Tag Archives: GE 2024

Diary Blog, 31 May 2024, including General Election news and comment

Morning music

Election news


Rishi Sunak has been given a glimmer of hope as a major new poll by Lord Ashcroft suggests that more than half of voters have yet to definitively make up their minds.

With less than five weeks until the General Election, the research shared exclusively with the Daily Mail found only four in ten have ‘definitely decided’ how to vote.

But in a sign of the mountain the Tories still have to climb, the poll gives Labour a 23 point lead. 

Overall, it puts Labour on a 47 per cent vote share, with the Tories on 24 per cent, and Reform UK on 11 per cent.”

Assuming honesty and relative accuracy of the poll, several points stand out for me.

Firstly, that this poll is not at all the “glimmer of hope” for Sunak and the Cons that the report accompanying it is spinning.

42% have “definitely decided” which way they are going to vote. Looking at recent polling elsewhere, that must greatly favour Labour. As for “...leaning towards a party” but “not definitely sure“, that could apply to any of the parties, but if most end up with Labour, then it is possible that Lab could end up, overall, topping 50%, leaving the Cons with a MP cadre in the single figures.

It might also mean, thinking of my previous speculation on the blog, that there are more people than polls suggest willing to vote Reform UK, if only as a protest, or as a method of giving the time-expired Conservative Party a kicking without having to vote Labour. “Secret” Reform UK voters. Do they even exist? We do not know. I think that they may exist, but in what numbers?

Anything up to 31% of eligible voters may not vote, it seems.

One big unanswered question is how many under-40s and especially under-25s will bother to vote, they being heavily pro-Labour.

On the other hand, the over-70s are the only age demographic more likely to vote Con than Lab. If significant numbers either vote Labour (unlikely) or Reform UK (much more likely) or simply abstain (not unlikely) then Sunak and the Cons really are in trouble.

Other takeaways include the fact (if it is a fact) that only 23% think that Sunak etc can do better than others at “running the economy” (Lab 37%; Don’t Know 39%, tellingly). For a Prime Minister with a banking and financial/business background, and who was, not so long ago, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that is very much a thumbs-down.

The voters’ assessments of the characters of Sunak and Starmer are not so very different.

Sunak is assessed by only 8% as being “up to the job“, while only 12% assess him as even being “competent“. That’s damning. (Starmer’s equivalent ratings were 18% and 21%, scarcely a ringing endorsement, but still far better than Sunak).

Ashford’s poll figures, fed into Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] suggest a result of Labour MPs 513, Cons 71, LibDems 31, SNP 12, Greens 2, Plaid 3, Reform 0, Northern Irish 18.

Very very bad for the Conservative Party, but not quite existentially so..

On that basis, there would still be a considerable Con bloc of 71 MPs, and the Cons would still be the official Opposition, however ineffective.

My own feeling, whether it be right or wrong, is still that the Cons may be reduced to below 50 MPs, and that the LibDems may exceed that by default (tactical voting), thus making the LibDems the Opposition in the Commons.

If that were to occur, the defeat would be existential for the Cons. No “bright young” (mostly idiot) careerists (think Liz Truss, once upon a time…) would want to join, and big donors would not bother to pump money into funding the Cons. A “death spiral”, as people say.

Election date— Thursday 4 July 2024. Less than 5 weeks to go.

Tweets seen

The American government seems to have lost, if not its mind, then any sense of perspective.

If Country A sells or, even worse, gives Country B arms and ammunition, and especially if that is with the express intent that Country B should attack the territory of Country C, then that is pretty close to being an act of war by Country A against Country C.

Stop this mad slide to a quite possible superpower nuclear war.

It is widely mooted that the combat-ready spearhead numbers no more than 30,000, if that. Maybe as low as 20,000. Plus about 5,000 Royal Marines under naval command. Plus 4,000 Gurkhas. Plus Reserves.

If UK society continues to slide, they may be used to control the situation in the “British” cities more than anything else.

More music

More tweets seen


An impressive show. Is it any more than that?

I do not have enough information to guess accurately at the likely outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election, but peace would be better served were Trump to be re-installed at the White House, no matter what his personal deficiencies.

I publicly disagreed with the IHRA definition of antisemitism by reference to the arguments of Sir Stephen Sedley (on any view a hugely respected jurist) that it protects Israel from legitimate criticism.

That led to people publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me. And lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. And grotesque accusations of antisemitism about me. And 4 years of litigation where a total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel tried to bankrupt me. And a trial where witnesses made untrue or wildly exaggerated statements to try to ruin my reputation.

In the end I won, but my experience confirms Lemoineā€™s argument. It was awful and exhausting and no doubt intended to be so. Ending peopleā€™s careers for agreeing with Lemoineā€™s reasonable point of view is wrong and dangerous.”

[James Wilson]

Stephen Sedley. I remember him. I appeared in front of him as Counsel sometime around 1994 when he was a High Court judge (he was later a Lord Justice of Appeal). It was a matter involving the Angolan secret service. Sedley had had some previous experience in dealing with Angolan matters: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Sedley#Career. He gave me a very courteous hearing before politely refusing my judicial review application…

Perhaps there isnā€™t any such thing as the Israel lobby. Perhaps Israel is the only country on the planet without dedicated lobbyists. Perhaps organisations like We Believe in Israel, the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre, and both the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel, simply donā€™t exist.

Perhaps itā€™s simply untrue to say that people who are critical of Israel online, or supportive of Palestine, are bombarded by hostile replies from pro-Israel accounts.

Or perhaps, thereā€™s a concerted effort by Israelā€™s advocates to warp and distort the definition of antisemitism to make it impossible to describe their activities. Was Faiza Shaheen wrong to apologise? I can understand why she did it. But nobody should have to apologise for liking a plain statement of fact.

Perhaps I imagined the evidence which clearly showed supporters of Israel working together to get information on me.

Perhaps I imagined them publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me.

Perhaps I imagined lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. Perhaps I imagined the accusations of antisemitism about me.

Perhaps I imagined 4 years of litigation and the total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel trying to bankrupt me.

Perhaps I imagined the trial where supporters of Israel gave wildly exaggerated evidence to try to ruin my reputation.

Perhaps I imagined the judgment: https://bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/KB/2024/821.html.

[James Wilson].

One of the unreliable witnesses for the losing defendants in that case was Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (p/t judge). Others (all Zionist Jews) were likewise not given much if any credence by the trial judge.

Laura Towler

I happened to see the announcement below.


It turns out that political prisoner Sam Melia is now being prevented from having access to his children. In fact, his wife cannot even tell him about them when she visits him. Disgraceful. These really are the tactics of a police state.

See also: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia

Incidentally, if anyone is in a generous mood, my own fundraiser is still running: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

More tweets

Ha. Horrible Jewish-lobby puppet. Useless too, it seems.

Late tweets seen

That should be Shai “Masot“, not “Mosat“, and certainly not “MOSSAD”. On the other hand…

Does that Israel-puppet get fed exactly what to say by some Israeli agency? Sounds like it.

This whole situation is mad.

If a nuclear war happens, most of us will not live through it. The only hope will be, in that terrible contingency, that at some later point, after the Wagnerian devastation of Europe, a new society can emerge, on a post-Aryan basis, and then create the basis for a later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

[Germany, 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Diary Blog, 30 May 2024, including a few thoughts about Starmer

Morning music



I agree with that “@chelleryn99” tweet.

As with “Boris”-idiot, there is something of the onion, or the matrioshka, about Starmer. Several layers, but nothing (or something quite different and/or alien) at the centre.

Performative Labour tribalist (who however always looks uncomfortable with that), one-time criminal defence barrister turned high-level public prosecution lawyer, the not-quite-true faux-proletarian background (parents not so poor, and who sent him to a partly fee-paying school in a good part of Surrey), the (half-) Polish-Jewish wife, and the children brought up as if fully-Jewish… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Starmer.

Lady Starmer is Jewish and Sir Keir has talked about keeping the tradition of family Friday night dinners, where they are often joined by her father for prayers.


So I suppose that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps, a yarmulka (I think) on such occasions? Maybe, maybe not. I have not seen anything as to whether all attendees at such dinners do or not. The Jewish prayer part of that paragraph seems to suggest that Starmer does wear such headgear but (needless to say) I have never seen a photo of him wearing it.

The YouGov/Sky News poll asked this week whether voters thought he would be a good or bad prime minister. Almost half – 47% – said bad. The older the voter, the more pessimistic they are.

Sir Keir is starting from a low base – not as bad as Rishi Sunak, but still bad. By contrast, only 33% said they thought he’d be good.

That level of enthusiasm suggests Sir Keir may not enjoy much of a public opinion honeymoon, just at a point where he is likely to have to start by making difficult decisions, most notably on raising taxes.

One of the themes of this election has been the party’s clarity that while it will promise not to raise income tax, national insurance and corporation tax, no such bar exists on other taxes.

[Sky News]

He will probably raise the level of VAT. Even a 1% rise would harvest a huge amount of money. Pretty tough on poorer people, though…Maybe an increase in fuel duty, too (sold —or not— to the public as “green”, of course…).

Where is Starmer, ideologically?

Starmer’s politics have been described as unclear and “hard to define”.[142][143][144] When he was elected as Labour leader, Starmer was widely believed to belong to the soft left of the Labour Party.[145] However, he has since moved to the political centre-ground.[146][147] By the September 2023 shadow cabinet reshuffle, most analysts concluded that Starmer had moved to the right of the party, and had demoted and marginalised those on the soft left, replacing them with Blairites.[148][149][150][128][127]

[Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Starmer#Political_positions].

So, again, Starmer is impossible to pin down. Not socialist, not really even a social-democrat, yet also without any of the respect for private enterprise or private views that one used to see in the “small-c” conservatives.

In April 2023, Starmer gave an interview to The Economist on defining Starmerism.[152][154] In this interview, two main strands of Starmerism were identified.[154]

The first strand focused on a critique of the British state for being too ineffective and over-centralised. The answer to this critique was to base governance on five main missions to be followed over two terms of government; these missions would determine all government policy.

The second strand was the adherence to an economic policy of “modern supply-side economics” based on expanding economic productivity by increasing participation in the labour market, mitigating the impact of Brexit and simplifying the construction planning process.[154]


Boiled down, what that seems to suggest is another Iain Dunce Duncan Smith-style attempt to harry the poor, sick, disabled (and the middle-aged not yet of State Pension age) to poorly-paid work “opportunities”, while cutting back social security “welfare” payments harshly. Also, Starmer will cave in to the any demands of the EU.

