Diary Blog, 20 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Britain in 2023. A 10-hour wait for an ambulance summoned by a 999 call.


No comment, purely because the trial is ongoing.


[Afghan “asylum-seeker” robber living in London; why are they even here?]

“Diverse” Britain…


[North African robber living in London; why are they even here?]

More news from “diverse” Britain…

London. Zoo.

We all know that, in the end, many of the problems of the UK will only be solved one way, but our freedom of expression is now so restricted that we cannot speak or write the truth.

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Remarkable clip.

The USA has an even more serious problem in academia than has the UK, from university level right down to government-operated schools in black/brown “hoods”.

Surely Biden will not be put forward for a second term? If he is, and if he were to win (unlikely as both now seem), he might be replaced while in office by Kamala Harris, which would be just absurd.

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See also my own blog post from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/02/04/white-flight-in-a-small-country/.

[symbolic burning of degenerate literature, Germany, 1936]

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[Adolf Hitler at the Olympic Games, Berlin, 1936]

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Whether that fall in inflation will help the present Government either in the upcoming by-elections or in the 2024 General Election is an open question. My feeling is that even usual Conservative Party voters have given up, and are shaking their collective head at the present incompetent misgovernment. I see no enthusiasm for Labour, though, just a kind of angry apathy, which may be reflected in abstention from voting, or in protest voting. One thing is sure— not very many people, relatively, are going to vote “Conservative”, as things stand.

Madness. Get rid of them, one way or another. This is all part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan].

At least there is one piece of good news.

More good news.

Positives and negatives. One positive is that the new Act will supersede the notoriously “bad law” of the Communications Act 2003, s.127, which has been so badly abused over past years, mainly by the nasty little Jew-Zionist cabal called the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”.

As regular readers will know, as things stand I myself still face trial in late November 2023 under that same 2003 Act, which however was recommended for repeal by the Law Commission a couple of years ago. Indeed, it may well be that (if the trial actually takes place) I may turn out to be the last person to be prosecuted under its very-poorly-drafted provisions criminalizing the posting of so-called “grossly offensive” material (which can mean anything or nothing).

However, it now seems that internet websites will be forced to censor material, and we can be sure (((which kind))) of (((pressure groups))) will be pulling the levers from the shadows…

As always, the cloak for censorship is “protect children!” and “protect the public from terrorism!“…

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Jacinda Ardern is part of a conspiratorial transnational cabal; call it “NWO/ZOG” if you like. I am not sure, in fact, that she is fully human. Same goes for Tony Blair, among others.

There will only be one way to survive the encroaching darkness, in the end.

More from the newspapers


Now it’s clear: hard work doesn’t make you rich. Surely that’s the death knell for the myth of social mobility…Where you are born in the UK and the wealth of your family are the key factors that determine life outcomes, new figures reveal.

[The Guardian]

Very true. What puzzles me is how many people were or are unaware of that…

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I agree with him (and have been saying this, and more, for years).

I believe that Griffin does read my blog, at least from time to time.

…and, only a couple of years ago, Patriotic Alternative people Mark Collett, Sam Melia, Laura Towler etc were all deprived of their personal bank accounts for political reasons.

The Ukrainian counter-offensive has failed, overall. The Kiev-regime forces have so far managed to advance only a few miles in a few areas of the front, and at the expense of perhaps 50,000 or more killed, wounded and/or captured.

At the same time, the Kiev regime has been exposed yet again as corrupt, brutal, and shambolic.

The cold weather is only a few weeks off. Rain and cold, followed by ice and snow by November-December. When the ground is hard, Russia may launch a massive armoured onslaught, supported by thousands of missiles and drones attacking military formations, rear-area supply and logistics hubs, and the energy infrastructure of the Ukrainian cities. After that, in early 2024, there may be an advance by armies hundreds of thousands strong.

The Kiev regime cannot “win” this war, even to the extent of taking Crimea, Lugansk, and Donetsk. Where it is now is the best it is going to get for Zelensky’s cabal.

Late tweets

The bitch gave the game away. “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) likes to pose as fully European, democratic, with free speech etc, when it is really a corrupt and brutal dictatorship which has existed for 30+ years in a state of semi-chaos.

Ah…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Ashton-Cirillo. More or less a lunatic…

Late music

[1930s Soviet cinema; an imagined “socialist city”]

Diary Blog, 19 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, Western Siberia]

Battles past

From the newspapers


I agree with Hitchens. I have not bothered to address the UK’s exploding Russell Brand scandal on the blog because, first of all, the man himself seems to me to be not worth analyzing. Just one more cheap, tawdry, pseudo-“celebrity” know-nothing paid millions by the corrupt msm for nothing very much; plainly a negative contributor to society.

Secondly, there are more important issues around. The migration-invasion. The destruction of our society in many different ways (the fake “celebrity” culture being but one of those). The war in Ukraine and the threat of nuclear war between the USA and Russia (with the UK likely to cease to exist if such a war ever happens). World overpopulation. The threat to the bees. The Jew-Zionist situation. Many other issues.

Having said that, it is interesting that Brand is in process of being “cancelled” just as he (apparently) has (as I read, quite recently) started to publicly question some of the recent socio-political shibboleths. Co-incidence or, as with some other public people, pour encourager les autres?


Good to see some true humanity. The lady who liberated the lobster will herself remember the feelings of that evening all her life, while a mere lobster dinner would soon be forgotten.

Tweets seen

A complete victory for Kiev will take a lot of time, and expelling all Russian troops from Ukraine is “too high a bar,” US Chief of Staff Mark Milley said in an interview with The Hill.

