here we see tweeters “Femi”/”@Femi_Sorry” (the African talking head the System now has on Sky News The Pledge) and “ArnieSpanner”/”@unexpectedgoalz”, both struggling with the facts ( click to read the thread)…


The degeneracy of those who support migration-invasion

Here we see Zoe Gardner aka “@ZoeJardiniere”, who was so upset to read my tweets about mass immigration that she blocked my account after she had indulged in some truly pathetic bleating. That was a few years ago. She’s still at it, though (I suppose that she cannot get a better job):

Well of course it would be terrible if women in the UK, France, Germany, Netherlands etc actually had “nice white kids” instead of agitating for the invasion of their countries by backward migrant-invaders…Oh, no, wait…

Carlos Ghosn

I know little of the rights and wrongs of the Carlos Ghosn case, but his escape from Japan was brilliant, bearing in mind the resources the Japanese brought to bear on him.


“Against stupidity, the Gods themselves struggle in vain” [Schiller]


“Conservative” government, 2020, Britain 2020…


The Jew Epstein and Prince Andrew: The British Royal Family Has Another Scandal — Maybe It’s Time To Just Get Rid Of Them… [frequently updated]


Finally the boil has burst:


The Jew paedophile, sex predator, rapist etc Jeffrey Epstein has committed suicide, it is claimed. The circumstances seem mysterious, as when that other Jew disgrace, “Robert Maxwell”, supposedly fell off or jumped off or was pushed off his motor yacht in the region of the Canary Islands.

The Jew Epstein has been in the firing line (not literally, as he should have been) for years:


The Press is now having a field day:








When “Robert Maxwell” died, his daughter, Ghislaine, who was completely mixed up with Epstein for decades (from age 29 or 30; she is now 57), said that she believed her father to have been murdered. Now Epstein’s death also raises questions. He too was mixed up with some of the most famous and/or powerful figures in the US and UK: Trump, Clinton, Prince Andrew…

Robert Maxwell was thought to be a (perhaps the) major MOSSAD operative in Europe. Now we see that his daughter was intimate or at least friendly with many of the world’s powerful and uber-wealthy. That does not mean that she was operating or partly operating on behalf of the Israeli state or the world Zionist conspiracy, but it does raise questions.

One has to ask why Ghislaine Maxwell has not (at least not yet) been arrested either in the UK or USA. Apparently, some of the young girls abused by the Jew Epstein used to refer to the Jewess “Maxwell” as “the Madam”. Say no more…

So why no action against her? Is this the Jew-Zionist lobby working behind the scenes of our “democracy” again?

Prince Andrew

As far as I am concerned, Prince Andrew is a useless fellow, a complete waste of space. People always say “but he fought in the Falklands!”, as if a few weeks in action (in fact merely observing; he was never under direct fire) gave the prince a free ride for life (his birth already gave him that, I suppose). Admittedly, Andrew did serve for a number of years as Lieutenant, but his service is said to have been generally underwhelming. On retirement from the Royal Navy, he was given the rank of Honorary Captain, rather than promoted as substantive Captain. In 2015, Andrew was made Honorary Vice-Admiral (I have no idea whether he gets a toy battleship to go with that).

Typical British cap-doffing, always bending over backwards to show deference to “royalty”, is still endemic in the UK. People less enamoured of the royals have commented that the Press and royal PR people have also rather (in the vulgar phrase of today) “bigged-up” the WW2 service of Andrew’s father, Philip [see Notes, below]. He has lived off the public weal and his wife’s money for 70 years!

Prince Philip and that clan may not be actual lizards (as David Icke is said to have once claimed), but looking at Philip, I can see from where the idea might have originated…

This morning, I saw an account by Sky News about the Epstein scandal that somehow contrived to avoid the use of the words “Prince Andrew”! Incredible. Needless to say, the facts that Epstein was a Jew and Ghislaine Maxwell is a half-Jewess are also absent from all TV and Press reports. (and yes, many British people, in particular, are so naive that they might not realize).

Andrew, of course, married “Fergie”, with all the consequent scandal that entailed. Now, he is or was involved with a very wealthy woman called Goga Ashkenazi, born in Kazakhstan, and who is part-Jew, part-Muslim.

Andrew finished his official time with the Royal Navy in 2001 at the age of 40, since when he has played golf, flown around the world on rather easy “missions” for charity or government (more or less freeloading, hence his nickname of “air miles Andy”) and enjoyed himself.

The Duke of York receives a £249,000 annuity from the Queen.[68] The Sunday Times reported in July 2008 that for “the Duke of York’s public role,… he last year received £436,000 to cover his expenses.”[69] On 8 March 2011, The Daily Telegraph reported: “In 2010, the Prince spent £620,000 as a trade envoy, including £154,000 on hotels, food and hospitality and £465,000 on travel.” [Wikipedia]. “Not a bad little earner”…

“Earlier in 2010, it was revealed that the Kazakhstan President’s billionaire son-in-law Timur Kulibayev paid the Duke of York’s representatives £15 million – £3 million over the asking price – via offshore companies, for the Duke’s Surrey mansion, Sunninghill Park. Kulibayev frequently appears in US dispatches as one of the men who have accumulated millions in gas-rich Kazakhstan.[100]

In May 2012, it was reported that Swiss and Italian police investigating “a network of personal and business relationships” allegedly used for “international corruption” were looking at the activities of Enviro Pacific Investments which charges “multi-million pound fees” to energy companies wishing to deal with Kazakhstan.[101] The trust is believed to have paid £6 million towards the purchase of Sunninghill which now appears derelict.[101] In response, a Palace spokesman said “This was a private sale between two trusts. There was never any impropriety on the part of The Duke of York”.[101]

Libby Purves wrote in The Times in January 2015: “Prince Andrew dazzles easily when confronted with immense wealth and apparent power. He has fallen for ‘friendships’ with bad, corrupt and clever men, not only in the US but in Libya, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tunisia, wherever.”

In May 2016, a fresh controversy broke out when the Daily Mail alleged that the Duke had brokered a deal to assist a Greek and Swiss consortium secure a £385 million contract to build water and sewerage networks in two of Kazakhstan’s largest cities, while working as British trade envoy, and had stood to gain a £4 million payment in commission.[102] The newspaper published an email from the Duke to Kazakh oligarch Kenges Rakishev, (who had allegedly brokered sale of the Prince’s Berkshire mansion Sunninghill Park), and claimed that Rakishev had arranged meetings for the consortium. After initially claiming the email was a forgery, Buckingham Palace sought to block its publication as a privacy breach.[103] The Palace strongly denied the allegation that the Duke had acted as a “fixer” calling the article “untrue, defamatory and a breach of the editor’s code of conduct.” [Wikipedia]

This is, however, not meant to be an attack on Prince Andrew, however well-merited. Let’s look at a few others in the useless rabble that now constitutes the “royals”.

