Tag Archives: James Wilson

Diary Blog, 31 May 2024, including General Election news and comment

Morning music

Election news


Rishi Sunak has been given a glimmer of hope as a major new poll by Lord Ashcroft suggests that more than half of voters have yet to definitively make up their minds.

With less than five weeks until the General Election, the research shared exclusively with the Daily Mail found only four in ten have ‘definitely decided’ how to vote.

But in a sign of the mountain the Tories still have to climb, the poll gives Labour a 23 point lead. 

Overall, it puts Labour on a 47 per cent vote share, with the Tories on 24 per cent, and Reform UK on 11 per cent.”

Assuming honesty and relative accuracy of the poll, several points stand out for me.

Firstly, that this poll is not at all the “glimmer of hope” for Sunak and the Cons that the report accompanying it is spinning.

42% have “definitely decided” which way they are going to vote. Looking at recent polling elsewhere, that must greatly favour Labour. As for “...leaning towards a party” but “not definitely sure“, that could apply to any of the parties, but if most end up with Labour, then it is possible that Lab could end up, overall, topping 50%, leaving the Cons with a MP cadre in the single figures.

It might also mean, thinking of my previous speculation on the blog, that there are more people than polls suggest willing to vote Reform UK, if only as a protest, or as a method of giving the time-expired Conservative Party a kicking without having to vote Labour. “Secret” Reform UK voters. Do they even exist? We do not know. I think that they may exist, but in what numbers?

Anything up to 31% of eligible voters may not vote, it seems.

One big unanswered question is how many under-40s and especially under-25s will bother to vote, they being heavily pro-Labour.

On the other hand, the over-70s are the only age demographic more likely to vote Con than Lab. If significant numbers either vote Labour (unlikely) or Reform UK (much more likely) or simply abstain (not unlikely) then Sunak and the Cons really are in trouble.

Other takeaways include the fact (if it is a fact) that only 23% think that Sunak etc can do better than others at “running the economy” (Lab 37%; Don’t Know 39%, tellingly). For a Prime Minister with a banking and financial/business background, and who was, not so long ago, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that is very much a thumbs-down.

The voters’ assessments of the characters of Sunak and Starmer are not so very different.

Sunak is assessed by only 8% as being “up to the job“, while only 12% assess him as even being “competent“. That’s damning. (Starmer’s equivalent ratings were 18% and 21%, scarcely a ringing endorsement, but still far better than Sunak).

Ashford’s poll figures, fed into Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] suggest a result of Labour MPs 513, Cons 71, LibDems 31, SNP 12, Greens 2, Plaid 3, Reform 0, Northern Irish 18.

Very very bad for the Conservative Party, but not quite existentially so..

On that basis, there would still be a considerable Con bloc of 71 MPs, and the Cons would still be the official Opposition, however ineffective.

My own feeling, whether it be right or wrong, is still that the Cons may be reduced to below 50 MPs, and that the LibDems may exceed that by default (tactical voting), thus making the LibDems the Opposition in the Commons.

If that were to occur, the defeat would be existential for the Cons. No “bright young” (mostly idiot) careerists (think Liz Truss, once upon a time…) would want to join, and big donors would not bother to pump money into funding the Cons. A “death spiral”, as people say.

Election date— Thursday 4 July 2024. Less than 5 weeks to go.

Tweets seen

The American government seems to have lost, if not its mind, then any sense of perspective.

If Country A sells or, even worse, gives Country B arms and ammunition, and especially if that is with the express intent that Country B should attack the territory of Country C, then that is pretty close to being an act of war by Country A against Country C.

Stop this mad slide to a quite possible superpower nuclear war.

It is widely mooted that the combat-ready spearhead numbers no more than 30,000, if that. Maybe as low as 20,000. Plus about 5,000 Royal Marines under naval command. Plus 4,000 Gurkhas. Plus Reserves.

If UK society continues to slide, they may be used to control the situation in the “British” cities more than anything else.

More music

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An impressive show. Is it any more than that?

I do not have enough information to guess accurately at the likely outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election, but peace would be better served were Trump to be re-installed at the White House, no matter what his personal deficiencies.

I publicly disagreed with the IHRA definition of antisemitism by reference to the arguments of Sir Stephen Sedley (on any view a hugely respected jurist) that it protects Israel from legitimate criticism.

That led to people publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me. And lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. And grotesque accusations of antisemitism about me. And 4 years of litigation where a total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel tried to bankrupt me. And a trial where witnesses made untrue or wildly exaggerated statements to try to ruin my reputation.

In the end I won, but my experience confirms Lemoineā€™s argument. It was awful and exhausting and no doubt intended to be so. Ending peopleā€™s careers for agreeing with Lemoineā€™s reasonable point of view is wrong and dangerous.”

[James Wilson]

Stephen Sedley. I remember him. I appeared in front of him as Counsel sometime around 1994 when he was a High Court judge (he was later a Lord Justice of Appeal). It was a matter involving the Angolan secret service. Sedley had had some previous experience in dealing with Angolan matters: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Sedley#Career. He gave me a very courteous hearing before politely refusing my judicial review application…

Perhaps there isnā€™t any such thing as the Israel lobby. Perhaps Israel is the only country on the planet without dedicated lobbyists. Perhaps organisations like We Believe in Israel, the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre, and both the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel, simply donā€™t exist.

Perhaps itā€™s simply untrue to say that people who are critical of Israel online, or supportive of Palestine, are bombarded by hostile replies from pro-Israel accounts.

Or perhaps, thereā€™s a concerted effort by Israelā€™s advocates to warp and distort the definition of antisemitism to make it impossible to describe their activities. Was Faiza Shaheen wrong to apologise? I can understand why she did it. But nobody should have to apologise for liking a plain statement of fact.

Perhaps I imagined the evidence which clearly showed supporters of Israel working together to get information on me.

Perhaps I imagined them publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me.

Perhaps I imagined lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. Perhaps I imagined the accusations of antisemitism about me.

Perhaps I imagined 4 years of litigation and the total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel trying to bankrupt me.

Perhaps I imagined the trial where supporters of Israel gave wildly exaggerated evidence to try to ruin my reputation.

Perhaps I imagined the judgment: https://bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/KB/2024/821.html.

[James Wilson].

One of the unreliable witnesses for the losing defendants in that case was Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (p/t judge). Others (all Zionist Jews) were likewise not given much if any credence by the trial judge.

Laura Towler

I happened to see the announcement below.


It turns out that political prisoner Sam Melia is now being prevented from having access to his children. In fact, his wife cannot even tell him about them when she visits him. Disgraceful. These really are the tactics of a police state.

See also: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia

Incidentally, if anyone is in a generous mood, my own fundraiser is still running: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

More tweets

Ha. Horrible Jewish-lobby puppet. Useless too, it seems.

Late tweets seen

That should be Shai “Masot“, not “Mosat“, and certainly not “MOSSAD”. On the other hand…

Does that Israel-puppet get fed exactly what to say by some Israeli agency? Sounds like it.

This whole situation is mad.

If a nuclear war happens, most of us will not live through it. The only hope will be, in that terrible contingency, that at some later point, after the Wagnerian devastation of Europe, a new society can emerge, on a post-Aryan basis, and then create the basis for a later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

[Germany, 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Diary Blog, 22 May 2024

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

Issued with formal advice“? Myerson’s defaults were surely worse than those attributed to me in 2016, yet I was disbarred (it later turned out, unlawfully as well as wrongly) because I tweeted a mere 5 supposedly “offensive” tweets or retweets (out of over 150,000, over about 6 years). Justice? I think not. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Jew-Zionist hypocrite Myerson, whose recent evidence on oath as a witness on the losing side of a significant legal case [Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor] was given little if any weight by a High Court judge, should be removed in short order as Recorder (p/t judge), and also disbarred, in my opinion.

Incidentally, Myerson belongs to the very organization that complained (via another Jew barrister, of whom I had previously never even heard) about me in 2014— “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”]; he also belongs to the malicious and conspiratorial “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], which was behind other contrived and malicious complaints against me, such as the one that resulted in my being put on trial in November 2023.


When I look at the MPs in the Westminster monkeyhouse, or at least 80%+ of them, what amazes me is the sheer patience (or is it lazy complacency?) of the British people.

Not very Parliamentary language, but truth is its own defence (or used to be…).

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Not one mention of the fact that a million unwanted immigrants are entering this country every single year now. Cloud-cuckoo land. Madness.

More from James Wilson about his recent legal case

…and with all the Jewish persons involved, those students must have imagined themselves as extras in some sort of Hollywood film…

More tweets

“They” love to “report” people, but if it happens to them, they recoil in horror, and from that moment become, yet again, “innocent victims”.

As to Mark Lewis, he is an appallingly bad (bad in more than one sense) lawyer. He should be struck off the solicitors’ roll.

Lewis was always a self-publicist first and foremost. The Jewish lobby so embedded in the “British” msm has always given him a free ride, publicizing any legal successes (mostly very easy wins, such as the “Jack Monroe” defamation suit against Katie Hopkins), but keeping silent about the many times when Lewis has failed.

As previously blogged, I (unlike the seemingly well-meaning James Wilson) have no sympathy for the Jew-Zionist defendants. One has committed suicide, the other two are now as good as bankrupt, with one apparently likely to lose his family house, unless (and here’s the rub) he sues Mark Lewis, and possibly/probably the firm of which Lewis is a partner, Patron Law, in professional negligence and/or otherwise.

To recycle Lewis’s own arrogant boast, but with a twist, “someone can be a fanatical Jew-Zionist twister and lawyer, but at least they can be a bankrupt and struck-off one“…

Late tweets

Or deal with them another way, and so save the air fares.

That is unarguable.

I agree with Goodwin. What Mackinlay is suffering and has suffered, I should not wish on (most of) my worst enemies. However, it is not wrong or in bad taste to note that, throughout his time as MP, Mackinlay has voted, consistently, in Parliament to reduce social security/”welfare” benefits, including those paid to the sick and disabled.

Mackinlay and his wife have high incomes, and many “perks” etc. Many sick and disabled people struggle by without such privilege. I wonder whether his recent experiences have in any way changed his outlook on the life-challenges facing less-affluent people in the UK?


Get him on the train!

Idiots like that may be digging their own irradiated graves.

Never give “them” power…


Late music

Diary Blog, 21 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Mark, rather than making witless jokes about a helicopter crash, please can you focus on giving instructions to your solicitors about my claim for costs against you and your firm Patron Law. Your former client – the one who is still alive – is vulnerable. He and I need some explanation as to why you insisted I give you huge sums of money to settle my claim.

