Tag Archives: General Election 2024

Diary Blog, 16 May 2024, including thoughts about the UK housing crisis, about Islington North, about Simon Myerson, and about “grifters” such as the now-exposed Depher UK

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the River Cam, Cambridge]

From the newspapers


More than 2,000 households a month are facing homelessness in England because private landlords say they are selling up, with some blaming uncertainty caused by government delays to renting reforms.

Official figures show that more than four in 10 families who have asked councils for temporary housing after a private landlord ended their tenancy are in the predicament because the owner told them they were putting the property on the market.

Despite increasing demand, the supply of private housing available to rent is still 50,000 homes below pre-pandemic levels, figures from Rightmove show. The total number of privately renting households, including those in stable accommodation, has hovered around the 4.5m mark for the last decade, according to the English Housing Survey. In that time, England’s population grew by 3.2 million, equivalent to 1.4m households.

[The Guardian]

Look at the effect of mass migration aka migration invasion: In the last decade alone, the UK population grew by 3.2 MILLION…

Islington North

The Labour Party is to select its candidate to fight Islington North in the expected 2024 General Election. Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, sacked from Labour by Israel and Jewish lobby puppet Keir Starmer, has not been invited to apply.

Corbyn presently sits as Independent, but was elected at Islington North for Labour in every general election since 1983. At that first election, Corbyn and Labour scored a vote-share of 40.4% (Con 25.3%, SDP 22.4%), but since then Corbyn has never received less than 50% of the total vote, and usually above 60%, peaking in 2017 (when he was Labour leader) at 73% (Con 12.5%, LibDems 9%). At the most recent general election, in 2019, Corbyn scored 64.3% (LibDems 15.6%, Con 10.2%).


The huge unknown is what percentage of the voters voted for Corbyn, and what percentage voted for the Labour label.

Usually, voters vote by label. Few indeed are the instances where a candidate who has been cast out by his or her party, and who has then stood as Independent (or for a small party) then been re-elected. Most face ignominious defeat. However, Islington North may be different.

There has never been a case where a party leader has been expelled, in effect, from his own party, and has then stood as Independent in the constituency that he has represented for 41 years and is still, at time of writing, representing.

Corbyn is very high profile, and of course has been the MP since 1983, over 40 years.

It seems that local Labour has been frozen out of the selection process, and that Starmer or his minions on the Labour NEC will select the candidate. Apparently, there are several not-unlikely possibilities, and a few political chancers, such as faux-revolutionary (and System msm drone) Paul Mason, will probably also apply.

Assuming that Corbyn does stand (as Independent), I think that he might be able to win the election, and I should put his likely vote-share at somewhere around 30%-40%. The official Labour candidate will probably also get about 30%-40%.

There is likely to be a Reform UK candidate, who will probably get below 5%, and possibly (as with UKIP and Brexit Party in previous elections) only around 1% or 2%. The Conservative candidate will almost certainly struggle to get over 10% and, in the present circumstances, may be in lost-deposit territory, below 5%.

It is possible that the LibDem candidate will score over 10%; hard to say.

My view is that, if Corbyn does stand, it will be a straight fight between him and whosoever is selected as the official Labour candidate. Corbyn surely has every chance, if he stands (I think that he will).

Tweets seen

As previously blogged, not even 1997 was 1997 (as popularly now understood); Labour received only 43.2% of the popular vote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_United_Kingdom_general_election.

The 1997 General Election passed me by; I was in the middle of living for a year in Kazakhstan, was busy with everyday and not-so-everyday things, and did not have a satellite (or any other) TV; also, BBC World Service radio reception from the UK was very poor by reason of the nearby mountains (Almaty is on the lower slopes of the Tien Shan) and the remoteness from Europe etc.

I was and am willing to believe that “Captain Tom” meant well (though the whole stunt was basically brainless), but his daughter and her husband were very obviously riding it for all it was worth from the start. Disgraceful people.

The msm went along with it all because it tended to reinforce the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic” narrative of the times, the “Covid” craziness, “clapping for the NHS”, and other related nonsense.

See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo, which is well worth reading. An important investigation. These “grifters” should be hounded and prosecuted, not least because they destroy trust in the whole concept of charity and giving.

I myself gave a couple of small donations to that supposed quasi-charitable org. That’s a tenner I shall never get back. Not a fortune, true, but that “grifter” has thereby deprived me not only of a good feeling but also £10 with which I could have bought a couple of Lottery scratchcards. Never mind. If I ever meet him, I shall recover my money from the bastard in person.

I have blogged previously, several times, about this contemporary disease of online “grifters”— “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas, the Anglo-Cypriot fraudster known as the “Bootstrap Cook”), “Supertanskiii” (grifts money via her pathetic Twitter/X account which pretends to be doing pro-Labour political campaigning via swearing at “the Tories”), “Man Behaving Dadly” (a Jew called Simon Harris, who “grifted” hundreds of thousands of pounds, like “Jack Monroe”, from gullible members of the public, and also cheated Essex County Council out of about £600,000).

Many others exist, including Julia Grace Patterson, a woman who worked as a very junior NHS doctor for about 2 years before deciding that it was easier to live from online “grifting” in various ways, while also posing online as some kind of champion of the crumbling NHS.

The Essex Police seem to be red-hot when it comes to supposedly “racist” teddy-bears, or jumping on legitimate free speech at the behest of the Jewish lobby, but not much use when it comes to frauds like the above (all based in Essex, apart from Depher UK).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Well, when they are gone, that’s Ukraine’s future as a nation and people pretty much gone too. The birthrate is already far lower than replacement level, and about a third of the pre-2022 population is now outside Ukraine.

What might be called “the Reduction of the Gaza Ghetto”.

Don’t forget the main one—Israel, aided by the Jewish lobby within the USA, embedded in politics, finance, TV, radio, newspapers, publishing, and business.


Simon Myerson

Many readers will be aware of the social media presence of a Jew-Zionist called Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (part-time criminal and civil judge), whose toxic social media presence has led to his being given formal “words of advice” (equivalent to a caution) by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

I have blogged a little about Myerson in the past; he used to tweet obsessively about me and others, and is tied up with the two organizations who have tried to persecute me over the past 10-12 years, the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”].

Recently, Myerson’s sworn testimony in the civil case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor was discounted by the judge, along with that of other unreliable Jewish witnesses (Nathan Comiskey, Joanne Bell, Adam Cailler).

The Jewish defendants lost out, and at least one may have to sell his family home to pay the costs of the Claimant, he (the defendant in question) plainly having been misadvised by self-seeking Israel-based Mark Lewis and others.

One defendant, Newbon, another obsessed Zionist, committed suicide during the trial. The attempt to ruin a university lecturer, James Wilson, and make money out of it for Lewis and the defendants, backfired spectacularly.

Despite the above, Myerson is still practising at the Bar, and (as far as I know) still sitting as a Recorder.

He is an obsessive, like so many of “them”. Here we are at 1300 hrs on a Thursday afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted 39 times today by my count, starting at about 0800 hrs this morning. So about 8 times per hour, for 5 hours (so far).

I have no idea whether his practice is busy or not.

Should Myerson be sitting in judgment over the fate of British people?

For more on that specific legal case and the fallout therefrom, see previous posts on this blog and/or the tweets of the successful and brave Claimant in the case, James Wilson: https://twitter.com/per_incuriam2.

More tweets seen

Here’s an angry email from Patron’s partner Alexander Zivancevic. My view is that there is no blackmail, there is no harassment, there are no threats, and there are no mindless emails. My position is: Patron Law led its clients – Mr Mendelsohn, Dr Newbon and Mr Cantor – into disaster. And Patron Law ought to pay to get them out. Mr Zivancevic is annoyed and threatening because all this is going to cost him some cash. But it’s fair enough that he coughs up some cash to protect Mr Mendelsohn and Mr Cantor? What do you think?”

I myself have no idea whether the defeated and possibly insolvent Jewish defendants will now seek to sue Mark Lewis and others, including Patron Law, on the basis of professional negligence, but it seems that that is a distinct possibility, if not probability.

