Tag Archives: cats

Diary Blog, 27 December 2023

Morning music

[Lenin with cat, early 1920s]

Tweets seen

Even in a country such as the USA, with a population of over 340M, figures like that naturally give rise to concern (as does the fact that the tweeter Ali Bradley seems to be ignorant of what the word “majority” means…American education…).

Trump seems to be in a good position to be elected. If he is, Zelensky’s ricebowl will be taken away, and that will seal the fate of the Kiev regime.

To Israel: You can’t say “never again” while committing a literal genocide. You can’t bring up the Holocaust while detaining Palestinians, including children, in concentration camps. You can’t say you’re the victim while you’re bombing every hospital, bakery, journalist, and child in sight. You can’t say “self defense” while your kids are writing their names on rockets being blasted towards other kids whom you turned into orphans. You can’t say you’re protecting anyone while killing them.

I notice that more and more people are waking up to “their” fake victimhood “cosplay”.


The “British” Press displays its journalistic skills. Sandbanks is not in Devon. It is not even close to Devon (about 60 miles away). It is in Dorset.

[Update, same day: the Times changed “Devon” to “Dorset“, eventually].

Very true of many brainwashed pawns in the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and the associated “Black Lives Matter” nonsense, inter alia.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Hard to believe, but there it is…

What is next?

Reminded me of Soylent Green [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soylent_Green].

A serious government would have looked at Brexit and recognised the necessity for economic and social reform. The first lesson should have been that mass immigration cannot be a substitute for skills training, and that open borders is not a sustainable answer to labour shortages.

Subsequently, it should have examined the reasons business relies on immigrant labour and modified policy accordingly – up to and including far reaching welfare reform. It should have also taken steps to reform the ponzi scheme that is higher education, ideally dismantling second rate universities in favour of vocational training with a view to improving labour market fluidity.

It should have initiated an immediate energy policy review, dismantling the EU regulatory systems that push up the price of energy.

It should have prioritised nuclear over renewable energy. It should have looked at streamlining energy planning and procurement regulation.

It should have initiated a complete review of food and agriculture policy with a view to improving food security and reducing food miles, cultivating local supply chains, and revising trade policy accordingly.

It should have initiated a complete review of foreign aid, trade and foreign policy in line with clearly defined national priorities.

But our politicians didn’t want any of that. They liked having their thinking done for them. They didn’t see any reason for change and everything they’ve done since has been to prevent meaningful change. Sclerotic mediocrity is how they like it and it’s the best we can hope for.

That is why the Tory party is dying. They were handed a massive majority and a mandate for change and they did precisely nothing with it. They wasted our votes and our time. They squandered every opportunity and walked away from every fight. Instead of taking the cue for radical change, they doubled down on all the worst aspects of centrist consensus politics on everything from immigration to energy, in lockstep with the EU as though we never voted to leave.

Immigration is now out of control, rents have skyrocketed, energy prices are insane, university degrees are next to worthless, and now they’re inflicting heat pumps and EVs on us when nobody can afford either, nobody even wants them, and we don’t have the electricity to power them.

Now we find ourselves with nobody worth voting for, and a decrepit opposition party set to inherit power by accident of numbers, and virtually nobody thinks it will be an improvement.

There is no means by which we can arrest the decline – while the media gaslights us by telling us this is the most right wing government in history.

Not only does the Tory party deserve to die, it is a necessary precursor to any kind of British renaissance. The conservative party only wishes to conserve a stagnant status quo even if it drags us into the dark ages.

We are condemned to drab, anti-patriotic technocratic managerialism and a zombie establishment that has long since abdicated from its obligation to govern. They are rotten, debased, corrupt and ineffectual in everything they do.

Every iteration of it is like a bad Hollywood sequel – a jaded repeat bereft of ideas and energy, oblivious to its own creative death spiral.

The cancer has now spread to all of the state’s vital organs, and the patient is now on life support. Nothing short of a medical miracle can revive it from its persistant vegetative state. The only merciful thing to do is to let it die.”

I agree with pretty much all of that analysis.

Quite. I hate and despise the misnamed Conservative Party, but also despise and hate the equally-misnamed Labour Party. Other misnamed parties? The “Scottish National Party” (currently run by a Pakistani) and the “Liberal Democrats”.

…and if you say anything about all that, at least in the UK, some malicious Jew-Zionist volunteer arm of the Israeli Embassy and Government (eg the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) will suborn or corrupt the police and the prosecution service in order to bring down upon you the weight of the criminal law (while, in the real world, real crime explodes).

Obviously. Even at present, 75%+ of the invaders are given leave to remain. That’s 75% or 80% of the actual small boat invaders; the “legal” ones are all allowed to stay for the period of their visa, but many who stay beyond that are also, one way or another, allowed to stay in the end.

Overall, something like 95% of the various types of migrant invader are —eventually— allowed to stay indefinitely. As a nation and possibly, later, as a state, the UK faces ruin.

In Africa and Asia live hundreds of millions who would like to come here. Yes, in time that will reduce the UK to a “third world” level, but they cannot see that. All they see is a country still hugely better than their own. They want what we have, or they think we have. Even if our living standards continue to slide, for the black/brown invaders that is irrelevant. They are used to much worse conditions.

Therefore, the migration invasion will continue until our society collapses into chaos and/or civil war. When? Maybe as early as 2030, maybe a little later. By 2050, for sure, as things are going. Thank God I shall probably not be here to see it face to face.

Late tweets

I wonder how much of that will find its way to the Ukrainian people at ground level? Rhetorical question. Not much (if any).

“Former Israeli Chief of Staff Dan Halutz said that Israel has lost the war against Hamas and Netanyahu must be overthrown. According to him, the real losses of the army are hidden, and for almost two months of ground operations there are virtually no strategic or even tactical victories in the Gaza Strip.

It would be a mistake to assume that all Jews, even all Israelis, are behind the continuing devastation in Gaza. My own guess is that most would have been satisfied by a week or so of targeted, albeit bloody, attacks in retaliation for the stunning surprise attack by Hamas forces in southern Israel in October.

There was a film, several years ago, interviewing former chiefs of Israeli intelligence and security; they were far less gung-ho than Netanyahu and his clique, or the malicious and unpleasant Jew-Zionists one sees or hears of in places such as London, Leeds, New York etc.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/02/02/the-jews-i-met-at-an-oasis/.

By the by, I keep wondering whether the Israeli Government, like F.D. Roosevelt before Pearl Harbor, knew of the October attack by Hamas before it happened, but let it go ahead in order to have to popular support —initially— for what is now happening in —in the Israeli case— Gaza, which amounts to an attempt to occupy Gaza and drive out its 2M inhabitants.

That may read like “conspiracy theory”, but so many of such theories turn out to be just true in the end. Why did it take Israeli forces several hours, in some cases 12 hours, to deploy to the site of the October attack? Israel is small. Tel Aviv is only 44 miles from the border of Gaza, and maybe 60 miles from the site of the Hamas attack in October.

