Tag Archives: Neil Oliver

Diary Blog, 8 February 2024

Morning music

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Rafah, the very place to where the Gazan civilian population was “ordered” (by the Israeli Jews’ army) to flee to as a sanctuary.

Well, I have to say that, for someone the Western msm has been writing off with (invented?) terminal illnesses for at least 3 years, Putin looks remarkably well. Has “our” (((their))) media been lying to us again?

God mote it be“, not because I think particularly highly of Trump as an individual, or as statesman of sorts, but because he will ensure, as far as possible, that the USA and Russia (etc) do not get into a Third World War that might set back civilization for hundreds or even thousands of years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

At the end of the day, the choice will be a poor one, because the US political system is sclerotic and almost incapable of substantial change. That will be so even were Biden and Trump not to be the candidates in the end.

As it is, it looks like being Trump on the one side, a very flawed individual but one with real strengths, as against Biden, a corrupt and possibly perverse individual who —most importantly— is plainly at least semi-demented.

People may say “so what if Biden has dementia? He has support etc“. Well, if that is so, why even elect a President? Just let the Deep State conclaves, and secretive Bohemian Grove circles, and Jew-Zionist cabals, rule the USA without the figurehead…

I think that the American public are looking at the two, and are seeing that (to put it that way) one of them is as good as “off his head”…so game over (?).

…and it now turns out that the untermensch even strolled past (the new) New Scotland Yard a while ago! The police must be hoping that he will just throw himself into the river, and thus save them further embarrassment. Where’s Waldo?

If this trend continues, there will eventually have to be, not only in the USA etc, but in the UK too, a purge that will make the Cultural Revolution, the Yezhovshchina, and others, seem mild.

Hillary Clinton, someone who only became prominent because she was married to Bill Clinton. Thank God she never became U.S. President. We would have had WW3 by now. A semi-educated idiot who is presented as some kind of great mind.

Where is Squeaky Fromme when you need her?

A Chinese commentary with English subtitles, posted on Twitter/X not by me but by the Editor of the Jewish Chronicle (ex-Daily Mail), no less.

In view of my upcoming magistrates’ court sentencing, I had better remain silent on this…

More music

[Blues and Royals, London]

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The SNP is always good for a laugh. As for Scotland’s “Independence” pretensions, what kind of “Scottish nation” has Pakistanis (yes, I know that they must have British passports…) leading two of its three largest political parties (SNP and Scottish Labour)?

Does anyone go there, do that, and be (or pretend to be) “overcome with emotion” unless he is at least “part-“? I am thinking of “Boris” Johnson, whose great-grandfather was a rabbi in Lithuania.



Whichever way you look at him, Milei seems to be some kind of lunatic.

Amazing how many —indeed, brainwashed— people really want to believe either that the UK actually benefits from mass immigration (which is such nonsense) or at least can comfortably absorb the present (net) inflow of about 750,000 a year (more in fact, bearing in mind that the incomers are almost all non-white, while emigrants are often British people —real British people— going to Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere).

Late tweets seen

[Nikolai Rerich (Roerich), Guests from Overseas]

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 November 2023

Morning music

[VDNKh, Moscow]

Tweets seen

Incidentally, I am told by a reader of this blog that The Times has printed some kind of report about my recent trial. I refuse to pay even a small amount in order read the sort of rubbish put out by the contemporary “British” newspapers, so I do not know exactly what is the content of that report (I can guess, pretty much, anyway), but what strikes me is that it has apparently only appeared today, five days after the trial itself. Hardly “breaking news”.

I wonder what will happen with the newspapers in the UK. Several years ago, Rupert Murdoch gave the paper versions of newspapers only until about 2025 to survive, and certainly one rarely sees anyone buying a newspaper these days. I occasionally see an elderly person (always elderly, meaning 70+ if not 80+) buying a newspaper in Waitrose; not so often though.

The quality of journalistic language, let alone analysis, has fallen through the floor despite (?) the now almost exclusively graduate entry. Poor English, and little background knowledge, are patent.

I read somewhere that newspapers are still functioning because the online versions both take subscriptions, and make money out of advertisements; also, the mainly young “journalist” scribblers are paid very modestly. The only highly-paid scribblers now are the “celebrity” columnists, or so I read.

I myself last bought a newspaper about 25 years ago.

Hunt and Sunak had little choice, politically. Opinion polling puts the Conservative Party on about 20% for the 2024 General Election. Most of that consists of State Pensioners. Without the pensioner vote, the Conservative Party is toast. It may be that it is anyway, but being seen to pander a bit to the most obvious interest of those over 65 is a desperate way to shore up, at least to some extent, that core vote.

Incidentally, using Electoral Calculus, the difference between (A) a 20% vote and (B) a 15% vote is (A) 57 Conservative MPs (Lab 508) and (B) 19 Conservative MPs (Lab 541).

Were the Con Party able to rise to a support-level of 25%, the result might be 125 Con MPs (Lab 452); on 30%, 219 Con MPs (Lab 360).


For Sunak and Hunt, the (for now) retention of the Triple Lock is a no-brainer, of course. However, it will not save them. The best they can hope for, I think, is a hard defeat next year. It is an open question whether that defeat will prove almost, or actually, existential.

Isaac Levido“? Well, wouldn’t you know? Every. Single. Time…


London. Zoo.


Three train robbers who battered a victim for their £36 chain in a spate of 14 violent thefts have been jailed...”

