Tag Archives: Weimar republic

Diary Blog, 7 February 2024

Morning music

[Beaulieu, New Forest, Hampshire]

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Labour Party rule will be as bad as the present misgovernment, or even worse. The same forces control both.

There are huge numbers of people in the UK who simply refuse to see what is in front of them. For those people, immigration into the UK —and into Europe as a whole— is somehow good (and even if not, “inevitable”), as is the resultant mixed-race society.

Deluded people, in the socio-political sense. As Hitler said of the 1919-1933 Weimar Republic mainstream, “they want not only their daily bread but also their daily illusion“.

Everyone in the UK should be aware of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, even in the dilute Wikipedia version: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Fictional literature is, famously, often the predictor of later fact; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Camp_of_the_Saints.

The Camp of the Saints (French: Le Camp des Saints) is a 1973 French dystopian fiction novel by author and explorer Jean Raspail.[1][2][3] A speculative fictional account, it depicts the destruction of Western civilization through Third World mass immigration to France and the Western world. Almost forty years after its initial publication, the novel returned to the bestseller list in 2011.


Matt Goodwin’s blog

We will restore democratic control of immigration policy after we leave the EU”, Johnson confidently proclaimed. “We must be much more open to high-skilled immigration, such as scientists, but we must also assure the public we have control over the number of unskilled immigrants coming into the country”.

This promise — that Brexit Britain would be completely reshaped around highly-skilled, highly-selective, and highly-controlled immigration— has been repeated by countless Tories ever since and still guides Spectator-style Toryism today.

The only problem, as new data makes clear, is that it was a lie. A big, fat, barefaced Tory lie. The country, the British people, got no such thing.

Contrary to what Boris Johnson and then Liz Truss and then Rishi Sunak promised, Britain has not been transformed into an oasis of highly-skilled scientists and big tech entrepreneurs who are contributing more than they are taking.

Far from it.

Under the Tories, Britain has become even more a country of mass, uncontrolled, and unassimilated immigration —much of which is not high-skill or selective at all.

Consider just one of many mind-boggling statistics.

Over the last five years, about two million people from outside Europe arrived in Britain through net migration. But how many do you think came for work?

Just 15 per cent. That’s right. 15 per cent.

The rest entered Britain as the relatives of workers, international students, the relatives of these students, or as asylum-seekers and refugees.

[from Matt Goodwin’s blog].

Few of the migrants are “high-skilled”, few work in “high-skilled” (or any) occupations.

Our society is gradually unravelling.

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I had not heard of that person, so I turned to Google.





Incidentally, Victoria Derbyshire misspelled the name.

An example of what is so wrong in that interface where public administration meets political propaganda, public relations, and low-level journalistic scribbling.

Look at his background. Five years of higher education at Oxford and Cambridge, studying natural sciences, after which he seems to have spent not far off three years working for Brexit-related pressure group organizations (Vote Leave, and then Brexit Central), followed by a year at the Guido Fawkes news outlet. Then? Straight to government as a Special Adviser (average pay is around £100,000 p.a.) in several posts over three years, culminating at 10, Downing Street.

After the fall of Liz Truss, Bennett left Downing Street (I presume involuntarily) and is now (after what seems to have been a year unemployed, or at any rate not detailed on Linked-In) in the world of politics-related public relations, like so many of such people.

People have to come from somewhere; no-one these days jumps fully-formed from university to government at a high level, but one wonders whose hands the government of this country is in when it is advised by people with so slight-seeming a background.

Odd-looking fellow. Must be about 32-33. Origins not known.

“SpAds” are a creation of the past few decades. Unnecessary,.

In the mid-Victorian era, public administration and much else was reformed: Army and Navy officer recruitment, the Civil Service, the Courts and legal profession etc. May be time to look again at how many parts of the public realm are organized.

Looking at the Liz Truss news, it is absolutely incredible that that silly woman now seems to imagine that she can return to some kind of political prominence. Her pseudo-“libertarian” ideology just does not resonate with the voters, and will not, even if conflated with some kind of anti-“woke”, anti-immigration ballast.

