Tag Archives: Denmark

Diary Blog, 19 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, Western Siberia]

Battles past

From the newspapers


I agree with Hitchens. I have not bothered to address the UK’s exploding Russell Brand scandal on the blog because, first of all, the man himself seems to me to be not worth analyzing. Just one more cheap, tawdry, pseudo-“celebrity” know-nothing paid millions by the corrupt msm for nothing very much; plainly a negative contributor to society.

Secondly, there are more important issues around. The migration-invasion. The destruction of our society in many different ways (the fake “celebrity” culture being but one of those). The war in Ukraine and the threat of nuclear war between the USA and Russia (with the UK likely to cease to exist if such a war ever happens). World overpopulation. The threat to the bees. The Jew-Zionist situation. Many other issues.

Having said that, it is interesting that Brand is in process of being “cancelled” just as he (apparently) has (as I read, quite recently) started to publicly question some of the recent socio-political shibboleths. Co-incidence or, as with some other public people, pour encourager les autres?


Good to see some true humanity. The lady who liberated the lobster will herself remember the feelings of that evening all her life, while a mere lobster dinner would soon be forgotten.

Tweets seen

A complete victory for Kiev will take a lot of time, and expelling all Russian troops from Ukraine is “too high a bar,” US Chief of Staff Mark Milley said in an interview with The Hill.

Zelensky has resisted peace talks with Moscow, saying Russia needs to be pushed out of all “Ukrainian territory.” However, according to General Milley, during the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces it is impossible to achieve this goal.

“There are significantly more than 200,000 Russian military personnel in the Russian-controlled part of Ukraine. This offensive, although significant, even if its goals are fully achieved, they will not drive out all the Russians, which is Zelensky’s broad strategic goal,” Milley said.”

Denmark, and the other countries in the NATO alliance, had better hope that there is not going to be a conventional war with Russia. They might find that all their armour has been turned into scrap metal in Ukraine.

More music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

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Deceit is everywhere in the UK these days, but the fraudster/”grifter” who calls herself “Jack Monroe” is in the premier league for the sheer gall of her lying narratives.

I just checked the Patreon website for the first time in quite a few days: “Jack Monroe” still has no less than 366 utter mugs each sending her between £3.50 and £44 per month.

“Jack Monroe” may have crashed and burned as a minor “celebrity”, and I doubt whether she will be writing any more recipe books after the disaster of the last one, and her appearances on Question Time etc are (one hopes) at an end, but all the same, if the aforesaid mugs keep paying her a total of, probably, a few thousand pounds per month, she can scarcely complain.

When I was about 10 or 11, and living in Sydney (Australia), I sometimes thought how nice it would be if every person in the country were to give me 1 cent. The population of Australia was then 12 million, so my idea would be worth about AUS $120,000. Why I even thought that, I have no idea.

The amount I mention might seem to have been modest, but houses in the best areas of Sydney, such as where I lived, were only about $30,000 or so in those days.

Incidentally, the Australian population is now about 27 million, more than twice the size it was in the late 1960s, the result of mass immigration from all over the world (rather than only from the UK and mainland Europe), which started in the late 1970s.

Late tweets

Pretty much what I have been saying for the past 18+ months.

Late music

Diary Blog, 16 March 2023, including news and analysis of the likelihood of Russian nuclear weapons being used; also, some thoughts about David Icke

Morning music

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers


Vladimir Putin‘s ‘martyr complex’ is so out of control there is a risk he will embolden Russia to use nuclear and chemical weapons, a think tank has warned – amid rising concerns over the Kremlin’s ‘hysteric rhetoric’.

A new report published by the US think tank Heritage Foundation has highlighted a growing risk the Russian president will ‘make one of the most fateful decisions of the century’ in the face of his faltering invasion of Ukraine.

The study, named The US and Its Allies Must Understand and Respond to Russia’s Nuclear Threats, explores the actual likelihood that Putin will turn to using weapons of mass destruction.

