Tag Archives: Andrew Bridgen

Diary Blog, 25 April 2024, with some analysis of the war in Ukraine in 2024-2025; also the Israel/Palestine situation

Morning music

[Old Orangerie, Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

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No news for some time about the famous Hamas tunnels that were, apparently, in total about the same length altogether as the actually underground parts of the London Underground (over 100 miles in all). At first, the Israelis were full of public relations news/propaganda about how they had taken several miles of this or that tunnel, but since then, nothing. Are the tunnels still being used by the Gazan side of the conflict? We do not know.

If so, most of them will abandon Poland and move to other parts of the EU— Germany, Denmark etc. Only a few will make it easy for the Kiev regime to press-gang them and deploy them to the crumbling front-line. That would be a death sentence for many.

Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, and the war

“Lukashenko proposed to the West to play a draw with Russia, otherwise Ukraine will cease to exist.

More statements of the President of Belarus:

For Americans, China and Russia are not all opponents and enemies. For America, Europe itself, the European Union, is a serious rival. Americans do not need opponents or competitors.

I know the mood of the Ukrainian army. They are already tired of this war. If we do not negotiate now, Ukraine may lose its statehood and cease to exist.

No one wants to fight today. That is why we must move towards peace.

Washington is progressively pushing aggressive narratives against Belarus and the Russian state, increasing the degree of hostility of the NATO bloc in our direction.

The US allocation of 60 billion for the war is the most important factor in the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine.”

Biden’s team doubts US aid will help Ukraine win – Politico.

The immediate goal is to stop Ukrainian losses and help Ukraine regain momentum and turn the tide on the battlefield.” After that, the goal is to help Ukraine start getting its territory back,” said one of the officials. “Will they have what it takes to win?” Ultimately, yes. But that’s no guarantee that they will. Military operations are much more complicated than that.

That report about American “analysis” leaves out several important factors which make any large-scale success by the forces of the Kiev regime very unlikely.

The first is the lack of “boots on the ground”, i.e. numbers of soldiers, particularly well-trained soldiers. 500,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed in the past 2 years, it is said; even if that figure includes the badly-wounded, nothing material is altered.

Ukrainians of all ages and conditions are trying to avoid call-up, as the regime drafts people as old as 65, disabled people, carers for sick and disabled family members, some women etc. Those who live beyond Ukrainian borders (perhaps a quarter of the pre-war population) show no sign of wanting to return and rally to the colours; those within the borders try to buy or acquire medical exemptions, or just try to stay “under the radar”.

So overall, the lack of manpower is key. There is no way for the regime in Kiev to increase the supply of men, while the attrition of the war means that every day brings new losses; Russian forces, at present, fire 10 artillery shells for every 1 coming from the other side.

The low birth-rate in Ukraine (one of the lowest in the world) also impacts this. The Kiev-regime side looks to ever-lower age-groups, even to those aged 16, to perform military tasks.

Realistically, no matter how many advanced weapons are gifted to the Kiev regime by the USA and UK etc, Zelensky’s forces will never be able to “regain” those former Ukrainian provinces now under Russian rule: Lugansk, Donetsk, and of course the Russian peninsula of Crimea.

Even less likely is the prospect of the Kiev-regime forces actually taking over undisputably-Russian border areas, or destroying major Russian towns or cities. Should the first happen (which is not even a war aim of the Kiev-regime side), there would be a swift Russian response and re-occupation. Russia, with its famous prostor (apparently endless space) simply cannot be conquered by merely military means, as indeed Professor Haushofer taught. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Haushofer.

As to possible destruction of large Russian urban centres such as Moscow: even had the Kiev regime side the means, all that would then happen would be the deployment of Russian tactical or even strategic nuclear weapons, particularly to reduce Kiev itself. Were Kiev to be destroyed, the war would end immediately.

It can thus be seen that there are only two possible outcomes (unless is posited a general regional or even world war): either Russia achieves victory over Eastern Ukraine by force of arms, or there are real peace talks soon, leading to a result somewhere between such a victory and the present state of play.


More Israeli war crimes.

Sooner or later, whether in 5 years, 10 years or whenever, the wheel will turn, and the Israeli population will probably be scurrying through devastated streets, the streets of Tel Aviv and elsewhere. Will the Jews of Israel and beyond then themselves expect or ask for mercy?

Not as unlikely as it seems. Israel’s regional enemies become more powerful every day. Who, a decade or two decades ago, or 50 years ago, would have thought that the Palestinian resistance to the north of Israel/occupied Palestine would have the military power, or the missiles, that it has in 2024? With every passing day, the enemies of Israel acquire more powerful weapons. How long before they have weapons that can overcome the Israeli defences?

The Israeli high command (both military and security/intelligence) seems to be playing a delaying game, trying to prevent major actors from acquiring the most powerful weapons while, when possible, destabilizing surrounding (and some other) states. Iraq, Lebanon, Syria Libya, Egypt have all been weakened. Iran still stands.

There is also the fact that the Arab Palestinians within Israeli borders, and in the West Bank and Gaza, have a higher birth-rate than do most of the Israeli Jews. This will surely have an effect somewhere down the line.

Israel is doomed; the only uncertain fact is the date of that doom.

In the recent Israel-Iran exchange, it was noteworthy that planes and rockets from Saudi Arabia and Jordan flew in defence of Israel. I take that to be an Arab response to the increasing power of Iran, rather than a wish to help Israel as such.

In the 1960s and 1970s, the opposite was the case: the Shah’s government was on quite amicable terms with Israel, unlike all of the Arab states, which then were implacably opposed to Israel. The underlying hostility between the Arabs and the “Persians”, however, was just the same, in essence.

That Jewish Israeli politician seems to be the personification of utter stupidity allied to complete dishonesty. Says that executed/murdered Gazans with hands tied behind their backs may have died in “gun battles” or “throwing grenades“.

She also says that the Gazan resistance are “cowards“, because they (to use the old British phrase) “shoot and scoot” rather than waiting to be mown down by tanks etc. What, I wonder, does that creature say about Jewish (Israeli) pilots and drone operatives who kill women and children from 10,000 feet in the air, or even while sitting in a building in Israel?

It is a disgrace that the suborned UK government is giving aid and comfort (and arms) to that tribe.

Good grief! Just saw this: that creature, of Moroccan and Portuguese Sephardic-Jewish origins, was born in London, became a barrister (Middle Temple) and only moved to Israel in 2001, at the age of 27 or 28: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fleur_Hassan-Nahoum.

She has been tipped as a future mayor of Jerusalem or Israeli foreign minister” [Wikipedia].

Incredibly (listening to that interview), she is apparently regarded as “liberal” in Israel!

Talking point

Britain’s average has already been reduced several points by reason of importation of huge numbers of individuals from the lower-IQ groups over the past 70 years and particularly the past 30 years.

How can we ever create a higher-level society if the human beings in the present society are, as a group, degrading constantly (as at present)?

