Tag Archives: Tice

Diary Blog, 24 February 2024, including some thoughts about Ashfield constituency and Lee Anderson MP

Morning music

[river Moskva, upstream of Moscow]

Saturday quiz

This week brings a narrow victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 5/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 2, 3, and 8.

From the newspapers


Women are having fewer children than ever before, official figures revealed today. 

Office for National Statistics data shows the fertility rate — the average number of children a woman has — in England and Wales slumped to 1.49 in 2022. 

It marks the lowest figure since records began in 1938, laying bare the reality of the ongoing baby bust that threatens to cripple the economy. 

Not a single one of the 330-plus authorities in both countries has a fertility rate that is above ‘replacement level’, according to MailOnline analysis.

[Daily Mail]

When one considers that (overall) the blacks and browns etc are having children, the birthrate among white people (“the people formerly known as British”) is seen more clearly as being at a rock-bottom level.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More from the newspapers


An MP has had his conviction for racially aggravated offense quashed after he told an activist to ‘go back to Bahrain.’

Bob Stewart, MP for Beckenham in south-east London, made the remark towards activist Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei during a row outside the Foreign Office’s Lancaster House on December 14 2022. 

Last November, Mr Stewart was convicted for a racially aggravated public order offence and was fined £600. Following the conviction, Mr Stewart lost the Tory whip and has since sat in the House of Commons as an independent. 

Now, following an appeal, his conviction has been overturned today at Southwark Crown Court.”

[Daily Mail]

One has to wonder how absolutely stupid are the police and Crown Prosecution Service that this was ever brought to a trial. Mad.

Incidentally, note that the Daily Mail wannabee “journalist” scribbler spells “offence” as “offense“, American-style, in the first line. Newspapers have declined in every way since the 1970s.

As for my own conviction under the very stupid Communications Act 2003, s.127 (trial was on 17 November 2023), I am due to be sentenced in a few weeks’ time. After that, I shall have 3 weeks in which to decide whether to appeal to the Crown Court.

Tweets seen

Britain Occupied territory

For me, what is most alarming is that dim people like Hoyle can get to some of the highest-status positions in our country and society.

At least he is an animal-lover in his private life. I can approve of that.

Paul Golding/Britain First is only partly correct. While Islamism is a threat to the UK, so is Jew-Zionism, which is far more embedded in the power structure. Paul Golding always attacks the one but not the other, which may be one reason why Britain First has a poor electoral record; most recently, 1.6% at the Wellingborough by-election, only 8th out of 11 candidates.

At Wellingborough, Britain First’s 8th-placed position came after Labour, Conservative, Reform, LibDems, an Independent, Greens, and another Independent, only beating the Monster Raving Loony and two more Independents. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellingborough_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Only one caveat: I do not know whether those numbers are inflation-adjusted.

By sending long-range “Taurus” cruise missiles to Ukraine, they will make Germany part of the Ukrainian conflict, German politician Sara Wagenknecht told the German media.

“You really think that if we deliver more weapons, the Ukrainians will be able to drive the Russians out of Crimea? Do you think Russia, a nuclear power, will allow that? If we bring war to Russia with German weapons, then we will also bring war to Germany,” she said.”

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahra_Wagenknecht. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sahra_Wagenknecht#Refugee_policy. Interesting.

Sara Wagenknecht only finished her secondary education in 1988, a year before the collapse of the DDR (and, incidentally, the same year in which I myself saw the country, though only briefly), so she could not have been a member of the Aufklärung (the foreign intelligence component of the State Security apparat or “Stasi“). Had she been older, one might wonder.

Lee Anderson, and Ashfield (Derbyshire)

The maverick MP has been suspended from being under the Conservative Party whip.

Naturally, I do not agree with his statement that London is “run by Muslims”. Sadiq Khan is from a Muslim background, but has been pretty much in the Jew-Zionist pocket for many years.

It would be more accurate to characterize Sadiq Khan as “anti-white”.

As to Anderson himself, I suggest that he is trying to bolster his position vis a vis the General Election expected later this year.

Until 2019, Ashfield had always been won by Labour since its inception in 1955, with one closely-run by-electoral exception in 1977. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s. “New Labour” and Gloria de Piero changed all that.

David Marquand, a former MP for Ashfield (1966-1977; he is still alive, at 89): “Originally a tentative supporter of Blair’s New Labour, he has since become a trenchant critic, arguing that “New Labour has ‘modernised’ the social-democratic tradition out of all recognition”, even while retaining the over-centralisation and disdain for the radical intelligentsia of the old “Labourite” tradition.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Marquand.

Marquand defected to the SDP and then was honourable enough to step down as MP, not contesting the by-election.

In fact, Marquand was himself rather intellectual:

Marquand addressed Britain’s relative economic decline in The Unprincipled Society (1988) and The New Reckoning (1997). He argued that this decline was caused by Britain’s failure to become a developmental state like France, Germany and Japan. In those countries state intervention had encouraged industrial development and had facilitated the necessary adjustments to competition. Britain, however, was wedded to an economic liberalism which prevented the state from undertaking the necessary measures to meet the country’s developmental needs.[7] In The New Reckoning Marquand claimed: “The economies that have succeeded more spectacularly have been those fostered by developmental states, where public power, acting in concert with private interest, has induced market forces to flow in the desired direction”.[8]” [Wikipedia].

In fact, Ashfield is not quite as “safe Labour” as the history might suggest superficially. Gloria de Piero won in 2010 by a majority of under half a point (0.4%, 192 votes) from a LibDem.