Lewis himself has no property in this country, having “relocated” (fled?) to Israel several years ago. Indeed, just before he left, and at the time of his “conviction” in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018 (for violently insulting people on Twitter etc), and just before he moved “permanently” to Israel, his own Counsel pleaded that he should not be fined too heavily because his “only assets” were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter. Even his car had been provided for him for free, paid for by the “antisemitic” British taxpayers, via the DWP-connected Motability scheme. The so-called “top libel lawyer” (according to the tabloid Press in years past)…

Egregious on its own, but also interesting in that Lewis is apparently a partner in that Jewish or mainly Jewish law firm, Patron Law, based in West London. If Lewis is sued (successfully), it may be the case that the other partners of that firm will be jointly and severally liable, if joined to the putative or potential action.

I hesitate to be unequivocal on this, because I have not practised at the Bar since 2008, and was (albeit wrongfully and unlawfully) disbarred for political reasons in 2016: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

It is not unlikely that the laws of both libel and business or professional partnership have changed over the past few years. I no longer bother to keep up with most legal changes.

Well, there it is, my opinion (which must now come with a non-governmental health warning…).

I have to say that Mr. Wilson is a far more forgiving man than I am. Those Jewish defendants were trying to ruin Wilson and, even if they have been used and bamboozled and manipulated by their fellow Jews, deserve to suffer the consequences of their own badness, in my opinion.

Blackmail?! Well there’s a coincidence. It is so weird. Before the “meanings” judgment was signed off and approved in my case, reading the draft I could see that it was not going well for the other side, that there would likely be further publicity which might be damaging to them and I did not want to cause them any harm. Like the old Buddhist hippy I am, via my sols, I made an offer that was pretty much in the same terms as the settlement we eventually ended up with, suggesting settlement before the judgment was handed down, and then we could ask the judge if he’d be willing not to hand down judgment in those circumstances. My offer was refused as “blackmail”. The judgment was delivered, and published on the BAILII website. The other side then settled. I don’t get it.” [tweeter Cremant Communarde “@0Calamity”]

…or maybe it’s just a (((you know who))) thing…

Needless to add, a “moral case” would not cut it; only a clear legal case would do that.

I wish Mr. Wilson good luck, and victory.

More music

More tweets


Regular readers will have seen that I recently had a slight disagreement with my wife over whether we should give to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance via some fellow who knocked uninvited at the door. I was unsure whether he was bona fide or not.

I later tried to contact the air ambulance people, only to discover that their telephone (the real one— I looked it up online) is an automated message which then switches to a line that then goes dead almost immediately. I emailed them via their own website but (about a week on), I have had no reply, nor even an acknowledgment.

I believe their CEO gets about £150,000 a year, maybe more, and that their total administrative staff salary spend (ie not pilots, not doctors etc) is about £700,000 a year. P*** poor.

I myself would never now give to Hampshire Air Ambulance, whether or not the bozo at the door was bona fide.

People should be banned from fundraising at the door anyway; it’s an open invitation to rip off householders.

The same goes for most of the larger charities as well. The higher-up staff are often getting £100,000, £200,000, even £400,000 a year. Forget it.

He has completely missed the point that he owns the house! Is this not fraud? After Captain Tom foundation debacle – nothing is sacred anymore. Money corrupts people. I for one will not give to charities like this again.” [tweeter Martina J, “@MartinaJ70”].

I can only agree.

Ha ha! Tweeter “@ACSpinner” has obviously slept through the past 2-3 years or more, during which time “Jack Monroe” has been comprehensively exposed as not only a “grifter” but a literal fraudster (though for some reason unknown, she has not as yet been prosecuted).


Late tweets seen

Quite so. The Kiev regime, as I have blogged for over a year now, is running out of soldiers, even the untrained cannon-fodder which has been pointlessly dying in waves over the past two years. As for those “unprepared defensive lines“, they merely emphasize the shambolic and corrupt nature of the Kiev regime.

The Kiev regime has run out of “useful idiots” willing to volunteer to be killed or crippled on the chaotic and crumbling front lines. The foreign idiot virtue-signallers (unemployed Brit ex-private soldiers and adventure junkies, American Soldier of Fortune readers etc) have long since gone home, or been killed. Kiev now press-gangs people off the streets to be sent —on pain of the firing squad— to the front. Few will return. No wonder they put up a serious fight before they are “recruited” and have to face the guns.

The Russian army is reportedly advancing on the Kharkov front, with reports indicating a storming of Liptsy. Ukrainian sources confirm the developments, stating that Russian infantry is launching attacks from the forest west of Lukyantsy, situated on the eastern outskirts of Liptsy. Heavy fighting is also reported west of Volchansk in the areas of Burgovatka and Starytsya, according to other Ukrainian sources.

Late talking point

A country that has forgotten its culture, history, traditions and national heroes is doomed to extinction” [Tolstoy]

I look at Britain and muse as to whether that can be said (can yet be said) about this country. I am unwilling to say so —yet— but that is probably the heart ruling the head, to be frank.



Late music

[Shishkin, Gathering Storm]

Diary Blog, 7 February 2024

Morning music

[Beaulieu, New Forest, Hampshire]

Tweets seen

Labour Party rule will be as bad as the present misgovernment, or even worse. The same forces control both.

There are huge numbers of people in the UK who simply refuse to see what is in front of them. For those people, immigration into the UK —and into Europe as a whole— is somehow good (and even if not, “inevitable”), as is the resultant mixed-race society.

Deluded people, in the socio-political sense. As Hitler said of the 1919-1933 Weimar Republic mainstream, “they want not only their daily bread but also their daily illusion“.

Everyone in the UK should be aware of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, even in the dilute Wikipedia version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Fictional literature is, famously, often the predictor of later fact; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints.

The Camp of the Saints (French: Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail.[1][2][3] A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the Western world. Almost forty years after its initial publication, the novel returned to the bestseller list in 2011.


Matt Goodwin’s blog

We will restore democratic control of immigration policy after we leave the EU”, Johnson confidently proclaimed. “We must be much more open to high-skilled immigration, such as scientists, but we must also assure the public we have control over the number of unskilled immigrants coming into the country”.

This promise — that Brexit Britain would be completely reshaped around highly-skilled, highly-selective, and highly-controlled immigration— has been repeated by countless Tories ever since and still guides Spectator-style Toryism today.

The only problem, as new data makes clear, is that it was a lie. A big, fat, barefaced Tory lie. The country, the British people, got no such thing.

Contrary to what Boris Johnson and then Liz Truss and then Rishi Sunak promised, Britain has not been transformed into an oasis of highly-skilled scientists and big tech entrepreneurs who are contributing more than they are taking.

Far from it.

Under the Tories, Britain has become even more a country of mass, uncontrolled, and unassimilated immigration —much of which is not high-skill or selective at all.

Consider just one of many mind-boggling statistics.

Over the last five years, about two million people from outside Europe arrived in Britain through net migration. But how many do you think came for work?

Just 15 per cent. That’s right. 15 per cent.

The rest entered Britain as the relatives of workers, international students, the relatives of these students, or as asylum-seekers and refugees.

[from Matt Goodwin’s blog].

Few of the migrants are “high-skilled”, few work in “high-skilled” (or any) occupations.

Our society is gradually unravelling.

More tweets seen

I had not heard of that person, so I turned to Google.





Incidentally, Victoria Derbyshire misspelled the name.

An example of what is so wrong in that interface where public administration meets political propaganda, public relations, and low-level journalistic scribbling.

Look at his background. Five years of higher education at Oxford and Cambridge, studying natural sciences, after which he seems to have spent not far off three years working for Brexit-related pressure group organizations (Vote Leave, and then Brexit Central), followed by a year at the Guido Fawkes news outlet. Then? Straight to government as a Special Adviser (average pay is around £100,000 p.a.) in several posts over three years, culminating at 10, Downing Street.

After the fall of Liz Truss, Bennett left Downing Street (I presume involuntarily) and is now (after what seems to have been a year unemployed, or at any rate not detailed on Linked-In) in the world of politics-related public relations, like so many of such people.

People have to come from somewhere; no-one these days jumps fully-formed from university to government at a high level, but one wonders whose hands the government of this country is in when it is advised by people with so slight-seeming a background.

