Tag Archives: mark of the Beast

Diary Blog, 25 June 2023

Morning music

[Ely Cathedral in heavy fog]

Battles past

Peter Hitchens


Tweets seen


…as with “Boris” Johnson…

At first, when the news broke about “Boris” Johnson, the then Prime Minister, being in intensive care from “Covid”, I was probably 60% “it’s real news” and 40% “it’s fake news”. Now? About 70% in favour of it having been “fake news”, and it having been part of the whole “scamdemic” propaganda effort.

If Wagner Group are “terrorists”, then how much more are the American forces, after all the millions they have killed worldwide since 1941?

[devastated Berlin, 1945]

Perhaps. In days of yore, Stalin would have shot the heads of the Russian Army and GRU soon after the pathetic failed takeover of the Ukraine in 2022.

Just an Indian money-juggler.

Interesting to see the generally downward trend over 30+ years. Will Sunak go as low as Liz Truss? We shall see.

Don’t tell me that Woollyhead Trussbanger is trying a comeback?!

The same or similar is true of the UK.

I do not know, but maybe, with much of the Zelensky-regime army now either dead or occupied in the southeast of Ukraine, there is a plan to attack from Belarus, but Kiev must now be well-defended in depth. Any approach to the suburbs of Kiev would meet with stiff resistance, then would require a reduction of the urban and suburban battlefield space by artillery, aircraft, and missiles before a mass infantry incursion, and would be horrendously bloody, bearing in mind the number of civilians in Kiev.

A battle for Kiev would be on the level of [the WW2 battle for] Stalingrad, or the recent Bakhmut carnage, in ferocity, and on a much larger scale even than Stalingrad.

Kiev is the 7th-most populous city in Europe, or 6th if Istanbul is excluded: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_cities_by_population_within_city_limits. Istanbul, Moscow, London, St. Petersburg, Berlin, Madrid, Kiev. Of those 7 cities, 3 are of course in the former Soviet Union.

Having said the above, the Wagner Group forces seem to have been sidelined, with many sworn into the ordinary Russian Army. If PMC Wagner is “decapitated”, leaderless, and not in Belarus, how could it attack from there?

It looks more like a bloodless dispersal of Wagner Group assets.

The truth may be out there, but I think that we do not know it yet.

More tweets

In any case, why would it have been “justified” in the early 1930s? The KPD (German Communist Party) of the time was under Stalin’s control (via the Comintern) and, in the Soviet Union, mass slaughter was already happening in various ways. The NSDAP was a necessary Abwehr (“parrying”) to that Stalinist expansionism. Once in power, the NSDAP lifted Germany and its people out of degradation, and made Germany the most prosperous nation in Europe.

People, some people, should learn some real history…

As for any attempted historical analysis by the likes of Gary Lineker, the hugely-overpaid football talking-head, life is too short to waste time on it (or him).

Late tweets seen

Good grief. I knew that it was expensive but thought maybe £100-£200.

I suppose that age demographics come into it. I do not know what is the age typical of a Glastonbury audience, but not that young, I am guessing. Like owning a top-range motorbike, or a Morgan car, it is (?) the prerogative of the middle-aged and even elderly, these days.

Not that I have been there. At least, I have been to the town of Glastonbury a number of times (and have even stayed overnight a couple of times), but of course not to the music festival.

I remember when the Reading Festival was first held there, which I think was either 1970 or 1971. 1971, I think. If so, I was not quite 15. I remember driving with my mother, the day before it started, down the lane through the riverside meadows where it takes place, mainly to see the “hippies” who were already arriving. A human safari park, if you like. Our family lived on the other side of the river, in the suburb of Caversham Heights.

In those days, “pop festivals” were for the young (16-25, maybe 16-30). Of course, the general population has aged, and I see now that tickets for the Reading Festival cost hundreds of pounds.

An outright fraud. Anyone who supports her or sends her money is just a total mug.

