Tag Archives: Japan

Diary Blog, 3 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Police officers quizzed a pensioner in her home on suspicion of a hate crime after she stopped in the street to take a photo of a sticker which said: ‘Keep males out of women-only spaces.’

The sticker had been placed on to a LGBT+ pride poster which had the slogan Stand By Your Trans. Officers told the 73-year-old retired social worker that she had been identified from CCTV footage.

The woman told The Mail on Sunday she was ‘in a state of shock’ when officers arrived at her door. The incident happened in Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire – the setting for BBC crime drama Happy Valley about no-nonsense policewoman Catherine Cawood. It comes after fury over police forces failing to send officers to investigate burglaries and other serious crimes.

West Yorkshire Police said it had recorded the matter as a ‘non-crime hate incident’, adding: ‘Words of advice were given regarding the placing of the sticker, as it was reported to have caused offence.

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and founder of international group Genspect, said: ‘It’s not the job of the police to decide that taking a photo is a hate crime.‘”

[Daily Mail]

The UK’s toytown police once again caught enforcing the emergent “woke” police state.

Note the defiant attitude of the West Yorkshire police box-tickers when challenged, though. A bland refusal to engage.

The West Yorkshire Police seem to have missed the recent comments of both H.M. Inspector of Constabulary and those of the Home Secretary, to the effect that police should start to do their proper job, and stop acting like a poundland KGB (regular readers of the blog will be aware that I have had similar problems with the “plodosphere”…).

Strange. Having yesterday evening, on my birthday, finished the remains of a half-bottle of vintage Tokay, I was just recalling what happened to many of the secret police in Hungary during the Uprising of 1956 (the year of my own birth). It was not pleasant for them…


Wouldn’t you know it? The Jew Shapps whining about how “his family” (ancestors, a century and a half ago) were victims of “antisemitism”. Was that in Ukraine?


If all those people rebelling against the ULEZ nonsense were to cover up their registration numbers, then drive out at the same time or on the same day, the police and ULEZ enforcers would have to admit defeat (cf. Berlin Wall, 1989).


Interesting. However, London has probably never been so well-interconnected as it now is.

I notice that, had those 1940s plans been implemented, even the area north of Reigate (Surrey), where I —intermittently— lived in the late 1970s and early 1980s, would have been within 2-3 miles of the proposed Underground stations of Kingswood and Tadworth, which are now still only on the ordinary railway (Tattenham Corner line).


Britain is now so f***** that it isn’t true…

Britain needs a fixed period of maybe 5-10 years, in which time Parliament must be suspended and this country sorted-out by a social-national dictatorship. Whatever it takes.

A few lines of verse

Still true, 259 years later (I do not think it was a “nursery rhyme“, though).

Tweets seen

I am sure that it is mere co-incidence that “Boris” and Rachel Johnson, Stanley Johnson, and the rest, are part-Jew. It is just that “they” are so often around when societies and nations, and empires, and even whole civilizations, are destroyed, falling into decadence and collapse…

[“Boris” Johnson pretending to pray at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem; his great grandfather was a Jewish rabbi in Lithuania]
[“Boris” Johnson, complete with “yarmulka” skullcap, and in company with the Jew paedophile criminal Greville Janner, and other Jews, gives out sweets to Jewish children]

Eventually, Gates will shuffle off, and hopefully soon, and probably via natural causes (disappointingly).

A few thoughts

Just saw on Sky News that no less than 872 migrant-invader bastards crossed the Channel in small boats yesterday (meaning, mostly, travelled a few miles in small or fairly small boats before being picked up and ferried to Dover by the Border “Farce” and/or RNLI).

So…872 useless and possibly dangerous parasites, likely criminals, possible terrorist sympathisers etc…

Those 872 bastards have to be (meaning, will be) sheltered, housed, clothed, fed, given pocket money in or by English towns and villages, provided with medical and dental services, provided with translators, interpreter, and legal services, at a cost of at least £200 per person per day. Minimum. Probably closer to £500 per person per day.

The “refugees welcome” dimwits are often the same people who complain that services, pay, benefits for (real) British people are being cut. Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first make mad

The pro-invasion dimwits cannot see, apparently, the connection between literally millions of invaders (both “legal” and “illegal”) over the past years and decades, and the shortages of housing, NHS services, and the rest. About 10 million migrant-invaders over 30 years (including births in the UK to —mostly non-white— migrants).

