Tag Archives: Richard Holden

Diary Blog, 9 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Well worth reposting, even 5+ years on.

Giles Anthony Fraser (born 27 November 1964)[3] is an English Anglican priest, journalist and broadcaster who has served as Vicar of St Anne’s Church, Kew, since 2022.[4] He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day and The Guardian and a panellist on The Moral Maze, as well as an assistant editor of UnHerd.

Fraser was born to a Jewish father and a Christian mother and was circumcised according to Jewish tradition.[5]

Fraser…has lectured on moral leadership for the British Army at the Defence Academy at Shrivenham.

On 16 January 2016, Fraser announced his engagement to Lynn Tandler, an Israeli Jew,[23] who is a weaver and academic researcher.[24] They were married on 13 February 2016.[2][non-primary source needed] Their son was born in November of the same year.[25]

[Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Fraser.

Both my Jewish children have been circumcised. They are being brought up in a bilingual family – where Hebrew is spoken at home, despite my struggling with it. My two year old chats with his grandmother on the phone most days in broken Hebrew. Both are being regularly taken to Israel. The Rabbi of the schul in Golders Green – where my father’s family (all Jewish) were seat-holders – has been extremely welcoming...”

[Giles Fraser’s blog on UnHerd]. https://unherd.com/2019/07/no-my-marriage-is-not-a-second-holocaust/.

DNA is ingrained. People can change their views, but not their DNA.

The modern “bread and circuses”.

I recall seeing the Australian TV series Skippy the Bush Kangaroo a few times after my family moved to Sydney in 1967 (I was 10 at the time). The show was on TV from early 1968.

TV shows and films such as Skippy may seem like sentimental rubbish to some people, and to some extent they may be, but there are innumerable examples of the intelligence and capabilities of our animal friends. Some such stories become famous, others are either unknown or are known only to the few people directly involved.

Something of the sort will eventually have to come to the UK.

Interesting. I have been to Famagusta (now in Turkish-ruled Northern Cyprus), but some years ago, in fact many years ago— January 2000. I did not see the ruins of the Varosha resort, though. That is a mile south of the main town, I think.

When I drove to Famagusta (from Kyrenia), the ruins of its ancient heritage were deserted. My then girlfriend and I were alone there. There were not even any people selling postcards or the like. Even the more modern parts of the town were far from busy. That was 24 years ago, though. Things change, of course. I think that there has been quite a lot of development in some areas.

I rather liked Northern Cyprus. Relaxed and, in 2000 at least, with relatively few tourists, and really none once you left Kyrenia (officially, now, Girne). A little cold at night (in January) but warm-ish during the day, usually, and with numerous interesting ancient sites (which one shared with no other people at all) set amid orange groves. I even had a rather bracing swim off a deserted beach, but it was no colder in the water than it is in the UK in summer, and the sun was shining.

I drove one day from Kyrenia right the way down the Karpas Peninsula [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpas_Peninsula] to the eastern end. At that point, you are only 60 miles across the Eastern Mediterranean from Latakia in Syria.

General Election 2024— Clacton


In a straw poll of veterans, Farage’s campaign message seemed to be getting through.

Jason Stewart was in a green beret and a biker jacket studded with medals; after a long career in the Royal Marines, he “thought it was time to get out after I was blown up twice in one day in Afghanistan”.

He offers a version of an argument heard all day. “The two main parties look both the same to me,” he says. “The Tories don’t care about us. And Labour say they will reopen prosecutions of soldiers who served [in the Troubles] so that’s a no-no. Farage and Reform seem like the only option.”

Up the road, meanwhile, opposite McDonald’s, there was an alternative display of army jeeps and vehicles alongside veterans in fatigues. The display was organised by David Bye and his partner, Linda Hazelton, who run a charity delivering homemade pie and mash to needy veterans around the town. Bye had a one-to-one chat with Farage when he visited and claims he was given certain commitments, which will remain between them.