Matt Goodwin (continued)

Incidentally, that Matt Goodwin article reposted here above ends (at least the free-to-read version) with:

While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin’s blog].

Many many British people now, either consciously or unconsciously, support the kind of social nationalism that I do, but they will not admit to it, by reason of the muffled repression now part of UK society. Look at my blog.

I am going to be sentenced in the magistrates’ court next month for allegedly having published five (5) of the 1,700+ blog posts put on my WordPress blog since the end of 2016. If “the pen is mightier than the sword“, then the Jewish/Zionist lobby, using the police and CPS as proxies, are trying to take away that pen…

There is also the point that no proper social-national party or movement exists in the UK. The one that is most closely akin to such a movement, Patriotic Alternative, is itself now subject to repression. Sam Melia, one of the leading figures, has just been convicted, in the Crown Court, of “incitement”, on evidence that would have shamed the Star Chamber; his personal bank account had already been shut down a couple of years ago, along with that of his wife, Laura Towler.

Britain is not really anything like a “free country” now; it certainly has very little “free speech”.

Looking at the electoral situation politically, it seems that non-voting apathy might now amount to half of the eligible electorate. That might be seen as a positive fact, though. The right movement might energize that half of the population.

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Ha ha! I had better not comment in such terms as I should prefer, in view of my upcoming sentencing hearing but if, as Pollard and Collier claim, “antisemitism” is so embedded in, eg, the courts, how come I have been bothered by the police, then charged and convicted under a “bad” law (Communications Act 2003, s.127, which the Law Commission has recommended for repeal), and now face actual judicial sanction for having allegedly published a few “antisemitic” comments and cartoons during 2020-2022?

I wonder why (not really…).

The @DefundIsraelNow account on Twitter/X is one of the very best on the platform.

Africa? Australia? From the accent, I think the latter.


No wonder that hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged Ukrainian men are hiding out in other countries to avoid the draft.

I blogged during 2023 that September/October 2024 was the most likely time for GE 2024.

The times they are a’changin’…

Diary Blog, 30 June 2023

Morning music

[Schloss Hohenschwangau, German-Austrian border]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Tweeters Andrew Neil and “MollyGiles2015” must have missed the fact that Laura Towler, Mark Collett, and I think Sam Melia, all of Patriotic Alternative, had their personal bank accounts closed by the banks a couple of years ago. I believe that others have been affected similarly.

Incidentally, it is not “the banking system” that does such things, as such, but malicious and politically-motivated individuals. Those individuals should be sought out and punished.

For once, he is right.

Why on Earth does Isabel Oakeshott think little Matt Hancock particularly intelligent? Because he has a PPE degree from Oxford and a “no-one fails” “Master’s” degree from Cambridge? I see nothing in his pronouncements or political life to ground the assumption.

More music

“Jack Monroe”

The kefuffle around online “grifter” and fraudster “Jack Monroe” continues…


Tweeter “Adespoto” is either “Jack Monroe” herself, or one of her mentally-disturbed supporters.

As if “Jack Monroe” will give up her scam! Not while (as of today) 414 utter mugs are each sending her between £3.50 and £44 a month, thousands of pounds monthly (maybe even tens of thousands) in toto.

Also, there are still a few (collusive?) persons within the decadent/degenerate msm still trying to promote “Jack Monroe” as real “activist” rather than a mendacious “grifter” , as when she was invited onto BBC Question Time a while ago.

Of course, if all those 414 mug-donors (and previous donors who saw the light and opted-out) were to take the course bravely taken by “Legal Gengar”, then “Jack Monroe” would probably be bankrupted, and would certainly lose whatever remaining lustre her public image retains. He or she took “Jack Monroe” to County Court, was awarded £10 and minor costs (which she refused to pay), but persisted until she was forced to pay what by then amounted to hundreds of pounds.

More tweets

Very true. You do not have to look at the French urban areas though; look at the “British” cities. Not that they suffer riots so much, but the rot comes out in other ways: drugs, gangs, crime generally, and the gradual collapse of decent life.

Most of them can hardly read anyway. Why should they care? This is what happens when pseudo-liberal “democracy” results in invasion by untermenschen, and the breeding of huge numbers more.

