Tag Archives: Britain First

Diary Blog, 29 February 2024

Morning music

[All Souls, Oxford]

Rochdale by-election

I blogged about the by-election a few days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/02/25/diary-blog-25-february-2024-including-a-look-at-the-upcoming-rochdale-by-election/.

The latest from the bookmakers is that George Galloway (Workers Party) is odds-on to win, followed by (around 6/4) Azhar Ali, the former Labour candidate disowned by Starmer, Azhar Ali therefore being an independent candidate in reality, though “Labour” on the ballot paper. The next in line is the LibDem, trailing the frontrunners at about 65/1. Reform UK (Simon Danczuk) is at 100/1. The rest of the field of 11— 1,000/1.

This is now between Galloway and “Labour” Azhar Ali. Former Labour MP Danczuk only got 1.8% (as Independent) in 2017, after having been sacked. The LibDem may do better than expected, being a white man and alternative to Ali and also to Scotsman George Galloway, whose campaign has been all about Gaza, and whose voters are (90%+) Muslims. Still, if I had to bet, I would probably go with the perceived favourite, Galloway.

The by-election is between two candidates trying to capture the Pakistani Muslim vote. Where do the English voters go? They are still the majority in the constituency, numerically, yet have been frozen out.

Symptomatic of System politics in the UK?

I have no sympathy for Danczuk, and little for Reform UK, but will be interested to see how they go. Had Reform UK put up a better candidate, it might have gone close. As it is, I daresay that the white (English) vote will be split several ways.

Israel declares war on “antisemitism” and “anti-Semites”


Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikii said that “the time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive, and to ensure that the perpetrators of anti-Semitism are identified and dealt with.

The time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive and to ensure that the perpetrators of antisemitism are identified and dealt with,” Chikli said.

The initiative will include a push for a government proclamation to improve Israel’s global standing and legislation to target organizations, including NGOs, and individuals engaged in antisemitism.

[Jerusalem Post]

Well, there it is. “They” want a war, and are about to launch one.

In fact, Israel already targets (via local volunteers in the UK and elsewhere) anyone opposed to Jewish/Zionist global domination.

I myself am due to be sentenced next month, following my conviction in November 2023 for political “offences” under the notorious “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission).

Tweets seen

What the Israelis are saying about why the Israeli response on 7 October 2023 was at first very slow, and then incompetent (killing Israeli civilians indiscriminately).

Needless to say, the “Pearl Harbor” idea, i.e. that the Israeli leadership knew of the attack plan but allowed it to happen in order to be able to flatten Gaza with a figleaf of justification, is not mooted.

1956. The year of my birth in present incarnation.

A very important message still not understood by some people.

One cannot simply dismiss that tweet as “a woman scorned”; the kind of dishonesty alleged destroys (if proven) hope for social nationalism, destroys trust.

Not that it matters in terms of realities, though. “Britain First” has no chance anyway, whether at Rochdale or anywhere else.

True, but I seem to recall that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel not so very long ago…: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

I was unaware that that bastard Pollard was still alive.

I wonder how many Jews there are in, e.g. the Security Service/MI5 and SIS? Some, for sure. Where lie their loyalties? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard.

Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship while incarcerated. He relocated to Israel in 2020.

I suppose that the Israelis thought that they owed Pollard something. After all, when he desperately appealed to the Israeli Embassy in Washington —when the FBI was on his tail— the Israeli Embassy guards were ordered to shut the gates and not let him back in. He was then immediately arrested by the FBI. He did 30 years in Federal custody, altogether (inc. 2 years of pre-trial detention).

More tweets

Israel’s war crimes continue.

Not even the heavily Muslim areas of Britain are breeding above the 2.1 replacement rate.

@DillyHussain88 thinks Britain’s Muslims are faithful and will outbreed us natives, but the truth is that even they are increasingly infected with the modernist cancer. Consumer capitalism + Usury = the Death of Nations. This System cannot be reformed or saved, it will simply totter on until collapse. Those who separate from this 21st Century Sodom and breed will build something new from the rubble. https://knightstemplarorder.com/fertility_rate_plunge.”

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Quite right.

More from the global police state


“[Canadian] Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.

The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Mr. Virani said the hate-crime offence would only be applied if coupled with another crime and the life sentence would only apply in the most serious of cases – not, for example, for mischief to a garage door.

Mr. Virani said the current bill followed studies of the experiences of other countries, including Britain, France and Germany, which have produced similar legislation. Some have had to reverse course after challenges and criticism.

Since it was published on Monday, some lawyers and constitutional experts have raised fears that Bill C-63 could chill free speech.

The bill would allow people to file complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission over what they perceive as hate speech online – including, for example, off-colour jokes by comedians. People found guilty of posting hate speech could have to pay victims up to $20,000 in compensation.

But experts including internet law professor Michael Geist have said even a threat of a civil complaint – with a lower burden of proof than a court of law – and a fine could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

[The Globe and Mail]

Look at what has happened in the UK. Material (comments, cartoons) are supposed to fall into unlawfulness only if “grossly” offensive. In theory, remarks, cartoons merely “offensive” are not unlawful, but in practice one finds (as in my own case last November) that once the police, CPS and courts think that XYZ is “offensive”, then XYZ becomes, almost automatically, “grossly offensive“, and the maker is then convicted accordingly (as I was).

Free speech has then been further chilled, or killed…

Canada is asking for something akin to civil war by enacting tyrannical laws of this sort.

More tweets seen

Germany was accused of “severe misuse of intelligence data” after discovering that British soldiers were helping Ukrainian forces launch “Strom Shadow” cruise missiles, “Telegraf” reports.

“German soldiers must not at any time and under any circumstances be associated with the targets that the ‘Taurus’ can reach,” says Scholz…

The statement of the German chancellor is a confirmation of the suspicions expressed several times by some Russian officials and experts in the field of defense and weapons, that members of the armed forces of NATO countries help Ukrainian forces in managing complex weapons systems of Western origin.

We get closer and closer to the edge…

There is a clear decision in the Alliance, which was adopted two years ago and which is still in force, which is that NATO is not a party to the conflict and everything must be done to ensure that it does not become and that the possibility of direct conflict does not arise of Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a valid decision of the Alliance made with the consent of all members of the bloc,” said the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Peter Szijártó.

Budanov is 30 years younger than me, but I warrant that I shall still be alive when he leaves this Earth…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrylo_Budanov.

I hope that Prince Silly Billy is aware of this.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 16 February 2024, with thoughts about the Wellingborough and Kingswood by-election results, and the death of Alexei Navalny

Morning music

I remember that song. 1967; I was a 10-y-o child living in Mosman, a North Shore suburb of Sydney. Different times (look at the comments appended to that YouTube video).

From the mass media


Major French magazine L’Express has revealed that its prominent former editor, Philippe Grumbach, was a KGB spy for 35 years.

He counted presidents, actors and literary giants as close friends. He was a legendary figure in journalism who shaped the editorial direction of one of France’s most successful publications. When he died in 2003, Minister of Culture Jean-Jacques Aillagon said Grumbach had been “one of the most memorable and respected figures in French media”.

But he was also “Brok”, the KGB spy.

Extensive proof of Grumbach’s duplicitous life can be found in the so-called Mitrokhin archive.

Born in Paris in 1924 into a Jewish family, Grumbach fled France with his mother and siblings in 1940 – the year Nazi Germany invaded and Marshal Philippe Pétain took power in Vichy with a collaborationist regime.