Prince Charles

I once met the Prince of Wales, at the official Residence of H.M. Ambassador in the capital city of a foreign country “East of Suez”. There were about 30 people at the reception, though I myself knew only a couple of the guests and a few of the diplomats (including the ambassador). HRH moved through the groups of informally arranged guests, saying hello to almost everyone and speaking with a few favoured people, of which I was one (my time with him probably lasted all of three minutes, though having drunk about a bottle of red wine, I cannot be sure!).

My impressions? Shorter than I expected from having seen photographs and TV news footage for much of my life. I was somewhat taller than him. I was also surprised to see that he was almost bald in places, especially the top of his head (which I could look down on as he turned away). As to personality, I should say pleasant, slightly mocking or humorous (he made a joke about the city and country, which was unexpected). Not someone difficult or rude.

I can support some of what Charles does for animal welfare and the environment, though some of the lustre rubs off when one thinks of his “sporting” slaughter of birds, foxes and other creatures (I let him off as regards salmon and trout!).

Charles has made (with expert help of course) a big success of the Duchy Originals brand, and has in general advanced the cause of organic agriculture. I do think that he in general means well, but his self-pity and preciousness (retailed in various newspaper anecdotes) does make him hard to much like as far as the public is concerned (and that is leaving aside the whole Diana and Camilla saga).

Prince Edward

What can one say? I suppose that the, er, fag-end of a royal house always has a few “princes” of this sort. After dropping out of the Royal Marines fairly quickly, Edward decided, as Wikipedia puts it “on a career in entertainment”. A royal prince playing the theatre manager? Unglaublich… He married a public relations woman and they, apparently, have had two children together.

Princess Anne

Someone who seems to have all the charm of her father. Nuff said. In fact, I have over the years heard some inside track, but I prefer to leave that out of this article (not least because some sources, though thought reliable, may not be).

 The lesser royals

Up for hire. What more need one say?




Does the Royal Family have Jewish admixture?

It has been asserted that Prince Albert was half-Jewish, his real or natural father having been a Jew banker. I do not know whether there is any truth in that, but certainly some members of the Royal Family have looked quite Semitic. Princess Margaret looked very Semitic indeed. Lord Snowdon, her husband, used to make bitter remarks to her face, and about how she looked like an old Jewess, in the years when their marriage was disintegrating.

If reports can be believed, until the 21st Century dawned, all male children of the first rank of the Royal Family were actually circumcised and not even merely by a surgeon, but by a Jewish religious expert. It’s all very strange.


The links between the Royal Family and freemasonry are well-known and documented.

Overall view

One can see that the British monarchy, qua monarchy (i.e. not qua a function of the “celebrity” culture), is running into the sand. The oldest generation, meaning the Queen and Prince Philip, are now not far from 100 years of age. Prince Charles is now 70 and will soon be 71.

As for Princes William and Harry, “tame thick princelings” pretty much covers it, though they are now perhaps a little old to be called “princelings”— William is now 37.

William’s marriage to Kate, though outside normal royal tradition, could be presented as sort-of within it. Kate is said to be part-Jewish, and so through the matrilineal side, i.e. which the Jews themselves accept as conferring “Jewishness”. However, that sort of thing goes over the head of the public and so, if you like, “caviar to the general”. Not so Harry’s marriage to Meghan, aka the Royal Mulatta (previously married to a Jew in California). That has the possibility (especially when combined with the couple’s absurd recent antics), to sever any bond of affection or respect still binding monarchy to “the people”.

My view

What strikes me increasingly about the Royal Family is its sheer irrelevance both to the UK as a whole and to the people of the UK. When most subjects (as they were; now citizens) had gone through the Second World War, good and bad times economically, had only 2 or 3 TV stations, and everyone wore poppies in November, there was some kind of bond or at least link. Now, the only thing linking the “royals” with the people is that of prurient interest (of the latter in the former), a link no more strong than the people have with pop stars, Katie Price or the cast of the latest braindead “reality” show. As for the proliferating population of “blacks and browns”, very few these days have any interest in the “royals” (now that few have come directly from former colonies).

I have no great animus against monarchy as a system. It is sometimes the best system, whether absolute monarchy or constitutional monarchy. However, Britain now is outgrowing this long-established institution. There is, perhaps, still a place for a constitutional figurehead, but beyond that I think that the time has come to say goodbye.













The Royal Family’s links to Freemasonry

Update, 14 August 2019

A few tweets…the role of the BBC in covering up for Prince Andrew and for the likely-MOSSAD-linked Jewish-Zionist web comes in for much criticism.

In fact, this former BBC/ITV journalist (Anna Brees) knows from experience that the msm are lying about all manner of important topics.

Update, 14 August 2019

There it is: The Jews Epstein and “Maxwell” both admitted that they were gathering blackmail materials on the rich and famous. This must be connected with Israeli Intelligence.


and the father of one of the trafficked girls says that Ghislaine “Maxwell” must be “hunted down”. Tally-ho!


Better make it quick, before the bitch flees to Israel…

Ah…: “Her current whereabouts are unknown and sources close to her claim she planned to ‘totally disappear’.” [Daily Mail]. Right…to bloody Israel! I guessed right. Give that man a cee-gar! I wonder how long it will be before the (half)-Jewess starts screaming about “anti-Semitism”?

Update, 15 August 2019


Bloomberg: ‘where is Epstein’s “ho” of the house?’


Update, 17 August 2019

The fugitive…

Update, 18 August 2019

The Daily Mail today has an exclusive on the scandal. Beyond even the details, the photograph of “royal prince” Andrew, peering round the front door of the Jew’s mansion, is a stunning indictment in itself. Andrew, Jew’s flunkey (or should that be “Jews'”? They seem to be numerous around him)…

…it is all rather reminiscent of the 1940 German film, Jud Suss [The Jew Suss]!



note: The full version of the 1940 film Jud Suss is now censored, completely removed from YouTube (as indeed I predicted, a few years ago, would happen…). Only a few short clips (such as the one above) and the —far less hardhitting— 1934 film version of the (true) story, are still up.


However, Jud Suss is still on the Internet, though it must be sought out in quiet corners. It is well worth seeing (why else would “they” try to “disappear” it?). Here is one good copy:


note: It now appears that other Jews, some of whom use several aliases, are involved:


Update, 19 August 2019

Buckingham Palace PR people have released a truly pathetic exculpa on behalf of Prince Andrew, saying how “appalled” he is at the “revelation” that his friend, the billionaire Jew Epstein, was a sex criminal etc. Really, how strange. So in 2011 and 2012, when Andrew was visiting and perhaps staying in the Jew’s Manhattan mansion (and acting as the Jew’s flunkey at the door), he, Andrew, was unaware that Epstein had been convicted and imprisoned in 2008 over such matters? Hardy ha ha…It was the subject of publicity at the time and thereafter…

In fact, Epstein’s money and connections had greatly helped the Jew himself in 2008: a light sentence, mostly spent on “day release” (so prison was just somewhere less comfortable than, say, the Pierre, or the Waldorf-Astoria, in which to doss down in overnight); then early parole. The fix was in, somewhere, that much is obvious.

