Tag Archives: multicultural society

Diary Blog, 8 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Vicente Romero Redondo]

Talking point

It would have been better had the whole Israel/Palestine area, and the rest of the Middle East, stayed under British (Palestine, Egypt etc) and French (Syria, Lebanon) rule and influence.

Tweets seen

Multicultural societies cannot exist except as transitional entities. Where does that leave our present society in the UK?

Sunak’s government of clowns really is running on empty.

Natalie Elphicke pretended to stay loyal to her foolish husband while he was on trial for pathetic minor sex crimes, divorced him after he was convicted and imprisoned, and arranged to replace him as Conservative Party MP for Dover. Now, realizing that the game is up, she defects to Labour! About as trustworthy as any triple agent…

Does that mean that she will be the Labour candidate for Dover at GE 2024? I should have thought not.


Having said that, Natalie Elphicke is unarguably right about Sunak’s bad joke government. The very roads are like something out of the Ukraine now— potholed, rutted, unrepaired or, at best, poorly-patched.

I started to comment on the blog years ago about how, not overnight but over 10-15 or more years (even pre-dating “Conservative” governments post-2010) “nothing works in Britain these days”. The newspapers started to say the same a couple of years ago. Now, hardly anyone would argue about it.

It will be interesting to see whether Natalie Elphicke, if not adopted as Labour candidate for the Dover constituency, stands as Independent. It might be tight between Con and Lab anyway, but with Reform UK in the mix (and very likely to do well), and Natalie Elphicke potentially standing as Independent, it could be a very close contest indeed. She might even win.

Come to think of it, Natalie Elphicke might have done better to have defected to Reform UK, which would probably have made her its Dover candidate, and with a reasonable shot at winning in a three-way split.

American journalist Clayton Morris: “Over the weekend we learned that NATO is actively trying to start a nuclear war. They are testing Putin to see if he is bluffing. Has he bluffed before? Has he ever bluffed? Does he look like a man who bluffs? Poland is ready to give up its territory under nuclear weapons, so that NATO strengthens its eastern flank. “You can put them here, but we must know that we can use it.” Bring nuclear weapons to Poland before the start of World War III. Great! Western leaders now…

Poland seems to have forgotten the lessons of 1939-45…


Seems that the Jewish state wishes to create a road there, on the border of the Negev and Judean Hills regions, and wants the Bedouin inhabitants out for that reason. It may well be just a cover for gradual ethnic cleansing of the area.

Akin to slaves building the pyramids.

Talking point

[Kensington Roof Gardens, London, which date back to the 1930s]

London has large areas of unused roof space which could be turned into green space; not necessarily all open to the public, but still a haven for birds and a recreational resource for individual people, families, employee groups etc.

I had such ideas back in the mid/late 1970s, when I happened to see some of the views from the roof areas of tall buildings: a couple of the then-tall buildings of the City of London (now dwarfed by the new high buildings, of course), the British Gas building at Marble Arch etc; both during the daytime and at night.

Since those times, others with similar ideas but more resources have actually been able to make a few projects a reality. There remains huge scope.

In the Russian saying, “the world is not without kind people“.

Not often do I agree with anything said by puppet of Israel and the Jewish lobby, Starmer, but…

It’s all starting to unravel, the whole panicdemic/scamdemic narrative.

The truth is out there.

I remember seeing on TV all the clowns applauding that Gilbert person at Centre Court, Wimbledon; what puzzled me at the time is how the crowd even knew who she was. Was that all part of the propaganda of those times?

Late tweets

I suppose that there may be pleb-Cons who still do not understand that.



Late music

[East Berlin, 1970s]
[“Gold Collection— Yevgeny Belyaev; Unselfish Soul“]

Diary Blog, 28 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Talking point

Peter Hitchens


Worth reading. My views on this are at least somewhat similar.

I have blogged a few times about the Beeching Report etc: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/04/what-is-and-what-might-have-been/.

[Amerika, the train used by Adolf Hitler when German Chancellor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrersonderzug]

When will our train arrive?

More from the newspapers


Britain in 2023…

Tweets seen

Gordon Brown— a totally useless pseudo-democratic political drone. As Prime Minister, he understood nothing about either politics or (real) economics. Superficial erudition covering utter ignorance of almost everything.

Listen to the idiot, saying in one sentence that he is not in favour of censorship but that “these people” (GB News) have to be kept off the air. When did he say that about vulgar pests such as Jo Brand or, say, the Jewish “comedians”, such as David Baddiel? Never, as far as I know.

Of course, GB News is mainly “controlled opposition” (OFCOM would never allow me to have a TV show, for example), but “all roads lead to Rome”…

Zoo. Worse than a zoo, in fact.