The Wellingborough and Kingswood by-elections

At Wellingborough, a convincing win for Labour. I thought that it might go closer than it did. Labour 45.9%, Conservatives 24.6%, Reform UK 13%. All 8 other candidates lost their deposits; the LibDems came closest with 4.7%. A local Independent, Marion Turner-Hawes, scored 3.7% and probably would have beaten the LibDems had she been the only Independent standing. The Greens, as usual, were nowhere (6th) on 3.4%, and Britain First was even more “nowhere” on 1.6%.

The Conservatives were let down partly by the choice of candidate, the girlfriend of unpleasant former MP, Peter Bone. Having said that, the main reason for the electoral upset was that people want a change, even if it is really not much of a change, or the wrong change. They wanted, also, to stamp on the Conservative Party.

The Conservative candidate tried to make “stopping the boats“, i.e. the continuing cross-Channel migration-invasion, the issue. Of course, the fact is that the cross-Channel invasion is only a tenth, if that, of the main invasion— the enormous influx of “students”, “family-members”, “highly-skilled workers” (Indians that can work a computer) as well as supposed “asylum-seekers” etc.

Also, the “Conservative” governments of 2010-2024 have not even seriously tried to “stop the boats”, let alone the main migration-invasion. Not far short of a million a year now.

Talk is cheap…

Empty words at best, lying words at worst (collusion with the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan).

A better candidate, and one not tied up with Peter Bone, might have scored higher, maybe well over 30%, and so lost less embarrassingly.

A real social-national party, if one existed, might have won. Turnout was only 38%; a huge 62% of those eligible to vote did not bother, or showed their contempt for the whole system via abstention.

No need to “analyze” the Britain First vote— pathetic. As for Reform UK, it is going to have to do a lot better than that if it is going to start winning seats. Another pro-Israel scam-party by Nigel Farage.

Overall, the result is another nail in the coffin of the Rishi Sunak government, and the Conservative Party (and Sunak himself, of course).

I should be ready to bet that, if voters aged 65+ (many of whom would have voted early by post) were taken away, the remaining Con Party vote would have been no more than 10%.


Kingswood, north of Bristol and in effect an outer suburb of Bristol, also returned a Labour MP yesterday. Pointlessly, of course, because not only will there be a general election this year but, also, the constituency is being abolished.

The result was Labour 44.9%, Conservatives 34.9%, Reform UK 10.4%, Green 5.8%, LibDems 3.5%, UKIP 0.5%.

Turnout was 37.1%, even lower than at Wellingborough. Almost two-thirds of those eligible could not be bothered to vote, and/or despise the whole circus.

The Labour candidate had the advantage of being of local origin, more or less, combined with not being a Conservative. His unusual personal life (gay, and having converted from Roman Catholicism to Judaism to fit in with his Jewish “civil partner”) seems to have been disregarded by the voters (meaning the 11,176 who voted for him, out of about 80,000; the other ~68,000 were eligible to vote but either did not vote or voted for other candidates).

The Conservative Party candidate came closer than I had expected. His own local origins can probably be thanked for that. The Farage vehicle, Reform UK, came third, but again seems to be —time after time— the “also ran” party…

The Greens saved their deposit and beat the LibDems into 5th place. The rump of UKIP came last, and one has to wonder why candidates for no-hope parties like that even bother.

Yet another nail in Sunak’s political coffin, of course.

Taking away the local aspects of both by-elections, for me the “takeaways” are that this “Conservative” government is toast, that Sunak is toast, and that the Conservative Party is toast. Also, that the LibDems are seen as dull and, except where they have a good tactical chance against a Conservative candidate, unappealing to voters.

More? Well, that Reform UK is not exciting enough people, not yet anyway, to start being a major player. Also, that the Greens only appeal to around 5% of the electorate, if that.

Finally, for me the point is that, in both of these by-elections, only just over a third of people even bothered to vote; without postal voting, that 37%/38% would probably have been nearer to 20%. The voters most interesting to me are those not presently energized to vote.

What do these results say about GE 2024? That Labour must be en route to victory, though a victory not welcomed by all, or even a majority, of the voters. A feeling of dull meaninglessness, perhaps. A hollow victory?

For the Conservative Party, these results must mean that the bulk of their MPs are on the way out. 50 may survive, maybe 100.

Tweets seen

A few days ago. I missed that story.

The time may come when Israel faces thousands of such drones.

I agree with the first bit, but only partly with the second. Many 2019 Con Party voters seem to be switching, in despair, to Reform UK, but that would be only a small minority of the overall electorate. Look at the turnout figures from yesterday. Only a third (just over) of eligible voters even voted. Reform UK, with its limited “conservative nationalism” “cosplay”, its pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby attitude, and its semi-“libertarian” economics, will never inspire even a half of the voters. Maybe 10%, maybe 20%. I doubt that it will go higher.

The fact is that, even at Kingswood, where the result scarcely mattered in itself (a general election this year, and the seat then ceasing to exist), Reform UK only gathered in 13% of the votes, i.e. about 5% of all possible votes. The Wellingborough result was similar: 9.4% of votes cast, i.e. about 3% of all possible votes.

Only a fully-credible social-national party might be able to energise and inspire the British people. That party does not exist.

Today, the Tories are only holding half the people who voted for them at the last general election, in 2019, and only a little more than one in three of the people who voted for Brexit, in 2016. These are supposed to be the party’s core supporters. But many of them are now abandoning Sunak in droves, running for the hills.

And do you blame them? Seriously? Given some of the other events this week it’s not hard to see why. For a start, Sunak’s failure to control Britain’s borders was reflected in the remarkable finding that just 1.3% of the illegal migrants who entered Britain on the small boats since 2018 have been removed from the country.

And then came the latest data on the dire state of the economy, which confirms Britain is in recession and suffering the longest hit to living standards since records began, in 1955. Contrary to Sunak’s pledge to deliver economic growth, this week we learned that throughout his first year in office Britain’s economy grew by just 0.1%, while GDP per capita —which adjusts for population growth — fell by 0.7%.

This, too, will prompt many voters to ask Sunak some tough questions. Where is the growth you promised? Where is the strong economy? And where is the growth the Treasury, the Office for Budget Responsibility, and countless other experts told us would surely arrive if Britain opened its doors to unprecedented immigration?

The answer is it’s nowhere to be seen, partly because rather than deliver the high-skill, high-wage, highly-selective, and highly productive immigration the Tories have been promising since Brexit they’ve instead delivered low-skill, low-wage, non-selective, and unproductive immigration from outside Europe, which has been shown to be a net fiscal cost rather than a net benefit to Western economies.

...more and more [voters] are turning off and tuning out. Just look at the rates of turnout at the latest by-elections. Labour and Keir Starmer are not setting Britain on fire, far from it; the Tories are staying home.

These voters aren’t idiots. They know they’ve been led down the garden path by a Conservative government and a Conservative prime minister which have routinely overpromised and underdelivered.

These voters want decent economic growth and an economic model which prioritises British people. But Rishi Sunak and the Tories have given them more of the same.

These voters want much lower and manageable rates of immigration. But Rishi Sunak and the Tories keep putting mass migration on steroids. And these voters want strong and secure borders and a government which prioritises the security of the British people. But Rishi Sunak and the Tories have lost control of our borders, largely because they refuse to reform laws and leave conventions which make it impossible to remove illegal migrants and foreign nationals who commit crime, as we saw with the shocking case of Abdul Ezedi.

[Matt Goodwin, on his Substack blog]

In any case, the UK needs no immigration at all. It needs to educate and train real British people to a far higher level, and then provide suitable employment for them. British people, real British people.

