Tag Archives: NSDAP

Diary Blog, 16 January 2024

[Die Fahne Hoch! complete with English subtitles]
[Hitler, as Chancellor, greets wellwishers at the Berghof]

Tweets seen

Non-white professor (Imperial College) and tweeter thinks (or at least implies) that “proper public services” can be had when a million non-white migrant-invaders, almost all low-skilled or no-skilled, are entering the country every single year.

An example of what we, the British people, are up against in trying, at the last moment, to save this country.

There are millions of foolish people who think that you can degrade a country’s population over decades, yet at the same time maintain, or even improve, that society and its overall standard of living, public services etc. No. That is impossible.

The main thing of importance now is to create the conditions for a people which can then, over time, be a foundation for a much later superculture.

Dole, of course, failed to become President of the USA. Trump is a different story. Against demented and half-dead (not to mention corrupt) Biden, Trump would have every chance.

A real social-national party would, if one existed and were resourced, capture about 40% of the UK voters almost immediately, but “a certain tribe” makes sure that one cannot exist or survive for long, and that tribe effectively controls or very strongly influences the mainstream media, publishing etc in the UK.

I am sceptical of the Rwanda plan for several reasons, but would rather have it than not have it, the way things are. At least some of the bastards would thereby be expelled from the UK and Europe.

Of course, even if it worked perfectly, the Rwanda plan would affect mainly the “small boat arrivals”, not the vast mass of so-called “legal” migrants or migrant-invaders (which are 90%+ of the whole).

More tweets seen

I have heard or seen almost nothing about those networks (supposedly 100+ miles) of tunnels dug by Hamas in Gaza. The Israelis have apparently taken a few miles of tunnels; what about the rest?

Meanwhile, in London…

I suppose that, were I to say what I think should happen to them, “a certain tribe” (((the usual suspects))) would claim that my remarks would be “grossly offensive” or some such.

Either defend civilization, or let the jungle encroach on it until it is choked.

Amusing, but given that most of the people of Europe are now known to have descended from only 1-3 men of the Bronze Age, genealogy can show descent from almost anyone, as one sees in those British Royal family trees.

When I was at school, there was a rather mordant boy in my class, by name Waldron, who claimed descent from Henry VIII. No need to mock it; it was probably true— of him and thousands of others. I recall that he had a slightly dark skin, but whether that was of ethnic causation, or maybe a kidney problem, I have no idea. The only other thing I recall about Waldron is that he almost always carried a copy of Wisden, the cricket-statistics book [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wisden_Cricketers%27_Almanack].

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

From the newspapers


The Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has been accused of wasting £123million of taxpayer cash on ‘misplaced priorities’ during his time in City Hall…£70,000 on a drag act called ‘Duckie Loves Fanny’, hosted by the city’s night czar, Amy Lamé, whose salary has risen 40 per cent to £117,000..

Shocking maladministration. Imagine spending anything at all employing that decadent waste of space Amy Lame [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amy_Lam%C3%A9].

More tweets

If the beleaguered Palestinian Arabs in that small territory can already launch thousands of missiles, albeit mostly not hugely powerful ones, what could happen in, say, 10 years’ time, and not only from Gaza? The top brass of the Israeli apparat must be contemplating a not-unlikely endgame, with no way out for the Jewish state.

Late music

Diary Blog, 19 August 2023

Morning music

[Cloisters, Salisbury Cathedral]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week an easy victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 4/10, whereas I managed 7/10, and might have scored 9/10 had I been able to bring to mind the answers to questions 1 and 7 (which I basically knew). The only question on which I had no idea at all was no. 3.

Tweets seen

Humanity owes a massive karmic debt to the animal kingdom.

Slava! All the same, that central westward thrust from Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk) to Vinnitsa looks to me unnecessary and possibly counterproductive.

Russia needs to secure all territory east of the Dnieper, and also the coastal littoral of the Black Sea (including Odessa) but, above all, Kiev itself. Confine the Zelensky regime to a rump inland “state” based on Lvov.

The map shows, supposedly, something akin to the original scheme, but it probably is still the overall strategy.

More music

[Ely Cathedral]

Historical note

The Bürgerbräukeller, Munich, in or about 1923, shown above presumably before rather than after the “Beer Hall Putsch” (8-9 November 1923 :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch).

The photo shows a meeting of the NSDAP. All those shown in the photo were members or supporters of the NSDAP.

What interests me is that, at that time, the NSDAP was a relatively minor party even in its hub, Bavaria (in early 1923, the national membership was about 6,000, and by the Autumn of 1923 about 20,000).

In May 1924, i.e. after the failure of the “Beer Hall Putsch” (aka “Munich Putsch” or “Hitler-Ludendorff Putsch), the NSDAP (banned, so using the name “National Socialist Freedom Movement”) scored only 6.5% in the federal (national) elections, and only 3% in December 1924.

In 1923-1924, the NSDAP had the sort of minor public support that, in the UK of the 21st Century, UKIP was enjoying about a decade ago, and that the BNP had about 15 years ago.

All the same, look at that photograph of the NSDAP meeting in 1923. Many hundreds of people, at the least. All looking decently-dressed.

One cannot but help compare that to the tiny so-called “far-right” (national and social-national) parties of today’s Britain.

The main difference politically between Germany in 1923 and Britain in 2023 is, that in 1923 Germany, there were large numbers of Germans of all social and income groups who supported the idea of national renewal. The NSDAP may only have had a few thousand or tens of thousands of members, but other volkisch parties and groups, such as, and primarily, the Stahlhelm, had the same or more, in some cases hundreds of thousands: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Der_Stahlhelm,_Bund_der_Frontsoldaten.

Look now at Britain in 2023. The degenerate strata of higher-income and high-social-status groups do not, generally, support national renewal, but are (metaphorically) signed up to the trends which are destroying our society (and now destroying it quite rapidly).

What that means is that, should social-nationalism, by a political miracle (which I do not rule out) take power in this country, it will have to start its mission by removing surgically, and by drastic surgery, large sections of degenerate society, at all income and social-status levels.

[“At the end stands Victory”]

More music

[Shishkin, Before the Storm]

More tweets

Starmer is a complete fake, and a bureaucratic would-be desk-tyrant, totally in the pocket of the Jewish/Israel lobby, and very dishonest.

