Tag Archives: Budanov

Diary Blog, 24 June 2024

Morning music

[River Wey, Surrey]

Talking point

An idealized but not really untruthful view of how parts of England were in the 1950s, or even early 1960s, if you forget the 1930s-style bus in the background.

Incidentally, I was watching a “true crime” documentary about a series of appalling murders carried out by some crazed half-caste in the mid-1980s, the “Stockwell Strangler” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Erskine], who, incidentally, is still detained in a mental hospital.

What struck me as much as anything is how smart the uniformed police still looked back then; one forgets. No beards, no stubble, no tattoos, and wearing shirts and ties and neat uniforms. What a contrast to the often untidy-looking rabble they (especially in London?) are today, with their beards and tattoos.

Tweets seen

A parody very close to the truth.

Sometimes, as I navigate along the potholed and badly-patched highways in the area where I live (supposedly one of the most affluent in England), thinking about things, I think that this country is so ****** that only some kind of very radical, indeed revolutionary, change will be able to give it a decent future.

Our animal friends…

The very picture of self-regarding entitlement. I wrote an assessment of Rory Stewart several years ago, and much-updated since: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Needless to say, my views on the current migration-invasion are not unalike to those of Suella Braverman, but I do not need some Mauritian Indian bas-class import to tell me what to think. Anyway, she is married to a Jewish Zionist, and supports Israel to the hilt, so nein, danke!

For Ukrainian troops, a difficult situation has developed on the battlefield, said the head of intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. This is how he answered the journalist’s question whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to stop the advance of Russian troops.”

Will truth now start to break out in the newsrooms of the Western msm?

Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Kiev-regime “Ukraine” is not even a “failed state”— it is scarcely a state at all.

Huge numbers of Israeli Jews are dual passport-holders.



Nigel Farage is on course to win the Clacton seat with a 27 point lead in a devastating blow to the Conservatives.

The Clacton Constituency poll, conducted by JL Partners on behalf of Friderichs Advisory Partners, has Farage polling at 48 per cent while the Tory leader sits back at 21 per cent of the vote share.

Farage is leading in every age group apart from the 18 to 34-year-olds and only one in five 2019 Conservative voters are sticking to the party.

[GB News]

I presume by “Tory leader“, GB News means “Conservative Party candidate“(?), unless the reference is to Sunak in his Richmond (Yorkshire) constituency.

I predicted previously on the blog that the Labour candidate at Clacton would bomb, maybe even losing his deposit. Let’s see.

More tweets

Even the Sun “newspaper” has given up on the Sunak government.

Yes, 800 a day crossing the Channel, being ferried most of the way by the bloody “Border Force” farce and others, such as the RNLI, but what about the other invaders, 4,000+ per day, coming in quasi-“legally”?

Starmer-Labour will stop the smaller influx, the “small boats” influx, to a large extent, by simply rubberstamping 90% or more of the applications before they even get here, doing it in France, after which the invaders will simply get onto a ferry in Calais and will be here 2-3 hours later.

Both System parties are complicit, and are facilitating the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

I do not think that I can be accused of being overly pro-Arab, let alone pro-Islamist, and I might be induced to agree that the attack on Israel in October 2023 should not have happened (for the good of all sides), but what Israel has done since then has been utterly abhorrent, and it continues to do the same or similar.

Late music

[Hitler reading on the terrace of the Berghof, Obersalzberg]

Diary Blog, 21 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Mark, rather than making witless jokes about a helicopter crash, please can you focus on giving instructions to your solicitors about my claim for costs against you and your firm Patron Law. Your former client – the one who is still alive – is vulnerable. He and I need some explanation as to why you insisted I give you huge sums of money to settle my claim.

This will probably end up with the egregious Jew-Zionist solicitor, Mark Lewis, and/or his colleagues, having to settle a professional negligence claim.

Where Goodwin goes wrong is in failing to see that only some form or forms of social nationalism can save Europe as anything much more than a geographic space inhabited mainly (after about 2100, possibly before then) by non-Europeans.


Goodwin is also entirely in consonance with the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby. That means that he gets an easy ride from the mass media, but also means that he has hitched his wagon to the “controlled opposition” populists such as Reform UK. They cannot appeal to the bulk of the people, but can only hoover up votes from disenchanted people who were, mostly, Conservative Party supporters until recently. Some were also Labour voters, true, but not so many. Maybe —at peak— 20% of the electorate.