[My London]

[the defendants]

More “diversity” in our wonderful new multikulti society…

I wonder what our society will look like in 20 years? Or 50? Thankfully, I shall probably not be around to see 2043, and certainly not 2073.

Late music

[Paris under German military occupation, early 1940s]

Diary Blog, 14 November 2023

Morning music

[swimming pool “Moskva”, 1970s]

Battles past

Stray thoughts

Several aspects of the initial Hamas attack on southern Israel last month struck me at the time and thereafter. First, the fact that the Gazan forces were able to plan and carry out such an operation at all. Secondly, that they were able to keep up what seems to have been complete operational security until “D-Day”. Thirdly, that it took Israeli Army forces 12 hours to arrive.

Israel is a kind of armed camp. Most citizens are liable for full-time or reserve service, Israel spends over 5% of GDP on military activity, and it is constantly on alert, yet here we see that there was a large-scale incursion at a known flashpoint (the Gaza border region), and it took Israeli forces 12 hours to respond effectively.

The relatively short distances also make that response time seem long; Tel Aviv itself is only 44 miles from the Gaza northern border, and perhaps another 10-20 miles to the scenes of attack.

There have been “conspiracy theories” asking whether this was a “Pearl Harbor”, i.e. did the Israeli Government know in advance, but allow the attack to happen, in order to have an excuse to reduce Gaza to rubble and destroy both Hamas and much of the population?

That theory sounds monstrous and also unlikely, but it cannot be ruled out, especially with factors such as the offshore oil.

I suppose that history will judge.

Tweets seen

I remain surprised that no-one at all has taken action directe against Cameron-Levita, Osborne, Dunce Duncan Smith or others in the Con Coalition of 2010-2015, but there it is…English/British people tend to be rather tolerant and long-suffering. Many of the guilty go unpunished.

Instead of monitoring actual terrorists, the UK’s shadowy disinformation units, in liaison with the intelligence agencies and Big Tech, monitored people like me.

My “crime” on one occasion was saying that “children have wonderful immune systems” and that “I have a legal duty to safeguard children against harm”.

At the same time, psychological nudge units were employed by the UK government to encourage the public to view anyone who questioned the government as an extremist.

Members of the public, who had been evangelized by the now debunked “safe and effective” mantra, set about hunting down those who questioned government pandemic policy. Often reporting them to their employers and unleashing what I have described as Britain’s unofficial social credit system.

In other words, seeking to punish them via the complaints process and cancel culture. This Chinese Communist style censorship, and resulting self-censorship by vast numbers of the population, allowed ever more extreme policies to go unchallenged and unchecked.

For example, the government announcing that a child would not require parental consent to get vaccinated against Covid-19. Or the government ignoring the advice of the JCVI and pushing ahead with the rollout for children.

It is hardly surprising that there are increasing reports of traditional terrorists and radicalised behaviour within the UK. While the likes of the 77th Brigade were all eyes on British citizens who were critical of government Covid policy, they were all eyes off the real terrorists and threats to our national security.

If the @covidinquiryuk is to be worth the eye watering cost it will eventually rack up, it must address the egregious way the State went about silencing dissenting voices during the pandemic.”


Sunak, the Indian money-juggler, is just another Israel puppet or “monkey-on-a-stick”.

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Late music

Diary Blog, 5 November 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

In 1981, Dr. Michael Shannon worked tirelessly through the night to successfully rescue a premature baby boy.

30 years later, in 2011, Dr. Shannon was trapped in his burning SUV following a collision with a semi-truck. Miraculously, he was rescued from the blazing vehicle by Chris Trokey, a paramedic with the Orange County Fire Authority.

Remarkably, it was revealed that Chris Trokey was the same premature baby Dr. Shannon had delivered three decades earlier.

Peter Hitchens


Nadine Dorries on Dominic Cummings


I have to say that my blog posts about Cummings from 2019 and 2020 have held up rather well:

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dougie_Smith.

In another society, at another time, the people, maddened by the evil exposed, would have stormed Downing Street, dragged out the schemers and evildoers, and executed them in the street.

Britain, even degraded as it now is, deserves better than this rabble.

More tweets

We often see or hear people claiming that phenomena in society are somehow inevitable— homelessness, grotesque inequalities of capital and/or income etc, when in fact these are usually the result of political choices by those in power.

Douglas Murray becomes ever more disgusting. He seems to be saying, along with the Jew he is showcasing, that the population of Gaza should again be without electricity (which most are anyway), and should be suffering more, as the Israeli Jews rocket and bomb effectively defenceless residential areas.

I see tweets etc from people speculating on what discreditable information Israeli or other Jews have on Murray, to make him such a complete puppet for Israel and Jewry. I have no idea, in detail, but my feeling is that it is a classic carrot-stick set-up: Murray, from modest beginnings, was awarded a scholarship to Eton when aged in his early/mid teens. He attended Oxford University. He has made a considerable and lucrative career sitting on the pseudo-national side of UK politics: Spectator, “Free Speech Union” etc.

The only area where I would agree with Murray would be re. immigration (he apparently opposes it, on the mass scale at least), but he never mentions, except in glowing terms, the Jewish immigration to the UK (1880s to 1940s).

Murray will never criticize anything Jewish; he may fear retribution. In any event, his formula has worked rather well for him so far.

So there it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douglas_Murray_(author).

Meanwhile, we see Jews on Twitter/X calling for arrests of any protesters re. Gaza for “terrorism”. Typical. Just typical.

