Tag Archives: Boris

Diary Blog, 3 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Police officers quizzed a pensioner in her home on suspicion of a hate crime after she stopped in the street to take a photo of a sticker which said: ‘Keep males out of women-only spaces.’

The sticker had been placed on to a LGBT+ pride poster which had the slogan Stand By Your Trans. Officers told the 73-year-old retired social worker that she had been identified from CCTV footage.

The woman told The Mail on Sunday she was ‘in a state of shock’ when officers arrived at her door. The incident happened in Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire – the setting for BBC crime drama Happy Valley about no-nonsense policewoman Catherine Cawood. It comes after fury over police forces failing to send officers to investigate burglaries and other serious crimes.

West Yorkshire Police said it had recorded the matter as a ‘non-crime hate incident’, adding: ‘Words of advice were given regarding the placing of the sticker, as it was reported to have caused offence.

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and founder of international group Genspect, said: ‘It’s not the job of the police to decide that taking a photo is a hate crime.‘”

[Daily Mail]

The UK’s toytown police once again caught enforcing the emergent “woke” police state.

Note the defiant attitude of the West Yorkshire police box-tickers when challenged, though. A bland refusal to engage.

The West Yorkshire Police seem to have missed the recent comments of both H.M. Inspector of Constabulary and those of the Home Secretary, to the effect that police should start to do their proper job, and stop acting like a poundland KGB (regular readers of the blog will be aware that I have had similar problems with the “plodosphere”…).

Strange. Having yesterday evening, on my birthday, finished the remains of a half-bottle of vintage Tokay, I was just recalling what happened to many of the secret police in Hungary during the Uprising of 1956 (the year of my own birth). It was not pleasant for them…


Wouldn’t you know it? The Jew Shapps whining about how “his family” (ancestors, a century and a half ago) were victims of “antisemitism”. Was that in Ukraine?


If all those people rebelling against the ULEZ nonsense were to cover up their registration numbers, then drive out at the same time or on the same day, the police and ULEZ enforcers would have to admit defeat (cf. Berlin Wall, 1989).


Interesting. However, London has probably never been so well-interconnected as it now is.

I notice that, had those 1940s plans been implemented, even the area north of Reigate (Surrey), where I —intermittently— lived in the late 1970s and early 1980s, would have been within 2-3 miles of the proposed Underground stations of Kingswood and Tadworth, which are now still only on the ordinary railway (Tattenham Corner line).


Britain is now so f***** that it isn’t true…

Britain needs a fixed period of maybe 5-10 years, in which time Parliament must be suspended and this country sorted-out by a social-national dictatorship. Whatever it takes.

A few lines of verse

Still true, 259 years later (I do not think it was a “nursery rhyme“, though).

Tweets seen

I am sure that it is mere co-incidence that “Boris” and Rachel Johnson, Stanley Johnson, and the rest, are part-Jew. It is just that “they” are so often around when societies and nations, and empires, and even whole civilizations, are destroyed, falling into decadence and collapse…

[“Boris” Johnson pretending to pray at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem; his great grandfather was a Jewish rabbi in Lithuania]
[“Boris” Johnson, complete with “yarmulka” skullcap, and in company with the Jew paedophile criminal Greville Janner, and other Jews, gives out sweets to Jewish children]

Eventually, Gates will shuffle off, and hopefully soon, and probably via natural causes (disappointingly).

A few thoughts

Just saw on Sky News that no less than 872 migrant-invader bastards crossed the Channel in small boats yesterday (meaning, mostly, travelled a few miles in small or fairly small boats before being picked up and ferried to Dover by the Border “Farce” and/or RNLI).

So…872 useless and possibly dangerous parasites, likely criminals, possible terrorist sympathisers etc…

Those 872 bastards have to be (meaning, will be) sheltered, housed, clothed, fed, given pocket money in or by English towns and villages, provided with medical and dental services, provided with translators, interpreter, and legal services, at a cost of at least £200 per person per day. Minimum. Probably closer to £500 per person per day.

The “refugees welcome” dimwits are often the same people who complain that services, pay, benefits for (real) British people are being cut. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad

The pro-invasion dimwits cannot see, apparently, the connection between literally millions of invaders (both “legal” and “illegal”) over the past years and decades, and the shortages of housing, NHS services, and the rest. About 10 million migrant-invaders over 30 years (including births in the UK to —mostly non-white— migrants).

I believe that relatively few people can see the horror that awaits Britain only a few short decades down the line. Dystopia and civil war.

More tweets

Billy Bragg, that self-describing “Left” ignoramus and hypocrite.

More music

More tweets

Frankly, that situation makes the UK more secure from nuclear attack, as things stand.

…and it turns out that the person most responsible for allowing it to happen was the snivelling little drunk and cocaine abuser (and expenses fraudster) Michael Gove, another Jewish-lobby puppet. It was a tweet about that little bastard which was one of merely five that resulted in my wrongful and unlawful disbarment (at the instigation of a pack of Jews) in 2016.

As the above tweeter says, though, this does feel somehow symptomatic of the complacent negligence and “where will they go?” casual entitlement (and accompanying casual social brutality to the poor, sick, disabled, unemployed etc) which has characterized politics in this country since 2010.

There is no popular enthusiasm for, nor even any solid support for, the Labour Party under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, but in a basically binary system which excludes other parties, the voters are left with a stale choice. On that basis, this doomed Government is sliding to defeat, surely. What kind or magnitude of defeat, though, is still an open question.

Historical sidelight

In online open-source research into one or two characters, I discovered that there was a serious offer by Japan, sometime in 1944-45, and made to Swedish diplomats, for Japan to stop fighting, and to relinquish not only all territorial gains made since 1940, but even its (post-1931) rulership over parts of northeastern and eastern China: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widar_Bagge.

Had that offer been taken seriously by the UK and USA, it would not only have saved innumerable lives on all sides intra-theatre, but would have rendered the atomic bomb attacks on Japan in 1945 unnecessary.

I can only suppose that the Allied leadership wanted Japan to be crushed, and then remade in the Western image, as indeed it later was, as part of the post-1945 restructuring of the international order.

More from the newspapers


A terrible abuse of bureaucratic power.


Two Jews defrauded customers of the Nationwide Building Society.


Very interesting.

More tweets

The major international players, meaning here the USA and Russia, must row back from this slide toward devastating nuclear conflict.

Jews in Israel deport black troublemakers, but many Jews in Europe encourage blacks and browns to invade, by giving “aid and comfort” to those waiting on the other side of the Channel, for one thing. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

A very long tweet worth reading in full.

Regular readers of this blog will know that my view is that Russia must occupy everywhere east of the Dnieper, the city of Kiev (if agreement to have a condominium cannot be reached) and also, to a depth of perhaps 50 miles and including the city of Odessa, the Black Sea littoral. The rest of Western Ukraine can become a rump state based on Lvov.

Israeli food, some of it anyway, is quite healthy, and is one of the few aspects of their society which might be good to import to this country. Particularly good for health is some salad at breakfast, but it would be a hard task persuading most British people to adopt that.