Zelensky has resisted peace talks with Moscow, saying Russia needs to be pushed out of all “Ukrainian territory.” However, according to General Milley, during the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces it is impossible to achieve this goal.

“There are significantly more than 200,000 Russian military personnel in the Russian-controlled part of Ukraine. This offensive, although significant, even if its goals are fully achieved, they will not drive out all the Russians, which is Zelensky’s broad strategic goal,” Milley said.”

Denmark, and the other countries in the NATO alliance, had better hope that there is not going to be a conventional war with Russia. They might find that all their armour has been turned into scrap metal in Ukraine.

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[Levitan, Vladimirka]

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Deceit is everywhere in the UK these days, but the fraudster/”grifter” who calls herself “Jack Monroe” is in the premier league for the sheer gall of her lying narratives.

I just checked the Patreon website for the first time in quite a few days: “Jack Monroe” still has no less than 366 utter mugs each sending her between £3.50 and £44 per month.

“Jack Monroe” may have crashed and burned as a minor “celebrity”, and I doubt whether she will be writing any more recipe books after the disaster of the last one, and her appearances on Question Time etc are (one hopes) at an end, but all the same, if the aforesaid mugs keep paying her a total of, probably, a few thousand pounds per month, she can scarcely complain.

When I was about 10 or 11, and living in Sydney (Australia), I sometimes thought how nice it would be if every person in the country were to give me 1 cent. The population of Australia was then 12 million, so my idea would be worth about AUS $120,000. Why I even thought that, I have no idea.

The amount I mention might seem to have been modest, but houses in the best areas of Sydney, such as where I lived, were only about $30,000 or so in those days.

Incidentally, the Australian population is now about 27 million, more than twice the size it was in the late 1960s, the result of mass immigration from all over the world (rather than only from the UK and mainland Europe), which started in the late 1970s.

Late tweets

Pretty much what I have been saying for the past 18+ months.

Late music

Diary Blog,18 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

NATO: Kyiv’s requests for weapons and ammunition exceed the alliance’s capabilities Kyiv’s demands for weapons and ammunition, as well as the volume of military products used in Ukraine, exceed NATO’s capabilities.

This was stated by the head of the alliance’s military committee, Rob Bauer , during the annual conference of the NATO Chiefs of General Staff in Norway. “NATO countries that decide to supply weapons and ammunition to Kiev need to think about the risks associated with such a decision for their security and the security of the alliance,” he warned.

Bauer has previously complained about lagging defense production capacity, slowing deliveries and continuing price increases, and has expressed the view that increasing allied defense spending in such a situation may not actually improve the security situation.”

“General [Milley]: Even if the Ukrainian counter-offensive is successful – the Russians will not be expelled.


The UKRAINIAN counter-offensive will not completely expel Russia from the conquered territories, nor will it completely return them to Kiev’s control, said General Mark Milley, the chief of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

The counter-offensive, although significant, has limited operational and tactical objectives. Even if these goals are fully achieved, they will not be enough to drive the Russians out completely,” [Milley] reasoned.

He avoided saying how long it would take Kyiv to achieve “its goals,” but admitted it would be “a fairly long period.” He also added that the Ukrainian counter-offensive will be “long-lasting, difficult and bloody“.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the “counter-offensive” of the Armed Forces of Ukraine “not a slip, but a fiasco.”

The new UK Defense Minister wants to transplant British pilots who trained Chinese colleagues The new British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said that former British army personnel who train colleagues from rival countries will be brought to justice. It was previously revealed that a number of former RAF military pilots were training Chinese PLA pilots for a generous payment of around £250,000.

Not sure what “transplant” means here but, leaving that aside, the Jew Shapps is talking nonsense (as usual).

Most of those ex-RAF pilots (most of whom were sacked by reason of spending cuts implemented by the “Conservative” governments of 2010-present) were selling their skills entirely lawfully at the time; I believe that the law was only recently changed. Retrospective laws are disapproved of in English law and tradition as unjust.

Over the past decade or so, the UK has been very badly served by its Secretaries of State for Defence: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_State_for_Defence#Secretaries_of_State_for_Defence_(1964%E2%80%93present). Several have been just buffoons. For example, Gavin Williamson: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

The Greek people should have voted for Golden Dawn while they still had the chance…


Good point. I have blogged about this in recent months. The population of Ukraine (including Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk regions etc) was about 43 million in 2021. However, in 1992, the population (including Crimea and the rest) was far higher, about 52 million. By 2014, the population had already decreased to about 45 million.

Ukraine’s population, for the past 30 years, has not been breeding fast enough to replace losses. That trend has now accelerated.

Possibly as much as a quarter of the 2021 Ukraine population has relocated beyond Ukraine’s borders.

The Russian or Russian-occupied areas (Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk etc) contain several million people. Crimea has 2-3 million.

In other words, the parts of Ukraine currently under the control of the Kiev regime now have somewhere in the region of 20-25 million inhabitants.

Bearing in mind that the Kiev-regime army has lost at least 500,000 young or young-ish men since last year, and that the ~4-5 million Ukrainians now living overseas are disproportionately female, the future of Ukraine as a state looks precarious at best.

At least one of the pair mentioned is a Jew. He supports the migration-invasion of Europe by blacks and browns. Is that surprising to the above tweeter?

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

From the newspapers


Yet another Conservative Party MP who evidently has no confidence in the Con Party vote holding up, especially in her own constituency. She had no chance at the 2024 General Election. I suppose that she may have a well-paid job already lined up.

The migraine factor is probably an add-on; presumably she will still have that problem whatever her future occupation.

An oddity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehenna_Davison; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehenna_Davison#Personal_life.



Italy‘s hard-Right prime minister has claimed that Europe’s future is at stake unless the EU can stop the surge of uncontrolled migration across the Mediterranean.