Michael Crick seems very very full of himself, and is a typical System msm drone. An effective journalist but within set limits. Such people rarely look at the big picture, in this case the degradation of Britain through mass immigration, migration invasion, over-population, and also via cultural trash. He also seems to ignore the existence of the Jewish lobby. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Crick.

Quite so. Powell could have done what the last tweeter suggests; equally, he might have founded his own party at an earlier stage. He had the name-recognition etc to do that effectively. He failed because he was the prisoner of his own “Establishment” mentality, despite (or perhaps because of) having come from modest origins to be an MP, a Cabinet minister (in the 1950s), a brigadier (WW2), and a professor (1937) at the age of 25 (and long before the days when professors became two-a-penny).

Powell might have overthrown the “three main parties” scam, and taken much of the public with him:

Powell attracted widespread attention for his “Rivers of Blood” speech, delivered on 20 April 1968 to the General Meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre. In it, Powell criticised the rates of immigration into the UK, especially from the New Commonwealth, and opposed the anti-discrimination legislation Race Relations Bill. The speech drew sharp criticism from some of Powell’s own party members[1] and The Times,[2] and Conservative Party leader Edward Heath dismissed Powell a day after the speech from his position as Shadow Defence Secretary.

In the aftermath of the speech, several polls suggested that 67 to 82 per cent of the UK population agreed with Powell’s opinions.[3][4][5]” [Wikipedia].

Instead of doing that, Powell joined up with the Ulster Unionists. By doing that, he automatically became just a fringe politician. I suppose that he wanted to be a new Parnell, the head of a bloc of Westminster MPs. If so, he was deluding himself. Parnell had, at peak, 85 MPs; Powell’s UUP had only half a dozen, and he was not even their leader.

What might have been…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enoch_Powell; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Stewart_Parnell.

More tweets

“They” are just monsters when given or permitted power.

Almost worse than, and quite as sickening as, the behaviour of the armed forces of the Israeli Jews has been the weaselling behaviour of Jews in the UK, who claim (without any justification) to be “afraid”, yet who —many/most of them— either cheer on the Israeli attacks, or claim that bombing little children (who are at least a quarter of the population of Gaza) is “self-defence”, or in any case justified revenge for the attack by Hamas on southern Israel a month ago.

Slight hyperbole, of course, but true enough, anyway…

Look at the Old Testament. Ingrained mindset…

A good attitude. I myself have always taken the view that “one human soul is a big audience“, so it matters to me only slightly whether I get 1,000 hits on the blog in one day, 100, 10, or even 1.

They started by asking you nicely to get vaccinated. They told you it would stop the spread and release you from lockdowns. They lied.

Then for those remaining, they moved onto coercion and fear tactics. They tried to turn families against each other. They destroyed relationships.

For those who held their ground, they pulled out the big guns. People were banned from public spaces, they created a two tier society. Canada removed children from their unvaccinated father. Australia put people in camps.

They will do the same with 15 minute cities, a cashless society, AI brain chips and the list goes on. They start by convincing as many as possible to do it for their own good. Then they gradually increase the pressure until almost everyone complies. They know they can’t get everyone, but they will try. And they have far worse up their sleeve.

What they have planned next will make the scamdemic seem like a day at the beach in comparison. I’m not hear to spread fear, or negativity. This is the reality we face. Now is the time to be ready for the next stage. Never, ever let them do this to you again.

Most people will comply, though, for reasons of convenience, money, careerism, whatever. A separation of the sheep from the goats has already started, and not only via the “scamdemic”/”panicdemic”. Various System campaigns.

The few who are awake are the better future, the many who comply are the evil future.

“Campaign Against Antisemitism” rally in Parliament Square

The so-called “CAA” held a kind of rally in or by Parliament Square today. From film I saw on Twitter/X, looked as though it consisted of a few hundred Jews. The “CAA”, however claims “thousands“. They could not tell the truth if it bit them.

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Late tweets

I predicted years ago that the missiles used by Palestinian Arab forces would become far more sophisticated than the early models, which were much like large fireworks. That was about a decade ago. Think a decade ahead. What will confront the Israelis then? Israel is still the pre-eminent military power in the region, but this may be the tipping point for Israel, even if the Israeli Jews flatten all of Gaza, and then kill or drive out its 2M suffering people.

Late music

[Arnold Bocklin, Triton and Nereid]

Diary Blog, 27 September 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Michael and Inessa Garmash]

Battles Past

Suella Braverman

Ironic that it takes a non-European woman (married to a Jew, at that) to speak truth to power (don’t imagine that she herself holds any real power, even if she is Home Secretary).

Of course, the stupid, and/or treacherous/traitrous “open borders” Twit-mob, the “refugees welcome” dimwits etc, are all baying for her blood.

The fact is that the huge waves of immigration seen in the past decades, and especially since two events happened —the fall of socialism worldwide since 1989, and the fall of Gaddafi in 2011– do pose, as Suella Braverman says, an existential threat to the West as a whole, Europe as part of that, and the UK as one aspect of that.

It is instructive to read the impressions of people from North America etc who have recently visited the UK for the first time in many decades (1950s, 1960s). They are all appalled at the state of our largely-trashed country.

Suella Braverman pointed out that, in theory, as the laws and realities now are, nearly 800 million foreigners of various types could come to the UK. Of course that will not happen, if only because the UK would collapse into chaos long before. However, 80 million is not impossible over time, and 8 million is all but inevitable unless changes are made.