Russian generals are understood to have discussed the use of tactical nuclear weapons in November, but is said to be cautious about the use of long-range weapons.

However, Russia has ‘increasingly portrayed the West as an enemy and appears to now accept tactical strategic nuclear weapons as an option for deterring further escalation of combat.

The country is understood to have between 1,000 and 2,000 nuclear weapons of varying sizes.

The use of such weapons is seen by Western nations as a last resort, but the report states Russia may turn to  tactical nuclear weapons ‘early in the exercise or at mid-point’.

The report outlines four situations in which Putin would turn to nuclear weapons; pre-empting an attack on Russia; use against Russia; a threat, such as a cyberattack on Russia’s command-and-control systems; and an existential threat to Russia from conventional or nuclear weapons.

It says: ‘Russia has failed to defeat the Ukrainian military and is now focusing on forcing the capitulation of the civilian population by attacking electricity and water supplies. 

‘It is therefore plausible that Russia will not only threaten to use, but actually use, a weapon of mass destruction to target civilian resistance in Ukraine. 

‘Russia is focusing on destroying Ukraine’s power infrastructure, and with the nuclear industry now producing around 60 percent of pre-war power, a Russian attack on nuclear power stations to cut off electricity and create an improvised nuclear incident is a real prospect.’

It has also warned that the use of chemical weapons against metro stations in eastern Ukraine would be ‘devastating’. 

The report cites the use of chemical weapons in Syria as evidence of Russia’s willingness.

It has also highlighted Russia’s efforts to ‘weaponise refugees’ and create mass flows of people into Western countries to the point they become ‘overwhelmed’.”

[Daily Mail]

The growing escalation by the NWO (NATO etc) is concerning; the flow of advanced weapons to the Kiev regime, together with ammunition, non-military aid, and cash.

If I had to guess, I should put the chance of the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine by the Russian side at about 30%, depending on how the war goes in the next few months. Any chance of Crimea being lost would make their use almost inevitable, but that raises the question of where such weapons might be used— on the battlefield, or against cities? Could Kiev be completely flattened? If so, what would be the NATO (US) response? All-out strategic response? Unlikely but not impossible. Limited but major conventional response? Maybe, but probably not. Nothing much? Possibly.

Russia would not hold back if subjected to serious or sustained Kiev-regime attack on its own unquestioned territory, eg in Central Russia.

As to a full strategic nuclear exchange between NATO and Russia in general, my view would be that that is at present no more than a 5% chance, but that is a very pessimistic assessment. Horses win at 20/1 all the time.


‘I know I’m being sent to my death’: Ukrainian soldiers admit ‘we are just getting killed’ as they defend Bakhmut…and say Russia can already ‘taste victory’.

Ukrainian soldiers have painted a bleak picture of their on-going defence of Bakhmut, the small eastern city that has become the target of Europe’s bloodiest infantry battle since the Second World War.

Kyiv‘s soldiers have said they knew they were being sent to their deaths when they were given the orders to go to the city, and admitted they are ‘just getting killed’.

[Daily Mail]



The Jews usually degrade, or even destroy, other societies over time. Now it seems that they are quite close to breaking up their own, Israeli, society, only 75 years after its foundation.

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Would that, and the whole situation around that, have been seen or even conceivable in the 1980s, 1990s, even a decade ago? I think not. The West is not, mainly, being pressured by outside forces, but is falling apart internally. Maybe that is often the way of things, thinking of the Roman Empire, the gradual collapse of Sovietism etc.

Like a scene from Stalingrad in 1942/1943. War is hell.

It has been clear from the start, over a year ago, that the Americans have been feeding a large amount of direct battlefield intelligence from satellites etc to the forces of the Kiev regime. Had that not been so, the Russian forces would have had greater success in the field.

This comes close to the USA being a direct participant in the war. Madness.

The finance-capitalist system is inherently unstable, and linked in such a way that (as with an uncontrolled reaction in a nuclear power station) panic a fear creates an unstoppable or almost unstoppable momentum.