He grew up here; he remembers earning pocket money as a kid running tourist luggage down busy streets to Butlin’s. It’s been a long decline, he says, since the holiday camp went. “I thought I’d seen it all,” he says. “But the other morning I saw a long queue of blokes on bikes waiting for McDonald’s to open. They were collecting takeaways for people who couldn’t be bothered to make breakfast for their kids.

“I don’t know where you start with some of that,” he suggests. “But I think Nigel gets it.

The place holds symbolic relevance to Farage. Exactly a decade ago, under his Ukip brand, a meeting here paved the way for that party’s only Westminster election success, for Douglas Carswell. If you were to define the moment that Brexit became a possibility, and then a reality, you might begin there. Nine hundred people showed up, many of whom had not previously taken any interest in national politics. In the course of their populist pitch, Carswell and Farage quoted liberally from a Times newspaper column the previous week written by Matthew Parris.

Looking back at that column a decade on, you can see in it all the faultlines that were exposed and exploited so cynically by Farage and Brexit, the roots of the crisis that threatens to destroy the Conservative party in this election (a humiliation from which Farage, inevitably, hopes to benefit).

Parris, in his waspish style, on a visit to Clacton in 2014, had declared its irrelevance to modern Conservatism: “This is tracksuit-and-trainers Britain, tattoo-parlour Britain, all-our-yesterdays Britain,” he wrote. He asked his party a question which would now get a very different answer: “Is this where the Conservative party wants to be? [Or] do we need to be with the Britain that can admire immigrants and want them with us, that doesn’t want to spend its days buying scratchcards?

Parris insisted that he was not “arguing that we should be careless of the needs of struggling people and places such as Clacton. But I am arguing – if I am honest – that we should be careless of their opinions.

Farage could not have scripted a better scene for himself than the spectacle of a Tory prime minister leaving the D-day celebrations early. Tragically, as this week is proving, the forces that made his bleak and divisive message relevant in 2014 have not gone away, and in the weeks to come you suspect that Westminster political parties will still ignore Clacton at their peril.”

[The Guardian].

Not once does the full article mention the fact that the person presently posing as PM is “unelected” (at least, unvalidated by a General Election) and a little Indian money-juggler; but there you are…”The Guardian”…

Interesting, though, all the same. I think that Farage has every chance of being elected at Clacton. The only reason that the Conservative Party candidate Giles Watling (MP since 2017, a long-retired actor, and a member of the Garrick Club, who lives at Frinton, the more expensive part of the constituency) got over 70% of the vote in 2019 is because his political stance is akin to that of UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK anyway.

Watling came second, behind ex-Conservative Douglas Carswell (for UKIP) both at the 2014 by-election and the 2015 General Election, and only won in 2017 because Carswell stood down. Having said that, Watling did get 36.7% in 2015, only about 8 points behind Carswell.

While the election at Clacton might yet be close, Farage has every chance now. Labour and other parties are spectators at Clacton. Labour’s best was 25.4% (in 2017, when the Cons got over 60%).

Interestingly, that 2017 Labour candidate, Natasha Osben, is now, in 2024, the Green Party candidate. Starmer is really not very popular even within the Labour —or recently Labour— ranks.

Will Labour voters vote tactically? If so, for Reform UK or for the Conservative Party? My money is on Reform UK.


Tactical voting


Alarmingly for Conservative HQ, many polling experts believe the conditions are ripe for a repeat of 1997, when tactical voting benefited Labour and the Lib Dems and cost the Tories dozens of seats, most notably the toppling of Michael Portillo in Enfield Southgate. This time, Shapps is among the big beasts who could suffer their own polling night infamy.

Tactical efforts came to little at the last election. Hopes among pro-Remain campaigners of an anti-Brexit tactical vote were dashed as Boris Johnson won an 80-strong majority. But conditions have changed. Peter Kellner, the veteran pollster, wrote in the Observer before the 1997 election that while he detected little “positive enthusiasm” for Labour, an electorate with “a burning desire to end 18 years of Tory rule” made for receptive tactical voting conditions. He believes similar ingredients are present today.

