Diary Blog, 31 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

What idiot thinks that the UK is “at war” (presumably with Russia)? Whoever that was must never be appointed to any position of importance.

Shapps is also a hardcore Zionist Jew, who was at one time head of the youth section of the fanatical Jew-Zionist organization “B’nai Brith”.

Over 4,000 votes. Obviously unscientific, yet still interesting. Even people who (like me) despise the present “Conservative” madadministration often still dislike and distrust fake “Labour”.

In my opinion, despite the present Government being doomed, electorally, it remains an open question as to whether Labour can really secure a huge victory or a smaller victory in 2024, or whether, in the end, a hung Parliament is more likely.

It has become a joke. The former Defence Secretary, Ben Wallace, was thought to be a military expert because he had been an officer in the Scots Guards (highest rank held— Captain). Johnny Mercer MP is likewise thought, for some reason, to be expert, despite also having only reached a Captain’s rank. Then we have neo-Cold War desk-warrior Tobias Ellwood, who also reached Captain, and served 5 years in the Royal Greenjackets, though as a Reserves officer he now holds the rank of Lt.Col in the internet propaganda outfit known as the 77th Brigade.

I have even seen people saying that Penny Mordaunt should have been made Defence Secretary because she was once a Reserves naval sub-lieutenant! (she now holds the purely honorary rank of naval Captain, i.e, equivalent to honorary Army Colonel).

Our system of government is just nonsensical. So are many of those holding office.

More tweets seen

If “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime under the Jew Zelensky) had hundreds of jet fighter aircraft, it would only be a matter of time before Kiev were reduced to rubble. Fighters cannot destroy most missiles, least of all the most powerful strategic ones.

What a society, and the UK is little better.

If the US had planned a counter-offensive by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, then the Ukrainian troops would have achieved much greater success, former senior CIA intelligence agent Tony Shafer told “Judging Freedom”. “We (USA) have effective armored formations designed to penetrate deep into the enemy’s defenses. They have proven themselves well in Iraq. If we were to do this (planning an offensive by the Armed Forces of Ukraine) then we would never advise them to do what they are doing now,” emphasizes Shafer. Shafer believes that if American advisers consult with Kiev during this conflict, but probably the command of Ukrainian troops does not always listen to their advice and orders. “Either we have the most incompetent commanders and generals on the battlefield, which is possible, or the Ukrainians simply don’t listen to orders,” he emphasizes.

Late tweets

The various transnational conspiracies are all inter-connected: NWO, Zionism/ZOG, WEF, Gates’ activities, the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic”, “Black Lives Matter”, the climate agenda and “net zero”, even “Ukraine” [etc].

Zelensky— not only a corrupt and brutal Jew dictator, but apparently rather stupid. None of his preconditions exist or will exist. On the contrary.

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 August 2023

Afternoon music

[Old Orangerie, Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Once again, Israel puppet Starmer shows to what extent his mind is dominated by finance-capitalist and basically Jewish-oriented thinking.

Anyone imagining that the expected (?) “Labour” government of 2024 will be any better than the present “Conservative” misrule will be very disappointed.

“Wagner” Group rides again?

Whisky wow wow! Hard-core.

Ukraine war

Happened to listen to BBC Radio 4 Today Programme for a few minutes in the car. A correspondent was talking about the drone attacks on Moscow, and saying that prior to the Russian invasion, there had been no attacks, and so these attacks were happening only because of the Russian invasion.

Superficially true, in that Russia proper was never attacked before the invasion of early 2022, but what was not mentioned was the 8 years of artillery bombardment (and bombing) of the Russian-speaking and/or pro-Russian areas of formerly-Ukraine territory, particularly Donetsk, starting in 2014.

I waited to hear who was giving what was basically a lying-by-omission account of things. Turned out that it was “Steve Rosenberg, Russia Editor“. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Rosenberg]. What a surprise. Or not.