In other, connected, news, the Queen seems to have required the “royal prince” to fly home early from the traditional Summer break at Balmoral.

Andrew is now exposed as, at best, a complete fool and grifter; at worst (and the worst is more likely than the best), a user of procured young girls, procured for him by both the Jew rapist Epstein and Epstein’s one-time “ho”, the half-Jewess Ghislaine “Maxwell”, daughter of MOSSAD operative and fraudster “Robert Maxwell” (and herself quite likely “connected”). Israeli Intelligence and the Jew-Zionist web worldwide must have learned a lot and suborned many, taking the operation as a whole. The Royal Family has probably lost most of its own secrets via Andrew.

In other news, thick princeling Harry, and the Royal Mulatta, have just vacated the UK on their third private-jet jaunt in less than a month (the first was, laughably, to go to Sicily to a “climate-change” event!).


It occurs to me that, at one time, the “royals” of the various European states were the acme of European society, but now absurd end-of-line “royals” want to ape the Hollywood film-star lifestyle.

Worse, Harry has become a figure out of American sitcom-land, the henpecked husband whose petulant young wife runs him ragged with her absurd demands. “Royal Married With Children“…(though in fact, in this case, she is about 4 years older than her husband, 38 compared to his 34).

The royals are now squandering their life’s gold heedlessly.


and now, reverting to Andrew’s very strange behaviour and lifestyle, it turns out that Andrew hosted Epstein at Balmoral, while the Monarch was in residence, at that!


Thick Andrew (all the royals are both painfully thick and cringingly uncultured) is of course “appalled” at the behaviour of his Jew billionaire “friend”, so appalled that he stayed at the Jew’s mansion, used the young girls there (almost certainly) and had nice chats with the Jew while walking in Central Park…2 years after the Jew had been convicted of sex crimes.

Update, 20 August 2019

Yet another “ho”, this time Australian.

Update, 22 August 2019


As for “the Madam” (Ghislaine Maxwell), I suggest that the US authorities stop looking around L.A. and start looking around Tel Aviv…

Update, 23 August 2019

…and still the stories roll on…


Time and again, Andrew, who a courtier once reportedly described as having “a pompous level of self-importance”, has demonstrated an eye-watering lack of judgment. Palace staff have rated him the rudest of royals, according to reports. A secret cable, published on WikiLeaks in 2010, revealed a US ambassador describing Andrew speaking “cockily” during one official lunch,leading to a discussion that “verged on the rude”.” [The Guardian]

Rightly, or wrongly, there is a perceived air of arrogance about Andrew, and he is described by various people as boorish and very self-centred,” said Joe Little, managing editor of Majesty Magazine. “Perhaps we shouldn’t be judging the book by its cover. But, certainly, that’s the impression he has given for a very long time.” [The Guardian]

The Guardian’s piece ends with an almost “sympathetic” paragraph:

His fate is that of the typical second son, struggling to find a role. “I think despite knowing he was always going to go down the line of succession, the fact that in his youth he was second in line to the throne, and now he is wherever he is, that must be quite a blow to your confidence and feeling of importance,” said Little.”

On the other hand, the stupid arrogant bastard might actually show a little humility (I mean to the British people who have been subsidizing him all his rotten life, not to the wealthy Jews for whom he seems to behave like a doormat), not to mention gratitude to the British people (and to Fate or God, or the gods, without whose largesse “Prince” Andrew would just be a very very mediocre naval officer who would struggle to rise beyond the rank of lieutenant).

Update, 24 August 2019


Update, 25 August 2019

…and still it continues, with painfully thick Andrew still trying to say that he had no idea that the Jew Epstein had been convicted a couple of years previously for sex crimes (as if the police would not have known!)


Daily Mail: “A source said that when working as Special Representative for International Trade and Investment between 2001 and 2011, Andrew was asked to travel regularly to the US. Since relinquishing this role in 2011, they maintained Andrew had continued to travel to the US, but claimed that his focus, particularly with Pitch@Palaces, had been on ‘other markets’.”

A “royal prince” trying to play the Internet “entrepreneur”? Ha ha! It would be tacky even if successful. As it is, it just looks pathetic, like thicko Andrew himself and the whole “right royal” circus!


Update, 27 August 2019

The half-Jewess Ghislaine “Maxwell” again in the news…


Update, 10 September 2019


Update, 20 September 2019


Update, 24 September 2019


Update, 1 October 2019

Update, 17 October 2019

As the Irish say, “Jay-sus!”— There’s even more! “Prince” Andrew looks more and more guilty every day.

…and it looks as if I was right about the connection with Israeli Intelligence!

In light of what is now known about Epstein’s sexual blackmail operation and sex trafficking activities, several reports from the late 1990s and early 2000s contain details long since forgotten regarding Epstein’s relationship with Prince Andrew.

“One particularly censored article that appeared in London’s Evening Standard in January 2001, for instance, gives several indications regarding the apparent entrapment of Prince Andrew as part of Epstein’s sexual blackmail operation, which is now known to have been connected to intelligence — specifically Israeli military intelligence, according to recent revelations in the case.” [Mint Press News]

Just goes to show— you can never be too “anti-Semitic”!

Update, 20 October 2019



Update, 21 October 2019


Update, 30 October 2019


Update, 6 November 2019

Prince Andrew caught “bang to rights” (again). A useless, charmless, pretentious idiot who thinks that he is terribly important. Had he not been born where and “who” he was, Andrew would be —at most— a small businessman, and an unsuccessful one at that.


Update, 16 November 2019

Prince Andrew thought that “it was the right and honourable thing to do”, to stay with the convicted Jew sex predator Epstein. In the immortal word of “Manuel”, “Que?”.


Is Andrew more stupid or more guilty? Either way, the idiot is a waste of space. Take away his rice bowl.


Update, 17 November 2019


Prince Andrew was not only able to remember his visit to the Woking branch of Pizza Express, but was able to say with certainty that he went there on the very day on which he is alleged to have screwed the American 17 y o trafficked by the Jew Epstein and the half-Jewess Ghislaine “Maxwell”!

Remarkable memory, to be able to recall the exact date, 18 years in the past…

Call Detective Columbo…

Apart from that, it made me laugh that Andrew went to Pizza Express. I mean, I do not expect a “royal prince” to eat drumsticks at a banquet every evening, casting the half-eaten ones over his shoulder in the manner of Henry VIII as played by Charles Laughton, or to eat only slices of cucumber washed down by champagne, like one of the cavalry officers in Anna Karenina, but…Pizza Express?…at…Woking?!

