Tag Archives: Ghislaine Maxwell

Diary Blog, 30 April 2024

Afternoon music

[David D, Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo. Pearce is a former U.S. Foreign Service officer who was stationed, inter alia, in Cairo: https://www.daviddpearce.com/about; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_D._Pearce]

Tweets seen

True in part, but incomplete. Slavery existed well before the 7thC in the Middle East: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery#Middle_East.

Incidentally, slave caravans would pass through the oasis of Siwa in Western Egypt, having travelled from Central Africa en route to the Mediterranean coast or the Nile Delta, as recently as the 1940s.

I myself spent a month in Siwa in 1998 (out of 3 months in Egypt that year). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwa_Oasis.

[I may have bought fruit there from time to time; a bit different to Waitrose…]

Yes. One frequently sees Jews on Twitter etc [pretending to be] upset that “their family” died, or were displaced, or inconvenienced, during the early 1940s; people that those descended from them and alive today never knew, of course.

British or German people just do not weaponize (or, indeed, monetize via books, films, “reparations”, and “restitution”) their family histories in that way.

My own maternal grandfather [b.1901] was at Dunkirk in 1940, and later in Burma. My maternal grandmother [b.1900] lost two brothers in the First World War (both, I believe, captains of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry).

British (and German) people accept such events as historical, and do not constantly try to use them as tags on which to hang contemporary socio-political issues.

The question is, “replaced by what“?

I wonder whether he was the one who (ultimately) ran agents Epstein and [Ghislaine] “Maxwell” when they were still in play? See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

More music

These people should be on our side!

More tweets

Britain 2024

Strange minor incident. Taking a nap this afternoon, after having had a very early start today, I was awoken by a knock at the door of our tiny flat (the days of country houses and Caribbean villas being now long gone). I heard my wife agreeing to donate to the county’s air ambulance charity.

I was rather suspicious about the man at the door wanting bank details “to set up a direct debit“, so intervened and told the fellow that we would give another way. He left with superficial politeness; I could see that he was unhappy at being challenged (though I am not particularly aggressive).

I was concerned, so thought to call the police on their 101 non-emergency service. It then took something like 20 minutes to get beyond the recorded messages and just to get to talk to a human being (a pleasant-sounding lady) from the police and give her the details.

I also tried, twice, to telephone the air ambulance charity people themselves but, after an initial recorded message, was informed “your call cannot be transferred” and an unobtainable signal.

I looked up what the CEO of that charity gets paid: about £119,000 a year.

That small incident was typical of the way in which everything in this country is so screwed and just does not work. For a start, the air ambulance should be an official service, not a ragbag of private charities across the UK.

Secondly, it should be illegal for fundraisers to go around knocking on doors like itinerant gypsies. The public need to be protected.

Thirdly, how is it that the CEO of such a small charity (30 employees) gets a fairly generous salary? Yet their only public telephone number is non-operational. It’s poor.

There are too many boondoggles around, to use the American phrase. The “Major Tom” nonsense, with the quasi-fraudulent daughter and son-in-law, has surely brought that to public attention.

Fourthly, the police are almost absent when you need them. At the same time, the county police have apparently spent many many hours snooping upon and “monitoring” this blog, as they do the social media posts of others. The police need to get back to doing actual, real police work.

As a matter of fact, the Police and Crime Commissioner for the county will be elected this week. At present, it is some useless and enormous woman, a Conservative Party member.

Britain 2024— terminally sick.

Late tweets

Shut up and get on the train…

Bravo! End the war.

If the Kiev regime imagines that a new army of forced and unwilling recruits will save the day, it is very much mistaken.

When the weather is warmer, and the Stavka gives the order, it is likely that the Russian armies in the east will start to roll, covered by massive artillery barrages and air cover. Any new forces recruited by the Kiev regime will simply be rolled over.

Late music

[Katyusha rockets, aka “Stalin’s organ pipes” on the Eastern Front, WW2]


My crowdfunder remains open: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Final word

[Adolf Hitler, 20 April 1889-30 April 1945]

Diary Blog, 2 January 2024

Afternoon music

[John Lavery, The Chess Game]

Tweets seen

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

What I know about alpacas would probably fill only a very small postcard. I was surprised to read that they can eat fir or pine trees and the like. According to Wikipedia, their usual diet is different: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpaca#Diet.

You still see tweets etc demanding that “the authorities” or “the Government” should “do something”. Such tweets (etc) miss the point. The “authorities”, “Government”, “Opposition”, mainstream media drones and scribblers, and the craven legal and judicial system, are those, or some of those, responsible, pushing mass immigration, pushing the lie that it is a good thing, and pushing the multikulti society which is in the process of destroying what is left of our own society.

Lost wars are never popular and, while the Israeli war machine is slowly grinding the life out of Gaza, there is no easy victory for the (Israeli) Jews in that theatre, and casualties are mounting (though a small fraction of those suffered by both Gazan combatants and non-combatants).

Meanwhile, it seems to me that the strategic position of Israel has never been so precarious, even in the 1950s. Hezbollah threatens the northern border, Iran is developing longer-range missiles, and the Israeli economy is battered by the Gaza conflict, the evacuation of the northern border areas, by the situation in the Red Sea, and by a worldwide consumer boycott. Also, Israeli society itself seems fragmented, disunited.

To my mind, and for the first time in my lifetime [b. 1956] one can see a possibility, even a probability, that the State of Israel may not survive for very long into the future. Ironically, the nuclear and other advanced weapons of Israel may prove to be irrelevant, in that what seems most likely is a mass “invasion” or insurrection by lightly-armed militants (as in the recent Hamas incursions into southern Israel). Israel cannot use its most powerful weapons on its own territory.

A word about junior doctors striking

I have little time for the selfish yet virtue-signalling junior doctors. Many of them are useless anyway, and now we see that, when push comes to shove, they are willing to abandon their patients in order to demand better pay.

Yes, there remains a “skeleton service”, but that is a conscience-salve equivalent to the blank round given secretly to a randomly-selected member of a firing squad.

What about that pay? In the first year of work, they get a basic salary around £33,000, but that can greatly increase for overtime work of various kinds. Many are making over £45,000.

Admittedly, £33,000 is no fortune, but that is, after all, for persons recently-qualified. There are huge numbers of people in the UK making less, even after 20 or 30 years of work, and that is even disregarding the unemployed, sick, disabled, pensioners etc.