This will probably end up with the egregious Jew-Zionist solicitor, Mark Lewis, and/or his colleagues, having to settle a professional negligence claim.

Where Goodwin goes wrong is in failing to see that only some form or forms of social nationalism can save Europe as anything much more than a geographic space inhabited mainly (after about 2100, possibly before then) by non-Europeans.


Goodwin is also entirely in consonance with the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby. That means that he gets an easy ride from the mass media, but also means that he has hitched his wagon to the “controlled opposition” populists such as Reform UK. They cannot appeal to the bulk of the people, but can only hoover up votes from disenchanted people who were, mostly, Conservative Party supporters until recently. Some were also Labour voters, true, but not so many. Maybe —at peak— 20% of the electorate.

Iā€™m less worried about Lewisā€™ slips with the date and the grammar, and more worried about his grasp of the law! It seems Lewis thinks when that when you sue for libel, you are not entitled to an undertaking from the defendant saying they wonā€™t further publish the libel because it is you that has put the libel in the public domain.

So if you donā€™t sue for an undertaking/injunction, they can further publish. And, er, if you do sue for an undertaking/injunction, thereā€™s no need for one because youā€™ve put the libel in the public domain. No doubt libel lawyers will be scratching their heads at this.”

Ha. The fact is that, for all his brief “celebrity” about 10-12 years ago, Lewis is not much of a lawyer, in my opinion. That is even if we leave aside Lewis’s own admission, before the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018, that at times he had no idea what he was saying, writing, or doing (by reason of his intake of prescription drugs).

A tale in four acts.

1. In Nov 2021 I suggested a nominal (say Ā£5) settlement with Mr Cantor.

2. Mr Lewis rejected it in principle, apparently on Mr Cantorā€™s instructions.

3. Mr Cantor now says Mr Lewis said the only way to get a zero money settlement was to ask me for Ā£5k.

4. Because I could never offer Mr Cantor anything better than a nominal settlement, and that was explicitly rejected by Mr Lewis, Mr Cantor lost at trial and is likely to lose his home. What was going on here?

This is far from having been the first time that “Mark Lewis Lawyer” (his old Twitter/X name, now supplanted by “@MLewisLawyer”) has acted entirely unprofessionally, but up until now the fanatical and semi-loonie Lewis has managed to wriggle out of professional sanction, except in 2018, when the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal fined and censured him for having tweeted violently-abusive things on social media.

Even then, supportive Jews stumped up, via a crowdfunder, the Ā£12,500 penalty (being a fine plus costs). Lewis’s fine itself (Ā£2,500) had been reduced by two-thirds because he had effectively no money. His own Counsel said to the Tribunal that Lewis had not only been affected mentally by his (prescription) drug intake, but that “his only assets” consisted of his own clothes, a mobility scooter, and a private pension worth Ā£70 a week.

Lewis’s honesty, as well as his competence, has been in question for many many years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/

In the Wilson case, should the recent defendant, Cantor, wish to have reduced his liability for the costs of the successful Claimant (Wilson), he has (it seems) little choice but to go after Lewis. Should Lewis have no or not sufficient means to satisfy the costs, then I suppose that Cantor’s remedy would be, in principle, to go after Lewis’s legal partners in the law firm to which he is now attached, Patron Law.

It will be interesting to see what eventually happens. Unfortunately, the costs will be less than they normally would be (had solicitors and Counsel represented the Claimant); it seems that Wilson represented himself much of the time.

Still, Cantor and maybe Wilson can both complain to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. I hope they both will.

Late tweets

Israel has shut down a live video broadcast by the Associated Press of Gaza, where journalists are barred from entering.

Israel claims that this broadcast was used by Al Jazeera after the medium was banned in Israel, and that it was used by Hamas for military planning.

Since the start of the war, international journalists have come under increased scrutiny from the Israeli government for reporting on the conflict and have faced increasing restrictions on their activities, drawing condemnation from the United Nations and media freedom groups.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot equip recruits with heavy equipment , writes Forbes.

Despite the help of the West, the shortage of armored vehicles in Kyiv has become even more obvious against the backdrop of combat losses and increased mobilization, the publication notes. For example, the recently formed 153rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had to be retrained as an infantry brigade.

Looking at that photo, I am assuming that the “tart-on-a-stick” in the blue outfit is his daughter.



Gove is a complete puppet of the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby, and has been for many years, even long predating his time as MP and then government minister. A drug abuser, a shambling drunk, an expenses cheat/fraudster, and more besides.

Could the Federal Government —and whole society— of the USA be any more penetrated and occupied by “them”?

Late music

[David D. Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo; https://www.daviddpearce.com/workszoom/4737386/cairo-citadel-bird-souq-and-buses#/. The artist is a former U.S. diplomat]

Diary Blog, 11 May 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Difficult questions this week. I scored 4/10, but even that very modest score was enough to trump that of political journalist John Rentoul, who managed only 2/10. I knew the answers to questions 1, 5, 6, and 7. I came close (in my opinion, anyway) to getting no. 2 as well.

Talking point

Interesting. Well worth an hour of anyone’s time.

I liked the comment from a 90-something ex-soldier who said that, looking at Britain in the 21stC, he wishes that Hitler had successfully invaded in 1940 (in fact, there never was a serious plan to invade the UK: Hitler wanted alliance with the British Empire, not to conquer it. “Operation Sealion” [Fall Seelowe] was never more than a contingency plan and/or a smokescreen with which to lull Stalin into a false sense of security prior to Barbarossa).

I also liked the several comments by old soldiers now wishing that they had fought for Hitler.

Tweets seen

Starmer’s priorities are: 1. Whatever Israel and the Jewish lobby want; 2. To eliminate any remaining free speech (and refer to previous priority); 3. To destroy what is left of Britain as a real nation, rather than a geographic space filled with globalized economic entities, including humanoid entities (and refer to no.1 above); 4. The self-interest of “Labour” politicians and hangers-on [e.g., most recently, Ayesha Hazarika].

They should have been kicked into the gutter and stamped on. They are nothing but sub-terrorists, using their age and sex as a shield.

Just Stop Oil is a pathetic excuse for a cause or ideology; worthless.

Those ridiculous old “entitleds”, crowing about their “Christian” faith, will try to destroy a (genuine) “national treasure”, but probably welcome the migration-invasion which will destroy this country and its society long before any “climate change” (however caused).

Typical msm scribbler thinks that “govt” can “solve poverty”. That depends on various other factors. In the case of the UK, you have importation of around a million unwanted immigrants every single year now, a fact which scribbler Paul Lewis ignores. Simply ignores. As if to say “million immigrants a year? Irrelevant. Just build more houses for them” (for these mostly useless parasites). Oh, and give them cash, and medical services, and schools for their offspring (etc).

4 million? Try 12…(and, by 2034, 25M, or more).

I doubt whether scribbler (posing as an economist) Paul Lewis has much real expertise in the economics of a state or a society (about your electricity or gas bill, maybe; I do not know).

Both lots of demonstrators are deluded in their own ways.

I used to go to Brighton Beach (New York) occasionally. Early 1990s. It was a largely Russian-speaking neighbourhood then. There was a large shop selling good bread, and pickled herrings and cucumbers etc.

I usually arrived on the”El” from Manhattan.

[the “El” at Brighton Beach]



Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Macron is an idiot. France would not survive war (totally pointless and unnecessary war) with Russia. One Sarmat-2 missile might take out, i.e. destroy, about 90% of the whole of France. I value France, where I lived for 3-4 years; I do not want to see that beautiful country destroyed.

Macron is yet another puppet of the Israel/Jewish lobby: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/, my assessment of Macron from 5+ years ago.

Worth reading the explanation.

That case is a good example of how some Jewish lawyers abuse the English legal system. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

Mr Justice Nicklin said this in another case: “It is likely that this error occurred because he [Mr Lewis] had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients.

[per James Wilson]

Dishonest and incompetent…

Both Mark Lewis and Daniel Berke are fanatical Jew-Zionists. Lewis even lives, some or most of the time, in Eilat, Israel.

As said, both dishonest and incompetent, in the case of Lewis. As to Daniel Berke, I have no idea of how competent or incompetent he is in the civil law field (I read that he is a criminal solicitor), but on the face of the above, he seems as incompetent as Lewis.

As I opined some time ago, there seems to have been professional negligence on the part of Lewis, and that may now apply to Berke as well.

Incidentally, Berke also opines about “antisemitism” being connected to “mental illness”:

Seems that Berke’s knowledge of both “antisemitism” and mental illness is as sketchy as his knowledge of civil procedure seems to be. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/ [updated consistently], in which I examined the incontrovertible links between Jew-Zionism, Jewish “antifascism”, and mental illness.

Yet anywhere hosting anti-Zionists, whether political (London Forum, Patriotic Alternative, Keep Talking etc), entertainers (Alison Chabloz, Gilad Atzmon), metaphysical speakers (eg David Icke) or whatever, will be “hounded” by packs of Jews such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], “Hope not Hate” (“HnH”] and others.

When will the Daily Mail (etc) cover that story? Never…

Fair enough, but Neil is completely at one with Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby, and the Jewish element has been the driving force behind the attack on freedom of expression throughout the Western world: so-called “race relations” and “anti-hate” laws (designed to shut down socio-political debate), “holocaust” “denial” laws (designed to make aspects of modern history off-limits to both non-Jewish historians and members of the public) etc.

Incidentally, should anyone wish to help defray the costs of my own recent free speech trial, the crowdfunder is still open: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Could Andrew Neil be more craven? All his money, yet no real independence, in my opinion.

Like Andrew Neil (pre-2024), I have never watched Eurovision and (unlike Neil) do not intend to change my habit today. I have no interest at all in the Israeli contestant, positive or negative, or in any of the other howling freaks and noisemakers taking part.

I did notice that Denmark’s entry is an African! Not even a beautiful one. “Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“…

The number of foreign mercenaries participating in the conflict on the side of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has decreased by two thirds compared to March 2022 , writes “Business Insider”.

“Half of the mercenaries come from Latin American countries hoping to make money. They are there for money,” said Carl Larson, a former American soldier who fought in Ukraine.

He also admitted that, while he was in Ukraine, he realized that foreign mercenaries would not be able to stop the Russian forces and that they could only delay their advance “perhaps for an hour“.