While the net effects of tactical voting are hard to calculate, the Liberal Democrats could gain 10-20 extra seats through anti-Conservative tactical voting, according to an analysis by the Electoral Calculus consultancy. Meanwhile, with the added help of Nigel Farage and Reform UK, the tactical dynamic could push Labour closer in another swathe of previously safe Tory seats.


Conservative losses


Writing in the Observer, Rob Ford, a leading expert on voting intention and trends, says the evidence from polls shows that “an electoral asteroid is streaking through the atmosphere” and is heading for the Tory heartlands. Ford no longer thinks it impossible that the Conservatives could end up with less than 100 seats, so badly is their campaign misfiring and so much trust have they lost over 14 years and the tenures of five prime ministers.

Other polling experts say that such is the geographical spread of the Tory vote, and the brutal nature of the first past the post system, that once their vote drops into the low 20% region, the number of seats could fall into double digits – and could go as low as 20.


I have speculated for quite a while that the Con vote might go low enough nationwide to leave the Cons with as few as 50 MPs. Perhaps I was right (I sometimes am…).

More tweets

Quite right.

Entitled self-seeking political hog Emily Thornberry, who only became “Labour” in the first place after her highly-paid UN-working father deserted her and her mother, abandoning his wife and daughter, and resulting in their having to relocate to a council house. She is motivated by malice and early spite and/or envy.

Emily Thornberry and her husband (a retired High Court judge) are buy-to-let parasites, incidentally; I believe that I read that they own, or used to own, at least 8 buy-to-let properties. Pro-Israel, too.

[Emily Thornberry and husband with the then Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Mark Regev, at a Zionist banquet in London]

The Conservative Party now deserves to be not only removed from government, and preferably entirely wiped out, but do not imagine that fake “Labour” will be much if at all better. Look at its leaders and major influencers: Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall. All members of Labour Friends of Israel. All self-seeking moneygrubbers too.

David Lammy, that ignorant creature, as well.

That thick creature might be Foreign Secretary soon. Poor Britain…

Another Labour Friends of Israel member.

Emily Thornberry slightly reminds me of Mrs Mossberg, a fat, short and jolly Jewish primary school teacher, usually —in my memory— dressed in a long dark-brown mink coat; I knew her circa 1962, when about 5 or 6 years old and a pupil at Caversham Primary School near Reading. Mrs Mossberg, though, was far more pleasant than Emily Thornberry seems to be.

In retrospect, I wonder why Mrs Mossberg ever bothered to be a teacher, which I doubt paid much. She lived not far from my family, a few roads away, in a large detached house. The main reception room, which I saw at least once, seemed enormous to the 5-y-o me, and it had a large grand piano in it. Maybe she just enjoyed teaching.

The last tweeter says that Emily Thornberry owns 4 properties; I thought I read 8 somewhere.

Elite“, though, seems the wrong word to describe that bunch of clowns.

Reminiscent of the last recruits of the Volkssturm in 1945…

[Volkssturm, Berlin, 1945; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkssturm]

In fact, the Volkssturm recruits above look both younger and healthier than those Kiev-regime “volunteers” or pressganged recruits.

[Germany 1945— Volkssturm recruits being taught how to use the Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerfaust]

Well, I cannot read Hebrew, and there is no translation, so I have no idea what the untermensch may have written in relation to his vandalism of that family’s house.

From what little one hears or reads, some of the chiefs or former chiefs of Israeli Intelligence (MOSSAD, Shin Beth, Aman etc) are also not optimistic about Israel’s long-term or even medium-term survival.


GE 2024 latest


Conservatives face election wipeout with Labour set to gain a 416 majority that could see Rishi Sunak LOSING his seat and the Tories being left with just 39 MPs, shock Mail on Sunday poll reveals.”

[Daily Mail]

If that turns out to be correct on 4 July 2024, I will have been proven correct, and the “experts” and “specialists” (who have been saying 100-200 Con MPs left post-GE 2024) would be wrong (again)…

Also true, arguably. About the same, I should say.