Suitable employment, appropriate and decent pay; decent housing; decent transport; decent medical care; decent social care; also, decent architecture and town planning.

Defying the Kremlin can be dangerous. The story that Navalny “felt unwell after he went for a walk” is obviously unlikely.

The daytime temperature in that region today is about -20C. Cold weather for a stroll, even for a Russian.

As to Navalny himself, I knew nothing of him beyond what was occasionally on TV news or in the newspapers. I was unable to understand why he returned to Russia after he had recovered from having been poisoned in Russia and flown to Germany for treatment.

My conclusion (beyond the apparent fact that Navalny was a braver man than me— and a more foolish one, arguably) is that he had a huge amount of egotism. He probably wildly over-estimated his popularity in Russia (in fact only about 5% supported him), and may have thought that arriving in Moscow on a private jet with a horde of Western reporters on board would probably protect him, especially as thousands of his supporters (mostly Moscow-based) would be awaiting his arrival at Vnukovo (one of the four main airports in the Moscow region: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vnukovo_International_Airport).

The plane was diverted to Sheremetyevo Airport. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sheremetyevo_International_Airport, thus bypassing the expected mass welcome.

I may be wrong, but I think that Navalny may have thought that his return to Russia would be akin to that of Lenin in 1917. However, Lenin was never in any danger of arrest and detention in 1917, and had not only supporters but an armed guard force at his historic speech at the Finlandsky Station in Petrograd. Also, the Tsarist Government had already effectively fallen. There was no-one to arrest him.

Navalny has, by reason of his imprisonment and probable murder, achieved the status of martyr, but had he ever become leader of Russia, might have been as harsh, and probably less effective, than Putin.

I am old enough to remember how the usually-wrong Western msm thought, in the 1980s, that Andropov would be “liberal” (mainly because he was said to like jazz). The same or similar was said in the late 1970s of the African tyrant Robert Mugabe (“well-educated” by Jesuits, and a “democrat” by African standards. So they said…). Indeed, look at how the globalist msm lauded thick-as-two-short-planks Nelson Mandela…

Well, there it is.

One interesting aspect to the news coverage in the UK today is that it has been so extensive. In a way, surprising, when Navalny had no real support base in Russia, and never had a real chance of deposing Putin.

Were I more of a conspiracy theorist than people think I am, I should suspect that the UK TV people are using the Navalny matter to talk less about yesterday’s by-election results.

Also, the Kiev-regime forces are crumbling on the Ukrainian front-line.


More tweets seen

Many, even perhaps I myself, might think that a retaliatory strike by Israel on Gaza, immediately after the October 2023 incursion, meaning in the following few days, would probably fall into the “self-defence” and “proportionate” area (leaving aside the behaviour of the Israeli Jews since 1948), but what has happened since then is a cruel slaughter and devastation worse than the much-criticized Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto by German forces in 1943. The Germans did evacuate most of the non-combatant Jews before killing or capturing the rest (saboteurs, terrorists, and rebels) and then levelling the area.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that would still leave the Con Party with 117 MPs. Maybe. One or two points can make a big difference. For example, if the Con/Lab numbers were 23% and 45% respectively, the Cons would have only 97 MPs.

Also, these polls always over-estimate the Green vote. When and where (except at Brighton Pavilion) did the Greens get anywhere close to 8%? 5% is more usual; or lower.


As to “the best Prime Minister“, terrible for Sunak, but hardly a ringing endorsement of Starmer either.

After Guantanamo, Bagram, Kabul, Abu Ghraib etc, the U.S. Government can say nothing about human rights abuses.

Well, anyone can make a “mathematical error”, as when a number of, say, six million becomes one of four million and then, later, one and a half million…anyone could make such a mistake, I suppose…

Adam Smith wrote about “the hidden hand“, but I don’t think he had this “hidden hand” in mind…

Interesting, but Britain First can never be the party Britain needs. Its pro-Jewish lobby, pro-Israel stance…that alone…

…and here is Emily Thornberry living the high life with a pack of Zionists in London, including the former Israeli Ambassador, Regev (centre of photo):

Labour, “the party for working people”??

For me, the main thing is to break the rigged “two main parties” system (scam). So if the Conservative Party is trampled upon and left almost powerless at GE 2024, good, even though that would be at the cost of a Labour Party “elected dictatorship” for up to 5 years. With one large party reduced to almost nothing, the System’s rhythm will be disrupted. No more the idea that “the other lot” will be better. With the Cons deflated, and the LibDems already on the floor, other ideas, social-national ideas, will come through, one way or the other.

Late tweets seen

So the percentage of complete idiots or outright traitors in this country is now “only” 21%. Still far too high.

My thoughts are with him. He may not be quite my sort of person, but he is a martyr for truth. The UK should ditch the one-sided UK/US extradition law.

The Kiev regime may collect money, but on the front-line its soldiers are being gradually defeated, and the UKR ranks are thinning daily.

Late music

[Schloss Hohenschwangau, Bavaria]

Diary Blog, 5 February 2021, including thoughts about a new political movement

Can a new political party arise? Is it possible?

I distinguish between party and movement. Movement is wider. Any party can only be part of that wider movement.

As to party, narrowly, I think that a party is possible, though it would have to be understood from the beginning that it would never be able to “take power” in the usual way, by “getting elected”, simply because the whole system of elections and parties is now rigged.

The Tony Blair laws that saw the creation of the Electoral Commission effectively killed voting democracy in the UK, certainly in England and Wales. Not I alone say so; Martin Bell [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Bell] made that point in the memoirs of his term as MP for Tatton. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatton_(UK_Parliament_constituency)

Parties now have to be registered with the Electoral Commission in order to stand candidates under the party name at elections. Any party unable or unwilling to fit into the criteria of the Electoral Commission will either not be registered or may find itself deregistered, possibly just before an election. You can imagine what kind of (((objector))) might object to such a party, if the latter is social-nationalist.

Then there is the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, which in the past has interfered with the democratic process by fining or otherwise sanctioning parties as different as the Labour Party and the BNP. Guess what (((element))) was behind those interferences too. Yes, “them”…

G.K. Chesterton had a character in one of his Father Brown stories refer to a particular small seaside resort out of season as being as depressing “as a lost railway carriage“. That is exactly the feeling I get when I contemplate the small “nationalist” parties around in the past several years: Britain First, For Britain, the English Democrats etc.

Nick Griffin quite recently endorsed (inexplicably, for me) another small party, the British Freedom Party, which may have sunk before even having appeared, though Wikipedia says that it started in 2018; headed by Jayda Fransen [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayda_Fransen]. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/

The new organization, Patriotic Alternative [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patriotic_Alternative…note that (((certain enemies))) are trying to have even the Wikipedia entry deleted] is not as yet a political party officially, because its officials await “approval”. Can you imagine Hitler or Lenin applying for “approval”? I think not!

Patriotic Alternative is trying to form a wider social and political movement, and I generally like what little I see of them (online), though naturally the picture is mixed at this stage.

A political party or movement in its germinal phase is as delicate as an orchid, easily killed or stunted. Look at Generation Identity in England or UK. It seems to have faded out (as far as I know); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identitarian_movement; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identitarian_movement#United_Kingdom

For me, a political party is essential but has to exist on the basis that its aim is not, certainly not primarily, “getting elected”.

How can such a party be formed and funded?

