Tag Archives: Christine Lagarde

Diary Blog, 17 February 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, an unusual week, in that I was outscored by political journalist John Rentoul, who managed 6/10; I only got 5/10. I nearly guessed the answer to question 1, but could not be sure, and also came close on question 7. As it was, I only knew for sure the answers to questions 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9.

Tweets seen

Exactly so. Labour actually offers nothing (except, possibly, arguably, tighter administration) that is not offered or done by the present “Conservative” misgovernment. Having said that, the voters plainly wish to punish the Government for being so weak and, indeed, hopeless.

It was surprising to see that just over a third of the Kingswood voters who voted, still voted Con, albeit that the turnout was well under 40% (so only about 10% or so of all eligible voters voted Con), but that may indicate that in a general election, the Con vote in that constituency (were it not being abolished) would be nearer to 20% or 25%, on a putative turnout of about 70%. However, that would still be not enough to win (were the seat to still exist at GE 2024).

All speculation, of course…

According to the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] cabal (on its website), “lord” Ian Austin, the notorious Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby puppet who was once an MP, and who is one of the “Patrons” of the “CAA”, actually wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2022 demanding that I be prosecuted for expressing my views on this blog.

See https://antisemitism.org/former-barrister-ian-millard-found-guilty-of-five-communications-offences-after-seven-years-of-action-by-caa/.

Regular readers of the blog will know that I was tried last November, found guilty on all 5 counts, and will be sentenced next month. Freedom of expression is almost dead, and a large part of the reason for that is the existence of the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Austin is very odd. He once tweeted that pornography involving bestiality should be decriminalized, a view echoed by the Jewish girl at the centre of the campaign against Dr. David Miller of Bristol University. Those tweets were later deleted. At the same time, Austin thinks that “holocaust” “denial” should be criminalized!

Austin’s quite long Wikipedia entry says nothing at all about his personal life.

Austin, as MP, was also a hard-core expenses cheat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Austin#Expenses

You can bet that Austin makes sure to “sign on” at the House of Lords every sitting day, in order to get his c.£350 a day taxfree cash “allowance” and other freebies.

I wonder how many other lucrative part-time jobs (in the argot of today, “side-hustles”) Austin has. That housing chairmanship was almost certainly only one of several.

Austin almost personifies the corrupt pro-Israel political system of the UK today, as well as Starmer-Labour.

More music

More tweets

Tories said they’d lower migration

Then put it on steroids

Tories said control borders

Then lost control Tories say we are sovereign

But won’t leave ECHR

Tories blame Labour

But won’t change New Labour law

Tories promised new economy

Then gave us more of the same

This isn’t hard. People are leaving the Tories because they promised one thing only to do the very opposite.”


Lack of funding is part of that, but I doubt that the tweeter (obviously Indian) would agree that another large part of the problem is the half-million to a million immigrants of various kinds every single year.

Yes, a tiny percentage of the migration influx consists of doctors and nurses, but the other 99.9% are those who will not work in the NHS but will use its services.

Then factor in the disastrous “lockdowns” and/or restricted service throughout 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Then factor in the other recent developments: the strikes in the NHS, and the explosion of part-time working by GPs and the better-paid clinical staff generally, and also the phenomenon of medical students getting trained here in the UK, mainly at UK taxpayers’ expense (despite student loans), then emigrating to countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc for more money and a better lifestyle. They should have to work in the NHS for 5-10 years after qualification and training.

Here’s a chart I tweeted this week which went viral on social media. It shows rates of home ownership in Britain by age, from 1960 through to today. Take a look…

[Home ownership rates by age. Source: Sunday Times]

Highlighting the fact mass immigration is directly fuelling our housing crisis clashes with the elite’s “luxury beliefs”. Routinely, they demand more and more immigrants, looser and looser borders, to project their liberal beliefs to other elites all the while knowing they and their families will never be the ones to have to compete with immigrants and newcomers for a roof above their heads.”

As Andrew Neil said in response: “And the Tories wonder why young folks won’t vote for them”. Indeed. At the looming general election just 8% of Zoomers from Generation-Z plan to vote Conservative.