A second year doctor in a hospital gets £37,000+ (up to about £50,000).

Salaried GPs get between £70,000 and £105,000. Partner-GPs get far more.

Hospital doctors get increments annually; a complicated series of payments for various training programmes and placements raises the salary of many far beyond the minima.

NHS consultants start (in their first year of consultancy) on basic pay of just under £100,000, and make far more with seniority etc.

I say nothing about whether doctors (at any level) “should” get more pay, simply that it is disgusting that the junior ones seem willing to abandon sick and helpless people, often very vulnerable people, often people in pain (and in need of strong painkillers which can only be prescribed by doctors, meaning the “men —and women— in white coats”).

If junior doctors and, beyond that, what is so often —and cringingly— called “our NHS” callously abandon the British people, it may be that the British people will eventually abandon the doctors and demand a health service that works for its patients and not mainly for the benefit of those that work in it.

More tweets

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

The Jews cannot resist clowning, even while they are destroying the homes, health, and lives of two million people.

Not only in Israel/Palestine. In Ukraine, Zelensky was a cheap comedian before (?) he became President; and then look at (part-Jew) “Boris” Johnson.

“The land of freedom”…

No comment…

Actually, I do have one observation to make, which is that, obviously, in this conflict, truth has been the first casualty, but that, after truth, the next casualty has been the supposedly “elite” reputation of the Israeli Army.

I see that opinion polls are now indicating that Trump is gaining ground among the “young”, Hispanic, and black voters. That could be a gamechanger, if Trump can survive to be voted in and his second term inaugurated.

Double and triple the guard...”, perhaps.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Spy Game]

Diary Blog, 1 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Rumours]

Tweets seen

Strategically, Russia cannot lose and will not lose.

I remember visiting the UN Centre in Vienna sometime in the mid-1980s; cannot recall exact year now. I knew someone who was doing some temporary work there. I spent a couple of hours in the Centre. Various impressions, but my overall impression (of what — admittedly little— I saw) was that the place was a huge waste of space (and money). What is it for?

There is a daily tour for visitors but I did not experience it (because I was not a “tourist” visitor officially, though really I was).

[UN Centre, Vienna]

“They” have control of the strategic or key areas of public life in the USA— the politicians, the mass media (especially TV), the film industry, the legal milieu (in the states that matter most: California, New York etc), publishing.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Ha ha. Rather vulgar, but it made me laugh!

I believe I read somewhere, years ago, that Israelis are often cruel to donkeys, which are such gentle animals, so ready to be friendly with humans. It is true that donkeys are over-worked and abused in other countries too, including Arab countries, Pakistan etc.

The Jew settlers in Israel/Palestine (often from the USA) are horrible, though, fully displaying the malice for which “they” have always been well-known.

I would have said “unbelievable”, but in the pathetic, washed-up UK of 2023 and 2024, all too believable, unfortunately.

Hard to believe, but there it is: “normal” life, or a semblance of it, despite the fact that that area, 2-3 miles north of Gaza City, has been attacked heavily from the air for two months, and despite the fact that heavy ground fighting has occurred recently at Beit Hanoun, only a mile or so away.

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 December 2023

Morning music

Tweets seen

I have to admit that I have always found the idea of secret tunnels quite compelling. The KGB had a specific directorate specializing in tunnelling, though one finds little printed about it.

In the case of the Gaza tunnels, we are told that they extend for more miles overall than the London Underground, which has 250 miles of track, much of which, however, is overground. About 110 miles of the London Underground is actually below ground-level.

On that basis, only a small part, maybe 5-10 miles, or <10%, of the Gaza tunnels have been explored or destroyed by the invading Israeli forces so far. Information is obviously being restricted at present.

It makes me wonder whether similar tunnels do not also penetrate Israeli state territory from Lebanon or elsewhere, tunnels perhaps so far underground that they are undetectable.

Most of them are pretty useless.

Something that I, a one-time resident of the tri-state area (and qualified New York attorney and counsellor-at-law) never imagined I should see.

…and about 20,000 Gazan civilians, about half of whom were under 18, and a quarter of whom were babies, or small or young children.

12 metres, so nearly 40 feet wide. These are, in the context, war crimes.

Let them laugh. “They” will not be laughing in a few years’ time, and not only in Israel/Palestine…

Events are constantly putting Russia in a better position strategically.

When I was several months in Egypt in 1998, I used to really enjoy the flat bread fresh from local bakeries, usually bought from a hole in the wall about a foot or so wide. Still very warm, and with a unique taste not experienced anywhere else in the world. The (Egyptian) Arabic word for it is aysh, implying its importance to life.

From the newspapers


Labour MP Dawn Butler has vowed to report online message board Mumsnet to the Metropolitan Police after users on the site and other social media slammed her reaction to the Brianna Ghey murder trial verdict.

[Daily Mail]

This is where we are now in the UK. Anything online that some idiot like Dawn Butler dislikes is now “reported”, either to the police or other bodies. If a prosecution under Communications Act 2003, s.127, occurs —and despite the Law Commission having recommended repeal of that as “bad law”— anything highly critical or satirical is now deemed “offensive”, and in practice as “grossly offensive” (and so unlawful).

It is a Kafka-esque farce which I saw at first-hand as defendant in such a case only last month.

The law in this area gives carte blanche to, especially, the usual malicious and politically-motivated Jew-Zionist whiners, such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, with the police and CPS as dupes.

Still, we must always remember that “the stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].

Dawn Butler’s actions give indication of what the likely “elected dictatorship” under Starmer may look like. Repressive.

Still, the only way at present to destabilize the mainly binary Lab/Con system is to knock out one or other main party. That will be the misnamed Conservative Party, which may be largely wiped out next year at the 2024 General Election, but the price for getting rid of the Conservative MPs will be a near-dictatorship under Starmer-Labour.


The developing “social dictatorship” trialled (in various respects) during the contrived panicdemic/scamdemic of 2020-2022.

If the authorities really wanted to address persistent (real) crime, they might start by banning anyone not on bona fide holiday, or bona fide recreational travel, from using a caravan or motorhome on the roads etc. You know what I mean…


Britain’s rapidly shrinking military has prompted defence chiefs to shift hundreds of troops from the front line and into recruitment offices.