Odd-looking fellow. Must be about 32-33. Origins not known.

“SpAds” are a creation of the past few decades. Unnecessary,.

In the mid-Victorian era, public administration and much else was reformed: Army and Navy officer recruitment, the Civil Service, the Courts and legal profession etc. May be time to look again at how many parts of the public realm are organized.

Looking at the Liz Truss news, it is absolutely incredible that that silly woman now seems to imagine that she can return to some kind of political prominence. Her pseudo-“libertarian” ideology just does not resonate with the voters, and will not, even if conflated with some kind of anti-“woke”, anti-immigration ballast.

Matt Goodwin (continued)

Incidentally, that Matt Goodwin article reposted here above ends (at least the free-to-read version) with:

While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin’s blog].

Many many British people now, either consciously or unconsciously, support the kind of social nationalism that I do, but they will not admit to it, by reason of the muffled repression now part of UK society. Look at my blog.

I am going to be sentenced in the magistrates’ court next month for allegedly having published five (5) of the 1,700+ blog posts put on my WordPress blog since the end of 2016. If “the pen is mightier than the sword“, then the Jewish/Zionist lobby, using the police and CPS as proxies, are trying to take away that pen…

There is also the point that no proper social-national party or movement exists in the UK. The one that is most closely akin to such a movement, Patriotic Alternative, is itself now subject to repression. Sam Melia, one of the leading figures, has just been convicted, in the Crown Court, of “incitement”, on evidence that would have shamed the Star Chamber; his personal bank account had already been shut down a couple of years ago, along with that of his wife, Laura Towler.

Britain is not really anything like a “free country” now; it certainly has very little “free speech”.

Looking at the electoral situation politically, it seems that non-voting apathy might now amount to half of the eligible electorate. That might be seen as a positive fact, though. The right movement might energize that half of the population.

More tweets

Ha ha! I had better not comment in such terms as I should prefer, in view of my upcoming sentencing hearing but if, as Pollard and Collier claim, “antisemitism” is so embedded in, eg, the courts, how come I have been bothered by the police, then charged and convicted under a “bad” law (Communications Act 2003, s.127, which the Law Commission has recommended for repeal), and now face actual judicial sanction for having allegedly published a few “antisemitic” comments and cartoons during 2020-2022?

I wonder why (not really…).

The @DefundIsraelNow account on Twitter/X is one of the very best on the platform.

Africa? Australia? From the accent, I think the latter.


No wonder that hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged Ukrainian men are hiding out in other countries to avoid the draft.

I blogged during 2023 that September/October 2024 was the most likely time for GE 2024.

The times they are a’changin’…

Diary Blog, 18 January 2024

Morning music


From the newspapers


…the transformation of the popular but difficult University Challenge into a festival of political correctness, some of whose questions are more or less impossible to answer, and many more (I suspect) are only answered because so many teams now train for them.”

Yes. I have noticed the change over the past months. Absurdly specialized questions in mathematics and physics etc. Also, the fact that the students often seem stumped by fairly basic questions of history and geography.


Typically-useless British business drone parasite.

Tweets seen

Britain needs a social-national rulership, and what Nietzsche termed “a revaluation of all values“.

What a horrible tribe.

Ferried to the UK by the Border Force (or “Farce”) ship amusingly (?) misnamed the BF Defender. “BS Defender” would be more accurate.

More from the newspapers


A passenger was pushed onto the tracks of a West London Underground station by a man who then walked off. The incident happened at around 9.30am on Wednesday, January 17.

The victim was stood on the eastbound platform of Westbourne Park underground station when they were approached by a man and pushed onto the tracks. After shoving them onto the tracks, the man casually walked away and left the scene.

Detectives are investigating the serious assault and have released a CCTV image as part of the investigation. British Transport Police believe the man in the image could help.”

[sought by police]

[My London]

London 2024. What will it be like by 2034?

Incidentally, I note that, once again, one of the “pay peanuts get monkeys” wannabee “journalists” of the Press has written “was stood” rather than the correct “was standing“. Standards of literacy in journalism, as with everything else in contemporary Britain, have fallen through the floor.


A fraudster tried to impersonate would-be drivers in theory exams even though he looked nothing like them. Christian Kabungulu used the driving licenses of paying customers to fool Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officials at London, Essex, and Berkshire test centres eight times between June 2021 and December 2022, the Old Bailey heard on Thursday, January 17.

But the brainless scheme, which involved posing as people, his own defence counsel conceded, ‘he did not look like’, fell apart when officials twigged he was a fraud.”

[“brainless” fraudster]

[My London]

More wonderful “diversity”. Why is the “brainless” invader even here? Why is he allowed to stay? How can the present society even be maintained, let alone advanced, when much of the urban population of the UK is similar to that?

More tweets seen

That tweeter suggests that Con Party might have 41 seats after the GE. My own attempt to predict it via Electoral Calculus (on the same figures but including EC’s Scottish seats prediction and my own “tactical voting” estimates) leaves the Cons with only 36 seats. Almost existential for them, especially as hardly any people under 50 (about 10%, according to YouGov) will be voting for the Conservative Party. https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

The British electoral system moves slowly over the years, but it really looks as though the Conservative Party is on the way out. It happened to the once-mighty Liberal Party after the First World War; and look at the SNP, in the other direction: the SNP took about 40 years after its foundation (early 1930s) to get a single MP (1970) and then another 45 years (2015) to get more than a handful of Scottish seats.

Incidentally, the YouGov figures also suggest a possible/likely LibDem bloc of 30 seats, double what they now command. That despite an opinion poll level of only 8%, re-emphasizing the importance of concentrations of votes. Seems that Clausewitz was right even off the literal field of battle.

As to Reform UK, the prediction indicates either no seats or 1 seat, despite the 12% polling. However, the night is young. Matt Goodwin does not rule out 15%, most of which would come out of the 2019 Con Party vote. Above that level, seat gains become possible, certainly if Reform UK managed to get 20% at the GE. If the Conservative vote continues to slide, 15% is quite likely, 20% not impossible, even if only as a despairing protest vote from “Middle England”.

Reform UK is not social-national, merely conservative pseudo-nationalist, of course. Also pro-Israel, and pro the Jewish lobby. Still, I am hoping that Reform UK does well, because that will help to destroy the Conservative Party (one of the two main System parties) and so destabilize the System as a whole. Again, a good showing at the GE by Reform UK will help to shift the “Overton Window” a little towards my way of thinking. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

and at sea…

and inland…

France used the guillotine until 1977: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillotine#Retirement.

Incidentally, the criminal, though obviously non-white, may or may not be “Muslim” as claimed in the first tweet.

I myself have met a number of Ukrainians in the past and almost-present, from (in the 1990s) people at ministerial-ambassadorial level, right through to riff-raff parasites (in more recent years). Only one out of the whole lot was a decent person. I concede that that is purely anecdotal but, for what it may be worth, there it is…

Paris, like London, has effectively fallen. Macron is in (((the usual))) pocket, and merely presides over burgeoning chaos. Only Marine le Pen has a chance of getting on top of this (not that I agree with all of her policies and views— her father was better).

Incidentally, my view of Macron, written and published on the blog nearly 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Events since 2019 have only reinforced my view.

Happened to see that tweet by accident, if you like. Nothing on mainstream news (that I have heard).

Conservative voters are becoming more, not less, concerned about immigration. Between 2011 & 2020, they were 20-30 pts more likely to cite immigration as a top issue than Labour voters. Since 2020, that gap has grown to 50 pts. And those who have left the Tories for apathy are especially worried about it”. https://mattgoodwin.org/p/this-one-map-tells-you-a-lot-about

Many Labour voters are also “concerned” (horrified) by the migration-invasion of Britain, but are also “concerned”, perhaps more, about cost-of-living, housing, the slide in the standards of the NHS, education etc (though immigration impacts on all of those issues). Much depends on how questions are put, and whether people understand how different issues are in fact connected.

Quite…and “I wonder” which group is behind most of that repression? …

I notice, by the way, that Sam Melia of Patriotic Alternative is the latest social-national political figure to be facing trial on a basically political charge: https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2024/jan/16/uk-man-with-hitler-picture-used-sticker-campaign-to-stir-racial-hatred-court-told.