More tweets seen

The first tweet confirms what I have been blogging re. Clacton. It is between Reform UK (Farage) and the Cons (Giles Watling). Labour has no chance at all, but Labour voters in Clacton can be the kingmakers. Their votes can swing it, either for Reform or for the Cons.

Even if the second tweet is accurate, and it may not be, voters can still give the Cons a mighty and historic kick by voting Reform UK and thus preventing the Conservative Party from thriving, or even surviving.

The very fact that such a grassroots campaign is even necessary shows how sick society has become.

Refers to Robert Largan, the Israel-puppet and Jewish-lobby puppet who is desperately trying to keep his Commons seat at High Peak (Derbyshire), with its good pay and better expenses and perks, but he really has no chance. Make him get a real job.

High Peak voters should vote either Reform UK or Labour to get rid of Largan.

Talking point

Late tweets

Richard Holden, who strikes me as a rather unpleasant little opportunist, even by the standards of the Westminster monkeyhouse. Conservative Party candidate at Basildon and Billericay. I hope that the voters there vote Reform or Labour. Keep him out.

[“Billericay Dickie”]

God. Myerson again. When is the Judicial Standards Investigations Office at least going to stop this obsessive from sitting in judgment over others? The Bar Standards Board might like to take a look too.

…and few indeed of the British public are aware of the fact that the declaration of war by Britain on the German Reich in 1939 was not only totally unnecessary but led to immense unnecessary bloodshed and misery, and to negative consequences from which the world is still suffering.

About Macron: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Flight of the Swallow]

Diary Blog, 6 June 2024

Morning music

[equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius]

Tweets seen

He has a point, albeit a very obvious point, and that is so even if “Robinson” is basically “controlled opposition”.

In the end, civilization is created and maintained by iron necessities. It rests easy on the bones of the vanquished. If chaos and evil prevail, the opposite happens; in that case, culture and civilization and everything decent disappears, untermenschen scrabble around atop the ruins of once-great cities, and tread on the bones of those who were civilized and cultured, but just too tolerant of decadence and evil.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/



Former Tory voters in Clacton have been switching to Reform UK over Nigel Farage’s stance on immigration.

GB News ventured up to the coastal constituency to get a feel on the ground ahead of Farage’s launch near Clacton Pier.

Immigration was the main issue raised by residents, with the cost-of-living crisis and net zero also salient issues.

Speaking hours before Farage’s arrival, Andrew Humphries told GB News: “Immigration is a massive thing, especially how it impacts on the rest of society.

“I’ve been waiting for a couple of years now for housing. My family has been here for 40 years and I’ve seen the decline of the town.

You’ve got to help your own first before you look out for others.

Humphries, who described himself as typically a non-voter, claimed there is a “good chance” Farage will win and argued the two-party system is broken.

Steve Schaffer, who moved to Clacton in 1957, explained his support for Farage.

“This is only a small country,” he claimed. “We’re struggling. We can’t build enough homes. The schools and hospitals are full. It’s reaching bursting point. We’ve got to stop it or slow it down somehow.”

Despite witnessing a dip immediately after the 2016 referendum, the salience of immigration has soared in recent years.

Immigration and asylum is the third most important issue in the minds of Britons, analysis by YouGov has shown.

Rozerin Altin, who was just 18, added: “I’m the oldest of six girls. I don’t want little boys going into girls’ changing rooms. I care about women’s rights. If you care about that then you should vote for Reform UK.

[GB News]

Immigration generally should be the first and most important issue. The other important matters —economy, pay, State benefits, housing, NHS, public services, educational standards etc— are all affected, hugely, by the migration invasion.

GE 2024

People (including some “experts” etc) were saying until very recently that polling numbers for Con and Lab would converge, as they always have done. Mechanistic, formulaic thinking.

I have disagreed. I still disagree. For me, the main thing is that almost everyone, barring about (?) 10%-20%, most of whom are elderly lifelong Con voters now in their 80s and 90s, has realized that the Sunak/Liz Truss/Boris-idiot/Theresa May/Cameron-Levita Con governments have run the UK into the ground, and have been actually totally useless.