Ha ha! “Councillor Birgit Miller”. What a total mug. Typical “Jack Monroe” supporter (middle-aged, apparently fairly affluent, and unable to distinguish “grifting” deception and pointless tweeting from genuine campaigning).

As for the other mugs mentioned in the tweet, apart from Jewish TV cook Nigella Lawson, we have “Charron Pugsley-Hill, artist and hypnotherapist“, whose full Twitter profile says “Artist/Environmentalist Paintings of Nature/flower Paintings prints for sale. Solution Focused psychologist and hypnotherapist. Happier world together.” Another pretty typical “Jack Monroe” supporter-mug. Oh, and I have just seen that she is a facemask loonie as well. At least she is apparently an animal-lover.

I actually saw two facemask loonies today, one a supermarket cashier, the other a customer at the same place.

Late tweets

Maybe reality is seeping in. Anything even slightly looking like defeat for Russia in the Ukraine battlefield space might trigger a nuclear attack on the West. Don’t go there.

Exactly. That has been the case for at least a year now.

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 July 2023

Morning music

[Johan Messely, La Terrasse du Chateau]

Battles past

Tweets seen

I happened to see the two ridiculous tweets below:

So the often-heavily-criticized Jolyon Maugham [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolyon_Maugham], a part-Jew barrister and “activist”, here supporting egregious and self-publicizing Jewish solicitor Mark Lewis, is applauded by one Charlotte Proudman, apparently a mainly academic lawyer and barrister who has attended or researched at no less than five universities in the UK and USA. I do not think that I had heard of her before today.

Ms. Proudman should read my blog posts, written several years ago about Lewis, before expressing an opinion:

So far from having been “grossly unfair“, as Ms. Proudman opines (having apparently read only a brief and one-sided scribble on the Legal Business online platform), the decision of the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority [SRA] regarding Lewis was impeccably fair and, in punishing Lewis very leniently, bent over backwards to be fair. Even his small fine was reduced from £7,500 to £2,500 because his Counsel said on his behalf that Lewis (the ludicrously so-called “top lawyer“, if you believe the tabloid Press) owned no real property, and in fact owned nothing at time of the hearing in 2018 but his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter.

After the SRA hearing, Lewis took off for Israel, where he now lives.

Looking at what Lewis wrote online to various people, including a Jewish teenager, I was surprised that Lewis was not struck off the roll of solicitors.

I wonder whether Ms. Proudman thinks that the decision of the Bar Disciplinary Tribunal in my case was “grossly unfair“? I doubt it, even though I was both wrongfully, and actually unlawfully, disbarred (at the instigation of a pack of politically-motivated Jews) for having merely tweeted five (5) tweets, all of which were completely true and accurate: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Incidentally, this (below) is the profile photograph of herself that Ms. Proudman seems to think appropriate to publish on her Twitter account (which profile describes her as a barrister etc):

More tweets seen

i.e. “trans” persons, not “women“…

Polls of that sort are of course unscientific, and anything on Twitter more so, because of the well-known biases. All the same, it is clear that the present Government has run out of road. It is hitting as many buttons as possible to shore up at least the core Conservative-leaning vote: pledging to retain the pension Triple Lock, pledging to at least reduce net immigration (how about stopping the inward flow, and starting an outward flow?) etc, but it seems hopeless.

Actions speak louder than words. Something that the “Conservative” Party ministers and Prime Ministers of the past 13+ years seem not to understand. Mass immigration has continued unabated under Sunak and, as Chancellor, he also paused, for one year, the Triple Lock.

Ha. I like that.

Send that to Greta Nut.

This can probably only end one way, across Europe.

Many people in Germany want to get rid of those predators and scavengers, and to have a more contemporary version of the German Reich of the 1930s.

[Obersalzberg, 1930s: Hitler meets a class of local children with their schoolteachers at the perimeter fence of the Berghof]
[BDM girls ride through a wood]
[“The Fuhrer as friend of animals“]
[at the Olympic Games, Berlin, 1936]
[Tempelhof Airport, Berlin, 1930s]
[House of German Art, Munich, completed 1938]
[German autobahn, late 1930s]
[Dietrich-Eckart-Buhne (now Wald-Buhne) near Berlin, 1930s]
[Reichskanzlei, Berlin, mainly completed by 1939]

More tweets seen

None of the System parties have anything to offer 90%+ of the real British people.

Quockerwodger“? A word I had never previously seen. What about that (((influential third party)))? What or who could that be?

Interesting gadget. Hope that the thieves who steal car keys from entrance hall tables do not find out about it, though (having said that, I doubt that many car thieves read my blog).

“Jack Monroe” is surely a busted flush. Even the utter mugs donating to her on Patreon are waking up: 396 as of today, the first time that the number has dropped below 400 (only a few days ago it was still 414). Last year, there were nearly 900 of those mugs, partly by reason of (now effectively withdrawn) endorsements by TV talking heads and cuisine “experts” Nigella Lawson and Jay Rayner (and others).

Still, 396 mugs each sending “Jack Monroe” between £3.50 and £44 monthly. As said previously, “not a bad little earner“, to use the Essex argot. Must still add up to at least a few thousand in cash. Monthly. For nothing.

If the fall continues, “Jack Monroe”, the “Bootstrap Cook”, may have to either go on the dole or whatever again (she made a whole media career out of having done that once, for a year or so, a decade or more ago). Or perhaps her affluent/wealthy family of buy-to-let parasites, who live in the same area as her, will help her out. I doubt whether she would be employable as anything. I read somewhere that she has only had a couple of jobs (for short periods, and long ago), one arranged via her father, answering the telephones at the Essex fire brigade, the other in a fish and chip shop.

Sven Longshanks

A reminder that the appeal for Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) is still up. The aim is to raise funds both to assist him while he still sits in prison (i.e. until early/mid 2024), and also to help him resettle once released.

More tweets seen

Until today, I was unaware that Maugham no longer practises as a barrister in chambers (he specialized in tax law). Apparently, he left his last chambers in 2020.

Look at that twit.