Late music

[V.B. Tautiev, Launch of Kalibr Missile, Caspian Sea]
[painting by Volegov]
[painting by Levitan]

Diary Blog, 21 April 2024, with more about the legal case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor

Morning music

[Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Tweets seen

More about the legal case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor

I pity anyone using Mark Lewis as their solicitor…

See my blog posts from yesterday (20 April 2024) and 18 April 2024: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/04/20/diary-blog-20-april-2024/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/04/18/diary-blog-18-april-2024/, also my posts from a few years ago, and especially https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/. Also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/09/16/diary-blog-16-september-2023/.


Those self-describing “left” people, such as Maginn and Dr. David Miller, always call their persecutors “rightwing“, when really the said persecutors are mostly Jews, with a few non-Jewish pro-Israel “doormat” types as makeweights.

The old “right”/”left” descriptors were out of date a century ago.

Academic James Wilson wins defamation case against Zionist trolls Mendelsohn and Cantor. Judgment speaks volumes about methods and attitudes of so-called ā€˜campaigners against antisemitismā€™.

It’s worth posting this Skwawkbox report in full so people can appreciate what those of us critical of Zionism are up against.

The academic James Wilson was defamed, bullied and lied about by a phalanx of Zionist troll merchants including some who had, or have, jobs in academia – such as the late, and not lamented, Pete Newbon, and the Zionist regime asset David Hirsh.

I have highlighted the names of this Zionist hyaena pack in bold for ease of reference. [Link to the Skwawkbox post at the end.]

University lecturer James Wilson has been awarded Ā£30,000 in damages against James Mendelsohn and Edward Cantor for defamatory material published about him during an argument about supposed antisemitism in the Labour party.

The false claim, that Mr Wilson was a ā€˜freak [who] takes pictures of kidsā€™, put Mr Wilson and his partner in fear of physical danger, as well as seriously damaging his reputation.

The judge had previously rejected an attempt by Mendelsohn and Cantor to quash the lawsuit. The judgement lays bare that: Mendelsohn and Cantor kept private information and recycled it to the late Dr Pete Newbon ā€“ a director of the anti-left group ā€˜Labour against Antisemitismā€™ (LAAS), so that he could use it to defame Wilson ā€“ the information was untrue and based a) on statements from someone the judge found to have lied about Wilson and b) on false claims about a university disciplinary investigation.

Newbon was described by the judge as ā€˜bullyingā€™. That Newbon, who committed suicided in 2022 after a row with his wife and has been lionised by so-called ā€˜antisemitism campaignersā€™ despite his awful record as a serial troll repeatedly disciplined by his employers Northumbria University for his appalling social media conduct, had not told her of Wilsonā€™s lawsuit against him for the defamatory posts.

Mendelsohn and Cantor refused to apologise, mediate or settle, forcing the legal action to proceed to its conclusion. A key witness for the defendants said that she had been offered Ā£5,000 by Mendelsohn and Cantor to testify for them (though the judge did not make a finding that her claim was true).

The defendants further abused and insulted Wilson in the course of their defence ā€“ despite, in the case of Cantor, being warned by the judge not to do so.

The defendants ā€“ who represented themselves in court apart from the use of a barrister to cross-examine Wilson ā€“ wheeled out a number of figures who are well known for their attacks on the left in an attempt to shore up their defence. The judge dismissed them:

*University lecturer David Hirsh, a prominent, pro-Israel proponent of supposed ā€˜left antisemitismā€™, who wrote an unintentionally revealing elegy to Pete Newbon after his suicide. Hirsh was called to bolster the defendantsā€™ claim that Wilson had shown ā€˜unwarrantedly aggressive and belligerent conductā€™. The judge rejected Hirshā€™s evidence that Wilson was ā€˜aggressive, unpredictable, persistent and irrationalā€™ and found that Wilsonā€™s communications with him over the spreading of a crowdfund for the defendantsā€™ legal costs were ā€˜not unreasonableā€™

*Nathan Comiskey, another advocate of ā€˜left antisemitismā€™, who claimed that Wilson contacting him about insulting remarks was ā€˜highly intrusive and upsettingā€™ and that he had felt ā€˜harassed and targetedā€™. The judge ruled that there was nothing unreasonable in Wilsonā€™s communications and that Comiskeyā€™s testimony did nothing to support the defendantsā€™ claims about supposed unwarranted aggression or belligerence.

*Simon Myerson ā€“ a founding signatory of LAAS and supporter of Israel, and a part-time judge recently sanctioned for judicial misconduct for abusive social media posts. Myerson was also a vocal supporter of Newbon, trying to link Jewish author Michael Rosen to Newbonā€™s suicide, despite a coroner not mentioning Rosen at all in his inquest findings. Mendelsohn and Cantor put forward Wilsonā€™s communications with Myerson, who had shared a post describing Wilson as ā€˜scum of the earthā€™, as evidence to support their claim of aggressive behaviour.

The judge ruled that it did nothing of the sort. Joanne Bell and journalist Adam Cailler ā€“ more well-known anti-left activists whose correspondence with Wilson was put forward by the defence as supporting evidence. The judge ruled, ā€œI can find nothing in the emails which is particularly aggressive or which points to conduct of the kind said to demonstrate the pleaded propensity [to aggression]ā€.”

A Myerson attack on Michael Rosen:

The findings, as well as being clearly welcome to the smeared and endangered James Wilson, illuminate much of the approach of the right-wingers who created and propagated the ā€˜Labour antisemitismā€™ smear. While so-called ā€˜antisemitism campaignersā€™ ā€“ lauded by Hirsh in his document supporting the creation of the so-called ā€˜Pete Newbon awardā€™ ā€“ are ready to doxx, insult, smear and abuse those with whom they disagree, the conduct of the defence and the witnesses it put forward or quoted reveal a group that is quick to describe their supposed hurt and fear when someone challenges them and, even in the most reasonable terms, takes issue with the smears and abuse.

Happily, the judge saw through such asymmetrical nonsense. Mr Wilson, in a statement about the result, said: The Judge has found that Mr James Mendelsohn gave Dr Pete Newbon confidential and defamatory information about me. It included a screenshot of a Facebook post that said I was ā€œa freak who took pictures of kidsā€ outside a school with a clear photo of me.

The impression was, as the Judge decided, like a ā€˜wantedā€™ poster. When the Facebook post was published originally, there were incidents that made me fear for the safety of me and my family. The police secured its deletion within 24 hours.

The Judge found that the allegations in the Facebook post were untrue. Mr Mendelsohn took a screenshot of the Facebook post in the 24 hours it was published and, having kept it for 19 months, gave it to Dr Newbon in August 2020 knowing Dr Newbon was making abusive attacks on me on Twitter/X and so he could use the screenshot as a weapon against me.

Dr Newbon and Mr Eddy Cantor then published the screenshot on Twitter/X too, as the Judge has found, abuse and bully me. When Dr Newbon realised the screenshot he and Mr Cantor had published put the safety of me and my family at risk, he took no action. I suspect this was on the basis of advice he got from his solicitor [Mark Lewis of Eilat, Israel].

Even when Dr Newbon deleted the screenshot from his feed, he sent it to other people by private message. He also invented seriously defamatory allegations about me that he sent to other people.

I did not want the litigation to start. The Defendants could have settled for zero damages and zero costs, and an agreement to delete and not to further publish the screenshot. Litigation only started because all the Defendants, presumably on advice from their solicitors [Mark Lewis of Eilat, Israel, and the Jewish law firm in London with which he is connected], insisted that publication of the screenshot was in the public interest.

They claimed this despite knowing of the intimidatory incidents. I did not want there to be a trial. What made a trial inevitable was the conduct of the Defendants. I suspect some of the Defendantsā€™ conduct was the result of advice from their solicitors [Lewis, again].

The Defendantsā€™ conduct included:

*Refusing to comply with the Civil Procedure Rules on pre-action conduct.

*Refusing mediation in favour of litigation to drive up my costs and to try to bankrupt me.

*Making repeated threats to bankrupt me, explicitly referring to the impact this would have on my employment and children.

*Making false allegations of anti-Semitism to try to get me to abandon my claim.

*Making misogynistic allegations about my partner and falsely accusing her of conspiring to pervert the course of justice and breaching professional conduct rules.

*Taking the case to trial having stated: (a) they had no money and I would not recover any costs or damages; (b) they did not care about the outcome (they were ā€œblasĆ© about the resultā€); (c) they saw what they were doing as some sort of revenge (they ā€œregard this as payback timeā€).

*Refusing to engage sensibly in negotiations to settle the whole claim when both Dr Newbonā€™s widow and I wanted to quietly and cheaply settle the claim and avoid further publicity after Dr Newbonā€™s tragic death.

The Defendants received encouragement on social media and financial help in pursuing their defences. The crowdfunding claims made by the Defendants were outrageous. The most distasteful aspect was using Dr Newbonā€™s death to raise money (ā€œOne of us is now sadly silent. Those remaining must today come together and fightā€).

The reality was that, having used Dr Newbonā€™s death to raise money, no serious effort was made to defend Dr Newbon at trial. I tried to protect Dr Newbonā€™s posthumous reputation by settling the claim without a trial and judgment.

Mr Cantor rejected in principle a settlement for nominal damages and zero costs in November 2021. Rather than getting Mr Cantor out of the litigation for a nominal sum, [his lawyer] [Lewis, again] insisted I would have to pay him money before Mr Cantor would settle the claim.

I do not know whether Mr Cantor himself knew about this, given his subsequent expressions of bemusement about being involved in the proceedings at all.

Both Defendants refused an offer to settle before trial for just a quarter of the damages the Judge has awarded. When the trial started, I avoided seeking a finding of harassment against Dr Newbon. It is unfortunate that detailed information about Dr Newbonā€™s conduct has been put in the public domain after his death.

In my opinion, the Defendants and/or their solicitors tried to cause me devastating reputational and, through the costs of the proceedings, financial harm because they disagree with my views on the State of Israel. The Defendantsā€™ conduct was encouraged by others who share their views.

Dr Newbon also brought a separate defamation claim [against author Michael Rosen, who had complained about the antisemitic editing of an image showing one of his books].

He had intended to apologise for the conduct which was the subject of that case, but seems to have received dreadful advice [from Mark Lewis, again] to sue rather than simply say sorry. He ended up involved in two completely unnecessary and hopeless legal cases.