Late tweets

Cleverly is completely idiotic. Imagine meeting with those lying conspirators and giving (or at least pretending to give) credence to their demands, after what has been discovered in the last several days! Falter has been exposed more than once as a liar, as has the one seated to his left.

Unfortunately, Cleverly has one of the safest seats in the Commons: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braintree_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s. Another brainless MP.

The “Campaign Against Antisemitism” is effectively a volunteer arm of the Israeli Embassy in London.

I cannot see why the Metropolitan Police Commissioner felt obliged —apparently— to actually apologise to Falter, who by then had already been exposed, even by other Jews, even by other Zionists, as a dishonest propagandist whose account of the now-notorious Aldwych incident was plainly contrived and untrue.

Perhaps Russia should create a special class of passports for suitable candidates from certain other countries too: EU nationals, UK and US nationals, some others, and those people could then become dual-passport-holders, with the right of residence, under conditions, in the Russian Federation.

Late music

[painting by Vicente Romero Redondo]

Diary Blog, 5 March 2024

Morning music

Sam Melia/Laura Towler crowdfunder

[Sam Melia and his wife, Laura Towler. A hero and a Valkyrie]

Sam Melia has now been imprisoned for 3-4 days. Another 6-12 months to go, probably.

I am glad to see that their crowdfunder, established to help Laura Towler (expected to give birth to their second child soon) and Melia both survive and thrive, and to maintain political struggle both during the coming year and thereafter, has gathered in, as of time and date of writing, some £54,000, and is still increasing rapidly. When I first mentioned the crowdfunder on the blog, last Thursday, it was at nearly £48,000, so well over £1,000 a day has been donated over the past days. Excellent.

If anyone wants to donate and/or leave a message of support, the link is at https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Minimum donation £4. Show solidarity, stick it to the System, and help what seem to be good people (for sake of clarity, I am personally unacquainted with them, and do not belong to Patriotic Alternative).

Incidentally, this is what the CPS have had to say about the Sam Melia “case”: https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/updated-sentence-far-right-organiser-found-guilty-intent-stir-racial-hatred-through.

It will be noted that the clowns are unable even to spell correctly the name of Oswald Mosley… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Mosley; https://www.oswaldmosley.com/. The CPS report has Mosley down as “Moseley“, like the Birmingham suburb.

So that is how the CPS and police waste huge amounts of public money, prosecuting a mere sticker-posting campaign as if it were an IRA bomb plot of the 1970s.

If the CPS and (more so) police behaviour is “Stalinist”, then so in the sense of the words of Karl Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon: “first time tragedy, second time farce“…

All the same, Sam Melia is still going to sit in prison for 6-12 months, thus punishing his wife and small children. Justice? I think not.

Tweets seen

Britain in the 21st Century.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13154677/young-people-having-heart-attacks-lead-seemingly-healthy-lifestyles-suffered-heart-problems.html.

Bukele won 85% of the vote and is by all accounts one of the most popular leaders in the world now. This is why liberals in the West call him a threat to democracy – democracy for them just means institutionalised pluralism. The number one threat to that is someone who bypasses the institutions of mass democracy to embody popular will.”

[Adolf Hitler amid thousands of well-wishers at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin]

Bukele has maintained record high approval ratings of around 90% among Salvadorans throughout his tenure.[9][10]



Canadians— do what has to be done, and install a different government, and a different kind of government.

Not quite like-for-like, because the “vaccinated” population consists of more people than the “unvaccinated”, I believe, but even so the figures are alarmingly divergent.

More from the newspapers


Uzbekistan is the only nation more miserable than Britain as the Dominican Republic tops the world wellbeing charts, a ‘worrying’ global report has found.”

[Daily Mail]

Many will dismiss that out of hand. I am not so sure that the report is mistaken, though. The UK of 2024 is an unhappy land.

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I tried but failed to get called in oral questions today. My question would have been. “Can the minister explain why I am struggling to get my district council to accommodate Anthony Preston a disabled homeless UK citizen who has recently returned from Saudi Arabia, while at the same time my constituency is forced to accommodate 360 illegal channel migrants in 4 star hotels?

[Andrew Bridgen MP]

If only…

Europe will have nothing to defend itself with, in case it is dragged into a hypothetical conflict, retired Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of Belgium Mark Thies said, reports the German “Mercury”.

” After a few hours we would have to throw stones. We are already in trouble. Be sure that our opponents, regardless of whether they are in Moscow, Beijing or anywhere else in the world, know about our lack of ammunition, ” Tees said.

According to his opinion, the main problem of the EU is small stocks, which consist of high-quality ammunition, and the process of replacing them and filling the warehouse is a difficult task that requires a lot of time. ” If you order them today, they may take up to seven years to deliver ,” he believes.”

The other problem, not mentioned, and never mentioned by System msm outlets, is that, if things continue for much longer as they have been in European societies, there will be nothing to defend anyway. Nothing worthwhile, at least.

Incidentally, it seems rather amusing to hear a Belgian, of all possible European nationalities, talk about fighting a war.

Belgium has frequently provided the battlefields (in the various 18thC wars, then at Waterloo, at Ypres, in the Ardennes in 1940, and the Ardennes again in the Battle of the Bulge of 1944) but Belgian arms have rarely been distinguished in battle. Belgium is, of course, a very small country, hard to defend: 11,000 square miles, not very much larger than Wales, or Israel, or New Jersey (all around 8,000 square miles).

The link, again, to the crowdfunder set up so that Sam Melia’s wife, Laura Towler, and children (one as yet unborn) will not be pushed into poverty or even destitution by reason of the truly unjust and harsh sentence passed upon Melia last Friday: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Goodwin again boosting Reform UK. For me, Reform UK is just “controlled opposition”, a kind of pseudo-national, “conservative nationalist” facade-party. Not the real social-national party Britain needs.

Having said that, I hope that Reform UK does get plenty of votes at GE 2024, and so helps to stamp on the Conservative Party, even if helping the now-equally-evil Labour Party into “elected dictatorship”; and that a Con Party collapse will in turn help in breaking up the “two main parties” scam that still bamboozles many people.

Good riddance.

Seems that Macron has received his latest orders…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

They know that the Kiev regime is a lost cause.

New film title— Gone Guy?

Once more they cannot resist mocking the powerless women and children they have rendered homeless and starving. An evil pack.

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 February 2024

Morning music

A composer new to me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Skempton.

Tweets seen

Like so many types associated with the present-day Conservative Party, it is uncertain whether Houchen was (or is) corrupt, or whether he was (or is) simply incompetent and stupid. Maybe a blend of both. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Houchen,_Baron_Houchen_of_High_Leven

I once heard Ben Houchen on the radio. Quite impressive. In fact, more so than most “dirty democratic politicians“, as Hitler termed them. However, I have found in my life that, usually, the most impressive-seeming people are “all hat and no cattle“, in the Texan phrase.