[Daily Mail]

Is this “news”?!

It may be that, sooner or later, Europe will have to wade through brutal times, as bad or worse than some of the years of the 20thC, in order just to create a decent future for European people.

Late tweets

Because they are easily controlled via bribery (of all kinds) or blackmail.

Late music

Diary Blog, 17 September 2023, including a few thoughts about the Western version of the “Nomenklatura”

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Is Ukraine stuck?

…the large-scale recapture of the land lost to Russia in 2022 looks less and less likely as the days shorten. Those who invested heavily in a summer offensive against Russia have so far been disappointed. And what then?

The USA is still (wisely) dead set against involving itself directly in the war, so what will break the stalemate? Does this just have to go on and on filling graveyards and doing severe economic damage to Ukraine and Europe? With what aim?

…I can sniff the wind as well as anyone, and when the mighty US magazine Foreign Affairs publishes a major article with the title Will The West Abandon Ukraine? (to which the answer, in my view, is ‘quite possibly’) I think something is going on. 

I’ve never been able to grasp what Britain’s interest is in sustaining a costly and risky war in South-East Europe between two corrupt and ill-governed hunks of the old Soviet Empire. A lot of US Republicans, not just the ghastly Trump, are also doubtful about the point of it.

Then there are recent reports of growing friction between Ukraine and Poland‘s government. I’m surprised this has not happened before, given the fairly recent (80 years ago) violent history between the two neighbouring peoples, in an area where events 500 years ago can still stir up bitter enmities.

And there is the current scandal of alleged corruption in Ukrainian military recruiting offices. This is no shock to anyone, as you can barely breathe in Ukraine without encountering corruption. But the point is that it suggests people in quite large numbers are paying to avoid fighting.

At the same time a lot of men of military age, banned by law from leaving Ukraine at the moment, are being caught trying to slip across the frontier with Romania. Which suggests that quite a few are getting through, and that this is a major difficulty for a country which has suffered terrible military casualties.

Honestly, if this war had not been so widely portrayed in crude storybook terms as a super-simple fight between total good and total evil, which it isn’t, we might have reached this stage before. But better late than never.

[Peter Hitchens in the Daily Mail]

I recall a discussion with some late middle-aged Poles in the snowy Polish winter of 1988; a week or two before Christmas. All three (a husband and wife, and the brother of that woman) had lived through the tumultuous events of the mid-20th Century in that part of the world. The brother had been captured with other Polish Army recruits, then deported by Soviet authorities to Vorkuta, where he spent several years but survived [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vorkuta].

That family had originally lived in or near Lvov (now a major city in Ukraine) but had been displaced. They however were adamant that they were Poles, and never Ukrainians. They seemed rather hostile to Ukrainians, in fact. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lviv#Interwar_period.

Since the Russian invasion of 2022, there has been a warmer Poland-Ukraine relation on the official level, but it cannot be said how long that will last; it may be fraying.


A child-snatcher has been jailed for attempting to abduct a three-year-old boy from Aldi – but was thwarted by the toddler’s seven-year-old brother.

Sergejus Paskevicius, 60, from Heywood in Rochdale, was arrested and charged for child abduction in July last year.

He was jailed for three years and two months at Manchester Crown Court (Minshull St).

On the face of it, that sentence seems exceptionally lenient, albeit that there may be mitigating facts not given in the newspaper report. The defendant will be out in about 18 months.


DAN HODGES: Betting, vaping and now driving… There is a merciless war on working Britons (and they’ve had enough)

For once, I tend to agree here with what Dan Hodges writes.

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The BBC, Sky, ITN etc should all be purged.

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[painting by Konstantin Korovin]
[Gorky Street (now Tverskaya), Moscow, 1950s]

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Worth listening to, though for me it is clear that the Earth is reaching, perhaps has already reached “peak population” (especially as far as the non-European —i.e. non-white— populations are concerned).

Convergence of systems, or the same system?

One sees much discussion online as to what is “Marxism” or “Communism” (or “Socialism”), and as to whether the new emerging totalitarianism in the West is “Marxist” or not. Many (of varying viewpoints) question the equivalence, looking at what is aimed at, and what are the policies espoused.

In fact, much of that debate is too theoretical. When you look at things from a practical perspective, the similarities are far more apparent. Look at a few of those.

In the Soviet social system, an extension of the ideals of the French Revolution was preached: liberty, equality, fraternity. Needless to say, those ideals were more honoured in the breach than in the observance. Even before Stalin took full power, a whole system of special rations, special pay, special healthcare and (in reality) education began to be implemented for the favoured parts of the population, especially the Nomenklatura.

Those favoured lived very different lives compared to the rest, all delineated by reference to rank and favour. Spacious apartments instead of shared and/or cramped houses and flats, healthcare in special hospitals (the best being the so-called “Kremlin Clinic” in outer Moscow) rather than standard Soviet hospitals, and a graduated set of special food outlets (usually not even open to the general public), in which could be bought items rarely or never generally available (caviar, smoked salmon, imported foods, imported kitchen equipment), and so on.

At the higher levels, the nomenklatura travelled “soft class” rather than hard, could get internal air tickets when they were hard to get for the base population, and had cars for local and regional transport (even in the 1980s, a black person in South Africa had a greater chance of buying a car than a Soviet citizen).

At the very highest levels, this “class division” of travel reached staggering inequality. The top brass would travel by “private” rail car or aircraft. When Sakharov was told to relocate in order to help with the Soviet atom bomb and hydrogen bomb projects, he travelled in a rail car which had a bedroom for himself and his wife, a sitting room, a dining room, accommodation for guards and other staff, a staffed kitchen, and an observation deck. This railcar was tacked onto an ordinary train.