Imagine though, if a banking sector collapse internationally co-incided with a European war beyond the Ukraine borders. That could be the trigger for a social-national and pan-European upsurge across the continent, enabling the extermination of evil powers and person, and also the foundation of a new and better society in the long term.

More thoughts around Russia and Ukraine

The missing factor on the Russian side, domestically, is real determination on the part of the ordinary population. That would change if any one of two things were to happen: a direct conventional-arms attack (by Ukraine or its Western quasi-allies and backers) on any major Russian city, or a large incursion onto unambiguously Russian territory by forces of the Kiev regime (or foreign forces).

Either of those two events would probably trigger a large scale and probably (tactical-) nuclear response by the Russian leadership.

Russia values Kiev as one of the birthplaces of the Russian state [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27], and I think that the leadership will try to capture the city intact, if possible, but if the Russian leadership felt that the Russian state itself were in existential peril, their response might be to destroy Kiev rather than face extinction as a state, as a people (a collection of peoples, but Russified and Russophone), and as a distinct European/Eurasian culture.

More tweets

David Icke

Ha ha! I can vaguely remember David Icke reading out the football results on — was it Southern TV? Wikipedia says BBC, so maybe BBC South— sometime around 1980 or so. Not that I would have been interested anyway.

I did not hear of David Icke again until 1990 or 1991 (looking at his Wikipedia entry, maybe the latter year), when I returned one time from the USA, and a friend mentioned as an example of something or other “David Icke“, and I replied “who?” (I had forgotten the name of the young man reading out the sports news a decade before). My friend laughed and said “you must be the only person in England who has not heard of David Icke!“. At that time, he was completely unknown in America.

A few years later, September 1994, I was invited as a birthday surprise by another friend to what turned out to be David Icke speaking at the Wigmore Hall in Marylebone, London, only a short taxi ride from where I then lived in Little Venice.

A quite good and very impassioned speaker, and dressed —if I recall aright— in his famous purple tracksuit, Icke was introduced by a remarkably attractive woman (about 35-40) who said that he was something like “the greatest thinker of our time“. I found that his speech did not quite live up to that billing, but was all the same interesting. My friend also bought me, as a birthday present, a signed copy of The Robot’s Rebellion from the stall in the foyer.

Icke used to follow my Twitter account (and I think that he was only following about 100-200 other people and organizations, so he must be rather perceptive!…). That ended when a pack of Jews had me expelled from Twitter in 2018. Icke himself was (as I had predicted would happen) expelled from Twitter later (by the same or similar Jews), but is now back: https://twitter.com/davidicke.

I would not endorse everything that Icke says or has said, but much of what he says is correct, and has been proven to be, e.g. the following:

Why do we play a part in suppressing alternative information to the official line of the Second World War? How is it right that while this fierce suppression goes on, free copies of the Spielberg film, Schindler’s List, are given to schools to indoctrinate children with the unchallenged version of events. And why do we, who say we oppose tyranny and demand freedom of speech, allow people to go to prison and be vilified, and magazines to be closed down on the spot, for suggesting another version of history.

— And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995)[9]

[see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Icke].

Of course the “usual” (((usual))) influence has contaminated Wikipedia, so its “facts” in respect of anything such as Jews, the “holocaust” farrago, and the Second World War, Hitler etc, are often not true facts at all.

Icke’s son, Gareth Icke, is now following somewhat in his father’s footsteps: see https://twitter.com/garethicke.

Some recent tweets by David Icke:

The apparently intermittent dementia of the US President at such a time is more than concerning. Stupidity played a large part in the unwanted (by most people) start of the two really major wars of the 20thC; will actual dementia play a part in the start of the next such war?

Ironic. The same sort of people who are forever tweeting (or spouting on (((TV))) and in the (((Press))) about how Britain fought off German invasion in the early 1940s —and leaving the argument about that aside— are usually “refugees welcome” dimwits who want the UK to be a dustbin for the whole world. At present, they are certainly succeeding. I wonder whether they will like the eventual results (to them personally, as well) of their virtue-signalling “activism”?