I have seen tweets saying that Maugham is a “grifter”, living off donations to the Good Law Project. I have no idea whether that be so, and I also note that the GLP is supported by not only individual donations but also large grants from several well-known trust funds, not least that of the rather odd Rausing people (the descendants of the man who invented Tetrapak in Sweden); they also give or have given money to the mainly Jewish “Hope not Hate” crowd.

How much Maugham pays himself (in effect) as Director of the GLP I have no idea (and the website of the GLP is silent on the subject).

I remember seeing Maugham on a “celebrity” episode of University Challenge. He stood out from the rest as combining a very-obviously huge opinion of himself with equally-huge ignorance of almost everything. Very funny.

I have no idea how well (or not) Jolyon Maugham was regarded as a tax barrister, before he launched “Woke Law Project”, but it gives pause for thought how many cases “GLP” has lost or not “won”.

As for Maugham being a KC, these days about 10% of all barristers hold letters patent as KC; it is not the accolade it once was. At one time, only a few barristers a year were made up to KC or QC; now dozens are.

More tweets

“Jack Monroe” may not have ordered or asked for the above harassment to happen, but she is all the same behind it in the wider sense. She “doxxed” (revealed publicly the address of) the person involved, and she knows very well that her most fervent supporters are often those with mental health problems (as well as the very dim). In other words, she lit the blue touchpaper.

Late tweets seen

I myself have not yet read this instantly-infamous email, though I think that I can guess at least a little of what is in it.

Incidentally, Osborne is yet another part-Jew.

So many people assume that because one enemy of the people has “Conservative” on the label, and another “Labour“, that they are not both part of the System together, or are somehow “opposed”. Only superficially.

Exactly. Give a poor man £1 and he will almost certainly spend it, and have to spend it. Give £1 to a rich man and he will either bank it or buy a hedging asset (eg over-valued real property) with it.

Will such places one day be resettled, or will they stand forever as ruined testament to the horrors of war? I wonder.

Where is that? Chatham House, I think.

Late music

[ruins of Dresden, 1945]

Diary Blog, 25 June 2023

Morning music

[Ely Cathedral in heavy fog]

Battles past

Peter Hitchens


Tweets seen


…as with “Boris” Johnson…

At first, when the news broke about “Boris” Johnson, the then Prime Minister, being in intensive care from “Covid”, I was probably 60% “it’s real news” and 40% “it’s fake news”. Now? About 70% in favour of it having been “fake news”, and it having been part of the whole “scamdemic” propaganda effort.

If Wagner Group are “terrorists”, then how much more are the American forces, after all the millions they have killed worldwide since 1941?

[devastated Berlin, 1945]

Perhaps. In days of yore, Stalin would have shot the heads of the Russian Army and GRU soon after the pathetic failed takeover of the Ukraine in 2022.

Just an Indian money-juggler.

Interesting to see the generally downward trend over 30+ years. Will Sunak go as low as Liz Truss? We shall see.

Don’t tell me that Woollyhead Trussbanger is trying a comeback?!

The same or similar is true of the UK.

I do not know, but maybe, with much of the Zelensky-regime army now either dead or occupied in the southeast of Ukraine, there is a plan to attack from Belarus, but Kiev must now be well-defended in depth. Any approach to the suburbs of Kiev would meet with stiff resistance, then would require a reduction of the urban and suburban battlefield space by artillery, aircraft, and missiles before a mass infantry incursion, and would be horrendously bloody, bearing in mind the number of civilians in Kiev.

A battle for Kiev would be on the level of [the WW2 battle for] Stalingrad, or the recent Bakhmut carnage, in ferocity, and on a much larger scale even than Stalingrad.

Kiev is the 7th-most populous city in Europe, or 6th if Istanbul is excluded: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_cities_by_population_within_city_limits. Istanbul, Moscow, London, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Madrid, Kiev. Of those 7 cities, 3 are of course in the former Soviet Union.

Having said the above, the Wagner Group forces seem to have been sidelined, with many sworn into the ordinary Russian Army. If PMC Wagner is “decapitated”, leaderless, and not in Belarus, how could it attack from there?

It looks more like a bloodless dispersal of Wagner Group assets.

The truth may be out there, but I think that we do not know it yet.

More tweets

In any case, why would it have been “justified” in the early 1930s? The KPD (German Communist Party) of the time was under Stalin’s control (via the Comintern) and, in the Soviet Union, mass slaughter was already happening in various ways. The NSDAP was a necessary Abwehr (“parrying”) to that Stalinist expansionism. Once in power, the NSDAP lifted Germany and its people out of degradation, and made Germany the most prosperous nation in Europe.

People, some people, should learn some real history…

As for any attempted historical analysis by the likes of Gary Lineker, the hugely-overpaid football talking-head, life is too short to waste time on it (or him).

Late tweets seen

Good grief. I knew that it was expensive but thought maybe £100-£200.

I suppose that age demographics come into it. I do not know what is the age typical of a Glastonbury audience, but not that young, I am guessing. Like owning a top-range motorbike, or a Morgan car, it is (?) the prerogative of the middle-aged and even elderly, these days.

Not that I have been there. At least, I have been to the town of Glastonbury a number of times (and have even stayed overnight a couple of times), but of course not to the music festival.

I remember when the Reading Festival was first held there, which I think was either 1970 or 1971. 1971, I think. If so, I was not quite 15. I remember driving with my mother, the day before it started, down the lane through the riverside meadows where it takes place, mainly to see the “hippies” who were already arriving. A human safari park, if you like. Our family lived on the other side of the river, in the suburb of Caversham Heights.

In those days, “pop festivals” were for the young (16-25, maybe 16-30). Of course, the general population has aged, and I see now that tickets for the Reading Festival cost hundreds of pounds.

An outright fraud. Anyone who supports her or sends her money is just a total mug.

“Tab” as “Tik-Tok Advance to Battle”?

Late music

[Sophie Rhys, Full Moon]

Diary Blog, 20 May 2023

Afternoon music


Saturday quiz

Well, this week I again managed to beat political journalist John Rentoul. I scored 6/10 as against his self-awarded five and a half. I did not know the answers to questions 3, 6, 7, and 10. I just missed the last one, thinking that it might be the cassowary [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassowary] (which can reach well over 6 feet in height). Apparently, though, that is only the third or fourth tallest bird.

More music

Tweets seen

On the main Maida Vale avenue just around the corner from my one-time address in Little Venice.