Obviously, that Israeli breakfast is borrowed, much of it, from surrounding parts of the region; Lebanon and other Arab countries, but it is a pretty good mixture, anyway.

Late tweets seen

Perhaps so; we await more news.

Having said that, and acting as advocatus diaboli, let us suppose that the Kiev regime is speaking the truth for once. Let us suppose that the first line of defence (of, apparently, four) laid down by Russian forces has been breached. Let us suppose, further, that Kiev-regime forces can exploit that breach. Let us even suppose that they can breach all four defensive lines. What then?

The Kiev regime does not have the quantum of armour and infantry to breach all four defensive lines and then go on to take the major towns and cities of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Still less can the depleted Ukrainian Army go further, to invade the vast spaces of European Russia proper (which would anyway be a farcical repeat of the mistakes of both Napoleon and Hitler).

All that can happen, the most that can happen, is for the Ukrainian (Kiev-regime) forces to breach the defensive lines, then somehow hold on and bring up artillery with which to attack the civilian towns and cities in the Donetsk/Lugansk regions held by Russian forces (and now designated by them as part of Russia).

Russia has overwhelming air power, still mostly unused. Then there are its missiles. Soon winter will come to Ukraine, sometime in November, so within 2 months from now. Once the ground is hard, the Russian armour will come into its own.

I had thought that the much-trumpeted “Ukrainian counter-offensive” had already failed. It may be that, in one small southern sector of the overall front, that is not so, and that the Kiev-regime forces are still advancing slowly. Perhaps,; but for how long?

I think that, on the high-command level and above, the Russians are waiting to see what happens politically; in the USA, and in EU states as well. A change of US President may mean a change of attitude, and a change of policy.

If the 2024 US Presidential Election results in a President who continues the open-chequebook support for Zelensky and his cabal, Russia may take the gloves off, and destroy totally the rear areas from where the Ukrainian soldiers and their logistical support come. Kiev etc.

Incidentally, I saw analysis by Sean Bell, ex-RAF Air Vice Marshal, on Sky News. Very pro-Kiev regime, as far as I could judge (or he would probably not be on Sky News…). Cannot say that I much valued his presentation, but time will tell.

Scott Ritter: The only outcome of the war against Russia is the defeat of Ukraine. Kiev was offered a peace agreement a long time ago, but under the influence of its Western partners, it chose war. Now [its] fate is sealed, that is, it is time to surrender and accept reality, said former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter.”

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, at the Berghof]

Diary Blog, 24 March 2023

Morning music

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers



So much for the “cab rank rule” (see the report).

As for the barristers noted particularly in that report— one Jew, one half-Jew. As many now realize, (almost) “every single time“…

Tweets seen

On the other hand, a wise man once observed that one should not throw away one’s crutches until one is sure that one can stand unaided.

Perceptive, from someone as young as that.

On the other hand, do not forget that there is also good in this world, and that, in the Russian proverb, “the world is not without kind people“.

More music

[the River Cam at Cambridge]

More tweets

Ha ha! “I’m lovin’ it!

The whole thing, the “trans nonsense”, has mushroomed from being a situation, or problem, affecting a tiny handful of people, to now being an absurd fad supposedly affecting millions and, also, a way in which the transnational conspiracy can close down free speech in a specific area and generally.

It has become a building block of the “New World Order” [NWO], as can be seen by the way in which trans nonsense propaganda has been used against, inter alia, Russia and Putin.

As for Eddie Izzard, another very negative factor in British society.

All very good, but most people in the UK have nowhere in which to grow their own food, not even a small garden. A half-acre garden is a relative rarity. Still, a worthwhile enquiry.

See also: https://www.growveg.co.uk/guides/growing-enough-food-to-feed-a-family/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victory_garden.

That “Boris” Johnson could become an MP was ridiculous, that he could become a Cabinet minister was almost unbelievable, and that he could become Prime Minister was a disgrace. The whole present Parliamentary system is a bad joke.

As for Nadine Dorries, what can one say? A stupid “ho” with a brain the size of a pea, but not so stupid that she could not tear the **** out of her Parliamentary expenses; she even gave her daughters non-jobs using her expenses: £60,000 a year for one of them alone.

More tweets

Late tweets

The more I look at the way the “West” is going, that is in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK etc, the more it seems to me that, somewhere not far down the line, a kind of civil war, a kind of culture war, a kind of race war, a kind of (new-style) class war, all mixed together, is almost inevitable.

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof, Obersalzberg]

Diary blog, 8 July 2022

Morning music

[painting by Canaletto]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Is he wrong? I think not.

I had not previously heard of this particular MP. Her background: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehenna_Davison. Leaving aside Brexit (which I favoured but which was ruinously executed from the start by the Conservative Party idiot-ministers, including “Boris”), she seems to be in favour of simplistic cut-throat capitalism, which is a pity, because more MPs should have her less than silver-spoon background (in her case, working intermittently when younger in a Pizza Hut, a betting shop etc).

I doubt that she will be an MP for much longer.

Part-Jew, and former desk officer in the Army.

Hm…”self-sufficient“? Not in the EU or UK, where farmers are a heavily-subsidized industry.

If they don’t sign up to all that scheiss, they don’t get far in the System political world. The trans nonsense is just part of it, together with climate change via CO2 emissions, anti-“racism”, pro-Jew/Israel-ism, the multikulti society, the various “Covid” nonsense(s) (facemask nonsense etc), and so on.

Stray thoughts

The “Boris” departure yesterday: what a quasi-Levantine pack of nonsense, with the new-ish wife, and small child, wheeled out for the approval of the various guests and hangers-on. Why did “Boris” not expostulate “eez nice…nice“, in the manner of the late Bruce Forsyth, or sundry Mediterranean restaurateurs?

The UK was once quite renowned for the probity of its administrative and political system, even when the politicians were not intrinsically very honest (in some cases). Now? More than a whiff of the Orient, or the old East European ghettoes, permeates our politics and civil service.

“Ukrainian” “refugees” in the Cotswolds


More than 700 Ukrainians have been given a place to stay in Gloucestershire under the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

The government initiative allows UK residents to sponsor named Ukrainian nationals, with more than 1,000 applications received in the county.

Excel fled Ukraine when Russia invaded and said the Gloucestershire community has been “really helpful”.

[Ecce “Excel”, the supposed “Ukrainian”]

Excel, who worked as a gynaecologist and cancer specialist in Kyiv, has so far been unable to find work in the UK, but said that since moving near to Stroud, “everyone has been really friendly”.

He said he planned to just go to west Ukraine with his wife and mother-in-law, but they were forced to keep going until he hit the Polish border, a journey that would normally take six hours, but ended up taking four days.

[BBC News]

So…he “hit the Polish border“, and then suddenly found himself in…the Cotswolds…

I wonder how many of the dwindling audience of the BBC actually believe this horseshit?

Anyway, that’s one house in Gloucestershire (either now or soon) which will not be available to struggling British people…

Why could he not return to his native Nigeria? Rhetorical question, of course. He has no intention of ever leaving the UK.

Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad“. UK, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands. Others too.

Thanks to blog commentator “nativewarrior14” for that information.

Late tweets seen

Andrea Jenkyns, about whom I blogged yesterday and also a few years ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/21/the-andrea-jenkyns-story/. I suppose that, in the end, you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. Chances are, she will be out of Parliament fairly soon.

The Great Replacement— it’s all around you. Just open your eyes.

We all know what has to be done with the untermenschen; we are just not allowed to say it or write it. So much for freedom…

Unsurprising. After all, he is an interloper, just like Priti Patel, Sunak etc.

Let us pray” (and let no-one know for what you pray).

What I was saying about “Boris”-idiot (and others) three years ago

It has stood the test of time, I think.

Late music

[memorial, The Conquerors of Space, Moscow]

Diary Blog, 26 May 2022

Morning music

[Twyford Bridge, a 15th Century bridge at Yalding, Kent. Constructed at least 30 years before the birth of Anne Boleyn —b.1501— on the site of earlier, wooden, bridges]

On this day a year ago

Britain 2022


Tweets seen

God help anyone caught out under such an attack.

It was obvious to me almost from the start (about 2 weeks after the first fear-propaganda appeared) that “Covid” was not the deadly plague it was sold as, but the mass of plebs did not wake up until recently; in fact, many have still not woken up fully.

As for Boris-idiot and his pack, their behaviour makes it clear that they had little or no fear of “the virus”, and rightly so. What makes their behaviour so bad is that they colluded in the “panicdemic” scam and, indeed, threw fuel onto its pyre.

More music

[Konstantin Korovin, Verandah, c.1900]

Late tweets seen

The Ukraine (Russia v. Jew-Zionist Kiev regime) war has been largely a propaganda war, and the Zelensky Kiev-regime side has been far more skilled in that than have been the Russians. However, in the real war, the Russians still have the edge.

The members of the present House of Commons must be punished by the people themselves, directly.

Late music

[A.N. Benois, The Bronze Horseman, illustration to the work by Pushkin]

Diary Blog, 26 March 2022, including more thoughts about Ukraine strategy

Afternoon music

[Arkip Kuindzhi, Dnieper]

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Well, not so good this week, though I still managed to beat political journalist John Rentoul, who scored a mere 2/10. I scored 4/10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10.

Rentoul is rather odd. He claims that “star signs do not count“. I am prepared to concede that popular newspaper-style astrology is almost worthless, but I say that it stands in the same relationship to real astrology as newspaper political journalism stands in relation to serious analysis…

Tweets seen

What a tasteless and horrible thing to do. I hope that that cruel bully gets what’s coming to him. Soon.

Those who are pushing for war or near-war with Russia over Ukraine (a territory with which, historically, the UK has had little connection, ever, incidentally) should realize that even actual chess games and poker games have led to death of participants in the past, when one player is pushed and pushed and pushed…

A few more thoughts about Ukraine strategy

This invasion was mishandled from the start by the Russian General Staff and Russian intelligence orgs. It should have been meticulously planned, but obviously was not. It has more in common with the pathetic and botched Soviet invasion of Finland in 1939-40 than with, say, the Blitzkrieg advances of the German Reich in 1939, 1940, and 1941, or indeed with the well-planned and executed Red Army advance into the Reich from 1943 to early 1945. Terrible. Heads must roll.

The Russians should have planned this so that they could have pressed a metaphorical button and said…GO!

The invasion only came after weeks of pointless sabre-rattling. Why? It should have come, as far as possible, as a bolt from the blue.

The first step, before ANY ordinary military or naval action, should have been the assassination of Zelensky and other leading political and military executives of the Kiev regime.

I have no idea whether the Russians now have much in the way of the old Spetsnaz and “Olympic Spetsnaz” special forces. In Soviet times, “Olympic Spetsnaz” units (largely composed of Olympic athletes and persons on a similar physical level) were reserved for tasks of the highest strategic importance, such as (against NATO states) destruction of missile launch sites and early-warning stations, elimination of important communications hubs, and the assassination of heads of state, heads of government, and the highest-ranking military officers.

The elimination of the Zelensky cabal should have been top priority, not just one extra idea.

Once Zelensky and his cabal were no longer active, or almost simultaneously, the Russian Spetsnaz could have taken down any civil and military communications not rocketed, and created chaos, especially in Kiev.

The Russians could then have concentrated all available forces on capturing Kiev by Blitzkrieg attack, starting with overwhelming long-range missile attacks on all important government, communications and TV/radio buildings (including police stations and Army headquarters etc), followed by a mass parachute descent by the VDV (Russian parachute shock troops) direct onto those open areas not too heavily-wooded around Kiev, such as airports. Even onto wide roads and into main squares. Among the areas and facilities to be secured— airports, main railway stations, bridges, major routes going north and east.

A risky plan, true, but the shock value of thousands of parachutes descending would have been enough to cause mass panic in Kiev. Roads jammed with destroyed cars, buses, and trucks, a headless Ukrainian government apparat, and any Ukrainian military and police personnel eliminated on sight.

Long-range rockets would have taken out at least some of Kiev’s air defences, as previously located by intelligence work.

At that point, before NATO, Biden, Boris-idiot etc even had time to say anything, let alone do anything, the main Russian invasion contingents should have swiftly begun to approach Kiev, from the north especially. At the nearest point, the distance from the Russian border to Kiev is 200 miles.

With Kiev’s airports under command, and air defences damaged or destroyed, more Russian forces could have been flown in, fighting their way into the heart of the city and to nearby strategic areas such as the already-secured bridges over the Dnieper.

On the same day, or the following day, Russian naval forces should have begun to blockade and attack the Black Sea and Sea of Azov coastal areas, while other forces began (as they have done in the real invasion) to encircle or attack the main cities of the east, notably Kharkov. Strategic targets in the west and centre of the country should have been attacked at the same time, or not long after.

The Donbass should not, in the short-term, have been a priority. Even had the Ukrainian forces stationed there for 7-8 years broken through, they would have nowhere to go, Donetsk being a border city, except into the “endless” and sparsely-populated prostor (open space) of southern Russia.

Kiev is the jewel in the crown.

Once the above had happened, there should have been the installation of, and proclamation of, an outline puppet government. Any resistance put down firmly, using pre-gathered intelligence.

With no Kiev government, with communications in chaos, with Russian troops pouring into Kiev, the remnants of the Ukrainian Army and its ragtag volunteer forces would have been leaderless, in the dark, and easily overwhelmed, at least east of the Dnieper.

As we know, the above reads like a pipe-dream compared to what actually happened.

The one single aspect that has all but killed the Russian invasion has been delay. It was delay that enabled the Kiev regime to start organizing a defence, delay that enabled the cities to be turned into fortresses, delay that enabled Zelensky to parade on the world, media (and social media) stage, delay that enabled NATO and others to start to send advanced weaponry.

As things stand, the Russians are still just keeping things stable, overall, but that is not enough.