Look at that last tweeter. She is so typical of the pseudo-liberal shallow thinkers who so often think of themselves as educated and intelligent (and “up with the times”, of course). Lives in Newbury, Berkshire, a place scarcely impacted by the migration-invasion. Probably comfortably-off financially, as well. Typical msm type, on the face of it.

That tweeter claims that only a “relatively small number of people are very anti-immigration“. Well, recent polls indicate that about 35%-40% of the British or UK-resident population think immigration the most important politico-social issue facing this country, so on that basis alone immigration is a very great concern for well over a third of voters.

If you take out non-white UK residents, that would be well over 40%.

That, however, is not the end of the matter. The other 50%-65% are, most of them, still “concerned” about immigration (taking out non-white votes, maybe 75%?) but, when asked to prioritize, have put cost-of-living, NHS, and housing or other topics above immigration. Many would still say that mass immigration is in their top five issues.

I believe that I saw an opinion poll recently to the effect that about 80% (without the non-white votes maybe 90%), have at least fairly considerable concerns about the invasion and occupation.

In other words, tweeter Penny French/Penny Horwood is the one in the “small minority”…

Rees-Mogg does not seem to know the history either of England or of his own party. The Conservative Party does not go “back to the early 18th Century“, as Rees-Mogg says in that clip, but only to the 1830s, over a hundred years later.

It is true that a faction of the Whigs in the 1780s, friends of Pitt, are sometimes regarded as the ancestors of the Conservatives, but they were not so called at the time, which anyway was at least 50-60 years after the “early 18th Century” suggested by Rees-Mogg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative_Party_(UK)#Origins.

[abusive “carers”]

…and the four monkeys concerned got between 4-6 months imprisonment each, so will be out in between 2 and 3 months. Pity they cannot be taken out over the Irish Sea in a helicopter and pushed out, 50 miles from shore.

Jez Turner of the London Forum got a year in prison for merely making the semi-humorous suggestion that Jews in the UK should be expelled, as happened in the reign of Edward I (13th/14thC). Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) got longer merely for running a free speech Internet “radio” podcast show.

Where are the priorities of the CPS and judiciary?

There are wider questions of course, such as whether care homes of all sorts should be (as they now are) cash cows for exploitative profiteers such as, in the past, Duncan Bannatyne (the Dragon’s Den know-all/know-nothing), or run and organized quite differently.

Wider still is the question of the general —and quite apparent— slide in standards since Britain became “multicultural”. We just do not need such backward populations in our European lands.

Horrible evil old cow.

Despite that, Russia is winning, slowly, in Ukraine. It has the positional and strategic edge now. The Kiev regime can only decrease, as the Russian forces increase in both size and tactical skill.

So long as Russia has its nuclear arsenal, the West will always pull back from direct attack by NATO (NWO/ZOG) forces. Before the USA changes that caution to recklessness, it should consider what the USA would look like without its top 50 cities…

Ukrainians have joined the losing side several times in key moments of their history, and now they are again working against their interests, said the former adviser of the President of Ukraine Zelenskiy Alexey Arestovich.

“Our problem is that in the turning points of our history, we bet on the side that loses. The point is not to bet on the winners, the point is that, again and again, we don’t bet on our interests.”

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Spy Games]

Diary Blog, 17 January 2024

Morning music

[Catherine Hyde, The Running of the Deer]

Tweets seen

If the “preferences” of non-whites resident in the UK were not counted, that latter figure would be 0%.

The Jew-Zionists play it differently in France, the UK etc; there, they try to abuse laws of various kinds in order to repress free speech and freedom of expression, while trying to keep a stranglehold on the mainstream media.

The unfortunate population of Gaza suffers and suffers, while the Israeli and other Jew-Zionists mock their suffering in Tik-Tok and other online postings. “They” are laughing (so far).

The last time (the last major time, at least) that France gave (an entirely worthless) “security guarantee” was in March 1939: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Polish_alliance.

That went well…

Poland was then (September 1939) flattened by invasions from two sides, by the German Reich advancing from the west, and by the Red Army advancing from the east (with a few other little incursions in the south as well). France (and Britain) declared war on one invader-state only, the German Reich, and did not actually lift a finger to assist Poland directly.

Beware of “guarantees”, especially from France.

See also (about Macron’s strange background; first published here in 2019) https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

The number of Albanians arriving on the small-boats rose sharply between 2020 and 2022, from 54 to 12,301, though is now beginning to fall. Yet at the same time the number of Indian nationals crossing has risen sharply, from not a single Indian in 2018 or 2019 to almost 700 last year.

Some suggest Indians are now the third-largest cohort of migrants crossing the Channel. There are currently more than 51,000 asylum-seekers living in hotels in Britain.

At the end of 2022, the total estimated one-year cost of asylum-related spending on hotel accommodation, asylum-related allowances, healthcare, and school places – along with supporting new bodies like the Small Boats Operational Command (SBOC) and a technical unit specialising in asylum applications by Albanians – is now estimated to be in the region of £3.5 billion.

Put another way, last year the UK government spent three and a half times more accommodating newcomers in hotels (£2.2 billion) than the £630 million spent tackling homelessness in the UK, or spent more money accommodating newcomers than it spent on the latest fund for Levelling-up the left behind regions outside of London (£2.1 billion).

[Matt Goodwin, on his Substack blog].

In theory, there is almost no limit to the numbers who can claim “asylum” in the UK. The applicable law and rules were passed at a time or times when it was never envisaged that globalization and international disorder might result in huge populations, hundreds of millions of people, deciding to relocate en masse to Europe, including the UK.

If sceptics say, “it would never happen” (that hundreds of millions might strike out for the UK), the present migration-invasion (both “legal” and “illegal”) was never thought, by the average Joe, to be likely to happen, either. I can recall being ridiculed for suggesting that it might happen. That was in the 1970s. Look now…

Matt Goodwin, however, seems to be labouring under the misapprehension (let us politely call it that) that the System is simply incompetent, whereas in fact, amid the general incompetence of the Westminster Bubble types, there are secret and sinister plans afoot, and have been for decades: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

The continuing migration-invasion has already pretty much killed off, in most people, the pride in being British felt by most previous generations; it is also, right now, killing off what is left of the idea that the UK is “a nation” or a small group of 4-6 nations in one. It is killing off the Welfare State, the NHS, the idea that the average person without family money can buy a decent house or flat, and much else besides.

There will either be chaos or civil war, or both, by 2050 if not long before that date.

More tweets seen

Is that surprising? Starmer is a member of Labour Friends of Israel (as is Blair, whereas Cameron-Levita, Theresa May, “Boris” Johnson, and Liz Truss are all members of Conservative Friends of Israel. Not forgetting the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak).

Starmer is of course married to a Jewish woman, a property lawyer: see https://www.tatler.com/article/the-rising-starmer-who-is-lady-victoria-starmer-tatler-january-2023-issue, and their children are being brought up as if full-Jew:

It was her parents who instilled her Jewish faith and the Starmers have continued in that tradition.

Despite Sir Keir being an atheist, the family attend The Liberal Jewish Synagogue in St John’s Wood. A politico from the Jewish community tells me: ‘Keir has fully embraced Victoria’s Jewish practice.’ Their children are said to go to Cheder lessons at the synagogue, where young people learn about Judaism.

They uphold the Shabbat tradition of Friday-night dinners with family and friends as often as they can, even taking to Zoom prayers – read by Victoria’s father – during the pandemic. Invitations to these dinners are known to be ‘highly prized’…

Her faith may in fact turn out to be significant in a political sense. As to what her first official foray into politics might be, one Westminster insider suggests that it could be connected with the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM): ‘Giving a speech to JLM would be quite an easy introduction because it is already the community she is part of.’

The group has approached Sir Keir’s office about Lady Starmer’s involvement. At the Labour Party’s annual conference in Liverpool last September, she went with Ruth Smeeth, who has since been nominated for a Labour peerage, and a small group from JLM to Liverpool Reform Synagogue to mark the first day of Jewish New Year.