Every single time…

Soap alibi

I notice that some of my oldest and also least-read blog posts received hits today. One, written in 2018, was this little anecdote about my Bar pupillage in 1992: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/06/19/home-and-away-or-neighbours/


I visited Poland several times in the late 1980s, spending maybe 2 months or so there altogether. I also once spent a few days travelling by car from Poland to West Germany, so I saw small parts of the southern regions of the DDR (East Germany) at that time (summer 1988). I have blogged about it previously. A strange-seeming society, very very different from the Bundesrepublik (West Germany).

The DDR was a very controlled group-dictatorship: rule by the few (Communists), of course, and in most respects the DDR was very inferior to the Bundesrepublik, but the situation was not entirely black and white. Few things are.

Late afternoon music

[East Berlin street scene, 1970s; near a suburban rail station; the car in the foreground is a 1960s Soviet-made Volga saloon/sedan]

Late tweets seen

The Ukrainian army will begin to lose control over the situation along the entire front, as is the case in the Kharkiv region, former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter wrote in an article for Sputnik. “The thinning of Ukrainian defense lines has provided Russian forces with new opportunities.” This resulted in great successes in the area of ​​Kupjansk. The armed forces of Ukraine will continue to weaken as they suffer losses, and gaps will appear in their defense that the Russian army can use to break through,” the expert predicts.”

Black Africa. That’s where the wealth goes— into the pockets of a few corrupt bastards…

There can be little doubt that, as the Ukrainian (Kiev regime) counter-offensive is failing, the air war is heating up. If Russia keeps getting attacked from the air, even if only by drones, the response may be devastating.

Late music

[Red Army tank, Crimea, 1943]

Diary Blog, 29 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

[the Jews Weinstein and Epstein, with half-Jew Ghislaine Maxwell; she and Weinstein are now serving long prison sentences in the USA, while Epstein was killed while in U.S. Federal custody, and has now “gone up the chimney”]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvey_Weinstein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell.

Soylent Green?

…and about a million so-called “legal” ones as well…

“According to unnamed sources from the Bundeswehr, there are serious problems with the training of Ukrainian soldiers in this country.These problems are mainly related to the poor selection of personnel sent for training. Namely, in the ranks of Ukrainian soldiers who came for training at the German training grounds, you can often see people in their later years of life, practically pensioners. It is not uncommon for German instructors to come into contact with people who have entered their 8th decade of life.”

As blogged previously, the Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder. The young mostly want to avoid service, either by emigration (illegal now after age 18), or by other means. The foreign chancers and adventurers and (ex-mobile laundry unit) Brit or American “soldiers” and/or “Soldier of Fortune” types who flocked to Ukraine last year are thin on the ground now that it becomes clear that the front-line is a near death-sentence, especially in the Donetsk, Lugansk, and Kharkov sectors of the front.

The Kiev regime high command has lost about 450,000 soldiers killed, wounded, or captured in the past 18 months, of which about 40,000 may have been lost during the recent/present failed counter-offensive.

Meanwhile, the Kiev regime is having to use press-gangs to “recruit” new soldiers, hauling people off the streets and into military custody.

Yes. Quite. A black woman in Bristol was or is facing charges based on an allegedly fraudulent crowdfunder (crowdfunded for ostensibly “lawsuit” purposes).

Do not know whether that matter is still active or not, but “Jack Monroe’s” anti-Lee Anderson/Martin Daubney crowdfunder was (as far as I could see) almost identical. She crowdfunded, quite obviously took the monies for her own use, then (having failed even to attempt suing the two in question) brazenly claimed to have given all those crowdfunded monies to unnamed foodbanks.

To my mind, it is a 50-50 chance that any Twitter/”X” poster still (apparently) naively supporting “grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” is actually…”Jack Monroe” herself, i.e. a so-called “sock account”.

Yes, “austerity” etc, but also the several decades of mass immigration and now the cross-Channel migration invasion as well. Don’t be stupid enough to imagine that you can import, mostly over about 30 years, 10-15 million persons into the UK (“legal”, “illegal”, and those born to the first two categories) and maintain the civilized society and services which used to exist. Especially when most of the “imports” are —at best— useless people.

From the newspapers

After the Sarah Moulds case, and other recent cases, something even worse:


Two women jailed for torturing and killing pet parrot in Carlisle.

