Tag Archives: HMRC

Diary Blog, 19 March 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Talking point

Simplistic, of course, but largely true all the same.


My crowdfunder rose overnight to £180, not bad in view of the fact that I cannot publicize it on social media (I having no such accounts), and also that it has only been running for 3-4 days.

Incidentally, if anyone can share the link on Twitter/X, Facebook etc, I should be grateful. https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

The official Court notification arrived today. The total amount of “costs” and “surcharge” comes to slightly less than I thought— £714, so we have already raised a quarter of that sum, thanks to the four generous souls who have donated so far. Thank all of you.

Two other crowdfunders I have favoured are also still running: Sam Melia/Laura Towler at https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia, and Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) at https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportSven.

Tweets seen

French…“? As Private Eye magazine used to say, “shome mishtake, shurely?”

NATO is losing experienced soldiers due to the low attractiveness of military service Against the backdrop of the Ukrainian conflict, NATO troops are faced with a personnel shortage.

This is not so much about recruiting new recruits, but about retaining soldiers and officers who are already in service, writes Politico. European countries that rely on professional militaries are trying to make their armed forces more attractive. But this is difficult to achieve in times of low unemployment, fierce competition from the private sector and widespread use of remote work, the publication explains.

A recent report presented in the German parliament showed that 1,537 soldiers left the Bundeswehr in 2023. In addition to increasing layoffs, the German army has to deal with dilapidated infrastructure, the repair of which could cost about €50 billion, Politico notes.

French Minister of the Armed Forces Sebastien Lecornu admitted that the difficulty of “retaining” personnel exists in many allied countries. Paris and some other NATO members hope to stimulate the military with higher salaries and social guarantees, the article notes. Money does play a significant role in keeping people in the military. But the problem is that the conditions of service in NATO armies are not that attractive. After all, chronic overtime, the inability to get home for many months and a lack of days off are commonplace there, Politico emphasizes.

If NATO were to stop interfering in Ukraine, the Middle East, and elsewhere, that shortage of personnel would not even be a problem. Meanwhile, almost all NATO states are suffering from non-European migration-invasion, and no amount of new or old soldiers will stop that, because the NWO-ZOG political leadership is encouraging mass immigration into the European space.

The former chief of the Polish General Staff said that Ukraine’s losses are estimated at “millions, not hundreds of thousands.”

More than 10 million people are missing. According to my estimates, losses should be in the millions, not hundreds of thousands. The country has no resources, no one to fight. Ukrainians are losing this war,” said Raimund Andrzejczak in an interview with Polsat News.

As I have been saying for a long time…

2024 may see a general advance by Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine. It is an open question whether the Stavka and Putin will await the 2024 UK and US elections. If there is any pause (which I doubt), 2025 will surely bring victory over the Kiev regime.

More music

Talking point

The above is a National Front political poster from, I think, the early or mid 1970s. I just saw it on Twitter/X.

So were they right or not, looking at the UK in 2024?

The voting masses, though, were indifferent. They were more interested in televised sporting contests, “talent” shows, “soaps”, Royal gossip etc. Plus ca change

More tweets seen

Looking at it from the other side, were they basically right or not? Almost all of that (the Common Market and IRA bits are otiose now, arguably) would make a pretty good electoral appeal in 2024, about half a century later.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ade_Adepitan; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ade_Adepitan#Personal_life


Possibly the best-run community in ANC-misruled South Africa.

Big cat.

Putin’s cat?

Ayesha Hazarika too, I see.

This is Britain today.

A woman of Indian Muslim origins, who worked for a few years as a press office bod at the Department of Trade and Industry, was not very successful over about 4 years as a part-time stand-up comic, and who came second in a TV stand-up comedy talent contest.

That underwhelming career somehow morphed into her “advising” some of the leading figures in the Labour Party 2007-2015. How? Why?

By 2016, Ayesha Hazarika had picked up an MBE, been proposed but not confirmed for nomination for a peerage, was somehow inescapable on msm TV and radio politics shows for several years and, after having been vocally anti-Corbyn, was nominated for a peerage by Israel-puppet Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, finally being elevated to the (now surely totally devalued) House of Lords in 2024, at the age of 48. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayesha_Hazarika,_Baroness_Hazarika

As can be seen, the common thread through that career, certainly after 2007, seems to have been the “usual” lobby…

That is the kind of individual now making law in the UK.

I have seen Ayesha Hazarika a number of times on TV, though quite a few years ago. I never heard her say anything of interest, as far as I can recall.

“Prepping” in the vast spaces of North America, or Russia, is very different than prepping in the western or central European geographic, social, and law enforcement environment. I have blogged a bit about the subject in previous years and my thoughts can be found via the search box on the blog, or via the appropriate links on the sidebar.

[please note that the tweet to which the above tweet refers was deleted].

Police officers in Scotland are being given training to target social media posts, including re-tweets, of material deemed “threatening and abusive.”

Under the county’s new hate crime law, actors and comedians are not given a free pass to make jokes about sensitive subjects that offend people, either. The new training provided to officers, which was leaked to The Herald, requires police officers to go after anyone who produces material deemed “threatening and abusive,” which can also be communicated through “public performance of a play.”

Under the new hate crime law, people who make fun of or misgender trans people, make racial jokes or criticisms of certain religions, or criticize migrants can be prosecuted.

“The different ways in which a person may communicate material to another person are by: displaying, publishing or distributing the material, for example on a sign, on the internet through websites, blogs, podcasts, social media etc., either directly, or by forwarding or repeating material that originates from a third party, through printed media such as magazine publications or leaflets.”

The hate crime law goes on to state that “giving, sending, showing, or playing the material to another person” listing examples such as “through online streaming, by email, playing a video, through public performance of a play.” So repeat a joke you heard online, or show someone a spicy meme or commentary of a transgender person or mass migration on your livestream, and, and you too will be arrested. Source: The Herald.”

Well, if Elon Musk chances upon my blog, he can see that I have a crowdfunder to pay the costs and penalty imposed upon me last week as a consequence of my conviction for exercizing my non-existent free speech rights in the UK.

So, Monsieur Musk, should you happen to have your debit card at hand, a thousand pounds would be very nice; or, should you be in a particularly generous (and far-sighted) mood, about £10M would allow me to buy a suitable estate in the southwest of the UK as a base for a clustering of social-national individuals and communities.