When I was a practising barrister based in Exeter, in SW England (2002-2008), I lived in a country house about 4 miles north of Launceston (Cornwall) and almost exactly 45 miles west from my Exeter chambers. Same distance as Tel Aviv to Gaza. One day, I made the journey, door to door, in only 35 mins. I am sure that the supposedly elite Israeli forces can deploy in at least similar time (by road or helicopter), if they are so ordered. So why did they apparently take many hours in October?

Late thought

A day or two ago, I caught a few minutes of a political quiz on Sky News. Radio politico Nick Ferrari, some black woman (I think Dawn Butler), useless half-Jew former MP and now (absurdly) member of the House of Lords, Ed Vaizey, and “British” Indian pseudo-Communist, Ash Sarkar. All wearing silly Christmas hats for the occasion.

What struck me (again) is that the System TV would never have a social-national person on such a show, but there is political bad joke, Ash Sarkar, sitting there happily alongside Ed Vaizey, despite having commended not only socialism but Communism on air many times. She was obviously loving being part of the System mass media in-club…

Only social-national people and policies can now save Europe. The System easily suborns and buys the Ash Sarkar type. Paid TV appearances, even alongside the so-called “class enemy”, articles in newspapers, social media profile (and income). Pseudo-radical careerists and profiteers.

Owen Jones similarly. These are play-“revolutionaries”, play-radicals, and almost ludicrously-easily manipulated by the System.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Vaizey#Expenses_claims; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Vaizey#Other_work; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LionTree#History; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ash_Sarkar.

Late music

[Balmoral Beach, Sydney, where I spent many hours aged 10-11 (1967-68)]

Diary Blog, 23 December 2023

Morning music

[Linderhof, Bavaria]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week one of my poorest scores ever, a miserable 3/10. Political journalist John Rentoul beat my score (with 6/10), a rare occurrence indeed. I only knew the answers to questions 5, 7, and 10.

Tweets seen

Much of the “counter-terror” stuff in the UK is a fake, and a cover for repression of opinion unwanted by and disapproved by the System, or by special-interest groups such as —and mainly— the Jew-Zionist cabals (malicious nuisances such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, a kind of volunteer arm of the Israeli Embassy in the UK).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

More “trans” nonsense. Why are so few people, even now, pointing out the sheer oddness of the fact that an absolute tidal wave of this stuff has crashed over the UK in, mainly, the past few years? What is happening? What is being encouraged to happen? What is behind it all?

I do not say “never believe the experts“, but the fact is that they (and, more so yet, scribblers pretending to be expert) are usually wrong, especially when they try to predict the future, or when unexpected events happen.

Examples? Professor Lindemann [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Lindemann,_1st_Viscount_Cherwell], Churchill’s scientific guru, thought that rockets as weapons could never work unless huge and propelled by solid fuel. Shortly after that, the V-1 and then V-2 rockets started to explode in and around London and elsewhere. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-1_flying_bomb; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-2_rocket.

The recent “Covid” “panicdemic” showed up ignorance of the supposed experts of the so-called SAGE committee (I called it “DUMB”— Department Under Matt and Boris).

There are, actually hundreds of similar examples, especially if you move from scientific-milieu examples to those of politics and economics. Lenin thought that the Bolsheviks would come to power when the 1905 “Revolution” (uprising) was taking place. Wrong… and Lenin did not think that the Tsarist state of Russia would fall as a result of the first (Spring) Revolution of 1917. Wrong again…

Probably a poor-looking place even before the destruction, but these were people’s homes, now blasted by some of the war crimes of the Israeli military machine.

At first, I myself believed that the 2022 devastation in Bucha (a small township or suburb very close to, or effectively part of, Kiev) was a real event, albeit one committed by poorly-disciplined allies of Russia (Chechens etc). It is claimed that hundreds of civilians were killed and/or tortured.

Now, I wonder whether it ever happened at all (as reported). The much-photographed devastation seems to have been mainly in one small section of a single street; burnt-out Russian vehicles, destroyed single-storey houses etc. Hard to get to the truth. It may lie somewhere in the middle.

She seems to be mentally disturbed, and/or perhaps a drug-abuser. God help the USA (and Europe) if that crazed woman becomes U.S. President.

Her Wikipedia entry [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikki_Haley] contains a couple of interesting facts. Turns out that she is an Indian (Sikh), and that her personal wealth, estimated at USD $1M in 2018, had jumped to USD $8M only 2-3 years later, in 2021. How?

[Addendum, same day: saw this https://www.forbes.com/sites/kavyagupta/2023/08/08/how-nikki-haley-built-an-8-million-fortune-and-helped-bail-out-her-parents/]

Worth reading

From the newspapers


I have not forgotten the photo of Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner bending the knee together in homage to the black mob(s).

More tweets seen

Quite right.

Laugh of the day?

Saw a tweet from a tweeter claiming that “Hitler was a great failure“. So tweeted a professed fortune-teller [“I read tarot cards with numerology, & zodiac signs“] with exactly two Twitter/X followers and who is following 91 others…

Laugh of the day? Maybe; maybe just unconscious irony of the day…

In fact, I think I see what that tweeter was getting at with his comment, but think also that I shall not comment further on it today…

More from the newspapers


A restaurant that drowned three hundred cats a month to fuel Vietnam’s cruel meat trade has been closed for good.

The Gia Bảo restaurant in Thai Nguyen city, in the country’s northeast, ran a lucrative trade selling cats, likely including stolen pets, drowned in a bucket one after another.

For five years, Pham Quoc Doanh, 37, ran the establishment after struggling to feed his family selling ‘other normal food and drinks’.

‘It was then I tried selling cat meat since there was no other available restaurant serving this in the area,’ he told Metro.

Doanh reached out to the Humane Society International, campaigning to ban the trade in Vietnam, who offered him a one-time grant to set up a grocery store instead.

On December 6, he symbolically tore down the banners outside his slaughterhouse and restaurant and began a new life. 

‘For a while now I have felt a genuine desire to leave the cruel cat meat business and switch to something else as soon as possible. When I think of all the thousands of cats I’ve slaughtered and served up here over the years, it’s upsetting,’ he said.

‘Cat theft is so common in Vietnam that I know many of the cats sold here were someone’s loved family companion, and I feel very sorry about that.’

An estimated one million cats are killed each year for their meat in Vietnam, according to the charity – despite 71 per cent of the population favouring a ban.

[Daily Mail]

Well, my opinion of Vietnam has never been very high (I admit that I have never actually been there), but at least 71% of the population apparently want this trade banned, and they do seem (from what I read today) to be taking steps in the right direction.


I get the impression at least that the Far Eastern countries are evolving in their treatment of and attitude to animals. Hopeful signs abound.

Late tweets seen

Zelensky’s Office called for making it more difficult to legalize Ukrainians abroad in order to return them to Ukraine.

Advisor to the head of the Office, Mikhail Podolyak, believes that the 5 million Ukrainians who fled the country with the beginning of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization received too favorable conditions to remain in the West forever.

He admitted that Kyiv is interested in bringing them back and giving them the opportunity to “repay their debt to the state.

Question(s) of definition…

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 November 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


A United Nations Human Rights New York office director has resigned in protest of the UN’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war – after calling attacks on Gaza ‘a text-book case of genocide.'”

