Diary Blog, 11 August, 2023

Morning music

[painting by T.W. Schaller]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The West should have left the Soviet Union to reform Afghanistan in and after 1979, but the stupid gung-ho Americans created a proxy war for no good reason.

Later, meaning in the past 20 years, the West could have properly ruled Afghanistan, even if it meant replacing much of the population and/or replacing a backward degenerate culture with a different and better one. Instead, the Americans (mainly the Americans) imposed a mixture of barbarity and weak pseudo-liberalism on the capital and some other places, while allowing most of the country to continue to fester in backwardness.

This was not the intractable problem it is usually presented as. Look at the photographs of Kabul, below, from the 1960s and 1970s:

[record library or record store, Kabul, 1960s]

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Such remarkable stories often come from India:

Amazing. “The power of one”, as noted above. Even one person, if he or she has what Israel Regardie termed “eka-pointed” focus, and inexhaustible resilience, can change at least part of the world in a way that may seem superhuman.

A similar story, this time from China:

More from the newspapers


Interesting. The powers of the mind have only begun to be explored, especially in the West.

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Ursula von der Leyen is generally rather dishonest: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Plagiarism_accusations [“researchers collaborating at the VroniPlag Wiki reviewed von der Leyen’s 1991 doctoral thesis and alleged that 43.5% of the thesis pages contained plagiarism, and in 23 cases citations were used that did not verify claims for which they were given“].

Like so many EU drones, a fake and a fraud.

There is still bitter fighting on the ground in some sectors of the front, but strategically, Russia has already won.

Six F-16 pilots?! The Russians have over 1,000 fighter aircraft and bombers, 1,500 helicopters, and at least 4,000 other aircraft: see https://www.wdmma.org/russian-air-force.php.

What sinks, not a barge but a government (of any ideology or type), is evident incompetence.

The Sunak government is surely doomed. Even its own backbench MPs are appalled by its inability to govern.

How many hundreds more migrant-invaders crossed the Channel today? How many thousands more came into this country today superficially “legally”?

London. Zoo.

Even 30 years ago, that area was “bandit country”.

The USA, “land of the free”…

In 1939, Poland had “security guarantees” from both Britain and France. When both German and Soviet armies invaded, those guarantees were exposed as completely valueless. They also meant that Britain and France declared war on the German Reich. The rest is history, as they say…

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I have not been a barrister for 7 years now (thanks to a Jew cabal making malicious political complaint against me), and have not been a practising (working) barrister for 15+ years, but it seems to me that, if Patreon has been put on notice, or reasonably should have been put on notice, that “Jack Monroe” has been either defrauding people or at least consistently not fulfilling her obligations (in a wide sense) to those people and that, as a result of Patreon’s acts or omissions, those people lost out, then Patreon might be held to have been negligent in respect of all that.

Late tweets

Every day, taking them in toto, the cross-Channel migration-invasion, other illegal methods of entry, and so-called “legal” migration (eg the non-whites who arrive as “students”, then “knock up” naive/stupid white women and apply to stay on some faked or other “family” basis), add up to maybe 3,000 every single day.

Our society is buckling under the strain already, and also from the weight of the millions of useless parasites of that sort born in the UK since the 1950s, some of whom could be seen executing a “shopping riot” in Oxford Street this week.

As matters now stand, a high proportion of the 8,000,000,000 inhabitants of the Earth are in principle eligible, and will soon be able to come to a European country such as Britain, claim asylum and then either succeed in that claim and stay —with all the consequent costs financial, social, and environmental to the British people— or fail in the claim but still stay, either by launching almost endless appeals or simply by disappearing into the vast reservoirs of non-whites now living in our cities.

If this continues for much longer, European societies will crack and fall to pieces, though not before there are upheavals on a scale not even seen in the 1930s.

Late music

[Moscow Kremlin under threatening skies]

Diary Blog, 10 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Two suspected ringleaders behind a day of chaos on London‘s Oxford Street, where police clashed with youths over fears of TikTok-inspired looting, were arrested last night.

Terrified shoppers were locked inside stores as staff pulled their shutters down yesterday afternoon as groups of youths gathered in the area after rumours on social media that gangs were going to ‘rob JD Sports’ and shoplift.

Shocking videos showed Metropolitan Police officers wielding batons and chasing after people in Europe’s busiest shopping street, with photos earlier in the day appearing to show one cop being punched in the face by a young man. 

Some youths were seen being wrestled away by officers in handcuffs, while others were detained on suspicion of going equipped to steal and breaching dispersal orders.

Police issued 34 dispersal orders, including one to TikTok prankster Mizzy who was seen by police in the area days after failing to appear before magistrates for breaching a court order. He later released a video insisting he was not involved in the disorder on Wednesday.

[Daily Mail]

Hundreds of blacks, but only two arrests? Also, they are often afraid of dogs, so why not use Alsatians in large numbers? Let the dogs loose to bite the untermenschen. Restore order to the streets.

As for that “Mizzy” cretin, he should be arrested and kept locked up until his trial(s).

Sadiq Khan has chosen this moment to announce that he will be turning over Trafalgar Square to the mob on 2 September, sub nom “Black on the Square”! In what proportion is the bastard mad or bad?

London. Zoo.


A British man is among five people who have been shot dead in violent protests in South Africa.

The 40-year-old, reportedly a doctor who was on holiday in the country with two members of his family, was killed in the Ntlangano Crescent area of Cape Town last Thursday, officials said.

It is believed he had taken a wrong turn from the nearby Cape Town International Airport while driving with two other people when a group approached the vehicle and shot him.”