While de Piero’s majority increased in 2015 (as the LibDems imploded), in 2017 she beat the Conservative candidate by less than one point (0.9%, 441 votes). An Ashfield Independent came third with over 9% of the vote.

In 2019, Lee Anderson won convincingly: 39.3% of the vote, followed in second (27.6%) by another “Ashfield Independent”, Jason Zadrozny [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_Zadrozny], who has had a chequered political and personal history. In third place came Labour, with only 24.4%.

Zadrozny is going to contest the seat at GE 2024.

So far, apart from Anderson (who may or may not be standing as Conservative Party candidate, depending on whether he gets back the Conservative whip), only the Ashfield Independent and Reform UK are presently known to be likely to stand at GE 2024, but a full field is almost guaranteed. There may be a dozen or more candidates.

At first, I thought that Anderson could probably be written off as post-GE 2024 MP, but now am not so sure. He has now (whether by design or not) distanced himself from the unpopular Conservative leadership —and possibly from the equally-unpopular Conservative Party— is anti-EU, anti-migration invasion etc, and is now known nationwide. He must have at least a chance of retaining his seat. If he does, and if he also retains it as a “Conservative” MP, he might be one of 100 or even as few as 50 such MPs. Who knows what might then happen?

More tweets seen

(April 2023)

(February 2024)


Richard Tice

Mr Tice said there is “anger amongst ordinary folk about the state of the country”.

He said: “There’s no love for Keir Starmer, there’s just a deep rejection and utter fury with the toxic Tories.

[Daily Express]

To that limited extent, I agree with Tice.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 23 January 2024

Morning music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Talking point

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan (but bearing in mind that “a certain influence” tends to permeate certain topics on Wikipedia).

Tweets seen

There is also “pico-hydro”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pico_hydro.

Another talking point

Ain’t that the truth?!

Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice

A regular reader of the blog alerted me yesterday to what sounds like a wonderful animal-welfare place in Scotland.


The Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice and The Karass Sanctuary for Farmed Animals is a wee bit of the world where animals who have more often than not had a pretty hard time of it and not known a lot of love or kindness in their lives can lay their hats and leave the bad stuff behind them. The worst bit is over and now it’s time to enjoy life, find love, and enjoy the things that make them come alive. 

I started The Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice in March 2016 in memory of my friend Maggie who died alone and in a lot of pain at the vet hospital. You can read more about Maggie here. Maggie had died alone and I thought I’d never be able to smile or laugh or love again, but even though I could hardly think for the grief, the words ‘The Maggie Fleming Animal Hospice’ came into my mind, and once the thought was there it wasn’t going to loosen its grip any. Six months and a few signs along the way later the hospice was born.

When new folk arrive, I promise them that for so long as they want to be here life will be good, and when the day comes and they are tired and they have had enough, I’ll listen even if it’s the last thing in the world I want to hear, and we’ll face it together.

The hospice and sanctuary gives life-long and end-of-life care to terminally-ill companion and farmed animals who have been abandoned in the final stages of their lives or who would otherwise have lived and died in the food system. The hospice and sanctuary Waltons-esque family – 154 at last count – is made up of hens, cockerels, sheep, pigs, cats, dogs, quail, turkeys, and as of spring 2021, nine lambs. 

Comfort, kindness, respect, compassion, dignity, joy and freedom – altogether, love – make life worth living, no matter how long we get to enjoy the ride. Whatever shape carries us through this world, in my experience of facing death with so many of my friends, ultimately in life and in death we all want the same things. We run towards  security and comfort, contentment and trust – love – and we cower away from worry, loneliness, pain and fear – the absence of love.



If anyone wants to help (eg by donating as little as £2), the links are there.

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I could answer that rhetorical question, but my essay would be long, maybe even book length…

If our so-called “democracy” cannot “do the business”, then something else will, sooner or later.

Tice is a waste of space. His natural home under other circumstances would be the Conservative Party, and he has one foot still in it. Farage and Tice are both pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby. I only hope that they do well at the GE because I hope that that will help to kill off the Con Party.

What goes around comes around…

The world, not just Africa, has a choice— “white saviours“, or black chaos and corruption. I know which I prefer…

More “diversity”…


A seriously disturbed man who stabbed three people to death last year had been centre of seven alarming incidents that brought him to the attention of police, the university, healthcare workers or his employer before the fatal attacks.

It emerged following the killings that Calocane had turned up at MI5’s headquarters in August 2022 and banged on the door demanding to be let in. He was reportedly ‘moved on’ by security personnel after his name was logged.”

[Daily Mail]

[crazed killer immigrant]

Blacks are far more susceptible to schizophrenia than white people. Not “prejudice” but fact. In fact, I can remember one incident from the time when I was in chambers in London in 1993 and did a regular voluntary Saturday morning stint at a law centre in an inner city neighbourhood.

A respectable-looking black woman, apparently a nursing sister from, if I recall, Swindon, was telling me all about the abuse she had endured from her (white/English) colleagues at her place of work. It sounded terrible. Abused daily (because of “racism”, of course), and assaulted. They had even tried to inject her with something, holding her down to do so.

I asked questions to clarify what had actually happened. As the story was politely probed, the supposed nurse began to sweat slightly, and started to look uncomfortable as the inconsistencies came out. She left, eventually, when the nonsense became apparent even to her.

All in her mind, of course. No-one had assaulted her, no-one had tried to inject her.

Another time, an old black woman was convinced that her neighbours were beaming waves of some sort through the wall at her. Other allegations were also made, which might have had serious consequences had anyone believed them..

As far as I know, it has not been discovered why blacks are more likely than Europeans to be schizophrenic.