[Daily Mail]

Yet you see countless Jew lawyers and armchair “lawyers” on Twitter/X denying it.

Good to see that at least one person still has honour and principle.

Tweets seen

My dear friends – please watch this video! Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No, it’s not….and it’s most definitely not a helicopter or a drone either! This mysterious light made absolutely NO sound at all. And it remained perfectly still and static while I watched it – hovering high in the sky above the holy land.

Is it possible that “They” are watching over us all during this dangerous and tumultuous time?

During World War II many Airforce pilots reported seeing similar anomalous balls of light, which they nicknamed Foo Fighters, and historically there have been many UFO/UAP sightings which happened in close proximity to military bases and manoeuvres.

I believe that the human race has long been observed by a higher intelligence…and these beings are watching us because they care about our wellbeing and are worried about our ongoing survival as a species. #MysteriousLight #UnidentifiedFlyingObject #UFOs #HigherIntelligence #Observation #Survival #FooFighters #HolyLand #WatchfulBeings #AnomalousLights #MilitaryBases #Manoeuvres #WorldWarII #HumanRace #Wellbeing

I am interested in the same questions and the same phenomena.

Do people really need to read a “report” from a “think-tank” to see what has happened to the UK over the past 13 (in fact more like 20) years?

Labour 1997-2010 was not quite as bad as the Con Party has been (2010-2023), but they were going along the same lines, especially after 2005.

Little friends. “The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

Oliver Dowden. What a total deadhead.

There you have, in that interview, in 2 minutes of floundering nonsense, why very few people are going to be voting “Conservative” next year. Complete incompetence, total lack of preparation, just unwarranted self-confidence based on nothing more than always having had money and an easy career progression. A belief that you can always “blah blah” out of any difficulty. The “Boris Johnson” school of incompetent political pseudo-leadership.

How do such idiots ever get appointed? Oh…(see below)

Dowden is a former officer of the Conservative Friends of Israel, and has twice chaired the APPG for British Jews. Dowden has said he feels a “cultural affinity” with the Jewish community – his constituency of Hertsmere has the largest Jewish population outside of London.[14]” [Wikipedia]. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Dowden].

More music

[Adolf Hitler signs a portrait photograph for a young admirer]
[Adolf Hitler accedes to requests for his autograph]

More tweets


That Jewish Lobby puppet sees himself as a “statesman”, it seems. The Israel lobby is trying to present him as such. Nein danke!

David Lammy, that ridiculous monkey-on-a-stick, again. Incredibly, that ignorant creature will probably be Foreign Secretary a year or so from today.

In the case of the egregious Cummings, that is just a label. I blogged about that particular crazie a couple of times, years ago:



Her expensive lawyers“? I suppose that that must refer to the vituperative Mark Lewis, the Jew-Zionist solicitor who fled to Israel after having been found guilty on several charges by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority. His fine was considerably reduced because Lewis’s own counsel pleaded that Lewis’s only assets were “...his clothes, a personal pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/11/update-re-mark-lewis-lawyer-questions-are-raised/.

From the newspapers


A plane passenger from hell who shouted ‘white children are easy to rape’ has been jailed for 14 months after drunkenly hurling racist and misogynistic abuse towards women on two flights back to Britain. 

Father-of-three Mohammed Shiraz Riaz, 42, fat-shamed an air stewardess and called her a ‘f…ing white b****’ during a nightmare journey from Marrakesh, Morocco, to Liverpool John Lennon airport, before later biting a policeman and leaving him with teeth marks on his arm.

Despite being arrested and bailed to face trail, car valeter Riaz was able to book a second flight to Istanbul, and on the way back to Manchester hurled a torrent of sexist and racist abuse towards cabin crew, fellow passengers, police and female airport officials.

During the flight Riaz, who it emerged had a string of 30 offences on his record, was seen drunkenly shadow boxing in the aisles and punching the seats.”

As he was placed in a police van, he went on: ‘No wonder it’s so easy for us to rape your white children – you’re all a bunch of p******. You f***ing s***s, fat-a*** c****. White woman are easy to rape. White children are easy to rape because white men are p******.’

Riaz was not charged with any racially aggravated offences.

Another of the fruits of “diversity”…


A man sexually assaulted a girl in front of her friend on board a train in south London.

Detectives on Wednesday released a photo of a man they want to speak to in connection with the attack, which happened around 10.15pm on September 16.

[Evening Standard]

[police want to talk to this creature]

More wonderful “diversity” in our country…


I have to admit that that piece by Rachel Johnson is quite fair.


An organiser of a Black Lives Matter protest who used tens of thousands of pounds in donations from a fundraising page to back her expensive lifestyle has been jailed for two and a half years.”

[Evening Standard]

When will “Jack Monroe” face charges? She has also defrauded hundreds of people, and kept crowdfunded monies raised (in some cases) for specific and/or charitable purposes for her own use.

Seems that I am not the only one who has noticed.

Late tweets seen

I missed those tweets, posted a couple of days ago.

Jews with weapons. Jews with power. Need I say more?

Israel, the state founded by terrorists who shot and hanged British troops in the 1940s, and also British (and Arab) civilians, the state founded on ethnic cleansing, mass graves, theft of land, and Jewish supremacism, has over the past decades shown its real face more and more clearly. It is also the hub of a global financial and criminal empire.

As for Jews living outside Israel, the two “communities” have a symbiotic relationship, each feeding from the other.

This could be the moment… the Arabs (and Iranians) have always been disunited or mutually-opposed both in general and vis-a-vis Israel. Could this be the moment when all fall upon Israel, from all sides? We wait to see…

So that’s the end of that.

So that means that, probably, the Israeli Jews have killed at least 2,000 young children and babies, and wounded (including tearing off limbs etc) about 6,000, in less than a month.

I wonder how many will, one day soon, be landing in Tel Aviv?


Looks more like 1938 Vienna. Ironic…

Zionist Jews in the UK, USA, France etc support, most of them, the carnage unleashed by Israeli forces and their political leaders.

Look at Twitter/X etc. It is all there, in plain sight.

Late music

Diary Blog, 16 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


 Benjamin Netanyahu said the nation was approaching a ‘fateful hour’.

However, the United Nations has warned that the ‘spectre of death’ looms over Gaza as hundreds of thousands continue fleeing from the expected Israeli invasion.

Supplies of food, water, fuel and medicines are running dangerously low after Israel imposed blockades on the Palestinian territory.

[Daily Mail]

[Gaza: a young girl carries her cat as they try to escape]

Israel already carries a very heavy karmic burden of evil; the present slaughter and distress being visited on civilian victims in Gaza (half of the population is under-18, and about a quarter are babies or children under 12) can only increase that.


Cartoonist Steve Bell claims he has been ‘sacked’ by The Guardian over accusations that some of his work is anti-Semitic.

The veteran artist, who has worked for the newspaper for more than 40 years, said it was no longer willing to publish his artwork after he submitted a controversial cartoon of Benjamin Netanyahu.

In the image the president of Israel was seen wearing boxing gloves and holding a scalpel over his own exposed belly, readying a cut in the shape of Gaza while the caption reads: ‘Residents of Gaza, get out now’. “

[Daily Mail]

[the supposedly “offensive” cartoon of Netanyahu]

A sign of the times.