Formation: under one leader, not because I necessarily demand Fuhrerprinzip [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrerprinzip] but because the Jew-Zionist enemy and the “antifascist” offshoots of the same will otherwise infiltrate any such national party and destroy it from the inside. I myself saw that happen to the National Front [NF] in 1975-1976, and from what I read, and am told, it happened later also to the British National Party [BNP]. Any “democratic” intra-party processes will be subverted by (((the usual suspects))).

Funding: the only way is to do as American churches and others do: “tithing”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tithe. Via tithing, even a movement or party with 100 people might command funding of around £200,000 a year; one of 1,000 people might have an income of £2 million a year. That is not far short of the major System parties.

The above requires that the members have full confidence in the leaders. As Hamlet says, “aye, there’s the rub“…

Still, as we approach the very significant year 2022, we all must think on the dilemma:

Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them
.” [Shakespeare, Hamlet].

Tweets seen today

The tweeter “@gemmacdoyle” is right, insofar as “Labour” (-lite) under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown certainly did “change people’s lives“! Imported untold millions more black and brown immigrants; introduced the shambolic and dishonest ATOS organization to harass the disabled, unemployed and poor; made the UK into the 51st state of the USA in foreign policy terms; got the UK involved in disastrous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; devalued exam results and university degrees; pretty much destroyed Parliamentary democracy in the UK; gave in to Sinn Fein/IRA in Northern Ireland; increased the influence of the Jew lobby in the UK; loaded the British population with personal debt. Etc.

Both of those tweeters are of course effectively enemies of the British people, though in slightly different ways, just as Corbyn-Labour and Blair/Brown-Labour are or were.

Incidentally, that tweeter was herself an MP for 5 years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gemma_Doyle_(politician).

Afternoon music

More tweets seen

Alison Chabloz

The latest blog post from persecuted singer-songwriter-satirist, Alison Chabloz: https://alisonchabloz.com/2021/02/05/wots-my-identity/

[Alison Chabloz]

Late tweets

A good question. We may know the answer, in part, this year, and will unwillingly find out more in the succeeding years…


The atmosphere has become so febrile that some Haredim, as the ultra-Orthodox are collectively known, have pinned yellow Star of David badges on their jackets and labeled recent police crackdowns in Bnei Brak as “Kristallnacht.” [CNN]

Regurgitating the propaganda of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan… https://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/

Cultural revolution needed: mass media, academia, publishing, and of course the politicians of the System parties.


Late music

Diary Blog, 19 December 2020, including thoughts about social-national politics

Direction of travel of the social-national movement

The first thing to recognize is that there is no “social-national movement” in the UK. The modest successes of, mainly, the BNP, 1997-2010, could be described as interesting rather than enthralling; the BNP’s complete collapse in 2010, though ongoing to 2015, was neither enthralling nor even interesting.

I do not include the “controlled opposition” of Farage, his UKIP and Brexit Party vehicles etc (which are scarcely “national”, let alone “social national”); neither do I include the “alt-Right” wastes of space: “Prison Planet” Watson, “Sargon of Akkad” (Carl Benjamin), “Count Dankula” and others. Not worth bothering about. Most of them are vocally pro-Jew and pro-Israel too (either to buy credit from them and so avoid damage to their apparently lucrative online activities, or out of actual adherence).

Apart from the above, what we have now amounts to little more than various individuals posting tweets, youtube vlogs etc online.

Thus the “antifascist” (mostly Jew or Jew-controlled) element can easily “take down” the aforesaid wastes of space, and (connected) types such as Katie Hopkins, and even Tommy Robinson (the only one of them with anything like a real offline following), simply by “taking down” their Internet service. These people (except, arguably, Tommy Robinson) are dependent entirely on their websites, blogs, vlogs and including online sales, for income.

Offline? Patriotic Alternative are slightly interesting, and I think that they are at least somewhat on the right track. The other little “movements” and “parties” are a waste of time and space. I have blogged about them previously here and there. If you use the search bar on this blog, you will find my comments about them made from time to time.

Anything or anyone else? Well, ex-BNP leader Nick Griffin is or seems to be partly on the right sort of track too, though I was forced to write critically recently about his support for Jayda Fransen and her “British Freedom Party”. His support for that frankly puzzles me.

There is space and indeed a necessity for a credible movement, which would include a political party, but one does not as yet exist. That movement would also include a gradual relocation by many to a few parts of the UK where forces can be concentrated. My views on this have frequently been blogged, and can be found below.

I have listened to the views of those who say that concentrating forces in such a way is a strategy of “running away”, and that we should “stand and fight”. Well, I would answer that by saying that

  1. There is a difference between strategic withdrawal and “running away”;
  2. One cannot “stand and fight” with no weapons and, even more importantly, no army!;
  3. The English cities are becoming majority non-white; yes only gradually, but surely all the same; by 2040, maybe even 2030, the UK cities and large towns will be basically non-white, and already show clear signs of that;
  4. Such a concentration of forces does not preclude activity in the main urban areas.

The next step must be to establish a tightly-controlled political movement, even if small. However, it must be credible and solid right from the start.

My previous blog posts on the overall subject, as applied to socio-politics in the UK of the present day:  https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2016/11/16/new-communities-in-england-and-wales-for-social-nationalists/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2018/07/17/how-would-the-safe-zone-become-a-germinal-ethnostate/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/10/22/why-should-people-relocate-to-the-safe-zone-of-the-germinal-ethnostate/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2018/07/10/getting-real-about-repatriation-creation-of-the-british-ethnostate/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/03/04/the-way-forward-for-social-nationalism-in-the-uk/amp/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2018/09/17/europe-will-soon-be-in-chaos-we-can-create-a-new-civilization-from-that/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2018/07/05/the-pressing-need-for-safe-zones-in-the-uk-and-across-europe/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/10/17/post-collapse-survival-preservation-of-civilization-and-culture/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2016/12/20/from-secure-base-to-national-power/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2016/11/24/concentration-of-resident-supporters-in-the-germinal-ethnostate/https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2016/11/10/fortress-centres-of-culture-and-science/.

Thoughts about wider issues but connected to the above are found here: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Tweets seen

Can that be true?! Could be a game-changer if it is. Imagine if Blair actually took over Labour again…he is completely controlled NWO/ZOG. Just in time for the next crucial year in the 33-year cycle— 2022.

Britain is riddled with enemies and traitors; they have to be rooted out.


A very significant graph.

Hello?! Is anyone in? Has anyone out there heard of “The Great Reset”? Has anyone heard of “The Great Replacement”? What about the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan? Or NWO? or ZOG?

This is not confined to the UK. It is a global “consensus” or conspiracy…

Matthew Parris had to be right about something, somewhen…

Get that…Humza Yousaf, “Scottish” Cabinet Secretary for, er, “Justice”…

This old blog
Even if I say so myself, this old blog post (from 1 September 2019) has worn quite well…https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/01/boris-johnson-a-kind-of-coup-detat-and-the-likely-early-general-election-thoughts/

Boris-idiot speaks…

Just listening to the clown presently posing as Prime Minister. Describing the latest illegitimate restrictions on the population. So some people, in some areas, are now to be actually prohibited from travelling overseas “except for work”. So that gives the wealthy business or parasite element a good get-out (as in “I have a business meeting in Marbella or Eilat, and will be using a private charter aircraft…).

In addition, Christmas and the New Year are now cancelled. “The Great Reset”…

From where does the (alleged) “new variant” of “the virus” come? China? Some secret laboratory? Was the existing virus strain designed that way, i.e. to mutate? Or is it a purely natural mutation, like strains of influenza? We do not know.