Incidentally, were the facts of yesterday’s case not so unpleasant, I should find it amusing that, while MI5 wastes so much time tracking and snooping on so called “far right” people, certain blogs etc, they all but ignore an obvious menace like the defendant above, who actually tried to gatecrash their own HQ. They did not even pass the details on to the police, it seems.

More tweets seen

Useless Nigerian freeloader and occasional System mass media face, Femi Oluwole, complaining yet again about British people. Still, credit where due; I enjoyed reading the —admittedly unsophisticated— tweets he has reposted. They made me laugh.


Late tweets

Only a few days after that Dutchman, Bauer, said the opposite thing, more or less…

Israel is doomed.

Labour is likely to “win” GE 2024 because the Conservative Party is now entirely useless, but Labour is basically no better, and is the home of many black/brown MPs who, at heart, resent or hate British (ie white) people, and everything British in fact.

Late music

Diary Blog, 5 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Marianske Lazne (former Marienbad), Czech Republic]

Tweets seen

Good environmental news.

Ah, a “two-front war”. I remember that…

I wonder how many are embedded in the UK political parties at Westminster.

…and the Kiev-regime navy is nowhere to be seen (because the Kiev regime no longer has a navy…).

Cheap clowning. It is what “they” do. Look at, eg, Zelensky, or “Boris” Johnson.

Eventually, they will probably flee to the USA, EU, UK etc, presenting themselves yet again as “victims”…

As Enoch Powell said about 55 years ago, “we must be mad, literally mad” [to allow this flood of uselessness].

There are so many silly people who are desperate to justify and even support mass immigration into the UK.

Goodbye, English countryside, goodbye Green Belt, and hello a tsunami of immigrants and/or migrant-invaders…

The very parts of the economy that should be in public ownership. Railways. Water supply. Energy (on the large scale). Royal Mail and post office services.

Rachel Reeves. Labour Friends of Israel member. Expenses and perks freeloader. Failed to pay back her interest-free House of Commons credit card debt for years…

Anyone who thinks that the likely Starmer-Labour government from 2024-25 will be better than the bunch of clowns currently in office is being very very silly.

Having said that, the only way to (“peacefully”) destabilize the failed two-party rigged system in the UK is to destroy at least one major party. The “Conservatives” have volunteered, by their corrupt ineptitude, to be that party. At the upcoming General Election, all that is required is for people to punish the Con Party by not voting for it. Either abstain, or vote anywhere but Con.

Tice, of Reform UK, is scarcely my kind of politician, but he has caught the mood. In a recent interview (a few days ago), Tice made the necessary point: punish (his word) the Con Party, no matter whether voting for Reform UK means more Labour MPs. Labour will almost certainly “win” anyway, and almost certainly with a large majority. Think strategically. Wipe out the Con Party by either abstaining or by voting anywhere but Con.

Late tweets

Good. Another total waste of space gone. I never liked what I saw about or from him.

He is also a member of the Free Enterprise Group of MPs, founded by Liz Truss, and along with Truss, Priti PatelKwasi Kwarteng and Dominic Raab, he co-authored After the Coalition (2011) and Britannia Unchained (2012). The authors of Britannia Unchained claimed that “Once they enter the workplace, the British are among the worst idlers in the world.” [Wikipedia].

So wrote a man who has never done a day’s actual or non-political work in his life. He was even useless as an MP and junior minister, getting sacked at least three times from various portfolios (despite having been one of the least rebellious and most toadying of the Conservative MP-cadre).

Skidmore tries to present an “intellectual” front, but not convincingly. He does not have the horsepower, when all is said and done.

Skidmore, though now claiming to have resigned on a matter of principle, had himself earlier said (in 2022) why he would not be continuing as MP:

On 26 November 2022, Skidmore announced that he would be standing down at the next general election, later stating in Parliament that ‘my constituency of Kingswood is being formally abolished in the boundary changes and there is nowhere for me to go.’[37][38][39]” [Wikipedia].

Translation: he has been both useless and disliked as MP and junior minister, and no other constituency would want him once his present one is abolished. In any case, there may well be few Conservative Party seats left after 2024.

Skidmore has spun getting kicked out of Parliament (by the time of the 2024 General Election) as a principled resignation, no doubt hoping to be given some lucrative and maybe environment-oriented quango appointment later. He might have been better to wait to see whether he would be in line for a peerage. No chance of that now.

Anyway, he’s off. Good.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Skidmore; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingswood_(UK_Parliament_constituency).

It will be interesting to see what happens at the by-election, assuming that there is one before the 2024 General Election.

…and the Zionist Jews in the UK, at least those making public statements on Twitter/X and/or on msm, are following that line; as are political doormats such as Starmer and that little Indian money-juggler currently posing as Prime Minister.

Tell me about it…

“The Tories have been lying —they’ve been gaslighting the British people, promising them one thing while delivering something else altogether.

They promised “lower overall numbers” only to then send net migration soaring to levels that have simply never been seen before in British history.

They promised to “take back control” and restore Britain’s status as a self-governing nation only to then completely lose control of Britain’s borders.

And now –as the latest data shows– we can see that while they promised a high-skill, high-wage, and highly-selective immigration policy that would attract “the best and the brightest” global talent they have instead delivered the very opposite.

They’ve further pushed open the floodgates to a new era of low-skill, low-wage immigration from outside Europe —the very kind of immigration which, as the latest studies show, is a net cost rather than a net benefit to Western economies and welfare states.

They need to stop lying to the British people. They need to level with the British people and admit that what they have delivered since the vote for Brexit is the total opposite of what they promised.