[Evening Standard]

These days, you hear little about the supposedly wonderful post-apartheid South Africa and its supposed “rainbow nation” (more msm lies, of course). Even the BBC has gone pretty quiet on all that nonsense. As for white South Africans, most have voted with their feet and left the country. The proportion of whites in the SA population is now very small, and continues to fall.

[note: whites were 22% of the population in 1911, still 16% in 1980 (the black population having exploded thanks to food and medical services under apartheid…), but now somewhere around 7% or even 6%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_South_Africa#Ethnic_groups].


A woman accused of the shooting and acid murder of her Tinder date told a jury she was too “petrified” to tell police her new boyfriend was the killer, but went on holiday to Jamaica with him days later.

Mr Smith had been lured from his home, shot in the face then had sulphuric acid poured over him as he lay dying, Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester heard.”

[Evening Standard]

Britain in 2023…(allegedly).

Seven planets will retrograde at the same time in 2023: Key dates for your calendar…

Astrologers have warned people to be prepared for changes for the rest of the year as the planets move backwards.

Seven planets will retrograde – and almost all of them will happen at the same time.

Astrologers say we all need to be prepared for challenges that will force us to “take stock” or “review” our habits or circumstances – even if we don’t feel as if we are ready to do so, with the shift in the stars that is set to happen imminently.

Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the seven planets that will all make a backwards move through the sky in the coming months, something that will affect us all through our astrology charts...

During this small window of intense retrograde action, be on alert for any profound shifts or thought-provoking insights around 4 September 2023.

[Evening Standard]

Well, my birthday is on 2 September, so…

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Young people“…meaning blacks. Correction: 95% blacks, 4% other non-whites, and maybe 1% real/white British.

They cannot create a civilization or culture, or maintain one already created by others, or even live in such a culture and civilization. So what is the answer? (answers on a postcard to 10 Downing Street).

Can anyone honest claim that they add anything at all positive to our country, to our way of life?

It would not matter if 99.9% of the world population were to disappear tomorrow, so long as the remaining 0.1% consisted mainly or entirely of (ideally) reasonably cultured and educated white European or European-descended people. In fact, it would be a wonderful new start for our world, a foundation on which could be built, over time, the basis for a quantum leap in human evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

Russia must and will eventually control all Ukraine east of the Dnieper (including all of Kiev), as well as Crimea, and also a coastal strip about 50-100 miles deep on the Black Sea, from the western bank of the Dnieper estuary to Transdniestria.

The SNP, in the contemporary era, say since the 1990s, is a complete System party, completely pro all the schemes of NWO/ZOG and the Jew-Zionist lobby.

The Biden family make Trump look like Mr. Clean, and even make the Clintons look not too bad.

Yes. It’s almost funny that the UK “security and intelligence” bods are still fighting the last war (in their case, the Cold War). They focus on Russian intelligence, or on British people publishing tweets or blogs, and call it “counter-terrorism” (even Alison Chabloz, the satirical singer, was arrested on such a basis, ludicrously); meanwhile about 3,000 non-whites a day invade the UK, hundreds of them in rubber boats across the Channel, the rest via plane, ferry etc. Then there are the births to non-Brits— huge numbers, every single day.

More music

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Many Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] decisions are really political decisions. I myself face trial (it seems) later this year by reason of a decision taken by CPS drones at the behest of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism”, a tiny group of Jews (a few dozen, really) who pretend to represent all Jews in the UK (some 250,000+).

“Caring sharing” Britain, 2023. The police may be useless at their proper job, most of the time, but give them a “hate crime” dogwhistle, and the dogs are out of the traps, and racing, within seconds…

Sweden is going to be part of NATO. Goodnight Vienna Stockholm…

2066? I think much earlier, the way things are going. Maybe 2050, maybe even 2040.

More tweets


British people who do not want a million migrant-invaders a year coming to the UK (as at present) are “bigots“, says Kevin Maguire, the scribbler and talking head who gets paid hundreds of thousands a year to scribble and spout his kneejerk Labour-tribalist opinions.

Naturally, “gritty Northener” Maguire will not himself suffer from the migration-invasion, living as he does in a multi-million pound house in leafy Richmond, South West London (that is, when he and his wife Emma Burstall, novelist and newspaper scribbler, are not at their second home in Devon).

Quite; the real Ukraine…

They’re coming to take me away, ha ha!

I notice that my blog post from 2019 (with updates to 2023) has had a few hits today. It has stood the test of time rather well, if I say so myself.

Late tweets seen

…and, while the picture in the UK may seem not so bad, in fact the non-Jew politicians of the System parties are mostly, almost all, in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Only the taxpayers of the USA, UK, and EU are being hit by the sanctions against Russia.

Now there’s an interesting speculative thought, in that second tweet.

Like a Swiss cheese.

Late music

[German Tiger tanks advance near Kiev in December 1943]

Diary Blog, 9 August 2023, including a few thoughts about Sadiq Khan, Trafalgar Square, and “Black on the Square”

Morning music

[Konstantin Razumov, Girl]

Battles past

From the newspapers

Martial arts enthusiast guilty of fatally stabbing partner in north London.”

A martial arts enthusiast has been found guilty of stabbing his partner to death at their home and then holding a friend captive and driving through a police cordon.

Jason Bell, 42, attacked Nicole Hurley, 37, with at least two knives at their home in Primrose Hill, north-west London in October 2021. Afterwards, Bell turned up at the house of a friend with a large army-style knife and accused him of sleeping with Hurley.”