The point being, though, that many pro-immigration, as well as “pro-Israel” and “antifascist” individuals are not sane: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

Ha. However, that photo must be a fake, combining two real photos: Downing Street is in Westminster (as is shown), not in the City of London. Amusing, though.

Quite. Look at that piece earlier on today’s blog about Ayesha Hazarika. Never elected to anything, not even as a local councillor, yet now she sits in the House of Lords, posing as a “baroness”, and will be legislating as of now. No doubt when Labour’s “elected” dictatorship happens (later this year), she will be appointed to some role or other, perhaps even to a ministerial position. “Democracy”?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

…and even more in 2024…

From the newspapers


HMRC has sparked fury by announcing it will permanently close tax helplines for six months and let 100 customer service staff work a three-day week over the summer.

Taxpayers will not be able to call the tax office for help with their returns from April 8 until September 30, HM Revenue and Custom has today announced.

The move comes just weeks after the Commons Public Accounts Committee of MPs condemned HMRC’s customer service for hitting an ‘all-time low’.

New figures showed how almost 1million calls went unanswered in January – typically the busiest month of the year for the service, with taxpayers rushing to file for self-assessment tax returns without triggering fines for lateness.”

Jesus H. Christ…does anything work properly in this country any more?!

Having said that, when I had (historical) tax problems and had to engage with the Revenue, well over a decade ago, especially in 2010-2011, I was quite frankly amazed to see how utterly shambolic the HMRC “service” actually was. It’s an overused term, but it was “Kafka-esque” to a degree I would not have believed had I not experienced it myself.

So now it is actually worse? Hard to believe. The one comfort I have from that very stressful period many years ago is that, soon after I got off the hook, and during the Cameron-Levita/Osborne “austerity” programme, most if not all of the HMRC staff that had harassed and annoyed me, and created problems for me, lost their jobs. Suck on that…

Still, all’s well that ends well…my income is now so low that the shambles of administration in that “service” need not concern me. My problems with “the taxman” were settled to my satisfaction in 2012.

Late tweets seen

Eight men have been sentenced over their involvement in violent disorder after trouble flared at a hotel housing asylum seekers. The court had heard there was “ill feeling” in the area following a video on social media which appeared to show an asylum seeker asking a 15-year-old girl for her phone number and for a kiss. Violence broke out outside the Suites Hotel in Knowsley, Merseyside, last year which was providing temporary accommodation for asylum seekers.

Brian McPadden, 61, of Kirkby, was jailed for three years and six months at Liverpool Crown Court.

There were gasps from the public gallery as he was jailed. Thomas Mills, 47, who brought a banner to the protest urging people to shout to get the asylum seekers out, was sentenced to two years and eight months.

Paul Lafferty, 42, was handed the same sentence while Jonjo O’Donoghue, 21, of Liverpool, was sentenced to three years and six months in a young offenders institution. Former British Army soldier Liam Jones was sentenced to 27 months while John Tippler, 59, was jailed for two years.

Warren Cullen, who was on a community order at the time of the protest, was jailed for 20 months. The judge gave Harry Boynton a 16-month suspended sentence along with 200 hours of unpaid work.

From what I heard many times in the 1870s, 1980s, Durban was a really beautiful city. After 30 years of African rule, or misrule, look at it…

And storms are roaring in their race

From sea to land, and land to sea,

Their raging forms a fierce embrace,

All round, of deepest energy.

The lightning’s devastations blaze

Along the thunder’s crashing way;

Yet, Lord, your messengers keep praising

The gentle movement of your day.”

[Goethe, Faust, The Prologue in Heaven]

There is a gradually building momentum across the world: Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, and even in Europe; something big building, as when a huge wave starts to swell offshore. It has not yet crashed onto that shore, but it will crash, with huge inevitability, and huge consequences.

Crowdfunder: thank you

Thank you, those who donated today, and all those who have donated to help me and the fight for freedom and justice.


Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 8 February 2023, with some musings on China, Russia, and Europe

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

A reference to play-Bolshevik Owen Jones. Herewith my assessment from 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

China, Russia and Europe


We are sliding towards a situation in which the Western powers may find themselves in direct conflict, meaning war, with Russia. I have blogged about the madness of that, which is being driven mainly by secret cabals and ruling circles in the West. The Jewish element is prominent, as it was before other senseless (but for “certain types” very profitable) wars, such as the First and Second World Wars.

Let us pray that the next secretly-planned war does not happen. I want to examine briefly what would happen later, if any such conflict were to happen.

Were a truly major war to happen between the NWO powers and Russia, if that war went nuclear and no matter who might claim “victory”, the fact is that that would leave China in a position of world supremacy.

It might be said that China today is a massive regional military power, but already a world economic superpower. That position mirrors that of the USA between the end of the American Civil War (1864) and the entry of the USA into the Second World War in 1941 (some may argue earlier, when the USA entered the First World War in 1917, but I prefer 1941).

Until 1941, the American economic leadership of the world had not been translated into military reach worldwide. China is now in a similar position.

True, the American economy is still —arguably— in first place, if not exactly triumphant but, before the Second World War, the European economies also held sway over much of the world, exercising that power via the European empires— British, French, Dutch, and the smaller ones: Italian, Spanish etc, the German Empire having been broken up and given to others after the post-1918 Versailles Conference.

In 1939, the USA was the challenger or upstart power, but today its own world power is challenged, not by Russia but by China, which was, until the fall of socialism in 1989, of relatively little importance.

Incidentally, the fall of socialism happened in China too, though it was disguised in form. The form remained, but the content changed.

Now look at China! Its military and naval power is still regional rather than that of a true superpower, but for how long?

If there is a war between Russia and the Western powers, China will pick up the pieces, first of all in Russia.

Russia has had a demographic problem for decades, even before the fall of socialism in 1989 (officially, in Russia, 1991). Average death of men before age 60, women somewhat later and, together with that, the very low birthrate.

Chinese people have been gradually infiltrating into the former Soviet Far East and Eastern Siberia for over 30 years; traders, farmers etc. Even now, the borders of Russia are secure not through Russian power but because China prefers not to use its power. Not yet, that is.

In Western Europe and including the UK, the Chinese influence becomes ever stronger, inflated by the mass immigration that we have seen and continue to see. The “Boris”-idiot government invited 5 million Hong Kong Chinese to settle in the UK. That dwarfs the cross-Channel migration-invasion.

