Diary Blog, 30 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, once again a narrow victory for me over political journalist John Rentoul. I scored 7/10 as against his 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 4, and 10.

From the newspapers


“They came at breakfast time to murder Theo Bekker, smashing an iron bar stolen from his own farmyard into his skull before slitting his throat so he bled to death.

His four teenage attackers then tied up his wife, Marlinda, and put a plastic bag over her head before she slipped into unconsciousness. Mercifully, she survived.

Twenty-four hours before Mr Bekker’s killing, the nation’s most controversial politician, Julius Malema, had chanted an anthem entitled ‘Kill the Boer’ — a term for white farmers — at a rally of 90,000 followers.

High above the dancing crowd in Johannesburg’s black township of Soweto, Malema was raised on an electric platform like a king.

Sporting his signature red beret, the self-proclaimed ‘freedom fighter’ mimicked the sound of a sub-machine gun — ‘Pah, pah, brrr!’ — as he shouted out his race-baiting song calling for the death of his white countrymen.

This ugly rally marked the 10th anniversary of the founding of Malema’s party, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF). It declares itself Marxist-Leninist, wants to seize private property without compensation — particularly farms such as Theo Bekker’s — just as Malema’s hero, Robert Mugabe, did in neighbouring Zimbabwe.

In the past 20 years there has been a farm attack every two days and a murder every five days, with whites of Afrikaans or English descent mainly targeted.

Andrew Kenny, a respected South African commentator, said recently: ‘The ANC has been a disaster, especially for ordinary black people whom it has impoverished while making a tiny ANC elite fabulously rich.

‘After apartheid, our electricity provided the world’s cheapest energy; freight trains carried our ore (from the mines) to the ports; there was a good passenger network for workers. The ANC wrecked it with looting, corruption and a plethora of racist policies.’

The result has been economic collapse and mass exodus. A fifth of whites — both Afrikaans and English speakers — have left since the ANC came to power.

Emigration among the entrepreneurial Indian-descended community is high, too.

Meanwhile, the middle class have abandoned the ANC-controlled cities of Johannesburg and Pretoria in the north — now plagued by no-go areas, ransacked shops, gang warfare and other crime fuelled by unemployment.

They have settled in the Western Cape, the only part of South Africa that is run by the moderate Democratic Alliance.

The speed of the country’s descent has been devastating. Today, only 12 per cent of South Africans of working age pay income tax, while a third survive on £15-a-month state handouts.

World Bank analysts say a staggering 42 per cent of the adult population — the majority black — is unemployed.

[Daily Mail]

Several points to be made here.

First, Africa without European input descends inevitably to savagery. South Africa took longer than others to fall from being a fairly civilized country because it still had, in the 1990s, a fairly high proportion of European inhabitants. In 1911 it was 22%, and in 1980 still about 16%. That proportion has now dwindled to about 5%. Also, many of the more senior political and administrative positions are now filled, nominally, by blacks, selected purely on racial grounds.

Secondly, the black man was promised the Earth by the ANC and its stupid and/or uneducated leaders, starting with Mandela. The simpler type of South African black obviously believed that, once black “majority rule” (in reality, rule by a few, in a black semi-dictatorship) occurred, the blacks would all have the high standards of living of South African whites of the 1960s, 1970s or 1980s; houses, swimming pools, cars etc. In fact, for a few blacks, the leading ANC politicians, that did happen, but for the other 99.999% or more it did not.

The frustration of the South African blacks will be visited upon, not the ANC, but the remaining white people.

Thirdly, the lack of forethought etc under ANC rule became clear during the most recent drought, though wetter weather eventually saved Cape Town from disaster. That maladministration will eventually be seen in all sectors.

Finally, see how even the Daily Mail scribbler in the full report, one Sue Reid, still repeats the propaganda half-truths or untruths of the dim pro-ANC “British” msm of the 1980s/1990s: “cruel apartheid regime” etc…


The madness continues.


Worth reading.


If Indian money-juggler Sunak thinks that he can duck and dive by keeping the State Pension “Triple Lock” but clawing back money by taking away the Winter Fuel Allowance from many, perhaps most, pensioners, he is very mistaken. That would alienate pensioner voters, but without encouraging younger voters to vote Con in 2024.

Tweets seen

15 months ago but evergreen.

Sweden (its ruling circles at least, together with complicit msm and courts etc) thought that the blacks and browns would just become “New Swedes”. They really were that stupid. Now look at the UK. Same nonsense.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/18/the-swedish-sickness-contaminating-the-rest-of-europe-what-is-it/.

The implementation of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan (basically, to funnel non-white populations to Europe, in order to create over time a coffee-coloured population to be ruled over by an exploitative stratum, mostly consisting of Jews and part-Jews) is happening in front of our eyes; in plain sight, pretty much.

I wonder whether that horrible social “disintegration” may be what is necessary to awaken the British people to the need for social national radical reform. Germany only chose Hitler when events and circumstances had reduced most of the population to poverty and hopelessness. Only 2.6% voted for the NSDAP in 1928. By 1932 that was 33% and, by 1933, 44%.

Not only can they not create a civilization, many of them cannot even live in one created by others (broadly, the white man) without being completely destructive and useless. Parasites. Useless parasites.

We hear a great deal, mostly from (((the usual suspects))) about how the USA was built on waves on immigration, but that is at best a half-truth. There is considerable evidence that the USA would have been a better country had it not accepted the huge numbers of immigrants arriving after the Civil War (up to the First World War and continuing).

David Davis, one of the few principled System MPs, not that I agree with all of his views. The UK might have been a better country today had the Conservative Party adopted him as leader instead of David Cameron-Levita.

UKRAINIAN President Vladimir Zelensky agreed with the representatives of the United States and Great Britain on a plan for a new offensive by his army, the goal of which will be the seizure of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

This was announced by the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, citing a “source close to the competent authorities”. She quoted that source: “For these purposes, a large number of marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are concentrated in the Mykolaiv region. Their task will be to force the Dnieper River. At the same time, the Kiev special operations forces, which are trained by British instructors, will try to seize the Zaporozhye nuclear plant.”

“We are closely following the actions of the enemy,” the same source emphasized.”

Chernobyl mark 2?


See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/18/the-swedish-sickness-contaminating-the-rest-of-europe-what-is-it/.

“Scott Ritter: Kiev listens to the West, and because of that, it can lose a number of cities.

Ukraine is doomed to lose a large part of its territory because it continues to blindly listen to the West in everything, said former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter in an interview with the YouTube channel “Midwestern Marks”.

“Representatives of Ukraine came to Turkey…. A meeting was held there where the conditions for resolving the conflict were agreed upon. Russia offered them excellent conditions… But NATO and the West did not allow them to accept it…

As a result, they have already lost a lot of territory,” Ritter said, adding that Ukraine is also at risk of losing Kharkiv, Sumy, Dnipropetrovsk, Mykolaiv and Odessa.

Russia has invested more in the Kherson region in one year than Ukraine has invested in 30 years, said the head of the regional government Andrey Aleksejenko, on the occasion of the anniversary of the unification of the new regions with Russia.

“It must be said that the Kherson region has not seen such a scale of construction and repair of roads, schools, hospitals and communal infrastructure since Soviet times,” Aleksejenko said.”

“Heavy rains in October may prevent the Ukrainian army from using Western tanks, writes the “New York Times”. “Heavy rain is expected next month. However, the problem is the mud on the roads because, for example, the 75-ton “Challenger” tank can simply sink,” the newspaper writes.

If these tanks do not “conquer” the territory during the counter-offensive, Western support could weaken… Either because of a lack of political will or a lack of the West’s desire to deliver more weapons to Kiev, the authors emphasize.”

Russia cannot lose the war, strategically.

Late tweets

The Jew Shapps entangling the UK even more in a war which has nothing to do with the British people.