This is why, last weekend, housing secretary Michael Gove went further, touring media in Westminster to warn if young British people and families remain unable to get on the housing ladder ‘they will abandon democracy’.

Our day in the sun may be nearer than we ourselves, as social nationalists, realize.

Look at recent by-elections. Only a third of voters are even bothering to vote. They despise the System parties and refuse to validate those “elected”, who have no real legitimacy.

By that date (2036), UK society will have either collapsed into civil war or chaos, or be very close to that point.

Only social nationalism can save Britain; and, frankly, even that will be a struggle. Things are very bad and, equally important, getting worse, and rapidly.

Scholz blocked the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the post of NATO Secretary General, – Welt. According to the publication, there were two reasons for this:

Scholz considers the position of NATO Secretary General too important to give it to a Christian Democrat from Germany (opposition to Scholz’s party).

Scholz considers Ursula von der Leyen’s attitude towards Russia too critical.

Die Welt is a heavyweight German conservative newspaper. Its business-oriented attitudes make it interesting that, recently, its coverage has mellowed towards Russia. The sanctions on Russia, and the general hostility to Russia from such as Ursula von der Leyen harm, not Russia, but Germany itself (and the rest of the EU).

Ursula von der Leyen always strikes me as —in the American phrase— “nutty”— excessively driven, and even mentally-ill. Another similar specimen is Christine Lagarde. NWO insiders.

It looks like Scholz and other major political players in Germany are waking up to the fact of the inevitable Russian victory in Ukraine, certainly in Eastern Ukraine. Realpolitik.

Unsurprising, given that Milei is a populist. However, this may be shadow boxing.

The UK now has not the power and global reach to defend the islands, certainly not to retake them after an invasion, as happened in 1982.

However, by the same token it may well be that the Argentine government does not today have the ability to launch such an invasion in the first place; I am unsure.

In the unlikely event that Russia starts to be pushed back significantly on the battlefield because of such weapons given to the Kiev regime, the escalation might result in Russia using ever-heavier missiles and bombs, even tactical nuclear weapons. Kiev could be completely flattened

There must be a peace process that leaves Russia with, at minimum, Crimea, the Donetsk region, and the Lugansk region, and at least much of the Azov Sea and Black Sea littoral.

That relates to the Russian victory in the devastated city of Avdeevka (“Avdiivka” in Ukrainian). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avdiivka. Victory was declared by the Russian side only today. The Kiev-regime forces not killed or captured have withdrawn in disarray.

[Avdeevka/Avdiivka before the present war]

War is hell. Avdeevka in that photo looks (i.e. looked, before the war) reasonably decent for a once-Soviet industrial town.

Interesting, if true. A few thoughts come to my mind. Firstly, what conceivable British interest was being served here? None, in my view. As to the alleged MI6/SIS officer, he seems to be a good listener (which must be part of his job) and is evidently trying to be non-committal yet friendly (also part of his job, I presume). Other than that, hard to say much about him. Maybe privately-educated but trying to flatten the accent (like the present Prince of Wales and his brother)? Maybe, maybe not. A suitably “grey” person…

Navalny and his group were playing for high stakes. They lost.

The msm in the EU, UK, USA etc all show the masses a series of pictures (on TV, in the Press) etc; metaphorical pictures; shadows on the wall of the cave, if you like. “Ukraine”, “Navalny”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Covid”, “far right extremism”, “Russia about to attack Western Europe”. Mostly lies, or the truth bent so far out of shape that it becomes a lie.

If that is so, the withdrawal order was just a figleaf to cover what was really an uncontrolled flight by the Ukrainian front-line forces.

Late music

[River Ob at Barnaul, Western Siberia. At that point, the Ob is still 1,200 miles from where it flows into the Arctic Ocean]

Diary Blog, 18 January 2024

Morning music


From the newspapers


…the transformation of the popular but difficult University Challenge into a festival of political correctness, some of whose questions are more or less impossible to answer, and many more (I suspect) are only answered because so many teams now train for them.”

Yes. I have noticed the change over the past months. Absurdly specialized questions in mathematics and physics etc. Also, the fact that the students often seem stumped by fairly basic questions of history and geography.


Typically-useless British business drone parasite.