It might be argued that Chinese immigrants (especially from Hong Kong) are “useful” as opposed to the Albanians, Somalis and Afghans etc coming across the Channel in small boats. Perhaps so; little or no argument on that, but such vast numbers as in the projected Hong Kong influx have an influence on society which cannot be denied.

I want the European peoples to join with the Russian people to form the foundation for a later super-race. That cannot happen easily if Europe and Russia are flooded with other peoples, whether the blacks and browns now flooding Europe, or an even more enormous Chinese influx.

Having said that, one could perhaps see some advantages to an overall Chinese rule over Russia and Europe, if limited in time especially. The Jew-Zionist influence would be cut back or destroyed, for one thing. Also, there would be a curtailing of American influence generally across Europe. The Chinese could not rule directly over all of Eurasia; they would have to appoint suitable national satraps. Perhaps here is where— or rather how— social-nationalism can finally rise up again over Europe.

Russia was ruled by its own Imperial power, then by (mainly Jew-engendered) Sovietism. Those are now both now merely passages in Russian and world history. Russia was forced to its knees in the 1990s, and “Putinism” is quite clearly merely (and like Yelstsin’s shambolic, corrupt, and largely Jewish-owned society of the 1990s) a transitional phase.

Look at the embarrassing and bloody fiasco in Ukraine, a product of the ill-discipline, corruption, and disorder in, not only the Russian Army and GRU, but in Russian society itself.

Ukraine should have and could have been taken over swiftly, and almost bloodlessly.

The worm in Russian society, eating it from within, is not new. It has existed for hundreds of years. It existed within Sovietism, and had destroyed all but the shell of that by the late 1970s. The Jewish aspect was prominent in that, but far from the only matter of importance.

A multiform decadence. Alcohol was also a large part of the problem. Even Andropov and (a very different type) Gorbachev were helpless to reform the Soviet Union, meaning Soviet society. The rot had gone too far even for the lash to be effective, were it even capable of being used by a decadent political establishment.

Ideological emptiness also lies at the heart of the Russian problem as it now is. Old-style religious faith and loyalty to Tsar (“Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationality“), and Marxism-Leninism too, are gone forever. Mere Putin-style faux-nationalism can replace neither.

I have no faith that Russia could resist Chinese takeover; I wish I had. However, China will no doubt wait until the NATO/NWO-Russia conflict plays out, then probably just gradually take over, like an incoming tide.

Only the Aryan can give life. Only European people have the inbuilt, inherent, ability to mutate over time into a new and more advanced race-form. God grant that we find the way, whatever happens on the military-political front.

[Addendum: not long after the above was posted, I was sent an interesting piece of analysis and reportage: https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/05/victory-frenzy/]

More music

More tweets seen

Both either idiots or tricksters. Food for 11p (“Jack Monroe”)? Nonsense. Food for 30p (Lee Anderson)? Also nonsense. Even a slice of toast and a can of cheap sardines costs nearly a pound. This race-to-the-bottom has to end.

As Hitler said, “we will not give up that which makes life worth living“.

I think that this desperate clutching at straws, or at men and women of straw, is a symptom of the fact that old-style socialism died in and after 1989, and so many many people have latched onto these pathetic examples of pseudo-socialist fake “protest” etc: Owen Jones, “Jack Monroe”, Julia Grace Patterson, Billy Bragg etc.

The main “grifters” make a living out of a certain “constituency” (quite directly— “Jack Monroe”, Owen Jones, and the Julia Grace Patterson creature all have Patreon, PayPal, and other donation-sources), but in the absence of real socialism (of any kind) they and their followers have attached themselves to one fake “cause” after another: “Black Lives Matter”, “Remain/Rejoin” (EU, a finance-capitalist bloc), “LGBTQXYZ”, “Ukraine”, “Covid” (the facemask nonsense etc), “refugees welcome”, Greta Nut and the other similar cretins.

Their natural home of the past, the Labour Party, has become very obviously (with the Conservative Party) just the other side of the same coin. They are politically homeless, and have no real ideology. Which is why they obsess about “deplatforming” those whose ideas they dislike. They cannot see that they have become both politically and socially irrelevant, an historical cul-de-sac.

Incidentally, the self-describing “Left” should note the words below:

More tweets seen

My assessment of Therese Coffey (with updates) from 3-4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

My reaction to such a poll is divided into “hope the fake Conservatives get wiped out” and/but “Ah, a Labour victory means that Jew-Zionist doormats and anti-British wannabee dictators such as Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and even thick Jamaican ignoramus David Lammy, will be in the Cabinet…

If the Con Party cannot find a way of being (seeming) more credible soon, they’re toast.

If someone entirely opposed to me says “the sun is shining” and I look for myself and see that the sun is shining, then I agree— the sun is shining.

That first tweeter, “@DebbyHallett_LD” is probably fairly typical of many of those that are favourable to “Jack Monroe”: retired, a LibDem councillor, probably comfortably-off (living, as she does, in the generally affluent Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire).

Well-meaning, no doubt, but more or less asleep. What’s the betting that she also supports the migration-invasion, “Black Lives Matter”, wearing facemasks, and “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime)?

I have blogged previously about that Kafka-esque “service”, HMRC. ‘Nuff said, and thankfully I have not had any need to engage with that shambles for a decade or more now.

To be fair to her, that Debby Hallett tweeter does seem to be very concerned about the English countryside, and Nature, and is helping via her local council work. It is all too easy not to see what positive sides people have.

From the newspapers


My assessment of the former MP, from 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/24/deadhead-mps-the-jared-omara-story/.


So stringent in candidate selections“? Ha ha! Look at the hundreds of deadheads in the Commons!

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 January 2023, including thoughts about “Lobsang Rampa”, and about Idaho

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

My view of Liz Truss, published a year ago when she was Foreign Secretary, amuses me, looking back now, months after she was —disastrously— “Prime Minister” for a few weeks.

From the newspapers


Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has reportedly been told by a senior US general that the British army is no longer considered a top-level fighting force.

Decades of cuts are said to have led to a decline in war-fighting capability, which needs to be reversed faster than planned in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Bottom line… it’s an entire service unable to protect the UK and our allies for a decade,’ one defence source said.”

[Daily Mail/Sky News]

  • The army would run out of ammunition ‘in a few days’ if needed to fight.
  • The UK couldn’t defend its skies against the level of missile strikes Ukraine is enduring.
  • It would take at least five years for the army to be ready with a war-fighting division of 25,000 to 30,000 troops, supported by tanks, artillery and helicopters.
  • Around 30% of UK forces on high readiness are reservists, unable to mobilise within NATO timelines.
  • Most army vehicles, including tanks, were built 30 to 60 years ago with replacements not due for years.”