More than 400 soldiers from across the British Army have been ordered by top brass to join the effort to try and get more people to enlist.

It comes as figures from the Labour party revealed the Army has shrunk by more than 3,000 troops in the past 12 months, with 9,438 personnel leaving while only 6,308 joined.

Britain’s part-time reservist force is also shrinking despite recent efforts to grow it. Between October last year and September 2023, 5,580 reservists left and only 3,780 joined. 

The latest recruitment statistics from the Ministry of Defence reveal the total Army strength plummeted from 79,139 to 75,983 during the same period, as recruiters failed to hire fresh new personnel to plug the gaps, leaving key roles unfilled.

[Daily Mail]

So the first move in getting more troops on the front-line is to…take 400 soldiers out of the spearhead forces and sit them in offices?

Lions led by donkeys“, as someone once said.

Why do we actually bother with an Army and Navy now? They seem incapable of stopping the only invasion happening, or likely to happen these days— the migration-invasion.

Occasionally, some political cretin such as Gavin Williamson [https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/], or Ben Wallace, will “threaten” China or Russia but, as someone else once said, “a general without troops is naked indeed“.

Empty bluster from political nonentities just makes Britain look even weaker than it is, and that is pretty weak.

More tweets

Ha ha! I liked that. It made me laugh. It may even be true.

I think —not quite sure— that that was somewhere in Mid-Bedfordshire constituency during the 2023 by-election.

[Note: the post mentioned, about a young man talking to a by-election crowd about the migration-invasion, has been deleted for some reason].

I looked at lost Doggerland in a blog post of 2020: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/05/19/lost-doggerland-some-historical-changes-and-some-large-scale-projects/.

It may be my least-read blog post, out of over 1,600, but I think that it is certainly worth reading.

Ukrainian “refugees”, among others, are doing that. Most of Ukraine is not really a war zone, only about 10% of it; the far south-east parts, mostly.

See also:

Late music

[Estonian side of the Estonia-Russia border, winter 2023]

Diary Blog, 25 November 2023

Morning music

[painting by Carl Holsoe]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scored 6/10. the same as political journalist John Rentoul (he claims six and a half). I did not know the answers to questions 4, 7, 8, and 9.

Tweets seen

From nearly two months ago.

I missed that poll. Interesting to see where the people are on the migration invasion.

As to Suella Braverman herself, though, she is, just like a more determined Priti Patel, all talk. Also, and also like Priti Patel, she is another Israel-lobby puppet. She is a flash in the pan. When the Conservative Party goes down at the 2024 General Election, she will either become a backbencher again or, possibly, Conservative Party leader but of a Conservative Party with 50-100 seats, and in possibly permanent opposition.

The fakery of Starmer-Labour, but as it stands Labour is pushing at an open door; it would take a miracle to save the Government of Indian money-juggler Sunak.

Gavin Barwell is an idiot. “Net migration” is certainly notessential for our economy“. In any case, any benefits of economic growth are, at present, going to, at most, 5% of the population; arguably to <1%.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

I am more interested in the “occupation” of the West…

Sometimes, I wonder when the oppression imposed on so many people will result in some kind of explosion, or retaliation.

…except that “Far Right” is a meaningless label, along with “left wing”, “right wing”, “centrist” etc.

NEW. “Some people suggest there should be a temporary 5 year pause on all further immigration into the UK so the country can better absorb the migration of the last few decades. Would you support or oppose such a pause on all further immigration? All British voters

Support 53% Oppose 22% Don’t know 25%

People Polling/Migration Watch November 23 2023.

I, obviously, support that, but such a pause would not deal with the existing mixing of populations within the UK.

For me, the aim is to create a foundation for a higher-level race-form in the far future. The only basis that can exist for that is an entirely or almost entirely European population, as existed in the UK until quite recently (say 1970s).

Turning off the tap is a start (if it ever happens), but is not enough.

Late music

Exclusive: Wokeness at the heart of “anti-woke” Kemi Badenoch’s dept:

Civil servants held a diversity meeting discussing the book Why I don’t talk to white people about race, and were encouraged to keep the discussions private. The Department for Business and Trade’s Race, Ethnicity and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network, a group representing minority staff, held the discussion on 16 November which was advertised as revolving around “topics relating to race, what it means to be anti-racist, and how to be an impactful ally”. An email from REACH to DBT staff said the “discussion groups are a safe space to discuss what allyship of ethnic minorities really means” and “will be based around Reni Eddo-Lodge’s book Why I No longer Talk to White People about Race”.

@GoodwinMJ, told The Telegraph: “For all of Kemi Badenoch’s rhetoric attacking Critical Race Theory, it is now clear that this divisive ideology has captured her own department.

Whilst civil servants should not waste their work time discussing these radical narratives around race, it is up to ministers to put an end to this. The Conservative Party has had thirteen years to clamp down on officials who promote concepts like CRT, yet nothing ever seems to change. Instead of talking the talk, as Kemi and other Conservative MPs sometimes like to do on these issues, it is time for ministers to walk the walk.”

In October 2020 Ms Badenoch gave a speech in the House of Commons in which she described Critical Race Theory as a “dangerous trend in race relations… an ideology that sees my blackness as victimhood and their whiteness as oppression.”

The REACH meeting on 16 November took place between noon and 1pm, and was the first of six sessions set to be held by the group over the next six months. During the online meeting one official claimed that “four or five people in the last year” left DBT “out of pure frustration with the fact that they weren’t advancing and they weren’t growing to the same extent as their white counterparts”.

Another civil servant responded to the comment, saying: “I think it’s met with that defensiveness as well. It’s like the first reaction is to defend the position and state why but there isn’t a defence.”

During the discussion, which focused on racism and diversity, one official said: “I’m a trade advisor… and so often what I have done is connect what I believe in terms of the network with what my day job is… I work a lot to support ethnic minority businesses because I’m a trade advisor and so indirectly, so what I’m urging most people to think about is how can you connect your day job to being an ally and what does that look like?”

At the end of the discussion several civil servants made comments about preventing leaks from the meeting. One mandarin said: “Can I also just stress the importance of keeping the conversations that we’ve had here today to respect the anonymity… because the only way that we can foster these conversations in a safe space [sic] if we protect that.”