Corbyn has no idea. He stood up quite well (though half-heartedly) to the Jew-Zionist element for a few years, but is otherwise politically disastrous.

Short answer to tweeter “Norfolk Forever”— Yes. Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan“.

Just think of what’s happened on channels like the BBC and Channel 4.

In 2019 Jo Brand joked about throwing acid over Nigel Farage on the BBC – No further action.

In 2020 Sophie Dukes joked about killing white people on Frankie Boyle’s New World Order – No further action.

In 2020 Miriam Margolyes said she wanted Boris Johnson to die on live TV while he was seriously ill with COVID – No further action.

Did the same people calling for GB News to be shut down call for the BBC and Channel 4 to be shut down? Of course they didn’t. The double standards are utterly staggering.”

I covered the Jo Brand scandal thus: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/06/16/__trashed/.

Regular readers will know that I myself currently face trial by the State (at the instigation of a pack of Jew-Zionists). I cannot blog about that prior to said trial (for reasons to do with potential contempt of court) but the above tweet makes the point for me.


More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

More tweets seen

My final thoughts, before I move on. As we have a busy day helping a girl who misgendered another student, by refusing to call her a cat. I know. Welcome to 2023. People are entitled to have a view on what I said and that is fine by me. Whilst a bit crass, it certainly didn’t merit the mega media storm which has resulted. Especially given the genuinely appalling things said on TV which pass without comment. The woman on the BBC saying she wanted to kill all white people. And countless other examples. I have been saying to GB news for months that they should stand up for themselves more against these unending attacks. Instead they panicked. Trying to appease an enemy, who will not stop until they shut down. Namely @Ofcom. A regulator created to ensure the state narrative is persistently and regularly hammered into every home.

As it happens, I am the catalyst for the great takedown to begin, which on reflection is a cause of sadness and regret, but if it hadn’t been me, it would have been one of the desperate presenters currently joining in the pile on, not realising that it’s just a crocodile eating itself, and not long from now, many of them will be out of a television job, or so shackled and censored, that any whiff of authenticity is gone. Like a nodding dog on a car dashboard. And about as relevant.

The United Kingdom is run by one political party, pretending to be two, by wearing different coloured rosettes, with the same freedom sapping policies and controlling agendas.

That is why you are seeing every show on regime TV discussing this affair, and both sides of the uni party calling in unison for an end to the insurgent channel. The uni party need Izvestia to spout their narrative.

Where GB news have erred is by forgetting why they came into existence in the first place. Calling themselves the “home of free speech” is a simple principle to protect. They could have easily said “whilst we find Laurence Foxes comments appalling and they aren’t representative of our views, we respect and uphold the fundamental right of free speech.”

This would have provided at least some defence and given time and opportunity to rally public support and fight back. Instead they went on the defensive. I still haven’t heard a word from them, and am waiting for the chop on Friday at my disciplinary hearing.

Such is life. I own my mistakes and take full responsibility for them. The major problem for them is now they are not the home of free speech at all. They are the exact opposite. They will cancel just as readily, if not more so, than the rest just to try and stay alive, and they have opened themselves up to an unending, brutal and sustained attack from the regime and their media lapdogs. In trying to appease the mob, they have emboldened it. Which is why you never apologise to the mob.

I have worked hard to put across different stories, like the case of ST, which most of the propaganda media have ignored. I have enjoyed the lovely responses I get from the public for doing so. So it is a shame I feel for everyone that GB fell straight into the trap set for them. I feel even sadder, and pissed off at myself, that I allowed myself to be the bait for that trap by trying to make a serious point in a jokey and lighthearted way.

Now I must rebuild. I’ve done it before and I will do it again. I have two kids to feed and clothe after all.

On a final note, we should all ask ourselves if this is a society we want to live in, where the cancel mob reign and your only chance at existence is total and utter capitulation to their whims.

Loz x.”

[Twitter/”X” statement by Laurence Fox].

My own upcoming trial (for allegedly having posted a handful of comments and cartoons on my blog) is yet another example of the encroaching police state.

Professor Curtice, eminent and erudite psephologist though he is, cannot see the wood for the trees.

In the world of the Professor, there are parties A, B, C, D, and the game is to accurately predict how those parties will do competing against each other in a structured contest in which all parties of importance are saying variations of the same thing.

In the real Britain, however, there is migration-invasion on a vast scale, our society is being trashed, almost everything is slowly seizing up and ceasing to work properly —or at all— and standards in all areas are sliding.