Tracy Dixon and Nicola Bradley put oven cleaner and paint on friend’s bird and threw it in tumble dryer.

Two women who tortured and killed a friend’s pet parrot during a lengthy drinking session have been jailed by a judge who described their cruelty as “beyond comprehension”.

A court heard that Tracy Dixon, 47, and Nicola Bradley, 35, sprayed Sparky the female African grey parrot with Mr Muscle oven cleaner, daubed it with gloss paint and tried to feed it to a dog. They later threw it in a tumble dryer that was turned on.

Both women blamed the other. Judge Archer, sitting at Carlisle crown court on Tuesday, jailed them for 25 months each and said Dixon and Bradley had “together, sadistically tortured and essentially killed Sparky. It is frankly beyond comprehension how anyone could treat an animal in this way.”

[The Guardian]

Thoughts: first thought is that is good that the courts are, as it seems, finally using fairly new legislation to punish such wicked behaviour.

Second thought: the two women really deserve [reluctantly REDACTED], in my opinion (but the year in prison actually to be served— out of their 2.5-year sentences— will have to do).

Third thought: I am glad that the headline was not “abusers escape jail” or some such (complete with photo of smirking defendants and family/friends outside the court).

Final thought: while, thankfully, a case of such egregious cruelty is relatively rare, drunken sluts of that sort seem to exist in huge numbers in this country, and cruelty to animals is not the only way in which their very existence poisons society.

I may be wrong, but somehow such horrible useless people seem to me to be a phenomenon more often found in the north of England rather than in the south but, as said, I may be mistaken in that.

I should have liked to have seen more detail about the defendants and their background, lifestyle etc, for sociological reasons.

Tracy Dixon and Nicola Bradley, both of Carlisle, Cumbria.

In vino veritas

More detail: https://cumbriacrack.com/2023/08/29/carlisle-women-jailed-for-torturing-and-killing-parrot/

Late tweets seen

That’s only a few miles from Russia’s northwestern border. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pskov

De-industrialization, lower living standards, destruction of the countryside, and the flooding of European cities and town by hordes of non-whites. At some level, this is all being planned and implemented deliberately. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Late music

Diary Blog, 28 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


History is usually grey, not black and white. The revision of conventionally-accepted history is a never-ending process.

Tweets seen

Evil and chaos invade civilized Europe.

The slide to general war continues.

More music

More tweets

The graphic represents how much territory Ukraine has reclaimed so far in the counteroffensive. This is what the West’s mountain of metal accomplished for the AFU. The Western media is now busy programming the public mind to accept impending failure. Ukraine blew that massive metal wad on a number of square kilometers quantifiable in less than three digits. And 30-45K soldiers. All farmland and small settlements.”

It may be that there will be a massive Russian push in the winter.


Trump would take away Zelensky’s ricebowl, and now others are going the same way. Not only on the Republican side. Robert Kennedy jnr. seems to be on the same page.

Lies about Putin spread by Western media – ex-CIA agent Former CIA agent Phil Giraldi, in an interview with Judging Freedom, said that the Western media is entirely composed of lies and disinformation. “This is how the whole system works now. We do not expect to see the truth, or anything that even looks like the truth,” he said. It is the Western media, together with their governments, who spread all the nonsense about the “Putin monster” , adds Giraldi.


Late music


Diary Blog, 27 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

True, but that does not, or need not, imply that Putin, or any one individual or force (e.g. Kiev-regime intelligence service) is behind all of those events, though of course those thought to have been dismissed could only have been dismissed by Putin.

Not “claims“; it is simply a fact. In fact, the same happened with Gordon Brown (who went on to lose the 2010 General Election), Theresa May (who went on to win the 2017 General Election), “Boris” Johnson (who went on to win the 2019 General Election), and Liz Truss. Now Rishi Sunak. If a Prime Minister resigns, there should have to be an “immediate” (arguende, within 3 months) general election.

In front of those young girls as well. What an example for them.

Strange. Were they afraid that she might have fleas?

The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.” [Shakespeare, Julius Caesar].

I part company with the Bard at this point; I think that both the good and evil live on.