[Daily Mail]

Defend” from what? “Defend” from whom? The historical and/or traditional enemies of the UK —France, Germany, Spain, Denmark— are now not enemies and unlikely to replay that role.

Forget “allies“, if by that is meant any states, in Eastern Europe etc, “allies” by reason only of belonging to NATO. They are not really “allies” at all.

The only System-suggested “enemy” on the horizon is Russia, anyway. The old Soviet Union was a genuine threat, to the UK, to the whole of Western Europe. The new Russia cannot even (yet) defeat the forces of Ukraine, let alone mount an attack on NATO territory, which would involve fighting the armies and airforces of the Baltic states, Poland, Germany, and France, among others, long before Russian forces got to within any close distance to the UK.

Apart from that, the whole Soviet ideology was (overall) aggressive and expansionist (they claimed not, and that they were mainly or entirely defensive). It might be more accurate to say that the Soviet political protocol was defensive, but that their military protocols were mainly geared to the swiftly offensive.

Whatever the truth of that, the fact is that the Russia of 2023 has no wish to take over Western Europe, and no Marxist-Leninist ideology to underpin any such wish. The whole idea is ludicrous.

Russia may want to take over Eastern Ukraine, possibly even the whole of Ukraine, together (maybe) with a few other bits and pieces such as the “state” of Moldova, but no more. It neither wants to go further nor is even capable of going further. Realpolitik.

Meanwhile, while NWO/ZOG political drones such as Ben Wallace fulminate against Russia, and feed arms and money to the Jew dictator Zelensky in Kiev, Britain is falling to pieces internally, in every way, and thousands of non-white migrant-invaders are landing on our beaches weekly, even daily, with no opposition from our Army, Navy, or Air Force, nor even from the completely useless “Border Force”.

Au contraire, they, and non-governmental agencies such as the RNLI, are actually ferrying the invaders to our ports.

There is another aspect: the quality of both officers and men (and now women too, who comprise 10%-15% of the UK armed forces).

Incidentally, the Daily Mail also reports that “Earlier today, it was reported Ukraine needs new weapons and faster deliveries to confront a ‘very tough’ situation of constant attacks by Russian forces in the eastern Donetsk region.

The fact is that, despite huge losses on the Russian side, the forces of the Kiev regime have suffered equally-huge losses in absolute terms, which means that they have suffered even greater losses in proportionate terms.



There is hope for us all, it seems…(though, in the end, we all go the same way…).


Well, look at that— Andrew Windsor sporting 7 or 8 medals. Not bad for having spent a mere 3 weeks, as a near-spectator at that, in the Falklands, over 40 years ago.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.


When I myself had serious problems with HMRC, a decade or so ago, which problems stemmed in part from as long ago as the early 1990s, I found the HMRC to be a stunningly-incompetent, shambolic, almost insanely-run organization, to an extent that I quite frankly found hard to believe. “Kafka-esque” would be an accurate description.

Some HMRC employees were also very unpleasant. I think that many were sacked about a year later. I had a great deal of trouble from that “organization”, but in the end they just gave up, and told me that the matter was being treated as closed. No reason was given. They just went away, to put it politely.

Strange. I have often found in life that, when I am confronted with a serious problem, am threatened, and look as if I shall be unable to defend myself, I am then saved by some force or grace that often seems to pass all understanding. Organizations are defeated or give up, evil people are restrained, or become bankrupt or, indeed, die, in fact.

Divine protection?

Tweets seen

Mirabile dictu! I find myself in agreement, for once, with radio loudmouth Julia Hartley-Brewer.

Keir Starmer. Jews’ puppet. Israel puppet. WEF puppet. International finance-capital puppet.

Madness, but an apparently co-ordinated madness.

Poland seems to have forgotten its history— states that provoke wars often end up as the battlefields.

At least some parts of Central Europe may avoid direct attack…

“Lobsang Rampa”

Happened to see the blog article below by one Kristine de Abreu, which is about the “Tibetan monk” known as “Lobsang Rampa” (actually, an English plumber from either Plympton, Devon, or Swanage in Dorset): https://explorersweb.com/lobsang-rampa/.

Amusing and interesting, though I already knew most of the basic facts, and had known them since the late 1970s.

Around 1978, I had several “Lobsang Rampa” books in paperback, and I knew at least one other person who also owned a number of copies. In fact, even the first book by “Lobsang Rampa”, out of twenty, sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and many of his works went through numerous printings.

I reproduce the concluding part of the blog article:

Lobsang Rampa tapped into man’s desire to escape the ordinary. Writer David Michie makes a fair point when addressing the topic on his blog, davidmichie.com: “I suspect he made them up, cobbling together his own version of what he’d like Tibetan Buddhism to say…There weren’t too many real lamas around to contradict him.” 

That era provided fertile ground for Rampa. The cultural scene was changing rapidly, and people were open to accepting alternative beliefs. The East was still an exotic mystery. Once his story caught the public imagination, there were few sources to contradict his claims.

third eye book cover

Front cover art for the book The Third Eye written by Lobsang Rampa. Photo: Secker & Warburg, 1956 (publisher)

Although Lobsang Rampa had fraudulent motives, his works encouraged an interest in Tibetan culture and Buddhism. They also brought much-needed attention to the Tibet Independence Movement. Even the Dalai Lama, who opposed his works and discredited his story, conceded to him this one point. Rampa became an unlikely poster boy for the Tibetan cause, and his books still have a cult following.

We today are rather accustomed to fraud and fakery, from the small-scale “Jack Monroe” and Julia Grace Patterson type of “grifting”, through the large-scale theft, fraud and background of “Robert Maxwell” and the like, and right up to the sort of fraud and fakery which is on a vast scale, such as much of the “holocaust” farrago (particularly the “gas chambers” tall tales), much of the incredible and recent “Covid” nonsense (the facemask nonsense being only part of that), and deliberate political scams such as “Iraqi missiles could hit London in 15 minutes” and “Russia wants to invade Western Europe” (and so we must, it is proclaimed, “stand with Ukraine to save democracy” etc…).

Not to mention “Black Lives Matter”, and much of the “climate change” stuff.