More tweets

I have seen tweets from the usual self-describing “Left” suspects saying that even a critical interview like that should not be allowed on TV, because Patriotic Alternative (etc) are “fascists“. It just confirms the total irrelevance of Corbyn-style pseudo-socialists in the post-1989, post-socialist political space.

The British people, especially the poorer ones, are just ignored by the System, and nowhere is that more obvious than when it comes to mass immigration and migration-invasion.

…preferably with a good kicking as a not-golden farewell!

Join with Russia if the EU turns even more against Russia.

Join in amity with Russia, cut ties with the EU completely if necessary, leave NATO, chuck out US spy bases and air bases.

The EU is not, on the whole, a Europe worth saving anyway. With Russia on one side and the UK on the other, the EU states will have to come to heel eventually, and give us what we want and need.

Pensions cap removal etc

If the aim is mainly to stop doctors taking early retirement, then why not restrict the recently-announced policy to doctors?


In fact, Plymouth has a minority Conservative Party-ruled council. 25 Labour, 23 Conservative, 9 others.

The tree vandalism is appalling. I know Armada Way, which is a long and mainly traffic-free avenue connecting the central part of Plymouth to the famous Plymouth Hoe where Drake played bowls before defeating the Spanish Armada in the late 16thC.

The bit of Armada Way where I often was has thankfully been spared the axe, and is closer to the centre of the city. I often appeared at the County Court there (the building also contains the rather busy Plymouth Crown Court).

[the very 1950s (though actually built 1963) frontage of Plymouth County Court]

Plymouth could be a fantastic city, with its water frontage, and its rural hinterland, but somehow isn’t. It has problems of crime, drugs, drunkenness etc, and the local council is completely incompetent. I used to park at the very top of a multistorey car park quite near the court building. The Plymouth Council owned that car park. In about 6 years of parking there (about once every couple of weeks), the lift worked once, I think. Once out of 100-200 times. A small example but, I think, telling.

Plymouth Council is riddled with both freemasonry and Common Purpose, so often the nests of the mediocre. As with other councils with those characteristics, such as Birmingham, Plymouth Council is both incompetent and corrupt.

Incidentally, if anyone wonders why I always parked on the open top floor of that car park (about 10 storeys high) despite knowing that the lift would almost certainly be inoperative, well, there are a number of reasons. I like being able to park where there is always a spot, in a space almost always free of any other cars, not having to bother with other cars’ owners, people parking or leaving etc. In fact, about the only time I ever saw another car up there, it turned out to be that of a rather attractive lady barrister I knew slightly from court, Rebecca something-or-other. Secondly, I enjoyed the view. Thirdly, it is my long-held habit— I always park at the top of multi-storey car parks.

Macron the NWO/ZOG dictator


See also my assessment of Macron from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Rental property in England


Disgraceful. Government, central and local, must step in, but it abdicated its responsibilities years ago. Buy to let and other similar forms of exploitation have to be stopped.

More tweets


Sweden should have the sense to stay neutral. Such support comes close to abandoning neutrality.

As for Poland and its leadership, I can only think of Hegel, who wrote that “the lesson of history is that people do not learn the lessons of history” (may not be exact quotation, but near enough).

Late tweets

So the “Conservative” Party panel of Uxbridge and South Ruislip have reselected a part-Jew who was born in New York City, brought up in the USA and Belgium mainly (except when at Eton and Oxford), who did time (a few weeks) on a kibbutz in Israel, who describes himself as “Zionist“, and who has a long history of disgraceful and dishonest conduct in his personal life, as a journalist of sorts, as MP, as Cabinet minister, and finally as Prime Minister?

What am I missing? Not that he is some kind of great brain, as once was thought by easily-fooled people. As for real intellect and culture, forget it.

Still, at least it looks as if his time as MP is very limited, if the opinion polls can be believed:

Unfortunately, instead of being put up against a wall and shot, the bastard is going to make millions out of memoirs, speeches, after-dinner ramblings etc.