As the Judge found, it seemed the Defendants were motivated by an intense dislike if not hatred of me. For my part, I have no antipathy towards the Defendants despite their conduct and its impact on me and my family. I have never published confidential or defamatory information about the Defendants. I have never been abusive to them. I never retaliated to the Defendantsā€™ abuse and bullying. It is ironic that while the Defendants are convinced that I am motivated by prejudice against them, it is they who had an obsessive and irrational dislike of me

[typical of “them”, of course— Ian Millard].

I find it sad that the Defendants, their former legal advisers [Lewis etc], and others believed that defending the State of Israel from criticism justified their conduct to me and my family. It is my hope that what has happened to the Defendants and their families, and me and my family, never happens to anyone else again. Please do not use the judgment in my case as a reason to attack or abuse others on social media. Mr Mendelsohn and Mr Cantor definitely do not deserve to be attacked or abused and I urge people not to do so.

[really? Mr. Wilson may be “too nice” to that pack who have savaged him]

[the above (except for the few additions in square brackets) posted by Dr. David Miller, the academic sacked from Bristol University after a vicious campaign by Jew-Zionists, a campaign led (ostensibly) by a Jewish girl who also, inter alia, tweeted and/or wrote in favour of the decriminalization of bestiality pornography (as also did, incidentally, former MP and Israel supporter Ian Austin, who is now, absurdly, a member of the House of Lords, and who also wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions demanding that I be prosecuted for “crimes” connected to “antisemitism”).]

Surely it is time that the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority took Lewis in hand and (again) to a Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal; he should be struck off the solicitors’ roll. He has been lucky in that respect in the past, several times. He may have been cut slack by reason of his various chronic physical and mental problems (multiple sclerosis being one).

Myerson is a lying hypocrite, of course; I have various examples of that. He used to tweet frequently about me, and is a supporter of the two main Jew-Zionist groups that have attacked me (and my free speech rights) for the past decade— “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”].

The Bar Standards Board and Judicial Conduct Investigations Office should both take up (as to the latter, again) the case of Myerson, who has been a Recorder as well as working as a barrister, and who possibly still does sit as a Recorder (“part-time judge”). I do not know whether he still does.

I know only the outline of the other Jew-Zionist false witnesses mentioned. Adam Cailler is a scribbler for the Daily Star “newspaper”, while Joanne Bell is prolific on Twitter/X and, until someone was rude to her in a pub, used to describe herself as a “beauty junkie“.

Most of those false witnesses have at some point tweeted against me, many times in the case of Myerson.

The Jew-Zionist lobby, also known as the Israel lobby, abuse law (they call their activities “lawfare”) against both the perceived enemies of the Jews and also against those trying to exercise free speech on various matters social, political, historical etc. An evil pack. I myself have been the Israel lobby’s target for about 12 years (online), if not 48 years (offline).

Incidentally, this may be of interest to many: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

More music

More tweets seen

The condition for the new delivery of weapons to Kiev by the NATO countries was the adoption in Ukraine of a strict law on mobilization in order to compensate for the losses of Ukrainian forces , “TASS” states, referring to an unnamed diplomat in Brussels. ” The adoption of a new strict law on mobilization in Ukraine was a condition for new deliveries of weapons from NATO countries. The delivery of weapons makes sense only if there is a significant number of trained military personnel who can use these weapons in defensive or offensive operations, as well as with timely filling losses, which is why it is necessary to actively recruit new soldiers,” the diplomat pointed out.”

In other words, and as this blog has repeatedly pointed out, the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder, despite press-gangs hauling people off the streets to serve on the collapsing front-lines, and despite the forced recruitment of the middle-aged (even those 60+) and disabled.

Unsurprising that few volunteer to serve: open-ended commitment, with poor pay and poor living conditions, as well as incompetent senior officers.

Soon, there will probably be a general Russian advance in Eastern Ukraine.

It is a terrible situation. Russia should have struck early and hard at Zelensky and his cabal in Kiev, using Spetsnaz forces, and parachute forces en masse, thus decapitating the Kiev regime. This present ghastly attritional war, with its huge destruction, and harm to both humans and their animal companions, would then have been averted.

More tweets etc about that legal matter

Well, guess what general (((group))) controls or strongly influences the “British” Press, radio and TV?

Note also the threat by Myerson to involve the police. Again typical of “them”. I have endured the same over many years: false and malicious complaints to police etc by connected packs of Jew-Zionists. After a decade of conspiracy, and whining demands to police and the Crown Prosecution Service, they finally succeeded in having me prosecuted. I was eventually convicted in November 2023 and, in March 2024, sentenced to a 9-month “community order” of 15 days or part-days of meetings with the Probation Service etc, as well as costs amounting to Ā£734.

Incidentally, my crowdfunder is still open, should anyone want to help: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J. You can donate, or share the link. Thank you.

Myerson, despite his almost non-stop vituperation of others, is quick to play the “victim” (((victim))) card when on the defensive; he has done it previously when he thought that the Bar regulator was going to take up a case against him.

I hope that Mr. Wilson or others make what would surely be a thoroughly-justified complaint about him to the Bar Standards Board and/or the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

Incidentally, it is only just after midday; so far today, in only a few hours, Myerson has already tweeted about 20 times. As he does most days, it seems. Obsessed?

Andrew Davis, famous orchestral conductor

When I was about 16, I owned a 1972 vinyl containing short works conducted by Davis; a potboiler selection but very good all the same, called Crown Imperial:

Later, in (I think) 1988, when I was just 32 and had a beard (a bad mistake with which I persisted from about 1983 to late 1988), I looked quite like also-bearded Andrew Davis in that same year. I was unaware of the temporary resemblance (the 1972 vinyl had a pre-beard photo of Davis) until an amusing incident happened.

I lived in Little Venice, London, and had the use, at the time, of a box at the Royal Albert Hall. I went there occasionally. One summer evening in 1988, I did just that. Andrew Davis was not conducting, but he was conducting on other nights at the Albert Hall in that same season, notably at the famous Last Night of the Proms (September 1988).

I breakfasted daily at the fashionable and nearby Raoul’s Cafe in Little Venice in those days. One day, a few days after I had been to the Albert Hall, I went into the cafe, sat, and noticed a young couple almost staring at me, smiling as if trying to catch my attention. I politely smiled back, at which the young woman said “we saw you at the Albert Hall the other night!

I had no idea that Andrew Davis had just conducted at the Albert Hall, and no idea how much like him I looked at the time, so replied “oh, yes, I was there. I am there occasionally.

The young couple, who told me that they were just visiting from New Zealand, said that they were staying one or two houses down from the semi-detached Victorian villa in Lanark Road, a stone’s throw from Raoul’s, in which I lived, and they thought that they had seen me. They continued:

Are you often at the Albert Hall?“, to which I replied, in my innocence, “yes, when I am invited.”

After a few more pleasantries, the conversation ended, and the young couple departed from the cafe, though I saw them once or twice in succeeding days, as they entered a house; they were indeed staying almost next door to me. They smiled at me in an oddly awestruck way, though I took it to be mere courtesy.

Scroll on a day or so, and I encountered a friend of mine, whom I had met, along with the girl whom he later married, when we were all Bar Finals students at the Inns of Court School in Gray’s Inn (at the time, all prospective English barristers had to attend there). His first words were “Helen and I thought you were conducting the Last Night of the Proms on TV the other night! You have an uncanny resemblance to Sir Andrew Davis!” Others later made similar remarks, having also seen the performance on television.

No doubt the young couple returned to New Zealand telling people that, on their trip to London, they had encountered the famous conductor Andrew Davis, and what a modest fellow he was…

My little story has a twist. Almost a decade later, maybe in 1995 or 1996, I was having a drink with a lady and a few other regular habitues of “the Bunker”, our name for the basement bar at the Colonnade Hotel, Little Venice, when a bearded fellow entered from the hotel. The bar was a small and intimate one, so I said good evening, but then exclaimed “you know, you look just like Andrew Davis, the conductor“, to which he replied “I am Andrew Davis“…

Well, I bought Davis a beer (I offered Champagne, but beer was his modest choice), and gave him a few (no doubt, to his mind, both simplistic and unwanted) thoughts about my taste in music, and he eventually exited.

I presume that Davis had been recording at the BBC Maida Vale Studios not very far away. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maida_Vale_Studios.

Das ist’s

A pretty fine conductor.

[Colonnade Hotel, Little Venice, London. The street entrance to “the Bunker” was through that entrance marked “2” in the photograph, then down steep steps]

More tweets

That refers to the recent provocation staged by the evil “Campaign Against Antisemitism” pack, in this case fronted by their chief spokesperson, one Gideon Falter. In at least one previous case, a Crown Court judge found Falter’s sworn testimony not credible.

I have not seen anything about that context or background in the msm reports about the recent incident, though. What a surprise (not)…

True. Curious, though. I thought that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel. Maybe her beliefs are more nuanced. Don’t know. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

Falter is an out and out Jew-Zionist liar. If he was willing to lie on oath in a criminal case (against Rowan Laxton, a British diplomat https://www.gov.uk/government/people/rowan-james-laxton–2, whose initial prosecution Falter had procured by making a malicious complaint about Laxton to the police…”their” tactics yet again…), then lying on TV and Twitter/X will be easy enough for him. See also https://www.thejc.com/news/foreign-office-man-wins-appeal-against-race-abuse-claim-gyp2ql35.

Had Laxton not won his appeal to Crown Court from magistrates’ court, he would probably have been dismissed from the Foreign Office, or at least demoted; his career would have ended. “Their” usual tactics, again.

The Crown Court judge did not believe Falter’s testimony.

Note also how the initial conviction was reported in all of the msm newspapers, but (ironically) only the Jewish Chronicle reported the success of the appeal. That newspaper however failed to name Falter at all, or as to Falter having given testimony that the court decided was “unreliable” (to put it diplomatically).

Seems, though, that I am not alone in recalling Falter’s “perjury” (though he was never charged with that) or his “unreliable testimony” (that is a much more “diplomatic” way of putting it, I suppose):

Where are the journalists?“, asks tweeter Jackie Walker. There are no real journalists these days, just laughable 20-somethings, semi-literate scribblers, who want not to impede their pathetic careers by going up against the Israel lobby; also, older scribblers with similar motivations and inhibitions, who know that going against the Jewish lobby or Israel might mean the loss of very high salaries, in the hundreds of thousands in some cases.