I’m less worried about Lewis’ slips with the date and the grammar, and more worried about his grasp of the law! It seems Lewis thinks when that when you sue for libel, you are not entitled to an undertaking from the defendant saying they won’t further publish the libel because it is you that has put the libel in the public domain.

So if you don’t sue for an undertaking/injunction, they can further publish. And, er, if you do sue for an undertaking/injunction, there’s no need for one because you’ve put the libel in the public domain. No doubt libel lawyers will be scratching their heads at this.”

Ha. The fact is that, for all his brief “celebrity” about 10-12 years ago, Lewis is not much of a lawyer, in my opinion. That is even if we leave aside Lewis’s own admission, before the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018, that at times he had no idea what he was saying, writing, or doing (by reason of his intake of prescription drugs).

A tale in four acts.

1. In Nov 2021 I suggested a nominal (say £5) settlement with Mr Cantor.

2. Mr Lewis rejected it in principle, apparently on Mr Cantor’s instructions.

3. Mr Cantor now says Mr Lewis said the only way to get a zero money settlement was to ask me for £5k.

4. Because I could never offer Mr Cantor anything better than a nominal settlement, and that was explicitly rejected by Mr Lewis, Mr Cantor lost at trial and is likely to lose his home. What was going on here?

This is far from having been the first time that “Mark Lewis Lawyer” (his old Twitter/X name, now supplanted by “@MLewisLawyer”) has acted entirely unprofessionally, but up until now the fanatical and semi-loonie Lewis has managed to wriggle out of professional sanction, except in 2018, when the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal fined and censured him for having tweeted violently-abusive things on social media.

Even then, supportive Jews stumped up, via a crowdfunder, the £12,500 penalty (being a fine plus costs). Lewis’s fine itself (£2,500) had been reduced by two-thirds because he had effectively no money. His own Counsel said to the Tribunal that Lewis had not only been affected mentally by his (prescription) drug intake, but that “his only assets” consisted of his own clothes, a mobility scooter, and a private pension worth £70 a week.

Lewis’s honesty, as well as his competence, has been in question for many many years.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/

In the Wilson case, should the recent defendant, Cantor, wish to have reduced his liability for the costs of the successful Claimant (Wilson), he has (it seems) little choice but to go after Lewis. Should Lewis have no or not sufficient means to satisfy the costs, then I suppose that Cantor’s remedy would be, in principle, to go after Lewis’s legal partners in the law firm to which he is now attached, Patron Law.

It will be interesting to see what eventually happens. Unfortunately, the costs will be less than they normally would be (had solicitors and Counsel represented the Claimant); it seems that Wilson represented himself much of the time.

Still, Cantor and maybe Wilson can both complain to the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. I hope they both will.

Late tweets

Israel has shut down a live video broadcast by the Associated Press of Gaza, where journalists are barred from entering.

Israel claims that this broadcast was used by Al Jazeera after the medium was banned in Israel, and that it was used by Hamas for military planning.

Since the start of the war, international journalists have come under increased scrutiny from the Israeli government for reporting on the conflict and have faced increasing restrictions on their activities, drawing condemnation from the United Nations and media freedom groups.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot equip recruits with heavy equipment , writes Forbes.

Despite the help of the West, the shortage of armored vehicles in Kyiv has become even more obvious against the backdrop of combat losses and increased mobilization, the publication notes. For example, the recently formed 153rd mechanized brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces had to be retrained as an infantry brigade.

Looking at that photo, I am assuming that the “tart-on-a-stick” in the blue outfit is his daughter.



Gove is a complete puppet of the Jew-Zionist/Israel lobby, and has been for many years, even long predating his time as MP and then government minister. A drug abuser, a shambling drunk, an expenses cheat/fraudster, and more besides.

Could the Federal Government —and whole society— of the USA be any more penetrated and occupied by “them”?

Late music

[David D. Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo; https://www.daviddpearce.com/workszoom/4737386/cairo-citadel-bird-souq-and-buses#/. The artist is a former U.S. diplomat]

Diary Blog, 26 March 2024

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

From the newspapers


Unwanted here. Troublemakers.