The bottom line is that the UK economy is going to tank. Still, “always look on the bright side of life”, and this could be the impetus, in 2021, for the formation of a real, and credible, social-national party.

For the welfare of the people is the highest law” [Cicero]

Interesting point

More tweets seen


Damn. For the first time since I started looking at these quiz questions on Saturday, John Rentoul beat me, having apparently scored 5/10, whereas I scored only 3/10 this week (though had I thought for a moment I would have scored a few extra…); my worst-ever score…I had no idea at all about questions 2, 6, and 7.

That alone will certainly not be enough, though it is good an sich.

Still think that those of us who have been talking about an upcoming private-public UK police state are wrong?

As I predicted some time ago, Sturgeon is using “the virus” to do “pretend-Independence” things. Closing borders unilaterally is the prerogative of a state, not a mere part of a state.

So? If the “Conservative” label fails and is voted out, the “Labour” label, equally (((controlled))) gets voted in, and very little changes…

Are we supposed to believe that that clown, “Boris”, is actually “in charge”? He is merely the puppet of powerful hidden forces.

Conspiracy theory

The very latest conspiracy theory— just made up…by me. The mutating virus was planned in advance (and/or new mutations are deliberately released) with aim of reducing world population drastically. Maybe newer and newer mutations will “emerge”, each succeeding one more lethal than those before it (the first one was/is not so lethal, having —supposedly— killed 1 in 1,400 people in the UK).

Well, the above is just a speculation and may not be so…

Late music

…and for those with purer musical tastes…

Diary Blog, 11 September 2020, including a few notes about Jayda Fransen and her new British Freedom Party

Tweets seen

Look below: the “caring sharing” multikulti dystopian police state storms into the home of a dissident…


Look at this (below)!

British nationalist politics: Jayda Fransen

I happened to see the tweet below by Nick Griffin:

I hate to criticize any British nationalists unless they are obviously either controlled opposition or completely degenerate, but what on Earth is Griffin talking about?!

I have never met Jayda Fransen, and have never had any contact with her, but if Griffin is correct that she is “head and shoulders above anyone else on the UK scene“, then I despair…

I am just watching the video in that tweet. Based on that video, Jayda Fransen is no less articulate than many System party MPs, but that is, frankly, not saying much.

I looked up Jayda Fransen on Wikipedia, but the entry about her is not very enlightening: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayda_Fransen. Wikipedia is (((infested))) and that comes out in its more “political” articles.

Jayda Fransen’s Wikipedia entry contains little about her as a person. No date or place of birth, no educational details, no family details.

I have now attempted to discover a few facts about her. If any readers have any further or better information, preferably verifiable, to add to what I have discovered, it can be left in the Comments section below.

It seems that Jayda Fransen was born in 1986, making her about 34.

In the video which I am now watching, Jayda Fransen refers to a time when she “practised law for many years“, presumably as a solicitor. Certainly I (who was a practising barrister) have never heard of any Jayda Fransen who was a barrister. I have just looked at the Bar Registry: no trace.

There is no trace of Jayda Fransen as a solicitor either, whether on the present roll of solicitors or on the record of struck-off former solicitors (see: Solicitors’ Regulation Authority website).

I did see this, https://www.allinlondon.co.uk/directory/solicitors/67054-martin-wilkinson, which indicates that at some point many years ago, Jayda Fransen was working for a “one-man band” solicitor, based in Forest Hill, South London and/or at Thamesmead in South East London. At that time she was apparently doing a correspondence course for a degree in law (LLB).

It is unarguable that merely working in a solicitor’s office is not “practising law” in normal English usage.

That Martin Wilkinson solicitor’s office is now, it seems, closed.

Conclusion: Jayda Fransen is not and never was a solicitor or barrister. Indeed, it is an open question whether she even has a law degree.

Jayda Fransen herself has only stood for election once, at the 2014 Rochester and Strood by-election, where she represented the Britain First party.

Britain First [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britain_First] was deregistered as a party able to contest elections in 2017: http://search.electoralcommission.org.uk/English/Registrations/PP2214

At the Rochester and Strood by-election, Jayda Fransen/Britain First came 9th out of 13 candidates. She received 56 votes out of 40,065. In percentage terms, very roughly 0.1% or slightly more. About 1 vote out of every 765; by any standard, a pathetic result. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Rochester_and_Strood_by-election#Result

Jayda Fransen’s new party is online https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/news but as far as I have been able to discover is as yet unregistered with the Electoral Commission.

The party’s name seems to have been used by another organization about a decade ago: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Freedom_Party. That party is not now in existence.

I have not been very impressed by the Jayda Fransen video which I have just seen. Muslims mentioned but no mention at all of the Jew-Zionist influence in the msm, or in politics, legal system, finance etc.

There was no attempt in the video to address the serious problems facing the UK and Europe, whether the problems are economic, racial, or cultural.

I could also do without the references to “Lefties”. That is Daily Mail or Sun-speak from the 1980s, and says nothing, really. I myself never use such meaningless terms as “Right”, “Left” etc. As for the frequent use of “Marxist”, that will convey little to most people, certainly to the bulk of the people.

Trump: why support that idiot? He is a parrot in a gilded cage, guarded by a troop of Jews. Even his son-in-law is a Jew!

She seems to have tattoos on her arms.

Jayda Fransen seems to be a pleasant enough person, not completely unintelligent either. I could agree with some of what she said in her video. However, speaking politically, she is a non-starter in my view, though I am not “opposed” to her as such, and at least she seems to have the energy to get out and do things, which itself distinguishes her.

I have read the “manifesto” of the new party; again, I can agree with much of it.

This is not the new movement that Britain needs.

[Update, same day: I have been sent the video below since I published the above assessment of Jayda Fransen:


Jayda Fransen when she was a leading member of the Britain First party, in Golders Green (North London) with Paul Golding, who is still its leader and, as I understand, Ms. Fransen’s ex-boyfriend.

Spouting nonsense about how wonderful the Jews are…

Absolutely naive, ridiculous and stupid. To choose between Islamists and the Jewish lobby is a false choice, for one thing. Apart from that, Ms. Fransen either is unaware of the effects of the negative influence of the Jew-Zionist element on race and culture in the UK, in Europe, in the world, or thinks it acceptable.

I was willing to be favourable, in principle, to this new British Freedom Party, or at least even-handed, but I have seen and heard enough now. In the formula of Dragons’ Den, “I’m out“!

What on Earth is Nick Griffin playing at?]

[Update, 14 October 2021: since the above was written, Jayda Fransen stood as candidate at the July 2021 by-election at Batley and Spen. The result was that Labour just held on against the Conservative Party, with George Galloway coming in a fairly strong third. As for Jayda Fransen, she came in 15th out of 16 candidates. Her 50 votes (out of 37,695) represented 0.13% of turnout. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Batley_and_Spen_by-election#Result. Point proven, I think…].

[Update, 16 February 2023: in the past year or so, Jayda Fransen has stood for election twice more (as Independent), at Southend West and at Wakefield. In the latter she scored 0.1% of the votes cast, meaning that 23 voters voted for her. At Southend, she did better, scoring 2% (229 votes) but the Labour, LibDem and even Reform UK parties did not stand: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayda_Fransen#Westminster_by-elections

I blogged about both results at the time: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/26/diary-blog-26-january-2022-with-a-few-thoughts-about-southend-on-sea-and-the-southend-west-by-election/;



The “British Freedom Party” seems to have sunk without trace, though there have been a few msm (Judenpresse) reports about it: see https://www.sundayworld.com/news/northern-ireland-news/british-freedom-party-leader-jayda-fransen-hounds-her-followers-to-pay-for-her-sick-dog/114851710.html].