“Tab” as “Tik-Tok Advance to Battle”?

Late music

[Sophie Rhys, Full Moon]

Diary Blog, 20 October 2021, including Ludwig II of Bavaria

Interesting film

The above film (in German, but with English subtitles) came to my attention thanks to a reader of this blog. There have been other films about Ludwig II of Bavaria, notably that of the director, Visconti: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludwig_(film). I saw that film in the mid-1980s, but the original English-language version has been lost. The surviving dubbed versions (in Italian and German) are still available.

Ludwig II: a complex and disturbed person, but who left, famously, two great legacies— his castles, and the works of Wagner, who was supported financially by Ludwig.

What is less well-known (see the YouTube video below) is that Ludwig also did a huge amount to improve Bavaria in other ways, including the fields of education, transport and public sanitation.

Ludwig was one of two people considered as candidates suitable to be anointed as Kaiser of the united Germany. The other candidate was successful, and became Wilhelm II of Germany. The history of Germany and Europe might have been happier had Ludwig been chosen.

Wagner later went on to establish the Bayreuth Festspiel, which still exists (I myself have been to Bayreuth, though not to the Festspiel).


See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayreuth_Festival.


[Schloss Neuschwanstein]

Tweets seen today

Why not? After all, the same number of hours could be worked; 10 hours per day. In fact, you could even have people work 3 days per week at 13 hours per day, but that might be seen as brutal, despite the great benefit of only having to work three days out of seven.

I daresay that many may question my reposting of tweets by Owen Jones (who is an ideologically-silly faux-“revolutionary”), particularly in view of the fact that he actually tweeted, some years ago, and to sinister Jewish-lobby sex pest and depressive John Woodcock (then a disloyal “Labour” MP, now posing as “Lord Walney”), that “John” should “block that guy [me]— he’s a neo-Nazi” (Woodcock complied, at once…makes one think).

My answer is that I do sometimes repost those whom I dislike or despise, if they make valid and/or accurate points. #MoralHighGround…

My assessment of Jones, from a couple of years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

Much of the attack on free speech in Britain today, and for decades past, has come from the Jewish lobby. Most of the sources of msm news and comment are controlled by that same lobby, or cabal.

I myself have been attacked over the years, by fanatical Jews belonging to the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and/or “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”], there being a considerable overlap in membership. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

The attacks on me did not start in 2014, and did not end in 2017. However, I am still here and, while my Twitter account was closed down at the instigation of the Jew-Zionists in 2018, my blog (started in late 2016) is still up and firing, so far.

As for the fanatics who oppose me, they all seem to be dying…; in fact, a number have already died, I believe. “Instant karma”, or just unconnected karma?

There is a huge attack on freedom of expression across the Western world (in much of the rest of the world, such freedom rarely existed anyway). Most of the attack is by the Jewish-Zionist element.

…yet Coren, a Jew, is still lucratively employed by the mass media, despite his disgusting behaviour. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Coren; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Coren#Tweets_about_the_death_of_Dawn_Foster; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Coren#Polish_controversy.

Contrast that with my own treatment— disbarred, wrongfully, for having tweeted general comments about society and politics (in the end, just 5 tweets!). In fact, all of those tweets have stood the test of time, such as the one about the corrupt little Jew, Sarkozy, and that about Jewish-lobby puppet and expenses cheat, Michael Gove (at the time, I did not know that the little bastard was (or is still?) also both a drunk and a cocaine abuser).

Note: I should add that I was actually quite wrongfully disbarred in 2016. Not my assertion alone, incidentally.

In fact, the Bar Standards Board wrote to me a couple of years after my “trial” in 2016 to offer me a “retrial” (new hearing), because I should have been “tried” before a 3-person Tribunal panel (which has no power to disbar) instead of a 5-person panel (which does have the power to disbar).