“Left/Right” means nothing but, otherwise, that tweet is correct. Adam Boulton is a System drone, like so many others. Applauds the forced closure of the RT television station, and wants GB News to be shut as well. Freedom of expression, free speech etc mean nothing to these propagandists, who are akin to Soviet media broadcasters.

The System media in the UK promoted the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic, has never seriously challenged the mass immigration into this country, nor examined the results of Jewish immigration into the UK in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The System drones and propagandists are all piling in to bury even the semblance of free speech. Here is BBC (also ITN, Channel 4 etc) drone Michael Crick:

These types are no different at root from Soviet media enforcers and sell-outs. They cannot wait for Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and his post-Blairite know-nothing MPs to form a quasi-dictatorial government, to really shut down freedom of expression using the Online Safety Bill expected to become law soon.

When you see Adam Boulton, Kay Burley, Tom Bradby, Newsnight presenters etc, you are not seeing people who live as slightly more affluent members of the public, but people paid literally millions of pounds per year. They are shackled to the System, afraid to lose their pay and privileges.

As a matter of fact, you find that most of these prominent media faces also have personal and family links with System politicians or those who work in TV current affairs. Examples:

Boulton divorced his first wife, The Hon. Kerena Anne Boulton, after his affair with Tony Blair‘s spin doctor Anji Hunter became front page tabloid news in 2002.” [Wikipedia];

Crick lives in Wandsworth,[33] South London, with his partner Lucy Hetherington, an executive TV producer who has managed documentaries and current affairs programmes. She is the daughter of former Guardian editor Alastair Hetherington.” [Wikipedia].

More tweets

Ha ha. “I’m lovin’ it!“…

Now for the works of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst…

84 years and one week ago. Interesting. Even in the photo, you can see that the German, Guderian, a famous tank general, is basically a decent person, whereas the Soviet representative, Krivoshein, a Jewish Bolshevik who became a leading tank warfare exponent in the Red Army, is not, though of course that view may be taken to be speculative.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semyon_Krivoshein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Guderian.

How very sad. I hope that the perpetrator is punished properly. As Chekhov once said, “there are people to whom a tree is sacred“. That includes me.

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 5 March 2023, including thoughts around the recent incident at a school in West Yorkshire

Morning music

[painting by Russell Flint]

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers


Last week, a 14-year-old British boy was forced to flee his home and go into hiding, fearing for his life…

It all started when, as a forfeit for losing a video game, the boy was asked by his friends to buy a copy of the Koran and bring it to school, Kettlethorpe High in Wakefield, West Yorkshire....the holy book, once inside school, became accidentally damaged, though only ‘slightly’ and not by the boy’s hands.

Nobody, certainly not the boy, could have foreseen what would happen next. He was suspended along with three other pupils; police began investigating and recorded a ‘hate’ incident; a Labour councillor stoked tensions by falsely claiming on social media that the book was desecrated; and his mother found herself pleading for forgiveness at the local mosque after his life was threatened.

The Mail on Sunday has learned that at the height of the intimidation the family received an arson threat to their home and the boy –described as ‘absolutely petrified’ – was forced to move to a secret location. After initially contacting West Yorkshire Constabulary, his mother later urged officers not to prosecute to avoid further inflaming the situation. Instead the police said they would ‘work with the school moving forward’.

One parent, herself a teacher, said it ‘feels like a medieval witch-hunt’.

The next day the pupils were suspended and, for reasons that are still unclear, the school decided to call the police, an action met with widespread disbelief from parents.

…at the mosque on a Friday, when the boy’s mother – sitting before an all-male crowd – pleaded for forgiveness. Mr Griffiths, the school’s head, also told the audience – repeatedly – of his sorrow.

No one mentioned the death threats, however. Thornton said: ‘There is an element of awareness and education that needs to be embedded within the school and the wider community of Wakefield.’

He continued: ‘We recorded a hate incident. That means we will look to support the school at this moment in time. It is recorded on our system.

It was left, then, to the mother, sitting with her hands grasped together, to talk about the threats.

She did so almost by way of an apology. In fact what followed – filmed and put on social media – turned into an exercise in public humiliation resembling something from Maoist China.

[Mail on Sunday]

Those backward creatures do not respect the English people involved (mother, headmaster, police inspector) for pleading and grovelling—au contraire! They despise them for their weakness.

Jesus H. Christ! No wonder English people are angry at the state of this country. They let in these backward elements from places such as Pakistan, those elements then bred prolifically, embedding themselves in many places, particularly in the north of England. Now, the English, in those areas (and later, everywhere?), are completely subject to the will or diktat of the backward.

Look at how the police bend over backward to appease the mob.