The disparity even extended to communications, the nomenklatura above a certain level communicating among themselves by means of a special system of reliable and secure telephones. This was the vertushka, or vertushki (there were several levels of service, all self-standing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertushka).

Now look at the rulers and beneficiaries of the Western system today. The lifestyle disparity between the favoured few and the rest came out all the more strongly during the “Covid” “scamdemic”/”panicdemic”.

At meetings of the G7 or G20 heads of government in 2020-2022, the top attendees went around unmasked, shaking hands, kissing the ladies who were governmental leaders or their wives. Meanwhile, right next to them, were the waiters, waitresses, bodyguards etc, all masked! Almost an insult, really, a finger put up to the sheep watching on TV or reading the newspapers.

Indeed, the same is true in terms of travel. Ordinary people were banned from travel, or allowed to travel only on sufferance and after complying with Kafka-esque conditions, but the wealthy few and the governmental leaders continued buzzing around on private jets, and in reality subject to few restrictions.

We see the hypocrisy even now. The Harry Formerly Known as Prince, with Meghan Mulatta, making several transcontinental journeys per month using large private jets, often in order to speak about how the travel of the bulk of the population must be restricted or banned.

Not just Harry and the Mulatta; look at, say, Bill Gates, Emma Thompson and the rest. All travelling on hugely polluting private jets, helicopters, superyachts etc and at the same time lecturing the rest of the population about how they must accept ever-declining living standards…

In fact, that wealthy and ultra-wealthy stratum already live lives very different from the main population. In the UK, for example. Private jets for overseas travel. Helicopters for intra-UK or short-distance European travel. If cars need be used, that would usually be for short-ish distances, and the vehicles will be those that insulate the occupants from the outside. Range-Rovers, Rolls-Royce etc.

Needless to say, the wealthy rarely if ever require the NHS. Private healthcare only. As for security, the police are only needed as a backup for those in staffed country houses or London penthouses etc. Private security, maybe even bodyguards.

One could continue, but you see the point. This is a matter of the exercise of power, as well as that of privilege. The discussion “socialism” v. “capitalism” is largely sterile.

Everywhere you look now, you see the masks coming off: “15-minute cities”, 20 mph speedlimits, ULEZ, “social credit” ideas, the banning of most cars (in the medium-term and even short-term), the threat of further faked biosecurity “health” measures such as the facemask nonsense, “lockdowns” etc like a Sword of Damocles waiting to fall.

Add to that the black-brown migration-invasion and the obvious implementation across Europe of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

The black-brown hordes coming to Europe and including the UK are almost all coming from relatively poor living conditions in their home countries. For them, it does not matter that the NHS is failing, that the roads are falling to pieces, that pay and State benefits are low, that the police forces scarcely work, that the justice system is disintegrating etc. Why? Because all that is still far better than where they come from.

I am glad to see that a large part of the British population is at least becoming aware of the outline of what is happening.

More from the newspapers


Welsh people have started fighting back against the country’s new 20mph speed limit by painting over newly-erected road signs for the newly-restricted zones. 

Furious locals spray painted over signs for the 20mph limit after Wales’s new rules came into force today as lorry drivers also vowed to show their opposition by driving at 19mph.

Photos show furious drivers have now started fighting back against the scheme by vandalising the newly-erected speed limit signs themselves.
Drivers taking to the road were also left confused as many local authorities failed to put up the new signs ahead of the 20mph limit coming into force.

Some drivers said they were ‘scared’ to go out in case of being trapped by police, static cameras and mobile speed vans, with one elderly couple having cancelled their trip to Aberystwyth to visit family due to their fear of getting a £100 fine.

[Daily Mail].

The whole point is to frighten people. Wake up…


Interesting. Not a new idea (it goes back a hundred years) but it looks as if it will not be long before robot domestics will really be part of everyday life.

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Almost everyone knows that Keir Starmer would —and probably will— be an appallingly-bad Prime Minister, but after (to take some of the most recent and most obvious) David Cameron-Levita, Theresa May, “Boris”-idiot, Liz Truss, and now the Indian money-juggler, Sunak, I am not sure that many people really care.

The present Government is dying in an atmosphere of total public derision at its incompetence and pointlessness. Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer is almost a nullity, dull as ditchwater and disbelieved on all sides, but the 2024 General Election is his to lose after 13 years of pseudo-Conservative misgovernment.

Having said that, if the Government pledges to keep the Triple Lock on the State Pension, and if it uprates the same before the 2024 Election, that may help to keep on board the pensioner vote which is most of the hard core Conservative vote. Then it will be a question of whether any other groups will vote Con (if only negatively, i.e. to keep out Lab).

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Late music

Diary Blog, 16 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Just managed to beat political journalist John Rentoul this week— a poor 4/10, as against Rentoul’s even less impressive “3.5/10”.

I disallowed myself the extra point for question no.10, which I really knew but could not recall. I knew and recalled the answers to questions 3, 5, 8, and 9.

From the newspapers


My blog post from nearly 5 years ago about Macron has held up quite well: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/

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“русский народ – культурный народ”…

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As previously blogged, the armed forces of the Kiev regime are running out of cannon-fodder. There are few if any volunteers from Ukraine itself, and the virtue-signalling nitwits and would-be “soldiers of fortune” from the UK, USA etc have either been killed or returned home, and the supply has now dried-up. Thus the regime uses press-gangs to force service upon ever-less-useful categories of recruit: the disabled, the middle-aged, those with various illnesses etc.

“Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) has only one chance— to drag NATO into the war. All their efforts are directed to that end.