[The Guardian]

[the killer]
[the victim]

Partner“? Looking at the two photographs, one has to ask “why?“, or “what was she thinking?“…

The full report is misleading in respect of one of the locations. It seems that the friend lived not in “Maida Vale”, as claimed, but in Kilburn, a couple of miles to the north of where I myself used to live in Little Venice. Even the estate agencies, which have invented a non-area called “North Maida Vale”, would be hard put to claim the location of the murder as having been in any sort of Maida Vale; not even “borders of”, I should think.


Terrible. Life in most places outside London is hard without a car. I have a car now, but when I lived in New Jersey in the early 1990s, I did not drive or own a car (my American first wife had one, though).

Getting into Manhattan by express (non-stop) bus was fairly good and only took about 50 minutes once on board, but to travel crossways, either eastward to the Jersey Shore, or westward to nearby settlements such as South River, was almost impossible, and involved a longish walk and then a ride on the one very occasional local bus, the M15 (I always called it the “MI5”).

Very inconvenient, and that is more or less what is now being inflicted on many rural dwellers in England.

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Look at the fundamentals: Russia is still a functioning and indeed flourishing state in most respects. It has an oil and gas sector exporting around the world, other mineral exports, a state income which is huge, and an army which, despite problems, can still fulfil its tasks. Then there are the 6,000+ nuclear weapons. Russia’s domestic economy continues to work normally. Russia has huge potential reserves of both manpower and armaments.

Contrast Kiev-regime Ukraine: 10%+ of its former territories occupied and/or broken away; a population whose very low birth-rate (insufficient to replace losses via deaths) is one factor, another being the 20% of the pre-2022 population now living beyond Ukrainian borders. The country cannot export by sea, its industry is at a near-standstill, and its shambolic and tyrannical Jew-Zionist government cannot replace the 350,000 soldiers killed or hors de combat. It is now having to use press-gangs. Only foreign aid is keeping the war going, the army supplied with arms and ammunition, and the civilian population supplied with money.

Ha ha. “Laughter…the best medicine“.

As for the “Black on the Square” takeover on 2 September (my birthday, ironically), what an insult (further insult) to this country, to the British people, to us... Which of course is why alien enemy Sadiq Khan has done it.

It is not enough, apparently, that the Notting Hill area and miles around is taken over by a huge raucous crowd of blacks (with white hangers-on) every year.

No, times have changed, and it becomes necessary for the white British people who built Trafalgar Square, and London, and the British Empire, to feel the boot of the former slaves and conquered tribes and peoples on their collective neck…and to know that we, the British people, are now the conquered subjects.

Late tweets

In my view, juries, long considered bulwarks of liberty, are becoming useless in that regard both in the USA and UK, allowing the plainly guilty to go free (as seen in the O.J. Simpson case in California 30+ years ago, and in many cases since, e.g. the Colston statue vandalism case in Bristol a few years ago), while all too often bending the knee to the infested state and the Jewish lobby in the UK, as in recent and very obviously contrived/faked-up pseudo-“terror” trials.

Late music

[central Warsaw, 1945]

Diary Blog, 8 August 2023

Morning music

[Rembrandt, Man in Armour]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Human beings can be incredible.

More tweets

The UK could have had that, or better.

Only the continued flow of arms, ammunition, money, food, medical supplies, and signals intelligence to the KIev regime keeps this conflict going. Take away Zelensky’s ricebowl—

Anyone who chooses a cat based on those criteria is probably the wrong person to have one. Also, “too old” at 15 weeks? Ridiculous.

Strange dream

Like Churchill, I have the habit of having an afternoon nap when possible. Today that came with an odd dream. I was running some political organization, and there was not only some (unidentified) journalist there, but also Nigel Farage.

Upstaging the journalist, Farage had made a grandiloquent offer, that is that he would pay me a million pounds to interview me for some TV show or podcast.

The interview was to take place at an ordinary table on the (maybe) third floor of a building. Just a dull, carpeted space, with a few people (including that journalist) around. Someone else was accompanying Farage.

Farage was about to start when, not quite trusting him, I remarked (in the dream, “urbanely”…) that I was sure that, as a man of business, he would not mind if I asked for the cheque upfront. He started to expostulate evasively. I asked what value of cheque he was willing to give. The answer, after some “umming and arring”, was…£22!

I became angry, dragging Farage from his seat and across the grey-carpeted floor to the window, with him struggling and trying to escape.

As I approached the windows, Farage in my grasp (though struggling to break free), I shouted at him that I had known that he could not be trusted, and that not only should he be chucked out of a window but that I was going to do it!

I then woke up.

Well, that was what I was doing this afternoon…

From where did that come?

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In Diane Abbott’s case, the motivation is simple— she just hates white British people, despite having been given a very easy ride all her life.

She is also an idiot…

That idiot might easily have become Home Secretary.

When you look at the —superficially well-educated— political cretins who form the System political establishment, you see how it is that this country is sinking into the mire.

Well-intentioned if stupid members of the public donate money to Care4Calais etc, but I wonder(quite apart from the evil of importing hostile untermenschen into the UK) how much goes to “grifters” such as Clare Moseley, who also had an affair with a North African. In fact, the only reason she did not get knocked up by the said migrant-invader is because she was too old to get pregnant. See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12085287/Founder-Care4Calais-steps-threatened-drag-volunteer-f-g-hair.html.

As a barrister (until wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016, though I did not practise law anyway after 2008), I saw, even in the early 1990s, the “rotten borough” that is asylum law, and immigration law in general.

Perhaps so, and indeed that dissident third would shrink further if the people asked knew that the invaders are not detained, can come and go freely, get free food and medical (etc) as well as shelter, and even pocket money on top.

Having said that, the barges are a distraction. Up to a thousand of the invaders cross the Channel daily. Only 500-600 can be accommodated on one barge. Also, cross-Channel migration is only a fraction of the whole (about a million a year, plus births to migrant/immigrant/other non-white women already here).