I think that I must pen, sometime, a little monograph, in the manner of Sherlock Holmes, but not about types of cigar ash; about impressive-seeming people and how few of them achieve greatness or even adequacy.

[“Boris” Johnson with other Jews and part-Jews, including the notorious —now deceased— paedophile MP, Greville Janner (at right), distributing chocolate coins to Jewish children after dark]

Russian President Vladimir Putin, during an interview with American journalist Tucker Carlson , the recording of which was published on the TCN (Tucker Carlson Network) website on February 9, said that Ukraine is an artificially created republic that appeared in 1922 during the formation of the USSR.

When forming the Soviet Union – this is already 1922 – the Bolsheviks began to form the USSR and created a Soviet Ukraine, which did not exist until now. At the same time, [Joseph] Stalin insisted that these republics that were being formed should be included as autonomous entities,” Putin said.

Russia wants to achieve a settlement in Ukraine through negotiations, the Russian leader said in an interview. He expressed confidence that both countries “sooner or later” will be able to reach an agreement. Putin said Ukraine refused to negotiate with Russia “on instructions from Washington,” adding that the decision was wrong and must now be corrected.

Putin said that Russia has not yet achieved its goals in Ukraine.

The West has already come to an understanding that it is impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia; it will fight for its interests to the end. Vladimir Putin told American journalist Tucker Carlson about this.

Putin: The West fears a strong China more than a strong Russia because there are 150 million people in Russia, and one and a half billion in China, and the Chinese economy is developing by leaps and bounds – more than five percent a year, it was even more. But this is enough for China. Bismarck once said: the main thing is potentials. China’s potential is colossal; it is the first economy in the world today in terms of purchasing power parity and economic volume. They have already overtaken the United States for quite some time, and the pace is growing.

Russia is not interested in a war with Poland, Latvia or another country ; Moscow may consider sending troops in the event of an attack, Putin said. He emphasized that getting involved in a “global war” does not meet common sense.

All of those points can be found on this blog, in posts published over the past 2+ years.

There has not been such devastation, and deliberate devastation, since the Second World War.

I can think of a suitable cartoon to accompany that, but according to the police and CPS, and (after my recent magistrates’ court conviction) the Bench, that particular cartoon is both “antisemitic” and “grossly offensive” (because it is said to imply that Jews control the Press in the USA, UK etc), so I had better not publish it again…

Ukraine under the Jew Zelensky is a failed state, a fake state, and a gangster state, a brutal, shambolic and corrupt dictatorship.

What about the Jewish lobby fifth column embedded at the heart of government in the USA (and UK)?

I might find it hilarious that the USA is now at least notionally ruled by a demented old fellow who can scarcely remember his own name or what day of the week it is, were it not for the danger that his actions might trigger a nuclear war.

Laugh of the day

Saw a Twitter/X account from a young woman (I think) whose profile starts with “Inspiring writer” (presumably she means “Aspiring writer“). She (?) has a steep hill to climb, I think…

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It is literally a prison planet.” Former Blackrock portfolio manager, Ed Dowd, explains why every last remnant of human freedom depends on widespread rejection of CBDC. “Once the central bank digital currency is linked to all your credit cards and bank accounts, then social controls can be implemented. If you’re a dissenter like me, talking about truth, they shut you down.

Democracies“? Ha ha…

It was yesterday, but I thought it worthwhile to repost that.

It’s “panicdemic“, and/or “scamdemic“…

Good man” is debatable. After all, “no-one can rule guiltlessly” [Saint-Just], but Putin is certainly at least as good a man as those opposing him, both here and in Russia itself.

People usually want things to be black-and-white, simple. Not everything is black-and-white. Look at modern history. There were people, some people, in the SS and even, rather later, in the KGB and GRU, who meant well, were relatively honourable, and who might be described in the superficial sense as “good” people, and there were those in the USA and UK, and also in the internal opposition(s) to both National Socialist and Soviet socialist rule, who were rather “bad” people.

If life is a chess game, it is often “three-dimensional chess”.

Wall. Squad. End.

It seems to me —as far as I have read etc— that Israel is now quite centralized on Tel Aviv and its region, though the Jerusalem area has as many or more inhabitants. The economy is centred on that region. The Israeli state can absorb a certain amount of conflict in border areas (Gaza, the Golan Heights and Northern Israel, even the West Bank), so long as the central belt around Tel Aviv is still functioning.

The increasing capabilities of Hezbollah, especially what seems to be their fast-upgraded missile programme, threaten Tel Aviv and the surrounding region. The Israeli ruling circles are therefore probably contemplating a massive attack on southern Lebanon to destroy the Hezbollah infrastructure before missiles of real power rain down on Tel Aviv.

The Israelis are willing to take a hit in terms of international perception of Israel, a public relations hit, and also an economic hit, so long as that Hezbollah infrastructure can be at least badly damaged.

Were Hezbollah or other powers able to heavily damage Tel Aviv itself, the Israeli economy would tank, and the exodus (?) of dual-passport Jews from Israel —30,000+ since October 2023— would become a flood.

[a major interchange in Tel Aviv]
[general view of Tel Aviv]
[Diamond Exchange District, Ramat Gan, a few miles east of Tel Aviv]

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 November 2023

Morning music

Battles past

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Not a legitimate Home Secretary but yet another horrible mongrel elevated with little merit to a high political position in our country.

Israeli propaganda“. Quite. Jewish broadcaster Emily Maitlis, having now left the BBC, is free to blast out Israeli propaganda. In fact, I notice that Jewish-lobby or Israel-lobby mouthpieces are everywhere today on the TV, radio, social media. Emily Maitlis, Michael Portillo, even “Tommy Robinson”.

Looks like it has been co-ordinated to some degree. Even not-famous Jews are tweeting the same sort of stuff. Such as? Oh, “getting bombed is your fault if you are a small child in Gaza, because either your family knows someone who supports Hamas, or because you might grow up to be anti-Israel” etc. Or, “the people of Gaza are not poor because the Israelis control most of the utilities, and prevent much economic activity, and also exploit Palestinian day-labourers by chiselling their low pay, but because of Hamas”. And so on.

Britain is, in its own way, almost as “occupied”…

Incidentally, Portillo has discarded for a day his popular and pleasant railway monologue character, and reverted to the old harsh persona many will remember from the 1990s, when he thought himself quite likely to become Prime Minister one day.

Town planning thoughts

Since the recent contretemps began, and in fact for long before that, I have been struck by the quite pleasant layout of many of the newer Israeli towns and settlements. Wide main streets, plenty of green spaces and trees, an absence of litter. What a contrast to Gaza!

Of course, part of that is by reason of the “apartheid“-style socio-economic situation in Israel/Palestine, and parallels South Africa in the pre-ANC days. That, however, is not the whole truth. I have seen some of the cities and towns in the Middle East, particularly in Egypt, and some look not much different to Gaza.