I have a very good cartoon about (((control))) and/or (((influence))) over the “British” msm, but after my recent free speech conviction think it more diplomatic not to republish it…

Apologies for living in a country where “a certain element” has killed off free speech over the past 30+ years.

Falter has bodyguards from Jew-Zionist strongarm and snoop organizations whenever he makes a public appearance.

Incidentally, Falter is involved in activities which, were they Islamist, would be called (and treated as) support for terrorism: see below

Incidentally, the news editor posting that Novara Media piece, Rivkah Brown, is herself Jewish, though anti-Zionist.

Guess what types own LBC? Yes… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LBC#Global_Radio; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Tabor-King.

Tabor-King has lived in The Knightsbridge Apartments complex since 2006, in an apartment he bought for Ā£15 million.[14] In 2017 he bought the next-door apartment for Ā£90 million.[14] Tabor-King also owns a mansion in Los Angeles. The site was purchased from Megan Ellison, daughter of Larry Ellison, for $26.25 million. Tabor-King also owns a $21 million apartment in Barbados.” [Wikipedia].

Who are their presenters? Among others, Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel, Lewis Goodall…

Get the idea?

More tweets

The U.S. Congress easily passed the bill to supply more huge amounts of money, arms, ammunition etc to Israel. American politicians are as, or more, “owned” even than the ones in the UK.

Late tweets seen

Falter trying to dominate the radio caller by speaking over him. Impudent bastard. Look at (part-Jewish) Rachel Johnson too, making faces when that caller speaks. She is both “entitled” and very very stupid.

Quite. As for “Lord Walney” (former MP, doormat for Israel and the Jewish-Zionist lobby, and sex-pest depressive, John Woodcock), I penned an assessment of him some years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/05/04/john-woodcock-barrow-and-furness-and-the-general-election-2017/.

The mass media, the police, and the “Clown” Prosecution Service should all wake up to the manipulations being carried out by the Jewish/Israel lobby in general, and the malicious and dishonest “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] in particular.

There is a hidden agenda (not deeply hidden though): if the Metropolitan Police Commissioner resigns, or is dismissed, because of the present contrived “CAA”/general Jew-Zionist storm, the “CAA” will have sent the message to the police (and “Clown” Prosecution Service) “do as we wish— or else”…The police and CPS will then cower whenever the “CAA” or other Israel-lobby creatures write a letter or pick up the telephone.

Late music

[Prague, Vltava bridges from Hradčany]

Diary Blog, 20 April 2024

[Adolf Hitler— 20 April 1889-30 April 1945]

No-one can rule guiltlessly” [Saint-Just] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Antoine_de_Saint-Just

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I merely equalled John Rentoul’s 5/10. I knew the answers to questions 1, 3, 7, 8, and 9. I was unsure about questions 4, 5, 6, and 10, and had no idea at all about question 2.

From the newspapers


A fellow at the University of Cambridge who has sparked backlash with his comments on race has been dropped by Emmanuel College where he was a research associate.

Nathan Cofnas, an early career research fellow in the Faculty of Philosophy, is understood to have had his relationship with the college ended following an investigation into his conduct.

Mr Cofnas came under fire in February after he published a blog post which claimed the number of black professors at Harvard would ‘approach zero’ in a meritocracy, and that ‘Blacks would disappear from almost all high-profile positions outside of sports and entertainment.’

He also dismissed equality between people of different ethnicities as a ‘thesis’ that is ‘based on lies’.

Mr Cofnas, who describes himself as a ‘race-realist’, is understood to have been informed of the college’s decision by letter on April 5, which stated his posts were in violation of its diversity and inclusion policies.

Last month, the first black man to ever be appointed to the head of a Cambridge College, Lord Simon Woolley, principal of Homerton College, held an event with students and the master of Emmanuel Doug Chalmers to discuss their concerns.

Lord Woolley, who was previously appointed by then-Prime Minister Theresa May to head the UK Government’s Race Disparity Unit, told the assembled students that free speech must be protected, but this did not extend to ‘abhorrent racism’.

Emmanuel’s Master Mr Chalmers had initially backed Mr Cofnas’ right to freedom of speech, but the college soon launched an investigation, alongside other probes by the University and the Leverhulme Trust, which provided him with a research grant.”

[Daily Mail]


So the “diversity hire” has no understanding of the concept of free speech, or the concept of academic freedom, yet has been appointed principal of a Cambridge University college…

What a surprise, in the UK of 2024. Not.

The “Readers’ Comments” on that Daily Mail report are interesting. Almost every one supports the researcher, as do the votes on those comments.

Incidentally, the researcher in question is Jewish, so he cannot be described very plausibly as “Nazi” (nicht wahr?). See also a piece written on another subject by him: https://thecritic.co.uk/twilight-of-the-liberal-jew/.

Tweets seen

Biden really ought to retire.

Russia cannot lose this war, and will not lose it.

Have you got a light, mac?” (“no, but I have a dark-grey overcoat“…boom boom…)

“There is no plan B without the USA – Kiev.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmitry Kuleba, stated that this was the message he conveyed to his American counterpart, Anthony Blinken. However, he reiterated that for Ukraine there is no alternative to US military support, which already amounts to over 111 billion dollars since the beginning of the conflict with Russia in February 2022.

Rishi wants to get tough on the 850,000 more people on long term sick after ‘the pandemic.’ 1) You literally paid them to sit on the sofa & then wonder why work ethic changed. 2) You mandated novel interventions that have killed & injured people & increased the long term sick. 3) Universal credit costs about Ā£80 billion. You wasted Ā£310-410 billion over-reacting to ‘the pandemic.’

The little Indian money-juggler is trying to ape the vulgar and unpleasant attacks on the sick, disabled, and unemployed that characterized the 2010-2015 government of Cameron-Levita, Osborne, and Dunce Duncan Smith.

If Sunak thinks that this tired and derivative form of “gutter politics” will fly, he is very mistaken. I was looking at the “Readers’ Comments” in the Daily Mail on this. Only about 1% support the policy and/or think that it will ever be possible (or desirable) to implement it.

We read that there is currently an “epidemic of shoplifting“. What does Sunak imagine will be the result of cutting off the last peanuts lifeline to people, leaving them totally desperate, destitute, homeless etc?

If Sunak and the Conservative Party are trying to improve their electoral chances by this, they are in cloud-cuckoo land. The only people who will be impressed will be the hard core of unthinking Con voters aged 60+, and they will vote Con anyway.

Of course, none of the announced policies will be implemented, or implementable, prior to the General Election. The question therefore devolves to the response from Starmer and Rachel Reeves etc, who will probably be forming the next government. If they follow in Sunak’s footsteps, there could be something akin to an uprising eventually; certainly social upheaval.

Bismarck introduced the skeleton of a Welfare State in Germany 150 years ago, not because the Iron Chancellor was soft, or very kind-hearted, but because he wanted to divert any revolutionary sentiment in the masses. Looks like the UK’s pygmy politicos are going the other way.

[Update, same day: happened to see this—


A group of self-styled ‘Robin Hoods’ are bragging on social media that they stole from Marks & Spencer to give to food banks.

Campaigners from Everybody Eats, a group calling for direct action on food poverty, claim they launched their first raid at an M&S Foodhall in Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester.

They also claim they will replicate ‘this all across the country’ until the government answers their demands on food security, The Telegraph reported.

Everybody Eats claimed that food banks were aware that the goods were stolen and suggested its members had been asked to help.

[Daily Mail]

Over to you, Sunak…]

Ha ha!

Regular readers may recall my coverage of the end of a recent civil trial which went very badly for the Jew-Zionist pack so vocal on Twitter/X: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/04/18/diary-blog-18-april-2024/.

Now, more information. Seems that the egregious Israel-based Jew-Zionist solicitor, Mark Lewis, was involved (I was unaware of that until today, though did wonder when I saw a few tweets in the past week). He has messed up…again.

Lewis is actually a pretty poor lawyer anyway in my opinion (based partly on what I have read about him over the years), and he has in the past admitted that at times — apparently by reason of his prescribed medications, in part— he has, or has had, no idea of what he is or was doing.

Looks now as if that Cantor individual (of whom I know nothing, and of whom I had never heard until this case finished recently) will or might have to take legal action against Lewis himself if he is not to become homeless after his failed attempt to ruin a university academic. What a great pity…

It is not for me to pronounce on whether Lewis was negligent and/or dishonest in this particular case, but (once again) it seems that he has, shall we say, “questions to answer”.

Lewis, though now based in Israel, has a foothold in the UK as “partner” of a small law firm in West London.

Lewis is basically a self-publicist: see my previous (years ago) blog mentions of him.

That blog post contains links which detail many (though I think not all) of Lewis’s defaults.

There is a notorious Jew-Zionist cabal on Twitter/X, and in the UK mass media, which has been determined for years to present Lewis to a gullible Press readership, TV-watching public etc as “hot shot lawyer”, or (as often described) “top lawyer“.

The fact is that, when Lewis finally left the UK for Israel (to live in Israel) about 5 years ago, his own Counsel said (at his “trial” before a Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in London, at which Lewis was found guilty of having posted savagely violent social media posts) that Lewis had “no assets” except his own clothes, a mobility scooter, and a private pension worth Ā£70 a week. Even his car was being provided to him by the State disability benefit service, Motability.

Oddly (not), Lewis’s appearance before, and “conviction” by, the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal was not covered at all by the “occupied” UK msm, and only briefly by a few law magazines…


Seems that James Wilson is, on the face of it, a little too kind. Those Jew-Zionist fanatics (the defendants Cantor and Mendelsohn, whoever they are —I had heard of the unpleasant Newbon) were, after all, quite willing to ruin Mr. Wilson if they could.

As for Lewis, he is, in my opinion, repeatedly unprofessional, quite apart from, also in my opinion, being very far from as effective as his fellow-fanatics try to make him appear.

Lewis’s Third Witness Statement says it— he “misunderstood“…

More on the other above-tweeted matter, i.e. Miller and Power v. Turner: https://luketurner.com/Deanna_Havas/Daniel_DC_Miller/; https://www.thegazette.co.uk/notice/4547224; https://luketurner.com/victory-in-high-court-libel-case-against-nina-power-and-daniel-dc-miller.

I myself had not heard of that legal case until today. Here is the full judgment: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Miller-and-Power-v-Turner-08.11.23.pdf.

Lewis is no better than an “ambulance-chaser”, in my opinion.

I keep seeing on Twitter/X that Lewis must be a great defamation lawyer because he “won when representing ‘Jack Monroe’ against Katie Hopkins, who lost and had to sell her house.”