A mixture of fear and both misplaced and fake “tolerance” seems to characterize the behaviour of all the English people involved. A fake tolerance which is a virtue-signal (to the Muslim Pakistanis), saying “look at us— we abase ourselves, because we really respect you and like you and your religion”, when really their pseudo-tolerant behaviour is a fig-leaf covering up fear of the Pakistanis and what violence the Pakistani mob might inflict; if you like, cowardice.

The “multicultural” society is not working. In fact, it cannot work, except where the minorities are few in overall numbers of people. Where the “communities” are large, civil war usually results: Israel/Palestine; Lebanon; Iraq; Syria; Cyprus; Bosnia; Kosovo (etc).

I wonder how long it will be before civil war engulfs “our” so-called “multicultural society”?

This latest incident is another sign that a malign force has been allowed to grow unchecked in the UK. It has to be stopped, and MI5’s pussyfooting, and result-free “investigating”, merely deals (or fails to deal) with a symptom, not with the root cause.

Militant Islamism is not the only serious enemy of our European society in the UK; there are several others. It is, however, the most powerful in terms of control of the streets.

More arrive in the UK every single day, by routes both “legal” (“family reunion”, “fiance/fiancee visas” etc) and illegal (smuggling, rubber-boats in the Channel), and by (the biggest of all invasion routes) births to those already here.

In the end, only reasonable but firm social nationalism can save the UK and the English/British people.

More music

[Villa Astor, Amalfi]

Tweets seen

Exactly. Labour wanted more and stricter police-state “lockdowns” (a term formerly used only in prisons and high-security military bases).

The economic struggle of the UK now is mainly a result of the misconceived “lockdown(s)” and other supposedly anti-“Covid” policies applied in 2020 and 2021.

More from the newspapers




At the height of the pandemic, then-Health Secretary Matt Hancock wanted to announce a new Covid variant to “frighten the pants off everyone”, leaked WhatsApp messages have revealed.

Mr Hancock’s adviser said: “Rather than doing too much forward signalling, we can roll pitch with the new strain.”

“We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain,” Mr Hancock responded.

The solution was to declare a new strain of coronavirus, the Alpha or Kent variant.

When discussing regional lockdowns, Jamie Njoku-Goodwin, Mr Hancock’s media adviser, suggested it would not be “unhelpful” for the public to think their area could be next.

[Daily Mirror]

Hancock and the rest should be put up against a wall.

Jew. What a surprise…[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Korski].

That assessment, by one Johnny Vedmore, is well worth reading, as also seem to be some other articles or reports written by him: see https://unlimitedhangout.com/author/johnnyvedmoregmail-com/.

In fact, I am just now reading this one: https://unlimitedhangout.com/2023/02/investigative-series/black-hand-a-match-made-in-hell/.

The woman noted in that latter report, Mariella Capes, later (inter alia) Mariella Novotny, was once described as “the British Government’s other Chief Whip“…

More tweets seen

More tweets

I blogged about the —now almost forgotten— Dominic Cummings a few years ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/10/les-eminences-grises-of-dystopia/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/01/03/dominic-cummings-a-government-of-dystopia-and-lunacy-posing-as-genius/.

The Daily Mail and other newspapers should do a report (maybe in a supplement, in view of the amount of material available) about the “holocaust” hoaxes and fakes. Hundreds, maybe thousands.

It should never have been this way. There should have been, more than a year ago, elimination of the Zelensky cabal by covert and/or Spetsnaz units, followed by swift and overwhelming mass parachute landings, particularly in and around Kiev itself, those landings then reinforced and consolidated by a broad advance on and approach to Kiev by massive formations of armour and motorized infantry. As I put it a year ago, “a Blitzkrieg for the sake of mercy“, thus saving the civilian population and their companion animals from being killed, wounded and/or traumatized; also, saving their homes, and general urban infrastructure, from excessive and unnecessary damage.

The Russian Army, GRU, and governmental apparat(s) have been found wanting— hugely so. Inefficient, inept, corrupt, badly-run, you name it. Not that this is new in Russian history. Look at 1914 and 1941.

Latest news:


Intense fighting has continued in and around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut as both Kyiv and Moscow seemingly struggle with ammunition shortages and mounting casualties.”