It has been clear to me for quite some time that, barring those ingrained and very elderly Con loyalists (or lifelong habit-voters), almost no-one is going to vote “Conservative” in the upcoming election. Maybe 20%, maybe 15%, or even as low as 10% nationwide. My guess would be about 18%.

The polls are still moving: the Cons are still descending. Labour has slid somewhat from its (?) 49% high to around 40%. The uninspiring prospect of Israel-puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall etc fails to excite many voters, but I doubt whether Labour’s overall vote will be below, or much below, 40% in the end. I am thinking 40% or 42%.

The polling statistics seem clear: Labour beats Con on almost all topics, from economy and NHS through to “best PM” and even immigration. That means that, where there is a straight fight between a Labour candidate and a Conservative Party one, Lab will usually beat Con.

The joker in the pack is Reform UK. The difference in 2024 as compared to UKIP in 2015 and Brexit Party in 2019 is not really in the policy “offering”; that is all but identical. So is the leadership (Farage, mainly). The difference lies in the context.

In 2015, UKIP failed only because it was cheated by the rigged FPTP voting system. 12%+ of the popular vote, yet no seats won. That, and because the full horror of the mass migration invasion was still not understood, in its effects, by enough people.

In 2019, Farage stabbed Brexit Party in the back to help the Con Party achieve its faked “landslide” (43.6% popular vote, about one point above Labour’s “landslide of 1997).

Today, in 2024, things have moved on. Brexit was deliberately mishandled and has been negative in its consequences for that reason.

The immigration tsunami has brought in, quite literally, millions (more) of unwanted non-Europeans since 2015.

We see the “unelected” little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, throwing taxpayer money at both Israel and “Ukraine” (the brutal and dictatorial Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev).

Another aspect is the extent to which UK society has fallen apart since 2015, and especially since the 2020-2022 “panicdemic” or “scamdemic”.

Potholed and unrepaired roads have become “totemic” of it. NHS failings. The continuing migration invasion, of which the “small boats” crossing the Channel (in reality, ferried across by Royal Navy, RNLI, Border “Farce” etc) comprise only about 5% of all immigration. The slow collapse of law and order. The increasing overall cost of living.

Reform UK is still a bit of a one-trick-pony, both in policy and personnel, but it has at least a chance now of getting a handful of MPs.

More importantly, a high popular vote for Reform UK will hole this rotten misgovernment below the waterline, and that is exactly why many (including former Con voters) will vote for it.

In fact, were Labour supporters and LibDem supporters, in seats where either Labour or LibDems have no chance, to vote tactically for the party best placed to beat the Con candidate, or for Reform UK, the Cons might be left with an MP cadre in the single figures.

Well, not long to go now. Exactly 4 weeks (28 days) from today.

More tweets

In 2008/2009, I wrote and published a restricted-distribution geopolitical study which, inter alia, featured the very important central position of Turkey.

Turkey has various problems, but it also has several strengths. A huge supply of water, firstly. That is very important now. Another asset is the fact that Turkey is a fairly large net food exporting state. That may sound underwhelming, but it means that, if push comes to shove, Turkey can feed itself. A large and efficient military force, too.

Turkey is now moving towards a neutral position, despite its NATO membership.

Another “Israeli” war criminal.

The Israeli state can only do what it does because of its “diaspora” support outside Israel— the Zionist influence in the USA, France, UK etc.

Historical note

Aspects of National Socialist Germany

National Socialist Germany. 1933-1945. 6 years of peace, 6 years of war.

More tweets seen

Reform UK is an easy way for people who would never vote Labour to send a message and/or a kick to the Conservative Party.

Talking about giving the Conservative Party a kick…see below

Holden has aged hugely since he (allegedly) groped a woman at a party in 2016; I think that the photo in the report was from 2018, so only 6 years ago. He is still only 39. Hard to believe, looking at him as he now is.

Of course, someone acquitted by a jury supposedly leaves court without a stain on his character…

He is supposedly in a relationship of some kind with the political editor of the Sun “newspaper”, one Kate Ferguson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holden_(British_politician)#Personal_life.