Russia must end up with control of all Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and also control of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov littoral.

Virtue-signalling Swedish System-politicos unable to admit that importation of millions of blacks and browns has been a total and utter disaster for the Swedish people.

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 September 2023, including some more thoughts around the “Covid” social phenomenon

Morning music

Battles past

“Covid” thoughts

I was thinking about the hysteria that surrounded the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic.

Certainly there was at least some tangible reality there, to a limited extent, but much of what we witnessed may have been attributable to mass hysteria. I was reading a piece in Wikipedia about some instances of that:

  • Emirates Flight 203 (September 2018) – 106 of 521 passengers on a 14-hour flight from Dubai to New York reported symptoms including coughing, sneezing, fever, or vomiting. The pilot notified airport ground staff, and personnel from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met and quarantined the plane in New York and evaluated passengers, 11 of whom were sent to the hospital. A few passengers on the “flight from hell” turned out to have common colds or flu, with the other passengers coming to the belief that they were also sick after observing those around them.[65][66]

Makes one think. See also:

  • Starehe Girls’ CentreKenya (October 2019) – 52 students were isolated with an unknown disease, showing symptoms of a high-pitched cough, sneezing and low-grade fever, a number that later rose to 68.[68] As the number rose, the school’s administration shut the school down and instructed parents to pick up their daughters. Specimens collected from the affected students showed only two cases of rhinovirus, a virus that is the predominant cause of the common cold. After carrying out psychological assessments on the students, a team of mental health specialists dispatched by Kenya’s Ministry of Health to the school concluded that the ‘mysterious’ disease was a case of mass hysteria.”
  • Belgium (June 1999) – Coca-Cola withdrew 30 million units of its soft-drink product from sale after more than a hundred people in Belgium and northern France complained of cramps, nausea and other problems after consuming the soft drinks. Testing found no evidence of tainted product and the incident was reported to be a panic, perhaps fueled by the discovery of dioxins in Belgian meat, which had brought down the national government earlier that year.”


The above-described cases were spontaneous, but the “Covid” hysteria was deliberately whipped up by State agencies, by System politicians, and by the transnational conspiracy.

Now, the hangover: deflated populations, and a huge bill for all the State monies wasted.

A year ago on the blog

I was also reading what I wrote exactly a year ago. I think that it has held up rather well. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/29/diary-blog-29-september-2022-including-thoughts-about-the-political-fallout-from-the-current-economic-crisis-and-about-the-possibility-of-russian-nuclear-attack/.

Tweets seen

The wanton vandalism of the destruction of the 300-year-old tree reminds us that Evil is not merely a philosophical notion but primarily an active force which, in the human being, encourages destruction, as in the damage done many times to the statue of The Little Mermaid in Copenhagen. That small and beautiful statue has several times been vandalized: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Little_Mermaid_(statue).

I never liked that peculiar little individual (Andrew Lloyd Webber), though I concede that I have never met him, and also cannot say exactly why I have always disliked him. Just instinct, I suppose. I also suppose that many will cite the pleasure his music has apparently given to millions. No argument. I just do not like what I have seen, heard, or read of him, and that is my privilege. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Lloyd_Webber.

The line of defense of the Russian troops turned out to be stronger than the West thought, said Chief of the Defense Staff of the British Armed Forces Tony Radakin. According to him, it is necessary to adjust expectations from the results of Ukraine’s counteroffensive in the short term.

So Admiral Radakin and his colleagues in Defence, SIS, the System political swamp etc got it all wrong (again), despite all the resources that they can command, yet I, sitting in poor circumstances, and with only my own knowledge and an Internet connection, got it right (again).

Britain is poorly served by its “experts” of all sorts, and particularly the armed services, Foreign Office and SIS.

I was just idly wondering whether it would make any difference at all to this country if we had no Army, Navy, and Air Force.

At first blush, that might sound ridiculous, but in the real world of today, what do our armed services do for us?

Let us say that the UK had only the nuclear deterrent, whether based at sea or on land. What about the rest? What use is most of our Navy now? We are unlikely to want to fight the enemies of the past few hundred years (eg France, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Japan), and anyway our Navy is now so small as to be dwarfed by our potential or supposed enemies (China? Russia?), let alone our supposed main ally (in reality, strategic overlord), the USA.

The Royal Navy cannot even protect us from the migration-invasion; indeed, it acts as a ferry service for it, along with others (RNLI, Border “Farce” etc).

The same is largely true of the RAF. As for the Army, it is now so small that it has little capability for doing anything very much.

Are our armed forces an anachronism, as things stand?

At least plant many other trees in its honour.

I blogged about this yesterday.

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” [John F. Kennedy].

System politicians and System msm talking heads and scribblers are desperate to keep those truths from the British people, desperate to talk about almost anything else, to exclude those realities.

You can see the pro-migration (or not anti, anyway) “I’m not listening” types on Twitter/”X”, in the replies to Goodwin’s tweet, putting forward their ideas for why Goodwin is mistaken, or rather as to what is driving mass migration to Europe (“climate change” etc). Some of the gravediggers of our way of life and our whole civilization.

The question I want to ask the liberal left is simply this. If you disagree with Suella Braverman then what is YOUR solution to the global migration crisis? Because deriding everybody as “racist” and talking in vague terms about safe & legal routes with no limit is no solution at all.” [Matt Goodwin].

Exactly. The “liberal” pro-migration-invasion dummies and “refugees welcome” dimwits have no answer to that or to anything else. Take housing. They say the Government should magically create millions of new houses (hutches for immigrants), despite the cost(both financial and environmental). They also have no answer at all to the question as to how many millions or tens of millions of migrants they think acceptable.

Incidentally, I blogged about part-Jew Owen Jones five years or so ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

The only way the misnamed “Conservative” Party might claw its way back would be to, first of all, back Suella Braverman’s views not only by words but by tough and uncompromising deeds, but I see no sign that Indian money-juggler Sunak, completely controlled by the transnational conspiracy, might do anything like that.

Indeed, it might be that Sunak and others want their own party to go down badly in 2024, in order to install Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer as an “elected dictator”, doing the bidding of the Zionists, the Bilderbergers, the freemasonic cabals, the WEF etc. Elimination of freedom of expression (already cut back hugely) etc.

Admittedly, a “conspiratorial” suggestion, but maybe right all the same…

As I said yesterday, ironic that the only voice in Government speaking the truth (some of it) about the migration-invasion of Europe is an Indian woman married to a Jew. Strange times…

It does a bit deeper than the “corporate money train“. Part of the “Great Reset” is the increasingly-pervasive censorship across the world, and very obvious in the UK these days.

Actually, when you look at tweets by the “FBPE” idiots, the “Supertanskiii” types etc, you see that the self-describing “Left” and or pseudo-liberals have actually nothing to say about ideology, policy etc. Their main joy is seeing people get “cancelled”, dismissed from jobs, expelled from professions, sacked from positions etc for expressing the “wrong” views, or just for not going along with the mob.

The self-describing “Left” have pretty much given up trying to create or push for a better society, and anyway have no real ideas about how to achieve that, and so they settle for this sterile “cancel culture”: getting people expelled from Twitter or Youtube etc, getting people dismissed from even quite standard jobs, and so on. That, and tweeting rubbish in the “Supertanskiii” vein, such as about how they “f*****g hate” “Tories” and various other labelled people.

Most of this, maybe not all, has its roots in the Jew-Zionist attempts over the past half-century or so to destroy free speech about Jewish behaviour and/or the whole “holocaust” farrago. It has now leaked out from there —mostly from there, in my view— and contaminates society generally.

…and when it is said there that “1.2M people entered the country; 600,000 net” last year alone, what that really means is that 1.2M (mostly black and brown) entered the UK, and that, yes, 600,000 people left, but many —perhaps most— of the 600,000 that left were real British people fleeing to countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada. So 1.2M non-whites entered, and 900,000+ remain, whereas 300,000+ white British people left, so the population was altered demographically by not far short of a million, from white to non-white.