Not until London is cleansed. Read that however you like.

I wonder which pub that was. I lived, on and off, in Little Venice (Maida Vale), in those years. Just off Clifton Road..

I wonder how that army would stack up against either the Russian one or that of the Kiev regime?

Having said that, armies (especially large ones) vary much within themselves in their levels of effectiveness. Some regiments, corps, or other units are far above others.

Brutal. No wonder the Kiev regime is finding it hard to recruit volunteers, or even mercenaries.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, Western Siberia, in winter]

Diary Blog, 7 August 2023, including some thoughts about Paul Mason

Morning music

[Bishop Rock Lighthouse amid heavy seas]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Needless to say, I am not interested in “anti-racism” except as an observer of potentially-hostile groups, but I certainly agree with Miller’s points “1” and “2”, and “3” is at least arguable.

I have no idea how true any of that may be, but I have long been suspicious of the part-Jew scribbler and talking head, Paul Mason: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist). A decade ago, I found his books (I read two of them) interesting (on economic and some social matters), but his political standpoint seemed to be an odd and very silly 1960s conflation of Marxism and anarcho-syndicalism.

In fact, the Wikipedia section about Mason’s political ideology shows him almost kaleidoscopic in belief or display [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist)#Politics] which could be (I say could be, not is) a good cover for someone engaged in covert activities.

Mason says that he has moved from what he refers to as Trotskyism to (again, his description) “social democracy“.

Whatever his true views (assuming that he has some), Mason is basically anti-democratic, favouring state repression in a number of instances. Look at the remark he made about UKIP voters to the Daily Express in 2017: “They are toe-rags, basically. They are the bloke who nicks your bike.” A strange view to take of the nearly 4,000,000 voters who voted UKIP in 2015, or even of the nearly 600,000 who voted UKIP in 2017.

I should say that, in my opinion, Mason’s overall attitude to the British people is one of snarling contempt.

In the New Statesman magazine in June 2018, Mason argued the case for state suppression of “fascists”, saying that he favoured a policy of using “the full panoply of security measures to deter and monitor” those he described as “racists” and added: “For clarity, unlike many on the left, that means I am in favour of state suppression of fascist groups.” He finished his article by saying that “The progressive half of Britain needs a narrative to overcome this threat: a narrative based on shared, historic values of democracy and tolerance”, and also “[to] stop pandering to right-wing nationalism and xenophobia and start fighting it.”


A point of view which is almost identical to that of the pre-1990 “Stasi” repression machine of the DDR (East Germany). It is also, in fact, not far from the view seemingly now taken by the “security” drones in the UK, perhaps tellingly.

Oddly, Mason’s background is not one of an economist. His degree was a “soft” one (Music and Politics, awarded by the University of Sheffield), after which he trained as a music teacher, then did some postgraduate research, again in the musical field. He taught music at Loughborough University for several years until 1988, when he was 28.

Mason moved to London in 1988, but his source(s) of income over the following 3 years are unknown; he then became, apparently, a “freelance journalist” for about 4 years (the date of starting doing that is vague), until employed from about 1995 on several different publications as writer and editor, the latter role having been at Computer Weekly.

From 2001 to 2013, Mason was on BBC Newsnight, and then was Economics Editor of Channel 4 News (2014-2016). After that, again freelance. He also now runs a political “consultancy”.

For whatever reason, Mason has been rejected (so far) in his quest to become a Labour MP, a quest which I predicted a decade ago in one of my popular reviews on Amazon UK, where I was voted one of the so-called “Top Reviewers”.

Sadly, readers of this blog cannot verify what I have just written— the Jewish lobby had all my Amazon UK reviews removed many years ago (thus proving, once again, that democracy and civil rights cannot co-exist for very long with a substantial Jewish population, not in any country).

As noted, Mason has tried to become a Labour MP in three constituencies so far, and reached the shortlist in two of them before having been rejected. Now, rumour has it that Mason will be selected to fight the Islington North seat presently held by Jeremy Corbyn, who has been sacked, to put it plainly, by Keir Starmer.

Mason has backed Starmer since at least 2022, despite Starmer’s policies being not very far removed from those of the Conservative Party. Mason the chameleon…

Autres temps, autres moeurs, perhaps. Mason must have had an income in the hundreds of thousands per annum in recent years…

Corbyn got about 64% of the vote at Islington North in 2019, has represented the area since 1983 and, apart from that first election (when he scored 40%) has never dropped below 50%, scoring 73% in 2017.

How much of Corbyn’s vote at Islington is for Corbyn and how much for Labour-label will only be made known at the next general election. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islington_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s. If Corbyn stands on some basis, and if Mason is the official Labour Party candidate, the fight will be brutal.

More music

Migration invasion

I happened to see a few minutes of Sky News. All about the barge for “refugees'” at Portland. Can just about take 600 “refugees” (migrant invaders), so about one day’s Channel crossing total.

There was a small pro-migrant demonstration (about 20 idiots). The spokeswoman seemed to be some deluded old bat who said that the Government was at fault for not “processing” quickly enough the migrants’ asylum claims, so that they could be “settled”. Settled where? In houses and flats which should be going to British people.

I should be willing to bet that the deluded old bat in question thinks that everyone in the UK should have higher pay, better State benefits, better NHS services etc. How on Earth does she (and all those who think like her) imagine that those aims can be accomplished, when a million migrants a year are entering the UK, many of them completely unemployable? Those hordes are, at best, a millstone round the neck of the British people, and at worst a hostile enemy force and bloc.