Exactly. When will English and other white “me too”-liberals (pseudo-liberals) wake up to that simple truth?

…and do not forget what “element” enables much of this…

…and the transnational conspiracy still pretends, via the Western mass audience of TV, radio etc, that the brutal and corrupt regime of the Jew Zelensky is somehow good and even noble…

Those missiles cost about £2.5M each, money that could have been spent on so many things in the UK. In effect, £2.5M cash, given by a useless UK government to a corrupt and brutal Ukrainian regime. Wasted in a few minutes, in a pointless war.


It was the two managers of the hotel there talking to us. The hotel manager – she had to hold the tears back you could see – and she just announced that they’re laying everybody off as from 10 July, even them are getting laid off.

The owners of the hotel… they didn’t even come down to give the news themselves, they left it to the two managers who are also going to lose their jobs as well which is really sad.

“The whole of the staff upstairs were all waiting, nobody was looking for jobs, they were all sticking together, waiting ’til final last minute, hoping that they were going to get offered something or that they wouldn’t get left.

“It was just silence when they broke the news.”

[Sky News]


A 4* hotel in the southwest of Wales. Meanwhile, British people are homeless and hungry.

Incidentally, this was my assessment of Owen Jones, from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

…and, with it, the idea that Europe should —or even can— be “multicultural”.

Sardonic black humour by a comedian, but there are a large number of enemies of our culture and future who really do think like that. Many are in the msm, but the contamination is spreading through, eg, the police, in the UK and beyond.

Again, think about what “element” is behind most of the cultural degeneracy. The same as during the 15 years of the Weimar Republic in Germany (1918-1933).


France needs a new “SS Francais“, it seems.

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

Diary Blog, 11 April 2023

Morning music

From the newspapers


A pub landlady today defied authorities and put more of her golliwog collection back on display just days after 20 of them were seized by police as part of an investigation that she and her husband had committed a hate crime.

Benice Ryley proudly placed five of the controversial dolls behind the bar of The White Hart pub in Grays, Essex, which she has run for the past 17 years with her husband Chris.

The couple, who are in their 60s, had six officers enter the pub last Tuesday and take away 20 dolls displayed on a shelf behind the bar after an anonymous complaint was made against them. 

They also seized an assortment of golliwog badges and magnets that adorned the bar.

[Daily Mail].

Meaning “defied” the clown police of Essex. My own experience, from 2017: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Read that article. The Essex Police clowns are still claiming that the golliwogs they seized are “part of an investigation” into a so-called “hate crime“, which is complete nonsense. It is not unlawful to own or display a golliwog.

One of the alarming aspects of contemporary Britain is the degree to which the police are (wilfully?) unaware of the limits to their power and, indeed, jurisdiction.


Today’s revelation that suspected terrorists have entered Britain posing as small boat migrants brings a whole new context to the Channel crisis.

It was already known that hundreds of criminals had been identified among arrivals from France – raising huge questions about Britain’s porous border and the Government’s ability to protect its citizens.

Now we know that the problem is far, far worse.

The 19 terror suspects who camouflaged themselves as would-be refugees to enter the UK are known to be affiliated with some of the most murderous groups in the world, including Islamic State and the Somali Islamist insurgent group al-Shabaab.

The security services were already under pressure keeping tabs on thousands of individuals who pose an active threat in the UK.”

[Daily Mail]

Well, what a huge surprise…


Potentially very important.


Ukraine’s air defence could crumble ‘within weeks’, according to leaked US intelligence documents.

The New York Times reported that newly leaked Pentagon documents and US officials suggest that a huge influx of munitions is needed to keep Russia’s air force from changing the course of the war.

According to one leaked document, missile stocks for Soviet-era S-300 and Buk air defence systems, which constitute 89 per cent of Ukraine’s protection against most fighter aircraft and some bombers, could be fully depleted by May 3 and mid-April.

One leaked document reportedly assessed that Ukrainian air defences designed to protect troops on the front line will be “completely reduced” by May 23.”

[Daily Telegraph]

There it is. The air defences of the Kiev regime may have “crumbled” and will be “fully depleted” and “completely reduced” within 1-5 weeks from now.