I decided not to bother with a new hearing, partly because I thought that, had it gone back to Tribunal, and had I then been found “guilty” (such terminology is not in fact used), I might have been fined, and had no money with which to pay any likely fine. Maybe I was wrong. Still, I may change my mind, just to spite (((them)))!

Further, since the notorious Henry Hendron cases, it has been accepted that a barrister not holding a Practice Certificate both at time of “offence” and time of Tribunal, cannot be “tried” at all by the Bar regulation system, let alone disbarred. I myself last held a Practice Certificate in 2008, six years before the Jews (“UKLFI”) made their complaint against me, and two years before I joined Twitter.

As said above, I may decide to have the notional disbarment deleted, just to make the point, though obviously (?), at age 65, I have no wish to return to the practising Bar (which is now a dustbin full of trash anyway).

Readers might like to note also, that (contrary to what they may now read about me, as tweeted by a few crazed and fanatical Jews on Twitter) when I was at the practising Bar, I was mentioned favourably in the main legal directories, and was commended for my legal expositions, on several occasions, by judges in the High Court and County Court. As people say today, “just saying…”.

More tweets seen

You can see where this is going: to get your (2022? 2023? later?) “Covid Social Passport”, you will have to get a monthly or three-monthly injection of useless rubbish. If you refuse to have it, or if the State thinks that you should be “denied” it (for the wrong opinions, or for dissident activities) then no injection, which = no right to travel, work away from home, get State benefits (because unable to attend DWP interviews etc), use shops, use NHS facilities, get medical or dental treatment, participate in public political activity etc. Effectively, house imprisonment, and a lingering death, ultimately….

This is not far from the Book of Revelation “mark of the Beast” scenario…

Late tweets seen

The tightening of the screws of the new British police state. It’s pretty much in plain view now, as is collaboration of the members of the corrupt “three main parties” cabal in the Houses of Parliament. NWO. ZOG.

A mouthpiece of the System (with a side order of controlled opposition), nothing more.

Late music

Diary Blog, 11 September 2021

Saturday quiz


Well, this week I scored 7/10, thus beating political journalist John Rentoul, who scored only 4/10. I did not know the answers to questions 4, 8, and 9.

Tweets seen

Hawkwind?! There’s a “blast from the past”! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkwind.

As a matter of fact, I recall representing one or another “faction” of Hawkwind at the Plymouth County Court in 2004 or 2005. What amazed me was that, 20-30 years or more after the peak of their fame, they still had a hard core of fans who were willing to travel hundreds of miles to “support” their faction of the band at court.

One of the dozen or so fans that turned up at court actually got into conversation with me, trying to discover whether I was part of the enemy faction! I don’t think that those fans really understood that a barrister is not emotionally involved with the interests of the lay clients he represents. The fan who spoke with me had travelled from North Wales to Plymouth just to be present at the brief hearing, which only lasted about an hour, if that, being an interlocutory matter. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawkwind#1999-2007:_Anniversaries,_disputes_and_Voiceprint.

Peculiar people. Eccentric, though apparently harmless.

More tweets

Attacking the symptoms of the evil will not work. Attack the central core of the evil…

More tweets

Seems that some of the old Aussie spirit is still alive after all.

As I have noted a few times, a dry run for more serious later repressions, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years in the future (we shall still be there, btw, thanks to reincarnation…).

Afternoon music

More tweets

That is how the Israeli Jews behave in Israel. The Jews elsewhere in the world, such as in the UK, are a small minority, so cannot unleash such widespread brutalities. In the UK, they have to use “lawfare” instead of warfare, meaning making malicious accusations to police, employers, academic institutions, social media etc.

I rarely if ever use the terms “right” and “left”, but the point is taken.

Strange fact: the mostly not-so-tyrannical US Presidents of the 19th and 20th centuries were shot at, and sometimes killed, by dissidents, yet G.W. Bush never had any such challenges.