Tweets seen

Britain needs a social-national rulership, and what Nietzsche termed “a revaluation of all values“.

What a horrible tribe.

Ferried to the UK by the Border Force (or “Farce”) ship amusingly (?) misnamed the BF Defender. “BS Defender” would be more accurate.

More from the newspapers


A passenger was pushed onto the tracks of a West London Underground station by a man who then walked off. The incident happened at around 9.30am on Wednesday, January 17.

The victim was stood on the eastbound platform of Westbourne Park underground station when they were approached by a man and pushed onto the tracks. After shoving them onto the tracks, the man casually walked away and left the scene.

Detectives are investigating the serious assault and have released a CCTV image as part of the investigation. British Transport Police believe the man in the image could help.”

[sought by police]

[My London]

London 2024. What will it be like by 2034?

Incidentally, I note that, once again, one of the “pay peanuts get monkeys” wannabee “journalists” of the Press has written “was stood” rather than the correct “was standing“. Standards of literacy in journalism, as with everything else in contemporary Britain, have fallen through the floor.


A fraudster tried to impersonate would-be drivers in theory exams even though he looked nothing like them. Christian Kabungulu used the driving licenses of paying customers to fool Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officials at London, Essex, and Berkshire test centres eight times between June 2021 and December 2022, the Old Bailey heard on Thursday, January 17.

But the brainless scheme, which involved posing as people, his own defence counsel conceded, ‘he did not look like’, fell apart when officials twigged he was a fraud.”

[“brainless” fraudster]

[My London]

More wonderful “diversity”. Why is the “brainless” invader even here? Why is he allowed to stay? How can the present society even be maintained, let alone advanced, when much of the urban population of the UK is similar to that?

More tweets seen

That tweeter suggests that Con Party might have 41 seats after the GE. My own attempt to predict it via Electoral Calculus (on the same figures but including EC’s Scottish seats prediction and my own “tactical voting” estimates) leaves the Cons with only 36 seats. Almost existential for them, especially as hardly any people under 50 (about 10%, according to YouGov) will be voting for the Conservative Party. https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

The British electoral system moves slowly over the years, but it really looks as though the Conservative Party is on the way out. It happened to the once-mighty Liberal Party after the First World War; and look at the SNP, in the other direction: the SNP took about 40 years after its foundation (early 1930s) to get a single MP (1970) and then another 45 years (2015) to get more than a handful of Scottish seats.

Incidentally, the YouGov figures also suggest a possible/likely LibDem bloc of 30 seats, double what they now command. That despite an opinion poll level of only 8%, re-emphasizing the importance of concentrations of votes. Seems that Clausewitz was right even off the literal field of battle.

As to Reform UK, the prediction indicates either no seats or 1 seat, despite the 12% polling. However, the night is young. Matt Goodwin does not rule out 15%, most of which would come out of the 2019 Con Party vote. Above that level, seat gains become possible, certainly if Reform UK managed to get 20% at the GE. If the Conservative vote continues to slide, 15% is quite likely, 20% not impossible, even if only as a despairing protest vote from “Middle England”.

Reform UK is not social-national, merely conservative pseudo-nationalist, of course. Also pro-Israel, and pro the Jewish lobby. Still, I am hoping that Reform UK does well, because that will help to destroy the Conservative Party (one of the two main System parties) and so destabilize the System as a whole. Again, a good showing at the GE by Reform UK will help to shift the “Overton Window” a little towards my way of thinking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

and at sea…

and inland…

France used the guillotine until 1977: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine#Retirement.

Incidentally, the criminal, though obviously non-white, may or may not be “Muslim” as claimed in the first tweet.

I myself have met a number of Ukrainians in the past and almost-present, from (in the 1990s) people at ministerial-ambassadorial level, right through to riff-raff parasites (in more recent years). Only one out of the whole lot was a decent person. I concede that that is purely anecdotal but, for what it may be worth, there it is…

Paris, like London, has effectively fallen. Macron is in (((the usual))) pocket, and merely presides over burgeoning chaos. Only Marine le Pen has a chance of getting on top of this (not that I agree with all of her policies and views— her father was better).