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Well of course the proper purpose of NATO, the “parrying” of Soviet expansionism, disappeared along with the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, over 30 years ago. Now, it is basically the battering-ram for the New World Order (NWO) conspiracy.

The Israeli Jews have been carrying out atrocities of that sort for a long time; decades. Do they really think that they can do so endlessly, without any retribution? Look at the past month or so, compared to what was open to the Palestinian Arabs in the 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, or even much of the past 20 years. There has been a step-change.

Yes, Israel’s power is still dominant in the region, and especially over that of the Palestinian Arabs, but for how long?


I predicted throughout that Russia could not lose, strategically. I also predicted that the Kiev-regime counter-offensive would get nowhere. The “experts” said the opposite. They were wrong.

I have just seen a brief piece by Frank Gardner on ITV News. “Ukraine is in real trouble“, he now admits.

Still, Frank Gardner has an interesting background…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Gardner_(journalist).

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…but the Jews, both in Israel and in countries such as the UK, still whine that they are “victims”. Always “victims” of (incomprehensible) “antisemitism”…

The Israelis have advanced navigational and targeting aids, so strikes like that are cold-blooded and entirely deliberate. War crimes.

“What goes around comes around” [American saying].

I think that I recall seeing a short film about those Jew thieves. About (?) 20 years ago.

What interests me is the speed of the police response. Of course, no background or context is provided.


Parasites. Meanwhile, British people, including families and ex-soldiers, are sleeping in the streets or in substandard accommodation.

Labour Party drones are rubbish, of course, but the present Government has betrayed everything and everyone (except the Jewish lobby and Israel…). The misnamed “Conservatives” have to be eliminated at the 2024 GE, even at the cost of a Starmer “elected” dictatorship. One thing at a time.

Outright murder. This is not war but callous and indeed deliberate slaughter of the non-combatant population. It is far less merciful than the Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943.


Late tweets

Near Kiev, in the village of Chaiki, Major Gennady Chastyakov, assistant to the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny, died.

Zaluzhny reported that his assistant Chastyakov died on his birthday. “An unknown explosive device went off in one of the gifts,” the commander-in-chief noted, adding that the causes and circumstances of death will be established during the pre-trial investigation. According to preliminary data, the grenade exploded while he was opening the gifts – perhaps the device was in one of them.”

In the UK, the usual cacophany from (mostly Jewish) “human rights” lawyers has fallen silent. I wonder why?

Late music

Diary Blog, 21 October 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings another win over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 4/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 3, 5, and 9.

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Human beings are so inventive; there are grounds for optimism.

Take away the ricebowl of the Jew Zelensky and his corrupt and brutal cohorts.

Speak the truth and shame the Devil” [old proverb].

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Currently unter Polnischer und Russischer Verwaltung

History is chequered and/or grey, not black and white, usually.


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She is right, and about Elliot Colburn very right (except that his surname is “Colburn” not “Coldburn“). Here he is, the careerist little twit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliot_Colburn. Never really had a job; no profession, either.

Well, his MP-odyssey will soon be at an end. Looking at the election results for his constituency, he will be toast within a year; he will then have to get a real job, if anyone would give him one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carshalton_and_Wallington_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s

Andrew Bridgen is considered very dangerous by the System, because he is an MP, not someone opining on Twitter/X or Facebook. The System will be doing everything possible to have him removed as MP and replaced in 2024 by a Con Party or Lab Party drone who will make the “expected” noises. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Bridgen.

Looking at Bridgen’s constituency, it was Labour from 1997 until Bridgen was elected in 2010. His vote-share has increased steadily since then, and in 2019 was 62.8%: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_West_Leicestershire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Looking also at the present political climate, and the great unpopularity of the present government, it may be that Bridgen has as much chance as a “Reclaim Party” candidate as he would have had as a “Conservative” Party one.

Reclaim Party is a dead duck, in my opinion, but Bridgen has a high public profile, and it is just about possible that, if the Conservative Party vote in the constituency collapses, or reduces by 40%-50%, and if the Labour Party vote only increases slightly, that Bridgen might just manage to come through the middle and win by a short head. A long-shot, but just about possible.

All part of an overarching “agenda” (conspiracy).

I do not disagree on some of what Goodwin often expresses, but anyone who doormats for Israel and the Jewish lobby (as Goodwin does in that discussion, and in some of his tweets) cannot be respected by me…

Looks hopeful, as far as it goes…

I agree, in outline, with that tweet by Goodwin.

I would normally agree with that, but can think of a couple of advantages all the same. Hm, think that I shall lie doggo on that question.

About 25% (mostly over 70s).

Brits asked: “Which side in the Israeli‑Palestinian conflict do you sympathize with more?”

All Brits: Israel 21% Palestine 17% Both equally 29% Dont know 33%

Labour voters: Israel 9% Palestine 27% Both 35%

Conservatives Israel 39% Palestine 6% Both 27%

18-24 yr olds Israel 11% Palestine 39% Both 16%

Pensioners Israel 37% Palestine 11% Both 36%.”

There should be an MPs’ section (result would be “Israel 90%, Palestine 10%“, looking at how many are either bribed or intimidated by the Jew-Zionist lobby).

The true face of Zionism?

Those American (mainly) Jew settlers or colonists are far worse even than the old-style or “Sabra” Israelis.

I blogged years ago about an experience I had when in Egypt in early 1998: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/02/02/the-jews-i-met-at-an-oasis/.

[part of Siwa oasis, Egypt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwa_Oasis]

Incidentally, and for those interested in slightly picaresque travel tales, another reminiscence about Egypt: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

History corner…

(A little window on history)


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Incredible that, in 2023, a large organization such as Currys is still unaware that “Jack Monroe” is a total fraud and “grifter”. Still, if you have ever been in any of their stores, you can see that Currys is badly-run, and only saved from being hopeless by the skills of some of their staff, who however, are rather poorly-paid (underpaid).

“Jack Monroe” runs dozens if not hundreds of Twitter/X “sock accounts”, most of which are very obvious.

Incredibly, “Jack Monroe ” now has 507 utter mugs sending her between £3.50 and £44 per month via Patreon. Each. At one time she had over 800, but that fell back to below 400 as she was exposed as a fraud. Seems that another 100+ idiots have signed up in the past few months. Truly it is said that… there’s a new mug born every minute…

Late music

Diary Blog, 20 October 2023

Afternoon music

[East Berlin, 1977]
[Germany 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Battles past

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All part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: select non-whites to become MPs, TV presenters, actors in TV shows etc. Many of the political ones are actually outright frauds, like that Festus character. Shaun Bailey is another one, and he now sits in the House of Lords as a fake “lord”, “lording it” over British people.


See my previous comment.

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“Festus” (in Mid-Bedfordsire) too; he kept his job (and pay) as Police and Crime Commissioner, just in case he failed to get elected. Those “PCCs” are the biggest wastes of space around (arguably). Most of them seem to be both stupid and corrupt.