They continued: “And the reason why that I’m saying this is to be honest, that there has been articles that’s been posted online and in UK newspapers about what we do in a network, not just our network, but also other networks have been targeted. So it is really important to think about that. I’m not saying you cannot share what we’ve discussed in theory, but just don’t attribute it to a particular person so that we can continue to have these conversations.”

The comment was followed up by another official who said: “Just to add to what [civil servant] said, it’s the reason why we don’t record calls”.”

The “culture war” will probably, eventually, become a real civil war. Not today, and not tomorrow, but somewhere down the line. One triggering factor will be the ever-encroaching tide against free speech and freedom of expression. After all, when ideas are prevented from being expressed, the river takes another course.

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

[the Jews Weinstein and Epstein, with half-Jew Ghislaine Maxwell; she and Weinstein are now serving long prison sentences in the USA, while Epstein was killed while in U.S. Federal custody, and has now “gone up the chimney”]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell.

Soylent Green?

…and about a million so-called “legal” ones as well…

“According to unnamed sources from the Bundeswehr, there are serious problems with the training of Ukrainian soldiers in this country.These problems are mainly related to the poor selection of personnel sent for training. Namely, in the ranks of Ukrainian soldiers who came for training at the German training grounds, you can often see people in their later years of life, practically pensioners. It is not uncommon for German instructors to come into contact with people who have entered their 8th decade of life.”

As blogged previously, the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder. The young mostly want to avoid service, either by emigration (illegal now after age 18), or by other means. The foreign chancers and adventurers and (ex-mobile laundry unit) Brit or American “soldiers” and/or “Soldier of Fortune” types who flocked to Ukraine last year are thin on the ground now that it becomes clear that the front-line is a near death-sentence, especially in the Donetsk, Lugansk, and Kharkov sectors of the front.

The Kiev regime high command has lost about 450,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or captured in the past 18 months, of which about 40,000 may have been lost during the recent/present failed counter-offensive.

Meanwhile, the Kiev regime is having to use press-gangs to “recruit” new soldiers, hauling people off the streets and into military custody.

Yes. Quite. A black woman in Bristol was or is facing charges based on an allegedly fraudulent crowdfunder (crowdfunded for ostensibly “lawsuit” purposes).

Do not know whether that matter is still active or not, but “Jack Monroe’s” anti-Lee Anderson/Martin Daubney crowdfunder was (as far as I could see) almost identical. She crowdfunded, quite obviously took the monies for her own use, then (having failed even to attempt suing the two in question) brazenly claimed to have given all those crowdfunded monies to unnamed foodbanks.

To my mind, it is a 50-50 chance that any Twitter/”X” poster still (apparently) naively supporting “grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” is actually…”Jack Monroe” herself, i.e. a so-called “sock account”.

Yes, “austerity” etc, but also the several decades of mass immigration and now the cross-Channel migration invasion as well. Don’t be stupid enough to imagine that you can import, mostly over about 30 years, 10-15 million persons into the UK (“legal”, “illegal”, and those born to the first two categories) and maintain the civilized society and services which used to exist. Especially when most of the “imports” are —at best— useless people.

From the newspapers

After the Sarah Moulds case, and other recent cases, something even worse:


Two women jailed for torturing and killing pet parrot in Carlisle.

Tracy Dixon and Nicola Bradley put oven cleaner and paint on friend’s bird and threw it in tumble dryer.

Two women who tortured and killed a friend’s pet parrot during a lengthy drinking session have been jailed by a judge who described their cruelty as “beyond comprehension”.

A court heard that Tracy Dixon, 47, and Nicola Bradley, 35, sprayed Sparky the female African grey parrot with Mr Muscle oven cleaner, daubed it with gloss paint and tried to feed it to a dog. They later threw it in a tumble dryer that was turned on.

Both women blamed the other. Judge Archer, sitting at Carlisle crown court on Tuesday, jailed them for 25 months each and said Dixon and Bradley had “together, sadistically tortured and essentially killed Sparky. It is frankly beyond comprehension how anyone could treat an animal in this way.”

[The Guardian]

Thoughts: first thought is that is good that the courts are, as it seems, finally using fairly new legislation to punish such wicked behaviour.

Second thought: the two women really deserve [reluctantly REDACTED], in my opinion (but the year in prison actually to be served— out of their 2.5-year sentences— will have to do).

Third thought: I am glad that the headline was not “abusers escape jail” or some such (complete with photo of smirking defendants and family/friends outside the court).

Final thought: while, thankfully, a case of such egregious cruelty is relatively rare, drunken sluts of that sort seem to exist in huge numbers in this country, and cruelty to animals is not the only way in which their very existence poisons society.

I may be wrong, but somehow such horrible useless people seem to me to be a phenomenon more often found in the north of England rather than in the south but, as said, I may be mistaken in that.

I should have liked to have seen more detail about the defendants and their background, lifestyle etc, for sociological reasons.

Tracy Dixon and Nicola Bradley, both of Carlisle, Cumbria.

In vino veritas

More detail: https://cumbriacrack.com/2023/08/29/carlisle-women-jailed-for-torturing-and-killing-parrot/

Late tweets seen

That’s only a few miles from Russia’s northwestern border. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pskov

De-industrialization, lower living standards, destruction of the countryside, and the flooding of European cities and town by hordes of non-whites. At some level, this is all being planned and implemented deliberately. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 July 2023, including thoughts about Starmer-Labour’s fragile “upsurge”

Morning music

[Alan Malee, Weekend in the Country]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Ah…a terrible result for me too this week, one of the worst in the past several years of doing this Saturday quiz. I was even beaten by political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 4/10 points; this week I could manage only a mere 3/10. I only knew the answers to questions 3, 6, and 10. Had I thought longer, I should have got numbers 5 and 8 as well, but there it is.

Incidentally, question 6 may have been wrongly-put anyway (though I still got the answer); some people think that the phrase in question only originated in or about 1964, not 1956. I certainly thought so until today.

From the newspapers


Britain 2023…


The Bidens make Donald Trump look like Mr. Clean…




Crazed butch lesbian attacks woman, and causes lifelong injury and pain to victim. Gets minor fine and a suspended sentence of 34 weeks. Britain in 2023.

Notice how the Daily Mail headline falsely claims that the criminal has been “jailed for 34 weeks“. No. She has not been imprisoned at all.


Well, it certainly makes one question anew the whole Biblical narrative.