Update, 18 November 2019

Looks like thick and dishonest Andrew has dug himself deeper into a hole…




Update, 21 November 2019

Seems that Andrew met the “ho” “madam” Ghislaine “Maxwell” as recently as June 2019! Looks as though they were discussing legal strategems, aka “how are we going to get out of this?”

Well, they could always take a cruise off the Canary Isles together…


…and the popular prints are just not giving up; here (see below), a TV doctor rubbishes Andrew’s claim that he, Andrew, cannot or could not sweat by reason of having “been shot at” in the Falklands (and that’s even leaving aside the —apparent— fact that Andrew never was shot at during the few weeks that he spent in the Falklands, and that the nearest that he came to being in peril that way was when he observed from a helicopter a ship being shot at):


…and what about that remarkable memory that Andrew seems to have (when it suits him)?


Update, 26 November 2019

According to the New York Post, the “ho” “madam”, Ghislaine “Maxwell”, wanted to become la Contessa Cicogna, but failed in that. I presume that the Italian’s family were appalled at the prospect of a Jewess (actually, half-Jewess) polluting the family escutcheon…


Update, 30 November 2019

Now it turns out that the arrogant stupid bastard has been pocketing bungs worth millions. I suppose that he wanted to try to keep up financially with his billionaire half-Jew, half-Muslim girlfriend from Kazakhstan. He must be binned (the rest of his family too). Time for some kind of republic.


Update, 19 December 2019



Update, 27 December 2019


Update, 31 December 2019

The “ho” madam, the Jewess Ghislaine “Maxwell”, has “serious dirt on someone”, says a “friend”…

On “someone in a high position”. I wonder who that might be? Maybe “royal prince” Andrew knows…


Update, 2 January 2020

Well, give that man a cee-gar! Turns out that I guessed right (I usually do, if I myself say so):

Jeffrey Epstein’s socialite ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell ‘is being hidden from the FBI in a series of safe houses because of the information she has on powerful people’

  • Maxwell has remained incognito since Epstein’s arrest and death behind bars
  • New report claims both she and Epstein were ‘assets’ for a foreign government
  • Source says they funneled dirt on the rich and powerful to foreign spies
  • Now Maxwell may be hiding in a safehouse in Israel, the new report claims
  • She is a British and US citizen, and daughter of an alleged Mossad operative.

An explosive new report has asserted that deceased sex criminal Jeffery Epstein and his alleged ‘madame’ Ghislaine Maxwell were foreign intelligence ‘assets’, and that she is currently hiding in a safehouse in Israel.

She is not in the US, she moves around. She is sometimes in the UK, but most often in other countries, such as Israel, where her powerful contacts have provided her with safe houses and protection,’ the source said.

Born in France, Maxwell is both a U.S. citizen and British subject. Her family’s alleged ties to Israel’s national intelligence service, Mossad, have been well documented.

Maxwell’s father, Robert Maxwell, was a Czech-born British media mogul whose financial fraud in raiding the Mirror Group pension fund was discovered after his death in 1991.

Also a British member of parliament, Robert Maxwell reportedly had ties to British intelligence, the Soviet KGB, and Mossad — and was suspected of being a double or even triple agent by British Foreign Office officials.

[Daily Mail]


Western world, wake up to the Jew/Zionist/Israel conspiracy. It’s everywhere…

Update, 7 January 2020

Seems that the “ho” “madam”, Ghislaine Maxwell, “is reportedly in hiding and being guarded round the clock by former US Navy SEALs amid fears her life is in danger.” [Daily Mirror]. In Israel? Some US Navy Seals are Jews, perhaps surprisingly. I met one myself once.


Update, 18 January 2020

Now it seems that the Jew “ho” Ghislaine Maxwell is also an animal abuser.


Update, 24 January 2020

Latest about the half-Jew “ho” madam, Ghislaine “Maxwell”:

Ryan Dawson@RyLiberty

British Spoiled Brat and Child Rapist Ghislaine Maxwell is hiding in Israel. Over 8000 pages of her e-mails have been hacked. US media is doing triple back flips to avoid mentioning the entire ring was Jewish and financed by Jewish supremacists.

309 people are talking about this
Well, there is not much “British” about the aforesaid “ho”: born in France of one Jew and one French parent, though educated in England (Marlborough College and Balliol, Oxford).

The story is interesting, though. I wonder whether this alleged telephone hacking had a connection to the Saudi Crown Prince, like other hacking exposed in recent weeks? I speculated some months ago that the “ho” Maxwell was hiding out in Israel, presumably under MOSSAD or Aman control.

Update, 26 January 2020


Update, 20 February 2020


Update, 22 February 2020

More news of the activities of the Jew Epstein and his “ho”, Ghislaine “Maxwell”:


Update, 23 February 2020

Jews’ lackey, “Prince” Andrew, lied about his whereabouts, it seems…


Update, 2 March 2020


Maybe it is time that the “royal prince” and Jews’ lackey got another beating from the royal servants, this time more severe…

Update, 7 March 2020

“Royal prince” Andrew now retains solicitors and Counsel specifically for the Epstein/”Maxwell” matter:

He must be getting seriously worried…

Update, 11 March 2020

Seriously worried!


Update, 18 April 2020

Update, 25 May 2020

Update, 1 June 2020

Jews using blacks and ensnaring white girls? That sounds just like “Nazi” propaganda! Oh no…wait...

Update, 7 June 2020

So here’s a deal: we hand over Andrew for the third degree, and you Americans hand over to us that Sacoolas CIA bitch…

Update, 9 June 2020

More corruption (or embezzlement) from the”royal prince”:


Update, 2 July 2020

A murky story. I wonder whether the Israelis will kill her (too)?

Update, 11 July 2020

A reformed jewel thief has reportedly claimed that Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell filmed powerful people having sex with underage girls.

The man, using a pseudonym, claims the one-time power couple made him watch some to prove how they “owned” people.

William Steel, an ex criminal turned writer, says he was shown footage of two high-profile US politicians having sex with minors.” [Daily Mirror]


Yet more Jew-Zionist corruption of the society.

Update, 15 July 2020

Ghislaine Maxwell cried as she was denied bail on Tuesday, with a judge ruling she must stay locked up until her trial in July of 2021” [Daily Mail]


Note: https://nationalvanguard.org/2018/02/eminent-sheeny/

News report, 15 July 2020:

“Maxwell” may be secretly married! To someone “with a British accent”! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8525541/Ghislaine-Maxwell-secretly-MARRIED-refuses-reveal-identity-mystery-spouse.html…ANDREW! (“just teasin‘”, as they say in the Caribbean…)

Update, 23 July 2020

Update, 29 July 2020


Update, 1 August 2020

“It is claimed in the unsealed papers that an island orgy was one of three occasions when Jane Doe #3 was forced to have sex with Andrew. The other locations were Maxwell’s London flat and and in New York.” [The Guardian]


I am interested to see that both “prince” Andrew and the Jew lawyer and legal academic (Harvard) Alan Dershowitz, perhaps best known for the Claus von Bulow case (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alan_Dershowitz https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claus_von_B%C3%BClow#Murder_trials), are mentioned as having been involved in defending the Jew Epstein.