True, Katie Hopkins did lose that case, and did have to sell her house to pay the legal costs supposedly incurred by that fraudulent purveyor of 10p-a-dinner swill, “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas, before she changed her name).

What that story leaves out is that, firstly, Katie Hopkins was either badly advised or, as I believe was the case, not advised at all; she had no lawyers, and so persisted with a defence which was bound to fail. She never stood a chance, but her pride got in the way.

As for Lewis, a child could have won that case against Katie Hopkins.

So Lewis was trying to blag Ā£600 an hour for his most recent defective advice? Well, he will get nothing now (again); he will have to keep the lights switched off in his flat in Eilat, and “collect the pennies on the empties”, as people used to say.

Typical Lewis: tries to intimidate people who have no assets beyond (perhaps) a residential property; they, he hopes, will settle and, crucially, pay supposed “costs” to Lewis, who then gets money without having had to win at trial.

Lewis should be (at long last) struck off the solicitors’ roll; as for Myerson, the matter should be placed before the Bar Standards Board. I hope that Mr. Wilson complains formally to the BSB about him. In the meantime, Myerson should not be permitted to sit as a Recorder (if he still is so permitted after his previous defaults).

See also: https://skwawkbox.org/2023/08/02/pro-israel-lawyer-lewis-heavily-criticised-by-judge-for-conduct-of-case/.

Yet another instance of Lewis having been, if not dishonest (?), then certainly negligent. That, at least, was the view of yet another High Court judge.

Britain 2024

A parody, but close to what the UK is now like…

The world has had capitalist societies, socialist societies, feudal societies etc, but now, in the UK, has emerged a new form of society— the permanently “offended” society of fake “diversity”.

Most of the faked “offence” is taken by “the usual suspects”, of course.

More tweets seen

From the newspapers


The Daily Mail and Jewish/Zionist so-called “charities” (including the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) are whining because someone convicted (on evidence that would have shamed the Star Chamber) in 2018, and then sentenced to 6.5 years, is being released a few months before the end of his full term expires.

Most prisoners are released at, or even before, the halfway point. In this case, that would have meant release in 2021, three years ago.

I hope that the State will not be so cruel as to deny the young couple the right to have their child returned to them. To do that would be absolutely evil.

If the newspaper report (penned by one Iwan Stone, incidentally) is correct, the couple intend to live in Portugal when they can. Good luck to them as they move on from all of this.

Have they not suffered enough?

Literary thought

For no obvious reason, The Merchant of Venice springs to mind. I have not seen a proper production being put on for quite a while.

Othello seems to be more popular.

Perhaps it always was; it has also inspired more adaptations and variations, as in this old noir:

More tweets

A more natural way of life has to re-emerge in our society.

The little Indian money-juggler posing as Prime Minister is bought and paid for, like 80% of the MPs in the Westminster monkeyhouse.

No matter how much money the U.S. Government sends to the Kiev regime, no matter even how much armament and ammunition is sent, the Kiev regime cannot “win”, even to the extent of occupying the Donbass and Crimea.

The Kiev regime army is flagging as many desert the field, and many more avoid conscription. To be recruited by the Kiev regime army is to be sent to quite likely death or life-changing injury on the front-lines, which are now starting to collapse.

Ukraine is producing few children, and a quarter or more of its pre-2022 population is living outside Ukraine. If American and EU aid stopped, there would be no fighting within a few weeks, followed by either a negotiated armistice or Russian victory. As it is, it looks as though this brutal war will smoulder on for months, maybe even a year or two.

In the end, though, Russia will “win”, in the sense of taking over all of Eastern Ukraine, and possibly the coast as far as, and maybe beyond, Odessa.

I watched a few minutes of a very biased BBC World News report about the war. The reporter, some bearded fellow whose name I did not catch, did say something about why Ukrainians try to avoid fighting. Apart from the obvious dangers, open-ended service (no way of getting out) and poor conditions generally.

What, however, made the report farcical was said reporter’s then assertion that Ukraine is a “genuine democracy“. Hardy ha ha… A “genuine democracy” that now refuses to hold elections, has banned trade unions, which press-gangs people up to age 60 and beyond to serve as cannon-fodder on the collapsing front-lines, and which shoots dissidents, or holds them without trial in unpleasant camps and prisons.

Late music

[Rembrandt, Man in Armour, sometimes said to be a representation of Christian Rosenkreutz, though modelled by Rembrandt’s son Titus]

Diary Blog, 18 April 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Laurent Parcelier]

From the newspapers

University lecturer James Wilson has been awarded Ā£30,000 in damages against James Mendelsohn and Edward Cantor for defamatory material published about him during an argument about supposed antisemitism in the Labour party. The false claim, that Mr Wilson was a ā€˜freak [who] takes pictures of kidsā€™, put Mr Wilson and his partner in fear of physical danger, as well as seriously damaging his reputation. The judge had previously rejected an attempt by Mendelsohn and Cantor to quash the lawsuit.

University lecturer James Wilson has been awarded Ā£30,000 in damages against James Mendelsohn and Edward Cantor for defamatory material published about him during an argument about supposed antisemitism in the Labour party. The false claim, that Mr Wilson was a ā€˜freak [who] takes pictures of kidsā€™, put Mr Wilson and his partner in fear of physical danger, as well as seriously damaging his reputation. The judge had previously rejected an attempt by Mendelsohn and Cantor to quash the lawsuit.

The judgement lays bare that:

  • Mendelsohn and Cantor kept private information and recycled it to the late Dr Pete Newbon ā€“ a director of the anti-left group ā€˜Labour against Antisemitismā€™ (LAAS), so that he could use it to defame Wilson ā€“ the information was untrue and based a) on statements from someone the judge found to have lied about Wilson and b) on false claims about a university disciplinary investigation. Newbon was described by the judge as ā€˜bullyingā€™
  • that Newbon, who committed suicide in 2022 after a row with his wife and has been lionised by so-called ā€˜antisemitism campaignersā€™ despite his awful record as a serial troll repeatedly disciplined by his employers Northumbria University for his appalling social media conduct, had not told her of Wilsonā€™s lawsuit against him for the defamatory posts
  • Mendelsohn and Cantor refused to apologise, mediate or settle, forcing the legal action to proceed to its conclusion
  • a key witness for the defendants said that she had been offered Ā£5,000 by Mendelsohn and Cantor to testify for them (though the judge did not make a finding that her claim was true)
  • the defendants further abused and insulted Wilson in the course of their defence ā€“ despite, in the case of Cantor, being warned by the judge not to do so.

The defendants ā€“ who represented themselves in court apart from the use of a barrister to cross-examine Wilson ā€“ wheeled out a number of figures who are well known for their attacks on the left in an attempt to shore up their defence. The judge dismissed them.

  • University lecturer David Hirsh, a prominent, pro-Israel proponent of supposed ā€˜left antisemitismā€™, who wrote an unintentionally revealing elegy to Pete Newbon after his suicide. Hirsh was called to bolster the defendantsā€™ claim that Wilson had shown ā€˜unwarrantedly aggressive and belligerent conductā€™. The judge rejected Hirshā€™s evidence that Wilson was ā€˜aggressive, unpredictable, persistent and irrationalā€™ and found that Wilsonā€™s communications with him over the spreading of a crowdfund for the defendantsā€™ legal costs were ā€˜not unreasonableā€™
  • Nathan Comiskey, another advocate of ā€˜left antisemitismā€™, who claimed that Wilson contacting him about insulting remarks was ā€˜highly intrusive and upsettingā€™ and that he had felt ā€˜harassed and targetedā€™. The judge ruled that there was nothing unreasonable in Wilsonā€™s communications and that Comiskeyā€™s testimony did nothing to support the defendantsā€™ claims about supposed unwarranted aggression or belligerence
  • Simon Myerson ā€“ a founding signatory of LAAS and supporter of Israel, and a part-time judge recently sanctioned for judicial misconduct for abusive social media posts. Myerson was also a vocal supporter of Newbon, trying to link Jewish author Michael Rosen to Newbonā€™s suicide, despite a coroner not mentioning Rosen at all in his inquest findings. Mendelsohn and Cantor put forward Wilsonā€™s communications with Myerson, who had shared a post describing Wilson as ā€˜scum of the earthā€™, as evidence to support their claim of aggressive behaviour. The judge ruled that it did nothing of the sort
  • Joanne Bell and journalist Adam Cailler ā€“ more well-known anti-left activists whose correspondence with Wilson was put forward by the defence as supporting evidence. The judge ruled, ā€œI can find nothing in the emails which is particularly aggressive or which points to conduct of the kind said to demonstrate the pleaded propensity [to aggression]ā€.


[quaere: surely Skwawkbox meant to print that Hirsch is an “opponent” of “left antisemitism“? I suppose they meant that he is a proponent of the concept].

“The usual suspects”, or some of them. Most of the above have, in the past, tweeted about me.

The Jew barrister and now (if he is still allowed to sit) Recorder, Myerson, should be removed from any judicial or quasi-judicial positions. He was repeatedly vituperative about me on Twitter in the past, dozens of times. A pro-Israel fanatic, hypocrite, and liar; and that is only what is plain from his own tweets.

I was unaware that Myerson has already been sanctioned by the authorities for unethical conduct. Boot him out.

Most if not all of those mentioned above are also supporters of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], which was behind the recent (2023) prosecution of me, via the suborned police and “Clown” Prosecution Service, and under the notorious “bad law” of the Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

Incidentally, I have just looked at Myerson’s Twitter/X account for the first time in many months. He has tweeted at least 20 times already today (though nothing about his above embarrassments), and it is only 1400 hrs. He must be busy…

Tweets seen

Very diplomatic. Very “Christian”, really; almost too nice to the above tribe that set upon him like a pack of hyenas. Dr. Wilson is, after his victory, “turning the other cheek” in a way, but do not forget that other Biblical injunction— “do not give that which is holy to the dogs, lest they turn and rend you“.

Leading “activists” and/or supporters of the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” (“CAA) —one in particular— are also, or have been, serial online trolls, targeting mainly (but not solely) women, and with a sick glee. Some have now gone up the chimney or become actually/clinically insane, but others remain, making false accusations to police, regulatory bodies etc.

So Myerson tests whether any particular tweeter is a Jew? If anyone of a social-national viewpoint were to do that, Myerson and/or his friends would be straight down to the local police station to make a malicious complaint of either “racial harassment” or “grossly offensive” online posting.