The Future of Work and Pay

I notice that one of my blog posts (one of the least-read over the years, in fact), published in 2017, has had a couple of hits. Rereading it, I think that it has stood up quite well: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/09/14/the-future-of-work-and-pay/.

Tweets seen

The Kiev regime no longer has adventurers and chancers, and would-be mercenaries, lining up to volunteer, not now that a posting to the front line means a death sentence, so the regime has widened the scope of conscription, and has press-gangs operating, pulling potential cannon-fodder off the streets.

Georgia should stick to walnuts and wine, and leave war to those capable of engaging in it seriously.

For once I agree with that (usually idiotic) tweeter, “@jdpoc”.

In the old saying, “even a stopped clock is right once [or twice] per day“.

Piers Morgan talking about “where the line is” on satire, i.e. as to when should it not exist, when might it even be deemed unlawful. Of course, Morgan is just another msm moneygrubber and careerist who knows that, to continue his lucrative nonsense, he has to keep in with the Jew-Zionist cabals which, to a large extent, control and/or influence the TV industry and the msm in general.

TV shows have, for well over 60 years, “offended” the British people. No redress…

…and guess what group, more than any other, has “offended” the British people, slandered them, trashed their beliefs, culture, and way of life? That’s right…

Morgan even has the gall to claim that he supports freedom of expression, presumably excepting from that any situation where a Jew, or a group of Jews, however small in number, claims “offence” (and the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism” is really very small, just a handful of Jew-Zionists tweeting and causing trouble, making false and malicious complaints to police, Twitter, MPs, cafes or local authorities showing anti-Zionist films or hosting anti-Zionist comedians etc; but wealthy Jews stumped up £600,000+ last year so that the “CAA” could continue with what many call “lawfare” against freedom of expression).

The Church of England stopped being a spiritual organization many many years ago. The pro-Israel, pro-Jew-Zionist C. of E. under Welby is merely the gravestone on top.

Starmer-Labour’s troops are deserting

The Labour Party, under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, is on track, arguably, to form a government in 2024 (though the fat lady has not yet sung), but that fake “popularity” is wholly by default, because we the people have, at present, a Conservative Party regime so corrupt, shambolic, and useless that even fairly hard-core former Conservative Party voters are either voting elsewhere or, in far greater numbers, abstaining in by-elections.

The “Labour surge” in the opinion polls is purely that— contempt for the Conservative Party government’s uselessness, which has been the case since the 2010 election that brought the part-Jews, David Cameron-Levita and George Osborne to power.

That shambolic inability to govern properly continued under (also part-Jewish) Theresa May and then (this becomes ridiculous) part-Jew Boris Johnson and his cronies. Then, of course, we endured a few weeks of utter nonsense under ignorant little careerist “ho” Liz Truss and her “African at Eton” Chancellor, Kwasi (aka Woollyhead Trussbanger). Liz Truss was then sacked (by any other word) and replaced by Indian money-juggler Rishi Sunak, arguably the least convincing of the lot (apart from, obviously, Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger).

In the above-noted circumstances, and after 13+ years (except during the “Covid” “panicdemic” of 2020-22) of “austerity” policies, which were actually counter-productive, it is scarcely surprising that people are more than unenthusiastic (contemptuous, despairing) about the Conservative Party.

There again, Starmer-Labour is now not even promising much of a change from the policies (if they can be so dignified) of the present Conservative Party omnishambles. In fact, the difference is mostly meaningless hot air from Starmer and, mainly, Rachel Reeves.

Labour Party rank-and-file members (who numbered, under Corbyn, about 600,000, but who now number about 385,000 and that number falling fast), may well think “what is the point in tramping round streets canvassing etc, just so that a ‘Con-lite’, Jewish-lobby, Starmer government can be installed and then carry out policies almost identical to those of Sunak?”

See, for example, https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/most-labour-voters-motivated-by-hostility-towards-government-26h8tk3xw: most present Labour voters “hostile” to the Sunak misgovernment but “unconvinced” by Starmer and his crowd. Exactly so.

This is the moment when, if we had a truly open “democracy”, a social-national party might sweep the board. However, here again we come up against the well-entrenched Jew-Zionist lobby, which makes sure (so far) that anything even mildly “national”, let alone social-national, is demonized, using all the msm puppets and controlled outlets, and ranging from news to (unfunny) comedy. One example would be Baddiel, perhaps, arguably, describable as “the unthinking man’s Jonathan Miller“.

Reverting to the semi-rigged battle between equally-misnamed “Labour” and “Conservative”, it seems to me that, in the expected 2024 General Election, the most important factor will not be ideological division, nor any enthusiasm for either System party, but how many voters will abstain, and where, and why.

The steady and fairly considerable outflow of Labour Party members will not be decisive at its present rate, not before 2025. About 5,000 per month. In 17 months (i.e. until the last possible date of the next general election), that might be 90,000, out of 385,000 members at present.

It may be that, in a general election, voter abstentions on the Con side will be fewer than at the recent by-elections, and that there may be many more than expected on the Lab side. Also, that Starmer and Rachel Reeves and Yvette Cooper will be quite literally hated so much that many may either abstain, or vote non-Labour, simply to prevent their having power.

More tweets seen

I do not describe myself as a “conspiracy theorist”, but it is certainly true that, in the years since I have been running this blog, most of my predictions or those with which I have agreed, have indeed come to pass.

That one sounds like an enemy of the British people. The System gave him an OBE. What does that say? That the System itself is also the enemy of the British people.

…and the husband (now, I think, ex-husband) of the half-Jewess Ghislaine Maxwell was also a member of the Trilateral Commission.

The plot thickens

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

More tweets

Late tweets seen

Another pro-Jewish-lobby drone, apart from anything else…

Not “insane” exactly, but signed up to a transnational conspiracy which has taken on certain shibboleths: the “trans” nonsense, the whole “Covid” “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, the “holocaust” farrago and other Jewish-lobby propaganda, “standing with” “Ukraine” (Kiev regime), “Black Lives Matter”, “refugees welcome”, and so on.

Incidentally, interesting that “I stand with Ukraine” is a construction only ever seen otherwise in “I stand with Israel“…

My view is that there is nothing wrong anyway with being “racist” or “antisemitic” in a defensive way. There is certainly nothing unlawful about either, as such, in England, as judges have repeatedly confirmed.