From the newspapers


Deutschland erwache!

Late tweets

“Secretary of the Security and Defense Council of Ukraine O. Danilov doubts that the West will support Ukraine “until victory.”

To this day, no one can give us a clear answer as to what our victory means. They tell us, we will support you until.. etc. and I have never heard the phrase “victory” anywhere. They say, “until you decide for yourself and make certain decisions. “And they should clearly say – they are with us until victory or they are with us for some time – said Danilov.”

Victory“? Meaning what? Ukrainian (Kiev regime) forces in Red Square? Occupation of Russia, a country about 30x bigger than Ukraine, and with a population 4x that of Ukraine? Destruction of Russian armies and/or cities (when Russia has about 6,000 nuclear weapons, and Ukraine has…none)?

That thug, Danilov, does not explain further; nor, realistically, could he.

The conflict in Ukraine will end in disaster for the Ukrainian armed forces.

If the Ukrainian armed forces do not stop in time with a counter-offensive, this country will face a catastrophic defeat, writes “New York Times” journalist David French.

The commanders of the Ukrainian armed forces plan to push the soldiers to fight to the breaking point. However, remember the German Spring Offensive in 1918, towards the end of the First World War. The German army dealt blow after blow to the Allies, but achieved little success.” the journalist writes.

When Western support for Ukraine becomes weaker, the conflict will end with the defeat of the Ukrainian armed forces, emphasizes French.”

Late music

[rural view, Borovsk, Kaluzhkaya oblast]

Diary Blog, 28 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Talking point

Peter Hitchens


Worth reading. My views on this are at least somewhat similar.

I have blogged a few times about the Beeching Report etc: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/04/what-is-and-what-might-have-been/.

[Amerika, the train used by Adolf Hitler when German Chancellor https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F%C3%BChrersonderzug]

When will our train arrive?

More from the newspapers


Britain in 2023…

Tweets seen

Gordon Brown— a totally useless pseudo-democratic political drone. As Prime Minister, he understood nothing about either politics or (real) economics. Superficial erudition covering utter ignorance of almost everything.

Listen to the idiot, saying in one sentence that he is not in favour of censorship but that “these people” (GB News) have to be kept off the air. When did he say that about vulgar pests such as Jo Brand or, say, the Jewish “comedians”, such as David Baddiel? Never, as far as I know.

Of course, GB News is mainly “controlled opposition” (OFCOM would never allow me to have a TV show, for example), but “all roads lead to Rome”…

Zoo. Worse than a zoo, in fact.

Corbyn has no idea. He stood up quite well (though half-heartedly) to the Jew-Zionist element for a few years, but is otherwise politically disastrous.

Short answer to tweeter “Norfolk Forever”— Yes. Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan“.

Just think of what’s happened on channels like the BBC and Channel 4.

In 2019 Jo Brand joked about throwing acid over Nigel Farage on the BBC – No further action.

In 2020 Sophie Dukes joked about killing white people on Frankie Boyle’s New World Order – No further action.

In 2020 Miriam Margolyes said she wanted Boris Johnson to die on live TV while he was seriously ill with COVID – No further action.

Did the same people calling for GB News to be shut down call for the BBC and Channel 4 to be shut down? Of course they didn’t. The double standards are utterly staggering.”

I covered the Jo Brand scandal thus: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/06/16/__trashed/.

Regular readers will know that I myself currently face trial by the State (at the instigation of a pack of Jew-Zionists). I cannot blog about that prior to said trial (for reasons to do with potential contempt of court) but the above tweet makes the point for me.


More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

More tweets seen

My final thoughts, before I move on. As we have a busy day helping a girl who misgendered another student, by refusing to call her a cat. I know. Welcome to 2023. People are entitled to have a view on what I said and that is fine by me. Whilst a bit crass, it certainly didn’t merit the mega media storm which has resulted. Especially given the genuinely appalling things said on TV which pass without comment. The woman on the BBC saying she wanted to kill all white people. And countless other examples. I have been saying to GB news for months that they should stand up for themselves more against these unending attacks. Instead they panicked. Trying to appease an enemy, who will not stop until they shut down. Namely @Ofcom. A regulator created to ensure the state narrative is persistently and regularly hammered into every home.

As it happens, I am the catalyst for the great takedown to begin, which on reflection is a cause of sadness and regret, but if it hadn’t been me, it would have been one of the desperate presenters currently joining in the pile on, not realising that it’s just a crocodile eating itself, and not long from now, many of them will be out of a television job, or so shackled and censored, that any whiff of authenticity is gone. Like a nodding dog on a car dashboard. And about as relevant.

The United Kingdom is run by one political party, pretending to be two, by wearing different coloured rosettes, with the same freedom sapping policies and controlling agendas.

That is why you are seeing every show on regime TV discussing this affair, and both sides of the uni party calling in unison for an end to the insurgent channel. The uni party need Izvestia to spout their narrative.

Where GB news have erred is by forgetting why they came into existence in the first place. Calling themselves the “home of free speech” is a simple principle to protect. They could have easily said “whilst we find Laurence Foxes comments appalling and they aren’t representative of our views, we respect and uphold the fundamental right of free speech.”

This would have provided at least some defence and given time and opportunity to rally public support and fight back. Instead they went on the defensive. I still haven’t heard a word from them, and am waiting for the chop on Friday at my disciplinary hearing.

Such is life. I own my mistakes and take full responsibility for them. The major problem for them is now they are not the home of free speech at all. They are the exact opposite. They will cancel just as readily, if not more so, than the rest just to try and stay alive, and they have opened themselves up to an unending, brutal and sustained attack from the regime and their media lapdogs. In trying to appease the mob, they have emboldened it. Which is why you never apologise to the mob.

I have worked hard to put across different stories, like the case of ST, which most of the propaganda media have ignored. I have enjoyed the lovely responses I get from the public for doing so. So it is a shame I feel for everyone that GB fell straight into the trap set for them. I feel even sadder, and pissed off at myself, that I allowed myself to be the bait for that trap by trying to make a serious point in a jokey and lighthearted way.

Now I must rebuild. I’ve done it before and I will do it again. I have two kids to feed and clothe after all.

On a final note, we should all ask ourselves if this is a society we want to live in, where the cancel mob reign and your only chance at existence is total and utter capitulation to their whims.

Loz x.”

[Twitter/”X” statement by Laurence Fox].

My own upcoming trial (for allegedly having posted a handful of comments and cartoons on my blog) is yet another example of the encroaching police state.

Professor Curtice, eminent and erudite psephologist though he is, cannot see the wood for the trees.

In the world of the Professor, there are parties A, B, C, D, and the game is to accurately predict how those parties will do competing against each other in a structured contest in which all parties of importance are saying variations of the same thing.

In the real Britain, however, there is migration-invasion on a vast scale, our society is being trashed, almost everything is slowly seizing up and ceasing to work properly —or at all— and standards in all areas are sliding.

“Left/Right” means nothing but, otherwise, that tweet is correct. Adam Boulton is a System drone, like so many others. Applauds the forced closure of the RT television station, and wants GB News to be shut as well. Freedom of expression, free speech etc mean nothing to these propagandists, who are akin to Soviet media broadcasters.

The System media in the UK promoted the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic, has never seriously challenged the mass immigration into this country, nor examined the results of Jewish immigration into the UK in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The System drones and propagandists are all piling in to bury even the semblance of free speech. Here is BBC (also ITN, Channel 4 etc) drone Michael Crick:

These types are no different at root from Soviet media enforcers and sell-outs. They cannot wait for Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer and his post-Blairite know-nothing MPs to form a quasi-dictatorial government, to really shut down freedom of expression using the Online Safety Bill expected to become law soon.