More tweets

All high-ranking members of the Kiev regime are legitimate targets, most of all Zelensky himself, and Danilov.

Israeli embassies worldwide are not normal diplomatic buildings but centres for every kind of subversion and snooping, even compared to some others which mix diplomacy with an illegitimate amount of espionage and other activity.

London court postpones Assange’s extradition to the US Julian Assange has been granted a reprieve in his fight against extradition to America.

London’s Supreme Court has ruled that the WikiLeaks founder can take his case to an appeal hearing if the UK and US fail to meet certain conditions, The Guardian writes.

The court demands that the United States allow Assange to invoke the First Amendment of the US Constitution, which guarantees freedom of speech. They must also ensure that his Australian citizenship will not affect the proceedings, and that the death penalty will not be taken against the whistleblower, the publication explains.

If the court does not receive such guarantees by April 16, the defense will be able to appeal. However, even if assurances are provided, the parties will be able to file a motion before a final decision is made to file an appeal, the article emphasizes. If Assange is denied permission to appeal, he could be sent to the United States within days to face espionage charges.

His lawyers insist that the charges related to WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of secret and diplomatic documents related to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are politically motivated and the extradition request is illegal.

A purely political and malicious attempt to silence a truthteller. On a smaller stage, the same happened to me, most recently in 2023-2014.

At what point does that sort of thing stop being foolishness (or idiocy) and start to become a form of deliberate treason?

…and who, or what, really, is Macron? Read my assessment from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

That seems to be a reference to American ex-officer Macgregor: see

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Rendezvous]


My crowdfunder, set up to pay the court-imposed costs of my recent free speech trial, remains open. All donations gratefully received. If you cannot donate, please share the link as widely as possible. Thank you.


Diary Blog, 29 February 2024

Morning music

[All Souls, Oxford]

Rochdale by-election

I blogged about the by-election a few days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/02/25/diary-blog-25-february-2024-including-a-look-at-the-upcoming-rochdale-by-election/.

The latest from the bookmakers is that George Galloway (Workers Party) is odds-on to win, followed by (around 6/4) Azhar Ali, the former Labour candidate disowned by Starmer, Azhar Ali therefore being an independent candidate in reality, though “Labour” on the ballot paper. The next in line is the LibDem, trailing the frontrunners at about 65/1. Reform UK (Simon Danczuk) is at 100/1. The rest of the field of 11— 1,000/1.

This is now between Galloway and “Labour” Azhar Ali. Former Labour MP Danczuk only got 1.8% (as Independent) in 2017, after having been sacked. The LibDem may do better than expected, being a white man and alternative to Ali and also to Scotsman George Galloway, whose campaign has been all about Gaza, and whose voters are (90%+) Muslims. Still, if I had to bet, I would probably go with the perceived favourite, Galloway.

The by-election is between two candidates trying to capture the Pakistani Muslim vote. Where do the English voters go? They are still the majority in the constituency, numerically, yet have been frozen out.

Symptomatic of System politics in the UK?

I have no sympathy for Danczuk, and little for Reform UK, but will be interested to see how they go. Had Reform UK put up a better candidate, it might have gone close. As it is, I daresay that the white (English) vote will be split several ways.

Israel declares war on “antisemitism” and “anti-Semites”


Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikii said that “the time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive, and to ensure that the perpetrators of anti-Semitism are identified and dealt with.

The time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive and to ensure that the perpetrators of antisemitism are identified and dealt with,” Chikli said.

The initiative will include a push for a government proclamation to improve Israel’s global standing and legislation to target organizations, including NGOs, and individuals engaged in antisemitism.

[Jerusalem Post]

Well, there it is. “They” want a war, and are about to launch one.

In fact, Israel already targets (via local volunteers in the UK and elsewhere) anyone opposed to Jewish/Zionist global domination.

I myself am due to be sentenced next month, following my conviction in November 2023 for political “offences” under the notorious “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission).

Tweets seen

What the Israelis are saying about why the Israeli response on 7 October 2023 was at first very slow, and then incompetent (killing Israeli civilians indiscriminately).

Needless to say, the “Pearl Harbor” idea, i.e. that the Israeli leadership knew of the attack plan but allowed it to happen in order to be able to flatten Gaza with a figleaf of justification, is not mooted.

1956. The year of my birth in present incarnation.

A very important message still not understood by some people.