Incidentally, the invaders on the barge will not be detained there. Oh, no. They will live there, sheltered and fed, and provided with medical and dental services. They will not only be free to go out to Portland or Weymouth or elsewhere, but also provided with a free shuttle bus service from the barge to the nearest town (running from morning until into the evening), and some pocket money (I believe about £40 a week).

All the System parties are in fact within the same Coudenhove-Kalergi conspiracy, at their higher levels.

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Well, the founder of “Care4Calais”, Clare Moseley, certainly offered a migrant-invader not only her bedroom but also her bed, and herself in it! See below.



Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Sanctions against Russia hit mainly the peoples of Western and Central Europe.

(((you know who…))).

(in fact, his name is Tamir Pardo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tamir_Pardo).

As previously remarked, if the (mostly fake) “refugee” hordes are simply a useless parasitic population within our borders, that would be the best outcome. The worst (and far more likely) outcome would be that the black/brown invaders will form a vast criminal and/or terroristic bloc here. It is already happening, in fact.

The fact is that the Government has lost control, the fake Labour “Opposition” might even be worse from 2024, the Security Service, MI5, and the police and their so-called “anti-terror” branches have also lost control, and mainly focus on the British popular response to the migration invasion, by repressing freedom of expression etc.

Eventually, something will have to give way, and we shall then be in some form of civil war.

Late tweets seen

Bin the fraudulent “grifter”.

Late music

[Shishkin, Forest]

Diary Blog, 6 August 2023

Afternoon music

[Johann Messely, The Terrace]

Battles past

Peter Hitchens


Tweets seen

Exactly. Numbers of people, not whether (as such) they run cars, or burn coal. The primary fact is the overall number.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

The most interesting secondary fact is that the two main System parties are only supported by two-thirds of the voters. However, that is almost irrelevant from an electoral point of view, thanks to the UK’s First Past The Post electoral system. Those two parties will probably take not merely most of the seats in England, or even two-thirds, but almost all of them.

1956, the year of my birth (as well as the year of Khrushchev’s Secret Speech, the Suez Crisis, and the Hungarian Uprising). That scene now looks like a very long time ago indeed.

As I have blogged previously, Ukraine as a state has no future. In the past year, 350,000 (almost all men) killed or injured on the battlefield, while 20% of the population (mostly women and under-18s) is living outside Ukraine, and on top of a very low birthrate even before 2022.

More music

Rare 1930s/1940s film with music

[part of the oasis of Siwa, Egypt/Libya border, where I myself spent a month in 1998]

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I do not claim to know much about cars; is that a Corvette?

In 1995, the twins, Kyrie and Brielle Jackson, were born 12 weeks premature, each weighing only about 2 pounds. They were placed in separate incubators. One twin was not expected to survive. She went into critical condition. Her heart rate was rising while her oxygen level was dropping significantly. They were about to lose her. It was then that one nurse, Gale Kasparian, went against the hospital rules and standard procedure, putting the healthy twin next to her struggling sister in the same incubator. This decision turned out to be life-saving. Once the twins were close to each other, the struggling sister (Brielle) snuggled up to the healthy sister (Kyrie) who put her arms around Brielle. Almost immediately after, Brielle’s vital signs started stabilizing. Her heart rate and oxygen levels normalized. Both twin sisters eventually survived and grew into strong young women. The picture below came to be known as the rescuing hug and would change a part of our understanding of medicine. Hugging that is coming from the heart is proven to have calming and healing effects. Maybe there is someone in your life that can use a warm and heartfelt hug right now.”



When it rains in England, I rejoice, because it keeps several kinds of untermenschen off the streets. Looks like it has the same effect in Sweden.

From the newspapers


“Caring sharing” Britain, 2023…

I wonder how many more shantytowns of the same sort will be built under the expected “Labour” government after 2024, in order to shelter the million unwanted immigrants (migrant invaders) arriving here every single year. Mostly useless parasites.


Interesting, as are a few of the readers’ comments.

Argos was started by a man who “invented” Green Shield stamps, a ubiquitous thing in 1960s/1970s Britain. In fact, he “borrowed” the idea of those stamps from the USA, where they had been around for about half a century.

When that man, Richard Tompkins, started Argos, almost all the “experts” in the newspaper financial and business columns of the Press thought that it would not work. The “experts” were wrong, as usual (the same columnists and other scribblers also thought, in the 1980s and 1990s, that Sky TV and Amazon respectively would not succeed).

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argos_(retailer); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argos_(retailer)#History; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Shield_Stamps#History; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Tompkins.

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A warm heart, a cool head, [and] clean hands“…Had the KGB and other organs stayed true to that, the Soviet system might not have fallen, or might have transitioned to a better system, rather than to Jew-exploitative fake “democracy” under puppets such as Yeltsin and the others of his sort, which led on to the “crony capitalism” now operative in Russia.

Late tweets seen

So, “as soon as possible“, the Labour government of (?) 2024/2025 will move migrant invader hordes out of hotels and camps and barges, and put them…where? In millions of new ugly housing estates covering the countryside? Into council housing that should be reserved for ENGLISH/BRITISH people only? Into private rentals (and paid for how?), thus pricing out British people? Where?

Well, the girl, er, fronting that demonstration is very noticeable…

Diary Blog, 5 August 2023

Morning music

[painting by Jack Vettriano]

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week, victory for me over political journalist John Rentoul; he got 5/10, but I trumped that with 8/10. I did not know the answers to questions 5 and 9.

Julian Assange

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The Kiev-regime police state.

Few are now volunteering for the Kiev-regime army. A death sentence if the recruit is sent (often with little training) to the front. The regime is using press-gangs to force men into the army. Maybe 350,000 have been killed or wounded in the past 17 months, mostly in the past year. Something like 750 a day, on average.