When you see Adam Boulton, Kay Burley, Tom Bradby, Newsnight presenters etc, you are not seeing people who live as slightly more affluent members of the public, but people paid literally millions of pounds per year. They are shackled to the System, afraid to lose their pay and privileges.

As a matter of fact, you find that most of these prominent media faces also have personal and family links with System politicians or those who work in TV current affairs. Examples:

Boulton divorced his first wife, The Hon. Kerena Anne Boulton, after his affair with Tony Blair‘s spin doctor Anji Hunter became front page tabloid news in 2002.” [Wikipedia];

Crick lives in Wandsworth,[33] South London, with his partner Lucy Hetherington, an executive TV producer who has managed documentaries and current affairs programmes. She is the daughter of former Guardian editor Alastair Hetherington.” [Wikipedia].

More tweets

Ha ha. “I’m lovin’ it!“…

Now for the works of Tracey Emin and Damien Hirst…

84 years and one week ago. Interesting. Even in the photo, you can see that the German, Guderian, a famous tank general, is basically a decent person, whereas the Soviet representative, Krivoshein, a Jewish Bolshevik who became a leading tank warfare exponent in the Red Army, is not, though of course that view may be taken to be speculative.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semyon_Krivoshein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinz_Guderian.

How very sad. I hope that the perpetrator is punished properly. As Chekhov once said, “there are people to whom a tree is sacred“. That includes me.

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 27 September 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Michael and Inessa Garmash]

Battles Past

Suella Braverman

Ironic that it takes a non-European woman (married to a Jew, at that) to speak truth to power (don’t imagine that she herself holds any real power, even if she is Home Secretary).

Of course, the stupid, and/or treacherous/traitrous “open borders” Twit-mob, the “refugees welcome” dimwits etc, are all baying for her blood.

The fact is that the huge waves of immigration seen in the past decades, and especially since two events happened —the fall of socialism worldwide since 1989, and the fall of Gaddafi in 2011– do pose, as Suella Braverman says, an existential threat to the West as a whole, Europe as part of that, and the UK as one aspect of that.

It is instructive to read the impressions of people from North America etc who have recently visited the UK for the first time in many decades (1950s, 1960s). They are all appalled at the state of our largely-trashed country.

Suella Braverman pointed out that, in theory, as the laws and realities now are, nearly 800 million foreigners of various types could come to the UK. Of course that will not happen, if only because the UK would collapse into chaos long before. However, 80 million is not impossible over time, and 8 million is all but inevitable unless changes are made.

When I was born (1956), the population of the UK was rather more than 50 million. Now it stands at nearly 70 million, largely if not entirely by reason of immigration and also births to post-1945 immigrants or descendants thereof.

The UK is now in a downward spiral in terms of living standards, standards in public life, pay, pensions, State benefits, housing, healthcare, education, even the roads.

I suppose that Suella Braverman made her speech mainly —perhaps not entirely— for political reasons, including party-political reasons. The reason that it has had so much impact is because we so rarely hear politicians or —even more rarely— msm drones and scribblers actually telling the truth that we, the British people, see around us daily.

That speech will have had a powerful effect.

One of the reasons why the Conservative Party is so far behind Labour in the polls is because the Cons seem incapable of doing anything effectively, and the migration invasion across the Channel (which however may be as little as 10% of all immigration into this country) has become, as people now say, “iconic”, a symbol of general uselessness on the part of the Government.

This speech may steady the voting troops, but in the end is just a collection of words. We need action, not words.

Having said that, at least some of the voters may be waking up to the fact that Labour’s “solution” to immigration-overload will be to “safely” and quietly “process” (ie approve), and then funnel the invaders into the UK. The British people will only start to notice the results when there are almost no real British people left on the streets.

About 75% of so-called “asylum seekers” are eventually approved to stay in the UK, and only a tiny handful of the others are ever removed. Much of the world is in a state of chaos or tyranny or both, a delayed result of the disastrous Second World War and its consequences.

Both System parties of importance are part of the same conspiracy.

Looking at the 2024 General Election, the Con voters have almost given up, but anti-invasion rhetoric (and keeping the State Pension “triple lock”) may at least keep some of the generally anti-Labour older voters on board. We shall see.

Tweets seen

The Jew-Zionist element is behind most of the assault on freedom of expression in the UK.

More music

[VDNKh, Moscow]
[Donetsk, former Ukraine]

More tweets seen

Unreciprocated, I presume…

London. Zoo.


An estate agent who works near the scene where the girl was stabbed complained Croydon had seen an upsurge in violence. 

Leigh Thomas, 41, said: ‘I came out of my office and there were two ambulances right across the road and about 12 police cars.’

He added: ‘Croydon has gone to the dogs recently. The other side of the shopping centre is a war zone.

‘There’s drug dealing, fights, there was another stabbing recently. I grew up around here, it’s not what it used to be.

[Daily Mail]

It’s not what it used to be.” Really? I wonder why…

Bradford. Zoo?


Bradford descended into lawlessness yesterday afternoon after a brawl outside the city’s magistrates’ court led to huge crowds clashing with police. 

Youths wearing hoodies and masks were filmed charging after police vehicles and hitting them, as officers attempted to get away from the disorder.

[Daily Mail]

Scarcely a white face there…

…officers attempted to get away from the disorder“… Really? That’s comforting. Not.

Britain’s future? You decide.

Late tweets seen

Something the corrupt Kiev regime never attempted (there or anywhere else) during 30+ years of pointless “independence”.

More than 3,000 tons of weapons, ammunition and vehicles delivered to 12 hangars near Kiselevka, in the Kherson region, were destroyed by the Russian Army.

This was probably the reserve needed for the crossing to the left bank of the Dnieper, and now these plans have been seriously disrupted.

Video: What remains of the military warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kiselevka region. A video of the Russian Ministry of Defense taken after the missile strike.

Late music


Diary Blog, 26 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


How is this fraud substantively different from those carried out by the woman who calls herself “Jack Monroe”?


The British police have become far too fond of behaving like a “poundland KGB”, or “poundland Stasi”, playing at “counter-terrorism” etc instead of preventing or solving real crime.


A British crocodile expert has pleaded guilty to raping puppies and torturing more than 40 dogs – including his own pets Ursa and Bolt – at his Australian animal shelter after luring pet owners to give him custody of their beloved canines.

[Daily Mail]

Shoot the bastard or, if you cannot do that, at least send him to a concentration camp.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has said she was ‘astonished’ to learn of a German government initiative to finance migrant rescue charity groups operating in the Mediterranean in a letter to Chancellor Olaf Scholz.”

[Daily Mail]

German“? “Migrant rescue charities“? Join the dots. This is all part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan conspiracy.


Scamdemic. Panicdemic. The Daily Mail readers’ comments are interesting. The public has awoken, it seems, even if 2-3 years too late.

Tweets seen

The video is from Ukraine, judging by the numbers – from a part of the Zaporozhye region, which is controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces. A group in camouflage set up a car setup – one falls under the car, his accomplices begin to give the driver nightmares. What they want is not clear: most likely they will bring money to the TCC to send to the front.”

This is obviously the kind of “scam” or shakedown not uncommon in New York. I once saw it unfold right in front of me on 8th Avenue in Manhattan, but that one failed. In 1990. The van driver targeted robustly told the ragged-looking scammer to get lost, so he did not succeed in getting the “get lost money” (probably $20 or $50) he sought.

In the above case, though, we see soldiers doing it. Ukraine is a failed state.

More from the newspapers


As previously blogged, I was once willing to think that Johnny Mercer would be a cut above the usual run of what Hitler called “dirty democratic politicians“, as an ex-officer who appeared to be principled, but now I see him as as bad as any of them— an ignorant and useless little moneygrubber.

More tweets

Well put by Griffin.

My own view is based on the need for humanity to go further, to evolve higher.

I see the need now for a foundation to be laid which will, at a future time, be the basis for a quantum leap in evolution, a leap in the evolution of consciousness.