Below, the Daily Mail assessment:

It can be seen that even the Daily Mail, while noting everything that has “gone wrong” with the invasion (with most of which assessment I can agree), still also notes that, on almost all active fronts, Russia is “winning”, albeit at a terrible cost (both for Russia and for Ukrainian civilians— and I can only agree with that, too).

There are pieces available to Putin which he has not as yet played. The first is that of the Belarussian armed forces. Relatively small, the regular Belarus Army nonetheless could exert pressure in the north/northwest, which might help the Russians in that region.

There are advanced Russian planes that have not yet been much used because they might be shot down by Ukraine’s donated NATO weaponry.

Putin can call upon reserves amounting to several million, in theory, but any fresh levies have to be equipped, transported, and fed.

Putin can, if he so chooses, flatten Ukraine’s main cities without using nuclear weapons. A terrible thing, and not at all what he wants, but he might still do that rather than “lose” the war. If he did that to all the large unoccupied eastern/central cities except Kiev, then his forces would be able to focus on and take Kiev without destroying it (and its historic landmarks).

Above all, whatever happens, Putin and Russia retain their ace-in-the-hole, the Russian strategic rocket forces and nuclear-capable air force and navy. 6,200 nuclear missiles and bombs. That power may not be useful directly in Ukraine, but keeps NATO out of the war, so far.

The “great fact” of popular strategy is that “Russia cannot be conquered”, and both Hitler and Napoleon were defeated trying to beat the odds on that.

An interesting thing is to pick any random area of Russia south or east of Moscow and look at it on Google Earth. Cities exist, yes, but once you are outside them, in the country, you are quickly in the vast landscape that made battle-hardened Wehrmacht officers tremble.

That vastness, with the Russian people (and their sense of nationality) makes Russia the toughest nut of all.

Even a nuclear war would probably not entirely destroy the essence of Russia.

State of play at Kiev, as of 25 March:

In the Kiev area, Russia is not pushing forward, and may not even be maintaining position.

I still say that, in the overall war, and despite the limited Ukrainian counter-attacks, Russia is slowly winning this, though —as also said before— at a terrible cost in human and animal suffering.

The Kiev regime must be running out of fuel in the east and centre. Fuel dumps and storage areas have been rocketed by the Russians. Food is also running out, perhaps has run out, in most of the besieged cities, though not, it appears, in Kiev itself.

Russia will not have “won” this war unless and until it has taken over and occupied all of Ukraine east of the river Dnieper (and Kiev) and, realistically, all of the coastal regions and ports, including Odessa.

For Russia simply to retain the Donbass would be unsustainable, both militarily and politically. This is now, pretty much, a fight to the death.

Anything less than occupation of the half of Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and south of a line 50-100 miles north of the Black Sea/Sea of Azov, will surely mean the end of Putin, not only politically but actually, literally. If Putin were to go into exile, a very unlikely thing, where would he go? What state would shelter him? Not Belarus, I think. Not China. North Korea? An unappealing prospect for someone akin to a modern “tsar”, to live in some remote, and guarded, North Korean villa.

No, I think that Putin will fight this war to the bitter end, even if that means nuclear war with “NATO” (the USA).

Looking a few weeks ahead, we can see the prospect that, for all of the Kiev-regime propaganda, Kharkov and most of the other cities presently besieged will be controlled by Russia, and that resistance will be confined largely to the west of the country, to Odessa, and to Kiev. By that time, Putin will presumably have decided how to take Kiev, or what else to do to bring this terribly-mismanaged episode to a close (at least in the short term).

More music

[London under attack from V1 and/or V2 rockets, 1944]

More tweets

Exactly. False freedom(s). Even as a teenager, in the 1970s, I could see that all that almost all the pop/rock stars wanted was to acquire a lifestyle and, to get it, money. They could not be compared to the great composers, even the most venal of those great composers.

Burgon’s tweet is a good example of the sheer unreality animating the self-describing “Left”.

Implied (by his other tweets etc), open borders and mass immigration (of lower cultures and races, at that), yet at the same time a better, more advanced, more prosperous, and more relaxed, society. Can’t be done. It is like pulling and pushing simultaneously at a door.

I have little quarrel with Burgon’s actual comment, taking it as it stands, but pious hopes and wishes count for little if not grounded in reality.

With the ending of the Cold War, it would have been possible for the advanced parts of the world to remove the backward Saudis, Qataris and Kuwaitis etc from rulership over the Gulf, and just use “their” hydrocarbon resources (entirely discovered, developed, refined, and utilized by Europeans and Americans) for the purposes of civilization. Instead of which, those backward and arrogant wastes of space have misused the monies garnered to build tasteless sprawling cities which only work because non-Gulf Arabs keep them going.

I may not like Israel and Jewry, but I dislike the Arabs too, as a group, or in general cultural-historical terms.

Late tweets

I hope it chokes them.

That poor bamboozled second tweeter, one Annie Sheffer, still does not know that this is part of a transnational conspiracy, of which the misnamed “British” Government is but part. Will someone let “Annie Sheffer” know the truth, and that she should google “the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”, “The Great Replacement, or just “White Genocide”…

Yes, it’s all connected, meaning the weaponization of climate change, and of Covid, and the plan to destroy or subvert Russia, as well as the destruction of white European race and culture.

Late music

[Warsaw, 1940s]

Diary Blog, 19 December 2021

Migration invasion continues

On Thursday 559 people were picked up off the Kent coast after making the crossing in 19 boats, and on Friday 358 people crossed in 10 boats.” [BBC News]


900 more in 2 days!

Picked up off the Kent coast“…Oh yes? How far “off” the coast would that be? 10 miles? More?

Soon, even poor weather will not hamper the invasion, as larger rubber boats and RIBs are used. Even now, it can be seen that about 30 are arriving on each boat.

The 900 that arrived on Thursday and Friday will now “have to be” found accommodation, food, spending money, NHS medical care, other services, and few of them will ever be more than a burden to the British people.

What about the past two days, Saturday and Sunday? The same? Another 900?

I do not even need to bet (because I know) that the same quasi-traitors who support the migration-invasion are the same virtue-signalling hypocrites who will soon be crying about how the NHS is “under-resourced”, about how the police are “under-resourced”, about how there is a worsening housing crisis in the UK; and so on.

Tweets seen




Quite right. I can recall, almost every year for decades (literally decades, about 25 years), the NHS having a “winter crisis”. Long before “Covid”.

The “panicdemic” is not only convenient as a way of introducing a police state under another guise; it is also convenient for the very poorly-administered NHS. It supplies a narrative: “we are swamped by Covid!” OK, so that’s your excuse in 2021 and for 2020. So, er, what was the reason the NHS was “in crisis” for almost all of the preceding 25 winters?

Not that I am opposed to the NHS, meaning public healthcare free at point of use. I heard secondhand a (thought credible) story about a lady somewhere (I forget where exactly) in the USA, who developed, many years ago, a serious problem with hearing (and had had a problem since birth) and, because her health insurance, which she actually had, would not cover it, had been extremely restricted in her enjoyment of life. For years.