On the other hand, F.D. Roosevelt was fairly tyrannical, arguably, and he was shot at, but his attempted assassination preceded his actual incumbency: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_Zangara.

Aux armes, citoyens!

Late tweets

Whatever freedom there was in the UK has been eroded quite fast in the past two decades, largely because the Jew-Zionist element, influential in the msm, the political world, the legal world and elsewhere, has started to wage “lawfare” against those who recognize their traits and behaviour and who blog, speak, or write about all that.

In addition, there is the fact that we approach the year 2022, which will set the geopolitical agenda for the years up to 2055. “The Great Reset” and “The Great Replacement” are connected to that.

Late music

Diary Blog, 10 September 2021

Morning music

Tweets seen

An ex-soldier lays it on the line about the many years of Western “intervention” in Afghanistan.

Tweets seen

Similar threats are coming from Trudeau, Macron, the new Australian police state etc. Americans, with their history, should know how to take care of their end…

Greta Nut, flanked by a Jew and a half-Jew, a lesbian half-Palestinian, and the Green Party would-be dictator, Caroline Lucas. Has Britain reached rock bottom? Surprisingly, probably not.

Notes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layla_Moran; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Layla_Moran#Personal_life; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bercow#Early_life_and_education; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caroline_Lucas; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/.

Parliament, both Commons and (ludicrous) “Lords”, is now full of trash; a situation which has steadily worsened since 1989. We are, incredibly, in a crazy world where the likes of Jess Phillips and Lisa Nandy are spoken of as potential Labour leaders, and where a part-Jew, part-Levantine chancer and self-promoter has somehow become leader of the misnamed “Conservative” Party.

Further down the food chain we have seen, on the Labour side, such as Claudia Webbe and now-binned Fiona Onasanya: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/21/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-fiona-onasanya-story/.

What about the Lords? Well, so many examples…

The mother of the murdered black boy, Stephen Lawrence, and by reason of that, now sits in our upper legislative chamber, as does Michelle Mone, a woman who, off the back of an eventually-insolvent bra company, presented herself to cretinous David Cameron-Levita as a great success story. Now “Baroness Mone”. Just a couple of examples. There are many others, such as half-Jew, half-black ignoramus, “Baroness” Oona King, one-time MP, whose autobiography is truly cringeworthy. Sadly, my review on Amazon (along with all my other reviews) is no longer available by reason of Jewish-lobby whining against me.

Parliament is now, like much of Britain, a dustbin.

More tweets

Incredible. Hard to believe how a part of a simple straw basket, maybe 1,500 or so years old, can bring the past to life.

Well, either my brain is wired differently from those of the majority, or that theory does not work, because I came up with “potato”, which is not the expected answer…

He might have been at home in the Britain of 2021. Still, I should not be too harsh in judging the Cardinal. After all, he shares his “Sun sign” (Virgo) with me, and is thus —as far as I know— one of the relatively few Virgoan rulers (he was, in effect, a ruler) in history, Elizabeth I of England being another.

More tweets

On a superficial look, extreme, but then look again at what is actually happening, not only in Greek (South) Cyprus but in Australia, France, Canada etc. An attempt by the State to deny the most basic services to those who refuse the vaccine(s). Even in the UK, there are now difficulties in accessing medical (NHS) services if the patient is not vaccinated. Travel? Worse.

This could be an early “dry run” of what will later appear in world history as the wraparound “mark of the Beast” state, as foretold in Revelation.


More tweets seen

Late afternoon music



Hitler’s voice: documentary

Late tweets seen

London. Zoo.

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 January 2021

“A difficult person”?

I took an online quiz purporting to show to what extent one is “a difficult person”. My result: “You are a very difficult person to get along with (68.7%)“! If I am honest, I really do not think that that is so.

Result chart

I probably judged myself too harshly…

Such tests are amusing and interesting, but probably do not mean much.