Very true. So many people are misled by that kind of “Mrs Thatcher housewife’s shopping basket” economics. One would have thought that John Rentoul would know better, or is he just (as in days of Blair) parrotting the “centrist” Labour Party line?

The Shard is an absolutely horrible building, aesthetically. Completely wrong in shape and size for its location.

As a former barrister (wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016 and not in actual Bar practice since 2008), I have applied a little thought to such questions.

My view is that sentencing has become absurd in the UK. While many defendants are certainly not given sufficient —or any— time in incarceration, despite having been convicted of very unpleasant offences, including crimes of very considerable violence, there is at the same time routine over-sentencing.

Many defendants are sentenced to, say, 5 years (for whatever), when 4 or 3 would be more than adequate (and, in terms of actual punishment, about the same).

At the same time, there are quite a few people incarcerated for no good reason at all, as in the recent free speech case of “Sven Longshanks” (James Allchurch), sentenced to 2.5 years for supposedly “inciting racial hatred” (he was convicted on 10 out of 15 charges). He will be in prison, probably, until 2024. Political “crime” in our “free country” (as was).


If Britain were not importing 700,000+ (mostly) non-whites every year, we should not have a “housing crisis” of any significance.

The term “Green Belt” just sets a marker that is universally understood or accepted, like the white lines in the middle of a highway.

Deadhead MPs


Good grief.

I am not going to do an entire study of this one, but take a look at the Wikipedia entry: mixed Indian heritage; failed, at an early stage, to continue with a law degree, despite having been, in part, privately educated; seems to be a lesbian or something similar; “elected” (selected) as MP at age 23; took “several months” off from her MP duties in 2021; “celebrated” the attacks on statues of English historical figures.

Another deadhead MP.

An example of her views:

Mirabile dictu! Seems that Esther McVey has actually said something with which I can agree.

If it turns out that the Russian air force or ground forces cannot deal with the increasing influx of sophisticated weapons systems being supplied to the Kiev regime, the end result may be that the Russian leadership will decide to destroy both the bases of those aircraft and also any nearby urban areas.

As previously blogged, it should never have come to this. The invasion should have and could have been essentially over within a week, with Kiev taken, and Zelensky’s cabal eliminated or driven into exile.

I assessed Macron, his background, and his links to the “French” Jewish lobby, several years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

The small area still defended by Kiev-regime forces in Bakhmut/Artyomovsk is now 100 acres or so, about the same acreage as Kensington Gardens in London.

From the newspapers


Waul has 50 previous convictions relating to 123 offences going back to 2001.”

[Bournemouth Echo]

The “enrichment” and “diversity” continues…

More tweets

Concentration camp or execution.

Looks like it is in the UK. Human? I say “humanoid”, at best.

What always strikes me about the Israeli police response to any incident is how swift it is. Not one, but several, and often many, police, security agents, soldiers etc are on the scene quickly, usually in seconds, at least in the Old City of Jerusalem or in the central parts of Tel Aviv. Reminiscent of the quick reaction of the militia in Moscow in Soviet times, if there were any sort of public disorder. The Israelis must have huge numbers of police personnel.

In a well-known and probably (?) apocryphal saying, Lenin is supposed to have opined that “in order to destroy a nation, first destroy its currency“. I suppose that he could not have foreseen the possibility that a nation’s integrity, credibility, and soul could be destroyed by migration-invasion, an invasion not through feat of arms, but through the moral weakness and/or self-hate of the people of the invaded country itself (whipped up, as usual, by “them”, the “you know who” element). He would not have believed it possible.

More from the newspapers


I have blogged briefly about that silly “ho”, Clare Moseley, in the past. Like so many English people, perhaps especially women, who attach themselves to “anti-racist”-type causes (“refugees welcome”, anti-apartheid etc), intellect is limited, emotionalism uncontrolled, hypocrisy common, and both knowledge and experience of the subject-matter usually absent.

They usually have mental health “issues” as well. See also:

More tweets

There is nothing wrong with being “antisemitic” anyway, and in the UK it is not a crime, despite what many ignorant Twitter types often tweet.

Looks as if “the musicians” are about to complete their performance in that area. музыканты хорошо играют…

What Russia lacks is a real ideology that goes beyond mere Great-Russian nationalism.

Late music

Diary Blog, 11 April 2023

Morning music

From the newspapers


A pub landlady today defied authorities and put more of her golliwog collection back on display just days after 20 of them were seized by police as part of an investigation that she and her husband had committed a hate crime.

Benice Ryley proudly placed five of the controversial dolls behind the bar of The White Hart pub in Grays, Essex, which she has run for the past 17 years with her husband Chris.

The couple, who are in their 60s, had six officers enter the pub last Tuesday and take away 20 dolls displayed on a shelf behind the bar after an anonymous complaint was made against them. 

They also seized an assortment of golliwog badges and magnets that adorned the bar.

[Daily Mail].

Meaning “defied” the clown police of Essex. My own experience, from 2017: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Read that article. The Essex Police clowns are still claiming that the golliwogs they seized are “part of an investigation” into a so-called “hate crime“, which is complete nonsense. It is not unlawful to own or display a golliwog.

One of the alarming aspects of contemporary Britain is the degree to which the police are (wilfully?) unaware of the limits to their power and, indeed, jurisdiction.


Today’s revelation that suspected terrorists have entered Britain posing as small boat migrants brings a whole new context to the Channel crisis.

It was already known that hundreds of criminals had been identified among arrivals from France – raising huge questions about Britain’s porous border and the Government’s ability to protect its citizens.

Now we know that the problem is far, far worse.

The 19 terror suspects who camouflaged themselves as would-be refugees to enter the UK are known to be affiliated with some of the most murderous groups in the world, including Islamic State and the Somali Islamist insurgent group al-Shabaab.

The security services were already under pressure keeping tabs on thousands of individuals who pose an active threat in the UK.”

[Daily Mail]

Well, what a huge surprise…


Potentially very important.


Ukraine’s air defence could crumble ‘within weeks’, according to leaked US intelligence documents.

The New York Times reported that newly leaked Pentagon documents and US officials suggest that a huge influx of munitions is needed to keep Russia’s air force from changing the course of the war.