The cartoon below pokes fun at some recent excrescences:

Still, as the Dalai Lama has apparently pointed out in respect of Lobsang Rampa, even a book or other cultural item that is largely untrue can have at least some positive results, certainly some large-scale results either way. Look at the history of the Mormons. A basically fake religion which, however, created Salt Lake City and various other things of value, such as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Come to that, what about the Turin Shroud? The Roman Catholic Church does not endorse it as “true” (as the shroud used to cover the body of Jesus Christ), but endorses it only as “an aid to faith”.

In fact, much of what most people think of as “History” (with a capital “H”) is not 100% or (in some cases) even 50% accurate. Examples include the two revolutions in the Russia of 1917, the story of British Empire (in the past thought of as almost-immaculate, but now often —and even less accurately— judged by many silly people to be a long-term disgrace). Then there is the story of National Socialism, Hitler, and the Second World War, but we cannot even start to consider that here.

Life is a great deal more complicated than many prefer to believe.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobsang_Rampa.


Happened to see this: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/far-right-idaho_n_628277e2e4b0c84db7282bd6.

Interesting. The blog post is from May 2022. I have no idea whether there has been more progress since then.

The so-called “far right” activists of Idaho have, by chance or wit, implemented the primary dictum of Clausewitz, “to create first a secure base“. That is in essence what I have been suggesting should happen in the UK, possibly in the South West of England, leaving aside some ideological and/or cultural divergences or differences.

I have posted the (very critical, and very onesided) Huff Post piece in order to stimulate thought and ideas.

More tweets

Ha ha! Can you believe that Catharine Feore is (or says she is) a working journalist?!

People in glass houses…

There is no “problem” with homeschooling, especially when you see the BS being “taught” in many if not all UK schools (and, I apprehend, American ones too). Oh…and in the UK, homeschooling is perfectly lawful: see https://www.gov.uk/home-education.

Late tweets

Late music

[Zeppelin over Palace of Westminster, probably 1916]

Diary Blog, 15 January 2023, with some childhood memories

Afternoon music

[Chopin memorial, Lazienki Park, Warsaw, last seen by me in the summer of 1988]

On this day a year ago

Peter Hitchens


Jack Monroe

It seems to me that the msm, and its “celebrity” endorsers such as Nigella Lawson, have already moved on from “Jack Monroe” but that, at the same time, a hard-core of loony “LGBTQXYZ” types, would-be “socially-progressive” wishful thinkers, naive mugs and/or “fans”, mostly “of a certain age” will continue to tweet in support of her, and that quite a few “mugs” will continue to send her money via Patreon. After all, no less than 634 utter mugs are (as of today) still signed up to send her between £3.50 and £44 each month, despite the disclosures on Twitter, Tattle, and in the msm.

I may be wrong, but I have wondered whether “Anthea Rogers” is in fact “Jack Monroe” herself. Maybe, maybe not.

Once again, a tweeter alleges (by innuendo) that “Jack Monroe” is or was a cocaine abuser. I should not be at all surprised, for several reasons.

Other tweets seen

Import corrupt non-whites to the UK, allow them to become businessmen, MPs, government ministers, and guess what happens? They import, with their selves, their behavioural tendencies.

More “trans” nonsense. Wants to be a Member of Parliament. Impossible? Who knows, now that Eddie Izzard is seeking selection.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Harsher than would be my judgment, but they have a point— it shows weakness. In any case, though he often —not always— writes sensibly, Hitchens is “conservative”, perhaps, but not “national” or nationalist: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/19/peter-hitchens-and-his-views/

Only social nationalism can save Europe now.

She knows, instinctively.

When I was a child of just 12 (late 1968), higher forces impinging on my consciousness probably saved my life.

It happened like this: my family lived at the time on the Cremorne/Mosman border in Sydney, Australia. We decided to go on holiday to Queensland by car, a long journey even now, but longer then, when there were no motorways, only a seemingly endless highway with one lane on each side. No particular destination, but in the end, we washed up in Bundaberg, after 800 miles of motoring in the family Ford Falcon.

[1960s Ford Falcon, Australian version; my family’s one was white, though]

The 2-3 day trip had not been without incident or interest. As said, no motorways or dual-carriageways in Australia then, once outside Sydney. The highway took us north, past small encampments of Aboriginals in Northern New South Wales, and also past the banana groves of the region.

The traffic was light, at times very light. At one point, our car was told by police to drive quickly through a limited area of bushfire on both sides of the highway.

We overnighted at a motel at Coffs Harbour [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coffs_Harbour], then a very sleepy town which is far busier today. Over the border, we passed through the gaudy oceanside town of Surfers’ Paradise, mostly single storey then, but which decades later developed into what is now the Gold Coast [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_Coast,_Queensland].

[Gold Coast highway, c.1965, about three years before I saw it]

The South Coast region was a very popular holiday destination for servicemen returning from World War II. However, inflated prices for real estate and other goods and services led to the nickname of “Gold Coast” from 1950. By the 1960s the Gold Coast’s infrastructure had grown considerably, and the local building industry was able to support the development of high-rise holiday apartments and hotels (the first of which, Kinkabool, was completed in 1959). Surfers Paradise had firmly established itself as the leading destination and the introduction of bikini-clad meter maids in 1965 to feed parking meters by the beach to prevent holidaymakers from getting parking fines was a particularly popular innovation.”

[Queensland State archives]

In fact, I never heard that region called “Gold Coast” then, but only “Surfers’ Paradise” or simply “Surfers’“.

Now, a large city (600,000 pop.) exists there:

[the Gold Coast as it is today]
[Gold Coast panorama, 2015]

We travelled on through long stretches of sugar cane.

The Millard family holiday in fact nearly ended disastrously when, just after the swift near-tropical darkness had fallen, a slow-moving freight train, carrying sugar cane through the night, just missed the car as it crossed the track. The level crossing had neither lights nor barrier, and not even a warning sign.

I say “near-tropical” because this was about 200 miles south of the Tropic of Capricorn.

My family decided, the next day, to go to a camping area by a beach in the then undeveloped Bargarah area, about 8 miles from Bundaberg, Bundaberg being now, in 2023, a much more sizeable and populated place but then, in 1968, known only for sugar, rum, and Bert Hinkler, an aviation pioneer whose statue stood prominently in or near the quiet town centre. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bert_Hinkler; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bundaberg; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bargara,_Queensland.