Another Westminster insider says: ‘She has helped shape Keir’s understanding of anti-Semitism...”


I disagree with calling any humans, or humanoids, “animals“. The animal kingdom already suffers so much from humanity, so I prefer not to add insult to injury.

On the “terrorism” point, though, Jews have been going from the UK, France, USA etc to Israel for training and indoctrination for decades. They stand ready to do whatever they are told to do.

Victor Ostrovsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky] has said (and written) that MOSSAD and other Israeli Intelligence agencies maintain arms caches in all countries except the USA. So the arms (and explosives?) are already in the UK, as are those Jews who have received military and other training in Israel. Most if not all have UK passports and mostly dual nationality. A ready-made small army…

Is the Security Service complacent about all that? Complicit? The Government actually gives Jewish organizations British taxpayers’ money in order to “assist with security”. Is there any oversight? I doubt it.

Israeli war crimes, cheered on by (it seems, looking at Twitter/X and elsewhere) many, maybe most of the Jews currently resident in the UK, France, USA etc. That, at least, is my own impression (I concede that my conclusion is based on evidence anecdotal or unscientific).

Late tweets

The Tories are failing to provide a serious & effective response to illegal migration while also losing control of legal migration. And now both will almost certainly soar to even higher levels under a Labour government, which has no serious plan for the former and does not care about the latter.

This will further erode public trust in politics, fuel division, cost more lives in the Channel, and undermine the legitimacy of the old politics.

The real losers in all this will be the British people who simply asked for what they were promised in 2016: control over their borders and much lower levels of immigration.

The end result –I suspect– will either be widespread apathy or the emergence of a new politics which finally takes this promise, and the British people, seriously.”

[Matt Goodwin]

First apathy, then perhaps, after the UK slides further into the mire, there may emerge, from the depths of the people, a new wave.

Zelensky began to prepare Western public opinion for total mobilization in Ukraine and the extradition of Ukrainian men: “This is a matter of law and justice. If you are of mobilization age, according to Ukrainian law, you must be in Ukraine. It is a fact. And then you will fight or not fight. You will work.

Without the help of the US and EU, Ukraine will struggle, Ukraine will be weaker and this will be an opportunity for Russia to take over us. And as soon as they capture us, believe me, it will be a war between NATO and Russia.”


The Zelensky cabal seems to have accepted that, as things stand, Russia has the strategic or positional advantage.

Late music

Diary Blog, 12 January 2024

Morning music


Tweets seen

I am hardly “pro-Trump”, as such, but if he can struggle through to a second term, that will make the world a rather safer place. He would take away the ricebowl of the Jew-Zionist dictatorship in Ukraine, and try to make some kind of peace with both Iran and the Arab world.

The UK Government these days is completely in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby, which has infiltrated, over about 75 years, not only into the UK political milieu but also into the key parts of the Civil Service (as well as academia, publishing, the msm and, of course, business).

Look at the state of this country! Potholed roads, railways that do not run half the time, corrupt MPs, useless police, environmental degradation, endless scandals, and the continuing (and enormous) migration-invasion.

So on what does little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, waste money? Attacking Yemeni rebels, supporting Israel, and funnelling arms, ammunition and actual money to Zelensky’s brutal and doomed Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

The sooner the General Election comes, the better, even if, in the short term, the result is a Labour Party elected dictatorship. The “Conservative” Party must be destroyed.

Interesting. Just as Brexit (the 2016 Referendum) was about more than Brexit alone, so the protest votes (especially for Reform UK) will be about the whole state of this country, and especially the migration-invasion (not just the cross-Channel aspect but the whole “million-blacks-and-browns-a-year” aspect). The existential threat to whatever up to now could be called “Britain”.

Make no mistake: even if the “net” increase per year is “only” half a million, or 600,000, that is still enough to collapse this whole country into rubble and social disorder within 5-10 years. Bear in mind that the invaders will be breeding as well.

Both numbers and ethnicities. Many white (i.e. British) people are leaving for countries such as Australia, New Zealand etc. They may be wrong about those countries being safe havens, but leave that question aside. It means that even the “net” immigration of non-whites into the UK is somewhere around 800,000 per year.

Ha. Quite.

“Refugees”, according to the “refugees welcome” dimwits.

Migrant-invaders. Britain is undefended.

If only…

The country falling to pieces in every way, huge numbers of British people without a home, and the little Indian money-juggler is sending another £2.5 BILLION to the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev. Unbelievable.

However you vote this year, if you vote, do not vote for the “Conservative” Party. It hates you.

As speculated about previously, it may be that deep tunnels will be the method of choice for Palestinian Arabs to attack Israel in areas far from Gaza.

Though tunnels have been used in places in other conflicts (eg in the Vietnam War), tunnels of the length and sophistication of those under Gaza have not played a big part in warfare anywhere, except in fixed defensive lines, such as the Maginot Line constructed on the French-German border between the world wars. Of course, fixed defences in a few fortresses have also employed underground tunnels and emplacements— Gibraltar, under Moscow and other cities, NORAD in the Rocky Mountains etc.

The advantage in the Israel/Palestine conflict is that the Palestinian Arabs do not have air fleets, tanks etc. Tunnels give them the chance to strike unexpectedly in the heart of enemy territory.

Look at the Old Testament. Look at the Jewish religious festivals. Ethnic supremacism.

Slightly simplistic as applied to individuals, but absolutely correct on the group basis. Only the Aryan can give life.

More music

More tweets

If I were a rich man, doo di doo di doo…[etc]”

A pretty obvious case of fraud and local government corruption, prima facie, and in my opinion. Either that, or local government maladministration on an almost unbelievable scale.

The “scamdemic”/”panicdemic” did seem to make so-called decision-makers lose their heads, including those in central government. “Eat Out to Help Out”…what an incredibly stupid and wasteful policy. “PPE” contracts…another example. “Test and Trace”…yet another.

Tens of billions of pounds just wasted totally.

Paul Mason

I have blogged about Paul Mason previously a few times. My view originally was that he was interesting on economics, but politically completely stupid, seeming to endorse a kind of anarcho-syndicalism (superficially) while (rather a red flag) wanting to forcibly repress those with whose views he disagreed. The latter would be social-national people like me.

I then discovered that Mason was both a one-time Trotskyist, and part-Jew.

I have seen allegations online that Mason is tied up with British security and/or intelligence. Maybe. I find him hard to pin down either politically or even in terms of economics. Another red flag, at least for me. Someone who seems to run with the quarry and chase with the hunters.

When Mason was reporting on the Greek financial crisis, he was plainly (even expressly, I think) pro-Syriza, the supposed socialist “party of the people”, which took power for a while, but then repressed the real voice of the Greeks (Golden Dawn), and then sold out the Greek people to transnational forces of capital and the EU. NWO/ZOG, in short.

Now we see that Mason supports the attack on the Yemeni rebels, supports the Israeli attack on Gaza, supports (loudly) the dictatorship of the Jew Zelensky in Kiev etc. No wonder some call him a System “stooge”.

Some tweets:

Invoke Article V“? To invoke Article V would be to push the button to start the third world war. Madness. I hope that this crazed scribbler, Mason, does not have any real influence in the corridors of British power.

The best way to ensure peace is to dump support for Israel, dump support for the Kiev regime, and try for a realistic realignment in Ukraine, with Russia ruling the part of Ukraine east of the Dnieper and along the Black Sea coast.

Again the interventionist mindset.

Incidentally, even something as mild as UKIP enrages him: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist)#Politics.

Ultimately, Mason is someone whom —despite never having met him, only having seen him on TV— I instinctively dislike, and someone who, in my opinion, is not to be trusted.

Seems that my view of Mason is shared by others…

Quite a few tweeters explicitly naming Mason as an SIS agent, but of course without any direct proof. Still, “by their fruits shall ye know them“, arguende.,..

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations:

Israel intensifies aerial bombardment in the areas it asked civilians to move to in Gaza

I am disturbed by the statement of Israeli ministers regarding encouraging the movement of Gazans to other countries

These statements raise serious concerns about the possibility of mass forced transfer from the Gaza Strip

Any attempt to change the demographic composition of Gaza must be firmly rejected.”