I believe that relatively few people can see the horror that awaits Britain only a few short decades down the line. Dystopia and civil war.

More tweets

Billy Bragg, that self-describing “Left” ignoramus and hypocrite.

More music

More tweets

Frankly, that situation makes the UK more secure from nuclear attack, as things stand.

…and it turns out that the person most responsible for allowing it to happen was the snivelling little drunk and cocaine abuser (and expenses fraudster) Michael Gove, another Jewish-lobby puppet. It was a tweet about that little bastard which was one of merely five that resulted in my wrongful and unlawful disbarment (at the instigation of a pack of Jews) in 2016.

As the above tweeter says, though, this does feel somehow symptomatic of the complacent negligence and “where will they go?” casual entitlement (and accompanying casual social brutality to the poor, sick, disabled, unemployed etc) which has characterized politics in this country since 2010.

There is no popular enthusiasm for, nor even any solid support for, the Labour Party under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc, but in a basically binary system which excludes other parties, the voters are left with a stale choice. On that basis, this doomed Government is sliding to defeat, surely. What kind or magnitude of defeat, though, is still an open question.

Historical sidelight

In online open-source research into one or two characters, I discovered that there was a serious offer by Japan, sometime in 1944-45, and made to Swedish diplomats, for Japan to stop fighting, and to relinquish not only all territorial gains made since 1940, but even its (post-1931) rulership over parts of northeastern and eastern China: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widar_Bagge.

Had that offer been taken seriously by the UK and USA, it would not only have saved innumerable lives on all sides intra-theatre, but would have rendered the atomic bomb attacks on Japan in 1945 unnecessary.

I can only suppose that the Allied leadership wanted Japan to be crushed, and then remade in the Western image, as indeed it later was, as part of the post-1945 restructuring of the international order.

More from the newspapers


A terrible abuse of bureaucratic power.


Two Jews defrauded customers of the Nationwide Building Society.


Very interesting.

More tweets

The major international players, meaning here the USA and Russia, must row back from this slide toward devastating nuclear conflict.

Jews in Israel deport black troublemakers, but many Jews in Europe encourage blacks and browns to invade, by giving “aid and comfort” to those waiting on the other side of the Channel, for one thing. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

A very long tweet worth reading in full.

Regular readers of this blog will know that my view is that Russia must occupy everywhere east of the Dnieper, the city of Kiev (if agreement to have a condominium cannot be reached) and also, to a depth of perhaps 50 miles and including the city of Odessa, the Black Sea littoral. The rest of Western Ukraine can become a rump state based on Lvov.

Israeli food, some of it anyway, is quite healthy, and is one of the few aspects of their society which might be good to import to this country. Particularly good for health is some salad at breakfast, but it would be a hard task persuading most British people to adopt that.

Obviously, that Israeli breakfast is borrowed, much of it, from surrounding parts of the region; Lebanon and other Arab countries, but it is a pretty good mixture, anyway.

Late tweets seen

Perhaps so; we await more news.

Having said that, and acting as advocatus diaboli, let us suppose that the Kiev regime is speaking the truth for once. Let us suppose that the first line of defence (of, apparently, four) laid down by Russian forces has been breached. Let us suppose, further, that Kiev-regime forces can exploit that breach. Let us even suppose that they can breach all four defensive lines. What then?

The Kiev regime does not have the quantum of armour and infantry to breach all four defensive lines and then go on to take the major towns and cities of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Still less can the depleted Ukrainian Army go further, to invade the vast spaces of European Russia proper (which would anyway be a farcical repeat of the mistakes of both Napoleon and Hitler).

All that can happen, the most that can happen, is for the Ukrainian (Kiev-regime) forces to breach the defensive lines, then somehow hold on and bring up artillery with which to attack the civilian towns and cities in the Donetsk/Lugansk regions held by Russian forces (and now designated by them as part of Russia).

Russia has overwhelming air power, still mostly unused. Then there are its missiles. Soon winter will come to Ukraine, sometime in November, so within 2 months from now. Once the ground is hard, the Russian armour will come into its own.

I had thought that the much-trumpeted “Ukrainian counter-offensive” had already failed. It may be that, in one small southern sector of the overall front, that is not so, and that the Kiev-regime forces are still advancing slowly. Perhaps,; but for how long?

I think that, on the high-command level and above, the Russians are waiting to see what happens politically; in the USA, and in EU states as well. A change of US President may mean a change of attitude, and a change of policy.