In 2023, the proper word for the UK is “occupied”…


Police have identified a suspect in the hunt for the brute who savagely kicked an innocent cat into a road in a horrifying moment caught on camera.

“‘A suspect has been identified and arrangements have made to interview him.”

[Daily Mail].

Name, shame, and punish (sufficiently). A good sustained kicking should do it.

Tweets seen

I do not have much time for any sort of Arabs as a group, any more than I have much time for Israelis or Jews generally (i.e. as a group). Both groups have their positive and negative points. However, both what the Israeli state is doing to the civilians in Gaza, and how the Jews elsewhere in the world are justifying that, is just evil and, in a word, inhuman.

I am reminded of someone I knew slightly in the early 1980s, about 1984-1985, when I belonged to the (now long-defunct, I believe) Kensington Rifle and Pistol Club. I suppose that he was about 55-60. I cannot recall his name.

Born in Gaza (I think) and an odd (?) mixture, half-Palestinian Arab, half-Russian, he was a pretty good pistol shot, and worked as a civil servant. I remember that, one evening, at the Club bar, he invited me to go, on some unspecified future day, to meet his (I think English) wife, but he died unexpectedly not long after, and in an unusual way.

The individual of which I speak worked at a government office very close to Lambeth North Underground Station. Co-incidentally, I myself was also there quite often, because I took part-time (a couple of evenings per week) Russian and German at nearby Morley College in Westminster Bridge Road.

There are or were no escalators at that station, only a large and ancient lift. I sometimes ran up the (about 90-100) stairs to the top, for exercise. It seems that the Russian-Palestinian fellow had no choice but to climb the stairs one day when the lift was out of operation. He got to the top, but suffered a heart attack and died there. The Evening Standard had a small story about it. I regretted being unable to offer his wife my condolences, not knowing her address or telephone number, and never having met her.

That Russian-Palestinian man had told me over a drink at the Club bar about how, in the Palestinian refugee camps of the day (1980s), sanitation and water supply were very basic, probably more so even than today (until a week or two ago, anyway), and how if a child lived to age 2, he or she was almost invulnerable to disease caused via bacteria, because the immunity was so strong. He himself cannot have been born in such a camp, though, because he must have been born in the 1920s, maybe early 1930s, before the Nakba (the late 1940s ethnic cleansing carried out by the Jews).

Just a stray memory or two…

How typical of “them”…

Still, “what goes around comes around”, as they say…

Bombing cheered on by Jew-Zionists, in the UK and elsewhere, who claim that they feel “terrified” at (almost non-existent) “antisemitism” in their safe suburbs etc…

I have no idea whether Liz Truss has some kind of deluded “plan” in doing this. Does she not understand that she and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) lost what little credibility they ever had a year ago?

Actually, why is she doing this? Can it be that she thinks that after the quite likely wipeout this Government is probably going to experience in 2024, whatever is left of the Parliamentary Conservative Party (maybe as few as 50 MPs, maybe 100 or so) will turn to her?

It seems ludicrous, particularly as she only became an MP on her back, but South West Norfolk is one of the very safest Con Party seats; Liz Truss received almost 70% of the vote in 2019 [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_West_Norfolk_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s]. We shall see.

It still seems strange to think of Liz Truss as a former Prime Minister. 49 days of absolute rollercoaster turmoil.

That’s the Union Flag or “Jack”, not the Israeli flag. Anyone confusing the two (stand up Suella Braverman, Rishi Sunak, Starmer, Farage etc) should go to Specsavers (or, better still, get lost).

As someone once said, “the simulacrum of the human“. There may soon be robots with more humanity than her. That Israeli bitch cannot interact (even with someone, Kay Burley, who is quite pro-Jewish) in anything approaching a civilized manner, let alone a diplomatic manner. Why is she polluting our English air?

More music

[David D. Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo]

Late tweets seen

Like naughty little schoolboys.

The Jerusalem Post confirms our assumption that the delay in the start of the IDF ground operation in Gaza is due precisely to the uncertainty of the Lebanese Hezbollah’s goals. Tel Aviv fears that as soon as the IDF gets involved in fighting in Gaza, a Hezbollah attack from the north will follow.”

As this blog has said for a year now.

Late music

Diary Blog, 24 September 2023

Afternoon music

I remember watching that French TV series about Robinson Crusoe when I was about 7 or 8 years old.

Battles past

From the newspapers


Our society should look again at the purposes of education, at all levels from primary, through secondary, to tertiary and beyond. The whole mediaeval-derived “degree” system in particular, with its “first degree” (“apprentice”), “Master’s degree”, and “Doctorate”. More suited to 1523 than 2023.


The ups and downs of life; quite interesting.


It really is time for the NHS to be treated as a useful service that however needs urgent and radical reform and improvement, rather than a quasi-religious object of devotion or something operated mainly for the benefit of its employees.

Peter Hitchens


Worth reading. I did not follow the trial closely, and have no feeling either way about the rightness of the jury verdict.

Tweets seen

The Wall Street Journal:

Russia has adapted and corrected many of its mistakes, even as the Russian military’s poor performance in the early days of the war shocked many in the West.

Moscow has spent months preparing a strong defense against the current Ukrainian counter-offensive in the south. The use of drones has become more frequent and efficient; changed the tactics of using the Air Force, now successfully avoiding Ukrainian air defense at low altitudes; added guidance capabilities to old aerial bombs; moved deeper into the front and dispersed warehouses, equipment and command posts; began to better protect our own soldiers and equipment; improved electronic warfare; according to Western officials, it increases the production of tanks (from 100 to 200 per year) and artillery shells (from 1 to 2-3 million per year).

On the battlefield, “the difference since the beginning of the war is colossal.

I recall, even 30+ years ago, when I lived in New Jersey, the increasing problems caused by Hispanic migrants, mostly illegal, mostly from Central America. God knows what parts of the USA are now looking like.

More music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your
fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who
have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the
past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon
the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in
which their bodies have long decayed.

Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature. To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can
change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has
inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will
and courage.

You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass
your blood on to your children, for you are a member of
the chain of generations that reaches from the past into
eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent
must do its part so that the chain is never broken.

But if your blood has traits that will make your children
unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the
heroic duty to be the last. The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will

[SS Verlag— material for instruction of the Hitlerjugend]

More music

More tweets

Part of the ever-more-obvious transnational conspiracy.

Ha. Very true.

Suella Braverman is another Priti Patel: all talk, no action (and also herself non-European).

Of course, she is completely correct in what she says above. Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer is a waste a space, but seems about to become Prime Minister simply by default. The invaders will then simply be funnelled into the UK less conspicuously.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

More music

I used to have that CD, or maybe it was on cassette, long ago.

More from the newspapers


Residents in a posh historic town have clubbed together to hire their own private security firm to patrol the streets with dogs after burglaries soared.

Locals in Kimbolton, rural Cambridgeshire, decided enough is enough after a spate of robberies back in 2019. They say a police presence is almost non-existent and want to fend off criminals after houses in the neighbourhood started to be targeted five years ago.”