The British people deserve better than this. And it’s high time somebody speaks up and gives it to them. They deserve the truth. And they deserve leaders who will give them nothing but the truth.”

…and they deserve political leaders and parties not in hock to the international Jewish lobby and/or Israel lobby.

Late music

[collage of Adolf Hitler and Unity Mitford]

Diary Blog, Christmas Eve, 2023

[King’s College, Cambridge]

Tweets seen

Farage’s betrayal of his own Brexit Party in 2019 will not, I think, be repeated next year at the 2024 General Election.

Of course, Reform UK is “controlled opposition”, but if it can contribute to the trashing and binning of the “Conservative” Party, and so to the destabilization of the rigged two-party system in the UK, then good. I hope that it does well, on that basis.

I just saw a TV news report showing an Israeli drone attack on Gazans at a street food market. People just trying to buy whatever little food is around.

Not a “mistake” or “error” by a bomber pilot. A targeted attack, by a drone operator sitting in a chair somewhere in Israel.

“They” are really going too far, but then “they” always do, historically. They then whine about the backlash, and cast themselves as “victims”. Wait until Israel falls, and “they” pour out as “refugees” to the USA, Canada, Europe etc, portraying themselves as victims yet again.

Russia will win. Russia must win.

“They” have already partly-caused two world wars; will there soon be a third? The right conclusions must be drawn, whether or not that happens.

Interesting. I recall living in Sydney, Australia, aged 10, when the 1967 Six Day War happened. I also recall that (as far as I can remember) the TV news was entirely biased towards the Israeli side. Of course, I was unaware that there even existed another side to the story.

The Jews (in Israel) eventually occupied large territories formerly under Palestinian Arab control. “They” (in Australia, USA, UK etc) had already occupied much of the Western mass media. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-Day_War.

Late music

[painting by Volegov]

Diary Blog, 14 December 2023

Morning music

[“green and pleasant land”— Hampshire]

From the newspapers


The Conservative MP David Davis has spoken of how he fought off an attack near parliament as he intervened to help a rough sleeper who was being beaten up.

Davis, a former cabinet minister and leadership contender, said he aggressively stood between the attackers and the homeless man, and dodged two punches.

After “manhandling” the main attacker away, he took the beaten-up man, whose name was Gareth, back to his Westminster flat and let him stay the night on the sofa.

He took Gareth to St Thomas’ hospital the next day, because he was still bleeding.

The incident on Tuesday was first reported by the Evening Standard.

Davis, who trained with the SAS before entering parliament, said it appeared the attackers were “very vicious” and addicted to the drug spice.”

[Daily Mail]

David Davis is one of the very few MPs for whom I have any time (albeit with reservations). Britain might have been in a better place had he, and not David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger, become leader of the Conservative Party. He has always struck me as basically honest and decent.

Come to think of it, were Davis —even now, aged 74— to stand for the Con Party leadership against Rishi Sunak, he might have a serious chance.

Moreover, Davis is the kind of straight bat that might appeal to many voters, and so at least take the gloss off Labour’s expected triumphal procession to elected dictatorship in 2024. Who knows? He could possibly even do better than that.

Davis’ background from when he was at university (late Sixties and early Seventies) to when he became an MP (1987) is hard to make out from the Wikipedia entry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Davis_(British_politician)], not least because he seems to have not only worked for Tate & Lyle for 17 years but also to have spent a further 4-5 years in business-related student activity during the same years. Still, his background is basically solid, not a confection of lies and talked-up nothing, unlike the CVs of so many Conservative Party MPs.


A top Tory reported to police in a trans row has vowed to continue speaking up for women’s rights and said she refuses to ‘deny reality’.

Rachel Maclean, the Conservative Party‘s deputy chairman for women, found herself embroiled in a storm after sharing an online post about an aspiring Green MP who is transgender.

The post labelled the Green candidate as a ‘man who wears a wig and calls himself a ‘proud lesbian’.

In a social media backlash, Mrs Maclean was accused of transphobia, which she denies, and reported to the police, who saw no reason to get involved.

[Daily Mail]

What does it say about the Green Party, which allows a loonie of that sort to be a Green Party candidate?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Britain is, to a large extent, now just mad. “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“… familiar quotation?


Homelessness has many causes, but it would be naive to presume that the migration invasion is not one of them, particularly when, over the past 30 years, non-whites and even new immigrants “straight off the (small?) boat” have been prioritized over the needs of the host white British population.

About a million invaders (“legal” and “illegal”) over the past year alone (700,000+ “net”). It is unsustainable, and is breaking apart what is left of our society.

Tweets seen

Eastern Ukraine. Fighting at present is concentrated in a small part of the front. Both sides have had limited tactical successes, but Russian forces are sure to achieve victory in Ukraine, strategically.

Kiev-regime funding is being cut back in the EU and USA; Kiev-regime front-line soldiers are not being replaced; there is a recruitment crisis in Ukraine; the Kiev-regime army is running short on arms and ammunition compared to the Russian forces; also, the Kiev regime itself is now politically unstable.

Then, in 2024, the Russian Army will advance west and north to and along the Dnieper.

Hey diddle diddle, MPs on the fiddle” (again)…

Benton would have been unseated anyway, at the expected 2024 General Election. Prior to his victory in 2019, Blackpool South had been a Labour-held seat since 1997: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackpool_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Benton was formerly a primary school teacher. I suppose that he will have to return to that, and will have to regard his unmerited 4 years as an MP as just having been a good opportunity to rip off as much money as possible.