As for Andrew Cooper (in Tamworth), marginally better, but struck me, reading about him, as pretty stupid.

Thoughts about the by-elections in Tamworth and Mid-Bedfordshire

The results:



Obviously, “seismic” for the Conservative Party. I have blogged previously about the by-elections, but will say a little more know that the results are in.

This is surely the end of the road for the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, and his Government. So far, he has said nothing, and is still in the Middle East, having been doormatting for Israel and the Jews for the past few days.

Will Sunak now resign? If not, his party will undoubtedly be wiped out next year. If he does step down now, it may give the Con Party a slight chance of at least limiting the damage. That would depend, though, on finding a replacement at least superficially credible.

In my view, neither of the Labour victories yesterday were really votes for Labour as such; they were votes for Labour as the best way of defeating the candidate of the “Conservative” Party.

In Tamworth, the rather poor Con Party candidate still received 40.7% of the vote (Lab 45.8%). In Mid-Bedfordshire, “Festus”, the Con Party candidate, received 31.8% (Lab 34.1%).

Both were fairly close contests, but their importance lies in the fact that both had been considered pretty solid Con Party seats, despite the poor quality of both MPs elected in 2019 and previously.

At present it looks as though the Con Party may be left with about 50 seats after 2024, unless something huge happens in the meantime.

What else? Well, the LibDems performed very badly, especially at Tamworth, where the LD candidate, an Indian barrister, received a vote of only 1.6%.

As far as broadly “nationalist” candidates and parties are concerned, poor in both contests. The barely-nationalist Reform UK, the latest Farage-ist vehicle, scored 5.4% at Tamworth, and 3.7% in Mid-Beds. Underwhelming, looking at the surrounding circumstances.

Reform UK will not get anywhere because it is not social-national. A less globalist Con Party, really. It may even have been set up as a “safety valve” to prevent a social-national party from emerging.

Rump UKIP, and Britain First, both stood at Tamworth. Both lost their deposits.

Conclusion: people generally, even former Con Party voters, want rid of the present Government. The next General Election, sometime in the next 14 months, may be almost existential for the Con Party. 50 MPs, perhaps. That is now a distinct possibility. Unlikely that Con Party will retain more than 100 MPs, even bearing in mind that by-elections are more likely to produce upsets. The turnout in both seats was about half of what it was in 2019.

I detect no real enthusiasm for Labour, though. These two results were both caused by people voting tactically to remove candidates of a party now almost universally despised (and which has been unwilling to face the electorate, despite having selected 2 new PMs, for 4 years).

The “Conservative” Party MPs are saying that it will all be different at the 2024 General Election. Really? Why? Why should it be? I think, on present evidence, that the result will be much the same as yesterday, though with a slight adjustment in the Con Party favour, by reason of higher turnout and because some may have reservations about creating a Labour “elected dictatorship”.

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[SS-men are sworn-in in Munich]

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As every day passes, the weight of karmic sin of the Israelis —and those supporting them— increases.

Need one ask why they fight?

He will probably get his comeuppance in the end.

Starmer is just a puppet, a mouthpiece for Israel and the UK/American Jewish lobby.

Late tweets

Incidentally, I happened to notice that some idiot (presumably, some Jew or other, going by the pseudonym @joel_a_t) is claiming that I am back on Twitter/”X” as the account above, @RealBlackIrish. Not so, though RealBlackIrish is certainly usually worth reading.

I myself have not posted on Twitter/”X” since a pack of Jews finally managed (via concerted complaint etc) to get my account removed, in 2018.


Remarkable overall, especially bearing in mind the Jew-Zionist stranglehold over the American mass media.

(That should read “October 17“, I think).

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 October 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Worth reading.

Tweets seen

Brilliant, and very true.

The Conservative Party Conference 2023. Hard to believe, for anyone who remembers the same convention in the 1970s, 1980s, even 1990s.

Do they support those areas having high fences around them?…

Out of 5 or 6 polling organizations, the highest Labour mark at present is 47%, the lowest 43%; the highest Con mark is 30%, the lowest 24%. LibDems are in the 9%-13% area.

Those figures could give a Labour Party majority of anywhere between 120 and 322 seats, according to Electoral Calculus: see https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

One usually expects a narrowing of the polls prior to a General Election, and there is still maybe as long as 14 months to go before the 2024 General Election, but there is no sign of Con Party revival so far. In fact, the empty conference hall at Manchester is symbolic of what is happening in the country. Even dyed-in-the-wool Conservative voters are deserting, I believe. They are not going to Labour, most of them, but are either going to protest-vote via Reform Party or the LibDems, or simply abstain.

As for Con Party MPs, many are deserting the sinking ship. There is no unity. Even Suella Braverman’s attempt to capture the populist vote has foundered. Useless former Home Secretary (and Israeli agent of influence) Priti Patel has criticized Suella Braverman, as has the Indian money-juggler himself (Sunak).

At the moment, it looks as if Labour will win a huge victory by default. That might change, but how?

Traitors to Europe’s future dance with enemy invaders. I know what I would do to them.

…and see how many passers-by ignore the degeneracy. Brainwashed. Supine.

There was once a time when being diagnosed with type 1 diabetes was a death sentence. The ancient Egyptians first described the disease more than 3,000 years ago. During the many centuries that followed, parents would helplessly watch as their diabetic children slipped into comas and died.

By the 18th century, doctors discovered that a heavily modified diet could slow the disease. Many children were placed on starvation diets with limited carbs, which helped prolong their lives. However, such treatments were not very effective, and some children even starved to death. Fast forward to 1922, when a group of scientists went to the Toronto General Hospital, where diabetic children were kept in wards, often 50 or more at a time. Most of them were comatose and dying from diabetes. These children were in their deathbeds.

The scientists moved swiftly and proceeded to inject each of them with a new purified extract of insulin that they were able to successfully isolate. As they began to inject the last comatose child, the first one that was injected began to wake up. Soon, all the children in the room began to wake up—one by one!

The scientists responsible for saving the children’s lives were Frederick Banting and Charles Best. They both agreed that it would be unethical to profit from a discovery that could potentially save millions of lives. They sold the insulin patent to the University of Toronto for $1. “Insulin belongs to the world, not me,” said Banting.

Not only talented but also extremely altruistic.

I have to admit that, were I in their position, I might have kept the patent for my lifetime, and used the proceeds for my own humanitarian and conservation projects. They decided otherwise, as did another brilliant person, Tim Berners-Lee, the main force behind the World Wide Web.

HS2 should never have been approved. There were and are so many better uses for funding on that scale, even within the transport sector itself.

If not confronted at sea, they will have to be confronted later on land, in Rome, Berlin, Paris, Brussels, Stockholm, or London.

Basic Income will have to come, sooner or later.

“Ukraine” of the Kiev regime has long been a “failed state”; now it is not really a state at all.