When I was born (1956), the population of the UK was rather more than 50 million. Now it stands at nearly 70 million, largely if not entirely by reason of immigration and also births to post-1945 immigrants or descendants thereof.

The UK is now in a downward spiral in terms of living standards, standards in public life, pay, pensions, State benefits, housing, healthcare, education, even the roads.

I suppose that Suella Braverman made her speech mainly —perhaps not entirely— for political reasons, including party-political reasons. The reason that it has had so much impact is because we so rarely hear politicians or —even more rarely— msm drones and scribblers actually telling the truth that we, the British people, see around us daily.

That speech will have had a powerful effect.

One of the reasons why the Conservative Party is so far behind Labour in the polls is because the Cons seem incapable of doing anything effectively, and the migration invasion across the Channel (which however may be as little as 10% of all immigration into this country) has become, as people now say, “iconic”, a symbol of general uselessness on the part of the Government.

This speech may steady the voting troops, but in the end is just a collection of words. We need action, not words.

Having said that, at least some of the voters may be waking up to the fact that Labour’s “solution” to immigration-overload will be to “safely” and quietly “process” (ie approve), and then funnel the invaders into the UK. The British people will only start to notice the results when there are almost no real British people left on the streets.

About 75% of so-called “asylum seekers” are eventually approved to stay in the UK, and only a tiny handful of the others are ever removed. Much of the world is in a state of chaos or tyranny or both, a delayed result of the disastrous Second World War and its consequences.

Both System parties of importance are part of the same conspiracy.

Looking at the 2024 General Election, the Con voters have almost given up, but anti-invasion rhetoric (and keeping the State Pension “triple lock”) may at least keep some of the generally anti-Labour older voters on board. We shall see.

Tweets seen

The Jew-Zionist element is behind most of the assault on freedom of expression in the UK.

More music

[VDNKh, Moscow]
[Donetsk, former Ukraine]

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Unreciprocated, I presume…

London. Zoo.


An estate agent who works near the scene where the girl was stabbed complained Croydon had seen an upsurge in violence. 

Leigh Thomas, 41, said: ‘I came out of my office and there were two ambulances right across the road and about 12 police cars.’

He added: ‘Croydon has gone to the dogs recently. The other side of the shopping centre is a war zone.

‘There’s drug dealing, fights, there was another stabbing recently. I grew up around here, it’s not what it used to be.

[Daily Mail]

It’s not what it used to be.” Really? I wonder why…

Bradford. Zoo?


Bradford descended into lawlessness yesterday afternoon after a brawl outside the city’s magistrates’ court led to huge crowds clashing with police. 

Youths wearing hoodies and masks were filmed charging after police vehicles and hitting them, as officers attempted to get away from the disorder.

[Daily Mail]

Scarcely a white face there…

…officers attempted to get away from the disorder“… Really? That’s comforting. Not.

Britain’s future? You decide.

Late tweets seen

Something the corrupt Kiev regime never attempted (there or anywhere else) during 30+ years of pointless “independence”.

More than 3,000 tons of weapons, ammunition and vehicles delivered to 12 hangars near Kiselevka, in the Kherson region, were destroyed by the Russian Army.

This was probably the reserve needed for the crossing to the left bank of the Dnieper, and now these plans have been seriously disrupted.

Video: What remains of the military warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kiselevka region. A video of the Russian Ministry of Defense taken after the missile strike.

Late music


Diary Blog, 8 September 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Well, well. So BBC/NWO/ZOG mouthpiece Marianna Spring falsified her background in order to get a job. Who would have thought it? What other lies has she put about?


Sanna Marin is another one of the puppets of the transnational conspiracy. Just like Justin Trudeau. Just like Jacinda Ardern. Many others too.


More “climate change” lies.


Terrible. Britain in 2023.


Not someone I knew personally, though he was pointed out to me at Harrow Crown Court in 1992, he having become briefly notorious by reason of his apparently tangled sex life. An MP and barrister.

The Guardian obit is rather poor, and the Wikipedia entry too. Neither says much about the scandals that were part of the reasons why Bermingham’s political career ground to a halt. Also, the Guardian says that his second wife, married in 1978, was a senior lawyer with the CPS. Perhaps later, but not in 1978; the CPS was only established in 1986.

Oddly enough, one of my first wife’s colleagues, an American girl, told me, at a baseball game at the old (now-demolished) Veterans’ Stadium in Philadelphia, that she had done an internship with Gerry Bermingham at Westminster. That baseball game must also have been in 1992, or maybe 1991.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Bermingham. Bermingham started out as a solicitor, but later converted to the Bar.


Interesting. I have now again updated my very popular blog post from 2019, which was an assessment of Rory Stewart, and which has been occasionally updated, to include this new information: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/

Tweets seen

I wonder how much of the American taxpayers money has been stolen. Still, wasted either way, I suppose…

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…and, incredibly, as of today there are 365 utter mugs still paying out £3.50-£44 each, monthly, via the Patreon website, to the “grifter”/fraudster who calls herself “Jack Monroe”.

A very good cause.

Another very good cause.

[Vauxhall City Farm]

It would help if msm outlets such as the BBC, Sky News etc stopped their one-sided pro-“Ukraine” (Kiev regime) propaganda and actually tried to report accurately on the conflict.

No wonder that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men, and now also women, are desperately trying to avoid being conscripted.