Such a foundation at present must rely on a corpus of white European humanity. White European humanity, however, is not the end-result but a starting-point. The “end-result” (in fact, not the end but merely a higher stage) is a new form of humanity, far higher than any of the race-forms and cultural forms of the present-day. When such a “super-race” comes into existence, it will be far in advance of all presently-existing racial types.

Late tweets seen

Well, Goodness Gracious Me!“…

More seriously, Sharma obviously has decided that he has no great political future.

Reading West has returned Sharma in four elections now (2010, 2015, 2017, and 2019), and always with a vote-share above 40%: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s,

However, boundary changes may (I do not know) make the seat more marginal under its new name of Reading West and Mid-Berkshire. In any event, Sharma has obviously decided that the opinion polls look dire for his party, and that therefore he would probably end up as a backbench Opposition MP even if re-elected in 2024. He will probably return to the world of commerce.

Sharma attended the same school as me [https://rbcs.org.uk/] but about a decade later: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alok_Sharma.

So the rats continue to scuttle from the sinking Con ship, it seems.

The smart money is now betting that the Kiev regime will not only not “defeat” Russia in the sense of actually invading Russia proper, but will not even be able to retake Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions. That being so, US senators must be wondering how to reduce the biull for a seemingly endless war of attrition.

Dream on…

Imagine how much better Africa would be, in every way, under the direct control of Europeans.

Late music

Diary Blog, 25 September 2023

Morning music

[lemniscate water-purifying cascade]

Battles past

From the newspapers

Furious locals gathered outside a three-star hotel which is set to close in order to house asylum seekers in a move that will cancel hundreds of events as a result, including one woman’s 26th birthday party.

Dozens of residents holding placards arrived at Chichester Park Hotel in Chichester, West Sussex on Sunday afternoon claiming they had ‘no say’ in the decision.

Many of those at the protest said celebratory events had been cancelled after the sudden announcement that the hotel, which is said to be a ‘big part of the community’, will close tomorrow.

It comes as the Home Office said small-boat migrants must be booked into hotels of at least three-star quality with cost of housing rising to £8 million a day.

[Daily Mail].

These incidents are now happening all over the country— local people not only losing out, having hotels turned into hostels for migrant-invaders, and having their communities trashed in that way, but also seeing the prospect of large numbers of black/brown invaders making those communities permanently unsafe and, indeed, ruined.

Further, this is only the start. Million upon million migrant invaders are now invading white Europe every year. The EU is not blocking them, or even corralling them once they land, but actively encouraging them.

The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. Google it.

We are looking at the complete collapse of, inter alia, British society, not far down the line.

I saw a newspaper reader’s comment which said something like “I was born in a First World country [the UK], and now live in a country transitioning into a Third World country [the UK].”

Simplistic, maybe, and I never much liked the First/Second/Third World concept(s), but that reader has got it, in essence.

Look again, though, at that Daily Mail report. There are still “refugees welcome” dimwits turning up to warm themselves at the flames engulfing our society. Traitors.

Tweets seen

John Caudwell. What a prize hypocrite. Only first heard of him a few days ago.

Having said that, I now see that he does give a lot to charity, and also pays UK income tax despite spending half the year in Monaco.

The rich are different from us— they have more money“… It is usually a mistake to regard the ultra-wealthy as being great brains; even the “self-made” ones rarely are.

People are mostly in the grey zone, neither horrible nor saintly.

Lieutenant-Colonel Anatoly Khrulyov: Ideally, the task of the Russian army now is to reach the Dnieper in the north, and in the south – via Kherson – to advance in the direction of Mykolaiv and further to Odessa in order to cut off Ukraine’s access to the Black Sea. Our troops have already broken through Ukrainian defenses east of Kupyansk and near Kremena. The task is not easy, but quite doable.

“The US government has banned Tucker Carlson from interviewing Vladimir Putin. “You know, I tried to interview Putin, and the American government stopped me. What, we can’t hear Putin’s voice?! Why? Nobody voted on this issue,” Carlson said in an interview with the Swiss magazine Die Weltwoche.

He emphasized that the American authorities have been controlling all media for several decades, and citizens do not know the true state of affairs.”

Government should not, in general, run businesses; however, the exceptions make the rule. “Strategic” areas of the economy which are also “strategic” parts of society generally should be run directly by the State: large-scale electrical generation and distribution, gas supply, water supply, trains, roads.

Everything else, pretty much, can be in private hands but still State-regulated for public health and safety etc.

There is a general attack on freedom of expression in the UK at present. The Zionist organizations are the main poisonous part of that.

As for that unpleasant-looking fat blonde woman MP applauding Jewish-Zionist “anti-fascist” organizations in the above clip, she may well be appointed as a Minister of State in charge of many aspects of digital regulation if Starmer-Labour becomes the Government next year: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Davies-Jones.

Imagine spending all those tens of billions (billions, not millions) merely so that a small part of the population could go between London and Birmingham about 20 minutes faster…and now it looks as if the trains will not even to to Central London, and that the journey may actually take longer than the present express rail journey. Madness.

When I look at policy in the UK, I mean policy across the board, “madness” is the word that always comes to mind. Poor or silly ideas, poor or even irrational decision-making, and hopelessly inept execution or implementation.


Starmer is a faceless drone, and a complete puppet of the Jewish-Zionist lobby, and of Israel. Married to a Jewish woman property lawyer, and their children being brought up as if fully-Jewish, complete with all the rituals.

My impression of Starmer, apart from the above, is that he is one of those “suited thugs” not uncommon in the House of Commons over the past 20 years.

Starmer’s voice, when not carefully restrained for TV interviews, is shrill, threatening, like that of a far nastier version of “Frank Spencer” [https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/comedy/who-is-frank-spencer/].

Peter Oborne’s piece above is well worth watching, and hearing.

The only criticism I would advance of Oborne’s view in that piece, to the effect that Britain must try to get back to the postwar 1950s/1960s “one nation” idea, is that that cannot now happen. Why not? Because Britain is no longer a nation, but more like a geographic space inhabited by various tribes and conditions of people that have few aspects or qualities in common, and fewer aspirations.

In the late 19thC, and then again in the 1930s, particularly, Britain naively allowed some cuckoos to enter its nest. Massive mistake.

More from the newspapers


A Covid drug hailed as a game-changer may cause the virus to mutate, scientists warned today.

Molnupiravir is given to thousands of vulnerable Brits who test positive, such as patients fighting cancer or liver and kidney disease.

[Daily Mail]

Katie Hopkins

A reader of the blog sent that to me this evening. Well worth a listen.

Late tweets

Late music

[Katyusha rockets, 1940s]

Diary Blog, 24 September 2023

Afternoon music

I remember watching that French TV series about Robinson Crusoe when I was about 7 or 8 years old.

Battles past

From the newspapers


Our society should look again at the purposes of education, at all levels from primary, through secondary, to tertiary and beyond. The whole mediaeval-derived “degree” system in particular, with its “first degree” (“apprentice”), “Master’s degree”, and “Doctorate”. More suited to 1523 than 2023.


The ups and downs of life; quite interesting.


It really is time for the NHS to be treated as a useful service that however needs urgent and radical reform and improvement, rather than a quasi-religious object of devotion or something operated mainly for the benefit of its employees.

Peter Hitchens


Worth reading. I did not follow the trial closely, and have no feeling either way about the rightness of the jury verdict.

Tweets seen

The Wall Street Journal:

Russia has adapted and corrected many of its mistakes, even as the Russian military’s poor performance in the early days of the war shocked many in the West.

Moscow has spent months preparing a strong defense against the current Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south. The use of drones has become more frequent and efficient; changed the tactics of using the Air Force, now successfully avoiding Ukrainian air defense at low altitudes; added guidance capabilities to old aerial bombs; moved deeper into the front and dispersed warehouses, equipment and command posts; began to better protect our own soldiers and equipment; improved electronic warfare; according to Western officials, it increases the production of tanks (from 100 to 200 per year) and artillery shells (from 1 to 2-3 million per year).