At the same time, the Kiev-regime infantry still living is suffering poor morale and huge losses.

The conclusion must be that Russia can press its advantage in the warmer weather expected soon.

Tweets seen

Zelensky will have to stop pretending to be a great (or any) statesman and/or great (or any) military leader, and go back to clowning on TV comedy shows. Either that, or retreat to his USD $40M villa in Florida.

Typical, but it is “Kiev“, not “Kyiv“, and certainly not (as the BBC, Sky etc now say) “Keeev“.

Stalingrad meets Mad Max.

The above analysis is very weak re. Weimar hyperinflation. The Weimar Republic did not collapse because of hyperinflation.

The Weimar hyperinflation period was 1921-1923, but mainly summer 1922 to November 1923. In other words, hyperinflation really only existed for about 18 months.

The hyperinflation did notcollapse” the Weimar Republic, though it did destroy the savings of those who had savings, thus making the whole political situation in Germany, already unstable, more unstable. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperinflation_in_the_Weimar_Republic. It did rob the Weimar Republic of authority, to be sure. People distrusted it.

The final collapse of the Weimar Republic, which stabilized to some extent in the mid/late 1920s, came about more because of the Depression, which was born outside Germany, in the USA.

Hitler and the NSDAP did not attain full State power until 1933, a decade after the end of the hyperinflationary period.

The NSDAP only garnered 2.6% of the vote in 1928. Over the several elections succeeding, that vote-share grew to 37.3% in 1932, and then to 43.9% in 1933. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_Party#German_Reichstag.

[Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany]

Vanity publishing

I was just looking at the memoirs written (actually, ghost-written) by some “senior” (so-called) politicians. Liz Truss’s Out of the Blue, which came out too late, after she had already been deposed, is at present selling about 200 new copies monthly on Amazon. Not very impressive, but better than Andrea Leadsom’s effort, Snakes and Ladders, which is managing a mere 20 per month.

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I may do a “deadhead MPs” profile of Heidi Alexander sometime.

More from the newspapers


A newly-leaked top-secret Pentagon document reveals American planners doubt Ukraine’s ability to launch an effective counteroffensive against Russian invaders this spring.

Outlining the developments of the war since February, the document picks up on ‘force generation and sustainment shortfalls’, predicting Ukrainian forces will fail…

[Daily Mail]

More music

[German armour advancing, Kiev area, 1943]

More from the newspapers


Still clapping?

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You can guess what sort of (((group))) is behind that, ultimately…

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 12 March 2023

Morning music

[painting by Sakit Mammadov; https://www.sakitmammadov.art/]

On this day a year ago

The best laid plans of mice and men...”, as Burns wrote. Events confound both strategists and speculators…

Tweets seen

Almost certainly —at the very least— CIA involvement.

Reminiscent of the armoured trains of the Russian Civil War [1918-1921].

In the present international situation, with huge tension between China and the USA, Chinese assistance to Russia is almost a given. Having said that, Russian leaders may be wondering whether China also wants to spread its influence and, maybe, some of its population, across Siberia, as far west as the Urals.

More music

Learning from quiz shows

I rather like some quiz shows, though most have been hugely dumbed down, presumably to fit the current audience profile. My favourites are or were University Challenge (slightly dumbed-down but mostly still OK, and I shall miss Jeremy Paxman when he goes), Mastermind (now very dumbed-down and with a non-white presenter), Eggheads, and The Chase (despite many of the questions being either absurdly easy or on topics of which I admit I know little, notably popular music, football, and sitcoms).

A couple of shows recently astonished me without surprising me, if you understand me. The first was a Celebrity Mastermind.

It goes without saying that “celebrity” shows are usually replete with the incredibly ignorant (one of the few exceptions being any that feature Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, who is is relatively well-educated), and this show was no exception.

Four contestants, only two of whom were white. The winner was a rather odd Irishman, a stand-up comedian (apparently). As with most of such “celebrity” shows, I had never heard of any of the “celebrities”.