[Daily Mirror]

There is probably a link to —shall we say?— “caravan-dwellers” in that area…

All over England, communities are having to create private police forces, because, when it comes to ordinary everyday crime, the police (or as Sherlock Holmes always referred to them, “the official police“) are now usually completely useless. Many of them waste their time snooping on social media, “monitoring” tweets —or blogs such as mine— and generally playing at “counter-terrorism” and being a kind of poundland KGB or Stasi.

Even H.M. Inspector of Constabulary, Andy Cooke, recently said something quite similar.

See also: https://www.sthelensstar.co.uk/news/20141826.we-not-thought-police-says-new-chief/.


A new poll from the Washington Post showed disastrous numbers for incumbent President Joe Biden, who is now 10 points behind former President Donald Trump in in the latest measurement of the US electorate.

[Daily Mail]

Goodnight Vienna Kiev…

Late tweets seen

The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

In fact, I have a lot of time for the Turks, overall. I have spent about 5 months altogether in Turkey, and have seen the behaviour of the Turks, and (with very few exceptions) been quite impressed by them.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had to convince the American public about the possibility of occupying Russian territories so that his allies would not stop supplying him with military aid, said Scott Ritter.

The statement about the possibility of occupying Russian lands is political. It is necessary in order to continue the help from other countries ,” explains Ritter.

According to his words, Zelensky is very well aware of the true situation on the front, but the Ukrainian leader simply has to deceive the West.”

Late music

[painting by Monet]

Diary Blog, 7 April 2023, including San Francisco murder

Afternoon music

[Ipanema, Brazil]

“Thought for the day”

We are not just facing opposing “ideas” or “policies”, and are not just speaking up for what is right, and/or as a contrary social or political bloc. We are facing new forms of Evil in much of the world, especially the advanced “Western” world. Evil must, eventually, be vanquished directly. That time will come. A titanic battle for race, culture, and civilization.

What an earlier age termed a “holy war”.

From the newspapers


Looks like San Francisco is even more of a jungle now than was portrayed in The Streets of San Francisco.

I have never been there, though I knew a few people who did visit, and who liked it, but that was then… 1970s and 1980s.

[Russian Hill, San Francisco]

So far this year there have been 39 murders in the city. The San Francisco Police Department is currently experiencing a shortage of 541 officers. 

Twitter and Tesla CEO Elon Musk was among a host of tech leaders hitting out at the lawlessness in the wake of Lee’s slaying, writing on Twitter: ‘Many people I know have been severely assaulted.

‘Violent crime in SF is horrific and even if attackers are caught, they are often released immediately.’

Locals told DailyMail.com they blamed the ‘soft-on-crime’ progressive policies brought in by the likes of former District Attorney Chesa Boudin, who was tossed from office in a recall election last year.

‘It’s too liberal. Too much. And we’re paying for it,’ said one. ‘Repeat offenders are back out on the streets in a heartbeat and there’s nothing we can do about it. We’re scared.’

[Daily Mail].

So who is that former District Attorney whose policies seem to have led to the present chaos? Here he is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesa_Boudin:

Boudin was born in New York City to Jewish parents.[9]

His parents, Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, were Weather Underground members. When Boudin was 14 months old, both were arrested and convicted of murder for their role as getaway car drivers in the 1981 Brink’s robbery in Rockland County, New York.[10] His mother was sentenced to 20 years to life and his father to 75 years to life for the felony murders of two police officers and a security guard.[11][12]

After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was raised in Hyde ParkChicago by adoptive parents Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who, like his parents, had been members of the Weather Underground.[13] Boudin reports that he did not learn to read until age nine.[14] Kathy Boudin was released under parole supervision in 2003.[15][16] Gilbert was released in 2021.[17]

Boudin descends from a long left-wing lineage. His great-grand-uncle, Louis B. Boudin,[18] was a Marxist theoretician and author of a two-volume history of the Supreme Court‘s influence on American government, and his grandfather Leonard Boudin was an attorney who represented controversial clients, such as Fidel Castro and Paul Robeson.[19] His uncle Michael Boudin[18] was a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, and his grand-uncle Isidor Feinstein Stone (“I. F. Stone”) was an independent progressive journalist.”


Well, who would have thought it?

Incidentally, “Bernardine Dohrn was born Bernardine Ohrnstein in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1942, and grew up in Whitefish Bay, an upper-middle-class suburb of Milwaukee.[1] Her father, Bernard D. Ohrnstein, changed the family surname to Dohrn (his middle initial plus the first letters of his last name) when Bernardine was in high school.[2]

Her father was Jewish, although the name change was intended to obscure that.”


Is London not going the same way as San Francisco?

Sven Longshanks


Tweets seen

Seems to be a really good cause.

It occurs to me that there should be at least a basic “NHS for animals”.

Zelensky, the Jew dictator in Kiev, is blowing out hot air rather than a realistic possibility. There is no prospect of Ukrainian/Kiev regime forces reaching the borders of the Crimean Peninsula.


More music

[Corcovado, Brazil]

More tweets seen

Yet no less than 458 utter mugs, as of today, are still sending “Jack Monroe” a total of several thousand pounds every single month via Patreon. Why that should be, I have no idea, though quite a few people tweeting in her favour (the ones who are not “Jack Monroe” herself using “sock accounts”) seem either not terribly intelligent, or seem to be mentally…er…odd.

Looking beyond the exact pictures shown, certainly largely true of the past couple of thousand years; however, equally obviously, looking at the central caption, there are exceptions in various parts of the world, mainly in east and south Asia.

All the same, true overall, as well as re. the pictures shown.

Interesting historical sidelight


Just before my father died he told me a story of his time in france serving with
A squadren 1st sas. The same story was told to me after his death by one of his old mates who was with him at the time. Their job in france was to sabotage transport, communications, weapons. etc. in the day time they would live in the forests. Making their way back from a hard night blowing things up, they came across a group of french resistance soldiers who had captured a young German soldier. The German was very frightened, he begged the sas to take him with them as he said the french were going to make him dig his own grave and shoot him. One of the sas men said joking, lucky they don’t shoot you then make you dig your grave. The French weren’t very happy when the sas took him but they did. They told him that if he tried to escape the French would kill him. Every night the sas would go out and do their job and when they got back the German would have a brew waiting,as he was happy to be alive. When they flew back home they took the German with them. They had done their job and saved the life of a young German soldier. My dad’s friend also told me that the German soldier had attended an sas reunion many years later. This breed of soldier is fast dying out. I hope these stories will live on lest we forget them

[BBC website; republished here as originally written].

More tweets

Stopping the invaders from invading would require firm political leadership, powerful armed forces and the willingness to use them, and both political and naval/military leaders who really love England and are going to fight to stop it being trashed further. None of that exists at present.

In fact, looking at this country now, it is almost a hollow space, without real content. Look at any major aspect— police, MPs and fake “peers”, legal system, msm, NHS.

Late tweets seen

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 March 2023

Morning music

[Ely Cathedral]

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers


Saunders is expected to examine Abedi’s connections to known extremists, including one who he was in frequent contact with in the run-up to the attack, and why he was not questioned when he returned from fighting alongside Islamists in Libya four days before the arena attack.