[Kate Ferguson]

Holden strikes me (I had not even heard of him until yesterday, despite his being Chairman of the Conservative Party— they have had so many in recent years) as a dishonest type. Just my impression of him now that I have seen him in film clips and heard online from him and about him.


Put a beggar on horseback and he rides it to death” [German proverb]

One way to cheat Holden out of his prize would be for a few civic-minded people to stand for election as “Independent conservative” or similar. That might weaken the kneejerk Con habit-vote, especially if Reform UK does well.

So far, the Basildon and Billericay constituency has been safely Con, though, since established in 2010: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basildon_and_Billericay_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

The sheer gall and dishonesty of bastards such as Holden exemplifies the Sunak Con government and its several predecessors.

[“Billericay Dickie“]

More music

[Irish (IRA) volunteers c.1920]

Late tweets

On the one hand, heartbreaking, but on the other hand heartening. People can be so resilient.

Israel and its Western support network may imagine that their crimes are without punishment, but group-karma will eventually take hold of them, whether in the 21stC, 31stC or later.

Those animal-looking robots give me the creeps, if truth be known…

Late music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

Diary Blog, 7 November 2022

Morning music

[Lenin, Krupskaya, and others, in Lenin’s requisitioned or expropriated Rolls-Royce]

I wonder whether there will be an even bigger parade than usual in Moscow today, the 105th anniversary of the October Revolution of 1917 (in reality, the Bolshevik seizure of power from the Provisional Government headed by Kerensky). The Julian calendar was in use at the time.

The war in Ukraine is now going badly. I expect attacks on Kiev-regime infrastructure behind the front lines to continue and to intensify

It may be that the main dam on the Dnieper (a major Stalin-era project of the 1930s, rebuilt in the late 1940s after having been blown up by retreating Soviet forces in 1941) will be destroyed again.

[Dnieper dam and hydro-electric station]
[the roadway atop the Dnieper dam today]

See here below for more, with some 1941 archival film: https://www.rferl.org/a/european-remembrance-day-ukraine-little-known-ww2-tragedy/25083847.html.

If the Russian forces were to try to destroy the dam today, they would probably use a tactical nuclear weapon. The last photograph shows clearly how massive is the structure.

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/08/25/diary-blog-25-august-2022-with-a-few-thoughts-about-poverty-and-living-through-hard-times/.

The fact that msm “journalist”-scribblers have almost all swallowed the “Jack Monroe” “legend” whole, completely uncritically, and without bothering to dig a bit to see whether some or all of it might be untrue, says a lot about the state of the UK mass media today.

I was very much in favour of the “Bootstrap Cook” at first, years ago, but less so later, and now think that she has many serious questions to answer.

The fact that so many mainstream journalistic and “media folk” idiots seem to be actually emotionally invested in supporting her on Twitter makes me even more suspicious (I think that that the mugs who are actually still donating money to her monthly are probably a different set of mugs, for the most part; some seem to be real poor people, living on small State benefits, judging by those who have been saying on Twitter etc that “Jack Monroe” has not supplied the goods that she said she would supply).

I have no idea whether “Jack Monroe” (her name was changed by deed poll from the original Melissa Hadjicostas, she being half Greek-Cypriot) makes £3,000 a month, £8,000 or —as some on Twitter etc claim— about £16,000 a month, but her Patreon donation page alone (at exact time of writing today) shows 663 “patrons”, down from well over 800 a few months ago but still impressive. The lowest level of support is £3.50 per month.

663 x £3.50 = £2,320.50. Not a bad “little earner”, even at that level, to use the estuarine Essex argot.

The highest shown level of support (it was £44 per month until recently!) is now £10 per month. 663 x £10 = £6,630 per month.

It seems reasonable to conclude, therefore, that “Jack Monroe” is getting between £2,320 and £6,630 in cash, monthly, from Patreon alone (minus whatever fees or commissions are charged by the website).