The oddest of the four was a TV and radio presenter (apparently) called Jayne Middlemiss [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jayne_Middlemiss]. Entirely innocent of any general knowledge. Her manner was very peculiar, she wore a strange pink sweater with a large “Communist”(style) 5-pointed red star on it, and I have to say that I wondered whether she might be on drugs of some sort. Either that, or she has a mental or personality problem.

Jayne Middlemiss shared the booby-prize honour of total ignorance with two others, especially one Harpreet Kaur, a winner of the show The Apprentice, fronted by the Jewish businessman Alan Sugar.

As to the winner, the Irish comedian, he was better than the others, yes, but almost all the questions were embarrassingly easy. I may cross Mastermind off my list soon.

The other recent show that left me shaking my head was an episode of Eggheads, which saw a team of British Army officers fail to place correctly both Stockholm (the officer on the spot thought that it was in Denmark) and Bimini (between the Bahamas and Florida, in fact technically part of the Bahamas); I cannot recall where that second Army officer thought Bimini was. Somewhere ridiculous, anyway.

I do not expect military officers, most of them, to be great minds, but surely a knowledge of basic geography would be useful, nicht wahr?

I suppose that there are more important things to worry about in the world, just as there are more important issues than whether a self-important TV football pundit, one Lineker, should be allowed both to “blag” £2M a year from the BBC and, at the same time, make (stupid, ignorant) “refugees welcome” pronouncements on Twitter. Oh well, there it is.

From the newspapers


Britain continues to decline in every way. There are differences between Britain 2023 and the decadent Weimar Republic in 1923 or 1928, but there are also similarities.

More tweets

That was my tweeted view recently, a few weeks ago. It remains my view.

Not the side of the Ukrainian Army (Kiev-regime forces) that the msm will show you…

Jeffrey Sachs on Ukraine

Everyone should watch/listen to that 33-min video.

It will be an academic question if a nuclear war should occur, but the “blame” for any such war will or would not be exclusively on Russia or Putin. It will be also, and indeed more, upon the NWO (the rulers of USA, UK, France etc) and the secret cabals and the ruling circles of the West.

Blame would also fall upon all those stupid idiots in the Western msm who have been cheerleading for war, more war, harsher war, and in favour of the corrupt and shambolic Jew kleptocracy in Kiev. The msm is also reporting only from the “Ukrainian” (Kiev regime) side, and not even trying to ask awkward questions of the Kiev regime (such as about its forces executing some prisoners in the field, or about how others are treated in captivity)

Other persons too are guilty of cheerleading war in Ukraine, and therefore quite possibly across Europe. Talking heads on TV are joined by thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of unthinking Twitter nobodies. All the cretins with Ukrainian flags on their Twitter accounts.

We, as broadly social-national people, should be preparing for after any such war, as far as we can. I wish that I had the means of a Dyson or a Gates; needless to say, I do not. In that event, I could then create the kernel of a new society in some south-western part of the UK, or elsewhere.

As it is, I live only 15-20 miles (nearer 15 as the crow flies) from the port of Southampton, and even nearer to the military port at Hythe, on the Solent in Hampshire; both ports would be major targets.

In other words, even a “limited” NATO-Russia nuclear exchange would probably see the end of me. The only “comfort” (and cold indeed) would be that the “cabal” (((aka “them”))) that would laugh at my demise are mostly (there are a few exceptions) in and around London, so would probably precede or at least accompany me into nuclear annihilation.

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Effect on UK appears limited“? In what world is that? One where people do not get heating and lighting bills, for one thing. Anyway, refer to the Jeffrey Sachs vlog interview above. The UK, small but with many target sites, might simply cease to exist if it were the target of a nuclear attack.

Quite. In fact, the BBC could save itself £100M a year by just sacking 100-200 of its often-useless talking heads and drones.

There are other factors too, as I know, having lived in both NY/NJ and London (though not in the past 25 years). For anyone living in either place for more than a few months, or who has a family in tow, there are the extra costs of American life: medical and dental care (i.e. insurance), and the costs of going to university (for anyone with children of that age).

True, many people in the UK pay privately for medical, dental, and secondary/tertiary education, but in the USA you pretty much have to.

Still, the commentator speaking there is right. London is now “not for white man”, unless wealthy.