On the battlefield, “the difference since the beginning of the war is colossal.

I recall, even 30+ years ago, when I lived in New Jersey, the increasing problems caused by Hispanic migrants, mostly illegal, mostly from Central America. God knows what parts of the USA are now looking like.

More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your
fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who
have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the
past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon
the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in
which their bodies have long decayed.

Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature. To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can
change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has
inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will
and courage.

You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass
your blood on to your children, for you are a member of
the chain of generations that reaches from the past into
eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent
must do its part so that the chain is never broken.

But if your blood has traits that will make your children
unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the
heroic duty to be the last. The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will

[SS Verlag— material for instruction of the Hitlerjugend]

More music

More tweets

Part of the ever-more-obvious transnational conspiracy.

Ha. Very true.

Suella Braverman is another Priti Patel: all talk, no action (and also herself non-European).

Of course, she is completely correct in what she says above. Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer is a waste a space, but seems about to become Prime Minister simply by default. The invaders will then simply be funnelled into the UK less conspicuously.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

More music

I used to have that CD, or maybe it was on cassette, long ago.

More from the newspapers


Residents in a posh historic town have clubbed together to hire their own private security firm to patrol the streets with dogs after burglaries soared.

Locals in Kimbolton, rural Cambridgeshire, decided enough is enough after a spate of robberies back in 2019. They say a police presence is almost non-existent and want to fend off criminals after houses in the neighbourhood started to be targeted five years ago.”

[Daily Mirror]

There is probably a link to —shall we say?— “caravan-dwellers” in that area…

All over England, communities are having to create private police forces, because, when it comes to ordinary everyday crime, the police (or as Sherlock Holmes always referred to them, “the official police“) are now usually completely useless. Many of them waste their time snooping on social media, “monitoring” tweets —or blogs such as mine— and generally playing at “counter-terrorism” and being a kind of poundland KGB or Stasi.

Even H.M. Inspector of Constabulary, Andy Cooke, recently said something quite similar.

See also: https://www.sthelensstar.co.uk/news/20141826.we-not-thought-police-says-new-chief/.


A new poll from the Washington Post showed disastrous numbers for incumbent President Joe Biden, who is now 10 points behind former President Donald Trump in in the latest measurement of the US electorate.

[Daily Mail]

Goodnight Vienna Kiev…

Late tweets seen

The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

In fact, I have a lot of time for the Turks, overall. I have spent about 5 months altogether in Turkey, and have seen the behaviour of the Turks, and (with very few exceptions) been quite impressed by them.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had to convince the American public about the possibility of occupying Russian territories so that his allies would not stop supplying him with military aid, said Scott Ritter.

The statement about the possibility of occupying Russian lands is political. It is necessary in order to continue the help from other countries ,” explains Ritter.

According to his words, Zelensky is very well aware of the true situation on the front, but the Ukrainian leader simply has to deceive the West.”

Late music

[painting by Monet]

Diary Blog, 23 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, a modest 5/10 this week, though still beating political journalist John Rentoul’s 4/10. I missed the answer to question 9 by one year, and (also) did not know the answers to questions 2, 3 (just missed), 5, and 10.

From the newspapers

Migration could help to ‘dissolve’ the European Union due to deep differences between member states, the bloc’s top diplomat has warned.

He insisted that the war in Ukraine was not fuelling the current rows over migration, saying: ‘The issue is that migration pressure has been increasing, mainly due to wars – not the war against Ukraine…

‘It is the Syrian war, the Libyan war, the military coups in Sahel [a region in North Africa].

We are living in a circle of instability from Gibraltar to the Caucasus, and this happened before the Ukrainian war and will continue after the Ukrainian war.

Migration in Africa is not being caused by the war against Ukraine. The root causes of migration in Africa are lack of development, economic growth and bad governance.‘”

[Daily Mail]

Not only dissolution of the EU as such but also the dissolution of the societies of the European states subject to mass immigration on a frightening scale. That includes the UK.


A thoroughgoing purge is required. MSM generally, publishing, law, legal professions, police, secret and security services, civil service generally, courts and legal system, charities, academia.


Scamdemic/panicdemic. The System is still looking for openings through which it can introduce more social controls and restrictions. Resist this.

The Daily Mail readers’ comments are amusing and interesting. No-one sensible really believes the scare stories now. Call it “immunity”…


The city of Kiev must be living on borrowed time, but I think that the Russian high command will hold off until they know the outcome of the US Presidential Election 2024.

The UK General Election is a sideshow, being one in a country completely under the thumb of the USA, and with all candidates for PM parroting the “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) line.

Tweets seen

No doubt the reason for that is because “equal opportunities” at some point morphed into “some people are more equal than others”. I saw that both at the practising Bar (1991-1996 and 2002-2008) and when employed by (especially) a large City of London law firm on a 6-month contract in 1996.

In the latter situation, I saw how the relevant partners of that firm, quite obviously running scared of the whole feminism/”glass ceiling” situation, and with many links to high circles of the British Government, appointed as partner in charge of “emerging markets” (basically, the former Soviet Union), an “Australian” woman of semi-Russian background who seemed to know no law (outside that of New South Wales), and whose only qualification for the job seemed to be fluent Russian.

Disastrous (said woman was incapable of being in charge of anything), but when later eased out after several expensive scandals, said woman and waste of space was able to get herself another similar position elsewhere (and probably on similar remuneration— about a million ££ per year), until she messed up there too, and had to return to her native Australia (she became a trade envoy in the end, I believe).

I think that the problem there, and often elsewhere, is that you have —or had at that time, 25-30 years ago— a lot of English male lawyers who had basically been pretty much under the thumb of women all their lives: nannies, mothers and aunts, school matrons, and later wives, and they plainly wanted to “virtue-signal” (as people now say) by appointing a few token women to high positions. In the law firm to which I refer, there were several dozen full partners at the time (1996) but only one woman, as far as I recall, until the Russian-speaker was appointed.

Just a few memories of times past.

Interesting. Whether the story or the meetings will affect the 2024 General Election is an unknown. I rather doubt it, inasmuch as the public still seem split on Brexit, though perhaps now there might be a small majority in favour of rejoining the EU after the disastrous mishandling of it all by the last few Prime Ministers and their governments.

The kind of “comedian” acceptable under Sovietism, always ready to laugh at those whom the System wants to dismiss; their views too.

Typical UK “comedian” in other ways too: eg a tax-dodger when also posing (sometime/implausibly) as a sort-of “socialist”.

Not that I oppose everything he has said.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carr; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carr#2021_Holocaust_joke.

More from the newspapers


The Home Office has said small-boat migrants must be booked in three-star hotels at least as housing costs soar to £8 million a day. 

In a contract issued by the department, there is a list of ‘mandatory requirements’ for hotels, which includes: ‘Contracted venues should be at least a minimum of three stars.’

[Daily Mail].

The migration invasion will continue, get worse, and (alongside so-called “legal” migration and other factors) will eventually cause our whole society to topple over and break into pieces.

We are looking at an eventual war (a culture/race/ideology war) somewhere down the line.

More tweets

There it is; from the horse’s mouth. If Zelensky has his ricebowl taken away, the war will stop. In fact, it would stop within days. “Ukraine” (Kiev regime Ukraine) is a failed state. At present, not only arms and ammunition are supplied by, mainly, NATO states, but also energy, medical supplies, clothing and other consumer items, and vast sums of hard cash.

That thug, Danilov, is the enforcer for Kiev’s brutal dictatorship: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleksiy_Danilov.

He sees himself as Zelensky’s successor.