Taxfree too, unless I am mistaken as to whether such donations are counted by HMRC as gifts or not.

The “Bootstrap Cook” also makes money from personal appearances, speaking engagements, TV appearances and, of course, book royalties from her 7 books, most if not all of which are still in print. From what I have read, at least £90,000 (in toto) in royalties over the past several years, and still rolling in.

One could say, “well, so what? She has the right to make money“, but if there are questions around the veracity of what she has said about her own life-story, if there are questions around her asking for money constantly, if there are questions about where monies have disappeared (if indeed they have) and if some of those monies were given by members of the public to be sent to charities, then the questions demand an answer.

For example, in May 2022, Jack Monroe was supposed to be intending to sue both Lee Anderson MP and the “controlled opposition” politico, Martin Daubney, in defamation. Monies were crowdfunded for that purpose, but so far (six months later) no writ has been issued, as far as I know. In fact, none of the usual pre-trial and pre-issue correspondence has occurred, as Lee Anderson said only last week.

I begin to wonder whether the Fraud Squad or similar should take an interest in all this. At least that might straighten out the facts.

More tweets

The lightning-flash…I like it!

Looks as though the pack of pseudonymous Jew trolls on UK Twitter are on the way out, and (so to speak) living on borrowed time…


Cuba before Castro

Cuba looks better in that film than it is today, literally falling to pieces (houses in Havana collapsing after 63 years without maintenance, and the railways scarcely rolling).

There were a few positive aspects to Castro-ite socialism, but not many.

Another factor is that the Cuba of today has relatively fewer white and mestizo people as against blacks. Many went to the wall after 1959, and many others fled to the USA, the Dominican Republic etc.

More tweets

Andrew Neil is far better on TV than in print.

As for that Holden cretin, just dump him in mid-Channel.

More tweets

Much as I despise the Labour Party, the Conservative Party needs to be cast down and stamped on until it expires.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, aka “The Great Replacement”, in action.

Get them all out of the UK and out of Europe. Get them out.

More music


More tweets

Look at this prize idiot (below)! One “Natalie”, defending the “Bootstrap Cook” even though she then admits that she knows nothing at all about the allegations against “Jack Monroe”, or the questions raised:

That was the end of the exchange(s). Thick “Natalie” goes away without a parting word. I wonder whether she is now less ignorant.

Twitter, the home of many proudly ignorant, but absolutely sure of their politically-correct rectitude.

F.E. Smith once replied to a judge, who had said that he had listened to Counsel for an hour and was “none the wiser“, “No, my Lord, but you are much better informed“…

What strikes me about the above is not only how gullible people can be but also how defensive, once their minds have accepted, uncritically, a certain narrative, a narrative about which they know absolutely nothing.

Not only the alleged quasi-fraud by “Bootstrap Cook”, but other narratives— “Covid”, Covid “vaccines”, “Ukraine”, the 2010-2020 “need” for “austerity” (spending cuts) in the UK; above all, the whole “holocaust” farrago, especially not but exclusively the “gas chambers” nonsense.

When I returned from Rhodesia in 1977, I took a number of easy-to-get (in those days) short-term jobs. One was hauling around sacks of mail at the Royal Mail sorting office at Redhill, Surrey. Another worker was an older fellow, doing a few months before Christmas, and who had spent his long naval career in submarines. We were talking one day, amid the sacks of mail, about Atlantis. He said that he was sure that there had never been Atlantis, or an Atlantean civilization, because he had spent months, indeed years, on submarines submerged in the Atlantic Ocean, and had never seen anything!

What could one say to such an unthinking person? Ask how many portholes his submarine had?! Make the point that any remains not destroyed by 10,000+ years of tides, currents, and the pressure of water etc, would probably not be detectable by such as sonar?

Pointless to argue with some people, because you are arguing with facts (using the intellect), whereas the “Natalies” of this world have an emotional response based purely on an embedded belief itself based on what others have sown in the uncritical field of their minds.