If you believe that, you will believe anything, though obviously even the best conspiracy operates through fallible humans. Still, it makes me wonder whether the released WhatsApp messages were released precisely to make people think that only a few mediocre idiots like Matt Hancock were responsible (across the world?). No WEF, no Schwab, no Bill Gates, no “Great Reset” etc. “Nothing to see here“…(really?).

Ha. Well put.

British people used as guinea-pigs. Fake democracy. Useless local pseudo-democratic drones, who are but a small version of the better-known ones in the Westminster monkeyhouse.

Where were the Piers Morgan (etc) “free speech” protests when I was persecuted (disbarred, expelled from Twitter, questioned by police) for tweeting and then blogging the truth about Jews and/or MPs (etc)? Where were they when Alison Chabloz was imprisoned for singing songs and tweeting cartoons? Where were they when Jez Turner, of the London Forum, was imprisoned for making the suggestion, in a brief speech, that Jews should be expelled from the UK? Nowhere.

Recently, Laura Towler, her husband Sam Melia, and Mark Collett, all of Patriotic Alternative, have been again barred from Twitter. They also had their personal bank accounts closed down a year or two ago because of their political views. Where was Piers Morgan then (or the dishonest Toby Young “Free Speech Union”, for that matter)?

Well worth a watch/listen.


Watched the last episode of Endeavour, which was pretty good, but again succumbed to the “blacks with everything” nonsense. Numerous blacks (including an officiating Anglican priest, and undertakers looking like Baron Samedi), as well as Chinese and other non-whites. In Oxford, and in what I thought was meant to be mid/late 1960s, but must (?) have been set in the early 1970s, featuring as it did Elton John’s pop song, Rocket Man (released 1972). There just were not very many ethnic minority people around in the Thames Valley in the early 1970s, let alone the mid-1960s.

My wife thought that the clothing worn indicated mid/late 1960s, though, rather than 1972.

Still, I thought it all well put together as a detective story, au fond.

Late tweets

No need to tell me. “The face is the passport“. I knew that that “grifter” (and tweeter of anti-British rubbish) had to be at least part-Jew.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan meets Leninist dialectic?

Bonfire time!

Tweeter Neil Williams. Another “FBPE” idiot…

Late music

Diary Blog, 26 January 2021

Asset-stripping parasites

Grotesque greed“…


Sir Philip Green and wife Tina (pictured with their daughter Chloe) bought Arcadia for £850 million in 2002 — she is the official owner
[Philip Green, wife, daughter; examples of “the simulacrum of the human”…]

As the Daily Mail article says, while such parasites stole hundreds of millions of pounds, thousands of British employees lost out and now have lost their jobs.

It has happened before, most obviously in Germany during the time of the Weimar Republic [1918-1933].

See the resemblance?

Something far more beautiful

Rewilding is obviously an important part of the way forward for the UK.

Lenient sentence


Alison Chabloz was treated more harshly for having sung supposedly “grossly offensive” songs about Jews and “holocaust” hoaxes and frauds. Jez Turner of the London Forum was even imprisoned simply for having made a speech saying that Jews should be chucked out of the UK! Real justice is failing in England.

Another lenient sentence


British Army boxer, “who wanted to represent the Philippines at the Olympics“…

This country is now a complete dustbin.

As for those sentences, the defendants were fortunate that they said nothing about Jews. Now that really would have been treated as a “serious offence”…

Tweets seen

…and who do I see there but Kate Green, present Shadow Secretary of State for Education and MP for Stretford and Urmston [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stretford_and_Urmston_(UK_Parliament_constituency)]: “Green was born in Edinburgh, to Jessie Craig (née Bruce) and Maurice Green, who was Jewish.” [Wikipedia]. Every. Single. Time.

After university, Green began a career at Barclays Bank, working for the organisation from 1982 to 1997.

Green is an officer of the following APPGs, as of May 2020:[23] Migration (chair); GypsiesRoma, and Travellers (chair)…” [Wikipedia].

Every. Single. Time.

When European-race societies awaken from their befuddled dream, a great future…

“Wera Hobhouse is a Christian.[22] Although her mother and grandmother identified as Christians, her great-grandfather was Jewish.” [Wikipedia] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wera_Hobhouse.