This is the reason I eat 6/7 whole eggs daily not just one:

The egg is a wholesome, nutritious food with high nutrient density because, in proportion to its calorie count, it provides 12% of the daily value of protein and a wide variety of other nutrients such as vitamins, essential amino acids and minerals. While protein itself is an important constituent of healthy diet, the egg has been found to have two newly-recognized nutrients – lutein and zeaxanthin – that has put the egg in the “functional food” category. A functional food is one that provides health benefits beyond its basic nutrient content. The health benefits you get by eating eggs are as follows.

Eggs do not raise blood cholesterol: It is true that when you eat eggs, cholesterol enters your body. However, eggs also give a signal for the liver to stop producing the cholesterol it usually produces. The increase in the intake of cholesterol compensates for the decrease in the cholesterol produced by the liver and therefore keeps the blood cholesterol levels constant.

Eggs have choline: Choline is an incredibly important nutrient for your body. This is because it helps build cell membranes and is also crucial when it comes to the production of certain signalling molecules in the brain. A single egg has about 100 milligrams of this nutrient and therefore is one of the best sources of it.

Eggs are good for your eyes: Eggs have two very important nutrients for your eyes. These are Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These nutrients stop degenerative processes from occurring in the eye. Recent studies have shown that consuming lutein and zeaxanthin can significantly lower risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of blindness affecting people over the age of 65. In addition, these reduce the likelihood of cataracts.

Eggs have high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids: Eggs that are boiled have a high level of Omega-3 fatty acids in them. Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for reducing the chances of you suffering from heart disease due to the fact that it reduces your triglyceride levels.

Eggs are an excellent source of protein: This is the biggest reason to eat eggs. Eating eggs helps you to lose weight, optimizing bone health and lowering blood pressure.

Egg may reduce the risk of stroke: Studies have shown that eggs are not only good for your heart, but they also reduce the likelihood of suffering from a stroke.

Calories : 67.4 Kcal •Protein : 6.4 grams •Carbohydrates : 0.6 grams •Total Fat : 5.0 grams ◦Monounsaturated fat : 2.0 grams ◦Polyunsaturated fat : 0.7 grams ◦Saturated fat : 1.5 grams •Cholesterol : 213 milligrams •Sodium : 063 milligrams.”

[Dr. S. Katiyar]

How long before some digitized version of this becomes everyday reality in the UK? ULEZ and “15-minute-cities” are just the start.

See also my blog from a couple of days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/09/21/diary-blog-21-september-2023-with-material-about-freedom-of-expression-russell-brand-caroline-dineage-and-77th-brigade/.

Oct 2019 , repo market in the banking system started to freeze up, ie no liquidity in the banking system. The covid 19 ‘pandemic’ released trillions to refinance the Banksters Now the same is happening again, that is why they need another major event a pandemic 2 or a World War to pump trillions into the collapsing banking system. Result, a hyperinflationery economic collapse. Follow the money.

The Western press is crucifying Zelensky, calling him a pathetic beggar.

During Zelenski’s visit to the USA, he first spoke from the podium of the UN General Assembly in front of a mostly empty hall, and the image makers “photoshopped” the full hall in which Zelenski himself was sitting. He then went to Washington, where the Speaker of the House of Representatives blocked his speech to Congress and was then questioned by a group of senators.

In the end, Zelensky was received by Biden, after which he went to Canada at the invitation of Prime Minister Trudeau. American senators asked Zelensky a question about the elections. The head of the Kyiv regime has made it clear that he will not hold elections next year.

Another one for the “Eastern Front”?

The Kiev regime cannot find conscripts now, let alone volunteers for its failed counter-offensive. In fact, to intrude a personal note, a funny little fellow, maybe 20-ish, delivered an Amazon item for my wife a couple of days ago. He spoke effectively no English, but understood Russian. Turned out that he was Ukrainian and that several others at his base were also Ukrainian. There must be tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, now in the UK.

Late music

[walking path, Akademgorodok, Western Siberia]

Diary Blog, 22 September 2023

Morning music

[Hampshire— the living fields]

Battles past

Tweets seen

FORMER British MI6 agent Alastair Crook has said that Ukrainian soldiers will start refusing to carry out an order to launch a new offensive if President Volodymyr Zelensky issues it on his return from the United States.

Kruk put forward the assumption that it will look like this: Zelensky addresses his generals with the words: “We must continue […] and break through the Russian defenses.” So he turns to his generals and realizes that none of them will follow him in this. Kruk estimates that the Ukrainian army is exhausted and that there is no продавница where Zelensky can buy new troops…

MI6 agent A. Crook“? Buyer beware, I suppose…

Thousands of Ukrainian men who are recognized as partially fit for military service will be drafted into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The so-called “reserve” battalions will be formed from them. It was announced that there will be no combat training with them, nor will they be involved in combat tasks.”

More music

From the newspapers


Is the world running out of patience with Zelensky’s ‘blank cheque’ demands? Poland stops giving arms and US gives a fraction of what Ukraine’s leader asked for as he visits Canada today to win support

[Daily Mail]

Take away Zelensky’s ricebowl.

Russia cannot “lose” this war, whatever happens (unless there is a palace revolution in the Kremlin).

The best solution is for Russia to retain Crimea, take all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and also retain or take all of the coastal regions of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to a depth of (arguende) 50 miles, including the city of Odessa. Kiev can either be taken by Russia or operated as a condominium, or maybe as a “free city” not fully controlled either by Russia or by a rump Ukrainian regime based (probably) in Lvov.




Once again, the police make fools of themselves.


Since the Queen died, I’ve struggled to see what the point is of the Royal Family any more. Is that wrong?

[Daily Mail]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/


A mere £80 fine? What a pathetic sentence for being cruel to his own dog.

More tweets

The article: https://www.spiked-online.com/2023/09/21/the-casual-authoritarianism-of-caroline-dinenage/.

I covered this on the blog yesterday, concentrating on the linkage between the Secretary of State (Caroline Dinenage) and her husband (Mark Lancaster, life peer, former Con MP, Major-General in the Reserves, and former second-in-command of the Army’s 77 Brigade, which operates around online disinformation etc): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/09/21/diary-blog-21-september-2023-with-material-about-freedom-of-expression-russell-brand-caroline-dineage-and-77th-brigade/.

More from the newspapers


One in 12 people in Germany shares a right-wing extremist worldview, according to a new study published on Thursday.

The research by Friedrich Ebert Foundation has found that the number of people with far-right views has significantly increased in the past two years, and has exceeded 8%.

In the foundation’s 2020/2021 survey, less than 2% of the respondents had clearly expressed support for right-wing extremist views.

Researchers said the consequences of the Russia-Ukraine war, skyrocketing energy prices, and high inflation are creating challenges for the democratic parties in the center, and strengthening the far-right.

Insecurities and conflicts over who gets what and how much, are providing a gateway for right-wing extremist ideologies and anti-democratic attitudes,” the researchers said in a summary of their report.

According to the survey, trust in the institutions and in the functioning of democracy in Germany has fallen to below 60%.

The number of those who see themselves more to the right of the democratic center has significantly increased, from 9% to 15.5%.

More than 16% of those surveyed approved xenophobic statements, while 5.7% expressed antisemitic views. Some 4% played down crimes committed by Hitler and praised Nazi ideology or policies.”

[Turkish news agency Anadolu: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/p/history]

In 1928, the NSDAP was voted for by only 2.6% of German voters nationally. By 1932, that had grown to over 33%, and by 1933 to nearly 44%. With God, all things are possible.

At present, there is no suitable party or leader known to the people (the same is true in the UK), but “cometh the hour, cometh the man“…

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[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children“]

Late tweets seen

Dried whole fish, leaves, live crayfish (or are they insects?), Red Bull…;Thai military rations?