More from the newspapers

I must have missed that, from last month:

Israel-based solicitor Mark Lewis has been heavily criticised by Mr Justice Nicklin in a recent High Court judgement. Lewis is known for acting for Rachel Riley against Mike Sivier and Laura Murray, and for John Ware against Jewish Voice for Labour and Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi. Lewis also acted for the late Dr Pete Newbon – a director of the notorious so-called ‘Labour Against Antisemitism’ (LAAS) group who was repeatedly disciplined by his employers for his behaviour on social media and was being sued by another of his victims – in his libel claim against Michael Rosen after Rosen had complained about Newbon’s tweeted misuse of Rosen’s famous ‘Bear Hunt’ book to attack former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

In the recent case, Lewis came unstuck when he was acting for Richard Davidoff of ABC Estates, a lettings and leasehold management firm. Lewis was seeking a court order requiring Google to disclose the identities of people with gmail addresses who had left negative reviews about ABC Estates on Trustpilot. The evidence in support of the court order was two witness statement by Lewis. The judge described Lewis’ evidence in general as “nothing more than assertion” and “perfunctory, even desultory” and “simply not good enough” to justify making the court order.

Things then got much worse for Lewis. He had stated that the Trustpilot reviews were “false, fabricated statements which Unknown person(s) know are untrue”. The judge conducted some online research himself and found that one of the reviews was true and based on the findings of another court. The judge said it was:

a matter of very real concern that the Claimants put evidence before the Court, on an ex parte application, that was not true.

The judge did not require Lewis to provide an explanation for the evidence that was “seriously in error” and accepted that Lewis would not have knowingly misled the court. The judge’s explained Lewis’ evidence as being:

because he had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients.

The judge also stated that there had been a “significant failure” by Lewis to comply with the general obligation of full and frank disclosure. The judge refused all the applications and the escapade is likely to have costs Lewis’ clients tens of thousands of pounds. Perhaps Lewis’ claim against Michael Rosen would have ended in the same way?

Mr Justice Nicklin’s full judgment is available here, with comments about Lewis’s contribution from paragraph 84 onwards.

Mark Lewis is a former director of UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) until his emigration to Israel and was involved in the relaunch of right-wing pro-Israel group Herut UK. UKLFI locked access to a YouTube video in which a panel discussed Lewis’s “very handy way of bankrupting organisations” the group considered to have done ‘wrong’. However, a transcript of the discussion is still available.

In 2018, Lewis was fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority for abusive speech on social media toward a young Labour-supporting critic and others.


Some of my blog posts from past years about the egregious Lewis:

[other posts are linked via the one above]

Lewis was (is still?) a “Patron” of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as the “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” or “CAA”.

Incidentally, the title “Patron” does not indicate financial support. When Lewis was censured and fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority a few years ago, his fine was reduced by two-thirds after his Counsel told the tribunal that Lewis’s sole assets were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a used mobility scooter! So much for the so-called (sometimes, but only by the naive and ignorant) “top lawyer”! He then scuttled off to Israel.

Here is more on that story:

Richard Davidoff, of ABC Estates, and his legal team bungled a high court attempt to force Google to reveal the identities of online reviewers whose comments they claimed were false and defamatory.

The case unravelled after libel lawyer Mark Lewis, of Patron Law, accused one reviewer of writing a “false, fabricated statement” that referenced the decision by ARMA and IRPM to expel ABC Estates and Richard Davidoff.

Mr Justice Nicklin became peppery in his ruling (below, pp84-89) as his own “basic online research” revealed that this allegation was in fact true…”

It is a matter of very real concern that the Claimants put evidence before the Court, on an ex parte application, that was not true.

Mr Lewis has not provided an explanation to the Court for this error (I have not required him to provide one). Nevertheless, I accept that Mr Lewis would not have knowingly misled the Court.

It is likely that this error occurred because he had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients. Nevertheless, as a result, he included a statement in his witness statement that was seriously in error. That error was not detected (or corrected) by the Claimants.

[Mr. Justice Nicklin, in the High Court]

The High Court judge accepted that Lewis “would not have knowingly misled the Court” (but why accept that? Lewis is hardly a credible witness). Still, as the extract shows, Lewis (once again) “bungled” his work…

The judge [also] said “the underlying claims in defamation are hopelessly weak”.

[Mr. Justice Nicklin, reported by LKP]

Neither Lewis nor the Counsel in the case (also used by Lewis in other cases in the past several years) seem to have taken that last into account.

Cave emptor

See also: https://www.leaseholdknowledge.com/richard-davidoff-given-the-boot-as-section-24-court-appointed-manager-after-expulsion-from-arma-irpm-and-propertymark/

More from the newspapers


I agree with some of what Stewart says; in much of it I was there 30+ years ahead of him, though that is not entirely his fault, he being 16-17 years my junior in years.

My assessment of Stewart (updated since then), from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

As I blogged recently, I shall probably buy his latest book used, via Amazon, once its £22 cover price reduces (you can already get a new copy for £16.69, and a used but almost new copy for £16.02). Once it gets down to a fiver…

More tweets


Historical note


In 1907, Dr. Henry Cotton became the medical director. Believing that infections were the key to mental illness, he had his staff remove teeth and various other body parts that might become infected from the hospital patients. Cotton’s legacy of hundreds of fatalities and thousands of maimed and mutilated patients did not end with his leaving Trenton in 1930 or his death in 1933; in fact, removal of patients’ teeth at the Trenton asylum was still the norm until 1960.[3]


Can you imagine the furore had a German psychiatrist done that during the currency of the Third Reich? It would be notorious and known across the world.

[Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, 19th Century engraving]
[West Entrance, Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, in 2023]

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Late music

[Pushkin Square, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, in winter]

Diary Blog, 15 September 2023, including thoughts about the HS2 fiasco

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

Tweets seen

There should be an institute for both the study of history and also for the study of how to create the basis for a more advanced human type; the evolution of consciousness as well as the higher evolution of race-types. Similar to the 1933-1945 SS-Ahnenerbe, but with more of an orientation to the future.

Nature’s holy religion.

Talking point

You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your
fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who
have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the
past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon
the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in
which their bodies have long decayed.

Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature. To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can
change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has
inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will
and courage.

You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass
your blood on to your children, for you are a member of
the chain of generations that reaches from the past into
eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent
must do its part so that the chain is never broken.

But if your blood has traits that will make your children
unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the
heroic duty to be the last. The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will

[SS Verlag— material for instruction of the Hitlerjugend]

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[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof]

More tweets seen

Another talking point

A revolution without firing squads is not worth much” [Lenin]

More tweets

I personally do not “support” or agree with everything Powell said or (even more) did in his political life, but his overall view of the migration-invasion (which in his day was the mere start of the flood which is now a tsunami) was surely correct.

One of Europe’s choke-points or bottlenecks for the migration-invasion which is being encouraged and facilitated by the traitors embedded in European society— the Zionist-poisoned political parties and msm, the similarly-contaminated legal systems etc. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

More music

[Shishkin, Before the Storm]
[old waltz “Sorrow“]

More tweets

Unusual for me to repost anything from smug “Conservative” greaseball Fraser Nelson, but “truth conquers all”…

As if Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer even wants to “fix the problem“… he is part of that problem. System party leaders are all signed-up to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan— creation of a mixed-race population over time, to be ruled by a thin stratum of Jews and Europeans, the latter mostly not fully-European but of partly Jewish background (like David Cameron-Levita, Theresa May, “Boris” Johnson etc) and/or with Jewish wives (like Starmer).

Even leaving that aside, Starmer knows that he will not lose votes at the 2024 General Election if he claims to “have a cunning plan” to “solve” the migration (invasion) crisis; and that is so even if his “cunning plan” is completely unworkable or does not in reality even exist. Unless, of course, the voters see through the lie.

That 2024 election would be the moment when a truly social-national party could and perhaps would break through into the major political league. Sadly, though, such a party does not exist.

I agree (and refer to the quotation from Lenin hereinabove…).

(and again refer to the quotation from Lenin hereinabove…).

Yes, a small area of one city in one country, but this did not exist at all, say 50 years ago. A warning from the future, and not only for the USA.

I recall hearing something on the radio in England in, I think, 1970, to the effect that London had a serious problem with heroin addiction; it had several hundred registered addicts, compared to about 50 in 1965. Now look! Millions of drug-abusers. Drug sodden council estates, but also the affluent msm rabble contaminated with drugs of various kinds; even MPs, indeed even Cabinet ministers (that little bastard Gove is far from the only one).


I opposed HS2 from the beginning. Why? Because first of all, HS2 was misconceived. High-speed rail is OK for countries which are very elongated and/or very large; it suits or would suit countries such as Chile, Japan, Russia, China, Australia, the USA, Canada, and even France (which after all is 2.5x the size of the UK and has important cities in all four “corners”, so to speak; indeed, in all directions.

The UK is only elongated and long if you go from, say Cornwall to the Scottish Highlands, or at least London to the major cities of Scotland. London-Edinburgh is about 400 miles (compare that to London-Penzance: about 300 miles). London to Inverness is over 550 miles.

In other words, HS2 only makes any sense at all if it goes either to Cornwall or Scotland. However, neither of those routes are being proceeded with.

The route London-Leeds was also axed. Now, it seems that even the section Birmingham-Manchester may be abandoned. That would leave only London-Birmingham, which would take 52 minutes instead of 1 hour 21 minutes on the present fastest trains. In other words, a saving of only 29 minutes. Passengers will also, for a long time, have to go to Old Oak Common in NW London in order to catch the train.

I also opposed —and still oppose— HS2 on environmental grounds: destruction of ancient woodland etc.

A further reason to oppose HS2 is that the money expended could have been deployed to improving the existing rail network, or extending it.

Finally, I have a problem with (in effect) the whole country being taxed in order that a tiny minority can travel faster. I felt the same about Concorde, despite its technical achievements.

HS2 is a massive fiasco on the scale of projects such as the Groundnut Scheme [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanganyika_groundnut_scheme], in fact far worse; far more expensive, and hugely destructive as well.

Late tweets

Sooner or later, the Ukrainian armed forces will certainly go on the defensive.” As soon as they do that, immediately expect our counterattack. It is always done this way: on the first day, it is checked whether the defensiveness is not just a ruse. If it is determined that it is not – on the second day, the “plowing” of enemy positions with artillery and rockets begins.

On the third day, the counter-attack takes place” “A counterattack at the operational level will have to be carried out by our fresh forces from the operational reserve.” Their task will be to return the territories that the Ukrainians “grabbed” from us during their raid last fall. Then we will start our offensive operations, which will gradually develop into a full-blooded offensive.”

Late music

[Marshal Zhukov inspecting the ruined Reichstag, Berlin 1945]

Diary Blog, 14 September 2023

Afternoon music

]painting by Russell Flint]

Battles past

Blog note

There still seems to be a problem embedding tweets seen to this blog. Whether that is so by reason of some general situation or whether it applies to my blog alone, I have no idea (and lack the computing skills that might resolve the issue).

In the meantime, I shall have to change the format of the blog by not exhibiting tweets seen, which is a nuisance. Perhaps the matter will resolve.