There is no obvious suggestion that Starmer and Rachel Reeves are interested in the effect of robotics and AI, which together may destroy existing jobs by the million, thus positing the need for Basic Income.

The last strand featured is as bad, or worse: caving in to the demands of the housebuilding industry.

Starmer will probably allow the large housebuilding companies to spread their expensive but often jerry-built “little boxes, made of ticky-tacky” across the English countryside.

Starmer will no doubt talk about the “housing crisis” but fail to note that most of that is consequential upon the migration invasion (a million or more every year now). Sajid Javid, another pro-Israel puppet (now washed-up politically), also showed himself unwilling to see the facts:

Try 10-15 million (over the past 25 years, including births to immigrants)…

As to the mass immigration influx itself, Starmer-Labour will eventually stop most of the cross-Channel small-boat invasion by the simple expedient of setting up “processing centres” (maybe simple offices) in Northern France. There, the would-be invaders will, almost all of them, have their applications to enter the UK rubber-stamped.

At present, 80% of those arriving here and claiming “asylum” have their applications approved anyway (under a system that was out of date decades ago), so Starmer will simply lower the bar even further so that 90% or 95% are approved (filtering out, it will be claimed, any known criminals or terrorists— all bs of course). The public will then be sedated into complacency— far fewer “small boats” (or invaders ferried in by the RNLI, Navy, Border “Farce” etc) will be seen arriving.

In fact, the more obvious criminal/terrorist invaders will still arrive, using the “small boat” or “back of truck” methods, but the numbers will be only about a twentieth of the number now arriving. As to the rest, armed with their new Starmer-visas, they will just take the ordinary ferries.

Of course, Starmer will not “solve” the migration-invasion crisis, but just cover it up. That is what he does. There is a massive dishonesty lurking in Starmer.

More? “Starmer has pledged to halve the rates of violence against women and girls, halve the rates of serious violent crime, halve the incidents of knife crime, increase confidence in the criminal justice system, and create a ‘Charging Commission’ which would be “tasked with coming up with reforms to reverse the decline in the number of offences being solved”.[190] He has also committed to placing specialist domestic violence workers in the control rooms of every police force responding to 999 calls to support victims of abuse.[191]

In 2023, the Byline Times wrote that Starmer “actively opposes a move to proportional representation for the House of Commons”.[192]

After confirming he would not scrap the current two-child benefit cap, Starmer was criticised by many within his own party.[193]


There is a thread there, a thread of antipathy to civil rights; a thread of authoritarianism .

Remember how Starmer wanted even fiercer, more restrictive, and longer-lasting “lockdowns” during the 2020-2022 currency of the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic?

My response?

There are times in history when authoritarian government is inescapable; even outright —though temporary— dictatorship. However, that should not be the norm, particularly in a country such as the UK, with its history of gradually-broadening rights and freedoms.

Incidentally (?), “According to Declassified UK, Starmer is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.[225]


In other words, Starmer is a “chosen” part of the whole NWO/ZOG matrix, and that of course includes the plan to destroy the future of the European peoples, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Starmer may take part in Jewish pre-prandial or post-prandial (?) prayers (as he has stated) but, once again, that seems to be something merely performative with him, he being an atheist anyway.

Foreign policy is easy to predict: Starmer was willing to say that the “Israelis” have every right to shut off even water to the suffering children of Gaza. He is a Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet. Completely.

Other than that, Starmer will do whatever the “Americans” (the USA’s ruling circles and cabals) want him to do. So… “support” for Israel, “support” (money, arms etc ) for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) etc.

Incidentally, there is much election bs being talked by Labour Party supporters as to how Labour will be a kinder sort of government than that of Sunak’s clowns. I doubt it. I would not put anyone in charge of such as Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, and the other Labour Friends of Israel types. As to Starmer, his support for Israel cutting off food and even water to the women and children of devastated Gaza shows just how far his much-trumpeted “compassion” goes…

If Starmer is willing to cut off food and water to the suffering civilians of Gaza, what might he be willing to do to the people of the UK?

I see no real centre to Starmer; even his doglike loyalty to Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby seems performative, yet that is the only thing that seems to mean anything at all to him.

Starmer displays no obvious ideological loyalty (as such), no old-fashioned class-loyalty (to any social class or category), and no religious loyalty (an atheist, presumably originally Church of England).

Who, really, is this?

It is hard, of course, to see evil in someone as dull as Starmer, despite the oft-quoted words of Hannah Arendt about “the banality of evil“. The expectation, I think misguided, is that Evil, whether cosmic or on the mundane plane, will somehow be more interesting than the Good.

Starmer should worry people, not because he has expressed any particularly “evil”, or even “bad” ideas (he even weaselled ab out cutting off water to families in Gaza, tried to evade the question etc), or some kind of (obviously) sinister ideological base, but more because he, like those he gathers closely around him, has no ideas beyond the most shallow. Someone trying to be elected (in effect) as Prime Minister is expected to come up with at least a few ideas, if not a coherent ideology, and Starmer either does not or cannot.

Will Starmer-Labour create a better Britain? No. I see a harsher, more intrusive police state likely to emerge. Mass immigration will continue, perhaps in even greater volume, and our towns and cities will, despite the encroaching police state, become no-go areas policed by even-less responsive paramilitary police.

Economically? A gradual downturn. The spending cuts agenda apparently very likely, combined with the cost of the continuing migration invasion of parasites, as well as the backfire effect of sanctions against Russia will ensure that.

Starmer’s government will, as predicted by Matt Goodwin, become very unpopular very quickly. However, in the absence of any real Opposition in the Commons (the Con —or possibly LibDem— official Opposition, post-GE 2024, may have only about 50 MPs), it may be possible for social nationalism to make real headway outside, in the “real world”.

Election notes

Well, we now know that 4 July 2024 is to be the fateful day. Is it a co-incidence that that is Independence Day in the USA? Does the choice of day have some symbolic, even occultic, significance? Maybe not, but there seems to be no obvious reason for that day to be the day.

Exactly 5 weeks from today.

Close to my own Electoral Calculus use yesterday.

Note the huge Lab majority, and the fact that the Cons are not even shown as the official Opposition (LibDems, incredibly). Also, the SNP predicted to lose three-quarters of their 2019 seats.

Tweets seen

As I have been saying for a long time on the blog.

Gradually, gradually, South Africa descends into darkness. The European (white) population, which at one time (1911) was about 22% of the whole, has declined sharply since “majority rule” (African corrupt crony rule) came in 30 years ago, and is now only about 7%. Once that 7% figure drops to 1% or 2%, maybe by 2040, South Africa will go the way of the Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc.

Imagine if the Jews had never been allowed to create the Israeli state in the 1940s, and had (in the 1940s and 1930s, and also since 1956) been prevented from moving there. The whole of the Israel/Palestine situation, and much of the instability of the region, would never have developed.

If this situation continues to slide, by 2030 there will be no Germany, no Poland as we know them. Probably no Ukraine either, and quite possibly no UK, France, USA or urban Russia.

As white Northern Europeans, those of us left alive at that point would be faced with the necessity of creating almost an entirely new culture and civilization as a basic foundation for a much later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Ukrainian “nationalists” whose President is a corrupt and dictatorial Jewish comedian incapable of running anything, let alone a large and, until recently, relatively civilized country.

Myerson. Again…

A pro-Israel Jew-Zionist obsessive, and a member of the two Zionist organizations (UK Lawyers for Israel, and the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) which have been, inter alia, making malicious complaints about me for a decade, complaints which have resulted in both my (unlawful as well as wrongful) 2016 disbarment and my 2023 free speech conviction under the repressive Communications Act 2003, s.127).

Here we are, at 1224 on a Thursday early afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted, by my count, 49 times today, mostly to mock others.

This is not, in my view, an individual fitted to sit in judgment over others as a Recorder (p/t judge).

1229: make that 51 times…

[Update, 1528 same day: now 64 tweets and counting… has he nothing else to do?].

[Update, 1737 same day: now 76 tweets and counting...].

…and —wouldn’t you know it?— pro-Israel puppet Iain Dale stands, in that Daily Telegraph photo, with the branding of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” behind him.

It would be good were Dale to fail to be elected, but Tunbridge Wells has not elected anyone not from the Conservative Party since the present constituency was established in 1974: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunbridge_Wells_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Even Peter Oborne, though, does not mention, expressly, the “JQ”, or that the msm in the UK is not free at all (for that reason).

Note the BICOM connection. The half-Jewish Israel activist, former MP, and now life peer —thanks to Starmer— Ruth Smeeth was at one point one of its directors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth.


Ruth Smeeth has also worked for other Jewish and Israeli organizations.

I have to admit that I did not know that Myerson had called another Jew a “house Jew“. I wonder whether that would count as “grossly offensive“? It would if I published it, no doubt…

Ha. Quite. Scotland, were it to vote for the SNP’s faux-“Independence”, would not be governed by Westminster, true, but it would be governed by the EU, by American or NWO/ZOG influence (NATO etc), by the international banking system etc, and domestically probably by a Pakistani “Scotsman”. Who are the SNP trying to fool? The Scottish people, I suppose.

I see that the SNP is now predicted to win as few as 12 seats (out of 57) this year, from 48 (out of 59) won in 2019. I think that the SNP has had its day as an overwhelming force in Scotland. In 2015, it suddenly shot into prominence with 56 out of 59 Scottish Westminster seats, but the last 9 years have been riven with scandal and underperformance. Above all, not only has Independence not happened, fewer Scots now support it than did a decade ago; it is a minority cause.

Good grief. What a deadhead. This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Logan_(politician). Hard to believe that the Foreign Office employed him in some capacity for a (brief? Not so brief?) period (in Shanghai). He also worked for a Chinese company. The gap between when he left f/t education around 2007 and when he started to contest elections (2017) is about 10 years, so there may have been other activity somewhere.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolton_North_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

I examined Natalie Elphicke and her defection on yesterday’s blog post.

There should be, must be, a cultural purge in the UK, taking in almost all present-day vulgar pseudo-comedians. Let’s see how loud they laugh then…

BREAKING | The new Dutch cabinet just nominated top justice ministry official and former intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the ā€œpreferred candidateā€ for Prime Ministership. And the situation is bad. Real bad.