If two scribblers for the Irish Daily Mail (someone called Tom Doorley —apparently a restaurant critic— and one Phillips, a reporter or other “journalist”) yesterday reacted quite as unthinkingly in defence of “Bootstrap Cook”, then what can be expected of “Natalie”? In fact, said scribblers were far more rude, and no more intelligent, in their response to a tweeter tweeting about “Jack Monroe”, than “Natalie”.

I suppose that “Jack Monroe” will be fairly sanguine about the Twitter-storm around her behaviour. After all, so far 600+ people are still each shoving £3.50-£10 her way every single month, most of the public will be unaware of the questions raised about her, and the major msm outlets (Observer etc) are still puffing her entirely uncritically.

Late tweets seen

Well, let’s see…non-white UK Prime Minister arranges with other non-white “leaders” (globalist puppets) that the British people should pay for the corruption and incompetence of non-white “states”. What is wrong with that? Oh, no, wait…

It is not often that I agree with Dan Hodges, but strange times [etc]…

Interesting that most British people chose countries with a mainly British ethnic base; even the USA does have that to some extent, and of course a common language as well.

As for myself, it would depend, at least to a major extent, on the position I would be in. Emperor or slave? Poet or peasant? I would not want to live in an area without trees, either.

Both opinion polls show a slight swing back to equilibrium after the recent polls showing Con below 20%. Still, 27% or 29% is still low, and there are said to be spending cuts, and restrictions on pay and benefits, to come, which must impact what little popularity the Con Party has. The continuing cross-Channel migration invasion as well.

According to Electoral Calculus, the present state of play might result in an overall Lab majority of about 154 seats: https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html; Con Party with about 150 seats, Lab around 400.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, nr. Novosibirsk, Siberia]

Diary Blog, 2 September 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Yes. The attack on white Britain and its way of life is relentless.

I have been saying that for years, indeed for decades.

Thin end of the wedge.

Not sure I agree with the second sentence of tweeter “Jim Smith”. Even 22 years ago, Oxford seemed to have a bad traffic (and parking) problem. I picked up an American lady at the railway station (where there was effectively no parking beyond extremely short-term), in order to take her to Herefordshire. Very fraught and congested, and the traffic in and around the central part of the town was pretty bad, certainly compared to what it was like in the 1980s.

The UK healthcare system is getting to the point of no return, when it will have to be completely remodelled (and changed attitudinally).

America, “land of freedom”…

More music

[Levitan, Great Road]

More tweets

This is the MP in question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holden_(British_politician).

Holden graduated from the LSE in 2007, at age 22, with a degree in Government and History. Unlike most Conservative (and Labour) MPs, he had spent some time in “the real world”, having worked part-time during his LSE years as a waiter and barman.

After graduation, Holden worked in a number of Conservative Party and SpAd jobs, before being elected at North West Durham in 2019.

North West Durham was a Labour seat from 1950, when the seat was reconstituted, to 2019.

North West Durham was represented from 2017 to 2019 by Laura Pidcock, a Corbyn supporter married to an African, himself a politico and President of the National Education Union, a trade union for schoolteachers (he wants to “decolonise” the curriculum…wouldn’t you know it…): see https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/now-pidcock-s-partner-is-purged-by-labour; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Pidcock.

The pair have apparently produced a child.

Despite the above, and bearing in mind the cost of living crisis, and the economic catastrophe left after the “panicdemic” etc, it will take a Herculean effort for Holden to retain the seat, despite Labour’s general slide in the area in the past several years, especially if labour select someone other than Laura Pidcock.

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_West_Durham_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Late tweets

In fact, only brainwashed “morons” (meaning here, “stupid people”), and/or equally mindless fans of the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev, use “Kyiv” or, indeed, “Keev” (the BBC’s absurd new version).

As far as I am concerned, “Peking” and “Bombay” are also still places, as are “Calcutta” and “Florence”.

I am content to stick with the version used for a thousand years— Kiev.

I thought that the Ukrainian (Kiev-regime) online propagandists were more subtle than that. Maybe “AndreyGurulyov” is just a stray crank.

Late music

[“You see, my son, here time turns into space!“]