As for Wagner Group, without Prigozhin and Utkin there is no top leadership so, as an independent “band of brothers”, Wagner Group, the so-called “musicians” or musikanty, has effectively passed into history.

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson is convinced that it is already too late for the Armed Forces of Ukraine: “Because of the failure on the fronts, the troops may rise up against the head of state Volodymyr Zelensky.

Former adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Douglas McGregor: The current situation of the Ukrainian army can be compared to the situation in which the Wehrmacht found itself in 1944. Then the German army lost its air support. Therefore, although it had good weapons, even tanks that had just come off the assembly line, it could not fight effectively. The same is happening now in Ukraine.

I watched about 15 minutes in total of BBC News and Sky News. Just hard-to-believe propaganda about how Ukraine is supposedly “winning”. Just rubbish.

More music

[Kennet and Avon]

More tweets

A small, almost pathetic demonstration. Young, metropolitan types. 200 at most.

Again, small and unimpressive, and almost identical to the Kiev display. Who is co-ordinating it all? Soros?

Olaf Scholz said that Germany is currently experiencing “unsatisfactory” economic growth. According to Bloomberg, the German Chancellor believes that the problems are related to the country’s dependence on exports.

The agency notes that Scholz refused to allocate funds to fight the crisis due to lack of money and the growing debt of Germany. At the same time, Scholz added that the country has “good prospects” in terms of the economy.

Earlier, the German media noted that in Germany there is a deep economic crisis and this country, as a “locomotive”, is pulling the entire EU to the bottom. Germany’s GDP declined, among other things, due to higher energy prices and spending on Ukraine.

Late tweets

Egypt, Italy, Florida…where else? London? The Jew Zelensky has ripped off hundreds of millions of U.S. dollars.

Late music

Diary Blog, 26 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Once again, a victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 4/10 this week, but I trumped that with 7/10. I did not know the answers to questions 1, 4, and 7. Incidentally, question 1 may be a misprint (not sure).

Sven Longshanks

A reminder that “Sven Longshanks” (James Allchurch) is still in prison for exercizing his rights to freedom of expression, and likely to remain incarcerated until some date in 2024.

The tweet below relates to the fund set up to help him both in prison and upon his release.

I read somewhere or other that he is not now at Swansea Prison but at another Welsh prison, HMP Parc: https://hmpparc.co.uk/. His prisoner number will be the same (see tweet above), and should be part of any letter or postcard address.

Tweets seen

In fact, Osborne is only a part-Jew, according to modern genetics. There is no need for us to follow the backward tribal precepts from thousands of years ago which “they” follow, i.e. that someone is “Jewish” if the mother was (designated as) “Jewish”.

Anyone who expects a better government under Jewish-lobby puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, and Yvette Cooper, is sadly deluded.

…and look who scribbles in support of Starmer and Osborne; none other than the Jew Finkelstein, now elevated to the completely degenerate House of Lords.

The word marked out on the ground is a rude one.

She should, however, not be in the UK at all.

As blogged previously, Sarah Mould was “lucky in her jury”. She may have been acquitted by such a (Lincolnshire) jury, but she remains guilty, in my view. From what I have read, she put up a very good tearful act in the witness box.

True. Only when Britain gets a proper government will that horrible, predatory and scavenging tribe —and millstone round our collective neck— be dealt with properly.

From the newspapers


A beautician is being interrogated by police after two hotel guests are said to have emptied a room of all its goodies – leaving behind only the TV.

[Daily Mirror].

Beautician“?! A bizarre story altogether.

More tweets

The old Jew conspirator obviously either knows or believes that Europe is going to be written off by the transnational conspiracy (NWO/ZOG), and so any further payments in Europe would be wasted. This is a very significant straw in the wind.

NATO has lost hope in the victory of Ukraine, said retired British colonel Richard Kemp.

In an article he wrote for The Telegraph, commenting on the statement by NATO Secretary General Styan Jensen’s chief of staff that Ukraine could join the North Atlantic Alliance if it cedes territory to Russia, Kemp assessed that this was a factual admission of how the West sees the solution to the conflict in Ukraine: “It seems that the leading Western countries want to sell Ukraine cheaply and as soon as possible.”