As for dissidents, arrested, mistreated, some even shot. “Ukraine” (Kiev-regime Ukraine) is not the free, principled place the propaganda portrays, but a corrupt, shambolic police-state where dissent is treason.

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That latter tweeter is right. Parris, when not in London, does live in such a cottage (in Derbyshire). I see now from Wikipedia that he also has a place in Spain.

Parris himself has really never had a job as such, unless you include his unsuccessful two years as trainee diplomat and his likewise disastrous stint as correspondence secretary to Mrs. Thatcher: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Parris.

Having said that, Parris often writes uncomfortable truths, but I think not in this case, perhaps because he has never had the experience of doing a “real” job in the real world.

Likewise, as the tweeter below points out, PIP (the successor-benefit to the now-disappearing Disability Living Allowance or DLA) , is not an out-of-work benefit, and is thus disregarded from income for benefit purposes.

Parris thus follows in the footsteps of many scribblers, TV talking heads, and radio presenters, as well as MPs, who talk about State benefits and/or pensions out of ignorance, not knowing the most basic facts.

A one-time, and briefly, “rising star” of the Conservative Party.

Some people are just incredibly fortunate in life. I mean, look at Houchen: born 1986, was a student until about 2008 or 2009, when he became (I think, not sure) a solicitor. He may have worked as a solicitor for a couple of years (again, not sure about that), and his political career to date has consisted of being a local councillor for 5-6 years (2011-2017), then Mayor of Tees Valley (2017-2023 and continuing), and now (thanks to “Boris” Johnson) a member of the House of Lords.

Incidentally, when Houchen was elected in 2017, I tipped him on this blog as someone to watch, having heard him on the radio. I was right, but in more than one way…

So now, in personal financial terms, Houchen is riding high— £65,000+ as Mayor of Tees Valley, plus expenses —not a fortune but better than poke in eye with sharp stick— and £350 a day plus extra expenses whenever he turns up (even for half a hour) at the Lords, on any sitting day. So well over £100,000 a year, perhaps, plus generous expenses. Not bad for someone still only 36, and who has only just about (for ~2 years) done any real/non-political job (as a local solicitor in his native region).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Houchen,_Baron_Houchen_of_High_Leven; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Houchen,_Baron_Houchen_of_High_Leven#Controversies.

Whether there was actual corruption involved in the Redcar Steelworks affair (scandal), I do not know. Questions have certainly been raised. £45M has gone missing.

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Import into the UK (or the rest of Europe) the various races and groups of Asia, Africa etc, and you import with them their political ethics (or lack of), their moneygrubbing, and the rest of it. Don’t be so surprised, and do not imagine that a few years at Winchester or Eton, or Oxford University, will make much difference.

I also think that new houses ought to have some kind of built in rainwater storage, to be used for gardens or, in extremis, washing and cooking. When I was working and living on a small Caribbean island about 24 years ago, my villa (like most of any size there) was built around a water tank. No mains water where I lived.

All water for bathroom and kitchen came from the tank, and it never ran out (despite rain being rare outside the hurricane season). Drinking water one had to buy. I usually bought filtered and cleaned (via ultraviolet light) Miami tapwater, costing (1999 prices) USD $5 or $6 per U.S. gallon. Sounds expensive (maybe $9 or $10 in 2023 money) but it would last me several days.

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While of course prisoners have to be restrained from carrying out vigilante justice, equally naturally they are often disgusted at being forced to live around persons as evil as that. His crimes and, even more so, planned crimes, were appalling.

Justice is, as St. Thomas Aquinas noted, “immanent”— ingrained in human beings; inherent. Even the “lawless” have their own code of laws or rules, usually.

The blue areas are 50% of the areas that, according to US Secretary of State Anthony Blenkin, the “Ukrainian Army” has liberated!! The most advanced military equipment that was available to the member countries of the alliance was destroyed and lost in this blue area. The equipment that some inside western country claimed that when it reaches the battlefield, not only Crimea but also Moscow and Saint Petersburg will be captured.”

[Katyusha rocket artillery, 1940s. “Stalin’s organ pipes”]

Late music

Diary Blog, 4 August 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

I blogged once or twice recently about Ukraine’s severe demographic problems: low birthrate, 20% of the pre-2022 population (mostly women and under-18s) now not within Ukrainian borders, and now these deaths and other casualties. If the war continues, Ukraine as a state has no future.

Never underestimate the strategic importance of defence in depth. In 1943, Allied forces invaded Sicily, then landed at Anzio, south of Rome, in January 1944, subsequently advancing to Rome itself by June 1944. The Italian government of Mussolini collapsed after the Fascist Grand Council and the King dismissed Mussolini, who was arrested (though later rescued by Otto Skorzeny’s commando and glider force).

The fall of Rome in 1944, however, was not the end of the matter in big-picture terms. The several east-west German lines of defence were only slowly breached by Allied forces: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_Line.

The German forces withdrew from the various lines in good order, always to the North. By the end of the Second World War in 1945, the Allies had still not reached the Austrian frontier.

In the present Ukraine conflict, the Kiev-regime forces are exhausting themselves. They have little prospect of advancing as far as Crimea, nor of regaining the former Ukrainian oblasts of Donetsk and Lugansk, let alone of breaching, in any substantial way, the borders of Russia proper.

[“Russia has no borders; it is wherever there are Russians“]

Sunak’s ancestors picked our crops in British Raj India and in British East Africa; he now tells middleaged/elderly white British people to “chop chop“…

Traitors facilitated the importation of exploitative hordes who despise the British people.