More tweets seen




Filthy creatures.




I have seen nothing about Katie Hopkins in the msm since she was expelled from Twitter, though she is still on YouTube and Facebook. At present she herself is in the USA.

As I have blogged previously, the “alt-Right” put all its lucrative eggs in one basket— social media. Take that away (at the clamour of “antifa” idiots and the Jews behind them) and they have nothing on which to fall back; no political parties, no street armies, no armed cadres. Without social media, they just fade away.

Look at “Prison Planet” Watson. His quite popular rants against the migration invasion, the “virus” fear propaganda etc, are fine as far as they go, but (like Ms. Hopkins) he puts forward no political programme. A megaphone with little behind it. Also like Ms. Hopkins, he never defended —as far as I have seen— those who have actually been suffering for years in the cause of free speech in the UK, meaning, inter alia, me, Alison Chabloz, Jez Turner etc.

Both Katie Hopkins and Paul Joseph Watson make a big song and dance about being pro-Jew and pro-Israel. That puts them in the “useless” category as far as I am concerned. You can add Breitbart, “Milo”, “Sargon of Akkad”, Tommy Robinson and many others to the same list, then chuck it in the bin.

More tweets seen




I am not so sure that the picture matches the sentiment, though!


Again, I sympathize with the statement, but for me the earlier building is almost as unaesthetic as the newer one (which Prince Charles criticized when it was in the planning stage).




I have blogged about this in the last few years. Huge change and upheaval is coming to our world.






‘Nuff said…

The poster shown above is symptomatic of the “new Britain” which is not worth defending but eminently worth replacing: a mixed-race woman, of child-bearing age, wearing a mask-muzzle, and both propagandizing and socially-intimidating the public, all under the “caring-sharing” NHS banner…


If the UK is now acceptedly not a democracy (even a Parliamentary one), not under valid law, not even under competent administration, then anything is justified by way of resistance.

A cultural revolution, indeed at first a cultural purge, is the most necessary revolutionary action in the UK. The mass media is sick and rotten to the core, the worst of all being the BBC. There has to be a wholesale purge of mass media personnel. Press, online outlets, TV, radio etc. TV is the worst. Harsh measures are necessary.

While I do not accept the mainstream narrative re. the overall causation of climate change, a change is in some form happening. The major problem that the world has is that there are too many people, and that really means too many black, brown and yellow people: persons of African and Asian descent, mainly. Numbers. Percentages too.

I have blogged previously about this whole ecological question and surrounding matters: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/

Zionist and “Antifa” activities contra free speech

The tweet below shows how the Zionist lobby, via the “antifa” “useful idiots” is engaging in a “deplatforming” strategy.

The above tweet refers to events in the USA, but applies to the UK and mainland Europe to an equal extent.

It is clear that, for social nationalists, online activism, though good and useful, is not enough. Do not be dependent on it, or on funds from it. As for those enemies intent on taking away your rights, you cannot oppose them effectively just by tweeting, leaving messages on Facebook or, for that matter, writing a blog.

Late music

The most brilliant staging of it that I have ever seen.

The Day The Labour Party Committed Suicide

Introduction and background

Today, the Labour Party committed suicide. It decided both that it is going to back a “second Referendum” or “people’s vote”, and that it will be supporting Remain in that vote. In other words, the 2016 EU Referendum result will be dishonoured and quite possibly overturned if Labour has its way.

I have been predicting this System move for a long time; in fact, my first opinion published after the EU Referendum itself was that the Remain side, which is basically the System’s preferred side, would try every method to overturn the Referendum result. After all, the EU has “form” in this regard, making numerous countries re-take referenda which came up with the “wrong” result, even refusing to deal with governments which contained the “wrong” type of elected politician (in Portugal and Austria etc in the past).

The idea (held by most Remain whiners) that the EU is some kind of “democratic” and “liberal” entity is completely naive. The EU was set up by or under the influence of the sinister Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi


and it forms part of the world conspiracy-domination matrix that also includes the USA-centred “New World Order” or NWO.



Part of that is the so-called “Great Replacement”, effectively the replacement of the white Northern European peoples by those of other race (blacks and browns etc) and those, in the future, of mixed-race, the outcome of mass immigration into Europe.

My view, published numerous times in these blog pages, has been that the System in the UK and EU would delay Brexit, try to keep Britain in the EU by means of various strategems, or if necessary, to give the UK a “deal” which would effectively be “Brexit In Name Only” (BRINO). Ideally, remaining or BRINO would then be falsely validated by a “second Referendum” under such name as “People’s Vote” or “confirmatory” referendum. So it seems to be happening. I did wonder how long Corbyn himself could sit on the fence.

The possibly deliberate mishandling of the post-2016 Brexit process by the Conservative Party government has now led to the position in which the pro-Remain majority in the House of Commons is determined that the UK will not leave the EU on a “no-deal” (WTO) basis.

I despise Boris Johnson as a politician: he is a charlatan and mountebank, to use old terms, and I have very little faith that he will honour his “pledge” to take the UK out of the EU on 31 October 2019 “if necessary”. However, it is possible that, to save his own skin, if he cannot persuade the Commons to accept a “deal” similar to that the EU offered Theresa May, that Boris Johnson will either cave in to the demand for a second referendum or will appeal over the heads of the parties to the electorate, and hold a general election in an effort to strengthen his hand. A gambler’s gamble.

Alternatively, Johnson may be sidelined quite soon by a no-confidence vote, which will either mean a general election or even his replacement without general election by someone else, presumably Jeremy Hunt. The British Constitution is so vague, relying as it does on a few sentences in Bagehot etc, that that would not, stricto sensu, be unconstitutional.

Labour in a general election

Labour received nearly 13 million votes at the 2017 General Election, 40% of the votes cast. In terms of percentage, that was Labour’s best since Tony Blair in both 2001 and 1997, and before that, Harold Wilson in 1970 (Labour scored over 40% in every general election from 1945 to 1970).


When it comes to House of Commons seats, however, it is a different story. In 2017, Corbyn-Labour won 262 seats with its 40% vote, not much better than the 258 seats won by Gordon Brown’s Labour in 2010, when the Labour vote-share was only 29.1%. In 2001, Tony Blair-Labour won 413 seats on a vote-share of 40.7%.

I think that something more is going on here than just the “glorious uncertainty” and illogicality of the UK First Past The Post and eccentric boundaries electoral system. It is clear that the Labour vote is becoming ever-more concentrated in fewer and fewer constituencies.

Harold Wilson in 1974 (twice), James Callaghan in 1979, and Neil Kinnock in 1987 and 1992, all scored well below 40% in general elections, yet ended up with more seats, considerably more, than Labour won in 2017.

As stated above, it is believed that, out of Labour’s nearly 13M voters in 2017, perhaps 3.5M, though perhaps as high as 4M, had voted Leave in 2016. In other words, about or around 70% of Labour voters voted Remain.


However, about 61% of Labour constituencies voted Leave.


The inference is plain: not only are most Labour voters generally clustered in a relatively small number of constituencies, but the number of 2017 majority Labour-voting constituencies that also had a majority for Remain is even smaller, somewhere around 100.

Labour as a party has been growing distant from its roots, from its core vote, for decades. The industrial proletariat is virtually non-existent, replaced by the “precariat”, economically insecure, politically both apathetic and volatile. The trade unions, though often still linked to Labour, are likewise almost without importance now, all but powerless to help employed persons much, and focussed on “diversity”, “equality”, anti-racism” etc and on ever-more convoluted codes of conduct, politically-correct nonsense, and on support for mass immigration.