I was stopped by a man just outside Parliament yesterday evening. He introduced himself as a civil servant. He told me to ‘keep doing what you are doing, everyone knows it’s the truth. The establishment are very worried because they know what’s coming down the track for them!’ This is not the first civil servant to say this to me in private . They all know the truth and they all know it has to be exposed.

The Westminster monkeyhouse…

The BBC found a well-paid niche for a young woman unafraid of making up lies to look like the truth— Marianna Spring.

I wonder what is the real or full provenance of Marianna Spring.

Late tweets seen

The out-of-control “woke” police of the state of Victoria, Australia, arresting a girl who refused to wear a mask-muzzle during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic of a couple of years ago.

Late music

[Red Army T-34 tank, Crimea, 1943]

Diary Blog, 6 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Ava Gardner as Pandora in Pandora and the Flying Dutchman]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The story of how Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) derailed the train of state in a mere 7 weeks. Interesting read.

Among other things, it confirms my view of several years that Liz Truss was (she’s finished politically now) a Poundland Thatcher, but with none of Thatcher’s real grit and steel, and none of Thatcher’s incisive political brain (whatever the several faults of the “Iron Lady” may have been). A Poundland Thatcher to match “Boris”-idiot’s Poundland Churchill.


[one of the accused—Daily Mail]
[another accused— Daily Mail]

Tweets seen

The Times: Four figure casualties during counteroffensive in German-trained Ukrainian brigade that had around 4.000 soldiers & Leopard tanks Bradleys:

Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit’s casualties have run into four figures. The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began…

Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.https://archive.ph/mYY86#selection-1013.0-1013.165.”

As a state, Ukraine has a poor prognosis.

Abusing both the law and law-making, as happened during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic. The slide to dystopian dictatorship.

The “Conservative” Party seems intent on destroying the dwindling blocs of voters still willing to vote Con-label. Look at the latest “Net Zero” nonsense— taking away the right of rural communities to block huge onshore wind projects (which are mainly a profit/subsidy-making boondoggle for certain greedy farmers and businessmen.

Why should villagers vote for “Conservative” MPs whose party is taking away their right to veto unwanted and pointless pseudo-eco projects next door to their villages?

More from the newspapers


A polite beige consensus: are these really Britain’s best new buildings?

Do you like your bricks in red, brown or grey? And do you prefer your buildings in north, south or east London? Those are some of the limited choices facing the judges of this year’s RIBA Stirling prize for the country’s best building, in one of the most homogenous and metrocentric shortlists in the award’s 27-year history.

Looking at the six contenders, you would be forgiven for thinking British architecture had converged into a polite beige consensus.”

[The Guardian]

Jesus H. Christ! Shameful…


A drug dealer who called the police to report someone had stolen his ‘crystals’ in a burglary ended up getting arrested himself.

[Oxford Mail]

What would the police do if most criminals were not incredibly stupid?

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A good cause.

Another good cause.

The latest, and almost secretive, move to a dystopian “woke” police state. Energy-use monitoring, ULEZ, “15-minute cities”, sub-dermal microchips, fake “scamdemics” and “panicdemics”, online censorship etc.

Don’t ask me what is going through my head as I see that group of wannabee dictators walking in a group through Westminster…

One of many examples: Paula Vennells of the Post Office Scandal, Dido Harding of the incredible “test and trace” fiasco (she having already proven herself incompetent in previous roles) etc. How do they get those million-pound a year jobs? They just “know the right people…

See, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dido_Harding#Public_service_and_controversies, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Vennells#Post_Office_scandal

Stalin would have had them shot; Hitler would have consigned them to a concentration camp. In the contemporary UK they are paid millions, and awarded fake titles and honours.

More tweets

cf. UK-based Zionist groups and their suborning of the naive and easily-led UK police forces.

SIS [MI6] and the UK Security Service [MI5] are, judging by results overall (1939-2023), not worth their salt anyway.

Professor Miller forgot to add “6. Jewish groups that promote the migration-invasion of Britain” and “7. Jewish groups involved in promoting the ahistorical ‘WW2 holocaust’ farrago in various ways.”

At best, useless parasites; more likely to get involved in criminal activities or, in a smaller number of cases, terroristic plots.

Late tweets

There must be an end to this nonsense, whatever it takes to end it.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.


Late music

Diary Blog, 16 July 2023, including thoughts about Neil Oliver, Andrew Bridgen , and a hostile GP

Morning music

Battles past

Neil Oliver

I noticed that a Twitter lynch-mob has been attacking dissident broadcaster Neil Oliver over the past day or two after he had a dialogue with a doctor who disagreed with him on one or two issues. The Twitter mob have been trashing Oliver not only about the medical questions which were the subject of the show (on, apparently, GB News) but also Oliver’s whole past history, his TV shows on archaeology, his views in general, the way he looks, speaks etc.

Many of the Twitter mob claimed (and at time of writing, are still claiming) that the doctor in question completely defeated Oliver. Also, that Oliver (and MP Andrew Bridgen) had no right to speak because said doctor is a doctor, and so of course (?) knew more than they do.

Well, is that last so? I did not watch the discussion (in fact I have never seen GB News and am unsure whether my TV can even receive its broadcasts) but the said doctor is, as I understand it, an ordinary GP, not a specialist in vaccines or, indeed, viruses.

What interests me is how there is this superficially huge number of persons on Twitter (though probably not even a tenth of 1% of the general population) who are willing to join in with others of their sort to create a Twitterstorm which, in terms of real effects in the real world, makes not a ripple in society or the body politic.