The British officer added that the West – just two years after its shameful withdrawal from Afghanistan – is “once again on the verge of admitting defeat”.”

A pro-Israel propagandist. To my mind, a very sinister individual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Kemp.

The fact that Kemp is speaking out in such terms as above-noted may indicate a System worry that the “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) cause may have lost the support of the public, if not to a pro-Russian position then to an unbiased and/or apathetic view.

Also, Kemp’s comments may indicate that some decision-makers in the West have come to the view that Zelensky’s corrupt, shambolic, and brutal dictatorship cannot win, strategically, against Russia in Ukrainian (or former Ukrainian) territory, let alone on the territory of Russia itself.

Nadine Dorries

Seems that that useless expenses freeloader, Nadine Dorries, is actually going to stand down. In a way, slightly surprising. I thought that she might try to hang on until 2024 and the next general election.

The bigger question is how she, and literally hundreds of other totally stupid and ignorant MPs (not only “Conservative” one; Labour and LibDem and SNP ones too) ever became MPs (let alone ministers) in the first place. My question is of course rhetorical; the whole pseudo-democratic system is broken.

Nadine Dorries. A complete deadhead.

That tweet refers to some of the semi-fraudulent behaviours of Nadine Dorries, such as paying at least one of her (unqualified) daughters about £50,000 a year via Parliamentary expenses, and the misuse of a flat (also paid for via expenses) in which said daughter(s) lived for free for years. Not to mention “grifted” laptops, iphones etc.

Late tweets seen

I think that it is true for most MPs. The rest may be more honest (possibly) but many even of those are irredeemably ignorant and/or stupid, which is no better, surely…

Once American society collapses, it will probably never recover, because the bulk of the population exists on such a low cultural and intellectual level. Not just “prejudice”…I have both lived there and worked there.

Yes, there are exceptions. A small minority of people; maybe 2% or 3%.

Europe is under attack both in terms of demographics and in terms of culture.

The above map shows the situation from about 1989-2022. The next 33-year cycle, up to about 2055, will result in even greater and even less-welcome changes in the European space, unless something can be done to prevent them.

I agree with him.

Late music


Diary Blog, 25 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Wall. Firing squad. Endex.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

The old British Imperial slogan was “trade follows the flag“. American power is slowly waning, despite the huge military-destructive power of the USA and its customary vehicle, NATO.

The Jew Zelensky is an actor who moved from comedy to tragedy.

Recent estimates of those killed, wounded (badly) or captured on the Kiev-regime side since early 2022 are in the region of 450,000. The Kiev regime is running out of cannon-fodder, having to use press-gangs to haul likely recruits off the streets, and making it harder generally to avoid or evade military service.

Does that thug not realize that, one fine day, a nuclear missile might completely destroy the whole of the city in which he sits?

From the newspapers


Pictures taken at the Port of Dover on Friday show the Border Force vessel BF Typhoon pulling into the harbour before docking to unload more people believed to have been rescued as they tried to cross the Channel...More than 4,000 people have made the crossing this month.”

[Daily Mail]

Rescued“? You mean “ferried across the channel pursuant to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan“, i.e. the transnational conspiracy to flood Europe with blacks and browns, and eventually to create a mixed, coffee-coloured race across Europe, which will then be ruled by a small minority of others, mostly Jewish or mixed-Jewish/European. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

If you, a British person, find the roads and railways crowded, the hospitals full, the NHS GP unable or unwilling to properly monitor your health, your pay or State benefits inadequate, housing non-existent (or sky-high in cost), then you should know what is at least a very large part of the reason— 4,000+ across the Channel every month, and another 80,000+ every month entering by quasi-legal means (“students”, “family members”, “fiances/fiancees”, so called “key-skilled workers” etc). Then there are those being born in the UK to blacks and browns already here.


More from the newspapers


A killer driver who buried a cyclist’s body in the Scottish wilderness six years ago after mowing him down has today been jailed for 12 years.

Alexander ‘Sandy’ McKellar, 33, and his twin brother Robert were driving along the A82 in Argyll, Scotland, when he knocked down and killed cyclist Tony Parsons, 63.