Dick Schoof – or ā€œMr. Deepstateā€ as Iā€™d like to call him – is the former head of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) as well as the former national coordinator of the counter-terrorism unit (NCTV) which is known to focus on combatting ā€œanti-government extremismā€. As if that isnā€™t bad enough, he was also: – behind the Dutch covid regime – involved in the Trump-Russia hoax – behind the cover-up of flight MH17 reports – spying on Dutch citizens here on @X with fake accounts operated by the government.

Heā€™s currently the secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, which makes him the highest ranking civil servant. Heā€™s quite literally the personification of a technocratic bureaucrat and, – being a former member of the Dutch Labour party – the exact opposite of what the Dutch population has voted for during the elections last November.

@geertwilderspvv should have never given up his rightful claim to Prime Ministership. With a man like this leading the country Iā€™m sure the digital surveillance state weā€™ve been warning for all these years will be here sooner than expected.”

Well, at least he has been identified…

That little monkey Pierce, the pathetic System puppet Vine, anti-white know-nothing Yasmin Alibhai-Brown— all System propagandists, pretending to be promoting a variety of views, but really all actors in a kind of play, presented to the public as “debate”.

Late music

The later depth is not there so much, but these were pieces written by a boy of 15, amazingly enough.

[painting by Leonid Afremov]

Diary Blog, 29 May 2024, including a look at Natalie Elphicke

Morning music


Tweets seen

I never believe “them” without corroborative evidence.

Exactly. Eternal “victims”, even when they are victimizing others.

A mere caution, for attacking an elderly man in the street.

Natalie Elphicke

Whatever the facts of that, there are facts that are indisputable: Natalie Elphicke could have stood at GE 2024 as Con Party candidate. She received 56.9% of the vote in 2019 under that aegis.

I was puzzled as to why Natalie Elphicke crossed the floor, she after all knowing that a general election had to be called sometime before a date in January 2025. Does she have some better offer from outside Parliament? Seems doubtful to me.

Natalie Elphicke gives me a dual impression: not particularly intelligent, but particularly focussed on her own ambitions.

Incidentally, many may be misled by the academic section of her biographical details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Elphicke#Early_life_and_career.

As a former member of Lincoln’s Inn, I have met several people over the years who were (as was Natalie Elphicke— see the Wikipedia entry) beneficiaries of Hardwicke scholarships. None impressed.

I saw this comment:

Hardwicke Scholarships aren’t that prestigious. A mere submission of an application is more than enough to win one. They give about 150 away each year, and not many more people apply to each inn for a scholarship, surprisingly enough.” [online commentator].

I think that the real figure is nearer to 100 than 150.

To intrude a personal comment, I recall a young blonde lady barrister who (unsuccessfully, in all cases) opposed me in court a number of times during 2002-2008 when I was in chambers in Exeter (she was in another set, also in Exeter). She was a former Hardwicke scholar, just like Natalie Elphicke. I used to think of her as “Mrs Malaprop”, because her use of English was so poor. Comically so. A pretty poor barrister in terms of both legal knowledge and presentation, in my view, though wearing a sense of self-importance as thick as a suit of armour.

I had better not name that lady, mainly for reasons of propriety (I am too poor now to be worth suing; and there would be no basis for such a suit anyway). I just looked her up online for the first time, and found that she is still in Exeter, and still in the same chambers as she was 20+ years ago, apparently flourishing like the green bay tree.

I note that, having been Called to the Bar in 1994, only a few years after me, Natalie Elphicke decided to leave the Bar and to convert to be a solicitor (something that, at least then, basically meant filling out a few forms).

Natalie Elphicke only worked as a lawyer for a year or two, as a salaried employee of the Inland Revenue (as was; now HMRC) during 1995-1997. She married her now ex-husband, Charlie Elphicke, in 1995. They have two children. She appears to have returned to legal work for a year or two during the years 2011-2013, before helping to found a company which was dissolved 2-3 years later.

After that, her husband’s connections seem to have got her a couple of brief public appointments in the years 2016-2019, as well as the CEO job at the Housing and Finance Institute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housing_and_Finance_Institute. This may not be very lucrative, though, looking at the Institute’s funding. Hard to say.

Ah…[10 mins later…]… seems that my hunch was correct: that HFI CEO position is entirely unpaid: see https://members.parliament.uk/member/4795/registeredinterests.

Many will know that, though having displayed (performative?) “loyalty” to her disgraced MP husband, Charlie Elphicke, during his trial, Natalie Elphicke had by then already taken over as MP for Dover in 2019. She separated from him in 2020, and later divorced him, prior to which she sold her story to the Sun “newspaper” for Ā£25,000. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/deal/news/mp-wife-of-naughty-tory-paid-25k-to-tell-all-234749/.

I have to say that I agreed (and still agree) with Natalie Elphicke’s comment at the time of her husband’s unsuccessful appeal (against sentence only— he had been sentenced to 2 years, plus Ā£35,000 costs, and was released after a year) that the 2-year sentence was harsh. He had really done very little: “During his trial the court heard how Elphicke groped one of his accusers, chased her around his house, and sang “I’m a naughty Tory, I’m a naughty Tory.” [Wikipedia].

I should have thought that a suspended sentence would have been enough. From what I read at the time, his three crimes were all just silly, really; almost identical, too, and surely only just coming within the “sex crime” area. Pathetic more than anything, in my opinion.

To my mind, if crimes and criminals can be divided into “bad, sad, or mad“, Charlie Elphicke’s conduct was surely “sad“, with a dash of “mad“, but nothing seriously “bad“.

Having —whether rightly or wrongly, and I think rightly— identified Natalie Elphicke as a “go for the main chance” opportunist, why on Earth did she defect to Labour? Looking at the electoral statistics for Dover, she had a very good chance of being re-elected. Maybe Starmer offered her a peerage (seems unlikely, though), or some quango chair (more likely), or a safe Labour seat (relatively unlikely, surely?).

I admit, Mrs. Elphicke’s motivation is still puzzling to me.

As to Charlie Elphicke, I had little time for him when he was an MP, but I have to say that his fall from status and relative affluence has the elements of a minor Greek tragedy. Apparently, he now lives in a small rented flat somewhere like Earl’s Court, and may (I do not know) be either unemployed or working in some obscure occupation. I can find no record of him still on the Solicitors’ Register, and the same is true of Natalie Elphicke, but as far as I know both are still able to practise; again, I cannot say.


While looking up the above details, I noticed this story from the Daily Mail in 2022: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10367265/Naughty-Tory-Charlie-Elphicke-makes-700-000-profit-selling-cliffside-home-Kent.html.

Turns out that the Elphickes bought a house on the Kent coast for about Ā£800,000 in 2012, and were able to sell it only a decade later for over Ā£1.5M. The house almost doubled in value in 10 years. A commentary upon the house-price madness in this country.

More tweets

There is also no evidence that Reform UK is getting anywhere. Nothing lower than an across-the-board 20% will win any seats; even a few percent more may only win a small handful, maybe 3-5. 11%, 12%, even 15%, is “nowhere” territory in seat-winning terms.

The LibDems and Greens are on a lower nationwide support, yet have seats in the Commons because their vote is concentrated, here and there.

Having said that, I make two points. Firstly, most intending Reform UK voters know perfectly well that RF is not going to win many, if any, seats. Their vote is a protest vote and/or a way of kicking the Sunak government and Conservative Party, by weakening greatly the Con Party vote in almost every constituency, but without voting Labour.

Secondly, as mooted yesterday, there may be a number, perhaps even a large number, of “secret Reform UK voters”, who do not show up in the opinion polls because they say “Don’t Know” or nominate a mainstream party out of embarrassment. Very English, arguably.

I doubt whether the usual general election convergence will happen this time. People hate and despise the useless Conservative Party governments of the past 14 years, and especially the past 5 years. That includes a huge number of 2019 or previous Con voters.

In fact, I should not be surprised were the Lab-Con gap to widen, though more because the Cons may slide again rather than because Labour increase their percentage.

A plurality of voters do not know where Starmer stands. For Starmer, that may be what he wants.


That must be “value” olive oil. The last bottle I bought (extra-virgin olive oil, first cold pressing, but not a single-estate or special one) was nearly Ā£13.

Incredible posting by Simon Myerson (1) @JewishMirelleā€™s statement can be opinion and defamatory. (2) Myerson is re-publishing a likely defamatory statement. (3) Heā€™s a KC suggesting to someone on twitter that their statement might not be defamatory. (4) Heā€™s the KC who acted for Pete Newbon according the Telegraph. #GroundhogDay

Myerson again.

Honest opinion is now a defence [Defamation Act 2013, s.3].

I think that I shall quit now, while I am ahead. I have not been in Bar practice for 16 years, and do not, in general, keep up with changes in the law.

General Election news

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that might result in a House of Commons with 541 Lab MPs, 46 LibDem, 28 Con, 12 SNP, 3 Plaid Cymru, 2 Green, and 18 various Northern Irish.

On those figures, what Disraeli described as “the great Conservative Party, which destroys everything“, would be itself almost destroyed, reduced to a rump of 20 MPs; not even the official Opposition, which would be the LibDems.

Such a result would be a strategic defeat for the SNP too. 12 MPs, down from 56 (out of 59) at the 2015 peak, and 48 at the 2019 GE.

I get the impression that the SNP’s version of fake “nationalism” (blame England/the UK for everything, keep importing non-whites into Scotland, and think it normal to have a Pakistani as First Minister) has well and truly foundered on the rocks of socio-political reality). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_National_Party#House_of_Commons.


Of course, a change in the Labour vote of even one point either way would add several to (or subtract several from) the Conservative total, and even more to or from the Labour total.

More tweets

A twisted and evil woman.

Ukraine knows that it’s all over” While the UK is preoccupied with the general elections, Kyiv ā€œcannot withstand Putinā€™s brutal attack,ā€ reports the British The Telegraph. Main points:

Kiev was forced to transfer thousands of soldiers to the northeastern part of the front line to try to slow down the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region.

The war is reaching a critical point as Western interest in helping Ukraine risks weakening again.

Zelensky seems to understand that time is running out for Ukraine: over the weekend he called on Joe Biden and Xi Jinping to take part in the upcoming ā€œpeace summitā€ in Switzerland.

Zelenskyā€™s team is concerned about the shift of attention in the United States to internal elections: Ukraine is receding into the background.