This is yet another blow to the Conservative Party, re-emphasizing the lack of probity in many of its MPs. Quite a few will, like Benton, be looking for new jobs by 2025.

In my view, Lewis Goodall has missed the point. Recent polling has made plain that the majority, indeed nearly 70%, of those planning on voting for Reform UK have no expectation of Reform UK winning in their own constituencies, or maybe in any constituency. They are going to vote for Reform UK as a “**** you!” snarl to the System, to the way things are going generally in the UK (especially England), and against mass immigration and migration invasion.

I see parallels to the 2016 Brexit Referendum. One man, walking his dog (in Blackpool or nearby, I think), was interviewed in the street at the time. He was asked about the possible negative economic consequences of Brexit, but answered (brilliantly, in a way) “I don’t care about all that. It’s only me and the dog, anyway…“.

The msm journalists did not understand that man’s attitude, thought it a result of stupidity, or “poor education” (because he, presumably, had not acquired some useless Mickey Mouse “degree” from a “university” of which no-one had ever heard).

In fact, that man was saying that he was not “aspirational”, did not care about the inflated supposed value of some other people’s houses, did not have sons and daughters called “Josh” or “Olivia” wanting to take (and being able, financially, to take) unpaid “internships” at the EU Commission or Milan fashion houses etc, that he never travelled by helicopter or private plane, and had no share portfolio.

That man was also saying that he had seen Britain decline in almost every way in the past 40+ years, and had seen it invaded by untold millions of unwanted immigrants.

As I tweeted at the time, “Brexit means more than Brexit“.

People voting Reform UK (and I myself do not “support” Reform UK, partly because it is yet more pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby “controlled opposition”, partly because it is not a social-national party, partly because it supports finance-capitalism) do not expect Reform UK to win many, or even any, Commons seats. They want to say “NO!” to the general state of this country.

[cartoon from the time just after the 2016 Brexit Referendum]

As for the pleas of the Conservative Party that voting Reform UK will not get Reform UK MPs elected but simply allow Labour to win more seats, my judgment is that intending Reform UK voters want the Conservative Party MPs to be voted out, and they want the Con Party to be stamped on hard. Why? Because they feel that they have been both betrayed and let down generally…and they have been.

More tweets seen

I myself have not read that book, but it certainly looks interesting.

Goodwin has some useful things to say about immigration and migration invasion but, on the negative side, seems to be obsessively pro-Israel, pro the Jewish lobby etc. Have I missed something about him?

Diary Blog, 2 December 2023, with thoughts about General Election 2024, Reform UK etc

Afternoon music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scraped another narrow victory over political journalist John Rentoul, with 5/10 as compared to his 4/10.

I knew the answers to questions 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10.

Tweets seen

I feel that, with the passing into history of the late Queen, the Monarchy in Britain has ceased to be of any real relevance.

Charles has become a total —and very obvious— mouthpiece for the international conspiracy.

Please refer to previous comment…

That would result, using Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] in a massive Labour majority of (about) 352: Labour 501 MPs, Conservatives 74, LibDems 35. The only thing keeping the Con Party going would be its history (now trashed anyway), its assets (if any) and its name-recognition among the public.

I notice that it might also mean an undeserved boost to the LibDems, tripling their number of MPs.

Despite that polling, indicating that Reform UK might still win no seats (despite polling nationwide a point higher than the LibDems; more proof that FPTP voting is not working now in the UK), this may not be the end of the show. I think that political academic Matt Goodwin might be right in predicting a surge in support for the rather pathetic latest Farage vehicle (now notionally led by Richard Tice).

If, as Goodwin predicts might happen, Reform UK does surge to, say, 15%, and if the extra 5 points come from Con Party former voters, then the number of Con Party seats reduces to about 30, but Labour would gain, and not Reform UK, which would still be left without any MPs despite, in that scenario, scoring one and a half times the votes of the LibDems, who would end up with about 43 MPs. The voting system is broken.

The reason of course, is that (as with UKIP in 2015) Reform UK has a fairly even level of support nationwide, without the concentrations of votes in some constituencies that the LibDems have.

In fact, to start getting MPs, Reform UK will have to achieve about 18% across the board. If those votes all came from former Con voters, the Con Party vote would have to decline to 14%. In that unlikely (?) scenario, the Conservatives would be left with about 10 MPs and might fairly be said to have been wiped out.

Incidentally, on 18%, Reform UK would still only get about 1 MP.

If Reform UK can take Labour votes as well, a very different picture. Still a huge Labour majority, but the Conservatives left with a rather more respectable 80-90 seats (and LibDems with about 50). Reform UK would still only get one or two MPs, however. Very unjust (not that I have much time for Reform UK, especially after Farage and Tice recently doormatting for Israel and the Jewish lobby).

I take Goodwin’s point though (I should do— after all, I have been making it for years myself): in a situation where both main System parties are determined to do pretty much the opposite of what most voters want, even sheep-like voters start to think how to protest, in the absence of a credible social-national party. Former Con voters may abstain, or may vote (mainly) for Reform UK, maybe LibDem, or other parties; Labour dissenters who dislike Starmer and his Labour Party may protest by (mainly) voting LibDem or Green.

Both main System parties are signed up to the transnational conspiratorial agenda— funnelling blacks and browns into Europe and other formerly almost-entirely white European societies (Australia, New Zealand etc). Also, signed up to the whole globalization project, to the biosecurity pseudo-health state idea, and to the cashless society idea (thus allowing the “central power” to de-bank people, cut off funds etc at will, eventually, e.g. to punish those who say or write the “wrong” things).