It seems that that lady was finally able to get the (actually pathetically small) amount of money required recently, but how sad that, for lack of a very small amount of money (less than £3,000 in UK money), she was so handicapped for many years.

No-one sensible wants to replace the existing health services with a “pay or die” system. However, something needs to change.

The principle of the NHS is good, but the NHS lost its way sometime in the Blair-Brown years, 10-20 years ago. Maladministration. Callousness. Lack of proper direction.

The migration invasion has made matters much worse.

Answer: because the part-Jew, part-Levantine clown and public entertainer who should be “running the country” is incapable of doing so, and should never have risen higher than backbench MP level, if that.

is it becuz Claudia Webbe is black, a woman, and an MP?” Answers on a postcard…and then you see agonized articles in the New Statesman, or Guardian, speculating as to why people will still not vote “Labour” even now that “nasty uncle Adolf” (Corbyn) has been replaced by nice safe (it is claimed) Keir Starmer.

Starmer is not a “supporter of terrorism” (except Israeli state terrorism”, and the kind of Jewish sub-terrorism that we have seen in the UK in the past); likewise, Starmer is not “an anti-Semite”…I have no doubt that that is so! Good grief, he even has a Jewish wife, and children being brought up as if fully-Jewish!

Seems, however, that that sort of claim cuts little mustard with the voting public. True, the opinion polls now show “Labour” ahead of the equally-misnamed “Conservatives”, but then look at this shambles of a government!

The word “omnishambles” could have been coined for this mis-government. Indeed, the word is not even strong enough.


I have reposted a few tweets with which I agree, but it is disturbing that someone apparently at a “leading university” can compose a sentence such as “twitters self proclaimed education correspondent” without an apostrophe or a hyphen in sight. Sign of the times.


I have already made a few comments today, and yesterday, and the day before, about the Labour Party. The fact is that those opinion polls are only favourable to Labour by default. The North Shropshire result cannot just be ignored on the argument that “…because Labour never wins there“.

Even taking into account tactical voting (which obviously took place), the North Shropshire result was very poor for Labour. For one thing, why was Labour not the chosen tactical vote recipient? Why the LibDems? In the past, even in the last (2019) election for the seat, in fact in the last three elections (2019, 2017, 2015), Labour, not the LibDems, came in in second place.

Indeed, the LibDems have only come second in the constituency twice, in 2010 and in 1992. In all others, in third place, often a distant third.

The LibDem vote in North Shropshire was only 10% in 2019, and even lower (5.3%) in 2017. In fact, even in the 2010 days of “Cleggmania”, the LibDem vote only reached 20.9% (with Labour on 18.1%).

The sheer ineptitude of the Boris Johnson misgovernment is obviously a factor, going beyond even that of previous Conservative and Labour governments but, even so, something more is going on here. Labour has lost not only credibility, but relevance, raison d’etre.

There is no “industrial proletariat”, just an increasingly raceless (in the cities) and cultureless “precariat”. “Labour”-label speaks for (or at least to) mainly those with public sector jobs, to the blacks (those that even bother to vote) and to some of the “browns”, esp. Pakistanis etc. Not really to any other group of any size.

The Labour MPs are largely seen as useless. Some of the black women are especially poor, but they are not alone. A significant number of Labour MPs have been convicted, arrested, or suspended in the past year alone.

It is always hard to predict a General Election in the UK, bearing in mind the crazy First Past The Post voting system, and the contrived boundaries of constituencies, but to my mind we are heading into hung Parliament territory again. That nearly happened (again) in 2019, but Labour’s collapsed vote (a collapse of 8 points) enabled the Conservative Party (the vote of which increased by 1 point) to get an 80-seat majority.

If, next time, the Labour vote collapses further, but the Conservative vote also falls, the LibDems may manage to pick up a number of Conservative seats. Maybe…but with the Conservatives still left holding, probably, a plurality of seats.

I would not totally write off the Conservative Party just yet, poor though the “Conservatives” are, if Boris-idiot is binned. There is still a lot of traditional, ingrained, support for the Conservatives, especially in rural and southern England, whereas in the traditionally Labour areas, support for Labour has ebbed away, or eroded. I cannot see Keir Starmer and his Labour Friends of Israel front bench reversing that trend.

“Boris” is now a dead weight for the Conservative Party. If he is removed, the party, poor though it is, must be a match for equally-poor Labour.

The “Covid” “laws”, “rules”, “measures” and general nonsense have also weakened support for Con Party (and for Labour, which has weakly followed and supported the Conservative Government).

As for the LibDems, few vote for them, as such. People are voting against the major System parties.

My view since the days of the Con Coalition of 2010-2015, that the LibDems are finished, still holds, despite Amersham, despite North Shropshire. The only question is when the last LibDem MP will go, and that will not happen while the Conservative Party is as toxic as it now is, because the LibDems will be there as “alternative”, particularly where Labour is sliding and/or has no chance.

This should be a good moment for social-nationalism, but there is no social-national party, and no real movement.

The superficially-educated ignorant

Watched an episode of The Chase from a few years ago. Probably the worst team I have seen. One woman seemed to know nothing at all, literally nothing (except how to walk and speak), while another, a young woman with a degree in English, and who was going to be doing a master’s degree in magazine journalism, was frighteningly ignorant for someone with at least 16 years of full-time education (and who wanted to start her own magazine!). She thought that Elizabeth I was the grandmother of Tsaritsa Alexandra of Russia (it was Victoria, as all my readers will know)! She also thought that the famously affluent Thameside village of Bray is in Sussex (it’s Berkshire). There were even worse answers from her, but I have already forgotten them.

Needless to say, that team won no money, but I was left, as I often am, concerned about the state of this country, and about the cultural-educational level of the population.

It especially concerns me that —it often seems— the least-educated young people are going either into teaching or into journalism.

More tweets seen

There are secret cabals, often with occult bases, pursuing specific lines of attack in the msm. Only an informed investigative force can even begin to identify the culprits and deal with them.

I still wonder whether Farage got a huge offshore payoff for his treachery to his own followers during the 2019 General Election. I should not be surprised if he gets a peerage (as well) in the “Boris” resignation honours list. Claire Fox getting one must have been a kind of down-payment, or declaration of intent.

Piers Morgan— a major System mouthpiece. What a disgusting sentiment he tweeted, too, apart from being totally illogical. I suppose that one should not expect too much from a broadcaster whose education peaked with his attendance (on a journalism course) at Harlow College of Further Education, Essex.

As if GPs and A&E personnel know anything much in detail about the virus(es) or the agenda behind the vaccine(es).

For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul?“…

If you just step back and look at what has happened to our society specifically in the past nearly 2 years, it is more than alarming; one could say frightening. The 2022-2055 agenda is already clearly readied by the secret cabals and ruling circles: travel restrictions, political repression, mass elimination, microchips under the skin to track and control hundreds of millions of people on both a mass and an individual basis, while at the same time tearing apart European race, culture, and way of life.