Andrew’s motive is obvious: to try to exculpate himself; what, though, of Dershowitz? He is said to have visited the Epstein island and travelled on Epstein’s jet. He may have abused young girls himself. Whether that was so or not, was that and is that the whole story?

We know that the Jew who was mainly known as “Robert Maxwell” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell was a major MOSSAD operative. His daughter, Ghislaine, is now the prime focus of the post-Epstein inquiry, and is on trial in Federal court in New York. She, it is said, was also an Israeli agent, either MOSSAD or Aman, or both. Epstein (who has now “gone up the chimney”) the same.

We know that Israeli Intelligence co-opts Israeli and other Jew “civilians” as operatives when necessary. Look at the Dikko case (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dikko_affair): “Though Israel, at the time, did not have formal diplomatic relations with Nigeria, there were less visible ties between the two nations. In particular, Nigeria was an important source of oil for Israel, and Israel was a significant supplier of arms to Nigeria. The Israeli intelligence agency Mossad was tasked with locating Dikko and bringing him back to Nigeria to stand trial.” [Wikipedia]

” Mossad recruited Levi-Arie Shapiro, an Israeli doctor who was a consultant anesthetist and director of the intensive care unit at HaSharon Hospital. He was to fly to London and participate in the operation. Shapiro’s job would be to drug Dikko, and insert an endotracheal tube to keep him from choking on his own vomit while being transported in a crate.” [Wikipedia]

A Jew (whether Israeli or any other nominal nationality) may be a doctor, a lawyer, or whatever, but is first and foremost a Jew and likely to do whatever Israel and its “services” want…

It may well be that the successful Epstein blackmail and suborning operation, likely to have been very productive for Israeli Intelligence, was in part facilitated by the Jew Dershowitz. I imagine that his role was, precisely, to shield Epstein (and so Maxwell and/or others) from legal inquiry from both USA and UK.


Update, 4 August 2020



Update, 7 August 2020


It sounds plausible, insofar as Andrew’s former wife, “Fergie”, apparently liked to have her toes sucked…https://metro.co.uk/2018/10/12/remember-the-sarah-ferguson-toe-sucking-scandal-that-cemented-her-exit-from-the-royal-family-8030879/ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2203474/Just-like-Kate-Middleton-Fergie-toe-sucking-Texan-naked-Charles-target-French-magazines.html

Update, 14 September 2020

All of this is a massive Jew conspiracy run from Israel, and “prince” (idiot, waste of space, useless) Andrew is up to his thick neck in it.

Update, 12 December 2020

It seems that Andrew’s ludicrous alibi has been shot down: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9044879/Prince-Andrews-sex-slave-alibi-falls-apart-Explosive-dossier-blows-hole-Pizza-Express-excuse.html

Meanwhile, Ghislaine “Maxwell”, the half-Jew (Mischling) “ho” “madam”, is pulling out all the stops to get released on bail in he USA. Seems that she is married to a Jew “tech millionaire”. The bail suggested by her legal team may be USD $30 million. Where do the Jews get such money? Is the “husband” stumping up? Is any of it from monies stolen from UK Mirror Group pensioners by the “ho’s” repulsive father, Robert Maxwell?

Also, is that alleged husband also connected with Israeli Intelligence in some way? We do not know. The “tech” and social media” area is infested. https://nypost.com/2020/12/11/ghislaine-maxwell-to-offer-30m-bail-admit-shes-married-reports/

[above: Ghislaine Maxwell]
[above: Scott Borgerson, alleged husband of Ghislaine Maxwell]


Borgerson was involved with the Council on Foreign Relations.” Well, well, was he really? A slightly unusual connection for someone who spent 4 years as a US Coastguard officer, though others have said that he was a US Navy SEAL. A Jew as Navy SEAL may sound odd, but there are some; I myself met one such, about 18 years ago, at Charleston, South Carolina.

The CFR is a core Western “think tank”. NWO etc…Many of the leading members are Jews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Council_on_Foreign_Relations; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Members_of_the_Council_on_Foreign_Relations

[CFR HQ, New York City]

This whole “Prince” Andrew-connected case is exposing some significant aspects of the real world power matrix.

Update, 14 December 2020

Update, 26 March 2021


I thought that Ghislaine “Maxwell” would have played the “antisemitism” card by now, but admittedly that would be hard to justify in New York City, especially when the judge is herself Jewish! Indeed, the judge is more Jewish than Ghislaine Maxwell, who is genetically only half-Jew: her mother was a French Protestant, who “converted” to Judaism (and became fanatically pro-Jew and pro-Israel) after meeting the MOSSAD asset “Robert Maxwell”.

Update, 25 April 2021

Ghislaine Maxwell now charged with further and even more serious offences:


Also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9509147/Bill-Clinton-grins-Jeffrey-Epstein-Ghislaine-Maxwell-VIP-White-House-tour-1993.html

Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell smiling with Bill Clinton during a VIP tour of the White House has been revealed in new photos
[President Clinton, a complete NWO/ZOG puppet, mired in sleaze of all kinds, greets the paedophile Jew criminal and Israeli Intelligence asset Epstein, and his “ho”, the half-Jew Israeli asset Ghislaine Maxwell, at the White House in 1993]

Update, 10 July 2021


Update, 19 September 2021

A rather sympathetic American documentary, by ABC:

The trial of Ghislaine Maxwell is apparently scheduled for November 2021, so it is interesting that quite sympathetic documentaries are now appearing…

I notice that that ABC doc features Robert Maxwell’s son, Ian [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Maxwell], as well as journalists who are either Jewish or at least perceived by many as generally pro-Jewish.

Having said that, the film does contain material not entirely exculpatory of Ghislaine Maxwell. On the other hand, turning it around again, it might be argued that, bearing in mind what has already been exposed, the only thing for Ghislaine Maxwell to do is to limit the damage— to accept a hit, but a limited hit.

Update, 1 December 2021


Update, 6 December 2021


Epstein owned four jets (pictured with a Gulfstream G2B) and a helicopter, which were used to whisk under-age girls to his various lavish homes, where they were sexually abused
[the Jew Epstein, smugly smirking in front of one of his private jets. It is good to know that the evil Jew exploiter was sent “up the chimney” not so many years later]

Update, 9 December 2021

Below, a photograph admitted into evidence in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, showing her giving the Jew exploiter Epstein a foot massage on one of his private jets:

Note her dishevelled state…

Update, 11 December 2021


Update, 12 December 2021


Update, 20 December 2021


Update, 30 December 2021


Guilty on 5 out of 6 charges. Forecast to be sentenced to (up to) 65 years. These being Federal offences, parole chances are minimal. An appeal has been or is in process of being lodged.