Ukrainian “refugees”

Seen in the Guardian, a reader’s letter:

I had a checkup with my NHS dentist in May 2022. The next was scheduled for January 2023. This was postponed until April and, last week, I was told this appointment is cancelled. I now have to ring the practice in November 2023 to arrange an appointment for 2024. We currently have a Ukrainian refugee staying with us. She returned to Lviv for Christmas and saw her dentist while there. I am thinking of joining her on her next trip home as it is clearly easier to see a dentist in a war zone than it is here (Rotten, with no quick fixes: the state of our mouths reflects the plight of NHS dentistry, 2 March).
John Lovelock

So a Ukrainian “refugee”, staying with someone in Bristol, and who makes pleasant trips back to Lvov? Lvov is in western Ukraine, close to the Polish border, and has been only rarely under any attack. She goes to Lvov for Christmas, and to get dental treatment etc… Why is that person even in the UK? She is evidently not, in any sense, a “refugee”.

The Guardian-reading Bristolian virtue-signaller blithely says that he himself may go to Lvov with the “refugee” “on her next trip home“. Do these people ever wake up?

Late music

Diary Blog, 12 December 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

What a “comms” and public relations disaster for…PR Week.

Whoever allowed “Jack Monroe”, aka the “Bootstrap Cook”, to be nominated (let alone win second place) should lose his or her job.

Monbiot. Jewish.

“Every Single Time”…

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Forgotten heroes, an occasional series


Late tweets

Only the influence of the (((you know who))), and importation of millions of non-whites.

Whatever the causes, the fact is that the NHS is providing a service which is increasingly worse (just like the police, the legal system overall, and almost everything else).


Christmas University Challenge

Watched Christmas University Challenge. Two teams of alumni, all now prominent and even famous. Birkbeck (London) and Portsmouth (a former polytechnic).

Neither team was much good. The Portsmouth team (three out of four were non-white) knew almost nothing, or at least very little about anything. The Birkbeck team were better (and won) but were also pretty poor all the same.

The captain of the Birkbeck team was the prolific tweeter, political activist and tax barrister, Jo Maugham, also notorious for having bludgeoned a fox to death: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolyon_Maugham.

What struck me were several aspects to Maugham’s appearance on the show: first of all, his Michael Portillo-like horrible pink jacket but, more relevantly, perhaps, his incredible ignorance (admittedly not much worse than the rest of his team).

What struck me also was the way in which, whenever Maugham got a question wrong (which was most of the time), he threw his head back and laughed as if he had just done something very clever.

Well, I am not in the sort of financial position where I need a tax barrister, but if I did need one, I have to say that I would look elsewhere (though I have no reason to doubt Maugham’s narrow professional expertise; I just disliked the look of him).

Another odd thing about Maugham was his oddly-fruity or “plummy” English accent, unexpected in someone brought up until his late teens in New Zealand. Like a character in an Agatha Christie adaptation.

If Birkbeck were a poor team, they still won easily over Portsmouth.

It may be immodest to say so, but a team composed only of me and my wife would beat both of those teams together, and without any difficulty whatsoever.

Actually, all the quiz shows are increasingly dumbed-down. Mastermind now has questions which are often embarrassingly easy. The main University Challenge show is better by far, but there are more too-easy questions even on that show than there once were. Sign of the times?

Late thought

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 August 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Even a stopped clock is right once or twice a day (depending on whether analogue or digital).

Lenient sentencing


Yet another example of what is now almost ubiquitous— a defendant being given a pathetically weak sentence (in this case, a suspended term of imprisonment plus a fine and a couple of add-ons) despite having deliberately pushed a glass into a woman’s face, leaving her traumatized and with permanent scars.

The courts have to get a lot tougher on crimes of violence.

More tweets

Life (existence?) in a multikulti society.

This episode shows (confirms) that Liz Truss is completely idiotic, has no real idea even now how the British state is run, and has no serious ideas, ideas that are thought out properly.

I doubt that her evident incompetence will much affect her chances of taking over the Conservative Party leadership, though. After all, the same people (Conservative Party members) elected Boris-idiot as their leader a few years ago; he also was incompetent and had no serious ideas.

Late tweets

The UK is in the same position, more or less. Only a small minority of the “blacks and browns” are really of any use whatever. Many, perhaps a majority, while not being very criminal or dangerous, are basically useless, and are a dead weight, a millstone round the neck of the British people. Another minority are actively criminal and/or terroristic.

Looks like a reasonably good neighbourhood. Surely children should not be selling drinks on the street? I suppose it is part of the mercantile ethos ingrained in many Americans.

The cleansing power of death in human society. The great equalizer…

Late music

[aerial view of Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, in summer]

Diary Blog, 2 June 2022

Morning music

[Old Orangerie, Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

On this day a year ago

In the Germany of the mid/late 1930s, such weather was called “Fuhrerwetter“…

[1930s, Nuremberg: the Bund Deutscher Madel make display]

Twitter trivia news

Quite a few tweets seen this morning talking about the “suspension” (expulsion?) of the “Andrea Urban Fox” Twitter account. I have seen, in the past, a few tweets from that person (who seems to be tied up with the Jew-Zionists in some way). Not one tweet was of any interest whatever. Just rubbish. Why do so many people post meaningless rubbish on Twitter, and in some cases for hours daily? I can only suppose that it gives them something to do.