Popular blog post from 2019

From the newspapers


Horrifying video shows Ms Faulkener walking along the side of the road in Great Barr, Birmingham before his black Renault Clio slams into her, throwing her into a bush.

Aish, who was 17 at the time, immediately fled the scene – and was only caught when cops released the CCTV showing his car.

Aish admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving, failing to stop, driving without a licence and insurance, criminal damage as well as possession of cannabis back in 2021.

He was finally sentenced today to 22 months, suspended for 18 months, after proceedings were delayed as he had been receiving treatment for cancer, reports Mail Online.

Mrs Faulkner suffered a broken leg and concussion while her dog was fatally injured.

A victim impact statement to the court said her dog was “my world, an absolutely wonderful dog.”

She added: “I can’t understand how anybody could leave a dying dog alone in pain. I will forever miss her. Nothing will replace her.”

[The Sun]

Far too lenient, on the surface, but the sentencing judge obviously took the surrounding facts into account: see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12513947/Outrage-unlicensed-driver-seriously-injured-dog-walker-75-killed-pet-losing-control-country-lane-avoids-jail-judge-heard-later-suffered-karma-skull-shattered-hit-run.html.

The Mail report above gives more facts. I still think that the defendant was treated pretty leniently, though.


“I thought knife crime was something that happened to other people… until a stranger pulled a 10-inch blade on me in a busy London street

[Daily Mail]

[“Tedi Fanta, 27, on a day trip to London’s West End from his home in Swansea, knifed retired civil servant Stephen Dempsey outside the Microsoft store on Oxford Street in July 2021“]

If you import the denizens of the jungle, if they start to breed, then you and your children start to live in that same or very similar jungle…

Incidentally, the above-pictured “denizen” is described by Wales Today as a “Swansea man” despite the fact that the horrible bastard is a bloody Eritrean, who only arrived in the UK a few years ago! See https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/tedi-fanta-boy-soldier-face-26136258.

The msm call it “knife crime”, but really it is —mostly, though not entirely— black/brown thug crime.

In the same online newspaper, I noticed another example of the wonderful “diversity” we now “enjoy” in the UK: https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/jewellery-thief-fled-cardiff-store-27664170?int_source=nba.


Incredible. In the 1970s, when social conditions in the UK, Australia, (West) Germany etc were actually better, overall, than now (in my view), there were all sorts of “urban guerrilla” and similar groups around, such as the German “Rote Armee Fraktion”, aka Baader-Meinhoff gang, playing at revolutionary war. Now, you have selfish ultra-wealthy individuals, such as the one featured in that report, saying that the bulk of the population (of Australia, in his case) should be pretty much ground underfoot, yet with little pushback beyond social media tweets or comments.

The ageing population of the West is quiescent, all but dormant. Very strange, at least to me. It may be that the ageing of the Western populations is key; surely that cannot be the whole picture, though?

More music

[Red Square, 1946]
[“Don’t cry, girl“]
[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

I am still unable to simply copy and paste tweets seen, but can post a few screenshots of interest:

Is that really Kissinger? Reads rather roughly for his usual style.

Ukraine news

A popular uprising against the Zelensky regime will begin in Ukraine this winter This forecast was announced on Wednesday, September 13, in his YouTube blog by Oleg Soskin, a former adviser to Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma. He explained that Zelensky and his clique usurped power in the country and established a dictatorship, taking advantage of martial law.

The adviser is confident that the revolutionary situation has matured in all elements of the system: social, demographic, political, economic, financial. He recalled that a similar situation existed in the eighties and nineties. According to Soskin, the revolutionary situation will move into the stage of a new Maidan in the coming winter, when public utilities will stop working.

“When there is no light, no water, neither hot nor cold, when the sewage system does not work, when it all freezes, when there are various regional blackouts, God forbid, a central blackout throughout the country, then, of course, the people will start,” – confident expert.

According to him, the start of the revolution will also be facilitated by the onset of famine and the collapse of transport logistics amid a lack of fuel. “When the cars don’t run, the cities don’t get cleaned up, food can’t be delivered to populated areas, then mass protests will begin,” predicted Kuchma’s ex-adviser.

[YouTube vlog by Oleg Soskin]

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Late tweets

Ritter: I’m not sure that the Russians – when they reach Odessa – will give Ukraine a “last chance”


Former UN weapons inspector in Iraq Scott RITTER: It’s not just a military issue, it’s a political one. Therefore, we cannot even predict the outcome of the Ukrainian conflict.”

“Johnson: Russia will destroy all F-16 aircraft that the US sends to Ukraine


ANY F-16 the United States sends to the war zone in Ukraine will be destroyed by Russian air defense systems, former CIA analyst Larry Johnson said. According to him, the Russian Federation has the most advanced and developed air defense system in the world.

Johnson was even categorical: “The US doesn’t have anything like that.” He additionally warned his own: “This means that our planes will simply be shot down.” And it doesn’t matter how many of them we send to Kiev. Everyone will simply be destroyed, so we should stop dreaming.”

Late music


Diary Blog, 13 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

From the newspapers


I am increasingly tending to the view that what Britain, the USA, and much of Europe need is not only a political party or movement but also (as much, or more) something akin to the “Witchfinder General”…

Tweets seen

Russia has stopped the Kiev-regime counteroffensive in its tracks. Attacks such as the above are a substitute for substantial advances on the ground.

Blog note

There seems to be a problem copying tweets to the blog today. There must be a technical obstacle within Twitter/”X”.

More music

More from the newspapers


Antisemitism definition used by UK universities leading to ‘unreasonable’ accusations.

An antisemitism definition adopted by most UK universities has come under fire in a report, which ​says it has led to 40 cases being brought against students, academics, unions, and societies – 38 of whom have been cleared.