Update, 15 January 2022

Ghislaine Maxwell may get a retrial, based on apparent procedural and other problems to do with some of the jurors. Meanwhile, sentencing has been set down for 28 June 2022.


In other news, Andrew Windsor, the thick bully and freeloader (etc) formerly known as “Prince”, has lost a number of military and other titles and ranks (including effectively, though not officially, “HRH”), and may even lose his title “Duke of York”.

If and when Andrew is completely reduced to the ranks, it may send a shiver down the spines of other “Royal Family” members on the right royal gravytrain, especially but not exclusively the minor ones.


Update, 28 January 2022

From my daily Diary Blog:

Seems that the person formerly known as Prince (Andrew) is probably going to request a civil jury in the case brought against him by one of the victims of the Jew Epstein. To my mind, this is a strategy unlikely to succeed. I am still nominally an attorney at the New York Bar, though I have never practised law in that state (I passed the exam 32 years ago), but my view about this matter comes more from my knowledge of Americans themselves.

Andrew Windsor is on the wrong side tactically: British, as against his accuser, an American. A man as against a woman, in a generally feministic part of the world. An older man as against a younger woman. An hereditary foreign “royal” as against a US-born-and-bred US citizen. Very wealthy, as against someone without inherited wealth, and brought up in either a “trailer” or a very modest house.

Does Andrew Windsor really think that a civil jury in New York City will be on his side? Maybe this is a tactic to gain time while his lawyers find out how much the lady’s price might be. A great deal more than the rent of a Manhattan apartment and a free seat on a private jet, anyway.

Update, 17 February 2022


So Andrew Windsor, “formerly known as Prince”, has settled the civil suit brought in New York by Virginia Giuffre (as was). Rumours abound that the settlement is around £12M in British money.


Update, 12 May 2022

EXCLUSIVE: Bill Clinton’s special advisor who let Jeffrey Epstein into the White House seven times and flew on the Lolita Express dies at 59 – the latest associate of the former President to suffer an early demise


Update, 27 June 2022


20 years. Federal time, so no parole. She will be 80 by the time she gets out.

Update, 17 July 2022


Update, 25 July 2022


The report has all the accuracy we have come to expect from the Daily Mail:

Notable inmates at FCI Tallahassee include the terrorist Colleen LaRose and Earth Liberation Front member Chelsea Gerlach.” [Daily Mail].

In fact, Colleen LaRose was released from FCI Tallahassee in 2018, nearly four years ago! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colleen_LaRose].

Further update, 25 July 2022

Ehud Barak…[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ehud_Barak]. Now there’s a name not quite in sync with the others. I wonder what he was up to, bearing in mind the Israeli Intelligence connection with both the Jew Epstein and the half-Jew Ghislaine “Maxwell”.

Barak…served as head of Aman, the Military Intelligence Directorate (1983–85), head of Central Command (1986–87) and Deputy Chief of the General Staff (1987–91).” [Wikipedia].

Update, 6 October 2022


Update, 16 October 2022


A time when the Jews of the ghettoes of Eastern Europe invaded the royal palaces of Britain…

Update, 29 November 2022


Update, 24 January 2023

Unless either an appeal happens (and is successful), or a pardon is granted by the U.S. President, Ghislaine Maxwell will be incarcerated until she is 80 years old (2041). There is no parole, as such, in the U.S. Federal system, only in individual states’ systems. However, an inmate can get nearly 2 months “credit” for every year served, dependent on behaviour, so on a 20-year sentence a couple of years might get shaved off.

Update, 31 May 2023


Update, 19 December 2023


Update, 5 January 2024


It is all starting to come out. Names are being revealed. I notice that a very high proportion of the guilty are Jews. I think well over half. Yet in the American population, only 2.4% “identify” as Jewish. So the proportion of Jews visiting the Jew Epstein’s island was about twenty times their proportion in the US population…

Of course, the main traffickers have already been well and truly dealt with. Epstein himself has gone “up the chimney”, and the half-Jewess Ghislaine Maxwell is likely to be in US Federal prison until she is over 80 (she is presently 62). She still faces a further Federal trial (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell), so may be sentenced to a further term, though she will probably be released while still under 85…

I am sure that the Israelis would welcome her back. After all, they allowed her unpleasant and fraudulent Jew father, Robert “Maxwell”, to be buried on the supposedly sacred Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (presumably for his services to MOSSAD etc), though Ghislaine Maxwell is said to believe that MOSSAD or other Israeli agency murdered him and then passed it off as suicide or accident (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell#Death).

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12926663/prince-andrew-jeffrey-epstein-daily-mail-investigation-sex-allegations.html.

Update, 7 January 2024


More Details About “Mark Lewis Lawyer” and His Abusive Social Media Presence


[photo: Mark Lewis, a Jewish Zionist solicitor who has emigrated permanently to Israel. He testified at the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in London —where he was a defendant found guilty on several charges—that at times he did not know what he was doing because of medications prescribed for him]

Some reading this may have already read my blog post about the “trial” of self-publicizing Jew-Zionist solicitor Mark Lewis, whose Twitter account @mlewislawyer was once @MarkLewisLawyer:


That blog post dates from the first day of the hearing in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal and has been updated to (so far) 12 December 2018.

Now more information has become available about the abuse that [prescription] drug-sozzled Lewis handed out, not only to social-nationalists (like me, who had to block the bastard on Twitter a number of years ago!), not only to supposed “neo-Nazis” (as if their political orientation made death threats acceptable!), but also to a Jewish boy aged only 18! The father of that victim has now revealed some of those details to the Jewish Chronicle:

Mark Lewis, the solicitor who was ordered to pay £12,500 for sending abusive social media messages to online trolls, also told a young Jewish man he hoped his father “would sit shiva for you soon”, the JC can reveal.

Note: To “sit Shiva” is a ritual that Jews perform after a death:


The Jewish Chronicle report continues:

“Mr Lewis was fined and ordered him to pay thousands in legal costs for “wishing death” on people on social media, many of whom had sent him antisemitic abuse or wished similar on him.” (so he said…)

“The decision prompted outrage in the Jewish community and several crowdfunders quickly raised the money for him.”

“But the JC has seen Facebook posts Mr Lewis wrote to an 18-year-old who was supporting the Labour Party during the 2017 general election campaign, telling him to “f**k off you stupid c**t”, adding that his father “should have worn a condom”.”