I cannot remember now whether Andrea Urban Fox ever tweeted about me. I think that she may have done, critically, and several years ago. No matter, anyway.

Maybe now, if the “suspension” actually turns out to be a permanent expulsion, “Andrea Urban Fox” will find something useful to do with her day(s).

[Update, same day: that Twitter account was reinstated, for whatever reason. Twitter, apart from now being far more dull than it once was (the result of the censorship, and expulsion of interesting tweeters such as David Icke, Alison Chabloz, me —if I may be a little immodest— and many others), is a mess in terms of how it works. Will Elon Musk really proceed with its acquisition? He seems too intelligent.]

Tweets seen

The “problem” (((problem))) is by no means confined to the USA. “They” try to get the non-whites to believe that the you-know-whos are on the side of the blacks and browns. No, they are playing the non-whites off against white Europeans, in a strategy of Zionist supremacism.

Oh, and that (((one))) is as much a genuine “Stewart” as I am a genuine “Liebowitz”! See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Stewart#Early_life_and_education.


I agree with both of the above tweets. In what world are those people worth that pay? When Justin Webb returned to the UK after having spent several years in Washington for the BBC, he was asked the main difference between the UK and USA, and trotted out the old story about the younger man looking at another man”s very expensive car and exclaiming either (UK) “he should not have such a car” or (USA) “one day I shall have such a car“. Trite, tired, mediocre, and actually quite inaccurate (the story, Justin Webb, and indeed the BBC). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Webb.

The BBC is out of its time, really. Its output is now certainly not of higher quality than that of its competitors, and as for it being “ad-free”, not so; it advertises itself and its output constantly, and shows government propaganda quite often (as well as in its shows).

The BBC receives excessive funding via the “licence fee” system, a tax by any other word, enforced by bailiff-like enforcement staff. Even today, there are people (often poor single mothers etc) in prison for (following court order) not paying, or being able to pay, that bloody “licence fee”.

Now I read that the best of the BBC TV channels, BBC Four, is going to be axed to save money! The only decent part of the BBC left. It really is time to get rid of the BBC’s “licence fee” funding and make it compete on a level with the other channels (now numbered in the dozens).

I might take a different view, were the BBC on a higher general cultural level, but that is not the case (even on BBC2) now, and has not been so for decades. As said, the best bit of the output, on BBC Four, is going to be axed.

As for BBC Radio— appalling. Radio 4 is almost entirely unlistenable now, while Radio 3 has been greatly dumbed down.

Get rid. Take away Justin Webb’s (and others’) rice bowls.

Talking of the BBC, I was interested to see that a son of the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, one Sasha Yevtushenko, is now a BBC radio producer: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sasha_Yevtushenko. Aged 43, apparently.

I recall meeting the then very young (maybe about 4-y-o, cannot quite recall) Sasha Yevtushenko, sometime in the early 1980s, when at Bournemouth with my then girlfriend, who was a friend of his mother, the third wife of the poet.

The maternal grandmother of Sasha Yevtushenko lived in some expensive part of Bournemouth, very close to the sea, and had one of those Victorian wooden beach huts in which people change for swimming, which huts now sell, sometimes, for tens or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. That one was on a quasi-private beach.

Despite the hot weather, we were the only people there. It was like a small cove, as I remember. I also remember the almost (?) hyperactive little boy holding the door handle from the outside, shouting out “Nilzya!” (“Not allowed!” in Russian) repeatedly and (for no reason) refusing to allow me to exit the wooden hut. There were small windows in the door. I could see him holding the handle.

What can a polite guest do? One can hardly force open the door and possibly hurt the small child, no matter how peculiar his behaviour. In the end his mother called him.

I blogged about the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yevgeny_Yevtushenko] some years ago. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/04/04/yevgeny-yevtushenko-darcus-howe-and-the-msm-cultural-musings/.

How time flies in a life: it seems not hugely long ago that an odd little boy was shouting out in Russian while imprisoning me in a beach hut. Now, the small boy is suddenly 43, and a BBC radio producer. Well, there it is; and I myself am no longer in my twenties!

[Update, 23 June 2022: https://www.forumdaily.com/en/syn-evgeniya-evtushenko-rasskazal-o-zhizni-i-poslednix-dnyax-poeta/. I was unaware that Yevgeny Yevtushenko had had two more children as late as 1990].