The harsh reality is that Ukraine risks simply running out of people to fight.


I have, on the blog, been saying for 2 years that Russia cannot lose this war, and will not lose it.

Diary Blog, 28 May 2024

Morning music

[Adolf Hitler, watercolour, 1912]

Election 2024: a stray thought

So far, we have seen the not very exciting Reform UK get recent opinion poll ratings of between 9% and 15%. Not enough to get any seats if spread out evenly across the country.

However, reading the latest reaction to the absurd “National Service” idea floated by Sunak (you can read my own thoughts about that on the blog for yesterday and the previous day), it occurs to me that Reform UK might, just, do better than the polls suggest.

We have seen, in the past, people too ashamed or embarrassed to say to polling staff that they support the Conservative Party; maybe that is true here too, and that a proportion of the “Don’t Know” responders (recently often a plurality of those responding) are really secret Reform UK supporters, or secret nationalist or semi-nationalist supporters, or just secretly angry people.

That may be completely wrong, and we shall only know on 5 July 2024, but I could imagine quite a few people, either on the 4th or, before that, when filling out postal voting forms, thinking, “so **** it!” and voting Reform UK out of anger, frustration, or a wish to hurt the Conservative Party clowns, or the System in general.

Just a thought…

Tweets seen

That 124,227 is only about 5%, not even, of the whole migrant influx over the past 7 years (at least 3 million). Then add the births to all migrants. Unsustainable, and in fact catastrophic to the future of this country.

What the misnamed “Conservatives” have apparently not quite understood is that most Reform UK voters are not voting Reform with the serious idea of winning many —or even any— seats in the Commons. They are voting Reform as a massive howl of protest (cf. the Brexit Referendum) and/or to give the Conservative Party an equally massive kicking.

Israel’s most important weapon is the pro-Israel Zionist “community” or web in many countries, particularly in the metaphorical West.

That Lazarus individual tweeted to another elderly Jew-Zionist woman several years ago that I (and someone else, of whom I had never even heard) should be given strychnine to drink. At the time, I could not be bothered to report it to the police, or even to Twitter, though “those” types mentioned themselves spend much of their time sneaking around and making malicious and contrived complaint to police and others.

There is a web of such “individuals” on Twitter/X, including most if not all of the accounts mentioned above, and mostly connected with the tiny but well-funded so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, itself a cabal which constantly “complains”, often using outright lies (as exposed recently when its “CEO”, Gideon Falter, made demonstrably false claims about the Metropolitan Police); the “CAA” also tries to suborn police and Crown Prosecution Service personnel.

Even the Jewish/Zionist lobby has turned against the “CAA” liars recently.

I myself was expelled from Twitter/X in 2018 by reason of a concerted campaign by several of “those” mentioned, with others; I have no interest now in returning to Twitter/X.

Not very many people really want “Labour” to rule over them, but the first priority, which people really very much want, is to scrap this “Conservative” misgovernment, and stamp on its remains.

I see that Matt Goodwin’s view is not far from my own.

More music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

More tweets

Poor little thing.

The only bright aspect to this horrible brutality is that millions of people are awakening, all over the world.

Let us hope that idiots in positions of power, whether in Poland, the Baltic states, or France, are listening.

Goodwin’s point is vitiated by his turning a blind eye to the Jew-Zionist influence permeating UK politics. My own attitude is closer to that of the cartoon below:

As a Northern European social-national thinker, I refuse to support either side in the Gaza/Israel/Palestine situation. It is more true to say that while I despise the Israeli side for its brutality and quasi-psychotic sadism yet, by the same token, I cannot support any form of violent Islamism, as such. I oppose the pervasive Jew-Zionist influence in UK politics and society, yet also oppose the migration-invasion of Britain, whether by Islamists, black hordes, or others.

I have, incidentally, not seen Goodwin say anything at all supportive of the suffering millions in Gaza, most of whom after all are women and children. Goodwin, like so many people seen frequently on UK mass media, is supportive, it seems, of Israel, or afraid to seem critical of it and/or Jew-Zionism and/or Zionists.

From the newspapers

Look at the sentence! Suspended! After all that she did! Unbelievable. What a loony. I sincerely hope that she is not really going to become a nurse.

Britain 2024. Look carefully at the photograph…

Late tweets

Israel-lobby msm talking head Iain Dale is standing as a candidate for the “Conservative” Party at GE 2024, but we do not yet know in which constituency. I am presuming one of the ~25 formerly safe or relatively safe ones still available.

Ah. Tunbridge Wells. The former MP, Greg Clark, was getting between 49% and 58% at several general elections, so Dale, unfortunately, looks like becoming an MP soon (I am presuming that he would only resign as a broadcaster if already as good as selected for the seat). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunbridge_Wells_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Historical quote

A revolution without firing squads is not worth much.” [V.I. Lenin]

[Lenin with cat, early 1920s, probably at Gorki Leninskiye; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gorki_Leninskiye]

Late tweet

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 27 May 2024, with more thoughts about Sunak’s “National Service” idea

Morning music

[The Motherland Calls, Volgograd]

Rafah atrocity

[cartoon by Arab cartoonist from Gaza about the latest Israeli atrocity, at Rafah; https://www.cartooningforpeace.org/en/dessinateurs/mahmoud-abbas/]

“National Service”


Under the [“National Service”] plan, 18-year-olds will be given a choice between a full-time placement in the Armed Forces for 12 months or spending one weekend a month for a year [doing community work].

The Tories would also encourage employers to consider those who complete the Armed Forces placement during job applications.

However, the Armed Forces option would be selective ā€“ with only around 30,000 placements for ‘the brightest and best’.”

[Daily Mail]

So Sunak’s cockeyed “plan” for conscription turns out to be mainly a plan to have untrained 18-y-o young men and, I presume, women doing a kind of forced labour on one weekend per month for a year. Even by Sunak’s standards, this is pretty silly.

For one thing, the time is unbalanced. Leaving aside any Army/Navy leave or liberty days, it means that those choosing and being selected for the military or naval option will spend 365 days serving. The “civilian” option, though, will only take up 24 days.

Guess which option most young people are going to choose?

Even if you take off maybe 125 liberty days or leave days from the 365, that still only reduces to about 240 days on duty, as against 24. Ten times the commitment.

The idea that employers will give the “military/naval option” cadets an easier ride in later civilian job recruitment could not be enforced and relies entirely on goodwill.

In fact, the year of service (in either case) will set back the cadets or National Service litter-pickers for a year, especially the military/naval cadets, except those planning a Service career anyway.

As for the rest, spending one weekend a month picking up litter, helping clean hospitals, or planting trees, might not be a huge commitment of time, but will be seen by most as a kind of slave or serf labour, even if remunerated or compensated at say Ā£150 per weekend (I have seen nothing so far, though, about any remuneration).

I suppose that, if the 30,000 military/naval cadets were offered pay (Ā£15,000 p.a.?) and a gratuity, on completion, of some not-trifling amount (say Ā£12,000 in cash, taxfree), that might spark some interest.

Over 700,000 or so people turn 18 every year in the UK. That means that 670,000+ will be on the monthly “community service” option.

What happens if the litter-pickers (etc) decide not to comply? Do they get taken to court? Fined? Ordered to comply on pain of imprisonment? What if there is mass non-compliance, or organized civil disobedience?

In fact, in view of the fact that the State has not the resources with which to imprison up to 700,000 young people, the most they could be given might be…unpaid work for a few days a month. Oh…

This has not been thought through by Sunak and/or those around him.

Likewise with the military/naval option. To train recruits to a basic level takes maybe 2-4 months (the British Army takes 14 weeks to basic-train standard recruits, the Royal Navy 10 weeks for ratings; officers are basic-trained for longer, 15-30 weeks), and overall training of those National Service cadets is likely to take a total of as long as 6 months (the British Army takes 44 weeks to fully train an officer).

In other words, after training, the cadets will only be available for deployment for 6 months before their time is up and they either leave or join the regular Army or Navy. Any trained to an officer level will only be available for deployment for a few months, or even weeks.

The latest statistics for UK armed forces state that 10,680 recruits joined in a year (all arms), plus 3,890 in the Reserves (former TA). So nearly 15,000 (of all ages). https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/quarterly-service-personnel-statistics-2024/quarterly-service-personnel-statistics-1-january-2024.

In other words, the increase in manpower might only be 15,000 or so, or is the idea to have both ordinary recruitment and National Service recruitment? Looks as though the end result would be much the same.

Also, who would choose to join as National Service recruit when he/she could join up with (?) better pay and conditions as a regular recruit and/or as an officer-cadet?

Will the National Service cadets or recruits be put into dedicated units, or mixed-in with regular units?

Again, this really has not been thought through.

The people this crazy scheme is apparently supposed to “help”, or change, or just control and monitor the most, those disaffected 18-y-o individuals who are not at or planning to go to university, nor into a structured career or job of some kind, will be the least likely to opt for the military/naval option, so will “choose” the “one weekend per month” option, and probably either fail to attend, or may do it very unwillingly, like a “community payback” penalty imposed by the courts.

What is the point?

Also, if the government has a force of about 670,000 “litter-pickers” (etc) to deploy, how many older (older than 18) people will thereby be deprived of the chance of doing paid or better-paid jobs doing the same or similar work?

Once again, the consequential effects have not been properly thought through.

Tweets seen

The most important problem facing both Britain and mainland Europe.

L’homme qui rit (en Chinois)

As if the pathetic French government is going to be able to do something/anything about this. The biggest weakness of all French governments is that they mistake making a gesture for actually accomplishing something. Macron is a prime example.

In fact, thinking of the French love for demonstrations and marches, most entirely ineffective, the tendency goes wider than just the political leadership.

[“Our voice for Putin!”; reportage— Novosti]

Pity that the British Empire no longer exists. Churchill killed several empires, in effect— the German Reich, the British Empire (which died after using its sting to kill the German Reich), and the other European empires, which all eventually succumbed in direct or indirect consequence of what happened after 1939.

More music

[Central Coast highway, California]
[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

More tweets seen

This is what the near future has in store for the UK— a literal Israeli agent as Secretary of State for Defence. Look at ex-MP John Woodcock (now “Lord Walney”), a sex pest and depressive case who is one of the worst Israel/Jewish lobby puppets at Westminster. He is apparently over-excited by the possibility that Israel will have yet another of its main “candidates” at Cabinet level, right in there with the others (Starmer, Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, Liz Kendall, Lisa Nandy etc).