Diary Blog, 21 September 2023, with material about freedom of expression, Russell Brand, Caroline Dinenage, and 77th Brigade

Morning music

[Cloisters, Gloucester Cathedral]

Battles past

Caroline Dinenage, Russell Brand, the 77th Brigade, and freedom of expression

A sign of the times, at one with bank staff deciding to “de-bank” (cut off banking services from) people with the “wrong” sort of socio-political views, and the UK police taking the side of the corruptors of society, and getting involved in the persecution and prosecution of people such as myself who are trying to defend European civilization and culture.

Caroline Dinenage seems to have written to other persons and organizations in the same way:

Caroline Dinenage, however, has less influence than she seems to think:

Of course, the hell of this sort of situation is that one is forced to defend, by default, persons for whom one has no liking —or even interest— in general, such as Russell Brand.

Interesting. Having never taken any interest in Caroline Dinenage, I had no idea that she was that kind of slut. Still, who knows the ins and out of such situations, which would usually be considered part of a politician’s purely personal life, and not usually a matter for public discussion. Things happen, as they say…

In the interests of fairness, I should add that at least she belongs to Conservatives Against Foxhunting.


Interestingly, Caroline Dineage’s present husband, Mark Lancaster, a former Conservative Party MP who, despite his own apparently-bad behaviour, now sits in the House of Lords as Baron Lancaster of Kimbolton, was 2-i-c of the “dark arts” 77th Brigade for two years (2018-2020), and carried the rank of Colonel.

Lancaster, who was a mere 2nd Lieutenant when serving for 2 years in the regular Army (Royal Engineers, 1988-1990), afterwards achieved regular seniority in the TA (now, the Reserves), and completed three tours of active service overseas. He is now Director, Reserves, and carries the rank of Major-General.





[Mark Lancaster, Baron Lancaster of Kimbolton, photographed wearing uniform bearing the insignia of a Lieutenant-Colonel of the British Army]

So we have Caroline Dinenage who is Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport, and then her husband, a Conservative life peer who was second-in-command of 77th Brigade and its interference with Internet information and/or disinformation.

Then we have the “cancellation” of the admittedly unpleasant Russell Brand who, however, has apparently been on a socio-political journey placing him in opposition to the “dark powers” who have such influence in our society.

In relation to the “cancellation” of the Russell Brand character, and the letters and emails sent by Caroline Dinenage, that is all rather relevant, nicht wahr? I wonder whether I am the first person to have spotted the linkage.

More tweets seen

The System is using Brand as a kind of stalking horse; to put it another way, taking down the low-hanging fruit, i.e. the easy targets first…

Incidentally, I see that, whether via the reading of my blog or independently, hundreds of tweeters are now (several hours after the start of today’s blog was published) mentioning the Caroline Dinenage/Mark Lancaster/77th Brigade connection, as seen in some of the following tweets:

Not 100% right; it was 2018-2020.

Some tweeters are taking an even-more-conspiratorial line:

“The wilderness of mirrors”…

As some cartoonists’ captions said after Germany passed the world’s first law banning cruel experiments on animals, in 1933 (sadly repealed after the disaster of 1945), “even the animals support the Fuhrer!“.

[“Heil Goering“, a reference to the 1933 anti-vivisection law in Germany]

From the newspapers


…doubts are growing over the future of US assistance, with hardline Republicans saying they won’t approve funding to prevent a US government shutdown if it includes aid for Ukraine.

Zelensky’s trip to Washington – his second during wartime – is a dramatic departure from the first in December 2022, when he secretly flew in and received a hero’s welcome at the White House and on Capitol Hill. 

This time he is desperate to drum up support and win over skeptical lawmakers, insisting that Kyiv needs continued funding as well as a beefing up of air defences after Moscow hit Ukraine with another barrage of missiles overnight. 

The Ukrainian leader is under added pressure to secure US support after Poland sensationally declared it would no longer arm Ukraine amid a row over grain exports in a move sure to delight Russian President Vladimir Putin.”

[Daily Mail]

Take away Zelensky’s ricebowl. As to Poland, it should keep those weapons for Poland’s own use; that might be necessary if the NWO/ZOG powers keep stoking the new Cold War/hot war.

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For once, I agree with Piers Morgan, but what a prize hypocrite! Morgan wanted to enforce the dangerous pseudo-vaccines for “Covid”, and to criminalize and socially-penalize those aware and intelligent enough to see through the weaponization of the virus by the transnational conspiracy.

Sooner or later, these msm liars are going to have to be dealt with. A thoroughgoing purge not only of the msm but also of publishing, politics, law and the legal professions, the police, even SIS and the Security Service.

BBC Newsnight

I happened to see a 10-minute report from BBC Newsnight about the protests in Wales and elsewhere around the migration invasion and, especially, protests caused by the commandeering of hotels to house the migrant-invaders.

What can one say? A rehash, pretty much, of all the similar dog***t TV reports on the so-called “far right” that I have ever seen, going right back to the mid-1970s. The only difference was the cross-Channel boat invasion aspect. In the past, we had an effective Navy, Coastguard, and police force (and courts), and were not being quite literally invaded by hundreds each day in small boats.

As always with such dull repetitive reports on TV, the assumption from the start is that anyone who wants to stop the migration-invasion is bad through and through, and the TV drone “reporting” (always) rubs that in with suggestions that (“ooh!“) some people actually think that Adolf Hitler was in many ways a positive influence, and that (“ooh!“) it might have been a good idea had the Second World War never happened. And so on.

Another aspect of Newsnight’s “report” which has been part of pretty much every similar TV show I have seen from 1975 to the present is the “honest local person” who has legitimate (minor) grievances (ie that could, it is implied, be dealt with by better admin etc) about matters such as migrant-invaders being housed in local hotels. Such “honest locals” invariably (as in the Newsnight report) decry any “far right” “infiltration” into their local protests.

This is what the Soviet Press and TV used to do. By all means protest (quietly) locally, and ask the Government to do things better, but do not question the whole policy, or the agenda behind it. In this case, yes, by all means protest about your local hotel being taken over, but do not say that the migration-invasion should be stopped, and do not protest about the black-brown migrant-invaders on a national or racial basis, and do not ask what is the agenda behind the migration-invasion (the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, in this case).

In the Newsnight report, there were two approved “honest locals” in two places, one an exhibitionistic fat woman who is, apparently, a local councillor in the Wigan area. She deplored the way “her” protest was “infiltrated” (ie outnumbered) by Patriotic Alternative and other protesters.

Needless to say, the views of the Patriotic Alternative and other people were only given briefly, and in such a way that they could be trashed.

There were two (if you like) “expert witnesses” as well: fat cat “Conservative” truffle-snuffler Tim Loughton (a noted expenses freeloader: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Loughton), who thought that the people who had to be, as he put it, “guarded against” were not the migrant-invaders but the “far right”…

The other “expert” was the egregious Neil Basu, a mixed-race ex-policeman whose chosen role (apart from expostulating about “racism”) is that of “counter-terrorism” etc. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Basu.

Basu seemed to be saying that anyone alive to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, or who wants an end to the migration-invasion (which must surely destroy our society within one or two generations) is a “terrorist“.

It is that kind of muddled thinking that has led the UK police to where they are today— almost useless at their proper job, while (many of them) spend their time on duty playing at “counter-terrorism” and acting like a poundland KGB, as I blogged 5 years ago: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Late tweets

In the Zaporozhye region, the Ukrainian army launched new attacks in the Orekhov-Rabotino sector. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are intensifying their attacks to break through the anti-tank ditch and reach Verbovoye, but there are no signs of previous massive attacks. A large number of infantry groups of 10 to 15 people are trying to advance under Russian artillery and tank fire. Half of them are scattered during the advance stages, and the rest are destroyed by mortars, grenade launchers and FPV drones after reaching the ditch.”

Zelensky knows that the only hope for the Kiev regime is to drag NATO into direct war with Russia, though that would trigger a major European war, and quite possibly an East-West nuclear exchange.

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