Within MI5, the atrocity is considered one of the darkest days in the history of the Security Service. Abedi was on the fringes of the spy agency’s radar, one of 20,000 closed subjects of interest in 2017, yet he was able to assemble a homemade bomb without his purchases or activity being picked up by the agency or police.

[The Guardian].

At the end of the day, though, if you have about 3 million Muslims in the UK, even if 99.9% are not actively pro-terrorism, that still leaves about 30,000 who are. If, however, the “innocents” are 99.8% of the whole, then about 60,000 might do, or support, terrorism in the UK. Therein lies the problem, i.e. that the UK is now a multicultural dustbin.


Yet local councils are still destroying trees, as currently at Wellingborough, Northamptonshire (featured on this blog yesterday).




Cull” cats? Not if you do not want a revolution. How about MPs?


If only that had happened 40+ years ago.

Tweets seen

Yes, but what are the losses on the “Ukraine” (Kiev-regime) side? Similar? Is that why Kiev-regime goons are roaming the streets of Kiev and Kharkov in press-gangs, kidnapping those unwilling to “volunteer”?

I am sure that that idiot must be part-Jew. At any rate, a very sinister character, apparently a part-time colonel in the 77 Brigade disinformation unit of the Army Reserve. Complete mouthpiece of the NWO and ZOG.

Like Defence Secretary Ben Wallace, he only reached the rank of captain in the real Army, but now plays the field marshal from his perch at Westminster.

He seems to want war between Russia and NATO. Were that to happen, the UK might —probably would— be the target of enough Russian ICBMs to leave our still (in part) beautiful country a charred and irradiated hell-zone.


I posted that despite hating to see that evil Jew tyrant, Zelensky, on my blog pages; I frankly cannot look at the bastard. Still, I had to post that tweet. Zelensky’s evil message must be exposed.

The fact that Ferguson, despite having wrongly predicted huge numbers of deaths from various causes since 2002, and despite having been proven wrong repeatedly during the 2020-2021 “panicdemic” (not to mention the illicit trysts with the “ho”), is still en poste, must mark him out as an embedded conspirator.

What will be the next step in the UK? An end to elections, because of (maybe) a faked-up “crisis” involving “Ukraine”, together with some new Chinese virus supposedly about to kill us all?

That might be the excuse to cancel the next general election, and to form a pseudo “National Government” of, mainly, Labour and Conservative Party drones. After all, Starmer’s Labour Party is similar to Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party. There is scarcely enough space to slip a penny piece between them ideologically, and certainly in terms of actual policy.

Such a pseudo-national government could impose all manner of restrictions, take the UK to war, remove all free speech (that is left), and repress any social-national voices.

That is one scenario. The other, leading to the same result, would be a “Labour” landslide at the next general election. Same effect. No free speech, UK on a fake war footing, and no opposition whether official or real.

Not so much a battle between Good and Evil as a quarrel among different forms of Evil…

Exactly, or nearly, what I have been saying for years.

The digital microchip “passport” will not be brought in at once, by force, but slowly. Those who do not submit to it will gradually be squeezed out of foreign travel, then most domestic travel, then most State benefits and pensions, then any banking.

The few who keep on fighting will eventually, over several years, be marginalized, unable to travel, stay in hotels, play the lottery, have bank accounts, have jobs (any but the low-level, off-grid and paid-in-kind type of work). They will be unable to vote (for what that is worth), unable to have internet access, unable to access NHS services or other medical and dental services.

Not being able to function in mainstream society, they will inevitably fall foul of repressive laws, and will find even shelter and food hard to access, and so quite likely end up being detained in prison, or in camps disguised as “open prisons”.

The upcoming dystopian UK being planned by the evil ruling circles.

…and while making sure that the police waste much of their time “investigating” malicious complaints by Jew-Zionists about social media postings, as happened to me: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

That first one above was undertaken by Essex Police.

Revenge is a dish best served cold“, in the well-known phrase.

Worth watching.

My view as an outsider is that, in eastern Ukraine overall, and as far as one can see, there is no “Ukrainian” or Kiev-regime defence in depth, just a long long front with a belt of Kiev-regime forces along it, and then embedded defences within individual cities such as Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa etc.

If the Russian forces can break through that front and/or encircle elements of the Ukrainian defence line formations, they might be able to power on through eastern Ukraine to the Kiev area facing little heavy opposition.

For that, the Russians will need numbers, armour, transport, and air cover.


More music

More tweets

As an old lady I once knew used to say of Leon Brittan, when he was on the TV news, “now, doesn’t that face need kicking?“! Actually, I think that she usually said “snout“.

The problem is that the more advanced peoples are failing to reproduce (and that applies especially to white Northern Europeans), while the blacks and browns are breeding faster (even if less fast than 20 or 40 years ago).

Western diplomats used to joke about the Soviet Union being “Upper Volta with rockets“, but really, when you look at the USA, what would it be without its own military-destructive power? The last days of Babylon “with rockets“? The last days of Sodom and Gomorrah “with rockets“?

Incredible. Poses as female. Poses as an admiral, too! This is a bad dream. Dystopian. Even Wikipedia plays along with this nonsense: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Levine.

All that and Jewish too…

[Inside the White House these days…]

Yes, there he is, the semi-educated half-caste presently posing as Foreign Secretary of the UK, armed with his “degree” in “Hospitality Management” and his experience doing…not very much until he got onto the old MP racket. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Cleverly.

The judgment an old lady passed on Leon Brittan (see above) surely applies also to Cleverly.

Late music

Diary Blog, 8 January 2023

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Jack Monroe

There does not seem much else to say, but the backwash from the storm continues.

“Jack Monroe” herself has gone for the main chance, meaning a general “I’m sort-of sorry but will not/cannot refund anyone“, combined with a plea consisting of “I’m not really guilty of anything, because I am sort-of mentally-disturbed, ex-alcoholic, maybe ex-cocaine abuser, with a huge number of physical and mental problems (self-diagnosed autistic, ADHD, arthritic etc), as well as sort-of lesbian, sort-of ‘trans’, sort-of single mother, as well as a ‘shopaholic’, and anyway have spent all the money I took from people [cheated out of well-meaning mugs]”.

I suppose that the hard-core “Jack Monroe” fans will buy all or some of that, and that the 600+ utter mugs funding her lifestyle via the Patreon website will very likely continue to do that, even as she openly mocks them.

Damage to the septum?

Tweeter “@cashandcarrots” is another one who seems to believe that “Jack Monroe” has done things that “help the poorest and most disadvantaged in society” rather than nothing except help herself (literally).

What? What exactly has she done, when you strip away the virtue-signalling on social media and in the msm? Nothing.

“@cashandcarrots””Michelle” really cannot accept that she and others have been conned by a cunning and manipulative woman entirely out for herself. Even has to pretend that one of the staunchest critics of “Jack Monroe”, “@TruthSignalUK” is somehow part of a [non-existent] “trolling” conspiracy (why would he be, though?).

“@WivFunnyFarm” has evidently bought the “I’m unwellexculpa.