According to one leaked document, missile stocks for Soviet-era S-300 and Buk air defence systems, which constitute 89 per cent of Ukraine’s protection against most fighter aircraft and some bombers, could be fully depleted by May 3 and mid-April.

One leaked document reportedly assessed that Ukrainian air defences designed to protect troops on the front line will be “completely reduced” by May 23.”

[Daily Telegraph]

There it is. The air defences of the Kiev regime may have “crumbled” and will be “fully depleted” and “completely reduced” within 1-5 weeks from now.

At the same time, the Kiev-regime infantry still living is suffering poor morale and huge losses.

The conclusion must be that Russia can press its advantage in the warmer weather expected soon.

Tweets seen

Zelensky will have to stop pretending to be a great (or any) statesman and/or great (or any) military leader, and go back to clowning on TV comedy shows. Either that, or retreat to his USD $40M villa in Florida.

Typical, but it is “Kiev“, not “Kyiv“, and certainly not (as the BBC, Sky etc now say) “Keeev“.

Stalingrad meets Mad Max.

The above analysis is very weak re. Weimar hyperinflation. The Weimar Republic did not collapse because of hyperinflation.

The Weimar hyperinflation period was 1921-1923, but mainly summer 1922 to November 1923. In other words, hyperinflation really only existed for about 18 months.

The hyperinflation did notcollapse” the Weimar Republic, though it did destroy the savings of those who had savings, thus making the whole political situation in Germany, already unstable, more unstable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic. It did rob the Weimar Republic of authority, to be sure. People distrusted it.

The final collapse of the Weimar Republic, which stabilized to some extent in the mid/late 1920s, came about more because of the Depression, which was born outside Germany, in the USA.

Hitler and the NSDAP did not attain full State power until 1933, a decade after the end of the hyperinflationary period.

The NSDAP only garnered 2.6% of the vote in 1928. Over the several elections succeeding, that vote-share grew to 37.3% in 1932, and then to 43.9% in 1933. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party#German_Reichstag.

[Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany]

Vanity publishing

I was just looking at the memoirs written (actually, ghost-written) by some “senior” (so-called) politicians. Liz Truss’s Out of the Blue, which came out too late, after she had already been deposed, is at present selling about 200 new copies monthly on Amazon. Not very impressive, but better than Andrea Leadsom’s effort, Snakes and Ladders, which is managing a mere 20 per month.

More tweets seen

I may do a “deadhead MPs” profile of Heidi Alexander sometime.

More from the newspapers


A newly-leaked top-secret Pentagon document reveals American planners doubt Ukraine’s ability to launch an effective counteroffensive against Russian invaders this spring.

Outlining the developments of the war since February, the document picks up on ‘force generation and sustainment shortfalls’, predicting Ukrainian forces will fail…

[Daily Mail]

More music

[German armour advancing, Kiev area, 1943]

More from the newspapers


Still clapping?

More tweets

You can guess what sort of (((group))) is behind that, ultimately…

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 16 December 2022, with analysis of the Stretford and Urmston by-election result

Morning music

[Katyusha rocket launchers, 1945]

On this day a year ago

Interesting blog post about Russia and Ukraine

Tweets seen

More music

Barclays bastards

I have just seen an online ad for Barclays Bank. An adviser (black) talks to a young couple (woman white, man black). A typical example of the racemixing propaganda now being pushed out ever-more blatantly. Part of the conspiracy around the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: http://adam.curry.com/art/1543753587_mkXBrvrY.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

What is especially interesting and telling about those “normalizing of racemixing” ads (and TV dramas,” and “soaps” etc) is that the actual black population of the UK is “only” about 5% of the whole (non-whites of all types comprise about 20% of the whole population now), yet almost every TV ad, online ad now has at least one actual black in it.

Munich 1939: interesting colour film documenting historical events

[Munich, 1939]

Stretford and Urmston by-election

I usually assess by-elections prior to polling, but missed this one.

A safe Labour seat since its creation for the 1997 General Election, Stretford and Urmston has never come close to being captured by the Conservative Party.

This is a “machine Labour” constituency. The by-election was caused by the former MP, Kate Green, half-Jewish and (I think) a member of Labour Friends of Israel, stepping down in order to be able to take up the role of Deputy Mayor of Manchester. The present Deputy Mayor is Beverly Hughes, who also preceded Kate Green as MP for Stretford and Urmston.

Both of those Deputy Mayor appointments were nominations by Andy Burnham, also of course a former Labour MP and still a possible future Labour Party leader: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beverley_Hughes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Green; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andy_Burnham.

The 2022 by-election saw Labour at its highest in the constituency, at 69.6% (lowest was 48.6%, in 2010).

The highest Conservative Party vote in the constituency was in 1997 (30.5%), the lowest in yesterday’s by-election (15.9%).

The Labour vote has been above 60% in the last three elections in the seat: 2022, 2019, 2017.

Before yesterday’s by-election, the Conservative vote has been between 27% and (about) 30% since the creation of the constituency in 1997.

Conclusion as to numbers: the Labour vote has somewhat increased, but the Conservative vote has almost halved since 2019. The former Conservative Party voters have mostly abstained, but with some voting elsewhere.

The numbers tell the story: in 2019, just over 50,000 voters voted, as against about 18,400 in the by-election, but at the 2019 General Election, 13,778 voters voted Con, as against only 2,922 in yesterday’s by-election, a far steeper fall. In other words, former Con voters have voted with their feet.

The LibDems and (other?) minor party candidates are not worth discussing; Reform UK yesterday got exactly the same as Brexit Party managed in 2019— 3.5%. The same voters? Underwhelming.

As for the new MP, it is one Andrew Western, another product of the Labour Party machine, and office-holder in local politics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Western.

What does this tell us about overall trends? In my view, that Labour, though not exciting, is consolidating its core vote. Also, that the Conservative Party is not at all enthusing even those who voted for it previously, not only in 2019 but even in elections prior to that. Also, that the LibDems are pretty much dead in the water in much of the country. Also, that Reform UK is obviously not going to get anywhere.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Stretford_and_Urmston_by-election; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretford_and_Urmston_(UK_Parliament_constituency).

More tweets

Unexpected. I had not thought that Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwarteng) was a cocaine abuser, though other former and existing Con ministers and MPs certainly have been and probably still are, that little pro-Jew bastard Gove for one. As for Liz Truss, thinking about her erratic behaviour, maybe.