All true (about Starmer), but all I myself am interested in, re. the upcoming General Election, directly, is to collapse one of the two main System parties, even at the high cost of allowing the other to become an “elected” dictatorship. Only by unbalancing the “two main parties” system can a social-national alternative arise.

Ecce the ****-poor quality of political reportage in the UK. Beth Rigby (the woman with the ludicrous accent or diction on Sky News) thinks that Lancing (West Sussex) is “near” Oxted (Surrey). Near? Well, 65.4 miles by road; as the crow flies, maybe 50 miles.





Says it all. A Con Party MP, with a majority in 2019 of 4,214, prefers to vacation rather than try to save himself from being ejected. He knows that he and his party are toast (in fact, his own majority has been sliding since 2015: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wycombe_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s).

Those are the sort of cretins advising ministers and prime ministers in this country…

I think that that was in Downing Street, though, not at CCHQ (Con Party HQ). Maybe I am mistaken, but that was my recollection.

So the Jewish chief of the Con Party election campaign is being accused of falling down on the job, thus making it even easier for pro-Israel Starmer and his cabal to win said election with a huge majority? I feel a conspiracy theory coming on…

[Addendum, same day: a regular reader of the blog suggests that Isaac Levido is not Jewish. I do not know for sure, despite the name(s) and the look of the said publicist, so am adding this cautionary addendum in the interests of accuracy and fairness].

Having said that, why the voters are turning away from the Con Party is not mainly by reason of poor presentation but by reason of very poor actual government of the country over the past 14 years, and especially the past 5 years.

Late tweets

As Schiller put it, “Against stupidity, the Gods themselves struggle in vain“…[Schiller, Die Jungfrau von Orleans].

It is probably pointless to speculate on why those poor people, living on pennies, support the ultra-wealthy little Indian money-juggler. Mental degeneration? Insanity? Congenital mental problems?

Having said that, they are not entirely wrong, inasmuch as the Labour Party under Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall etc will probably be as bad as, and maybe worse than, Sunak and crew as far as social security “welfare” in concerned.

What can it be? The Israeli flag is to replace the Union Jack? Unlikely (too obvious). Sunak has resigned and there will be an immediate leadership election? Just about possible. British troops are being sent to fight on the Ukrainian frontlines? In that case, Goodnight Vienna London; it has been a pleasure…

At time of writing, it is —right now— 2229, so back in a minute or so…

2235. Still waiting. The clowns cannot even get their big announcement out on time.

So that’s at. A desperate attempt to hold on to at least the former Con Party core vote of pensioners. The full registered electorate of the UK is about 45.5M; persons 65+ total about 11M, so about 27% of the electorate. Also, far more likely, traditionally to vote, either by post or in person.

These are pretty much the only people, or at least by far the biggest bloc, still likely to vote Con at GE 2024.

Whether it will make much difference, hard to say. Many pensioners will wonder a. as to whether Sunak will even be there after 4 July, and b. whether he can be trusted. There again, not all vote on the basis of perceived self-interest.

As a “big announcement”, slightly underwhelming, but I expect it will buy at least some votes. Absolutely desperate though, as a tactic.

Late music

Diary Blog, 26 May 2024, with thoughts about Sunak, the General Election, and Steve “Hilton”

Afternoon music

[Stefano Bersani, In Giardino]

From the newspapers


Come on, Rishi! Ditch the bland jargon and show some fight with a breathtakingly bold agenda, writes STEVE HILTON“.

An opinion piece by Steve “Hilton”, about whom, inter alia, I wrote a piece on the blog, 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/10/les-eminences-grises-of-dystopia/.

Now the “blue sky” Hungarian-origined “thinker” —resident in California at last hearing, having left the UK and taken on U.S. citizenship— opines about the 2024 UK General Election.

He writes that “…somehow I donā€™t think Sunak does accept the inevitability of defeat.

You donā€™t get to be in his position, with all the success he has achieved in his career and his life, without exceptional drive and determination. I simply cannot believe that someone that impressive ā€“ Oxford, Stanford, Goldman Sachs, Prime Minister within seven years of becoming an MP ā€“ is content to just drift out of office without a fight.

[Daily Mail]

Those words alone show how out of touch “Hilton” is, and how easily dazzled. Yes, Sunak got a degree from Oxford University (after having been at Winchester College, where he became Head Boy, it would be almost surprising had Sunak not gone on to Oxford). So what?

Sunak then went on to Stanford University, and graduated with an MBA. OK, but so what, really?

Indeed, and in all fairness, Hilton’s own academic achievement, coming from his level of poverty or near-poverty in childhood, was more creditable than that of Sunak: Christ’s Hospital (school) on a bursary, followed by Oxford University.

“Hilton” then praises Sunak for having worked (for about 2 years or so) at the Goldman Sachs financial outfit. Not everyone thinks that that is a recommendation, but “Hilton” is no doubt dazzled by the money Goldman Sachs pay some of their staff.

“Hilton” himself was brought up in a fair degree of poverty, by a mother abandoned by her husband; she and her son survived only by reason of the State benefits that “Hilton”, as well-overpaid and useless adviser to Cameron-Levita’s “Conservative” government (2010-2015), later did his best to take away from other poor, sick, and disabled people.

As the Germans say, “put a beggar on a horse and he rides it to death“…

As to Sunak’s money, much of it has come, directly or indirectly, from his marriage to a super-wealthy Indian, daughter of an Indian billionaire. Anyway, as far as I am concerned, I do not, without more, respect money-jugglers. Maybe “Hilton” does.

It must have been galling for “Hilton” to forever be around the wealthy and politically-powerful, including his own wife, Rachel Whetstone [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_Whetstone], yet have only the hanger-on’s level of influence, and nowhere near as much wealth, though at Downing Street, “Hilton” was paid or overpaid some Ā£200,000 p.a., (worth maybe Ā£240,000 p.a, in 2024 money). Good pay, yes, but a high salary is not the same as having serious capital.

“Hilton” also forgets to note that Sunak is “in his position” purely because two other idiots, “Boris” Johnson and Liz Truss, had to resign. Sunak (like Truss) has never led his party into an election; the Premiership was simply gifted to him.

“Hilton” goes on to write that ” Now, after years of chaos, Britain seems to be on the right track. But, make no mistake, a Labour government would set things back. Whatā€™s needed now from Sunak is energy, aggression and inspiration ā€“ and then he could pull off an even greater upset than John Major achieved in 1992.”

Absolutely asinine.

“Hilton”, the not very successful spin-meister, seems to imagine that, if only Sunak and the “Conservatives” were to really attack Starmer and his crew, the electorate will rally round the Cons. A brainless “analysis”, though I agree with Hilton that Starmer really offers nothing but a change of personnel.

As for “Britain seems to be on the right track“, from where does “Hilton” get that idea? It flies in the face of facts flagrantly obvious to anyone with eyes and any perceptiveness at all; Britain is quite obviously not on the right track“.

A million unwanted non-Europeans, mostly (at best) parasites, entering the UK every year; a health service on its knees; a police service unable or unwilling to do its proper job, but at the same time all too eager to “cosplay” as a poundland Stasi or KGB, snooping on tweets and blogs; poor pay for most, and a continuing squeeze on the State benefits which sustained the young “Hilton” and his mother; a housing crisis caused or made far worse by the all but uncontrolled mass migration invasion; potholed and unrepaired roads and highways; a government throwing money and military support at “Ukraine” (the corrupt, brutal, and shambolic Kiev regime of the Jew Zelensky) and Israel; filthy rivers…it just goes on.

I suppose that the Daily Mail paid “Hilton” well for his little piece of “analysis”, if you can even call it that. Money wasted.

To my mind, whatever Sunak now says will either accomplish nothing to mitigate what must surely be a catastrophic election result for the Con Party, or may well make it all worse for them.

So far, a disastrous General Election announcement, with Sunak all but washed away by heavy rain; a visit to the Titanic museum in Belfast (you couldn’t make it up!); and now the announcement that, if re-elected, the “Conservatives” will reintroduce mandatory 1950s-style conscription (with a few semi-“woke” tweaks) for all (?) 18-y-o young men (and women?).

As I noted on the blog yesterday, the “National Service” idea seems designed to appeal to some kind of “false memory” delusion in some 70-100 year old Con Party voters, rather than being serious policy.

As I noted yesterday, after a date in 1957 no young men born after August 1939 were called-up (drafted), and call-up ceased in 1960 (though a relative few served until 1963).

So someone today would have to be at least 85 to have actually experienced the former “National Service”, which varied much.

For example, one of my uncles served, on an easy and almost 9-5 basis, as a lecturer in the Army Education Corps; his son, my slightly-older cousin, not seen by me since 1970, became a lecturer at Oxford University and then senior lecturer (mainly American Literature, I think) at Edinburgh University; he has apparently also written a number of books on literature, published by Oxford University Press.

Meanwhile, another uncle, circa 1950, was some kind of accountant in the Pay Corps, based in places such as North Wales, as far as I know. Hardly thrilling. Other and less fortunate conscripts, though, found themselves fighting in swamps and mountains against people out to kill them. Korea, Malaya, Cyprus etc.

At any rate, that “National Service” idea alone has probably cost the Con Party a million General Election votes overall.

With everything so wrong in the country, Sunak goes with conscription as his Big Idea?! He really should have stayed in the world of corporate finance, juggling money.

I think that “Hilton” should go home to California, if that is where he now mainly lives, and stop trying to comment on a British society and political landscape which he no longer understands, if he ever did.




Tweets seen

The importance of that is less in the limited material damage done, and more the fact that, despite the devastation of Gaza, despite the huge number of casualties (mostly civilian), despite the Israeli ground invasion, despite everything, the Hamas organization in Gaza remains able to fire rockets capable of penetrating the defences of Tel Aviv and causing at least some damage.

What goes around comes around…

Au contraire, that is exactly what Starmer-Labour can do. Yes, they have no publicly-palatable plan, and secretly are planning to do a Cameron/Osborne Mark 2, but up to the 4th of July they will just rely on the hatred and contempt felt by the voters for Sunak’s hapless bunch of clowns.