The sheer hatred of their vituperative tweets is incredible. These are, more or less, the “anti-racists”, and/or those who mostly believe every last (and latest, and unexamined) detail of the Jew-Zionist so-called “holocaust” farrago, and who “support” (by having little Ukrainian flags on their Twitter profile) “Ukraine” (the regime in Kiev). Most probably support such as the “Black Lives Matter” nonsense, no doubt echo “refugees welcome” slogans (and so what if most of the migrant invaders are in reality not “refugees”), and prefer not to think of the impact of the invading hordes on British health services, housing, social cohesion, crime and, down the line, pay and conditions of employment. Oh, no, that’s for “the Government” to worry about.

I would be prepared to bet that pretty much the same bloc of Twitter posters support the “trans” nonsense, are “anti-Tory” (while —most of them— somehow believing that Labour-label under Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer will be far better), and that almost all of them will identify with Remain/Rejoin and, of course, “FBPE”.

The Twit-mob lynch-mob of today is a contemporary version of the Stalinist or Orwellian “daily hate”. Examples seen today on Twitter:

Work in a charity bookshop and it’s very noticeable that we can’t give Neil Oliver history books away. They used to be steady sellers. Same for Starkey and Johnson. History book buyers avoiding like the plague and GBNews viewers can’t read.

If there was ever going to be a Scottish UnaBomber it would be Neil Oliver.

Neil Oliver was always a biased clown, even on his “history” programs – now he’s just plain lost his mind.

“No need to present evidence to dismiss the crazy claims of Neil Oliver and fellow loonies.”

There are hundreds of tweets like that, all from people who think that they know things, and they think that they “know” purely because they believe, by default, various System and msm sources.

They cannot bear even seeing a dissident opinion.

Opinion polls in the UK seem to be showing that censorship, “no-platforming”, “cancelling” etc are becoming more popular, especially among the young.

As far as I am concerned, if people are becoming more and more like easily-corralled sheep, then such people are not worth having in our society, and read that how you like.

Tweets seen

Is that true, or just jingoistic hot air? I have no idea.

I am unsure at present whether there are being concentrated Russian forces in Belarus with the aim of launching an offensive south, toward Kiev, or whether those forces are there to keep Kiev-regime forces tied down on or near the Ukraine-Belarus border, so as to prevent the deployment of the Kiev-regime forces to the southeast regions, notably Donetsk and Lugansk, where most of the active combat is happening.

Russia is obviously not short of trucks, which is interesting.

Another Kiev-regime press-gang. They have few volunteers now, and are running out of cannon-fodder.

Britain should be politely distant with China, friendly with Russia, and hostile only to (((you know who))) and other untermenschen…

There is no “after this conflict“. Either Russia effectively “wins” the conflict (whether by negotiation or in the field), or the whole thing turns into a general Eastern European and Central European war between Russia and NATO, which might or might not go nuclear.

Whatever or whichever, there will be few more UK troops in Ukraine. In any case, the British Army is almost non-existent now in terms of major field presence. Take away the office bods, clerks, rear-echelon elements, and the whole brass-hat staff officer element (etc, meaning all non-combatant units), and I doubt that the UK could field, overseas, more than about 20,000 active troops, at most.

Who cares what Ben Wallace says, anyway? His military service consisted of 7 years in the Scots Guards (1991-1998), during which he attained the modest rank of captain. His subsequent pronouncements have been mostly idiotic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Wallace_(politician).

Incidentally, we need not take his decision to stand down as MP at the next general election (presumably in 2024) as having been prompted by anything based on principle.

Wallace’s Commons seat, Wyre and Preston North, is set to be abolished via boundary changes, so were Wallace to wish to stay in the Commons, he would have to find another seat quite soon, almost impossible in view of the expected Conservative Party mass wipeout at the (2024?) general election.

I suppose that Wallace will now be looking for some well-paid business sinecure, combined with a nice £350-taxfree-per-day House of Lords peerage in Sunak’s resignation honours list.

That’s 282 mph…

Puppet on a chain…

Late tweets

The Zelensky cabal counting their chickens before they are hatched.

No reaction so far from the usual Western “human rights” parasites about the plan to expel 800,000 Russians from their homes in Crimea, something akin to the deportations carried out by Stalin or (to a far lesser extent) Hitler.

In fact, the Kiev regime is engaged in “pie-in-the-sky” politics. Putin and the Russian Government (and people) will never allow the Kiev regime to annex Crimea again. If there were any real danger of that, the Russian forces would use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield and, if that were not enough to stop any annexation, a strategic nuclear missile or two on Kiev itself. In that event, “goodbye Zelensky” or at least his corrupt and brutal government.

A Spy Among Friends

Watched about 10 mins of the new TV spy drama, A Spy Among Friends. Had I known that it was about Philby, I should probably not have bothered. I do not have a lot of time for the so-called “master spy” whose reputation was and still is the most inflated since Mata Hari. No need to go into all that now, though.

I am rather impatient with films and TV dramas. If they bore or irritate me in the first 10-15 mins, I rarely watch on. In this case, there were invented scenes, which may have been inevitable, but some of them lacked any credibility. For example, there was a West Indian involved in the first few minutes, highly unlikely in 1963. Also, the show pushed, in those opening minutes, the buttons of all the known cliches about Philby— cricket, booze, womanizing etc.