Christmas University Challenge

Well, watched the Grand Final (Edinburgh v. Hertford College, Oxford). As on previous occasions, my wife and I scored better than the winning team. Surprising ignorance shown by both teams, bearing in mind that these are prominent and/or famous people, including the Political Editor for BBC News, one Adam Fleming, who (as in the previously-shown contest) displayed painful ignorance even in areas bordering on his own work.

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 November 2022, including Little Matt Hancock’s latest news

Morning music


On this day a year ago

On the blog 5 years ago

Historical note

Interesting medical/eugenic report


Tweets seen

As I predicted on the blog quite a while ago, Russia would have to understand (and seemingly now has worked out) that it needs to unbalance the Kiev regime by oblique warfare, rather than simply by battlefield attrition.

Even previously, the full story of our national suicide was not told, because the narrative spun only included mothers born in other countries, not grandmothers etc. The full extent of the “replacement” was never told.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Only the most extreme responses can stop it happening now.

Little Matt Hancock

Little Matt Hancock, the would-be dictator of the 2020-2021 “panicdemic”, has finally given up serious politics:

Quite. It will be recalled that, last week, Hancock was in the front row at Downing Street, obsequiously clapping Indian “clever boy” and money-juggler Sunak, as the latter arrived. Sunak “blanked” Hancock, not looking at him, not shaking his hand and, most tellingly, not later offering Hancock a job.

Hancock has therefore turned to Plan B, having no doubt seen Michael Portillo become far more famous (arguably) and certainly better liked, as well as better paid, after Portillo gave up front-line politics to ride on trains around the UK, Ireland, mainland Europe and beyond, giving out historical and socio-political snippets.

That restored Portillo’s reputation and public popularity. Few now even remember the unpleasant and bombastic minister and then Cabinet minister under Thatcher and Major; even fewer remember the 1990s sex scandal that revealed some of his various escapades (including affairs with both men and women, one of which was a Spanish male ballet dancer).

Portillo has become a popular TV presenter. Even I quite like his railway excursion shows.

As to Hancock, he has obviously accepted that his main political career is over. True, Nadine Dorries went on I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here! and was later appointed to Cabinet, though only many years later, under Johnson (perhaps literally) and after having lost the Conservative whip for a while (under Cameron-Levita). I read today that Hancock has now also lost the whip, and so sits in the Commons as an Independent MP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt_Hancock#I’m_a_Celebrity…_Get_Me_Out_of_Here!.

I do not think that Hancock expects to return to Cabinet or even Government, and it may be that he anticipates losing his seat in a general election cull of Conservative Party MPs, though Hancock’s constituency, West Suffolk, is (so far) a safe Con seat: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Suffolk_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

If Hancock does not regain the Conservative whip before the next general election, then he is toast, politically. Perhaps Sunak will dispose of him that way.

Incidentally, I blogged about Hancock over three years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/09/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-matt-hancock-story/.

Finally, I sincerely hope that the “staff” on SAS: Who Dares Wins give Hancock a thorough “beasting”. I have never watched that show, but I might make an exception to see Hancock suffering a bit.

Late tweets

That Cellan-Jones person has often expressed anti-national views. I suspect that he may be part-Jew, though am not sure of that.

Another suspicious person, in my view: Dr. Julia Grace Patterson, who qualified as a doctor, worked for maybe a year in a hospital, then dropped out and has of late (for the past few years) been selling (useless) cloth facemasks online, and tweeting about the NHS etc.

The System will use any method, including emotional blackmail, to release the black/brown migrant-invaders into our streets and homes.

The System wants to destroy every decent thing about England, and to flood the countryside with blacks etc.

How long will it be before a combined race/culture war breaks out in the UK and across Europe?

“Labour” is no better than the fake “Conservatives”, maybe worse in fact, but if the Con Party can be destroyed at the next general election, the Labour elected dictatorship that may follow may itself, by its extremism and possibly very large Commons majority, trigger a real pushback.

Late music


Diary Blog, 23 September 2022

Morning music

[Nikolai II, with the Tsaritsa Alexandra, their children, and attendants]

On this day a year ago

Mini-budget of Kwasi Kwarteng and Liz Truss




Aubrey Allegretti, political correspondent: Kwarteng starts by pinning the blame for inflation and spiralling energy bills directly on Putin.

[The Guardian]

Well, after all, it could not be the fault of the Boris-idiot government, which all but shut down the UK economy for 2 years for no good reason, while doling out free money like a drunken sailor…oh, wait a minute…

Aubrey Allegretti: Kwarteng seeks to turn the last 12 years of Conservative economic wisdom on its head and present the government as new and radical – rather than hanging on the coattails of the last one.

He lays out his central point that “growth is not as high as it should be”, arguing this only leads to less money to fund public services, relying on higher taxes, and so on.

“We need a new approach for a new era” should be seen as nothing less than a bid to reinvent the Conservatives and present them as a party of change – to avoid being blamed for the mistakes of the past. (Despite, of course, Truss having served in the previous three Conservative governments.)

[The Guardian].

This mini-budget is completely mad. The result can only be roaring inflation, higher interest rates for businesses and mortgage-payers, and before very long a huge spike in house-repossessions as people default on the mortgage commitments taken out in easier times.

Reducing tax for those earning over £140,000 —about 3x or 4x the average pay? That is just ridiculous and will be applied to purchase of hedging assets (including paying off any mortgage commitments such higher-earners may have).

Stimulation of the economy requires more money at the bottom end, where people are almost compelled by circumstances to spend on goods and services, not at the top end of the income scale.

Today, the pound sterling is down, as I write, by about 2%. Interest rates for UK government borrowing are rising steeply.

A budget of this sort does nothing for the poor (however defined), nothing for the bulk of the population, and only helps those already affluent or wealthy.

Indeed, it might be said that the “middle ranks”, meaning people without much capital, working for a modest living, paying off a mortgage, paying for children and a household, will be hit very hard.

If only there were an existing, tightly-controlled, social-national party, —even if small— and with credible policies and people. One does not exist. Somewhere soon down the road might come a “1929” moment. That was what started the NSDAP and Hitler on its path to glory (ultimately, tragic glory, but that is another question).