[central Bundaberg as it now is; the population is now 70,000]

I wandered around under the coconut palms, having a near-miss when a heavy coconut in its fleshy surround crashed down, missing me by inches. A quiet beach on the Coral Sea, with hardly anyone there except a handful of families in tents and, nearby, a small cafe or snack joint of some kind, right by the beach.

The next morning, I felt unwell, and, oddly, told my parents, really insistently (I remember that), that I needed to go to hospital. What prompted that request I have no idea. Guardian angel? Instinct? The pain was (if I recall) not too bad, just a dull ache most of the time.

Anyway, after initial thoughts from my parents that I just needed rest in the heat of the Queensland summer, my mother reluctantly drove me to Bundaberg, where it was soon established at the General Hospital that I needed an emergency appendectomy. Apparently, had the appendix not been extracted, I might well have died.

I was in the hospital for nearly two weeks (that was more common back then), and was then flown back, with my younger brother, to Sydney via Brisbane (where we transferred to a large Boeing jet).

At that time, Bundaberg’s airfield had only a kind of hut as the “terminal”; and I was one of only a very few passengers on the propeller-driven plane, a Fokker Friendship with about a dozen or so people aboard (it had come from other coastal towns first).

My parents and youngest brother drove back to Sydney later; they probably recalled the holiday very differently to me.

[Bundaberg Airport today. It was redeveloped in 1986, and is now a far cry from the short strip and “terminal” hut of 1968, outside which was a flagpole, its flag lifeless in the near-tropical heat]

Anyway, the incident has always stuck in my mind as exemplifying how the overmind, or “higher forces” (?), can sometimes save people from injury or death.

I have had other such, though non-medical, “saving graces”, including one in Ireland in 1979.

More tweets seen

He is right. “We are where we are”, though…

I heard on the radio yesterday that the UK is getting even deeper into the Ukrainian war by sending the Zelensky regime 12 (it now seems 14) Challenger 2 tanks. Old but certainly serviceable. This gets close to being actually at war with Russia. Madness. I may not much like London and some of the areas around it, but I still would prefer them not to be destroyed by a nuclear attack…

[Challenger 2 main battle tank: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenger_2]

The reaction of the Zelensky regime is that it wants 300 tanks! Their ghetto negotiating style would be funny were it less offensive.

Where would the Kiev regime be without Western aid constantly stoking the war? In Lvov, if not Warsaw, probably. This was a failed state even before the war. Now it may have arms and ammunition funnelled to it by the Western powers, but 20% of the population is outside Ukraine now; the country is largely without electrical power; it has few gas supplies; it cannot manufacture; it cannot export much of its continuing agricultural production.

The only answer (saving Russian occupation of Kiev, Odessa and the territories east of the Dnieper) is for there to be a ceasefire on both sides, pending negotiation of at least an armistice and a freezing of the actual hostilities on both sides.

Incidentally, the largest tank battle of WW2 (and in history generally), Kursk, involved a total of over 8,000 tanks, incredibly: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kursk.

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 September 2022

Morning music

[Nikolai II, with the Tsaritsa Alexandra, their children, and attendants]

On this day a year ago

Mini-budget of Kwasi Kwarteng and Liz Truss




Aubrey Allegretti, political correspondent: Kwarteng starts by pinning the blame for inflation and spiralling energy bills directly on Putin.

[The Guardian]

Well, after all, it could not be the fault of the Boris-idiot government, which all but shut down the UK economy for 2 years for no good reason, while doling out free money like a drunken sailor…oh, wait a minute…

Aubrey Allegretti: Kwarteng seeks to turn the last 12 years of Conservative economic wisdom on its head and present the government as new and radical – rather than hanging on the coattails of the last one.

He lays out his central point that “growth is not as high as it should be”, arguing this only leads to less money to fund public services, relying on higher taxes, and so on.

“We need a new approach for a new era” should be seen as nothing less than a bid to reinvent the Conservatives and present them as a party of change – to avoid being blamed for the mistakes of the past. (Despite, of course, Truss having served in the previous three Conservative governments.)

[The Guardian].

This mini-budget is completely mad. The result can only be roaring inflation, higher interest rates for businesses and mortgage-payers, and before very long a huge spike in house-repossessions as people default on the mortgage commitments taken out in easier times.

Reducing tax for those earning over £140,000 —about 3x or 4x the average pay? That is just ridiculous and will be applied to purchase of hedging assets (including paying off any mortgage commitments such higher-earners may have).

Stimulation of the economy requires more money at the bottom end, where people are almost compelled by circumstances to spend on goods and services, not at the top end of the income scale.

Today, the pound sterling is down, as I write, by about 2%. Interest rates for UK government borrowing are rising steeply.

A budget of this sort does nothing for the poor (however defined), nothing for the bulk of the population, and only helps those already affluent or wealthy.

Indeed, it might be said that the “middle ranks”, meaning people without much capital, working for a modest living, paying off a mortgage, paying for children and a household, will be hit very hard.

If only there were an existing, tightly-controlled, social-national party, —even if small— and with credible policies and people. One does not exist. Somewhere soon down the road might come a “1929” moment. That was what started the NSDAP and Hitler on its path to glory (ultimately, tragic glory, but that is another question).

[“At the end stands Victory!“]
[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children“]

Hilary Mantel

The authoress, Hilary Mantel, has died.

I was struck by this, seen on her Wikipedia entry:

In an 2013 interview with the Telegraph, Mantel stated: “I think that nowadays the Catholic Church is not an institution for respectable people.”[5] She continued in the interview to say: “When I was a child I wondered why priests and nuns were not nicer people. I thought that they were amongst the worst people I knew.” These statements, as well as the themes explored in her earlier novel Fludd, led some to question her work in Wolf Hall, with Bishop Mark O’Toole noting: “There is an anti-Catholic thread there, there is no doubt about it. Wolf Hall is not neutral.”[46].”

[Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_Mantel].

I myself had no contact with Roman Catholicism as a child. Indeed, I do not think that I even knew any Roman Catholics until I was in my early 20s. All the same, the few impressions that I had then were not favourable, as when I was in Ireland aged about 21 and had left Tralee station to walk or hitch-hike to the mountains. A small car approached, the first one since Tralee. I stuck out my thumb, only for the miserable-looking bastards on board, a thin, rat-faced and bespectacled Catholic priest, and a thoroughly nasty-looking nun (who was driving), to pass me without even a glance.