A talk worth hearing

“Millennial Woes” (Colin Robertson), talking in 2021 about the evil and misnamed “Hope not Hate” (((cabal))).

Seems to have been subject to censorship (or a technical defect). Try to find it online, on Odysee.

More tweets seen

Much of France is still good, still beautiful, but Paris and some other large cities and towns are now largely not French, not European, and do not deserve to exist.

The Great Replacement. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. White Genocide.

More tweets

…and the semi-uniformed person, presumably some kind of attendant, seems to be not much interested, certainly does not do anything (or call for help on his radio), but (on his own against about 20 untermenschen) just bleats slightly at the mainly non-white mob. Perhaps afraid of being attacked.

This is an example of why, in the future, some form of social nationalism will have to take the reins. To exterminate evil.

He’s behind you!“…

Tweeter above failing to see that the whole “trans” nonsense of recent years is but a small part of a far-wider attempt by secret circles and cabals to destroy what is left of traditional society, particularly in Europe and other white-European-settled parts of the world, and to replace it with a “society” of dystopia— raceless, unisex, cultureless, hopeless, atomized (so easy to rule), and drugged in every way. As said many times, social nationalism must rise up to exterminate evil.

Ha ha! A one-time trainee psychiatrist (who seems to need a psychiatrist herself, in my opinion). As far as I have read here and there, she did not work for long as a doctor of any kind. No longer able to sustain the fakery of the facemask nonsense, now that most people have woken up.

Her Twitter feed is amusing, full of replies to her from cranks who are still wearing facemasks. Some really give themselves away, saying how much they love wearing their masks. Mentally-disturbed, quite obviously.

I did not see her tweeting that when this shambolic mess of a government made wearing facemask muzzles a legal requirement, and failure to comply with the facemask nonsense punishable by law.

I have remarked in the past on the blog about how doctors who become politicians or “activists” are usually a waste of space. Other examples? Dr. David Owen; Dr. Hastings Banda; Dr. Liam Fox. Dr. Evan Harris. Etc.

The incredible shrinking NHS


Shambolic. To me, after various experiences over the past decade, unsurprising, however.

In fact, it is not just the NHS hospitals and GP practices, but also dental services, central and local government generally, roads, rail, the courts, the police (a fortiori)…you name it. In down to earth language, this country’s gone to ratshit over several decades (and especially since 2010).

It is not the “fault” solely of immigrants (or immigration), or Jews, or British people becoming “wiggers” etc. It is a compendium of many causes, working together to trash the country. A Gordian Knot which, however, can be cut.

More tweets

This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Hickel. Frightening to think that a person of that sort may actually influence the policies adopted by governments.

Late tweets

Homeschool your children. Contrary to what many in the UK believe, it is not illegal! See https://www.gov.uk/home-education.

Late music

Diary Blog, 28 May 2022, including more on Russian strategy in Ukraine

Morning music

[Rome: view of river Tiber and Vatican, including St. Peter’s Basilica]

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Once again, political journalist John Rentoul loses out to me: he scored 7/10, but I trumped that with 9/10. The only question to which I did not know the answer was no. 6, though my answers to questions 1 and 9 were educated guesses; still correct, all the same.

Boris-idiot talks ethics

How can you deal with a crocodile when it’s in the middle of eating your left leg?” Johnson said in a Bloomberg Television interview on Friday, when asked about the prospect of negotiating with Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The guy’s completely not to be trusted.” [Bloomberg TV interview].

Ha ha! “The guy’s completely not to be trusted“…

Is that hypocrisy, or just a stunning lack of self-awareness?


As I blogged a month (or more) ago, and more recently (including yesterday), the Russian strategy now seems to be to consolidate control of the coastal regions on the Sea of Azov and Black Sea, as well as in the inland southeastern/Donbass region; also, to press north up the eastern bank of the river Dnieper and generally, to isolate or take the cities of Zaporozhye and Dnipro [Dnepropetrovsk], and then to push up to the northeast towards the Kharkov area. At the same time, the Russian forces in the region of Kharkov will keep that city isolated, if it cannot be taken.

If the above tasks can be accomplished, any Ukrainian forces east of that Sea of Azov-Zaporozhye-Dnipro-Kharkov line are doomed, and Russian forces will then control over half of that part of Ukraine which is east of the wide Dnieper river. Also, some territory to the west of the Dnieper in the south, around the Kherson and Mykolaiv [Nikolayev] region. Russia of course already has complete control of Crimea and its almost entirely Russian population.