It is true that Philby, had he become Chief of SIS, would have been a “master spy” or “legendary agent” (“legendary” in more ways than one). Not because (or primarily because) he would have been able to give the KGB secrets at all levels, but mainly because he would have been in a position to cripple SIS strategically, structurally; even more important, he would also have been in a position to deliberately mis-advise the Prime Minister and other ministers, and to point them in the wrong direction strategically.

It never happened. Philby was found by General Kalugin to be living in a permanently intoxicated state in his apartment in Gorky Street (now once again Tverskaya Street). Kalugin, and Philby’s last wife, Rufina, sobered him up somewhat, and Kalugin gave him mentoring work to do.

I myself was slightly acquainted in the early 1990s with a former KGB officer (turned businessman) called “Ed” (Edvard, from the Baltic regions or pribaltika), who told me at lunch in Hall at Lincoln’s Inn in 1994 (I think) that he had once heard a lecture by Philby at the Lubyanka. That lecture must have been late 1970s, or maybe early 1980s.

Though Philby claimed publicly in January 1988 that he did not regret his decisions and that he missed nothing about England except some friends, Colman’s mustard and Lea & PerrinsWorcestershire sauce,[84] his wife Rufina Ivanovna Pukhova later described Philby as “disappointed in many ways” by what he found in Moscow. “He saw people suffering too much,” but he consoled himself by arguing that “the ideals were right but the way they were carried out was wrong. The fault lay with the people in charge.”[85] Pukhova said, “he was struck by disappointment, brought to tears. He said, ‘Why do old people live so badly here? After all, they won the war.'”[86] Philby drank heavily and suffered from loneliness and depression; according to Rufina, he had attempted suicide by slashing his wrists some time in the 1960s.”


Assuming that the above is accurate, Philby’s only very superficial understanding of politics, geopolitics, history, and economics is almost too obvious.

Even were A Spy Among Friends better than my first impressions, I would probably not bother with it, because at root, Philby just does not much interest me.

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 July 2023

Morning music

[Prague, 1930s; Vltava and Charles Bridge in middle distance]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings me an easy victory over political journalist John Rentoul; he scored only 3/10, compared to my 7/10.

I did not know the answers to questions 2, 5, and 8. In fact, I “hit the post” on questions 2 and 8, and no.5 is arguable, depending on what you class as “a vineyard“, whatever “Wine GB” may say.

From the newspapers




Looks as though curbing the Jew-Zionists, “antifa” idiots, and other would-be censors of freedom of expression, has encouraged better functioning at Twitter, and attracted more users and/or use.

Tweets seen

She is (in my opinion).

They are (in my opinion).

We look back at the Incas, and wonder why their priests had a kind of handball game in which you got executed if you dropped the ball [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesoamerican_ballgame#Human_sacrifice]. We look at the Aztecs, and wonder what motivated their bloodthirsty and cruel human sacrifices. Yet we (meaning society as a whole) accept the cruelties and stupidities of our own age as right and proper: “net zero”, “lockdown(s)”, killer “vaccines” and “boosters”, the 2010-2023 “austerity policies”, the importation into the UK of millions of culturally and ethnically backward people; and so on. The full list would be too long to publish today.

I do not like George Osborne at all, but at the same time that very clearly terminally-smug “protester” (a woman aged maybe 60-70) could not have complained had she been hit in the face and/or given a good kicking.

Those “Just Stop Oil” loonies have to be stopped. In fact their sheer smugness (especially the ones aged 60+) is one of the most hateful things about them.

In some ways, British “toleration” is a very good thing, but it goes too far when it becomes toleration of malice and/or evil.

Ha ha! The bastards were not expecting him to drive over them!

If Biden drops dead, or becomes even less compos mentis, that creature would be the U.S. President…hard to believe…

I wonder how long before “the musicians” start to play (again)…

If so, one cretin less in the UK Government…

More music

More tweets seen

I think that the “Community Security Trust” [“CST”] is separate from the “Shomrim” Jewish private police, but I may be wrong.

More from the newspapers


EXCLUSIVE – A tale of two hotels: How migrants set to be housed in four-stay luxury hotel would be ‘treated’ while homeless people will be put up in cheap hotel so grimy that it shut and was then converted into a hostel”

[Daily Mail]

Britain in 2023…

More tweets

“Antifa” idiots and “refugees welcome” dimwits are, thankfully, only about 1% of the UK population. Get in your tank and roll over them.

I have still not seen anything anywhere indicating where “Dr” Louise Raw obtained her “doctorate” (specialized subject— one strike in 1888). She seems very reticent about it, and about where she obtained it, assuming she did obtain one (and even if the doctorate is genuine, she should not use the title “Dr” in the UK, not being a f/t academic, or clergy, or medical practitioner. It’s infra dig).

Nia Griffith, MP for Llanelli: among other things, a Labour Friends of Israel member, and an expenses cheat who owns three houses and flats, at least one with land. She should be able to accommodate some migrant invaders, surely? Oh, no, wait…

MSM conformity of opinion and news.

Late music

[tideline at Truro, Massachusetts, where the composer died in a road accident]

Diary Blog, 17 June 2023, including information and thoughts about the “Covid” “panicdemic”

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Not so good this week, and in fact one of my worst-ever scores, 4/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. The only answers I knew were those to questions 5, 7, 8, and 10, and I was even uncertain about one or two of them..

Tweets seen

Ukraine now is a failed state. In fact it is not really a state at all. It has scarcely any industry still functioning, its agriculture continues but soon will be unable to export, its population is declining via low birth rates, and about 20% of that population has fled to other countries. It cannot replace its Army personnel who are being killed in large numbers, and has had to resort to press-gangs pulling young men off the streets.