Interesting to see. One of the worst aspects (culturally) of the Ukraine conflict is the ghastly music (I do not know what it is called), a kind of (?) Slavonic “rap”, and played constantly by both sides. At least the “turbofolk” played during the Yugoslav/Balkan war(s) was not completely offensive to the ear.

Well, not quite as bad, anyway…

The Russian equivalent of turbofolk (I think it can be called…apologies to any musical experts reading), which I well remember from when I was in Kazakhstan (1996-1997):

More late tweets seen

The Guardian that became a cheerleader for the 2020-2021 police-state “Covid” measures: “lockdowns”, facemask nonsense, and Boris-idiot’s own contribution, the ridiculous “Rule of Six”.

Well-meaning silliness. Mikolaiv, or Nikolayev, will probably fall back under Russian control before very long; after that, I expect that Russian authorities will rebuild the city.

Incidentally, the Danish Ambassador and his government might be better advised to use their time, money, and power to prevent Denmark being further swamped by non-European savages.

I am willing to accept that the Ambassador’s own motives are probably reasonably good or charitable, but this is wrongheaded. Better to stop funnelling arms to the corrupt and vicious Jewish regime in Kiev, which merely prolongs a war Russia cannot lose.

Late music

Diary Blog, 16 February 2022

Afternoon music

[Bougoureau, Nymphs and Satyr]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Ha. I am not with Griffin here. Almond naturally wants Russia not to invade, because he knows that, right now, Russia holds all the cards, and would be able to defeat the (Zionist-controlled) Kiev regime (and so, NWO) easily. Kiev itself is said to be only lightly defended, in other words is indefensible as things stand.

Russia will never get a better chance to redraw the map of Europe. This is a once-in-a-generation chance; the last such chance came after 1989. The NWO seized that chance, leading to, inter alia, the present situation with Ukraine.

The Eastern Ukraine region, Kiev, and all of the Black Sea littoral must be taken now, while that is still possible.

More tweets

Not so much a joke as a prediction. In fact, in terms of online sites, it is already happening, or starting to happen.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander: research snooping journalists, find out where they are, and everything about them.

Akin to Socialist Realism.

Incidentally, I happened to see this interesting site with information about how British people eked out WW2 rations: https://the1940sexperiment.com/100-wartime-recipes/.

Few people today know that WW2 rationing in the UK became worse for some years after 1945 (because Britain was impoverished by the unnecessary and disastrous —though superficially “victorious”— war against the German Reich). Rationing only gradually eased, and lasted in some respects until the mid-1950s. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationing_in_the_United_Kingdom#Second_World_War_1939%E2%80%931945.

Britain becomes a violent zoo— latest


The report is worth reading.

Chanz Maximen.
[the violent criminal]
Dr Adam Towler speaking outside Bristol Crown Court after teenager Chanz Maximen who dragged the doctor out of his house and stabbed him nine times in a random, unprovoked attack.
[the victim]

” [Dr.] Towler [the victim]– who now develops medical software – came to court to give a victim impact statement in which he expressed his concern for the defendant and his future, and the fact he would spend so long in prison.

“When I compared my position with what I imagined yours to be, it sort of didn’t seem fair, although I know that’s hard to understand,” he said.”

There is a fine line between Christian (or other) forgiveness, and total stupidity…

As for the view that a minimum 12 years is a long time to spend in prison, not in this case. In fact, while I do not usually support long or very long sentences, in this case the defendant (who stabbed or slashed at least three people in three separate mindless incidents), is plainly a danger to the public.

Possible alternative sentence? Helicopter; flight; Atlantic Ocean; one-way ticket.

The wider question is how Britain can ever develop a more advanced society when it is full to the brim with such untermenschen…

As for the Guardian and the Press Association, I appreciate that it must be hard to recruit graduates these days who can actually write literate English, but surely msm outlets must know that it is customary, in the report of a trial, to refer to the judge as “His Honour” and/or “Judge“, not merely as “Hart“! The same goes for the victim, Doctor Towler. Only the defendant is referred to by surname alone.