At present, GE 2024 is still a year ahead, probably. The only fairly certain fact is that this Government has run out of road, and is hanging on because it cannot think of anything else to do. Indian money-juggler Sunak is as misplaced in his office as were “Boris”-idiot, Theresa May, and David Cameron-Levita; ah, I actually forgot that ridiculous “ho”, Liz Truss. She too.

Sunak will probably decamp to California by 2025 at latest. Remember that nasty little bastard Nick Clegg? He is now living in an affluent suburb near San Francisco.

We are “ruled” by cosmopolitan poseurs of that sort, totally corrupt, and their venality equalled by their incompetence.

More tweets

Yes, but at present there are nearly a million unwanted migrant-invaders coming to live in the UK every year, even after emigrants are taken into account. That makes a continuing and worsening housing situation inevitable.

In a word, yes…

“Ukraine” (Kiev regime)— a failed state, a non-state.

A considerable part of the Ukrainian population might be fairly described as “blockheads” (even before they get drunk).

Please refer to previous comment.

I do not know the politics of Highgate, particularly, so cannot really comment.

Incidentally, that tweeter, John Edwards, a retired fire chief, at one time quite a few years ago would chat to me on Twitter (a pack of Jews had me expelled in 2018), but later had his ear bent to the extent that he tweeted to people that I was “a dreadful fascist“; yet here I am supporting his right to freedom of expression. #MoralHighGround…

Anyone who votes Labour in 2024 expecting any kind of positive change in the UK from that would have to be a total idiot. However, the present Sunak Government is just so hated and despised by almost everyone (my guess, around 85%+) that, in a basically binary electoral/political system, Labour, despite the fact that it offers —realistically— nothing, is almost certain to win big next year.

Britain is now so screwed, and in almost every way, that only a total change to a social-national rulership, combined with a massive cultural and other purge, will save it, if it can be saved.

Hancock should have been tarred and feathered, along with all those in and around government promulgating the absurd “lockdowns” and other “Covid”-related nonsense.

Instead, he is given hundreds of thousands of pounds to eat snails and witchetty grubs in that ridiculous “Jungle” TV show.

My assessment of Hancock from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/09/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-matt-hancock-story/.

Well, dear readers, was I right or wrong?

See also: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/scientists-reveal-jewish-history-s-forgotten-turkish-roots-a6992076.html.

“Israeli-born geneticist believes the Turkish villages of Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz were part of the original homeland for Ashkenazic Jews.

New research suggests that the majority of the world’s modern Jewish population is descended mainly from people from ancient Turkey, rather than predominantly from elsewhere in the Middle East.

The new research suggests that most of the Jewish population of northern and eastern Europe – normally known as Ashkenazic Jews – are the descendants of Greeks, Iranians and others who colonized what is now northern Turkey more than 2000 years ago and were then converted to Judaism, probably in the first few centuries AD by Jews from Persia. At that stage, the Persian Empire was home to the world’s largest Jewish communities.

According to research carried out by the geneticist, Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield, over 90 per cent of Ashkenazic ancestors come from that converted partially Greek-originating ancient community in north-east Turkey.

[The Independent]

In other words, they have no right (based on claims of ancient settlement) to the lands now known as Israel and Palestine.

There should be an institute somewhat similar to SS-Ahnenerbe which could take DNA and other evidence, in order to investigate such theories and claims.

Should not be too difficult. After all, Zelensky has ripped off tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions, of US dollars, has a $50M villa in Florida, another luxury villa in Italy, probably others as well.

Late music

[painting by M. Lounis]

Diary Blog, 27 November 2023

Afternoon music

[Francoise Wattre, Tropical Garden]

From the newspapers


Teenagers in one of Albania’s most deprived areas have not given up on their dreams of migrating to Britain, despite UK taxpayers funding an £8.4m programme to encourage them to stay at home.

[Daily Mail].

Can you imagine the general educational and cultural level?

Have a look at the report (and the photos). Albania must have been a pretty awful place in which to live under Enver Hoxha’s regime, but I wonder if, in some ways, that was not better than what is there now.


One of Britain’s wealthiest charities is changing its entire Board of Trustees as part of an anti-racism diversity drive after branding itself ‘white and privileged’.

The Tudor Trust is undergoing a woke makeover that has meant stopping all grants for 20 months while it ‘re-thinks’ its future and staff learn about ‘racial justice’ and ‘white supremacy culture’.

[Daily Mail]

[“The changes are being overseen by interim director Raji Hunjan“— Daily Mail]

“Diversity”…meaning the degradation and removal of white real British people, and their literal replacement…The Great Replacement in plain sight.

Destruction of our history and culture by non-Europeans.

This sort of nonsense can only end one of two ways, somewhere not so far down the line…

Tweets seen

Soon“?! For me [b.1956], the UK is already largely unrecognizable, and that applies almost everywhere, really, except the countryside (what is left of it).

So are the minority 10% the mentally-deficient, or are they just members of one or another “ethnic minority” who will soon be —by about 2050— the non-white majority in this country?

Incidentally, I know someone who just went on a special tour of the Palace of Westminster. Apparently, the talk which was included in the tour noted how “diverse” the House of Lords is becoming.

Noted especially in that talk was the peerage of Doreen Lawrence, a Jamaican woman only there because David Cameron-Levita wanted to make a virtue-signalling gesture in 2013 (the woman’s son having been killed in a squalid incident at a South London bus-stop 20 years before, in 1993). She has no real qualification to be part of the upper legislature (admittedly, that is also true of many of the white English and other “peers”). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doreen_Lawrence.