See above thoughts, earlier on today’s blog post…

If you vote Labour now and/or in 2024 (not in 1926, not in 1945, not in 1966, not in 1979, not even in 1997, but now, or next year), you are voting for people such as Lisa Nandy, Keir Starmer etc, who are so intellectually dishonest that they cannot distinguish a man from a woman, cannot distinguish themselves from Sunak and his pack of idiots on policy, and who, just like the “Conservatives”, are totally in the pocket of the Israel lobby.

Is that so? I hope not. The Baltic states must be allowed to govern themselves, so long as they do not threaten Russia.

Look at the big picture as it now is.

Sanctions against Russia have mostly hurt the EU, the UK, and the USA, not Russia. Western and Central Europe is facing economic and socio-political meltdown if inflation continues to rise and incomes to drop.

Russia (unlike Ukraine) is a world nuclear power, with maybe 6,000 usable nuclear weapons; it has hundreds of millions of people, and territory nearly twice the size of the USA (and over 70 times the size of the UK).

Much of the world outside the NATO alliance is at least neutral towards Russia, and many states are with Russia on Ukraine.

Russia is benefiting financially from oil and gas sales to non-sanctions countries, and they are benefiting from trade with Russia, trade much of which was formerly USA-Russia or EU-Russia.

Ukraine simply cannot “win” against Russia, however many tanks and other pieces of equipment are supplied to the regime in Kiev. It is a logical impossibility. The only possibilities, in the medium-term, say up to 2030, are Russian victory over the whole of the eastern part of Ukraine, as well as Crimea and the Black Sea coastal zone, or a stalemate, after which US/EU/UK support for the Kiev regime will eventually fall away.

The next US President will probably scale back US support for Zelensky and his regime, and will almost certainly not increase it.

Late music

Diary Blog, 28 May 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]


Remember “the men behind the wire”

Tweets seen

Amanda Solloway. Wouldn’t you know? This is her: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanda_Solloway.

In fact, a large amount of damaging material about Amanda Solloway has been removed from Wikipedia over the years, including that concerning her “dodgy” (possibly now “ex”) husband or “partner” and their business activities (his very existence is now expunged from that Wikipedia entry).

The Westminster monkeyhouse.

The whole corrupt shambles must be swept away.

As for the MPs, well…

There are real social-national political possibilities in the Republic of Ireland as it slides into becoming yet another multikulti dustbin.

A Schauspiel to bamboozle the masses. Figures on an electronic scoreboard such as the one by Times Square in New York: see https://www.usdebtclock.org/.

Meaningless, in the sense that, with a stroke of a pen, the “debt ceiling” is raised, and taken care of via a small increase in inflation, i.e. decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar.

What range can they achieve? 1,500 miles?

The former territories of Ukraine must be split— Russian or pro-Russian territories east of the Dnieper, in Crimea, and along the Black Sea littoral to Odessa and then west to Trans-Dniestria. The other territories west of the Dnieper, including —and run from— the city of Lvov, can become a rump Ukrainian state.

If I say so myself…

I happened to notice that the following blog post, from October 2022, has had a few hits today: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/10/20/diary-blog-20-october-2022/.

Among other comments made, I said in that blog post:

The System relies on complete or near-complete “control”, which was one reason there was such a massive campaign against Corbyn, spearheaded by the Jew-Zionist element.

Liz Truss, by reason of her sheer lack of ability, threatens System “stability”. She will, therefore, be removed, to put in place a (superficially) better Prime Minister-figure.

When Liz Truss became Prime Minister, I predicted the following, in such terms: that I would be “surprised” if her term lasted as long as the end of 2022, and “astonished” if she lasted as long as Spring 2023. One gold tick for this blog…

No wonder that journalists, MPs, ministers of foreign governments etc read this blog.

Well…so was I right, or not?

In fact, the resignation of Liz Truss happened later the very same day as the first two paragraphs of my above assessment. Things moved very fast; there was a degree of “groundrush”.

More tweets seen

Ha ha! So speaketh a former (?) msm drone, one Peter Bale, who tweeted last year something which showed that he had no idea that Hugh Carleton Green and Hughie Green were not one and the same!



Few under-30s or even under-40s will be voting for the Conservative Party. At the same time, many others in the <40 age group may not vote at all, given the pseudo-“centrist” but in fact extreme neo-liberal finance-capitalist direction now being taken by the Labour Party Shadow Cabinet.

Both System parties (and the LibDem false choice) are effectively the same in terms of overall real policy (not the soundbites issued for cheap point-scoring on TV etc).

The whole UK political system, including the electoral system, is a sham.

Late tweets

An old tweet, but well worth reposting.

That reminded me of the continued existence of Ghislaine “Maxwell”. Looking at Wikipedia, I saw that “In August 2022, her former lawyers sued Maxwell, alleging that she failed to pay $878,000 in legal fees.[157].”

The apple did not fall far from the (((tree))).

That idiot, Ben Wallace, is funnelling arms to Ukraine, at vast cost to the British taxpayer, at a time when the poorer type of British family cannot even heat its cramped little house, nor feed its children properly, and when nothing is working properly here.

That really is like something from films such as Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, or The Stepford Wives.

Exactly right, and that has been the case almost from the start of the conflict.

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 January 2023, including thoughts about “Lobsang Rampa”, and about Idaho

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

My view of Liz Truss, published a year ago when she was Foreign Secretary, amuses me, looking back now, months after she was —disastrously— “Prime Minister” for a few weeks.

From the newspapers


Defence Secretary Ben Wallace has reportedly been told by a senior US general that the British army is no longer considered a top-level fighting force.

Decades of cuts are said to have led to a decline in war-fighting capability, which needs to be reversed faster than planned in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Bottom line… it’s an entire service unable to protect the UK and our allies for a decade,’ one defence source said.”

[Daily Mail/Sky News]

  • The army would run out of ammunition ‘in a few days’ if needed to fight.
  • The UK couldn’t defend its skies against the level of missile strikes Ukraine is enduring.
  • It would take at least five years for the army to be ready with a war-fighting division of 25,000 to 30,000 troops, supported by tanks, artillery and helicopters.
  • Around 30% of UK forces on high readiness are reservists, unable to mobilise within NATO timelines.
  • Most army vehicles, including tanks, were built 30 to 60 years ago with replacements not due for years.”