The Jewish/Israeli takeover of the USA really took place after the Second World War. At the time of the Suez affair (1956), the USA (as a state) was keeping Israel (as a state) at arm’s length [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suez_Crisis].

Even in the 1960s, the USA was still not entirely under the sway of its domestic Jew (and pro-Israel) lobby. However, the American film industry had been under Jewish control since the 1920s, and the American television industry was under Jewish control from inception: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Paley [CBS]; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_J._Roberts [NBC].

Thus the American public was brainwashed by Jewish and Israeli propaganda from, at latest, the 1950s onward. That brainwashing encompassed everything from academic works through to the “nightly news” on TV, as well as works of fiction and “faction” (examples? Exodus and Schindler’s List, to name but two of the more influential).

When Israeli forces attacked a U.S. ship, it was discounted as a “mistake”…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident.

We have recently seen that even a “outsider” like Trump was really just a squawking parrot in a gilded cage, completely under Jewish control. The new President, Biden, is under even greater control. All of his top team and Cabinet are Jewish; even his children are all married to Jews. The penetration is so great that even Israeli (and other) newspapers have commented on it.

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“Liberal”, supposedly “caring sharing”, Holland/Netherlands. I and my family had friends in Amsterdam, and for many years I had an almost rose-tinted view of life there (and I visited on a number of occasions in the 1970s and 1980s), but since then, in the past 30 years, I have encountered a number of far less congenial Dutch people, very superficial and moneygrubbing; I have realized that much of the famed Dutch “liberalism” is just a lack of real concern, and a superfluity of moral cowardice.

As for the above film clip, I think that the cartoon below is instructive:

Basic Income

A useful link to an article in the British Medical Journal [BMJ]: https://www.bmj.com/content/372/bmj.n193.full

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Waitrose foray

I went to the local supermarket yesterday, in the mid-evening. Very few customers shopping. Waitrose “Handmaid’s Tale” militiamen on duty, clothed in black, as always, faces covered with black scarves and masks like the ISIS barbarians.

The funny thing was that there was a shopper there, a grey-haired woman probably in her sixties if not seventies, wearing a cloth (i.e. useless) facemask and who insisted on giving me a wide berth of at least 10 feet! I saw her shaking her head, probably because she divined that I was not at all interested in pretending that the population has Ebola, or maybe she thought that I should be more fully masked than I was. I was the only other shopper around.

At any rate, I would have loved to have just said “wake up! It is not the Plague, and hardly anyone in this whole district has even had it!”, but (typically English?) I just ignored her scarcely-hidden rudeness and carried on.

The mad thing is that you see scared rabbits or extreme social-compliers like that woman everywhere now, masked even when alone on wet windy footpaths or in supermarket car parks. The social pathology is disturbing; I am sure that that is why “a majority of the population want more severe lockdown” (opinion polling) despite the country obviously showing signs of falling to pieces. A kind of mass agoraphobia and fear, and “Soviet” levels of —superficial— compliance; the fear has been whipped up by this government of clowns and their absurd “expert advisers”. That fear has taken on a life of its own now…

Still, I am not afraid, and after dark shop peacefully…

More music, dear blog readers?


Late cartoon


Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 20 March 2020

Constitutional Coup?

The new emergency legislation being put forward has a life of, at present, 2 years, until 2022, despite the assertion by Boris-idiot that the Coronavirus crisis might last only for 3 months more, i.e. until June 2020. Already, local elections have been deferred for a year. It may be that NWO/ZOG dictatorship is planned, not only in the UK, but across Europe. I would not rule out civil or social war by 2022.


Twitter is doing what it does best, namely allowing people to tweet well-meaning and totally ineffective pleas. In this case, under hashtag #StopHoarding, to those who imagine that they need 500 loo rolls and a mountain of pasta and bottled water.

As I have blogged on previous days, there is (possibly reasonable) bulk-buying and there is (wholly unreasonable) panic-buying. Yesterday, at 1900 hrs, I visited the little village shop about 2 miles from me, and which I have noted in previous posts. It shuts at 1930. I bought almost the last loaf of bread, a bunch of bananas, some locally-produced asparagus and a few lottery tickets.