If the 2024 US Presidential Election results in a President who continues the open-chequebook support for Zelensky and his cabal, Russia may take the gloves off, and destroy totally the rear areas from where the Ukrainian soldiers and their logistical support come. Kiev etc.

Incidentally, I saw analysis by Sean Bell, ex-RAF Air Vice Marshal, on Sky News. Very pro-Kiev regime, as far as I could judge (or he would probably not be on Sky News…). Cannot say that I much valued his presentation, but time will tell.

Scott Ritter: The only outcome of the war against Russia is the defeat of Ukraine. Kiev was offered a peace agreement a long time ago, but under the influence of its Western partners, it chose war. Now [its] fate is sealed, that is, it is time to surrender and accept reality, said former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter.”

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, at the Berghof]

Diary Blog, 27 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

True, but that does not, or need not, imply that Putin, or any one individual or force (e.g. Kiev-regime intelligence service) is behind all of those events, though of course those thought to have been dismissed could only have been dismissed by Putin.

Not “claims“; it is simply a fact. In fact, the same happened with Gordon Brown (who went on to lose the 2010 General Election), Theresa May (who went on to win the 2017 General Election), “Boris” Johnson (who went on to win the 2019 General Election), and Liz Truss. Now Rishi Sunak. If a Prime Minister resigns, there should have to be an “immediate” (arguende, within 3 months) general election.

In front of those young girls as well. What an example for them.

Strange. Were they afraid that she might have fleas?

The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” [Shakespeare, Julius Caesar].

I part company with the Bard at this point; I think that both the good and evil live on.

As for Wagner Group, without Prigozhin and Utkin there is no top leadership so, as an independent “band of brothers”, Wagner Group, the so-called “musicians” or musikanty, has effectively passed into history.

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson is convinced that it is already too late for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Because of the failure on the fronts, the troops may rise up against the head of state Volodymyr Zelensky.

Former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Douglas McGregor: The current situation of the Ukrainian army can be compared to the situation in which the Wehrmacht found itself in 1944. Then the German army lost its air support. Therefore, although it had good weapons, even tanks that had just come off the assembly line, it could not fight effectively. The same is happening now in Ukraine.

I watched about 15 minutes in total of BBC News and Sky News. Just hard-to-believe propaganda about how Ukraine is supposedly “winning”. Just rubbish.

More music

[Kennet and Avon]

More tweets

A small, almost pathetic demonstration. Young, metropolitan types. 200 at most.

Again, small and unimpressive, and almost identical to the Kiev display. Who is co-ordinating it all? Soros?

Olaf Scholz said that Germany is currently experiencing “unsatisfactory” economic growth. According to Bloomberg, the German Chancellor believes that the problems are related to the country’s dependence on exports.

The agency notes that Scholz refused to allocate funds to fight the crisis due to lack of money and the growing debt of Germany. At the same time, Scholz added that the country has “good prospects” in terms of the economy.

Earlier, the German media noted that in Germany there is a deep economic crisis and this country, as a “locomotive”, is pulling the entire EU to the bottom. Germany’s GDP declined, among other things, due to higher energy prices and spending on Ukraine.

Late tweets

Egypt, Italy, Florida…where else? London? The Jew Zelensky has ripped off hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars.

Late music

Diary Blog, 3 April 2023

Morning music

[painting by Aldo Balding]

A poem by Rudyard Kipling

The Stranger

The Stranger within my gate.

He may be true or kind,

But he does not talk my talk –

I cannot feel his mind.

I see the face and the eyes and the mouth,

But not the soul behind.

The men of my own stock

They may do ill or well,

But they tell the lies I am wonted to,

They are used to the lies I tell.

And we do not need interpreters

When we go to buy and sell.

The Stranger within my gates,

He may be evil or good,

But I cannot tell what powers control –

What reasons sway his mood;

Nor when the Gods of his far-off land

Shall repossess his blood.

The men of my own stock,

Bitter bad they may be,

But, at least, they hear the things I hear,

And see the things I see;

And whatever I think of them and their likes

They think of the likes of me.

This was my father’s belief

And this is also mine:

Let the corn be all one sheaf –

And the grapes be all one vine,

Ere our children’s teeth are set on edge

by bitter bread and wine.

[Rudyard Kipling, 1908]

From the newspapers


Leave the bears alone.

Good riddance.