[Daily Mail]

Defend” from what? “Defend” from whom? The historical and/or traditional enemies of the UK —France, Germany, Spain, Denmark— are now not enemies and unlikely to replay that role.

Forget “allies“, if by that is meant any states, in Eastern Europe etc, “allies” by reason only of belonging to NATO. They are not really “allies” at all.

The only System-suggested “enemy” on the horizon is Russia, anyway. The old Soviet Union was a genuine threat, to the UK, to the whole of Western Europe. The new Russia cannot even (yet) defeat the forces of Ukraine, let alone mount an attack on NATO territory, which would involve fighting the armies and airforces of the Baltic states, Poland, Germany, and France, among others, long before Russian forces got to within any close distance to the UK.

Apart from that, the whole Soviet ideology was (overall) aggressive and expansionist (they claimed not, and that they were mainly or entirely defensive). It might be more accurate to say that the Soviet political protocol was defensive, but that their military protocols were mainly geared to the swiftly offensive.

Whatever the truth of that, the fact is that the Russia of 2023 has no wish to take over Western Europe, and no Marxist-Leninist ideology to underpin any such wish. The whole idea is ludicrous.

Russia may want to take over Eastern Ukraine, possibly even the whole of Ukraine, together (maybe) with a few other bits and pieces such as the “state” of Moldova, but no more. It neither wants to go further nor is even capable of going further. Realpolitik.

Meanwhile, while NWO/ZOG political drones such as Ben Wallace fulminate against Russia, and feed arms and money to the Jew dictator Zelensky in Kiev, Britain is falling to pieces internally, in every way, and thousands of non-white migrant-invaders are landing on our beaches weekly, even daily, with no opposition from our Army, Navy, or Air Force, nor even from the completely useless “Border Force”.

Au contraire, they, and non-governmental agencies such as the RNLI, are actually ferrying the invaders to our ports.

There is another aspect: the quality of both officers and men (and now women too, who comprise 10%-15% of the UK armed forces).

Incidentally, the Daily Mail also reports that “Earlier today, it was reported Ukraine needs new weapons and faster deliveries to confront a ‘very tough’ situation of constant attacks by Russian forces in the eastern Donetsk region.

The fact is that, despite huge losses on the Russian side, the forces of the Kiev regime have suffered equally-huge losses in absolute terms, which means that they have suffered even greater losses in proportionate terms.



There is hope for us all, it seems…(though, in the end, we all go the same way…).


Well, look at that— Andrew Windsor sporting 7 or 8 medals. Not bad for having spent a mere 3 weeks, as a near-spectator at that, in the Falklands, over 40 years ago.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.


When I myself had serious problems with HMRC, a decade or so ago, which problems stemmed in part from as long ago as the early 1990s, I found the HMRC to be a stunningly-incompetent, shambolic, almost insanely-run organization, to an extent that I quite frankly found hard to believe. “Kafka-esque” would be an accurate description.

Some HMRC employees were also very unpleasant. I think that many were sacked about a year later. I had a great deal of trouble from that “organization”, but in the end they just gave up, and told me that the matter was being treated as closed. No reason was given. They just went away, to put it politely.

Strange. I have often found in life that, when I am confronted with a serious problem, am threatened, and look as if I shall be unable to defend myself, I am then saved by some force or grace that often seems to pass all understanding. Organizations are defeated or give up, evil people are restrained, or become bankrupt or, indeed, die, in fact.

Divine protection?

Tweets seen

Mirabile dictu! I find myself in agreement, for once, with radio loudmouth Julia Hartley-Brewer.

Keir Starmer. Jews’ puppet. Israel puppet. WEF puppet. International finance-capital puppet.

Madness, but an apparently co-ordinated madness.

Poland seems to have forgotten its history— states that provoke wars often end up as the battlefields.

At least some parts of Central Europe may avoid direct attack…

“Lobsang Rampa”

Happened to see the blog article below by one Kristine de Abreu, which is about the “Tibetan monk” known as “Lobsang Rampa” (actually, an English plumber from either Plympton, Devon, or Swanage in Dorset): https://explorersweb.com/lobsang-rampa/.

Amusing and interesting, though I already knew most of the basic facts, and had known them since the late 1970s.

Around 1978, I had several “Lobsang Rampa” books in paperback, and I knew at least one other person who also owned a number of copies. In fact, even the first book by “Lobsang Rampa”, out of twenty, sold hundreds of thousands of copies, and many of his works went through numerous printings.

I reproduce the concluding part of the blog article:

Lobsang Rampa tapped into man’s desire to escape the ordinary. Writer David Michie makes a fair point when addressing the topic on his blog, davidmichie.com: “I suspect he made them up, cobbling together his own version of what he’d like Tibetan Buddhism to say…There weren’t too many real lamas around to contradict him.” 

That era provided fertile ground for Rampa. The cultural scene was changing rapidly, and people were open to accepting alternative beliefs. The East was still an exotic mystery. Once his story caught the public imagination, there were few sources to contradict his claims.

third eye book cover

Front cover art for the book The Third Eye written by Lobsang Rampa. Photo: Secker & Warburg, 1956 (publisher)

Although Lobsang Rampa had fraudulent motives, his works encouraged an interest in Tibetan culture and Buddhism. They also brought much-needed attention to the Tibet Independence Movement. Even the Dalai Lama, who opposed his works and discredited his story, conceded to him this one point. Rampa became an unlikely poster boy for the Tibetan cause, and his books still have a cult following.

We today are rather accustomed to fraud and fakery, from the small-scale “Jack Monroe” and Julia Grace Patterson type of “grifting”, through the large-scale theft, fraud and background of “Robert Maxwell” and the like, and right up to the sort of fraud and fakery which is on a vast scale, such as much of the “holocaust” farrago (particularly the “gas chambers” tall tales), much of the incredible and recent “Covid” nonsense (the facemask nonsense being only part of that), and deliberate political scams such as “Iraqi missiles could hit London in 15 minutes” and “Russia wants to invade Western Europe” (and so we must, it is proclaimed, “stand with Ukraine to save democracy” etc…).

Not to mention “Black Lives Matter”, and much of the “climate change” stuff.

The cartoon below pokes fun at some recent excrescences:

Still, as the Dalai Lama has apparently pointed out in respect of Lobsang Rampa, even a book or other cultural item that is largely untrue can have at least some positive results, certainly some large-scale results either way. Look at the history of the Mormons. A basically fake religion which, however, created Salt Lake City and various other things of value, such as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.