Late music

]painting by Jack Vettriano]

Diary Blog, 11 January 2024

Morning music

[painting by Canaletto]

From the newspapers


A senior Conservative MP launched a scathing attack on a controversial bill banning local councils from boycotting Israel, as eight Tories voted against the proposed legislation.

Alicia Kearns, the Conservative chair of the foreign affairs select committee, told the Guardian that the bill undermined free speech, went against international law and risked leaving the UK isolated on the global stage.

While the bill passed by 282 votes to 235, eight Conservative MPs voted against the legislation, which will cause some embarrassment to its chief supporter, Michael Gove.


The 282 MPs who have voted for that bill are Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby puppets.


The UK has some of the worst cancer survival rates in the developed world, according to new research.

Analysis of international data by the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce found that five-year survival rates for lung, liver, brain, oesophageal, pancreatic and stomach cancers in the UK are worse than in most comparable countries. On average, just 16% of UK patients live for five years with these cancers.

Out of 33 countries of comparable wealth and income levels, the UK ranks as low as 28th for five-year survival of both stomach and lung cancer, 26th for pancreatic cancer, 25th for brain cancer and 21st and 16th for liver and oesophageal cancers respectively.

The six cancers account for nearly half of all common cancer deaths in the UK and more than 90,000 people are diagnosed with one of them in Britain every year.


“Our NHS”…

Still clapping?


As above

Tweets seen

Starmer is a weasel, an Israel-lobby puppet, a Jewish-lobby puppet, and nothing more, but the most important thing is to completely wipe out, if possible, the equally-“occupied” “Conservative” Party. It would be disastrous if more than about a hundred Con Party MPs were to survive the 2024 General Election. That would tend to validate the rigged pseudo-democratic System.

Every time Starmer opens his mouth, he reveals just how unfitted he is for the role of Prime Minister. Something that he has in common with the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak.

I am thinking maybe a loss of around 250-300 seats, leaving the Con Party as a (50-100 MP) rump party, on a similar though higher level to the LibDems (now with 15 MPs but maybe with 30 or more after the GE, thanks purely to a projected or possible collapse of the Con Party vote in the South of England as well as elsewhere).

Of course, the LibDems are a bad joke, but then look at the Con Party over the last 14 years or more…indeed, look at the “leaders” alone: David Cameron-Levita, Theresa May, “Boris” Johnson, Liz Truss, and now the Indian money-juggler, Sunak.

I should like to be able to dissent from that last sentence but really, and in all honesty, do not think that I can, unless some almost miraculous event, or series of events, so far unforeseen, can be a “pattern interrupt” on a grand scale.


My view too. There is a largely unspoken (to some degree unconscious) wish for real social nationalism, but there is no effective social-national party now active, partly because (((the usual suspects))) have squashed every attempt to get one into the air over the past half century or more.

Now no longer there— https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Guidestones. The guiding thoughts seem all right, if unimaginative. Hard to see how they —apparently— excited so much hostility.

Diary Blog, 9 January 2024, including a few thoughts about the LibDems

Morning music

From the newspapers


Import such populations and you also import, with them, their behavioural patterns, including corruption and malfeasance in office. cf. Sunak etc.

How many similar police cases have there been, even over the past year? Many.

Tweets seen

LibDems are just wastes of space. There may be exceptions, but I have not seen any. Ed Davey is only marginally better than was Jo Swinson, and she was rock-bottom in every respect.

Even the old Liberal Party was mostly ludicrous in the post-WW1 (let alone post-WW2) era, though Jo Grimond was an exception: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jo_Grimond.

Incidentally, Grimond’s memoirs are worth reading: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Memoirs-Jo-Grimond/dp/0434306002.

As to the LibDem chances in the upcoming 2024 General Election, I may be wrong but think them overestimated by commentators. Admittedly, many voters who despise the present Government and who see nothing in Starmer-Labour for which to vote may be looking for a protest vote, and some (those who do not favour Reform UK, the Green Party, or simple abstention may choose the LibDems, but I think not very many.

There are presently-Con seats where Labour has no chance, but where the LibDems often roll in second. Those seats may go LibDem, especially if Labour voters vote tactically. I cannot see the LibDems getting more than 10% overall (2019— 11.6%).

In both 2017 and 2015, the LibDems got below 8% after the years of Con Coalition. There is no possibility for the LibDems to revisit the 23% they achieved in 2010. “You can fool all of the people some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but not all of the people all of the time” [Abraham Lincoln].

However, what matters in UK Parliamentary politics is not the overall percentage, but the percentage concentrated in particular seats, which is why, in 2015, UKIP received 12.6% of the vote but only the one seat it already had, whereas the LibDems received a mere 7.9%, yet retained 8 MPs.

So it may yet be that, in the end, even on an overall 10%, the LibDems, who currently have only 15 MPs, will able to double or even treble their Commons strength.

Meanwhile, if Reform UK gets, nationwide, the same, or even 15%, it will probably end up still without any MPs.

The present pseudo-democratic system is a bad joke.

Kiev’s air defense forces are exhausted, and the West is in no hurry to help – Financial Times.

In the absence of new tranches of military assistance from the United States and the European Union, Ukraine is increasingly concerned that Ukrainian military personnel and military and industrial facilities may be vulnerable to Russian airstrikes, writes the Financial Times.

As Russia intensifies its campaign to strike energy infrastructure and other targets in Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky called on Western allies to approve new military aid packages to bolster Kyiv’s depleted air defense capabilities.

According to Zelensky, there are not enough air defense systems both on the battlefield and for the defense of targets in Ukrainian cities. Kiev admits that Russia “controls the sky.”

At the same time, the Ukrainian Armed Forces hope that Ukraine’s receipt of American-made F-16 fighters will put an end to the dominance of the Russian air force and help resume the counteroffensive, which has so far failed to achieve any significant successes.

Not so many people want to be bothered by real problems, let alone real solutions. The masses want to be distracted by winning or losing sports games on the other side of the world, the latest soap trash on TV, the latest “reality” (unreality) TV show, or whatever.

Also, there are huge numbers of idiots virtue-signalling online or otherwise about how it is “kind” or “decent” to allow a million, or ten million migrant-invaders into the UK, or a hundred million if it comes to that. We have already had ten million, over 20+ years.

Those “virtue-signallers”, the “refugees welcome” dimwits etc are lacking the intellectual honesty to admit that that means the end of our basically decent European society, and the end of opportunities for most British people. It also means a housing crisis, a transport and roads crisis, a gradually-worsening NHS, gradually-sinking (in real terms) pay, State benefits, pensions etc, as well as educational standards falling through the floor.

More music

More tweets

I cannot find a suitable cartoon with which to characterize this news. Something like a giant jackboot applied to Skidmore’s rear end…

Late music

[Michael and Inessa Garmash, After the Opera]

Diary Blog, 4 January 2024, with some analysis of the upcoming 2024 General Election

Morning music

[Zeppelinfeld, Nuremberg, 1936; “Speer described the effect: “The feeling was of a vast room, with the beams serving as mighty pillars of infinitely light outer walls“.[7][3] The British Ambassador to Germany, Sir Neville Henderson, described it as “both solemn and beautiful… like being in a cathedral of ice“.[1] —Wikipedia]

That weasel Starmer, with his almost shamefaced (as well as shameful) self-serving lack of moral compass —albeit concealed behind a facade of faux-“decency”— reminds me very much of Cecil Parkinson [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_Parkinson].

The little Indian money-juggler must be well-aware that most voters (even former Conservative voters) view the state of the country as terrible and getting worse.

If a general election is held “now” or soon, i.e. sometime in Spring 2024, the Conservative Party MP-cadre may be all but wiped out— possibly with only about 50 MPs left, though maybe 100 or, if Sunak is exceptionally lucky, 150.

If, on the other hand, the 2024 General Election is delayed until the winter of 2024, the state of the UK will almost inevitably be yet worse, and therefore the popularity of the (supposedly) governing Con Party will be even lower.

The usual stresses on NHS, transport etc will be even more severe, and the international situation may place greater stresses on the economy. Added to those factors, the migration-invasion will have continued for another year (nearly). On those premises, the Con Party may face not only the possibility but the probability that it will be reduced to something like 50 MPs.