So now the Israelis are even establishing a kind of “kosher SS”…

Tweets seen

Not just “Tommy Robinson”. Nick Griffin and the BNP were leading on this for years, but (quelle surprise) were demonized by “the usual suspects”. Even now, Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer says that “more whites than Pakistanis and other Asians are paedophiles“.

Well, Starmer is not telling the whole truth.

Even now, the white European population of England (not UK) is about 81%, and the Asian population “only” 10%. In other words, in proportion to population, the incidence of underage molestation is far higher among the Asian (mainly Pakistani) population.

There is another point. “Grooming” gangs (to use the vulgar usage now part of the law) are almost entirely a South Asian and mostly Pakistani-origin phenomenon in the UK. The white European offenders are mostly lone wolves, not part of organized packs. In other words, the phenomena are entirely different in type.

Incidentally, all Starmer’s recent (and not so recent) pronouncements show what a bloody awful Prime Minister he would —and almost certainly will— be, but after 13 years of a pseudo-“Conservative” “shitshow” (in the elegant word of Johnny Mercer MP), it is of course hard to argue that he would be much worse than the present idiot, the Indian money-juggler Sunak, or his four predecessors in the period 2010-2023.

In relation to the above, I have just seen this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_England#Ethnicity.

In 1981, 95.4% of the population of England was described as “white”; in 2021, only 81%. Now? Probably well below 80%. A stunning collapse in only 40 years.

(and that is even, and absurdly, counting non-whites such as “Roma” gypsies as “white”: see that Wikipedia page).

2066? Make that 2050, or even 2040.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Devon, Cornwall, Dorset, Somerset are among the best areas in which social-national community can germinate, in the short to medium term.

More tweets seen

Looks like “Sven Longshanks” was slightly unlucky not to have had a jury unable to come to a verdict on those 10 counts. Still, there it is.

See: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-65142942.

Looking back over the past few years, it is clear that social-national commentators have faced a wave of State repression, instigated mainly by Jewish pressure groups and lobbying organizations, though carried on to prosecution mainly via the police and CPS.

As regular readers of this blog will know, I myself have been targeted, though mainly unsuccessfully to date, and for nearly a decade now: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Tip of the iceberg.

It is clear to me, though, that the brunt of the repression has been borne by those operating podcast “radio” stations, YouTube channels etc: Sven Longshanks, Alison Chabloz, and others. The System fears those with large potential audiences.

Some Hutchinson residents are angry“, says the talking head. Yes, I can just imagine who or at least what “they” might be…(((you know who))).

There are few if any white “grooming gangs”; there never were. As noted above in this blog, most white sex offenders act alone. There may be the odd exception here or there. The Moors Murderers were not a “grooming gang” but merely two evil and/or crazed lunatics.

In the end, there will be a war across the Western world. Not solely a race war, but also a culture war and/or ideology-war and/or a living standards or lifestyle war. We are just now seeing and hearing the opening shots, mostly still metaphorical.

“Moral Alignment” test

Saw this: https://www.idrlabs.com/moral-alignment/test.php.

My result:

You are 55.8% good, 18.3% chaotic, making you neutral good.

Not quite a rousing vote of approbation, but not as harshly marked as my ideological enemies would prefer.

Neutral Good

People who are Neutral Good are guided by their conscience and typically act altruistically, with only secondary regard for whether their actions are lawful or in line with cultural expectations or traditions. Neutral Good individuals have no problems with what is lawful as such, and nor are they rebels by nature, but they believe in furthering kindness and good deeds through whatever means seem necessary to them. If fostering good means supporting an organized society, then that is what must be done. If good can only come about through the overthrow of the existing social order, then so be it. For many who are Neutral Good, insistence on either lawfulness or rebellion is seen as detriments to or distractions from the greater goal of promoting true kindness in the world.” [https://www.idrlabs.com/moral-alignment/test.php].

Fair enough…

I have seen tests like that before, though not that exact one. I have posted a few on the blog, though a few years ago.



My result:


Amusing. I did one years ago comparing the user to characters from Harry Potter, something with which I am only a little familiar. I had to look up the details of the character whom, it transpired, was apparently most similar to me, one “Lucius Malfoy”: “Lucius Malfoy is a Death Eater, head of a wealthy pure-blood wizarding family.” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Eater].

More tweets

At first, I was thinking “April Fool” about that Telegraph report, but apparently not so (published on 29 April).