This will not be opposed, not at all effectively, by actions such as marches, vigils, letters to newspapers, tweets, blogs etc.

[I never chose it! The British people never chose it! Secretive cabals and enemies of the people chose it!]

Afternoon music


PROFESSOR CARL HENEGHAN: I’m a GP on the frontline, and I don’t think we’re overwhelmed with Covid” [Mail on Sunday]


The readers’ comments should give both main System parties pause.

Piers Corbyn

It is being reported that Piers Corbyn [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piers_Corbyn] has been arrested. At nearly 0200 last night. Why the KGB style?

This police habit, that is of relatively recent usage, of arresting fairly innocuous suspects in the middle of the night, or early in the morning (by which I mean before 0900 hrs) has become ingrained.

When I was at the practising Bar, I was asked once (around 2002) to advise in a case (a potential action against the police) involving a woman accused of having (though never charged with having) thrown a stone at a neighbour’s car following an incident connected with an ongoing local problem over limited parking space in a close.

In fact, that woman never was charged, and there was in fact no evidence that anyone had thrown a stone, nor even that the damage had been caused by a stone: the slight damage to the car may anyway have occurred by accident, without human agency.

The point is that that woman (a married mother of school-age children, and a medical secretary without previous convictions of any kind) was arrested at 0700 in her own home, at a time when she and her family were half-awake and about to have breakfast. She was taken away in front of her young daughters, and held in a police station for about 5 hours before being released without charge.

I think that there have to be placed statutory curbs on this kind of police behaviour. There are of course dangerous offenders, or fugitives, who may have to be arrested at night, and without any warning, who may be armed, or who may be planning an imminent attack of some sort. Any other kind of suspect should be arrested at a civilized hour and in a civilized way. Indeed, it was not necessary to have arrested the woman in my story at all, and I suspect that the same is true of Piers Corbyn.

More tweets

Who cares whether it is “racist”? “Racist” = “culturally and genetically healthy”!

Late tweets

It was not wrong of the person posing as PM to hold a reception or party; what was wrong was that he and his fellow clowns prevented, by law, “ordinary citizens” from doing the same. The hypocrisy, and “entitlement”, and mendacity was wrong too.

The mask of Evil is coming off all over Europe now, and beyond.

Wouldn’t it be great to see these people (MPs, ministers, msm drones too) dragged away, and then transported East?…

Late music

Diary Blog, 13 December 2021, including more thoughts about 1989-2022, and 2022-2055

Afternoon music

News from occupied Palestine

Tweets seen

To hell with that. Resist. If necessary, boycott Britain’s pubs, restaurants, and other outlets. Strike at government and the msm.

Every. Single. Time…

Bravo. Kristalltag Wien! Jetzt!

More music

[translation:”Space Programme of the new USSR“]
[“Socialism means the establishment of Soviet power, plus the electrification of the whole country”— Lenin]

Both the German Reich and the Soviet Union have now passed into history. From their previous enmity there can now emerge over time a synthesis, with other elements; a Eurasian superstate, geographically incorporating the present Russian Federation, some “nearby” republics, and Europe generally.

More tweets

The Cabinet of Clowns is turning the whole country upside down again, this time in the vain hope of preventing transmission of a “variant” which, so far, seems to be akin in its effects and symptoms to the common cold. Madness.

Will anyone be watching and listening? Did many watch and/or listen yesterday to the part-Jew/Levantine liar and chancer currently posing as Prime Minister? “Boris” and Starmer are two faces of one clock, to put it politely.

Starmer, in effect, says “we support everything or almost everything that the Government is doing, but they should be doing it better, more efficiently, while bending the knee to anti-white “diversity”, and while wearing a facemask“…

Despite the shambolic “Boris” mess at Downing Street, and despite the recent opinion polls, I cannot see fake “Labour” forming a government, so long as the misnamed Conservative Party ditches “Boris” fairly soon.

Labour offers even less than the present pack of clowns to the British people.

“Nudge” propaganda is bad enough, but when it is so inept, what can one say?

In fact, this is all to do with the c.33-year socio-political cycle: 1923, 1956, 1989, and now 2022. The transnational Western “conspiracy” or “consensus” is already trying to seize the agenda for the next third of a century, just as happened in the 1980s in the build-up to 1989.

In that case, in the 1980s, it will be recalled that a number of stage-setting scenarii occurred. In the Soviet Union, the more traditional “fossilized” leaders were replaced by the arch-Westernizer, Gorbachev and his people. Andropov, who wanted to, as people now say, “double down” on Sovietism, died (or was killed) in an event still not clear even today. Some reports say that a neighbour, a widow with a grudge, shot him, after which he died days later; the official version now is that Andropov died from natural but unexplained kidney failure: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Andropov#Death_and_funeral.

Those of a certain age may recall the jokes about the generally very old Soviet leadership of the time: a pensioner wanting better living standards enters the Central Committee building in Old Square, Moscow. He tells the receptionist that he wants to join the Politburo. She answers “are you mad?!“. “Well, no…but I AM old, deaf, rather stupid…and don’t know a lot...”.

Gorbachev succeeded as de facto leader several years before the world-historic key year, 1989, itself.

The same sort of thing happened in the Vatican. After the very unexpected death of Pope John Paul I, the Polish Pope, John Paul II was elected. Although doctrinally conservative, he was in many respects a modernizer and, crucially, wanted to free Poland from control of the Soviet leadership.

It will also be recalled that President Bush senior took over in the USA after the 1988 election, and one of his first acts of importance was to make a speech in 1989 openly proclaiming the New World Order [NWO].

The 33-year cycle starting in in or about 1989 was characterized by the greater grip of the “Western” order or “NWO/ZOG”: the “fall of socialism” worldwide, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the de facto “capitalization” of China, the collapse of European-race rule in South Africa, and of course the waning power of the Arab/Muslim states, despite their continuing hydrocarbon assets and wealth.

The above also meant the domino effect applied to the states opposed to Israel. They have fallen, been suborned, or been neutered one by one.

Now we see the biosecurity police state, almost wordwide, coming into existence, using health as the pretext for extreme control of populations right down to the individual level: “virus” “passports” to travel, sometimes even internally and, almost certainly, and before too long, microchips implanted under the skin, in order to track the individual 24/7, anywhere in the world.

Having said all that, such plans are not always 100% successful. In the past few decades, a number of events parried the NWO/ZOG agenda: the partial recovery of Russia under Putin, the 1990s/2000s Arab/Muslim/Islamist “holy war” against “the West” (notably its attacks on New York City, the citadel of finance-capitalism); also the failure of the forces of NWO/ZOG to dislodge President Assad of Syria from power, and the continuing defiance of the Iranian state. Also, the internal failures of the finance-capitalist economic model: the dotcom bubble bursting, and the post-2008 banking crisis.

It may well be that events will happen also in the coming 33 years or so (exact dates are not so important) to prevent the complete victory of NWO/ZOG.