[“At the end stands Victory!“]
[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children“]

Hilary Mantel

The authoress, Hilary Mantel, has died.

I was struck by this, seen on her Wikipedia entry:

In an 2013 interview with the Telegraph, Mantel stated: “I think that nowadays the Catholic Church is not an institution for respectable people.”[5] She continued in the interview to say: “When I was a child I wondered why priests and nuns were not nicer people. I thought that they were amongst the worst people I knew.” These statements, as well as the themes explored in her earlier novel Fludd, led some to question her work in Wolf Hall, with Bishop Mark O’Toole noting: “There is an anti-Catholic thread there, there is no doubt about it. Wolf Hall is not neutral.”[46].”

[Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilary_Mantel].

I myself had no contact with Roman Catholicism as a child. Indeed, I do not think that I even knew any Roman Catholics until I was in my early 20s. All the same, the few impressions that I had then were not favourable, as when I was in Ireland aged about 21 and had left Tralee station to walk or hitch-hike to the mountains. A small car approached, the first one since Tralee. I stuck out my thumb, only for the miserable-looking bastards on board, a thin, rat-faced and bespectacled Catholic priest, and a thoroughly nasty-looking nun (who was driving), to pass me without even a glance.

After a week or so in the sea-mountains, I returned the same way. Again, a car approached. The same car. The same occupants. I thought that this time they would stop, having seen me the previous week. No. Straight on past, not sparing me a look.

Miserable bastards, whom I hope met a miserable end.

Incidentally, I did get a lift eventually, in both directions; on the journey out, from an attractive dark-haired young Irishwoman who would not accept a chocolate from me because it was Lent.

The years spin past ever-quicker. That was in early 1979, all of 43 years ago now.

Tweets seen

Re. Therese Coffey, my assessment of her from three years ago (it includes updates) has always had a lot of hits, and that continues every day: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

More tweets seen

Exactly. Both above tweets are right. The income point however leaves out the main difference between the few and the many, the capital held by each group.

The average Joe has no, or virtually no, capital. In fact, if you leave aside any equity value in residential property owned (usually just one dwelling, and Average Joe himself lives in it), most British people really only have a tiny amount of capital, a few thousand pounds, or even just a few hundred.

The wealthy few however, are often not at all dependent on income as such, certainly not income from any ordinary job. Their capital, invested in real property, or shares etc, is the key to their wealth. Careful investment and accountancy can mean that Average Millionaire/Billionaire Joe has almost no taxable income at all, while in any given year, his capital might have increased by 20%, 50%, even 1,000%.

The wealthiest of all have seen their capital increase hugely since the last financial crash in 2008; The Elon Musks (from about USD $2 billion to about USD $277 billion— in just one decade), the Jeff Bezos’s etc.

People like that laugh at the very idea of income tax. It is simply irrelevant to most of them. Look at the Duke of Westminster, small compared to the mega-billionaires, but still worth £10 billion -£20 billion. Then compare that to the Average Joe, who might (or might not) own, even including his house equity, maybe £200,000 or so. £1 for every £100,000 owned by the Duke of Westminster, and maybe £1 for every £1,500,000 owned by Elon Musk.

I myself had a great many problems with HMRC long ago. Partly but not entirely self-inflicted, and all now (long ago, over a decade ago) resolved to my satisfaction. I never ever encountered a bureaucracy as shambolic (as well as, in some cases, unpleasant) as HMRC. Not in Eastern Europe, not in the former Soviet Union, not in the USA (which came close, at times).

Look at them: Charles, Anne, Edward, Andrew, Harry (formerly known as “Prince”), William. Are any of them beyond mediocre in intellect, character, or in any way other than unearned and unmerited wealth? Most of them do not even pay taxes.

Meanwhile, Kelvin McKenzie, formerly of the Sun “newspaper”, exposes his ignorance once again:

McKenzie seems unaware that there is more to tax than income tax and inheritance tax. To give the obvious example (obvious at least to anyone better-informed than McKenzie), everyone pays VAT, a tax which is a major contributor to State funds, and is paid disproportionately by the poorer part of the population.

I have to admit that I have little interest in the minutiae of it all, but from the ruthless, Ayn Rand, callous self-interest point of view, the Mulatta has, as they say, “played a blinder”.

Putin’s decision to invade, as such, was not a mistake, but the decision to invade without proper preparation, without a proper plan, without having eliminated Zelensky, and with no proper logistics in place, was more than a mistake. It was criminally negligent. The GRU and General Staff should be purged, cut to the bone. Start again, as Stalin did.

It could have been done swiftly, with minimal hurt and damage.

Where can I get one of those? Or both.

True, but remember how Blair, and Brown in particular, worshipped the banking “industry” (sometimes useful but basically parasitic service industry).

More thoughts about the “mini-Budget”

Seems that “the markets” are dropping like a stone.

I mean, a simple-minded, almost cretinous Budget, announced by a woolly-headed ****** posing as Chancellor of the Exchequer; then we have a semi-educated half-caste with a “degree” in Hospitality Management posing as Foreign Secretary, and a stupid and ridiculous woman (who only became an MP on her back), actually posing as Prime Minister….what could possibly go wrong?

Jesus Christ! Is that stupid lot the best “the great Conservative Party” (in the words of Disraeli, his sentence ending “which destroys everything“…) can do? And is that hopelessly banal package of economic measures the summation of their thoughts?

Late tweets seen

Pity. I do not like the Gulf Arab “states”.

Liz Truss. The latest clown to pose as Prime Minister of the UK.

…the key words being “in a supposed liberal democracy“…

There is a way to deal with these people, with these evils; only one way, really…

The Jew-Zionists are behind much of the attack on free speech. About 90% of it.

I remember when, in the 1980s, a load of caravan-dwelling “travellers” decided to camp on Hampstead Heath, near the opulent house of “socialist” humbug Michael Foot. Suddenly, the great champion of the “rights” of the Gypsies and “travellers” (Irish tinkers) was against them camping near his house…


Foot was a hypocrite of the first order; I could not stand the bastard.