More seriously, I know what I would do with the so-called “hate crime experts”, but by reason of the ever-increasing repression on freedom of expression in the UK, cannot express it here. You, readers of this blog, will just have to read between the lines, as in every police state.

Britain— a banana republic minus the bananas and the republic.

Yesterday, I noted on the blog how the Patreon donor mugs (each sending between £3.50 and £44 a month to “Jack Monroe”), once numbered well over 800, fell back to about 600 late last year, then (yesterday) to 460. Today— 458. It seems that even some of those utter mugs are waking up, slowly.

Unreality is everywhere now. Not just the “trans” nonsense but also the fiction that black Africans were prominent in ancient Rome, Tudor England, and even created the ancient Egyptian culture (which we know is rubbish by reason of DNA, apart from anything else). Then there is, or recently has been, the “Covid” “panicdemic” and/or “scamdemic”. What else? The British Empire as something almost entirely evil, the Second World War as “good triumphs over evil” etc, Hitler as both mad and bad (with a little bit of sad, too), and of course the (literally) fabled “gas chambers” narrative.

The above list is merely a part of what has been happening in the Western public forum generally.

The “karma of untruthfulness” can be cancer, and in this case may result in a form of progressive societal cancer, as society becomes ever-more diseased.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 June 2022, with some more thoughts about “Boris”-idiot, the misnamed Conservatives, and Labour.

Morning music

On this day a year ago

The clown presently posing as Prime Minister of the UK

Pretty damning, though nothing I have not seen previously. In fact there exists far more information, and greatly more detail.

As I have blogged repeatedly since 2019 or 2018, Johnson has weaponized his own lack of integrity, decency and —yes— ability. People do not actually expect Boris-idiot to behave honestly, or even with basic decency, let alone to know how to be a real Prime Minister of this country.

That lack of expectation in respect of the clown “Boris”, on the part of the voters (and the very aged and blinkered Conservative Party “grass roots”), is like a suit of armour for Johnson; they actually do not expect the clown to fulfil his office and role properly.

Any further or worse scandal which may turn up will have little impact, for the reasons stated above.

There is another aspect: the sheer dullness and lack of edge to the Labour Party now, the supposed Opposition.

Under Corbyn, whatever his lack of education and/or ability, Labour offered an alternative in many respects. Not everyone wanted or liked the alternative offered, but it was offered. Now? No alternative.

Starmer is, as I said from the beginning of his tenure, as dull as ditchwater, but the Jewish lobby wanted to get rid of supposedly “anti-Semitic” Corbyn (who is certainly not anti-Semitic by my standards anyway), and have Corbyn replaced by “Labour Friends of Israel” member Starmer, with his Jewish wife and half-Jewish children.

Starmer is not, in my opinion, particularly “electable” anyway, but what (again, in my opinion) scuppers him, and Labour, is the same factor that weakened Corbyn, the fact that so many Labour MPs now are black, and often black women with little education, culture, or even sense. Not the only factor, but it is a big one.

Now we hear that Starmer may be replaced by another “Labour Friends of Israel” member, the expenses cheat, moneygrubber, “refugees welcome” hypocrite and would-be dictator, Yvette Cooper. Good grief…

Labour has been on a downward trajectory for a long time, well over a decade. The result can be seen in both General Election and by-election results over the past 5+ years. It will be interesting to see what happens in the two (or is it three?) upcoming by-elections.

For me, the most interesting aspect of the result at Chesham and Amersham last year was not the fact that the LibDems beat the Conservatives (striking though that was), but the fact that the Labour vote plummeted to 1.6%; a lost deposit for Labour, and for the first time in that constituency: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chesham_and_Amersham_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

The System political landscape now seems to be resolving into a contest between unpopular and not-respected Labour, and not-popular and not-respected Conservative, with a side issue of former Conservative voters either (brainlessly) voting LibDem or abstaining; also, former Labour voters abstaining but not going elsewhere .

The British people, most of them, need and unconsciously want a form of social nationalism, but no organization exists to collect and channel that.

An interesting and adventurous life


Someone whose name was unknown to me until today. Almost along the lines of Where Eagles Dare.

” In 1944 he was appointed to the OSS and was an espionage agent in Austria in support of the Austrian Resistance against the Nazis, working with the Tyrolean group under the leadership of Dr. Karl Gruber. He infiltrated the country in the uniform of a German Wehrmacht sergeant of the Reichssicherheitshauptamt. In late April 1945, after being arrested by the Gestapo, imprisoned at Reichenau, tortured and sentenced to death, he was able to escape and assist in the liberation of Innsbruck by the Americans in May 1945.