Late tweets

Jesus H. Christ! British people homeless, young people unable to buy or even rent homes, and these alien, useless and/or hostile millstones round the British neck are provided with everything by virtue-signalling System drones! The msm does not even protest about it, and the tame thick princeling “who would be king” makes virtue-signalling speeches supporting it. If he wants his future crown (if he ever has one) to stay on his head, he had better start to wake up…

Exactly. This whole pseudo-democratic charade is just a spectacle for (sadly, often) “moronic masses”, or to put it another way, at this time of year, a pantomime.

Exactly my experience over the past year. I have visited (not as patient) at least two hospitals, as well as a couple of medical centres. Deserted.

The System will not be alarmed until those crowds stop waving banners and start waving weapons.

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 December 2021

Allegra Stratton

Best video seen yesterday— Con propagandist Allegra Stratton crying because she had been binned by 10, Downing Street. Up there with 2019 film of Israel puppets such as Mary Creagh crying after having lost their Westminster seats. It is good to see wicked liars upset and cast down.

The woman is not a very nice person, as anyone who remembers her demonization of a single mother on TV years ago will know.

Part of the problem with Britain is that it is full of people such as Allegra Stratton and her husband (Spectator scribbler James Forsyth) who make hundreds of thousands of pounds a year each, and have family money as well in many cases, yet purport to lay down “rules” for the often poor, or at best modestly-paid, people of England.

I despise over-privileged and/or “aspirational” couples of that sort.

Look at how Stratton lied for the part-Jew, part-Levantine barrel of lies currently posing as Prime Minister. These swine really have no decency or ethics at all.

“Their” infiltration into British life

The royals make Jew exploiters welcome, while the British people suffer…

Ghislaine Maxwell’s expression says it all: “I’m at Balmoral with the Royal Family..I’ve landed, I’ve made it...”

On this day a year ago


I happened to be reading one of my blog posts from over a year ago. The following definition seems to have stood rather well the test of time:

Suggested new definition of (political) madness: “electing a party into government, a party headed by a part-Jew public entertainer, then expecting him to be an effective prime minister and his government to be anything other than a hopeless mess”. Discuss…

Tweets seen

The obviously-illegal migrant invaders are only part of the story. Over the past decades, particularly in the past 30 years, vast numbers of non-whites, and some others, have entered the UK, and have had children. The UK population is about 15 million more than it should be, or would have been.

I hate this evil ZOG “government”, but fake “Labour” is even worse. So far, it seems that the voters of England agree with my viewpoint.

Is that the ultimate symbolic totem of our decadent culture and civilization?

The best was when a WW2 German bomb fell through the roof of the monkeyhouse and blew the place sky-high!

New Zealand is the ideal relatively small laboratory in which to undertake such a social control experiment, meaning the rollout of a biosecurity police state based on contrived fear as well as on police repression.

New Zealand is not Las Vegas, and what happens in New Zealand will not stay there…

Late tweets

Drakeford is an idiot. Where does he imagine Wales gets its subsidy monies? From a functioning economy (in England).

In fact, bush fires happen sometimes in the African bush without human agency. I can remember seeing apparently massive bush fires when flying at night over Botswana and South Africa (a Gaborone-Johannesburg flight), and that was in 1977.

Homeschool the child. Many children are better for that (and learn far far more, often, than they can from schoolteachers. In the UK, teaching is for the most part a low-status occupation which attracts mostly mediocre and rather ignorant people.

A further benefit will be the relative absence of System multikulti, and LGBTXYZ, propaganda.

Homeschooling is lawful: https://www.gov.uk/home-education

Late music

[Moscow river, upstream of Moscow]

Diary Blog, 6 December 2021

The empty words
From the mouth of “Boris”
Seem even emptier now

(My haiku, written and published on the blog a week or two ago…)

Afternoon music

Within my breast, two souls reside” [Goethe, Faust].

Tweets seen

Five years ago, I was already posting that picture…

Ecce Britain’s part-Jew, part-Levantine “court jester”, posing as “King for a day”, or rather as bad-joke “Prime Minister”.

Millions are waking up to the reality of the “panicdemic” but millions more are behaving (as they have for nearly two years) as sheep, or as scared rabbits if you like, wearing masks to show obedience to the System.

If that or similar comes to the UK, I —and many others— will take it as a final declaration of war. The gloves will come off then.

Kristalltag Wien— jetzt!

There is an answer to this repression of white Northern Europeans (especially but not exclusively men), but the intensifying repression in the UK means that I cannot express that answer.

Will that new virus also —like “Covid-19”— have mysterious Oriental (Chinese) origins, and will it also —like “Covid-19”— be released deliberately in Alpine ski resorts, where it can be incubated easily, and from where it can be spread fast over Western and Central Europe?

Not the best film ever, though, despite a stellar cast including Ava Gardner (for my money the most glamorous and beautiful of the Hollywood stars).

Andrew Neil is a superb political interviewer, but at the same time is totally part of the System msm, giving —to me at least— the impression of being totally tied-up with the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby, as witness some of his televised rants over recent years.

More tweets seen

Not just in London. This is a problem in the UK generally. Well, after all, the public cannot expect the police to use their limited resources on ordinary crime and disorder when they have to prioritize malicious complaints of “antisemitism” (which is in fact not even a crime) made by Jew-Zionist orgs such as the fake “charities” “Campaign Against AntiSemitism” [“CAA”] and “Community Security Trust” [CST”].

The police know that “somewhere, a ‘crime’ is being committed“, and somewhere, someone might be mentioning Jews critically, or even saying something about the cross-Channel migration-invasion.

…and, inter alia, “put the unworthy on TV, and set up as an ideal, and get the moronic masses fascinated in the tidal wave of “celebrity” and “reality” (pseudo-reality) trash“…including drug-abusing “soap” stars, cretinous pop stars, and anyone in any field who is non-white.

Also, “make sure that every TV ad shows non-white persons only, or mainly, and/or or mixed-race children; make sure that white people are either absent, or just an insignificant add-on, with the exception of blonde white women portrayed as wives and girlfriends of blacks“…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

Interesting article from 1936: an account by a visitor to National Socialist Germany


More tweets

That photo from what seems to be a school is so sad…in my view, that is not far removed, if at all, from psychological abuse.

Much as I oppose such vigilantes, the facts are that there is a large-scale problem, and the police are not very active.

“Boris”-idiot is now talking about drug abuse, while his own Cabinet contains drug abusers such as Michael Gove! When I was disbarred (in fact unlawfully, and at the instigation of the Jew lobby) in 2016, one of the 5 (yes, just 5, in the end) tweets that sank me was that describing Gove as “a pro-Israel, pro-Jew, expenses cheat“.

All true, but (as we know), where justified criticism of Jews and their puppets is concerned, truth is no defence… I was unaware at the time that Gove was (and is) also both a drunk and a cocaine abuser. In fact, one hears rumours that he has a few “other” secrets in the closet as well, but whether that is so, I do not —as yet— know.