As I have commented previously, the Labour “core vote” is now not really the English and Welsh (or Scottish) “working classes”, but the post-1945 immigrants and their offspring and, after them, the public service workers generally, as well as most of the unemployed and/or disabled persons reliant on State benefits.

There are many many seats in the North of England particularly which were rock-solid Labour but which are now less-solid Labour, or are marginal. These are areas which voted Leave, where the English majority (in some cases now, minority) are sick of mass immigration, of cultural decay, of crime and lawlessness, of the patronizing callousness of the self-regarding and self-described “elite” in the msm and Westminster and in the City of London.

A recent opinion poll put Labour on only 18%. Critics said that that was an “outlier” and (perfectly true) that another poll the same week put Labour on 25%. My feeling and view is that Labour will struggle to get even 30% in any general election, i.e. where Labour was in 2017. The big question is where that 30% will be.

Labour’s new unambiguous Remain stance will alienate anyone who regards Brexit (not just Brexit, but the bundle of issues around Brexit) as important. That could be a third of 2015/2017 Labour voters, and particularly in the more marginal seats.

Fortunately for Labour, it looks as though Brexit Party will cripple the Conservative vote nationally. However, Labour too is on thin ice. There is every chance that the new Remain policy will rob Labour of the formerly solid seats in the North.

The Conservatives will fight the next general election against three enemies, but Labour will also be fighting against at least two (Brexit Party being one) in formerly safe seats.

Labour may gain votes in its new core areas, among the blacks, browns, public service people and millennials of London and elsewhere, but at the cost of traditional Labour areas of the North etc. They will not vote Conservative, but might vote Brexit Party out of pure anger. Beware.

If Labour’s new voters are fickle or volatile (as I think that many are), Labour will have lost formerly solid support in exchange for what could be fair-weather votes, leaving Labour, somewhere down the line, with next to nothing.

At present, I still think that Labour might be the largest party after a general election, if held this year or next (the Conservatives are all but on their knees) but I have the feeling that, looking at the medium term (from 2022), Labour has just committed suicide.

Update, 21 September 2019

…from the Independent, “reporting” on beach patrols at Dover; all too typical of the sort of persons now prominent in “Labour” and what is left of the trade unions:

Riccardo La Torre, firefighter and Eastern Region Secretary of the Fire Brigade Union, branded the coast patrol “despicable” and said: “These have-a-go, racist vigilantes have no place in any kind of enforcement or emergency activities and will only serve to make conditions and tensions worse.”

“These groups claim to be the voice of the working class, but now they want to act as an arm of the authorities by patrolling beaches to apprehend struggling working-class people desperately trying to get to safety.

So “Riccardo La Torre” (que?), a regional secretary of the Fire Brigade Union, thinks that migrant invaders from Africa and the Middle East are “working class people”, who are “trying to get to safety”?!

Safety from, er, France? There you have in a nutshell, the craziness that is much of “Labour” now. Alien migrant-invaders are “working class people”, who should be allowed to occupy the UK at will (and be subsidized too)! Note the fag-end “Marxism”, trying to shoehorn the facts into some 1980s polytechnic back-of-postcard Marxism-Leninism.


Disordered and Infantile People

I am moved to write this by a couple of stimuli. First of all by a UK Labour Party National Executive Committee delegate (I think on the NEC as “youth” representative) to some recent conference in Cuba, and who said something like how wonderful it was to be in a country which showed how real socialism worked.

The second impetus came from an interview I heard on BBC World Service radio: an interview with an “artist” of whom I had never heard, called Tania Bruguera. Apparently, her father had been a Cuban diplomat and politician, and had actually handed her over aged 7 (or maybe I misheard and it was 17) to the security police with the statement that she had said anti-“Fidel” things and that the security police should do with her what they liked. She now says that that was a result of the Cuban system of selfish save-your-own-neck denunciation (rather than her own father being a complete shit, which is what she probably really thinks).

I looked up her “art” (“installations”, “performance art” etc). Unimpressed. To me, it looks like talentless rubbish. Having said that, she has the right to do it, which right is not accepted in Cuba. She is allowed to travel fairly freely. These days, she gets hassled and threatened, at times arrested, though not simply shot or chucked into a concentration camp or prison, which is what might have happened in the 1960s or 1970s.

There is the nagging feeling that Corbyn and many around him actually view states such as Cuba, 1980s Nicaragua, or even the Venezuela of recent years as success stories. I have previously blogged about Corbyn’s almost fossilized politics and policies, as well as his friendly or supportive attitude towards Cuba:


As regular readers of this blog will know, I am not totally hostile to Corbyn and at least some of his supporters (vis a vis the misnamed “Conservatives”), inasmuch as the Corbynists want to create a more equitable society in the UK, want to control or remove the Jewish-Zionist influence which has been so pervasive since about 1989, want people to have decent health, housing, social security etc. The devil, however, is in the detail.

The intellectual inconsistency of many of the Corbynists is shown by the fact that while they oppose Jewish exploitation of and behaviour toward the Palestinian Arabs, they ignore the same pattern when Jews exploit British, German or French (or Russian!) people; they also often still unthinkingly parrot “holocaust” propaganda. Corbyn and John McDonnell are themselves prime examples.

Another example: Most people accept that, in any market economy, more labour available means lower unit labour cost. Many of the Corbyn-Labour people disagree. They say that mass immigration makes no real difference to pay, even at the lower levels. Employers are to blame for exploiting employees and government is to blame for not simply setting a high minimum pay level. Faced with that kind of economic illiteracy, one tends to shake head and refuse to argue. Those people, though, genuinely think that all that has to be done for paradise to descend is for the State to lay down and enforce pay levels and, indeed, price levels.

Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said, many years ago, that one can have a welfare state, and one can have open borders (and consequent mass immigration), but one cannot have both. When will Labour MPs and members wake up to this?

While there is room for relatively minor tinkering with pay and prices (minimum pay, enforced cheap prices in targeted areas such as public transport etc, even Basic Income —which I favour—), for the State to overwhelm the economic sphere is to invite the economic paralysis that caused even Cuba (and, famously, 1980s China) to introduce quasi-free market reforms, as indeed did Lenin himself in the Soviet Union, via his New Economic Policy of the 1920s. Complete State control of the economy leads to shortages or even economic collapse, as we see in Venezuela. I do not see much understanding of these truths in Corbyn or McDonnell.

It is in relation to mass immigration that we see the madness most obviously. In a sense, this is unsurprising. Polls have shown for some years that Labour is mainly voted for by the “blacks and browns”, in the sense that the one demographic which is very pro-Labour is that of the ethnic minorities (except the Jews, who hate Corbyn’s anti-Zionist tendencies).

I should not let anyone reading this go away under the misapprehension that I “prefer” the Conservatives to Labour. I oppose both main System parties, and Labour is at least (in parts, in some senses) anti-Zionist now. I also despise what the Conservatives have done since 2010 to trash society. However, anyone who thinks that Labour is a real alternative need only look at the total deadheads around Corbyn. Look at Diane Abbott, Dawn Butler (both of whom might well be Cabinet ministers under a Corbyn prime ministership!), or the recently disgraced MPs Kate Osamor and Fiona Onasanya (the latter will almost certainly be in prison soon). Not only blacks, by the way: Angela Rayner, for example, would probably be a Cabinet minister under a Corbyn government. Words start to fail…

I favour Labour over Conservative not because I imagine that Labour’s idiots are actually able to operate a government, but because

  • Corbyn and many of his supporters are now fighting directly against Zionism here in the UK, not merely in the Middle East; and
  • a weak government under Corbyn can lay the ground for social nationalism.