USA— which way?

It has seemed to me for some time that the USA cannot indefinitely continue on its present path without some form of muted civil war occurring. Not an American Civil War mark 2, with states opposed to each other, but a gradual and decentralized collapse of unity, and opposed groups and individuals fighting, including literally fighting, within states, within cities.

The outcome may eventually be victory for one or another side, leading to a form of dictatorship; at least equally likely, a gradual withdrawal of communities, cities, maybe whole states or regions, from common goals, institutions, political organizations etc.

The racial aspects, though not the only factors of importance, are key: at the end of the First World War, America was composed of 90% white Europeans (by origin); now about 45%.

More music

More tweets

Manchester United

I have little interest in football, and so rarely comment about it, but the “legalized fraud” at Manchester United has been incredible. An American Jew family took over the club years ago (as a purely moneymaking enterprise— they knew even less than me about the game) and have bled it dry, just as “Robert Maxwell” did at the Daily Mirror etc. Do I detect a pattern here?

Even leaving the Jew and legal quasi-fraud aspects aside, there is a systemic problem here.

In the Threefold Social Order concept, developed originally by Rudolf Steiner, something such as sport or games would come under the “spiritual/cultural/educational” sphere, not the sphere of “economy/business” etc, or that of “politics/rights/government” etc.

Taking football as an example of a rule applicable across the field of sports, football clubs should be (as they once were to a large extent) social-cultural associations run for the benefit of the supporters and, after that or consequent upon that, the players, not business enterprises; nor (as in pre-1989 socialist Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and elsewhere) flag-bearers run by local or central government.

The Manchester United situation is not a consequence purely of Jewish economic exploitation but also, and arguably primarily, a symptom of a malaise and mis-organization in the way society as a whole operates.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Steiner; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_Glazer.

Boris-idiot in Rwanda

[they cannot believe that life has dealt them such a lucky hand— look at her face. That of a lottery-winner. Holding hands at the official airport reception; rather vulgar]

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10944737/Boris-Carrie-land-Rwanda-faces-double-election-defeat.html.

Britain 2022

Late tweets

I do not feel inclined to answer that…

Eventually, Russian forces will prevail in southeast Ukraine, and perhaps all of Eastern Ukraine (Ukraine east of the Dnieper).

Absolutely disgusting. Housing for “Ukrainian” “refugees” (often not Ukrainian, indeed often just disguised economic migrants using the situation as cover), housing for cross-Channel migrant-invaders, while British people without money are treated worse than dogs.

Someone is awake…

Late music

[painting by Volegov]

Diary Blog, 26 October 2021


Tweets seen

There may be something there that the UK could copy, thinking of “the Royal Cuck” and “the Royal Mulatta”, who have only lost a few trivial British titles in exchange for hundreds of millions of dollars from Hollywood.

All the same, one can hardly expect the police to ignore fleeing criminals. What is a shock, looking at TV “reality” documentaries such as Traffic Cops and Police Interceptors, is how often the fugitives, having been caught after frenzied and dangerous chases, are then either not prosecuted, or go to court only to be given “community orders” or suspended sentences. I notice that they seem to fall into two main categories: black/brown wastes of space (not only having no real connection with Britain —even if born here— but no connection with being what I regard as a human being), or white detritus such as “chavscums” etc.

My mind being constantly on the subject of how to create the foundation for a quantum leap in human evolution, my reaction to the above unrequired specimens is “how does one get rid of them?“…

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 July 2020

Tweets seen

Still clapping?


“They” hate us…Look at what happened in the 1940s: British troops fought for 6 long years against the German Reich, at the end of which the British also liberated Jew detainees from German camps. Their thanks? To be subjected to Jew terrorism both in Palestine and in the UK itself

Britain and the British Empire (killed off by the Second World War) should have joined with the German Reich in 1939 or 1940 to rule most of the world.

More tweets, as the UK economy slides

That last tweet should read, “significant impact of UK GOVERNMENT’S LOCKDOWN/SHUTDOWN OF THE ECONOMY”…

This is just the start.

Meanwhile, I see many tweets from those who imagine themselves to be (usually) “socialist”, “Labour”, “compassionate” (when it suits them) etc. Most want more and deeper “lockdown”, so that a condition which kills, (in connection with other conditions) about 1 person in 2,000 in this country, can be defeated.