Incidentally, my view of Macron, written and published on the blog nearly 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Events since 2019 have only reinforced my view.

Happened to see that tweet by accident, if you like. Nothing on mainstream news (that I have heard).

Conservative voters are becoming more, not less, concerned about immigration. Between 2011 & 2020, they were 20-30 pts more likely to cite immigration as a top issue than Labour voters. Since 2020, that gap has grown to 50 pts. And those who have left the Tories for apathy are especially worried about it”. https://mattgoodwin.org/p/this-one-map-tells-you-a-lot-about

Many Labour voters are also “concerned” (horrified) by the migration-invasion of Britain, but are also “concerned”, perhaps more, about cost-of-living, housing, the slide in the standards of the NHS, education etc (though immigration impacts on all of those issues). Much depends on how questions are put, and whether people understand how different issues are in fact connected.

Quite…and “I wonder” which group is behind most of that repression? …

I notice, by the way, that Sam Melia of Patriotic Alternative is the latest social-national political figure to be facing trial on a basically political charge: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/16/uk-man-with-hitler-picture-used-sticker-campaign-to-stir-racial-hatred-court-told.

Look at that last tweeter. She is so typical of the pseudo-liberal shallow thinkers who so often think of themselves as educated and intelligent (and “up with the times”, of course). Lives in Newbury, Berkshire, a place scarcely impacted by the migration-invasion. Probably comfortably-off financially, as well. Typical msm type, on the face of it.

That tweeter claims that only a “relatively small number of people are very anti-immigration“. Well, recent polls indicate that about 35%-40% of the British or UK-resident population think immigration the most important politico-social issue facing this country, so on that basis alone immigration is a very great concern for well over a third of voters.

If you take out non-white UK residents, that would be well over 40%.

That, however, is not the end of the matter. The other 50%-65% are, most of them, still “concerned” about immigration (taking out non-white votes, maybe 75%?) but, when asked to prioritize, have put cost-of-living, NHS, and housing or other topics above immigration. Many would still say that mass immigration is in their top five issues.

I believe that I saw an opinion poll recently to the effect that about 80% (without the non-white votes maybe 90%), have at least fairly considerable concerns about the invasion and occupation.

In other words, tweeter Penny French/Penny Horwood is the one in the “small minority”…

Rees-Mogg does not seem to know the history either of England or of his own party. The Conservative Party does not go “back to the early 18th Century“, as Rees-Mogg says in that clip, but only to the 1830s, over a hundred years later.

It is true that a faction of the Whigs in the 1780s, friends of Pitt, are sometimes regarded as the ancestors of the Conservatives, but they were not so called at the time, which anyway was at least 50-60 years after the “early 18th Century” suggested by Rees-Mogg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Party_(UK)#Origins.

[abusive “carers”]

…and the four monkeys concerned got between 4-6 months imprisonment each, so will be out in between 2 and 3 months. Pity they cannot be taken out over the Irish Sea in a helicopter and pushed out, 50 miles from shore.

Jez Turner of the London Forum got a year in prison for merely making the semi-humorous suggestion that Jews in the UK should be expelled, as happened in the reign of Edward I (13th/14thC). Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) got longer merely for running a free speech Internet “radio” podcast show.

Where are the priorities of the CPS and judiciary?

There are wider questions of course, such as whether care homes of all sorts should be (as they now are) cash cows for exploitative profiteers such as, in the past, Duncan Bannatyne (the Dragon’s Den know-all/know-nothing), or run and organized quite differently.

Wider still is the question of the general —and quite apparent— slide in standards since Britain became “multicultural”. We just do not need such backward populations in our European lands.

Horrible evil old cow.

Despite that, Russia is winning, slowly, in Ukraine. It has the positional and strategic edge now. The Kiev regime can only decrease, as the Russian forces increase in both size and tactical skill.

So long as Russia has its nuclear arsenal, the West will always pull back from direct attack by NATO (NWO/ZOG) forces. Before the USA changes that caution to recklessness, it should consider what the USA would look like without its top 50 cities…

Ukrainians have joined the losing side several times in key moments of their history, and now they are again working against their interests, said the former adviser of the President of Ukraine Zelenskiy Alexey Arestovich.