One cannot simply dismiss that tweet as “a woman scorned”; the kind of dishonesty alleged destroys (if proven) hope for social nationalism, destroys trust.

Not that it matters in terms of realities, though. “Britain First” has no chance anyway, whether at Rochdale or anywhere else.

True, but I seem to recall that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel not so very long ago…: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

I was unaware that that bastard Pollard was still alive.

I wonder how many Jews there are in, e.g. the Security Service/MI5 and SIS? Some, for sure. Where lie their loyalties? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard.

Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship while incarcerated. He relocated to Israel in 2020.

I suppose that the Israelis thought that they owed Pollard something. After all, when he desperately appealed to the Israeli Embassy in Washington —when the FBI was on his tail— the Israeli Embassy guards were ordered to shut the gates and not let him back in. He was then immediately arrested by the FBI. He did 30 years in Federal custody, altogether (inc. 2 years of pre-trial detention).

More tweets

Israel’s war crimes continue.

Not even the heavily Muslim areas of Britain are breeding above the 2.1 replacement rate.

@DillyHussain88 thinks Britain’s Muslims are faithful and will outbreed us natives, but the truth is that even they are increasingly infected with the modernist cancer. Consumer capitalism + Usury = the Death of Nations. This System cannot be reformed or saved, it will simply totter on until collapse. Those who separate from this 21st Century Sodom and breed will build something new from the rubble. https://knightstemplarorder.com/fertility_rate_plunge.”

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Quite right.

More from the global police state


“[Canadian] Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.

The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Mr. Virani said the hate-crime offence would only be applied if coupled with another crime and the life sentence would only apply in the most serious of cases – not, for example, for mischief to a garage door.

Mr. Virani said the current bill followed studies of the experiences of other countries, including Britain, France and Germany, which have produced similar legislation. Some have had to reverse course after challenges and criticism.

Since it was published on Monday, some lawyers and constitutional experts have raised fears that Bill C-63 could chill free speech.

The bill would allow people to file complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission over what they perceive as hate speech online – including, for example, off-colour jokes by comedians. People found guilty of posting hate speech could have to pay victims up to $20,000 in compensation.

But experts including internet law professor Michael Geist have said even a threat of a civil complaint – with a lower burden of proof than a court of law – and a fine could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

[The Globe and Mail]

Look at what has happened in the UK. Material (comments, cartoons) are supposed to fall into unlawfulness only if “grossly” offensive. In theory, remarks, cartoons merely “offensive” are not unlawful, but in practice one finds (as in my own case last November) that once the police, CPS and courts think that XYZ is “offensive”, then XYZ becomes, almost automatically, “grossly offensive“, and the maker is then convicted accordingly (as I was).

Free speech has then been further chilled, or killed…

Canada is asking for something akin to civil war by enacting tyrannical laws of this sort.

More tweets seen

Germany was accused of “severe misuse of intelligence data” after discovering that British soldiers were helping Ukrainian forces launch “Strom Shadow” cruise missiles, “Telegraf” reports.

“German soldiers must not at any time and under any circumstances be associated with the targets that the ‘Taurus’ can reach,” says Scholz…

The statement of the German chancellor is a confirmation of the suspicions expressed several times by some Russian officials and experts in the field of defense and weapons, that members of the armed forces of NATO countries help Ukrainian forces in managing complex weapons systems of Western origin.

We get closer and closer to the edge…

There is a clear decision in the Alliance, which was adopted two years ago and which is still in force, which is that NATO is not a party to the conflict and everything must be done to ensure that it does not become and that the possibility of direct conflict does not arise of Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a valid decision of the Alliance made with the consent of all members of the bloc,” said the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Peter Szijártó.

Budanov is 30 years younger than me, but I warrant that I shall still be alive when he leaves this Earth…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrylo_Budanov.

I hope that Prince Silly Billy is aware of this.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 1 February 2024

Morning music

[El Greco, Christ Driving the Moneychangers from the Temple]


Regular readers of this blog, who will be aware that I was before a magistrates’ court yesterday (31 January 2024), and facing sentence in respect of the alleged publication of 5 blog posts during 2020-2022 (and facing the possible enforced closure of this blog for a lengthy period) will be interested in what transpired.