Most people want rid of the “Conservatives”; the fact that Labour will also be terrible in government, maybe worse, scarcely impinges. Only 5 and a half weeks left before the General Election. Postal voting will be happening from about 3 weeks from now. Time is not on the side of Sunak and his party.

Goodwin makes the mistake of imagining that the general public is as interested in the minutiae of policy as he himself is.

Not quite Die Fahne Hoch!, but an interesting straw in the wind, all the same…

Britain is in its worst financial position in 70 years” Bloomberg quotes the director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) Johnson, who said that the next British government will face problems not seen since the 1950s and that politicians have three ways out of the crisis: painful spending cuts, tax hikes to 80 maximum or significant increase in debt.”

“Labour”-label will probably continue to degrade public services, social security etc. The spending cuts of 2010-2015 began, or began to be planned, under Labour’s, Gordon Brown’s, government in the years prior to 2010.

Look at Rachel Reeves. Is she someone anyone at all would trust to be decent or “caring”? I think not.

If the pensioner bloc believes Labour, that further weakens the Conservative Party ahead of the election.

Incredible. The wonders of Nature…

Our cat friends.

Kick away his (financial) stick. (actually, that clip is from 3 years ago).

At the beginning of the MPs’ expenses scandal, in June 2009, The Daily Telegraph reported that Rosindell “claimed more than Ā£125,000 in second home expenses for a flat in London, while designating his childhood home 17 miles away ā€“ where his mother lived ā€“ as his main address”, and between “2006 and 2008 claimed the maximum Ā£400 a month for food”.[13] [Wikipedia].

Rosindell also blocked the Parliamentary bill that would have stopped animals being used in circuses. What a horrible person.

Sadly, Rosindell’s seat is Romford, Essex, a safe Con Party constituency.

This guy is blatantly trying to lose the election – it all fits: Prime Minister reveals radical plan to force 18-year-olds to serve in the military for 12 months – or give up weekends to carry out civil duties. The authoritarian arrogance of this is breathtaking enough and it’s what the Cult wants to impose eventually in an expanded form. But to announce it now is another ruse designed to open the way for his one-party-state fellow operative Starmer into Downing Street.”

Exactly. The NWO/ZOG wants Starmer-Labour to be “elected” (under a rigged system) and to become, thereby, an “elected” dictatorship: fake communitarian, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby, pro-NWO/ZOG, pro the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan], pro-mass migration-invasion of the UK and the rest of Europe, pro-repression of free speech.

The mask of Evil is dropping.

Not sure which is the more ridiculous— James Cleverly as MP and Cabinet Minister, or James Cleverly as “chocolate soldier”, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Reserves (TA, as was). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Cleverly#Military_service.

Thinking about why the Tories have called the election early despite clearly being in for a drubbing, I agree with @AMercouris of the Duran: the entire establishment is most worried not about Tory v Labour but about the possibility of alternative parties making gains, however small.

The more time that goes by, the more the voters realise how much they hate both the Tories and Labour. If these are the only choices, vast swathes of the people will simply stay away from the polls (as they stayed away from the recent local elections). But if there are alternative candidates from Reform and the Workers party, and those parties have the time to organise their campaigns while the war criminals continue to become ever more unpopular, there’s every chance they could win a few seats.

Even without winning seats, they could prevent Labour from getting its landslide by gaining vote shares in many constituencies that Labour hopes to take from the Tories.

Getting a stable Labour government installed on a low turnout seems to be the main aim of the ruling class right now. It’s been clear they’ve been grooming Starmer as the next PM for a long time. He’s 100% their man ā€“ a servile lackey who will commit any crime required and an ultra-zionist. And he has the huge advantage of trade union backing at a time when more and more anti-worker measures are going to be implemented and more aggressive wars launched.

A hung parliament would be a nightmare for this agenda, as would a parliament with anti-EU and/or antiwar troublemakers putting pressure on the ‘uniparty’ loyalists and exacerbating the crisis of legitimacy by making embarrassing demands from the back benches.

Anyone considering whether / how to vote should remember that this election has no ability to solve any of our problems, which stem from the capitalist system itself ā€“ from the global capitalist crisis of overproduction (and consequent poverty, unemployment and inflation) and from the desperate imperialist war drive.

The only useful thing you can do with your vote is use it to back Workers Party or independent candidates if they STAND AGAINST NATO, OPPOSE THE LABOUR PARTY, AND OPPOSE THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA.

If we can get a few anti-Nato, anti-genocide MPs in Parliament, it will be a major irritation to the establishment, and a permanent reminder to the British people that their will is ignored by the vast majority of their ‘elected representatives’. If we can help deny Labour the huge majority that the corporate media are confidently predicting, so much the better.”

I agree with the basic premise, but not with the conclusion there. If the Con Party can be all but wiped out this year, left with only a risible rump of deadhead MPs, that may unbalance the whole “2 main parties” System scam, leaving a vacuum that social nationalism may then fill, though not immediately (because no real social-national party exists).

So at least a third, and maybe half of the British public are complete idiots, and/or turkeys voting for Christmas…

One can only speculate as to the group-karmic consequences of the continuing Israeli war crimes.

Late talking point


“…If such authentic souls, such honest anthroposophists can be found … then an upward movement and dynamic will arise. If such souls do not appear, then decadence will take its inexorable downward course… Today humanity stands before a great crisis: either it will see all civilization collapsing into the abyss, or else spirituality will raise civilization up by the power of the Michael impetus, through which the Christ impetus works, thus continuing, enriching and sustaining it.‘” [Rudolf Steiner 1861-1925].

Said one hundred years ago this year.


See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Five years or so ago, when I wrote the above blog post, I highlighted a number of possible events that might end, or almost end, our present civilization. A possible and possibly contrived pandemic was one, and one of the others was nuclear war.

Since 2019, the push, mainly in the West, for war, especially war with the Russian Federation, has become almost a clamour.

We look at, perhaps particularly, the First World War, and ask “why on Earth did they do it?“, it seems so senseless on looking back. Yet look now: a ridiculous contrived Russian ogre has been conjured into existence, supposedly threatening Central and Western Europe.

The fact that Russian forces have failed even to crush the corrupt and shambolic regime in Kiev seems not to have dented the “Russia threatens us” narrative. The Russians may have been unable to take or destroy Kiev, but they, we are told, now certainly threaten Warsaw, Berlin, Paris, and London.

There again, Russia today is merely and ordinarily nationalist; there is no inherently-expansionist Marxist-Leninist ideology, as there was during the currency of the Soviet Union.

The whole idea is senseless.

More and more powerful missiles and other arms are being given to the “Ukrainians” (the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev). Only today, a Russian nuclear early-warning station was destroyed.

Be under no illusions: nuclear war on the strategic level might be triggered by only one incident, leading to an intercontinental nuclear exchange within days. Such an event or series of events has been foretold in major staff college war games over the past 60 years.

Were such a catastrophe to happen, the way back for our whole civilization would be long and hard, if it could even take place. Almost everything we know and live among would cease to exist. 99% of the world’s population, certainly Europe’s, would not survive.

There are forces of Evil behind much of this.

Pull back, before it is too late.

Late music

[painting by Arnold Bocklin]

Diary Blog, 24 May 2024

Morning music

UK General Election 2024— talking point

[…but those problems (and others) have of course nothing at all to do either with the fact that a million unwanted non-white immigrants are flooding into the UK every single year, or with Government policy, so keep voting “Labour”, “Conservative” or “Liberal Democrat”…]

Tweets seen

As long as I have been aware of his existence, from about 2010, Tim Montgomerie has been writing almost total nonsense about what should be UK government policy. He is, like oily Fraser Nelson [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraser_Nelson] often said to be some kind of “senior commentator”. Ludicrous.

People such as Montgomerie, with only (what to me seems) a tenuous grip on the reality of social issues, should never hold power or exert more than the most peripheral influence, because what seems fine in the ivory tower often causes mayhem on the streets.

Tweeter “@WolfOf Badenoch” has pretty much encapsulated the “Conservative” offering…

As for Mark Spencer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Spencer_(British_politician)], at best mediocre.

His constituency, Sherwood, is considered fairly safe now, but before 2010 was more marginal.

The gradual Judaizing of our country“? Well, now that you mention it…but I had better not comment, in view of my recent free speech trial (in November 2023)….

My view of those questions, though, in simple cartoon form? See below:

[Israeli flag officially projected onto 10 Downing Street in October 2023]

[the last “Don’t Know” figure was 51%].

Obviously, it is “Goodnight Vienna” for the Conservative Party, but for me the “Don’t Know” category is the most significant. Imagine if a properly social-national movement could capture those “Don’t Knows”, or most of them and, with them, Britain.

Matt Goodwin says that the only way for Sunak to mitigate the unfolding electoral picture is to “throw everything” at the 30%-40% of 2019 Con voters, who intend to either abstain from the General Election or to vote Reform UK, and whose top issue now is “stopping the boats“.

Well, stopping the most obvious aspect of the migration invasion is important, but those “small boats” are not even 5% of the problem. About 50,000 individuals a year out of about a million in toto. Are those 2019 Con voters who are presently disenchanted, and who are spoken about by Goodwin, really that stupid? I do not know. Maybe; maybe not.

Thinking about it, though, what is meant by “throwing everything” at the cross-Channel invasion? Immediately arresting and detaining all such invaders? That is more or less what is being done, albeit in a “velvet glove” way.

So, yes, the invaders could be held in harsher, more restrictive conditions, not allowed to wander around (though how? Not give them money? Not allow them telephones or Internet access? Take away their shoes?). Difficult unless all are held in remote camps.

Even such measures, however, though they might be popular, would not solve the problem of the —on average— hundreds per day landing or being landed (often by UK Border “Farce“, RNLI or Royal Navy ships and boats) on our shores.

Would Sunak really sink the boats in mid-Channel? Will Sunak have the invaders fired upon? Of course not. So the actual flow, even of the outright “small boat” invaders, is not going to be stopped by Sunak.

What is left is words, empty words. As in “if you vote Conservative, we promise to do something to stop the boats…sometime after the Election…

Not at all convincing.

More tweets

The types of recruit quite likely to carry out atrocities.

Even now, after the devastation of the past 7 months, “they” have still not quite had their full pound of…whatever.

Blinken’s apparently mad but evidently carefully and deliberately made decision may trigger the use of even more powerful Russian weapons and, ultimately, even strategic ones.