The main assault of freedom of expression in the UK comes from the Jew-Zionist element; 95%+ of the anti-free-speech tyranny is from “them”.

“Grifter”/fraudster “Jack Monroe” has now deployed yet another “sock account”, one “@ThelastFM2” (joined Twitter July 2023, 1 “follower”). She has hundreds of such fake personas. They even have contrived conversations with each other about how good Jack Monroe is, and/or about how bad or dishonest are those exposing “Jack Monroe”.

One of many many examples.

The police, HMRC and charity regulators (and Twitter) should be investigating “Jack Monroe”.

Are they waking up?

…and look at those stupid police “me too-ers” supporting Eddie Izzard and thus the whole “trans” nonsense.

Those police idiots should get out and start doing their proper job, assuming that they can still remember what that is.

…and all the msm “enablers” are now calling Eddie Izzard “she”, “her” etc. The UK is at least halfway to going absolutely mad, but that progression to lunacy has not come about by accident. It has been contrived. It is being contrived. Daily. Conspiracy.

My own, and more polite, assessment of Therese Coffey, first published on the blog about 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/. It has proven one of the most popular things I have written here.

Late music

Diary Blog, 3 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Britain’s youngest ever female murderer who stabbed a stranger to death when she was just 12-years-old could be freed in days, it has been reported.

Sharon Carr, dubbed the ‘Devil’s Daughter’, knifed 18-year-old Katie Rackliff 32 times in an unprovoked attack as the teenager walked home from a night out in June 1992.

The hairdresser’s murder went unsolved for two years as police officers hunted an adult man rather than the child.

It was only after she attacked another schoolgirl with a knife in Camberley, Surrey, and bragged about killing Katie while in a young offender institute that she was arrested.

[Daily Mail]

[the murderess]
[the victim]
[parents of the victim]

More “diversity”…


“A cabinet minister faces a police probe over an election leaflet attacking Labour regarding plans to put a traveller site in his constituency.

Locals were asked a number of questions including ‘Would you like to see a traveller site next to your house?’ According to The Times, police have confirmed they are looking into the leaflet.”

Britain in 2023, a country where publishing the truth may result in the toytown police “investigating” you (even if you are a Cabinet minister), instead of doing their proper job.


Well worth reading. I may not much like Jew-Zionist lawyer Dershowitz, but not many know American laws as deeply as he does.

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Ukrainian men do not want to go to near-certain death at the front. That speaks more eloquently than the propaganda of the Kiev regime.

A disloyal schemer, and Israel-lobby puppet.

The most corrupt and stupid government in the world, with the exception of Nigeria”

As thievery goes, that black’s attempt must be the least skillful ever. The denouement reminds me of that of a scene in the film Taxi Driver:

Yet more fruits of “diversity”…

The decline of white European-derived populations in the world (in both absolute and percentage terms) has to be reversed, by increasing their numbers, and by decreasing those of other groups.

The UK reached that point decades ago. Poor Australia…

Kiev-regime Ukraine is one of the most rotten countries in the world. Even in the 1990s, that was so. I was told in 1998 by a Brit who knew it well (I think that he was probably an SIS officer) that an unpleasant American whom I had in fact met several times, a lawyer from Virginia with offices in both Kiev and London, and who was (maybe still is) well-connected with the Kiev government and business circles, regularly paid teenage Ukrainian girls —the same age as his own daughter— to wear nothing but stiletto heels and walk up and down on his back.

I have no reason to doubt what I was told, though by the same token I have no other evidence that such was the case.

The Soviet Union, always very flawed in terms of human ethics, fell apart morally from the 1960s, and what we saw in terms of gangsterism, Jewish “oligarchs” in Russia, other degeneracy, was all an outcome of that in the 1990s and since then.

unless a minority of the German population, even a small minority, starts to do what has become necessary…

People 50+ (and especially those 60+) are the only demographic as a group still voting “Conservative” in decisive numbers. If those aged 50-65 not already in employment are now being told to get minimum-wage jobs or else, the Con Party really will be toast at the next general election.

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“Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic “vaccine” dangers are an important issue, but not as important as the continuing mass immigration migration-invasion, the Jew-Zionist stranglehold over the msm, politics, finance, and legal system; also, not so important as the necessity to realign geopolitically, more towards Russia, less towards the USA.

The general tenor of the article is right, though. The System in the UK, vis-a-vis the British people, is now pretty much where the old Soviet and satellite system was in the 1970s/1980s vis-a-vis the populations of Russia, East Germany, Poland etc.

The only people being harmed by sanctions against Russia are the taxpayers of the EU, UK, and USA.

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 August 2023

Afternoon music

[Tangier in the rain]

Battles past

From the newspapers


A mother was left injured in a horrific revenge attack when her lover hired his retired father to help ‘sort her out’ after she refused to have sex with him.

Alex Craig, 36, and his 78-year-old father Francis Craig carried out the attack when Alex dumped Luana Dougherty. Luana’s daughter Carlee, 16, and her boyfriend Finn McBride were also injured.

The court heard [that] Craig snr, a retired builder, arrived at Miss Dougherty’s house on March 19 and went on to threaten Carlee by saying he would kill her as he pulled her hair and threw her to the ground.

Craig jnr then kicked Miss Dougherty, a mother-of-two, twice in her ribs and repeatedly kicked Finn McBride, 16. During the attack, he also threw a bicycle, pool balls, and an electric fan at the teenager.

Miss Dougherty, a community support worker from Cheshire, was left with bruising to her ribs, a cut to her right arm, and a cut to her lip. Carlee suffered a bump to the side of her head and a bloody nose while Finn suffered cuts to his knees, a bite mark under his left arm, and a split lip.