It is inexpedient for me to blog in detail about the state of play in the case, the matter still being before the Court, but I can tell readers that the sentence will not now be determined for another 6 weeks. It stands deferred until a date in March 2024.

Having said that, it now seems that the Crown Prosecution Service is not applying for a full closure of the blog, but for a lesser level of censorship, which attempt at censorship will, however, still be resisted by me.

The blog will therefore continue to be published until mid-March, and may well continue to be published after that.

Tweets seen

Attacks of this sort were almost unknown in the UK until the migration-invasion happened. What can one say? Import Asia, import Africa (etc) and you import also their behaviours.

From the newspapers


Not Jewish, but a total doormat for the Israel lobby. Went to university in Scotland but did not graduate. As local government politician, speculated with council funds (unsuccessfully), and cut back local services.

In January 2016, the Labour Party unsuccessfully proposed an amendment in Parliament that would have required private landlords to make their homes “fit for human habitation”. According to Parliament’s register of interests, Freer was one of 72 Conservative MPs who voted against the amendment who personally derived an income from renting out property.” [Wikipedia].


Looks like his constituents will be well rid of him.


Police today released the mugshots of two teenagers who accidentally stabbed one of their own gang members to death as they murdered another boy during a ‘ride out’.

[Daily Mail]


Britain 2024. What will it be like in 2034? Or 2044? Thank God I shall probably not be around to see 2044 (I would be 87-88 by then), and certainly not 2054.

The question is not “will the UK become a multikulti dystopian hell of some sort?” but when


“Scotland Yard have since apologised for the mishap, explaining that the supposed breach was due to unlicensed busking rather than the content of the songs she was singing, adding that Hadzhipetkova is being investigated.

But now a new clip of the incident shows there were five other constables at the scene, with one of the cops being heckled by a passer-by who asked why officers were not spending their time ‘catching murderers, rapists, killers’ instead.

[Daily Mail]

The public are getting fed-up and actually angry at the morphing of the police from normal police to a kind of poundshop Stasi.

I myself had a wheel (not just the tyre— the whole wheel) stolen from my parked car a year ago. Despite passing on to the police (via Internet) information provided to me by locals as to the general area where the suspect was said to live, despite also there having been at least one eye-witness (details of whom were known), the police were useless.

Scroll on a few months, and it transpired that the policeman apparently in charge of policing the neighbourhood in question was also the very same one who had been… to put it that way… snooping on my blog posts and gathering “evidence” about it and me! ‘Nuff said?

In the reported case of the Oxford Street busker, I am not sure whether it is a good idea to let people do that (it being arguably rather a nuisance) but, in the big scheme of things, she was doing no harm; maybe even the opposite.

More music

[El Greco, The Dream of Philip II]

More tweets

He forgot to add “so please send more billions of pounds and US dollars from the taxpayers of Western Europe and North America to Kiev“…

It is wrong, of course, to call the Israeli Jews “nazis” (because the German National Socialists, even in WW2, never did anything like that, and as even those who often attack them admit).

The Israeli Jews have therefore killed, in Gaza, in just under 4 months, somewhere in the region of 24,000 women, young persons under 18 years of age, and children, including babies. The number of those wounded, often very badly, is many times that number.

At the same time, in countries such as the UK, where many non-Israeli Jews (or Jews with dual nationality) live, we are told that British etc people such as me, who blog or tweet the truth, are the ones who are “abhorrent” or “evil”.

The world turned upside down.

…and anyone trying to comment or analyze objectively, via blogs or tweets etc, will be adjudged “abhorrent”, or at least “worrying”, by those who prefer their illusions (of a happy —and non-existent— multikulti society) to reality.

I can see only one advantage to that happening (but I am effectively barred from saying what that advantage would be…).

More music

Matt Goodwin

Matt Goodwin:

A decade or so ago I was basically where the average voter was. I leaned a little a bit to the left on the economy and a little bit to the right on culture.

I thought the economy, which had been battered by the global financial crisis, was in desperate need of reform.

The crisis had exposed how dependent we were on London’s financial services and how corrupt the system was. I was furious that so few people were sent to prison for causing the global meltdown.

And while I thought Britain needed some high-skill immigration to help things like the National Health Service (which employed most of my family) I was sceptical of the rising levels of legal and illegal migration under New Labour and which would later reach even higher levels under the Tories.