Late tweets

Send that idiot back to her ancestral Kampala grocery shop.

Exactly. It’s always the white Northern Europeans (who created almost all of the present civilization and culture) who are “to blame”, never the vast hordes of non-whites.

There it is…White Genocide…in one “German” poster, and I think I can guess (((what))) or (((who))) will be behind it…

Well, I suppose that it could be re-purposed later on, maybe to house some deposed politicians… (or Schwab and his like…).

The BBC pays Huw Edwards about half a million a year for, arguably, not a lot. He was a grammar school boy from South Wales. He is not going to rock his very lucrative boat by questioning any System narrative, whether it be “the vaccine”, “the virus”, mass immigration as a supposed wonderful benefit to the British people or, if it comes to that, the absurd “holocaust” house of cards.

Late music


Diary Blog, 2 February 2022

Afternoon music

Diversity news


Tweets seen

I saw the same with my late mother-in-law. Having said that, the costs of care (even basic care) are huge, and the private organizations doing it are often a rip-off. Also, there is the point that the market value of real property has exploded in the UK over the past half-century, and that has intensified since 2000 or so. Thus the “net worth” of many has accumulated not because of the “graft” they have done in their lives, but partly, perhaps largely, because of the febrile UK property marketplace, burning hot because of cheap money and government policy.

There are many who do not have houses worth £500,000, a million, or more. There is an argument that the taxpayers, including all those poor people without real property, should not have to protect the inheritance expectations of the offspring of those who have accumulated capital via over-valued houses.

A difficult question, and one which Boris-idiot’s government of fools and chancers (and its predecessors) have run away from trying to answer.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is no “conspiracy theory” (as Wikipedia has it); it is happening all around us. You have only to open your eyes.

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More music


I have little to add to that which I have written in the last few days and weeks.

In the final analysis, if Russia hesitates now, its one chance to reset the NWO/ZOG agenda will have been lost. In a year’s time, any invasion of Ukraine will be ten times more difficult than it is now. This is not only a chance to seize Eastern Ukraine and Kiev (and possibly also Odessa and the littoral from Trans-Dniestria to Crimea, including the estuary of the Dnieper), but also a chance to redraw, strategically, the map of Europe as a whole, and a chance to derail the 2022-2055 agenda of the New World Order.

As to the flying visit to Kiev (yesterday) of Boris-idiot, there is really no point in blogging about it; a clown visiting a clown.

The words “Nadine Dorries, Culture Secretary” or, indeed “Nadine Dorries, Cabinet minister” seem impossible, but that is where Britain now is, under the part-Jew, part-Levantine chancer and liar now posing as Prime Minister.

This latest attempt to impose a full, and Zionist-permeated, police state, must be met with far more force than was the “Poll Tax” some 30 years ago.

This latest repression has obviously been instigated by (((the usual suspects))). “They” are the problem, or the main problem, when it comes to free speech, and general freedom of expression, in this country (and in the rest of Europe).

Southend West by-election

I blogged briefly recently about the upcoming Southend West by-election. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/26/diary-blog-26-january-2022-with-a-few-thoughts-about-southend-on-sea-and-the-southend-west-by-election/.

The by-election is to be held tomorrow. It is not a very interesting contest, in that Lab, LibDem, and Greens are all absent, out of (they say) “respect” for the previous, and assassinated, MP.

As I have previously noted, that leaves only a ragbag of minor candidates, of which the best seems to be Steve Laws (UKIP), though I have little time for what is left of the UKIP conservative nationalists. Still, if anyone in Southend West wants a protest vote, Laws is the right choice.

I suppose that turnout will be very low; we shall see. Anyone who voted Labour, LibDem, or Green last time is completely disenfranchised in this pseudo-democratic farce, and will feel unable to support any of the minor candidates standing. Many former Conservative Party voters will also not bother to vote, I should expect.