The pair tried to cover up the crime in September 2017 by burying the former Navy petty officer on the nearby 9,000-acre Auchy estate, inside a peat bog where animal carcasses were dumped.

Three years later, McKellar confessed to his terrified fiancée Caroline Muirhead what he had done.

Ms Muirhead, 32, was later taken to the burial site, which she marked out by dropping an empty can of Red Bull – allowing police to pinpoint the body’s location.

Today at the High Court in Glasgow, McKellar was jailed for 12 years while his brother was sentenced to five years and three months.

[Daily Mail]

What always amazes me, leaving aside the moral or ethical rights and wrongs, is how many people feel the need to confess crimes, even serious crimes, to girlfriends or stray people. I can think of several famous or infamous cases, including several high-profile murder cases, where that was the case.

One was that of a pair of brothers who killed their (possibly —though never proven— abusive) millionaire adoptive (I think) parents on Jersey decades ago; one brother, the actual killer, confessed while “in his cups” to a girlfriend he met in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil and while on his yacht there. She testified against him at his trial, the primary witness evidence of importance.


According to this report https://jerseyeveningpost.com/news/2006/05/15/killer-wants-to-come-home/, he also confessed to his grandfather.


See also: https://www.theargus.co.uk/news/969837.lecturers-killer-past-revealed/

Even the notorious Jeremy Bamber case had elements of that: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_House_Farm_murders.

Incidentally, Bamber had been another adopted child.

While understanding the need of some people for “absolution” after confession (as, in effect, in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment), I do think that such a need shows weakness.

Some people are just better than others at keeping a secret, I suppose.


Worth reading. Important questions.


Sarah Moulds. She was “lucky in her jury”, as they say. She should have been convicted and punished.

More tweets

I never had much time for Trump, but look at the present alternatives! Biden, an unpleasant man who poses as affable “uncle” (’nuff said…), and who is plainly suffering from some level of dementia. Then there is his V-P, Kamala Harris. Absolutely asinine, with not an interesting thought in her little mind.

Scandinavia (especially Denmark and Sweden) went through a similar slide in social norms: at first (1950s, 1960s) liberalism, then (1970s, 1980s) increasingly dark decadence, until (from the 1990s, and along with the migration-invasion), the societies in question became such as should really be purged from top to bottom.

As for the UK, not much different, really.

It is, in a sense, strange that the USA persists with NATO, when (roughly) 95%, or more, of the military-destructive power of NATO lies in US weapons and support. Even in terms of conventional weapons, and troops, almost all of that is American. Even in terms of money— 75% of the money spent in NATO is American: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO.

NATO, post-1989, is really a fig-leaf for the New World Order (NWO) programme. Having over 30 “partners” with the USA makes the programme look better, more inclusive etc.

Is that to pacify the restive American electorate which wonders why hundreds of billions of dollars are propping up Zelensky’ brutal, shambolic and totally corrupt “failed state” at the same time as many American cities are riven by crime, disorder, drugs, poverty etc?

As said above on the blog, Sarah Moulds was “lucky in her jury”. The trial was at Lincoln Crown Court, so in a largely rural county. That may have been one factor.

I would not let her near any animals or children. She may not be a sadist, as such, but obviously has a hot temper, at the very least.

Late tweets

It seems that what is left of the Kiev-regime counter-offensive is concentrated now in that southern part of the overall front.

In Britain, they [defined] the problem of the Armed Forces of Ukraine [which is] fatal for Ukraine.

The lack of personnel could be fatal for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, writes The Telegraph . Volunteers are no longer enough to maintain the combat capability of the army, and the West will not be able to help.

The combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is under threat not only because of the colossal losses and lack of people, but because of the weather. The autumn months traditionally bring downpours that turn the soft soil of Eastern Europe into thick mud in which tanks, armored vehicles and artillery get bogged down.

All this can stop the advance of the Ukrainian army. Russian victory is finally around the corner as Western support begins to wane. If Kyiv cannot break through Russian positions now, then most likely it will never succeed, the author believes.”