“Lawyer sent abuse to [a Jewish] 18-year-old, telling him to ‘f**k off you stupid c**t’. The exchange was one of the allegations that was the subject of a formal complaint to the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), which has still not published its full judgment. Offensive messages Mr Lewis sent to people who had sent him antisemitic [messages] were reported separately.”

Mr Lewis responded by saying the SRA was “faced with a choice between Holocaust denying neo-Nazis and a Jewish lawyer… It chose to side with the neo-Nazis”.”

“The father of Mr Lewis’s 18-year-old victim told the JC he came forward with the details because the “record needs to be set straight”.”

“He said he was frustrated Mr Lewis, who made Aliyah last week, was “being treated like a hero” in the wake of the judgment because people believed he had only been abusive to neo-Nazis.”

“The father added: “It was inappropriate behaviour from a solicitor. It was inappropriate for an adult, especially because it was directed towards someone who was only a few days away from legally being a child.”

“And also for someone who is allegedly a voice for the community – you don’t use that sort of language. It was my son, and it was abusive.”

“What frustrated me is that he was being treated like a hero. I want the story to be known that he’s not a good guy and that people shouldn’t give him any money. The record needs to be set straight.”

[Lewis] blamed his outburst on Clonazepam, a sedativeside effects of which include aggression and hallucinations.”

Following the ruling, two separate crowdfunding pages were established to support Mr Lewis raising more than £13,000 in total – in excess of his £12,500 costs.”


Lewis has now emigrated to Israel and is an Israeli citizen.

I intend to blog more fully about this Lewis character in due course.



Some Twitter Reaction:

and here is more: by the way, the “Ian” mentioned in Lewis’s threatening tweet of 4 November 2018 is not me but another Ian. We are legion…

Here we see “Labour Left Voice” noting, satirically and rhetorically, equally abusive and threatening tweets sent by Mandy Gargoyle:

Even some of the actively Zionist Jews in the UK are shaking their heads at Lewis’s behaviour:

In fact, people were talking about Lewis’s abusive tweets etc years ago:

The blog below purports to detail some of Lewis’s lesser known tweets, threats etc: 


Does Lewis claim to have been in a state of prescription-drug intoxication when tweeting the horrific stuff detailed in that Debating Culture blog above? Was his mind not quite…normal…for some other reason? We do not know.

Update, 16 December 2018

Here below, at the foot of this section, is one of Lewis’s tweets about me, from over 2 years ago. As you, the reader, will see, he refers to me as “failure as a barrister and as a human being”, among other things.

I suppose that most people who read that tweet were unaware of the irony: until Lewis got onto the “phonehacking” wagon, he himself was at rock-bottom. He had parted company with a firm of solicitors in Manchester under unclear circumstances (rather a theme…see below), had been divorced (ditto), and in or about 2009 was only making about £9,000 a year (as he admitted to a newspaper interviewer a few years later). Lewis was not exactly a hot property, as he admitted in a newspaper interview at the time of the “phonehacking” stories:

“I was devastated,” he says. “I’d been turned down for so many jobs, I’m thinking to myself, I can’t go on any more, you can only get so many knockbacks. I’m giving in and going to my flat in Israel and retire in Eilat.”

 The phonehacking stuff paid off, and soon Lewis was busily creating a legend as “top lawyer”. Phonehacking work did not last long, of course. Technology moved on and phonehacking is now just a footnote in legal history (it’s a purely UK story anyway: hardly anyone in the USA has heard of it). Lewis left his next firm, in London (where he was a “consultant”), under acrimonious circumstances (he much later sued that firm and they countersued, but it is not publicly known how that ended, the matter presumably having been settled and sealed).

In 2013, Lewis married for the second time, his new wife being one-time local radio presenter Caroline Feraday. “Top lawyer” marries “celebrity” was how Lewis and Feraday presented the event. Stories were seen in the Press about how Lewis “had clients in the USA” to where he and la Feraday would be relocating (to her new apartment in West Hollywood, no less). She, in her turn, seemingly had various Hollywood opportunities lined up, the newsreading public was told.  She already had a part in a TV sitcom arranged —had “been cast” in it—, the gullible (?) readers were told. More than that! She was busy “writing a book”, which was to be turned into a film and “several studios are interested…”* 

Lewis, the Daily Mail’s tame showbiz reporter was told by Feraday, had clients in the U.S. and would “commute” between LA and London. As 1950s people were wont to say, “get you!”…

Lewis and Feraday moved to West Hollywood, flying Virgin Upper Class (well, after all, they were, er, “celebrities”, weren’t they?) to LA. They joined the West Hollywood branch of the Soho House club, on Sunset Boulevard.


“Celebrities” have more than a few thousand Twitter followers, of course, so they both “acquired” tens of thousands of new “followers”, Lewis ending up after a week or so with about 80,000! When caught out, Lewis claimed, ludicrously, that he had been “hacked” (yes, that makes sense! Naturally, his enemies would want him to seem more important and influential…oh, no, wait…). The Legal Cheek online news service reported it brilliantly deadpan. Very clever…


Of course, that would (pretty much) have to mean that someone, for no immediately-obvious reason, also bought tens of thousands of fake Twitter followers in the same week for Lewis’s then wife, Caroline Feraday…[Update, 18 May 2019: Caroline Feraday’s tens of thousands of fake —bought— Twitter “followers” have now dwindled to “13,000” but the real number must be a few thousand at most; a brief look at her tweets https://twitter.com/CarolineFeraday shows that hardly any Twitter users bother to “like” them, let alone retweet or reply. Many have no interaction at all, a few have 1 or 2 “likes”… When I was on Twitter, I had about 3,000 followers (all real) and had many many retweets, likes and replies]. 

Sadly, all that hype seemed to disappear like a mirage in Death Valley. La Feraday never did get into an American sitcom (or if she did,it must have bombed or been pulled immediately…there never was one, I am guessing). I have no idea whether she ever got any part in American film or TV. Her breathless “look at me, people—a celebrity in sunny Hollywood!” Twitter account said nothing (that I saw, anyway) about her getting a acting part, but that is unsurprising. After all, why should an acting part on American TV, or in a film, go to someone without any acting experience and who was nearly 40? The supposed book deals and film options also vanished without trace.

OK Magazine had already described Caroline Feraday as looking “a bit past it” even in 2010! https://www.ok.co.uk/lifestyle/356263/samsung-pink-ribbon-celebration-best-and-worst-on-the-pink-carpet

As for Lewis, his brave new Californian world crumbled into ashes. American lawyers soon realized that Lewis (unlike, er, me) had never qualified at the Bar of any American state and so was not qualified to practise in California (or any other state). Those lawyers made sure that the California Bar was aware of the foregoing. The upshot (whatever the causes…and I have heard a few stories) was that the marriage foundered after only a year (including a few months in LA) and Lewis returned to the UK in 2014 with his tail between his legs.