Anyone of a broadly “national” or social-national orientation has a choice, though a poor one: Jayda Fransen (Independent), Steve Laws (UKIP), or Catherine Blaiklock (English Democrats). “Heritage” and “English Constitution” (whatever that may be) are also standing.

Of the above lot, I think that Steve Laws is the best choice for a protest vote.

[Addendum: https://www.echo-news.co.uk/news/19893262.southend-west-election-candidates-views-key-issues/].

More tweets

I have blogged about it previously: the voters’ dilemma, meaning a hostile, anti-British, indeed non-British, Government, effectively controlled by Jew-Zionists, and an ineffective, useless, anti-British and largely non-British Opposition, also controlled by Zionists…

What now? There is no real democracy; neither is there proper government.

Two or three obvious questions:

1. why are they (and similar) here?;

2. Who are the guilty groups and individuals who allowed them (and similar) to be here?;

3. How can they (and similar) and those facilitating their being here be dealt with?

Late tweets

As I blogged a day or two ago, what has “the West” been doing for the past 20 years in Afghanistan?

Thank God that the stupid facemask nonsense has largely ended in England. There was never the slightest justification for it.

Simpson is right in one way. The BBC is not State-funded; it is funded by legalized extortion.

Late music

[Dresden, 1945, after Allied bombing]

Diary Blog, 10 November 2020

Strange news

How did Israelis have contact, in Denmark, with live mink or even with people who have had contact with live mink? How could that even happen? Am I being too suspicious?

I suppose that they could have been Jew fur traders. Or is there more to this, something even more sinister?

Tweets seen

Not entirely with Griffin there. In the case shown, the man was wrong, in my view, to follow the woman down the street to intimidate her, even though she herself triggered the incident by “talking on her telephone” about how people were not wearing masks on the train. In other words, she was being what people now call “passive-aggressive”, not confronting nearby non-mask-wearers directly but talking “about” them (at them) using her telephone as cover.

Still, people who act as unofficial “Covid marshals” (or even official ones) deserve to be denounced.

All the usual pathetic “antifa” idiots (for whom Twitter is basically the whole world) are rejoicing. Useless grifter and fake “historian”/”journalist” Mike Stuchbery, “historian” “Dr” Louise Raw, “antifashwitch” (pseudo-occult crazie Roanna Carleton Taylor). The whole of that silly echo-chamber.

Here (below) is a typical example of that degenerate type:

The Jews are also rejoicing, alongside their “antifa” dupes.

Twitter is only useful for illustrative purposes. All social media is only good as an adjunct to real-world politics and power.

All the interesting people, pretty much, are now banned from Twitter.

There is only one way forward, though it may take a variety of forms.

Time is running out for others on Twitter. Laura Towler, Nick Griffin etc. They must know it.

There are positive aspects. The poundland KGB (emergent UK police state) relies on the monitoring of the Internet and especially on the monitoring of social media. Those banned from using this or that platform, or the Internet generally, fly beneath the radar and are hard to track.

If anyone wants to go to Telegram, or Parler, or Gab etc, fine. However, talking or posting on social media can only take you so far. Yes, that also applies to posting on blogs such as mine.

Talking about the Twitter echo chamber, I am amused to see that a new secular saint has emerged, following in the footsteps of Saint Mandela and Saint Obama: Saint Jo Biden (with, pictured smaller, as in ancient Egyptian artworks) his “Nubian” assistant, Saint Kamala Harris. Truly pathetic…

“@loratlov” is quite correct. I have spoken (at the London Forum in 2017), tweeted (before I was expelled at the behest of the Jew lobby), and blogged for years about the “privatization of public space”, and also about how the pseudo-socialists nowadays defend the “right” of huge transnational capialist enterprises to take away the free speech of the citizen.

“Mariana M”, apparently. Another enemy of the British people.

Laura Towler is right. Twitter is but a convenient cul-de-sac. As for “Elizabeth Haggis”, she exemplifies Twitter. Twitter is the whole world to such people.


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Below, a typical Twitter degenerate:

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