The title of this blog post of course refers back to the 1920 Leninist pamphlet usually referred to as Left-Wing Communism, An Infantile Disorder [Детская болезнь “левизны” в коммунизме], perhaps more accurately translated as The Children’s Illness, “Leftism”, in Communism. However, in using the words “infantile” and “disordered” to refer to some aspects of “Corbynism”, or some people in Corbyn-Labour, I do so advisedly…









Further Thought, 2 January 2019

I thought to include a few examples. Here’s one. Stupid enough to state on UK TV that she is “literally a Communist”! Hardy ha ha…but note that her absurd statement did not make her a pariah, despite the hugely bloodstained history of Communism/Socialism. Now what if she had said that she was “literally a National Socialist”? Hm…Ash Sarkar’s statement did not prevent her from continuing to write for major newspapers occasionally, and also to appear on TV from time to time. The Jewish influence over the mass media is right in front of us, and in the case of TV, “literally”!

Check out her Twitter profile!

“Ash Sarkar


Senior Editor . Literature bore. Anarcho-fabulous. Muslim. THFC. Walks like a supermodel. Fucks like a champion. Luxury communism now!

Here is her Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ash_Sarkar which, unbelievably, states that she “lectures in global politics at Anglia Ruskin University” [former Anglia Polytechnic].

Wikipedia adds that “Sarkar’s great-great-aunt, Pritilata Waddedar, was a Bengali nationalist and an active participant in armed struggle against the British Empire in 1930s BengalHer grandmother is a hospital carer…Her mother is a social worker who was an anti-racist and trade union activist in the 1970s and 1980s. Sarkar’s mother helped “organise marches…

“The Times has described her as “Britain’s loudest Corbynista“…and Dazed magazine said she is one of “the voices resetting the political agenda in the UK”.” [Wikipedia]

Basically, an enemy of the British people.

and take a look, or rather listen, to one “Liz from Leeds”, whose incredibly naive and just plain wrong (inaccurate, ahistorical) idea of, inter alia, “why Soviet socialism failed” is actually unintentionally funny. “Novara Media” (the collective of Corbyn supporters Ash Sarkar, Aaron Bastani etc) tweeting that “Liz from Leeds” was correct! [the black woman shown is the TV show presenter]

Hey, “Liz from Leeds”! If you ever read this, I saw the cartoon below and thought of you!


As for Ash Sarkar, she is not universally respected, even on Twitter! See below…




Update, 4 January 2019

More criticism via Twitter…


and here is another idiot, Hevreziya-Something, attempting to sound like a real “Communist” (who thinks that he –sounds more like she, but apparently not– can be “Anarchist” and –a male–“Feminist”, and a “Populist” etc all at the same time!…oh, and an economist…once he has finished school, that is, though he claims to have been commenting for years; age does not preclude political infantilism, I suppose)


he offers political advice in the tweet below, which made me laugh out loud (the bit about a General Strike in UK and USA, but the first tweet is also amusingly naive):




Well, I think that I shall draw a veil over that particular “Communist/Anarchist/Populist” now! He/she probably has to go and wash its hair or something…

The trouble is that there are literally thousands of people, maybe hundreds of thousands, quite as stupid. Most support Labour. Many, such as Ash Sarkar and the Hevreziya-someone tweeter, above, are of non-European origin, but there are many others, such as the Englishwoman tweeting below, calling herself “Countess Helen Nonny Nay” [since this blog post was written, altered to Cringing Peasant Helen Nonny Nay], who thinks that white British families who want a better life should just “fuck off” as the UK welcomes the dregs of Africa and Asia to our shores…

Actually, the sad thing is that some of these people have their hearts sort-of in the right place in some respects— animal welfare, a better society, anti-Jew-Zionism (though most are still brainwashed by the “holocaust” scam/myth). The white Northern European ones would support social-nationalism were they not so indoctrinated and silly.

Update, 6 January 2019

Another idiot, Laurie Penny, who was at one time on TV occasionally (like Owen Jones), until even msm people realized that (like Owen Jones) she is pretty much a one-trick pony…






Do these people, the Owen Jones’s, the Laurie Penny’s etc, realize that their intolerance (yes, their intolerance) might one day not only bring society (the Social Contract) crashing down, but bring down the skies on their own little worlds? I doubt it.


but then, the resistance…



Marxism-Leninism as a political force was destroyed or ebbed away to nothing by 1989 and a host of (other) devils have rushed in to fill the vacuum…


In the end, a complete cleansing of UK (and world) society will have to take place.

Further Update, 6 January 2019

I happened to see the photo below, a kind of “family portrait”: Ash Sarkar and Aaron Bastani in what is perhaps a room designed with reference to either “luxury Communism” or tasteless tat. You decide…


Below, Andrew Neil nails Ken Livingstone on Venezuela…

Not that everything said by Ash Sarkar (or Aaron Bastani) is wrong. This, below, is right (because grounded in reality, not incorrect theory):

What Ash Sarkar and her ilk cannot accept, if only because it might imply that they themselves should clear out of the UK, is that mass immigration is, ultimately, “white genocide” by replacement of real British (i.e. white) people by blacks, browns and others.

Here we see some reaction to Ash Sarkar’s and Owen Jones’s doormatting for the Jewish lobby…


More recently

Seems that “someone” sees a vacancy in the msm-approved “licensed Bolshevik” slot previously occupied by Owen Jones (usually by Owen Jones; sometimes Laurie Penny or others). That way, the msm can say, “look! We are open to all shades of opinion, even radical and revolutionary ones!”, while in fact only inviting the kind of people who are in reality completely harmless to the ZOG/NWO System. Non-white or Jewish faux-rebels. White social-nationalists are, of course, banned…

Update, 20 July 2019

A late entrant, a comedienne (for the brainwashed, that’s “comedian”, apparently…), of whom I have never heard but who I am sure is very proud to have 130K Twitter followers (and I am sure at least a few dozen regularly read her tweets…). She believes in “anti-fascist action” and intimidating anyone standing up for free speech.


and, quelle surprise, she has been contracted at various times for those present gravediggers of culture, Channel 4 (usually a gravedigger) and the BBC (sometimes a gravedigger).


Update, 21 September 2019

…from the Independent, reporting on beach patrols at Dover; all too typical of the sort of persons now prominent in “Labour” and what is left of the trade unions:

Riccardo La Torre, firefighter and Eastern Region Secretary of the Fire Brigade Union, branded the coast patrol “despicable” and said: “These have-a-go, racist vigilantes have no place in any kind of enforcement or emergency activities and will only serve to make conditions and tensions worse.”

“These groups claim to be the voice of the working class, but now they want to act as an arm of the authorities by patrolling beaches to apprehend struggling working-class people desperately trying to get to safety.

So “Riccardo La Torre” (que?), a regional secretary of the Fire Brigade Union, thinks that migrant invaders from Africa and the Middle East are “working class people”, who are “trying to get to safety”?!

Safety from, er, France? There you have in a nutshell, the craziness that is much of “Labour” now. Alien migrant-invaders are “working class people”, who should be allowed to occupy the UK at will (and be subsidized too)!

Note particularly the fag-end “Marxism”, trying to shoehorn the facts into some 1980s polytechnic back-of-postcard Marxism-Leninism.