It seems to me, therefore, that the GE will take place in late Summer or early Autumn, before the cold weather again arrives. So about 6-9 months from now. That gives time for Labour to make mistakes.

Even so, it seems unlikely (even in the “glorious uncertainty” of the UK electoral system) that the Conservative Party can hope for an MP-cadre much if at all higher than 100; certainly no more than 150. 150 would be bad for the Con Party (similar, though worse, to 1997 and 2001), whereas 100 or fewer would be seen as disastrous.

For me, perhaps for others in the social-national milieu, the main thing is to break the whole binary electoral system, which presents, every 4-5 years, a false choice to the electorate.

If the Conservative Party is trashed in the 2024 General Election, Labour will be able to form an elected dictatorship even worse than under Blair and Brown. That will lead to popular discontent (when it fails to address the several major challenges facing the UK), with the people even more eager to embrace a new way forward under a new political party or movement, and with the small rump Conservative Party having no credibility as an alternative government.

From the newspapers


“A Las Vegas judge was pounced on and attacked by a criminal during a hearing after she denied him bail.

Judge Mary Kay Holthus from the Clark County District Court was mid-sentencing when convicted criminal Deobra Delone Redden launched at her on Wednesday morning.

Video footage shows the wild moment Redden leaped out from where he was standing and hopped into the judge’s bench to tackle her.

[Daily Mail]

Ha ha! Not that I myself would do the same (regular readers of the blog will know that I recently joined the convict classes, having made the mistake of thinking that England still had left at least some free speech or freedom of expression).

The American incident reported upon above reminds me of another incident, which happened when I was a Bar pupil (trainee barrister). That must have been in 1992.

The case involved two West Indians alleged to have robbed a petrol station in NW London, using a machete. They had been arrested the same evening, not very long afterwards, in the (alleged) getaway car.

There were oddities in the evidence. The car had been searched following the stop. No money or weapons had been found. Later, at the police station, a further search revealed a wad of cash. A week later, a further search “discovered” a container full of coins (allegedly from the filling station) and a machete. The allegation from the defendants was that everything had been planted.

My pupilmaster represented one defendant, about 6 ft 6 inches and massively built. A little twerp I recalled from the Inns of Court School of Law (“Bar School”) represented the other defendant, a menacing dreadlocked type calling to mind the drug-crazed “Mai Mulele” rebels of the Congo of the mid-1960s (see https://www.nytimes.com/1964/05/31/archives/rebels-in-congo-disdain-bullets-150-die-as-incantation-fails-to.html).

In fact, though I did not know said little twerp barrister, I recognized him, having been on the Bar Finals course with him (and hundreds of others) in 1987-88. I however had gone to the USA a while after that, so had not been Called to the (English) Bar until 1991; I also qualified at and was Admitted to the Bar of the State of New York.

All this took place at Wood Green Crown Court. As a Bar pupil, in 1992, I was there fairly frequently.

[Wood Green Crown Court, North London]

Both defendants were in custody, having been refused bail prior to trial.

The evidence against the defendants was non-existent, save for that “found” in the car. There was no cctv evidence, no fingerprint evidence, no DNA evidence (this was in 1992, and such evidence was still in its infancy). The (apparently) diminutive Indian cashier in the petrol station had been terrified, and gave no testimony. Neither did the defendants.

Despite the paucity of evidence, the jury came back with “Guilty” verdicts. There was a moment of silence. A member of the Metropolitan Police Flying Squad then gave the judge a rundown of the previous most relevant convictions of the defendants. The judge knew most of that already, as did Counsel, but of course the jury did not. There were gasps as the long list of increasingly-serious convictions was read out, topped finally by the information that the defendants still faced another upcoming trial in which they would stand accused (at the Old Bailey) of conspiring to rob building society branches, armed with sawn-off shotguns.

The judge listened patiently while, for 20 minutes, little twerp barrister attempted to mitigate. My pupilmaster declined to attempt any mitigation. The judge then sentenced the two to exactly the same term— 5 years each.

Another moment of silence preceded an explosion from the dock (behind us) as the defendants shouted out (to the jury) “YOU DOGS! YOU FUCKING WHITE DOGS!“.

The jury members (in fact not all white, there being one black woman and at least one Indian) quailed; I thought that one woman jury member might faint or cry out, though she bravely sat it out. The little twerp Counsel looked nervously over his shoulder, as did my pupilmaster. I had also looked round as the outburst had happened, but now pretended to be writing (in order to seem stoic, I think, pointless and perhaps ludicrous as that was).

The defendants then tried to fight their way out of and over the dock. The judge pressed his concealed button but stayed seated. His face was that “Judicial Livid” (red/purple) that I later saw once or twice at the High Court when a judge did not wholly appreciate my argument…

After a lot of banging, thudding, and swearing, the defendants were subdued by the two prison guards accompanying them. Other court security people then entered the courtroom. The defendants were taken down (to the cells below).

Just a day in the life, as they say.

Late music

[German; 16thC, Three Couples in a Circle Dance, c. 1515, pen and brown ink with watercolor on laid paper; Rosenwald Collection]

Diary Blog, 29 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Paris under German occupation, c.1942. Note that the young soldier has no need to be armed as he fraternizes with a Parisienne in the Jardins du Trocadero]

From the newspapers


Read that report.

As Enoch Powell once said, “we must be mad, literally mad [to allow this]”. The sheer sense of entitlement is stunning. Even the liberalistic Netherlands turned down the invader’s application, so he comes to the UK, where flourishes a combination of political and administrative inability to organize anything, and a miasma of “woke” craziness, meaning that the invader is still here at Government (taxpayers’) expense and may never be removed.

As Enoch Powell said, “literally mad“.

Now multiply the above case by the thousand, by the million…

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It looks more and more to me that there must come a time when, in the words of Nietzsche, there will have to be “a revaluation of all values“…whatever it takes.

We, eg in the UK, are now living in a largely alien and hostile culture.

The Conservative Party— a completely useless and clueless party, whose MPs are almost all just incredibly self-serving, and almost all incredibly stupid. On top of that, 80% of them belong to Conservative Friends of Israel.

Not that the Labour Party is hugely better. The only thing to do, for voters at the 2024 General Election, is to try to destabilize the fake binary system by making sure that at least one major party (i.e. the Con Party) crashes and burns, even at the expense of having to endure, for a while, a kind of elected dictatorship under Labour idiots.

I think that most voters, even former Con Party voters, have now written off the Conservative Party, and will not vote for it. Many, though, will never vote Labour either. It is an open question how many will simply abstain. Somehow I think, at the GE, not so many. They may seek out protest votes. Reform UK is plainly controlled opposition and pro-Israel etc, but will probably get a much higher vote than many are predicting; certainly 10%, possibly 15%, and I would not completely rule out 20%, depending on events.

Only a social-national movement can save our society, but at present it does not exist in any serious or hard-hitting way.

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[VDNKh, Moscow]

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Worth listening to.

The USA should ditch Israel, but “their” influence is too embedded in Congress, the American economy, the American legal system, the “American” mass media etc. The tail truly wags the dog, despite Israel being entirely dependent, in big-picture terms, on the American defence umbrella.

After the Second World War:




In 1947, in the aftermath of the Exodus incident, and the” dismay of many in the nationalist camp that the British government was prohibiting large-scale Jewish migration to Mandatory Palestine, Korff led a Lehi (Stern Gang) plot to firebomb the Foreign Office in London in protest.[4]

He traveled to Paris and offered money to a decorated member of the United States Army Air Forces, Reginald Gilbert, to fly the plane that would first drop leaflets, then drop the bombs.


Another Jew terrorist, in other words.

According to Ostrovsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky], MOSSAD has secret arms dumps in every country where there are Jews (except the USA, arms presumably being widely available there). Hundreds of young Jews go to Israel from the UK every year on special courses. Most are trained in the use of weapons; some are trained with explosives. So when they return to the UK, what are they? Sleeper agents? Future terrorists?

Before the Second World War:

[Daily Mail].