That Bleasdale person tweets all sorts of rubbish. His tweet about the “Bootstrap Cook” is a good example of entirely false logic, i.e. presenting a false choice.

Relentless advocacy for people on the breadline“? Not really. She mostly tweets and sends other online messages about herself, mixed with a bit of typical Twitter “I hate the Tories” stuff (I feel similarly about the “Conservatives”, to put it simplistically; but I also “hate” the “Labour” hypocrites). “Jack Monroe” also constantly messages or tweets with a subtext of “please send me money“.

I wonder whether the loonies and mugs sending money regularly to “Jack Monroe” will ever wake up to the fact that she despises them and mocks them?

As for the “Bootstrap Cook” herself, what are her talents? Not cooking, that’s for sure, looking at the swill that seems to be the bulk of her cuisine.

There is nothing wrong with being well-meaning, as tweeter “@PaulOnBooks” seems to be, but that has to go in tandem with an objective outlook. We are enjoined to be “as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves“. Both.

Good advice is never, or only very rarely, to trust a medical doctor who is primarily a socio-political activist.

More “Jack Monroe” lies, it appears.

“Jack Monroe” has a number, perhaps a large number, of Twitter “sock accounts”, many of which tweet “supportive” messages to her main account. Her level of dishonesty is incredible.

Whatever her problems are, they never get in the way of taking people for as much money as possible.

More music

The heavy brigade


More tweets seen

[“Don’t damage my necklace, Wills!”]

Whatever one may think of Peron and his wives, the fact is that political leadership is only one factor, albeit perhaps the most important, in whether a country is rich or poor (either overall as a country and notionally per capita, or in terms of how much that wealth is actually spread among the population).

Argentina was once a very wealthy country, certainly. Uruguay too. In fact, right up to the 1950s, Uruguay was one of the most prosperous countries in the world. A number of factors changed that.

There again, between 1918 and 1939, Estonia, Latvia and Czechoslovakia were very prosperous, and the citizens were, per head, much better off than the average of those in, say, the UK, France, or most other states. That changed mainly though not solely because of political changes and invasions, notably the Second World War and Soviet invasion (1940, and later 1944, in the case of the Pribaltika states; 1945 in the case of Czechoslovakia), Germany having also effectively occupied them during most of the war years.

Cuba was, economically, once a vibrant economy, albeit suffused with corruption and inequality. Castro’s socialist regime killed the economy. His decision to replace mixed farming with, mostly, a sugar monoculture (in the 1960s) worked up to a point, so long as the Soviet Union paid over the odds for sugar (and whatever else Cuba could export) but resulted in total collapse when the hidden subsidy was removed in the early 1990s.

Likewise, Cuba’s socialist experiment resulted in an end to development in the residential housing sector. Today, Havana and much of Cuba is falling to pieces, and people try to grow their own food if they can.

Some people say that the Cuban system is good re. medicine and education. “Education” in the basic sense perhaps, though obviously rigid in terms of what can and cannot be taught. As to medicine, perhaps so, again in a basic way, though.

The question is whether the supposed advantages of such a system are enough to compensate, both for the poor economy largely the result of that system and also for the harshness of the system politically and in terms of civil rights.

Russia before 1914 was arguably the fastest-growing economy in the world. War (lost war) and then civil war and political upheavals, followed by the socialist system —especially under Stalin from about 1928— weakened, and also distorted the economy. Collectivization, prioritization of heavy industry etc.

I recall reading the memoirs of the self-publicizing Jew Armand Hammer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armand_Hammer]; Hammer— Witness to History. He operated businesses in agreement with the Soviet Government during the 1920s, including a concession to produce pencils.

Hammer discovered that the best pencils were produced in Bavaria. He imported to Moscow both machines and German technicians.

On returning to the Soviet Union in the 1970s or 1980s (I forget; 1970s, I think), Hammer was taken to the pencil factory, still operating. He discovered that nothing had changed: the machines were still working, a few of the original workers, now in their sixties, were still there; even his own old desk was standing unchanged in the same place.

An example of the lack of dynamic change in a socialist system.

Having said that, that same system put the first satellite into space, and created some products and programmes not seen even in the finance-capitalist West. Priorities? As Goering said in the 1930s, “Guns before butter“. That is, of course, a political choice.

Political direction is the single most important factor governing the prosperity of a country, but there are others. Where would the oil states of the Middle East be without demand for oil (and gas)? Back riding camels, almost certainly.

In their case, they have money in vast amounts despite their political and religious backwardness. There again, Europeans (and Americans, who are basically European in origin) discovered the oil and gas, extracted it, knew how to refine it, and also exported it to European and other markets. The Arabs only profited because they were there, and because they were on the cusp of the two contending Cold War cultures, neither part of the Soviet world nor the Western world.

Perhaps the best way to put it is that political leadership can assist an economy but cannot create it, whereas the wrong political direction can certainly ruin an economy, especially if that direction is too rigid. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding.

More tweets



Peak Twitter? Some “IT bod” from darkest Northamptonshire, one James Drury, tries to trash food blogger Andy Lynes, who is, inter alia, a Masterchef semi-finalist…

Ha. Very good.

From the newspapers




More tweets

So “Jack Monroe” cannot, by her own admission (or claim) “manage money”, she cannot cook (as far as I can see), certainly not to any kind of professional standard, and she has cheated hundreds, probably thousands, of people out of money that many can ill-afford to lose, yet the msm is still promoting her! As someone who can advise “the poor”, at that! Why?

If someone like Al Capone can pull themselves up out of difficult times…why would anyone attack that?

Some people really do not know what day it is…

Incidentally, if any reader is interested in seeing how my opinion of “Jack Monroe” has hardened in the past 3-4 months, take a look at my blog assessment posted on 30 September 2022: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

If the facts change, so does my opinion“.

More tweets

…and I mistrust anyone who is referred to as “a national treasure“…

Late music

Diary Blog, 17 August 2022, including thoughts about the defence of the UK

Afternoon music

[Kreisleitertagung auf der Ordensburg Vogelsang vom 22.-29.04.1937]

On this day a year ago

RAF, Royal Navy, and the defence of the UK


Job offers to white male recruits of the RAF have effectively been paused to meet diversity targets, defence sources have claimed. 

Women and ethnic minorities are reportedly being favoured in recruitment drives to meet ‘impossible’ targets, which has prompted the Head of Recruitment at the RAF to resign in protest. 

The officer, a female herself, left the post amid concerns that hiring restrictions could undermine the strength of the service, according to sources.

Sources claim recruiters within the RAF have been told to temporarily pause offering roles to white male recruits in favour of women and ethnic minorities.

Head of the RAF Air Chief Marshall Sir Mike Wigston has been accused of willing to compromise the security of the UK to improve diversity within the force at a crucial time when threats from Russia and China loom.

Last year, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Head of the armed forces, spoke publicly about the importance of striving for more diversity and that it was all about ‘woeful’ statistics. 

‘The woefulness of too few women,’ he said. ‘The woefulness of not reflecting the ethnic, religious and cognitive diversity of our nation.’ “

[Daily Mail]

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Wigston.