In other words, just as I have been blogging for some time…

Late music

[The Kremlin, under threatening skies]

Diary Blog, 24 August 2023

Morning music

I knew the (now-deceased) painter (and leading psychiatrist) Dominic Beer when we were both 5-6 years old. I have previously briefly blogged about him.

Battles past

Tweets seen

That is very true. I have known several mixed-race persons in my life; most if not all were not only very different from their parents (where I also knew them) in both looks and temperament, but had considerable psychological problems.

See also: https://archive.org/stream/aebhw25/aebhw25_djvu.txt.

Looks as though Putin is reasserting control after what I called at the time a modern-day “revolt of the Streltsy” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streltsy_uprising] a few months ago. Not exactly a coup or putsch, but something more akin to a demand for privileges and participation in policy-making.

All the same, Putin may regret the apparent passing into history of the Wagner Group. It fought well, despite having been composed, in part, of persons with little conventional military experience.

The brunt of the fighting in Ukraine (and possibly beyond) will now fall upon armoured units, artillery, and air power, not mass infantry formations such as Wagner Group.

Russia cannot “lose” the Ukraine war, unless there is upheaval and/or revolt in Russia itself. Putin seems to have taken the view that Wagner Group had to be dispersed in power and its leaders removed.

Of course, it may be that the air incident was simply an accident, or an assassination by others, eg Kiev-regime services, but those possibilities seem less likely.

Well, they look cheerful enough, not obviously “defeated”, but that group is surely little more than a rabble.

Amazing. Something I have never seen, nor even heard about, previously.

A good cause…


More tweets

The tweets refer to an interview with Trump and the “alt-Right” commentator Tucker Carlson.

No matter which candidates win the Republican and Democratic nominations, and no matter who ends up as the next U.S. President, the victor will have to stop the present slide to nuclear war. Take away the Jew Zelensky’s ricebowl. Stop giving money and arms to “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime). Stop supporting Israel, too.

On a lighter note…

Late tweets

What happens if Trump now receives the Republican Party nomination for the 2024 election? What happens if he then wins?

Is he expecting a nuclear war in Europe? Is the rat leaving the sinking ship?

Late music

[the Pillars of Creation, Eagle Nebula: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillars_of_Creation]

Diary Blog, 23 August 2023, including the failure of the Kiev-regime counter-offensive, and about David Lammy’s latest nonsense

Afternoon music

[Bishop Rock Lighthouse, Isles of Scilly]

Battles past

Tweets seen

THE LOSS of the last elite reserve units, which the military leadership of Ukraine has inserted into the fighting on the Zaporizhzhya front, will lead to its collapse, said former UN weapons inspector in Iraq Scott Ritter.

“Now we are witnessing – emphasized Ritter – the last phase of the Ukrainian counter-offensive, which has not achieved any goal. It alone led to the death of more than 45 thousand Ukrainian soldiers. There are only 15 thousand of them left.

‘I’m talking about elite reserve units armed with British Challenger tanks, Marder and Stryker combat vehicles.”

Ritter pointed out that Kiev’s fresh forces “also got stuck in minefields in front of Russian defense lines.” According to him, as soon as the last elite units of Kiev are destroyed, the Ukrainian front will begin to collapse, like an old dam unable to hold back a powerful river flow.”

[Scott Ritter, former UN Weapons Inspector and military intelligence officer]

You can already see the NWO/ZOG-ruled powers reconsidering— various EU states are modifying the military and other aid going to the Kiev regime, and the US Government has been increasingly making public, in a guarded way, its concern that the Ukraine war might become a general European conflict and even an intercontinental nuclear one.

Can you imagine? Lammy might become a Cabinet minister if/when Labour forms a government…

Lammy, a thick “diversity hire”, who (like Diane Abbott) basically hates white (eg British) people, history, and culture (but has a wife who is not black: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicola_Green).

The bigger scandal is that any bank executive gets that kind of pay. The same applies to lawyers, business executives, entertainers, TV talking heads etc.


The Jew Shapps was once youth leader of the sinister B’nai Brith Zionist organization in the UK.

More from the newspapers


This matter has taken three years to get to trial.