Robinson is a half-Jew, so may not be completely impartial re. Israel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Robinson_(journalist).

On the other hand, some Zionist Jews think that Robinson is a little too fair-minded, noting Israel’s atrocities on air:

“They” never have a small problem; it is always “outrageous” (etc).

Karma applies to peoples and nations as well as individuals. Somewhere down the line, payback happens. Group karma. cf. Israel.

More music

I have many reservations about China, its treatment of animals, lack of concern for individual freedom etc, but this is one of the world’s great peoples, and its achievements since the death of Mao have been more than impressive.

More tweets seen

The rate of increase of the world population, so marked in the 19th and 20th centuries, has slowed to an effective halt. The above graphic shows that the fall in fertility and births is not confined to Europe.

Only in Africa, and a few parts of Asia (notably, Pakistan), are populations much increasing via births.

In the UK, the large increase in population over the past half-century has been (especially in the past 30 years) almost entirely by reason of unwanted mass immigration, much of it from Pakistan and other “brown/black” countries, and births to immigrants. Migration invasion.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Hand over control of the Zaporozhye nuclear plant and they will stop shelling it ,”

Maria Zakharova quoted the famous ultimatum that could be heard on April 15 at the UN Security Council meeting where attacks on the nuclear power plant were discussed. –

“The collective West, led by the USA, continues to turn a blind eye to the crimes of the Kiev regime. The Western countries played along and literally exposed themselves and the Zelenskyi regime. They engage in blackmail, and blackmail related to nuclear energy,” emphasizes Zakharova.

Ukraine ignores US warnings to stop flights drones on Russian territory” The United States fears retaliatory strikes from Russia, but Kyiv is ignoring warnings from the United States to stop striking the Russian Federation, The Economist reports.

The US is concerned about rising oil prices, possible retaliatory strikes and an uncontrolled confrontation that could put Kyiv at a disadvantage. Serious concerns grew in late March when Russia caused major damage to Ukraine’s energy infrastructure. The attacks exposed gaps in air defense systems and vulnerability to the new Russian low-altitude cruise missile Kh-69, which destroyed the Trypillya Thermal Power Plant despite being within range of the Patriot air defense systems.”

Sharon Ruf Offer, a former representative of the Knesset, made a confession in the studio of Channel 14 of the Israel: Why don’t we tell people the truth?! We have lost the north of Israel. The damage that Hezbollah caused us is 6 times more than the war with Lebanon.

I want to cry. Who would have thought that Israel would fall now? Tens of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes six months ago. During this period, the number of cases of divorce, and violence increased.

Late music

[painting by Michael and Inessa Garmash]

Update re. “Mark Lewis Lawyer”— Questions Are Raised…


The Jew-Zionist solicitor, Mark Lewis, was recently found guilty at a Disciplinary Tribunal on several charges brought by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. My blog has carried the following articles about him and about some of his egregious behaviour, which behaviour has been manifested for a number of years, certainly since 2013:







The Tribunal Judgment

Lewis and his partner/carer Mandy Blumenthal (Lewis has also referred to her, in a British TV interview, as his “wife”), “made aliyah”, i.e. emigrated from the UK to Israel, in late 2018, after he had been found guilty by the Disciplinary Tribunal. At that hearing, Lewis’s Counsel told the Tribunal that Lewis “had no assets” except for his clothes, a mobility scooter and a private pension [said to be worth Ā£70 a week]. Lewis had an income (salary, payable only until March 2019 when his notice period expires) of Ā£10,000 (pre-tax, per month), and was also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance benefit, which he was exchanging (with Motability) for a car.

According to the published judgment of the Tribunal, the financial penalty imposed upon Lewis, the relevant part of which was a fine of only Ā£2,500, was reduced from Ā£7,500 precisely because of his impecuniosity. He was said to have no real property and to be living in rented property in London.

The published judgment of the Tribunal:


Lewis’s Podcast Interview from Israel


In this very recent podcast, Lewis was interviewed from his location in Eilat, the Israeli resort on the Gulf of Aqaba. Why is this relevant? Well, in an interview of 2011 with the London Evening Standard, Lewis said this:

“I was devastated,” he says. “I’d been turned down for so many jobs, I’m thinking to myself, I can’t go on any more, you can only get so many knockbacks. I’m giving in and going to my flat in Israel and retire in Eilat.”

In the recent podcast, Lewis goes on to say that, while he has no intention of applying for the Bar of Israel (because of his poor Hebrew), he may be servicing “clients” which he claims he still has in the UK; he even implies that he may be making (as solicitor-advocate, presumably) court appearances in English courts! Well, that would not at present be possible, unless he has been approved by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority as a sole practitioner (which he did not say he has been), or unless Lewis acts as a member of a law firm in England (which I doubt that he is or will be). Otherwise, Lewis would only be able to deal with legal matters the substance of which is outside the UK. He certainly could not appear in English courts.

In the podcast, Lewis talks about how he can work from Israel on UK work, using computers etc, and about how “there are planes to get you to court appearances”! Once again playing the “big shot”, this time once more the “top lawyer” who flies in to London or wherever else in order to appear in court on some important case. Hardy ha ha…big talk from someone whose own Counsel said at the Disciplinary Tribunal hearing that Lewis should not be fined much because “he has no assets” (except for his clothes and a mobility scooter!)…and whose recent flight to Israel was gratis, courtesy of the Israeli emigration authorities.

Incidentally, the podcast interviewer introduced Lewis as “one of England’s most distinguished lawyers”! Is there any limit to “their” lies and gall?!


So in 2011, Lewis owned a flat in Eilat, Israel…Does he still own one there? If so, he may have deliberately misled the Disciplinary Tribunal. Of course, it may be that he does not now own property in Israel and therefore did not mislead the Tribunal. He may simply have been in Eilat on holiday, staying in rented property or in hotel accommodation. It does raise questions, though…


The Evening Standard interview:


Update, 13 January 2019

See tweet below: are Lewis and Mandy Blumenthal already on the way back??

Update, 29 January 2019

Well, it appears that the egregious Lewis has now joined what appears to be a firm of Jewish or mostly Jewish lawyers based in London. I thought that he and his “partner”/”carer”, Mandy Blumenthal, were fleeing British “antisemitism”? Lewis made a big fuss about going to live in Israel, only a month or so ago!

So…the UK is OK as a place to make money for him while he lives in Israel? Or is he actually back in UK? If so, full-time or part-time (or, er, not at all…)?



The firm in question seems to operate from 2A, Norland Place, London W.11. Norland Place is a small cobbled mews side-street in Notting Hill, as seen in the estate agency photos below (and on Google Earth).


Other companies and/or firms appear to have been registered at 2A Norland Place in the past few years:






Where is Lewis resident?

According to Companies House, Mark Lewis was appointed a director of Patron Law Ltd on 23 January 2019. According to the 2-page pdf document attached to the filing document, Lewis gave his “Country/State where usually resident” as “United Kingdom”.

So did Lewis lie to the public and Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in giving his (then upcoming) residence and/or domicile as “Israel”? Or has he made a false declaration to Companies House in stating that his “Country/State where usually resident” is the UK? Surely they cannot both be true?

Update, 30 January 2019

Update, 21 February 2019

Lewis has apparently been retained by two minor UK Jewish “celebrities” and is threatening to sue on their behalf somewhere around 70 people, all or almost all Corbyn-Labour supporters on Twitter. As in the notorious McAlpine case (with which Lewis was not involved), Lewis is demanding that those tweeted by him supply their real names and contact details as a preliminary to “settlement” (surrender) or legal action.


“@Rattus2384” (aka @grubstreetsteve) is in fact Stephen Applebaum, a prolific Twitter user (troll) from North London, who is a member or supporter of the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism” (CAA), as is Lewis. Applebaum’s tweet puffs Lewis to absurdity. He fails to mention that Lewis’s own Counsel at the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal a few months ago asked for Lewis to be let off lightly because Lewis “has no assets except for his clothes and a mobility scooter”!

“The UK’s most successful defamation lawyer”? Ha ha!

Update, 3 March 2019

Lewis pretending that his (honorary) “Doctorate in Law” was not given to him by his old poly just for being briefly sort-of “famous”…

Some of Lewis’s Tweets, Part of the Recent Case Against Him


Update, 4 March 2019

Meanwhile, some people [see the Jewish Chronicle link, below] find it hard to let go of the laughable illusion that Lewis is a “top lawyer” (in this case, “high profile lawyer”), despite the fact that “his employment was terminated” by his last three (if not four) employers (in acrimonious circumstances in at least two of the cases), despite the fact that Lewis was described by his own Counsel at the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal (which found him guilty of professional misconduct) as someone who “has no assets” except “his clothes and a mobility scooter“! Lewis also has effectively no income now, since his Ā£7,000 net monthly salary from his last employers, Seddon’s, is cut off this month (the last month of his notice period).

Lewis, now resident in Israel but connected with a small law firm in London, has however been instructed to pursue tweeters on behalf of two unpleasant Jewesses also prominent on Twitter. I shall watch the progress of the actions (if proceedings are ever actually issued) with interest.


Update, 7 March 2019

Below, another testimonial for the “top defamation lawyer”, Mark Lewis! Oh, no, wait…

Seems that some Twitter Zionists and others have not quite got the news, and think that “Mark Lewis Lawyer” is something more than a poisonous and near-insolvent bully impotently tweeting and threatening from his wheelchair or mobility scooter in Israel! Others, however, seem to be better informed…

I think that Karma is already having its effects on Lewis…

Update, 12 March 2019

The Jewish Chronicle hedges its bets now, referring to Lewis merely as “high profile lawyer”, no longer “top defamation lawyer” etc. The bastard’s Ā£7,000 (net) a month from his former employer, Seddons, expires this month, so he may soon be feeling the pinch.


Update, 26 March 2019

As I have said in the past, “Mark Lewis Lawyer” is a fraud, not worth his salt as a lawyer, but just someone who (and it is typical of “them”…) publicizes himself, talks a good game, but then only performs in simple open-and-shut cases (such as the Katie Hopkins/Jack Monroe case), which a child could litigate.