Ha. The idea that the UK’s skeleton air force and skeleton navy can protect the UK from such behemoths as China and Russia is somewhere between a bad joke and a complete delusion.

In any case, China has expressed no intention at any time of invading the UK offensively. Indeed, why should it, when huge numbers of Chinese are actually living here, when more are arriving daily, and when the Boris-idiot government of clowns has invited most of of the present residents of Hong Kong, millions of them, to migrate to the UK?

Look around pretty much any English town or city and note the hordes of Chinese.

In the famous words of Sun Tzu, “to win without war— this is the supreme excellence” [Sun Tzu, The Art of War].

As for Russia, the Soviet Union collapsed a long time ago, officially 31 years ago (1991) but in reality around 1989, some 33 years ago.

The Soviet Union, though aiming overall for stability rather than conquest after the 1960s, might still have invaded Western Europe (including the UK) in the 1970s or 1980s, but since then the Russian Federation has not harboured any ideas of invading the west of Europe. Indeed, the very idea is laughable.

In the 1990s, carpetbagging companies, firms, and individuals (the last mainly Jews) ripped off the Russian people relentlessly. Geopolitically, NATO (meaning the New World Order conspiracy) poked Russia incessantly, and showed bad faith by establishing NATO/US bases around Russia, in places only a few miles from Russia’s borders.

I could see this situation developing in the 1990s. Now, it has led to what we see in Ukraine— actual warfare with Russia, with the Kiev regime of the Jew Zelensky as NATO/US/NWO proxy.

Russia today presents no danger to the UK, unless the UK continues to join in with the USA (NWO, in reality) in encircling and threatening Russia, as well as arming and assisting the Kiev regime.

From where comes the danger to the British people? From Russia? No. From China? No.

Externally, the main and in fact almost sole real threat to Britain comes from the cross-Channel migration-invasion, now running at 500-1,000 invaders daily.

Not only has the Royal Navy not stopped the cross-Channel invasion, it has actually helped to provide a shuttle service to bring more of the bastards onto our shores. The same is true of Border Force (so-called; many prefer “Border Farce“).

What about the RAF? Well, I’m sure that they fly over the Channel taking lots of pretty pictures of the boats and ships ferrying the migrant invaders to UK shores…

Senior officers of the paper-shuffling type now “in command” of our navy and air force not only would not be much good, in all likelihood, were a conventional invasion ever to happen, but would in any case have only pitiful forces with which to repel it. The same, pretty much, would be true of the British Army.

Painted ship[s, and planes] on a painted ocean“…

From where, then, does the threat to Britain, to the British people, come, if not from Russia or China? From within.

Britain has been weakened, and wounded, perhaps mortally, by mass migration over decades, and particularly since the 1990s. I rarely go to London these days, having lived there on and off since 1976; when I do, I see a city largely foreign, even in the central and near-central areas. As for areas such as East London, forget it (there, it is a question of being in a totally alien environment, and if you see another white man, it is a case of “Hail, Robinson Crusoe“, pretty much).

The UK has also been weakened over decades by the trash pumped out on TV, radio, in films, etc. Much of it, though not all, can be laid at the door of the Jewish element. Jewish comedians, Jewish scribblers, and also those non-Jews who are generally the “useful idiot” type; pseudo-radicals. Look at the Opening Ceremony for the 2012 Olympic Games.

Then there is the sort of mass ideological subversion seen in “soaps”, TV ads etc. I have blogged from time to time about this, which surely must have reached a peak now:

Then there is subversion in the classroom, and the whole “woke” nonsense in universities etc.

For arguably the first time in British history, there really are now no external and proximate military threats to national sovereignty.

The real (major) threats facing Britain are not such as can be countered by the deployment of a tank, or a plane, or a battleship, even were those available.

Tweets seen

There is all the difference in the world between fasting regularly as a spiritual discipline, and simply not having the money with which to feed yourself.

As to genuine fasting, used in various religions and occult disciplines, it works because the act of fasting according to a regular schedule imprints the greater perfection of the physical body on the etheric body and then on the astral body. A mild form of fasting would be the traditional Roman Catholic meat-free Friday, albeit that other food such as fish can be substituted.

See also: https://rsarchive.org/Lectures/EsoDevel/EsoDev_index.html.

…says Liz Truss, who was not exactly a noted or hard-working success story before she blagged her way into becoming an MP, which she accomplished at least partly on her back.

Even leaving aside the point in question, how ridiculous it is that “we” (as a people) tend to place those who simply have enormous amounts of money on such pedestals in the first place: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos etc. Do they really have much or anything worthwhile to say beyond the ambit of their own businesses? Not that I have seen, anyway. Would “we” listen to their views if they suddenly had no money and were on the dole or whatever? I doubt it.

I wonder in what circle of Hell would Dante have placed such people?

London. Zoo. Monkeyworld.

My own take on all that is that the “Conservative” Government is a fake, useless, and clueless but that the “Labour” Opposition, or non-opposition, is much the same.

Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer has nothing to say, and many voters may just think “better the devil you know“, and so will either abstain or vote Conservative. I see no enthusiasm anywhere for Labour, and while that perception is personal and unscientific, I think that opinion polls etc reflect the same.

Both main System parties are dying inside their armour.

Not that there is enthusiasm for the Conservative Party either. In fact, Liz Truss seems to be less popular (both among Con Party members and the general public) than Boris-idiot.

At present, in my view, we are very much in hung Parliament territory but, as we all know, elections accelerate the pace as polling day approaches and, while that may be in late 2022, it may only come in late 2024, over two years from now.

Late afternoon music

[Shishkin, Forest before Storm]

More tweets seen

How disgusting. It should be illegal to import “declawed” cats. This is an American or Americanized trend. How anyone can do such a thing to a little cat is beyond me. I suppose that it appeals to materialistic persons, mainly women (arguende) who are “house-proud” and do not want their (probably tasteless) furniture or furnishings damaged.

As far as I am concerned, I have always been content to let my companion cat or cats “distress” leather armchairs etc. So what if they are slightly worn to look at? It means that they do not look vulgar and new. Better to let the furniture look a little “distressed”. Shabby chic, as people say.

Late tweets

Well-meaning (?) actions often lead to terrible results. An individual has to balance possible sins of commission against possible sins of omission. In the Spanish proverb, “do what you will, and pay for it“…

I agree with “EternalEnglish”. There are many other countries that I have no wish to visit, but Pakistan would be at or near the top of any list.

That tweet moved me to find out how many of the ~200 countries of the world I have at least visited. Turns out— only about 50, so I have not seen three-quarters of the countries of the world.

I have not seen Latin America south of Panama, and even within Europe have never been to Portugal, Denmark, Norway, Finland, or Sweden (well, I did get to Malmo once, in 1982, on a ferry from West Germany, but was refused entry).

I have also not seen any of the former Yugoslav states, or Belarus, or the Baltic states, or Malta.

Actually, there are only a few individual places that I both have not seen but also might want to see, though the desire is not strong. Maybe St. Petersburg (I have only seen Moscow), as well as Oulu, Baden-Baden, Budapest (I have spent time in Hungary, but mainly in the southeast and at Lake Balaton).

Late music