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That’s right, waste millions of taxpayer pounds on aid to the corrupt, shambolic, and brutal Zelensky dictatorship. Meanwhile Britain’s own shores are being invaded by migrant-invaders who are not being resisted in the slightest. Indeed, the British forces are actually aiding the bastards to contaminate our country.

Late tweets

Mere numbers are only the starting-point. The vital point is, if there is a massive nuclear exchange between, mainly, the USA and Russia, what happens? One of today’s warheads probably does almost as much damage as two, or ten, or more, if all hit more or less the same place.

Obviously, were there to be such an exchange, the USA, as a functioning state, would more or less cease to exist. The same is true of Russia. As for the UK, it might be wiped out not only as a state, but as a nation (taking it still to be a nation), because of the small geographic size of the UK as compared to the two major nuclear powers.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 13 December 2023

Morning music

[under Lincoln’s Inn Chapel, London]

From the newspapers


A farmer who was filmed dragging his white husky along the road while it was tied to the back of his car before she died has avoided jail.

Kim Norman Rendall, 65, was filmed callously dragging his pet pooch Daisy by a rope for around 200 metres, along Timsbury Road in High Littleton, near Bath.

Bristol Crown Court heard numerous motorists witnessed the horror and tried to stop Rendall by beeping and flashing their lights at his red Nissan Micra. But he refused to get help for Daisy and later left her to die in a cow barn. 

Daisy was eventually found by police but was left severely injured in the incident on the afternoon of April 17 this year and had to be put to sleep nine days later.

Rendall was sentenced today to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, 300 hours of unpaid work alongside a 20 year disqualification from having or keeping animals with the exception of cattle, and fish.

[Daily Mail]

Inadequate. The retired policemen recently convicted for a few trivial jokes and remarks on WhatsApp got about the same.

Animals are still not adequately protected, including protection by deterrence.

If ever an animal cruelty case demanded at least a token few —or several, or more— weeks in the clink, this was it.

The matter is now in the hands of higher powers, and also, perhaps, those of local residents.


Sir Keir Starmer‘s immigration policy is based on a lie. A well-intentioned lie, a lie designed to make us feel better about ourselves; but a lie nonetheless, a lie that will eventually bring down any Government he gets to lead.

He trotted out his falsehood again and again in interviews yesterday. Labour‘s solution to illegal immigration was to ‘break the gangs’.

Ah, what a delightful idea. Wouldn’t it be lovely if we could blame the Channel crossings on a few evil people traffickers? 

We could then regard every illegal entrant as a victim — the highest accolade our debased age bestows. We could imagine them all as desperate families who have been exploited by callous mafiosi. We could divert resentment of illegal immigration away from the illegals themselves.

The trouble is, it’s piffle. The idea that demand would dry up if there were no middlemen is a fantasy. Blaming people-traffickers is sheer deflection.

We are, in other words, just starting a new age of mass migration, a völkerwanderung. How we deal with it will define the politics of every wealthy country. I have no doubt that much of the legal infrastructure we put in place after World War II, including the UN Refugee Convention (1951) and the European Convention on Human Rights (1953) will end up being dismantled.

[Daily Mail]


As Hannan says, the post-1945 legal architecture was never designed to allow potentially —and quite literally— hundreds of millions of migrant-invaders the “right” to invade Europe. That is the scale of the danger facing us.


A third of both Gen Z and Millennials admit they get so nervous when they eat out they are afraid to order their own food – and have to ask someone to do it for them.

A new study found ‘menu anxiety’ is most felt by those aged between 18 and 24 as 34 per cent confess they ask others to choose and speak to the waiter for them.

And when they do finally order, a third (33 per cent) of 25-34 year old’s will choose what to eat based on what will look best on social media.

[Daily Mail]

Is this a sign that evolution is telling us that the present society does not deserve to survive in its present form?


Britain’s Net Zero minister flies 7,000 miles from the Cop28 climate summit and back again just to vote on Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda Bill.”

[Daily Mail]

I saw about 10 mins of Sky News coverage of that ludicrous COP28 jamboree. Some woman, a total clown, was talking about how vital it all was (just like it was last time, and in Copenhagen in 2009, when it turned out that the idiots could not even organize their own conference without creating chaos).

This is akin to the Covid “panicdemic”— those preaching from on high, from their massively-polluting private jets, do not really believe the bs they want the masses to believe (and so be compliant with all manner of “official” demands and restrictions).


One in five young Americans believe the Holocaust did not happen, a shock poll has found.

The survey, by The Economist and YouGov., included 1,500 people ranging in age from 18 to over 65 years old who were asked a series of questions about the massacre of six million Jews. 

Approximately 20 percent of people aged 18 to 29 agreed with the statement ‘the Holocaust is a myth’ and even more believed the death toll has been exaggerated.

Another survey asked 1,500 Americans if they agreed or disagreed with the statement, ‘The Holocaust has been exaggerated.’

For the 18 to 29 group, 23 percent agreed, and 26 percent neither agreed or disagreed.

So at least 49%…

People are waking up to the fraud and fakery.

The msm bias and absurdity is plain: the Daily Mail scribbler thinks that “the holocaust” is an “event“…


Worth reading. In our “free” country, I am effectively barred from commenting (thanks to “you know who”), so I shall not, not at present anyway.


A British advertising firm has allegedly pulled a billboard campaign that pictured  Israelis kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 following ‘an unusual volume of complaints from the public’.

The campaign was organised by the Israeli Embassy…

London Lites terminated what was meant to be a two-week ad campaign on boards throughout the capital after just six days, Jewish News reports.

The company reportedly said that it had received thousands of complaints in response to the posters, which picture Israeli hostages and feature the now-famous hashtag ‘Bring Them Home Now’.

The Israeli Embassy in London said in response to the adverts being taken down: ‘We regret that the “London Lites” company caved to the threats of an extreme minority in the UK, which forcefully tries to limit freedom of expression. 

‘The Embassy is considering further steps against the company.

[Daily Mail]

So the Israeli Embassy deprecates “the threats of an extreme minority in the UK, which forcefully tries to limit freedom of expression.

Ha. They should talk to their collaborators in the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] in that case. That malicious cabal is engaged in a persistent campaign to do just that— to limit and kill off the freedom of expression of British people, as witness my own persecution over the past decade, culminating recently in actual prosecution, a prosecution procured by political pressure exerted by the “CAA”, and the Jew-Zionist lobby generally, on the CPS, right up to the level of the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Indeed, it is the “CAA” that has recently had vans driving around London carrying large illuminated posters of the Gaza hostages. The “CAA” is a major collaborator of the Israeli Embassy in this and other activities.

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Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia

[Adolf Hitler, surrounded by well-wishers, at the 1936 Olympiad]

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There are environmentalists who are genuine, and others who are not: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/11/17/social-nationalism-and-green-politics/.

See also (from 2018): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/06/09/society-politics-and-the-mental-landscape/.

If I say so myself, who shouldn’t, that blog post has held up rather well over the intervening 5-6 years. I hope that more people see it (there were a couple of hits today) before the (((usual suspects))) manage to use the suborned legal system to censor or even temporarily remove the blog.

“Why” is easy to understand. Pseudo-liberal “democracy” has not been providing the people with what they need. However, “populism” without social nationalism becomes merely a fake, a front for those who are under the thumb of Israel and the Jewish lobby. Think Farage, Tice, “Reform UK”. What think you, Monsieur Goodwin? Oh…

It is even possible that the Conservative Party will get a nationwide vote-share of well below 25%, or even below 20%, as even formerly die-hard Con voters are turned off by the sheer ineptitude of the bunch of clowns pretending to be a Cabinet and Government.

Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] puts the Con Party result for 2024, on the above premises (based on a 16% Con vote), as a total of 39 MPs (even a 20% vote might give the Con Party only 59 MPs).

Much, of course, depends on whether the Labour vote holds up or not. If it falls below 40% nationwide, the result might be very different.

Still, Goodwin must be right as far as “historic defeat” is concerned. In 1945, the Con Party was left with 197 MPs; in 1997 only 165. At present, it seems as if the 2024 result might be even more striking: somewhere between 25 and 125 MPs.

Ha ha! Slava!

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