The same visitor also saw groups of schoolchildren taking similar tours. Each group had two or three white English children, the rest being non-white. That is London’s, England’s, Britain’s future, and not very far off. This century, not in some far-distant time…

…and which group is really in control of both main System parties? After my recent conviction (which may be appealed, though), I am —in effect— not allowed to say. Guess…

“Their” hypocrisy again displayed. Destroy thousands of homes using rockets and bombs, kill and mutilate (so far) tens of thousands of children (and even more adults), but then donate some tents and blankets to those only suffering because “they”, the war criminals, have done what they have done.

Idiots like that constitute a fairly large proportion of Americans (thankfully not all, though).

The USA has a serious problem not only with the blacks and other minorities (who will soon be the majority) but also with the white people who, all too many of them, are not only cultureless and moronic, interested mainly in corporatized and televised sports etc, but also complete dupes of the Jew-Zionist element in the msm, politics etc.

Wilders— peak “controlled opposition”: part Indonesian, part-Dutch, with a father who was hostile to National Socialism, and a mother who was partly or mainly Indonesian.

Wilders himself is married to a Jewish woman from Hungary. He spent a year in his youth working in a moshav [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moshav] or farming co-operative in Israel. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders#Early_life_and_career.

You see smaller versions of Wilders’ type of politics in the UK: anti-Islam or Islamism, but actively pro-Israel, pro the Jewish lobby etc. “Tommy Robinson” is arguably the best known, but another example would be Farage, together with Farage’s protege, Richard Tice, and his Reform UK party; also, the pathetic “Reclaim Party” set up by Laurence Fox.


Against stupidity, the Gods themselves struggle in vain” [Schiller: Die Jungfrau von Orleans].

True. Varadkar is only one example, though, of how the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is being implemented.

The puppetmasters of the transnational conspiracy always prefer to work with easily-manipulated outsiders or semi-outsiders. Look at Varadkar— half-Irish, half-Indian, gay, pro-mass immigration, pro-globalized economics and international banking etc. Also, wants to impose greater restrictions on free speech and freedom of expression.

Geert Wilders too— part-Dutch, part-Indonesian, married to a Jewish woman from another country, pro-globalized business etc.

Wilders has latched onto the huge anger in the Netherlands about how mass immigration has trashed that once-pleasant country (a Dutch family my own family knew from the early 1980s onward were at that time already very uneasy about the effect on their own part of Amsterdam of the immigration that was then still at a quite low level). All the same, Wilders is very obviously “controlled opposition”.

Look at the UK too— Sunak, an Indian, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby, pro globalized banking and commerce, and also pro-mass immigration.

There it is, in actual socio-political implementation across Europe: NWO/ZOG, and the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

As she admits in that clip, Jewish…

Full of half-baked nonsense and fake history.

One of the worst enemies of the British people, and their future, during the Blair years.

Roche was also a supporter of multiculturalism,[15] and attached this to her Jewishness and immigrant parents,[22][20][4][15] stating; “My being Jewish informs me totally, informs my politics.” [Wikipedia]


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan. Remember, though, that Wikipedia has been infiltrated by (((the usual suspects))) and that they maliciously edit certain types of Wikipedia article.


God…just look at them (and listen to them)…

That is the simple truth. I have experienced the same or similar personally (though without the “I shot them” bit). The police would rather snoop upon blogs like mine, or tweets etc, generally behaving like a poundland Stasi, than do their proper job. Assuming that this blog is not taken “off air” permanently in 2024 (as “the usual suspects” want), I may blog about these things in detail after that.

Late tweets

A Danish volunteer in, I presume, Kiev. He cannot see (or can he?) the obvious big-picture arising from the facts all around him! Utilities and internet access only working intermittently. What does he think it will be like in, say, February 2024? Will he be trying to pump out Kiev-regime propaganda about how Zelensky, Zaluzhny etc are winning the war? Maybe not, though.

Still, he seems to be an animal-lover, and his project an animal-welfare one, so that’s good, and I hope he can help the animals suffering because of or during the conflict.

The conflict with Russia has shed a cruel and harsh light on the shambolic and corrupt society that has developed in Ukraine since the collapse of Sovietism over 30 years ago. This is a failed state, and one that only exists at all now because of Western aid of all sorts.

Late music

After a 2019 General Election, What?

I just read a typically unsatisfying yet not completely uninteresting article in the New Statesman [below].


The conclusion of that article is that Boris Johnson will be forced to a general election before very long. Unlike msm talking heads, we have no need to say “whoever is the next Prime Minister”: the system is broken, the 100,000 elderly people actually given a vote love “Boris”, and so we, the other 65 million, are having imposed upon us the least honest, least competent, least loyal, least decent, least worthy, least genuinely British Prime Minister in living memory, perhaps ever.

The crunch is coming, but Boris Johnson has never kept to any “pledge” or promise, whether political or personal, so will not be bound by his “Leave EU by 31 October 2019” one either, in my view.

As I have blogged previously, Boris Johnson likes to be presented as a strong maverick character, whereas in fact he is actually rather weak: weak in logic, weak in general knowledge, weak in resolve, weak in ethical standards, weak politically.

Philip Hammond puts it more diplomatically: ” “He is actually a more complex personality than it sometimes seems,” Hammond said of Johnson in his interview. “He is a mainstream conservative on all topics except Brexit. I very much regret his attitude to Brexit. His own story, which is multicultural, multinational and liberal, speaks for itself.” [The Guardian].

Hammond’s words of course are two-edged and allude to Johnson’s part-Jew, part-Muslim, born-in-USA (and brought up largely in USA and Belgium) background, as well as his loose and indeed louche morality.