After a week or so in the sea-mountains, I returned the same way. Again, a car approached. The same car. The same occupants. I thought that this time they would stop, having seen me the previous week. No. Straight on past, not sparing me a look.

Miserable bastards, whom I hope met a miserable end.

Incidentally, I did get a lift eventually, in both directions; on the journey out, from an attractive dark-haired young Irishwoman who would not accept a chocolate from me because it was Lent.

The years spin past ever-quicker. That was in early 1979, all of 43 years ago now.

Tweets seen

Re. Therese Coffey, my assessment of her from three years ago (it includes updates) has always had a lot of hits, and that continues every day: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

More tweets seen

Exactly. Both above tweets are right. The income point however leaves out the main difference between the few and the many, the capital held by each group.

The average Joe has no, or virtually no, capital. In fact, if you leave aside any equity value in residential property owned (usually just one dwelling, and Average Joe himself lives in it), most British people really only have a tiny amount of capital, a few thousand pounds, or even just a few hundred.

The wealthy few however, are often not at all dependent on income as such, certainly not income from any ordinary job. Their capital, invested in real property, or shares etc, is the key to their wealth. Careful investment and accountancy can mean that Average Millionaire/Billionaire Joe has almost no taxable income at all, while in any given year, his capital might have increased by 20%, 50%, even 1,000%.

The wealthiest of all have seen their capital increase hugely since the last financial crash in 2008; The Elon Musks (from about USD $2 billion to about USD $277 billion— in just one decade), the Jeff Bezos’s etc.

People like that laugh at the very idea of income tax. It is simply irrelevant to most of them. Look at the Duke of Westminster, small compared to the mega-billionaires, but still worth £10 billion -£20 billion. Then compare that to the Average Joe, who might (or might not) own, even including his house equity, maybe £200,000 or so. £1 for every £100,000 owned by the Duke of Westminster, and maybe £1 for every £1,500,000 owned by Elon Musk.

I myself had a great many problems with HMRC long ago. Partly but not entirely self-inflicted, and all now (long ago, over a decade ago) resolved to my satisfaction. I never ever encountered a bureaucracy as shambolic (as well as, in some cases, unpleasant) as HMRC. Not in Eastern Europe, not in the former Soviet Union, not in the USA (which came close, at times).

Look at them: Charles, Anne, Edward, Andrew, Harry (formerly known as “Prince”), William. Are any of them beyond mediocre in intellect, character, or in any way other than unearned and unmerited wealth? Most of them do not even pay taxes.

Meanwhile, Kelvin McKenzie, formerly of the Sun “newspaper”, exposes his ignorance once again:

McKenzie seems unaware that there is more to tax than income tax and inheritance tax. To give the obvious example (obvious at least to anyone better-informed than McKenzie), everyone pays VAT, a tax which is a major contributor to State funds, and is paid disproportionately by the poorer part of the population.

I have to admit that I have little interest in the minutiae of it all, but from the ruthless, Ayn Rand, callous self-interest point of view, the Mulatta has, as they say, “played a blinder”.

Putin’s decision to invade, as such, was not a mistake, but the decision to invade without proper preparation, without a proper plan, without having eliminated Zelensky, and with no proper logistics in place, was more than a mistake. It was criminally negligent. The GRU and General Staff should be purged, cut to the bone. Start again, as Stalin did.

It could have been done swiftly, with minimal hurt and damage.

Where can I get one of those? Or both.

True, but remember how Blair, and Brown in particular, worshipped the banking “industry” (sometimes useful but basically parasitic service industry).

More thoughts about the “mini-Budget”

Seems that “the markets” are dropping like a stone.

I mean, a simple-minded, almost cretinous Budget, announced by a woolly-headed ****** posing as Chancellor of the Exchequer; then we have a semi-educated half-caste with a “degree” in Hospitality Management posing as Foreign Secretary, and a stupid and ridiculous woman (who only became an MP on her back), actually posing as Prime Minister….what could possibly go wrong?

Jesus Christ! Is that stupid lot the best “the great Conservative Party” (in the words of Disraeli, his sentence ending “which destroys everything“…) can do? And is that hopelessly banal package of economic measures the summation of their thoughts?

Late tweets seen

Pity. I do not like the Gulf Arab “states”.

Liz Truss. The latest clown to pose as Prime Minister of the UK.

…the key words being “in a supposed liberal democracy“…

There is a way to deal with these people, with these evils; only one way, really…

The Jew-Zionists are behind much of the attack on free speech. About 90% of it.

I remember when, in the 1980s, a load of caravan-dwelling “travellers” decided to camp on Hampstead Heath, near the opulent house of “socialist” humbug Michael Foot. Suddenly, the great champion of the “rights” of the Gypsies and “travellers” (Irish tinkers) was against them camping near his house…


Foot was a hypocrite of the first order; I could not stand the bastard.

Late music

[Levitan, [Over Eternal Peace]

Diary Blog, 26 June 2022

Morning music

[Mill Colonnade, Karlovy Vary (former Carlsbad), Czech Republic]

On this day a year ago

Glastonbury, and the G7

I wonder what the original revellers of 1970 would make of the Glastonbury “Festival”? Eighty-year-old —in some cases— “rockers”, and the audience largely (I read) composed of forty, fifty, sixty, or even seventy year old people.

Of course, a number of the members of the audience may themselves also have been at Glastonbury back in 1970, but they are not the same people as those young festival-goers of yore, 52 years ago, even if they think they are.

52 years ago, I myself was 13, and very different in most respects to what I am, think, and feel (or do) today. The same person, yet not. George Orwell noted that disconnect in one of his essays of the 1930s.

Overall, the Glastonbury set-up now (admittedly, I have taken almost no interest in it) is redolent of some dystopian sci-fi film, as is so much in the UK and the world today. Carefully-delineated and guarded compounds for different levels of…money, and a pseudo-green, pseudo-communitarian message sent out for the mugs to believe in. A dichotomy symbolized by the mountains of trash left behind after the festival ends its season.

Even Greta Nut was there (in one of the expensive and guarded “VIP” areas).

Talking about weird or dystopian, we then have the G7 summit, taking place in the Bavarian Alps.

Strikingly weird to see Macron’s wife looking so odd (not for the first time). See my assessment of the couple from three years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/

Like a female Michael Fabricant.

More substantively, I noticed this from the BBC: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-61940007.

G7 face battle for unity as cost of Ukraine war mounts.