Now we see that even more money from the American taxpayer will be sent in order that Ukraine will be able to offer its citizens basic goods and services— water, food, medical help.

Without foreign arms, ammunition, and money (much of which money is stolen by the members of the Zelensky “government”), “Ukraine” as a quasi-state would almost immediately cease to exist. The war would end shortly thereafter.

“Jack Monroe” has obviously decided that she cannot simply refund cheated and actively-aggrieved donors in case the trickle of refund demands becomes a flood. She has therefore resorted once again to outright lies, now apparently even claiming to her hardcore mug followers that she has “successfully sued Lee Anderson” (or so many of said mugs believe). In reality, of course, she never sued the MP Lee Anderson (after a year, the time limitation barred action), and simply raised funds in order, ostensibly, to sue him, but then diverted those funds to her own use.

Why is “Jack Monroe” not being actively investigated by Essex Police? I know that that police force has been very busy seizing “racist” teddy bears from English people, but it might consider investigating some real crime as well.

To hell with what “Jack Monroe” may or may not need. She should be being investigated on multiple allegations of fraud.














A very important (for once) Twitter thread.

The “panicdemic” started not because truly qualified scientists urged “lockdowns”, as well as the facemask nonsense and ludicrous other “measures” such as Boris-idiot’s “rule of six”, but because people not in any way qualified were promoting a panic agenda. One of the worst, of course, was the idiotic Professor Ferguson, member (why?) of “SAGE” (aka, for me, “DUMB”, the “Department Under Matt and Boris”); Ferguson trained in physics and statistics, not medicine.

Huge numbers of other specifically-unqualified persons added to the clamour for “stricter measures” etc— doctors who were just ordinary GPs, or specialists in other disciplines (eg psychiatry), and numerous “doctors” on Twitter, who on closer inspection turned out to be “doctors” of sociology, Trade Union Studies, criminology etc (if even those).

The results of the shutdown of society for ~2 years have been terrible: an enormous and continuing death toll, the NHS working even less efficiently, the economy facing severe and continuing downturn, the public facing harder and harder times; and so on.

Of course, the so-called “pandemic” was weaponized and used by Western governments (mainly), guided by transnational bodies such as the WEF, in order to introduce and test methods for the psychological control of mass populations. “The Great Reset” etc.

More tweets seen

Jesus H. Christ!

Like something from the Spitting Image sub-series The President’s Brain is Missing


Never mind. Biden is not going to launch a nuclear war…is he?…

Imagine idiots like that thinking that “Jack Monroe” has somehow “beaten” Lee Anderson MP, when in fact she never even started a libel action against him, would have lost spectacularly had she done so, and has now slunk away even from attending the County Court matter in which she is the defendant, and in which one of the people she cheated via Patreon is the claimant (“plaintiff”, as was, years ago).

Stunning to consider that idiots of that type all have a vote…

I hope that “grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” does stop getting subsidized by (as of today) 413 utter mugs via Patreon, and that she really does fall to the point where she is living on State benefits alone. Let’s see then whether she can feed herself (as she claims) on about 33p a day (11p x 3) or (as she confusingly also claims) £20 a week (for 4 people, so £5 a week or 70p a day per person).

It’s all nonsense and lies, of course. “Jack Monroe” has thousands of pounds per month in cash via the Patreon grift/scam, and some other sources of income as well.

I think that there is some kind of familial relationship; one certainly seems likely from her looks.

Disgrace. Better said, another disgrace.

The tweet from Lucy Allan MP, an alumna of Durham University, also betrays the fact that she does not know the difference between “principle” and “principal“. Good grief.

What is happening to this country? A slide into decadence and evil, that’s what.

That event looks like The Masque of the Red Death

Afternoon music


More tweets

Some idiot calling himself “BrianMoore666”, who is happy to take the uncorroborated word of a long-term serial liar, thief, and fantasist that she donated the unused “sue Lee Anderson” monies to an unnamed foodbank…

What can one say?!

As for “we were all with you”, who’s “we“? The Mugs’ Union?

“Jack Monroe” cheating disabled pensioners, and cheered on by Guardian-reading Twitter-posting “wokerati”, and by affluent/overpaid msm idiots such as Alice Beer and Nigella Lawson (until recently).

Ha ha. Drug and drink-sodden person who lives in total chaos (by her own admission) is going to “check the spreadsheet“…Yeah, right…

Note the fake “I’m standing with the poor and starving” bit, and the general nastiness of the reply. I have seen other mendacious “Jack Monroe” replies similar to that on Twitter over the past 1-2 years.

Ha. That silly woman, “Julie B”, aka “bluemoonjules” has the cheek to describe herself on Twitter as “Smartass” and a “BrainyFanGirl“.

Twitter really is, often, the home of the deluded (as one can see by looking at almost all “Jack Monroe” fans).

Ha. That Jew (Krassenstein) is really rowing against the tide (of obvious fact). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_and_Ed_Krassenstein.

I agree, except that “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” is from the (U.S.) Declaration of Independence, not any British document (though “pursuit of happiness” was first formulated by Locke).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.


I missed that in the newspapers a few days ago. It made little impact in the Press as a whole.

Late tweets

They all knew it was just a scam.

Apart from that, look at those idiots, at their stupid drunken faces. Those are the people at least at the foot of the pinnacle of UK politics? Bloody hell…

Can that be true? Like Soylent Green


Late music