“Our problem is that in the turning points of our history, we bet on the side that loses. The point is not to bet on the winners, the point is that, again and again, we don’t bet on our interests.”

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Spy Games]

Diary Blog, 21 October 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings another win over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 4/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 3, 5, and 9.

Tweets seen

Human beings are so inventive; there are grounds for optimism.

Take away the ricebowl of the Jew Zelensky and his corrupt and brutal cohorts.

Speak the truth and shame the Devil” [old proverb].

More music

Currently unter Polnischer und Russischer Verwaltung

History is chequered and/or grey, not black and white, usually.


More tweets

She is right, and about Elliot Colburn very right (except that his surname is “Colburn” not “Coldburn“). Here he is, the careerist little twit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Colburn. Never really had a job; no profession, either.

Well, his MP-odyssey will soon be at an end. Looking at the election results for his constituency, he will be toast within a year; he will then have to get a real job, if anyone would give him one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carshalton_and_Wallington_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s

Andrew Bridgen is considered very dangerous by the System, because he is an MP, not someone opining on Twitter/X or Facebook. The System will be doing everything possible to have him removed as MP and replaced in 2024 by a Con Party or Lab Party drone who will make the “expected” noises. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Bridgen.

Looking at Bridgen’s constituency, it was Labour from 1997 until Bridgen was elected in 2010. His vote-share has increased steadily since then, and in 2019 was 62.8%: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_West_Leicestershire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Looking also at the present political climate, and the great unpopularity of the present government, it may be that Bridgen has as much chance as a “Reclaim Party” candidate as he would have had as a “Conservative” Party one.

Reclaim Party is a dead duck, in my opinion, but Bridgen has a high public profile, and it is just about possible that, if the Conservative Party vote in the constituency collapses, or reduces by 40%-50%, and if the Labour Party vote only increases slightly, that Bridgen might just manage to come through the middle and win by a short head. A long-shot, but just about possible.

All part of an overarching “agenda” (conspiracy).

I do not disagree on some of what Goodwin often expresses, but anyone who doormats for Israel and the Jewish lobby (as Goodwin does in that discussion, and in some of his tweets) cannot be respected by me…

Looks hopeful, as far as it goes…

I agree, in outline, with that tweet by Goodwin.

I would normally agree with that, but can think of a couple of advantages all the same. Hm, think that I shall lie doggo on that question.

About 25% (mostly over 70s).

Brits asked: “Which side in the Israeli‑Palestinian conflict do you sympathize with more?”

All Brits: Israel 21% Palestine 17% Both equally 29% Dont know 33%

Labour voters: Israel 9% Palestine 27% Both 35%

Conservatives Israel 39% Palestine 6% Both 27%

18-24 yr olds Israel 11% Palestine 39% Both 16%

Pensioners Israel 37% Palestine 11% Both 36%.”

There should be an MPs’ section (result would be “Israel 90%, Palestine 10%“, looking at how many are either bribed or intimidated by the Jew-Zionist lobby).

The true face of Zionism?

Those American (mainly) Jew settlers or colonists are far worse even than the old-style or “Sabra” Israelis.

I blogged years ago about an experience I had when in Egypt in early 1998: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/02/02/the-jews-i-met-at-an-oasis/.

[part of Siwa oasis, Egypt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwa_Oasis]

Incidentally, and for those interested in slightly picaresque travel tales, another reminiscence about Egypt: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

History corner…

(A little window on history)


More tweets

Incredible that, in 2023, a large organization such as Currys is still unaware that “Jack Monroe” is a total fraud and “grifter”. Still, if you have ever been in any of their stores, you can see that Currys is badly-run, and only saved from being hopeless by the skills of some of their staff, who however, are rather poorly-paid (underpaid).

“Jack Monroe” runs dozens if not hundreds of Twitter/X “sock accounts”, most of which are very obvious.

Incredibly, “Jack Monroe ” now has 507 utter mugs sending her between £3.50 and £44 per month via Patreon. Each. At one time she had over 800, but that fell back to below 400 as she was exposed as a fraud. Seems that another 100+ idiots have signed up in the past few months. Truly it is said that… there’s a new mug born every minute…

Late music