If anyone else wants to try, here is the link: https://www.idrlabs.com/difficult-person/test.php

Intrigued (as people often are when it is “all about them”, as with popular astrology), I took another such test, this a Jungian one. The result: “Versatile, dynamic, and quirky, you are tireless in your pursuit of the untested, the untried, and the fight against the status quo. You love to interact with all kinds of people and you carry yourself in an expressive and warm manner that ideally sees lots of affirmation flowing both ways. Charismatic and imaginative, you tend to have a well-honed ability to see the world through the eyes of those who do not normally have an advocate to speak for them. You are interested in the potential of others and you often long to help them develop their own aspirations more fully. Ever-inquisitive and appreciative, you have a love of fantasy and adventure and are easily bored by the business-as-usual routines of the corporate and business world. Your own enthusiasm and energy for finding a new and better way arises spontaneously and can often be quite contagious. However, you tend to have little love for resolving the factual specifics of a case, preferring to work by pure inspiration and bursts of energy instead.

Again, interesting, but I think that I took a similar test last year and came up with a slightly (though admittedly not very) different result.

This is addictive! I did a “Harry Potter” test too, but because I do not know the characters well (I have seen one or two of the films, on TV, but was probably not really concentrating) had to look up the one supposedly (according to the online test) most like me: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Eater#Lucius_Malfoy

“Enriched” Britain, 2021…


Bottom line: you cannot create an advanced society with a backward population. The migration invasion over the past 70 years has badly damaged the quality of the UK population.

Tweets seen this morning

Very good.

A connected point: if you are employed, or in a “regulated” profession, you are never free. Even the formerly quite free occupations of a professional nature, such as the Bar, are now “regulated”, which means in effect under Jew-Zionist control.

A self-employed person in an occupation unregulated by malicious parasites is in an inherently better position, whether he (or she) is a car repairer, plumber, small business owner, estate-owner, farmer or smallholder (etc), than is an employee or “regulated” professional.

20,000 votes, too. Telling, even if “unscientific”.

Reminiscent of a scene in the film of The Cruel Sea, in which scene the waiter at the Trocadero (I think), asked about dust in the water brought to accompany whisky, says “Oh, I’m so sorry, Sir. It’s the War, you know“! [the particular clip, I could not see on YouTube]

Great film.



Below, the (((enemy))) writes…



Is that kind of tyranny coming soon to the UK as well?

Vaccine passports…

Thin end of the wedge. An early attempt to bring in a “Mark of the Beast”?

Early afternoon music

Another psychological test: “8 Values Political Test”

It must really be addictive, as I noted earlier! In this case, I was assessed as being “Theocratic Distributist”:

Result chart



Another psychological test

You are the most like“:

Adolf Hitler

Well, who would have imagined?!


More tweets

Migration invasion. Nothing more, nothing less. Load up!

Google “Great Replacement” and “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”…

Another amusing test

How conspiratorial?“:

Result chart


Seems that I am not much more affected by “conspiracy theory” than the average Joe, overall.


My score re. “Fascist elements”(!):

Your fascist elements are high (61%).

Result chart


More music

More music? It seems to be a ruminative sort of day…

Diary Blog, 3 November 2020, including thoughts about the party-political consequences of Government-Opposition convergence

Party-political aspects of the “lockdown”/shutdown nonsense

I commented a while ago, and also not long after the unmerited Conservative Party “victory” in 2019, that in the absence of a viable official Opposition, any real opposition to the Boris-idiot government would come from within the Conservative Party itself. That has turned out to be the case. In the vote (scheduled for tomorrow) to approve the latest crazy “lockdown”, 80+ Conservative Party MPs are set to vote against, with others abstaining. The Labour Party, though, has stepped into the breach to support the Government!

In fact, Labour’s only “opposition” is to say, “Boris should have done it earlier, harsher, and better-run“… That’s not much of an Opposition…

In the absence of a decent Government and a decent Opposition, we see not only the rebellion of many Conservative Party MPs, but a vacuum opening up. That applies not only to policy and action around “the virus”, but also in other areas: immigration, migration-invasion, illegal immigrants motoring over from France with little to stop them; other areas too: work and pay, pensions.