At the same time, common but deadly conditions such as cancer, heart disease etc are not being properly addressed by the NHS, which protected itself (and its staff) by shoving patients with, or possibly with, Coronavirus into care homes and elsewhere, so killing tens of thousands of people, particularly the elderly.

I like to scan Twitter for items of interest but, as I have blogged previously, political Twitter is very out of touch. A creature from outer space would certainly think that, in the UK, almost everyone supports “Black Lives Matter”, “refugees welcome”, the Labour Party, and that everyone accepts the “holocaust” fable, “gas chambers” and all, as the Gospel truth. Oh, and everyone hates “antisemitism”, of course.

That is the Twitterworld, as it now is and has become (now that dissenting voices have mostly been expelled). Then there is the real world…

Late night music

Diary Blog, 26 May 2020


From last year, but worth reading.

The West is weak, not only or even mostly in terms of military strength, but in terms of moral force, of authority, of integrity. It has been largely taken over by the Jew element but. alongside that, has rolled over for the wealthy Arab element.

Anyone who has lived in or near Central London will know to what extent there has been a huge Arab (and other Muslim) influx since the 1970s. The instability of the Middle East has sent a series of waves of migration to London: the Lebanese civil war, the Iranian Islamic revolution, the many subsequent events.

However, beyond that, there has been another Arab invasion since the 1970s, that of Arab wealth. As someone whose parents and brothers were all great racing fans, I heard the stories of how this or that sheikh or emir would glide through Ascot, giving doormen baksheesh of a £50 or £20 note merely for having opened a door or gate for the mogul. That was in the late 1970s and the 1980s, when £50 was really worth having.

That eagerness, to have a little of the new-ish Arab oil wealth rub off on English palms, was not confined to doormen and chauffeurs but spread to the City of London money-men, lawyers and others and, most tellingly, to the more corrupt of the political class at Westminster. One name: Jonathan Aitken.

Then there was the rumoured £30 million bung paid to Mark Thatcher (despite his being a political nullity and a general nobody), in order to sweeten Mrs. Thatcher, his mother and, of course, Prime Minister at the time. Britain for sale…

The Gulf Arabs (Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis etc) have only the most negligible culture and history to set alongside that of Europe, but Fate (they say the Will of Allah) has made them rich via oil found by Europeans (and by Europeans become Americans), exploited by Europeans/Americans, extracted by Europeans/Americans, shipped or pumped by Europeans/Americans, refined by Europeans/Americans, and finally bought and utilized mainly by Europeans/Americans.

The Gulf Arabs bring nothing to the table. They just sit there, arrogantly, unable to defend themselves without American, British and French help, unable even to make their societies function on a 20th/21st Century basis without expat Europeans/Americans etc to run everything (and Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos etc to do much of the manual work, with refugee Palestinians often occupying the space in between).

In Qatar, for example, Qataris are only about 15% of the population, but they are the only ones with any real rights. I have been there twice, once in 2001 when it was a pleasant, sleepy place, then again in 2008, by which time it had become a horrible overdeveloped mess.

In fact, if the Qataris all just disappeared, Qatar would be a far better place (also applicable to the rest of the Middle East).

The invasion of Kuwait in 1990 showed up the Kuwaitis for the useless, venal, cowardly creatures they are, the “royal” family and others living in luxury hotels in Taif (Saudi Arabia) while the British, American and French Foreign Legion forces fought for and won back Kuwait for the Kuwaitis who did not deserve it.

Had it not been for the Second World War and then the Cold War and its superpower standoff, the Gulf would have become more or less another Western colony and would have been far far better for it. It is very regrettable that the Gulf Arabs were able to pose as powerful independent allies inter se and vis a vis “the West”, when they are just parasites.

They infest London and other cities, driving their million-pound sports cars around, enjoying themselves with local sluts and making a nuisance of themselves in areas such as Kensington, Knightsbridge etc.

I think that the West generally should impose a true suzerainty over the whole of the Middle East, and rule all the states there (including Israel) while allowing a degree of autonomy within state boundaries. It’s only right.

As for the “sheikhs”, “emirs”, “kings” and local dictators, just remove them. Permanently.

Oh, I forgot: Lawrence of Arabia (T.E. Lawrence) was an idiot, albeit an erudite and remarkable one!

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This ironic world

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