Russia cannot lose this war, strategically.

The same or a similar social crisis as across Eurasia. The Japanese and others (including the UK) need to put in place social programmes to ensure that suitable young women reproduce (while the State reduces, steadily, immigrant infiltration). #Lebensborn.

Ben Wallace, a washed-up one-time Guards officer (whose highest rank was Captain), and who is now politically washed-up as well (he ceases to be an MP soon, before the next General Election in 2024) has nothing to add of value.

If the police, prosecutors, and courts behave like enemies, then they are enemies.

I say the same (“very or fairly bad”) about all of those categories, except the buses and the fire service, where I should have to answer “don’t know“.

Late tweets seen

Slightly simplistic but more true than untrue, in black and white terms.

Bridgen scored 62.8% in North West Leicestershire in 2019. How much of that was “Conservative party” label, and how much personal support is an open question which will be tested next year. He may be lucky, looking at the dwindling support for the Con Party.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/10/14/diary-blog-14-october-2021/

In any case, the minister’s very silly idea seems to assume that shoplifters are all very obvious in their behaviour. Seems unlikely. Also, are members of the public likely to want to protect the inflated profits of Tesco etc?

Late music

[Jardin des Plantes, Paris rive gauche, in winter]

Diary Blog, 8 September 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Well, well. So BBC/NWO/ZOG mouthpiece Marianna Spring falsified her background in order to get a job. Who would have thought it? What other lies has she put about?


Sanna Marin is another one of the puppets of the transnational conspiracy. Just like Justin Trudeau. Just like Jacinda Ardern. Many others too.


More “climate change” lies.


Terrible. Britain in 2023.


Not someone I knew personally, though he was pointed out to me at Harrow Crown Court in 1992, he having become briefly notorious by reason of his apparently tangled sex life. An MP and barrister.

The Guardian obit is rather poor, and the Wikipedia entry too. Neither says much about the scandals that were part of the reasons why Bermingham’s political career ground to a halt. Also, the Guardian says that his second wife, married in 1978, was a senior lawyer with the CPS. Perhaps later, but not in 1978; the CPS was only established in 1986.

Oddly enough, one of my first wife’s colleagues, an American girl, told me, at a baseball game at the old (now-demolished) Veterans’ Stadium in Philadelphia, that she had done an internship with Gerry Bermingham at Westminster. That baseball game must also have been in 1992, or maybe 1991.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Bermingham. Bermingham started out as a solicitor, but later converted to the Bar.


Interesting. I have now again updated my very popular blog post from 2019, which was an assessment of Rory Stewart, and which has been occasionally updated, to include this new information: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/

Tweets seen

I wonder how much of the American taxpayers money has been stolen. Still, wasted either way, I suppose…

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More tweets seen

…and, incredibly, as of today there are 365 utter mugs still paying out £3.50-£44 each, monthly, via the Patreon website, to the “grifter”/fraudster who calls herself “Jack Monroe”.

A very good cause.

Another very good cause.

[Vauxhall City Farm]

It would help if msm outlets such as the BBC, Sky News etc stopped their one-sided pro-“Ukraine” (Kiev regime) propaganda and actually tried to report accurately on the conflict.

No wonder that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men, and now also women, are desperately trying to avoid being conscripted.

I was stopped by a man just outside Parliament yesterday evening. He introduced himself as a civil servant. He told me to ‘keep doing what you are doing, everyone knows it’s the truth. The establishment are very worried because they know what’s coming down the track for them!’ This is not the first civil servant to say this to me in private . They all know the truth and they all know it has to be exposed.

The Westminster monkeyhouse…

The BBC found a well-paid niche for a young woman unafraid of making up lies to look like the truth— Marianna Spring.

I wonder what is the real or full provenance of Marianna Spring.

Late tweets seen

The out-of-control “woke” police of the state of Victoria, Australia, arresting a girl who refused to wear a mask-muzzle during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic of a couple of years ago.

Late music

[Red Army T-34 tank, Crimea, 1943]

Diary Blog, 16 July 2023, including thoughts about Neil Oliver, Andrew Bridgen , and a hostile GP

Morning music

Battles past

Neil Oliver

I noticed that a Twitter lynch-mob has been attacking dissident broadcaster Neil Oliver over the past day or two after he had a dialogue with a doctor who disagreed with him on one or two issues. The Twitter mob have been trashing Oliver not only about the medical questions which were the subject of the show (on, apparently, GB News) but also Oliver’s whole past history, his TV shows on archaeology, his views in general, the way he looks, speaks etc.

Many of the Twitter mob claimed (and at time of writing, are still claiming) that the doctor in question completely defeated Oliver. Also, that Oliver (and MP Andrew Bridgen) had no right to speak because said doctor is a doctor, and so of course (?) knew more than they do.

Well, is that last so? I did not watch the discussion (in fact I have never seen GB News and am unsure whether my TV can even receive its broadcasts) but the said doctor is, as I understand it, an ordinary GP, not a specialist in vaccines or, indeed, viruses.

What interests me is how there is this superficially huge number of persons on Twitter (though probably not even a tenth of 1% of the general population) who are willing to join in with others of their sort to create a Twitterstorm which, in terms of real effects in the real world, makes not a ripple in society or the body politic.

The sheer hatred of their vituperative tweets is incredible. These are, more or less, the “anti-racists”, and/or those who mostly believe every last (and latest, and unexamined) detail of the Jew-Zionist so-called “holocaust” farrago, and who “support” (by having little Ukrainian flags on their Twitter profile) “Ukraine” (the regime in Kiev). Most probably support such as the “Black Lives Matter” nonsense, no doubt echo “refugees welcome” slogans (and so what if most of the migrant invaders are in reality not “refugees”), and prefer not to think of the impact of the invading hordes on British health services, housing, social cohesion, crime and, down the line, pay and conditions of employment. Oh, no, that’s for “the Government” to worry about.

I would be prepared to bet that pretty much the same bloc of Twitter posters support the “trans” nonsense, are “anti-Tory” (while —most of them— somehow believing that Labour-label under Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer will be far better), and that almost all of them will identify with Remain/Rejoin and, of course, “FBPE”.

The Twit-mob lynch-mob of today is a contemporary version of the Stalinist or Orwellian “daily hate”. Examples seen today on Twitter:

Work in a charity bookshop and it’s very noticeable that we can’t give Neil Oliver history books away. They used to be steady sellers. Same for Starkey and Johnson. History book buyers avoiding like the plague and GBNews viewers can’t read.

If there was ever going to be a Scottish UnaBomber it would be Neil Oliver.

Neil Oliver was always a biased clown, even on his “history” programs – now he’s just plain lost his mind.

“No need to present evidence to dismiss the crazy claims of Neil Oliver and fellow loonies.”

There are hundreds of tweets like that, all from people who think that they know things, and they think that they “know” purely because they believe, by default, various System and msm sources.