Late afternoon music

[Hitler in contemplation near the Berghof, on the slopes of the Obersalzberg]

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 14-15 June 2021

14 June 2021


Tweets seen

Boris-idiot is an appalling Prime Minister, but the masses seem to give him what the mediaeval revels called “the Fool’s Freedom”. That says more about the British masses than about “Boris”. As I wrote a couple of years ago, the British people have already discounted the many flaws and weaknesses of “Boris”, with the result that no scandal can touch him. He has, in the contemporary expression, “weaponized” his own deficiencies.

That leaves Starmer and Labour with yet another problem to add to their main ones— for what does Labour stand? What is Labour for? Effectively the same problem.

The Jew-Zionist lobby managed to get Corbyn binned. Starmer was put in Corbyn’s place, and all, or almost all, the Shadow Cabinet are now Labour Friends of Israel members. For the Zionist lobby, it really does not matter whether Labour fails to recover (entirely likely) or not. For the lobby, all that matters is that both System political parties of importance are under the Jewish/Israeli thumb (or heel).

It will be interesting to see what happens to Labour’s candidates in the two upcoming by-elections. In the first, at Chesham and Amersham, this coming Thursday (17 June 2021), Labour may struggle to retain its deposit. In the second by-election, at Batley and Spen (1 July 2021), Labour will be fighting to retain the seat.

Labour’s problem in directly electoral terms is not that its former voters might vote Conservative, Green, or whatever else, but that many will simply stay at home, whether literally or, in the case of postal voters, metaphorically.

I have previously blogged about both upcoming by-elections: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/06/06/diary-blog-6-june-2021-including-the-upcoming-by-elections-chesham-and-amersham-and-batley-and-spen/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/06/04/the-batley-and-spen-by-election-2021/

I missed the tweet below (from weeks ago). I endorse the sentiments:

Interesting symphony

Joan Ryan

Many will recall Joan Ryan, the Israel-lobby one-time Labour MP, who was caught conspiring with Israeli intelligence officer Shai Masot a few years ago (Masot had a million-pound slush fund from Israel, with which to buy MPs, in effect).

Well, having been removed from Parliament for the second time, Joan Ryan, former Chair of Labour Friends of Israel [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Ryan], has now been given a position with another Israel-lobby organization: https://jewishnews.timesofisrael.com/former-lfi-chair-joan-ryan-named-head-of-new-pro-israel-group/.

I wonder how much the new position pays. Joan Ryan likes money, was a noted expenses cheat and blodger in, especially, the 2005-2009 Parliament, and was one of the highest-claiming MPs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Ryan#Expenses_controversies.

Look at the last bit of that video, when the Jew, Masot, says that he has received a million pounds from Israel. The look of pleasure on the faces of Joan Ryan and her little sidekick!

Europe needs a Hercules, to cleanse the Augean Stables…

Late tweets

Late music

15 June 2021

Tweets seen


Take away the unsustainable “furlough” payments, and take away the governmental support payments for small business and self-employed people, then ask the same or similar question again…and then ask a similar question a couple of months later. The “public opinion” will have shifted. Much.


The police have largely given up trying to police ordinary crime, and have shifted personnel and resources to trying to police socio-political expression, which is not their job (or their business). Much (not all but most) of it is driven (from behind the scenes) by the Jew-Zionist element aiming at the censoring of any criticism of the behaviour of Jews and/or Israel, as evidence my experience of some 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

More tweets seen


In some ways, Cornwall is very different from England proper. I lived for a couple of years at Polapit Tamar manor house, about 4 miles north of Launceston, and only a short distance from the River Tamar itself (Tala Water, a stream that runs through the property, is a tributary of the Tamar).



Exactly. “Controlled opposition”, which was engendered, arguably, by the Okhrana in the early 20thC (Father Gapon etc), is now seen everywhere. Julia Hartley-Brewer cited in the tweet above, but also think Delingpole, anyone in the Spectator, pretty much; also Breitbart, Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, “Prison Planet” Watson, the pseudo-dissident bits of the Daily Mail and other msm outlets, as well as snake-oil salesmen like Farage (and pretty much anyone part of the whole UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform Party circus); others too.

How do you tell who or what is “controlled opposition”? The rule of thumb is, if they support —or are not hostile to— Israel and/or the Jewish lobby, then bin them. Controlled opposition.

Migration invasion. Santitized. Soon not reported on. All part of the “Great Reset”, Great Replacement, Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan or, putting it more honestly, down the line, White Genocide. The reality is behind the names.

Yes, David Icke and many others broadly aware of the above (and willing to oppose it openly) have been removed from social media platforms over the past few years. As always, the organized Zionist-Jew lobby is behind much of the “deplatforming”. I was expelled from Twitter in 2018. Icke followed a couple of years later. Many others have trodden the same “Sibirsky Trakt“.

In fact, unlike the dissidents of Imperial Russia and their even less fortunate Soviet successors, most of today’s dissident thinkers and activists do not end up doing time (though some do). It is far more subtle than that.

People lose jobs or professions (as I would have done —disbarred in 2016— had I myself not already binned mainstream life), are subject to occasional harassment by authorities, are bit by bit removed from social media and so from influencing online opinion, are prevented anyway from publishing offline via mainstream publishers (one of the first to fall victim was the historian, David Irving: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Irving).

In my own case, from about 2009 to about 2015, Jews managed to get my book reviews (I was a “top 50” reviewer, one of the top 50 reviewers out of millions, as voted for by Amazon users) taken off both UK Amazon and US Amazon (so much for “the land of freedom”…because where “they” exist in large numbers, there never is any freedom).

I was then pursued via my then professional regulator, the Bar Standards Board, which eventually led to my disbarment (in England) in 2016 (in fact unlawfully, but that is not worth detailing right now).

Later, in 2018, I was removed from Twitter (I was never on Facebook).

You see the pattern. So far, American platforms such as WordPress have resisted (95% resisted) calls to “deplatform” me and others. How long a blog such as this will be available for the people to read is an open question.

The “panicdemic”, the “climate change” narrative, nonsense such as “Black Lives Matter” etc (all supported, you will have noticed by the big battalions of the msm such as Sky and the BBC, CNN, Hollywood etc), are but notes or Leitmotive in a symphony of socio-political “change” being played according to an agreed “composition”…

[Update, 14 June 2022: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/].

“Definition by decades”

The definition(s) below made me laugh; largely true…

More tweets

I expected that I was paying this fortune, all this time and energy, to learn how to think. But they are forcing you to think the way they want you to think,” Park said in an interview with Fox News. “I realized, wow, this is insane. I thought America was different but I saw so many similarities to what I saw in North Korea that I started worrying.

“Those similarities include anti-Western sentiment, collective guilt and suffocating political correctness.” [Yeonmi Park, on Fox News]

Well worth listening to what she has to say. In the end, this can only end one way…

Afternoon music

Late tweets



I dislike mobs and mob rule, but it is clear that the unfortunate journalist, Nick Watt, was catching the flak that should have been fired at those nearer the top of the BBC, which has become, over the past couple of decades, a biased State broadcaster, with no more credibility than had the Soviet news media of the pre-1989 period.

Late music

Update, 14 June 2022