Come to that, what about the Turin Shroud? The Roman Catholic Church does not endorse it as “true” (as the shroud used to cover the body of Jesus Christ), but endorses it only as “an aid to faith”.

In fact, much of what most people think of as “History” (with a capital “H”) is not 100% or (in some cases) even 50% accurate. Examples include the two revolutions in the Russia of 1917, the story of British Empire (in the past thought of as almost-immaculate, but now often —and even less accurately— judged by many silly people to be a long-term disgrace). Then there is the story of National Socialism, Hitler, and the Second World War, but we cannot even start to consider that here.

Life is a great deal more complicated than many prefer to believe.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobsang_Rampa.


Happened to see this: https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/far-right-idaho_n_628277e2e4b0c84db7282bd6.

Interesting. The blog post is from May 2022. I have no idea whether there has been more progress since then.

The so-called “far right” activists of Idaho have, by chance or wit, implemented the primary dictum of Clausewitz, “to create first a secure base“. That is in essence what I have been suggesting should happen in the UK, possibly in the South West of England, leaving aside some ideological and/or cultural divergences or differences.

I have posted the (very critical, and very onesided) Huff Post piece in order to stimulate thought and ideas.

More tweets

Ha ha! Can you believe that Catharine Feore is (or says she is) a working journalist?!

People in glass houses…

There is no “problem” with homeschooling, especially when you see the BS being “taught” in many if not all UK schools (and, I apprehend, American ones too). Oh…and in the UK, homeschooling is perfectly lawful: see https://www.gov.uk/home-education.

Late tweets

Late music

[Zeppelin over Palace of Westminster, probably 1916]

Diary Blog, 14 August 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

An extract from the blog of exactly a year ago:

The System needs at least two “major parties” (even if their combined membership is only about 600,000, i.e. 1% of the UK population) because it preserves the facade of a binary choice, the facade of supposed “democracy” etc. So fake Labour has to exist, just as fake Conservative Party has to exist, in order to fool the mass of the people into thinking that they have a real choice. They do not have any such choice.


Labour, like the “Conservatives”, has to exist and pretend to put forward a bunch of policies, when really both parties have been stripped of real policy, real difference, and even real politicians (look at the pathetic deadheads now crowding the Commons and Lords alike). You want to see what “ZOG” looks like? Just look at “British” political parties and MPs today.

Nothing has changed.

“Covid” “vaccine” uselessness


Cashing-in pensions


Leaving aside the immediate issue reported on (fuel inflation), it should not be possible to “cash in” a private pension below X-age. If I am not mistaken, the right to cash-in was brought in, or made much easier, when the part-Jew, George Osborne, was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

A private pension is to help someone of pensionable age, clearly. It is not just a long-term investment of some kind. It is against public policy in the broad sense to allow pensions to be simply cashed-in.

In fact, it is contra public policy in practical terms as well, quite apart from the ethical aspect, or impact on the individual, because someone who cashes-in a private pension but then later, at or above pensionable age, becomes poor enough to require State “Pension Credit Guarantee”, will have his or her State Pension augmented by Pension Credit so that he or she receives a minimum of £185 per week (as well as other benefits, such as Housing Benefit etc if applicable).

In other words, not only the individual but also the State itself will, in that instance, lose out financially.

“The world is not without kind people”


The world is not without kind people“, says a Russian proverb. One sees that constantly, despite also seeing contrary news.

Look at the story about “Mrs. Hinch”. She has given away a £600,000 house simply because she wants to help a family, and “does not need” the capital proceeds of any sale.

Remarkable. I have no idea whether her husband is wealthy; she herself is said to be “worth” about £1.5M (presumably discounting the donated house).

It was not clear to me, on skimming the report, whether the house donated has actually been transferred, or just given to live in rent-free for as long as permitted. Either way, very generous.

If only the very wealthy of our society, those possessing tens, hundreds, or thousands of millions, were as kind-hearted.

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[in an ideal world…]

London. Zoo. Monkeyworld.

Full-term abortion“. Murder of babies born, or being born, or about to be born, and perfectly capable of living a full human life in most cases. Straight murder. Legalized.

Will any of those Australian MPs be held to account in an appropriate way?

“Racism” against white Europeans is now considered OK; but any perceived mere criticism of Jews, or non-whites, is not only not approved of by the System, but may even be criminalized by biased law and enforcement.

“They” worm their way in everywhere, if not stopped.

Educated guess: of those 19,000 or more migrant-invaders, not one will actually be —in any way— someone who benefits the British people, but let us be kind, and assume that 1% benefit the UK (somehow). What about the other 99%? Guessing (but I think reasonably) further: of every 100 migrant-invaders, at least 10, maybe 20, will turn out to be criminal and/or terroristic; the remaining 79 or more will just be completely useless millstones round our collective neck.

I was not too pleased about Neil Oliver when he did Coast, especially his —not always well-informed– occasional anti-“Nazi” historical (or ahistorical) comments, but he has certainly redeemed himself in the past couple of years.

Not that I agree with everything he now says, but no matter. He is in general on the right track. I may be an “idealist”, as some have called me, but I do have pragmatic aspects as well.

Ask “Robert Maxwell” or Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, no— you can’t, because they snuffed it under mysterious circumstances. Ask Ghislaine “Maxwell”, then. Oh, no— you can’t, because she is in prison for much of the rest of her horrible life, and afraid of being murdered (as was, she thinks, her father) by Israeli Intelligence killers.

Liz Truss and Priti Patel, and Keir Starmer (etc) should be wary of being puppets of Israel and the Jew lobby. It’s one rouble to get in, but two roubles to get out…

Temperature variations

Incredible how varied the UK can be in terms of temperature. Where I live (Hampshire coast) the temperature at 0900 hrs this morning was 22C, in London at same time it was 33C, but in Edinburgh only 16C.

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Eddie Izzard is as much a woman as a pantomime horse is Red Rum.

Late tweets seen

I do not usually approve of rowdy behaviour, but if a few frustrated Brits in Greece were to give the idiot a kicking, I have to admit that I would not be upset about it.

Incapable of creating a civilization, incapable of maintaining one even when provided to them, and most of them incapable even of simply living decently as unwanted “guests” in the civilization created by white Europeans.

Late music

[New Zealand, South Island]