The remaining two cases have yet to conclude, meaning that none of the allegations – all based on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition – have been substantiated, according to the analysis by the European Legal Support Center (ELSC) and the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies (Brismes).

The report, published on Wednesday, echoes criticisms previously voiced by the leading lawyers Hugh Tomlinson KC and Geoffrey Robertson KC, and the retired lord justices of appeal Sir Stephen Sedley and Sir Anthony Hooper.

The report said: “Accusations of antisemitism levelled against students and staff in UK universities are often based on a definition of antisemitism that is not fit for purpose and, in practice, is undercutting academic freedom and the rights to lawful speech of students and staff … University staff and students are being subjected to unreasonable investigations and disciplinary proceedings based on the IHRA definition.”

[The Guardian]

In fact, the so-called “International Definition of Antisemitism” has been adopted by only about 20 states out of 200. The Jew-Zionist lobby (eg the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” in the UK) pushes it constantly, but it is just a cloak for the destruction of freedom of expression.

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So far, the problem preventing transfer of tweets seen onto the blog has not been resolved. Still, tomorrow is another day…

Late music

Diary Blog, 12 September 2023

That brings back a few memories.

Battles past

Tweets seen

Not just “Tory” MPs…most System MPs, whatever the label.

As for my view of Rory Stewart, my (frequently updated) blog assessment from 2019 has proven to be quite popular over the past 4 years. I stand by it, overall, as updated.

Rory Stewart certainly fits the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan mould— three-quarters white European, one-quarter Jewish, wealthy via inheritance, with familial links to “British Intelligence”, as well as having been an attendee of Bilderberg and other conferences. He favours mass immigration, too.

Stewart and his book are certainly being pushed by the msm.

Ha. Well said. I think that it was Valentin Tomberg who said that the “mask of Evil” would be partly removed from the 20th Century onward. It has become increasingly clear to what extent many of the socio-political campaigns whirling around us are interconnected.

[photograph of the Bohemian Grove ceremonies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove]

…and most of the Prime Ministers of the UK in the past 30+ years have either been part-Jews or (Sunak) non-white. I think that that does not apply to Gordon Brown or Liz Truss. Still, that means that it does apply to the past 6 out of 8 PMs. About 30 years out of 33.

Expenses fraudster Yvette Cooper and her equally-corrupt and moneygrubbing husband, Ed Balls, would have been imprisoned for fraud in any decently-run country.

Anyone who imagines that the likes of Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and Keir Starmer will improve Britain in the slightest are just deluded.

Both main System parties are pushing the same basic agenda.

Well, there it is. Anyone over State Pension age voting for Labour is a turkey voting for Christmas. There are many reasons not to vote “Conservative” but, by the same token, there are (as far as I can see) also no reasons at all to vote for fake “Labour”.

Actually, listening to that horrible woman took me right back to the days of Blair/Brown: the unwillingness to answer a question honestly, the soundbite mantra etc. Very offputting.

Angela Rayner wants to build huge numbers of new houses, presumably to house the millions of migrant-invaders, without which we should have no housing crisis at all. The housing crisis is, 90%+, a migrant invasion crisis.

The next general election will be in 2024. If the Sunak misgovernment fails to implement fully the Triple Lock, thus raising the State Pension by over 8%, the Conservative Party is toast, not because the over-65 demographic will all go to vote Labour, but because some will vote that way, some will vote LibDem, some will vote elsewhere yet, and because many, perhaps very many will simply abstain.

Late music

[Central Kiev devastated during WW2]

Diary Blog, 11 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Luttwak, the author of the well-known yet overrated book, Coup d’Etat (I read it in or about 1978) is himself, of course, not Ukrainian but Jew: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Luttwak.

Having said that, Luttwak’s views are often of interest: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Luttwak#Predictions.

In the 1999 book Turbo-Capitalism: Winners and Losers in the Global Economy Luttwak predicted that dynamic economic growth would increase ugly social phenomena such as crime rates and job insecurity, as anticipated in his London Review of Books article “Why Fascism is the Wave of the Future”.[15]

In 2009 Richard Posner analyzed intellectuals with a public profile in the U.S. Posner claimed that Luttwak sees many affinities between the United States and the declining Roman empire, leading Luttwak to predict a dark age in which the U.S. population will experience decline into third world status.”


The so-called “free” and “democratic” “state” of Ukraine…

In an interview with renowned reporter Seymour Hersh, a US intelligence official scolded the media for misleading the American public about Ukraine’s battlefield failures during the Spring counteroffensive. The official told Hersh no matter how committed Kyiv is to the war effort, President Zelensky’s goals are unattainable.  “Zelensky will never get his land back,” he said. “The American press is doing anything but honest reporting on the failure thus far of the [offensive]https://news.antiwar.com/2023/09/07/us-intel-official-media-misleading-americans-about-ukraines-battlefield-success/.”

I wonder how long it will be before BBC News and Sky News stop reporting the war entirely from the “Ukrainian” (Jew-Zionist Kiev regime) propaganda point of view. Their “reportage” is a total disgrace.

Cowardly little bastards.

Afternoon music


From the newspapers


Britain 2023. Police uninterested in most real crimes. They would rather play at being “anti-terror” police, and/or spend their time snooping on people expressing socio-political views on Twitter, or on blogs such as this.

More tweets seen

The Kiev-regime rabble take their lead from Zelensky, with his ghetto style of “negotiation”. You would imagine that “Ukraine” (Kiev regime) were a powerful state, if not more, rather than a failed “state” completely dependent upon the charity of the USA, UK, EU states etc.

Worth watching.

Late music

[Germany 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children“]