Labour plans for tougher hate crime laws if they enter power could lead to criminal charges for misgendering trans people, a think tank warns today.

‘Maintaining free speech… is essential if we are to defend a liberal society based on rationality rather than coercion.’

[the] study was backed by Labour backbencher Graham Stringer, who likened gender ideology to the claim made by Humpty Dumpty in Alice In Wonderland that words mean whatever he chooses them to mean. 

He said: ‘There are many in the transgender debate who follow in the Humpty Dumpty tradition. 

‘Men become women and women become men via a simple declaration. If words can have any meaning debate becomes meaningless. 

‘You end up with authoritarianism, which is what transgender ideologues desire, with them in authority.’

[Daily Mail]

See also, blogged by me in 2018: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

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If true, not entirely unexpected. Aircraft (and tall buildings) can be hazardous for those eyeing Putin’s purple, or that of any ruler of “all the Russias”. General Lebed would have made an excellent ruler of Russia, had his helicopter not crashed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Lebed. Others have gone the same way under Putin, Yeltsin and, of course, Stalin, among others carrying the status of Vozhd.

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 August 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Polly Toynbee represents a certain bloc of voters, though a small one; the “Labour”/LibDem bien-pensants of Blackheath, Hampstead, and Highgate who actually read not only the Guardian but also Observer, who mock the poorer British people concerned about, inter alia, migration-invasion, crime, and houses given to useless migrant-invaders and/or other blacks, browns and feral white hordes while real British people suffer.

That bloc either went to Oxford or Cambridge, or failing that to Durham University or Exeter, and want their children and grandchildren to go there (before joining the BBC, Foreign Office or maybe SIS, or becoming barristers, solicitors or doctors). Oh, and of course profess “liberal” values that are rooted not really in philosophy or ideology, but more in family trust funds, high salaries, and ownership of houses…

For as long as I can remember, Polly Toynbee has been the standard-bearer for that bloc, and wrong most (90%+) of the time.

Anyone who votes “Labour” imagining that it will be better or even much different from the Sunak misgovernment has not been paying attention.

From the newspapers


In terms of cultural degeneracy, the UK has now outstripped the Weimar Republic. If and when the UK has a real government, a massive cultural (and other) purge will be unavoidable.

More tweets seen

I have not seen any tweeter or other explain why the one-time Melissa Hadjicostas changed her name to the absurd “Jack Monroe”. God knows why; I don’t.

More from the newspapers


The Tories are facing electoral oblivion in the red wall as a shock poll reveals they will lose every single seat.

Polling from Electoral Calculus, shared with The Independent, reveals all 42 red wall seats held by the Conservatives are set to return to Labour at the next general election.

The scale of the rebellion against the government appears to in part be driven by the spiralling cost of living, with a separate analysis seen by The Independent showing the crisis is having a devastating impact on Tory-held seats in the red wall.

Almost two-thirds of voters believe the economy to be one of the top three issues facing the country, putting it significantly ahead of health and immigration, YouGov polling shows.

…while the economic figures “underline” the struggle in voters in those areas for the Conservatives, the prospect of the party holding on to power in the general election is already “not likely”.

Nationally, Electoral Calculus predicts a landslide Labour victory, winning around 460 seats, with the Conservatives reduced to just 90 seats.”

[The Independent]

A loss of the 42 “Red Wall” seats (which seems almost inevitable after the total collapse of the Government’s credibility on immigration and health) cannot be prevented even were the economy overall to improve. Any such improvement is unlikely to trickle down (to coin a phrase) to most of the people in those 42 areas.

In theory, the Conservative Party could lose all 42 “Red Wall” seats and still have a Commons majority of 35-40, but in reality the Government’s standing is so damaged across the country that the best that they can hope for, and at present even that seems unlikely.

Not that there is —or will be— much enthusiasm for Labour under Starmer, Reeves, and Yvette Cooper, but there is really no reason why one-time Labour voters who voted Con in 2019 would go out and vote Con in 2024; none at all. Indeed, there is little incentive even for long-term Conservative Party voters to do so. That being so, Labour may well triumph by default.

Late tweets

Almost twice the area of Hyde Park.

Late music