I wanted to see whether Waitrose in the nearest town was offering much, and mistakenly thought that it closed at 2100 on Thursday. Turned out that it closes at 2000 on Thursdays, so I arrived with only 10 minutes to get anything I wanted. That being so, I was unable to see whether shoppers had stripped the shelves bare again. I did notice that there was not a single egg left, not even the more expensive ones from rare breed chickens, with sky-blue shells. I myself bought only (again) almost the last loaf of bread and a reduced-price (99p reduced from £2-75) North African vegetable and cous-cous salad thing (which turned out to be quite tasty).

I think that this panic-buying can be halted by supermarkets only allowing one item or pack of anything per shopper. Inconvenient, yes, and some would then go to half a dozen places to evade the rule, but most would not and it would restore equilibrium.

Free speech

Well done, @HullLive [http://hull-live.co.uk], and well done “Will Wright of Hull”, whoever you are. The truth is rarely seen in the newspapers in the UK.


Socialism, National Socialism, “National Communism” and Social Nationalism

“Socialism” has almost as many meanings as “democracy”. We still see people with pedestrian understanding writing or tweeting about how “socialism” is and can only be something akin to the Marxist-Leninist setup of the period before the great change(s) since 1989. Those people say that German “National Socialism” was not “real” socialism. Yet German National Socialism gave the German people a great deal more in every way, both economic and cultural, than did either Weimar Republic social democracy or post-1945 Soviet-style DDR (East German) socialism.


Of course, socialism in the Soviet Union had various faces at various times, from Civil War times (1918-21) when militarization of the workforce was the norm (“War Communism”) to the New Economic Policy of the 1920s under which a controlled form of capitalism and private enterprise was permitted, to the harsh centralized system of Stalin in the 1930s and 1940s, a less severe version in the 1950s to 1980s, and then the fall of the various forms of socialism, all over the world, from 1989.

Hitler took a broad view of the term “socialism”, regarding it as meaning, broadly, “the common weal”. He was not hidebound by artificial or arbitrary “definitions” of what socialism means. For him, what mattered were results. So long as the German people were well-fed, housed, educated, organized etc, he was content.

For me, policy matters, as do results. Artificial theory matters less. I was, at one time, in the mid-1970s, accused of not being so much a National Socialist as a “National Communist”, in other words accused of over-valuing the role of the State. I demur. However, the State does have its rightful place (as seen in the Threefold Social Order concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding).

We in the UK have seen in the past decade what happens when the role of the State is cast aside or into the background. Now, with the Coronavirus crisis, we see that the State, in its weakened condition, is unable to properly fulfil its role of guardian of the people (“…for the welfare of the people is the highest law“— Cicero).

What is now required is what might be called “social nationalism”, not old-style State socialism but a system whereby the State, in its proper place, protects and serves the people and, as part of that, regulates but does not actually run economic enterprises and markets. “Nationalism”? All that that means is that the political organization is rooted in our basically “Aryan” European culture, history and way of life.

Basic Income


My previous blog articles on the subject:






How long before it becomes necessary to start shooting looters?


Public sentiment

Government “recalls” retired NHS staff

So little Matt Hancock, clearly out of his depth, has been told to “recall” retired doctors and nurses. My thoughts:

  • the Government has no power to order such recall, only to request it;
  • retired NHS staff are almost all over 60, many over 70, and so are far more likely to fall victim to Coronavirus and to be seriously affected if they do contract it;
  • the above is obviously far more likely to happen in the often not very hygienic conditions of a UK NHS hospital.

Guardian view


Worth reading, certainly, but of course the Jew scribbler never once mentions the racial divisions or aspects.

Stuttgart view

A snapshot of Stuttgart life under Coronavirus, from “antifa” cheerleader Mike Stuchbery, who was all but run out of the UK on a rail in 2018.

Stuchbery, “writer”, “journalist”, “historian” (all self-descriptions) and one-time schoolteacher, apparently does not know the difference between “less” and “fewer”.

A midnight ramble through Casablanca and beyond

[above: La Marseillaise trumps Der Wacht am Rhein in Casablanca]