Some voices – particularly in France, Germany and Italy – have asked if it might not be better for the war to end, even if it came at the cost of Ukraine having to cede territory. A recent cross-Europe opinion poll suggested some voters put solving the cost-of-living crisis ahead of punishing Russia.

Others argue about the need to salvage some kind of relationship with Russia in the future.

Countries like the UK, Poland and the three Baltic States have been resisting these arguments…”

[BBC News]

Note that: most of the more significant states, meaning Germany, France, and Italy, want to step down their involvement with the Zelensky regime, but there is one major state out of step— the UK. The reason is obvious: “Boris”-idiot wants to continue to play the Poundland Churchill, whatever the cost in money to the UK taxpayer, and whatever the risk of war with Russia (and whatever the cost in misery and blood to the Ukrainian civilians if this war drags on). A distraction from his shambolic misrule in the UK (and from the fast-sliding support for his party at the by-election polls).

Meanwhile, the part-Jew/Levantine poseur unmeritedly occupying the office of Prime Minister had this to say:

Boris Johnson has said he is “actively thinking” about a third term, amid criticism of his leadership.

The prime minister was asked if he would like to serve a full second term in office – to 2028 or 2029.

At the moment I’m thinking actively about the third term and what could happen then, but I will review that when I get to it,” he told reporters.”


[BBC News]

Hard to believe that the idiot is so empty of self-knowledge, but there it is. He seems to think that enough Conservative MPs will prop up his leadership, and that a sufficiency of voters will then endorse that.

HMRC shambles


Everyone in Parliament, government, or the HMRC (especially whoever purports to lead it) should read that article.

I myself could write one twenty times as complex, and several shades darker, about a problem I had with HMRC from 2008 to 2011, and especially 2010-2011, and going back in its origins for decades. Any such account would be somewhere between a comic novel and a horror or sci-fi story. Think Kafka.

In the end, my own problem was permanently resolved by what I can only describe, quite literally, as a miracle, and which came to Earth on my birthday one year. The HMRC vultures flew away again, forever.

I have lived and/or worked in, inter alia, the UK, the Caribbean, Kazakhstan, and many other places. The stifling miasma of bureaucracy is to be found almost everywhere, to some extent, but I never found an organization so shambolic, and so labyrinthine, as the HMRC of the UK. It is unique in those aspects, at least in my experience; I see from the Guardian article that, over a decade on, nothing much seems to have changed.

Thinking wider than the one organization (or misorganization), it seems to me that, as in the USA, the UK now seems unable to institute useful reforms in any sector, whether tax collection, prisons, courts, Parliament itself —and the electoral system— or anywhere else.

Think back to previous across-the-board-reforming times— the 1840s, the Victorian age, the Lloyd George era before the First World War, the 1930s (despite economic problems in the first half of the decade), the post-1945 social-democratic reforms, and the interesting experiments of various kinds in the 1960s and 1970s. Even the often not-very-satisfactory reforms undertaken by the Thatcher governments. Now? Nothing.



As blogged previously, including yesterday, Russia may have lost much of the propaganda war against the regime of the NWO/ZOG Jew, Zelensky, but it is winning the war on the ground. Slowly. Surely.

However much money Biden throws at Kiev, the Russian forces will gradually take over Ukraine east of the Dnieper, after which anything is possible, including the capture or destruction of Kiev.

This is not our fight. Ukraine, which as a state (of sorts) has only existed for 30 years, has and has had no historical or other connection with the UK (unless you count the Crimean War of the 1850s, but Crimea has always been Russian or Tatar).


Ukrainian shelling on Saturday forced Russian troops to suspend the evacuation of people from a chemical plant in Sievierodonetsk, just hours after Moscow’s forces took the city, Reuters reported the Tass news agency as saying. Separately, a senior adviser to the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, said special forces were still in Sievierodonetsk, directing artillery fire against the Russians.”


So the Russians were trying to evacuate Ukrainian civilians, but the Kiev-regime forces shelled the plant where the civilians were hiding. Will that be reported on UK TV stations? Doubt it…

Indoctrination of children in UK state schools


Parents demand legal right to view school lesson plans after removing daughter from London secondary over fears she was being ‘indoctrinated’ by classes on white privilege and gender.

  • Parents at a London school are battling to see ‘secret’ lessons on white privilege
  • Mother Clare Page was stunned at how her child started speaking about race 
  • Haberdashers’ Hatcham College refused to show her a copy of the lesson plans.”

[Daily Mail]

I would advise those who can to homeschool, which is permitted in the UK: https://www.gov.uk/home-education.

Late tweets

Even I, arguably for years one of the most trenchant critics of the Jew/Levantine poseur Johnson, have been stunned to see that even his jogging persona is (yet another) fraud by him.

The whole of the present Cabinet and most of the rest of this Government are useless and/or corrupt and/or not really British (they being mostly Jews, part-Jews, Indians, Pakistanis, a Kurd, blacks etc).

What is the meaning of the circle device? Is it Nietzsche’s “Eternal Recurrence”? Should it be a six-pointed star?

That is an Australian (Victoria state-government) MP.

I suppose that the homeless Aussies are there, somewhere, maybe on the other side of the building, in sleeping bags, while the housing that they should occupy goes to alien and enemy untermenschen.

Incidentally, that Sheena Watt claims to be Aboriginal. I suppose that she must be some kind of half-caste; plainly not full Aboriginal. I was at school in Sydney in the years 1967 through 1969, and while there were few Aboriginals seen in Sydney then (I only saw a handful in nearly three years, even in the city centre), the ones I did see were all very black.

Unusual building for Australia. Like UK high-rise council flats.

“Loans” to a shambolic, corrupt, “Ukrainian” (largely Jewish) regime which has arrested almost all opposition political activists?

A regime which is going to lose nearly half of its territory soon.

I suppose that, apart from “Boris”-idiot being a puppet of NWO/ZOG, he imagines that grandstanding for the Zelensky regime will be popular in the UK. I doubt it. Not when the brainwashed sheep start to wake up, which I think is already happening.

I hate what is happening to the civilians who have lost homes, families, companion animals etc, but the more arms that are sent to the Zelensky regime, the longer and more bitter will the war become.

These savages are coming to Europe, unless stopped, coming through Melilla and then Spain to France, and thence to the UK, Germany and Scandinavia. They bring nothing but a propensity to rob, and to rape (especially very young girls). They have nothing of value to add to any European society.

Late music