Russian forces, assuming success as above, will then probably push west from the general region of Kharkov, and from the southeast through Poltava to the Dnieper and, simultaneously, north from Dnipro (following the river), until those three advances meet at the Dnieper, somewhere southeast of Kiev. At that point, there may be a gathering of forces so that Kiev itself can be assaulted.

The Zelensky regime has fortified Kiev. I wonder how much of the city will survive a brutal battle for supremacy.

As I blogged some time ago, the Russian forces may take all of Eastern Ukraine (i.e. Ukraine east of the Dnieper), but that will not determine this conflict unless Kiev, the ancient seat of authority, is also taken.

Once Kiev is taken, the Zelensky regime will lose much credibility in the West, and have to fall back on Lvov.

The largest cities of Ukraine and Crimea are shown here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_cities_in_Ukraine.

It can be seen that, of the most-populous 20 cities, 8 are already in Russian hands, at least 2 seriously menaced, and another 3 or 4 not likely to remain outside Russian control for an extended period if assaulted. So about two-thirds of the largest population centres in Ukraine generally are or quite soon will be in Russian hands. In east-of-Dnieper Ukraine, probably all such large towns and cities.

The Zelensky regime may soon control only Kiev, Odessa and Lvov, and it is doubtful whether Odessa could hold out for long if seriously attacked.

If then, Russian forces eventually take both Kiev and Odessa (admittedly a big question, at present) that will mean that Zelensky and his cabal will control only a rump Ukraine, mainly poor and rural, based on Lvov.

Latest news is that Ukrainian forces are in retreat, or planning imminent retreat, in the east/southeast: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-61593803

Tweets seen

The truth that the Western msm, particularly in UK and USA, are not showing.

The Jew Zelensky and his Zionist media-savvy cabal have been winning only one war— the propaganda war. The real war on the ground is now going against the Kiev regime.

Also, at least some people in, say, the UK, USA etc, are waking up to the fact that Zelensky’s corrupt shambles of a government is far from being a “democracy” with civil rights: all opposition parties banned, criticism of Zelensky and his basically Jewish regime banned, anyone wanting peace with Russia arrested, some tortured, and some even shot out of hand, as was the Ukrainian negotiator shot dead in the street in Kiev 2-3 months ago by Ukrainian security killers.

“Major Clark” must be frighteningly thick.

News from old Ireland

The piece below was sent to me; I am unaware of its provenance. Sounds about right, though.

”Republic in Retreat”

Ireland, a country which has historically valued its neutrality and ability to negotiate, is now engaged in political battles on every front foreign and domestic.

The country has shattered its decades old neutrality by supplying military aid to Ukraine in its conflict against Russia and is now antagonizing the British on behalf of the European Union, which is still extremely upset over the Brexit vote.

More than supplying Ukraine with Irish supplies, the Irish state is supplying Ireland with Ukrainians, or anyone claiming to be Ukrainian anyway. The Irish government has declared there will be no limit on the amount of “Ukrainians” it is willing to bring to the country. This policy is being enacted despite a housing crisis which has made Dublin the worst city in the world to find housing, doubled the homeless population, and is leaving young Irish completely unable to get onto the housing ladder.

While most Irish cannot find a home in which to raise a family, the few lucky enough to have a family are subject to sexual violence by immigrant men, all while their towns are being steadily demographically transformed regardless of any protests by locals.If Ireland were run by the Irish for the Irish, instead of by an Indian and a load of neoliberal traitors, then it would not be embarking down the path it currently is.

[provenance unknown]

Sadly, it seems that the present Sinn Fein is complicit in all the ZOG/NWO nonsense being foisted on Ireland’s people: black so-called “Ukrainians” given priority treatment, general mass immigration by blacks and browns from Africa and Asia, and the LGBTQXYZ nonsense, “trans” nonsense etc.

Other music

[Shishkin, Before the Storm]

London zoo

The multikulti society:


A mum who booked her son a flight to The Gambia after a 16-year-old boy was murdered in his own home has appeared in court. Alison Scott, 55, is accused of taking her son to Heathrow Airport two days after Camron Smith was brutally stabbed and disembowelled by a group of armed males in front of his mother.” [My London]

How much more “enrichment” can we take?

Late tweets

The transnational conspiracy must be getting desperate: global warming, conflated with made-up non-“Covid” triggers for the problems caused by the “vaccines”, and a conspiracy to take away companion animals, all in one mendacious propaganda gambit.

Stella Creasy is a prime example of an MP working entirely against the interests of the British people: pro-immigration, pro-EU, pro-Jewish lobby, pro-Israel, pro fomenting war in Ukraine. Not an exclusive list, incidentally. She also wants to destroy free speech online.

Late music

[fraternization, Paris 1941…]