Late music

[Levitan, [Over Eternal Peace]

Diary Blog, 9 June 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

The Bar continues to dig its own grave


This (read that report) is a trend that has been going on for 2-3 decades now. I could recount numerous examples from my own experience. One of the least egregious would be that involving a pupil in my own chambers in Exeter (in the early/mid 1990s, I was practising in London, but after working and living in various places overseas from 1996-2002, returned to the practising Bar in SW England in mid-2002).

The pupil to whom I refer (and who shall be nameless, partly out of courtesy but equally because I have actually forgotten her name), was from Northern Ireland.

Now I have to say that I find the Northern Irish accent one of the most difficult in the UK to understand easily but, in addition to that, the girl in question had a pretty bad speech impediment.

You might ask why on Earth someone with a bad speech impediment wanted to go to the Bar in the first place, or was not sidetracked into other career options at an earlier stage, but there it is. Of course, not all barristers spend much of their time in court.

Now, said girl pupil was, like many Bar pupils, far more obliging and pleasant when a pupil (and no doubt trying to get along pleasantly with members of chambers) than she was once taken on as a tenant or —as I think she was, cannot now recall exactly— squatter (a quasi-tenant but with no rights of tenure). I myself only saw her in passing, really, but did note that, once she was actually working as barrister, she seemed rather abrasive, judging admittedly by the very few times I saw her at (though not in) court. I never had any trouble with her myself, and in fact saw little of her.

Now the interesting thing was that not only did chambers (notably in the person of the main Clerk to Chambers) champion that young woman, but claimed that instructing solicitors loved her. Well, maybe. Seems strange to me that someone with both a speech impediment and an accent that was more like a gargle could be at the English Bar doing court work, but there we are.

I harbour a suspicion that people tend to bend over backwards to be nice, so to speak, to the physically-disabled, as many do also to some of the ethnic minorities. That is fine as far as it goes, but not when it amounts to a kind of lie.

Incidentally, I seem to remember that the person noted above returned, in the end, to her native Ulster, and maybe left the practising Bar.

Digressing further, I happened, out of curiosity today, to look at the website of the successor chambers to the one to which I belonged in Exeter from 2002-2008 (and which, an amalgam of two or three sets, is now the largest in the South West outside Bristol). I saw that several people that I liked are still there, and I saw that not only (as I knew already) is my old head of chambers now “His Honour” (a Circuit Judge) but that someone else I knew in chambers, a former magistrates’ clerk, with an encylopaedic knowledge of some aspects of (in particular) criminal law, is now also “His Honour”. Unless it is just someone with an identical name, but I think not.

That last was a nice little man, very polite and pleasant, who wore his considerable knowledge lightly. I seem to recall that he had written a well-received book on sentencing. Glad to see that his knowledge and diligence has been rewarded.

I was amused to see that two people who had rather more than a spat in chambers are now both members of that set. I liked both of them. One was a then-young man who was very eager to progress chambers (my wife called him a “Young Turk” for his enthusiastic diligence, but in these dumbed-down times, I suppose I shall have to explain that he was not a real Turk!). He was married to a pretty young woman whom I believe I met once at some chambers reception or other.

The other barrister, also young, was an ex-solicitor whose grandfather had founded one of the largest firms of solicitors in the South West. A very pleasant person.

Those people, with others in chambers, used to go shooting together, an activity of which I thoroughly disapproved. I disapprove of all hurt done to animals, particularly for sport or “fun”. I even disapprove of shooting humans, under most circumstances. Ironically, most of those I liked best in chambers were the shooters.

Anyway, one day, those two members of chambers were out shooting when a pheasant fell onto the head of the wife of the “Young Turk” and knocked her out in the field. Whether that preceded or not the affair that she apparently had with the other young barrister, I know not. It later transpired that, after much bad blood, I was the only member of chambers to be unaware of the feud that ensued, my mind being occupied by other matters (or as my wife would say, “in the clouds”) and, also, the fact that I was, by then, only spending half the month in the UK, the rest in France and some other countries.

I suppose that the two former antagonists have either buried the hatchet or (and/or) come to the realistic conclusion that that set is more or less “the only game in town” (in Exeter) now. Time heals all wounds, they say (though I remain doubtful of that, speaking generally). The events in question were after all some 15 or 16 years ago now.

Tweets seen

and no need to mention the War (I mean ‘the vaccines‘)”…

Did that apply to freeloading “charity” bod Brendan Cox, and/or barrister and former scribbler Rupert Myers, or did their offences not even get to the stage of being investigated by police? See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5404241/Jo-Coxs-husband-admits-sex-pest-resigns.html; https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/rupert-myers-being-publicly-shamed-pushed-me-to-the-edge-a3702711.html; https://london-post.co.uk/sleazy-journalist-rupert-myers-sacked-by-various-outlets-amidst-sexual-assault-allegations/.

At last, a reality check in the otherwise useless and in fact often deliberately untruthful UK msm.

I was blogging months ago that the forces of the Kiev regime would soon be running short of military resources, particularly fuel and ammunition.

J.H. Brennan

I discovered today that J.H. Brennan, whose early 1970s books Astral Doorways and Experimental Magic I owned from 1978 (when I was 21-22 y-o), is still alive, now aged 81: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Herbert_Brennan.

A pretty good writer, in my opinion, with an easy-reading style (judging by the few books of his that I have read).

More tweets seen

Interesting analysis, and I can agree with much of it, though I do not accept that neurotic bighead, Gordon Brown’s, bailout of the bank swine was right at all— better to have let them go bust, imprison the wealthy bankers, then step in to help those with say £200,000 or less on deposit; and let the affluent and wealthy go smoke.

I agree that the “austerity” nonsense of the part-Jews David Cameron-Levita and George Osborne was disastrous, causing misery to millions without in any way dealing with the real problems of the financial sector and “national debt”.

As to cryptocurrencies, it is true that they are “without intrinsic value“, but that is also true of conventional currencies. I took a look at all that years ago on the blog: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/12/10/thoughts-about-bitcoin/.

If a sustained recession/slump/depression is around the corner, there yet might be time for social-nationalism to triumph. Remember 1929-1933…

Late tweets seen

That creature is Canada’s Minister of Justice?! He looks more like a refugee from the 1950s Phil Silvers Show.

Get Trudeau Out! Alternatively, just get Trudeau.

Late music

[Vladimir Volegov, Reading a Novel]