…at Chester Crown Court they admitted affray and were each sentenced to 18 months in jail suspended for 18 months.

[Daily Mirror].

In what world are the above offences suitable for suspended sentences, looking at the deliberate and premeditated assaults, and the injuries? Crazy Britain, 2023.

Of course, routine over-sentencing in other cases is one factor that has led to a shortage of space in the prisons.

There is a sense that this country is not far from “anarchy” or, better put, societal breakdown. The urban jungles are the worst areas, of course.

We are living pretty much on the edge now, to a greater extent than is generally understood.

Incidentally, I have just been reading the memoirs of Gorbachev, which came out in the mid-1990s. He says that, in Stavropol region, southern Russia, of which he was effectively in charge before going to Moscow as a candidate-member of the Politburo in or about 1980 , they had exactly the same problems— petty and not so petty crime, and arguments around sentences, community penalties, and as to whether prison was the right punishment in less serious cases.


This is the kind of treachery taking place in schools.

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If this war both continues and continues to escalate, Kiev will eventually cease to exist except as a blackened ruin. Stop the war now. Stop funnelling arms and ammunition (and money) to the Kiev regime.

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Well, you live and learn. I should never have thought that Karachi was as green and lush as that; looks like England. Maybe outside the main city, and/or in hills. I do not know. I know that Karachi is the 12th-largest city in the world (20M inhabitants) and that much of it is rather bare and dusty. Obviously not all, though.

PMC Wagner, aka “The Musicians”.

As someone once wrote about the (I think) Conservative, or maybe also Liberal Party MPs, after the First World War, “hard-faced men who had done well out of the War“.

Ah…just pinned down that quotation: Stanley Baldwin, and the correct quotation is, apparently, “A lot of hard-faced men who look as if they had done very well out of the war“, referring to MPs elected in 1918. Baldwin was quoted in the influential 1919 book by J.M. Keynes, The Economic Consequences of the Peace [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Economic_Consequences_of_the_Peace].



After visiting Bournemouth town centre today, I came away feeling shocked and sad to see what has happened to the town since I last visited and felt the need to vent my frustration.

I consider myself a local despite no longer living in the area.

I am 34 and lived in Christchurch for most of my life.

I loved regular day trips or nights out in Bournemouth.

The town was always so vibrant with lots going on, great shops and restaurants and always felt very safe.

I moved up to Scotland five years ago and have just returned to Bournemouth for a visit.

What the hell has happened to this place? There are barely any shops left, with many boarded up.

The town centre looks like a wasteland and is filthy.

A high proportion of people walking around the town centre seem to have a drink or drugs problem.

Quite frankly there is no centre to visit anymore and the issues with drink and drugs make the place have an unpleasant and uncomfortable atmosphere.

I just don’t understand what this council are doing but it genuinely disgusts and saddens me.

Simply having a nice beach and gardens is not enough of an attraction with such a rundown town at its centre.

Growing up I was always so proud to live in such a beautiful place.

Now I couldn’t be happier that I no longer live here and after my experience this week I doubt I will ever return to the area again.

What a shame.


Elgin, Scotland

[extracts from a letter to the Bournemouth Echo newspaper]

Bournemouth is about 17 miles from my present home. I remember, just about, being there (from Berkshire) with my family on occasional days in the early/mid 1960s. My memories were of somewhere safe, white, English, sunny (we visited on odd days in the summer), with clean streets and buildings (mainly hotels and apartment buildings), a beach not too crowded, bright yellow double-decker buses.

I also spent a few days there in the 1980s, as a kind of unofficial add-on to a Soviet dance ensemble (my then girlfriend was interpreting for them); I cannot now recall which dance or ballet group it was, but one of the well-known ones. The hotel was a quite decent 3/4-star place, with an unheated outdoor swimming pool. All the Russians opened their windows and looked out when I jumped in and swam in the cold water at about 8 in the evening, after dark.

I also visited the place another time, also early 1980s, when I and my then girlfriend swam with the ex-wife and children of the poet, Yevtushenko. I blogged about that years ago. The grandmother of those children had a wooden bathing hut on a semi-private beach in a pleasant area of Bournemouth; also a nearby home.

Bournemouth is appalling now. I almost never go there. 20+ years ago, it was still not too bad, though nothing like what it was like in the 1960s anyway. I drove there a few times in 2000.

By 2009, when I had to go there and nearby a few times, the downturn was pretty obvious. Large numbers of foreign persons, mostly non-white. Part of that would be the number of language schools there (genuine or otherwise), and also other higher education institutes attracting foreign students. That is far from being the whole picture, though.

As for drugs, I have never had any connection with them (unless you count the cannabis-smoking bourgeois dropouts etc I knew in the mid-1970s, or the DEA agent to whom I was introduced at the Federal Courthouse in Trenton, New Jersey, in 1990, and who showed me the real evidence in a trial that was going on: a sportsbag filled with vacuum-packed cocaine, the packs looking like supermarket coffee packs, but transparent, containing white powder, packed hard). Worth USD $250,000 wholesale, apparently.

However, Bournemouth is apparently now a drugs hotspot.

Sad. Bournemouth is not alone in becoming a dump. Torquay and many other towns, previously rather nice, are no better.

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A “conspiracy theory” that may not be completely impossible, when you look at times, dates, and the behaviour of Trudeau’s mother.

Interestingly, Justin Trudeau was, it is said, a passenger on at least one flight of the aircraft owned by Jeffrey Epstein, the now-deceased Jewish rapist, supposed millionaire/billionaire, and Israeli intelligence asset: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

Late music