I may be overthinking this, because I do not see Boris Johnson as a determined —or indeed any sort of— planner (except in terms of trying to become Prime Minister for the past 20+ years), but I wonder whether Johnson foresaw that the Commons would block fulfilment of his “Brexit on WTO terms by 31 October” so-called “pledge”? After all, it would hardly require clairvoyance. The House of Commons has a large Remain majority.

If Boris Johnson “pledges” to leave on WTO terms on 31 October 2019 and if that is then blocked by the Remain majority in the Commons, Johnson can then sigh loudly in public and say “I did my best, but have been stabbed in the back by all those pro-EU MPs…”, thus absolving him from blame for not “delivering Brexit” (the EU will very likely grant further “extensons” etc…). Johnson can then present himself as the Tribune of the People, fighting the corrupt Remain MPs. A hero to fools…

From Johnson’s point of view, perfect. No need to actually negotiate with people who are more intelligent, more knowledgeable, better prepared than Johnson himself ever is, no need to put in much effort and, finally, also parking tanks on the lawn of Farage and Brexit Party (that less certain, though).

What if it goes wrong for Boris-Idiot and there is a no-confidence vote? I am wondering whether the prospect of this stupid clown as Prime Minister, even leaving aside Brexit, might not be enough to make some Conservative Party MPs abstain in a no-confidence vote. I would not bet against it.

If Labour put forward a no-confidence vote, and if that succeeds, it might not mean an immediate general election. The Conservatives can put forward another, less obviously clownish MP as their prime ministerial choice. If all the Conservatives and all the DUP support that person, then that freezes out Corbyn and Labour for a while.

What if there is a general election? If Brexit Party put up a fairly full slate of candidates in England, and if at least some form of Brexit has not happened by then, there might well be an explosion of rage from the half of the country (more than half) that voted Leave in 2016. That explosion might well not spare the Conservatives who have so badly handled the Brexit negotiations for the past 3 years. After all, that inept performance calls to mind the other stupidities of the past decade.

Scotland seems likely to vote at least 40% SNP in a general election, creating (maintaining) a bloc of about 40-50 Westminster MPs. As for England and Wales, if you take out the blacks and browns (etc), and you take out London (and Gibraltar, which has no votes in Westminster elections), the Leave vote was around 70%. What does this mean?

First of all, Brexit is not the only issue. The socio-economic problems of the country play more to Labour’s advantage. What is letting down Labour electorally now is that it is seen to be largely the party of the blacks and browns, the immigrants and their offspring, as well as public service workers, and those reliant on State benefits. I speak in broad-brush terms of course.

The people who are voting Labour now and might vote Labour in any 2019 general election are concentrated in quite few seats, about 200-250, but some polls are saying that only 40% of 2017 Labour voters will vote Labour if there is a general election this year. Translating that into seats is not easy, but it could mean a substantial reduction from the position now.

The above is however affected by the effect Brexit Party might have on the Conservative vote, bearing in mind that, as with Labour, as high as 60% of 2017 Conservative voters say that they will not be voting Con next time.

If Brexit Party puts up candidates all over England and Wales, and scores at least 15% nationwide, the present 312 Conservative seats will reduce to about 250 and possibly fewer. Most will fall to the LibDems or Labour, but no doubt Brexit Party could win a few too. If Brexit Party can score 20%+ nationwide, then there might be only 150 Conservative MPs left.

We are in minority, possibly coalition, territory. Either

  • Labour + SNP or
  • Labour + LibDems; or
  • Conservative + Brexit Party or
  • Conservative + LibDems

One intriguing fact is that Boris Johnson is apparently marginally more popular with Brexit Party members than he is with Conservative Party members.

My guess today (in this volatile climate, one alters perceptions almost daily) is that it is a race between Labour’s vote (especially in the North) collapsing and the Conservative vote collapsing in much of the country, and weakened further by the existence of Brexit Party (even if Brexit Party itself scarcely wins a seat).

I cannot see Boris-Idiot lasting for long as Prime Minister— he is completely unsuited for such a position; but having said that, the country has already gone half-mad…


I had scarcely published the above when, about an hour after that, the Guardian published the report below:


“Brussels to offer Boris Johnson extension”… Quelle surprise…

There is also this now:


Update, 10 April 2021

Nearly two years later from when I wrote the above blog post, we look back at the December 2019 General Election and see that most of the analysis was correct. What made the prediction of Conservative Party electoral collapse misfire was the event few —if any— predicted, meaning that Nigel Farage, snake oil salesman, stabbed his own party in the back, and withdrawing from active participation the majority of Brexit Party candidates, all of whom had actually paid for their own deposits (and more)!

All or almost all Conservative Party candidates were given a clear run by Brexit Party. Brexit Party candidates in some formerly Labour seats where the Conservative Party was always unlikely to win, were allowed to stand, as in Hartlepool, where the Brexit Party 2-i-c, Richard Tice, came a very close third and, had the party not been killed by its own leader, might have pulled off an historic coup in a seat Labour-held since it was created. Farage’s actions destroyed Brexit Party credibility during the campaign.

The net result was that, with most intended Brexit Party votes going to Conservative candidates, the Con Party achieved a huge 80-seat overall majority. Many Conservative candidates, especially in the North, won by fewer than 2,000 votes. Had Brexit Party put up more than a token fight, the Conservative Party might well not have achieved a majority at all.

As for Nigel Farage, after his treachery in 2019, he had the gall to wind up Brexit Party (literally, since it was set up as a private company) and start yet another party, Reform Party or Reform UK, which he then abandoned when offered a great deal of money in business. An out and out, controlled-opposition, con-man.