They cannot bear even seeing a dissident opinion.

Opinion polls in the UK seem to be showing that censorship, “no-platforming”, “cancelling” etc are becoming more popular, especially among the young.

As far as I am concerned, if people are becoming more and more like easily-corralled sheep, then such people are not worth having in our society, and read that how you like.

Tweets seen

Is that true, or just jingoistic hot air? I have no idea.

I am unsure at present whether there are being concentrated Russian forces in Belarus with the aim of launching an offensive south, toward Kiev, or whether those forces are there to keep Kiev-regime forces tied down on or near the Ukraine-Belarus border, so as to prevent the deployment of the Kiev-regime forces to the southeast regions, notably Donetsk and Lugansk, where most of the active combat is happening.

Russia is obviously not short of trucks, which is interesting.

Another Kiev-regime press-gang. They have few volunteers now, and are running out of cannon-fodder.

Britain should be politely distant with China, friendly with Russia, and hostile only to (((you know who))) and other untermenschen…

There is no “after this conflict“. Either Russia effectively “wins” the conflict (whether by negotiation or in the field), or the whole thing turns into a general Eastern European and Central European war between Russia and NATO, which might or might not go nuclear.

Whatever or whichever, there will be few more UK troops in Ukraine. In any case, the British Army is almost non-existent now in terms of major field presence. Take away the office bods, clerks, rear-echelon elements, and the whole brass-hat staff officer element (etc, meaning all non-combatant units), and I doubt that the UK could field, overseas, more than about 20,000 active troops, at most.

Who cares what Ben Wallace says, anyway? His military service consisted of 7 years in the Scots Guards (1991-1998), during which he attained the modest rank of captain. His subsequent pronouncements have been mostly idiotic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Wallace_(politician).

Incidentally, we need not take his decision to stand down as MP at the next general election (presumably in 2024) as having been prompted by anything based on principle.

Wallace’s Commons seat, Wyre and Preston North, is set to be abolished via boundary changes, so were Wallace to wish to stay in the Commons, he would have to find another seat quite soon, almost impossible in view of the expected Conservative Party mass wipeout at the (2024?) general election.

I suppose that Wallace will now be looking for some well-paid business sinecure, combined with a nice £350-taxfree-per-day House of Lords peerage in Sunak’s resignation honours list.

That’s 282 mph…

Puppet on a chain…

Late tweets

The Zelensky cabal counting their chickens before they are hatched.

No reaction so far from the usual Western “human rights” parasites about the plan to expel 800,000 Russians from their homes in Crimea, something akin to the deportations carried out by Stalin or (to a far lesser extent) Hitler.

In fact, the Kiev regime is engaged in “pie-in-the-sky” politics. Putin and the Russian Government (and people) will never allow the Kiev regime to annex Crimea again. If there were any real danger of that, the Russian forces would use tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield and, if that were not enough to stop any annexation, a strategic nuclear missile or two on Kiev itself. In that event, “goodbye Zelensky” or at least his corrupt and brutal government.

A Spy Among Friends

Watched about 10 mins of the new TV spy drama, A Spy Among Friends. Had I known that it was about Philby, I should probably not have bothered. I do not have a lot of time for the so-called “master spy” whose reputation was and still is the most inflated since Mata Hari. No need to go into all that now, though.

I am rather impatient with films and TV dramas. If they bore or irritate me in the first 10-15 mins, I rarely watch on. In this case, there were invented scenes, which may have been inevitable, but some of them lacked any credibility. For example, there was a West Indian involved in the first few minutes, highly unlikely in 1963. Also, the show pushed, in those opening minutes, the buttons of all the known cliches about Philby— cricket, booze, womanizing etc.

It is true that Philby, had he become Chief of SIS, would have been a “master spy” or “legendary agent” (“legendary” in more ways than one). Not because (or primarily because) he would have been able to give the KGB secrets at all levels, but mainly because he would have been in a position to cripple SIS strategically, structurally; even more important, he would also have been in a position to deliberately mis-advise the Prime Minister and other ministers, and to point them in the wrong direction strategically.

It never happened. Philby was found by General Kalugin to be living in a permanently intoxicated state in his apartment in Gorky Street (now once again Tverskaya Street). Kalugin, and Philby’s last wife, Rufina, sobered him up somewhat, and Kalugin gave him mentoring work to do.

I myself was slightly acquainted in the early 1990s with a former KGB officer (turned businessman) called “Ed” (Edvard, from the Baltic regions or pribaltika), who told me at lunch in Hall at Lincoln’s Inn in 1994 (I think) that he had once heard a lecture by Philby at the Lubyanka. That lecture must have been late 1970s, or maybe early 1980s.

Though Philby claimed publicly in January 1988 that he did not regret his decisions and that he missed nothing about England except some friends, Colman’s mustard and Lea & PerrinsWorcestershire sauce,[84] his wife Rufina Ivanovna Pukhova later described Philby as “disappointed in many ways” by what he found in Moscow. “He saw people suffering too much,” but he consoled himself by arguing that “the ideals were right but the way they were carried out was wrong. The fault lay with the people in charge.”[85] Pukhova said, “he was struck by disappointment, brought to tears. He said, ‘Why do old people live so badly here? After all, they won the war.'”[86] Philby drank heavily and suffered from loneliness and depression; according to Rufina, he had attempted suicide by slashing his wrists some time in the 1960s.”


Assuming that the above is accurate, Philby’s only very superficial understanding of politics, geopolitics, history, and economics is almost too obvious.

Even were A Spy Among Friends better than my first impressions, I would probably not bother with it, because at root, Philby just does not much interest me.

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 July 2023

Morning music

[Pushkin Museum, Moscow]

Battles past

From the newspapers


As a child aged just nine, I endured the longest and most terrifying night of my life, fleeing with my family from our home.

Nearly 70 years later, every detail of that escape is still burned into my memory. All my life I have had the deepest sympathy for fellow refugees: those who leave behind everything they own and everyone they know to reach safety.

It was at the beginning of winter in 1956 that the Furedi family fled Hungary. My father was one of the leaders of the workers’ councils in Budapest organising resistance to Soviet Union control. That culminated in an uprising, which was mercilessly crushed by Red Army tanks and troops.

Many of these peers inhabit a fantasy world. The soaring numbers of illegal migrants entering Britain don’t lose them any sleep at night. In their ermined world, any attempt to find a practical solution to the problem is dismissed as ‘isolationist’, ‘morally unacceptable’ and ‘impractical’.

The BBC is equally detached from reality.

As a university sociologist, listening to the whining in the Lords, I cannot help but draw the conclusion that the very existence of this narcissistic, unelected, unaccountable chamber is a political corruption of democracy.

[Daily Mail]

Completely correct.

One of the worst abusers of the House of Lords system is “Lord” Alf Dubs, a half-Jew whose (Jewish) father fled from Prague in 1938, leaving behind his (Austrian) wife and his son (they arrived in London a year later).