Like much of the country, and as research shows, I thought mass immigration erodes social trust, social cohesion, public support for welfare, and fuels populism.

what has changed, what has left me and millions others like me feeling politically homeless, is what’s happened to the people running Britain—the new elite class. In short, they’ve radicalised —they’ve driven the car off the cliff and abandoned the rest of us.

Put simply, we are living through the greatest radicalisation of the elite class since the 1960s.

Increasingly, especially since Brexit, Trump, and the summer of 2020, the white, urban, liberal graduates from elite universities and comfortable backgrounds who have joined, and are now replacing, the old ruling class have been moving sharply leftwards on cultural issues.

On all the issues which have been surging up the agenda —immigration, multiculturalism, borders, race, sex, gender, diversity, anti-racism, and more— they’ve simply turned inwards and away from much of the rest of Britain.

And as they’ve moved leftwards, they’ve taken the institutions they dominate with them —the BBC, the civil service, the universities, the advertisement agencies, the museums, the galleries, the public bodies— using their social and cultural power to impose a narrow set of strongly socially liberal beliefs on the rest of society which, as the latest British Social Attitudes survey shows, are supported by no more than 20% of Britain.

As the research shows —the new elite are the most likely to unfriend people they disagree with on Facebook, block them on Twitter, feel unhappy if their children have a relationship with a Conservative or Brexiteer, and —as I discovered after the debate— refuse to even share dinner with somebody they disagree with.

This intolerance became most visible in the aftermath of the vote for Brexit when I watched many people on the ‘liberal’ left berate much of the rest of the country as an assortment of racists, bigots, gammons, and morons, all the while making it abundantly clear they had never actually met any of them.

And it’s also reflected in how, over the last decade, the new elite have steadily expanded concepts such as ‘racism’, ‘transphobia’, ‘hate’ and ‘misinformation’ to silence or stigmatise otherwise acceptable views, such as wanting to lower immigration, strengthen out national borders or protect sex-based rights, as being socially unacceptable.

And when it comes to their political views they are, like the new elite class more generally, completely detached from the rest of the country.

They’re far more likely than everybody else to believe Britain is a “very racist” society, to think minority rights ‘have not gone far enough’ and should ultimately be prioritised above the majority, to think mass immigration has been positive, to say we should curtail free speech in order to promote ‘social justice’, to say British identity is a source of shame and embarrassment, to support radical gender identity theory, like thinking men can become women and women can become men or, as we saw in Scotland, children should be able to simply switch their sex, and to believe we cannot move on as a society unless we stop to address historic ‘injustices’ which happened centuries ago while simultaneously ignoring many similar injustices that are taking place in the world today but which, to be blunt, don’t happen to involve white people.

You see it in the institutions where I work, the universities, where my former friends have spent much of the last decade denying we have any problem with free speech and expression whilst simultaneously ignoring the growing pile of evidence, remaining completely silent as universities become increasingly politicised, prioritising ‘social justice’ above free speech and the search for truth, and then saying nothing as the likes of Kathleen Stock, Jo Phoenix, Helen Joyce, Eric Kaufmann, and many other nonconformists who merely happen to hold different views were harassed, bullied, or chased off campus altogether. What happened to me? What happened to you?

You see it also in the general, routine reaction to anybody who dares question or challenge the liberal consensus on mass immigration, hyper-globalization, and the hollowing out of our national democracy —the online mobbings, the shrieking, the cancellations, the lobbying of employers, the online archaeology, the coordinated way in which ‘liberal’ progressives work together to essentially try and destroy the reputations and livelihoods of anybody who disagrees with them, and the downplaying or complete avoidance of national scandals which do not support their worldview, such as the widespread sexual exploitation of young, white, working-class girls. What happened to me? You must be joking. What happened to you.

[a long extract from Matt Goodwin’s Substack blog]

(and, in the UK, the Communications Act 2003, s.127)… (and the increasingly aggressive Jewish/Zionist anti-free speech campaign)…

Late tweets seen

Merciless. Subhuman. Britain must be cleansed of evil.

Only pan-European social nationalism can save Europe and our culture based on thousands of years of historical development. Only social nationalism can guarantee a decent future for the peoples of Europe.

Late music

[painting by Albert Gleizes; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Gleizes]