By the following year, Lewis had joined the well-known London law firm, Seddons, as a partner. At the time, I was surprised that Seddons had taken him on, but there it is. He left in 2018, just as it became known that he was coming up for “trial” in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal (where he was found guilty on all charges). Seddons’ statement was that Lewis had resigned as a partner because of his upcoming “aliyah” (emigration) to Israel (he is now an Israeli citizen).

Lewis’s second ex-wife, Caroline Feraday, stayed on in LA, did some amateur comedy appearances there and a few 2-minute reports about the Oscars etc for the UK local TV news show, BBC South-East Today (cheaper than actually sending someone, I suppose), and eventually had a child in 2017 by another man.

Lewis is now an Israeli citizen and resident (he has or had a flat there). He is not now a partner or employee of any law firm in the UK and has stated that he will not seek admission to whatever Bar may exist in Israel. He has a degenerative progressive medical condition and is, apparently, on medication.

[note: much material about Lewis, including some newspaper coverage, particularly about his marriage to and divorce from Feraday, has mysteriously disappeared from the Internet, or at least from Google searches].

I wonder about whom this recent tweet by Caroline Feraday was…

It should be added that, for someone with (supposedly) 13,000 Twitter followers, Caroline Feraday very rarely seems to get retweeted or even “liked”. I have never quite understood why people buy Twitter followers. She had about 5,000 one week, in about 2011 or 2012, then, in the course of a week or so, suddenly jumped to about 55,000! Lewis’s Twitter follower-count jumped from about 7,000 or 8,000 to nearly 80,000 (in the same couple of weeks). Still, Caroline Feraday is at least an animal lover, which counts for something (with me, anyway).

* Irony klaxon (re. tweet below)…

Further thoughts, 17 December 2018

In another tweet from a year or two ago, Lewis referred to me as, inter alia, “a sad unemployable git”. Well, we have seen that until he tapped into the “phonehacking” racket, he himself was virtually unemployable at the age of 40-something (and even Taylor Hampton, the law firm which brought the phonehacking claims, would not make him a partner but only retained him as “consultant”).

[above, Lewis’s tweet, not the first either, about me having been disbarred at the instigation of the UK Jew-Zionist lobby. His tweet was posted six months after the disbarment and is purely abusive. “Dave”, aka “Slatfascists”, is a Twitter troll with mental health problems (and on medication, just like, er, someone else…)].

I might add that my tweets from early 2017 about UKIP are now even more obviously true!

Now look…

Mark Lewis

  • has now been found guilty of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct for solicitors in England;
  • has admitted in his testimony in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal that he at times was unaware of what he said, did or wrote, by reason of ingestion of prescription drugs;
  • has “left” the law firm, Seddons, where he had been a partner for the past 2-3 years, and so is, er…in a word…unemployed;
  • has emigrated permanently to Israel but has stated that he will not be seeking admittance to the Bar of Israel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel_Bar_Association];
  • cannot work in any case as a solicitor in England unless approved as such by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority as a sole practitioner or until such time as he is again employed by a law firm (neither seems to be the case at present anyway);
  • presents (eg at Tel Aviv Airport recently, filmed by RT News) a shambling, limping figure, able to walk for short periods using a stick, otherwise having to be pushed around in a wheelchair, his eyes bloodshot, his short statement (at Tel Aviv Airport) almost incoherent.

One has to ask the simple question, “so just who is the sad unemployable git?”...

“What goes around comes around”…

After Lewis’s admissions at his recent Disciplinary Tribunal, I commented, in a previous blog post, that “he is on the way out”. I was too kind. He’s finished.

(I shall probably blog at a later date about some of Lewis’s “forensic triumphs”, such as the Katie Hopkins/Jack Monroe case, but suffice to say right now that a lobotomized student would have been incapable of losing that one…) 

Further Update, 19 December 2018

The Law Society Gazette has now published more news about Lewis and his “trial” in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal etc.


So much for the “top lawyer” who now seems to be (to use one of Lewis’s insults to me) “an unemployable git”!

Lewis only had to pay a third of the fine considered by the SDT panel because:

“In its full decision published this week the SDT said it eventually came to the conclusion that a reprimand would not be a strong enough punishment and that a fine would be the most appropriate outcome. However, it reduced the fine from an initial estimate of £7,500 to £2,500 on account of Lewis’s financial struggles.”

The disciplinary panel judging and sentencing Lewis considered that:

“In mitigation, the tribunal accepted Lewis’ submission that he had limited means. He did not own his own house and [his] monthly expenses exceeded his liabilities.”

The Law Society Gazette says that the SDT panel added that:

 “Although his former firm Seddons is paying him £10,000 per month before tax this was due to end in March [2019].”

What’s this? The “top lawyer”, “top libel and reputation specialist” etc has “financial struggles”? When for most of the past decade he has been tweeting and telling newspapers all about what a big success he is, with his classic cars and international client-base?

Either Lewis is not quite the “top lawyer” and huge success he has been claiming to be for the past 7+ years, or he was “economical with the truth” at the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal. One way or another he has been telling what the Cockneys call “porkies”! That’s not very kosher!

So the “top lawyer”, with his supposed millions from the “phonehacking” racket and well-publicized libel cases etc, does not own his own house? (in London— he does have or had an apartment in Israel, according to a newspaper article several years ago).

Still, the fact that the SDT thinks that someone getting (after tax) pay of about £7,000 a month is “financially struggling” says more about London law firms than about Lewis, arguende! (that pay is in fact about the same, in real terms, as I was once paid, when an offshore lawyer many years ago).

The way Lewis managed to bamboozle the UK msm and so the poor duped UK public into believing that he was —or even still is— a “top lawyer” etc reminds me rather of the front once put up by another Jewish Zionist, the not so late and certainly unlamented “Robert Maxwell”, who has now also “relocated” to Israel, though he is not quite in a position to enjoy it. Maxwell never fooled me (even when I was in my late teens, in the mid-1970s); neither has Lewis.

Update, 23 October 2019

Seems that Lewis’s ex-wife, Caroline Feraday, has also fallen on hard times, living in a “Nowheresville” in California with her young daughter (Caroline Feraday is now a single mother). She says that she is unable to raise a mere $10,000 [£7,700], despite having some kind of (“office bod”?) job, and so has turned to GoFundMe. Strange. I thought that (she said) she was a “celebrity”? 15 minutes of fame? She was featured, in the past (in a few London newspapers), a decade ago though, as having property of considerable value both in the UK and Brazil (in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro) as well as (since 2013) in California. What happened to those properties?

Surprisingly, she has, and within only one day (at time of writing), managed to raise nearly $2,000 of the $10,000 for which she asks.



A reminder of the sort of deranged messages that sick Lewis has sent to people



[above: the most recent photograph of Lewis, taken in London in February 2020]