Alf Dubs, Labour MP for 8 years before later joining the misnamed “Lords”, was (maybe still is) a cheeky freeloader and expenses cheat (by any other name):

Dubs lists his main home as a cottage in the Lake District in Cumbria, which enabled him to claim over £26,000 of overnight subsistence expenses in 2007–08,[15][16] although he has lived in Notting Hill, London, since 1964. In May 2009, he argued in justification that Lords regard the overnight allowance as a payment in lieu of salary. “We are the only legislators in the world that don’t get paid,” he said. “The overnight thing is quite generous because it compensates for not having a salary. In practice that’s how it works.


That was 15+ years ago. I wonder how much the old fraud drags down these days while trying to import as many migrant-invaders as possible to batten upon the British people who, generously but wrongheadedly, gave him and his parents refuge in 1938 and 1939?

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alf_Dubs,_Baron_Dubs.

Also, how many other such cuckoos in the nest are there?


TV supremo Simon Cowell has sold his £45 million mansion in Holland Park and quit London, after living in the capital for most of his life.

Cowell, 63, has told friends that he no longer feels safe in Central London and quietly sold his house, with the deal being completed a few days ago.”

[Daily Mail].

A straw in the wind. London is now not worth living in, even for those with great wealth.


A 98-YEAR-OLD war veteran who is battling cancer has been evicted from his bungalow and is now homeless.

Alfred Guenigault, who served in World War Two as a paratrooper, was issued with a no-fault eviction notice two months ago by the landlord of the Ferndown bungalow he has lived in for the past seven years. 

He is now living in St Gabriels hostel in Verwood with his daughter Deb Dean and her husband Bert and says he feels “terrible” about the situation..

The great-grandfather-of-six-fears he will not be able to see his grandchildren from his new residence.

The family was forced to pack up their belongings and leave Ferndown on Thursday afternoon.

They turned to the council for help, which told them to go to First Point, a Dorset-based support service.

Deb said: “They were amazing and helped us so much with the forms and explaining things and told us we were eligible for a bungalow. 

“They said there is a duty to house us temporarily, which we understand, but we didn’t think it would be in a hostel.” 

Deb said the one room provided for them is empty, with no beds, apart from one provided by the hospital for the veteran, and has a shared kitchen and bathroom.

He also won’t be able to see any of his church friends who come over to see him or the vicar as well; his life is here in Ferndown.

Deb, a pensioner herself, lives with her father as his full-time carer while he battles cancer and severe kidney disease and said the situation is “very unfair” on her dad in his final years.

She added: “Dad has his carers in three to four times a day and I have to be with him 24 hours a day but because I recently became a pensioner, they have stopped my carer’s allowance which is about £700. 

We are told we will be in a hostel for six to eight months and it’s very unfair on him.

My concern is that in six months, he may not even be here anymore.”

Mr Guenigault, who has been awarded the National Order of the Legion of Honour by the French government, said: “None of my grandchildren will be able to stay in the hostel. I feel terrible, but mostly for Deb. 

I also have to change my doctor, who is brilliant, as it is outside the area, but I don’t want to do that.” 

A spokesman for Dorset Council said the authority will work with the family to find suitable accommodation in “as short a timescale as possible” but that they “need to be realistic about what is achievable in the current climate”.

“The council takes the Military Covenant very seriously and has a former veteran working within the team so really do appreciate the sacrifice our veterans make.”

[Bournemouth Echo].

Britain 2023…

Several points come to mind.

First of all, the sheer injustice of the whole “no fault eviction” laws. I know that such “no-fault evictions” are going to be banned [see https://www.blandy.co.uk/about/news-and-insights/insights/the-end-of-no-fault-evictions-what-does-this-mean-for-landlords-and-tenants] but that new law has yet to be passed.

Secondly, that landlord (a buy-to-let parasite?) is a prime subject for “naming and shaming”, if there ever was one.

Thirdly, how unjust that the old man’s daughter is now deprived of her Carer’s Allowance just because she has now become eligible for a slightly higher weekly amount by way of State Pension.

Fourthly, there would at least be decent alternative accommodation available for people like this were Britain not flooded with millions of black and brown migrant-invaders and other immigrants (“other” including about 150,000 bloody Ukrainians alone since last year).

Lastly, note the meaningless weaselling by the local council about the “Military Covenant” brought in by the government of David Cameron-Levita. Just lip-service. Useless.

At some point, Britain will explode, one way or another. This whole situation is unsustainable, and insupportable.

A final thought on this: is there no ex-members’ welfare organization attached to the Parachute Regiment that might help?

Tweets seen

The BBC is an in-club, where conformity rules. They all support or believe in “Ukraine” (the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev), “climate change” (via “emissions”) and the “necessity” for the UK to become much poorer (by going “net-zero”), “Black Lives Matter” or similar, “Covid” and all the stupid or crazy “measures taken”, the EU as something wonderful, the supposed “duty” to import, feed, and house millions of fake “refugees”, and of course the “holocaust” farrago in all details accepted by the Jewish lobby…

Press-gangs at work, but the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder.

More music

More from the newspapers


An environmental charity is bidding to create an “M25 for nature” that would encircle London in woodland, hedgerows and street trees to boost biodiversity, carbon capture and wellbeing.

The countryside charity CPRE London hopes to weave together existing areas of green belt in the city’s 18 outer boroughs to create an uninterrupted ring of trees around the capital.

[The Guardian]

Not all news is bad.

More tweets

Local/personal/individual before either “grifters” such as “Jack Monroe”, “Supertanskiii” etc, and also before the sort of big charities where chancers such as, at least in the past, sex pest Brendan Cox (the widower of assassinated MP, Jo Cox) get a couple of hundred thousand a year as “executives”.

Of the well-known charities, Cats Protection is a good one, usually (the local branches are run semi-autonomously, I believe). The Cats Protection branch near Exeter was, probably still is, very good.

Also, GoFundMe has numerous appeals from UK, USA etc, mostly very genuine.

Late thought

Watched a couple of episodes of the detective series, Vera. As previously, very well put together, but why oh why is every second major character a black? In the North East of England, where there are relatively few non-whites. This “blacks with everything” agenda is now more than tiresome.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

Late tweets

Tucker Carlson: “Sorry, sir, but are you sad that the Ukrainians don’t have enough American tanks? Every city in the United States has gotten a lot worse over the past few years. Go and tour the cities yourself and you will see that not a single city in our country has improved, the economy is in decline, suicides are on the rise, our streets are full of filth, and yet you only think of Ukraine? That country that most Americans can’t even locate on a map!

Mike Pence: “All of the things you mentioned don’t worry me.”

Pence’s loyalty is to NWO/ZOG, not the USA and/or the American people.

We are rather close to World War Three, which approaches us rather rapidly…

The Jew-Zionist dictatorship in Kiev…

Surprising that Sunak and Macron are even that high.

Late music