Update, 29 March 2019

Further comment on Twitter

Update, 30 March 2019

Lewis is (quelle surprise) well-known to horrible “Blairite” MP (Common Purpose drone, expenses cheat, gay online dating site user, Labour Friends of Israel member, Remain and anti-Corbyn conspirator etc) Chris Bryant  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Bryant

who won Ā£30,000 from the News of the World in 2012. You cannot say that Bryant does not maximize his opportunities as an MP…



Update, 15 May 2019

The “top lawyer” once again getting muddled and giving flawed advice…

Update, 23 June 2019

One of the amusing and ongoing aspects to the “Mark Lewis Lawyer” situation is the number of those on Twitter (mainly Jews, but not solely) who still seem to think that Lewis is “top lawyer”, “top defamation specialist” etc. They also tend to be those who imagine that libel actions can be brought at the drop of a hat, and without consequences if lost. They rarely know the law at all. Here’s one, inciting Lewis to sue an unnamed person (who seems to be in South Africa, at that!)

People like tweeter (((LucilleGrantWriter))), obviously Jewish (again…), never seem to think how Lewis (whose Counsel told his Disciplinary Tribunal that “he essentially has no means“, and that “his only assets are his  clothes and a mobility scooter“) might sue anyone in England or elsewhere on his own account!

Come to think of it, I have heard nothing, and seen nothing in the msm or legal websites about the proposed defamation actions being threatened by Lewis of behalf of UK-based Jew-Zionist “celebrities” Tracy-Ann Oberman and Rachel Riley (“Riley”? The only Jew I ever heard of with such a name was Sidney Reilly! In his case, he just invented his nom de guerre. Still, there it is.).

Under the law as it now is, libel actions in England have to be brought within a year of the date of publication. I seem to recall that the alleged libels (by Labour Party members and supporters, nothing to do with me, in case the reader is unaware!) were tweeted around November or even October of 2018, so time will run out within a few months. My guess? More Jewish Zionist bullying tactics, and there never will be any such libel action by those Jewish women.

Update, 10 July 2019

Lewis was born and brought up in the UK, educated here, lived and worked here, scarcely been anywhere else for most of his life, yet has no more real connection with this country than if he had just got off the boat from wherever his clan originated. There we have it. In a nutshell.




Update, 23 October 2019

Seems that Lewis’s ex-wife, Caroline Feraday, has also fallen on hard times, living in a “Nowheresville” in California with her young daughter (Caroline Feraday is now a single mother). She says that she is unable to raise a mere $10,000 [Ā£7,700], despite having some kind of (“office bod”?) job, and so has turned to GoFundMe. Strange. She was featured, in the past (in newspapers), a decade ago though, as having property of considerable value both in the UK and Brazil (in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro) as well as (since 2013) in California.

Surprisingly, she has, and within only one day (at time of writing), managed to raise nearly $2,000 of the $10,000 for which she asks.



Update, 19 February 2020


[above: the latest picture of Lewis, looking a little peaky; taken in London, February 2020]


Update, 10 July 2020

The reader will have noted that one-time wannabee “celebrity”, Caroline Feraday, who now lives in a obscure tract development in California, was, not so long ago, begging for money via GoFundMe, because her neighbour was, allegedly, harassing her [see above].

In fact, some mugs were still donating money to Caroline Feraday, via GoFundMe, only a month ago: https://uk.gofundme.com/f/legal-fees-dealing-with-stalkerharassment, yet the tweets below show clearly that she has recently spent out USD $10,000 on a sunroom or windows for her house (the sunroom or windows apparently not delivered or constructed):


Dishonest“? “Liars“? “Tw*ts“? Look in the mirror, if you can bear it! Ha ha! To my mind, this comes close to fraud: taking money from kindhearted mugs because she claims to be in desperate need, yet paying out the very sum she originally sought ($10,000) for her legal fees in order to buy special windows!

Update, 24 July 2020

Now Lewis is again retained by other Jews and/or Labour Party or ex-Labour Party members and/or employees to sue the Labour Party (which —under doormat for the Jewish lobby, Starmer— has rolled over) and, I believe that I read, Jeremy Corbyn personally.

We are back in “pound of flesh” territory…

Meanwhile, there has been a backlash, not only from Corbyn supporters, but from those who do not like or trust Lewis:

I just checked: as of date and time of writing, that legal fund, which at first was aiming at a target of Ā£20,000, has reached over Ā£163,000, with about Ā£30 coming in every minute! https://uk.gofundme.com/f/47gyy-jeremy039s-legal-fund

What about Lewis?

Well, of course Lewis cannot be “disbarred”, because he is not and never has been a barrister! He is a solicitor, though one whose behaviour has been more than merely questionable over the years.

Update, 28 July 2020

People continue to tweet about Lewis and his behaviour. Jews tend, generally, to corrupt the legal system of any country that “hosts” them. Lewis is a prime example. An abuser…

Other Zionist Jews have always supported Lewis on Twitter. There’s a whole cabal of them.

UK people are very naive about Jews. They often fail to see how Jews are totally different from English people. A Jew will put up a “big” front, no matter what, at all costs; they regard it as a speculative investment. The more honest ones admit it. Look at the book about the Korda brothers, Charmed Lives, by Michael Korda https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Korda

This is what Lewis has always done, “created a legend” (in the old KGB sense); meaning a not entirely true and/or inflated CV.

Lewis of course is a small operator in that respect. Certainly compared to major Jew frauds such as the late and unlamented “Robert Maxwell”. The very verb “to big up” is of Jew origin.

So we have Jew solicitor Lewis, whose own Counsel at his 2018 “trial” asked for mercy on the basis that he owned only a mobility scooter, his own clothes, and Ā£70 a week from a private pension, yet Lewis is now again posing as the big international lawyer!

When Lewis sued a former firm (where he was a “consultant”, doing “phonehacking” cases) he claimed to the tame (Jew-infested) UK Press that he was expecting to receive a “six figure sum”. Result? The case failed, in effect. Settled without Lewis receiving anything. Typical of him.

Lewis did have a good position for a couple of years at Seddons, a well-known firm of London solicitors. That ended in late 2018, the year when Lewis was found guilty at the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal.

Much of the circa Ā£10,000 a month (c.Ā£7,000 net) which Lewis was paid (Seddons continued to pay him to the end of his notice period in March 2019) seems to have gone on presenting a wealthy front to the world and especially the Press. Renting an expensive apartment etc. He also had expensive cars at one point years ago (though later blagging a free car via Motability, once he realized that he could get Disability Living Allowance). Yet poor people, without much income, have had Motability cars taken away, in many cases…

Lewis is very (((typical))), let’s leave it there…

Update, 29 July 2020

Once again, Mark Lewis fails to walk his big talk; quelle surprise…


Thanks to the unethical “lawfare” Lewis wages, using “litigation insurance”, a form of legalized extortion, that last hope is unlikely, for now.

Ah, that was what I wondered about previously: out of the ā€œ70 potential defendantsā€ targeted by the Jewish women Rachel Riley and Tracy Ann Oberman, it seems that only one claim got to courtā€” and that that one has now failed.

I do not know whether the two unpleasant Jewish women are planning to sue others. I doubt it.

Lewis even now tries to talk a big game to the newspapers, as always, but where are the ā€œbigger fish to fryā€ of which he spoke today? Is he back on those drugs that he testified (at his 2018 Solicitorsā€™ Disciplinary Tribunal ā€”which he lost) caused him not to know what he was doing or writing? That is what he himself testified, i.e. that he was incapable and incoherent.

Why on Earth would anyone retain Lewis? On the other hand, he is cheap, in the sense that he operates on the no-win, no-fee basis, backed by speculative finance (litigation insurance). They hope to take assets from defendants who lose at trial, or monies from intimidated defendants who might decide to settle at an earlier stage.

People are so easily conned, nicht wahr? I still see tweets from people who imagine that Lewis is some kind of defamation superstar. His successes have been in simple cases where the defendant was unwise and self-willed, like the ā€œJack Monroeā€ (ā€œBootstrap Cookā€) action against columnist, now ex-columnist, Katie Hopkins. Well, now we see what happens when Lewis is up against real libel specialistsā€¦

Update, 20 March 2023

If that was Lewis (and I think that Caroline Feraday has only been married once), then of course he would not be able to “storm off” now, unless he put his wheelchair into overdrive.

Time heals all wounds, one way or another…

Update, 16 September 2023

Update, 13 May 2024

Well worth reading, the following tweets describe part of a recent case catastrophically badly-handled by “Mark Lewis Lawyer”. Quite apart from his evident professional negligence, it is clear to me, reading it all, that Lewis was also flagrantly dishonest. He really should be struck off the solicitors’ roll.

I might add that the heroic and ultimately victorious Claimant, James Wilson, is in my opinion far too kind to the Jews and/or part-Jews who defamed and hounded him, but that is another question.

Every single one supporting the Defendants Jewish, of course…

Because Mark Lewis is a self-publicizing Jewish/Zionist bully who is also not a very good lawyer, as many of his clients over the years have discovered; neither is he an honest one.

“It is weird that the anonymous pro-Israel trolls have started having a go at me again after judgment in my case. If the trolls actually cared about defending Jewish people, there is a vulnerable man called Eddy Cantor who is set to lose the home he and his family live in.

I need help to stop that happening. He is set to lose it because Mark Lewis did not work out that Mr Cantor had equity in his home. Mr Lewis therefore thought Mr Cantor had financial immunity in the litigation.

I worked out Mr Cantor had equity in his home by looking it up on the Land Registry and asking him. Rather than having a go at me, the trolls could have go at Mr Lewis to encourage him to step in to stop Mr Cantor losing his home.

“Famous” (self-publicizing) “libel specialist” Mark Lewis Lawyer: both dishonest and incompetent, as I have blogged for several years. He has never sued. Admittedly, partly because my present —and for several years past— impecuniosity makes me effectively “unsueable”, but he has never even tried to apply for an injunction/restraining order against me. He knew that he would lose. He prefers to sneak around helping the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” (he was a founder member) to make malicious lying complaints to police (etc) about me.

This is Patronā€™s partner Alexander Zivancevic. He was fined Ā£15k by a Tribunal because he lacked integrity. He paid money from a client into his own personal bank account.

Another one of them, of course…

Mr. Wilson has discovered that, when the usual Jew-Zionist pack scores a hit against a non-Jew, the (((usual))) Press pack (inc. LBC radio and Talk TV etc) go overboard on it, but when the Zionists (eg “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) fall down, the mass media is silent. I have seen it time abd again.

Of course, one must not say that the Jewish influence over the mass media is stifling truth in the UK; that would be, apparently, not only “antisemitic” but “grossly offensive”…

(even though true).