The Government and Opposition are just too cosy now, both headed by members of Friends of Israel organizations.

The egregious Nigel Farage has, like the businessman he is, “spotted a gap in the [political] market” and, despite having stabbed his own followers in the back twice before (with UKIP and then Brexit Party), now has applied (yes, in our “free” country, you now have to “apply”…) to form a new party, Reform Party.

I wonder how many angry and/or discontented people will grasp at the latest Farage straw? Controlled opposition.

There is an opportunity for a real social-national movement and party (both movement and, within that, party) in the UK, but a suitable vehicle does not as yet exist, despite valiant attempts now, notably by Patriotic Alternative under Mark Collett and Laura Towler.

The fact that major banks have told both Collett and Laura Towler that their accounts are to be closed, I take as a hopeful sign for them. It indicates that “PA” is starting to resonate.

The withdrawal of banking services —for socio-political reasons— may not be quite the “no man might buy or sell” unless having the mark and number of the Beast (in the Revelation of St. John), but it does seem to be a step or two down that road.

The storm clouds are gathering.

“Lockdown”, the Coronavirus situation generally, mishandled Brexit, migration-invasion, “black lives matter” vandalism and disorder, people pushing back against the Jewish lobby, the economy sliding fast.

The ravens of Odin sense a coming battle and a coming victory.

Odins Raven Basking in Moonlight" Mounted Print by NozzandtheBeast |  Redbubble

Midday music

Tweets seen

The conspiratorial agenda becomes ever more obvious…


Some “refugees welcome” dimwits are just that, pure and simple; naive and brainwashed. Others are, in the lay sense, traitors.

Nick Griffin must mean “Wien“, though, not “Vienna“.

Trump may be unfit for high office, but Biden is all but senile and a complete idiot to boot. Cui bono?

Tell you what I think? OK. First of all (as I tweeted years ago, one of 5 tweets that got me disbarred in 2016 at the instigation of a pack of Jews): “Michael Gove is a pro-Jew, pro-Israel expenses cheat“. Now, of course, we know that he is also a cocaine abuser and a staggering drunk.

I agree with much of the letter, though.

I am glad to see that almost everyone has now come round to my view, expressed for years, that far from being a strong leader, “Boris” is as weak as weak could be in almost all ways.

One of the few journalists not completely in the pocket of the Jew lobby. (or, if you prefer, Israel lobby, Zionist lobby, etc).

What has changed? Google The Great Reset, The Great Replacement, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, NWO, ZOG, 2022…

Robert Jenrick, Jewish lobby puppet, and a corrupt little pissant.

I don’t mind a dictator, but I do object to a cut-rate one“, to adapt Rick’s line in Casablanca

Commons vote

Now it seems that the “Conservative” Party revolt might be as pathetic as only 25 MPs, including abstentions…

Afternoon music

A reminder of an England, a Britain, which has been all but destroyed:

Historical glimpse

[Ceremony honouring the fallen of the 1923 “Beer Hall Putsch”]

“Wir werden weiter marschieren,
Wenn alles in Scherben fällt,
Denn heute da hört uns Deutschland
Und morgen die ganze Welt.”

More tweets seen

In (((occupied))) Germany, one citizen arrested “insulted a female politician online“…That’s enough in Merkel’s Germany to get you arrested by armed police goons.

The raids are part of an annual drive initiated by German prosecutors, joined this year for the first time by Italy, France, Greece, Norway, Britain and the Czech Republic under the coordination of Europol.” [Reuters]

An annual drive“?! And Britain was part of it this year? I thought that Brexit was meant to end shite like that?…

If a police force, or an army, acts against the interests of the people, that police force, that army, are both enemies of the people.

There must be a cultural purge across Europe.

Late music