Madder yet, this policy change will not turn the tide for the Kiev regime. Zelensky’s cabal is running out of soldiers, primarily. The Kiev war machine is almost running on empty.

Hungary should leave NATO. Britain should leave NATO.

For once, I agree with the egregious Myerson.

So there we have it. More hundreds of millions of pounds wasted. For nothing.

The only winners (save for the migrant invaders themselves) will be the Rwandans, who have received money and other help in return for services that they will now never have to provide.

Imagine someone who holds letters patent as “KC” being unable to spell “loses“. Britain, 2024.

Incidentally, as of 1530 today, and by my count, Myerson has tweeted no less than 51 times since this morning. It’s only mid-afternoon, so there are several hours still ahead before sunset, when he will stop, because today is a Friday. A Jewish-Zionist obsessive. He should not be sitting as a Recorder (p/t judge). To have him sitting on the Bench diminishes public confidence in the Bench itself.

Whatever the details of Starmer’s background and family (which he may have finessed for political reasons), it is clear from polling that he is not considered very suitable to be Prime Minister by most people. Having said that, he is beating Sunak by miles. The little Indian money-juggler is about to become an ex-Prime Minister, and he is taking most of his MPs with him.

Today, Sunak visited the “Titanic Quarter” in Belfast [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titanic_Quarter].

I suppose that Sunak wanted to showcase “regeneration”, but could he not see that the name “Titanic” is mainly associated with the (sinking) ship of that name? Are the people around Sunak also so unaware that they missed how this looks, at this time, and as Sunak’s premiership sinks below the waves?

Actually, remembering those “special adviser” SpAd idiots drunkenly “dancing” at Downing Street when “Boris” (chief idiot) was PM, maybe it is not so surprising.

The latest opinion poll:

Party2019 Votes2019 SeatsPred VotesGainsLossesNet ChangeTactical
Pred Seats
N.Ire 18 00+00%18

Con— 47 MPs. Meaning that ~297 Con MPs are about to lose their seats. It also means that ~343 new Labour MPs are about to take their places. Who are they? What are their beliefs? Are many even English?


Britons who own their homes outright ā€“ who will have been insulated from recent housing cost increases ā€“ are split 32-32 on voting Labour or Conservative.

Other housing tenure groups are overwhelmingly backing Labour. Own outright: Lab 32% / Con 32% Own with mortgage: Lab 52% / Con 15% Private rent: Lab 55% / Con 12% Social rent: Lab 46% / Con 15%.

The Right“is a meaningless label. Only proper social nationalism can save what is worth saving in the UK now. That does mean opposing Zionism (as well as Islamism). Goodwin is in some other reality.

I have the answers, but no-one, almost no-one, has ever heard of me, and of those who have not all, so far, support me or my views.

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 May 2024, including thoughts about Farage and Reform UK

Afternoon music

Talking point

Tweets seen

Not really. One System party soon to be removed, but another (with basically similar ideology on major issues) replacing it.

Only social-nationalism can save what is left of Britain, but there is no social-national party of the slightest importance in existence.

His handlers will be disappointed in him.

Talking point

More tweets

Tim Montgomerie over-estimates the importance of Farage, as does Matt Goodwin (see Goodwin’s blog posts).

Farage had the chance to become a leading political figure in or around 2014-2019. His oratorical and mass media skills are considerable, and he also has at least some organizational skills. As a politician, however, he is nowhere as effective as he is usually painted.

Farage has let down too many people too many times. UKIP’s failure in 2015 was not the fault of Farage but of the rigged FPTP system of the UK. 12% of the votes should have meant about 70 Commons seats (under proportional representational voting) but (under FPTP) did not.

Later, Farage stabbed his own supporters in the back when he withdrew Brexit Party, pretty much, from the 2019 General Election, thus allowing a “Boris”-idiot win.

Now, Farage has decided to ignore the 2024 General Election, in order to concentrate on helping Trump in the USA!

Farage is “controlled opposition”, as were UKIP and Brexit Party; Reform UK is no different.

I have always said that Farage is —despite his admitted skills— not a very good politician. He himself has failed to be elected anywhere under FPTP, though he was repeatedly elected as an MEP, under the European Parliament’s proportional system: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electoral_history_of_Nigel_Farage. He also came close to being elected in 2015 at South Thanet, but was beaten, by only a couple of points, by Craig Mackinlay, the pro-Brexit Con Party candidate.

Farage pulled back from the brink just at the moment when Brexit Party might have broken through the “three main parties” scam-bubble, in 2019, because he wanted to make sure that the Conservative Party won the GE. That is no real leader. Likewise, he is now running away to the USA because Reform UK looks like not getting anywhere very much (though Matt Goodwin seems to think otherwise).

Farage is, of course, not social-national. More a kind of pseudo-nationalist pseudo-“libertarian”. It was the failure to go social-national that —along with a grossly-unfair electoral system— sank UKIP, Brexit Party and, now, Reform UK (as seems likely to happen).

Farage, in my opinion, is now by no means as important politically as Montgomerie and Goodwin apparently believe.

Tim Montgomerie also over-estimates the Conservative Party. He says that, without Farage leading Reform UK, the misnamed Conservative Party will live to fight another day. Montgomerie underestimates, in my view, the contempt and hatred felt by very many for the Con Party now.

Yes, Sunak is finished, but where does that leave the Con Party? Led by some other non-European such as Suella Braverman or Kemi Badenoch? Puppets of the Jewish lobby and Israel.

Without a Conservative Party with any hope of getting into government for years, or ever, Farage is finished politically as well. After GE 2024, “Reform UK”, and certainly Farage, will be a sideshow of a sideshow.

I do not think that the presence or absence of Farage during GE 2024 will much affect Reform UK’s performance; maybe by a few points, and, yes, that will help the Con Party, but not much. A few points, a few seats.

Despite the very uninteresting and unwanted offering from fake Starmer-Labour, the primary wish of most people now is to give the “Conservatives” a massive kicking. Voting Labour will be the way to do that for most voters, voting LibDem in southern English constituencies may be another way, and voting Reform UK as a kind of “FU!” (to the Conservative Party) is yet another way to do that, without having to vote Labour.

Well, we shall know soon, by about the 5th of July.

More tweets

I disagree only as to the idea that Farage is “needed“. He is not needed.

I remember seeing that drunken loonie in Whitehall (in the street) a couple of years ago, on one of my now-rare visits to London.


One can only despise Reform UK. Controlled opposition. Pro-Israel. Pro-Jewish lobby. Pro-finance capitalism.

Having said that, and paradoxically, I hope that Reform UK does well at the General Election, thus helping to eliminate the treasonous “Conservative” Party, and helping thereby to collapse the present rigged “2-3 main parties” system as a whole, albeit at the cost of a Starmer-Labour “elected” dictatorship for a while.

Is that a “you know who”? I am, for once, unsure.

Sounds like an idiot either way. Just the sort you would expect might be running the Civil Service these days…



Ha. Just read that profile. A typical “diversity hire” parasite.

Goodwin is, of course, correct here. Look at the “Conservative” dummy listening to him, though. Like a stunned fish.

A million, more or less, into the UK, every year. The “net” 685,000 are almost all non-Europeans. Once you factor in maybe 200,000+ (real) Brits leaving in the hope of a better life in New Zealand, Australia, Canada etc, that means that, more or less, 900,000 more non-whites are entering the UK and staying here, and breeding here, every single year.

What do you think that Britain will be like by 2034? Or 2044?

Is commonsense breaking out in the Berlin Chancellery? Or Realpolitik, which may in effect be the same, in this case.

What goes around comes around…

The US Government, and American society, were not always occupied and ruled by the Jewish/Israel lobby. It happened gradually, mainly after 1956 and Suez. Even in the 1960s, the (((occupation))) was not complete.

I should say that the level of penetration seen today happened largely just after the Ronald Reagan era. George Bush snr openly proclaimed the New World Order (NWO) in early 1990, signalling an end to the Cold War era as such, and also signalling the beginning of the 33-year (1989-2022) largely unchallenged rule of NWO/ZOG (New World Order/Zionist Occupation Government).

That period is now at an end, and we are in the next 33-year cycle (2022-2055), the last one I shall see in my present incarnation.

Leaving the history behind, it is clear that the US Government (i.e. NWO/ZOG) only accepts international law when it is convenient for the USA (actually, Israel, and the Jewish lobby, not the USA as such) to do so. The USA has been poisoned by the bandit state.

It is very strange how the Israeli Jews seem to feel a compulsion to ape, not the Third Reich as such, but their own distorted image of the Third Reich, comprising only the most negative (supposed) parts of those 12 years in greater Germany (1933-1945).

I suppose it all comes from the upbringing and education (brainwashing) most if not all of them receive when young, then continuing throughout their lives.

Bring ihn an den Zug!

I still think that the Con Party will end up with fewer than 50 seats. I originally thought between 50 and 150, but I just wonder what kind of person now thinks seriously of voting Con, as things stand. Labour may well be rubbish, and no doubt will fail dismally in government, but the bar for dismal has been set very low by the past 14 years of nonsense.

The NHS does it a different way, by employing Africans and others with very questionable qualifications and skills.

Late tweets

Jewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antony_Blinken#Early_life_and_education.

Secretive cabals and ruling circles in the West are actively promoting nuclear war with Russia as some kind of acceptable possibility. All that enormous misery, death, and upheaval, which might destroy most life on Earth, all so that an unpleasant Jew-Zionist regime, the brutal, corrupt and shambolic dictatorship in Kiev, can save itself from being justly crushed? Mad, and evil.

Minsk? The map says Gomel.

A Trump win may be the best chance to avoid a major war in or affecting Europe.


According to US intelligence, only 30 to 35% of Hamas fighters were killed.

US intelligence also reports that thousands of people have joined Hamas over the past few months.”

[information seen]

Israel is creating hate that will last generationally. “They” bury their enemies, but are also, in that way, burying acorns…

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 May 2024

Afternoon music

[Villa Borghese park, Rome]

Tweets seen

Answer: NO.

Hard, in a sense, to see what that snake-oil salesman would add to Reform UK’s limited popular appeal, especially after his recent frenzied pro-Israel soundbites, but then I am not a typical voter. Parties need leaders, either that or at least figureheads.

If Farage takes up the reins of Reform UK, and if that boosts its vote-share from last week’s 18% to 26%, and if the extra 8 points come equally out of the Con and Lab vote-share, leaving Cons on 14%, Labour on 44%, LibDems on 9% and Greens on 7%, the result might be Labour with 490 Commons seats, Reform UK with 57, LibDem 55, Con 6, and Greens 2. [calculation via Electoral Calculus https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html].

Is that possible? The uncertainty alone speaks volumes. It seems impossible… and yet…

That would put Reform UK into Parliament as second-largest party, and official Opposition. As for the Conservative Party, 6 MPs and a very very poor fourth place; for them, it would probably mean the end of the road.

If Sunak, the little Indian money-juggler, were to lose his seat, he would not even have to find a reason to relocate, with his immensely rich wife, to California. If so, good riddance.

Even were Labour to ebb to 40%, and the Cons to recover to 18% (where one opinion poll had them last week), that would still leave the Cons with a mere 35 MPs (Lab 435, LibDems 58, Greens 2, but Reform UK with 79 MPs!

A party has to get well beyond 20% to get any seats at all under the UK’s FPTP voting system, but if it can get 25%+, it may hit the jackpot.

We shall have to wait and see, but the situation looks dire for the treacherous and incompetent Con Party, and I doubt whether the latest pseudo-1940 “fight on the beaches” appeal, featuring the Indian money-juggler and the Jew Shapps (he of the 5 fake identities and the Israeli Bnai Brith membership) will do anything, except confirm that the voters will vote “ABC” (“Anywhere But Conservative”).

Talking point

I happened to be out early in the car this morning, and tuned in to the Radio 4 Today Programme for a few minutes. I caught most (I think) of an interview with a retired general, only a year older than me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Shirreff.

The general seemed to want, or want to risk, a war with Russia, and seemed totally signed-up to support for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime). He wants “the Ukrainians” (Kiev regime) to be given more and more-powerful weapons, so that they can attack Russia, and far deeper inside Russia.

That’s what you do in war, attack the enemy“, proclaimed the desk warrior (his only active “war” command a few months in the Gulf in 1991, as a major, and aged 36).

When the interviewer hesitantly wondered whether that might lead to all-out war between NATO and the Russian Federation, he seemed sanguine about that awful possibility.

The general also seemed to miss the point that, while the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev may be at war with the Russian Federation, we in the UK are not…; not yet, anyway, no thanks to people like him.

Britain has not been well-served by its chocolate soldiers of recent times, and it seems to me that their very limited-in-scope yet gung-ho pseudo-macho posturing might yet lead this country into becoming the target of Russia’s vast nuclear arsenal.

More tweets

Talking point

More tweets

My 2019 assessment of Esther McVey: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

Late tweets

When I started at the (English) Bar in 1993 (I had been Called to the Bar a couple of years before that but was living in the USA), I did some criminal cases, mostly in the magistrates’ courts in London, and also some Crown Court trials. Most of the defendants were non-white. To some extent, that reflected the rather rackety chambers I was in, but not only that; most serious criminal defendants in London were non-white, mostly West Indian. That must be even more so in 2024, over 30 years later. That, despite the fact that, in 1993/1994, the proportion of non-whites in London was probably only about 10% to 20% (it’s 46% in 2024).

As for relatively recent migrants, say those who have “arrived” in the past two decades, it is hardly surprising that they commit a huge amount of crime: most are young or youngish men, few even speak English beyond a “pidgin” level, few have any marketable skills, and few have any money (though they must have had some previously in order to have been able to buy their passage from the people-smugglers).

Russia only needed one crack in Ukraine’s defenses to increase its vulnerability – The New York Times.

Recent Russian offensives in eastern and northeastern Ukraine are beginning to ā€œdangerouslyā€ change the geometry of the front for Kyiv. The ā€œsuddenā€ breakthrough of Russian troops in Ocheretino illustrated how even a small crack in the defense line can cause a cascading effect, threatening already stretched platoons of the Ukrainian Armed Forces with encirclement from the flanks, writes The New York Times.

The publication spoke with Ukrainian soldiers and commanders on the front line. They acknowledged that they were in a more vulnerable position than at any time since the ā€œfirst harrowing weeksā€ of the conflict.

Moscow is trying to use the window of opportunity that has opened. Its army is increasing pressure in the Donbass and is seeking to open a new front by attacking Ukrainian positions along the northern border near Kharkov.

According to the publication, months of delays in American assistance, a growing number of casualties and an acute shortage of ammunition led to dire consequences for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This is evidenced by the exhausted faces and tired voices of Ukrainian soldiers.

ā€œTo be honest, Iā€™m scared,ā€ the commander of a Ukrainian tank battalion told The New York Times. ā€œBecause if I donā€™t have shells, people, equipment with which my people can fight… then this is the end.ā€

A city suffering blackouts has a strange atmosphere. When I relocated (for a year) to Almaty, Kazakhstan, in 1996, blackouts were an everyday occurrence, affecting various areas of the city in turn, even the “Presidentsky District” (the governmental and diplomatic quarter) where I lived. I have blogged in the past about this.

A typical example of the shambolic brutality of the Zelensky dictatorship.



Late music

Diary Blog, 12 May 2024

Afternoon music

[Johann Messely, The Terrace]

Tweets seen

Looks like a residential building.


Belgorod is in Russia proper, 25 miles from the border with Ukraine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgorod.

[Belgorod in 2018]
[Belgorod, western Russia]

Water under the bridge now, of course, but if only Russia had decapitated the Kiev regime at the start, in 2022, eliminated Zelensky and his immediate cabal, and taken Kiev by a mass parachute assault using the VDV and Spetsnaz forces available, followed by a push through using armour and infantry. That would have finished the regime in Kiev within days, and prevented the attritional war we have seen since, with its huge loss of life, misery for both humans and animals, and widespread devastation.

Freeman: As soon as the Ukrainians swing even more strongly on the fronts – a new government may appear in Kyiv.

FORMER AMERICAN DIPLOMAT CONVINCED THAT THE UKRAINIAN ARMY WILL NOT SURVIVE UNTIL NOVEMBER WHEN the Ukrainians are even stronger, definitely swaying on the fronts, a new government could appear in Kyiv, ready to accept the true state of affairs in the conflict with Russia, former American diplomat Ches Freeman said. And immediately additionally concluded: “Mr. Zelensky may become a victim of his own intransigence, and a new government may emerge in Kyiv that will be more willing to acknowledge the true state of affairs instead of denying it.”

Freeman noted that many in Ukraine are aware of the need for negotiations, but the head of the Kyiv regime has banned them from taking place. In his opinion, this should be abandoned. He also added that the Ukrainian armed forces probably won’t last even until November.”

The reality is that Russia should take all Ukraine east of the Dnieper, and the coastal areas of the Sea of Azov and the Black Sea. A viable independent Ukraine can then come into being in the rest of the country, and centred on Lvov. Kiev and its immediate hinterland can become some kind of autonomous city, rather as Danzig (now Gdansk) was in the period 1920-1939.


Jewish terrorists.

Tell us something we don’t know…

As a matter of fact, even 1997 was not 1997 (as normally and wrongly thought to be, i.e. a popular landslide): in 1997, Blair Labour, thanks to FPTP voting, ended up with about 65% of Commons seats, but its popular vote was only 43.2% (Conservatives 30.7%; LibDems 16.8%; others 9.4%). Far more people, even of those who voted, did not want Labour as compared to those that did.

It is truer to say that, while those that did vote Labour in 1997 were enthusiastic about it, those who now tell pollsters that they intend to vote Starmer-Labour at GE 2024 (about the same percentage, circa 42%-48%) are almost all not enthusiastic about it, but just want rid of the present “Conservative” misgovernment, as do almost all other intending voters (present polling gives Sunak’s party a mere 18%).

I myself was not living the UK in 1997 (I was in Kazakhstan, only returning to the UK in late September 1997, though I had been back in the UK for about 2 weeks during February-March 1997), and so missed the UK election campaign and the election itself.

The unsustainable migration invasion will break British society apart within a few years; not suddenly, not overnight, but steadily and unstoppably, until a complete breakdown occurs. After that, anything is possible.

“Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst” 

Are full of passionate intensity.

[Yeats] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W._B._Yeats.

Russia chose the most inopportune moment for Kyiv for its offensive in the Kharkov region Russia, by opening another front in the Kharkov region, is creating additional pressure on the forces of Kyiv, which are currently already suffering from a shortage of weapons and people, Sky News reports.

Moscow decided to act, choosing the most inopportune moment for Kyiv for its offensive. Russian troops are already gradually advancing in the Donbass, approaching the city of Chasov Yar. If this Ukrainian stronghold falls, it will give Russian troops the opportunity to more easily strike the rest of the Donbass, putting key cities such as Kramatorsk at risk.

By intensifying attacks in the Kharkov direction, Russia can force the Ukrainian command to transfer reserves from the east to the northeast, thereby weakening its defensive line in the Donbass, which is already under enormous strain.

The situation is further aggravated by delays in the supply of additional weapons and ammunition from Western allies.

The Kiev regime has no “Western allies“, just aid-givers, bribe-givers, bribe-takers, and warmongers.

If Kharkov itself can be taken this year, the war will be close to ending. The whole of Ukraine east of the Dnieper will, in that contingency, be taken by Russian forces pushing from north, east, and south.

Kharkov is Ukraine’s second city, with a (pre-war) population of 1.5M: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kharkiv. How many remain now is uncertain; perhaps 1M.

This is the year when Russia must take Kharkov, advance across the eastern part of Ukraine generally, and destroy not only the electricity infrastructure of the part of Ukraine west of the Dnieper (particularly Kiev itself), but also major rail and road links and bridges linking the east and west parts of the country.

Even by the standards of American Israeli-owned politicians, that cretin pretty much takes the biscuit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lindsey_Graham.

ā€œRussian attacks open a new front in Ukraineā€:

Austria is confident that Ukraine will lose most of its army if it decides to hold the region instead of surrendering the Kharkov region.

ā€œRetired Austrian Colonel Mick Ryan believes the coming weeks will be very grim for Ukrainian ground forces in the east. Attempts to hold the area will result in the loss of most of the army. The result could be a serious test and ā€œone of the most difficult moments for Ukraine in the war.

The offensive of the Russian army in the Kharkov direction has become the largest. This could undermine the morale of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. However, Ukraine must be careful in its response given its depleted military. Deliveries of the long-delayed American aid package are just beginning to reach the front lines.”

Late music

